#!/usr/bin/env python """ Vacancy Migration Energy (VME) and Formation Energy (VFE) Test Driver Works for Both Cubic and HCP Crystals, at 0 K and 0 GPa This test driver first calculates VME and VFE of several fixed size supercell. Then it extrapolates these results to obtain the dilute limit. VME is calculated by nudged elastic band method. Date: 2015/09/17 Author: Junhao Li Last Update: 2023/06/23 Eric Fuemmeler, University of Minnesota """ # ASE Modules from ase.build import bulk from ase.optimize import FIRE, QuasiNewton, MDMin from ase.data import chemical_symbols from ase.data import reference_states from ase import Atoms, Atom from ase.io import write from ase.constraints import FixAtoms from ase.neb import NEB # KIM Modules from ase.calculators.kim.kim import KIM # Python Modules import os from scipy.optimize import fmin from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import numpy as np import sys import re import json import math from collections import OrderedDict import config as C class VacancyCalculation(object): # Class for calculating vacancy formation energy and relaxation volume def __init__(self, model, elem, lattice, latticeConsts): print('Parameters Input:', elem, model, lattice, latticeConsts) self.elem = elem self.model = model self.lattice = lattice self.latticeConsts = latticeConsts if lattice == 'hcp': atoms = bulk( elem, a = latticeConsts[0], c = latticeConsts[1], crystalstructure = 'hcp', ) else: atoms = bulk( elem, a = latticeConsts[0], crystalstructure = lattice, cubic = True, ) atoms.set_calculator(KIM(model)) self.atoms = atoms self.FIREUncert = 0 # Determine size of the supercell if C.DYNAMIC_CELL_SIZE == True: nAtoms = atoms.get_number_of_atoms() factor = math.pow(8 / nAtoms, 0.333) self.cellSizeMin = int(math.ceil(factor * C.CELL_SIZE_MIN)) self.cellSizeMax = self.cellSizeMin + 2 print('Cell Size Min:', self.cellSizeMin) print('Cell Size Max:', self.cellSizeMax) print('Smallest System Size:', nAtoms * self.cellSizeMin**3) print('Largest System Size:', nAtoms * self.cellSizeMax**3) def _createSupercell(self, size): # Create supercell w/ basic atoms repeated [size] times in each direction superAtoms = self.atoms.copy() superAtoms.set_calculator(KIM(self.model)) superAtoms *= (size, size, size) return superAtoms def _getResultsForSize(self, size): print('Calculating Size', size, '...') atoms = self._createSupercell(size) enAtoms = atoms.get_potential_energy() nAtoms = atoms.get_number_of_atoms() removedAtomPosition = atoms.get_positions()[0] del atoms[0] # Get Initial State initial = atoms.copy() initial.set_calculator(KIM(self.model)) dyn = FIRE(initial, logfile = C.FIRE_LOG) dyn.run(fmax = C.FIRE_TOL, steps = C.FIRE_MAX_STEPS) if dyn.get_number_of_steps() >= C.FIRE_MAX_STEPS: print('[ERR1047]FIRE Failed: Steps Exceeds Maximum.') print('Vacancy Formation Energy May Not Be Accurate.') # Get FIRE Uncertainty enTmp = initial.get_potential_energy() dyn.run(fmax = C.FIRE_TOL * C.EPS, steps = C.UNCERT_STEPS) enUncert = abs(enTmp - initial.get_potential_energy()) self.FIREUncert = max([enUncert, self.FIREUncert]) # Get Final State tmpPositions = atoms.get_positions() tmpPositions[0] = removedAtomPosition atoms.set_positions(tmpPositions) final = atoms.copy() final.set_calculator(KIM(self.model)) dyn = FIRE(final, logfile = C.FIRE_LOG) dyn.run(fmax = C.FIRE_TOL, steps = C.FIRE_MAX_STEPS) if dyn.get_number_of_steps() >= C.FIRE_MAX_STEPS: print('[ERR1047]FIRE Failed: Steps Exceeds Maximum.') print('Vacancy Formation Energy May Not Be Accurate.') # Calculate VFE enInitial = initial.get_potential_energy() formationEnergy = enInitial - enAtoms * (nAtoms - 1) / nAtoms # Calculate VME # Apply NEB images = [initial] for i in range(C.NEB_POINTS): images.append(initial.copy()) images.append(final) for image in images: image.set_calculator(KIM(self.model)) neb = NEB(images) neb.interpolate() minimizer = MDMin(neb) minimizer.run(fmax = C.MDMIN_TOL, steps = C.MDMIN_MAX_STEPS) if minimizer.get_number_of_steps() >= C.MDMIN_MAX_STEPS: print('[ERR1048]NEB Failed: Steps Exceeds Maximum.') print('Vacancy Migration Energy May Not Be Accurate.') # Spline Interpolation x = np.arange(0, C.NEB_POINTS + 2) y = np.array([image.get_potential_energy() for image in images]) f = interp1d(x, -y, kind = 'cubic') # f(x) = -y(x) in order to use fmin xmax = fmin(f, x[int(C.NEB_POINTS / 2 + 1)], ftol = C.FMIN_FTOL) ymax = -f(xmax) enSaddle = ymax[0] migrationEnergy = enSaddle - enInitial # Output Results print('Formation Energy:', formationEnergy) print('Migration Energy:', migrationEnergy) return migrationEnergy, formationEnergy def _getAngle(self, vec1, vec2): # Get angle between two vectors in degrees (always between 0 - 180) vec1Unit = vec1 / np.linalg.norm(vec1) vec2Unit = vec2 / np.linalg.norm(vec2) angle = np.arccos(np.dot(vec1Unit, vec2Unit)) if np.isnan(angle): return 0.0 angle = angle * 180.0 / np.pi return angle def _getFit(self, xdata, ydata, orders): # Polynomial Fitting with Specific Orders A = [] print('\nFit with Size:', xdata) print('Orders:', orders) for order in orders: A.append(np.power(xdata * 1.0, -order)) A = np.vstack(A).T print('Matrix A (Ax = y):\n', A) print('Data for Fitting:', ydata) res = np.linalg.lstsq(A, ydata) print('Fitting Results:', res) return res[0] def _extrapolate(self, sizes, valueBySize, valueFitId, uncertFitsId, systemUncert): # Extrapolate to Obtain VFE and VME of Infinite Size naSizes = np.array(sizes) naValueBySize = np.array(valueBySize) valueFitsBySize = [] for i in range(len(C.FITS_CNT)): cnt = C.FITS_CNT[i] orders = C.FITS_ORDERS[i] print('Fitting w/', cnt, 'points, including orders', orders) valueFits = [] for j in range(0, len(sizes) - cnt + 1): xdata = naSizes[j:(j + cnt)] valueFits.append(self._getFit( xdata, valueBySize[j:(j + cnt)], orders )[0]) valueFitsBySize.append(valueFits) # Get Source Value valueFitCnt = C.FITS_CNT[valueFitId] maxSizeId = len(sizes) - 1 sourceValue = valueFitsBySize[valueFitId][maxSizeId - valueFitCnt + 1] # Get Source Uncertainty (Statistical) sourceUncert = 0 for uncertFitId in uncertFitsId: uncertFitCnt = C.FITS_CNT[uncertFitId] uncertValue = valueFitsBySize[uncertFitId][maxSizeId - uncertFitCnt + 1] sourceUncert = max([abs(uncertValue - sourceValue), sourceUncert]) # Include systematic error, assuming it is independent of statistical errors sourceUncert = math.sqrt(sourceUncert**2 + systemUncert**2) return sourceValue, sourceUncert def _getCrystalInfo(self): unitBulk = self.atoms unitCell = unitBulk.get_cell() hostInfo = OrderedDict([ ('host-cauchy-stress', V([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], C.UNIT_PRESSURE)), ('host-short-name', V([self.lattice])), ('host-a', V(np.linalg.norm(unitCell[0]), C.UNIT_LENGTH)), ('host-b', V(np.linalg.norm(unitCell[1]), C.UNIT_LENGTH)), ('host-c', V(np.linalg.norm(unitCell[2]), C.UNIT_LENGTH)), ('host-alpha', V(self._getAngle(unitCell[1], unitCell[2]), C.UNIT_ANGLE)), ('host-beta', V(self._getAngle(unitCell[2], unitCell[0]), C.UNIT_ANGLE)), ('host-gamma', V(self._getAngle(unitCell[0], unitCell[1]), C.UNIT_ANGLE)), ('host-space-group', V(C.SPACE_GROUPS[self.lattice])), ('host-wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter', V(C.WYCKOFF_CODES[self.lattice])), ('host-wyckoff-coordinates', V(C.WYCKOFF_SITES[self.lattice])), ('host-wyckoff-species', V([self.elem] * len(C.WYCKOFF_CODES[self.lattice]))), ]) reservoirInfo = OrderedDict([ ('reservoir-cohesive-potential-energy', V(unitBulk.get_potential_energy(), C.UNIT_ENERGY)), ('reservoir-short-name', V([self.lattice])), ('reservoir-cauchy-stress', V([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], C.UNIT_PRESSURE)), ('reservoir-a', V(np.linalg.norm(unitCell[0]), C.UNIT_LENGTH)), ('reservoir-b', V(np.linalg.norm(unitCell[1]), C.UNIT_LENGTH)), ('reservoir-c', V(np.linalg.norm(unitCell[2]), C.UNIT_LENGTH)), ('reservoir-alpha', V(self._getAngle(unitCell[1], unitCell[2]), C.UNIT_ANGLE)), ('reservoir-beta', V(self._getAngle(unitCell[2], unitCell[0]), C.UNIT_ANGLE)), ('reservoir-gamma', V(self._getAngle(unitCell[0], unitCell[1]), C.UNIT_ANGLE)), ('reservoir-space-group', V(C.SPACE_GROUPS[self.lattice])), ('reservoir-wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter', V(C.WYCKOFF_CODES[self.lattice])), ('reservoir-wyckoff-coordinates', V(C.WYCKOFF_SITES[self.lattice])), ('reservoir-wyckoff-species', V([self.elem] * len(C.WYCKOFF_CODES[self.lattice]))), ]) return hostInfo, reservoirInfo def getResults(self): # Calculate VME and VFE for Each Size sizes = [] migrationEnergyBySize = [] formationEnergyBySize = [] print('\n[Calculation]') for size in range(self.cellSizeMin, self.cellSizeMax + 1): migrationEnergy, formationEnergy = self._getResultsForSize(size) sizes.append(size) migrationEnergyBySize.append(migrationEnergy) formationEnergyBySize.append(formationEnergy) # For Debugging Output # sizes = [4, 5, 6] # migrationEnergyBySize = [ # 0.64576855097573116, # 0.64448594514897195, # 0.64412217147128104, # ] # formationEnergyBySize = [ # 0.67914728564926463, # 0.67877480646416188, # 0.67873178748595819, # ] print('\n[Calculation Results Summary]') print('Size\tMigrationEnergy\tFormationEnergy') for i in range(len(sizes)): print([sizes[i], migrationEnergyBySize[i], formationEnergyBySize[i]]) # Extrapolate for VFE and VME of Infinite Size print('\n[Extrapolation]') VMEValue, VMEUncert = self._extrapolate( sizes, migrationEnergyBySize, C.FITS_VME_VALUE, C.FITS_VME_UNCERT, self.FIREUncert * 1.414, # Assuming MDMin Uncertainty Same as FIRE ) VFEValue, VFEUncert = self._extrapolate( sizes, formationEnergyBySize, C.FITS_VFE_VALUE, C.FITS_VFE_UNCERT, self.FIREUncert, ) # Print Main Results print('Vacancy Migration Energy:', [VMEValue, VMEUncert]) print('Vacancy Formation Energy:', [VFEValue, VFEUncert]) print('FIRE Uncertainty:', self.FIREUncert) # Prepare Output migrationEnergyResult = OrderedDict([ ('property-id', C.VME_PROP_ID), ('instance-id', 1), ('vacancy-migration-energy', V(VMEValue, C.UNIT_ENERGY, VMEUncert)), ('host-missing-atom-start', V(1)), ('host-missing-atom-end', V(1)), ]) formationEnergyResult = OrderedDict([ ('property-id', C.VFE_PROP_ID), ('instance-id', 2), ('relaxed-formation-potential-energy', V(VFEValue, C.UNIT_ENERGY, VFEUncert)), ('host-removed-atom', V(1)), ]) hostInfo, reservoirInfo = self._getCrystalInfo() migrationEnergyResult.update(hostInfo) formationEnergyResult.update(hostInfo) formationEnergyResult.update(reservoirInfo) return [migrationEnergyResult, formationEnergyResult] def V(value, unit = '', uncert = ''): # Generate OrderedDict for JSON Dump res = OrderedDict([ (C.KEY_SOURCE_VALUE, value), ]) if unit != '': res.update(OrderedDict([ (C.KEY_SOURCE_UNIT, unit), ])) if uncert != '': res.update(OrderedDict([ (C.KEY_SOURCE_UNCERT, uncert) ])) return res def main(): # Obtain Inputs model = input("Enter the name of the KIM Model you wish to perform calculations for:\n") elem = input("Enter the name of the species you wish to simulate:\n") lattice = input("Enter the lattice type of the crystal ('bcc', 'diamond', 'fcc', 'hcp', or 'sc'):\n") latticeConstA = input("Enter the lattice constant 'a' in meters:\n") latticeConstC = input("If the lattice type is hcp, enter the lattice constant 'c' in meters (if you are not using hcp as the lattice, simply put any value here, as it will be ignored):\n") # Convert the lattice constant values from the query from meters to Angstroms if lattice == 'hcp': latticeConstA = float(latticeConstA)*1e10 latticeConstC = float(latticeConstC)*1e10 latticeConsts = [latticeConstA, latticeConstC] else: latticeConstA = float(latticeConstA)*1e10 latticeConsts = [latticeConstA] # Create Instance instance = VacancyCalculation(model, elem, lattice, latticeConsts) # Obtain Results res = instance.getResults() # Output results print('\n[Final Results]') resStr = json.dumps(res, separators = (' ',' '), indent = 4) print(resStr) with open(os.path.abspath('output/results.edn'), 'w') as f: f.write(resStr) if __name__ == '__main__': main()