This test driver is used to test the relaxed crystal structure, elastic constant, bulk modulus of binary alloy system. In the output file 'results.edn' three instances are generated, which are using the following three properties. 1. structure-cubic-crystal-npt 2. elastic-constants-isothermal-cubic-crystal-npt 3. bulk-modulus-isothermal-cubic-crystal-npt To finish a test, you need to define the model you want to use, two species, and the initial guess of lattice constant. The input argument must be writen line by line in the right order. A example is like follows: (1)@@ ! This line argues the name of test driver. (2)@< MODELNAME >@ ! model name you want to use for this test (3)species1 ! Al, Au, Cd, Ni, Ti etc. (4)species2 (5)initial guess of lattice constant Notes: (1)The current supported species are Al, Ni, Au, Cu, Ti, Si, Ar, Cd. If you want to use other element species. Just modify the get_element_number(x) function in the runner, and add species. (2) B1, B2, B3 lattice type is species exchangable. The order of species1 and species 2 doesn't influence the result. However, if you change the order of species1 and species2 for L12 lattice type, you will get different allloy. For A3B structure, (where A and B represents species) species 1 is B, species 2 is A. Please pay attention to the order when you setup input file.