#include "KIM_API_status.h" #define THIS_FILE_NAME __FILE__ program main use KIM_API_F03 use mod_global use mod_crystal use mod_lattice use mod_equilibrium, only : equilibriumCrystal use mod_atomistic, only : Atomistic, constructAtomistic, destroyAtomistic,constructNeighList,pA use mod_kim, only : setup_kim, allocate_kim, initialize_kim, getCutoff_kim, & destroy_kim, write_results_kim, broadcastAtomistic_kim,& getSpeciesCode_kim,compute_kim,setCompute_kim,WriteDescriptorFile use mod_fsge, only : allocateIndComponents,writeFsgeMaterial use KIM_API_F03 implicit none integer(c_int), parameter :: numCellsPerSide = 8 character(len=KIM_KEY_STRING_LENGTH) :: testname,modelname type(c_ptr) :: pkim ! Crystal related variables type(Crystal) :: crystalType, crystalTypeRelaxed integer(c_int) :: numBasisAtoms,numSpecies,i character(len=20):: crystalStructure character(len=2) :: species ! Atomistic system related variables type(Atomistic),target :: atomisticSystem type(Atomistic),pointer :: patomisticSystem real(c_double) :: rcutoff,coord(DIM),latVol integer(c_int) :: numParticles,nbc,speciesCode read(*,*,err=100) testname read(*,*,err=100) modelname read(*,*,err=100) species read(*,*,err=100) crystalStructure read(*,*,err=100) analytical print '(80(''-''))' print '("This is Test : ",A)', trim(testname) print '("Results for KIM Model : ",A)', trim(modelname) print '("Crystal strucutre : ",A)', trim(crystalStructure) print '("Species : ",A)', species ! Initialize the KIM object call WriteDescriptorFile(pkim,species,modelname) ! Perform the hand-shake and determine the boundary conditions and process ! flags call setup_kim(pkim,nbc) select case(trim(crystalStructure)) case('fcc') numBasisAtoms = 1 case('bcc') numBasisAtoms = 1 case('hex') numBasisAtoms = 1 case('hcp') numBasisAtoms = 2 case('diamond') numBasisAtoms = 2 end select call allocateCrystal(crystalType,numBasisAtoms) numParticles = numBasisAtoms * (numCellsPerSide**(DIM)) numSpecies = 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Allocate memory and initialize the kim api object for the sole purpose of ! getting the cutoff and species codes. call allocate_kim(pkim,numParticles,numSpecies) call initialize_kim(pkim,rcutoff) rcutoff = getCutoff_kim(pkim) speciesCode = getSpeciesCode_kim(pkim,species) call destroy_kim(pkim) !!!!!!!!!!!! We are done with the pkim object for now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Prepare a crystal of intial size rcutoff/2, and find the relaxed size crystalType%numSpecies = numSpecies crystalType%basisAtomsSpecies(:) = species crystalType%basisAtomsSpeciesCode(:) = speciesCode select case(trim(crystalStructure)) case('fcc') crystalType%LatticeType = constructFCCLattice(rcutoff/2._cd) crystalType%basisAtomsCoords(:,1) = (/0._cd,0._cd,0._cd/) case('bcc') crystalType%LatticeType = constructBCCLattice(rcutoff/2._cd) crystalType%basisAtomsCoords(:,1) = (/0._cd,0._cd,0._cd/) case('hcp') crystalType%LatticeType = constructHCPLattice(rcutoff/2._cd,rcutoff/2._cd) crystalType%basisAtomsCoords(:,1) = (/0._cd,0._cd,0._cd/) crystalType%basisAtomsCoords(:,2) = & (2._cd/3._cd)*crystalType%LatticeType%latVec(:,1) + & (1._cd/3._cd)*crystalType%LatticeType%latVec(:,2) + & (1._cd/2._cd)*crystalType%LatticeType%latVec(:,3) case('hex') crystalType%LatticeType = constructHCPLattice(rcutoff/3._cd,rcutoff/3._cd) crystalType%basisAtomsCoords(:,1) = (/0._cd,0._cd,0._cd/) case('diamond') crystalType%LatticeType = constructFCCLattice(rcutoff/2._cd) crystalType%basisAtomsCoords(:,1) = (/0._cd,0._cd,0._cd/) crystalType%basisAtomsCoords(:,2) = (/0.25_cd,0.25_cd,0.25_cd/)*rcutoff/2._cd end select crystalTypeRelaxed = equilibriumCrystal(crystalType,crystalStructure,species,modelname) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Now prepare the atomistic system using the relaxed crystal and broadcast ! it ! allocate memory call constructAtomistic(atomisticSystem,numParticles,nbc) patomisticSystem => atomisticSystem call WriteDescriptorFile(pkim,species,modelname) call setup_kim(pkim,nbc) call initialize_kim(pkim,patomisticSystem%cutoff) ! Fill in the coordinates using the relaxed crystal call constructglobalcrystal(numcellsperside,crystalTypeRelaxed,atomisticsystem%coords,atomisticsystem%particlespecies) atomisticSystem%nbc = nbc atomisticSystem%numContributingParticles = 1 atomisticSystem%boxSideLengths = 1000._cd atomisticSystem%numSpecies = numSpecies if (analytical .eq. 1) then atomisticSystem%processdEdrFlag = 1 atomisticSystem%processd2Edr2Flag = 1 else atomisticSystem%processdEdrFlag = 0 atomisticSystem%processd2Edr2Flag = 0 endif ! Broadcast the atomistic system call broadcastAtomistic_kim(pkim,patomisticSystem) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! We are now ready to compute call allocateIndComponents(atomisticSystem%fsgeType,crystalStructure) call allocateIndComponents(atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical,crystalStructure) do i=1,numBasisAtoms coord = atomisticSystem%coords(:,1) atomisticSystem%coords(:,1) = atomisticSystem%coords(:,i) atomisticSystem%coords(:,i) = coord call constructNeighList(atomisticSystem) if (analytical .eq. 1) then pA => atomisticSystem call compute_kim(pkim) nullify(pA) else call numerical_check_Cijkl(pkim,atomisticSystem) call numerical_check_Dijmkln(pkim,atomisticSystem) endif coord = atomisticSystem%coords(:,1) atomisticSystem%coords(:,1) = atomisticSystem%coords(:,i) atomisticSystem%coords(:,i) = coord enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Write results latVol = crystalTypeRelaxed%LatticeType%latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Cijkl = atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Cijkl/latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Dijmkln = atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Dijmkln/latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Tijm = atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Tijm/latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Eijkln = atomisticSystem%fsgeType%Eijkln/latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Cijkl = atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Cijkl/latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Dijmkln = atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Dijmkln/latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Tijm = atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Tijm/latVol atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Eijkln = atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical%Eijkln/latVol if (analytical .eq. 1) then call writeFsgeMaterial(atomisticSystem%fsgeType) else call writeFsgeMaterial(atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical) endif if (analytical .eq. 1) then call write_results_kim(species,crystalStructure,crystalTypeRelaxed,atomisticSystem%fsgeType) else call write_results_kim(species,crystalStructure,crystalTypeRelaxed,atomisticSystem%fsgeTypeNumerical) endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! We are done. Deallocate memory call destroyCrystal(crystalType) call destroyCrystal(crystalTypeRelaxed) call destroyAtomistic(atomisticSystem) call destroy_kim(pkim) nullify(patomisticSystem) 100 stop end program main subroutine numerical_check_Cijkl(pkim,aS) use mod_global use mod_kim, only : setCompute_kim,compute_kim use mod_fsge, only : voigtStrain use mod_atomistic, only : Atomistic, constructNeighList implicit none ! Passed variables type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pkim type(Atomistic),intent(inout) :: aS ! Local variables real(c_double), allocatable :: coords_old(:,:) real(c_double) :: energy_plus,energy_neg, & eps,gradU(DIM,DIM) integer(c_int) :: partIndex,xc,yc,p,q,r,s,t,u,indx(2),nParts ! Set the process flags in the kim api to 0, as we do not need them if (aS%processdEdrFlag .eq. 1) call setCompute_kim(pkim,'process_dEdr',0) if (aS%processd2Edr2Flag .eq. 1) call setCompute_kim(pkim,'process_d2Edr2',0) nParts = aS%numParticles allocate(coords_old(DIM,nParts)) ! Initialize coords_old = aS%coords eps = 5.e-3 do u=1,size(aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%IndComponentsC,1) energy_plus = 0._cd energy_neg = 0._cd indx = voigtStrain(aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%IndComponentsC(u,1)) p = indx(1); q = indx(2) indx = voigtStrain(aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%IndComponentsC(u,2)) r = indx(1); s = indx(2) do t=1,4 aS%coords = coords_old gradU = 0._cd select case(t) case(1) if (p .eq. q) then gradU(p,q) = eps else gradU(p,q) = eps/2._cd gradU(q,p) = eps/2._cd endif if (r .eq. s) then gradU(r,s) = eps else gradU(r,s) = eps/2._cd gradU(s,r) = eps/2._cd endif case(2) if (p .eq. q) then gradU(p,q) = eps else gradU(p,q) = eps/2._cd gradU(q,p) = eps/2._cd endif if (r .eq. s) then gradU(r,s) = -eps else gradU(r,s) = -eps/2._cd gradU(s,r) = -eps/2._cd endif if (p .eq. r .and. q .eq. s) then gradU(p,q) = 0._cd gradU(q,p) = 0._cd endif case(3) if (p .eq. q) then gradU(p,q) = -eps else gradU(p,q) = -eps/2._cd gradU(q,p) = -eps/2._Cd endif if (r .eq. s) then gradU(r,s) = eps else gradU(r,s) = eps/2._cd gradU(s,r) = eps/2._cd endif if (p .eq. r .and. q .eq. s) then gradU(p,q) = 0._cd gradU(q,p) = 0._cd endif case(4) if (p .eq. q) then gradU(p,q) = -eps else gradU(p,q) = -eps/2._cd gradU(q,p) = -eps/2._cd endif if (r .eq. s) then gradU(r,s) = -eps else gradU(r,s) = -eps/2._cd gradU(s,r) = -eps/2._cd endif endselect ! Deform do partIndex = 1,nParts do xc=1,3 do yc=1,3 aS%coords(xc,partIndex) = aS%coords(xc,partIndex) + gradU(xc,yc) * coords_old(yc,partIndex) enddo enddo enddo call constructNeighList(aS) call compute_kim(pkim) if (t .eq. 1 .or. t .eq. 4) then energy_plus = energy_plus + aS%energy elseif (t .eq. 2 .or. t .eq. 3) then energy_neg = energy_neg + aS%energy endif enddo if ( p .eq. r .and. q .eq. s) then aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Cijkl(p,q,r,s) = aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Cijkl(p,q,r,s) + (energy_plus - energy_neg)/(eps**2) else aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Cijkl(p,q,r,s) = aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Cijkl(p,q,r,s) + (energy_plus - energy_neg)/(4._cd * eps**2) endif enddo aS%coords = coords_old deallocate(coords_old) end subroutine numerical_check_Cijkl subroutine numerical_check_Dijmkln(pkim,aS) use mod_global use mod_kim, only : setCompute_kim,compute_kim use mod_fsge, only : voigtStrainGradient use mod_atomistic, only : Atomistic, constructNeighList implicit none ! Passed variables type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pkim type(Atomistic),intent(inout) :: aS ! Local variables real(c_double), allocatable :: coords_original(:,:) integer(c_int) :: p,q,r,s,i,j,m,k,l,n,indx(3),nParts real(c_double) :: energy_plus,energy_neg,eps real(c_double), dimension(DIM,DIM,DIM) :: Cijk, Eijk ! Set the process flags in the kim api to 0, as we do not need them if (aS%processdEdrFlag .eq. 1) call setCompute_kim(pkim,'process_dEdr',0) if (aS%processd2Edr2Flag .eq. 1) call setCompute_kim(pkim,'process_d2Edr2',0) nParts = aS%numParticles allocate(coords_original(DIM,nParts)) coords_original = aS%coords eps = 5.e-3 do q=1,size(aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%IndComponentsD,1) energy_plus = 0._cd energy_neg = 0._cd indx = voigtStrainGradient(aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%IndComponentsD(q,1)) i = indx(1); j = indx(2); m = indx(3) indx = voigtStrainGradient(aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%IndComponentsD(q,2)) k = indx(1); l = indx(2); n = indx(3) do p=1,4 aS%coords = coords_original Eijk = 0._cd Cijk = 0._cd select case(p) case(1) if (i .eq. j) then Eijk(i,j,m) = eps else Eijk(i,j,m) = eps/2._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = eps/2._cd endif if (k .eq. l) then Eijk(k,l,n) = eps else Eijk(k,l,n) = eps/2._cd Eijk(l,k,n) = eps/2._cd endif case(2) if (i .eq. j) then Eijk(i,j,m) = eps else Eijk(i,j,m) = eps/2._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = eps/2._cd endif if (k .eq. l) then Eijk(k,l,n) = -eps else Eijk(k,l,n) = -eps/2._cd Eijk(l,k,n) = -eps/2._cd endif if ( i .eq. k .and. j .eq. l .and. m .eq. n) then Eijk(i,j,m) = 0._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = 0._cd endif case(3) if (i .eq. j) then Eijk(i,j,m) = -eps else Eijk(i,j,m) = -eps/2._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = -eps/2._cd endif if (k .eq. l) then Eijk(k,l,n) = eps else Eijk(k,l,n) = eps/2._cd Eijk(l,k,n) = eps/2._cd endif if ( i .eq. k .and. j .eq. l .and. m .eq. n) then Eijk(i,j,m) = 0._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = 0._cd endif case(4) if (i .eq. j) then Eijk(i,j,m) = -eps else Eijk(i,j,m) = -eps/2._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = -eps/2._cd endif if (k .eq. l) then Eijk(k,l,n) = -eps else Eijk(k,l,n) = -eps/2._cd Eijk(l,k,n) = -eps/2._cd endif end select call Calculate_Cijk(Eijk,Cijk) do r=1,nParts do s=1,DIM aS%coords(s,r) = aS%coords(s,r) + 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,1,1) * coords_original(1,r) * coords_original(1,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,1,2) * coords_original(1,r) * coords_original(2,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,1,3) * coords_original(1,r) * coords_original(3,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,2,1) * coords_original(2,r) * coords_original(1,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,2,2) * coords_original(2,r) * coords_original(2,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,2,3) * coords_original(2,r) * coords_original(3,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,3,1) * coords_original(3,r) * coords_original(1,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,3,2) * coords_original(3,r) * coords_original(2,r) + & 0.5_cd*Cijk(s,3,3) * coords_original(3,r) * coords_original(3,r) enddo enddo call constructNeighList(aS) call compute_kim(pkim) if (p .eq. 1 .or. p .eq. 4) then energy_plus = energy_plus + aS%energy elseif (p .eq. 2 .or. p .eq. 3) then energy_neg = energy_neg + aS%energy endif enddo if ( i .eq. k .and. j .eq. l .and. m .eq. n) then aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Dijmkln(i,j,m,k,l,n) = & aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Dijmkln(i,j,m,k,l,n) + ((energy_plus - energy_neg)/(eps**2)) else aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Dijmkln(i,j,m,k,l,n) = & aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Dijmkln(i,j,m,k,l,n) + ((energy_plus - energy_neg)/(4._cd * eps**2)) endif enddo aS%coords = coords_original deallocate(coords_original) end subroutine numerical_check_Dijmkln subroutine numerical_check_Tijm(pkim,aS) use mod_global use mod_kim, only : setCompute_kim,compute_kim use mod_fsge, only : voigtStrainGradient use mod_atomistic, only : Atomistic, constructNeighList implicit none ! Passed variables type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pkim type(Atomistic),intent(inout) :: aS ! Local variables real(c_double), allocatable :: coords_original(:,:) integer(c_int) :: p,q,r,s,i,j,m,indx(3),nParts real(c_double) :: energy_plus,energy_neg,eps real(c_double), dimension(DIM,DIM,DIM) :: Cijk, Eijk ! Set the process flags in the kim api to 0, as we do not need them if (aS%processdEdrFlag .eq. 1) call setCompute_kim(pkim,'process_dEdr',0) if (aS%processd2Edr2Flag .eq. 1) call setCompute_kim(pkim,'process_d2Edr2',0) nParts = aS%numParticles allocate(coords_original(DIM,nParts)) coords_original = aS%coords eps = 5.e-3 do q=1,18 energy_plus = 0._cd energy_neg = 0._cd indx = voigtStrainGradient(q) i = indx(1); j = indx(2); m = indx(3) do p=1,2 aS%coords = coords_original Eijk = 0._cd Cijk = 0._cd select case(p) case(1) if (i .eq. j) then Eijk(i,j,m) = eps else Eijk(i,j,m) = eps/2._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = eps/2._cd endif case(2) if (i .eq. j) then Eijk(i,j,m) = -eps else Eijk(i,j,m) = -eps/2._cd Eijk(j,i,m) = -eps/2._cd endif end select call Calculate_Cijk(Eijk,Cijk) do r=1,nParts do s=1,3 aS%coords(s,r) = aS%coords(s,r) + 0.5d0*Cijk(s,1,1) * coords_original(1,r) * coords_original(1,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,1,2) * coords_original(1,r) * coords_original(2,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,1,3) * coords_original(1,r) * coords_original(3,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,2,1) * coords_original(2,r) * coords_original(1,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,2,2) * coords_original(2,r) * coords_original(2,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,2,3) * coords_original(2,r) * coords_original(3,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,3,1) * coords_original(3,r) * coords_original(1,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,3,2) * coords_original(3,r) * coords_original(2,r) + & 0.5d0*Cijk(s,3,3) * coords_original(3,r) * coords_original(3,r) enddo enddo call constructNeighList(aS) call compute_kim(pkim) if (p .eq. 1) then energy_plus = energy_plus + aS%energy elseif (p .eq. 2) then energy_neg = energy_neg + aS%energy endif enddo aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Tijm(i,j,m) = aS%fsgeTypeNumerical%Tijm(i,j,m) + (energy_plus - energy_neg)/(2._cd*eps) enddo aS%coords = coords_original deallocate(coords_original) end subroutine numerical_check_Tijm subroutine Calculate_Cijk(Eijk,Cijk) use mod_global implicit none ! Passed variables real(c_double),intent(in) :: Eijk(DIM,DIM,DIM) ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k real(c_double),intent(out) :: Cijk(DIM,DIM,DIM) Cijk = 0._cd do i=1,DIM do j=1,DIM do k=1,DIM Cijk(i,j,k) = Eijk(i,j,k) + Eijk(i,k,j) - Eijk(k,j,i) enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine Calculate_Cijk