# # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development # and Distribution License Version 1.0 (the "License"). # # You can obtain a copy of the license at # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/CDDL-1.0. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and # include the License file in a prominent location with the name LICENSE.CDDL. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields # enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: # # Portions Copyright (c) [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]. All rights reserved. # # CDDL HEADER END # # # Copyright (c) 2013--2018, Regents of the University of Minnesota. # All rights reserved. # # Contributors: # Ryan S. Elliott # This directory (EAM_CubicNaturalSpline__MD_853402641673_001) contains an EAM Model Driver which reads Dynamo setfl, funcfl, and setfl Finnis Sinclair table files. The driver is written in C++. The driver is designed to mimic/reproduce the behavior of LAMMPS's eam, eam/alloy, and eam/fs pair_styles. The type of table file provided is automatically detected. This Model Driver complies with the KIM API interface standard, using any NBC and iterator or locator mode, publishes its parameters, and supports optional computation of `energy', `forces', `particleEnergy', `process_dEdr', and `process_d2Edr2'. Its initialization routine takes a KIM API object pointer, a pointer to a two-dimensional character array (each row of which contains the full path to a parameter file) of the form a[b][c], a pointer to the value of c, and a pointer to the value of b. This Model Driver expects b > 1 when multiple funcfl files are used to define a multi-species Model. Otherwise, it expects b = 1. In this case it determines the type of provided table file by the file's contents. The format of the Dynamo files supported by this Model Driver follows the LAMMPS format. (NOTE an exception: To facilitate auto-detection of table file type, all floating point values are expected to be proper floating point numbers, with at least a decimal point. This is required in order to distinguish them from integer values.) The LAMMPS format is described below (adapted from the LAMMPS documentation as of 2013-11-19): This Model Driver computes pairwise interactions for metals and metal alloys using embedded-atom method (EAM) potentials (Daw). The total energy Ei of an atom I is given by E_i = F_\alpha( \sum_{j\neq i} \rho_\beta(r_{ij})) + (1/2)\sum_{j\neq i} \phi_{\alpha \beta}(r_{ij}) A DYNAMO single-element funcfl file is formatted as follows: * line 1: comment (ignored) * line 2: atomic number, mass, lattice constant, lattice type (e.g. FCC) * line 3: Nrho, drho, Nr, dr, cutoff The mass is in mass units, e.g. mass number or grams/mole for metal units. The cubic lattice constant is in Angstroms. On line 3, Nrho and Nr are the number of tabulated values in the subsequent arrays, drho and dr are the spacing in density and distance space for the values in those arrays, and the specified cutoff becomes the pairwise cutoff for the potential. The units of dr are Angstroms; I'm not sure of the units for drho - some measure of electron density. Following the three header lines are three arrays of tabulated values: * embedding function F(rho) (Nrho values) * effective charge function Z(r) (Nr values) * density function rho(r) (Nr values) The values for each array can be listed as multiple values per line, so long as each array starts on a new line. For example, the individual Z(r) values are for r = 0.0,dr,2*dr, ... (Nr-1)*dr. The units for the embedding function F are eV. The units for the density function rho are the same as for drho (see above, electron density). The units for the effective charge Z are "atomic charge" or sqrt(Hartree * Bohr-radii). For two interacting atoms i,j this is used to compute the pair potential term in the EAM energy expression as r*phi, in units of eV-Angstroms, via the formula r*phi = 27.2 * 0.529 * Zi * Zj where 1 Hartree = 27.2 eV and 1 Bohr = 0.529 Angstroms. A DYNAMO multi-element setfl file is formatted as follows: * lines 1,2,3 = comments (ignored) * line 4: Nelements Element1 Element2 ... ElementN * line 5: Nrho, drho, Nr, dr, cutoff In a DYNAMO setfl file, line 4 only lists Nelements = the # of elements in the setfl file. The element name (Ni, Cu, etc) of each element must be included on the line, in the order the elements appear in the file. The meaning and units of the values in line 5 is the same as for the funcfl file described above. Note that the cutoff (in Angstroms) is a global value, valid for all pairwise interactions for all element pairings. Following the 5 header lines are Nelements sections, one for each element, each with the following format: * line 1 = atomic number, mass, lattice constant, lattice type (e.g. FCC) * embedding function F(rho) (Nrho values) * density function rho(r) (Nr values) The cubic lattice constant is in Angstroms. The F and rho arrays are unique to a single element and have the same format and units as in a funcfl file. Following the Nelements sections, Nr values for each pair potential phi(r) array are listed for all i,j element pairs in the same format as other arrays. Since these interactions are symmetric (i,j = j,i) only phi arrays with i >= j are listed, in the following order: i,j = (1,1), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (4,1), ..., (Nelements, Nelements). Unlike the effective charge array Z(r) in funcfl files, the tabulated values for each phi function are listed in setfl files directly as r*phi (in units of eV-Angstroms), since they are for atom pairs. A DYNAMO Finnis Sinclair setfl file is formatted as follows: In this case the Model Driver computes pairwise interactions for metals and metal alloys using a generalized form of EAM potentials due to Finnis and Sinclair (Finnis). The total energy Ei of an atom I is given by E_i = F_\alpha( \sum_{j\neq i} \rho_{\alpha \beta}(r_{ij})) + (1/2)\sum_{j\neq i} \phi_{\alpha \beta}(r_{ij}) These files include more information than the DYNAMO setfl format files described above, in that i,j density functionals for all pairs of elements are included as needed by the Finnis/Sinclair formulation of the EAM. * lines 1,2,3 = comments (ignored) * line 4: Nelements Element1 Element2 ... ElementN * line 5: Nrho, drho, Nr, dr, cutoff The 5-line header section is identical to an EAM setfl file. Following the header are Nelements sections, one for each element I, each with the following format: * line 1 = atomic number, mass, lattice constant, lattice type (e.g. FCC) * embedding function F(rho) (Nrho values) * density function rho(r) for element I at element 1 (Nr values) * density function rho(r) for element I at element 2 * ... * density function rho(r) for element I at element Nelement The units of these quantities in line 1 are the same as for setfl files. Note that the rho(r) arrays in Finnis/Sinclair can be asymmetric (i,j != j,i) so there are Nelements^2 of them listed in the file. Following the Nelements sections, Nr values for each pair potential phi(r) array are listed in the same manner (r*phi, units of eV-Angstroms) as in EAM setfl files. Note that in Finnis/Sinclair, the phi(r) arrays are still symmetric, so only phi arrays for i >= j are listed. Natural cubic spline is used to interpolate the tabulated potential data. This spline requires second derivatives at both ends to be zero, and first and second derivatives to be continuous at each internal knot. The contents of the directory are as follows (before any compilation is performed): CreateDispatch.sh Bash shell script used to generate, at compile time, a C++ switch statement that calls the correct templated version of the EAM compute function. EAM.cpp Implementation of Model Driver interface consisting of wrapper functions that call the corresponding member functions of the implementation object. EAM.hpp Header file for the (minimal) Model Driver interface. Here we use the "pointer to implementation" (pimpl) pattern to hide all implementation details. EAM.kim.tpl KIM descriptor template file, contains all variables and methods that are exposed through the KIM API interface EAM_CubicNaturalSpline.hpp defines for a natural cubic spline interpolation and evaluation EAM_CubicNaturalSpline.cpp Implementation of SplineInterpolate for the natural cubic spline. EAM_Implementation.cpp Actual implementation of the EAM driver code. EAM_Implementation.hpp Header file for implementation of EAM. Includes definition of the compute function since this is templated in order to provide the highest possible computational efficiency. LICENSE.CDDL The Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0 file Makefile Makefile to compile and build executables with GNU or Intel compilers README This file kimspec.edn File containing metadata needed by the OpenKIM webapp.