KIMRuntimeError: Executable returned error code 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/disk2/worker/openkim-pipeline/pipeline/", line 433, in run self.execute_in_place() File "/disk2/worker/openkim-pipeline/pipeline/", line 253, in execute_in_place (self.runner_temp, self.retcode) KIMRuntimeError: Executable returned error code 1 output/pipeline.stdout: ----------------------- Model name has been read Lattice type has been read Species has been read Initial guess of lattice parameter has been read Shear period has been read Shear direction has been read Shear plane normal has been read Relaxation flag has been read output/pipeline.stderr: ----------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/disk2/worker/repository/td/LatticeInvariantShearPathCubicCrystalCBKIM__TD_083627594945_001/runner", line 394, in error=(math.fabs(float(l1_list[-1])-float(l1_list[-2]))+math.fabs(float(l2_list[-1])-float(l2_list[-3]))+math.fabs(float(l3_list[-2])-float(l3_list[-3])))/3 NameError: name 'l1_list' is not defined Command exited with non-zero status 1 {"usertime":1.20,"memmax":46088,"memavg":0} output/kim.log: ---------------