{ "contributor-id" "30bc769c-3edd-40c8-9680-1a14b1068e4b" "description" "An empirical potential for silicon. Molecular-dynamics methods and simulated annealing techniques were used to study the structural properties of small silicon clusters with this potential. A detailed comparison has been made between the results and those obtained from other theoretical methods. It is found that the results are close to those obtained using ab initio techniques. A significant improvement over other empirical potentials is observed." "developer" [ "fd1c39b5-2b69-49d1-aed0-5983566e4bfd" ] "doi" "10.25950/7956f678" "domain" "openkim.org" "extended-id" "ThreeBodyCluster_Gong_Gong_1993_Si__MO_407755720412_000" "kim-api-version" "2.0" "maintainer-id" "30bc769c-3edd-40c8-9680-1a14b1068e4b" "model-driver" "ThreeBodyCluster_Gong__MD_065419309200_000" "potential-type" "gong" "publication-year" "2019" "source-citations" [ { "author" "Gong, XG" "doi" "10.1103/PhysRevB.47.2329" "journal" "Physical Review B" "number" "4" "pages" "2329-2332" "recordkey" "MO_407755720412_000a" "recordprimary" "recordprimary" "recordtype" "article" "title" "Empirical-potential studies on the structural properties of small silicon clusters" "volume" "47" "year" "1993" } ] "species" [ "Si" ] "title" "Three-body cluster potential for Si by Gong (1993) v000" }