{ "title" "Finnis-Sinclair potential for Ag developed by Ackland et al. (1987)" "extended-id" "EAM_Dynamo_Ackland_Tichy_Ag__MO_212700056563_004" "model-driver" "EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_004" "species" [ "Ag" ] "creator" "Graeme J. Ackland" "description" "Finnis-Sinclair potential for Ag developed by Ackland et al. (1987). The total energy is regarded as consisting of a pair-potential part and a many-body cohesive part. Both of these parts are functions of the atomic separations only and are represented by cubic splines, fitted to various bulk properties. Using this potential, point defects, surfaces (including the surface reconstructions) and grain boundaries have been studied and satisfactory agreement with available experimental data has been found. An alternate version is available with added close-range repulsion for radiation studies, see https://openkim.org/cite/MO_055919219575_000" "source-citations" [{"author" "G. J. Ackland and G. Tichy and V. Vitek and M. W. Finnis" "title" "Simple {N}-body potentials for the noble metals and nickel" "journal" "Philosophical Magazine A" "volume" "56" "number" "6" "pages" "735--756" "year" "1987" "doi" "10.1080/01418618708204485" "recordtype" "article" "recordkey" "MO_212700056563_004a"}] "content-origin" "NIST IPRP (http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/potentials/Ag.html)" "content-other-locations" "http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/graeme/moldy/moldy.html" "contributor-id" "c3e36b7f-82b0-46cb-9af3-94f80655331e" "maintainer-id" "c3e36b7f-82b0-46cb-9af3-94f80655331e" "publication-year" "2018" "kim-api-version" "1.6" "domain" "openkim.org" }