# About this test This is a one period lattice invariant shear test for diamond Si, based on CB-KIM code. The shear direction is along [-1 1 0], shear plane normal is [1 1 1]. Shuffle relaxation is applied, because there is one shuffle atom in diamond Si. The strain energy density (ev/angstrom^3) is calculated, returned to result file, and also plotted into a figure. # kimspec.edn Some specific description about this test. # pipeline.stdin.tpl The format to write this input fire is provided in the README file in the test driver directory. # runner The script to transfer information from test directory to test driver directory. You might leave it here. Nothing to be modified. # descriptor.kim Every Model and every Test are required to have a file named descriptor.kim for the KIM API to interpret. The descriptor.kim files for both Models and Tests list a number of pieces of essential information that define what they are in the KIM ecosystem, including: a.) what version of the KIM API they are designed to work with. b.) what the native units are that they use. This is important because the API has to be able to allow a Model that uses one set of units to work with a Test that uses a completely different set of units. When it does this, the API automatically converts between the two sets of units when it passes information between the Model and the Test. c.) which atomic species they can work with under the "SUPPORTED_ATOM/PARTICLES_TYPES" section d.) which neighbor list methods they support under the "CONVENTIONS" section e.) In the case of Tests, what type of information they are able to provide to a Model. This falls under the "MODEL_INPUT" section. The "MODEL_OUTPUT" section lists what information they require any Model they run with to be able to provide. All of this information is necessary in order for the pipeline to be able to use the KIM API to automatically try to run a Test with a Model. If the descriptor.kim files are not compatible according to the KIM API, then the Test-Model pair cannot be run, e.g. a Test designed only to perform calculations on carbon could never run with a Model that only defines a potential for silicon. However, if the descriptor.kim files are compatible according to the KIM API, then the Test-Model pair is run, e.g. a Test which performs calculations on carbon has no problem running with a Model that supports both carbon and silicon.