#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Author: Brandon Runnels Date: June 2019 Institution: Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Colorado Colorado Springs Email: brunnels@uccs.edu Description: This file contains a test driver for generating GB energy data given an arbitrary tilt axis, tilt range, crystal structure, material, and potential. The purpose of this file is to interface between the OpenKIM framework and the compute_gb_tilt_energy python script that generates LAMMPS input and runs the LAMMPS tests. Please see compute_gb_tilt_energy.py for additional information. Copyright: 2016-2019 University of Colorado Colorado Springs """ import sys import json from compute_isolated_atom_energy import compute_isolated_atom_energy from compute_gb_tilt_energy import compute_gb_tilt_energy # # Import specific parameters from test # model_name = input("Model name: ") print("model_name={}".format(model_name)) a1 = [int(x) for x in input("a1: ").split(" ")] print("a1={}".format(a1)) a2 = [int(x) for x in input("a2: ").split(" ")] print("a2={}".format(a2)) a3 = [int(x) for x in input("a3: ").split(" ")] print("a3={}".format(a3)) species = input("Species: ") print("species={}".format(species)) short_name = input("Lattice type: ") print("short_name=" + short_name) a_cohesive_energy = [ float(x) for x in json.loads(input("Lattice constant (meters) and cohesive energy (J): ")) ] a = a_cohesive_energy[0] * 1e10 # convert meters to Angstroms print("a={}".format(a)) cohesive_energy = ( a_cohesive_energy[1] * 6.242e18 ) # convert from Joules to eV print("cohesive_energy={}".format(cohesive_energy)) mass = float(sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n", "")) print("mass={}".format(mass)) theta_min = float(input("Min. tilt angle (degrees): ")) print("theta_min={}".format(theta_min)) theta_max = float(input("Max. tilt angle (degrees): ")) print("theta_max={}".format(theta_max)) max_denominator = int(input("Max. denominator: ")) print("max_denominator={}".format(max_denominator)) a_cohesive_energy_curve = [ list(x) for x in json.loads(input("Lattice constant (meters) and cohesive energy (J): ")) ] a_curve = a_cohesive_energy_curve[0] cohesive_energy_curve = a_cohesive_energy_curve[1] print("cohesive_energy_curve={}".format(cohesive_energy_curve)) x_repeat = int(input("Min. number unit cell repetitions along x direction: ")) print("x_repeat={}".format(x_repeat)) z_repeat = int(input("Min. number unit cell repetitions along z direction: ")) print("z_repeat={}".format(z_repeat)) min_cell_height = float(input("Min. cell height (Angstroms): ")) print("min_cell_height={}".format(min_cell_height)) offset_grid_frac = float( input("Offset grid fraction (as fraction of lattice parameter): ") ) print("offset_grid_frac={}".format(offset_grid_frac)) # # Compute energy of an isolated atom of this species for this model in eV # isolated_atom_energy = compute_isolated_atom_energy( output_dir="output", model_name=model_name, species=species ) print("") print("") print("Isolated atom energy: {} eV".format(isolated_atom_energy)) # # Compute GB energy using comput_gb_tilt_energy python script # # NOTE: If you want to specify a specific grid of offset translation vectors between the # grains, you can do so using the offsets_top and offsets_bottom args. These # consist of lists of lists, where each sublist contains two floats corresponding # to the x and z translations as fractions of the lattice constant. The two lists # given in offsets_top and offsets_bottom and zipped together to form the final # grid of shifts considered for each tilt angle. thetas, relaxed_energies, minimum_distances, sigmas = compute_gb_tilt_energy( output_dir="output", model_name=model_name, species=species, a1=a1, a2=a2, a3=a3, theta_min=theta_min, theta_max=theta_max, max_denominator=max_denominator, lattice_style=short_name, lattice_constant=a, a_curve=a_curve, cohesive_energy_curve=cohesive_energy_curve, offset_grid_frac=offset_grid_frac, x_repeat=x_repeat, z_repeat=z_repeat, min_cell_height=min_cell_height, # offsets_top=offsets_top, # offsets_bottom=offsets_bottom, num_mpi_processors=1, cohesive_energy=cohesive_energy, mass=mass, isolated_atom_energy=isolated_atom_energy, # dump_format = 'cfg', # return_positions = 'files', gzip=False, verbose=True, ) # # Export results to EDN file # edn_out = open("output/results.edn", "w") edn_out.write("{\n") edn_out.write( ' "property-id" "tag:brunnels@noreply.openkim.org,2016-02-18:property/grain-boundary-symmetric-tilt-energy-relaxed-relation-cubic-crystal" \n' ) edn_out.write(' "instance-id" 1 \n') # a edn_out.write(' "a" { \n') edn_out.write(' "source-value" ' + str(a) + "\n") edn_out.write(' "source-unit" "angstrom"\n') edn_out.write(" }\n") # basis-atom-coordinates TODO edn_out.write(' "basis-atom-coordinates" { \n') if short_name == "fcc": edn_out.write( ' "source-value" [ [0 0 0] [0 0.5 0.5] [0.5 0 0.5] [0.5 0.5 0] ] \n' ) elif short_name == "bcc": edn_out.write(' "source-value" [ [0 0 0] [0.5 0.5 0.5] ] \n') elif short_name == "sc": edn_out.write(' "source-value" [ [0 0 0] ] \n') else: raise ("short_name is not of type fcc, bcc, or sc") edn_out.write(" }\n") # interface-offset (ignored) # minimum-atom-separation edn_out.write(' "minimum-atom-separation" {\n') edn_out.write(' "source-value" [ ') for minimum_distance in minimum_distances: edn_out.write(str(minimum_distance) + " ") edn_out.write("] \n") edn_out.write(' "source-unit" "angstrom"\n') edn_out.write(" }\n") # relaxed-grain-boundary-energy edn_out.write(' "relaxed-grain-boundary-energy" {\n') edn_out.write(' "source-value" [ ') for energy in relaxed_energies: edn_out.write(str(energy) + " ") edn_out.write("] \n") edn_out.write(' "source-unit" "J/m^2"\n') edn_out.write(" }\n") # relaxed-interface-positions # edn_out.write(' "relaxed-interface-positions" { \n') # edn_out.write(' "source-value" [\n') # for f in files: # edn_out.write(' "'+f.split('output/')[1]+'"\n' ) # edn_out.write(' ]\n') # edn_out.write(' }\n') # short-name edn_out.write(' "short-name" {\n') edn_out.write(' "source-value" [ "' + short_name + '" ] \n') edn_out.write(" }\n") # sigma edn_out.write(' "sigma" {\n') edn_out.write(' "source-value" [ ') for sigma in sigmas: edn_out.write(str(sigma) + " ") edn_out.write("] \n") edn_out.write(" }\n") # space-group (ignored) # species edn_out.write(' "species" {\n') if short_name == 'fcc' : edn_out.write( ' "source-value" ["' + species + '" "' + species + '" "' + species + '" "' + species + '" ]\n' ) elif short_name == 'bcc' : edn_out.write( ' "source-value" ["' + species + '" "' + species + '" ]\n' ) elif short_name == 'sc' : edn_out.write( ' "source-value" ["' + species + '" ]\n' ) else : raise ("short_name is not of type fcc, bcc, or sc") edn_out.write(" }\n") # tilt-angle edn_out.write(' "tilt-angle" {\n') edn_out.write(' "source-value" [ ') for theta in thetas: edn_out.write(str(theta) + " ") edn_out.write("] \n") edn_out.write(' "source-unit" "degrees"\n') edn_out.write(" }\n") # tilt-axis edn_out.write(' "tilt-axis" {\n') edn_out.write( ' "source-value" [' + str(a3[0]) + " " + str(a3[1]) + " " + str(a3[2]) + "]\n" ) edn_out.write(" }\n") edn_out.write("}\n") edn_out.close() # wyckoff-coordinates (ignored) # wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter (ignored) # wyckoff-species exit(0)