2 Mo Mo 18.431006000000014 0.006417863210000008 4.737178129999999 0 6.1694045400000075 1.538004999999998 5.54660 Mo S 8.838613050000008 1.0479360300000011 8.266217440000004 0 1.9296799099999997 1.538004999999998 4.02692 S S 0.37463396299999996 561.4292700000284 2.6619691299999673 0 0.41904814400000867 1.538004999999998 4.51956 Mo S S 4.287840759999989 0.1428569579923222 3.86095 S Mo Mo 14.428502599999979 0.1428569579923222 5.54660 # # Format of parameter file: # # First line: number of species # # Lines 2~4: parameters for 2-body interaction # species1 species2 A B p q sigma gamma cutoff # # Lines 5~6: parameters for 3-body interaction # species1 species2 species3 lambda cos_beta0 cutoff_jk # # species is valid KIM API particle species string # A and lambda in [eV] # sigma, gamma, cutoff, and cutoff_jk in [Angstrom] # others are unitless #