element(s): ['Fe'] AFLOW prototype label: A_tP1_123_a Parameter names: ['a', 'c/a'] model type (only 'standard' supported at this time): standard number of parameter sets: 1 Parameter values for parameter set 0: ['2.2256', '1.0359004'] model name: LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003 ==== Building ASE atoms object with: ==== representative atom symbols = ['Fe'] representative atom coordinates = [[0 0 0]] spacegroup = 123 cell = [[2.2256, 0, 0], [0, 2.2256, 0], [0, 0, 2.3055]] ========================================= Step Time Energy fmax BFGS: 0 17:41:44 -0.360385 59.534616 BFGS: 1 17:41:45 -4.708308 21.525700 BFGS: 2 17:41:45 -5.235144 20.593675 BFGS: 3 17:41:45 -6.376303 4.305667 BFGS: 4 17:41:45 -6.462033 1.839199 BFGS: 5 17:41:45 -6.484639 0.343407 BFGS: 6 17:41:45 -6.485517 0.040396 BFGS: 7 17:41:45 -6.485529 0.014172 BFGS: 8 17:41:45 -6.485529 0.006627 BFGS: 9 17:41:45 -6.485529 0.000306 BFGS: 10 17:41:45 -6.485529 0.000037 BFGS: 11 17:41:45 -6.485529 0.000001 BFGS: 12 17:41:45 -6.485529 0.000000 BFGS: 13 17:41:45 -6.485529 0.000000 Minimization converged after 13 steps. Maximum force component: 0.0 eV/Angstrom Maximum stress component: 3.107868870588139e-11 eV/Angstrom^3 ==== Minimized structure obtained from ASE ==== symbols = ['Fe'] basis = [[0. 0. 0.]] cellpar = Cell([[2.5132075875733113, -1.5773773167078052e-33, -1.5541199236174894e-36], [-5.407005292421614e-34, 2.5132075875733113, 9.586438214391294e-19], [-3.4419518254801134e-33, 9.663114991840952e-19, 2.513207587566471]]) forces = [[0. 0. 0.]] stress = [ 1.98389556e-12 1.98389556e-12 -3.10786887e-11 4.77862961e-27 4.52807093e-44 -6.73464152e-60] energy per atom = -6.485529450596526 =============================================== Parameter sets [0] relaxed to duplicate structures, attempting to write only one of them. Prototype label changed during relaxation: test template prototype is A_tP1_123_a, while relaxed is A_cP1_221_a. Skipping parameter set 0. No parameter sets in this group successfully added a property instance. Skipping this group.