This model driver is based on the LAMMPS implementation of the Tersoff potential. LAMMPS is available at A model has to provide two parameter files. The first one is a settings file that must list all used particle types as space-separated chemical symbols on the first line. This model driver supports modifications of the default potential which can be chosen on the second line of the settings file. If it is empty, the standard potential form is used. If it is the string "ZBL", a ZBL repulsive term is added. The second file is a LAMMPS-compatible parameter file. Standard form: For information about this parameter file and the form of the potential see for now. ZBL repulsion: For information about this parameter file and the form of the potential see for now. The core part of energy/force calculation is adapted from code in LAMMPS. LAMMPS is licensed under GPLv2, which then also applies to the whole model driver. See the LICENSE file for details. The directory "helpers" contains a python script to convert different variants of Tersoff-type potentials to the input file format expected by this model driver (and LAMMPS). There are also some example input files for the script. Author: Tobias Brink Thanks to Mingjian Wen for adding process_dEdr support. Contributing ============ You can find the code repository at If you find any bug you can either send me an e-mail or report it at Github. Please include a test case or rationale. Patches are also welcome either in the form of a diff or as a pull request on Github.