{ "contributor-id" "4d62befd-21c4-42b8-a472-86132e6591f3" "description" "Tutorial test using the LAMMPS molecular dynamics simulator. Given a model for Ar, it performs a query to retrieve the FCC lattice constant and computes the cohesive energy.\n\n\nHISTORY:\n\nChanges in version 005:\n* Use kim_init and kim_interactions commands to initialize model\n* Use kim_query command instead of query in pipeline.stdin.tpl\n* Use kim_property command to write property instance" "domain" "openkim.org" "executables" [ "runner" ] "extended-id" "LammpsCohesiveEnergyFromQueryExample_fcc_Ar__TE_565333229701_005" "kim-api-version" "2.0" "maintainer-id" "4d62befd-21c4-42b8-a472-86132e6591f3" "matching-models" [ "standard-models" ] "properties" [ "tag:staff@noreply.openkim.org,2014-04-15:property/cohesive-potential-energy-cubic-crystal" ] "publication-year" "2020" "simulator-name" "LAMMPS" "species" [ "Ar" ] "title" "Lammps cohesive energy example test v005" }