{"creator" "Junhao Li" "contributor-id" "c429164b-1b03-4ce3-a3a8-2568dd2bc449" "description" "This Model contains parameters for the EDIP three-body bond-order potential for pure germanium, as given in V.I. Belko, V.E. Gusakov, N.N. Dorozhkin. Potential EDIP for germanium: parameterization and molecular dynamics simulation of point defects, Proc. IV International Conference, Materials and Structures of Modern Electronics. Minsk, Belarus, September 23-24, 2010. – pp. 15-18. This is a general purpose potential for studying a wide array of bulk structures and defects in germanium." "domain" "openkim.org" "extended-id" "EDIP_BOP_Belko_Gusakov_Dorozhkin_Ge__MO_129433059219_000" "kim-api-version" "1.6" "maintainer-id" "c429164b-1b03-4ce3-a3a8-2568dd2bc449" "model-driver" "EDIP_BOP_C__MD_506186535567_001" "publication-year" "2015" "source-citations" [{"address" "Minsk, Belarus" "author" "Belko, V. I. and Gusakov, V. E. and Dorozhkin, N. N." "booktitle" "Proc. IV International Conference, Materials and Structures of Modern Electronics" "day" "23--24" "month" "Sep" "pages" "15--18" "recordkey" "MO_129433059219_000a" "recordtype" "inproceedings" "title" "Potential {EDIP} for germanium: parameterization and molecular dynamics simulation of point defects" "year" "2010"}] "species" ["Ge"] "title" "EDIP Potential for Germanium from Belko et al 2010"}