RuntimeError: Job process returned error code 1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 546, in <module>
    execute_in_place(runner, runner_driver, subject, subject_driver, env)
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 396, in execute_in_place
    raise RuntimeError(f"Job process returned error code {retcode}")
RuntimeError: Job process returned error code 1

BFGS:    1 22:16:14       -9.504271         0.895727BFGS:    2 22:16:14       -9.578123         0.053113BFGS:    3 22:16:14       -9.578339         0.007466BFGS:    4 22:16:14       -9.578344         0.000051BFGS:    5 22:16:15       -9.578344         0.000000BFGS:    6 22:16:15       -9.578344         0.000000Minimization converged after 6 steps.Maximum force component: 0.0 eV/AngstromMaximum stress component: 1.7516494274214896e-14 eV/Angstrom^3==== Minimized structure obtained from ASE ====symbols =  ['Ti', 'Ti']basis =  [[0.  0.  0. ] [0.5 0.5 0.5]]cellpar =  Cell([[3.280135276090015, -1.9647665766791426e-34, 1.7778216783241977e-32], [-4.3141099567445646e-33, 3.2801352760900158, -1.858194860424971e-17], [9.499364318528036e-33, -1.8581948604249694e-17, 3.280135276090015]])forces =  [[0. 0. 0.] [0. 0. 0.]]stress =  [-1.75164943e-14 -1.75164943e-14 -1.75164943e-14  2.26820578e-30 -9.54675339e-34 -1.42418839e-49]energy per atom =  -4.78917183877025===============================================

Traceback (most recent call last):  File "../../td/EquilibriumCrystalStructure__TD_457028483760_000/runner", line 181, in <module>    comparison=aflow.compare_materials_dir(COMPARE_DIR)  File "/work2/08773/bwaters/stampede2/bwaters/job-c8b10e6a-32d8-485a-84cc-8113d5415b96-007-cba5c4c6-22cf-4368-aaa9-3c5558393f7c/TE_320708098501_000-and-MO_744610363128_002-1683680055/staged_job_files/repository/td/EquilibriumCrystalStructure__TD_457028483760_000/util/", line 309, in compare_materials_dir    output=self.aflow_command([  File "/work2/08773/bwaters/stampede2/bwaters/job-c8b10e6a-32d8-485a-84cc-8113d5415b96-007-cba5c4c6-22cf-4368-aaa9-3c5558393f7c/TE_320708098501_000-and-MO_744610363128_002-1683680055/staged_job_files/repository/td/EquilibriumCrystalStructure__TD_457028483760_000/util/", line 267, in aflow_command    return subprocess.check_output(cmd_str, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,encoding="utf-8")  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 415, in check_output    return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout, check=True,  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 493, in run    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 858, in __init__    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 1639, in _execute_child = _posixsubprocess.fork_exec(OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memoryCommand exited with non-zero status 1{"realtime":19.70,"usertime":28.21,"systime":34.42,"memmax":102916,"memavg":0}

2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 2 * information * 0x2de28f0_0x28fa320 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:246 * Log object renamed.  ID changed from '0x28fa320'.2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 3 * information * 0x2de28f0_0x28fa320 * meam_implementation.cpp:1606 * Register argument support status2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 0 * information * 0x29e2170 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:110 * Log object created.  Default verbosity level is 'information'.2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 1 * information * 0x29e2170 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 0 * information * 0x29e2170 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:110 * Log object created.  Default verbosity level is 'information'.2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 0 * information * 0x2de5bf0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:110 * Log object created.  Default verbosity level is 'information'.2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 1 * information * 0x2de5bf0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:242 * Log object renamed.  ID changed to '0x29e2170_Collections'.2023-05-09:22:16:15CDT * 2 * information * 0x29e2170_Collections * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:246 * Log object renamed.  ID changed from '0x2de5bf0'.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 0 * error * 0x29e2170 * KIM_SharedLibrary.cpp:348 * SharedLibrary not open.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 0 * information * 0x29e2170_Collections * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 0 * information * 0x2de5bf0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:110 * Log object created.  Default verbosity level is 'information'.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 1 * information * 0x2de5bf0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:242 * Log object renamed.  ID changed to '0x29e2170_0x2de5bf0'.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 2 * information * 0x29e2170_0x2de5bf0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:246 * Log object renamed.  ID changed from '0x2de5bf0'.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 3 * information * 0x29e2170_0x2de5bf0 * meam_implementation.cpp:1606 * Register argument support status2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 0 * information * 0x2de28f0_0x28fa320 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 0 * information * 0x2de28f0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 4 * information * 0x29e2170_0x2de5bf0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 1 * information * 0x29e2170 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 0 * information * 0x29dd010_0x2905bc0 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.2023-05-09:22:16:16CDT * 0 * information * 0x29dd010 * KIM_LogImplementation.cpp:120 * Log object destroyed.