element(s): ['Si'] AFLOW prototype label: A_cI12_229_d Parameter names: ['a'] model type (only 'standard' supported at this time): standard number of parameter sets: 1 Parameter values for parameter set 0: ['6.7307'] model name: Tersoff_LAMMPS_ErhartAlbe_2005SiII_SiC__MO_408791041969_004 ==== Building ASE atoms object with: ==== representative atom symbols = ['Si'] representative atom coordinates = [[0.25 0. 0.5 ]] spacegroup = 229 cell = [[6.7307, 0, 0], [0, 6.7307, 0], [0, 0, 6.7307]] ========================================= Step Time Energy fmax BFGS: 0 17:34:53 -49.871671 0.1775 BFGS: 1 17:34:53 -49.872993 0.1699 BFGS: 2 17:34:53 -49.887414 0.0234 BFGS: 3 17:34:53 -49.887701 0.0006 BFGS: 4 17:34:53 -49.887701 0.0000 BFGS: 5 17:34:53 -49.887701 0.0000 Minimization converged after 5 steps. Maximum force component: 4.6693948050509495e-30 eV/Angstrom Maximum stress component: 6.4872648146883135e-12 eV/Angstrom^3 ==== Minimized structure obtained from ASE ==== symbols = ['Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si'] basis = [[2.50000000e-01 0.00000000e+00 5.00000000e-01] [7.50000000e-01 7.28833526e-33 5.00000000e-01] [5.00000000e-01 2.50000000e-01 0.00000000e+00] [5.00000000e-01 7.50000000e-01 0.00000000e+00] [1.73416029e-37 5.00000000e-01 2.50000000e-01] [1.31675265e-36 5.00000000e-01 7.50000000e-01] [0.00000000e+00 2.50000000e-01 5.00000000e-01] [0.00000000e+00 7.50000000e-01 5.00000000e-01] [2.50000000e-01 5.00000000e-01 0.00000000e+00] [7.50000000e-01 5.00000000e-01 0.00000000e+00] [5.00000000e-01 4.09968858e-33 7.50000000e-01] [5.00000000e-01 3.58722751e-33 2.50000000e-01]] cellpar = Cell([[6.764755574086186, -8.014678078443311e-33, 1.5256167681183767e-32], [-8.603152290555903e-33, 6.764755574086186, -1.2366883970934662e-17], [-1.3682075410782482e-32, -1.2366883970934744e-17, 6.764755574086186]]) forces = [[ 7.78232468e-31 1.38970083e-32 1.73712604e-32] [-2.77940167e-31 1.58785014e-50 -8.68563022e-33] [-1.73712604e-32 -4.66939481e-30 1.38970083e-32] [-1.73712604e-32 3.36307602e-30 -2.77940167e-32] [ 1.38970083e-32 3.47425209e-33 3.90505935e-30] [-2.77940167e-32 -8.68563022e-33 -1.94558117e-30] [-1.38970083e-32 -3.11292987e-30 -1.04227563e-32] [-1.38970083e-32 3.01565081e-30 1.04227563e-32] [ 1.04227563e-30 -6.94850417e-33 1.27028012e-50] [ 5.00292301e-31 1.73712604e-32 2.08455125e-32] [ 1.21598823e-32 -1.38970083e-32 -3.22410594e-30] [-1.04227563e-32 -5.89409973e-48 3.22410594e-30]] stress = [-6.48726481e-12 -6.48726481e-12 -6.48726481e-12 -3.94420404e-28 7.18265445e-34 3.11896755e-50] energy per atom = -4.157308395789809 =============================================== Parameter sets [0] relaxed to duplicate structures, attempting to write only one of them. Successfully added property instance for parameter set 0