{"contributor-id" "729049db-685a-43b1-97a8-617daa2586ba" "description" "A parallel MACE equivariant graph neural network for Si. This is a general purpose MLIP for Silicon, which can be employed for miscellaneous tasks owing to the broad dataset used in training. It was trained with a cutoff radius of 4 angstroms with max order of spherical harmonics set to 1. The hidden representation was set to 32x0e + 32x1o, meaning that it has equivariant symmetry equivalent to spherical harmonics of order 1 (1o). Number of graph convolutions to 3, correlation order was set to 2 (max tensor product body order = 3). For training, the GAP Si PRX (Bartók et al. Phys. Rev. X 8, 041048) dataset was used. The model was trained on energy and forces, with weight 1 and 1000 respectively. The model was trained till convergence, then the best model performing model on validation set selected." "developer" ["729049db-685a-43b1-97a8-617daa2586ba" "e1b97ecf-68df-423a-97de-e11a40dc4dde" "360c0aed-48ce-45f6-ba13-337f12a531e8"] "doi" "10.25950/6f365f7b" "domain" "openkim.org" "executables" [] "extended-id" "TorchML_MACE_GuptaTadmorMartiniani_2024_Si__MO_781946209112_000" "kim-api-version" "2.3" "maintainer-id" "729049db-685a-43b1-97a8-617daa2586ba" "model-driver" "TorchML__MD_173118614730_000" "potential-type" "mace" "publication-year" "2024" "source-citations" [{"author" "Bart{\\'o}k, Albert P and Kermode, James and Bernstein, Noam and Cs{\\'a}nyi, G{\\'a}bor" "doi" "10.1103/PhysRevX.8.041048" "issue" "4" "journal" "Physical Review X" "pages" "041048" "publisher" "American Physical Society" "recordkey" "MO_196181738937_000a" "recordtype" "article" "title" "Machine learning a general-purpose interatomic potential for silicon" "volume" "8" "year" "2018"}] "species" ["Si"] "title" "Parallel MACE Equivariant GNN for Si developed by Gupta et al. (2024) v000"}