#!/usr/bin/env bash # Author: Daniel S. Karls (karl0100 |AT| umn DOT edu), University of Minnesota # Date: 10/10/2014 # This example Test Driver illustrates the use of LAMMPS in the OpenKIM Pipeline to compute a cohesive energy versus lattice constant curve # for a given cubic lattice (fcc, bcc, sc, diamond) of a single given species. The curve is computed for lattice constants ranging from # a_min_frac*a_0 to a_max_frac*a_0, where a_0, a_min_frac, and a_max_frac are specified via stdin. # The parameter a_0 is typically approximately equal to the equilibrium lattice constant for the Model/species/lattice type being paired. # A logarithmic scale is used such that most lattice spacings are about a_0. The precise scaling of and number of sample points going # from a_min to a_0 and from a_0 to a_max is specified by two separate parameters passed from stdin. # Please see README.txt for more details. # Define function which prints to stderr echoerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } # Read the KIM Model name from stdin (this is passed through pipeline.stdin.tpl using @< MODELNAME >@, which the pipeline # will automatically fill in once a compatible Model is found). # Also pass the species, atomic mass (in g/mol), type of cubic lattice (bcc, fcc, sc, or diamond), a_0, a_min_frac, a_max_frac, # number of sample spacings between a_min (= a_min_frac*a_0) and a_0, number of sample spacings between a_0 and a_max # (= a_max_frac*a_0), and the two parameters governing the distribution of sample spacings around a_0 compared to a_min/a_max # respectively. Please see README.txt for more details on these parameters and how they are used. echo "Please enter a valid KIM Model extended-ID:" read modelname echo "Please enter the species symbol (e.g. Si, Au, Al, etc.):" read element echo "Please enter the atomic mass of the species (g/mol):" read mass echo "Please enter the lattice type (bcc, fcc, sc, or diamond):" read latticetypeinput echo "Please specify a lattice constant (referred to as a_0 below) in Angstroms about which the energy will be computed (This will usually be the equilibrium lattice constant.\ Most of the volumes sampled will be about this lattice constant.):" read a_0 echo "Please specify the smallest lattice spacing (referred to as a_min below) at which to compute the energy, expressed as a fraction of a_0 (for example, if you wish for\ a_min to be equal to 0.8*a_0, please specify 0.8 for this value):" read a_min_frac echo "Please specify the largest lattice spacing (referred to as a_max below) at which to compute the energy, expressed as a multiple of a_0 (for example, if you wish for\ a_max to be equal to 1.5*a_0, please specify 1.5 for this value):" read a_max_frac echo "Please enter the number of sample lattice spacings to compute which are >= a_min and < a_0 (one of these sample lattice spacings will be equal to a_min):" read N_lower echo "Please enter the number of sample lattice spacings to compute which are > a_0 and <= a_max (one of these sample lattice spacings will be equal to a_max):" read N_upper echo "Please enter a value of the lower sample spacing parameter (see README.txt for more details):" read samplespacing_lower echo "Please enter a value of the upper sample spacing parameter (see README.txt for more details):" read samplespacing_upper # Check that element string read in contains no spaces if [[ "$element" =~ \ ]] ; then echo "Error: a space was detected in the element inputted. Please note that this Test supports only a single species. Exiting..." echoerr "Error: a space was detected in the element inputted. Please note that this Test supports only a single species. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Check that a_0 is numerical and strictly positive if ! [[ "$a_0" =~ ^[0-9e\.-]+ ]] ; then if [[ "${a_0}" == "[]" ]] ; then echo "Error: a_0 read in is empty. If using a query, check that it returns a non-empty value. Exiting..." echoerr "Error: a_0 read in is empty. If using a query, check that it returns a non-empty value. Exiting..." exit 1 else echo "Error: a_0 read in is not numerical. Check pipeline.stdin for errors. Exiting..." echoerr "Error: a_0 read in is not numerical. Check pipeline.stdin for errors. Exiting..." exit 1 fi fi a_0check=`echo $a_0 | awk '{if($1 <= 0.0) print "Not positive"}'` if [ "$a_0check" == "Not positive" ]; then echo "Error: a_0 read in must be a positive number. Exiting..." echoerr "Error: a_0 read in must be a positive number. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Check that a_min_frac entered is positive and strictly less than 1 a_min_fraccheck=`echo $a_min_frac | awk '{if($1 > 0.0 && $1 < 1.0) print "a_min_frac OK"}'` if [ "$a_min_fraccheck" != "a_min_frac OK" ]; then echo "Error: a_min_frac must be in the range (0,1)." echoerr "Error: a_min_frac must be in the range (0,1)." exit 1 else a_min=`echo $a_min_frac $a_0 | awk '{print $1*$2}'` fi # Check that a_min_frac entered is greater than 1 a_max_fraccheck=`echo $a_max_frac | awk '{if($1 > 1.0) print "a_max_frac OK"}'` if [ "$a_max_fraccheck" != "a_max_frac OK" ]; then echo "Error: a_max_frac must be strictly greater than 1." echoerr "Error: a_max_frac must be strictly greater than 1." exit 1 else a_max=`echo $a_max_frac $a_0 | awk '{print $1*$2}'` fi # Check that the number of spacings are positive N_lowercheck=`echo $N_lower | awk '{if($1 <= 0) print "Not positive"}'` if [ "$N_lowercheck" == "Not positive" ]; then echo "Error: N_lower read in must be a positive number. Exiting..." echoerr "Error: N_lower read in must be a positive number. Exiting..." exit 1 fi N_uppercheck=`echo $N_upper | awk '{if($1 <= 0) print "Not positive"}'` if [ "$N_uppercheck" == "Not positive" ]; then echo "Error: N_upper read in must be a positive number. Exiting..." echoerr "Error: N_upper read in must be a positive number. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Check that samplespacing parameters are > 1 spacingparamcheck=`echo $samplespacing_lower $samplespacing_upper | awk '{if($1 <= 1.0 && $2 <=1.0) print 1; else if($1 <= 1.0 && $2 > 1.0) print 2; else if($1 > 1.0 && $2 <= 1.0) print 3; else print 4}'` if [ "$spacingparamcheck" == 1 ]; then echo "Error: lower and upper sample spacing parameters must both be strictly greater than 1." echoerr "Error: lower and upper sample spacing parameters must both be strictly greater than 1." exit 1 elif [ "$spacingparamcheck" == 2 ]; then echo "Error: lower sample spacing parameter must be strictly greater than 1. Exiting." echoerr "Error: lower sample spacing parameter must be strictly greater than 1. Exiting." exit 1 elif [ "$spacingparamcheck" == 3 ]; then echo "Error: upper sample spacing parameter must be strictly greater than 1. Exiting." echoerr "Error: upper sample spacing parameter must be strictly greater than 1. Exiting." exit 1 fi # Identify which of the cubic lattice types (bcc,fcc,sc,diamond) the user entered (case-insensitive). if [ `echo $latticetypeinput | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` = `echo bcc | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` ]; then latticetype="bcc" space_group="Im-3m" wyckoffmultletter="\"2a\"" wyckoffcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]" wyckoffspecies="\"${element}\"" basisatomcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]\n [ 0.5 0.5 0.5 ]" specieslist="\"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"" elif [ `echo $latticetypeinput | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` = `echo fcc | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` ]; then latticetype="fcc" space_group="Fm-3m" wyckoffmultletter="\"4a\"" wyckoffcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]" wyckoffspecies="\"${element}\"" basisatomcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]\n [ 0 0.5 0.5 ]\n [ 0.5 0 0.5 ]\n [ 0.5 0.5 0 ]" specieslist="\"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"" elif [ `echo $latticetypeinput | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` = `echo sc | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` ]; then latticetype="sc" space_group="Pm-3m" wyckoffmultletter="\"1a\"" wyckoffcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]" wyckoffspecies="\"${element}\"" basisatomcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]" specieslist="\"${element}\"" elif [ `echo $latticetypeinput | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` = `echo diamond | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` ]; then latticetype="diamond" space_group="Fd-3m" wyckoffmultletter="\"8a\"" wyckoffcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]" wyckoffspecies="\"${element}\"" basisatomcoords="[ 0 0 0 ]\n [ 0 0.5 0.5 ]\n [ 0.5 0.5 0 ]\n [ 0.5 0 0.5 ]\n [ 0.75 0.25 0.75 ]\n [ 0.25 0.25 0.25 ]\n [ 0.25 0.75 0.75 ]\n [ 0.75 0.75 0.25 ]" specieslist="\"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"\n \"${element}\"" else echo "Error: This Test supports only cubic lattices (specified by 'bcc', 'fcc', 'sc', or 'diamond'). Exiting..." echoerr "Error: This Test supports only cubic lattices (specified by 'bcc', 'fcc', 'sc', or 'diamond'). Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Define the lattice spacings at which the energy will be computed. See README.txt for more details. latticeconst=`echo $a_0 $a_min $a_max $N_lower $N_upper $samplespacing_lower $samplespacing_upper | awk '{for (i=0;i<=$5-1;++i){printf "%f ",$1+($3-$1)*(1-log(1+i*($7-1)/$5)/log($7))}}{for (i=$4;i>=0;--i){printf "%f ",$2+($1-$2)*log(1+i*($6-1)/$4)/log($6)}}'` read -a lattice_const <<< "$latticeconst" numberofspacings=`expr $N_lower + $N_upper + 1` # Replace placeholder strings in the lammp.in.template input file script template. The resulting # lammps input file (lammps.in) will be stored in the Test Result folder (which may be referenced # as the 'output' directory). thisdir=`dirname "$0"` # Directory of this Test Driver executable sed -e "s/sed_model_string/"$modelname"/" \ -e "s/sed_species_string/$element/" \ -e "s/sed_mass_string/$mass/" \ -e "s/sed_latticetype_string/$latticetype/" \ -e "s/sed_numberofspacings_string/$numberofspacings/" \ -e "s/sed_latticeconst_string/$latticeconst/" \ ""$thisdir"/lammps.in.template" > output/lammps.in # Run LAMMPS using the lammps.in input file and write to lammps.log lammps -in output/lammps.in > output/lammps.log # Parse LAMMPS output log and extract the cohesive energies corresponding to each lattice spacing into an array read -a cohesive_energy <<< `grep "Cohesive energy = [0-9.e-]* eV/atom" output/lammps.log | cut -d' ' -f4 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'` for ((i=1; i<=$numberofspacings;++i)); do j=`expr $i - 1` latconstarray="$latconstarray ${lattice_const[$j]} " done for ((i=1; i<=$numberofspacings;++i)); do j=`expr $i - 1` # Check to see that the cohesive energies parsed from LAMMPS are actually numbers (in case there was a LAMMPS error of some sort) if ! [[ "${cohesive_energy[$j]}" =~ ^[0-9e.-]+ ]]; then echo "Error: Cohesive energies parsed from LAMMPS output are not numerical. Check the LAMMPS log for errors. Exiting..." echoerr "Error: Cohesive energies parsed from LAMMPS output are not numerical. Check the LAMMPS log for errors. Exiting..." exit 1 fi ecoh=`echo ${cohesive_energy[$j]} | awk '{print $1*(-1)}'` ecoharray="$ecoharray $ecoh " done # Replace the placeholders in the EDN results template file (results.edn.tpl) with results sed -e "s/_LATTICETYPE_/${latticetype}/" \ -e "s/_SPECIES_/${specieslist}/" \ -e "s/_LATCONSTARRAY_/${latconstarray}/" \ -e "s/_BASISATOMCOORDS_/${basisatomcoords}/" \ -e "s/_ECOHARRAY_/${ecoharray}/" \ -e "s/_SPACEGROUP_/${space_group}/" \ -e "s/_WYCKOFFCOORDS_/${wyckoffcoords}/" \ -e "s/_WYCKOFFMULTLETTER_/${wyckoffmultletter}/" \ -e "s/_WYCKOFFSPECIES_/${wyckoffspecies}/" \ ""$thisdir"/results.edn.tpl" > output/results.edn