// Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Jakob Schiotz and Center for Individual // Nanoparticle Functionality, Department of Physics, Technical // University of Denmark. Email: schiotz@fysik.dtu.dk // // This file is part of Asap version 3. // Asap is released under the GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL) version 3. // However, the parts of Asap distributed within the OpenKIM project // (including this file) are also released under the Common Development // and Distribution License (CDDL) version 1.0. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Permission // to use other versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License may // granted by Jakob Schiotz or the head of department of the // Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, as // described in section 14 of the GNU General Public License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // and the GNU Lesser Public License along with this program. If not, // see . // Asap: Copyright (C) 2008 CINF/CAMD and Jakob Schiotz #include "NeighborCellLocator.h" #include "Matrix3x3.h" #include "Atoms.h" #include "Exception.h" #include "Timing.h" //#define ASAPDEBUG #include "Debug.h" #include #include #include using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::flush; extern int verbose; // Choose between 3x3x3 and 5x5x5 search patterns. #undef PATTERN5 NeighborCellLocator::NeighborCellLocator(Atoms *a, double rCut, double driftfactor, bool slave) { CONSTRUCTOR; DEBUGPRINT; if (a != NULL) { atoms = a; AsapAtoms_INCREF(atoms); } else atoms = new Atoms(); this->rCut = rCut; this->slave = slave; rCut2 = rCut * rCut; #ifdef PATTERN5 minboxsize = (1 + 2.0 * driftfactor) * rCut / 2.0; #else minboxsize = (1 + 2.0 * driftfactor) * rCut; #endif nCells[0] = nCells[1] = nCells[2] = 0; nTotalCells[0] = nTotalCells[1] = nTotalCells[2] = nTotalCells[3] = 0; nCellsTrue[0] = nCellsTrue[1] = nCellsTrue[2] = 0; nCellsGapStart[0] = nCellsGapStart[1] = nCellsGapStart[2] = 0; nCellsGapSize[0] = nCellsGapSize[1] = nCellsGapSize[2] = 0; invalid = true; scaledPositionsValid = false; wrappedPositionsValid = false; supercell_counter = 0; MakeTranslationTable(); DEBUGPRINT; } NeighborCellLocator::~NeighborCellLocator() { DESTRUCTOR; DEBUGPRINT; AsapAtoms_DECREF(atoms); DEBUGPRINT; } void NeighborCellLocator::MakeTranslationTable() { DEBUGPRINT; translationTable.resize(27); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) translationTable[i + 3*j + 9*k] = IVec(i == 2 ? -1 : i, j == 2 ? -1 : j, k == 2 ? -1 : k); DEBUGPRINT; } void NeighborCellLocator::MakeList() { RETURNIFASAPERROR; DEBUGPRINT; MEMORY; USETIMER("NeighborCellLocator::MakeList"); if (verbose >= 1) cerr << " NeighborCellLocator-Update "; nAtoms = atoms->GetNumberOfAtoms(); nAllAtoms = nAtoms + atoms->GetNumberOfGhostAtoms(); /// Update positions and scaledpositions ScaleAndNormalizePositions(); assert(scaledPositions.size() == nAllAtoms); MEMORY; const double *cellHeights = atoms->GetCellHeights(); const bool *atomsperiodic = atoms->GetBoundaryConditions(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) periodic[i] = atomsperiodic[i]; // Check the size. As this locator does not use minimum image // convention, we can allow height down to rCut rather than the // usual 2*rCut. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (periodic[i] && cellHeights[i] < rCut) THROW( AsapError("NeighborCellLocator: The height of the cell (") << cellHeights[i] << ") must be larger than " << rCut ); const vector &positions = GetWrappedPositions(); const vector &scaledpositions = GetScaledPositions(); MEMORY; // Find the system size in scaled space coordinates. Use this to // determine the number of cells. If this processor only handles // part of space in a periodic direction, we must search for a range // of coordinates not present (it will be found on the outermost // processors where ghosts from the other side of the simulation // cell appear). This is used to massively cut down on the memory // consumption. IVec cpulayout = atoms->GetNumberOfCells(); bool cellLayoutChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { bool lookforgap = periodic[i] && cpulayout[i] > 1; bool gapvalid = false; double gaplow; double gaphigh; if (periodic[i] && cpulayout[i] == 1) { // Periodic boundary conditions, use whole axis size[i] = 1.0; minimum[i] = 0.0; } else if (lookforgap) { // Periodic boundary conditions, use part of the axis (parallel sim). double gap1start = 0.25; double gap2start = 0.75; double gap1low = -1.0; double gap1hi = 2.0; double gap2low = -1.0; double gap2hi = 2.0; bool gap1below = false; bool gap1above = false; bool gap2below = false; bool gap2above = false; double min, max; min = max = scaledpositions[0][i]; for (int a = 1; a < nAllAtoms; a++) { double x = scaledpositions[a][i]; if (x > max) max = x; else if (x < min) min = x; if (x < gap1start && x > gap1low) { gap1low = x; gap1below = true; } else if (x > gap1start && x < gap1hi) { gap1hi = x; gap1above = true; } if (x < gap2start && x > gap2low) { gap2low = x; gap2below = true; } else if (x > gap2start && x < gap2hi) { gap2hi = x; gap2above = true; } } minimum[i] = min; size[i] = max - min; #if 0 cerr << "GAP: " << gap1below << " " << gap1above << " " << gap1low << " " << gap1hi << " --- " << gap2below << " " << gap2above << " " << gap2low << " " << gap2hi << endl; #endif gapvalid = false; if (gap1below && gap1above) { gapvalid = true; gaplow = gap1low; gaphigh = gap1hi; } if (gap2below && gap2above && (!gapvalid || (gap2hi - gap2low > gap1hi - gap1low))) { gapvalid = true; gaplow = gap2low; gaphigh = gap2hi; } } else { // Free boundary conditions. // Could be merged with section above, but if statements in // loops hurt performance. double min, max; min = max = scaledpositions[0][i]; for (int a = 1; a < nAllAtoms; a++) { double x = scaledpositions[a][i]; if (x > max) max = x; else if (x < min) min = x; } minimum[i] = min; size[i] = max - min; } minimum[i] -= 1e-4; size[i] += 2e-4; int nc = int(size[i] * cellHeights[i] / minboxsize); int gapstart, gapsize; if (gapvalid) { gapstart = int(ceil(nc * (gaplow - minimum[i]) / size[i])) + 2; int gapend = int(floor(nc * (gaphigh - minimum[i]) / size[i])) - 2; gapsize = gapend - gapstart; if (gapsize < 3) { gapsize = 0; gapstart = nc + 1; } } else { gapsize = 0; gapstart = nc + 1; } if (nc == 0) { nc = 1; minimum[i] -= 0.5 * (minboxsize / cellHeights[i] - size[i]); size[i] = minboxsize / cellHeights[i]; } if (nCells[i] != nc - gapsize || nCellsTrue[i] != nc || nCellsGapStart[i] != gapstart || nCellsGapSize[i] != gapsize) { nCells[i] = nc - gapsize; nCellsTrue[i] = nc; nCellsGapStart[i] = gapstart; nCellsGapSize[i] = gapsize; cellLayoutChanged = true; #if 0 cerr << "Axis " << i << "(pbc:" << periodic[i] << ") nCells=" << nCells[i] << " (gap: " << gapstart << ", " << gapsize << ")" << " minimum: " << minimum[i] << " size: " << size[i] << endl; #endif } } nTotalCells[0] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) nTotalCells[i + 1] = nTotalCells[i] * nCells[i]; if (verbose >= 2) cerr << endl << "nNeighborCellLocator: " << nAtoms << " atoms, " << nCells[0] << "*" << nCells[1] << "*" << nCells[2] << " = " << nTotalCells[3] << " cells, " << nAtoms / (double) nTotalCells[3] << " atoms/cell" << endl; // Now check if the boundary conditions have changed for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (periodic[i] != oldperiodic[i]) cellLayoutChanged = true; oldperiodic[i] = periodic[i]; } MEMORY; // Now reallocate the cell list, if its size has changed if (cellLayoutChanged || (cells.size() != nTotalCells[3])) { // Clear the old cells, create new ones. cells.clear(); cells.resize(nTotalCells[3]); MEMORY; MakeNeighboringCellLists(); } else { // Empty the old cells, but keep them to minimize reallocations assert(cells.size() == nTotalCells[3]); for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) cells[i].clear(); } MEMORY; cellIndices.resize(nAllAtoms); MEMORY; // Now we are ready to put the atoms into the cells! for (int a = 0; a < nAllAtoms; a++) { int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int k = int((scaledpositions[a][i] - minimum[i]) / size[i] * nCellsTrue[i]); assert(k >= 0); if (k > nCellsGapStart[i]) { assert (k > nCellsGapStart[i] + nCellsGapSize[i]); k -= nCellsGapSize[i]; } if (k == nCells[i]) k--; assert(k < nCells[i]); index += nTotalCells[i] * k; } cells[index].push_back(a); cellIndices[a] = index; } // update reference positions for neighbor list: atoms->GetPositions(referencePositions); MEMORY; // Find the largest cell size, and use it to calculate the max length maxLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) { int x = cells[i].size(); if (x > maxLength) maxLength = x; } #ifdef PATTERN5 maxLength *= 5*5*5; #else maxLength *= 3*3*3; #endif invalid = false; DEBUGPRINT; MEMORY; } void NeighborCellLocator::MakeNeighboringCellLists() { DEBUGPRINT; #ifdef PATTERN5 int dx = 2; #else int dx = 1; #endif neighborCellOffsets.clear(); for (int i = -dx; i <= dx; i++) for (int j = -dx; j <= dx; j++) for (int k = -dx; k <= dx; k++) neighborCellOffsets.push_back(IVec(i,j,k)); nbCells_inside.clear(); nbCells_left.clear(); nbCells_right.clear(); nbCells_top.clear(); nbCells_bottom.clear(); nbCells_front.clear(); nbCells_back.clear(); for(vector::const_iterator nb = neighborCellOffsets.begin(); nb != neighborCellOffsets.end(); ++nb) { IVec idx = *nb; IVec magic(1,3,9); // inside pair data0; pair data; data0.first = idx[0] + idx[1] * nTotalCells[1] + idx[2] * nTotalCells[2]; data0.second = 0; nbCells_inside.push_back(data0); // left side data = data0; if (idx[0] != -1) nbCells_left.push_back(data); else if (periodic[0]) { data.first += nCells[0]; data.second = 1 * magic[0]; nbCells_left.push_back(data); } // right side data = data0; if (idx[0] != 1) nbCells_right.push_back(data); else if (periodic[0]) { data.first -= nCells[0]; data.second = 2 * magic[0]; nbCells_right.push_back(data); } // bottom data = data0; if (idx[1] != -1) nbCells_bottom.push_back(data); else if (periodic[1]) { data.first += nTotalCells[2]; data.second = 1 * magic[1]; nbCells_bottom.push_back(data); } // top data = data0; if (idx[1] != 1) nbCells_top.push_back(data); else if (periodic[1]) { data.first -= nTotalCells[2]; data.second = 2 * magic[1]; nbCells_top.push_back(data); } // front data = data0; if (idx[2] != -1) nbCells_front.push_back(data); else if (periodic[2]) { data.first += nTotalCells[3]; data.second = 1 * magic[2]; nbCells_front.push_back(data); } // back data = data0; if (idx[2] != 1) nbCells_back.push_back(data); else if (periodic[2]) { data.first -= nTotalCells[3]; data.second = 2 * magic[2]; nbCells_back.push_back(data); } } } int NeighborCellLocator::GetNeighbors(int a1, int *neighbors, Vec *diffs, double *diffs2, int& size, double r) const { DEBUGPRINT; return CommonGetNeighbors(a1, neighbors, diffs, diffs2, size, r, false); } void NeighborCellLocator::GetNeighbors(int a1, vector &neighbors) const { DEBUGPRINT; return CommonGetNeighbors(a1, neighbors, false); } int NeighborCellLocator::GetFullNeighbors(int a1, int *neighbors, Vec *diffs, double *diffs2, int& size, double r) const { DEBUGPRINT; return CommonGetNeighbors(a1, neighbors, diffs, diffs2, size, r, true); } void NeighborCellLocator::GetFullNeighbors(int a1, vector &neighbors) const { DEBUGPRINT; return CommonGetNeighbors(a1, neighbors, true); } const NeighborCellLocator::nbcell_t &NeighborCellLocator::makeNbCells(int thiscell, nbcell_t &NbCells) const { IVec cellidx(thiscell % nTotalCells[1], (thiscell % nTotalCells[2]) / nTotalCells[1], thiscell / nTotalCells[2]); assert(thiscell == (cellidx[0] * nTotalCells[0] + cellidx[1] * nTotalCells[1] + cellidx[2] * nTotalCells[2])); int celltype = (cellidx[0] == 0) + 2 * (cellidx[0] == nCells[0]-1) + 4 * (cellidx[1] == 0) + 8 * (cellidx[1] == nCells[1]-1) + 16 * (cellidx[2] == 0) + 32 * (cellidx[2] == nCells[2]-1); if (celltype == 0) return nbCells_inside; else if (celltype == 1) return nbCells_left; else if (celltype == 2) return nbCells_right; else if (celltype == 4) return nbCells_bottom; else if (celltype == 8) return nbCells_top; else if (celltype == 16) return nbCells_front; else if (celltype == 32) return nbCells_back; // Edge or corner cell - make it on the fly. NbCells.clear(); for (vector::const_iterator i = neighborCellOffsets.begin(); i != neighborCellOffsets.end(); ++i) { IVec othercell = cellidx + *i; translationsidx_t xlat = 0; IVec xlatvec(0,0,0); IVec magic(1,3,9); bool ok = true; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (othercell[j] < 0) { if (!periodic[j]) { ok = false; break; } othercell[j] += nCells[j]; xlat += magic[j] * 1; xlatvec[j] = 1; } else if (othercell[j] >= nCells[j]) { if (!periodic[j]) { ok = false; break; } othercell[j] -= nCells[j]; xlat += magic[j] * 2; xlatvec[j] = -1; } } if (ok) { assert(xlatvec == translationTable[xlat]); pair data; data.first = (othercell[0] * nTotalCells[0] + othercell[1] * nTotalCells[1] + othercell[2] * nTotalCells[2]) - thiscell; data.second = xlat; NbCells.push_back(data); } } return NbCells; } int NeighborCellLocator::CommonGetNeighbors(int a1, int *neighbors, Vec *diffs, double *diffs2, int& size, double r, bool wantfull) const { DEBUGPRINT; if (invalid) throw AsapError("NeighborCellLocator has been invalidated, possibly by another NeighborList using the same atoms."); const vector &positions = GetWrappedPositions(); // Need to use GET_CELL instead of GetCell as the atoms are not open // when called from the Python interface. const Vec *superCell = atoms->GET_CELL(); // Find the cell of this atom int thiscell = cellIndices[a1]; double rC2; if (r > 0.0) rC2 = r*r; else rC2 = rCut2; int nNeighbors = 0; nbcell_t my_neighborCells; const nbcell_t &neighborCells = makeNbCells(thiscell, my_neighborCells); // Loop over all neighboring cells, including this one for (vector< pair >::const_iterator i = neighborCells.begin(); i < neighborCells.end(); ++i) { int othcell = i->first + thiscell; IVec celltranslation = translationTable[i->second]; Vec pos1 = positions[a1] + celltranslation[0] * superCell[0] + celltranslation[1] * superCell[1] + celltranslation[2] * superCell[2]; // Loop over all atoms in the cell. vector::const_iterator aend = cells[othcell].end(); for (vector::const_iterator a2 = cells[othcell].begin(); a2 < aend; ++a2) { if ((*a2 > a1) || (wantfull && (*a2 != a1))) { diffs[nNeighbors] = positions[*a2] - pos1; double d2 = Length2(diffs[nNeighbors]); if (d2 < rC2) { diffs2[nNeighbors] = d2; neighbors[nNeighbors] = *a2; nNeighbors++; } } } } size -= nNeighbors; assert(size >= 0); DEBUGPRINT; return nNeighbors; } void NeighborCellLocator::CommonGetNeighbors(int a1, vector &neighbors, bool wantfull) const { DEBUGPRINT; if (invalid) throw AsapError("NeighborCellLocator has been invalidated, possibly by another NeighborList using the same atoms."); const vector &positions = GetWrappedPositions(); const Vec *superCell = atoms->GET_CELL(); // Find the cell of this atom int thiscell = cellIndices[a1]; neighbors.clear(); nbcell_t my_neighborCells; const nbcell_t &neighborCells = makeNbCells(thiscell, my_neighborCells); // Loop over all neighboring cells, including this one for (vector< pair >::const_iterator i = neighborCells.begin(); i < neighborCells.end(); ++i) { int othcell = i->first + thiscell; IVec celltranslation = translationTable[i->second]; Vec pos1 = positions[a1] + celltranslation[0] * superCell[0] + celltranslation[1] * superCell[1] + celltranslation[2] * superCell[2]; // Loop over all atoms in the cell. vector::const_iterator aend = cells[othcell].end(); for (vector::const_iterator a2 = cells[othcell].begin(); a2 < aend; ++a2) { if ((*a2 > a1) || (wantfull && (*a2 != a1))) { Vec diff = positions[*a2] - pos1; double d2 = Length2(diff); if (d2 < rCut2) neighbors.push_back(*a2); } } } DEBUGPRINT; } #if 0 int NeighborCellLocator::GetListAndTranslations(int a1, vector &neighbors, vector &translations) { DEBUGPRINT; if (invalid) throw AsapError("NeighborCellLocator has been invalidated, possibly by another NeighborList using the same atoms."); const vector &positions = GetWrappedPositions(); const Vec *superCell = atoms->GetCell(); // Find the cell of this atom int thiscell = cellIndices[a1]; double rC2 = rCut2; neighbors.clear(); translations.clear(); nbcell_t my_neighborCells; const nbcell_t &neighborCells = makeNbCells(thiscell, my_neighborCells); // Loop over all neighboring cells, including this one for (vector< pair >::const_iterator i = neighborCells.begin(); i < neighborCells.end(); ++i) { int othcell = i->first + thiscell; IVec celltranslation = translationTable[i->second]; Vec pos1 = positions[a1] + celltranslation[0] * superCell[0] + celltranslation[1] * superCell[1] + celltranslation[2] * superCell[2]; // Loop over all atoms in the cell. vector::const_iterator aend = cells[othcell].end(); for (vector::const_iterator a2 = cells[othcell].begin(); a2 < aend; ++a2) { if ((*a2 > a1) && (Length2(positions[*a2] - pos1) < rC2)) { neighbors.push_back(*a2); translations.push_back(i->second); } } } DEBUGPRINT; return neighbors.size(); } #endif int NeighborCellLocator::GetListAndTranslations(int a1, vector< pair > &neighbors) const { if (invalid) THROW( AsapError("NeighborCellLocator has been invalidated, possibly by another NeighborList using the same atoms.") ); RETURNIFASAPERROR2(0); const vector &positions = GetWrappedPositions(); const Vec *superCell = atoms->GetCell(); // Find the cell of this atom int thiscell = cellIndices[a1]; double rC2 = rCut2; neighbors.clear(); nbcell_t my_neighborCells; const nbcell_t &neighborCells = makeNbCells(thiscell, my_neighborCells); // Loop over all neighboring cells, including this one for (vector< pair >::const_iterator i = neighborCells.begin(); i < neighborCells.end(); ++i) { int othcell = i->first + thiscell; IVec celltranslation = translationTable[i->second]; Vec pos1 = positions[a1] + celltranslation[0] * superCell[0] + celltranslation[1] * superCell[1] + celltranslation[2] * superCell[2]; // Loop over all atoms in the cell. vector::const_iterator aend = cells[othcell].end(); for (vector::const_iterator a2 = cells[othcell].begin(); a2 < aend; ++a2) { double l2; if ((*a2 > a1) && ((l2 = Length2(positions[*a2] - pos1)) < rC2)) { #ifdef SLOWASSERT if (l2 < 1e-6) THROW( AsapError("XX Collision between atoms ") << a1 << " and " << *a2 ); #endif pair data(*a2, i->second); neighbors.push_back(data); } } } return neighbors.size(); } int NeighborCellLocator::GetComplementaryListAndTranslations(int a1, vector< pair > &neighbors) const { RETURNIFASAPERROR2(0); if (invalid) THROW( AsapError("NeighborCellLocator has been invalidated, possibly by another NeighborList using the same atoms.") ); const vector &positions = GetWrappedPositions(); const Vec *superCell = atoms->GetCell(); // Find the cell of this atom int thiscell = cellIndices[a1]; double rC2 = rCut2; neighbors.clear(); nbcell_t my_neighborCells; const nbcell_t &neighborCells = makeNbCells(thiscell, my_neighborCells); // Loop over all neighboring cells, including this one for (vector< pair >::const_iterator i = neighborCells.begin(); i < neighborCells.end(); ++i) { int othcell = i->first + thiscell; IVec celltranslation = translationTable[i->second]; Vec pos1 = positions[a1] + celltranslation[0] * superCell[0] + celltranslation[1] * superCell[1] + celltranslation[2] * superCell[2]; // Loop over all atoms in the cell. vector::const_iterator aend = cells[othcell].end(); for (vector::const_iterator a2 = cells[othcell].begin(); a2 < aend; ++a2) { if ((*a2 < a1) && (Length2(positions[*a2] - pos1) < rC2)) { pair data(*a2, i->second); neighbors.push_back(data); } } } return neighbors.size(); } double NeighborCellLocator::get_drift() const { // Find the max allowed drift of an atom. const double *superCellHeight = atoms->GetCellHeights(); double height = superCellHeight[0]/nCellsTrue[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { double h = superCellHeight[i]/nCellsTrue[i]; if (h < height) height = h; } #ifdef PATTERN5 return 0.5 * (2 * height - rCut); #else return 0.5 * (height - rCut); #endif } bool NeighborCellLocator::CheckNeighborList() { DEBUGPRINT; USETIMER("NeighborCellLocator::CheckNeighborList"); const bool *newpbc = atoms->GetBoundaryConditions(); if (nAtoms != atoms->GetNumberOfAtoms() || oldperiodic[0] != newpbc[0] || oldperiodic[1] != newpbc[1] || oldperiodic[2] != newpbc[2]) invalid = true; if (invalid) return true; // An invalid neighbor list always need an update! RenormalizePositions(); double drift = get_drift(); double drift2 = drift * drift; bool updateRequired = invalid; const Vec *positions = atoms->GetPositions(); if (!updateRequired) for (int n = 0; n < nAtoms; n++) if (Length2(positions[n] - referencePositions[n]) > drift2) { updateRequired = true; break; } // If we are NOT going to update the list, we need to update wrapped positions DEBUGPRINT; return updateRequired; } void NeighborCellLocator::UpdateNeighborList() { RETURNIFASAPERROR; DEBUGPRINT; USETIMER("NeighborCellLocator::UpdateNeighborList"); if (invalid && verbose) cerr << "NeighborCellLocator::UpdateNeighborList: NBList has been marked invalid." << endl; MakeList(); DEBUGPRINT; } bool NeighborCellLocator::CheckAndUpdateNeighborList() { DEBUGPRINT; bool update = CheckNeighborList(); if (update) UpdateNeighborList(); DEBUGPRINT; return update; } bool NeighborCellLocator::CheckAndUpdateNeighborList(PyObject *atoms_obj) { atoms->Begin(atoms_obj); CHECKNOASAPERROR; bool res = CheckAndUpdateNeighborList(); PROPAGATEASAPERROR; atoms->End(); return res; } void NeighborCellLocator::GetTranslationTable(vector &table) const { DEBUGPRINT; table.clear(); table.insert(table.begin(), translationTable.begin(), translationTable.end()); DEBUGPRINT; } #if 0 void NeighborCellLocator::RenormalizeReferencePositions(const vector &oldpos) { if (!invalid) { int n = atoms->GetNumberOfAtoms(); assert(referencePositions.size() == n); const Vec *pos = atoms->GetPositions(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) referencePositions[i] += pos[i] - oldpos[i]; } } #endif const vector &NeighborCellLocator::GetScaledPositions() const { DEBUGPRINT; assert(scaledPositionsValid); return scaledPositions; } void NeighborCellLocator::ScaleAndNormalizePositions() { DEBUGPRINT; atoms->GetScaledPositions(scaledPositions, true); // Get also ghosts //cerr << endl << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << scaledPositions.size() << endl; assert(scaledPositions.size() == nAllAtoms); const bool *pbc = atoms->GetBoundaryConditions(); // Special-case fully periodic and fully free boundaries if (pbc[0] && pbc[1] && pbc[2]) { // Fully periodic boundaries int spsz = scaledPositions.size(); if (wrappedPositions.capacity() < spsz) wrappedPositions.reserve(spsz + spsz / 25); wrappedPositions.resize(spsz); if (offsetPositions.capacity() < spsz) offsetPositions.reserve(spsz + spsz / 25); offsetPositions.resize(scaledPositions.size()); scaledOffsetPositions.clear(); // Not used const Vec *pos = atoms->GetPositions(); const Vec *cell = atoms->GetCell(); int n = scaledPositions.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scaledPositions[i][0] -= floor(scaledPositions[i][0]); scaledPositions[i][1] -= floor(scaledPositions[i][1]); scaledPositions[i][2] -= floor(scaledPositions[i][2]); wrappedPositions[i] = cell[0] * scaledPositions[i][0] + cell[1] * scaledPositions[i][1] + cell[2] * scaledPositions[i][2]; offsetPositions[i] = wrappedPositions[i] - pos[i]; } scaledPositionsValid = wrappedPositionsValid = true; } else if (!pbc[0] && !pbc[1] && !pbc[2]) { // Fully free boundaries: wrappedPositions are the positions atoms->GetPositions(wrappedPositions, true); offsetPositions.clear(); scaledOffsetPositions.clear(); scaledPositionsValid = wrappedPositionsValid = true; } else { // Mixed boundary conditions int xpbc0 = (int) pbc[0]; int xpbc1 = (int) pbc[1]; int xpbc2 = (int) pbc[2]; int spsz = scaledPositions.size(); if (wrappedPositions.capacity() < spsz) wrappedPositions.reserve(spsz + spsz / 25); wrappedPositions.resize(spsz); if (scaledOffsetPositions.capacity() < spsz) scaledOffsetPositions.reserve(spsz + spsz / 25); scaledOffsetPositions.resize(scaledPositions.size()); offsetPositions.clear(); // Not used const Vec *cell = atoms->GetCell(); int n = scaledPositions.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scaledOffsetPositions[i][0] = -floor(scaledPositions[i][0]) * xpbc0; scaledPositions[i][0] += scaledOffsetPositions[i][0]; scaledOffsetPositions[i][1] = -floor(scaledPositions[i][1]) * xpbc1; scaledPositions[i][1] += scaledOffsetPositions[i][1]; scaledOffsetPositions[i][2] = -floor(scaledPositions[i][2]) * xpbc2; scaledPositions[i][2] += scaledOffsetPositions[i][2]; wrappedPositions[i] = cell[0] * scaledPositions[i][0] + cell[1] * scaledPositions[i][1] + cell[2] * scaledPositions[i][2]; } scaledPositionsValid = wrappedPositionsValid = true; } // We need the inverse cell later. memcpy(old_inverse_cell, atoms->GetInverseCell(), 3*sizeof(Vec)); supercell_counter = atoms->GetCellCounter(); DEBUGPRINT; } void NeighborCellLocator::ScaleAndNormalizePositions(const set &modified, vector &scaledpos) { DEBUGPRINT; assert(modified.size() == scaledpos.size()); atoms->GetScaledPositions(scaledpos, modified); const bool *pbc = atoms->GetBoundaryConditions(); // Special-case fully periodic and fully free boundaries, as they // are special-cased in the normal version. if (pbc[0] && pbc[1] && pbc[2]) { const Vec *pos = atoms->GetPositions(); const Vec *cell = atoms->GetCell(); vector::iterator sp = scaledpos.begin(); for (set::const_iterator ii = modified.begin(); ii != modified.end(); ++ii) { int i = *ii; scaledPositions[i] = *sp; scaledPositions[i][0] -= floor(scaledPositions[i][0]); scaledPositions[i][1] -= floor(scaledPositions[i][1]); scaledPositions[i][2] -= floor(scaledPositions[i][2]); *(sp++) = scaledPositions[i]; wrappedPositions[i] = cell[0] * scaledPositions[i][0] + cell[1] * scaledPositions[i][1] + cell[2] * scaledPositions[i][2]; offsetPositions[i] = wrappedPositions[i] - pos[i]; } scaledPositionsValid = wrappedPositionsValid = true; } else if (!pbc[0] && !pbc[1] && !pbc[2]) { // Fully free boundaries: wrappedPositions are the positions const Vec *r = atoms->GetPositions(); vector::iterator sp = scaledpos.begin(); for (set::const_iterator ii = modified.begin(); ii != modified.end(); ++ii) { int i = *ii; scaledPositions[i] = *(sp++); wrappedPositions[i] = r[i]; } scaledPositionsValid = wrappedPositionsValid = true; } else { // Mixed boundary conditions int xpbc0 = (int) pbc[0]; int xpbc1 = (int) pbc[1]; int xpbc2 = (int) pbc[2]; const Vec *cell = atoms->GetCell(); vector::iterator sp = scaledpos.begin(); for (set::const_iterator ii = modified.begin(); ii != modified.end(); ++ii) { int i = *ii; scaledPositions[i] = *sp; scaledOffsetPositions[i][0] = -floor(scaledPositions[i][0]) * xpbc0; scaledPositions[i][0] += scaledOffsetPositions[i][0]; scaledOffsetPositions[i][1] = -floor(scaledPositions[i][1]) * xpbc1; scaledPositions[i][1] += scaledOffsetPositions[i][1]; scaledOffsetPositions[i][2] = -floor(scaledPositions[i][2]) * xpbc2; scaledPositions[i][2] += scaledOffsetPositions[i][2]; *(sp++) = scaledPositions[i]; wrappedPositions[i] = cell[0] * scaledPositions[i][0] + cell[1] * scaledPositions[i][1] + cell[2] * scaledPositions[i][2]; } scaledPositionsValid = wrappedPositionsValid = true; } } void NeighborCellLocator::RenormalizePositions() { DEBUGPRINT; scaledPositionsValid = false; const bool *pbc = atoms->GetBoundaryConditions(); if (pbc[0] && pbc[1] && pbc[2]) { // Full periodic boundaries if (atoms->GetCellCounter() != supercell_counter) { // The unit cell has changed, and we have full period // boundary conditions. Assume that atoms have moved along // the rescaling. Vec transformation[3]; matrixMultiply3x3(transformation, old_inverse_cell, atoms->GetCell()); memcpy(old_inverse_cell, atoms->GetInverseCell(), 3*sizeof(Vec)); supercell_counter = atoms->GetCellCounter(); //cerr << endl << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << referencePositions.size() // << " " << offsetPositions.size() << endl; assert(referencePositions.size() == nAtoms); assert(offsetPositions.size() == nAllAtoms); vector::iterator rp = referencePositions.begin(); vector::iterator op = offsetPositions.begin(); for(int i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++i, ++rp, ++op) { *op = transformation[0] * (*op)[0] + transformation[1] * (*op)[1] +transformation[2] * (*op)[2]; *rp = transformation[0] * (*rp)[0] + transformation[1] * (*rp)[1] +transformation[2] * (*rp)[2]; } assert(rp == referencePositions.end()); for(int i = nAtoms; i < nAllAtoms; ++i, ++op) *op = transformation[0] * (*op)[0] + transformation[1] * (*op)[1] +transformation[2] * (*op)[2]; assert(op == offsetPositions.end()); } // We now need to rewrap assert(wrappedPositions.size() == nAllAtoms); const Vec *pos = atoms->GetPositions(); vector::const_iterator op = offsetPositions.begin(); vector::iterator end = wrappedPositions.end(); for (vector::iterator wp = wrappedPositions.begin(); wp != end; ++wp, ++pos, ++op) *wp = *pos + *op; wrappedPositionsValid = true; } else { // Free or mixed boundary conditions if (atoms->GetCellCounter() != supercell_counter) { // The unit cell has changed. Assume that atoms have moved // along the rescaling. Vec transformation[3]; matrixMultiply3x3(transformation, old_inverse_cell, atoms->GetCell()); memcpy(old_inverse_cell, atoms->GetInverseCell(), 3*sizeof(Vec)); supercell_counter = atoms->GetCellCounter(); vector::iterator end = referencePositions.end(); for (vector::iterator rp = referencePositions.begin(); rp < end; ++rp) { *rp = transformation[0] * (*rp)[0] + transformation[1] * (*rp)[1] +transformation[2] * (*rp)[2]; } } if (!pbc[0] && !pbc[1] && !pbc[2]) { // Fully free boundary conditions. atoms->GetPositions(wrappedPositions, true); // Include ghosts wrappedPositionsValid = true; } else { // Mixed boundary conditions const Vec *cell = atoms->GetCell(); atoms->GetScaledPositions(scaledPositions, true); assert(scaledPositions.size() == scaledOffsetPositions.size()); assert(wrappedPositions.size() == scaledOffsetPositions.size()); vector::const_iterator sop = scaledOffsetPositions.begin(); vector::iterator sp = scaledPositions.begin(); vector::iterator end = wrappedPositions.end(); for (vector::iterator wp = wrappedPositions.begin(); wp != end; ++wp, ++sop, ++sp) { *sp += *sop; *wp = cell[0] * (*sp)[0] + cell[1] * (*sp)[1] + cell[2] * (*sp)[2]; } wrappedPositionsValid = true; } } DEBUGPRINT; } void NeighborCellLocator::RemakeLists_Simple(const set &modified) { DEBUGPRINT; assert(modified.size() > 0); // Transform positions to scaled space vector scaledpos(modified.size()); ScaleAndNormalizePositions(modified, scaledpos); const vector &positions = GetWrappedPositions(); // Assign to boxes. Caveat: atom may be outsize the expected // interval if there are free boundary conditions. vector::const_iterator sp = scaledpos.begin(); for (set::const_iterator a = modified.begin(); a != modified.end(); ++a, ++sp) // Loop over modified and scaledpos { // Find the new index of the atom int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { double p = (*sp)[i]; if (p < minimum[i]) p = minimum[i]; if (p > minimum[i] + size[i]) p = minimum[i] + size[i]; int k = int((p - minimum[i]) / size[i] * nCellsTrue[i]); if (k > nCellsGapStart[i]) { assert (k > nCellsGapStart[i] + nCellsGapSize[i]); k -= nCellsGapSize[i]; } assert(k >= 0); if (k == nCells[i]) k--; assert(k < nCells[i]); index += nTotalCells[i] * k; } if (index != cellIndices[*a]) { // Remove atom from old cell vector::iterator i = cells[cellIndices[*a]].begin(); vector::iterator terminate = cells[cellIndices[*a]].end(); while ((*i != *a) && (i != terminate)) ++i; assert(*i == *a); cells[cellIndices[*a]].erase(i); // Add to new cell cells[index].push_back(*a); cellIndices[*a] = index; } // We know that the atom is now in the right box referencePositions[*a] = positions[*a]; } DEBUGPRINT; } /// Update reference positions of some atoms void NeighborCellLocator::UpdateReferencePositions(const set &modified) { const Vec *pos = atoms->GetPositions(); for (set::const_iterator i = modified.begin(); i != modified.end(); ++i) referencePositions[*i] = pos[*i]; } void NeighborCellLocator::print_info(int n) { cerr << "NeighborCellLocator info on atom " << n << ":" << endl; if (referencePositions.size() > n) cerr << "referencePositions: " << referencePositions[n] << endl; if (wrappedPositions.size() > n) cerr << "wrappedPositions: " << wrappedPositions[n] << endl; if (scaledPositions.size() > n) cerr << "scaledPositions: " << scaledPositions[n] << endl; if (offsetPositions.size() > n) cerr << "offsetPositions: " << offsetPositions[n] << endl; if (scaledOffsetPositions.size() > n) cerr << "scaledOffsetPositions: " << scaledOffsetPositions[n] << endl; cerr << "cellIndex: " << cellIndices[n] << endl; } long NeighborCellLocator::PrintMemory() const { long mem1 = 0; long mem2 = 0; long mem3 = 0; long needed = 0; mem1 += referencePositions.capacity() * sizeof(Vec); mem1 += wrappedPositions.capacity() * sizeof(Vec); mem1 += scaledPositions.capacity() * sizeof(Vec); mem1 += offsetPositions.capacity() * sizeof(Vec); mem1 += scaledOffsetPositions.capacity() * sizeof(Vec); mem2 += cellIndices.capacity() * sizeof(int); mem2 += cells.capacity() * sizeof(vector); needed += referencePositions.size() * sizeof(Vec); needed += wrappedPositions.size() * sizeof(Vec); needed += scaledPositions.size() * sizeof(Vec); needed += offsetPositions.size() * sizeof(Vec); needed += scaledOffsetPositions.size() * sizeof(Vec); needed += cellIndices.size() * sizeof(int); needed += cells.size() * sizeof(vector); int longest = 0; int empty = 0; for (vector< vector >::const_iterator i = cells.begin(); i != cells.end(); ++i) { mem2 += i->capacity() * sizeof(int); needed += i->size() * sizeof(int); if (i->size() > longest) longest = i->size(); if (i->size() == 0) empty++; } long mem = (mem1 + mem2 + mem3 + 512*1024) / (1024*1024); mem1 = (mem1 + 512*1024) / (1024*1024); mem2 = (mem2 + 512*1024) / (1024*1024); mem3 = (mem3 + 512*1024) / (1024*1024); long overhead = mem - (needed + 512*1024) / (1024*1024); char buffer[500]; snprintf(buffer, 500, "*MEM* NeighborCellLocator %ld MB. [ cells: %ld MB (longest: %d, empty: %d/%d), other: %ld MB, overhead: %ld MB ]", mem, mem2, longest, empty, (int) cells.size(), mem1, overhead); cerr << buffer << endl; return mem; }