// // CDDL HEADER START // // The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development // and Distribution License Version 1.0 (the "License"). // // You can obtain a copy of the license at // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/CDDL-1.0. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and // include the License file in a prominent location with the name LICENSE.CDDL. // If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields // enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: // // Portions Copyright (c) [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]. All rights reserved. // // CDDL HEADER END // // // Copyright (c) 2013--2015, Regents of the University of Minnesota. // All rights reserved. // // Contributors: // Ryan S. Elliott // Stephen M. Whalen // #ifndef EAM_IMPLEMENTATION_HPP_ #define EAM_IMPLEMENTATION_HPP_ #include #include #include "EAM.hpp" #include "KIM_API_status.h" #define MAXLINE 1024 #define DIMENSION 3 #define ONE 1.0 #define TWO 2.0 #define HALF 0.5 #define MAX_PARAMETER_FILES 20 #define NUMBER_SETFL_COMMENT_LINES 3 #include "EAM_Spline.hpp" //============================================================================== // // Type definitions, enumerations, and helper function prototypes // //============================================================================== // type declaration for get neighbor functions typedef int (GetNeighborFunction)(void**, int*, int*, int*, int*, int**, double**); // type declaration for vector of constant dimension typedef double VectorOfSizeDIM[DIMENSION]; // type declaration for funcfl data struct SetOfFuncflData { int numberRhoPoints[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; double deltaRho[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; int numberRPoints[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; double deltaR[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; double cutoff[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; double* embeddingData[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; double* densityData[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; double* ZData[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; }; // type declaration for deferred neighbors typedef struct { int index; VectorOfSizeDIM rij; } neighbor; // type declaration for iterating over deferred neighbor lists typedef std::multimap::iterator deferredNeighborIterator; // enumeration for the different types of NBC's enum NBCTypeEnum {Neigh_Rvec, Neigh_Pure, Mi_Opbc, Cluster}; // enumeration for the different methods of computing rij enum RijEnum {Coordinates, RVec, MI_OPBC}; // enumeration for EAMFileType enum EAMFileType {Setfl, Funcfl, FinnisSinclair, Error}; //============================================================================== // // Helper class definitions // //============================================================================== // Iterator object for CLUSTER NBC class ClusterIterator { private: int* list_; int baseconvert_; int const cachedNumberContributingParticles_; int request_; public: ClusterIterator(KIM_API_model* const pkim, GetNeighborFunction* const get_neigh, int const baseconvert, int const cachedNumberContributingParticles, int* const i, int* const numnei, int** const n1atom, double** const pRij) : baseconvert_(baseconvert), cachedNumberContributingParticles_(cachedNumberContributingParticles), request_(0) { // allocate memory for neighbor list list_ = new int[cachedNumberContributingParticles_]; for (int k = 0; k < cachedNumberContributingParticles_; ++k) list_[k] = k - baseconvert_; *i = request_; // CLUSTER always uses half-list behavior *numnei = cachedNumberContributingParticles_ - request_ - 1; *n1atom = &(list_[request_ + 1]); *pRij = NULL; } ~ClusterIterator() { delete [] list_; } bool done() const { return !(request_ < cachedNumberContributingParticles_); } int next(int* const i, int* const numnei, int** const n1atom, double** const pRij) { ++request_; *i = request_; *numnei = cachedNumberContributingParticles_ - request_ - 1; *n1atom = &(list_[request_ + 1]); *pRij = NULL; return KIM_STATUS_OK; } }; // Iterator object for Locator mode access to neighbor list class LocatorIterator { private: KIM_API_model* const pkim_; GetNeighborFunction* const get_neigh_; int const baseconvert_; int const cachedNumberContributingParticles_; int request_; int const mode_; public: LocatorIterator(KIM_API_model* const pkim, GetNeighborFunction* const get_neigh, int const baseconvert, int const cachedNumberContributingParticles, int* const i, int* const numnei, int** const n1atom, double** const pRij) : pkim_(pkim), get_neigh_(get_neigh), baseconvert_(baseconvert), cachedNumberContributingParticles_(cachedNumberContributingParticles), request_(-baseconvert_), // set to first value (test-based indexing) mode_(1) // locator mode { next(i, numnei, n1atom, pRij); } bool done() const { return !(request_ + baseconvert_ <= cachedNumberContributingParticles_); } int next(int* const i, int* const numnei, int** const n1atom, double** const pRij) { int ier; // Allow for request_ to be incremented to one more than contributing // without causing an error/warning from the openkim-api int req = std::min(request_, cachedNumberContributingParticles_-baseconvert_-1); ier = (*get_neigh_)( reinterpret_cast(const_cast(&pkim_)), (int*) &mode_, &req, (int*) i, (int*) numnei, (int**) n1atom, (double**) pRij); *i += baseconvert_; // adjust index of current particle ++request_; return ier; } }; // Iterator object for Iterator mode access to neighbor list class IteratorIterator { private: KIM_API_model* const pkim_; GetNeighborFunction* const get_neigh_; int const baseconvert_; int request_; int const mode_; int ier_; public: IteratorIterator(KIM_API_model* const pkim, GetNeighborFunction* const get_neigh, int const baseconvert, int const cachedNumberContributingParticles, int* const i, int* const numnei, int** const n1atom, double** const pRij) : pkim_(pkim), get_neigh_(get_neigh), baseconvert_(baseconvert), request_(0), // reset iterator mode_(0), // iterator mode ier_(KIM_STATUS_FAIL) { ier_ = (*get_neigh_)( reinterpret_cast(const_cast(&pkim_)), (int*) &mode_, &request_, i, numnei, n1atom, pRij); if (ier_ != KIM_STATUS_NEIGH_ITER_INIT_OK) { pkim->report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "iterator init failed", ier_); ier_ = KIM_STATUS_FAIL; } request_ = 1; // increment iterator // return initial set of neighbors next(i, numnei, n1atom, pRij); } bool done() const { return ((ier_ == KIM_STATUS_FAIL) || (ier_ == KIM_STATUS_NEIGH_ITER_PAST_END)); } int next(int* const i, int* const numnei, int** const n1atom, double** const pRij) { ier_ = (*get_neigh_)( reinterpret_cast(const_cast(&pkim_)), (int*) &mode_, &request_, (int*) i, (int*) numnei, (int**) n1atom, (double**) pRij); *i += baseconvert_; // adjust index of current particle return ier_; } }; // helper routine declarations void AllocateAndInitialize2DArray(double**& arrayPtr, int const extentZero, int const extentOne); void Deallocate2DArray(double**& arrayPtr); void AllocateAndInitialize3DArray(double***& arrayPtr, int const extentZero, int const extentOne, int const extentTwo); void Deallocate3DArray(double***& arrayPtr); //============================================================================== // // Declaration of EAM_Implementation class // //============================================================================== //****************************************************************************** class EAM_Implementation { public: EAM_Implementation(KIM_API_model* const pkim, char const* const parameterFileNames, int const parameterFileNameLength, int const numberParameterFiles, int* const ier); ~EAM_Implementation(); // no explicit Destroy() needed here int Reinit(KIM_API_model* pkim); int Compute(KIM_API_model* pkim); private: // Constant values that never change // Set in constructor (via SetConstantValues) // // // KIM API: Conventions int baseconvert_; NBCTypeEnum NBCType_; bool isHalf_; bool isLocatorMode_; // // KIM API: Model Input indices int numberOfSpeciesIndex_; int numberOfParticlesIndex_; int numberContributingParticlesIndex_; int particleSpeciesIndex_; int coordinatesIndex_; int boxSideLengthsIndex_; int get_neighIndex_; int process_dEdrIndex_; int process_d2Edr2Index_; // // KIM API: Model Output indices int cutoffIndex_; int energyIndex_; int forcesIndex_; int particleEnergyIndex_; // // EAM_Implementation: constants int numberModelSpecies_; int numberUniqueSpeciesPairs_; EAMFileType eamFileType_; // Constant values that are read from the input files and never change // Set in constructor (via functions listed below) // // // KIM API: Model Fixed Parameters // Memory allocated in AllocateFixedParameterMemory() // Memory deallocated in ~EAM_Implementation() // Data set in ReadParameterFile routines char* comments_ptr_[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]; char comments_[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES][MAXLINE]; char particleNames_[MAXLINE]; int* particleNumber_; double* particleMass_; double* latticeConstant_; char** latticeType_; int numberRhoPoints_; int numberRPoints_; // // KIM API: Model Free Parameters whose (pointer) values never change // Memory allocated in AllocateFreeParameterMemory() (from constructor) // Memory deallocated in ~Eam_Implementation() // Data set in ReadParameterFile routines OR by KIM Simulator double** embeddingData_; double*** densityData_; double*** rPhiData_; // Free Parameter pointers to be published without repeat data double** publishDensityData_; double** publish_rPhiData_; // Mutable values that only change when reinit() executes // Set in Reinit (via SetReinitMutableValues) // // // KIM API: Model Free Parameters (can be changed directly by KIM Simulator) double cutoffParameter_; double deltaR_; double deltaRho_; // // EAM_Implementation: values (changed only by Reinit()) double cutoffSq_; double oneByDr_; double oneByDrho_; // Memory allocated once by AllocateFreeParameterMemory() double** embeddingCoeff_; double*** densityCoeff_; double*** rPhiCoeff_; // Mutable values that can change with each call to Reinit() and Compute() // Memory may be reallocated on each call // // // EAM_Implementation: values that change int cachedNumberOfParticles_; int cachedNumberContributingParticles_; double* densityValue_; double* embeddingDerivativeValue_; double* embeddingSecondDerivativeValue_; // Helper methods // // // Related to constructor int SetConstantValues(KIM_API_model* const pkim); int DetermineNBCTypeAndHalf(KIM_API_model* const pkim); void AllocateFixedParameterMemory(); static int OpenParameterFiles( KIM_API_model* const pkim, char const* const parameterFileNames, int const parameterFileNameLength, int const numberParameterFiles, FILE* parameterFilePointers[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES]); static EAMFileType DetermineParameterFileTypes( KIM_API_model* const pkim, int const numberModelSpecies, FILE* const parameterFilePointers[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES], int const numberParameterFiles); static EAMFileType IsFuncflOrSetfl(FILE* const fptr); static EAMFileType IsSetflOrFinnisSinclair(KIM_API_model* const pkim, FILE* const fptr); int ProcessParameterFileHeaders( KIM_API_model* const pkim, EAMFileType const eamFileType, FILE* const parameterFilePointers[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES], int const numberParameterFiles, SetOfFuncflData& funcflData); int ReadSetflHeader(KIM_API_model* const pkim, FILE* const fptr); int ReadFuncflHeader(KIM_API_model* const pkim, FILE* const fptr, int const fileIndex, int& numberRhoPoints, double& deltaRho, int& numberRPoints, double& deltaR, double& cutoffParameter); int SetParticleNamesForFuncflModels(KIM_API_model* const pkim); void AllocateFreeParameterMemory(); int ProcessParameterFileData( KIM_API_model* const pkim, EAMFileType const eamFileType, FILE* const parameterFilePointers[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES], int const numberParameterFiles, SetOfFuncflData& funcflData); int ReadSetflData(KIM_API_model* const pkim, FILE* const fptr); int ReadFinnisSinclairData(KIM_API_model* const pkim, FILE* const fptr); static int ReadFuncflData(KIM_API_model* const pkim, FILE* const fptr, int const fileIndex, SetOfFuncflData& funcflData); static int GrabData(KIM_API_model* const pkim, FILE* const fptr, int const n, double* const list); void ReinterpolateAndMix(SetOfFuncflData const& funcflData); static void CloseParameterFiles( FILE* const parameterFilePointers[MAX_PARAMETER_FILES], int const numberParameterFiles); int ConvertUnits(KIM_API_model* const pkim); int RegisterKIMParameters(KIM_API_model* const pkim, EAMFileType const eamFileType) const; int RegisterKIMFunctions(KIM_API_model* const pkim) const; // // Related to Reinit() int SetReinitMutableValues(KIM_API_model* const pkim); void SplineInterpolateAllData(); static void SplineInterpolate(double const* const dat, double const delta, int const n, double* const coe); // // Related to Compute() int SetComputeMutableValues(KIM_API_model* const pkim, bool& isComputeProcess_dEdr, bool& isComputeProcess_d2Edr2, bool& isComputeEnergy, bool& isComputeForces, bool& isComputeParticleEnergy, int const*& particleSpecies, GetNeighborFunction *& get_neigh, double const*& boxSideLengths, VectorOfSizeDIM const*& coordinates, double*& energy, double*& particleEnergy, VectorOfSizeDIM*& forces); int CheckParticleSpecies(KIM_API_model* const pkim, int const* const particleSpecies) const; int GetComputeIndex(const bool& isComputeProcess_dEdr, const bool& isComputeProcess_d2Edr2, const bool& isComputeEnergy, const bool& isComputeForces, const bool& isComputeParticleEnergy) const; static void ApplyMIOPBC(double const* const boxSideLengths, double* const dx); // compute functions template< class Iter, bool isHalf, RijEnum rijMethod, bool isComputeProcess_dEdr, bool isComputeProcess_d2Edr2, bool isComputeEnergy, bool isComputeForces, bool isComputeParticleEnergy > int Compute(KIM_API_model* const pkim, const int* const particleSpecies, GetNeighborFunction* const get_neigh, const double* const boxSideLengths, const VectorOfSizeDIM* const coordinates, double* const energy, VectorOfSizeDIM* const forces, double* const particleEnergy); }; //============================================================================== // // Definition of EAM_Implementation::Compute functions // // NOTE: Here we rely on the compiler optimizations to prune dead code // after the template expansions. This provides high efficiency // and easy maintenance. // //============================================================================== //****************************************************************************** template< class Iter, bool isHalf, RijEnum rijMethod, bool isComputeProcess_dEdr, bool isComputeProcess_d2Edr2, bool isComputeEnergy, bool isComputeForces, bool isComputeParticleEnergy > int EAM_Implementation::Compute( KIM_API_model* const pkim, const int* const particleSpecies, GetNeighborFunction* const get_neigh, const double* const boxSideLengths, const VectorOfSizeDIM* const coordinates, double* const energy, VectorOfSizeDIM* const forces, double* const particleEnergy) { int ier = KIM_STATUS_OK; // initialize electron density for each contributing particle for (int i = 0; i < cachedNumberContributingParticles_; ++i) { densityValue_[i] = 0.0; // no need to initialize embeddingDerivativeValue_ } if (isComputeEnergy == true) { *energy = 0.0; } if (isComputeForces == true) { for (int i = 0; i < cachedNumberOfParticles_; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < DIMENSION; ++j) forces[i][j] = 0.0; } } // compute electron density // Setup loop over contributing particles int i = 0; int numnei = 0; int* n1atom = 0; double* pRij = 0; for (Iter iterator(pkim, get_neigh, baseconvert_, cachedNumberContributingParticles_, &i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij); iterator.done() == false; ier = iterator.next(&i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij)) { if (ier < KIM_STATUS_OK) // check that iterator.next was successful { pkim->report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "get_neigh", ier); return ier; } // Setup loop over neighbors of current particle for (int jj = 0; jj < numnei; ++jj) { // adjust index of particle neighbor int const j = n1atom[jj] + baseconvert_; double* r_ij; double r_ijValue[DIMENSION]; // Compute r_ij appropriately switch (rijMethod) { case Coordinates: { r_ij = r_ijValue; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) r_ij[k] = coordinates[j][k] - coordinates[i][k]; break; } case MI_OPBC: { r_ij = r_ijValue; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) r_ij[k] = coordinates[j][k] - coordinates[i][k]; // apply minimum image convention ApplyMIOPBC(boxSideLengths, r_ij); break; } case RVec: { r_ij = &pRij[jj * DIMENSION]; break; } } // compute distance squared double rij2 = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) rij2 += r_ij[k] * r_ij[k]; if (rij2 <= cutoffSq_) { // compute contribution to electron density double rijOffset; int rijIndex; double const rij = sqrt(rij2); // compute rijOffset and rijIndex GET_DELTAX_AND_INDEX(rij, oneByDr_, numberRPoints_, rijOffset, rijIndex); // interpolate value of rho_beta(r_ij) double densityBetaValue; double const* const densityBetaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[j]]; INTERPOLATE_F(densityBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, densityBetaValue); densityValue_[i] += densityBetaValue; // compute ED contribution from neighbor if half list if (isHalf == true) { if (j < cachedNumberContributingParticles_) { // if using half list and j contributes, add its contribution. // interpolate value of rho_alpha(r_ij) double densityAlphaValue; double const* const densityAlphaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[j]][particleSpecies[i]]; INTERPOLATE_F(densityAlphaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, densityAlphaValue); densityValue_[j] += densityAlphaValue; } } } } // end of loop over neighbors } // end of loop over contributing particles // calculate embedding function and its derivative for (Iter iterator(pkim, get_neigh, baseconvert_, cachedNumberContributingParticles_, &i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij); iterator.done() == false; ier = iterator.next(&i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij)) { if (ier < KIM_STATUS_OK) // check that iterator.next was successful { pkim->report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "get_neigh", ier); return ier; } double densityOffset; int densityIndex; // compute densityOffset and densityIndex GET_DELTAX_AND_INDEX(densityValue_[i], oneByDrho_, numberRhoPoints_, densityOffset, densityIndex); double const* const embeddingAlphaCoeff = embeddingCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]]; if (0 < numnei) { // interpolate F_i(rho_i) double embeddingValue; INTERPOLATE_F(embeddingAlphaCoeff, densityOffset, densityIndex, embeddingValue); // Contribute embedding term to Energy if (isComputeEnergy == true) { *energy += embeddingValue; } // Contribute embedding term to ParticleEnergy if (isComputeParticleEnergy == true) { particleEnergy[i] = embeddingValue; } } // Compute embedding derivative if ((isComputeForces == true) || (isComputeProcess_dEdr == true) || (isComputeProcess_d2Edr2 == true)) { // interpolate dF_i(rho_i)/d(rho_i) INTERPOLATE_DF(embeddingAlphaCoeff, densityOffset, densityIndex, embeddingDerivativeValue_[i]); } // Compute embedding second derivative if (isComputeProcess_d2Edr2 == true) { // interpolate d^2F_i(rho_i)/d(rho_i)^2 INTERPOLATE_D2F(embeddingAlphaCoeff, densityOffset, densityIndex, embeddingSecondDerivativeValue_[i]); } } // calculate contribution from electron density to the force part // and from pair function // // Setup loop over contributing particles for (Iter iterator(pkim, get_neigh, baseconvert_, cachedNumberContributingParticles_, &i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij); iterator.done() == false; iterator.next(&i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij)) { // Setup loop over neighbors of current particle for (int jj = 0; jj < numnei; ++jj) { // adjust index of particle neighbor int const j = n1atom[jj] + baseconvert_; double* r_ij; double r_ijValue[DIMENSION]; // Compute r_ij appropriately switch (rijMethod) { case Coordinates: { r_ij = r_ijValue; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) r_ij[k] = coordinates[j][k] - coordinates[i][k]; break; } case MI_OPBC: { r_ij = r_ijValue; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) r_ij[k] = coordinates[j][k] - coordinates[i][k]; // apply minimum image convention ApplyMIOPBC(boxSideLengths, r_ij); break; } case RVec: { r_ij = &pRij[jj * DIMENSION]; break; } } // compute distance squared double rij2 = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) rij2 += r_ij[k] * r_ij[k]; if (rij2 <= cutoffSq_) { // compute contribution to energy and force double rijOffset; int rijIndex; double const rij = sqrt(rij2); // compute rijOffset and rijIndex GET_DELTAX_AND_INDEX(rij, oneByDr_, numberRPoints_, rijOffset, rijIndex); // interpolate r_ij*phi(r_ij) double rijPhiValue; double const* const rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff = rPhiCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[j]]; INTERPOLATE_F(rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, rijPhiValue); // find phi(r_ij) double const oneByRij = ONE / rij; double const pairPotentialValue = rijPhiValue * oneByRij; // Contribute pair term to Energy as half or full if (isComputeEnergy == true) { if (isHalf == true) { if (j < cachedNumberContributingParticles_) { *energy += pairPotentialValue; } else { *energy += HALF * pairPotentialValue; } } else { *energy += HALF * pairPotentialValue; } } // Contribute pair term to Particle Energy if (isComputeParticleEnergy == true) { if (isHalf == true) { if (i < cachedNumberContributingParticles_) { particleEnergy[i] += HALF * pairPotentialValue; } if (j < cachedNumberContributingParticles_) { particleEnergy[j] += HALF * pairPotentialValue; } } else { particleEnergy[i] += HALF * pairPotentialValue; } } // Compute dEdrByR terms as half or full double dEdrByRij = 0.0; if ((isComputeForces == true) || (isComputeProcess_dEdr == true)) { if (isHalf == true) { // interpolate derivative of r_ij*phi(r_ij) function double rijPhiDerivativeValue; INTERPOLATE_DF(rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, rijPhiDerivativeValue); // interpolate derivative of rho_beta(r_ij) double densityBetaDerivativeValue; double const* const densityBetaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[j]]; INTERPOLATE_DF(densityBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, densityBetaDerivativeValue); // compute dEdr contribution if (j < cachedNumberContributingParticles_) { // interpolate derivative of rho_alpha(r_ij) double densityAlphaDerivativeValue; double const* const densityAlphaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[j]][particleSpecies[i]]; INTERPOLATE_DF(densityAlphaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, densityAlphaDerivativeValue); // embedding contribution to dEdr double const embeddingContribution = ((embeddingDerivativeValue_[i] * densityBetaDerivativeValue) + (embeddingDerivativeValue_[j] * densityAlphaDerivativeValue)); // pair potential contribution to dEdr double const pairPotentialContribution = (rijPhiDerivativeValue - pairPotentialValue) * oneByRij; // divide by r so we can multiply by r_ij below dEdrByRij = (embeddingContribution + pairPotentialContribution) * oneByRij; } else { // embedding contribution to dEdr double const embeddingContribution = (embeddingDerivativeValue_[i] * densityBetaDerivativeValue); // pair potential contribution double const pairPotentialContribution = HALF * (rijPhiDerivativeValue - pairPotentialValue) * oneByRij; // divide by r so we can multiply by r_ij below dEdrByRij = (embeddingContribution + pairPotentialContribution) * oneByRij; } } else { // interpolate derivative of r_ij*phi(r_ij) function double rijPhiDerivativeValue; INTERPOLATE_DF(rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, rijPhiDerivativeValue); // interpolate derivative of rho_beta(r_ij) double densityBetaDerivativeValue; double const* const densityBetaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[j]]; INTERPOLATE_DF(densityBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, densityBetaDerivativeValue); // compute dEdr contribution // embedding contribution to dEdr double const embeddingContribution = (embeddingDerivativeValue_[i] * densityBetaDerivativeValue); // pair potential contribution double const pairPotentialContribution = HALF * (rijPhiDerivativeValue - pairPotentialValue) * oneByRij; // divide by r so we can multiply by r_ij below dEdrByRij = (embeddingContribution + pairPotentialContribution) * oneByRij; } } // Contribute dEdrByR to forces if (isComputeForces == true) { for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) { forces[i][k] += dEdrByRij * r_ij[k]; forces[j][k] -= dEdrByRij * r_ij[k]; } } // Call process_dEdr if (isComputeProcess_dEdr == true) { double const dEdr = dEdrByRij * rij; ier = pkim->process_dEdr(const_cast(&pkim), const_cast(&dEdr), const_cast(&rij), &r_ij, &i, const_cast(&j)); if (ier < KIM_STATUS_OK) { pkim->report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "process_dEdr", ier); return ier; } } } // if particles i and j interact } // end of first neighbor loop } // end of loop over contributing particles // Separate loop nest for process_d2Edr2 if (isComputeProcess_d2Edr2 == true) { // Separate implementations for half and full cases // // For this potential, the second derivative // d^2E/dr_{ij}dr_{kl} is nonzero only if i,j,k,l are // not distinct. As such, we need only address all // derivatives d^2E/dr_{ij}dr_{ik}. // // If we have full lists, we can simply iterate over // particle i's neighbor list in a doubly-nested // triangular loop. // // If we have half lists, then the presence of j in // i's neighbor list implies that i is also a neighbor // of j, so that we should be processing all derivs // d^2E/dr_{ij}dr_{ik} and d^2E/dr_{ji}dr_{jl}. The // hurdle to overcome here is the need to access the // neighbor list of particle j (and also particle k). // // We avoid this problem by taking a different // approach. For each neighbor (j or k) of i, we save // i in a "deferred neighbor list" for each of j and // k. For each particle, we process neighbors both in // its neighbor list and its deferred neighbor list. // (In effect, we are reconstructing full lists for // each particle.) // Containers for deferred neighbor lists for process_d2Edr2 std::multimap deferredNeighborMap; // Iterators over deferred neighbor lists std::pair deferredNeighborRange; deferredNeighborIterator deferredNeighborPtrJ; // Setup loop over contributing particles for (Iter iterator(pkim, get_neigh, baseconvert_, cachedNumberContributingParticles_, &i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij); iterator.done() == false; iterator.next(&i, &numnei, &n1atom, &pRij)) { // Number of neighbors to visit. May be greater than // numnei if previous particles inserted deferred // neighbors to this particle, or if this particle // is its own neighbor. int extendedNumnei; extendedNumnei = numnei; // Begin by deferring i to each of its neighbors. // It is tempting to try to include this in the // subsequent loop that also does the calculations, // but this cannot be done. The complete deferred // list must be available the first time we go // through the inner, second-neighbor, loop. if (isHalf == true) { for (int jj = 0; jj < numnei; ++jj) { neighbor reflectedNeighJ; // Index of particle neighbor int const atomj = n1atom[jj]; // Adjust index of particle neighbor int const j = atomj + baseconvert_; if (j < cachedNumberContributingParticles_) { // Save "unadjusted" particle index reflectedNeighJ.index = i - baseconvert_; // Save displacement if necessary if (RVec == rijMethod) { for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) reflectedNeighJ.rij[k] = -pRij[jj * DIMENSION + k]; } deferredNeighborMap.insert(std::make_pair(j, reflectedNeighJ)); } } // No further particles will contribute to i's neighbor list. // Safe to finalize the neighbor count. extendedNumnei += deferredNeighborMap.count(i); deferredNeighborRange = deferredNeighborMap.equal_range(i); deferredNeighborPtrJ = deferredNeighborRange.first; } // Setup loop over neighbors of current particle for (int jj = 0; jj < extendedNumnei; ++jj) { int atomj; if (isHalf == true && jj >= numnei) { // Look in deferred neighbor list atomj = deferredNeighborPtrJ->second.index; } else { // Not a deferred neighbor atomj = n1atom[jj]; } // adjust index of particle neighbor int const j = atomj + baseconvert_; // Declare enough space to hold two displacements, // one for each neighbor. Ensuring that the two // displacements are contiguous in memory allows // the use of r_ijValue in the call to process_d2Edr2. double r_ijValue[2*DIMENSION]; // Pointer to the first displacement. // Perhaps confusingly, this might be set to point // into the RVEC displacements list (pRij), rather // than always pointing into r_ijValue. double* r_ij; // Compute r_ij appropriately switch (rijMethod) { case Coordinates: { r_ij = r_ijValue; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) r_ij[k] = coordinates[j][k] - coordinates[i][k]; break; } case MI_OPBC: { r_ij = r_ijValue; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) r_ij[k] = coordinates[j][k] - coordinates[i][k]; // apply minimum image convention ApplyMIOPBC(boxSideLengths, r_ij); break; } case RVec: { if (isHalf == true && jj >= numnei) { // Look in deferred neighbor list r_ij = r_ijValue; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) r_ij[k] = deferredNeighborPtrJ->second.rij[k]; } else { r_ij = &pRij[jj * DIMENSION]; } break; } } // compute distance squared double rij2 = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < DIMENSION; ++k) rij2 += r_ij[k] * r_ij[k]; if (rij2 <= cutoffSq_) { double rijOffset; int rijIndex; double rij[2] = { sqrt(rij2), 0.0 }; // rij[1] used for ik pair // compute rijOffset and rijIndex GET_DELTAX_AND_INDEX(rij[0], oneByDr_, numberRPoints_, rijOffset, rijIndex); // interpolate r_ij*phi(r_ij) double rijPhiValue; double const* const rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff = rPhiCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[j]]; INTERPOLATE_F(rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, rijPhiValue); // find phi(r_ij) double const oneByRij = ONE / rij[0]; double const pairPotentialValue = rijPhiValue * oneByRij; // interpolate derivative of r_ij*phi(r_ij) function double rijPhiDerivativeValue; INTERPOLATE_DF(rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, rijPhiDerivativeValue); // find derivative of phi(r_ij) double const pairPotentialDerivativeValue = (rijPhiDerivativeValue - pairPotentialValue) * oneByRij; // interpolate derivative of rho_beta(r_ij) double densityBetaDerivativeValue; double const* const densityBetaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[j]]; INTERPOLATE_DF(densityBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, densityBetaDerivativeValue); // Setup second loop over neighbors of current particle deferredNeighborIterator deferredNeighborPtrK = deferredNeighborPtrJ; for (int kk = jj; kk < extendedNumnei; ++kk) { int atomk; if (isHalf == true && kk >= numnei) { // Look in deferred neighbor list atomk = deferredNeighborPtrK->second.index; } else { atomk = n1atom[kk]; } // adjust index of particle neighbor int const k = atomk + baseconvert_; double* r_ik; // Pointer to the second displacement vector r_ik = &(r_ijValue[DIMENSION]); switch (rijMethod) { case Coordinates: { for (int d = 0; d < DIMENSION; ++d) r_ik[d] = coordinates[k][d] - coordinates[i][d]; break; } case MI_OPBC: { for (int d = 0; d < DIMENSION; ++d) r_ik[d] = coordinates[k][d] - coordinates[i][d]; // apply minimum image convention ApplyMIOPBC(boxSideLengths, r_ik); break; } case RVec: { // In this case, we could have earlier set r_ij // to point into pRij, and not into r_ijValue. // In other words, r_ijValue might not yet // contain the components of the first neighbor's // displacement. We need them to be there. for (int d = 0; d < DIMENSION; ++d) r_ijValue[d] = r_ij[d]; r_ij = r_ijValue; if (isHalf == true && kk >= numnei) { // Look in deferred neighbor list for (int d = 0; d < DIMENSION; ++d) r_ik[d] = deferredNeighborPtrK->second.rij[d]; } else { for (int d = 0; d < DIMENSION; ++d) r_ik[d] = pRij[kk * DIMENSION + d]; } break; } } // compute distance squared double rik2 = 0.0; for (int d = 0; d < DIMENSION; ++d) rik2 += r_ik[d] * r_ik[d]; if (rik2 <= cutoffSq_) { double rikOffset; int rikIndex; rij[1] = sqrt(rik2); // compute rikOffset and rikIndex GET_DELTAX_AND_INDEX(rij[1], oneByDr_, numberRPoints_, rikOffset, rikIndex); // interpolate derivative of rho_gamma(r_ik) double densityGammaDerivativeValue; double const* const densityGammaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[k]]; INTERPOLATE_DF(densityGammaCoeff, rikOffset, rikIndex, densityGammaDerivativeValue); // mixed-index embedding contribution to d2Edr2 double const mixedEmbeddingContribution = embeddingSecondDerivativeValue_[i] * densityBetaDerivativeValue * densityGammaDerivativeValue; double d2Edr2 = mixedEmbeddingContribution; if (kk == jj) { // interpolate second derivative of r_ij*phi(r_ij) function double rijPhiSecondDerivativeValue; INTERPOLATE_D2F(rijPhiAlphaBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, rijPhiSecondDerivativeValue); // interpolate second derivative of rho_beta(r_ij) double densityBetaSecondDerivativeValue; double const* const densityBetaCoeff = densityCoeff_[particleSpecies[i]][particleSpecies[j]]; INTERPOLATE_D2F(densityBetaCoeff, rijOffset, rijIndex, densityBetaSecondDerivativeValue); // pair potential contribution double const pairPotentialSecondDerivativeValue = (rijPhiSecondDerivativeValue - TWO * pairPotentialDerivativeValue) * oneByRij; double const pairPotentialContribution = HALF * pairPotentialSecondDerivativeValue; // second derivative of embedding contribution double const embeddingContribution = embeddingDerivativeValue_[i] * densityBetaSecondDerivativeValue; d2Edr2 += pairPotentialContribution + embeddingContribution; } else { // Process transpose pair const int iis[2] = { i, i }; const int jjs[2] = { k, j }; int const* const piis = &iis[0]; int const* const pjjs = &jjs[0]; const double rikrij[2] = { rij[1], rij[0] }; double const* const prikrij = &rikrij[0]; const double r_ikr_ij[6] = { r_ij[3], r_ij[4], r_ij[5], r_ij[0], r_ij[1], r_ij[2] }; double const* const pr_ikr_ij = &r_ikr_ij[0]; ier = pkim->process_d2Edr2( const_cast(&pkim), &d2Edr2, const_cast(&prikrij), const_cast(&pr_ikr_ij), const_cast(&piis), const_cast(&pjjs)); if (ier < KIM_STATUS_OK) { pkim->report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "process_d2Edr2", ier); return ier; } } int const iis[2] = { i, i }; int const jjs[2] = { j, k }; int const* const piis = &iis[0]; int const* const pjjs = &jjs[0]; double const* const prij = &rij[0]; ier = pkim->process_d2Edr2( const_cast(&pkim), &d2Edr2, const_cast(&prij), &r_ij, const_cast(&piis), const_cast(&pjjs)); if (ier < KIM_STATUS_OK) { pkim->report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "process_d2Edr2", ier); return ier; } } // if particles i and k interact if (isHalf == true && kk >= numnei) { ++deferredNeighborPtrK; } } // end of second neighbor loop } // if particles i and j interact if (isHalf == true && jj >= numnei) { ++deferredNeighborPtrJ; } } // end of first neighbor loop deferredNeighborMap.erase(i); } // end of loop over contributing particles } // if (isComputeProcess_d2Edr2 == true) // everything is good ier = KIM_STATUS_OK; return ier; } #endif // EAM_IMPLEMENTATION_HPP_