/* */ /* Copyright (c) 2013--2022, Regents of the University of Minnesota. */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Contributors: */ /* Ryan S. Elliott */ /* Ellad B. Tadmor */ /* Stephen M. Whalen */ /* */ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* */ /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either */ /* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU */ /* Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */ /* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, */ /* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* */ /******************************************************************************* * * EAM_NN_Johnson_1988_Cu * * Johnson pair functional model for Cu * * Reference: R. A. Johnson, "Analytic nearest-neighbor model for fcc metals", * Phys. Rev. B, 55(8):4941-4946, 1988. * * Language: C * *******************************************************************************/ #include "KIM_ModelHeaders.h" #include #include #include #include #include "KIM_LogMacros.h" #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /****************************************************************************** * Below are the definitions and values of all Model parameters *******************************************************************************/ #define DIM 3 /* dimensionality of space */ #define SPECCODE 1 /* internal species code */ #define MODEL_CUTOFF 3.5 /* cutoff radius in angstroms */ #define MODEL_CUTSQ (MODEL_CUTOFF * MODEL_CUTOFF) #define JEAM_R0 2.556 /* A */ #define JEAM_PHI0 0.59 /* eV */ #define JEAM_GAM 8.00 #define JEAM_G0 0.30 /* eV */ #define JEAM_BET 5.85 #define JEAM_EC 3.54 /* eV/atom */ #define JEAM_ALF 5.09 #define JEAM_RHO0 3.60 /* eV (=12*JEAM_G0) */ /* Model buffer definition */ struct buffer { int modelWillNotRequestNeighborsOfNoncontributingParticles; double influenceDistance; double cutoff; }; typedef struct buffer buffer; /* Define prototype for Model create */ int model_create(KIM_ModelCreate * const modelCreate, KIM_LengthUnit const requestedLengthUnit, KIM_EnergyUnit const requestedEnergyUnit, KIM_ChargeUnit const requestedChargeUnit, KIM_TemperatureUnit const requestedTemperatureUnit, KIM_TimeUnit const requestedTimeUnit); /* Define prototypes for model reinit, compute, and destroy */ /* defined as static to avoid namespace clashes with other Models */ /**/ static int compute(KIM_ModelCompute const * const modelCompute, KIM_ModelComputeArguments const * const modelComputeArguments); static int compute_arguments_create( KIM_ModelCompute const * const modelCompute, KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsCreate * const modelComputeArgumentsCreate); static int compute_arguments_destroy( KIM_ModelCompute const * const modelCompute, KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsDestroy * const modelComputeArgumentsDestroy); static int model_destroy(KIM_ModelDestroy * const modelDestroy); /**/ static void calc_phi(double r, double * phi); static void calc_phi_dphi(double r, double * phi, double * dphi); static void calc_g(double r, double * g); static void calc_dg(double r, double * dg); static void calc_U(double rho, double * U); static void calc_U_dU(double rho, double * U, double * dU); /* Calculate pair potential phi(r) */ static void calc_phi(double r, double * phi) { /* local variables */ double rnorm; if (r > MODEL_CUTOFF) { /* Argument exceeds cutoff radius */ *phi = 0.0; } else { rnorm = r / JEAM_R0; *phi = JEAM_PHI0 * exp(-JEAM_GAM * (rnorm - 1.0)); } return; } /* Calculate pair potential phi(r) and its derivative dphi(r) */ static void calc_phi_dphi(double r, double * phi, double * dphi) { /* local variables */ double rnorm; if (r > MODEL_CUTOFF) { /* Argument exceeds cutoff radius */ *phi = 0.0; *dphi = 0.0; } else { rnorm = r / JEAM_R0; *phi = JEAM_PHI0 * exp(-JEAM_GAM * (rnorm - 1.0)); *dphi = -(JEAM_GAM / JEAM_R0) * (*phi); } return; } /* Calculate electron density g(r) */ static void calc_g(double r, double * g) { /* local variables */ double rnorm; if (r > MODEL_CUTOFF) { /* Argument exceeds cutoff radius */ *g = 0.0; } else { rnorm = r / JEAM_R0; *g = JEAM_G0 * exp(-JEAM_BET * (rnorm - 1.0)); } return; } /* Calculate electron density derivative dg(r) */ static void calc_dg(double r, double * dg) { /* local variables */ double rnorm; double g; if (r > MODEL_CUTOFF) { /* Argument exceeds cutoff radius */ *dg = 0.0; } else { rnorm = r / JEAM_R0; g = JEAM_G0 * exp(-JEAM_BET * (rnorm - 1.0)); *dg = -(JEAM_BET / JEAM_R0) * g; } return; } /* Calculate embedding function U(rho) */ static void calc_U(double rho, double * U) { /* local variables */ double rhonorm; double rhonorm_gob; double rhonorm_aob; double logrhonorm; double aob; double gob; if (rho == 0.0) { *U = 0.0; return; } aob = JEAM_ALF / JEAM_BET; gob = JEAM_GAM / JEAM_BET; rhonorm = rho / JEAM_RHO0; rhonorm_aob = pow(rhonorm, aob); rhonorm_gob = pow(rhonorm, gob); logrhonorm = log(rhonorm); *U = -JEAM_EC * (1.0 - aob * logrhonorm) * rhonorm_aob - 6.0 * JEAM_PHI0 * rhonorm_gob; return; } /* Calculate embedding function U(rho) and first derivative dU(rho) */ static void calc_U_dU(double rho, double * U, double * dU) { /* local variables */ double rhonorm; double rhonorm_gob; double rhonorm_aob; double logrhonorm; double aob; double gob; if (rho == 0.0) { *U = 0.0; *dU = 0.0; return; } aob = JEAM_ALF / JEAM_BET; gob = JEAM_GAM / JEAM_BET; rhonorm = rho / JEAM_RHO0; rhonorm_aob = pow(rhonorm, aob); rhonorm_gob = pow(rhonorm, gob); logrhonorm = log(rhonorm); *U = -JEAM_EC * (1.0 - aob * logrhonorm) * rhonorm_aob - 6.0 * JEAM_PHI0 * rhonorm_gob; *dU = (JEAM_EC * aob * aob * logrhonorm * rhonorm_aob - 6.0 * JEAM_PHI0 * gob * rhonorm_gob) / rho; return; } /* compute function */ #undef KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME KIM_ModelCompute_LogEntry #undef KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME modelCompute static int compute(KIM_ModelCompute const * const modelCompute, KIM_ModelComputeArguments const * const modelComputeArguments) { double r; double Rij[DIM]; double Rsqij; double phi; double dphi; double g; double dg; double dU; double dphieff = 0.0; double dphii; double dUi; double Ei; double dphij; double dUj; double Ej; int ier; int i; int j; int jj; int k; int comp_force; int comp_particleEnergy; int comp_virial; int comp_energy; double * rho; double U; double * derU = 0; int const * neighListOfCurrentPart; int numOfPartNeigh; int * nParts; double * energy; double * coords; double * force; double * particleEnergy; int * particleContributing; int * particleSpeciesCodes; double * virial; LOG_INFORMATION("Getting data pointers"); ier = KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerInteger( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_numberOfParticles, &nParts) || KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerInteger( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_particleSpeciesCodes, &particleSpeciesCodes) || KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerInteger( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_particleContributing, &particleContributing) || KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerDouble( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_coordinates, &coords) || KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerDouble( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialEnergy, &energy) || KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerDouble( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialForces, &force) || KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerDouble( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialParticleEnergy, &particleEnergy) || KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetArgumentPointerDouble( modelComputeArguments, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialVirial, &virial); if (ier) { LOG_ERROR("get data pointers failed"); return ier; } comp_energy = (energy != 0); comp_force = (force != 0); comp_particleEnergy = (particleEnergy != 0); comp_virial = (virial != 0); /* Check to be sure that the species are correct */ /**/ ier = TRUE; /* assume an error */ for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i) { if (SPECCODE != particleSpeciesCodes[i]) { LOG_ERROR("Unexpected species code detected"); return ier; } } ier = FALSE; /* everything is ok */ /* initialize potential energies, forces, and virial term */ /* Note: that the variable `particleEnergy' does not need to be initialized * because it's initial value is set during the embedding energy calculation. */ if (comp_energy) { *energy = 0.0; } if (comp_force) { for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i) { for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k) { force[i * DIM + k] = 0.0; } } } if (comp_virial) { for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { virial[i] = 0.0; } } /* pair functional electron density */ rho = (double *) malloc((*nParts) * sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i) { rho[i] = 0.0; } /* EAM embedded energy deriv */ if ((comp_force) || (comp_virial)) { derU = (double *) malloc((*nParts) * sizeof(double)); } /* loop over particles in the neighbor list a first time, * to compute electron density (=coordination) */ LOG_INFORMATION("Starting first compute loop for elctron density"); for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i) { if (particleContributing[i]) { ier = KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetNeighborList(modelComputeArguments, 0, i, &numOfPartNeigh, &neighListOfCurrentPart); if (ier) { /* some sort of problem, exit */ LOG_ERROR("GetNeighborList failed"); ier = TRUE; return ier; } /* loop over the neighbors of particle i */ for (jj = 0; jj < numOfPartNeigh; ++jj) { j = neighListOfCurrentPart[jj]; /* get neighbor ID */ if (!(particleContributing[j] && j < i)) /* short-circuit half-list */ { /* compute relative position vector and squared distance */ Rsqij = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k) { Rij[k] = coords[j * DIM + k] - coords[i * DIM + k]; /* compute squared distance */ Rsqij += Rij[k] * Rij[k]; } /* compute contribution to electron density */ if (Rsqij < MODEL_CUTSQ) /* particles are interacting ? */ { r = sqrt(Rsqij); /* compute distance */ calc_g(r, &g); /* compute electron density */ rho[i] += g; /* accumulate electron density */ if (particleContributing[j]) { rho[j] += g; } } } } /* loop on jj */ } /* if contributing */ } /* loop on i */ /* Now that we know the electron densities, calculate embedding part * of energy U and its derivative U' (derU) */ LOG_INFORMATION("Starting second compute loop for embedding part of energy"); for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i) { if (particleContributing[i]) { if (comp_force || comp_virial) { calc_U_dU( rho[i], &U, &dU); /* compute embedding energy and its derivative */ derU[i] = dU; /* store dU for later use */ } else { calc_U(rho[i], &U); /* compute just embedding energy */ } /* accumulate the embedding energy contribution */ /* Assuming U)rho=0) = 0.0 */ if (comp_particleEnergy) { particleEnergy[i] = U; } if (comp_energy) { *energy += U; } } } /* Loop over particles in the neighbor list a second time to compute * the forces and complete energy calculation */ LOG_INFORMATION("Starting thrid compute loop for forces and energy"); for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i) { if (particleContributing[i]) { ier = KIM_ModelComputeArguments_GetNeighborList(modelComputeArguments, 0, i, &numOfPartNeigh, &neighListOfCurrentPart); if (ier) { /* some sort of problem, exit */ LOG_ERROR("GetNeighborList failed"); ier = TRUE; return ier; } /* loop over the neighbors of atom i */ for (jj = 0; jj < numOfPartNeigh; ++jj) { j = neighListOfCurrentPart[jj]; /* get neighbor ID */ if (!(particleContributing[j] && j < i)) /* short-circuit half-list */ { /* compute relative position vector and squared distance */ Rsqij = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k) { Rij[k] = coords[j * DIM + k] - coords[i * DIM + k]; /* compute squared distance */ Rsqij += Rij[k] * Rij[k]; } /* compute energy and force */ if (Rsqij < MODEL_CUTSQ) /* particles are interacting ? */ { r = sqrt(Rsqij); if (comp_force || comp_virial) { /* compute pair potential and its derivative */ calc_phi_dphi(r, &phi, &dphi); /* copmute elect dens first deriv */ calc_dg(r, &dg); /* compute dEidr */ /* HALF mode -- double contribution */ if (particleContributing[j]) { dphii = 0.5 * dphi; dphij = 0.5 * dphi; dUi = derU[i] * dg; dUj = derU[j] * dg; } else { dphii = 0.5 * dphi; dphij = 0.0; dUi = derU[i] * dg; dUj = 0.0; } dphieff = dphii + dphij + dUi + dUj; } else { /* compute just pair potential */ calc_phi(r, &phi); } /* HALF mode */ Ei = 0.5 * phi; if (particleContributing[j]) Ej = 0.5 * phi; else Ej = 0.0; /* contribution to energy */ if (comp_particleEnergy) { particleEnergy[i] += Ei; /* accumulate energy Ei */ particleEnergy[j] += Ej; /* accumulate energy Ej */ } if (comp_energy) { *energy += Ei; /* accumulate energy */ *energy += Ej; /* accumulate energy */ } /* contribution to virial tensor */ if (comp_virial) { /* virial(i,j) = r(i)*r(j)*(dV/dr)/r */ virial[0] += Rij[0] * Rij[0] * dphieff / r; virial[1] += Rij[1] * Rij[1] * dphieff / r; virial[2] += Rij[2] * Rij[2] * dphieff / r; virial[3] += Rij[1] * Rij[2] * dphieff / r; virial[4] += Rij[0] * Rij[2] * dphieff / r; virial[5] += Rij[0] * Rij[1] * dphieff / r; } /* contribution to forces */ if (comp_force) { /* Ei contribution */ for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k) { force[i * DIM + k] += dphieff * Rij[k] / r; /* accumulate force on atom i */ force[j * DIM + k] -= dphieff * Rij[k] / r; /* accumulate force on atom j */ } } } } } /* loop on jj */ } /* if contributing */ } /* loop on i */ LOG_INFORMATION("Finished compute loop"); /* Free temporary storage */ free(rho); if (comp_force || comp_virial) { free(derU); } /* everything is great */ ier = FALSE; return ier; } /* Create function */ /* Define prototype for Model create */ #undef KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME KIM_ModelCreate_LogEntry #undef KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME modelCreate int model_create(KIM_ModelCreate * const modelCreate, KIM_LengthUnit const requestedLengthUnit, KIM_EnergyUnit const requestedEnergyUnit, KIM_ChargeUnit const requestedChargeUnit, KIM_TemperatureUnit const requestedTemperatureUnit, KIM_TimeUnit const requestedTimeUnit) { buffer * bufferPointer; int error; /* set units */ LOG_INFORMATION("Set model units"); error = KIM_ModelCreate_SetUnits(modelCreate, /* ignoring requested units */ KIM_LENGTH_UNIT_A, KIM_ENERGY_UNIT_eV, KIM_CHARGE_UNIT_unused, KIM_TEMPERATURE_UNIT_unused, KIM_TIME_UNIT_unused); /* register species */ LOG_INFORMATION("Setting species code"); error = error || KIM_ModelCreate_SetSpeciesCode( modelCreate, KIM_SPECIES_NAME_Cu, SPECCODE); /* register numbering */ LOG_INFORMATION("Setting model numbering"); error = error || KIM_ModelCreate_SetModelNumbering(modelCreate, KIM_NUMBERING_zeroBased); /* register function pointers */ LOG_INFORMATION("Register model function pointers"); error = error || KIM_ModelCreate_SetRoutinePointer(modelCreate, KIM_MODEL_ROUTINE_NAME_Compute, KIM_LANGUAGE_NAME_c, TRUE, (KIM_Function *) &compute); error = error || KIM_ModelCreate_SetRoutinePointer( modelCreate, KIM_MODEL_ROUTINE_NAME_ComputeArgumentsCreate, KIM_LANGUAGE_NAME_c, TRUE, (KIM_Function *) &compute_arguments_create); error = error || KIM_ModelCreate_SetRoutinePointer( modelCreate, KIM_MODEL_ROUTINE_NAME_ComputeArgumentsDestroy, KIM_LANGUAGE_NAME_c, TRUE, (KIM_Function *) &compute_arguments_destroy); error = error || KIM_ModelCreate_SetRoutinePointer(modelCreate, KIM_MODEL_ROUTINE_NAME_Destroy, KIM_LANGUAGE_NAME_c, TRUE, (KIM_Function *) &model_destroy); /* allocate buffer */ bufferPointer = (buffer *) malloc(sizeof(buffer)); /* store model buffer in KIM object */ LOG_INFORMATION("Set influence distance and cutoffs"); KIM_ModelCreate_SetModelBufferPointer(modelCreate, bufferPointer); /* set buffer values */ bufferPointer->influenceDistance = MODEL_CUTOFF; bufferPointer->cutoff = MODEL_CUTOFF; bufferPointer->modelWillNotRequestNeighborsOfNoncontributingParticles = 1; /* register influence distance */ KIM_ModelCreate_SetInfluenceDistancePointer( modelCreate, &(bufferPointer->influenceDistance)); /* register cutoff */ KIM_ModelCreate_SetNeighborListPointers( modelCreate, 1, &(bufferPointer->cutoff), (const int *) &( bufferPointer ->modelWillNotRequestNeighborsOfNoncontributingParticles)); if (error) { free(bufferPointer); LOG_ERROR("Unable to successfully initialize model"); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /* Initialization function */ #undef KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME KIM_ModelDestroy_LogEntry #undef KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME modelDestroy int model_destroy(KIM_ModelDestroy * const modelDestroy) { buffer * bufferPointer; LOG_INFORMATION("Getting buffer"); KIM_ModelDestroy_GetModelBufferPointer(modelDestroy, (void **) &bufferPointer); LOG_INFORMATION("Freeing model memory"); free(bufferPointer); return FALSE; } /* compute arguments create routine */ #undef KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_FUNCTION_NAME KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsCreate_LogEntry #undef KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME #define KIM_LOGGER_OBJECT_NAME modelComputeArgumentsCreate static int compute_arguments_create( KIM_ModelCompute const * const modelCompute, KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsCreate * const modelComputeArgumentsCreate) { int error; (void) modelCompute; /* Avoid unused argument warning */ /* register arguments */ LOG_INFORMATION("Register argument supportStatus"); error = KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsCreate_SetArgumentSupportStatus( modelComputeArgumentsCreate, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialEnergy, KIM_SUPPORT_STATUS_optional); error = error || KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsCreate_SetArgumentSupportStatus( modelComputeArgumentsCreate, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialForces, KIM_SUPPORT_STATUS_optional); error = error || KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsCreate_SetArgumentSupportStatus( modelComputeArgumentsCreate, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialParticleEnergy, KIM_SUPPORT_STATUS_optional); error = error || KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsCreate_SetArgumentSupportStatus( modelComputeArgumentsCreate, KIM_COMPUTE_ARGUMENT_NAME_partialVirial, KIM_SUPPORT_STATUS_optional); /* register call backs */ LOG_INFORMATION("Register call back supportStatus"); if (error) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to successfully initialize compute arguments"); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /* compute arguments destroy routine */ static int compute_arguments_destroy( KIM_ModelCompute const * const modelCompute, KIM_ModelComputeArgumentsDestroy * const modelComputeArgumentsDestroy) { (void) modelCompute; /* avoid unused parameter warning */ (void) modelComputeArgumentsDestroy; /* avoid unused parameter warning */ /* Nothing further to do */ return FALSE; }