{ "content-origin" "http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/potentials/Cu.html" "contributor-id" "f3251c9e-5721-45a2-a0fc-1e48977d95e2" "description" "The same as the Cu potential in [M.I. Mendelev, M.J. Kramer, C.A. Becker and M. Asta, Phil. Mag. 88, 1723 - 1750 (2008).] except of improvement of stacking fault energy." "developer" [ "d90f22d8-170d-4d78-b64f-59356f729f92" "f3251c9e-5721-45a2-a0fc-1e48977d95e2" ] "doi" "10.25950/34748b8d" "domain" "openkim.org" "extended-id" "EAM_Dynamo_MendelevKing_2013_Cu__MO_748636486270_005" "kim-api-version" "2.0" "maintainer-id" "f3251c9e-5721-45a2-a0fc-1e48977d95e2" "model-driver" "EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_005" "potential-type" "eam" "publication-year" "2018" "source-citations" [ { "author" "M. I. Mendelev and A. H. King" "doi" "10.1080/14786435.2012.747012" "journal" "Philosophical Magazine" "number" "10-12" "pages" "1268--1278" "publisher" "Taylor \\& Francis" "recordkey" "MO_748636486270_005a" "recordprimary" "recordprimary" "recordtype" "article" "title" "The interactions of self-interstitials with twin boundaries" "volume" "93" "year" "2013" } ] "species" [ "Cu" ] "title" "Finnis-Sinclair potential (LAMMPS cubic hermite tabulation) for Cu with improved stacking fault energy developed by Mendelv and King (2013) v005" }