Submitted by Daniel S. Karls (karl0100 |AT| umn DOT edu), University of Minnesota. This Test Driver computes the total potential energy and forces acting on a finite cluster of atoms in a rectangular box, supplied in the form of an xyz file which lies in each of its Tests' directories. It then relaxes this config- uration using the Polak-Ribiere version of conjugate gradient minimization (see LAMMPS 'minimize' documentation for more details). The xyz file specifying the initial structure must be of the following form: Natoms Lattice=" Ax Ay Az Bx By Bz Cx Cy Cz " Element positionx positiony positionz Element positionx positiony positionz . . . where A, B, and C are the simulation box edge vectors (fixed boundary conditions), and Element is an integer which specifies the atomic species code used by LAMMPS. The numbering of these species codes should start from 1 and corresponds to the chemical species according to the order of elements specified in pipeline.stdin.tpl: the first species given in pipeline.stdin.tpl should correspond to species 1, the second to species 2, etc (and note that multiple species are separated by spaces). Note: Although the Tests constructed from this Test Driver can be assembled using `testgenie`, the actual xyz data files for each of the Tests are contained in xyz_input_files.txz.