.. _doc.test_gen_format: Format of a test generator -------------------------- Below is the format of a test generator -- an output of :mod:`build_tests_refdata_from_aflow`. This data is used by the ``kimgenie`` utility to generate tests. The fields in the generator are used to populate ``kimspec.edn`` and ``pipeline.stdin.tpl``. This entire generator would be a single line in a test generator file. .. data:: species :noindex: the atomic species of the material(s) in this test. These are always in alphabetical order. :type: list[str] .. data:: prototype_label :noindex: the AFLOW prototype label of the material(s) in this test :type: string .. data:: parameter_names :noindex: the names of the free parameters of this crystal prototype :type: list[str] .. data:: modeltype :noindex: the type of KIM model the test is written for (currently only ``standard`` is supported) :type: str .. data:: version :noindex: version of the test :type: str .. data:: kimnum :noindex: KIM number of the test :type: str .. data:: parameter_sets :noindex: At least one instance a dict containing the following fields. Each element represents an initial guess for the structural relaxation in a test. .. data:: library_prototype_label :noindex: The closest, if any, matching AFLOW library prototype label :type: str .. data:: short_name :noindex: the human-readable name for the structure described by the closest matching library prototype, if any :type: str .. data:: parameter_values :noindex: the values of the free parameters :type: list[str] .. data:: auids :noindex: AFLOW Unique IDentifiers of the exact material used to generate the test (first entry), as well as any duplicates detected at the time of test generation :type: list[float] .. data:: url :noindex: The exact URL that the atomic coordinates were downloaded from :type: str :type: list[dict] Example test generator ====================== As mentioned above, the entire generator entry entry is written to a single line. Here the formatting is beautified into a multi-line dictionary for clarity. .. code-block:: json { "species": [ "O", "Ti" ], "prototype_label": "A5B3_oC32_63_c2f_cf", "parameter_names": [ "a", "b/a", "c/a", "y1", "y2", "y3", "z3", "y4", "z4", "y5", "z5" ], "modeltype": "standard", "version": "000", "kimnum": "489007073567", "num_param_sets": "2", "parameter_sets": [ { "library_prototype_label": "A5B3_oC32_63_c2f_cf-002", "short_name": "metal-nitride; N5Ta3, ICSD #66533", "parameter_values": [ 3.9552, 2.5831564, 2.5363066, 0.7422047, 0.18264386, 0.95388013, 0.88119548, 0.7016208, 0.91839579, 0.85864633, 0.4339456 ], "auids": [ "aflow:1ad28cdb1e2ad43f" ], "url": "http://aflowlib.duke.edu/AFLOWDATA/ICSD_WEB/ORCC/O5Ti3_ICSD_20361/CONTCAR.relax.vasp" }, { "library_prototype_label": "A5B3_oC32_63_c2f_cf-002", "short_name": "metal-nitride; N5Ta3, ICSD #66533", "parameter_values": [ 3.8458, 2.630402, 2.6638931, 0.28043604, 0.70069426, 0.81678213, 0.43386671, 0.44772365, 0.61994119, 0.37125094, 0.43976338 ], "auids": [ "aflow:07c8a822d89cb85c" ], "url": "http://aflowlib.duke.edu/AFLOWDATA/ICSD_WEB/ORCC/O5Ti3_ICSD_50984/CONTCAR.relax.vasp" } ], "kim_user_id": "4ad03136-ed7f-4316-b586-1e94ccceb311" }