{"content-origin" "http://cmse.postech.ac.kr/home_2nnmeam" "contributor-id" "86641537-5b2e-45c0-b325-361cf2bd5768" "description" "Modified embedded-atom method (MEAM) interatomic potentials for the Ti–C binary system has been developed using previously developed MEAM potentials of Ti and C. The potential parameters were determined by fitting to experimental data on the enthalpy of formation, lattice parameter, elastic constants, thermal linear expansion of NaCl-type TiC, and dilute heat of solution of carbon and nitrogen atoms in hexagonal close-packed Ti. In the original paper (Kim and Lee, Acta Materialia, 56(14), 2008), the potentials can describe fundamental physical properties (structural, elastic, thermal and surface properties) of the alloys well, in good agreement with experimental information or first-principles calculations." "developer" ["b49d8c1b-f150-4c82-b751-f0a131e694f7" "c8ad0beb-f4c8-4ddc-8a25-372f5cc4a17e"] "doi" "10.25950/99462e6c" "domain" "openkim.org" "executables" [] "extended-id" "MEAM_LAMMPS_KimLee_2008_TiC__MO_134206624109_002" "kim-api-version" "2.2" "maintainer-id" "86641537-5b2e-45c0-b325-361cf2bd5768" "model-driver" "MEAM_LAMMPS__MD_249792265679_002" "potential-type" "meam" "publication-year" "2023" "source-citations" [{"author" "Kim, Young-Min and Lee, Byeong-Joo" "doi" "10.1016/j.actamat.2008.03.027" "journal" "Acta materialia" "number" "14" "pages" "3481--3489" "publisher" "Elsevier" "recordkey" "MO_134206624109_002a" "recordprimary" "recordprimary" "recordtype" "article" "title" "Modified embedded-atom method interatomic potentials for the {T}i--{C} and {T}i--{N} binary systems" "volume" "56" "year" "2008"}] "species" ["Ti" "C"] "title" "MEAM Potential for the Ti-C system developed by Kim, and Lee (2008) v002"}