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# Copyright (c) 2012, Mark R. Gilbert, CCFE Fusion Association.  All rights reserved.
# Contributors:
#    Mark R. Gilbert


This directory (model_driver_PF_cubic_splines) contains a EAM-like
Model driver written in Fortran 90.
See Reference: Dudarev and Derlet., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 7097
or. Mendelev et al. Phil. Mag. 83 (2003) 3977
For details of functional forms

It complies with the KIM API interface standard, using any NBC and iterator or
locator mode, publishes its parameters, and supports optional computation of
`energy', `forces', `particleEnergy', `process_dEdr', and `process_dE2dr2'.
Its initializaton routine takes a KIM API object pointer and a pointer to a
string that contains the cutoff and Lennard-Jones parameters which define a KIM
Model based on this KIM Model Driver.

To create a KIM Model from this Model Driver, a parameter file is required.
This file must have the follwing format:
   Line 1: `cutoff' value in angstroms
   Line 2: atomic number for biersack-ziegler short-range coloumb screening function
   Line 3: cutoff for coloumb function, cutoff for interpolating function (between coloumb and outer main potential),
           logical flag to define whether interpolating function is a linear polynomial (true) or not (false)
           number of interpolating coefficients,
           rho**2 pre-factor for certain potentials (e.g. Fe, Mendelev) - can be zero
   Line 4: number of density knot points, number of pair-potential knot points
   Line 5: integer dummy, sqrt(rho) prefactor of embedding function ("A"), dummy logical
   Line 6:  integer dummy, embedding function magnetic term prefactor -
            zero for non-magnetic potentials ("B"), dummy logical
   Line 7onwards: lines per density knot function and then lines per pair-part knot function
                  integer dummy, knot coefficient, dummy logical, knot point
   Next lines: line per interpolating coefficient - coefficient on each line
   Last line : text descriptor for potential.

The following files are in this directory:

     The Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0 file

    makefile to compile and build executables with GNU or Intel compilers

    This file

    Fortran 03 file that contains the implementation of the cubic splines
    potential Model Driver

    Template KIM descriptor file containing all variables and methods that are
    exposed by the driver through the KIM API interface.  This file will be
    used (by the make system) to generate a KIM descriptor file for each KIM
    Model based on this Model Driver.