.. _doc.refdata_gen_format: Format of a reference data generator ------------------------------------ Below is the format of a reference data generator -- an output of :mod:`build_tests_refdata_from_aflow`. This data is used by the ``kimgenie`` utility to generate reference data. The fields in the generator are used to populate ``kimspec.edn`` and locate the ``data.edn`` file. This entire generator would be a single line in a reference data generator file. .. data:: species :noindex: the atomic species of the material(s) in this test. These are always in alphabetical order. :type: list[str] .. data:: prototype_label :noindex: the AFLOW prototype label of the material(s) in this test :type: string .. data:: library_prototype_label :noindex: The closest, if any, matching AFLOW library prototype label :type: str .. data:: short_name :noindex: the human-readable name for the structure described by the closest matching library prototype, if any :type: str .. data:: hyperparams_dict Selected DFT hyperparameters of this AFLOW calculation and their values :type: dict .. data:: aflow_version :noindex: Version of the ``aflow++`` executable used for detecting the material's AFLOW prototype designation :type: str .. data:: auid :noindex: AFLOW Unique IDentifier :type: str .. data:: url :noindex: The exact URL that the atomic coordinates were downloaded from :type: str .. data:: kimnum :noindex: 12-digit KIM number :type: str .. data:: kim_user_id :noindex: KIM user ID of the person running the script :type: str .. data:: access_year :noindex: Access year :type: str .. data:: access_date :noindex: Access month and day :type: str .. data:: FILES_TO_COPY :noindex: Generic field containing paths of files for ``kimgenie`` to copy into the rendered item directory. In this case, it contains a single path to the ``data.edn`` file containing a single instance each of the ``binding-energy-crystal`` and ``crystal-structure-npt`` properties. :type: list[str] Example reference data generator ================================ As mentioned above, the entire generator entry entry is written to a single line. Here the formatting is beautified into a multi-line dictionary for clarity. .. code-block:: json { "hyperparams_dict": { "dft_type": [ "PAW_PBE" ], "ldau_type": 2 }, "aflow_version": "3.2.13 w/private patch from D. Hicks", "auid": "aflow:211010b0b4e6eea8", "url": "http://aflowlib.duke.edu/AFLOWDATA/ICSD_WEB/RHL/S2W1_ICSD_202367/CONTCAR.relax.vasp", "species": [ "S", "W" ], "kimnum": "585999763606", "kim_user_id": "4ad03136-ed7f-4316-b586-1e94ccceb311", "access_year": "2023", "access_date": "1-20", "FILES_TO_COPY": [ "Refdata/585999763606/data.edn" ] }