{ "contributor-id" "107155f5-7367-467f-844c-a74dd53672a8" "description" "Driver for Neural network potentials generated with PANNA v1.0.0. \nThis version of the model driver supports the following features for fully-connected feedforward deep neural networks: \n-A modified version of Behler Parrinello descriptors \n-Gaussian, ReLU and linear activations.\nFor more information on potential generation with PANNA, visit \nhttps://gitlab.com/PANNAdevs/panna" "developer" [ "107155f5-7367-467f-844c-a74dd53672a8" ] "doi" "10.25950/cf495c5a" "domain" "openkim.org" "executables" [] "extended-id" "PANNA__MD_805652781592_000" "kim-api-version" "2.0" "maintainer-id" "107155f5-7367-467f-844c-a74dd53672a8" "publication-year" "2019" "source-citations" [ { "author" "R. Lot, F. Pellegrini, Y. Shaidu, E. Kucukbenli" "doi" "" "month" "" "note" "" "recordkey" "MD_805652781592_000a" "recordtype" "unpublished" "title" "" "url" "https://gitlab.com/PANNAdevs/panna" "year" "" } ] "title" "Driver for PANNA v1.0.0 neural network potentials v000" }