element(s): ['Cr', 'Ni'] AFLOW prototype label: AB3_cF16_225_a_bc Parameter names: ['a'] model type (only 'standard' supported at this time): standard number of parameter sets: 1 Parameter values for parameter set 0: ['5.7577'] model name: MEAM_LAMMPS_ChoiJoSohn_2018_CoNiCrFeMn__MO_115454747503_002 ==== Building ASE atoms object with: ==== representative atom symbols = ['Cr', 'Ni', 'Ni'] representative atom coordinates = [[0. 0. 0. ] [0.5 0.5 0.5 ] [0.25 0.25 0.25]] spacegroup = 225 cell = [[5.7577, 0, 0], [0, 5.7577, 0], [0, 0, 5.7577]] ========================================= Step Time Energy fmax BFGS: 0 16:39:07 -67.367468 0.833880 BFGS: 1 16:39:08 -67.396868 0.811387 BFGS: 2 16:39:08 -67.511360 0.714503 BFGS: 3 16:39:08 -67.611014 0.613518 BFGS: 4 16:39:08 -67.695204 0.508301 BFGS: 5 16:39:08 -67.763286 0.398717 BFGS: 6 16:39:08 -67.814594 0.284625 BFGS: 7 16:39:08 -67.848441 0.165883 BFGS: 8 16:39:08 -67.864119 0.042341 BFGS: 9 16:39:08 -67.865180 0.001131 BFGS: 10 16:39:08 -67.865181 0.000007 BFGS: 11 16:39:08 -67.865181 0.000000 Minimization converged after 11 steps. Maximum force component: 1.1663782599188715e-30 eV/Angstrom Maximum stress component: 1.1371141282557009e-10 eV/Angstrom^3 ==== Minimized structure obtained from ASE ==== symbols = ['Cr', 'Cr', 'Cr', 'Cr', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni', 'Ni'] basis = [[0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [6.08585870e-50 5.00000000e-01 5.00000000e-01] [5.00000000e-01 0.00000000e+00 5.00000000e-01] [5.00000000e-01 5.00000000e-01 0.00000000e+00] [5.00000000e-01 5.00000000e-01 5.00000000e-01] [5.00000000e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [6.08585870e-50 5.00000000e-01 0.00000000e+00] [2.43434348e-49 2.74082710e-34 5.00000000e-01] [2.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01] [7.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01] [7.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01] [2.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01] [2.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01] [7.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01] [2.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01] [7.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01 2.50000000e-01]] cellpar = Cell([[5.62145622664611, 1.776560748358628e-32, 2.0946166005903325e-32], [-3.648755732986795e-33, 5.62145622664611, 1.2222042540229734e-17], [-2.116981989217138e-32, 1.2222042540229742e-17, 5.62145622664611]]) forces = [[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 2.36740142e-31 6.23608179e-31 -2.75715653e-31] [-6.16390491e-31 -3.88311574e-31 -9.27111928e-31] [ 2.34574836e-31 4.04190486e-31 5.65866681e-31] [-3.92642187e-31 -1.10430615e-31 1.16637826e-30] [-1.50127895e-31 5.65866681e-31 6.00511579e-31] [ 1.12595921e-31 -4.94411577e-31 1.05666941e-30] [ 1.44353745e-31 -4.62834195e-32 -9.58508867e-31] [ 2.30965992e-31 7.79510223e-31 -8.33642878e-31]] stress = [ 1.13711413e-10 1.13711413e-10 1.13711413e-10 8.05152530e-28 0.00000000e+00 -1.09951449e-59] energy per atom = -4.241573822161494 =============================================== Parameter sets [0] relaxed to duplicate structures, attempting to write only one of them. Successfully added property instance for parameter set 0