{"creator" "Mark R. Gilbert" "contributor-id" "c2a3340e-1ed1-47b0-86d1-0fb98fa0375d" "description" "Famous Mendelev parameterization for a generic cubic splines model driver: model_driver_PF_cubic_splines__MD_620624592962_001. See original publication for further details (Mendelev et al., Philos. Mag. 2003)." "disclaimer" "" "domain" "openkim.org" "extended-id" "model_Fe_PF_mendelev__MO_856295952425_001" "kim-api-version" "1.6" "maintainer-id" "c2a3340e-1ed1-47b0-86d1-0fb98fa0375d" "model-driver" "model_driver_PF_cubic_splines__MD_620624592962_001" "publication-year" "2014" "source-citations" [{"author" "M. I. Mendelev and S. Han and D. J. Srolovitz and G. J. Ackland and D. Y. Sun and M. Asta" "doi" "10.1080/14786430310001613264" "journal" "Philosophical Magazine" "number" "35" "pages" "3977--3994" "publisher" "Taylor \\& Francis" "recordkey" "MO_856295952425_001a" "recordtype" "article" "title" "Development of new interatomic potentials appropriate for crystalline and liquid iron" "volume" "83" "year" "2003"}] "species" ["Fe"] "title" "Model parameterization for the cubic splines EAM model driver: model_driver_PF_cubic_splines__MD_620624592962_001"}