{"description" "This Model contains parameters for the EDIP three-body bond-order potential for pure silicon, as given in J. F. Justo, M. Z. Bazant, E. Kaxiras, V. V. Bulatov, and S. Yip, Phys. Rev. B 58, 2539 (1998). This is a general purpose potential for studying a wide array of bulk structures and defects in silicon." "disclaimer" "" "domain" "openkim.org" "kim-api-version" "1.5" "extended-id" "EDIP_BOP_Bazant_Kaxiras_Si__MO_958932894036_000" "model-driver" "EDIP_BOP_C__MD_506186535567_000" "source-citations" "J. F. Justo, M. Z. Bazant, E. Kaxiras, V. V. Bulatov, and S. Yip, Phys. Rev. B 58, 2539 (1998)." "species" ["Si"] "title" "Original EDIP potential for elemental silicon." "creator" "Daniel Karls" "contributor-id" "4d62befd-21c4-42b8-a472-86132e6591f3" "maintainer-id" "4d62befd-21c4-42b8-a472-86132e6591f3" "publication-year" "2014"}