element(s): ['Ni', 'Ti'] AFLOW prototype label: AB_mP4_11_e_e Parameter names: ['a', 'b/a', 'c/a', 'beta', 'x1', 'z1', 'x2', 'z2'] model type (only 'standard' supported at this time): standard number of parameter sets: 1 Parameter values for parameter set 0: ['4.8944', '0.815483', '0.6167661', '104.3487', '0.32841001', '0.92973088', '0.78444911', '0.62184599'] model name: LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003 ==== Building ASE atoms object with: ==== representative atom symbols = ['Ni', 'Ti'] representative atom coordinates = [[0.07026912 0.25 0.32841001] [0.37815401 0.25 0.78444911]] spacegroup = 11 cell = [[3.0187, 0, 0], [0, 3.9913, 0], [1.212942751768, 0, 4.7417213373345]] ========================================= Step Time Energy fmax BFGS: 0 10:48:56 -39.590588 27.173239 BFGS: 1 10:48:56 -42.426826 18.081514 BFGS: 2 10:48:56 -44.680479 11.075114 BFGS: 3 10:48:56 -45.990077 7.107989 BFGS: 4 10:48:56 -46.947859 4.604086 BFGS: 5 10:48:56 -47.506762 3.026582 BFGS: 6 10:48:56 -47.776582 1.667501 BFGS: 7 10:48:56 -47.906930 1.442911 BFGS: 8 10:48:56 -47.950174 1.103918 BFGS: 9 10:48:56 -47.969026 0.672282 BFGS: 10 10:48:57 -47.977817 0.466374 BFGS: 11 10:48:57 -47.980034 0.245966 BFGS: 12 10:48:57 -47.980744 0.109004 BFGS: 13 10:48:57 -47.981059 0.066199 BFGS: 14 10:48:57 -47.981129 0.022288 BFGS: 15 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.002452 BFGS: 16 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.001211 BFGS: 17 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000357 BFGS: 18 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000073 BFGS: 19 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000022 BFGS: 20 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000013 BFGS: 21 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000005 BFGS: 22 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000003 BFGS: 23 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000001 BFGS: 24 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000000 BFGS: 25 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000000 BFGS: 26 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000000 BFGS: 27 10:48:57 -47.981138 0.000000 Minimization converged after 27 steps. Maximum force component: 3.2120023152457005e-09 eV/Angstrom Maximum stress component: 9.106265022566567e-11 eV/Angstrom^3 ==== Minimized structure obtained from ASE ==== symbols = ['Ni', 'Ni', 'Ti', 'Ti'] basis = [[0.06326275 0.25 0.3734745 ] [0.93673725 0.75 0.6265255 ] [0.33538673 0.25 0.82922654] [0.66461327 0.75 0.17077346]] cellpar = Cell([[2.9981148795636776, 1.4614739095147994e-18, 0.09108407502803145], [2.3859848595523032e-18, 4.14955335810718, 1.589499152196785e-17], [1.3445318313861674, 1.8529980240743113e-17, 5.13189248420984]]) forces = [[-9.73358846e-10 4.48344710e-27 1.38254790e-09] [ 9.73358846e-10 -4.48344710e-27 -1.38254790e-09] [-2.06601971e-09 -1.20705685e-26 -3.21200232e-09] [ 2.06601971e-09 1.20705685e-26 3.21200232e-09]] stress = [ 9.10626502e-11 -4.07242992e-11 2.02091807e-11 -9.95336232e-30 1.98263244e-11 -9.75874772e-29] energy per atom = -11.995284508614061 =============================================== Parameter sets [0] relaxed to duplicate structures, attempting to write only one of them. Prototype label changed during relaxation: test template prototype is AB_mP4_11_e_e, while relaxed is AB_oC8_63_c_c. Skipping parameter set 0. No parameter sets in this group successfully added a property instance. Skipping this group.