Model name? Sim_LAMMPS_Vashishta_VashishtaKaliaRino_1990_SiO__SM_887826436433_000 Stoichiometric species (literal list of strings)? ['O', 'Si'] Prototype label? A2B_cF408_227_efgh_aeg Temperature (K)? No temperature given Cauchy stress (literal list of floats, Voigt order xx,yy,zz,yz,xz,xy, eV/A^3)? No stress given Query result (literal list of dicts)? [{'instance-id': 2, '': 1.99319e-09, 'parameter-names.source-value': ['x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'z5', 'x6', 'z6', 'y7'], 'parameter-values.source-value': [0.82892552, 0.78274502, 0.87648945, 0.45042636, 0.70583717, 0.31750351, 0.62931014, 0.84299769], 'meta.uuid': 'TE_165801211438_002-and-SM_887826436433_000-1711748667-tr'}] Runtime arguments (literal dictonary)? {} ==== Building ASE atoms object with: ==== representative atom symbols = ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'Si', 'Si', 'Si'] representative atom coordinates = [[0.95392552 0.95392552 0.95392552] [0.24851055 0. 0. ] [0.57542636 0.57542636 0.83083717] [0.125 0.46799769 0.78200231] [0. 0. 0. ] [0.90774502 0.90774502 0.90774502] [0.44250351 0.44250351 0.75431014]] spacegroup = 227 cell = [[19.9319, 0, 0], [0, 19.9319, 0], [0, 0, 19.9319]] ========================================= E L A S T I C C O N S T A N T C A L C U L A T I O N S Attempting to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 50 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 48 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-2.25462508e-03 7.16724616e-03 2.32907907e-03] [ 2.25462479e-03 -7.16724652e-03 2.32907928e-03] [ 2.25462272e-03 7.16724854e-03 -2.32908143e-03] ... [-2.26748524e-03 2.52771829e-03 1.26281123e-03] [-1.34842656e-03 -1.73419280e-03 1.77437642e-03] [ 2.36380000e-03 3.90995877e-05 -1.63181769e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.46977108e-05 -2.01664711e-05 6.88217591e-06 4.60092094e-14 -3.66043647e-14 -8.18990741e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.20941438e-03 -1.39465067e-03 3.28368084e-03] [-8.20941532e-03 1.39464962e-03 3.28368180e-03] [-8.20941489e-03 -1.39465013e-03 -3.28368133e-03] ... [ 2.53932035e-03 -2.26803402e-03 1.18203654e-03] [ 8.68940950e-05 2.31232139e-03 -1.62603703e-03] [-1.74395363e-03 -1.30702029e-03 1.78595766e-03]] Final stress: [-2.03954550e-05 3.46659086e-05 6.71224292e-06 -3.04833209e-14 5.86594405e-14 -1.06341829e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01501092 0.01501092 -0.01557994] [-0.01501085 -0.01501085 -0.01558001] [-0.01501085 0.01501085 0.01558001] ... [-0.00599632 -0.00599632 0.00632442] [ 0.01709319 -0.00360504 0.00437158] [-0.00360504 0.01709318 0.00437158]] Final stress: [-7.46757097e-05 -7.46757102e-05 -3.39318104e-04 1.13144516e-12 2.74131355e-13 2.53135184e-12] Minimization converged after 47 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-1.30349397e-03 3.25487701e-03 8.05007014e-03] [ 1.30349145e-03 -3.25487963e-03 8.05007279e-03] [ 1.30349294e-03 3.25487819e-03 -8.05007140e-03] ... [-1.28238024e-03 1.76960967e-03 -1.67392803e-03] [-2.23830059e-03 1.16652413e-03 2.50611004e-03] [ 2.23900082e-03 -1.61198453e-03 7.89984983e-05]] Final stress: [ 3.54797436e-05 6.60663138e-06 -2.15198370e-05 -1.38227219e-13 -1.46932061e-13 9.07810170e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.16906771e-03 3.42491520e-03 -1.09183807e-03] [-8.16906460e-03 -3.42491192e-03 -1.09184111e-03] [-8.16906901e-03 3.42491660e-03 1.09183686e-03] ... [ 8.39835294e-05 -1.60523320e-03 2.17938978e-03] [ 2.48648079e-03 1.13321427e-03 -2.21983345e-03] [-1.63247785e-03 1.76445843e-03 -1.25121842e-03]] Final stress: [-2.23747219e-05 6.48812462e-06 3.60504499e-05 4.52774293e-14 1.27884576e-13 2.53585523e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01362984 -0.01357345 0.01362984] [-0.01362984 0.01357345 0.01362984] [-0.01362973 -0.01357356 -0.01362973] ... [ 0.01537345 0.00419772 -0.0033856 ] [-0.00527682 0.0051112 -0.00527682] [-0.0033856 0.00419772 0.01537345]] Final stress: [-9.73547042e-05 -3.23120135e-04 -9.73547042e-05 6.86085041e-13 -2.57350571e-12 7.03384422e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03576786 0.01667676 0.01667676] [ 0.00646566 0.02957511 -0.02957511] [ 0.00646565 -0.02957511 0.02957511] ... [-0.04058174 -0.01119909 -0.02846888] [-0.04058174 -0.02846888 -0.01119909] [ 0.03471079 -0.01921129 -0.01921129]] Final stress: [ 2.45934530e-04 6.47950679e-04 6.47950679e-04 -8.15456876e-05 -1.40529042e-13 -2.03362933e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00642838 -0.02933244 -0.02933244] [ 0.03533398 -0.01640264 0.01640264] [ 0.03533398 0.01640264 -0.01640264] ... [ 0.09024564 -0.00130625 -0.01079774] [ 0.09024564 -0.01079774 -0.00130625] [-0.00742649 0.0324373 0.0324373 ]] Final stress: [ 2.40172157e-04 6.42891703e-04 6.42891703e-04 8.34407455e-05 1.52491085e-13 -1.02033726e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00190574 0.01810583 0.01810583] [-0.05200757 0.00213831 -0.00213831] [-0.05200757 -0.00213831 0.00213831] ... [-0.07275437 0.00600695 0.03077416] [-0.07275436 0.03077416 0.00600695] [-0.01119891 -0.03286546 -0.03286546]] Final stress: [ 8.94305408e-04 6.65161269e-05 6.65161265e-05 -7.28865360e-05 2.59825530e-13 -1.49530834e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05352303 -0.00053457 -0.00053457] [-0.00183522 -0.01803624 0.01803624] [-0.00183522 0.01803625 -0.01803625] ... [ 0.0541975 0.02905302 0.02026139] [ 0.0541975 0.02026139 0.02905302] [-0.04958352 0.01496131 0.01496131]] Final stress: [ 9.16418471e-04 7.19549235e-05 7.19549236e-05 7.85559540e-05 -1.28041839e-13 -1.33058519e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00654677 -0.02992716 0.00638153] [ 0.03577322 -0.01471386 -0.02102105] [ 0.00654677 -0.02992716 -0.00638153] ... [ 0.02200058 -0.06198292 -0.0202149 ] [-0.01264703 -0.01196048 -0.03561534] [ 0.01351431 -0.04603574 0.00553463]] Final stress: [1.69362549e-04 7.02025021e-04 6.40013913e-04 6.34760446e-14 6.57106986e-06 2.30826121e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03589645 0.01461591 -0.02118117] [ 0.00667396 0.03015993 0.00621204] [ 0.03589645 0.01461591 0.02118117] ... [ 0.02078063 0.05561486 -0.01861929] [ 0.05081965 -0.03423584 0.01740615] [ 0.02024372 0.07225516 0.01374371]] Final stress: [ 1.70781236e-04 7.04256508e-04 6.41950542e-04 9.85243433e-14 -6.96079231e-06 9.93839589e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04890991 -0.00806485 0.0306546 ] [-0.00498964 -0.02162506 -0.01595887] [-0.04890991 -0.00806485 -0.0306546 ] ... [-0.03416857 -0.05063053 0.02007095] [-0.03466933 0.05439217 -0.00999132] [-0.02863638 -0.07226527 -0.01675664]] Final stress: [ 8.01795827e-04 1.69766395e-04 6.48367053e-05 5.53013081e-14 -2.00725757e-04 1.30310758e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00533649 0.02212321 -0.01602156] [-0.04994316 0.00796769 0.03134324] [-0.00533649 0.02212321 0.01602156] ... [ 0.00373661 0.09609345 0.03272785] [-0.00301714 -0.0102595 0.03793578] [-0.02177233 0.07300664 0.00645311]] Final stress: [8.18063732e-04 1.80233357e-04 7.28446241e-05 5.69424572e-14 2.02133108e-04 1.16692432e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00600661 0.00738699 -0.03017097] [ 0.00600661 -0.00738699 -0.03017097] [ 0.03651227 -0.021224 -0.01573405] ... [-0.01418439 -0.03801436 -0.01329775] [ 0.02431425 -0.02076394 -0.06276293] [ 0.01274126 0.00705085 -0.04641423]] Final stress: [1.84703788e-04 6.57143213e-04 7.21535964e-04 5.29547089e-14 2.96270670e-13 1.47371457e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03580027 -0.02096584 0.01472635] [ 0.03580027 0.02096584 0.01472635] [ 0.0066647 0.00635059 0.02991368] ... [ 0.05037327 0.01723326 -0.03399147] [ 0.02098196 -0.01855426 0.05588739] [ 0.01983305 0.01395573 0.07234089]] Final stress: [ 1.67873175e-04 6.37951938e-04 6.99640109e-04 1.86295753e-13 -1.72449783e-13 -6.22741539e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04877536 0.03056444 -0.00807866] [-0.04877536 -0.03056444 -0.00807866] [-0.00494491 -0.01595045 -0.02156083] ... [-0.03452237 -0.00989686 0.0543782 ] [-0.03413882 0.02007812 -0.05054519] [-0.02862519 -0.01678445 -0.07213958]] Final stress: [ 7.99722232e-04 6.38175179e-05 1.68439324e-04 2.41725888e-13 8.87945376e-14 -2.00541635e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00506397 -0.01521393 0.02189049] [-0.00506397 0.01521393 0.02189049] [-0.04789607 0.03029146 0.00793176] ... [-0.00414343 0.03587527 -0.01049946] [ 0.00537308 0.03196494 0.09467031] [-0.02307089 0.00746783 0.07173809]] Final stress: [ 8.18295162e-04 6.96524869e-05 1.75715747e-04 2.20060083e-13 -2.93192439e-14 2.09044323e-04] Minimization converged after 48 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 47 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.17017006e-03 -1.55861688e-03 8.14896803e-03] [-3.17017535e-03 1.55861137e-03 8.14897353e-03] [-3.17017003e-03 -1.55861685e-03 -8.14896826e-03] ... [ 1.79602014e-03 -1.32646735e-03 -1.88958211e-03] [-1.63966161e-03 2.46333162e-03 9.78697131e-05] [ 1.18833726e-03 -2.29664102e-03 2.56480723e-03]] Final stress: [ 6.74503322e-06 3.42286513e-05 -1.98782665e-05 -3.66444118e-13 -1.05077125e-13 2.63276065e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.96194943e-03 8.07591755e-03 -1.88808812e-03] [-2.96195182e-03 -8.07591996e-03 -1.88808567e-03] [-2.96195261e-03 8.07592063e-03 1.88808496e-03] ... [-1.65475016e-03 9.62593063e-05 2.56185501e-03] [ 1.80921084e-03 -1.97144043e-03 -1.36221823e-03] [ 1.22245381e-03 2.59632177e-03 -2.32756598e-03]] Final stress: [ 6.90474325e-06 -1.85383366e-05 3.33094317e-05 1.26511841e-13 9.66890558e-14 -2.20202953e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0153041 0.01487359 0.01487359] [ 0.01530398 -0.01487371 0.01487371] [ 0.01530401 0.01487367 -0.01487367] ... [ 0.00440599 0.01693373 -0.0036281 ] [ 0.00440599 -0.0036281 0.01693373] [ 0.00605058 -0.00589342 -0.00589342]] Final stress: [-3.36650119e-04 -7.71761477e-05 -7.71761480e-05 8.94267580e-13 -1.65785538e-12 -5.41355795e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02969962 -0.00616524 0.00665478] [-0.01477536 0.03565023 -0.0210022 ] [-0.01477536 -0.03565023 0.0210022 ] ... [-0.06180053 0.02223319 -0.02031088] [-0.04573431 0.01372593 0.00573861] [-0.01204882 -0.01285464 -0.03593487]] Final stress: [7.04397101e-04 1.70869986e-04 6.42055048e-04 6.92089679e-06 1.99524141e-14 5.04742361e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01460584 -0.03594518 -0.02114461] [ 0.03022976 0.0068826 0.00609329] [ 0.03022976 -0.0068826 -0.00609329] ... [ 0.05586909 0.02092794 -0.01858214] [ 0.07240231 0.01998638 0.01389066] [-0.0341229 0.0505925 0.01732374]] Final stress: [ 7.01889416e-04 1.69287174e-04 6.39907577e-04 -6.60496315e-06 3.17921105e-14 3.04734896e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00804606 0.05042594 0.03199315] [-0.02305968 -0.005584 -0.01574673] [-0.02305968 0.005584 0.01574673] ... [-0.0522278 -0.03610218 0.02100505] [-0.07517284 -0.03008268 -0.01766902] [ 0.05633682 -0.03498171 -0.00972901]] Final stress: [ 2.19718604e-04 8.95867547e-04 1.02856880e-04 -2.25916129e-04 -7.89183447e-14 -3.40744247e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02245376 0.00593289 -0.01530043] [ 0.00806088 -0.04935844 0.03082691] [ 0.00806088 0.04935843 -0.03082691] ... [ 0.09533734 0.00448242 0.03208797] [ 0.07279584 -0.02158617 0.00714708] [-0.01028639 -0.00370362 0.03631882]] Final stress: [1.68801970e-04 8.03180374e-04 6.39006018e-05 2.01119967e-04 2.75936488e-13 1.96357916e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01558879 -0.03632163 0.01558879] [ 0.02944802 0.00682248 -0.02944802] [-0.01558878 -0.03632163 -0.01558878] ... [-0.01171003 -0.04108013 -0.02792094] [-0.01822543 0.03451328 -0.01822543] [-0.02792094 -0.04108013 -0.01171002]] Final stress: [ 6.39645563e-04 2.37080709e-04 6.39645563e-04 -2.26221542e-13 -8.30665680e-05 7.62114932e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02944801 -0.00663828 -0.02944801] [-0.01598697 0.03583997 0.01598697] [ 0.02944801 -0.00663828 0.02944801] ... [-0.00108653 0.09050559 -0.01079546] [ 0.03234088 -0.00759662 0.03234088] [-0.01079546 0.09050559 -0.00108653]] Final stress: [ 6.42018588e-04 2.39317200e-04 6.42018587e-04 -2.28088448e-14 8.32850330e-05 5.10860518e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01788906 0.00169561 0.01788906] [ 0.00235046 -0.05164274 -0.00235046] [-0.01788906 0.00169561 -0.01788906] ... [ 0.00594769 -0.0725558 0.03080101] [-0.0327094 -0.01129009 -0.0327094 ] [ 0.03080101 -0.0725558 0.00594769]] Final stress: [ 6.64390226e-05 8.94540730e-04 6.64390225e-05 1.11761073e-13 -7.35466373e-05 5.78553143e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00039604 0.05186231 0.00039604] [-0.01693188 -0.00025419 0.01693188] [-0.00039604 0.05186231 -0.00039604] ... [ 0.03053641 0.05358155 0.01960836] [ 0.0137078 -0.05217645 0.0137078 ] [ 0.01960836 0.05358155 0.03053641]] Final stress: [ 8.77707129e-05 9.60439269e-04 8.77707130e-05 -2.84891173e-14 9.02693554e-05 -2.51017566e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00594233 -0.00703325 -0.03041369] [-0.00594233 0.00703325 -0.03041369] [ 0.02125061 -0.03605339 -0.01453261] ... [-0.03564351 -0.0126639 -0.01190165] [ 0.00549014 0.01346102 -0.04625279] [-0.02021117 0.02199262 -0.06218825]] Final stress: [ 6.40666533e-04 1.69843565e-04 7.02760075e-04 3.11274879e-14 -5.71978880e-14 6.77884071e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02109988 -0.03622981 0.01531709] [ 0.02109987 0.03622981 0.01531709] [-0.00692457 -0.00634379 0.03008003] ... [ 0.01837427 0.05225421 -0.03372402] [ 0.01331457 0.0200882 0.07296602] [-0.01843593 0.02063438 0.05627412]] Final stress: [ 6.48387210e-04 1.77283026e-04 7.11509751e-04 -6.62310187e-14 1.75102619e-13 -1.11074887e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03025704 0.04764074 -0.00818607] [-0.03025704 -0.04764074 -0.00818607] [ 0.01543457 0.00467942 -0.02186264] ... [-0.00806795 -0.0323475 0.05531433] [-0.01804694 -0.02966691 -0.07263915] [ 0.02098602 -0.0353593 -0.05042509]] Final stress: [ 8.43574979e-05 8.57153976e-04 1.94927522e-04 -1.65643189e-14 1.88472847e-13 -2.21508566e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01560823 0.00533186 0.02188045] [ 0.01560822 -0.00533186 0.02188045] [-0.03055242 0.04881531 0.00806239] ... [ 0.0362989 -0.00359451 -0.01035368] [ 0.00697778 -0.02194387 0.0719063 ] [ 0.03207343 0.00436344 0.09449369]] Final stress: [ 6.22123000e-05 7.97773614e-04 1.66453248e-04 -4.56144672e-14 -3.87252341e-13 2.00488958e-04] Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03045147 0.00725017 -0.0062004 ] [-0.01573882 0.02136099 -0.03671517] [-0.01573882 -0.02136099 0.03671517] ... [-0.04654966 0.00718477 0.01265414] [-0.06294027 -0.02081182 0.0245463 ] [-0.01340401 -0.0382835 -0.01435802]] Final stress: [7.24053681e-04 6.59349287e-04 1.86539567e-04 1.56456159e-05 1.71790374e-13 3.47470612e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01474186 -0.02103933 -0.03568737] [ 0.02980343 -0.00655416 -0.0062652 ] [ 0.02980343 0.00655415 0.0062652 ] ... [ 0.07203656 0.01364952 0.02037463] [ 0.05535274 -0.01863582 0.02067342] [-0.03424027 0.01740559 0.05085396]] Final stress: [ 7.04632929e-04 6.42262800e-04 1.71016432e-04 -6.95779816e-06 2.19071255e-14 -3.85632227e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00798575 0.03027059 0.04793454] [-0.02178049 0.01535591 0.00498125] [-0.02178049 -0.01535591 -0.00498125] ... [-0.07194102 -0.01737921 -0.02892337] [-0.050239 0.0204165 -0.03451259] [ 0.05452675 -0.00886933 -0.03316608]] Final stress: [ 1.74787279e-04 6.89190174e-05 8.16108761e-04 -2.08137663e-04 4.15324308e-13 9.30951650e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0220324 -0.01538679 0.00545392] [ 0.00801529 -0.030527 0.04869297] [ 0.00801529 0.030527 -0.04869297] ... [ 0.07198725 0.00716192 -0.02210048] [ 0.09458795 0.03200101 0.00464538] [-0.01039027 0.03608053 -0.00377421]] Final stress: [1.67559689e-04 6.30857136e-05 8.01162925e-04 2.02137306e-04 2.39179725e-15 3.38927737e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00625168 -0.0301376 -0.00657506] [ 0.02119193 -0.01462159 -0.03585029] [-0.00625168 -0.0301376 0.00657506] ... [ 0.0057401 -0.04586624 0.01374206] [-0.03604119 -0.01199176 -0.01292186] [-0.02031748 -0.06195522 0.02227138]] Final stress: [6.43098535e-04 7.05585884e-04 1.71622199e-04 2.24256009e-13 7.14509319e-06 3.45640762e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02082861 0.01677107 -0.03638559] [-0.00891246 0.02930466 -0.00471421] [ 0.02082861 0.01677107 0.03638559] ... [ 0.01219581 0.07377298 0.02042565] [ 0.0202917 -0.03281423 0.05536891] [-0.01819245 0.0567038 0.01997058]] Final stress: [ 6.65915664e-04 7.31533642e-04 1.92227130e-04 6.12151375e-14 -1.90736026e-05 -1.33221024e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03073312 -0.00809356 0.04905416] [ 0.01604014 -0.02164556 0.00498675] [-0.03073312 -0.00809355 -0.04905416] ... [-0.01670535 -0.07243214 -0.02864295] [-0.01013703 0.05438393 -0.03489427] [ 0.02005855 -0.05073618 -0.0342012 ]] Final stress: [ 6.63432411e-05 1.71713166e-04 8.04794610e-04 2.34022493e-13 -2.00960706e-04 -2.11248329e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01584006 0.0220232 0.00525287] [-0.03104473 0.00797062 0.04940469] [ 0.01584006 0.0220232 -0.00525287] ... [ 0.00669419 0.07259897 -0.02206395] [ 0.03736636 -0.01032401 -0.00328961] [ 0.03251622 0.09560734 0.00411039]] Final stress: [ 7.10042739e-05 1.77762138e-04 8.15640845e-04 -1.30135918e-13 2.03261384e-04 -9.62308449e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01668346 0.01668346 -0.03499813] [-0.01668345 -0.01668345 -0.03499813] [ 0.02915006 -0.02915006 0.00627678] ... [-0.01849331 -0.01849331 0.03500553] [-0.01153589 -0.0281602 -0.04035246] [-0.0281602 -0.01153589 -0.04035246]] Final stress: [ 6.42016857e-04 6.42016857e-04 2.39396290e-04 -2.38903206e-13 9.89341025e-15 -8.34898734e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02930087 -0.02930087 -0.00648001] [ 0.02930088 0.02930088 -0.00648002] [-0.01624048 0.01624048 0.03550833] ... [ 0.0323374 0.0323374 -0.00750951] [-0.00115511 -0.01080533 0.09032684] [-0.01080533 -0.00115511 0.09032684]] Final stress: [6.41813515e-04 6.41813516e-04 2.39146230e-04 6.10374062e-14 1.09090856e-13 8.33885030e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01834562 0.01834562 0.00212115] [-0.01834562 -0.01834562 0.00212115] [ 0.00172699 -0.00172699 -0.05249605] ... [-0.03296253 -0.03296253 -0.01114693] [ 0.00602291 0.03080774 -0.07294365] [ 0.03080774 0.00602291 -0.07294365]] Final stress: [ 6.73006485e-05 6.73006488e-05 8.96349974e-04 -1.44825957e-14 3.31233957e-13 -7.27876042e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00053842 -0.00053842 0.05018521] [ 0.00053842 0.00053842 0.05018521] [-0.0161641 0.0161641 0.00044362] ... [ 0.01303094 0.01303094 -0.05206731] [ 0.03050255 0.01942619 0.05291386] [ 0.01942619 0.03050255 0.05291386]] Final stress: [ 8.36456458e-05 8.36456459e-05 9.51432814e-04 -1.74080186e-13 2.11643257e-13 9.23438016e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00096358 0.00128322 0.00128322] [ 0.00279396 0.00313589 -0.00313589] [ 0.00279396 -0.00313589 0.00313589] ... [-0.00096487 -0.00770344 0.00173947] [-0.00096487 0.00173947 -0.00770344] [ 0.00334649 0.00328241 0.00328241]] Final stress: [ 7.21716179e-06 6.28087051e-06 6.28087049e-06 7.55803613e-05 1.15061881e-14 -1.12718584e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00277561 -0.00311266 -0.00311266] [-0.0009505 -0.00126541 0.00126541] [-0.0009505 0.00126541 -0.00126541] ... [ 0.00128724 0.00762472 -0.00158192] [ 0.00128724 -0.00158192 0.00762472] [-0.00280217 -0.00322906 -0.00322906]] Final stress: [ 7.21051839e-06 6.27300504e-06 6.27300506e-06 -7.60007175e-05 -6.87441333e-15 -2.21169202e-15] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00897912 -0.00705316 -0.00383401] [ 0.00030094 -0.00675452 -0.0186917 ] [ 0.00542449 -0.00306138 0.03494254] ... [ 0.0205986 0.00926529 0.0003833 ] [ 0.01373956 0.00819916 -0.00468558] [-0.00899472 0.00053252 -0.00530315]] Final stress: [ 4.50629787e-02 4.67961051e-02 4.65315317e-02 -1.61127407e-04 2.58411890e-05 1.41850914e-03] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02157083 0.00996587 0.0457416 ] [ 0.00711662 0.00716577 0.01915255] [-0.00218606 -0.00955625 0.02471719] ... [ 0.01712079 0.00453929 -0.01594656] [ 0.00971954 -0.03779457 0.00877117] [-0.00465173 -0.01271397 -0.01645805]] Final stress: [ 4.55090940e-02 4.63922770e-02 4.62882124e-02 -1.43805780e-04 7.88135807e-05 -1.58403293e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 157 steps. Final forces: [[-8.49264822e-04 -2.89429207e-04 1.67947548e-03] [ 9.83626962e-04 4.95137130e-04 1.42588371e-03] [ 1.11016562e-03 -2.70116858e-03 2.49280370e-03] ... [-2.02428643e-03 3.00475682e-03 -4.17373001e-05] [-2.85896746e-03 -1.79161126e-03 -1.10219345e-03] [ 1.53479839e-03 -7.96781683e-04 1.31552479e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04535912 0.04537741 0.04623272 0.00035026 -0.00035058 -0.00247119] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 156 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.74157644e-04 -7.78858487e-06 -1.30982658e-03] [-1.29178229e-03 -5.83125934e-04 6.06841369e-03] [-6.52507406e-04 2.90574403e-03 -1.13808999e-03] ... [-2.35753938e-04 4.27979141e-04 7.22495177e-04] [ 2.00580344e-03 1.49674975e-03 1.65216198e-03] [ 3.09368487e-04 1.10674242e-03 1.13701873e-03]] Final stress: [0.04535357 0.04536027 0.04623008 0.00034747 0.00034783 0.00245206] Minimization converged after 150 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 160 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03929948 -0.1167455 -0.07356068] [-0.01905709 0.01774514 0.0204887 ] [-0.03985618 -0.01885734 -0.01091157] ... [-0.00371415 -0.02461955 -0.00663842] [-0.02458418 -0.00499393 0.04724971] [-0.00256916 0.0213476 -0.0393733 ]] Final stress: [ 0.04582518 0.04626954 0.04543442 -0.00033053 -0.00254962 0.00031612] Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 153 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00131967 0.00103071 0.00131967] [ 0.00317905 0.00286828 -0.00317905] [-0.00131967 0.00103071 -0.00131967] ... [-0.00767567 -0.00095059 0.00174283] [ 0.00323325 0.00342473 0.00323325] [ 0.00174283 -0.00095059 -0.00767567]] Final stress: [6.26728653e-06 7.20000055e-06 6.26728652e-06 6.90110469e-15 7.58558564e-05 3.96781500e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00307098 -0.00292688 -0.00307098] [-0.00122267 -0.00110145 0.00122267] [ 0.00307098 -0.00292688 0.00307098] ... [ 0.00774353 0.00106926 -0.00158004] [-0.00318857 -0.00276316 -0.00318857] [-0.00158004 0.00106926 0.00774353]] Final stress: [ 6.28774244e-06 7.22450842e-06 6.28774241e-06 -1.62236223e-14 -7.45632588e-05 -1.61070095e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 158 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.54114424e-04 5.49995249e-04 7.82546580e-04] [-8.12439058e-04 -1.18836157e-03 3.02148800e-04] [ 6.46352988e-04 1.15610349e-04 -1.76345475e-04] ... [ 8.73924588e-05 1.33993924e-05 1.89666912e-04] [-4.22762929e-05 -1.02208659e-04 2.67026092e-05] [ 1.17171539e-04 3.21061069e-04 2.58186098e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04623927 0.04537119 0.04535629 0.00245975 -0.00035129 -0.00035206] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 155 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00072241 0.00067976 0.00128007] [ 0.00080873 -0.00062715 0.00059849] [-0.00055229 -0.00217738 0.00293632] ... [-0.0004314 -0.00232282 0.00048045] [ 0.0002234 0.00133835 -0.00156914] [-0.00069362 -0.00094598 -0.00088 ]] Final stress: [ 0.04624165 0.04533134 0.04536431 -0.00245058 -0.00034455 0.00034541] Minimization converged after 154 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01975689 0.02566277 -0.00432967] [-0.01662881 0.00940194 0.01113796] [-0.03554554 0.02412017 -0.01920048] ... [ 0.00830837 -0.00731768 0.00248628] [ 0.01704139 -0.00312023 -0.01391366] [ 0.00522609 0.005478 0.00367092]] Final stress: [4.66014689e-02 4.55272552e-02 4.63791651e-02 1.38181828e-03 7.45288366e-05 1.70790725e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00121873 0.00121873 0.00097036] [-0.00121873 -0.00121873 0.00097036] [ 0.00306293 -0.00306293 0.00279152] ... [ 0.00331205 0.00331205 0.00321469] [-0.0077778 0.00174902 -0.00090227] [ 0.00174902 -0.0077778 -0.00090227]] Final stress: [ 6.29699459e-06 6.29699458e-06 7.23684482e-06 -2.44712787e-15 1.68939843e-15 7.48145483e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00307012 -0.00307012 -0.00292361] [ 0.00307012 0.00307012 -0.00292361] [-0.0012219 0.0012219 -0.00109828] ... [-0.00318996 -0.00318996 -0.00276318] [ 0.00774313 -0.00157979 0.00107092] [-0.00157979 0.00774313 0.00107092]] Final stress: [ 6.28790831e-06 6.28790831e-06 7.22474794e-06 4.94030959e-16 -1.35427955e-14 -7.45662965e-05] Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 47 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00077487 -0.00077487 0.0034376 ] [ 0.00077495 0.00077495 0.00343752] [ 0.00077489 -0.00077489 -0.00343758] ... [ 0.00036901 0.00036901 -0.00034846] [-0.0012748 0.00269681 -0.00281165] [ 0.0026968 -0.0012748 -0.00281165]] Final stress: [1.35267789e-04 1.35267789e-04 1.63343073e-04 2.00020124e-12 4.01193276e-14 1.53628676e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 91 steps. Final forces: [[-2.29902526e-04 7.82272747e-05 5.15690507e-04] [-3.45426829e-05 1.31959933e-05 -1.99605921e-05] [-1.21712781e-03 -7.52583653e-04 -1.00982475e-03] ... [-1.16232655e-03 -1.42418590e-03 5.17835595e-04] [-1.25074283e-04 -7.19943462e-05 1.88145679e-03] [-8.00115229e-04 -1.25046579e-03 -8.75988752e-05]] Final stress: [ 4.20263502e-02 4.19431359e-02 4.19787081e-02 -8.79529449e-08 -1.50685640e-07 5.99250507e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 88 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00102247 -0.00041568 -0.00017697] [ 0.00054966 0.00071855 0.00092526] [-0.00010702 -0.0002129 -0.00049674] ... [-0.00129118 -0.00050398 -0.00086517] [-0.00168041 -0.00182771 0.00010975] [ 0.00078759 0.00187716 0.00189423]] Final stress: [ 4.19369811e-02 4.20235142e-02 4.19785696e-02 2.97909044e-06 -3.35400402e-07 -2.10600066e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00203607 0.00203607 -0.00293722] [-0.00203614 -0.00203613 -0.00293715] [-0.0020361 0.0020361 0.00293718] ... [-0.00056585 -0.00056585 0.00156683] [ 0.00098242 -0.00268597 0.00311956] [-0.00268596 0.00098242 0.00311956]] Final stress: [-1.17951780e-04 -1.17951780e-04 -1.60221896e-04 1.26500676e-14 2.35276009e-13 -1.18076481e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00063407 0.00346116 -0.00063407] [ 0.0006343 -0.00346093 -0.0006343 ] [ 0.00063427 0.00346096 0.00063427] ... [-0.00127341 -0.0027538 0.00269356] [ 0.00036082 -0.00025946 0.00036082] [ 0.00269357 -0.0027538 -0.00127341]] Final stress: [1.35118350e-04 1.62403472e-04 1.35118350e-04 8.41199498e-13 7.10225383e-13 5.74010514e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 91 steps. Final forces: [[-0.22238988 -0.21290696 -0.23085006] [ 0.03929058 0.03967591 -0.06481426] [-0.28749848 0.36865823 -0.32915629] ... [ 0.14641416 0.11664748 -0.00172292] [-0.04985659 -0.09514865 -0.09298282] [-0.05090433 0.00302402 -0.1542346 ]] Final stress: [ 4.28932322e-02 4.22179898e-02 4.23195140e-02 -1.06463403e-04 1.97981750e-04 7.12795336e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 89 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.18682789e-02 2.22104924e-02 1.71669438e-02] [ 2.47616966e-03 -3.04218979e-03 1.34759145e-03] [-1.45846610e-02 1.82322846e-02 -1.45539814e-02] ... [-9.70286050e-03 -1.95917634e-05 -2.61959335e-03] [-5.19928343e-03 -3.75867280e-03 -5.04297129e-03] [ 4.17456130e-04 6.89166501e-03 1.00196187e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.19312457e-02 4.19460921e-02 4.20521843e-02 1.13021219e-05 8.81476046e-06 -3.08618824e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00153088 -0.00304337 0.00153088] [-0.001531 0.00304324 0.001531 ] [-0.00153091 -0.00304333 -0.00153092] ... [ 0.00104897 0.00293792 -0.00264981] [-0.00053141 0.00107523 -0.00053141] [-0.00264981 0.00293792 0.00104897]] Final stress: [-1.18630443e-04 -1.56806297e-04 -1.18630443e-04 -4.47999443e-14 -3.78252203e-13 -4.86294791e-13] Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07863591 -0.10890873 -0.08334891] [-0.00705517 -0.03152929 0.00518249] [ 0.07863591 -0.10890873 0.08334892] ... [-0.03006111 -0.01968444 -0.00944771] [ 0.00062103 -0.067898 0.027539 ] [-0.00183679 -0.03944811 -0.04675337]] Final stress: [-1.59829653e-04 1.30213547e-03 1.17774372e-03 -2.44651195e-13 -4.37132070e-04 9.41912134e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00761679 0.03208157 0.00562458] [ 0.07798921 0.10849262 -0.08282424] [-0.00761678 0.03208157 -0.00562458] ... [ 0.04409237 0.0794007 -0.0102433 ] [ 0.00766764 0.03455295 0.00908271] [ 0.00930927 0.06087044 0.05086254]] Final stress: [-1.58130869e-04 1.30577990e-03 1.18094107e-03 1.69062381e-13 4.36776647e-04 1.11278621e-13] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07884433 -0.08370796 -0.1093593 ] [ 0.07884431 0.08370795 -0.10935928] [-0.00707226 0.00505453 -0.03150137] ... [ 0.00043925 0.02725449 -0.0678769 ] [-0.02985503 -0.00942743 -0.01979003] [-0.00144346 -0.04660314 -0.03938709]] Final stress: [-1.56361750e-04 1.18269027e-03 1.30797810e-03 7.36721332e-14 1.22063247e-13 -4.36524675e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00771663 0.00575032 0.03229637] [-0.00771664 -0.00575032 0.03229637] [ 0.07822248 -0.08304012 0.10879333] ... [ 0.00766404 0.00909588 0.03457371] [ 0.0441235 -0.01025866 0.07954047] [ 0.00934695 0.05090631 0.06094858]] Final stress: [-1.57539146e-04 1.18334325e-03 1.30851128e-03 3.93544930e-13 -1.03660763e-13 4.37273646e-04] Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 49 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00342766 -0.00088519 -0.00088519] [-0.00342759 0.00088526 -0.00088526] [-0.00342765 -0.0008852 0.0008852 ] ... [-0.00286213 -0.00124905 0.00269162] [-0.00286213 0.00269162 -0.00124905] [-0.00042787 0.00036356 0.00036356]] Final stress: [1.63819772e-04 1.35510968e-04 1.35510968e-04 2.43475453e-13 1.17679260e-12 3.41259084e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 89 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.01288641e-04 -2.13537972e-03 -3.25698053e-03] [-2.56317914e-03 2.69654032e-03 -2.86670034e-03] [ 2.42570529e-03 -8.86560373e-03 6.91638001e-03] ... [ 4.72929800e-03 6.84654655e-03 -1.06965674e-03] [-1.66367497e-03 3.18903996e-05 -7.21104610e-03] [-1.79937636e-03 -4.42930833e-04 -3.98033443e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.19794901e-02 4.20249636e-02 4.19299980e-02 -3.62068671e-06 -9.61592784e-07 3.50727943e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 89 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.24733544e-03 8.12537973e-04 4.69101147e-04] [ 1.68275071e-03 3.18128926e-03 -1.96676602e-03] [-5.54436107e-04 5.59315222e-04 -3.19208810e-04] ... [-1.10836566e-04 -1.52796323e-03 -1.45570936e-04] [ 1.36077693e-03 -3.39650398e-05 1.62320823e-03] [-1.14989062e-03 -7.28685505e-04 -5.87587943e-04]] Final stress: [ 4.19773861e-02 4.19419480e-02 4.20238281e-02 -8.36930218e-07 7.61244682e-07 -1.28660023e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00310945 0.00142147 0.00142147] [ 0.00310947 -0.00142145 0.00142145] [ 0.00310946 0.00142146 -0.00142146] ... [ 0.00289169 0.00105791 -0.00262739] [ 0.00289169 -0.00262739 0.00105791] [ 0.00094595 -0.00051192 -0.00051192]] Final stress: [-1.56117859e-04 -1.18807266e-04 -1.18807266e-04 2.94409441e-13 4.01231158e-13 3.43936571e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10866059 -0.07838046 -0.08309805] [-0.03157113 -0.00710613 0.00522485] [-0.03157112 0.00710612 -0.00522484] ... [-0.0196233 -0.03002969 -0.00947182] [-0.03935964 -0.00179034 -0.046696 ] [-0.06787891 0.00064269 0.02752956]] Final stress: [ 1.30089391e-03 -1.60111184e-04 1.17663697e-03 -4.36864061e-04 -3.47700270e-13 7.98034023e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03185424 0.00748998 0.00546698] [ 0.10827224 0.07781205 -0.08267003] [ 0.10827225 -0.07781205 0.08267004] ... [ 0.07927398 0.0440583 -0.01025749] [ 0.06083381 0.00931552 0.05082381] [ 0.03444244 0.00767384 0.0090427 ]] Final stress: [ 1.30354077e-03 -1.58380162e-04 1.17893662e-03 4.36210957e-04 -8.31061607e-14 4.09385658e-13] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08305927 -0.07822849 -0.10879305] [ 0.08305928 0.0782285 -0.10879306] [-0.00572457 0.00770442 -0.03225168] ... [ 0.02747617 0.00046286 -0.06843268] [-0.04656428 -0.00176771 -0.03906662] [-0.00950803 -0.0297912 -0.01926955]] Final stress: [ 1.18342329e-03 -1.57440727e-04 1.30859406e-03 -1.37330132e-13 -1.59791094e-14 -4.37228531e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0057558 0.00772912 0.03231948] [-0.0057558 -0.00772912 0.03231948] [ 0.0831567 -0.07832928 0.10892533] ... [ 0.00911744 0.00770044 0.03458889] [ 0.05092519 0.00935483 0.06099818] [-0.01026365 0.04413394 0.07959343]] Final stress: [ 1.18440491e-03 -1.57107127e-04 1.30972375e-03 1.16576094e-14 2.95531131e-14 4.37374056e-04] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 49 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10919051 -0.08344534 -0.07870389] [-0.03210064 -0.00556146 0.00744863] [-0.03210063 0.00556145 -0.00744862] ... [-0.03932313 -0.04672249 -0.00178699] [-0.01948094 -0.00952559 -0.02994919] [-0.06823517 0.0276258 0.00058627]] Final stress: [ 1.30795033e-03 1.18283899e-03 -1.58099115e-04 -4.37692682e-04 -1.40202745e-13 -4.53888535e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03040386 0.00419898 0.00580339] [ 0.10988227 0.0844596 -0.08002104] [ 0.10988226 -0.0844596 0.08002103] ... [ 0.06199876 0.05159698 0.00889949] [ 0.08046869 -0.0103709 0.04493218] [ 0.03320555 0.00870148 0.00720653]] Final stress: [ 1.29445842e-03 1.17086361e-03 -1.62750078e-04 4.37419886e-04 -1.38793037e-13 2.03487976e-13] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0841099 -0.10954746 -0.07963111] [-0.00450163 -0.03072133 0.00614511] [ 0.0841099 -0.10954746 0.07963112] ... [-0.0471189 -0.04013498 -0.00189997] [ 0.02779326 -0.06713091 0.00093753] [-0.00943022 -0.02034962 -0.03049823]] Final stress: [ 1.17181691e-03 1.29543971e-03 -1.62763696e-04 -5.10696010e-14 -4.37571820e-04 3.61045070e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00561752 0.03205297 0.00761325] [ 0.0827772 0.10842473 -0.07794004] [-0.00561753 0.03205298 -0.00761326] ... [ 0.05085527 0.06084557 0.00928436] [ 0.0090954 0.03459153 0.00767234] [-0.01022821 0.07937818 0.04408954]] Final stress: [ 1.18050080e-03 1.30526228e-03 -1.58321902e-04 -2.39547738e-13 4.36734119e-04 4.19687095e-13] Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.011856 0.00542946 0.00542946] [ 0.01471069 0.00833094 -0.00833094] [ 0.01471069 -0.00833094 0.00833094] ... [ 0.00862415 -0.01321266 0.00131097] [ 0.00862415 0.00131097 -0.01321266] [ 0.01373674 0.00037729 0.00037729]] Final stress: [ 8.16003312e-06 6.63121951e-06 6.63121957e-06 -4.58750261e-05 -2.53232045e-14 -4.60376328e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01461275 -0.00807187 -0.00807187] [-0.01180128 -0.00521137 0.00521137] [-0.01180128 0.00521137 -0.00521137] ... [-0.00864774 0.01373693 -0.00089081] [-0.00864774 -0.00089081 0.01373693] [-0.01278021 -0.00077495 -0.00077495]] Final stress: [ 8.16475229e-06 6.62224531e-06 6.62224539e-06 4.79249678e-05 -5.34528505e-14 4.13192577e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.001407 0.001407 0.00195197] [ 0.00211206 0.00211206 -0.00263876] [-0.00035941 -0.00071234 0.00018549] ... [-0.00118747 -0.00118747 0.00010271] [ 0.00033033 0.00255222 -0.00104398] [ 0.00255222 0.00033033 -0.00104398]] Final stress: [2.85097157e-06 2.85097157e-06 2.84468530e-06 3.18033616e-05 3.18033616e-05 4.13701407e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-7.11885696e-04 3.58984252e-04 -1.85478111e-04] [-3.58983219e-04 7.11886759e-04 -1.85479153e-04] [ 2.11180400e-03 -2.11180399e-03 2.63806966e-03] ... [ 1.40309240e-03 -1.37424514e-03 4.97121133e-05] [-1.47021087e-04 -2.39264349e-03 -1.53500673e-03] [ 2.50642910e-03 1.32288844e-04 1.52148604e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.85108431e-06 2.85108432e-06 2.84481190e-06 3.18031702e-05 -3.18031702e-05 -4.13362341e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.60385114e-04 -7.13235477e-04 -1.85443561e-04] [ 7.13235510e-04 -3.60385112e-04 -1.85443609e-04] [-1.40892384e-03 1.40892384e-03 -1.95485412e-03] ... [-1.34575716e-03 1.37439252e-03 4.92791641e-05] [ 1.40417563e-04 2.50630749e-03 1.50102962e-03] [-2.39318582e-03 -1.55281864e-04 -1.51466424e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.85526651e-06 2.85526652e-06 2.84909552e-06 -3.19657448e-05 3.19657448e-05 -4.06652172e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.12857342e-03 -2.12857343e-03 -2.66586613e-03] [-1.42096102e-03 -1.42096102e-03 1.97676275e-03] [ 7.22930245e-04 3.70232150e-04 1.85321032e-04] ... [ 1.18744648e-03 1.18744645e-03 -1.02353194e-05] [-2.18771014e-04 -2.45866512e-03 9.94246236e-04] [-2.45866510e-03 -2.18771025e-04 9.94246203e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.87791536e-06 2.87791537e-06 2.87221817e-06 -3.28678226e-05 -3.28678226e-05 3.71668333e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00140677 0.00195131 0.00140677] [-0.00035899 0.00018548 -0.00071189] [ 0.00211178 -0.00263806 0.00211178] ... [ 0.00033056 -0.00104407 0.00255259] [-0.001187 0.00010277 -0.001187 ] [ 0.00255259 -0.00104407 0.00033056]] Final stress: [2.85107883e-06 2.84480658e-06 2.85107884e-06 3.18032461e-05 4.13376034e-08 3.18032461e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-7.19646382e-04 -1.85373093e-04 3.66878505e-04] [ 2.12363026e-03 2.65764103e-03 -2.12363025e-03] [-3.66878553e-04 -1.85373018e-04 7.19646327e-04] ... [-1.86435207e-04 -1.44389820e-03 -2.39375269e-03] [ 1.27214088e-03 4.78186983e-05 -1.24422787e-03] [ 2.50467735e-03 1.42988280e-03 1.71134646e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.86956005e-06 2.86368488e-06 2.86956005e-06 3.25375194e-05 -3.84546932e-08 -3.25375194e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.63328823e-04 -1.85450867e-04 -7.16210321e-04] [-1.41164223e-03 -1.96055233e-03 1.41164223e-03] [ 7.16209014e-04 -1.85449567e-04 -3.63330133e-04] ... [ 1.51492443e-04 1.47845357e-03 2.50510552e-03] [-1.31221158e-03 4.88419479e-05 1.34062459e-03] [-2.39261750e-03 -1.49220243e-03 -1.66483261e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.85962016e-06 2.85352005e-06 2.85962015e-06 -3.21504863e-05 -4.00212985e-08 3.21504863e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.11161189e-03 -2.63752431e-03 -2.11161190e-03] [ 7.11522187e-04 1.85467403e-04 3.58641202e-04] [-1.40663189e-03 1.95081535e-03 -1.40663190e-03] ... [-3.68802027e-04 1.03397192e-03 -2.39648141e-03] [ 1.16982808e-03 5.30388403e-05 1.16982819e-03] [-2.39648134e-03 1.03397192e-03 -3.68802062e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.85117786e-06 2.84491634e-06 2.85117788e-06 -3.18029672e-05 4.13082430e-08 -3.18029672e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00559446 0.01200355 0.00559446] [ 0.00854357 0.01490644 -0.00854357] [-0.00559446 0.01200355 -0.00559446] ... [-0.01317192 0.00856088 0.0013402 ] [ 0.0002597 0.01415131 0.0002597 ] [ 0.0013402 0.00856088 -0.01317192]] Final stress: [ 6.69913214e-06 8.24184270e-06 6.69913212e-06 3.08123042e-14 -4.54326547e-05 1.06188570e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00834732 -0.01472339 -0.00834732] [-0.00544208 -0.0118649 0.00544208] [ 0.00834732 -0.01472339 0.00834732] ... [ 0.01353524 -0.0084586 -0.00089896] [-0.00060794 -0.01336327 -0.00060794] [-0.00089896 -0.0084586 0.01353524]] Final stress: [ 6.63664545e-06 8.16662142e-06 6.63664549e-06 -3.50547698e-14 4.58510571e-05 -2.04772069e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00195583 0.00140935 0.00140935] [ 0.00018545 -0.00036092 -0.00071379] [ 0.00018545 -0.00071379 -0.00036093] ... [-0.00103726 0.00030402 0.00256303] [-0.00103726 0.00256303 0.00030402] [ 0.00011316 -0.00119004 -0.00119004]] Final stress: [2.84967369e-06 2.85583863e-06 2.85583864e-06 4.05858041e-08 3.19916971e-05 3.19916971e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.85428538e-04 -7.14644565e-04 3.61811184e-04] [ 2.64526340e-03 2.11623761e-03 -2.11623761e-03] [-1.95789272e-03 1.41053041e-03 -1.41053040e-03] ... [-1.49841982e-03 -1.62299871e-04 -2.39317776e-03] [ 1.48470031e-03 2.50580701e-03 1.47337390e-04] [ 4.89512880e-05 1.35105637e-03 -1.32258237e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.85237928e-06 2.85847777e-06 2.85847780e-06 -4.01664514e-08 3.20957981e-05 -3.20957981e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.85489376e-04 3.59218359e-04 -7.12141399e-04] [-1.95153267e-03 -1.40675106e-03 1.40675106e-03] [ 2.63830408e-03 -2.11179349e-03 2.11179350e-03] ... [ 1.52143608e-03 1.32629368e-04 2.50611529e-03] [-1.53495262e-03 -2.39230233e-03 -1.47356545e-04] [ 4.97245575e-05 -1.37385237e-03 1.40270502e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.84471647e-06 2.85099431e-06 2.85099430e-06 -4.13616081e-08 -3.18037660e-05 3.18037660e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.63899702e-03 -2.11244253e-03 -2.11244253e-03] [ 1.85467229e-04 7.12170938e-04 3.59286288e-04] [ 1.85466907e-04 3.59286599e-04 7.12170627e-04] ... [ 1.03233096e-03 -3.62666910e-04 -2.39881444e-03] [ 1.03233097e-03 -2.39881472e-03 -3.62666862e-04] [ 5.05355856e-05 1.17073223e-03 1.17073225e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.84596411e-06 2.85220784e-06 2.85220782e-06 4.11528651e-08 -3.18459122e-05 -3.18459122e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00570609 0.00570609 0.01212224] [-0.00570608 -0.00570608 0.01212224] [ 0.00869499 -0.00869499 0.01506484] ... [ 0.00019794 0.00019794 0.01446077] [-0.0131993 0.00135892 0.00856254] [ 0.00135892 -0.0131993 0.00856254]] Final stress: [ 6.77468155e-06 6.77468160e-06 8.33878200e-06 -3.08222794e-14 5.10047546e-14 -4.57534558e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00802661 -0.00802661 -0.0146298 ] [ 0.00802661 0.00802661 -0.0146298 ] [-0.00517249 0.00517249 -0.01182519] ... [-0.00079192 -0.00079192 -0.01265784] [ 0.0137754 -0.00090486 -0.00867588] [-0.00090486 0.0137754 -0.00867588]] Final stress: [ 6.62255274e-06 6.62255279e-06 8.16784774e-06 -5.90198898e-14 3.86939578e-14 4.82299237e-05] Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 49 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00181946 -0.00181946 0.00626545] [ 0.00181949 0.00181949 0.00626542] [ 0.00181979 -0.0018198 -0.00626511] ... [ 0.00197422 0.00197423 0.00244995] [-0.00120514 0.00378492 -0.00751348] [ 0.00378492 -0.00120514 -0.00751348]] Final stress: [ 6.49444168e-05 6.49444166e-05 2.03518960e-04 -1.56726362e-12 1.09595518e-12 1.64151514e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-1.87205700e-03 6.91963025e-03 2.43311542e-03] [ 1.87203113e-03 -6.91965788e-03 2.43314197e-03] [ 1.87204664e-03 6.91964044e-03 -2.43312537e-03] ... [-2.90563352e-03 2.96045008e-03 -3.29189131e-03] [-2.20886370e-03 -3.80909386e-03 1.47279088e-04] [-1.20849682e-03 3.49973153e-03 -8.06067344e-06]] Final stress: [ 1.36739092e-06 1.69214145e-05 6.44756890e-06 -8.13894203e-13 5.85117000e-13 -1.03016762e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00653373 -0.00247047 0.00194238] [-0.00653374 0.00247047 0.00194239] [-0.00653372 -0.00247048 -0.00194237] ... [ 0.00327436 -0.00325394 -0.00304328] [ 0.003584 -0.00109963 -0.00020683] [-0.00355028 -0.00243147 0.00030397]] Final stress: [ 1.50365254e-05 2.89501520e-06 6.41678559e-06 -2.78846395e-13 -1.13385581e-13 -5.78604870e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00014801 -0.00014801 -0.00163528] [ 0.00014812 0.00014811 -0.0016354 ] [ 0.00014813 -0.00014814 0.00163541] ... [-0.00048231 -0.00048231 -0.00057003] [ 0.00046297 -0.00151266 0.00134011] [-0.00151265 0.00046296 0.00134011]] Final stress: [-7.27531481e-05 -7.27531485e-05 -9.31007813e-05 2.59035842e-13 1.62157453e-12 1.74677575e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0018704 0.00644602 -0.00187039] [ 0.00187052 -0.00644589 -0.00187053] [ 0.00187047 0.00644594 0.00187047] ... [-0.00124386 -0.00776818 0.00391099] [ 0.00201146 0.00252124 0.00201146] [ 0.003911 -0.00776818 -0.00124386]] Final stress: [ 6.43308762e-05 2.07803682e-04 6.43308769e-05 8.64774106e-13 1.73864486e-12 -1.68741504e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0024849 0.00196041 0.00658688] [ 0.00248489 -0.00196042 0.00658689] [ 0.00248489 0.00196042 -0.00658689] ... [-0.00245076 0.00030094 -0.00356297] [-0.00327273 -0.00306133 0.00329385] [-0.00111562 -0.00020254 0.00361028]] Final stress: [2.74182375e-06 6.44663008e-06 1.52994912e-05 7.50870844e-14 6.90342191e-13 1.20915996e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00659577 0.00203546 -0.0023466 ] [-0.00659578 -0.00203547 -0.0023466 ] [-0.00659577 0.00203546 0.0023466 ] ... [ 0.00357244 -0.00016803 -0.00111679] [ 0.00321856 -0.00308572 -0.0031923 ] [-0.00359531 0.00027233 -0.002396 ]] Final stress: [ 1.53068856e-05 6.41188445e-06 2.65620526e-06 2.79518575e-13 4.39593782e-13 -7.52610035e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00017915 -0.00162222 -0.00017915] [ 0.00017915 0.00162221 -0.00017915] [ 0.00017917 -0.00162224 0.00017918] ... [ 0.00047092 0.00133075 -0.00148079] [-0.00047944 -0.00078762 -0.00047944] [-0.0014808 0.00133076 0.00047092]] Final stress: [-7.33563309e-05 -9.21052784e-05 -7.33563311e-05 7.18036861e-13 1.29461198e-12 3.19826966e-13] Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0125951 -0.00847481 -0.00847481] [ 0.014698 0.01334569 -0.01334569] [ 0.014698 -0.01334569 0.01334569] ... [-0.0085106 -0.00369566 0.00809952] [-0.0085106 0.00809952 -0.00369566] [-0.0159994 -0.00303348 -0.00303348]] Final stress: [ 2.23825862e-04 -7.91598544e-05 -7.91598543e-05 -9.53180560e-05 -1.23923566e-14 2.76045610e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01427029 -0.01274947 -0.01274947] [ 0.01243378 0.00827954 -0.00827954] [ 0.01243378 -0.00827954 0.00827954] ... [ 0.00719818 0.00913941 0.00254664] [ 0.00719818 0.00254664 0.00913941] [ 0.0056142 -0.00081982 -0.00081982]] Final stress: [ 2.26992510e-04 -7.91680485e-05 -7.91680484e-05 9.64470606e-05 -1.15657133e-14 9.40823532e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1418931 -0.18292669 -0.12997988] [ 0.01983859 -0.05342401 -0.00086845] [ 0.14189308 -0.18292667 0.12997987] ... [-0.00139711 0.00427175 -0.0440592 ] [-0.03137956 -0.11330486 0.00536128] [-0.04008241 -0.03527303 -0.04184805]] Final stress: [ 3.11288882e-04 2.13679079e-03 1.90422277e-03 -2.59575091e-13 -4.65658719e-04 8.04350024e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02165664 0.04943591 -0.00485186] [ 0.14718742 0.1903434 -0.13757627] [ 0.02165666 0.04943589 0.00485189] ... [ 0.0432525 0.10491376 -0.001726 ] [ 0.06359364 0.03454957 0.0593499 ] [ 0.0302244 0.06645249 0.03915781]] Final stress: [3.70627721e-04 2.22815566e-03 1.98315417e-03 7.66626989e-14 4.60916500e-04 4.11845432e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00998618 -0.00834004 -0.00703117] [ 0.01684169 0.01283695 -0.01409779] [ 0.00998618 -0.00834004 0.00703117] ... [-0.00898918 -0.00599459 0.00691733] [-0.00131597 -0.00537514 0.00155256] [-0.00254001 -0.01006238 -0.00860235]] Final stress: [ 2.23833254e-04 -7.23181364e-05 -8.11863429e-05 8.64221686e-15 -1.14699055e-04 7.44373430e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01685339 -0.01283525 -0.01411502] [ 0.00998384 0.00836262 -0.0070348 ] [ 0.01685339 -0.01283525 0.01411502] ... [ 0.0064407 0.01217801 0.00372853] [-0.00171078 0.01524087 0.00287451] [-0.00637136 0.00802923 0.00529142]] Final stress: [ 2.23459585e-04 -7.22137977e-05 -8.10713157e-05 1.86112051e-14 1.14363572e-04 -8.15972202e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1470242 -0.13730245 -0.19011148] [ 0.14702417 0.13730241 -0.19011145] [ 0.02172219 -0.00480175 -0.04951973] ... [-0.03375551 0.00233997 -0.11310418] [-0.0002161 -0.04265746 0.00209128] [-0.03603082 -0.04131381 -0.03558643]] Final stress: [ 3.69805175e-04 1.98169507e-03 2.22645797e-03 -7.32986575e-13 -2.25270021e-13 -4.61025107e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02466045 -0.00755174 0.04638218] [ 0.02466044 0.00755173 0.04638219] [ 0.1498426 -0.1398673 0.19229207] ... [ 0.06303022 0.05843141 0.03169113] [ 0.04432532 -0.00212851 0.10602217] [ 0.03014481 0.04020764 0.06828222]] Final stress: [ 3.60430191e-04 1.96297177e-03 2.20613465e-03 6.92081212e-13 -8.33738553e-13 4.59845215e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01008127 -0.00721365 -0.00859187] [ 0.01008127 0.00721365 -0.00859187] [ 0.01722728 -0.0145684 0.01323913] ... [-0.00134546 0.00154832 -0.00529005] [-0.00887966 0.00690161 -0.00588623] [-0.00256366 -0.00849023 -0.00995297]] Final stress: [ 2.21056163e-04 -8.10594818e-05 -7.23197970e-05 3.20785168e-14 2.60089692e-14 -1.13280769e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01685711 -0.01412008 -0.01283361] [ 0.01685711 0.01412009 -0.01283361] [ 0.00998382 -0.00703632 0.00837084] ... [-0.00170862 0.00288214 0.01522087] [ 0.00642835 0.00373206 0.01217362] [-0.00638452 0.00528013 0.0080193 ]] Final stress: [ 2.23314828e-04 -8.10338758e-05 -7.21807038e-05 2.11181715e-14 1.17068598e-13 1.14263502e-04] Minimization converged after 47 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00619295 -0.00176557 -0.00176556] [-0.006193 0.00176551 -0.00176551] [-0.00619285 -0.00176566 0.00176566] ... [-0.00740977 -0.00118317 0.00373195] [-0.00740977 0.00373193 -0.00118317] [ 0.00241079 0.00194647 0.00194647]] Final stress: [ 2.01753728e-04 6.51303548e-05 6.51303543e-05 2.51902313e-12 -2.57800296e-12 -5.15354136e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00193522 -0.00250002 0.00655065] [-0.0019352 0.00250004 0.00655063] [-0.00193521 -0.00250003 -0.00655065] ... [ 0.0002946 -0.0024328 -0.0035538 ] [-0.00019622 -0.00110611 0.00358814] [-0.00304914 -0.00324624 0.00326756]] Final stress: [ 6.43991787e-06 2.79562687e-06 1.52093081e-05 1.17118496e-12 -1.26610207e-13 -6.23105912e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00189606 0.00668461 -0.00269899] [-0.00189606 -0.0066846 -0.002699 ] [-0.00189607 0.00668461 0.00269899] ... [-0.00013772 0.00360682 -0.00112776] [ 0.00024996 -0.00365128 -0.00241577] [-0.00312207 0.00322206 -0.00319029]] Final stress: [ 6.61267409e-06 1.69553277e-05 1.63027093e-06 -1.09063757e-13 9.35662746e-13 -8.61025169e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0016159 -0.00016871 -0.00016871] [ 0.00161606 0.00016887 -0.00016887] [ 0.00161604 -0.00016885 0.00016885] ... [ 0.00136434 0.0004492 -0.00151715] [ 0.00136434 -0.00151714 0.0004492 ] [-0.00076136 -0.00046427 -0.00046427]] Final stress: [-9.23566875e-05 -7.32556658e-05 -7.32556656e-05 1.30190485e-12 -2.25474022e-12 8.80500246e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.90059201e-01 -1.46807934e-01 -1.37211224e-01] [-4.93858952e-02 2.17532245e-02 -4.97544457e-03] [-4.93858992e-02 -2.17532197e-02 4.97543912e-03] ... [ 1.52966331e-03 -4.15526869e-05 -4.24142229e-02] [-3.58211790e-02 -3.55271819e-02 -4.10575476e-02] [-1.12849046e-01 -3.36645066e-02 2.17265742e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.22623015e-03 3.71835245e-04 1.98135029e-03 -4.58746112e-04 -3.42800860e-13 3.69649304e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04879256 -0.02192904 -0.0054049 ] [ 0.19101073 0.14767665 -0.13834985] [ 0.19101071 -0.14767663 0.13834983] ... [ 0.10496256 0.04319485 -0.00195763] [ 0.06685744 0.03044223 0.03925632] [ 0.03415562 0.06376259 0.05918233]] Final stress: [ 2.23562849e-03 3.76345093e-04 1.98949287e-03 4.60180770e-04 -3.66930140e-13 -8.49327831e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00826676 -0.00998992 -0.00701886] [ 0.01284821 0.0168064 -0.01404809] [ 0.01284821 -0.0168064 0.01404809] ... [-0.00607231 -0.0090786 0.0069046 ] [-0.01008795 -0.00244618 -0.00869307] [-0.00553706 -0.00127186 0.00153428]] Final stress: [-7.26345808e-05 2.25076141e-04 -8.15388304e-05 -1.15673869e-04 -3.46417924e-14 3.94798262e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01283354 -0.01684516 -0.01410318] [ 0.0083561 0.00999127 -0.00703846] [ 0.0083561 -0.00999126 0.00703845] ... [ 0.01216218 0.00646135 0.00373224] [ 0.00802166 -0.006371 0.00531041] [ 0.01524187 -0.00171206 0.00286422]] Final stress: [-7.22676318e-05 2.23636775e-04 -8.11299059e-05 1.14545742e-04 5.03421419e-14 -3.81451811e-14] Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00828755 -0.01244922 -0.00828755] [ 0.01275784 0.01426563 -0.01275784] [ 0.00828754 -0.01244922 0.00828754] ... [-0.0037434 -0.00861989 0.00814918] [-0.00306383 -0.01609308 -0.00306383] [ 0.00814918 -0.00861989 -0.0037434 ]] Final stress: [-7.91034753e-05 2.26746909e-04 -7.91034753e-05 -2.30439098e-14 -9.62747337e-05 -3.06878451e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01274133 -0.01427446 -0.01274133] [ 0.00827338 0.01241943 -0.00827338] [ 0.01274133 -0.01427446 0.01274133] ... [ 0.00914859 0.00721992 0.00253814] [-0.00082331 0.0056893 -0.00082331] [ 0.00253814 0.00721992 0.00914859]] Final stress: [-7.92262468e-05 2.27255432e-04 -7.92262468e-05 -5.62650108e-14 9.65872451e-05 3.66314518e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13821474 -0.14771458 -0.19075674] [ 0.13821481 0.14771465 -0.1907568 ] [ 0.00598654 -0.0226497 -0.0480731 ] ... [ 0.00214546 -0.03356117 -0.11179212] [-0.04147917 -0.03495904 -0.03618147] [-0.04228077 -0.00057362 0.00097499]] Final stress: [ 1.97851431e-03 3.69286331e-04 2.22335398e-03 1.39523561e-12 5.67128975e-13 -4.60246613e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00620097 -0.02343439 0.04754847] [ 0.00620102 0.02343443 0.04754843] [ 0.13866397 -0.14876465 0.19091923] ... [ 0.05850222 0.0623295 0.03323325] [ 0.04019827 0.02949246 0.06737828] [-0.00180662 0.04439073 0.10583748]] Final stress: [ 1.95853369e-03 3.52366508e-04 2.20033033e-03 4.89393550e-13 -1.08007117e-12 4.63868836e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00702484 -0.00997571 -0.00834565] [ 0.00702484 0.00997571 -0.00834565] [ 0.01411178 -0.01685176 0.01283906] ... [ 0.00155455 -0.00132467 -0.00536839] [-0.00858688 -0.00254156 -0.01007144] [ 0.00691881 -0.00897446 -0.00599493]] Final stress: [-8.11218428e-05 2.23624861e-04 -7.22592623e-05 5.75360022e-14 4.45635476e-14 -1.14501565e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01410432 -0.01684593 -0.0128317 ] [ 0.01410433 0.01684594 -0.0128317 ] [ 0.00704173 -0.00999406 0.00836234] ... [ 0.00286841 -0.00171068 0.01522882] [ 0.00530486 -0.00637964 0.00801459] [ 0.00373458 0.00645529 0.01215801]] Final stress: [-8.11114855e-05 2.23562847e-04 -7.22515460e-05 -4.19189060e-15 3.24605789e-14 1.14500355e-04] Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.90338771e-01 -1.37276481e-01 -1.46830056e-01] [-4.94529910e-02 5.12988186e-03 -2.18492823e-02] [-4.94530017e-02 -5.12987096e-03 2.18492717e-02] ... [-3.59332951e-02 -4.08245037e-02 -3.48448725e-02] [ 1.09972223e-03 -4.23005633e-02 1.69972740e-04] [-1.12222959e-01 1.93457064e-03 -3.36376388e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.22644497e-03 1.98117533e-03 3.73130140e-04 -4.56588194e-04 1.19260588e-12 -8.62720526e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04873006 -0.00573066 -0.02251029] [ 0.19074283 0.13779895 -0.14739706] [ 0.19074286 -0.13779898 0.14739709] ... [ 0.06708251 0.03904403 0.03069128] [ 0.10491796 -0.00204311 0.04312384] [ 0.03322587 0.05910905 0.06393762]] Final stress: [ 2.22757707e-03 1.98209803e-03 3.74926730e-04 4.57065667e-04 2.01842936e-13 -6.40055636e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00847528 -0.00713132 -0.01003311] [ 0.01309572 0.01439097 -0.01708282] [ 0.01309571 -0.01439097 0.01708281] ... [-0.01000463 -0.00854805 -0.00253204] [-0.0059472 0.00690437 -0.00893645] [-0.00536164 0.00154676 -0.00132617]] Final stress: [-7.23727840e-05 -8.11671487e-05 2.22307351e-04 -1.13960993e-04 -4.78204477e-14 -4.02092902e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01284186 -0.01410388 -0.01684624] [ 0.0083307 0.00702057 -0.00997413] [ 0.0083307 -0.00702057 0.00997413] ... [ 0.00804427 0.00532742 -0.00634279] [ 0.0121755 0.00372567 0.00647996] [ 0.01528431 0.00285041 -0.00171683]] Final stress: [-7.23158768e-05 -8.11852431e-05 2.23853306e-04 1.14674563e-04 -3.21235748e-14 -5.74105398e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13496277 -0.18820236 -0.14554384] [ 0.00320415 -0.05149729 -0.02096659] [ 0.13496277 -0.18820235 0.14554384] ... [-0.04132889 -0.03564814 -0.03753705] [ 0.00343732 -0.11363229 -0.0329516 ] [-0.04320658 0.00274377 -0.00030976]] Final stress: [ 1.96150892e-03 2.20292681e-03 3.54435462e-04 1.24190347e-12 -4.61390617e-04 -1.70313863e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0062131 0.04771734 -0.02293714] [ 0.13883222 0.19124145 -0.14840343] [ 0.00621311 0.04771733 0.02293715] ... [ 0.03974109 0.06775575 0.02987011] [ 0.05862178 0.03344828 0.06317082] [-0.00209662 0.10562516 0.04371182]] Final stress: [ 1.97468661e-03 2.21882224e-03 3.67586677e-04 -5.39509852e-13 4.59636046e-04 3.15899313e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00718735 -0.00855278 -0.01007308] [ 0.01447449 0.01315777 -0.01715123] [ 0.00718736 -0.00855279 0.01007308] ... [-0.00850864 -0.00994356 -0.00259351] [ 0.00155254 -0.00525825 -0.00133741] [ 0.00690539 -0.00587555 -0.00889644]] Final stress: [-8.10826646e-05 -7.23213415e-05 2.21518778e-04 5.74016957e-14 -1.13575966e-04 -4.65399530e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01410807 -0.01283401 -0.01684877] [ 0.00703614 0.00835821 -0.00998759] [ 0.01410806 -0.01283401 0.01684877] ... [ 0.00530338 0.00801991 -0.00637501] [ 0.00286827 0.01523569 -0.00171127] [ 0.00373296 0.0121636 0.00645369]] Final stress: [-8.11069878e-05 -7.22469745e-05 2.23555543e-04 -2.43673710e-14 1.14478272e-04 7.19906898e-14] Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00828182 -0.00828182 -0.01243847] [ 0.00828183 0.00828183 -0.01243847] [ 0.01275303 -0.01275303 0.01426876] ... [-0.00306025 -0.00306025 -0.01610385] [-0.00376057 0.00814833 -0.00862716] [ 0.00814833 -0.00376057 -0.00862716]] Final stress: [-7.91432185e-05 -7.91432184e-05 2.26914282e-04 9.21065796e-14 -1.12221135e-14 -9.63740515e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0131075 -0.0131075 -0.01453007] [ 0.0131075 0.0131075 -0.01453006] [ 0.00840311 -0.00840311 0.01253575] ... [-0.00083602 -0.00083602 0.00554843] [ 0.00905517 0.0025839 0.00707369] [ 0.0025839 0.00905517 0.00707369]] Final stress: [-7.91789390e-05 -7.91789388e-05 2.25076225e-04 6.39941990e-14 5.38210104e-14 9.58216423e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00029211 0.00098991 0.00098991] [ 0.00026927 0.00155336 -0.00155336] [ 0.00026927 -0.00155336 0.00155336] ... [-0.00075273 -0.00214524 0.0003568 ] [-0.00075273 0.0003568 -0.00214524] [ 0.00292094 0.00090198 0.00090198]] Final stress: [ 2.55889239e-06 2.46866342e-06 2.46866340e-06 3.53970674e-05 -9.23660188e-15 -2.11672701e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00027179 -0.00155465 -0.00155465] [ 0.00028959 -0.0009912 0.0009912 ] [ 0.00028959 0.0009912 -0.0009912 ] ... [ 0.0007579 0.00213625 -0.000143 ] [ 0.0007579 -0.000143 0.00213625] [-0.00267748 -0.00092802 -0.00092802]] Final stress: [ 2.55943129e-06 2.46936681e-06 2.46936684e-06 -3.54142603e-05 1.29866863e-14 2.11292849e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07170687 -0.07170687 -0.1209963 ] [-0.04988497 -0.04988497 0.099612 ] [ 0.0808699 0.02309294 0.04555409] ... [-0.08002213 -0.08002213 0.10580386] [ 0.1961713 -0.07640564 -0.07481925] [-0.07640564 0.1961713 -0.07481925]] Final stress: [ 0.00304796 0.00304796 0.00277439 -0.00167135 -0.00167135 0.00087101] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02409321 -0.08046844 -0.04462634] [ 0.08046844 -0.02409322 -0.04462633] [-0.04972927 0.04972926 -0.09982734] ... [ 0.26257983 -0.13134345 0.04930848] [ 0.00900376 0.23437521 -0.16877772] [-0.13678106 0.03242986 0.2478216 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00298364 0.00298364 0.0027152 -0.00165643 0.00165643 -0.00085528] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08121865 0.0237085 -0.04557009] [-0.02370851 0.08121864 -0.04557007] [ 0.07183629 -0.07183629 0.12149536] ... [-0.13220395 0.26540227 0.04991565] [ 0.03213929 -0.13719518 0.24967124] [ 0.23587572 0.00984358 -0.16945876]] Final stress: [ 0.00305127 0.00305127 0.00277772 0.00167378 -0.00167378 -0.00087184] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04951959 0.04951959 0.09965447] [ 0.07140756 0.07140756 -0.12098966] [-0.02374517 -0.08086892 0.04521473] ... [ 0.09423957 0.09423957 -0.02738627] [-0.05002703 0.18207518 0.08202798] [ 0.18207519 -0.05002703 0.08202798]] Final stress: [0.00302422 0.00302422 0.00275288 0.00166538 0.00166538 0.00086522] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07107883 -0.12070337 -0.07107883] [ 0.08064741 0.04489648 0.02396657] [-0.04936652 0.09950581 -0.04936652] ... [ 0.19377728 -0.07504749 -0.075853 ] [-0.08148917 0.10604384 -0.08148917] [-0.075853 -0.07504749 0.19377728]] Final stress: [ 0.00300428 0.00273437 0.00300428 -0.00166093 0.0008604 -0.00166093] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02399873 -0.04480282 -0.08057613] [-0.04935701 -0.09947317 0.04935701] [ 0.08057613 -0.04480282 -0.02399873] ... [ 0.00914191 -0.1688184 0.2348134 ] [ 0.26300303 0.04943354 -0.13145708] [-0.13700293 0.24808354 0.03234962]] Final stress: [ 0.00299704 0.00272765 0.00299704 -0.00165922 -0.00085862 0.00165922] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.080581 -0.04480358 0.02400393] [ 0.07106976 0.12070115 -0.07106976] [-0.02400391 -0.0448036 0.08058102] ... [ 0.03235185 0.24809231 -0.13699296] [-0.13146234 0.04943391 0.26301021] [ 0.23480392 -0.16882588 0.00914036]] Final stress: [ 0.00299714 0.00272774 0.00299714 0.0016593 -0.00085864 -0.0016593 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04944909 0.09927257 0.04944908] [-0.02340477 0.04524274 -0.08069225] [ 0.07117905 -0.12055047 0.07117905] ... [-0.05030236 0.08201653 0.18241898] [ 0.09302794 -0.0267668 0.09302795] [ 0.18241897 0.08201653 -0.05030236]] Final stress: [0.00302833 0.00275636 0.00302833 0.00166627 0.00086631 0.00166627] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00092607 -0.00027513 0.00092607] [ 0.00148423 0.00028047 -0.00148423] [-0.00092607 -0.00027513 -0.00092607] ... [-0.00231756 -0.00057581 0.00033389] [ 0.0009939 0.00275986 0.0009939 ] [ 0.00033389 -0.00057581 -0.00231756]] Final stress: [ 2.43673592e-06 2.53163311e-06 2.43673591e-06 -7.11688331e-16 3.34768206e-05 -4.45537536e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.38051944e-03 -2.94070531e-04 -1.38051945e-03] [-8.30180291e-04 2.52969814e-04 8.30180292e-04] [ 1.38051917e-03 -2.94070264e-04 1.38051919e-03] ... [ 2.56662798e-03 3.22451203e-04 -6.66356414e-05] [-1.15659987e-03 -2.25646094e-03 -1.15659989e-03] [-6.66356669e-05 3.22451164e-04 2.56662799e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.38897526e-06 2.49115065e-06 2.38897528e-06 1.12955823e-14 -3.06034409e-05 1.39815459e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12037881 -0.07078109 -0.07078109] [ 0.04447521 0.08025595 0.02411557] [ 0.04447521 0.02411557 0.08025595] ... [-0.07475311 0.19452763 -0.07578409] [-0.07475311 -0.07578409 0.19452764] [ 0.10516286 -0.08007809 -0.08007809]] Final stress: [ 0.00271581 0.00298511 0.00298511 0.00085594 -0.0016597 -0.0016597 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04488387 0.02412778 -0.0807752 ] [-0.10061131 -0.05033717 0.05033717] [ 0.1217873 -0.07200573 0.07200573] ... [-0.1693062 0.00924977 0.23452715] [ 0.24864991 -0.13667134 0.03227812] [ 0.04945504 0.26367359 -0.13201147]] Final stress: [ 0.00273321 0.00300334 0.00300334 -0.00085999 -0.00166356 0.00166356] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04578313 -0.08132762 0.02347205] [ 0.12177235 0.07218849 -0.07218849] [-0.10020949 0.04998161 -0.04998161] ... [ 0.24982474 0.03230157 -0.13722619] [-0.16932036 0.23617749 0.01003297] [ 0.05005248 -0.13180981 0.26580655]] Final stress: [ 0.0027882 0.00306245 0.00306245 -0.00087445 0.00167527 -0.00167527] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09943422 0.04923968 0.04923968] [ 0.04509764 -0.02389951 -0.0808046 ] [ 0.04509764 -0.0808046 -0.02389951] ... [ 0.08201282 -0.04999904 0.18217193] [ 0.08201282 0.18217194 -0.04999904] [-0.02733077 0.09431767 0.09431767]] Final stress: [0.00274854 0.0030196 0.0030196 0.00086421 0.00166479 0.00166479] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00085197 0.00085197 -0.00025853] [-0.00085197 -0.00085197 -0.00025853] [ 0.00140411 -0.00140411 0.00029048] ... [ 0.00110159 0.00110159 0.00257287] [-0.00251682 0.00030779 -0.00037446] [ 0.00030779 -0.00251682 -0.00037446]] Final stress: [ 2.39968690e-06 2.39968690e-06 2.50022120e-06 6.90218750e-15 -1.11266538e-14 3.12593639e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00159458 -0.00159458 -0.00026402] [ 0.00159458 0.00159458 -0.00026402] [-0.001028 0.001028 0.00030077] ... [-0.00087472 -0.00087472 -0.00277626] [ 0.00203466 -0.00016134 0.00086258] [-0.00016134 0.00203466 0.00086258]] Final stress: [ 2.48824647e-06 2.48824644e-06 2.57559932e-06 -1.06850108e-14 -6.99951712e-15 -3.65494129e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00107772 0.00067991 0.00067991] [ 0.00107775 -0.00067989 0.00067989] [ 0.00107776 0.00067988 -0.00067988] ... [ 0.0012919 -0.00046095 0.00025297] [ 0.0012919 0.00025297 -0.00046096] [ 0.00117098 -0.00306298 -0.00306298]] Final stress: [ 5.78326132e-05 5.66571795e-05 5.66571795e-05 -5.38078862e-13 -1.33755893e-13 1.08305361e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.20599307e-03 -1.00881939e-03 -1.00881928e-03] [-2.20603181e-03 1.00878063e-03 -1.00878005e-03] [-2.20602597e-03 -1.00878547e-03 1.00878629e-03] ... [-1.49518703e-03 7.15933259e-04 2.49253689e-05] [-1.49518613e-03 2.49264171e-05 7.15932993e-04] [-1.41258236e-03 3.13587226e-03 3.13587235e-03]] Final stress: [-4.45049303e-05 -5.50347941e-05 -5.50347940e-05 -7.73579615e-14 -3.95511310e-14 1.68147819e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00165272 -0.00165273 0.0059837 ] [ 0.00165296 0.00165297 0.00598347] [ 0.00165222 -0.00165221 -0.00598424] ... [ 0.00173855 0.00173855 -0.00207099] [ 0.0001539 0.0078698 0.00031784] [ 0.00786975 0.00015393 0.00031786]] Final stress: [ 2.93488130e-05 2.93488126e-05 2.06057581e-04 -1.36992977e-11 -1.59767760e-12 1.77565305e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02387196 0.0169469 -0.0056104 ] [ 0.02387197 -0.01694689 -0.00561041] [ 0.02387197 0.01694689 0.00561041] ... [-0.00698809 0.00131172 0.00914391] [ 0.0048224 -0.00091348 0.01032738] [ 0.01441885 -0.01350987 -0.01630423]] Final stress: [-5.70965415e-05 2.01117007e-04 4.59530049e-05 6.33873102e-13 4.22774858e-13 8.08722514e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01680211 -0.02369602 -0.0055697 ] [-0.01680209 0.02369603 -0.00556972] [-0.01680209 -0.02369603 0.00556972] ... [ 0.00119779 -0.00693882 0.00934243] [-0.013709 0.01465189 -0.01641662] [-0.00075607 0.00494446 0.01037301]] Final stress: [ 1.99722538e-04 -5.74300373e-05 4.54214469e-05 -1.64394869e-12 -6.10661263e-13 -3.09318780e-13] Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-1.74233617e-03 6.56536150e-03 -1.74233707e-03] [ 1.74297117e-03 -6.56473664e-03 -1.74296985e-03] [ 1.74303056e-03 6.56464576e-03 1.74302740e-03] ... [ 1.75675797e-04 8.02964046e-06 8.55524647e-03] [ 2.10979516e-03 -2.31272316e-03 2.10979066e-03] [ 8.55530534e-03 7.99897556e-06 1.75654738e-04]] Final stress: [2.90273561e-05 2.06964036e-04 2.90273555e-05 5.34056618e-12 6.29054785e-12 4.64514452e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02380185 -0.00557676 0.01692864] [ 0.02380184 0.00557676 0.01692864] [ 0.02380186 -0.00557678 -0.01692862] ... [ 0.0048955 0.01042056 -0.00099215] [-0.00701399 0.00919637 0.00132183] [ 0.01460165 -0.01641284 -0.0136025 ]] Final stress: [-5.83548104e-05 4.57830196e-05 2.01822278e-04 -7.18482064e-13 -7.64925955e-14 9.31208512e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0163517 -0.00506838 -0.02257215] [-0.01635169 0.00506839 -0.02257216] [-0.0163517 -0.00506839 0.02257215] ... [-0.01313305 -0.01577806 0.01407427] [ 0.00119022 0.00888477 -0.00666809] [-0.0008079 0.01001711 0.00480411]] Final stress: [ 1.88892963e-04 4.24819599e-05 -5.66250041e-05 1.37930465e-12 1.46480888e-12 -1.89940174e-12] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0022895 0.00412688 0.00412688] [-0.01151321 -0.00633066 0.00633066] [-0.0115132 0.00633066 -0.00633066] ... [-0.00353978 0.00267911 0.00106734] [-0.00353978 0.00106734 0.00267911] [-0.00264855 -0.00086626 -0.00086626]] Final stress: [ 1.16102622e-05 -3.86313080e-05 -3.86313080e-05 7.34074389e-06 -5.62997620e-14 1.83019043e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01216853 0.00728238 0.00728238] [-0.00295257 -0.00455091 0.00455091] [-0.00295257 0.00455091 -0.00455091] ... [ 0.00075291 -0.0026839 0.00234602] [ 0.00075291 0.00234602 -0.0026839 ] [ 0.00102135 0.00046792 0.00046792]] Final stress: [ 1.05201280e-05 -3.84405904e-05 -3.84405904e-05 -5.54434464e-06 1.23616875e-13 -7.77496421e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.32374384 0.3035849 0.44990735] [ 0.00055885 -0.32071906 0.19659206] [-0.32374385 0.30358489 -0.44990734] ... [-0.16107533 0.15914992 -0.08850942] [ 0.21923778 -0.23755111 0.31542274] [-0.14553517 0.31801299 -0.12278844]] Final stress: [ 7.94724288e-03 1.33829095e-02 1.20542034e-02 7.96448688e-12 -1.93581531e-03 -1.50792182e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00298514 0.31780717 0.19411088] [-0.31354815 -0.29381178 0.43934184] [ 0.0029851 0.31780721 -0.1941109 ] ... [ 0.24438445 -0.01904674 -0.23684554] [-0.09550166 -0.1033674 -0.19669108] [-0.08952083 -0.07066667 0.36265445]] Final stress: [ 8.01849536e-03 1.34766111e-02 1.21394559e-02 -1.81948531e-12 1.94091360e-03 1.64974097e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00588069 0.00068554 0.00420716] [-0.00796587 -0.00979401 0.00627712] [-0.00588069 0.00068555 -0.00420717] ... [ 0.00143474 -0.00243813 0.0009991 ] [-0.00227477 -0.00013739 -0.00113827] [-0.00140084 -0.00216354 0.00292798]] Final stress: [ 1.11649796e-05 -3.82979962e-05 -3.86294098e-05 -7.41614532e-14 6.63552480e-06 -8.72369277e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00796083 0.00978679 0.00626771] [-0.00587608 -0.00067437 0.00419818] [-0.00796083 0.00978679 -0.00626771] ... [-0.00424368 0.00205586 0.00268765] [-0.0005466 0.00379565 0.00067702] [ 0.00025455 0.00234661 -0.00281138]] Final stress: [ 1.11439109e-05 -3.83000498e-05 -3.86309103e-05 -5.28322202e-15 -6.64841720e-06 -3.82581055e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.32923536 0.45599296 0.30859096] [-0.32923535 -0.45599293 0.30859095] [-0.00299865 0.20035109 -0.32551068] ... [ 0.21947306 0.31538145 -0.238408 ] [-0.16121919 -0.08801977 0.15744028] [-0.14502798 -0.1232232 0.31521125]] Final stress: [ 7.91470822e-03 1.20114170e-02 1.33344540e-02 8.60953091e-12 1.53693433e-12 -1.92599663e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00227503 0.19635127 0.32233435] [ 0.0022751 -0.19635119 0.3223343 ] [-0.3246659 0.4521185 -0.30369739] ... [-0.09343742 -0.19303657 -0.10445787] [ 0.24500927 -0.2361068 -0.01728885] [-0.08914711 0.35971117 -0.0686963 ]] Final stress: [ 7.96135882e-03 1.20633489e-02 1.33891655e-02 -1.12123853e-11 2.48236020e-11 1.92728247e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00669227 0.00510194 0.00213692] [-0.00669227 -0.00510195 0.00213692] [-0.00994392 0.00834149 -0.01130337] ... [-0.00089917 -0.00038785 0.00066176] [ 0.00071216 0.00108562 -0.0022256 ] [-0.00092256 0.00174948 -0.00176969]] Final stress: [ 9.23530838e-06 -3.82336437e-05 -3.79398529e-05 2.39154104e-14 4.76133226e-14 3.01261222e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00869835 0.0070201 0.01032205] [-0.00869835 -0.0070201 0.01032205] [-0.0061842 0.0045198 -0.00121378] ... [-0.00077779 0.00017866 0.0033058 ] [-0.00364956 0.00244928 0.00172336] [ 0.0001904 -0.00239909 0.00209395]] Final stress: [ 1.01284078e-05 -3.84670706e-05 -3.81549798e-05 1.88087532e-14 -1.70677988e-17 -5.29949702e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0006882 -0.00116415 0.0006882 ] [-0.00068817 0.00116418 0.00068817] [-0.00068822 -0.00116413 -0.00068822] ... [-0.00048073 0.00126879 0.000278 ] [-0.00307605 0.00118724 -0.00307605] [ 0.00027801 0.00126879 -0.00048073]] Final stress: [ 5.68753428e-05 5.77530171e-05 5.68753428e-05 3.03738401e-13 2.30932278e-13 -2.16325208e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00100197 0.00242847 -0.00100197] [ 0.00100193 -0.00242851 -0.00100193] [ 0.00100189 0.00242855 0.00100189] ... [ 0.00076276 -0.00143174 -0.00010639] [ 0.00320041 -0.00149811 0.00320041] [-0.00010639 -0.00143174 0.00076276]] Final stress: [-5.51196049e-05 -4.43546489e-05 -5.51196049e-05 -3.65311178e-13 2.06776663e-14 9.45936911e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00061174 -0.00023026 -0.00023026] [-0.00061175 0.00023024 -0.00023025] [-0.00061199 -0.00023001 0.00023001] ... [ 0.00018801 -0.00036083 0.00067033] [ 0.00018802 0.00067031 -0.00036083] [-0.00063333 -0.00039819 -0.00039819]] Final stress: [ 6.54650342e-05 5.32535846e-05 5.32535848e-05 2.00451922e-12 9.18415468e-13 -8.12625354e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00565228 -0.02399656 0.01701837] [ 0.00565228 0.02399656 0.01701837] [ 0.00565229 -0.02399657 -0.01701836] ... [ 0.01044401 0.00479373 -0.00125301] [-0.01636944 0.01446323 -0.0134205 ] [ 0.00899083 -0.00711464 0.001485 ]] Final stress: [ 4.62811663e-05 -5.95085245e-05 2.04618803e-04 2.16238843e-13 -7.34042917e-16 -1.17041688e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00519056 0.01638418 -0.02279736] [ 0.00519056 -0.01638419 -0.02279735] [ 0.00519057 0.01638417 0.02279736] ... [-0.01601342 -0.0132502 0.01442077] [ 0.01020449 -0.00101354 0.00484353] [ 0.00898003 0.00129872 -0.0068257 ]] Final stress: [ 4.29367108e-05 1.93524999e-04 -5.96891293e-05 -8.40395459e-13 -2.24241483e-13 -9.51945331e-13] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.04653299e-01 3.24600086e-01 4.51146535e-01] [-3.21275541e-01 3.03883711e-04 1.96943155e-01] [-3.21275544e-01 -3.03854449e-04 -1.96943169e-01] ... [ 1.58559464e-01 -1.60647454e-01 -8.83581194e-02] [ 3.18690789e-01 -1.43886425e-01 -1.22023976e-01] [-2.36002817e-01 2.19273694e-01 3.14082280e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.33514903e-02 7.93187329e-03 1.20247059e-02 -1.92614066e-03 -1.82754590e-11 -9.39645898e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.32328331 -0.00154865 0.19712741] [-0.30379811 -0.32485475 0.45236718] [-0.30379812 0.32485476 -0.45236722] ... [-0.01635111 0.24531344 -0.23593081] [-0.06808066 -0.08961839 0.36003621] [-0.10362998 -0.09363908 -0.19284972]] Final stress: [1.33940519e-02 7.96446228e-03 1.20682170e-02 1.92751470e-03 4.17212611e-12 6.08830894e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00066423 0.00587006 0.00418571] [-0.00975693 -0.00793972 0.00624018] [-0.00975694 0.00793973 -0.00624018] ... [-0.00239893 0.00145732 0.00100588] [-0.00211686 -0.00138558 0.00294594] [-0.00015058 -0.00224996 -0.00112522]] Final stress: [-3.83146926e-05 1.10747648e-05 -3.86440940e-05 6.63311943e-06 -1.05237143e-13 1.27298049e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0097782 0.00795337 0.00627072] [-0.00068941 -0.00586905 0.00420162] [-0.00068941 0.00586904 -0.00420162] ... [ 0.00203505 -0.00424028 0.00268711] [ 0.0023227 0.00024306 -0.0028135 ] [ 0.00379564 -0.00055017 0.0006711 ]] Final stress: [-3.83234595e-05 1.12371129e-05 -3.86548495e-05 -6.52816165e-06 -6.53409862e-14 4.14748483e-14] Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00436321 0.00269285 0.00436321] [-0.00686369 -0.01190096 0.00686369] [-0.00436321 0.00269285 -0.00436321] ... [ 0.00228299 -0.00322998 0.00109497] [-0.0005602 -0.00227141 -0.0005602 ] [ 0.00109497 -0.00322998 0.00228299]] Final stress: [-3.84883712e-05 1.05404267e-05 -3.84883712e-05 3.51888514e-14 6.41052899e-06 1.91386764e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.24755280e-03 1.28188393e-02 8.24755298e-03] [-4.96985248e-03 -3.57556199e-03 4.96985261e-03] [-8.24755289e-03 1.28188393e-02 -8.24755296e-03] ... [-2.23540857e-03 7.83437507e-04 2.07897561e-03] [ 3.98486213e-05 5.78805225e-04 3.98485209e-05] [ 2.07897587e-03 7.83437483e-04 -2.23540868e-03]] Final stress: [-3.82731005e-05 9.75992012e-06 -3.82731005e-05 -3.90556537e-14 -3.78371540e-06 -9.17844060e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.4526368 0.32543434 0.30439603] [-0.4526368 -0.32543433 0.30439605] [-0.1966002 -0.00180463 -0.32238463] ... [ 0.31469465 0.21877955 -0.2388939 ] [-0.12287985 -0.14726664 0.31458983] [-0.09009178 -0.16034144 0.15743624]] Final stress: [ 1.20624949e-02 7.95644021e-03 1.33882713e-02 1.83268446e-11 4.78568569e-12 -1.93081123e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.1996249 0.00376442 0.32290332] [-0.19962493 -0.00376445 0.32290336] [-0.45758836 0.33248142 -0.31195641] ... [-0.19457936 -0.09473752 -0.10506183] [ 0.36097479 -0.08855637 -0.06881075] [-0.2367317 0.24502085 -0.01829319]] Final stress: [1.19888255e-02 7.87762397e-03 1.33127996e-02 2.67628205e-11 1.46645834e-11 1.94427640e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0042019 0.00587181 0.00068347] [-0.0042019 -0.00587181 0.00068347] [-0.00627413 0.00795926 -0.00978784] ... [-0.00112949 -0.00226255 -0.0001407 ] [ 0.00292954 -0.00140054 -0.00214637] [ 0.00100264 0.00144043 -0.00242021]] Final stress: [-3.86302221e-05 1.12321434e-05 -3.82985511e-05 6.37446197e-14 -1.92639978e-14 6.58585246e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0062147 0.00792462 0.00973654] [-0.00621469 -0.00792461 0.00973653] [-0.00417878 0.00587357 -0.00065223] ... [ 0.00063942 -0.0005702 0.00381289] [-0.00283895 0.00026116 0.0022749 ] [ 0.00268696 -0.00426464 0.00197727]] Final stress: [-3.86225827e-05 1.09583665e-05 -3.82945651e-05 -4.81715576e-14 1.57652294e-14 -6.70726536e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00072305 0.00072305 -0.00158263] [-0.00072303 -0.00072303 -0.00158265] [-0.00072302 0.00072302 0.00158266] ... [-0.00313815 -0.00313815 0.00117182] [-0.00051433 0.00042048 0.00112425] [ 0.00042048 -0.00051433 0.00112425]] Final stress: [ 5.77730897e-05 5.77730898e-05 5.73140037e-05 -2.63430639e-13 -9.28925534e-15 1.84856935e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00100517 -0.00100517 0.0024332 ] [ 0.00100518 0.00100518 0.00243319] [ 0.00100518 -0.00100518 -0.0024332 ] ... [ 0.00320489 0.00320489 -0.00149949] [ 0.00076428 -0.00010694 -0.0014348 ] [-0.00010694 0.00076428 -0.0014348 ]] Final stress: [-5.51716183e-05 -5.51716184e-05 -4.42956682e-05 2.56526710e-13 7.67117146e-14 3.72478250e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.30964282 0.45565476 0.33032087] [-0.32066114 -0.19713398 0.00072585] [-0.32066102 0.19713387 -0.00072573] ... [ 0.31686814 -0.12258428 -0.14508421] [ 0.15877541 -0.08982314 -0.16012836] [-0.23758192 0.31420093 0.21838123]] Final stress: [ 1.33370969e-02 1.20119710e-02 7.89786125e-03 -1.94571636e-03 -2.19228824e-12 -1.85002216e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.32387404 0.20182634 0.00736192] [-0.3164606 -0.46074116 0.33659012] [-0.31646068 0.46074127 -0.33659021] ... [-0.06874115 0.36171996 -0.08885371] [-0.0194398 -0.23787748 0.24501353] [-0.10622051 -0.19591724 -0.09555267]] Final stress: [ 1.32604414e-02 1.19381905e-02 7.83178266e-03 1.94539309e-03 -6.61048745e-12 9.69781947e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00068867 0.00420427 0.00587411] [-0.00978812 -0.00627725 0.00796233] [-0.00978813 0.00627726 -0.00796233] ... [-0.00215573 0.00293029 -0.00140126] [-0.00243145 0.00099937 0.00143824] [-0.00014032 -0.0011351 -0.00226929]] Final stress: [-3.83198214e-05 -3.86511459e-05 1.11964366e-05 6.57156380e-06 -7.22611898e-14 -8.06981649e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00977584 0.0062698 0.00794908] [-0.00069156 -0.00420232 0.00586639] [-0.00069157 0.00420232 -0.0058664 ] ... [ 0.00230546 -0.00281558 0.00023322] [ 0.00202087 0.00268408 -0.00423823] [ 0.0037935 0.00066676 -0.00055352]] Final stress: [-3.83126219e-05 -3.86444738e-05 1.12890549e-05 -6.50479227e-06 2.68175074e-14 -1.84641767e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12538048 0.00955582 0.04079796] [-0.07377677 -0.18072324 -0.07422323] [-0.12538054 0.00955587 -0.04079801] ... [-0.0735368 0.30455658 -0.12542097] [ 0.24622828 -0.23980009 0.15164208] [-0.05593319 0.13118913 -0.08989685]] Final stress: [ 1.12363004e-02 1.24048173e-02 7.31423264e-03 -2.37678094e-11 -1.51639971e-03 1.00371050e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.97298772e-01 3.22146737e-01 -2.31795412e-04] [-4.54162985e-01 -3.06918007e-01 3.27574713e-01] [-1.97298815e-01 3.22146757e-01 2.31756370e-04] ... [ 3.59904557e-01 -6.91373731e-02 -8.87754646e-02] [-1.94023772e-01 -1.05693166e-01 -9.38680093e-02] [-2.36816583e-01 -1.86328694e-02 2.44705373e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.20258015e-02 1.33504391e-02 7.92473540e-03 4.34670397e-12 1.93117487e-03 -2.71604648e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00464992 0.00143285 0.00631214] [-0.00732313 -0.01053639 0.0089986 ] [-0.00464991 0.00143285 -0.00631213] ... [ 0.0023012 -0.00185783 -0.00108838] [-0.0007006 0.0002804 -0.00146219] [ 0.0010554 -0.00225301 0.00107033]] Final stress: [-3.83520921e-05 -3.80488387e-05 9.59659827e-06 6.10672757e-14 4.81693790e-06 -7.51504101e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00618467 0.00971515 0.00791394] [-0.00415889 -0.0006237 0.00587308] [-0.00618467 0.00971514 -0.00791394] ... [-0.00284549 0.0022755 0.0002878 ] [ 0.00062443 0.00382499 -0.0005775 ] [ 0.0026877 0.00196646 -0.00427541]] Final stress: [-3.86023724e-05 -3.82773058e-05 1.07131216e-05 -1.61344250e-14 -6.84825169e-06 -1.72462994e-14] Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00413223 0.00413223 0.0022962 ] [-0.00413223 -0.00413223 0.00229621] [-0.00632705 0.00632705 -0.01150158] ... [-0.00086203 -0.00086203 -0.00265178] [ 0.00268185 0.00107008 -0.00352188] [ 0.00107008 0.00268185 -0.00352188]] Final stress: [-3.86406720e-05 -3.86406720e-05 1.16300760e-05 -2.67485981e-14 2.81176218e-15 7.29975253e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00799185 0.00799185 0.01267295] [-0.00799185 -0.00799185 0.01267295] [-0.00485188 0.00485188 -0.00342512] ... [ 0.00011465 0.00011465 0.00072257] [-0.00235269 0.00212922 0.00075928] [ 0.00212922 -0.00235269 0.00075928]] Final stress: [-3.82289899e-05 -3.82289898e-05 9.61674122e-06 -2.44551238e-14 2.71356373e-14 -4.38027984e-06] Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00530843 -0.00530842 -0.00320707] [-0.00416572 -0.00416572 0.00204638] [-0.0015168 -0.0027035 0.00061722] ... [ 0.00385952 0.00385952 0.0063398 ] [ 0.00129235 -0.00132815 -0.00425132] [-0.00132815 0.00129235 -0.00425132]] Final stress: [-1.76098377e-06 -1.76098338e-06 -2.36458936e-06 2.99541916e-05 2.99541916e-05 1.40227746e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00270342 0.00151582 -0.00061767] [-0.00151582 0.00270342 -0.00061767] [-0.00416148 0.00416148 -0.00204266] ... [ 0.00553761 -0.00538992 0.00097051] [ 0.00809329 0.00855807 0.00261953] [-0.00670679 -0.00822083 -0.00276719]] Final stress: [-1.76247593e-06 -1.76247614e-06 -2.36670172e-06 2.99123638e-05 -2.99123637e-05 -1.40243983e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00148487 -0.00268544 -0.00062356] [ 0.00268544 -0.00148487 -0.00062356] [ 0.00511418 -0.00511418 0.00303666] ... [-0.00513739 0.00527315 0.00094274] [-0.00775374 -0.00624794 -0.00255835] [ 0.00804782 0.00762464 0.00240965]] Final stress: [-1.73486274e-06 -1.73486263e-06 -2.32200490e-06 -2.85596782e-05 2.85596783e-05 -1.34497990e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.97363685e-03 2.97363692e-03 8.95594852e-04] [ 4.27431367e-03 4.27431364e-03 -2.20350879e-03] [ 2.70537519e-03 1.44323007e-03 6.52131631e-04] ... [-1.95492229e-03 -1.95492234e-03 -3.21149254e-03] [-9.61644855e-05 2.01746656e-03 4.08990869e-03] [ 2.01746650e-03 -9.61646152e-05 4.08990878e-03]] Final stress: [-1.62220102e-06 -1.62220097e-06 -2.15010127e-06 -2.35017388e-05 -2.35017389e-05 1.14422923e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00530094 -0.00321072 -0.00530094] [-0.0015048 0.00061813 -0.00269327] [-0.00415622 0.00204796 -0.00415622] ... [ 0.00132895 -0.00424388 -0.0012846 ] [ 0.00387007 0.00636478 0.00387007] [-0.0012846 -0.00424388 0.00132895]] Final stress: [-1.76263701e-06 -2.36716325e-06 -1.76263704e-06 2.98665410e-05 1.40195577e-06 2.98665410e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00269667 -0.00062936 0.00148368] [-0.00375367 -0.00165629 0.00375367] [-0.00148368 -0.00062936 0.00269667] ... [ 0.0073311 0.00227415 0.00767309] [ 0.00511225 0.00092437 -0.00498302] [-0.00590772 -0.00242237 -0.00746052]] Final stress: [-1.72073853e-06 -2.29797154e-06 -1.72073866e-06 2.76251599e-05 -1.30841814e-06 -2.76251599e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00149776 -0.0006169 -0.00268376] [ 0.0053347 0.00325277 -0.0053347 ] [ 0.00268376 -0.0006169 -0.00149776] ... [-0.00821071 -0.00273476 -0.00670546] [-0.00541278 0.0009703 0.00555963] [ 0.0085566 0.00258631 0.00808263]] Final stress: [-1.75951310e-06 -2.36383309e-06 -1.75951300e-06 -2.98325833e-05 -1.40135729e-06 2.98325833e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00258222 0.00053502 0.00258222] [ 0.00268925 0.00066438 0.0014009 ] [ 0.00393558 -0.00189243 0.00393558] ... [ 0.00028169 0.00409719 0.00160473] [-0.00123108 -0.00282122 -0.00123108] [ 0.00160473 0.00409719 0.00028169]] Final stress: [-1.55958363e-06 -2.06278214e-06 -1.55958361e-06 -2.12981355e-05 1.06285710e-06 -2.12981355e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.1342009 0.0044773 0.1342009 ] [ 0.21215898 0.07426248 -0.21215898] [-0.13420104 0.00447744 -0.13420103] ... [ 0.02613259 -0.08123801 0.07534588] [-0.05553432 0.42178709 -0.05553431] [ 0.07534589 -0.08123801 0.02613259]] Final stress: [ 1.71615155e-03 2.32024615e-03 1.71615155e-03 4.47635717e-13 1.58041084e-06 -2.68925480e-13] Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00335185 -0.00540541 -0.00540541] [ 0.00061335 -0.00147294 -0.00265184] [ 0.00061335 -0.00265184 -0.00147294] ... [-0.00423568 0.00133475 -0.00128442] [-0.00423568 -0.00128442 0.00133475] [ 0.00641257 0.00383646 0.00383646]] Final stress: [-2.34826020e-06 -1.74616639e-06 -1.74616639e-06 1.39852473e-06 2.98413719e-05 2.98413718e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00061514 -0.00268758 0.00150504] [-0.00210241 -0.0042079 0.0042079 ] [ 0.00325807 -0.00534559 0.00534559] ... [ 0.00262373 0.00807157 0.00859936] [-0.00277267 -0.00674866 -0.00819987] [ 0.00096987 0.00551063 -0.00536455]] Final stress: [-2.35490912e-06 -1.75275241e-06 -1.75275217e-06 -1.40085995e-06 2.99809857e-05 -2.99809857e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00061526 0.00151007 -0.00269287] [ 0.00324937 0.00534207 -0.00534207] [-0.00209339 0.00420404 -0.00420404] ... [-0.00277382 -0.00820288 -0.00674606] [ 0.00262499 0.00859665 0.00807465] [ 0.00096985 -0.00536633 0.00551254]] Final stress: [-2.35546004e-06 -1.75310331e-06 -1.75310351e-06 -1.40116503e-06 -2.99817336e-05 2.99817336e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00202936 0.00414478 0.00414478] [ 0.00061873 0.00270103 0.00151135] [ 0.00061873 0.00151135 0.00270103] ... [ 0.00402163 -0.00136345 0.00307499] [ 0.00402163 0.00307499 -0.00136345] [-0.00451816 -0.00418388 -0.00418388]] Final stress: [-2.37127208e-06 -1.76628794e-06 -1.76628796e-06 1.40258301e-06 -2.98620364e-05 -2.98620365e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14209365 0.14209365 0.00111531] [-0.14209355 -0.14209355 0.00111521] [ 0.22923763 -0.22923763 0.07839879] ... [-0.05940613 -0.05940613 0.45270553] [ 0.02514869 0.08303523 -0.08046778] [ 0.08303524 0.02514869 -0.08046778]] Final stress: [ 2.10669654e-03 2.10669654e-03 2.83763055e-03 9.27962541e-13 -6.62977620e-13 -5.50947890e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-2.56596103e-01 -2.56596101e-01 -8.83941103e-02] [ 2.56596169e-01 2.56596173e-01 -8.83941796e-02] [-1.55125468e-01 1.55125468e-01 4.12620559e-04] ... [ 7.57025372e-02 7.57025348e-02 -4.26817049e-01] [-6.87009728e-03 1.57622903e-02 2.30844600e-01] [ 1.57623031e-02 -6.87010184e-03 2.30844592e-01]] Final stress: [2.74411922e-03 2.74411921e-03 3.67107019e-03 8.43562433e-13 5.96331362e-13 1.18019404e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01432232 0.00580913 0.00580914] [ 0.01432199 -0.00580947 0.00580947] [ 0.01432199 0.00580947 -0.00580948] ... [ 0.00259089 0.001988 -0.00362472] [ 0.00259089 -0.00362472 0.001988 ] [ 0.00822255 -0.0137496 -0.0137496 ]] Final stress: [-5.31732686e-05 1.61621328e-04 1.61621328e-04 -1.69055696e-12 -2.18515417e-12 -7.72179255e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00930248 -0.00418762 -0.00418763] [-0.00930265 0.00418747 -0.00418746] [-0.0093024 -0.0041877 0.0041877 ] ... [-0.00120838 -0.00129938 0.00211291] [-0.00120838 0.0021129 -0.00129938] [-0.0053927 0.0081028 0.0081028 ]] Final stress: [ 5.11682581e-05 -8.50008099e-05 -8.50008097e-05 -6.20427983e-14 -3.39720423e-12 -7.31005950e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00133691 -0.00133691 0.00088899] [ 0.00133711 0.00133707 0.00088879] [ 0.00133709 -0.0013371 -0.00088877] ... [-0.00110422 -0.00110419 -0.00347836] [-0.00023141 0.00121803 -0.00038393] [ 0.00121802 -0.0002314 -0.00038395]] Final stress: [ 2.67917029e-05 2.67916995e-05 7.87356423e-05 7.47107912e-13 2.22066906e-11 -2.54670767e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.98232195e-03 1.04792491e-03 -4.62296090e-04] [ 1.98233787e-03 -1.04790909e-03 -4.62311208e-04] [ 1.98232040e-03 1.04792540e-03 4.62293954e-04] ... [ 3.27873134e-05 4.83967325e-05 2.16427249e-04] [ 2.57476244e-04 -1.24387122e-04 2.16048990e-04] [ 1.02222807e-03 -1.05025485e-04 -1.61764032e-04]] Final stress: [2.38254102e-06 8.06925750e-06 5.58815697e-06 3.23779278e-13 2.83356386e-13 2.64720746e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.48383979e-03 -1.33815263e-03 7.66147396e-05] [-1.48384051e-03 1.33815252e-03 7.66156481e-05] [-1.48384037e-03 -1.33815215e-03 -7.66150703e-05] ... [-2.87146172e-04 3.37855924e-04 1.30347050e-04] [-3.61297147e-04 7.98477042e-04 -1.02335537e-04] [-9.17812715e-05 4.94191544e-04 1.27878730e-04]] Final stress: [ 6.23194077e-06 4.41633333e-06 5.61542859e-06 5.11967711e-13 -2.38081579e-13 8.13846100e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.10595144e-04 2.10587310e-04 -3.02380985e-03] [-2.09536680e-04 -2.09546077e-04 -3.02484682e-03] [-2.10287412e-04 2.10282809e-04 3.02411133e-03] ... [ 8.37478481e-04 8.37488881e-04 7.90614229e-04] [-4.07722957e-05 -1.72609638e-03 2.14715533e-04] [-1.72608601e-03 -4.07779438e-05 2.14711522e-04]] Final stress: [-1.83962155e-05 -1.83962140e-05 -6.49299046e-05 -1.96561117e-12 2.31916642e-12 -2.90635804e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00050464 0.00186793 -0.00050465] [ 0.00050448 -0.00186809 -0.00050448] [ 0.00050418 0.00186837 0.00050417] ... [-0.00073978 -0.00018583 0.0015234 ] [-0.00147484 -0.00236906 -0.00147485] [ 0.00152344 -0.00018583 -0.00073978]] Final stress: [ 2.32740103e-05 8.25547387e-05 2.32740114e-05 1.37533828e-12 -6.31028513e-12 -5.00471086e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.26844597e-03 1.37899282e-05 1.28824662e-03] [ 1.26845287e-03 -1.37831057e-05 1.28823987e-03] [ 1.26847063e-03 1.37659675e-05 -1.28822237e-03] ... [ 1.64919961e-04 6.36089833e-04 -1.36162424e-03] [-5.12836175e-04 8.14272504e-05 5.24820268e-04] [ 1.95662399e-03 -6.47622404e-04 -8.14687918e-05]] Final stress: [-2.23875868e-06 5.73474479e-06 1.31056834e-05 -1.54685528e-13 2.25624662e-14 2.61556310e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00123735 -0.00034188 -0.0019293 ] [-0.00123734 0.00034188 -0.00192931] [-0.00123734 -0.00034188 0.00192931] ... [-0.00012017 0.0001259 0.00052367] [-0.0002699 0.00031183 0.00031534] [ 0.00054434 -0.00010699 0.00023245]] Final stress: [ 3.24254624e-06 5.47434934e-06 7.01677259e-06 -5.61847278e-14 -1.18622650e-13 5.99807768e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0007838 -0.00290206 0.0007838 ] [-0.0007852 0.00290071 0.00078518] [-0.00078488 -0.00290099 -0.00078486] ... [-0.00025945 0.00041377 -0.00211444] [ 0.0012461 0.00136253 0.00124613] [-0.00211447 0.00041377 -0.00025943]] Final stress: [-1.71918503e-05 -7.00469974e-05 -1.71918507e-05 2.12212082e-12 -1.46132816e-11 7.56841835e-12] Minimization converged after 79 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00011602 0.00019113 0.00019113] [-0.00500824 -0.00176889 0.00176889] [-0.00500824 0.00176889 -0.00176889] ... [-0.00085689 0.00417263 0.00448604] [-0.00085689 0.00448604 0.00417263] [-0.00388533 -0.00180757 -0.00180757]] Final stress: [ 2.29642447e-05 -2.68538346e-05 -2.68538347e-05 1.37976247e-05 -2.31261170e-14 3.23470396e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00521081 0.00211911 0.00211911] [-0.00010676 -0.00042271 0.00042271] [-0.00010676 0.0004227 -0.0004227 ] ... [-0.00259748 -0.00243546 -0.00122028] [-0.00259748 -0.00122028 -0.00243546] [ 0.0049322 -0.00139089 -0.00139089]] Final stress: [ 2.10593536e-05 -2.61822570e-05 -2.61822570e-05 -1.32871779e-05 -9.28217882e-14 -6.28757571e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.32648673 -0.3258545 -0.28776078] [ 0.10447309 -0.00376417 -0.04717531] [ 0.32648683 -0.3258546 0.28776088] ... [ 0.11906969 0.04174895 0.07304471] [ 0.01772938 -0.22474651 0.03630812] [-0.04680681 0.19075686 0.10133697]] Final stress: [4.19810969e-03 7.04249980e-03 6.45405721e-03 7.22425411e-12 3.19627753e-05 4.21376666e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09801871 0.01425657 -0.03839687] [ 0.3112031 0.31059373 -0.27148627] [ 0.09801869 0.01425659 0.03839685] ... [ 0.03385043 0.08500861 -0.18962149] [ 0.14263095 0.05197163 -0.01797783] [-0.1250521 0.12288584 0.10511673]] Final stress: [ 4.64366911e-03 7.62775969e-03 7.01214128e-03 -4.71997509e-12 -7.18951280e-05 2.32189988e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00214724 -0.00082779 0.00083491] [-0.00388722 -0.00424071 0.00257287] [-0.00214723 -0.00082779 -0.0008349 ] ... [ 0.00136283 0.00153063 0.00388048] [-0.00167272 -0.00256639 0.00059011] [ 0.00320888 -0.00064345 0.00155246]] Final stress: [ 1.94660994e-05 -2.54551527e-05 -2.58029588e-05 3.16698602e-14 1.14935006e-05 3.92675052e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.32886125e-03 3.65849690e-03 1.95777301e-03] [-1.85037562e-03 1.21417198e-03 4.81039901e-04] [-3.32886221e-03 3.65849779e-03 -1.95777385e-03] ... [-4.87571902e-03 -7.64052922e-05 -1.15219354e-03] [-1.63378867e-03 5.66265237e-03 9.14851339e-04] [-1.97827251e-03 -2.37376920e-03 -4.73108899e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.02874628e-05 -2.56754733e-05 -2.60403962e-05 -3.11448350e-14 -1.24804849e-05 -4.79385721e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.30946214 -0.27009967 -0.30866374] [ 0.30946203 0.27009956 -0.30866364] [ 0.09703179 -0.03853522 -0.0135418 ] ... [ 0.01829188 0.0352688 -0.24374541] [ 0.12505489 0.0685531 0.04723567] [-0.03299714 0.10311115 0.19006728]] Final stress: [ 4.55199212e-03 6.90205475e-03 7.51302474e-03 7.80997328e-12 -3.09180378e-12 7.37581762e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0785358 -0.04320524 -0.00861586] [ 0.07853571 0.04320515 -0.00861577] [ 0.26783992 -0.23478619 0.25838916] ... [ 0.09541505 0.00203767 0.02892622] [ 0.01446177 -0.16584212 0.06468295] [-0.09942393 0.04443735 0.09684733]] Final stress: [ 2.18973252e-03 4.05038924e-03 4.46219536e-03 -1.56092560e-12 1.83978382e-12 -1.76491389e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00171837 0.00020578 -0.00162525] [-0.00171837 -0.00020578 -0.00162525] [-0.00303925 0.0015247 -0.00336204] ... [-0.00204048 0.00062791 -0.002926 ] [ 0.00146461 0.00456381 0.00175081] [ 0.00353444 0.00176463 -0.00074052]] Final stress: [ 2.41688533e-05 -2.74518045e-05 -2.70264056e-05 5.23925336e-15 -4.77936328e-14 1.27923004e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.19844295e-03 1.68797257e-03 3.52848849e-03] [-3.19844560e-03 -1.68797514e-03 3.52849108e-03] [-1.80620606e-03 2.97801321e-04 1.53643044e-03] ... [-1.79040032e-03 9.81514693e-04 6.18645188e-03] [-5.21712166e-03 -1.14365361e-03 2.22566638e-05] [-2.23115192e-03 -4.99884802e-03 -2.40846196e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.42251964e-05 -2.74958336e-05 -2.70697849e-05 -1.20241470e-14 -4.03659543e-14 -1.25589980e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00650266 -0.01621599 0.00650266] [-0.00650263 0.01621603 0.00650263] [-0.00650265 -0.01621601 -0.00650265] ... [ 0.00234656 0.00295293 -0.00402088] [-0.01567552 0.00928063 -0.01567552] [-0.00402087 0.00295293 0.00234655]] Final stress: [ 1.81184558e-04 -6.28443250e-05 1.81184558e-04 1.64350975e-12 -3.04729905e-12 2.38355138e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00484919 0.01023801 -0.00484918] [ 0.00484875 -0.01023845 -0.00484875] [ 0.00484882 0.01023837 0.00484882] ... [-0.00144914 -0.00142192 0.00237683] [ 0.00924369 -0.00594773 0.00924369] [ 0.00237684 -0.00142193 -0.00144914]] Final stress: [-9.14050216e-05 6.17850842e-05 -9.14050217e-05 -1.63902303e-12 -1.94014142e-12 3.58365968e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00249506 -0.00068919 -0.00068919] [-0.00249481 0.00068946 -0.00068941] [-0.00249545 -0.00068881 0.00068878] ... [-0.00024857 -0.00097423 0.00202894] [-0.00024856 0.00202891 -0.00097424] [-0.00319275 -0.00197186 -0.00197186]] Final stress: [ 1.02470337e-04 1.85152280e-05 1.85152223e-05 -1.11593480e-11 5.25829643e-12 -6.46763581e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00041966 -0.00186404 0.00101977] [ 0.00041967 0.00186405 0.00101976] [ 0.00041966 -0.00186405 -0.00101976] ... [ 0.0002177 0.00073504 0.00010705] [-0.00025147 0.00070121 -0.00066573] [ 0.00019609 0.00046117 -0.00047019]] Final stress: [ 5.51280011e-06 3.98493522e-06 6.54637724e-06 -3.64842233e-14 -3.00911581e-13 3.54949214e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.79638918e-04 1.29556982e-03 -1.66214669e-03] [ 1.79611894e-04 -1.29559620e-03 -1.66211987e-03] [ 1.79621474e-04 1.29558655e-03 1.66212952e-03] ... [-5.34622900e-04 -4.57566374e-04 1.45286643e-03] [ 5.18442674e-04 -5.49230645e-04 5.39401570e-04] [ 2.36275599e-04 3.28101817e-05 -2.35875140e-05]] Final stress: [ 5.51605395e-06 1.29807780e-05 -2.54489239e-06 5.81786194e-13 -1.60621629e-13 -6.88940571e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00288896 0.00108224 0.00108223] [ 0.00288725 -0.00108391 0.00108392] [ 0.00288814 0.00108301 -0.00108303] ... [ 0.00059519 -0.00034433 -0.00265983] [ 0.00059518 -0.00265982 -0.00034435] [ 0.00198968 0.00156781 0.00156782]] Final stress: [-8.03469410e-05 -1.25172150e-05 -1.25172180e-05 -2.09751219e-12 -2.15881097e-11 -1.34005329e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.31144853 -0.31209631 -0.27296547] [-0.0118516 0.097883 -0.03993279] [-0.01185158 -0.09788302 0.03993282] ... [ 0.04552548 0.12380305 0.0700876 ] [ 0.1905667 -0.03679675 0.10283218] [-0.23851506 0.01817442 0.03557758]] Final stress: [ 7.36456581e-03 4.43890202e-03 6.76041410e-03 6.46761889e-05 -1.56915264e-12 -9.31624033e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01347794 -0.09817361 -0.03890193] [ 0.30981095 0.3105972 -0.27101346] [ 0.30981093 -0.31059718 0.27101346] ... [ 0.08482934 0.03360191 -0.18975364] [ 0.1226879 -0.1248693 0.10478816] [ 0.05199057 0.142556 -0.0176383 ]] Final stress: [ 7.61940405e-03 4.63588784e-03 7.00397890e-03 -7.35891415e-05 9.47601756e-13 -2.06949222e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00101218 0.00196652 0.00064424] [-0.00399852 -0.00366087 0.00233683] [-0.00399852 0.00366087 -0.00233683] ... [ 0.00157957 0.00137822 0.00394111] [-0.00063634 0.00328928 0.00156299] [-0.00264981 -0.00169601 0.00060374]] Final stress: [-2.52886527e-05 1.92512876e-05 -2.56339111e-05 1.19989236e-05 -2.33495900e-16 -3.92720561e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.59709030e-03 3.26988284e-03 1.86097450e-03] [ 1.32484486e-03 -1.81270734e-03 4.05548289e-04] [ 1.32484432e-03 1.81270792e-03 -4.05548675e-04] ... [-4.98620628e-05 -4.95530130e-03 -1.16581806e-03] [-2.38196999e-03 -2.03593832e-03 -4.79596976e-03] [ 5.80679854e-03 -1.68159733e-03 9.20227554e-04]] Final stress: [-2.59605181e-05 2.11841564e-05 -2.63386453e-05 -1.26146169e-05 -3.62240057e-15 -2.77882050e-14] Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00060165 0.00026975 0.00060165] [-0.00241169 -0.00558626 0.00241169] [-0.00060165 0.00026975 -0.00060165] ... [ 0.00392472 -0.00085528 0.00426678] [-0.00167973 -0.00363517 -0.00167973] [ 0.00426678 -0.00085528 0.00392472]] Final stress: [-2.68523106e-05 2.26438336e-05 -2.68523105e-05 -2.07929832e-14 1.26552956e-05 -1.52306453e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00262262 0.00567333 0.00262262] [-0.00067891 -0.0003478 0.00067891] [-0.00262262 0.00567333 -0.00262262] ... [-0.00232532 -0.00242252 -0.0011847 ] [-0.00138234 0.0047486 -0.00138234] [-0.0011847 -0.00242252 -0.00232532]] Final stress: [-2.61151095e-05 2.07967506e-05 -2.61151094e-05 7.09911481e-15 -1.24590908e-05 -5.65302884e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.27473533 -0.31385489 -0.31284512] [ 0.27473559 0.31385515 -0.31284535] [ 0.04074832 -0.09828911 -0.01072623] ... [ 0.03654808 0.01817162 -0.2379072 ] [ 0.10247707 -0.03620176 0.19034723] [ 0.0705758 0.12351843 0.04665058]] Final stress: [ 6.71683798e-03 4.40138186e-03 7.31908963e-03 -7.04760732e-13 -7.80459526e-12 6.41024259e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04827175 -0.0825255 -0.01439946] [ 0.04827175 0.0825255 -0.01439946] [ 0.24681043 -0.27941462 0.26933892] ... [ 0.00197579 0.09303874 0.02922812] [ 0.04437175 -0.10119155 0.09698217] [-0.16284504 0.01264859 0.06499884]] Final stress: [ 3.98041405e-03 2.15867546e-03 4.39545905e-03 1.86319762e-12 -1.81819659e-12 -1.70719875e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00032379 0.00177291 -0.0014492 ] [-0.00032379 -0.00177291 -0.0014492 ] [-0.00172758 0.00317856 -0.00350653] ... [ 0.00062428 -0.0019444 -0.00284374] [ 0.00171753 0.00346577 -0.00069848] [ 0.00437356 0.00145856 0.00172659]] Final stress: [-2.67886584e-05 2.23523653e-05 -2.63912132e-05 2.20810252e-16 4.90100479e-14 1.27043752e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.79820455e-03 3.22482401e-03 3.55177515e-03] [-1.79820355e-03 -3.22482298e-03 3.55177413e-03] [-3.61012959e-04 1.78579907e-03 1.38671226e-03] ... [ 9.57899898e-04 -1.69531739e-03 5.89068229e-03] [-4.86549341e-03 -2.08656450e-03 -2.40632768e-03] [-1.15845546e-03 -5.03936525e-03 -4.00389968e-05]] Final stress: [-2.65820335e-05 2.17795236e-05 -2.61938530e-05 3.21657151e-14 -1.41786225e-14 -1.26302013e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00530472 0.00530472 -0.01319196] [-0.00530475 -0.00530475 -0.01319193] [-0.00530476 0.00530477 0.0131919 ] ... [-0.01264868 -0.01264868 0.00752565] [ 0.00177485 -0.00330707 0.00239473] [-0.00330707 0.00177486 0.00239473]] Final stress: [ 1.50101584e-04 1.50101584e-04 -4.74501381e-05 -2.47104831e-12 2.26620946e-12 3.86360009e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00450931 -0.0045093 0.00984992] [ 0.00450936 0.00450937 0.00984987] [ 0.00450942 -0.00450942 -0.00984981] ... [ 0.00864308 0.00864308 -0.00560318] [-0.00139126 0.00224796 -0.00135839] [ 0.00224796 -0.00139126 -0.00135838]] Final stress: [-8.77009202e-05 -8.77009200e-05 5.63538524e-05 -1.66400254e-12 -4.89049684e-12 1.30829339e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.31396496 -0.27895778 -0.3158837 ] [ 0.00152328 0.04855738 -0.09963923] [ 0.00152329 -0.04855738 0.09963924] ... [ 0.18139623 0.10076467 -0.03723418] [ 0.04178764 0.07519099 0.11835684] [-0.20864859 0.03636945 0.01815171]] Final stress: [ 6.18219945e-03 5.64187658e-03 3.51868434e-03 4.00212207e-05 -4.25337275e-12 3.60910193e-12] Minimization converged after 148 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00129405 0.00052121 0.00199514] [-0.00390533 -0.00208401 0.00356016] [-0.00390533 0.00208401 -0.00356016] ... [-0.00076416 0.00167335 0.00341866] [ 0.00160552 0.00437099 0.00139583] [-0.00276842 0.00062347 -0.00190498]] Final stress: [-2.69100278e-05 -2.73237807e-05 2.36362165e-05 1.19723250e-05 2.26316928e-15 -1.84686596e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.42589753e-03 1.62232909e-03 3.10555553e-03] [ 1.55017771e-03 -2.47204962e-04 1.72852130e-03] [ 1.55017482e-03 2.47207845e-04 -1.72852414e-03] ... [-2.44005736e-03 -4.98525077e-03 -2.19334983e-03] [-1.46938323e-05 -1.16185109e-03 -5.19027026e-03] [ 6.13629682e-03 9.90759264e-04 -1.75948272e-03]] Final stress: [-2.67572367e-05 -2.71700564e-05 2.34122883e-05 -1.27227285e-05 3.01377536e-14 1.59324878e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.26970228 -0.30817796 -0.3089474 ] [ 0.03830238 -0.01364948 -0.09648996] [ 0.26970233 -0.308178 0.30894744] ... [ 0.10325869 0.19004331 -0.03340049] [ 0.0352117 -0.24274359 0.01819967] [ 0.06904809 0.04680979 0.12516219]] Final stress: [ 6.86200298e-03 7.47098684e-03 4.51945075e-03 5.22196780e-14 7.38389599e-05 -6.93300039e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03863141 0.01353576 -0.09717108] [ 0.27031023 0.30898676 -0.30970475] [ 0.03863137 0.01353578 0.09717105] ... [ 0.10482086 0.12303994 -0.12481755] [-0.01840419 0.05201634 0.14211697] [-0.18814501 0.08497928 0.03284144]] Final stress: [ 6.89281824e-03 7.50351907e-03 4.54465555e-03 8.96666295e-12 -7.24824857e-05 -1.14710939e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00059412 -0.00110643 0.00195835] [-0.0021945 -0.00390054 0.00356065] [-0.00059412 -0.00110643 -0.00195835] ... [ 0.00162942 -0.00065878 0.00332327] [ 0.00060083 -0.00269344 -0.00179509] [ 0.00408276 0.00162688 0.00141268]] Final stress: [-2.61581255e-05 -2.57919807e-05 2.05367412e-05 -4.71785139e-16 1.20549627e-05 2.17255171e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.73865807e-03 3.50732173e-03 3.18205293e-03] [-3.61304188e-04 1.40145668e-03 1.80286064e-03] [-1.73866364e-03 3.50732749e-03 -3.18205862e-03] ... [-4.88646292e-03 -2.42197491e-03 -2.11437359e-03] [ 9.54157234e-04 5.96289256e-03 -1.71689947e-03] [-1.15743424e-03 -4.56276841e-05 -5.06636740e-03]] Final stress: [-2.67518608e-05 -2.63568849e-05 2.22233561e-05 -3.98955371e-14 -1.26506719e-05 3.32245621e-14] Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 78 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00041612 0.00041612 0.00010322] [-0.00041613 -0.00041613 0.00010323] [-0.00211438 0.00211438 -0.0051194 ] ... [-0.0016868 -0.0016868 -0.0035149 ] [ 0.00393614 0.00411877 -0.00070442] [ 0.00411877 0.00393614 -0.00070442]] Final stress: [-2.57011629e-05 -2.57011629e-05 1.97729172e-05 -5.60589876e-14 -5.02252456e-14 1.33654548e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00220418 0.00220418 0.00543286] [-0.00220418 -0.00220418 0.00543286] [-0.00049171 0.00049171 -0.00016866] ... [-0.00141647 -0.00141647 0.00497983] [-0.00247095 -0.00119155 -0.00262168] [-0.00119155 -0.00247095 -0.00262168]] Final stress: [-2.70982184e-05 -2.70982185e-05 2.33477991e-05 -5.63673991e-14 -1.69317161e-14 -1.29558755e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00140605 -0.00236407 -0.00236407] [-0.00016347 -0.00108417 0.00108417] [-0.00016347 0.00108417 -0.00108417] ... [ 0.00876494 -0.00377648 0.00235456] [ 0.00876494 0.00235456 -0.00377648] [ 0.00206387 0.004146 0.004146 ]] Final stress: [-3.19730053e-06 -4.17510792e-06 -4.17510790e-06 -5.99684874e-05 -3.27088276e-14 9.39684218e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.78419629e-05 5.36007007e-04 5.36006928e-04] [ 1.34714981e-03 1.87544855e-03 -1.87544857e-03] [ 1.34715020e-03 -1.87544897e-03 1.87544894e-03] ... [-6.88835948e-03 3.63518481e-03 -3.02310545e-04] [-6.88835947e-03 -3.02310597e-04 3.63518487e-03] [-9.85958285e-04 -3.50490211e-03 -3.50490218e-03]] Final stress: [-2.87488135e-06 -3.74696592e-06 -3.74696595e-06 5.17876033e-05 3.15711069e-14 1.91475237e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00388721 -0.00388721 -0.00218923] [-0.00259084 -0.00259084 0.00089718] [-0.0009982 -0.00239318 0.00071842] ... [ 0.00901462 0.00901462 0.0015555 ] [ 0.00592132 -0.0014529 0.00156861] [-0.0014529 0.00592132 0.00156861]] Final stress: [-8.56402946e-06 -8.56402935e-06 -9.04596593e-06 -2.01500653e-05 -2.01500652e-05 1.18297025e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00231637 0.00102802 -0.00066731] [-0.00102802 0.00231637 -0.00066732] [-0.0032466 0.0032466 -0.00157573] ... [ 0.00461895 -0.00480692 0.00156196] [ 0.00833208 0.00549198 0.00360892] [-0.00244561 -0.00878964 -0.00408698]] Final stress: [-9.01081632e-06 -9.01081654e-06 -9.51579751e-06 -2.13653661e-05 2.13653660e-05 -1.32068527e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00102796 -0.00232663 -0.00067223] [ 0.00232663 -0.00102796 -0.00067223] [ 0.00435116 -0.00435116 0.00267214] ... [-0.00476472 0.00457666 0.00155018] [-0.00867111 -0.00236034 -0.00401053] [ 0.00538373 0.00821615 0.00353542]] Final stress: [-8.96688866e-06 -8.96688819e-06 -9.46977086e-06 2.12495640e-05 -2.12495640e-05 -1.30661624e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00346042 0.00346042 0.00178129] [ 0.00455671 0.00455671 -0.00287523] [ 0.0023049 0.00105534 0.00064901] ... [-0.01221243 -0.01221243 0.00109142] [-0.0079161 0.00549398 -0.00309744] [ 0.00549398 -0.0079161 -0.00309744]] Final stress: [-9.24501619e-06 -9.24501639e-06 -9.76161504e-06 2.19265441e-05 2.19265441e-05 1.39069635e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00454226 -0.0028524 -0.00454226] [-0.00106118 0.00065159 -0.00231589] [-0.00344053 0.00175296 -0.00344053] ... [ 0.00758802 0.00255653 -0.00236955] [ 0.01162899 0.00201421 0.01162899] [-0.00236955 0.00255653 0.00758802]] Final stress: [-9.25648000e-06 -9.77515178e-06 -9.25647974e-06 -2.19305218e-05 1.39138123e-06 -2.19305216e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00231248 -0.00064787 0.00106517] [-0.00347285 -0.00178507 0.00347285] [-0.00106517 -0.00064787 0.00231248] ... [ 0.008848 0.00393117 0.00597655] [ 0.00481387 0.00161823 -0.00499825] [-0.00282098 -0.00442011 -0.00931535]] Final stress: [-9.24118291e-06 -9.75758150e-06 -9.24118266e-06 -2.20084431e-05 -1.39037003e-06 2.20084427e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00103866 -0.00064575 -0.00228168] [ 0.0046234 0.00296196 -0.0046234 ] [ 0.00228168 -0.00064575 -0.00103866] ... [-0.00931435 -0.00438324 -0.00284242] [-0.00503516 0.00161765 0.00484917] [ 0.00599715 0.00389266 0.00884582]] Final stress: [-9.22481636e-06 -9.74137100e-06 -9.22481630e-06 2.18591426e-05 -1.38881700e-06 -2.18591426e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0031946 0.00150953 0.0031946 ] [ 0.00233373 0.00067027 0.00103923] [ 0.00435505 -0.00266684 0.00435505] ... [-0.00731369 -0.00273436 0.00507662] [-0.01127055 0.00116761 -0.01127055] [ 0.00507662 -0.00273436 -0.00731369]] Final stress: [-8.99839598e-06 -9.50196365e-06 -8.99839576e-06 2.13641301e-05 1.31458903e-06 2.13641300e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.47331970e-03 -1.33695808e-03 -1.47331974e-03] [-8.43805078e-05 2.82260459e-05 8.43805067e-05] [ 1.47331865e-03 -1.33695699e-03 1.47331867e-03] ... [-3.98943579e-03 4.71455421e-03 1.45507022e-03] [ 2.40018323e-03 2.92844270e-03 2.40018321e-03] [ 1.45507015e-03 4.71455420e-03 -3.98943576e-03]] Final stress: [-3.27022757e-06 -2.50416736e-06 -3.27022760e-06 9.92651863e-15 -4.34788098e-05 -4.53676532e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00075137 0.00010048 0.00075137] [ 0.00206818 0.00138425 -0.00206818] [-0.00075137 0.00010048 -0.00075137] ... [ 0.00358301 -0.00772089 -0.00044126] [-0.00387327 -0.00076669 -0.00387327] [-0.00044126 -0.00772089 0.00358301]] Final stress: [-3.92910958e-06 -3.01205457e-06 -3.92910981e-06 7.72940075e-15 5.48694157e-05 3.28854322e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00283915 -0.0045304 -0.0045304 ] [ 0.00065389 -0.00106035 -0.00231963] [ 0.00065389 -0.00231963 -0.00106035] ... [ 0.00255873 0.00760208 -0.00232858] [ 0.00255873 -0.00232858 0.00760208] [ 0.00204761 0.01163617 0.01163617]] Final stress: [-9.79569480e-06 -9.27557336e-06 -9.27557304e-06 1.39295541e-06 -2.18655818e-05 -2.18655816e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00065999 -0.00230146 0.00102887] [-0.00170004 -0.00336418 0.00336418] [ 0.00282577 -0.00449231 0.00449231] ... [ 0.00372586 0.00859863 0.00572985] [-0.00420907 -0.00262783 -0.00906081] [ 0.00159076 0.0047695 -0.00495506]] Final stress: [-9.64793551e-06 -9.13485904e-06 -9.13485891e-06 -1.35561975e-06 -2.15090267e-05 2.15090269e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00065045 0.00103425 -0.00228685] [ 0.00289879 0.00456065 -0.00456065] [-0.0018002 0.00345979 -0.00345979] ... [-0.0043606 -0.00926615 -0.00280882] [ 0.00387187 0.00595508 0.00879916] [ 0.00161334 -0.00500913 0.00482375]] Final stress: [-9.73010100e-06 -9.21432742e-06 -9.21432717e-06 -1.38316546e-06 2.17629358e-05 -2.17629359e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00168499 0.00335291 0.00335291] [ 0.00065967 0.00230507 0.00103301] [ 0.00065967 0.00103301 0.00230507] ... [-0.00290965 -0.00765593 0.00523077] [-0.00290965 0.00523077 -0.00765593] [ 0.00107801 -0.01175375 -0.01175375]] Final stress: [-9.62948077e-06 -9.11802063e-06 -9.11802079e-06 1.35216307e-06 2.15792832e-05 2.15792830e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00229294 -0.00229294 -0.00139096] [ 0.00229294 0.00229294 -0.00139096] [-0.0010016 0.0010016 -0.00013703] ... [ 0.00414583 0.00414583 0.00218738] [-0.00375372 0.00238495 0.00882065] [ 0.00238495 -0.00375372 0.00882065]] Final stress: [-4.19666821e-06 -4.19666816e-06 -3.21103893e-06 3.16226638e-14 8.42468626e-14 -5.94915113e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00061326 -0.00061326 -0.00015052] [ 0.00061326 0.00061326 -0.00015051] [ 0.00085373 -0.00085373 0.00130097] ... [-0.00134661 -0.00134661 -0.00239347] [ 0.00395596 0.00034923 -0.00190652] [ 0.00034923 0.00395596 -0.00190652]] Final stress: [-2.53386778e-06 -2.53386767e-06 -1.91702199e-06 2.02032702e-14 1.26510822e-14 3.14770975e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0015957 0.00015927 0.00015927] [ 0.00159572 -0.00015925 0.00015925] [ 0.00159574 0.00015924 -0.00015924] ... [ 0.00051712 0.00023024 0.00022946] [ 0.00051712 0.00022946 0.00023024] [ 0.00224201 -0.0002408 -0.0002408 ]] Final stress: [ 1.45740889e-05 3.27511715e-05 3.27511714e-05 1.20910416e-12 -1.17202656e-12 -5.96255161e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00099701 -0.00113896 -0.00113896] [-0.00099687 0.00113911 -0.00113911] [-0.00099695 -0.00113902 0.00113902] ... [-0.00098774 0.00066256 -0.0010452 ] [-0.00098773 -0.00104521 0.00066258] [-0.00060541 -0.00031288 -0.00031288]] Final stress: [-2.68799403e-05 -1.76049023e-05 -1.76049039e-05 1.40680762e-12 -3.38322665e-12 -2.48779006e-12] Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-3.52723244e-03 4.53598888e-03 4.42141172e-04] [ 3.52720335e-03 -4.53601587e-03 4.42171516e-04] [ 3.52725139e-03 4.53597095e-03 -4.42122538e-04] ... [ 1.06925779e-03 2.36391716e-04 1.85258212e-03] [ 1.56305269e-03 -2.58241017e-05 1.12740730e-03] [ 4.48214176e-03 -2.94773009e-04 1.02547558e-04]] Final stress: [-1.28377600e-05 4.22045921e-05 1.48096039e-05 2.35254443e-13 8.50612621e-13 -4.95284068e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.76159809e-03 -2.36674705e-03 1.81282742e-04] [-2.76160611e-03 2.36673877e-03 1.81291878e-04] [-2.76158443e-03 -2.36676093e-03 -1.81269063e-04] ... [ 4.15087110e-04 3.06124903e-04 1.02684435e-03] [ 1.66430060e-04 2.33961385e-03 8.33076058e-05] [ 2.08980892e-04 5.73425232e-04 5.99103959e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.45229729e-05 -5.11789242e-06 9.98404652e-06 -2.72434027e-13 -1.43100798e-12 6.08370533e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0003088 -0.00030881 -0.00209877] [ 0.00030854 0.00030854 -0.00209851] [ 0.00030836 -0.00030835 0.00209832] ... [-0.00044105 -0.00044105 -0.00096825] [ 0.0009917 -0.00208147 -0.00037486] [-0.00208148 0.0009917 -0.00037486]] Final stress: [-4.18414556e-06 -4.18414602e-06 -5.22449955e-05 -4.31463321e-12 -1.43613725e-12 -2.31313698e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00080375 0.00068437 -0.00080374] [ 0.0008042 -0.00068392 -0.0008042 ] [ 0.00080351 0.00068459 0.00080349] ... [-0.00037137 -0.00012964 0.00108329] [-0.00078261 -0.00218599 -0.00078264] [ 0.0010832 -0.00012962 -0.00037136]] Final stress: [ 1.35615483e-05 5.87564151e-05 1.35615521e-05 -9.45092762e-12 -1.19596379e-11 1.32964280e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-2.82788001e-03 8.64389044e-04 4.63467541e-03] [ 2.82789181e-03 -8.64375863e-04 4.63466331e-03] [ 2.82788327e-03 8.64385873e-04 -4.63467320e-03] ... [ 1.19764333e-03 8.83866262e-04 -3.95533081e-04] [ 8.67489510e-04 1.52511695e-03 2.73361213e-04] [ 4.07985098e-03 1.95359483e-04 -8.50945006e-05]] Final stress: [-8.19771766e-06 1.24827865e-05 3.25335635e-05 8.04749187e-14 8.38303994e-13 1.24141747e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.59632752e-03 9.80389253e-04 -3.49688664e-03] [-5.59626156e-03 -9.80321909e-04 -3.49695287e-03] [-5.59621533e-03 9.80274677e-04 3.49700179e-03] ... [-5.87970724e-04 4.47337763e-05 4.76157555e-03] [ 2.31831367e-04 2.12538461e-03 1.48352953e-03] [ 2.63299229e-04 1.58519839e-03 2.20422489e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.57874595e-05 1.61671925e-05 -1.40007942e-05 2.86252963e-12 -6.12710544e-13 -1.56712305e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0011197 -0.00854687 0.0011197 ] [-0.00111991 0.00854666 0.0011199 ] [-0.00111993 -0.00854665 -0.00111993] ... [ 0.00559314 0.00096857 -0.00583619] [ 0.00188524 0.00511149 0.00188525] [-0.00583616 0.00096854 0.00559313]] Final stress: [ 3.39214352e-05 -1.41991621e-04 3.39214350e-05 -8.00115239e-12 5.44924367e-12 -8.54583109e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.84112502e-03 3.83122145e-03 3.83122146e-03] [-1.79833021e-03 -1.06973999e-03 1.06973997e-03] [-1.79832908e-03 1.06973883e-03 -1.06973881e-03] ... [ 1.73329185e-03 -2.49434673e-03 -4.63183803e-05] [ 1.73329183e-03 -4.63182737e-05 -2.49434681e-03] [-2.22235275e-03 3.60534878e-03 3.60534907e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.90447146e-05 1.52802668e-05 1.52802669e-05 -1.53011037e-05 1.25661210e-14 -1.61825855e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00192033 0.00112033 0.00112033] [-0.00199034 -0.00418859 0.00418859] [-0.00199034 0.00418859 -0.00418859] ... [ 0.00049099 0.00095039 -0.00072235] [ 0.00049099 -0.00072235 0.00095039] [-0.00095971 0.0013003 0.0013003 ]] Final stress: [1.89898064e-05 1.55955772e-05 1.55955772e-05 1.52716637e-05 2.70815554e-14 1.88960607e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00555706 -0.0047378 -0.0047378 ] [ 0.00120917 0.0114619 -0.0114619 ] [ 0.00120918 -0.0114619 0.0114619 ] ... [-0.01764515 -0.00360502 0.01530861] [-0.01764515 0.01530861 -0.00360502] [-0.02049566 0.0014225 0.0014225 ]] Final stress: [ 2.50038200e-04 -9.17169660e-05 -9.17169658e-05 -2.73306277e-05 6.16106285e-13 -4.19033080e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00064667 -0.01060015 -0.01060015] [ 0.00510868 0.00428043 -0.00428043] [ 0.00510868 -0.00428043 0.00428043] ... [ 0.00690914 0.00098013 0.00961205] [ 0.00690914 0.00961205 0.00098013] [-0.01098416 0.00356858 0.00356859]] Final stress: [ 2.42738622e-04 -9.01489814e-05 -9.01489813e-05 2.65883588e-05 -1.30868926e-13 -4.61864651e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.32065766e-03 2.54498458e-03 3.97816867e-03] [-4.04592735e-04 -2.49805725e-03 1.06676735e-03] [-3.32065787e-03 2.54498486e-03 -3.97816891e-03] ... [-6.76312801e-04 -4.62380823e-05 -1.25728527e-04] [ 2.16916699e-03 -9.82560797e-04 4.12422689e-04] [-1.25731621e-03 3.15656278e-03 7.51712211e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.90301099e-05 1.55459817e-05 1.54274343e-05 1.56150633e-13 -1.51421054e-05 -2.19378019e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.23378166e-04 2.62895843e-03 1.14010815e-03] [-3.60905291e-03 -2.83009370e-03 4.32098507e-03] [-4.23379108e-04 2.62895933e-03 -1.14010911e-03] ... [ 2.88485166e-03 -1.28836668e-03 -7.84123377e-04] [-7.57715887e-05 3.14434433e-05 -1.89351529e-03] [-1.71851442e-03 1.91669422e-03 4.29162577e-03]] Final stress: [1.84595044e-05 1.61018022e-05 1.59756801e-05 1.08797115e-13 1.52232372e-05 1.62564565e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00048466 -0.01002263 -0.00427293] [ 0.00808377 0.00714838 -0.01290263] [-0.00048466 -0.01002263 0.00427293] ... [-0.00876532 -0.01409829 0.01486875] [-0.00647868 0.00864135 -0.00241565] [-0.01386444 -0.0102171 0.00014257]] Final stress: [ 2.50016629e-04 -8.79275155e-05 -9.27482313e-05 1.00731921e-14 -3.74176325e-05 1.00482229e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00804152 -0.00712862 -0.01285408] [-0.00043028 0.01004183 -0.00432127] [ 0.00804153 -0.00712863 0.01285409] ... [-0.00272764 0.01229724 0.01089019] [-0.00532768 0.01658906 -0.00031546] [-0.01805482 0.01622824 0.00524858]] Final stress: [ 2.50045603e-04 -8.79936789e-05 -9.28025245e-05 3.59443754e-13 3.73976693e-05 5.13896836e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00345154 0.00413812 0.00267382] [-0.00345154 -0.00413812 0.00267382] [-0.00042947 0.00112078 -0.00258312] ... [ 0.0022003 0.00041622 -0.00100612] [-0.00068534 -0.00017713 -0.00010937] [-0.00121349 0.0007195 0.00309828]] Final stress: [ 1.87346329e-05 1.56991980e-05 1.58213641e-05 1.84472915e-13 5.88305966e-14 -1.51992544e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00040108 0.00107619 0.00250698] [-0.00040108 -0.00107619 0.00250698] [-0.00341361 0.00408404 -0.00265131] ... [-0.00011323 -0.00188989 0.00012684] [ 0.00280097 -0.00071497 -0.00139756] [-0.00177097 0.00423711 0.00179674]] Final stress: [ 1.87945484e-05 1.56548318e-05 1.57760335e-05 -3.59517556e-15 -1.05891917e-14 1.52071987e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.02037323e-05 -4.93237257e-03 -1.08589441e-02] [-5.01959190e-05 4.93238027e-03 -1.08589520e-02] [ 9.11593034e-03 -1.41639213e-02 8.23328384e-03] ... [-6.73268993e-03 -2.51290110e-03 8.81902660e-03] [-9.10429282e-03 1.54654250e-02 -1.45174967e-02] [-1.43395557e-02 1.62455762e-04 -1.04926058e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.59279760e-04 -9.50594746e-05 -8.99157705e-05 7.16299756e-14 -8.50790709e-14 -3.87111194e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00716903 -0.01181263 -0.00624912] [ 0.00716902 0.01181263 -0.00624912] [-0.00076801 -0.0038179 0.00937628] ... [-0.00513697 -0.00035244 0.0160183 ] [-0.00273586 0.0105202 0.01187066] [-0.0174614 0.00500977 0.01574555]] Final stress: [ 2.41943601e-04 -9.10470782e-05 -8.65352301e-05 3.40067143e-13 -4.92439141e-13 3.59982969e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00117853 -0.00141697 0.00117853] [-0.00117841 0.00141709 0.00117842] [-0.00117842 -0.00141709 -0.00117842] ... [ 0.00037905 0.00029115 0.00043549] [-0.00021701 0.00281393 -0.00021701] [ 0.00043548 0.00029115 0.00037906]] Final stress: [ 4.07572080e-05 1.08168966e-05 4.07572083e-05 -1.00539015e-12 -6.61293139e-13 2.11822593e-12] Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10821689e-03 -4.93120153e-04 -4.93124398e-04] [-1.10864264e-03 4.92642677e-04 -4.92674260e-04] [-1.10839476e-03 -4.92897617e-04 4.92907200e-04] ... [-6.66054058e-05 -5.14560894e-04 9.89127401e-04] [-6.65994986e-05 9.89121618e-04 -5.14554804e-04] [-2.00809522e-03 -8.88365278e-04 -8.88372948e-04]] Final stress: [ 5.82050401e-05 1.39125538e-05 1.39125464e-05 -9.86998465e-12 2.19957395e-11 4.41852059e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.93000132e-05 -1.50057634e-03 1.70214408e-03] [-9.93145968e-05 1.50056211e-03 1.70215909e-03] [-9.92864944e-05 -1.50058961e-03 -1.70213115e-03] ... [ 2.03665383e-04 3.60359880e-04 -5.21103371e-04] [ 3.83342826e-05 1.61870031e-03 -9.00779437e-05] [ 4.31895071e-04 2.72592414e-04 -1.24511858e-05]] Final stress: [ 6.87507628e-06 4.77439628e-06 8.51731574e-06 -3.58659296e-13 -4.89281265e-13 6.47486905e-13] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-5.56277222e-03 -2.29913793e-03 7.16743935e-03] [-3.54195391e-03 -4.27020248e-03 5.47298385e-03] [ 5.01655784e-03 5.02824936e-03 -3.84462350e-03] ... [-9.21810579e-05 1.01614346e-03 9.51736547e-03] [-1.53301309e-03 1.18103049e-03 3.50327197e-03] [ 4.77514744e-04 3.55910507e-03 -7.64714492e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.55408818e-02 4.45492857e-02 4.65287631e-02 -2.08417865e-04 -5.41981514e-05 1.02395560e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00378776 0.00105868 0.00105868] [ 0.0037881 -0.00105833 0.00105835] [ 0.00378898 0.00105749 -0.00105748] ... [ 0.00032925 0.00205939 -0.00460424] [ 0.00032924 -0.00460424 0.0020594 ] [ 0.00466712 0.00108163 0.00108164]] Final stress: [-1.11867686e-04 2.40795755e-05 2.40795747e-05 1.28398035e-12 -1.15211365e-11 1.97634521e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.59786824e-03 3.38095228e-03 4.05686342e-03] [-2.54675896e-03 -4.09086979e-04 1.08968754e-03] [-2.54675880e-03 4.09086816e-04 -1.08968739e-03] ... [-8.26919594e-05 -6.81454749e-04 -1.45387785e-04] [ 3.12523600e-03 -1.23396048e-03 7.39902959e-04] [-9.95090380e-04 2.19544732e-03 4.27196385e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.56335552e-05 1.89585106e-05 1.55133320e-05 -1.50960412e-05 7.51940388e-14 -9.79636255e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.61409614e-03 3.99480876e-04 1.11591059e-03] [-2.78499288e-03 -3.57358063e-03 4.28521729e-03] [-2.78499244e-03 3.57358021e-03 -4.28521676e-03] ... [-1.30191425e-03 2.84718140e-03 -7.76059326e-04] [ 1.91089011e-03 -1.71333064e-03 4.25797362e-03] [ 2.15745233e-05 -8.95803341e-05 -1.91083480e-03]] Final stress: [1.60125580e-05 1.86209252e-05 1.58873974e-05 1.51572134e-05 1.71411191e-13 8.48863079e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0102999 0.00038776 -0.00446172] [ 0.0075381 0.00846824 -0.01338043] [ 0.00753809 -0.00846824 0.01338042] ... [-0.01424731 -0.00888144 0.01509331] [-0.01031771 -0.01404871 0.00015085] [ 0.00873299 -0.00654526 -0.00242666]] Final stress: [-8.86116090e-05 2.53233386e-04 -9.35499212e-05 -3.77731690e-05 -5.27877904e-13 1.37013311e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00716259 -0.00807093 -0.01289357] [ 0.01007512 -0.00041254 -0.00434906] [ 0.01007513 0.00041253 0.00434906] ... [ 0.01232311 -0.0027366 0.01089269] [ 0.01625813 -0.01806338 0.00524719] [ 0.01663982 -0.00534255 -0.00032572]] Final stress: [-8.80438647e-05 2.50188764e-04 -9.28588980e-05 3.72944252e-05 3.95622127e-13 -4.48603309e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00391587 0.00183837 0.00391587] [-0.00104716 -0.00182672 0.00104716] [-0.00391588 0.00183837 -0.00391588] ... [-0.00240614 0.0017143 -0.00011893] [ 0.00362485 -0.00208675 0.00362485] [-0.00011893 0.0017143 -0.00240614]] Final stress: [ 1.52522929e-05 1.93638475e-05 1.52522932e-05 6.57343242e-14 -1.52265641e-05 3.40725404e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00102198 0.00177914 0.00102198] [-0.00404848 -0.0019638 0.00404848] [-0.00102198 0.00177914 -0.00102198] ... [ 0.00098495 0.00034927 -0.00070472] [ 0.00130595 -0.00096048 0.00130595] [-0.00070472 0.00034927 0.00098495]] Final stress: [ 1.55358683e-05 1.91976919e-05 1.55358681e-05 1.82231515e-13 1.52139795e-05 -1.61672151e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00353065 -0.00435978 -0.00353065] [ 0.00905819 -0.00030229 -0.00905819] [ 0.00353065 -0.00435978 0.00353065] ... [-0.00333209 -0.01630291 0.01398989] [ 0.001349 -0.01871928 0.001349 ] [ 0.01398989 -0.01630291 -0.00333209]] Final stress: [-8.73134016e-05 2.30608069e-04 -8.73134015e-05 4.07422146e-13 -2.57776070e-05 2.04470607e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01230562 -0.0018364 -0.01230562] [ 0.00515416 0.00597312 -0.00515416] [ 0.01230563 -0.0018364 0.01230563] ... [ 0.0012899 0.00722569 0.01019284] [ 0.00375208 -0.01169429 0.00375208] [ 0.01019284 0.00722569 0.0012899 ]] Final stress: [-9.30841011e-05 2.56911555e-04 -9.30841021e-05 -5.69568404e-13 2.84272200e-05 -4.06968553e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00415336 0.00345763 0.00268044] [-0.00415335 -0.00345763 0.00268044] [-0.00115074 0.00045032 -0.00262172] ... [ 0.0004634 0.0022314 -0.00102543] [ 0.00068293 -0.00120307 0.00308067] [-0.00015023 -0.00073123 -0.0001203 ]] Final stress: [ 1.56495517e-05 1.86361388e-05 1.57721599e-05 -1.86652430e-13 2.15681194e-14 -1.51080558e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00102032 0.00033514 0.00247459] [-0.00102032 -0.00033514 0.00247458] [-0.00399582 0.00331522 -0.00253969] ... [-0.00193554 -0.00018833 0.0001702 ] [ 0.00423976 -0.00181687 0.00179676] [-0.00070602 0.00278217 -0.00139 ]] Final stress: [ 1.54016014e-05 1.90825365e-05 1.55210921e-05 -1.70428194e-14 4.54835707e-14 1.48823704e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00478304 0.00014224 -0.01068129] [ 0.00478304 -0.00014224 -0.0106813 ] [ 0.0140123 -0.00902177 0.00811009] ... [-0.00249548 -0.00675287 0.00890319] [ 0.00012258 -0.01435607 -0.01050053] [ 0.01537527 -0.00909309 -0.01444103]] Final stress: [-9.46298964e-05 2.58244485e-04 -8.95087419e-05 4.85325905e-13 5.84439056e-13 -3.88605733e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01245362 -0.00770261 -0.00679781] [ 0.01245362 0.00770261 -0.00679781] [ 0.00416605 0.00052521 0.00981675] ... [-0.00033605 -0.00524931 0.01640555] [ 0.00516087 -0.0178161 0.01605007] [ 0.0107538 -0.00273952 0.01211606]] Final stress: [-9.22291784e-05 2.47163491e-04 -8.75366000e-05 -1.26827514e-13 4.40465887e-14 3.68987764e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02185527 0.02185526 -0.01295556] [-0.02185397 -0.02185395 -0.0129569 ] [-0.02185273 0.0218527 0.01295816] ... [-0.00104476 -0.00104473 0.02614719] [ 0.00586792 0.02200809 0.0109949 ] [ 0.02200802 0.00586795 0.01099491]] Final stress: [ 2.47231439e-04 2.47231441e-04 1.11824437e-04 1.26161452e-11 5.40056013e-12 -2.10785182e-11] Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.82427495e-03 4.26103803e-03 3.57561505e-03] [-2.58801120e-03 -1.15324310e-03 4.63054131e-04] [-2.58801259e-03 1.15324456e-03 -4.63055520e-04] ... [ 3.10550314e-03 6.60716943e-04 -1.17521533e-03] [-9.55398552e-05 -1.87650440e-04 -7.36013439e-04] [-1.05171829e-03 4.27548902e-04 2.21253369e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.61162833e-05 1.59912001e-05 1.82712557e-05 -1.54358363e-05 1.39918591e-13 -1.91132190e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00251954 0.00104761 0.00036186] [-0.00252073 -0.00399455 0.00331344] [-0.00252073 0.00399455 -0.00331344] ... [ 0.00179636 0.00417792 -0.00177581] [-0.00140725 -0.00069403 0.00272993] [ 0.00012376 -0.00192783 -0.00015424]] Final stress: [ 1.54975049e-05 1.53783852e-05 1.92483383e-05 1.48799164e-05 -5.88258404e-14 -6.70055120e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01054933 -0.00466739 0.0002262 ] [ 0.007859 0.01374491 -0.00878691] [ 0.007859 -0.01374491 0.00878691] ... [-0.0104414 0.0001266 -0.01424414] [-0.01437126 0.01525453 -0.0090117 ] [ 0.00885314 -0.00245971 -0.00666429]] Final stress: [-8.91237634e-05 -9.41716037e-05 2.56136273e-04 -3.84955092e-05 2.23731728e-13 7.95863274e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00695274 -0.01267261 -0.00787573] [ 0.00993657 0.00422157 0.00051512] [ 0.00993657 -0.00422157 -0.00051512] ... [ 0.01615972 0.00519422 -0.01795413] [ 0.01224419 0.01081381 -0.00273249] [ 0.01649656 -0.00036246 -0.0053298 ]] Final stress: [-8.76796947e-05 -9.24310737e-05 2.48342712e-04 3.68982776e-05 -5.97688608e-13 -1.69043759e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.07078766e-03 2.66104007e-03 3.40758952e-03] [-1.09316070e-03 -2.50100223e-03 4.25299484e-04] [-4.07078812e-03 2.66104057e-03 -3.40758997e-03] ... [ 6.78890525e-04 3.15867628e-03 -1.21481082e-03] [ 4.32906409e-04 -1.01371517e-03 2.18474865e-03] [-1.31471307e-04 -3.37111191e-05 -7.43135294e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.57028797e-05 1.58241183e-05 1.86532965e-05 -4.48908031e-14 -1.52983161e-05 -1.27681657e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00105536 0.00247927 0.00040414] [-0.00389426 -0.00246848 0.00324768] [-0.00105536 0.00247927 -0.00040414] ... [ 0.00413343 0.00174333 -0.00178012] [-0.00188465 0.00017792 -0.00011631] [-0.00063906 -0.00145455 0.00268617]] Final stress: [1.53062507e-05 1.54230395e-05 1.92230787e-05 3.04123564e-14 1.50964928e-05 6.05520187e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00472182 -0.01056738 0.00016725] [ 0.01368759 0.00783765 -0.00873449] [ 0.00472182 -0.01056738 -0.00016725] ... [ 0.00014408 -0.01040318 -0.0141719 ] [-0.00250015 0.0087451 -0.00666902] [ 0.01523604 -0.01437414 -0.00899737]] Final stress: [-9.42443234e-05 -8.92164117e-05 2.56054084e-04 -3.42982671e-13 -3.83800522e-05 3.72530850e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01297628 -0.0072026 -0.00814077] [ 0.00432549 0.01009476 0.00044826] [ 0.01297628 -0.00720259 0.00814077] ... [ 0.00520218 0.01627551 -0.01811649] [-0.0002905 0.01661188 -0.00535228] [ 0.01095642 0.01236582 -0.00279818]] Final stress: [-9.28819880e-05 -8.80466646e-05 2.50479831e-04 -3.03477639e-13 3.74301135e-05 -9.65440674e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.81658166e-03 3.81658161e-03 1.69540098e-03] [-3.81658076e-03 -3.81658073e-03 1.69540015e-03] [-1.02837089e-03 1.02837088e-03 -1.81127251e-03] ... [ 3.69062528e-03 3.69062520e-03 -2.14584987e-03] [-2.44842668e-03 -5.95834970e-05 1.67573606e-03] [-5.95834357e-05 -2.44842666e-03 1.67573604e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.50216165e-05 1.50216165e-05 1.94513841e-05 -5.97105568e-14 7.50832321e-14 -1.48926355e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00108151 0.00108151 0.00184536] [-0.00108151 -0.00108151 0.00184536] [-0.00451299 0.00451299 -0.00225983] ... [ 0.00131371 0.00131371 -0.00089349] [ 0.00116867 -0.00084676 0.0005933 ] [-0.00084676 0.00116867 0.0005933 ]] Final stress: [ 1.63127408e-05 1.63127411e-05 1.83928431e-05 -1.42847966e-13 1.44053981e-13 1.53173315e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00466772 -0.00466772 -0.00550117] [ 0.00466771 0.00466771 -0.00550116] [ 0.01142308 -0.01142308 0.00120213] ... [ 0.00139603 0.00139603 -0.02043987] [-0.00350093 0.01527526 -0.01761698] [ 0.01527526 -0.00350093 -0.01761698]] Final stress: [-9.15659204e-05 -9.15659201e-05 2.48971787e-04 -5.84900327e-13 -1.82367193e-13 -2.72451411e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01132361 -0.01132361 -0.00122967] [ 0.0113236 0.0113236 -0.00122966] [ 0.00463765 -0.00463765 0.00545657] ... [ 0.00369245 0.00369245 -0.01137781] [ 0.00116701 0.00986786 0.00703623] [ 0.00986786 0.00116701 0.00703623]] Final stress: [-9.14383389e-05 -9.14383377e-05 2.49098420e-04 5.79906721e-13 -5.90872819e-13 2.77949735e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00417426 -0.0021969 -0.0021969 ] [-0.00291093 -0.00089151 0.00089151] [-0.00291093 0.00089151 -0.00089151] ... [ 0.0101734 0.00509319 0.00280935] [ 0.0101734 0.00280935 0.00509319] [-0.00419045 -0.00220954 -0.00220954]] Final stress: [-1.06664541e-05 -1.15412825e-05 -1.15412826e-05 -1.77393441e-05 -3.56502010e-14 -1.32439192e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0026367 0.00061098 0.00061098] [ 0.00397943 0.00199337 -0.00199337] [ 0.00397943 -0.00199337 0.00199337] ... [-0.00988809 -0.00517998 0.00054009] [-0.00988809 0.00054009 -0.00517998] [ 0.0067876 0.00161219 0.00161219]] Final stress: [-1.04299738e-05 -1.12929914e-05 -1.12929915e-05 1.69676452e-05 1.34392865e-14 6.84489309e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00329148 -0.00329148 -0.00245392] [-0.00264915 -0.00264915 0.00181707] [-0.00047217 -0.00119739 0.00037168] ... [ 0.00854837 0.00854837 0.00082713] [ 0.00649383 -0.0019135 0.0021318 ] [-0.0019135 0.00649383 0.0021318 ]] Final stress: [-1.23945593e-05 -1.23945592e-05 -1.25753452e-05 -2.13192810e-05 -2.13192810e-05 5.09114627e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00122419 0.00048248 -0.0003799 ] [-0.00048249 0.00122418 -0.0003799 ] [-0.00263051 0.00263051 -0.00177971] ... [ 0.00418928 -0.00474383 0.00151814] [ 0.00617837 0.0041896 0.00169308] [-0.00118034 -0.00682495 -0.00237704]] Final stress: [-1.24779041e-05 -1.24779036e-05 -1.26635126e-05 -2.12345833e-05 2.12345832e-05 -5.11148490e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00049295 -0.00121571 -0.00037043] [ 0.00121571 -0.00049295 -0.00037043] [ 0.00331498 -0.00331498 0.00245793] ... [-0.00458082 0.00402711 0.00151569] [-0.00678643 -0.00125398 -0.00250097] [ 0.00425867 0.0061411 0.00181855]] Final stress: [-1.24127098e-05 -1.24127096e-05 -1.25934346e-05 2.09231521e-05 -2.09231522e-05 -5.09686482e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00266621 0.00266621 0.0017895 ] [ 0.00332962 0.00332962 -0.00244805] [ 0.00125235 0.00050585 0.00038226] ... [-0.00934634 -0.00934634 0.00206827] [-0.00727632 0.00472331 -0.00276234] [ 0.00472331 -0.00727632 -0.00276234]] Final stress: [-1.25414445e-05 -1.25414445e-05 -1.27301282e-05 2.09774031e-05 2.09774032e-05 5.12813671e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00325993 -0.00241129 -0.00325993] [-0.00047336 0.00038168 -0.00121857] [-0.00259762 0.00175426 -0.00259762] ... [ 0.00661789 0.00214392 -0.00179647] [ 0.00861337 0.00087086 0.00861337] [-0.00179647 0.00214392 0.00661789]] Final stress: [-1.24868886e-05 -1.26720386e-05 -1.24868886e-05 -2.14716902e-05 5.10987117e-07 -2.14716904e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00119299 -0.00036307 0.00048491] [-0.0027458 -0.00190945 0.0027458 ] [-0.00048491 -0.00036307 0.00119299] ... [ 0.00611031 0.00181114 0.00430323] [ 0.00400249 0.00151259 -0.00455837] [-0.0013043 -0.00249535 -0.00675712]] Final stress: [-1.23394011e-05 -1.25185003e-05 -1.23394009e-05 -2.06817984e-05 -5.07669846e-07 2.06817983e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00050621 -0.00036649 -0.00122115] [ 0.0033768 0.00251051 -0.0033768 ] [ 0.00122115 -0.00036649 -0.00050621] ... [-0.00681595 -0.00252079 -0.00128252] [-0.00459027 0.00151453 0.00403717] [ 0.00428474 0.00183893 0.00617129]] Final stress: [-1.23976394e-05 -1.25787467e-05 -1.23976395e-05 2.04783130e-05 -5.09539699e-07 -2.04783131e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00263356 0.00179099 0.00263356] [ 0.00121815 0.00038214 0.000472 ] [ 0.00329668 -0.00244901 0.00329668] ... [-0.00729868 -0.00278813 0.00474666] [-0.0093212 0.00209962 -0.0093212 ] [ 0.00474666 -0.00278813 -0.00729868]] Final stress: [-1.25148505e-05 -1.27022279e-05 -1.25148506e-05 2.15227735e-05 5.11797323e-07 2.15227735e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00223616 -0.00418489 -0.00223616] [-0.00093812 -0.00292895 0.00093812] [ 0.00223616 -0.00418489 0.00223616] ... [ 0.00508456 0.01015011 0.00283172] [-0.00220546 -0.00421964 -0.00220546] [ 0.00283172 0.01015011 0.00508455]] Final stress: [-1.15129250e-05 -1.06414984e-05 -1.15129245e-05 -4.48351872e-14 -1.76127765e-05 2.32009379e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00075471 0.00278839 0.00075471] [ 0.00209563 0.00409013 -0.00209563] [-0.00075471 0.00278839 -0.00075471] ... [-0.00521433 -0.00990442 0.00067068] [ 0.00157117 0.00697387 0.00157117] [ 0.00067067 -0.00990442 -0.00521433]] Final stress: [-1.12379977e-05 -1.03840616e-05 -1.12379977e-05 6.13086951e-14 1.81374915e-05 5.99504176e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00249676 -0.00335571 -0.00335571] [ 0.00037306 -0.00049235 -0.0012204 ] [ 0.00037306 -0.0012204 -0.00049235] ... [ 0.00210753 0.00655273 -0.00181337] [ 0.00210753 -0.00181337 0.00655273] [ 0.00091281 0.00859953 0.00859953]] Final stress: [-1.26397232e-05 -1.24554331e-05 -1.24554331e-05 5.10785815e-07 -2.08720799e-05 -2.08720799e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00036224 -0.00117453 0.0004681 ] [-0.00193225 -0.00275095 0.00275095] [ 0.00255036 -0.00337437 0.00337437] ... [ 0.00177675 0.00609577 0.00429877] [-0.00246321 -0.00130415 -0.00674453] [ 0.00151029 0.00402098 -0.00457927]] Final stress: [-1.24749528e-05 -1.22960890e-05 -1.22960890e-05 -5.06010347e-07 -2.07502913e-05 2.07502912e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00036898 0.00049323 -0.00121314] [ 0.00251825 0.00337404 -0.00337404] [-0.00188664 0.00273732 -0.00273732] ... [-0.00243343 -0.00680667 -0.00124379] [ 0.00174934 0.00424737 0.00616005] [ 0.00151517 -0.00466948 0.00411438]] Final stress: [-1.25928055e-05 -1.24097714e-05 -1.24097713e-05 -5.09669552e-07 2.08193480e-05 -2.08193480e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00186027 0.0027145 0.0027145 ] [ 0.00037363 0.00122131 0.00049211] [ 0.00037363 0.00049211 0.00122131] ... [-0.0027726 -0.00719802 0.00478843] [-0.0027726 0.00478843 -0.00719802] [ 0.00208071 -0.00930988 -0.00930988]] Final stress: [-1.26402841e-05 -1.24552680e-05 -1.24552682e-05 5.10616144e-07 2.09302800e-05 2.09302800e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00215187 -0.00215187 -0.00417047] [ 0.00215187 0.00215187 -0.00417047] [-0.00084293 0.00084293 -0.00290332] ... [-0.00220427 -0.00220427 -0.00418675] [ 0.00509343 0.00274392 0.01019715] [ 0.00274392 0.00509343 0.01019715]] Final stress: [-1.15608550e-05 -1.15608549e-05 -1.06837121e-05 1.20968250e-13 1.36896219e-13 -1.81756617e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00089217 0.00089217 0.00291998] [-0.00089217 -0.00089217 0.00291998] [ 0.00219512 -0.00219512 0.00418099] ... [ 0.00162457 0.00162457 0.00749817] [-0.00565248 0.00059047 -0.01054149] [ 0.00059047 -0.00565248 -0.01054149]] Final stress: [-1.15378943e-05 -1.15378944e-05 -1.06638126e-05 -1.69897685e-13 2.29296029e-13 1.78977644e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02075838 0.01201388 0.01201389] [ 0.02075725 -0.01201498 0.012015 ] [ 0.0207578 0.01201445 -0.01201452] ... [-0.01906504 -0.00177758 -0.00153816] [-0.01906517 -0.00153803 -0.00177767] [ 0.02574948 -0.02011597 -0.02011601]] Final stress: [-3.99747700e-05 3.69386364e-04 3.69386356e-04 5.38735800e-12 -1.66062850e-11 1.71815406e-12] Minimization converged after 47 steps. Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.06075872e-03 1.49102526e-03 2.11281663e-04] [ 1.06080289e-03 -1.49098002e-03 2.11238201e-04] [ 1.06070587e-03 1.49107800e-03 -2.11333682e-04] ... [ 1.53601912e-04 1.18558312e-04 7.38839036e-04] [ 3.56031545e-04 1.82804773e-04 3.19133982e-04] [ 1.45554018e-03 -5.49228863e-05 -5.67349034e-05]] Final stress: [ 6.37202202e-07 1.42208166e-05 7.45781344e-06 1.17114438e-12 -1.18285981e-12 -7.74304074e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.42519238e-03 -1.04476796e-03 1.86429243e-04] [-1.42509628e-03 1.04486584e-03 1.86333077e-04] [-1.42509163e-03 -1.04486755e-03 -1.86329882e-04] ... [ 1.11473400e-04 1.27052468e-04 7.27579097e-04] [-4.26687203e-05 1.37226189e-03 -5.65208218e-05] [ 2.48398022e-04 3.15150536e-04 2.85681359e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.42814911e-05 5.08361021e-07 7.41049082e-06 -7.60975208e-13 1.46750938e-12 2.25721529e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-1.62459609e-04 -1.62453333e-04 -1.63049445e-03] [ 1.61898387e-04 1.61892922e-04 -1.62992259e-03] [ 1.62192236e-04 -1.62188197e-04 1.63022834e-03] ... [-5.97645232e-04 -5.97649169e-04 -4.36920510e-04] [ 3.33941778e-04 -1.43504543e-03 5.53836496e-05] [-1.43505311e-03 3.33946671e-04 5.53872037e-05]] Final stress: [-6.42954984e-07 -6.42954351e-07 -3.38260043e-05 -2.05422356e-12 -6.55572665e-14 -1.29141191e-12] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.01923172e-03 2.08978669e-04 1.44476390e-03] [ 1.01926381e-03 -2.08948407e-04 1.44473238e-03] [ 1.01925827e-03 2.08950507e-04 -1.44473755e-03] ... [ 3.37101479e-04 2.57305126e-04 1.88250422e-04] [ 1.81225706e-04 7.24345279e-04 6.49313859e-05] [ 1.42560428e-03 -2.05211651e-05 -5.70709237e-05]] Final stress: [4.38915463e-07 7.39639786e-06 1.43221253e-05 1.91854433e-12 1.45748667e-12 8.29186878e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.51483142e-03 2.73555760e-04 -9.60093864e-04] [-1.51483080e-03 -2.73552945e-04 -9.60096624e-04] [-1.51480811e-03 2.73531659e-04 9.60115494e-04] ... [-6.51912146e-05 -6.86448158e-05 1.37644756e-03] [ 1.06016987e-04 7.19817928e-04 1.42078532e-04] [ 2.27717352e-04 3.07298156e-04 3.46847322e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.43769046e-05 7.33234149e-06 2.56654466e-07 -1.99824565e-12 -1.17531327e-12 1.48854628e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.73405758e-03 -3.50419561e-03 1.73404731e-03] [-1.73419937e-03 3.50400902e-03 1.73420198e-03] [-1.73469342e-03 -3.50354896e-03 -1.73468410e-03] ... [ 7.22835263e-04 1.41982979e-04 -3.58233092e-03] [-7.32105324e-05 4.24909803e-03 -7.32097036e-05] [-3.58235914e-03 1.41982799e-04 7.22843902e-04]] Final stress: [ 8.14583176e-06 -6.96961826e-05 8.14583180e-06 -2.81291364e-12 6.82393175e-12 -1.87369951e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03803478 -0.02378923 -0.02378923] [ 0.00214508 0.00669206 -0.00669206] [ 0.00214509 -0.00669206 0.00669206] ... [ 0.00797612 -0.00681706 0.00362246] [ 0.00797612 0.00362246 -0.00681706] [-0.0167108 0.02019121 0.02019121]] Final stress: [ 1.81508507e-05 7.60315635e-05 7.60315636e-05 -1.42825906e-04 -5.88129817e-13 -1.06337165e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.81535579e-03 -6.33981608e-03 -6.33981514e-03] [ 3.70703924e-02 2.33523651e-02 -2.33523657e-02] [ 3.70703872e-02 -2.33523603e-02 2.33523611e-02] ... [-2.11832598e-03 4.04398695e-03 1.98978909e-05] [-2.11832420e-03 1.98936330e-05 4.04398793e-03] [-1.53909471e-02 5.36713221e-03 5.36713114e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.71552727e-05 7.46913115e-05 7.46913099e-05 1.41572206e-04 -5.25614719e-13 7.99353614e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.19288691 -0.20854629 -0.20854628] [ 0.2108172 0.32385184 -0.32385186] [ 0.21081723 -0.32385187 0.32385187] ... [-0.05795135 -0.01337593 0.12290991] [-0.05795136 0.12290978 -0.01337587] [-0.16262657 -0.02189872 -0.02189873]] Final stress: [ 2.09191931e-03 5.25767601e-04 5.25767601e-04 -2.92800954e-04 2.95731686e-11 1.11478757e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21395836 -0.33573361 -0.33573362] [ 0.20508839 0.2219873 -0.22198731] [ 0.20508803 -0.22198695 0.22198694] ... [-0.00477906 0.10167138 0.04813362] [-0.00477903 0.04813353 0.10167136] [-0.00339994 -0.04522033 -0.04522032]] Final stress: [ 2.25467267e-03 6.34644558e-04 6.34644561e-04 3.16467633e-04 3.39061385e-12 -7.86412603e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02691658 -0.03121407 -0.02248961] [ 0.01016488 -0.00317432 -0.00555068] [ 0.02691652 -0.03121402 0.02248956] ... [-0.00207151 0.0043507 0.00368872] [ 0.00874538 0.00012335 0.00550662] [-0.01289125 0.01748543 0.0069738 ]] Final stress: [ 9.34977993e-06 7.69631113e-05 7.19325702e-05 -1.03161055e-12 -1.28279295e-04 1.07264111e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01032298 0.00300229 -0.00565528] [ 0.02724227 0.03141397 -0.02275785] [ 0.01032297 0.00300231 0.00565526] ... [ 0.00731515 -0.00585595 -0.00076093] [-0.00381377 0.0018223 -0.00787266] [-0.01651732 0.00684465 0.01679106]] Final stress: [ 9.56749957e-06 7.62282497e-05 7.13073554e-05 2.55248773e-13 1.27262071e-04 -9.52349335e-13] Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 147 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03117633 -0.02622988 -0.03596532] [ 0.03117629 0.02622984 -0.03596528] [ 0.01152618 -0.00635043 -0.00338897] ... [ 0.01009818 0.00640659 0.00017211] [-0.00247175 0.0042848 0.00479312] [-0.01449561 0.00773749 0.01973546]] Final stress: [ 1.52463441e-05 8.01756795e-05 8.63281262e-05 1.02549514e-12 -1.39518111e-13 -1.43378530e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01061891 -0.00578489 0.00327953] [ 0.01061891 0.00578488 0.00327954] [ 0.02830625 -0.02366979 0.03273215] ... [-0.00402812 -0.00827233 0.00230473] [ 0.00767525 -0.00073422 -0.00616546] [-0.01735812 0.01763947 0.00713907]] Final stress: [ 1.15606203e-05 7.39890230e-05 7.93146442e-05 -5.11829159e-13 2.77042626e-13 1.31935141e-04] Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03495548 0.00465545 0.03495555] [-0.03494984 -0.00464974 0.03494989] [-0.03495101 0.0046508 -0.03495084] ... [-0.00622518 -0.02048087 0.00887294] [-0.02370786 0.01762281 -0.02370806] [ 0.00887316 -0.02048084 -0.00622564]] Final stress: [ 5.97623122e-04 -1.42857809e-04 5.97623051e-04 1.08970892e-10 6.67241436e-11 -6.08367985e-11] Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.34429624e-04 -7.03779851e-04 1.78411654e-03] [-5.34352294e-04 7.03852744e-04 1.78404234e-03] [-5.34452973e-04 -7.03752716e-04 -1.78414307e-03] ... [-6.92478347e-04 2.09541622e-04 1.93204528e-05] [ 1.27500184e-04 3.03084810e-05 -6.36643249e-04] [-8.42970055e-05 5.51754336e-04 -1.11435373e-03]] Final stress: [6.49189830e-06 1.25620824e-05 1.06670802e-06 1.51149414e-12 4.24031338e-12 2.43897104e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04668668 0.02788619 -0.07768874] [ 0.04669287 -0.02788023 -0.07769487] [ 0.04669768 0.02787511 0.07769981] ... [ 0.08249081 0.02772578 -0.01959074] [-0.12240472 -0.00307758 -0.07458085] [-0.00443197 -0.06801402 0.03465605]] Final stress: [6.15277920e-04 3.86085299e-04 1.44362611e-03 1.22237587e-10 6.33932864e-11 1.03211061e-10] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02416675 0.00338603 0.00338582] [ 0.02416377 -0.00338895 0.00338861] [ 0.02415418 0.0033982 -0.00339816] ... [ 0.00486869 0.02858742 -0.03120664] [ 0.00486914 -0.03120606 0.02858717] [ 0.02832324 0.00844725 0.00844763]] Final stress: [-4.64231180e-04 3.60154871e-04 3.60154843e-04 -4.07476188e-11 -7.38583982e-11 -5.27475494e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03708415 -0.03217628 -0.02723282] [-0.00337236 0.01166974 -0.00648387] [-0.00337233 -0.01166976 0.00648389] ... [ 0.00507672 -0.00222153 0.00431715] [ 0.02052091 -0.0150134 0.00821882] [ 0.00024216 0.01012424 0.0062127 ]] Final stress: [ 8.88200006e-05 1.69260571e-05 8.23805786e-05 -1.47897495e-04 1.76200808e-12 -7.61484168e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00314791 -0.01160672 -0.0065324 ] [ 0.03516858 0.03034002 -0.02548962] [ 0.03516863 -0.03034007 0.02548968] ... [-0.00700045 0.007882 -0.00078052] [ 0.00740191 -0.01833087 0.01859821] [ 0.002399 -0.00440808 -0.0091084 ]] Final stress: [8.49295402e-05 1.54595597e-05 7.89473018e-05 1.40879530e-04 1.40149929e-12 7.58780292e-13] Minimization converged after 151 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02186745 -0.03506312 -0.02186745] [ 0.00616363 0.00194869 -0.00616363] [ 0.02186748 -0.03506315 0.02186748] ... [-0.00604474 0.00739014 0.00329901] [ 0.01838673 -0.01533934 0.01838674] [ 0.00329901 0.00739014 -0.00604475]] Final stress: [ 7.01941047e-05 1.49535140e-05 7.01941024e-05 -4.20252172e-13 -1.31636337e-04 3.45546637e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00504162 -0.0012365 -0.00504162] [ 0.01794183 0.02992064 -0.01794183] [ 0.00504162 -0.0012365 0.00504162] ... [ 0.00329296 -0.00145042 -0.00029424] [ 0.00438204 -0.01276702 0.00438204] [-0.00029425 -0.00145042 0.00329296]] Final stress: [ 6.36456588e-05 7.98766078e-06 6.36456584e-05 6.29842550e-13 1.16304270e-04 -9.42230644e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.20929706 -0.1937886 -0.20929707] [ 0.32480874 0.21136239 -0.32480873] [ 0.20929844 -0.1937899 0.20929844] ... [-0.0105942 -0.05957918 0.12241848] [-0.02393674 -0.16286561 -0.02393674] [ 0.12241838 -0.05957916 -0.01059422]] Final stress: [ 5.32208424e-04 2.09235609e-03 5.32208437e-04 1.22283255e-12 -2.90044366e-04 -1.41864900e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.29463956 -0.1935637 -0.29463957] [ 0.19462114 0.17806417 -0.19462114] [ 0.29463919 -0.19356333 0.29463919] ... [ 0.08259901 0.00790181 0.04920382] [-0.02756987 -0.02196129 -0.02756986] [ 0.04920383 0.00790183 0.08259899]] Final stress: [ 3.76289326e-04 1.96410044e-03 3.76289326e-04 -8.19273050e-12 2.43435751e-04 5.17405271e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02555185 -0.03039143 -0.03505577] [ 0.02555186 0.03039143 -0.03505578] [ 0.00611683 -0.01117694 -0.00339082] ... [ 0.00621275 0.00980273 0.00018539] [ 0.00752428 -0.01420612 0.01925907] [ 0.00417224 -0.00244367 0.00469828]] Final stress: [ 7.85318444e-05 1.37589401e-05 8.44505530e-05 2.44655638e-13 5.14050629e-14 -1.40604730e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00619835 -0.01130749 0.00333803] [ 0.00619831 0.01130746 0.00333806] [ 0.02581482 -0.03070072 0.03534718] ... [-0.00893306 -0.00424716 0.00230026] [ 0.01903668 -0.01855163 0.00779694] [-0.00085186 0.00835861 -0.0065464 ]] Final stress: [ 7.93318043e-05 1.40957221e-05 8.53177436e-05 -1.06882024e-14 1.18990674e-12 1.41675172e-04] Minimization converged after 152 steps. Minimization converged after 148 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00138289 0.00138287 -0.00404107] [-0.00138299 -0.00138299 -0.00404097] [-0.00138307 0.00138308 0.00404086] ... [-0.00049012 -0.00049013 0.00601005] [-0.0010014 -0.00085654 -0.00020586] [-0.00085655 -0.0010014 -0.00020585]] Final stress: [ 5.29551512e-05 5.29551519e-05 -1.09396212e-05 -1.68696408e-11 -4.03477834e-12 -7.15483336e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0013528 -0.00135281 0.00096514] [ 0.00135281 0.00135281 0.00096514] [ 0.00135243 -0.00135244 -0.00096551] ... [-0.00044875 -0.00044876 -0.00168639] [-0.00075559 -0.0024947 -0.00122339] [-0.00249468 -0.00075557 -0.00122342]] Final stress: [-2.32853485e-05 -2.32853503e-05 2.03739601e-07 -8.74901854e-12 3.81188211e-12 -3.40966028e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0365196 -0.02673221 -0.03166447] [-0.00335897 0.00643295 -0.01160066] [-0.00335892 -0.006433 0.01160071] ... [ 0.02023028 0.00791237 -0.01481338] [ 0.00506292 0.00431615 -0.00243416] [ 0.00015011 0.0062799 0.01003467]] Final stress: [ 8.75581450e-05 8.12663129e-05 1.64707570e-05 -1.45505837e-04 -3.03735687e-13 1.57851800e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00296202 -0.00599396 -0.01082713] [ 0.03295503 0.02400124 -0.0286342 ] [ 0.03295502 -0.02400122 0.02863418] ... [ 0.00708869 0.01781496 -0.01739167] [-0.00624978 -0.00074266 0.00784512] [ 0.00210841 -0.00812383 -0.0038412 ]] Final stress: [ 8.06371958e-05 7.52572563e-05 1.14730025e-05 1.33729464e-04 -9.27231046e-13 -1.07732162e-12] Minimization converged after 151 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02431081 -0.03356076 -0.02903847] [ 0.00604455 -0.00320703 -0.0109798 ] [ 0.02431081 -0.03356076 0.02903847] ... [ 0.00726483 0.01848905 -0.01371404] [ 0.00586802 0.00024229 0.0093301 ] [ 0.00380228 0.00454078 -0.00228416]] Final stress: [ 7.62058474e-05 8.17662115e-05 1.24785710e-05 -1.01636294e-13 -1.35711825e-04 6.26300703e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00451845 0.00313295 -0.00865113] [ 0.0178059 0.02545982 -0.02179714] [ 0.00451845 0.00313295 0.00865114] ... [ 0.01416946 0.0058313 -0.01399564] [-0.00654149 0.00147765 -0.00322686] [-0.00076378 -0.00482574 0.00617701]] Final stress: [ 6.32162660e-05 6.70764916e-05 2.65291814e-06 -1.17413542e-13 1.09426650e-04 2.38972292e-14] Minimization converged after 156 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02503156 -0.02503156 -0.04012434] [ 0.02503156 0.02503156 -0.04012434] [ 0.00747402 -0.00747401 0.00260922] ... [ 0.02104518 0.02104518 -0.01721666] [-0.00706158 0.00356484 0.00833668] [ 0.00356484 -0.00706158 0.00833668]] Final stress: [ 7.92419603e-05 7.92419630e-05 2.30993399e-05 2.35584806e-13 1.06367072e-12 -1.48234653e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00647561 -0.00647561 -0.00199149] [ 0.00647564 0.00647563 -0.00199152] [ 0.02343882 -0.02343882 0.03725038] ... [ 0.00542375 0.00542375 -0.0156259 ] [ 0.00400786 -0.00010548 -0.00195604] [-0.00010547 0.00400786 -0.00195604]] Final stress: [ 7.52128422e-05 7.52128417e-05 1.77076157e-05 1.08090728e-13 -1.15072934e-12 1.41665011e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21734575 -0.21734575 -0.20197632] [ 0.21734489 0.2173449 -0.20197547] [ 0.32511962 -0.32511964 0.21182127] ... [-0.02482912 -0.02482911 -0.1609533 ] [-0.00833395 0.12274599 -0.0537714 ] [ 0.12274601 -0.00833397 -0.05377138]] Final stress: [ 5.63343298e-04 5.63343303e-04 2.09126304e-03 -2.24284752e-11 4.08992452e-12 -3.12261743e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.33114085 -0.33114086 -0.21535433] [ 0.33114094 0.33114095 -0.2153544 ] [ 0.22340515 -0.22340515 0.20623486] ... [-0.04427362 -0.04427358 -0.00255808] [ 0.10155152 0.04605618 -0.0065999 ] [ 0.04605613 0.10155152 -0.00659986]] Final stress: [6.11063871e-04 6.11063871e-04 2.18465537e-03 1.55366153e-11 2.95131186e-12 3.34473979e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00163803 -0.00120823 -0.00120823] [-0.00071497 -0.00027625 0.00027625] [-0.00071497 0.00027624 -0.00027624] ... [ 0.00426952 0.00061009 0.00229956] [ 0.00426952 0.00229956 0.00061009] [ 0.00044713 -0.00353658 -0.00353658]] Final stress: [-1.37752702e-05 -1.40956635e-05 -1.40956630e-05 -1.94351367e-05 -3.73020587e-13 3.09054448e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00071943 0.00014549 0.00014549] [ 0.00164458 0.00107918 -0.00107918] [ 0.00164458 -0.00107918 0.00107918] ... [-0.00492407 -0.00143803 0.00109456] [-0.00492407 0.00109456 -0.00143803] [ 0.00291747 0.00263344 0.00263344]] Final stress: [-1.36369823e-05 -1.39584483e-05 -1.39584482e-05 1.84380953e-05 2.25381248e-13 -6.88659628e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00769092 -0.00769092 -0.00627943] [-0.00064006 -0.00064005 -0.00073034] [ 0.00226994 -0.00505066 0.00372631] ... [ 0.0082044 0.0082044 0.00627112] [ 0.0011704 0.00382255 -0.00406955] [ 0.00382255 0.0011704 -0.00406955]] Final stress: [-5.12571070e-05 -5.12571068e-05 -5.28540691e-05 -5.02991061e-05 -5.02991056e-05 3.64083763e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00500867 -0.00228256 -0.00371134] [ 0.00228256 0.00500867 -0.00371134] [-0.00060228 0.00060228 0.00074079] ... [ 0.00383646 -0.00608501 0.00620722] [ 0.01086812 0.00858896 0.00585733] [ 0.00372203 -0.01384212 -0.00893192]] Final stress: [-5.10559085e-05 -5.10559092e-05 -5.26383831e-05 -5.00908446e-05 5.00908442e-05 -3.61494775e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00223347 -0.00503692 -0.00370079] [ 0.00503692 0.00223347 -0.0037008 ] [ 0.00766252 -0.00766252 0.00623972] ... [-0.00605925 0.00381431 0.00620959] [-0.01383719 0.00370539 -0.00895084] [ 0.00860963 0.01086634 0.00587963]] Final stress: [-5.10935649e-05 -5.10935653e-05 -5.26763336e-05 4.99947709e-05 -4.99947706e-05 -3.61835375e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0006064 0.0006064 -0.0007237 ] [ 0.00762962 0.00762962 -0.00625846] [ 0.00499602 -0.00229593 0.00371181] ... [-0.01171316 -0.01171316 0.00596257] [-0.00406493 0.00838226 0.0007146 ] [ 0.00838226 -0.00406492 0.0007146 ]] Final stress: [-5.11349464e-05 -5.11349477e-05 -5.27193078e-05 5.03379739e-05 5.03379734e-05 3.62218759e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00770831 -0.00638073 -0.00770831] [ 0.00233937 0.00371201 -0.00495255] [-0.00068538 -0.00060139 -0.00068538] ... [ 0.0012093 -0.00406513 0.0038056 ] [ 0.00827655 0.00627719 0.00827655] [ 0.0038056 -0.00406513 0.0012093 ]] Final stress: [-5.12195489e-05 -5.28043515e-05 -5.12195488e-05 -5.05620123e-05 3.62536451e-06 -5.05620105e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00504678 -0.00371563 -0.00225228] [-0.00081501 0.00056276 0.00081501] [ 0.00225227 -0.00371563 0.00504678] ... [ 0.0107746 0.00565088 0.00867138] [ 0.00395754 0.00624903 -0.00619156] [ 0.00372131 -0.00871708 -0.01374198]] Final stress: [-5.15127332e-05 -5.31174288e-05 -5.15127341e-05 -5.04490770e-05 -3.66262847e-06 5.04490793e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00217874 -0.00370169 -0.00509353] [ 0.007741 0.00626267 -0.007741 ] [ 0.00509353 -0.00370169 0.00217874] ... [-0.01370824 -0.00882951 0.00372406] [-0.00605247 0.0062249 0.00380654] [ 0.00862035 0.00575435 0.01073411]] Final stress: [-5.11788788e-05 -5.27723297e-05 -5.11788787e-05 4.98850800e-05 -3.63272565e-06 -4.98850811e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00084078 -0.00051984 0.00084078] [ 0.00498729 0.00367251 -0.00222665] [ 0.0077863 -0.00638514 0.0077863 ] ... [-0.00402111 0.00069514 0.00847257] [-0.01171831 0.00600275 -0.01171831] [ 0.00847257 0.00069514 -0.00402111]] Final stress: [-5.10624443e-05 -5.26387899e-05 -5.10624441e-05 5.00767932e-05 3.61372310e-06 5.00767926e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00114955 -0.00162249 -0.00114955] [-0.00022192 -0.00070348 0.00022192] [ 0.00114955 -0.00162249 0.00114955] ... [ 0.00073439 0.00427616 0.00226634] [-0.00352746 0.00049444 -0.00352746] [ 0.00226634 0.00427616 0.00073439]] Final stress: [-1.39597387e-05 -1.36432274e-05 -1.39597378e-05 -2.09431144e-13 -1.90230557e-05 -2.09797676e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00018961 0.00073707 0.00018961] [ 0.00111115 0.00165008 -0.00111115] [-0.00018962 0.00073707 -0.00018962] ... [-0.00147175 -0.0049132 0.00111507] [ 0.0026709 0.00291548 0.0026709 ] [ 0.00111507 -0.0049132 -0.00147175]] Final stress: [-1.39312040e-05 -1.36141509e-05 -1.39312054e-05 3.72039445e-13 1.86167417e-05 -5.37865745e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00628903 -0.00769255 -0.00769255] [ 0.00368789 0.0022396 -0.00500498] [ 0.00368789 -0.00500498 0.0022396 ] ... [-0.00391951 0.00129456 0.00369526] [-0.00391951 0.00369526 0.00129456] [ 0.00628117 0.00832456 0.00832456]] Final stress: [-5.27482755e-05 -5.11672853e-05 -5.11672882e-05 3.62291658e-06 -5.00865870e-05 -5.00865885e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00369104 -0.00495332 -0.00229754] [ 0.00061911 -0.00068891 0.00068891] [ 0.00632332 -0.00767223 0.00767223] ... [ 0.00589851 0.01091484 0.00861591] [-0.00896666 0.00366674 -0.01388296] [ 0.00619245 0.00384371 -0.00608938]] Final stress: [-5.25449415e-05 -5.09727984e-05 -5.09727986e-05 -3.60230545e-06 -5.01157755e-05 5.01157745e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00372503 -0.00228438 -0.00503392] [ 0.00626602 0.00766202 -0.00766202] [ 0.00074232 0.00061238 -0.00061238] ... [-0.00893337 -0.01382953 0.00378969] [ 0.00585529 0.00853202 0.01085222] [ 0.00621281 -0.00607174 0.00382183]] Final stress: [-5.26845677e-05 -5.10946871e-05 -5.10946861e-05 -3.62323540e-06 5.00957305e-05 -5.00957301e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00074102 0.00062746 0.00062746] [ 0.00371128 0.00503407 -0.00225716] [ 0.00371128 -0.00225716 0.00503407] ... [ 0.00070861 -0.00402006 0.00834526] [ 0.00070861 0.00834525 -0.00402006] [ 0.00596978 -0.01171039 -0.01171039]] Final stress: [-5.26336933e-05 -5.10482665e-05 -5.10482666e-05 3.61677327e-06 4.99861918e-05 4.99861921e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00113363 -0.00113363 -0.00162014] [ 0.00113363 0.00113363 -0.00162014] [-0.0001956 0.0001956 -0.00069061] ... [-0.00353544 -0.00353544 0.0005333 ] [ 0.00072815 0.00228242 0.00418412] [ 0.00228242 0.00072815 0.00418412]] Final stress: [-1.38796657e-05 -1.38796657e-05 -1.35620292e-05 1.40245500e-13 -1.09476298e-13 -1.86980768e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00020324 0.00020324 0.00071005] [-0.00020324 -0.00020324 0.00071005] [ 0.00112815 -0.00112815 0.00162641] ... [ 0.00271276 0.00271276 0.00289285] [-0.00148184 0.00112109 -0.00494898] [ 0.00112109 -0.00148184 -0.00494898]] Final stress: [-1.39232348e-05 -1.39232339e-05 -1.36074198e-05 9.68845184e-14 8.40270784e-14 1.88124144e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-1.57978710e-03 3.73720640e-04 3.73708373e-04] [ 1.57997316e-03 -3.73513008e-04 3.73517397e-04] [ 1.57990989e-03 3.73591605e-04 -3.73590932e-04] ... [-5.05886419e-05 -8.54146990e-04 6.49425712e-04] [-5.05931027e-05 6.49433529e-04 -8.54145545e-04] [ 2.05997997e-03 6.99969802e-04 6.99976151e-04]] Final stress: [ 3.60119012e-06 2.71224744e-05 2.71224745e-05 -8.14733180e-13 -2.64085483e-12 -2.97942705e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0016826 -0.00066409 -0.0006641 ] [-0.00168251 0.0006642 -0.00066419] [-0.00168251 -0.00066419 0.00066419] ... [-0.00083068 -0.0009138 -0.00028128] [-0.00083068 -0.00028127 -0.00091381] [-0.00235315 -0.00016115 -0.00016112]] Final stress: [ 3.55372161e-06 -1.50029094e-05 -1.50029092e-05 2.01155737e-12 -3.92321342e-12 -5.26362645e-13] Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-6.48639152e-04 1.50168956e-03 4.21303947e-04] [ 6.48859570e-04 -1.50147226e-03 4.21089763e-04] [ 6.48956592e-04 1.50137345e-03 -4.20994080e-04] ... [ 7.17526722e-05 2.06967723e-04 1.14619273e-03] [ 1.51234037e-04 1.20987123e-03 2.02916775e-04] [ 1.18789351e-03 1.53664599e-04 7.01665411e-05]] Final stress: [ 8.73663547e-07 1.54684519e-05 8.12091222e-06 -2.52818607e-12 5.29680726e-13 -9.00065895e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00160746 -0.00094085 0.00032732] [-0.00160752 0.00094078 0.00032738] [-0.00160761 -0.00094069 -0.00032747] ... [-0.0004731 0.00041696 0.00082608] [-0.00021035 0.00120178 0.00021291] [ 0.00055835 0.00019245 -0.00027437]] Final stress: [ 9.80869002e-06 6.59639312e-06 8.10764715e-06 3.14501928e-12 1.23915042e-12 -2.11959325e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 8 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00101477 0.00016392 0.0013542 ] [ 0.00101479 -0.00016389 0.00135418] [ 0.001015 0.00016369 -0.00135398] ... [ 0.00013667 -0.00019832 0.00068046] [ 0.00030979 0.00082588 -0.00031782] [ 0.00107997 0.00018485 -0.00010779]] Final stress: [ 6.65761368e-06 8.14249792e-06 9.80537685e-06 7.63137041e-12 -1.27781049e-12 1.28965176e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.12185453e-03 5.20848319e-05 -1.00656665e-03] [-1.12203439e-03 -5.22551764e-05 -1.00638772e-03] [-1.12185114e-03 5.20853239e-05 1.00656886e-03] ... [-2.03223210e-05 1.89341341e-04 8.85026791e-04] [-2.25866183e-04 8.85914295e-04 2.34262724e-04] [ 9.94784236e-04 -1.85867550e-04 6.46011338e-05]] Final stress: [ 1.11874285e-05 8.28491461e-06 5.55507150e-06 4.60105647e-12 -1.06443816e-12 2.05570184e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00399676 0.00074651 0.00074651] [-0.0014182 -0.00019523 0.00019523] [-0.00141821 0.00019524 -0.00019524] ... [ 0.00256506 -0.00247415 0.00030939] [ 0.00256507 0.00030939 -0.00247415] [-0.00485682 0.00613033 0.00613033]] Final stress: [ 4.92139678e-06 2.26882017e-05 2.26882038e-05 -4.23598715e-05 -4.56116432e-14 2.76353201e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00146783 0.00019813 0.00019813] [ 0.0040636 -0.00070909 0.00070909] [ 0.0040636 0.00070909 -0.00070909] ... [-0.00029865 0.00223076 -0.00039925] [-0.00029865 -0.00039925 0.00223076] [-0.00506445 0.00203926 0.00203926]] Final stress: [ 4.89973315e-06 2.25670286e-05 2.25670284e-05 4.24317360e-05 4.80098149e-13 -1.45911848e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.23154254e-03 -1.11377040e-03 -1.11377065e-03] [ 1.02174317e-03 1.98169262e-03 -1.98169254e-03] [ 1.02173605e-03 -1.98168568e-03 1.98168561e-03] ... [-1.35749745e-03 -1.53294201e-04 1.38278872e-03] [-1.35749679e-03 1.38278692e-03 -1.53293322e-04] [-2.32560453e-03 -4.35412678e-06 -4.35371563e-06]] Final stress: [ 1.20966572e-05 -6.11842579e-06 -6.11842597e-06 -1.38054416e-06 1.11769065e-13 -1.76363885e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04178541e-03 -2.02273746e-03 -2.02273727e-03] [ 1.27068602e-03 1.14785234e-03 -1.14785220e-03] [ 1.27067935e-03 -1.14784521e-03 1.14784484e-03] ... [ 2.32628601e-04 9.19194507e-04 7.27071063e-04] [ 2.32628323e-04 7.27070846e-04 9.19194042e-04] [-6.61576502e-04 -7.66948770e-05 -7.66949576e-05]] Final stress: [ 1.17580253e-05 -5.94938117e-06 -5.94938111e-06 1.51911647e-06 4.07070047e-14 8.38034552e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-9.61456405e-04 -2.19841045e-03 7.43084208e-04] [ 1.40830594e-03 -3.25177168e-03 3.15754657e-04] [ 9.61452908e-04 -2.19840669e-03 -7.43087988e-04] ... [-1.17556234e-03 1.45282734e-03 4.23137453e-04] [ 3.14066142e-03 -5.76354587e-05 1.96322549e-03] [-4.55714276e-03 5.69916461e-03 1.80871311e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.12144255e-06 2.30919758e-05 2.25544001e-05 1.76914495e-13 -4.22428657e-05 -4.45146061e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.27589572e-03 2.81736234e-03 2.74505249e-04] [ 6.56985817e-05 1.07646041e-03 1.47078137e-03] [ 1.27589485e-03 2.81736322e-03 -2.74506216e-04] ... [ 2.52629974e-03 -9.19366769e-04 -4.60346956e-04] [-7.22074181e-04 -3.43038472e-04 -1.48385632e-03] [-4.10841023e-03 2.05374964e-03 4.79849029e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.37996054e-07 2.20322571e-05 2.16386825e-05 5.31766692e-14 3.31468145e-05 -3.36873961e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00070918 -0.00166979 -0.0011368 ] [ 0.00157137 0.00146629 -0.00199927] [ 0.00070915 -0.00166976 0.00113678] ... [-0.00110888 -0.00044618 0.00136199] [-0.00053705 0.00024704 0.00037336] [-0.00121636 -0.00082698 -0.00057234]] Final stress: [ 1.21421466e-05 -6.12951208e-06 -6.15368134e-06 -2.43554072e-13 -1.70969053e-06 -3.22420020e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.59773579e-03 -1.47828379e-03 -2.02532892e-03] [ 7.17477511e-04 1.69185347e-03 -1.14479074e-03] [ 1.59774672e-03 -1.47829443e-03 2.02533962e-03] ... [ 1.28992749e-05 1.15140720e-03 7.45371195e-04] [-5.93819972e-04 1.86627888e-03 3.31324292e-04] [-1.80756215e-03 7.37361377e-04 5.17112427e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.18732990e-05 -5.99454796e-06 -6.01885451e-06 -5.16906090e-14 1.79264065e-06 -1.48579552e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.07929203e-03 6.56049528e-04 -2.33156255e-03] [ 1.07929780e-03 -6.56043647e-04 -2.33156813e-03] [ 1.57488429e-03 1.79949026e-04 -3.16204572e-03] ... [ 3.16274452e-03 1.98883881e-03 -1.84443099e-05] [-1.17377522e-03 4.05061682e-04 1.45572286e-03] [-4.56119739e-03 1.81804345e-03 5.70570134e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.48847909e-06 2.25293804e-05 2.30675917e-05 3.01218366e-13 2.07738287e-13 -4.20543109e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00159927 0.00016462 0.0031656 ] [ 0.00159928 -0.00016462 0.00316559] [ 0.00119578 0.00054858 0.00245787] ... [-0.00093031 -0.00218823 -0.00017092] [ 0.00339764 -0.00045755 -0.00156094] [-0.00533709 0.00643336 0.00264883]] Final stress: [ 4.58838882e-06 2.25390903e-05 2.30747709e-05 1.17799556e-13 -4.11778415e-13 4.20710539e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00073801 -0.00116235 -0.00169415] [ 0.00073803 0.00116237 -0.00169417] [ 0.00158609 -0.0020107 0.00147891] ... [-0.00052361 0.00039878 0.00022705] [-0.00112098 0.00136163 -0.00041079] [-0.00118354 -0.00060449 -0.00082359]] Final stress: [ 1.19416777e-05 -6.05277303e-06 -6.02856942e-06 -6.27889793e-14 1.63729105e-14 -1.82243625e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.60640082e-03 -2.03935561e-03 -1.49056903e-03] [ 1.60638855e-03 2.03934420e-03 -1.49055632e-03] [ 7.06669840e-04 -1.13933584e-03 1.68814736e-03] ... [-5.89211427e-04 3.49197604e-04 1.85715482e-03] [-2.26364447e-06 7.49164117e-04 1.16988776e-03] [-1.82154035e-03 5.08277299e-04 7.48904596e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.18291175e-05 -5.99875097e-06 -5.97440640e-06 -2.22575260e-14 -2.26299388e-13 1.74069582e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.61120261e-03 -8.18925594e-04 1.61120061e-03] [-1.61136665e-03 8.18770550e-04 1.61135821e-03] [-1.61078704e-03 -8.19354850e-04 -1.61078506e-03] ... [-6.00901419e-04 9.11987058e-05 1.31046931e-03] [ 2.65213264e-04 1.11908340e-03 2.65207234e-04] [ 1.31047925e-03 9.11982414e-05 -6.00904910e-04]] Final stress: [2.41513219e-05 7.73947590e-06 2.41513211e-05 3.75573531e-12 2.36731854e-12 1.74464002e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-8.15679524e-04 1.22586944e-03 -8.15675787e-04] [ 8.15852342e-04 -1.22569189e-03 -8.15846019e-04] [ 8.15942335e-04 1.22562064e-03 8.15931899e-04] ... [-1.10361648e-03 -8.93822805e-04 -7.29165815e-04] [-1.06793045e-05 -1.97611989e-03 -1.06929902e-05] [-7.29190014e-04 -8.93816416e-04 -1.10361713e-03]] Final stress: [-1.56473454e-05 6.44919851e-06 -1.56473503e-05 3.13642334e-13 -4.56141476e-13 8.88707098e-13] Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.36620736e-04 -1.02600185e-03 1.51071081e-03] [-2.36719256e-04 1.02590339e-03 1.51081540e-03] [-2.36695538e-04 -1.02592942e-03 -1.51079294e-03] ... [-1.56782859e-05 2.53358482e-04 6.89263532e-04] [ 2.51363599e-04 1.77739088e-03 1.21382056e-05] [ 1.18275240e-03 3.75350839e-04 -1.32883269e-04]] Final stress: [8.62897986e-06 5.48204893e-06 1.18631593e-05 9.28503877e-13 8.16042692e-13 7.60115048e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.29211401e-04 1.37174077e-03 -9.02062590e-04] [-2.29098873e-04 -1.37162123e-03 -9.02192658e-04] [-2.28959385e-04 1.37148513e-03 9.02316558e-04] ... [ 4.24848819e-04 4.57130744e-05 1.27210930e-03] [-3.26051093e-04 8.78737058e-04 9.06005124e-05] [ 1.02238980e-03 -3.45793636e-04 4.49957347e-04]] Final stress: [ 8.20791880e-06 1.07161085e-05 5.84211072e-06 2.85883226e-12 -6.73929061e-13 3.22312049e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-2.25597852e-03 -1.01491434e-03 7.04024029e-04] [-3.28958851e-03 1.40349990e-03 3.35013473e-04] [-3.28958638e-03 -1.40350215e-03 -3.35010955e-04] ... [ 1.39390267e-03 -1.13598554e-03 3.82417350e-04] [ 5.62321791e-03 -4.53751858e-03 1.81648144e-03] [-5.34739527e-05 3.12628603e-03 1.93426440e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.32522302e-05 4.02675803e-06 2.27132571e-05 -4.20274856e-05 2.30969875e-13 5.52067857e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00318182 -0.00156422 0.00019679] [ 0.00241362 0.00116466 0.00057685] [ 0.00241362 -0.00116466 -0.00057685] ... [-0.00154315 0.00342577 -0.00048972] [ 0.00266457 -0.00535968 0.0064601 ] [-0.00015639 -0.000929 -0.00218671]] Final stress: [ 2.31850297e-05 4.42372244e-06 2.26471556e-05 4.19891949e-05 3.41256622e-13 -1.85385060e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00168448 -0.00070532 -0.00113578] [ 0.00147721 0.00159517 -0.0020259 ] [ 0.0014772 -0.00159517 0.00202589] ... [-0.00041512 -0.00110554 0.00136843] [-0.00082886 -0.00118815 -0.00058819] [ 0.00023917 -0.00052069 0.00040351]] Final stress: [-5.98700576e-06 1.18571797e-05 -6.01128607e-06 -1.64410223e-06 -1.71261939e-13 1.08008109e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.46502605e-03 -1.58984701e-03 -2.01844681e-03] [ 1.70130487e-03 7.19540253e-04 -1.14787143e-03] [ 1.70131702e-03 -7.19551791e-04 1.14788375e-03] ... [ 1.14542781e-03 2.05900716e-05 7.42485365e-04] [ 7.37078304e-04 -1.80045932e-03 5.20860190e-04] [ 1.87652038e-03 -6.04031855e-04 3.11476730e-04]] Final stress: [-6.00262524e-06 1.18924968e-05 -6.02692094e-06 1.75907673e-06 -2.83164211e-13 -4.69802986e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.08827237e-03 -3.45979627e-03 1.08827253e-03] [-9.14559171e-05 -1.27996144e-03 9.14560135e-05] [-1.08827033e-03 -3.45979861e-03 -1.08827026e-03] ... [-2.09068913e-03 2.28059849e-03 2.10879449e-04] [ 5.58995403e-03 -4.33816024e-03 5.58995442e-03] [ 2.10879452e-04 2.28059832e-03 -2.09068876e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.22235869e-05 3.60889060e-06 2.22235863e-05 -2.29584826e-13 -3.88518555e-05 5.83215634e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.000225 0.00142829 0.000225 ] [-0.00077778 0.00385412 0.00077778] [-0.000225 0.00142829 -0.000225 ] ... [ 0.00231807 -0.00032649 -0.00043649] [ 0.00204253 -0.00503943 0.00204253] [-0.00043649 -0.00032649 0.00231807]] Final stress: [2.27030426e-05 4.21786401e-06 2.27030411e-05 5.48806525e-14 4.28316669e-05 2.90830005e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.15212889e-03 -1.27390196e-03 -1.15212892e-03] [ 2.01037909e-03 1.04529484e-03 -2.01037948e-03] [ 1.15212810e-03 -1.27390153e-03 1.15212840e-03] ... [-1.60817923e-04 -1.32995388e-03 1.37179205e-03] [-2.07966356e-05 -2.31088780e-03 -2.07967016e-05] [ 1.37179322e-03 -1.32995389e-03 -1.60818025e-04]] Final stress: [-5.95286182e-06 1.17660419e-05 -5.95286196e-06 1.64730282e-13 -1.57253191e-06 2.18586271e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-2.05270258e-03 -1.04811709e-03 -2.05270276e-03] [ 1.13743456e-03 1.25208340e-03 -1.13743455e-03] [ 2.05271782e-03 -1.04813264e-03 2.05271817e-03] ... [ 9.29102094e-04 2.48536871e-04 7.30844734e-04] [-6.97595077e-05 -6.95157582e-04 -6.97595622e-05] [ 7.30844310e-04 2.48536732e-04 9.29102159e-04]] Final stress: [-5.94611882e-06 1.17463935e-05 -5.94611872e-06 3.19978310e-14 1.41380119e-06 1.99379979e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.56749277e-04 -1.18703487e-03 -2.42956383e-03] [-5.56751452e-04 1.18703269e-03 -2.42956168e-03] [-2.19070614e-04 -1.54412229e-03 -3.20001060e-03] ... [ 1.98217253e-03 3.14384725e-03 1.01266260e-05] [ 1.78387670e-03 -4.54558501e-03 5.59960944e-03] [ 3.72350522e-04 -1.17266360e-03 1.39769223e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.26104936e-05 4.29600614e-06 2.31451351e-05 -5.30901409e-13 -3.11357725e-13 -4.18989809e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00022675 -0.00153186 0.0032312 ] [-0.00022674 0.00153186 0.0032312 ] [-0.00065097 -0.001088 0.002359 ] ... [-0.00218348 -0.00093388 -0.00011096] [ 0.00644152 -0.00533623 0.00263713] [-0.00046471 0.0034074 -0.00156198]] Final stress: [2.26640776e-05 4.34759178e-06 2.32039942e-05 5.03629205e-13 3.52401833e-13 4.20777112e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00114453 -0.00072246 -0.00168878] [ 0.00114455 0.00072248 -0.0016888 ] [ 0.00202064 -0.00159828 0.0014764 ] ... [ 0.00040837 -0.00052022 0.00023867] [-0.00058849 -0.00119154 -0.00081953] [ 0.00135856 -0.00109919 -0.00039477]] Final stress: [-5.98386494e-06 1.18015669e-05 -5.95962652e-06 -1.29533175e-13 4.44107829e-14 -1.78290960e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-2.01414646e-03 -1.59520487e-03 -1.47837142e-03] [ 2.01413874e-03 1.59519653e-03 -1.47836295e-03] [ 1.14814790e-03 -7.29486737e-04 1.68393922e-03] ... [ 3.50544427e-04 -5.78844629e-04 1.86343770e-03] [ 5.08718591e-04 -1.80187878e-03 7.26370299e-04] [ 7.38934226e-04 5.88724069e-06 1.14606681e-03]] Final stress: [-5.99378477e-06 1.18216680e-05 -5.96957739e-06 1.44098110e-13 6.48350403e-14 1.79091426e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.77842129e-04 8.77839787e-04 -1.06718117e-03] [-8.77806042e-04 -8.77796352e-04 -1.06721859e-03] [-8.77920258e-04 8.77932242e-04 1.06709574e-03] ... [ 3.89040550e-05 3.88975731e-05 1.30331312e-03] [-2.78297671e-04 4.07108551e-04 -7.20169210e-05] [ 4.07070270e-04 -2.78284272e-04 -7.20054379e-05]] Final stress: [ 2.19358614e-05 2.19358619e-05 8.29149037e-06 2.00969944e-12 2.75528266e-12 -3.73235780e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-7.30076990e-04 -7.30070460e-04 1.56704612e-03] [ 7.30623115e-04 7.30620205e-04 1.56649916e-03] [ 7.30436757e-04 -7.30433017e-04 -1.56668361e-03] ... [-1.93080749e-05 -1.93254011e-05 -2.60702360e-03] [-9.71257064e-04 1.06305338e-04 -6.40498504e-04] [ 1.06286039e-04 -9.71255065e-04 -6.40484717e-04]] Final stress: [-1.62436255e-05 -1.62436224e-05 7.14805953e-06 -1.34544850e-12 2.83730934e-12 6.97039113e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-2.33641302e-03 6.77858665e-04 -1.07241966e-03] [-3.20916077e-03 -2.00444872e-04 -1.56940388e-03] [-3.20915615e-03 2.00439903e-04 1.56940860e-03] ... [ 5.67088762e-03 1.82574570e-03 -4.55686970e-03] [ 1.41121099e-03 3.72407620e-04 -1.16185261e-03] [ 2.52250269e-06 1.99409787e-03 3.18208551e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.31315062e-05 2.25925197e-05 4.70031369e-06 -4.20524648e-05 -2.93027463e-13 4.62496491e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00319601 0.00025196 -0.00148491] [ 0.00208181 -0.00086779 -0.00084987] [ 0.00208181 0.00086779 0.00084987] ... [ 0.00260084 0.00637533 -0.00522471] [-0.00151584 -0.00049863 0.00340195] [-0.00017782 -0.00212865 -0.0009022 ]] Final stress: [ 2.32886736e-05 2.27576243e-05 3.81101276e-06 4.16871101e-05 3.43697862e-13 -9.32206674e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0016985 -0.0011492 -0.00071401] [ 0.00148194 0.00203123 -0.00159576] [ 0.00148196 -0.00203125 0.00159578] ... [-0.00083714 -0.00060313 -0.00118398] [-0.00042139 0.00136754 -0.00112063] [ 0.00023226 0.00040401 -0.00052234]] Final stress: [-5.98140296e-06 -6.00572693e-06 1.18459005e-05 -1.67382163e-06 1.14925062e-14 1.31186053e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44176632e-03 -1.97771338e-03 -1.54651806e-03] [ 1.66070163e-03 1.12475445e-03 -6.93804287e-04] [ 1.66071177e-03 -1.12476447e-03 6.93814653e-04] ... [ 8.23377683e-04 5.44999935e-04 -1.84109630e-03] [ 1.17842171e-03 7.49066688e-04 7.53809629e-06] [ 1.86639627e-03 3.20074439e-04 -5.79393816e-04]] Final stress: [-6.20550096e-06 -6.22966113e-06 1.22971568e-05 1.51878724e-06 5.59553071e-15 7.26889009e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.11018496e-03 -1.55333974e-03 -4.76953000e-04] [-3.42666352e-04 -3.00170378e-03 -1.25975898e-03] [-1.11018526e-03 -1.55333944e-03 4.76952703e-04] ... [ 1.40220206e-03 4.48029225e-03 -3.87005363e-03] [ 1.68604569e-03 -2.51998078e-05 2.49001207e-03] [ 2.42989500e-04 1.16885324e-03 -1.03863425e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.17238820e-05 2.21523941e-05 1.48740937e-06 7.42236168e-14 -3.54918113e-05 -8.73192277e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00032277 0.00262581 -0.00112613] [-0.00172481 0.00058195 0.00028729] [-0.00032277 0.00262581 0.00112613] ... [ 0.00400335 0.00176764 -0.0035284 ] [-0.00111492 -0.00043376 -0.00062504] [-0.00044758 -0.00056512 0.00211004]] Final stress: [ 2.11490962e-05 2.14773146e-05 -1.60429144e-06 -3.50587579e-14 2.86795485e-05 -3.07264152e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00114491 -0.0016898 -0.00071586] [ 0.00202985 0.00148499 -0.00160051] [ 0.00114492 -0.0016898 0.00071586] ... [-0.00059676 -0.00082813 -0.00119259] [ 0.00040696 0.00024016 -0.00052177] [ 0.00136378 -0.00040769 -0.00111192]] Final stress: [-6.00565619e-06 -5.98135754e-06 1.18449005e-05 -9.50341420e-14 -1.75743013e-06 -4.41932268e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.99443175e-03 -1.45289995e-03 -1.57692437e-03] [ 1.16408399e-03 1.70562136e-03 -7.46846595e-04] [ 1.99444441e-03 -1.45291258e-03 1.57693767e-03] ... [ 5.07105328e-04 7.32902777e-04 -1.79167638e-03] [ 3.32027215e-04 1.87059536e-03 -5.90956332e-04] [ 7.34250846e-04 1.15057414e-03 8.67336688e-06]] Final stress: [-6.00218008e-06 -5.97806207e-06 1.18436201e-05 8.60540356e-15 1.77740351e-06 7.64700210e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00111709 0.00111709 -0.00327625] [-0.00111709 -0.00111709 -0.00327625] [-0.00016056 0.00016056 -0.00126166] ... [ 0.0052861 0.0052861 -0.00415068] [-0.00205041 0.00019436 0.00210695] [ 0.00019436 -0.00205041 0.00210695]] Final stress: [ 2.21065426e-05 2.21065425e-05 2.57487478e-06 -4.13549948e-13 2.12582030e-13 -3.74971562e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00021491 0.00021491 0.00141087] [-0.00021491 -0.00021491 0.00141087] [-0.00108872 0.00108872 0.00350325] ... [ 0.0018892 0.0018892 -0.00480059] [ 0.00216014 -0.00045786 -0.00024753] [-0.00045786 0.00216014 -0.00024753]] Final stress: [2.24169589e-05 2.24169589e-05 3.77330555e-06 2.58316058e-13 3.95244958e-13 4.05134616e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.15186827e-03 -1.15186873e-03 -1.26988800e-03] [ 1.15187030e-03 1.15187063e-03 -1.26988995e-03] [ 2.00918863e-03 -2.00918869e-03 1.05544742e-03] ... [-3.46326488e-05 -3.46327388e-05 -2.31186923e-03] [-1.51760220e-04 1.36915124e-03 -1.33271318e-03] [ 1.36915275e-03 -1.51760652e-04 -1.33271381e-03]] Final stress: [-5.92993104e-06 -5.92993123e-06 1.17170087e-05 9.41741613e-14 -3.34483835e-14 -1.55085354e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-2.00583879e-03 -2.00583850e-03 -1.04016966e-03] [ 2.00584293e-03 2.00584302e-03 -1.04017360e-03] [ 1.13986564e-03 -1.13986573e-03 1.27552483e-03] ... [-8.97580687e-05 -8.97568088e-05 -6.53605053e-04] [ 9.05338256e-04 7.25829475e-04 2.15924620e-04] [ 7.25829317e-04 9.05338396e-04 2.15924365e-04]] Final stress: [-5.91031078e-06 -5.91031088e-06 1.16814488e-05 -2.84710260e-15 -1.55478260e-13 1.54456309e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00325338 -0.00242983 -0.00242983] [ 0.00024546 0.00107927 -0.00107927] [ 0.00024545 -0.00107927 0.00107927] ... [ 0.00228741 0.00047864 0.00182884] [ 0.00228742 0.00182884 0.00047864] [ 0.00117705 -0.00247452 -0.00247452]] Final stress: [-2.02784122e-05 -2.06926816e-05 -2.06926819e-05 -2.13521462e-05 5.20624491e-14 6.44321020e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00025785 -0.00109602 -0.00109602] [ 0.00325254 0.00242464 -0.00242464] [ 0.00325254 -0.00242463 0.00242463] ... [-0.00350678 -0.00177725 0.00246782] [-0.00350678 0.00246782 -0.00177725] [ 0.00307199 0.00116876 0.00116876]] Final stress: [-2.02979469e-05 -2.07135411e-05 -2.07135412e-05 2.13729067e-05 8.46676921e-14 -2.74847086e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.76056367e-03 -1.76056374e-03 -1.48388342e-03] [ 6.56074456e-04 6.56074465e-04 -9.32416005e-04] [ 9.22442386e-04 -1.47546503e-03 1.19936125e-03] ... [-4.47991751e-04 -4.47991863e-04 -2.53849401e-04] [-2.85679817e-04 1.85774068e-04 -8.31735598e-05] [ 1.85773239e-04 -2.85679826e-04 -8.31734033e-05]] Final stress: [-2.55092906e-06 -2.55092882e-06 -2.56809295e-06 -1.77524124e-06 -1.77524104e-06 2.19578146e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44910918e-03 -9.15725230e-04 -1.18283095e-03] [ 9.15729007e-04 1.44911286e-03 -1.18283464e-03] [ 6.17546816e-04 -6.17546868e-04 8.84064139e-04] ... [-4.29910896e-04 3.77616345e-05 3.51774810e-04] [-5.55721649e-04 -7.01405114e-05 -3.20993170e-04] [ 7.75142659e-04 1.57000489e-04 -7.59456024e-05]] Final stress: [-2.54883788e-06 -2.54883833e-06 -2.56577124e-06 -1.78072689e-06 1.78072676e-06 -2.19021247e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-9.09750067e-04 -1.48913356e-03 -1.19985518e-03] [ 1.48914168e-03 9.09758398e-04 -1.19986376e-03] [ 1.77193531e-03 -1.77193533e-03 1.48205551e-03] ... [ 7.93184140e-05 -4.71719292e-04 3.42361734e-04] [ 1.70296272e-04 8.28595702e-04 -1.04308257e-04] [-1.42444514e-04 -5.69348720e-04 -2.92913016e-04]] Final stress: [-2.47813502e-06 -2.47813524e-06 -2.49521770e-06 1.65013376e-06 -1.65013284e-06 -2.16546629e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-6.74286102e-04 -6.74286125e-04 -9.66137169e-04] [ 1.76805050e-03 1.76805033e-03 -1.47586719e-03] [ 1.50369109e-03 -9.19656327e-04 1.21207538e-03] ... [ 1.06395661e-04 1.06395740e-04 9.22513625e-04] [-8.33134094e-05 4.61720537e-04 -3.18501720e-04] [ 4.61719537e-04 -8.33135629e-05 -3.18501673e-04]] Final stress: [-2.52325197e-06 -2.52325264e-06 -2.54064860e-06 1.65693089e-06 1.65693081e-06 2.18865321e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.74386639e-03 -1.48205704e-03 -1.74386646e-03] [ 9.42206513e-04 1.20424846e-03 -1.46545190e-03] [ 6.82563713e-04 -9.43998917e-04 6.82563942e-04] ... [-2.92657281e-04 -8.67425297e-05 1.97623360e-04] [-4.10268785e-04 -2.66065302e-04 -4.10268849e-04] [ 1.97622871e-04 -8.67423911e-05 -2.92657589e-04]] Final stress: [-2.49037068e-06 -2.50745457e-06 -2.49037105e-06 -1.82058912e-06 2.17395939e-08 -1.82058934e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.48740088e-03 -1.19995121e-03 -9.11693027e-04] [ 6.52701099e-04 9.40385922e-04 -6.52701146e-04] [ 9.11695639e-04 -1.19995383e-03 1.48740352e-03] ... [-5.90411691e-04 -3.65559673e-04 -1.04372895e-04] [-4.18082299e-04 3.45436708e-04 2.97824101e-05] [ 7.96685151e-04 -2.74846077e-05 1.95529570e-04]] Final stress: [-2.54111221e-06 -2.55836441e-06 -2.54111238e-06 -1.72585889e-06 -2.19101351e-08 1.72585903e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-9.16315273e-04 -1.20804203e-03 -1.49895778e-03] [ 1.77351665e-03 1.48202291e-03 -1.77351662e-03] [ 1.49894947e-03 -1.20803351e-03 9.16306961e-04] ... [ 2.01230479e-04 -3.57587322e-05 8.15666600e-04] [ 4.44764820e-05 3.40838037e-04 -4.31379345e-04] [-1.32548722e-04 -3.55883770e-04 -5.94752853e-04]] Final stress: [-2.51986123e-06 -2.53714471e-06 -2.51986060e-06 1.70028673e-06 -2.18271121e-08 -1.70028728e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-6.47731489e-04 -9.27355765e-04 -6.47731665e-04] [ 1.47791719e-03 1.19852729e-03 -9.18314980e-04] [ 1.76723724e-03 -1.48725949e-03 1.76723701e-03] ... [-8.78370219e-05 -3.21859828e-04 4.92864257e-04] [ 3.75292505e-05 9.46280549e-04 3.75291430e-05] [ 4.92864786e-04 -3.21859552e-04 -8.78372936e-05]] Final stress: [-2.51426527e-06 -2.53138729e-06 -2.51426540e-06 1.70341958e-06 2.18585575e-08 1.70341967e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00242475 -0.0032442 -0.00242475] [ 0.00110249 0.00027278 -0.00110249] [ 0.00242475 -0.0032442 0.00242475] ... [ 0.00044577 0.00226219 0.00183181] [-0.00248509 0.00122907 -0.00248509] [ 0.00183181 0.00226219 0.00044577]] Final stress: [-2.06992795e-05 -2.02840115e-05 -2.06992793e-05 -3.83335338e-14 -2.13818042e-05 -6.88252288e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0010817 -0.00024755 -0.0010817 ] [ 0.00242774 0.00325162 -0.00242774] [ 0.0010817 -0.00024754 0.0010817 ] ... [-0.00178632 -0.00351671 0.00246685] [ 0.00116302 0.00309719 0.00116302] [ 0.00246685 -0.00351671 -0.00178632]] Final stress: [-2.06858366e-05 -2.02715510e-05 -2.06858363e-05 6.30326579e-14 2.13454755e-05 -2.04017938e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.47140008e-03 -1.75304807e-03 -1.75304813e-03] [ 1.20057401e-03 9.18695282e-04 -1.48163066e-03] [ 1.20056962e-03 -1.48162634e-03 9.18691104e-04] ... [-6.93605082e-05 -2.91885350e-04 2.00831878e-04] [-6.93601165e-05 2.00832448e-04 -2.91885724e-04] [-2.52353168e-04 -4.34088390e-04 -4.34087823e-04]] Final stress: [-2.51977266e-06 -2.50258855e-06 -2.50258871e-06 2.18490117e-08 -1.71685583e-06 -1.71685569e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.20986499e-03 -1.48945373e-03 -9.29455307e-04] [ 9.56678194e-04 6.76858412e-04 -6.76858478e-04] [ 1.48079408e-03 -1.76097231e-03 1.76097218e-03] ... [-3.50540241e-04 -5.65899357e-04 -1.36227702e-04] [-4.29088398e-05 8.17043588e-04 1.70589879e-04] [ 3.39680596e-04 -4.08771633e-04 2.00840189e-05]] Final stress: [-2.52573721e-06 -2.50847277e-06 -2.50847278e-06 -2.18170349e-08 -1.79520153e-06 1.79520153e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.20868257e-03 -9.38245888e-04 -1.47828892e-03] [ 1.48658421e-03 1.75678833e-03 -1.75678829e-03] [ 9.48478142e-04 -6.78640021e-04 6.78640004e-04] ... [-6.46347166e-05 1.57139419e-04 8.16403651e-04] [-3.30389250e-04 -1.34041917e-04 -5.54010316e-04] [ 3.40449399e-04 2.75748916e-05 -4.17818157e-04]] Final stress: [-2.51455060e-06 -2.49738481e-06 -2.49738422e-06 -2.17386186e-08 1.79703592e-06 -1.79703615e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-9.94397177e-04 -6.91490302e-04 -6.91490312e-04] [ 1.21221879e-03 1.51489877e-03 -9.08738094e-04] [ 1.21222333e-03 -9.08742520e-04 1.51490295e-03] ... [-3.40472407e-04 -8.98762177e-05 4.62484244e-04] [-3.40472036e-04 4.62483921e-04 -8.98758696e-05] [ 9.37562295e-04 7.59625158e-05 7.59624453e-05]] Final stress: [-2.54318227e-06 -2.52582625e-06 -2.52582606e-06 2.18230693e-08 1.64443987e-06 1.64444039e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00242593 -0.00242593 -0.00325362] [ 0.00242593 0.00242593 -0.00325362] [ 0.00109205 -0.00109205 0.00025409] ... [-0.00247648 -0.00247648 0.00119374] [ 0.0004726 0.00183036 0.00228197] [ 0.00183036 0.0004726 0.00228197]] Final stress: [-2.07104629e-05 -2.07104630e-05 -2.02951165e-05 -1.11571284e-13 1.88600413e-13 -2.13675612e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00114439 -0.00114439 -0.00029821] [ 0.00114439 0.00114439 -0.00029821] [ 0.00230611 -0.00230611 0.00314339] ... [ 0.00098607 0.00098607 0.00271151] [-0.00155571 0.00232768 -0.00305861] [ 0.00232768 -0.00155571 -0.00305861]] Final stress: [-1.90491867e-05 -1.90491870e-05 -1.86789876e-05 -1.63441353e-14 -6.79181915e-14 1.97088408e-05] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.16009857e-04 -7.38240423e-04 3.78202670e-04] [-1.34446432e-05 1.08074070e-03 -1.13999820e-05] [-7.69192067e-04 -3.38698628e-04 -8.47912790e-04] ... [ 8.45523215e-04 -8.43515485e-05 1.35332003e-03] [-3.09443685e-04 2.63440014e-03 3.94187675e-04] [ 4.63404737e-04 5.10813817e-04 2.24022566e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.97743143e-05 -2.82162732e-06 1.96006781e-05 3.99049757e-07 -2.05055979e-07 2.94518188e-07] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 8 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04789287 0.06773141 0.04784419] [-0.02408368 -0.09549983 0.02409707] [-0.04667532 0.06664871 -0.04677113] ... [ 0.00725215 -0.05469064 0.08735867] [ 0.01857983 -0.17625909 0.01869881] [ 0.08743413 -0.05479078 0.00742632]] Final stress: [-4.92629896e-05 1.79740368e-03 -4.93572804e-05 -3.48157993e-08 6.16678239e-06 -2.12539395e-07] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.73129517e-03 -1.49234784e-03 -1.49234785e-03] [ 5.57071973e-04 7.96520254e-04 -7.96520217e-04] [ 5.57074753e-04 -7.96522858e-04 7.96522930e-04] ... [-1.59534533e-04 3.48794102e-05 1.28128498e-04] [-1.59534388e-04 1.28128313e-04 3.48796308e-05] [ 3.61647280e-04 -2.24921659e-04 -2.24921577e-04]] Final stress: [-3.09630287e-06 -3.12675011e-06 -3.12674958e-06 -2.55427614e-06 7.08787157e-14 -3.96690438e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00055977 -0.00075215 -0.00075215] [ 0.00171289 0.00152104 -0.00152104] [ 0.00171289 -0.00152104 0.00152104] ... [-0.00037871 -0.00055698 0.00079983] [-0.00037871 0.00079983 -0.00055698] [ 0.00059487 -0.00025067 -0.00025067]] Final stress: [-3.12678789e-06 -3.15680193e-06 -3.15680234e-06 2.61069095e-06 -3.07064380e-14 -3.62976303e-13] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.51641400e-03 -1.73844768e-03 -1.51641395e-03] [ 7.51412317e-04 5.28851491e-04 -7.51412370e-04] [ 1.51641316e-03 -1.73844680e-03 1.51641302e-03] ... [-1.45520273e-07 -1.54411822e-04 1.36009881e-04] [-2.47451215e-04 3.21791438e-04 -2.47450953e-04] [ 1.36010261e-04 -1.54412166e-04 -1.45577955e-07]] Final stress: [-3.14841271e-06 -3.11805785e-06 -3.14841264e-06 8.26672621e-14 -2.51623506e-06 2.60921037e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00076978 -0.00055979 -0.00076978] [ 0.00149836 0.00170784 -0.00149836] [ 0.00076978 -0.00055978 0.00076978] ... [-0.00053817 -0.00038612 0.00080265] [-0.00027938 0.00061213 -0.00027938] [ 0.00080266 -0.00038612 -0.00053817]] Final stress: [-3.18793415e-06 -3.15765861e-06 -3.18793416e-06 -5.28296895e-14 2.61744122e-06 -1.40167077e-13] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.52325383e-03 -1.52325385e-03 -1.75423143e-03] [ 1.52325615e-03 1.52325615e-03 -1.75423380e-03] [ 8.06445403e-04 -8.06445546e-04 5.74960779e-04] ... [-2.28793586e-04 -2.28793517e-04 3.77301824e-04] [ 2.32674726e-05 1.02515430e-04 -1.96093418e-04] [ 1.02515537e-04 2.32672489e-05 -1.96093418e-04]] Final stress: [-3.05334129e-06 -3.05334111e-06 -3.02278152e-06 -5.03680477e-14 -7.94019198e-14 -2.59798522e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00078466 -0.00078466 -0.00054018] [ 0.00078466 0.00078466 -0.00054018] [ 0.00149535 -0.00149535 0.00173932] ... [-0.00028966 -0.00028966 0.00058653] [-0.00055314 0.00080111 -0.00034844] [ 0.00080111 -0.00055314 -0.00034844]] Final stress: [-3.14172171e-06 -3.14172127e-06 -3.11126569e-06 -3.11618220e-13 -9.32344061e-14 2.39824113e-06] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 11 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. 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Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: energy-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 1.85727 0.78405 0.77975 -0.02401 -0.02194 0.00139] [ 0.78405 1.93302 0.77074 0.00507 0.02482 0.00335] [ 0.77975 0.77074 1.49811 -0.00127 -0.00077 0.01661] [-0.02401 0.00507 -0.00127 0.38113 0.00293 0.00026] [-0.02194 0.02482 -0.00077 0.00293 0.33069 0.00073] [ 0.00139 0.00335 0.01661 0.00026 0.00073 0.32534]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[ 0.22674 0.24098 0.06105 0.02553 1.29959 0.20593] [ 0.24098 1.07079 0.19763 0.04321 0.71617 0.00787] [ 0.06105 0.19763 0.56917 0.03021 0.20173 0.08597] [ 0.02553 0.04321 0.03021 17.2215 0.0066 0.00623] [ 1.29959 0.71617 0.20173 0.0066 16.04603 0.00932] [ 0.20593 0.00787 0.08597 0.00623 0.00932 0.34 ]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 8.610748 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.933016 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 0.359168 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 227 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.933016 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Attempting to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 83 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.59297405e-04 8.26165284e-04 7.51573736e-04] [-1.98945767e-03 -1.83329790e-03 2.38328138e-03] [-2.16736276e-03 1.49571169e-03 -2.80088590e-03] ... [-7.98047306e-05 1.58083730e-04 -1.55755611e-03] [ 6.03612174e-04 -6.14564536e-04 -9.80190721e-05] [-4.71163328e-04 6.46421550e-04 -1.70142471e-04]] Final stress: [ 4.13549283e-02 4.26185414e-02 4.19581308e-02 2.12870295e-06 -5.93851265e-09 -1.10656905e-07] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 82 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 84 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00174689 -0.00084415 -0.00427409] [-0.00858818 -0.00229337 0.00372933] [-0.00346236 -0.00241566 -0.00413383] ... [ 0.00824159 0.00486429 0.00041196] [-0.00248978 -0.00084188 -0.00789883] [ 0.00065601 0.00087241 0.0042851 ]] Final stress: [ 4.13742340e-02 4.19669650e-02 4.26855196e-02 -1.79863977e-05 4.31606959e-07 -7.29363687e-10] Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 82 steps. Minimization converged after 83 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 148 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0608777 -0.05753774 -0.05753774] [ 0.04687443 0.05140128 -0.05140128] [ 0.04687443 -0.05140128 0.05140128] ... [-0.00469259 -0.05809076 0.01106639] [-0.00469259 0.01106639 -0.05809076] [ 0.04065067 0.03262243 0.03262243]] Final stress: [3.04186693e-04 2.36866353e-04 2.36866353e-04 9.42149840e-04 1.11997601e-15 2.77417667e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04687036 -0.05139638 -0.05139638] [ 0.06087942 0.05754044 -0.05754044] [ 0.06087942 -0.05754044 0.05754044] ... [ 0.02295203 0.05375734 -0.01925158] [ 0.02295203 -0.01925158 0.05375734] [-0.02328894 -0.02570469 -0.02570469]] Final stress: [ 3.04192302e-04 2.36870023e-04 2.36870023e-04 -9.42127501e-04 -1.38446451e-14 -1.55957549e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04957185 -0.04957185 -0.04496711] [ 0.03694413 0.03694413 -0.03740825] [ 0.00985785 -0.01508569 0.01483759] ... [-0.03567794 -0.03567794 0.01816393] [ 0.01168646 0.02851811 -0.01263829] [ 0.02851811 0.01168646 -0.01263829]] Final stress: [1.44270055e-04 1.44270055e-04 1.27510188e-04 4.63939592e-04 4.63939592e-04 2.25183434e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01506911 -0.00987639 -0.01483887] [ 0.00987639 0.01506911 -0.01483887] [ 0.03691453 -0.03691453 0.03736095] ... [ 0.02569634 -0.01729314 -0.006399 ] [-0.01915105 -0.01029517 -0.04364665] [ 0.00674394 0.02558259 0.04377297]] Final stress: [ 1.44262657e-04 1.44262657e-04 1.27498940e-04 4.63808865e-04 -4.63808865e-04 -2.25107276e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00990461 -0.01504427 -0.01484112] [ 0.01504427 0.00990461 -0.01484112] [ 0.04961545 -0.04961545 0.0450539 ] ... [-0.01732746 0.02573029 -0.00639971] [ 0.02555618 0.00676194 0.04378016] [-0.0103169 -0.01912742 -0.04365771]] Final stress: [ 1.44230516e-04 1.44230516e-04 1.27463592e-04 -4.63676381e-04 4.63676381e-04 -2.24904863e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03691824 -0.03691824 -0.03737936] [ 0.04958439 0.04958439 -0.04498315] [ 0.01508245 -0.00986116 0.01483762] ... [ 0.03448696 0.03448696 -0.01364191] [-0.00497264 -0.01987092 0.01359527] [-0.01987092 -0.00497264 0.01359527]] Final stress: [ 1.44282195e-04 1.44282195e-04 1.27519919e-04 -4.63873616e-04 -4.63873616e-04 2.25225845e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04958273 -0.04498 -0.04958273] [ 0.00985956 0.0148375 -0.01508387] [ 0.03692011 -0.03738276 0.03692011] ... [ 0.01169634 -0.01263725 0.02851338] [-0.03568045 0.01816534 -0.03568045] [ 0.02851338 -0.01263725 0.01169634]] Final stress: [1.44283287e-04 1.27521286e-04 1.44283287e-04 4.63883488e-04 2.25234309e-05 4.63883488e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01508508 -0.01483758 -0.00985845] [ 0.03693811 0.03740169 -0.03693811] [ 0.00985845 -0.01483758 0.01508508] ... [-0.01916351 -0.04363294 -0.01028661] [ 0.02567145 -0.00639876 -0.01726756] [ 0.00673694 0.04376166 0.02559567]] Final stress: [ 1.44273116e-04 1.27512701e-04 1.44273116e-04 4.63924863e-04 -2.25194691e-05 -4.63924863e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00988135 -0.01483957 -0.01506516] [ 0.0495856 0.04500218 -0.0495856 ] [ 0.01506516 -0.01483957 0.00988135] ... [ 0.02557044 0.04376085 0.00675627] [-0.01729178 -0.00639954 0.02569592] [-0.01030977 -0.04363533 -0.01914168]] Final stress: [ 1.44237237e-04 1.27475487e-04 1.44237236e-04 -4.63848072e-04 -2.24989348e-05 4.63848072e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03688971 -0.0373067 -0.03688971] [ 0.01504115 0.0148403 -0.00990618] [ 0.04961523 -0.04505611 0.04961523] ... [-0.00501506 0.01360905 -0.01991119] [ 0.03446715 -0.0136603 0.03446715] [-0.01991119 0.01360905 -0.00501506]] Final stress: [ 1.44230507e-04 1.27462189e-04 1.44230507e-04 -4.63689681e-04 2.24925615e-05 -4.63689681e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05753774 -0.0608777 -0.05753774] [ 0.05140128 0.04687443 -0.05140128] [ 0.05753774 -0.0608777 0.05753774] ... [-0.05809076 -0.00469259 0.01106639] [ 0.03262243 0.04065067 0.03262243] [ 0.01106639 -0.00469259 -0.05809076]] Final stress: [ 2.36866353e-04 3.04186693e-04 2.36866353e-04 -4.52070859e-15 9.42149840e-04 1.30378825e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05139919 -0.04687269 -0.05139919] [ 0.05753889 0.06087843 -0.05753889] [ 0.05139919 -0.04687269 0.05139919] ... [ 0.05375649 0.0229526 -0.01925146] [-0.02570373 -0.02329001 -0.02570373] [-0.01925146 0.0229526 0.05375649]] Final stress: [ 2.36867920e-04 3.04189088e-04 2.36867920e-04 -4.28761934e-15 -9.42140302e-04 1.48661342e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04496969 -0.04957794 -0.04957794] [ 0.01483703 0.00985355 -0.01508917] [ 0.01483703 -0.01508917 0.00985355] ... [-0.0126357 0.01169184 0.02850794] [-0.0126357 0.02850794 0.01169184] [ 0.01816335 -0.03568399 -0.03568399]] Final stress: [1.27528410e-04 1.44289671e-04 1.44289671e-04 2.25275586e-05 4.63913271e-04 4.63913271e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01483845 -0.01507304 -0.00987182] [ 0.03736158 0.03691072 -0.03691072] [ 0.04500198 -0.04959342 0.04959342] ... [-0.04364746 -0.01915591 -0.01028952] [ 0.04377442 0.0067392 0.02558835] [-0.0063988 0.02569208 -0.01728903]] Final stress: [ 1.27508038e-04 1.44271734e-04 1.44271734e-04 -2.25156225e-05 4.63818102e-04 -4.63818102e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01483703 -0.00985355 -0.01508917] [ 0.04496969 0.04957794 -0.04957794] [ 0.03739206 -0.03692361 0.03692361] ... [ 0.04376782 0.02560443 0.00672872] [-0.04363837 -0.01027685 -0.01917052] [-0.0063984 -0.01726568 0.02566909]] Final stress: [ 1.27528410e-04 1.44289671e-04 1.44289671e-04 -2.25275585e-05 -4.63913271e-04 4.63913271e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03732093 -0.03689386 -0.03689386] [ 0.01484024 0.01505109 -0.00989643] [ 0.01484024 -0.00989643 0.01505109] ... [ 0.01360684 -0.00501176 -0.01990703] [ 0.01360684 -0.01990703 -0.00501176] [-0.01365372 0.0344693 0.0344693 ]] Final stress: [ 1.27479468e-04 1.44246448e-04 1.44246448e-04 2.24994590e-05 -4.63697651e-04 -4.63697651e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05754029 -0.05754029 -0.06087932] [ 0.05754029 0.05754029 -0.06087932] [ 0.05139666 -0.05139666 0.04687058] ... [ 0.03262486 0.03262486 0.04064923] [-0.05809299 0.01106668 -0.00469117] [ 0.01106668 -0.05809299 -0.00469117]] Final stress: [ 2.36869817e-04 2.36869817e-04 3.04191987e-04 -9.45472606e-15 7.04673405e-15 9.42128757e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05139781 -0.05139781 -0.04687155] [ 0.05139781 0.05139781 -0.04687155] [ 0.05753965 -0.05753965 0.06087891] ... [-0.0257042 -0.0257042 -0.02328949] [ 0.05375691 -0.01925152 0.02295232] [-0.01925152 0.05375691 0.02295232]] Final stress: [ 2.36868951e-04 2.36868951e-04 3.04190664e-04 6.98883830e-15 -1.00838463e-14 -9.42134027e-04] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[-1.34509238e-02 -5.00846099e-03 9.41324801e-06] [ 8.35247856e-03 -9.07116605e-04 1.12351866e-02] [-1.83031912e-02 1.02529975e-02 -1.90802883e-02] ... [-4.83305076e-04 2.81372260e-03 5.43317220e-03] [-9.00056361e-03 2.22791706e-04 -1.03551170e-03] [ 4.74407678e-03 -3.76037919e-03 -2.35148258e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.23832762e-02 4.16327690e-02 4.20680263e-02 -4.39163187e-07 2.29641353e-05 3.73932604e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02001662 0.00706546 0.01182157] [-0.0051713 -0.00135096 -0.00412532] [-0.02032572 0.00332708 -0.01622952] ... [ 0.00607789 -0.015567 0.00475017] [-0.01852112 0.00428116 0.00604117] [-0.00702801 0.00234626 -0.01137973]] Final stress: [ 4.17726260e-02 4.24993920e-02 4.21615350e-02 1.97740086e-05 -2.84811997e-08 5.36036852e-07] Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00968075 0.03061815 0.022914 ] [-0.03474169 -0.04719149 0.04235715] [-0.02454546 0.01318744 -0.00808685] ... [-0.0214885 -0.00166823 -0.00437541] [-0.00877118 0.01001248 0.01652599] [ 0.01249064 -0.00730508 0.00199952]] Final stress: [ 4.23042912e-02 4.20420983e-02 4.16190766e-02 -3.26400617e-07 4.72449235e-06 -5.78020390e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02271005 0.02176659 0.01118258] [-0.01815634 -0.0152584 -0.00211459] [-0.00784281 0.01494105 0.01740077] ... [-0.01500398 -0.01653523 0.0009563 ] [ 0.00549262 0.01892493 -0.00047725] [-0.01812333 -0.01791974 -0.00175802]] Final stress: [ 4.16623894e-02 4.21340793e-02 4.24115744e-02 6.23456303e-05 3.43570247e-06 -5.43519768e-07] Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10824535 0.0063116 0.07986133] [ 0.07589711 0.02949198 -0.09529294] [-0.10824535 0.0063116 -0.07986133] ... [ 0.06238962 -0.06801038 -0.01619206] [-0.0758379 -0.06171075 -0.0938127 ] [ 0.10799698 -0.01779429 0.00536033]] Final stress: [3.10879882e-03 5.04695221e-03 4.45547723e-03 1.35285045e-14 2.28151790e-04 1.24282885e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07589579 -0.02950089 -0.09529828] [-0.10822354 -0.00628778 0.0798332 ] [ 0.07589579 -0.0295009 0.09529828] ... [ 0.04937639 0.11316751 -0.06823615] [ 0.14461017 -0.09151348 0.02196443] [ 0.10464431 0.17602488 0.08631137]] Final stress: [ 3.10895383e-03 5.04720479e-03 4.45569963e-03 4.86142618e-14 -2.28138595e-04 -3.80289322e-14] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10821409 0.07982456 0.00627758] [-0.10821409 -0.07982456 0.00627758] [ 0.07590746 -0.09530896 0.02951013] ... [-0.07584433 -0.09381652 -0.06171032] [ 0.06238979 -0.01618715 -0.06801282] [ 0.10800518 0.00535807 -0.01779564]] Final stress: [ 3.10901964e-03 4.45575195e-03 5.04726509e-03 -7.53147231e-14 3.45440764e-14 2.28157630e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07593273 -0.09532053 -0.02951258] [ 0.07593273 0.09532053 -0.02951258] [-0.10823393 0.07985713 -0.00629949] ... [ 0.14462576 0.02198044 -0.09152116] [ 0.0493765 -0.06822719 0.11316492] [ 0.10465129 0.08630045 0.1760175 ]] Final stress: [ 3.10887600e-03 4.45546318e-03 5.04693883e-03 7.11786009e-14 -2.07606353e-14 -2.28218248e-04] Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-1.21717511e-02 -1.32531243e-02 -5.77697612e-03] [ 9.11992166e-03 1.00135160e-03 -6.36982881e-03] [-6.21018102e-03 7.90526361e-03 -6.36747177e-03] ... [ 1.09770165e-02 6.48305258e-03 2.53665404e-04] [-4.69446212e-05 -1.60049195e-04 5.67166930e-03] [ 3.34207263e-03 2.38194060e-03 7.81747400e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.64616445e-02 4.73885360e-02 4.30919233e-02 -4.01236474e-05 -1.87299943e-04 -8.71820259e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07102395 -0.04972843 -0.09483776] [-0.1080243 -0.10369128 0.04480927] [-0.11292593 0.13553931 -0.10939511] ... [-0.01107976 -0.04825123 -0.00626044] [-0.05028978 -0.01843566 0.02225659] [ 0.05081921 -0.00943787 0.0077947 ]] Final stress: [ 4.26955535e-02 4.23620212e-02 4.31472867e-02 1.59236413e-05 1.60565213e-04 -6.97553116e-06] Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00627187 0.10820962 0.07979503] [ 0.02947602 0.07582528 -0.09525413] [ 0.02947602 -0.07582528 0.09525413] ... [-0.06800298 0.06236344 -0.01616403] [-0.01778622 0.10803418 0.00533996] [-0.06171898 -0.07582745 -0.09378141]] Final stress: [ 5.04764569e-03 3.10906059e-03 4.45609218e-03 2.27989412e-04 7.71189078e-14 -3.73687396e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0295017 -0.07589494 -0.09529847] [-0.00628482 -0.10822084 0.07982952] [-0.00628483 0.10822084 -0.07982952] ... [ 0.11316818 0.04937642 -0.06823676] [ 0.17602607 0.10464413 0.08631225] [-0.0915133 0.14460991 0.02196371]] Final stress: [ 5.04723880e-03 3.10897309e-03 4.45572961e-03 -2.28135582e-04 4.50485308e-14 -5.55068726e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07985629 0.1082335 0.00629902] [-0.07985629 -0.1082335 0.00629902] [ 0.09531993 -0.07593168 0.02951231] ... [-0.0938272 -0.07584686 -0.06170739] [ 0.00536599 0.1079899 -0.01779833] [-0.01619841 0.06239935 -0.06801504]] Final stress: [ 4.45547118e-03 3.10887912e-03 5.04694784e-03 -1.13537413e-14 4.85080256e-14 2.28215921e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09531976 -0.07592999 -0.02951306] [ 0.09531976 0.07592999 -0.02951306] [-0.07985143 0.10823007 -0.00629526] ... [ 0.02197881 0.14462472 -0.09152057] [ 0.08630205 0.10465074 0.17601933] [-0.06822836 0.04937652 0.11316588]] Final stress: [ 4.45551151e-03 3.10890369e-03 5.04699353e-03 2.70697577e-14 -2.33718810e-14 -2.28210861e-04] Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00634562 0.07992792 0.10827562] [ 0.02952124 0.09535031 -0.07599385] [ 0.02952124 -0.09535031 0.07599385] ... [-0.01780526 0.00538522 0.10795353] [-0.06802102 -0.01622543 0.06242312] [-0.06170004 -0.09385448 -0.07585439]] Final stress: [ 5.04622119e-03 4.45482765e-03 3.10857335e-03 2.28361823e-04 -8.44569293e-14 7.39162821e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02946875 -0.09524354 -0.07580807] [-0.00626143 -0.07978042 0.10820118] [-0.00626143 0.07978042 -0.10820118] ... [ 0.17603321 0.08633927 0.10463652] [ 0.11316865 -0.06825586 0.04937882] [-0.09150356 0.0219264 0.14456988]] Final stress: [ 5.04781739e-03 4.45624268e-03 3.10907355e-03 -2.27915059e-04 -3.41893058e-14 -4.56561897e-14] Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07989259 0.00632018 0.1082525 ] [ 0.09534301 0.02952236 -0.07597346] [-0.07989259 0.00632018 -0.1082525 ] ... [ 0.00537758 -0.01780303 0.10796892] [-0.09384536 -0.06170265 -0.07585318] [-0.01621428 -0.06801941 0.0624144 ]] Final stress: [4.45513151e-03 5.04656495e-03 3.10873967e-03 4.17976686e-14 2.28309489e-04 2.79849083e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09527641 -0.02948436 -0.07586789] [-0.07983764 -0.00629826 0.10823339] [ 0.09527641 -0.02948436 0.07586789] ... [ 0.0863151 0.17602311 0.10463921] [ 0.0219549 -0.09150778 0.14459774] [-0.06824003 0.11316506 0.04937611]] Final stress: [ 4.45570162e-03 5.04720504e-03 3.10888695e-03 -2.62626513e-14 -2.28086970e-04 9.99892147e-14] Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02602422 -0.02279254 -0.02279254] [ 0.01797363 0.02176098 -0.02176098] [ 0.01797363 -0.02176098 0.02176098] ... [-0.00490579 -0.0359941 0.00782525] [-0.00490579 0.00782525 -0.0359941 ] [ 0.02469521 0.01977838 0.01977838]] Final stress: [ 1.25481497e-04 1.01061984e-04 1.01061984e-04 5.83626996e-04 -4.01011891e-15 1.40422652e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01797789 -0.02188004 -0.02188004] [ 0.02601881 0.02267222 -0.02267222] [ 0.02601881 -0.02267222 0.02267222] ... [ 0.0124295 0.03433601 -0.01100105] [ 0.0124295 -0.01100105 0.03433601] [-0.01753438 -0.01720293 -0.01720293]] Final stress: [ 1.25527264e-04 1.01131901e-04 1.01131901e-04 -5.84356702e-04 -5.61195779e-15 -3.15920316e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01988062 -0.01988062 -0.01716061] [ 0.01523125 0.01523125 -0.01621696] [ 0.00307602 -0.0068201 0.00592405] ... [-0.02220054 -0.02220054 0.01059979] [ 0.00624728 0.01726405 -0.00810876] [ 0.01726405 0.00624728 -0.00810876]] Final stress: [5.94592994e-05 5.94592994e-05 5.37237391e-05 2.90696636e-04 2.90696636e-04 9.06210024e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00675652 -0.00314469 -0.00592735] [ 0.00314469 0.00675652 -0.00592734] [ 0.01518025 -0.01518025 0.01609894] ... [ 0.01501044 -0.01167471 -0.00243012] [-0.01245846 -0.00660249 -0.0269802 ] [ 0.00528401 0.01490929 0.02701468]] Final stress: [ 5.94154543e-05 5.94154543e-05 5.36762913e-05 2.90330997e-04 -2.90330997e-04 -9.03334436e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00321549 -0.00669101 -0.00593076] [ 0.00669101 0.00321549 -0.00593076] [ 0.01999665 -0.01999665 0.01740906] ... [-0.01176746 0.01510221 -0.00243118] [ 0.01484637 0.00532729 0.02704274] [-0.00665126 -0.01239923 -0.02701451]] Final stress: [ 5.93703259e-05 5.93703259e-05 5.36274625e-05 -2.89952845e-04 2.89952845e-04 -9.00367413e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01522946 -0.01522946 -0.01616841] [ 0.01990062 0.01990062 -0.0172255 ] [ 0.00677624 -0.00312378 0.00592658] ... [ 0.02167989 0.02167989 -0.00868512] [-0.00372479 -0.01378258 0.00847772] [-0.01378258 -0.00372479 0.00847772]] Final stress: [ 5.94131644e-05 5.94131644e-05 5.36777876e-05 -2.90518984e-04 -2.90518984e-04 9.03554960e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01995435 -0.01732744 -0.01995435] [ 0.00317428 0.00592887 -0.00672929] [ 0.01517196 -0.01606172 0.01517196] ... [ 0.00632851 -0.0081371 0.01735867] [-0.02214209 0.01063235 -0.02214209] [ 0.01735867 -0.0081371 0.00632851]] Final stress: [5.93902562e-05 5.36506358e-05 5.93902562e-05 2.90204115e-04 9.01829440e-06 2.90204115e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00675285 -0.00592742 -0.00314837] [ 0.01520808 0.01612276 -0.01520808] [ 0.00314837 -0.00592742 0.00675285] ... [-0.01245192 -0.02696565 -0.00660974] [ 0.01500284 -0.00243067 -0.01166725] [ 0.00529014 0.02699952 0.01490123]] Final stress: [ 5.93974608e-05 5.36604612e-05 5.93974608e-05 2.90405151e-04 -9.02615853e-06 -2.90405151e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00313387 -0.00592682 -0.00676654] [ 0.0199287 0.01726362 -0.0199287 ] [ 0.00676654 -0.00592682 0.00313387] ... [ 0.0149189 0.0270104 0.00527742] [-0.01166055 -0.00242996 0.01499643] [-0.00659507 -0.02697496 -0.0124675 ]] Final stress: [ 5.94223611e-05 5.36837651e-05 5.94223611e-05 -2.90388710e-04 -9.03787877e-06 2.90388710e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01519994 -0.01614231 -0.01519994] [ 0.00677901 0.00592619 -0.00312043] [ 0.01991654 -0.01723867 0.01991654] ... [-0.00372982 0.00847414 -0.01376804] [ 0.02168666 -0.00868543 0.02168666] [-0.01376804 0.00847414 -0.00372982]] Final stress: [ 5.94301598e-05 5.36924028e-05 5.94301598e-05 -2.90464160e-04 9.04318165e-06 -2.90464160e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02276365 -0.02602295 -0.02276365] [ 0.02178613 0.01797111 -0.02178613] [ 0.02276365 -0.02602295 0.02276365] ... [-0.03598397 -0.00493607 0.0078218 ] [ 0.01977754 0.02466782 0.01977754] [ 0.0078218 -0.00493607 -0.03598397]] Final stress: [ 1.01079607e-04 1.25494517e-04 1.01079607e-04 -2.57753699e-16 5.83822584e-04 -3.75569453e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02181331 -0.01798091 -0.02181331] [ 0.02274193 0.02601887 -0.02274193] [ 0.02181331 -0.01798091 0.02181331] ... [ 0.03436988 0.01235802 -0.01101387] [-0.01721759 -0.01759501 -0.01721759] [-0.01101387 0.01235802 0.03436988]] Final stress: [ 1.01084965e-04 1.25493518e-04 1.01084965e-04 -5.22054284e-15 -5.83939177e-04 1.66357202e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01720681 -0.0198891 -0.0198891 ] [ 0.0059248 0.0031148 -0.00678205] [ 0.0059248 -0.00678205 0.0031148 ] ... [-0.00811941 0.0062581 0.01728883] [-0.00811941 0.01728883 0.0062581 ] [ 0.01062123 -0.02218509 -0.02218509]] Final stress: [5.36815161e-05 5.94175574e-05 5.94175575e-05 9.04244547e-06 2.90642546e-04 2.90642546e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00593007 -0.00670431 -0.00320112] [ 0.01600205 0.01513841 -0.01513841] [ 0.01738343 -0.01998468 0.01998468] ... [-0.02700754 -0.01241127 -0.00664132] [ 0.02703704 0.00531847 0.01485916] [-0.00243097 0.01508355 -0.01174861]] Final stress: [ 5.36373706e-05 5.93794838e-05 5.93794838e-05 -9.00970102e-06 2.90029731e-04 -2.90029731e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00592668 -0.00312734 -0.00677284] [ 0.01723752 0.01990914 -0.01990914] [ 0.01615284 -0.01521732 0.01521732] ... [ 0.02699596 0.01491824 0.00528201] [-0.02696001 -0.00660008 -0.01246778] [-0.00243011 -0.01164575 0.01498228]] Final stress: [ 5.36789851e-05 5.94153075e-05 5.94153076e-05 -9.03591011e-06 -2.90478442e-04 2.90478442e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161527 -0.01520348 -0.01520348] [ 0.00592584 0.00678549 -0.0031134 ] [ 0.00592584 -0.0031134 0.00678549] ... [ 0.00847169 -0.0037225 -0.01376017] [ 0.00847169 -0.01376017 -0.0037225 ] [-0.00868321 0.0216907 0.0216907 ]] Final stress: [ 5.36979006e-05 5.94354236e-05 5.94354236e-05 9.04644988e-06 -2.90497742e-04 -2.90497742e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02271099 -0.02271099 -0.02602245] [ 0.02271099 0.02271099 -0.02602245] [ 0.021834 -0.021834 0.01796671] ... [ 0.01977587 0.01977587 0.02462424] [-0.03596536 0.00781385 -0.00498807] [ 0.00781385 -0.03596536 -0.00498807]] Final stress: [ 1.01114760e-04 1.01114760e-04 1.25520584e-04 -6.16732704e-15 -1.32831705e-16 5.84155945e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02181605 -0.02181605 -0.01798828] [ 0.02181605 0.02181605 -0.01798828] [ 0.02274074 -0.02274074 0.02601329] ... [-0.01721425 -0.01721425 -0.01759766] [ 0.03436786 -0.01101571 0.01235771] [-0.01101571 0.03436786 0.01235771]] Final stress: [ 1.01074680e-04 1.01074680e-04 1.25482417e-04 2.36984018e-15 -1.37722036e-15 -5.83970526e-04] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00276925 -0.00276925 0.01322347] [ 0.00276928 0.00276928 0.01322344] [ 0.00276925 -0.00276925 -0.01322347] ... [ 0.00374662 0.00374663 -0.01023597] [-0.00294829 0.0070118 -0.01147127] [ 0.0070118 -0.00294829 -0.01147127]] Final stress: [ 8.82833349e-04 8.82833349e-04 9.10314960e-04 2.35968247e-13 -1.00076673e-12 -4.51630023e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 84 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00175783 -0.00779987 -0.02564732] [ 0.00477753 0.01021231 -0.02759603] [ 0.01697643 -0.01246517 0.01697749] ... [ 0.00161977 0.00532012 0.00324961] [ 0.00065286 0.00208597 0.00266464] [-0.00814476 0.00102479 0.00345819]] Final stress: [ 4.22534020e-02 4.17486236e-02 4.19705835e-02 6.33384733e-07 -1.40956432e-05 4.80268270e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12199924 0.15527013 0.21378963] [-0.12081345 -0.12410115 0.15125752] [-0.03415154 0.00144942 -0.04289818] ... [ 0.00952483 -0.01908273 -0.00835029] [-0.00858633 0.00975402 -0.04384398] [-0.00862802 -0.02385822 -0.03441314]] Final stress: [ 4.19540516e-02 4.24706432e-02 4.21422569e-02 3.40989644e-06 1.25125185e-05 -8.34399408e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00726438 0.00726438 -0.02553002] [-0.00726435 -0.00726435 -0.02553005] [-0.00726432 0.00726432 0.02553008] ... [-0.00725355 -0.00725355 0.01178112] [ 0.0095416 -0.00822355 0.01270158] [-0.00822356 0.00954161 0.01270158]] Final stress: [-6.72321719e-04 -6.72321719e-04 -8.98772331e-04 -1.04251842e-12 -1.05092178e-13 8.58526458e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00232832 0.01406292 -0.00232832] [ 0.00232825 -0.014063 -0.00232825] [ 0.00232825 0.014063 0.00232825] ... [-0.00298188 -0.01111699 0.0064681 ] [ 0.00401926 -0.01108802 0.00401926] [ 0.0064681 -0.01111699 -0.00298188]] Final stress: [ 8.80294270e-04 9.14829321e-04 8.80294270e-04 -1.59460724e-13 -1.69101167e-13 -4.70751373e-14] Minimization converged after 83 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0052865 -0.01551485 0.01292827] [-0.0023787 -0.00566672 0.0010253 ] [ 0.00546977 -0.00366533 -0.00277165] ... [-0.00449828 0.00550182 -0.00268423] [ 0.00085483 -0.00025057 0.00298236] [ 0.00524387 0.00242939 -0.00180814]] Final stress: [ 4.17414221e-02 4.19834362e-02 4.22492948e-02 4.85454508e-05 3.41845650e-06 -6.47465614e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00807534 -0.02431657 0.00807534] [-0.00807533 0.02431658 0.00807533] [-0.00807537 -0.02431654 -0.00807537] ... [ 0.0091936 0.0134033 -0.00964242] [-0.00675585 0.01110907 -0.00675585] [-0.00964242 0.0134033 0.0091936 ]] Final stress: [-6.78127462e-04 -8.90588501e-04 -6.78127462e-04 -4.77955133e-13 -2.01969477e-13 -1.93527615e-13] Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09741111 0.03020147 0.08381702] [ 0.05208063 0.01135377 -0.06093598] [-0.09741112 0.03020147 -0.08381702] ... [ 0.03947398 -0.06310147 -0.02043314] [-0.04371044 -0.03463147 -0.0732427 ] [ 0.07477102 -0.02131003 0.00757141]] Final stress: [1.32296929e-03 2.60982553e-03 2.30745196e-03 8.63904813e-15 7.94068432e-05 1.35595480e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05211125 -0.01137395 -0.06096159] [-0.09739903 -0.03018802 0.08380949] [ 0.05211125 -0.01137395 0.06096159] ... [ 0.03353576 0.06137514 -0.0449568 ] [ 0.09470647 -0.06602827 0.01553332] [ 0.07401458 0.1072228 0.04692922]] Final stress: [ 1.32306686e-03 2.60985607e-03 2.30747736e-03 -5.08652378e-14 -7.94692316e-05 1.14502514e-14] Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09741764 0.08382957 0.03020951] [-0.09741764 -0.08382956 0.03020951] [ 0.05209826 -0.06094729 0.01136109] ... [-0.04371445 -0.07325249 -0.0346331 ] [ 0.03948297 -0.02043696 -0.06310698] [ 0.07476096 0.00757874 -0.02131435]] Final stress: [ 1.32298802e-03 2.30735542e-03 2.60971464e-03 -2.53725298e-14 7.40522757e-15 7.94720699e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05189064 -0.06082066 -0.0112964 ] [ 0.05189064 0.06082066 -0.0112964 ] [-0.09735439 0.08368947 -0.03013739] ... [ 0.09460686 0.01543652 -0.06597928] [ 0.03353974 -0.04500883 0.06138793] [ 0.07396784 0.04698743 0.1072612 ]] Final stress: [ 1.32309949e-03 2.30836835e-03 2.61086526e-03 4.85467885e-14 4.37530453e-14 -7.90072539e-05] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01371443 -0.00240518 -0.00240518] [-0.01371443 0.00240518 -0.00240518] [-0.01371433 -0.00240527 0.00240527] ... [-0.01147084 -0.00258937 0.00707833] [-0.01147084 0.00707833 -0.00258937] [-0.01135873 0.0035821 0.0035821 ]] Final stress: [9.10636414e-04 8.80576855e-04 8.80576855e-04 2.00077845e-13 3.95068001e-13 4.72876457e-13] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03490127 0.01240485 -0.00881823] [ 0.01811218 0.00616749 0.01104091] [ 0.01297046 0.00283892 -0.01282259] ... [-0.00493256 0.00029433 0.0018377 ] [ 0.01358961 0.02200446 -0.00087541] [ 0.00512651 0.011858 -0.02658595]] Final stress: [ 0.04580257 0.04674285 0.04495154 -0.00020716 0.00020191 0.00135372] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 89 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00023279 0.00457498 0.0065204 ] [-0.00192891 -0.00149127 0.00303138] [-0.00079841 0.00077477 -0.0035723 ] ... [ 0.00083518 -0.00277402 0.00093236] [-0.00340113 -0.00145346 0.00261718] [ 0.00173958 -0.00107458 -0.0057693 ]] Final stress: [ 4.19811056e-02 4.17948250e-02 4.22713642e-02 -9.35158689e-07 6.47348527e-06 2.20713698e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02423194 0.00791144 0.00791144] [ 0.02423182 -0.00791155 0.00791155] [ 0.0242319 0.00791148 -0.00791147] ... [ 0.01363772 0.00877231 -0.00985985] [ 0.01363772 -0.00985984 0.00877231] [ 0.01167869 -0.0064089 -0.0064089 ]] Final stress: [-8.90980677e-04 -6.75825111e-04 -6.75825111e-04 -1.05828935e-12 -8.99909210e-13 -7.72208928e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03018393 0.09738624 0.08379227] [ 0.01139159 0.05211172 -0.0609662 ] [ 0.01139159 -0.05211172 0.0609662 ] ... [-0.06312083 0.03948736 -0.02043419] [-0.0213224 0.07476189 0.0075817 ] [-0.03463595 -0.04372484 -0.07326946]] Final stress: [ 2.60988635e-03 1.32320069e-03 2.30750732e-03 7.94925826e-05 4.32870969e-14 -5.57156106e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01136955 -0.05210662 -0.0609565 ] [-0.03019631 -0.09740613 0.08381711] [-0.03019631 0.09740613 -0.08381711] ... [ 0.06137458 0.0335348 -0.04495674] [ 0.10722217 0.07401131 0.04692772] [-0.06602478 0.09470508 0.01553282]] Final stress: [ 2.60980089e-03 1.32304219e-03 2.30742990e-03 -7.94747523e-05 -1.48392631e-13 4.74061336e-14] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08375044 0.09737619 0.03016142] [-0.08375044 -0.09737619 0.03016142] [ 0.06089187 -0.05200328 0.01133374] ... [-0.07321078 -0.04369636 -0.03463828] [ 0.00754992 0.07481029 -0.02130572] [-0.02040439 0.03944473 -0.06309988]] Final stress: [2.30792250e-03 1.32304867e-03 2.61036167e-03 1.69315047e-14 5.24882880e-14 7.92138051e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06091341 -0.05204346 -0.01134346] [ 0.06091341 0.05204346 -0.01134346] [-0.08379484 0.09740275 -0.03019259] ... [ 0.01550683 0.09467677 -0.06600942] [ 0.04694164 0.07399687 0.10722992] [-0.04497005 0.03353519 0.0613764 ]] Final stress: [ 2.30760750e-03 1.32301237e-03 2.61000068e-03 -8.43310553e-14 -2.24324075e-14 -7.93534770e-05] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03020616 0.08382081 0.09741282] [ 0.01137236 0.06095326 -0.05210008] [ 0.01137236 -0.06095326 0.05210008] ... [-0.02132746 0.00758871 0.07475574] [-0.06312708 -0.02042698 0.03949266] [-0.0346453 -0.07326303 -0.0437179 ]] Final stress: [ 2.60974585e-03 2.30738587e-03 1.32312942e-03 7.95592908e-05 -6.49805992e-14 -3.98627720e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0113694 -0.06095825 -0.05210833] [-0.03018744 -0.08381008 0.09739923] [-0.03018744 0.08381008 -0.09739923] ... [ 0.10721552 0.04693191 0.07402181] [ 0.06137096 -0.04495623 0.03353809] [-0.06603517 0.01553186 0.09470218]] Final stress: [ 2.60986527e-03 2.30748425e-03 1.32301860e-03 -7.94303422e-05 -4.36668283e-14 -1.12968280e-13] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08380148 0.03017938 0.09739158] [ 0.06096716 0.01137889 -0.05211632] [-0.08380148 0.03017938 -0.09739158] ... [ 0.00757559 -0.02131468 0.07476804] [-0.0732581 -0.03462694 -0.04372106] [-0.02043779 -0.0631076 0.03948281]] Final stress: [ 2.30752655e-03 2.60991317e-03 1.32309619e-03 8.19225519e-14 7.94662731e-05 -3.47826156e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06058948 -0.01117847 -0.05151343] [-0.08344343 -0.03001542 0.09724683] [ 0.06058948 -0.01117848 0.05151343] ... [ 0.0470951 0.10734285 0.07388654] [ 0.01526541 -0.06589543 0.09443779] [-0.04510393 0.06141906 0.03354782]] Final stress: [ 2.31015693e-03 2.61289475e-03 1.32331860e-03 -8.62809591e-14 -7.82007116e-05 2.86838492e-16] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01104386 -0.00892575 -0.00892575] [ 0.00663278 0.00891926 -0.00891926] [ 0.00663279 -0.00891926 0.00891926] ... [-0.00384952 -0.02237139 0.00538533] [-0.00384952 0.00538533 -0.02237139] [ 0.01513734 0.01199458 0.01199458]] Final stress: [ 5.13048506e-05 4.19422825e-05 4.19422825e-05 3.63664613e-04 1.14434906e-14 -1.49927346e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00661024 -0.00889442 -0.00889442] [ 0.01106188 0.00894653 -0.00894653] [ 0.01106188 -0.00894653 0.00894653] ... [ 0.00672356 0.0217441 -0.0064848 ] [ 0.00672356 -0.0064848 0.0217441 ] [-0.01225035 -0.01107014 -0.01107014]] Final stress: [ 5.13217700e-05 4.19547270e-05 4.19547270e-05 -3.63489048e-04 3.78867969e-15 -1.48502265e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00817221 -0.00817221 -0.00671223] [ 0.00586842 0.00586842 -0.00664376] [ 0.00088243 -0.00312744 0.0023896 ] ... [-0.01376891 -0.01376891 0.00644573] [ 0.00363642 0.01064737 -0.00517802] [ 0.01064737 0.00363642 -0.00517802]] Final stress: [2.49880913e-05 2.49880912e-05 2.30581388e-05 1.80866673e-04 1.80866673e-04 3.53415810e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00312971 -0.00087994 -0.0023895 ] [ 0.00087994 0.00312971 -0.0023895 ] [ 0.00590152 -0.00590152 0.00667907] ... [ 0.00903544 -0.00772977 -0.0008954 ] [-0.00797575 -0.00411121 -0.0168179 ] [ 0.0037016 0.00890746 0.01681599]] Final stress: [ 2.49785495e-05 2.49785495e-05 2.30499168e-05 1.80981020e-04 -1.80981020e-04 -3.53098953e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00087942 -0.00313049 -0.00238963] [ 0.00313049 0.00087942 -0.00238963] [ 0.00815175 -0.00815175 0.00668861] ... [-0.00773485 0.00904087 -0.00089526] [ 0.00890656 0.00370523 0.01682038] [-0.00411485 -0.00797478 -0.01682215]] Final stress: [ 2.49814078e-05 2.49814078e-05 2.30526330e-05 -1.80946956e-04 1.80946956e-04 -3.53172261e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00590542 -0.00590542 -0.00668342] [ 0.00814318 0.00814318 -0.00668017] [ 0.00313019 -0.00087948 0.0023895 ] ... [ 0.01356088 0.01356088 -0.00556393] [-0.00266181 -0.00915271 0.0053012 ] [-0.00915271 -0.00266181 0.0053012 ]] Final stress: [ 2.49776204e-05 2.49776204e-05 2.30491598e-05 -1.80992187e-04 -1.80992187e-04 3.53064371e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00816448 -0.00670142 -0.00816448] [ 0.00087958 0.00238979 -0.00313065] [ 0.00588058 -0.00665889 0.00588058] ... [ 0.00363366 -0.00517868 0.01065313] [-0.01376588 0.00644188 -0.01376588] [ 0.01065313 -0.00517868 0.00363366]] Final stress: [2.49868483e-05 2.30575736e-05 2.49868482e-05 1.80881927e-04 3.53331382e-06 1.80881926e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00312611 -0.00238948 -0.00088354] [ 0.00586717 0.00664129 -0.00586717] [ 0.00088354 -0.00238948 0.00312611] ... [-0.00797928 -0.01683667 -0.00410288] [ 0.00904995 -0.00089515 -0.00774465] [ 0.00369389 0.01683464 0.00891194]] Final stress: [ 2.49872703e-05 2.30571672e-05 2.49872703e-05 1.80876311e-04 -3.53411100e-06 -1.80876311e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00088021 -0.00238951 -0.00312947] [ 0.00814924 0.006687 -0.00814924] [ 0.00312947 -0.00238951 0.00088022] ... [ 0.00890777 0.01681828 0.00370131] [-0.00773179 -0.00089536 0.00903747] [-0.00411087 -0.01682019 -0.00797597]] Final stress: [ 2.49797179e-05 2.30509292e-05 2.49797179e-05 -1.80967022e-04 -3.53137263e-06 1.80967022e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00594445 -0.00673078 -0.00594445] [ 0.00313915 0.00238998 -0.00087142] [ 0.0081173 -0.00664563 0.0081173 ] ... [-0.00265376 0.00530355 -0.00916952] [ 0.01355311 -0.00555376 0.01355311] [-0.00916952 0.00530355 -0.00265376]] Final stress: [ 2.49723403e-05 2.30459472e-05 2.49723403e-05 -1.81056412e-04 3.52775150e-06 -1.81056412e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00892529 -0.01104757 -0.00892529] [ 0.008922 0.0066313 -0.008922 ] [ 0.00892529 -0.01104757 0.00892529] ... [-0.02237216 -0.00384327 0.00538181] [ 0.01199525 0.01514935 0.01199525] [ 0.00538181 -0.00384327 -0.02237216]] Final stress: [ 4.19466906e-05 5.13087558e-05 4.19466905e-05 5.72904107e-15 3.63616221e-04 -1.25633114e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00891437 -0.00662588 -0.00891437] [ 0.00893098 0.01105094 -0.00893098] [ 0.00891437 -0.00662588 0.00891437] ... [ 0.02173639 0.00672811 -0.00648325] [-0.01106096 -0.01226018 -0.01106096] [-0.00648325 0.00672811 0.02173639]] Final stress: [ 4.19483171e-05 5.13117618e-05 4.19483171e-05 -3.18695967e-15 -3.63588028e-04 1.04463182e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00667657 -0.00813955 -0.00813955] [ 0.00238945 0.00087948 -0.00313009] [ 0.00238945 -0.00313009 0.00087948] ... [-0.00517956 0.00361354 0.01065128] [-0.00517956 0.01065128 0.00361354] [ 0.00644604 -0.01376733 -0.01376733]] Final stress: [2.30477100e-05 2.49760341e-05 2.49760341e-05 3.53018783e-06 1.81011130e-04 1.81011130e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00238976 -0.00313172 -0.00087845] [ 0.00667371 0.00589436 -0.00589436] [ 0.00668947 -0.00815369 0.00815369] ... [-0.01682372 -0.00797338 -0.00411943] [ 0.0168221 0.00370972 0.0089051 ] [-0.00089515 0.00904415 -0.00773774]] Final stress: [ 2.30542668e-05 2.49829824e-05 2.49829824e-05 -3.53200940e-06 1.80928280e-04 -1.80928280e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00238978 -0.00087586 -0.00313434] [ 0.00666929 0.00813622 -0.00813622] [ 0.00669936 -0.00591754 0.00591754] ... [ 0.01680968 0.00890185 0.0037156 ] [-0.0168112 -0.00412574 -0.00797078] [-0.0008953 -0.00772804 0.00903476]] Final stress: [ 2.30495747e-05 2.49772827e-05 2.49772827e-05 -3.52992982e-06 -1.80996750e-04 1.80996750e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00669172 -0.00591306 -0.00591306] [ 0.0023895 0.00313088 -0.00087877] [ 0.0023895 -0.00087877 0.00313088] ... [ 0.00530145 -0.00265821 -0.00915388] [ 0.00530145 -0.00915388 -0.00265821] [-0.00556368 0.01356041 0.01356041]] Final stress: [ 2.30474344e-05 2.49755768e-05 2.49755768e-05 3.52993490e-06 -1.81016704e-04 -1.81016704e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00891157 -0.00891157 -0.01103739] [ 0.00891157 0.00891157 -0.01103739] [ 0.00893933 -0.00893933 0.00664536] ... [ 0.01198545 0.01198545 0.01515578] [-0.02236356 0.00538073 -0.00384902] [ 0.00538072 -0.02236356 -0.00384902]] Final stress: [4.19404441e-05 4.19404440e-05 5.12993835e-05 2.31289244e-15 1.45897953e-14 3.63710167e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00896913 -0.00896913 -0.00666845] [ 0.00896913 0.00896913 -0.00666845] [ 0.00888848 -0.00888848 0.01102146] ... [-0.0110361 -0.0110361 -0.01228844] [ 0.02171564 -0.0064786 0.00673982] [-0.0064786 0.02171564 0.00673982]] Final stress: [ 4.19312820e-05 4.19312820e-05 5.12848437e-05 -4.62028100e-15 1.06659610e-14 -3.63853190e-04] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 18 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03641873 -0.03641873 0.01924775] [ 0.03641858 0.03641857 0.01924791] [ 0.03641863 -0.03641863 -0.01924785] ... [-0.00527516 -0.00527516 -0.00443512] [ 0.0038474 0.0148815 -0.01850609] [ 0.0148815 0.0038474 -0.01850609]] Final stress: [ 6.85192336e-04 6.85192336e-04 1.31228510e-03 -1.82312186e-12 -1.55490236e-12 -1.23036596e-12] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.93631358e-03 2.04836452e-03 -4.04313142e-03] [-1.08933170e-02 -2.15833211e-03 5.86270619e-03] [-4.17049965e-03 9.09369243e-03 -3.10364278e-03] ... [ 1.58777455e-04 6.17619885e-03 9.51274506e-05] [ 6.21507670e-03 -1.79049112e-03 9.30188769e-03] [ 1.27503347e-03 5.76337364e-03 -1.42359296e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.66846922e-02 4.38735742e-02 4.57877083e-02 4.21912467e-05 6.93247116e-04 -2.97535627e-05] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-1.13467461e-03 -9.89968020e-05 1.90197867e-03] [ 1.59916877e-03 -1.19855922e-03 -2.71988244e-03] [-6.21841510e-03 2.47976359e-03 -5.13532217e-03] ... [-3.94335113e-04 -3.70488474e-03 -1.72531692e-03] [-1.32835612e-03 4.95217192e-03 2.17304853e-03] [-8.81906875e-03 -7.07909010e-05 -1.33326801e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04392927 0.04724541 0.04629176 -0.00068882 -0.0005408 -0.00041571] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02284638 0.02284638 -0.10630134] [-0.02284621 -0.02284621 -0.10630152] [-0.02284648 0.02284648 0.10630124] ... [-0.00146381 -0.00146381 -0.11667337] [ 0.0432233 -0.04807187 0.03114288] [-0.04807189 0.0432233 0.03114289]] Final stress: [3.08854491e-03 3.08854491e-03 2.44562873e-03 4.06981150e-13 3.24791965e-12 4.09878182e-13] Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.75898953e-03 5.76516306e-03 7.54684779e-03] [-6.85678827e-04 -2.09229277e-03 2.37679414e-03] [-4.63590251e-03 -1.46232434e-03 2.96995245e-03] ... [-2.91079977e-04 1.83080951e-03 -6.40741359e-03] [ 1.68168496e-03 -1.17333663e-03 -1.22309015e-05] [-2.14355591e-03 -1.01071068e-03 4.04734875e-04]] Final stress: [ 4.73933054e-02 4.62974351e-02 4.40118852e-02 -8.13649585e-05 -1.11318354e-05 2.38244414e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02755578 0.04995703 0.07563209] [-0.01035255 -0.02693785 0.01430379] [-0.01042747 0.0264584 -0.03949042] ... [ 0.01426963 -0.00692881 -0.00430329] [-0.00964888 0.01106845 -0.00375472] [ 0.00365032 0.00700011 -0.00892116]] Final stress: [ 4.18398790e-02 4.20229480e-02 4.20614677e-02 1.01910370e-05 6.56065459e-06 -2.09791315e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02348042 -0.10517012 0.02348042] [-0.02348074 0.10516979 0.02348074] [-0.02348048 -0.10517006 -0.02348048] ... [ 0.04228478 0.03179997 -0.04872165] [-0.00051672 -0.11849543 -0.00051671] [-0.04872166 0.03179997 0.04228479]] Final stress: [ 3.06890172e-03 2.43755511e-03 3.06890172e-03 3.43632918e-13 -5.45436726e-13 4.29733336e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10422613 0.12182219 0.12182219] [-0.03958503 -0.01678351 0.01678351] [-0.03958503 0.0167835 -0.01678351] ... [-0.01375748 -0.00826866 -0.01149569] [-0.01375748 -0.01149569 -0.00826866] [ 0.02265134 -0.00710947 -0.00710947]] Final stress: [3.94772711e-04 5.71096301e-04 5.71096301e-04 8.34130855e-05 6.45783875e-14 1.10299657e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03959465 0.0167679 0.0167679 ] [-0.10427928 -0.12184316 0.12184316] [-0.10427928 0.12184316 -0.12184316] ... [ 0.05108004 -0.0270796 -0.01904303] [ 0.05108004 -0.01904303 -0.0270796 ] [ 0.02048844 0.03049925 0.03049925]] Final stress: [ 3.94433185e-04 5.71673095e-04 5.71673095e-04 -8.27467227e-05 -2.13249915e-14 -3.48843820e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05435221 -0.03817927 -0.03817927] [ 0.09092992 0.11527463 -0.11527463] [ 0.09092992 -0.11527463 0.11527463] ... [-0.03090436 0.03843375 0.03148934] [-0.03090436 0.03148934 0.03843375] [-0.04038518 -0.0318825 -0.0318825 ]] Final stress: [ 2.77216919e-04 -6.60537427e-05 -6.60537427e-05 1.55234529e-04 -6.05135439e-14 -1.34459919e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09102342 -0.11523727 -0.11523727] [ 0.05427248 0.03815047 -0.03815047] [ 0.05427248 -0.03815047 0.03815047] ... [ 0.01106031 0.00638075 0.00756692] [ 0.01106031 0.00756692 0.00638075] [-0.0095407 0.00725931 0.00725931]] Final stress: [ 2.77306452e-04 -6.63664652e-05 -6.63664653e-05 -1.54658111e-04 1.34703840e-14 5.54398122e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10782316 0.08555081 0.1046142 ] [-0.02159848 -0.03743144 0.01920445] [-0.10782317 0.08555082 -0.10461421] ... [ 0.02690184 -0.04052363 -0.00533562] [-0.00783234 -0.02087933 -0.03616389] [ 0.02952969 -0.01155769 0.02180822]] Final stress: [ 3.30167954e-04 5.64939361e-04 5.26292359e-04 4.56466490e-14 1.53757516e-04 -7.34589935e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02161091 0.03741522 0.0192 ] [-0.10781146 -0.08553464 0.10458596] [-0.02161091 0.03741522 -0.0192 ] ... [ 0.00265526 0.01130137 -0.02298444] [ 0.03408537 -0.01240101 -0.00026408] [ 0.01549992 0.04026922 0.00321797]] Final stress: [ 3.29710226e-04 5.65100959e-04 5.26432085e-04 3.00828479e-14 -1.53330381e-04 2.56935814e-14] Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10779761 0.10456931 0.08551667] [-0.10779762 -0.10456932 0.08551668] [-0.02160205 0.01918841 -0.03740489] ... [-0.00782902 -0.03614292 -0.02084367] [ 0.02685639 -0.00533998 -0.040484 ] [ 0.02957526 0.02176815 -0.01152483]] Final stress: [ 3.29808632e-04 5.26485459e-04 5.65162501e-04 3.00961444e-15 -3.85969728e-14 1.53405726e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02160276 0.01917394 0.0373829 ] [-0.02160276 -0.01917394 0.0373829 ] [-0.10777565 0.10453234 -0.08548737] ... [ 0.03407813 -0.00027463 -0.01242764] [ 0.00266591 -0.0229901 0.01128938] [ 0.01552921 0.0032367 0.040263 ]] Final stress: [ 3.29563841e-04 5.26641187e-04 5.65342417e-04 -1.83002133e-14 -6.51170110e-15 -1.53161251e-04] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 84 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00404157 -0.01745011 -0.02285679] [ 0.0251031 0.07355384 -0.03076619] [-0.0084346 -0.01616654 0.0158418 ] ... [ 0.00709339 -0.01596851 -0.00956848] [ 0.00263325 0.00445491 0.00776678] [-0.00536297 -0.01199783 -0.01096215]] Final stress: [ 4.18351971e-02 4.22415228e-02 4.16226858e-02 1.83564345e-06 1.16229929e-06 -3.58989852e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 89 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00184159 -0.0014005 -0.00044795] [ 0.00071878 0.00366326 -0.00385812] [-0.00037725 0.00021224 -0.0020462 ] ... [ 0.00082379 0.00087769 -0.00023977] [ 0.0003761 -0.00128198 -0.00012523] [-0.00070308 0.00075019 -0.001992 ]] Final stress: [ 4.19846920e-02 4.18406382e-02 4.21459815e-02 -8.30237369e-07 -3.84607395e-06 -3.61327601e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10567042 0.0231111 0.0231111 ] [ 0.10567031 -0.0231112 0.0231112 ] [ 0.10567002 0.02311148 -0.02311149] ... [ 0.03143937 0.04273962 -0.04834849] [ 0.03143938 -0.04834849 0.04273962] [-0.11727043 -0.00110136 -0.00110135]] Final stress: [ 2.43729281e-03 3.07568020e-03 3.07568020e-03 -1.34592186e-12 -6.54105801e-14 1.62573601e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08541533 0.10773934 0.10446024] [-0.03737397 -0.02163006 0.01916423] [-0.03737397 0.02163006 -0.01916423] ... [-0.04034223 0.02670439 -0.0053558 ] [-0.01141519 0.02972732 0.02163316] [-0.02071929 -0.00779799 -0.03604348]] Final stress: [ 5.65744136e-04 3.28386012e-04 5.26975727e-04 1.52269816e-04 3.07768943e-14 -3.20656308e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03743892 0.02159208 0.01920614] [-0.08555799 -0.10782834 0.10462731] [-0.08555799 0.10782835 -0.10462732] ... [ 0.0113628 0.00261529 -0.02298618] [ 0.04035321 0.01541598 0.00316175] [-0.01232682 0.03414883 -0.00023278]] Final stress: [ 5.64863489e-04 3.30395182e-04 5.26226765e-04 -1.53968798e-04 1.07469435e-14 -2.51609093e-14] Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12182219 0.10422613 0.12182219] [-0.0167835 -0.03958502 0.0167835 ] [-0.12182219 0.10422612 -0.12182219] ... [-0.00826866 -0.01375748 -0.01149569] [-0.00710947 0.02265134 -0.00710947] [-0.01149569 -0.01375748 -0.00826866]] Final stress: [5.71096298e-04 3.94772709e-04 5.71096297e-04 1.60932325e-14 8.34130866e-05 1.01278680e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01678187 0.03958603 0.01678187] [-0.12182433 -0.10423166 0.12182433] [-0.01678186 0.03958602 -0.01678186] ... [-0.02712631 0.05111618 -0.01904111] [ 0.03052382 0.02047766 0.03052382] [-0.01904111 0.05111618 -0.02712631]] Final stress: [ 5.71156666e-04 3.94736770e-04 5.71156666e-04 -2.96964411e-14 -8.33430162e-05 -2.38131245e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03811672 -0.05428314 -0.03811672] [ 0.11495202 0.09095161 -0.11495202] [ 0.03811672 -0.05428314 0.03811672] ... [ 0.0380536 -0.03032131 0.03153604] [-0.03164254 -0.0404506 -0.03164254] [ 0.03153604 -0.03032131 0.0380536 ]] Final stress: [-6.54749632e-05 2.83783183e-04 -6.54749632e-05 -1.53140603e-14 1.51269760e-04 -1.94179600e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1150518 -0.09095017 -0.1150518 ] [ 0.03813127 0.05429478 -0.03813127] [ 0.1150518 -0.09095017 0.1150518 ] ... [ 0.00657479 0.01092126 0.00760802] [ 0.007155 -0.01003883 0.007155 ] [ 0.00760802 0.01092126 0.00657479]] Final stress: [-6.56869457e-05 2.81576859e-04 -6.56869458e-05 -8.06260938e-14 -1.52574488e-04 -6.78096710e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10456883 0.10780056 0.08551705] [-0.10456883 -0.10780056 0.08551705] [-0.01919385 0.02161113 -0.03740963] ... [-0.03612207 -0.00782109 -0.02082721] [ 0.0217473 0.02959091 -0.01150578] [-0.00534482 0.02683276 -0.04045626]] Final stress: [ 5.26501230e-04 3.29583631e-04 5.65182919e-04 3.56609148e-14 -4.42463462e-14 1.53234533e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01916007 0.02162313 0.03735554] [-0.01916007 -0.02162313 0.03735554] [-0.10446651 0.10774328 -0.08543564] ... [-0.00031814 0.03399944 -0.01252418] [ 0.00330916 0.01564212 0.04016789] [-0.0229892 0.00271583 0.01121808]] Final stress: [ 5.26949852e-04 3.28658387e-04 5.65704213e-04 1.04951510e-14 -6.75368991e-15 -1.52377358e-04] Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08555354 0.10464562 0.10783698] [-0.03747368 -0.01921807 0.02159462] [-0.03747368 0.01921807 -0.02159462] ... [-0.01159427 0.02184535 0.02950441] [-0.04056871 -0.00532667 0.02694507] [-0.02090288 -0.03617627 -0.007829 ]] Final stress: [ 5.64773890e-04 5.26139870e-04 3.30368443e-04 1.54109239e-04 -1.08672693e-14 -1.49538337e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0375028 0.01922685 0.02159557] [-0.08554681 -0.10465916 0.10784244] [-0.08554681 0.10465916 -0.10784244] ... [ 0.04039112 0.00314463 0.01540724] [ 0.01139767 -0.02297991 0.0026016 ] [-0.01230485 -0.00023585 0.03415433]] Final stress: [ 5.64702428e-04 5.26069695e-04 3.30354993e-04 -1.54241688e-04 -7.20637478e-15 1.25004909e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10462977 0.08556054 0.1078303 ] [-0.01920775 -0.03744044 0.02159319] [-0.10462977 0.08556054 -0.1078303 ] ... [ 0.02183182 -0.01157842 0.02950787] [-0.03618002 -0.02089861 -0.00783648] [-0.0053315 -0.04055082 0.0269287 ]] Final stress: [ 5.26218561e-04 5.64854025e-04 3.30385034e-04 -2.90454342e-14 1.53961560e-04 -2.65907525e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01919072 0.03743491 0.0216084 ] [-0.10455332 -0.08547331 0.10778494] [-0.01919072 0.03743491 -0.0216084 ] ... [ 0.00323015 0.04028417 0.01553416] [-0.00028204 -0.01241954 0.03407373] [-0.02298451 0.01131097 0.00265987]] Final stress: [ 5.26537790e-04 5.65240880e-04 3.29427590e-04 1.10325933e-14 -1.53305569e-04 4.50925332e-14] Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12182264 0.12182264 0.10422729] [-0.12182264 -0.12182264 0.10422728] [-0.01678316 0.01678316 -0.03958524] ... [-0.00710898 -0.00710898 0.02265464] [-0.00826983 -0.01149623 -0.01375681] [-0.01149623 -0.00826983 -0.01375681]] Final stress: [ 5.71108994e-04 5.71108994e-04 3.94765138e-04 4.11583216e-14 -1.49285303e-14 8.33983391e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01678351 0.01678351 0.03958503] [-0.0167835 -0.0167835 0.03958502] [-0.12182219 0.12182219 -0.10422613] ... [ 0.03052672 0.03052672 0.0204764 ] [-0.02713182 -0.01904089 0.05112047] [-0.01904089 -0.02713182 0.05112047]] Final stress: [ 5.71096303e-04 5.71096304e-04 3.94772712e-04 3.73017826e-14 5.06958003e-14 -8.34130849e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03816582 -0.03816582 -0.05432516] [ 0.03816582 0.03816582 -0.05432517] [ 0.11525522 -0.11525522 0.09095118] ... [-0.03189343 -0.03189343 -0.04038648] [ 0.03842988 0.03149815 -0.03089063] [ 0.03149815 0.03842988 -0.03089063]] Final stress: [-6.60985027e-05 -6.60985027e-05 2.77313386e-04 -9.89523980e-15 -1.08719066e-13 1.55092974e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1152598 -0.1152598 -0.09096207] [ 0.1152598 0.1152598 -0.09096207] [ 0.03816825 -0.03816825 0.0543234 ] ... [ 0.00725135 0.00725135 -0.00951443] [ 0.0063455 0.00756035 0.01108755] [ 0.00756035 0.0063455 0.01108755]] Final stress: [-6.61512671e-05 -6.61512671e-05 2.77271810e-04 -1.83289873e-14 -2.34224553e-14 -1.55036275e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00487768 -0.00350366 -0.00350366] [ 0.00223561 0.00367667 -0.00367667] [ 0.00223561 -0.00367667 0.00367667] ... [-0.00270976 -0.01398533 0.00357303] [-0.00270976 0.00357303 -0.01398533] [ 0.0093354 0.00741219 0.00741219]] Final stress: [ 2.16667182e-05 1.86302186e-05 1.86302186e-05 2.25419657e-04 4.20881232e-15 -4.66982411e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00225951 -0.00373858 -0.00373858] [ 0.0048559 0.00344354 -0.00344354] [ 0.0048559 -0.00344354 0.00344354] ... [ 0.00388033 0.01369575 -0.0038793 ] [ 0.00388033 -0.0038793 0.01369575] [-0.00805499 -0.0070462 -0.0070462 ]] Final stress: [ 2.16609944e-05 1.86294542e-05 1.86294542e-05 -2.25858792e-04 -1.97414279e-15 1.48104740e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0033677 0.0033677 0.00468875] [ 0.00925026 0.00925026 -0.01029984] [-0.00043757 -0.00193587 0.00089752] ... [-0.00862208 -0.00862208 0.00320045] [-0.00049165 0.00365044 -0.00401934] [ 0.00365044 -0.00049165 -0.00401934]] Final stress: [1.05813375e-05 1.05813375e-05 9.98238765e-06 1.28328628e-04 1.28328628e-04 1.36486869e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00193267 0.0004342 -0.00089759] [-0.0004342 0.00193267 -0.00089759] [ 0.00923826 -0.00923826 0.01028452] ... [ 0.00355025 -0.00310241 -0.00028687] [-0.00440545 -0.00036216 -0.00788308] [ 0.00030327 0.00471033 0.00788204]] Final stress: [ 1.05768298e-05 1.05768298e-05 9.97758427e-06 1.28370558e-04 -1.28370559e-04 -1.36304546e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00043443 -0.00193265 -0.00089747] [ 0.00193265 -0.00043443 -0.00089747] [-0.00336044 0.00336044 -0.00467833] ... [-0.00310451 0.00355235 -0.00028678] [ 0.00471032 0.00029777 0.0078841 ] [-0.0003565 -0.00440529 -0.00788506]] Final stress: [ 1.05786874e-05 1.05786874e-05 9.97944414e-06 -1.28357406e-04 1.28357406e-04 -1.36396334e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00921158 -0.00921158 -0.01024385] [-0.00334389 -0.00334389 0.00464747] [ 0.00191739 0.00042125 0.00089639] ... [ 0.00853213 0.00853213 -0.00275363] [ 0.00089064 -0.00289319 0.00400748] [-0.00289319 0.00089064 0.00400748]] Final stress: [ 1.05780848e-05 1.05780848e-05 9.97721494e-06 -1.28413982e-04 -1.28413982e-04 1.36585205e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0033383 0.00463339 0.0033383 ] [-0.00041295 0.00089616 -0.00190864] [ 0.00920321 -0.01022693 0.00920321] ... [-0.00051021 -0.00401269 0.00360881] [-0.0086479 0.00324264 -0.0086479 ] [ 0.00360881 -0.00401269 -0.00051021]] Final stress: [1.05730440e-05 9.97165583e-06 1.05730440e-05 1.28471116e-04 1.36423091e-06 1.28471116e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00193608 -0.00089757 0.00043768] [ 0.00924952 0.01029925 -0.00924952] [-0.00043768 -0.00089757 0.00193608] ... [-0.00440118 -0.00788554 -0.00036398] [ 0.00355744 -0.00028661 -0.00310901] [ 0.00030516 0.00788487 0.00470611]] Final stress: [ 1.05808015e-05 9.98186946e-06 1.05808015e-05 1.28331786e-04 -1.36457802e-06 -1.28331786e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00043758 -0.00089752 -0.00193589] [-0.0033676 -0.00468867 0.0033676 ] [ 0.00193589 -0.00089752 -0.00043758] ... [ 0.00470633 0.0078855 0.00030296] [-0.00310945 -0.00028659 0.00355785] [-0.00036172 -0.00788616 -0.00440135]] Final stress: [ 1.05812929e-05 9.98234446e-06 1.05812929e-05 -1.28328891e-04 -1.36484448e-06 1.28328891e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00925987 -0.01030663 -0.00925987] [ 0.00193222 0.00089679 0.0004354 ] [-0.00338333 0.00470139 -0.00338333] ... [ 0.00087548 0.00401917 -0.00289638] [ 0.00852004 -0.0027235 0.00852004] [-0.00289638 0.00401917 0.00087548]] Final stress: [ 1.05887878e-05 9.98952995e-06 1.05887878e-05 -1.28286860e-04 1.36899381e-06 -1.28286860e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00350366 -0.00487768 -0.00350366] [ 0.00367667 0.00223561 -0.00367667] [ 0.00350366 -0.00487768 0.00350366] ... [-0.01398533 -0.00270976 0.00357303] [ 0.00741219 0.0093354 0.00741219] [ 0.00357303 -0.00270976 -0.01398533]] Final stress: [ 1.86302186e-05 2.16667182e-05 1.86302186e-05 -1.16362609e-14 2.25419657e-04 1.21166992e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00384456 -0.00224801 -0.00384456] [ 0.00333678 0.00486641 -0.00333678] [ 0.00384456 -0.00224801 0.00384456] ... [ 0.01365071 0.00398253 -0.00385461] [-0.00703419 -0.00797735 -0.00703419] [-0.00385461 0.00398253 0.01365071]] Final stress: [ 1.86631352e-05 2.16867725e-05 1.86631352e-05 -1.55435634e-14 -2.26434918e-04 -1.70637636e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00468354 0.00336754 0.00336754] [ 0.00089709 -0.00043296 -0.00193042] [ 0.00089709 -0.00193042 -0.00043296] ... [-0.00401984 -0.00049414 0.00363343] [-0.00401984 0.00363343 -0.00049414] [ 0.00320737 -0.00862893 -0.00862893]] Final stress: [9.98272993e-06 1.05821636e-05 1.05821637e-05 1.36595371e-06 1.28339521e-04 1.28339521e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00089751 -0.00193583 0.00043755] [ 0.01029994 0.00925039 -0.00925039] [-0.00468892 0.00336789 -0.00336789] ... [-0.00788633 -0.0044014 -0.0003611 ] [ 0.00788567 0.00030236 0.0047064 ] [-0.00028658 0.00355796 -0.00310957]] Final stress: [ 9.98247398e-06 1.05814269e-05 1.05814269e-05 -1.36491710e-06 1.28328102e-04 -1.28328102e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00089749 0.0004375 -0.00193575] [-0.00468932 -0.00336836 0.00336836] [ 0.01030019 -0.0092507 0.0092507 ] ... [ 0.00788595 0.0047065 0.00030136] [-0.00788661 -0.00036007 -0.00440148] [-0.00028658 -0.00310977 0.00355814]] Final stress: [ 9.98268988e-06 1.05816502e-05 1.05816501e-05 -1.36503817e-06 -1.28326787e-04 1.28326787e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01027664 -0.0092354 -0.0092354 ] [ 0.00089708 0.0019271 0.00042964] [ 0.00089708 0.00042964 0.0019271 ] ... [ 0.00401131 0.00088243 -0.00291932] [ 0.00401131 -0.00291932 0.00088243] [-0.00273706 0.00851899 0.00851899]] Final stress: [ 9.97898528e-06 1.05787212e-05 1.05787213e-05 1.36467245e-06 -1.28374184e-04 -1.28374184e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00350366 -0.00350366 -0.00487768] [ 0.00350366 0.00350366 -0.00487768] [ 0.00367667 -0.00367667 0.00223561] ... [ 0.00741219 0.00741219 0.0093354 ] [-0.01398533 0.00357303 -0.00270976] [ 0.00357303 -0.01398533 -0.00270976]] Final stress: [1.86302186e-05 1.86302186e-05 2.16667182e-05 1.55507704e-17 6.98162463e-15 2.25419657e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00367667 -0.00367667 -0.00223561] [ 0.00367667 0.00367667 -0.00223561] [ 0.00350366 -0.00350366 0.00487768] ... [-0.00706851 -0.00706851 -0.00808758] [ 0.01372822 -0.00388309 0.00382716] [-0.00388309 0.01372822 0.00382716]] Final stress: [ 1.86302186e-05 1.86302186e-05 2.16667181e-05 -1.26691182e-14 -1.08630170e-14 -2.25419657e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03845928 0.01338096 0.01338096] [ 0.03845932 -0.01338091 0.01338091] [ 0.03845922 0.01338102 -0.01338102] ... [-0.001658 0.00202515 -0.00273966] [-0.001658 -0.00273966 0.00202515] [ 0.01132867 -0.02645436 -0.02645435]] Final stress: [ 4.82952587e-04 7.00924659e-04 7.00924659e-04 -1.11216701e-12 -2.00804739e-12 2.68128505e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06773631 -0.03942637 -0.03942637] [-0.06773629 0.03942638 -0.03942638] [-0.06773629 -0.03942639 0.03942639] ... [ 0.0067724 0.00247004 -0.00038294] [ 0.0067724 -0.00038293 0.00247004] [-0.02878173 0.02706399 0.02706399]] Final stress: [ 4.97625577e-04 -2.87229653e-04 -2.87229654e-04 8.10753548e-13 -3.26517637e-13 -2.60256060e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01367171 -0.01367171 0.01544318] [ 0.01367173 0.01367173 0.01544317] [ 0.01367172 -0.01367172 -0.01544317] ... [-0.0021015 -0.0021015 -0.00285136] [-0.00061678 0.00575452 -0.00892734] [ 0.00575451 -0.00061678 -0.00892734]] Final stress: [ 3.50629058e-04 3.50629058e-04 6.75376400e-04 3.48588282e-13 -8.70324536e-13 -2.35915697e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.12777897e-03 1.12807531e-02 6.54002468e-03] [-2.12777714e-03 -1.12807512e-02 6.54002285e-03] [-2.12778052e-03 1.12807546e-02 -6.54002621e-03] ... [-3.17159682e-03 3.99168344e-03 1.55503474e-03] [-1.86503103e-03 -3.31746602e-03 2.96361511e-03] [ 3.40306348e-03 -7.41868325e-05 -2.40838722e-03]] Final stress: [ 5.78977668e-05 -4.21528667e-05 7.77744477e-06 1.11374916e-15 5.14336786e-15 3.09886157e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.17184265e-02 2.36804882e-03 6.87700249e-03] [-1.17184280e-02 -2.36805025e-03 6.87700397e-03] [-1.17184295e-02 2.36805182e-03 -6.87700542e-03] ... [ 4.07509384e-03 -3.25172895e-03 1.53283708e-03] [-5.00992606e-05 3.49344721e-03 -2.47582331e-03] [-3.42297943e-03 -1.86443981e-03 3.03625146e-03]] Final stress: [-4.08803612e-05 5.67482676e-05 7.78292536e-06 2.22035512e-13 -2.00001890e-14 -4.41961998e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01253229 0.01253229 -0.03335949] [-0.01253239 -0.01253239 -0.0333594 ] [-0.01253243 0.01253243 0.03335936] ... [ 0.00102261 0.00102261 -0.00327137] [ 0.00754737 -0.00654465 0.01075706] [-0.00654466 0.00754737 0.01075706]] Final stress: [ 1.94202812e-05 1.94202814e-05 -4.81978629e-04 9.77311560e-13 -3.86512475e-13 -3.07676919e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0132592 0.01556158 -0.0132592 ] [ 0.01325922 -0.01556156 -0.01325922] [ 0.01325916 0.01556162 0.01325916] ... [-0.00034651 -0.00905309 0.00565257] [-0.00215281 -0.0029545 -0.00215281] [ 0.00565257 -0.00905309 -0.00034651]] Final stress: [ 3.52721945e-04 6.73918102e-04 3.52721945e-04 -1.28270785e-12 -3.48754121e-14 -3.58775346e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.13198942e-03 6.48579355e-03 1.11645329e-02] [-2.13198872e-03 -6.48579284e-03 1.11645321e-02] [-2.13198795e-03 6.48579219e-03 -1.11645314e-02] ... [-1.86639585e-03 2.93123627e-03 -3.29431454e-03] [-3.14374139e-03 1.55530246e-03 3.96096079e-03] [ 3.38420079e-03 -2.37872609e-03 -7.20858010e-05]] Final stress: [ 5.83165898e-05 7.74776029e-06 -4.26787512e-05 2.73140752e-14 1.80619063e-14 2.43200676e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.16599192e-02 6.81014675e-03 2.29331585e-03] [-1.16599199e-02 -6.81014725e-03 2.29331660e-03] [-1.16599178e-02 6.81014525e-03 -2.29331443e-03] ... [-5.82805291e-05 -2.48273861e-03 3.48854706e-03] [ 4.07747119e-03 1.53823482e-03 -3.25360535e-03] [-3.41597169e-03 3.04301893e-03 -1.86318769e-03]] Final stress: [-4.08943853e-05 7.79443330e-06 5.67784599e-05 2.08451523e-13 1.74461731e-13 3.30641917e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01302892 -0.03360125 0.01302891] [-0.01302895 0.03360121 0.01302895] [-0.01302893 -0.03360124 -0.01302893] ... [ 0.00795176 0.01049483 -0.00664015] [ 0.00080995 -0.00331548 0.00080995] [-0.00664017 0.01049483 0.00795177]] Final stress: [ 2.66191489e-05 -4.85175543e-04 2.66191491e-05 -2.21665208e-12 1.68509882e-12 -2.35690891e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00426804 0.03178852 0.03178852] [-0.00877172 0.01406723 -0.01406723] [-0.00877172 -0.01406723 0.01406723] ... [-0.0220061 -0.02626206 -0.02945744] [-0.0220061 -0.02945744 -0.02626206] [ 0.07766315 -0.00188803 -0.00188803]] Final stress: [ 1.67026584e-04 6.90973510e-04 6.90973510e-04 -2.12372208e-04 -1.25408360e-14 2.32837625e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00899726 -0.0137056 -0.0137056 ] [-0.00393078 -0.03199279 0.03199279] [-0.00393078 0.03199279 -0.03199279] ... [ 0.05406318 0.00953824 -0.01753818] [ 0.05406318 -0.01753818 0.00953824] [-0.00118557 0.01276999 0.01276999]] Final stress: [ 1.67247218e-04 6.89870621e-04 6.89870621e-04 2.12444746e-04 -1.70805532e-13 2.12264691e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02469509 -0.01136778 -0.01136778] [ 0.04597271 0.0641345 -0.0641345 ] [ 0.04597271 -0.0641345 0.0641345 ] ... [-0.01336387 0.01281582 0.02689825] [-0.01336387 0.02689825 0.01281582] [-0.02866862 -0.02391862 -0.02391862]] Final stress: [ 5.73955234e-04 -5.16478104e-05 -5.16478104e-05 -8.89052028e-05 -3.53522546e-14 -2.76012077e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04597331 -0.06407203 -0.06407203] [ 0.02500667 0.01165095 -0.01165095] [ 0.02500667 -0.01165095 0.01165095] ... [ 0.00480516 0.02160789 0.01922403] [ 0.00480516 0.01922403 0.02160789] [-0.05038121 0.00913683 0.00913683]] Final stress: [ 5.76003473e-04 -5.08296768e-05 -5.08296769e-05 8.91694041e-05 -1.67718383e-14 5.40085831e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01970029 -0.00302755 0.02103308] [ 0.01314231 -0.01312251 -0.01029794] [-0.01970029 -0.00302755 -0.02103308] ... [ 0.00063752 -0.03767054 -0.02116244] [-0.00481179 0.00271327 -0.02101623] [ 0.03950214 -0.02123748 -0.00896915]] Final stress: [ 1.01891168e-04 7.53513033e-04 6.88131914e-04 -1.33231881e-14 -1.14742881e-04 -6.34461958e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01314555 0.01311936 -0.0103014 ] [-0.01969351 0.0030349 0.02102602] [ 0.01314555 0.01311936 0.0103014 ] ... [ 0.02533759 0.02739642 -0.02512695] [ 0.02547159 -0.05521729 -0.00155207] [ 0.04001864 0.04453871 0.02557612]] Final stress: [ 1.01898010e-04 7.53537919e-04 6.88153477e-04 -7.01908079e-14 1.14747171e-04 -3.42690903e-14] Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 148 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01967626 0.02100808 -0.0030536 ] [-0.01967626 -0.02100808 -0.0030536 ] [ 0.0131538 -0.0103102 -0.01311134] ... [-0.0048147 -0.02102027 0.00271988] [ 0.00063608 -0.02116397 -0.03767644] [ 0.03950773 -0.00897213 -0.02124221]] Final stress: [ 1.01915422e-04 6.88208353e-04 7.53601251e-04 -9.63571871e-15 6.08114743e-14 -1.14758089e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0131317 -0.01028661 0.01313283] [ 0.0131317 0.01028661 0.01313282] [-0.01972249 0.02105616 0.00300349] ... [ 0.02546738 -0.00155263 -0.05520427] [ 0.02533386 -0.02512468 0.02739061] [ 0.04001178 0.02557207 0.04453093]] Final stress: [ 1.01868769e-04 6.88061310e-04 7.53431550e-04 -6.86937771e-14 -4.90005914e-14 1.14728831e-04] Minimization converged after 148 steps. Minimization converged after 152 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01308467 -0.03908711 0.01308467] [-0.01308468 0.0390871 0.01308468] [-0.0130847 -0.03908709 -0.01308469] ... [ 0.00255818 -0.00166038 -0.00265475] [-0.02652351 0.00973121 -0.02652351] [-0.00265475 -0.00166038 0.00255818]] Final stress: [ 7.03970550e-04 4.85806404e-04 7.03970550e-04 -1.73358957e-13 6.29750243e-13 8.23679922e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03935297 0.06770746 -0.03935297] [ 0.03935278 -0.06770763 -0.03935278] [ 0.0393528 0.06770762 0.0393528 ] ... [ 0.00264336 0.00677362 -0.00043985] [ 0.02704421 -0.02887805 0.02704421] [-0.00043986 0.00677362 0.00264336]] Final stress: [-2.86164916e-04 4.99972937e-04 -2.86164916e-04 -1.29667237e-12 1.49663492e-12 -4.59984253e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01662852 -0.01269559 -0.01269559] [-0.01662859 0.01269553 -0.01269553] [-0.01662858 -0.01269554 0.01269554] ... [-0.00890559 0.00011949 0.005352 ] [-0.00890559 0.005352 0.00011949] [-0.00386273 -0.00180825 -0.00180825]] Final stress: [ 6.87913329e-04 3.53953349e-04 3.53953349e-04 1.95772158e-13 -1.35456106e-12 7.83278619e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.85559608e-03 2.34097923e-03 1.17023067e-02] [-6.85559889e-03 -2.34098215e-03 1.17023097e-02] [-6.85559341e-03 2.34097666e-03 -1.17023041e-02] ... [ 3.04569878e-03 -1.86334803e-03 -3.42653007e-03] [-2.48558342e-03 3.49790865e-03 -5.24029269e-05] [ 1.53356091e-03 -3.25972720e-03 4.08290539e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.78124145e-06 5.67186162e-05 -4.08585433e-05 -8.06464147e-14 -6.06203336e-15 3.02317703e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.84017972e-03 1.17133022e-02 2.29853607e-03] [-6.84018021e-03 -1.17133028e-02 2.29853676e-03] [-6.84017876e-03 1.17133014e-02 -2.29853526e-03] ... [-2.46353652e-03 -5.38895951e-05 3.42097162e-03] [ 3.02381708e-03 -3.34833397e-03 -1.86225148e-03] [ 1.53658539e-03 4.05936123e-03 -3.23677732e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.77251812e-06 -4.12477430e-05 5.70859747e-05 9.30549407e-14 1.84039556e-13 9.75257190e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03426236 0.01187602 0.01187602] [ 0.03426233 -0.01187606 0.01187606] [ 0.03426233 0.01187606 -0.01187606] ... [ 0.01060644 0.00724951 -0.00626035] [ 0.01060644 -0.00626037 0.00724952] [-0.00273837 0.00074676 0.00074676]] Final stress: [-4.87386453e-04 2.32188820e-05 2.32188822e-05 -1.70772811e-12 1.48955247e-12 -4.48703122e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00306629 0.01966455 0.02099591] [-0.0131059 0.01315939 -0.01031617] [-0.0131059 -0.01315939 0.01031617] ... [-0.03767932 0.00063538 -0.02116472] [-0.02124452 0.03951046 -0.00897358] [ 0.0027231 -0.00481612 -0.02102224]] Final stress: [ 7.53644218e-04 1.01927236e-04 6.88245582e-04 -1.14765496e-04 1.45895734e-14 -3.58990473e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01310275 -0.01316263 -0.01031963] [ 0.00307363 -0.01965778 0.02098887] [ 0.00307363 0.01965778 -0.02098887] ... [ 0.02740358 0.02534219 -0.02512975] [ 0.0445483 0.0400271 0.02558112] [-0.05523334 0.02547678 -0.00155138]] Final stress: [ 7.53669100e-04 1.01934077e-04 6.88267142e-04 1.14769785e-04 1.33835905e-15 -1.31500100e-13] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03203349 0.00385665 0.03203349] [ 0.01361301 -0.00905597 -0.01361301] [-0.03203349 0.00385665 -0.03203349] ... [-0.02604116 -0.02156842 -0.03000677] [-0.00210179 0.07853398 -0.00210179] [-0.03000677 -0.02156842 -0.02604116]] Final stress: [ 6.89643033e-04 1.67363383e-04 6.89643033e-04 -5.15127201e-14 -2.12441017e-04 -2.75826134e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01366034 0.00902228 -0.01366034] [-0.03205856 -0.00386194 0.03205856] [ 0.01366034 0.00902228 0.01366034] ... [ 0.00955836 0.0539675 -0.0175288 ] [ 0.01276983 -0.00126048 0.01276983] [-0.0175288 0.0539675 0.00955836]] Final stress: [ 6.89565559e-04 1.67096305e-04 6.89565559e-04 4.43744395e-14 2.12506388e-04 -5.22949360e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01145035 -0.02476737 -0.01145035] [ 0.0642475 0.04607565 -0.0642475 ] [ 0.01145035 -0.02476737 0.01145035] ... [ 0.01280427 -0.01334513 0.026882 ] [-0.02388444 -0.02866777 -0.02388444] [ 0.026882 -0.01334513 0.01280427]] Final stress: [-5.19198016e-05 5.73126161e-04 -5.19198015e-05 -6.93704586e-14 -8.88093075e-05 -1.87326764e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06396458 -0.04592117 -0.06396458] [ 0.01184032 0.0252246 -0.01184032] [ 0.06396458 -0.04592117 0.06396458] ... [ 0.02166488 0.00491522 0.01913861] [ 0.00902908 -0.05038425 0.00902908] [ 0.01913861 0.00491522 0.02166488]] Final stress: [-5.00126553e-05 5.78134841e-04 -5.00126553e-05 1.82991624e-14 8.94391757e-05 4.22334377e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02105167 0.01971817 -0.00300817] [-0.02105167 -0.01971817 -0.00300817] [ 0.01028881 -0.01313377 -0.01313082] ... [-0.02101323 -0.00480962 0.00270835] [-0.00896694 0.03949798 -0.02123395] [-0.02116131 0.00063859 -0.03766615]] Final stress: [ 6.88075033e-04 1.01873123e-04 7.53447388e-04 -1.80366091e-13 5.10983891e-14 -1.14731562e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01030957 -0.01315321 0.01311191] [ 0.01030957 0.01315321 0.01311191] [-0.02100936 0.01967749 0.00305227] ... [-0.00155176 0.02547392 -0.05522448] [ 0.02557836 0.04002243 0.04454301] [-0.02512821 0.02533966 0.02739963]] Final stress: [6.88204445e-04 1.01914181e-04 7.53596741e-04 4.38856301e-14 9.05038068e-14 1.14757312e-04] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01253166 0.01253166 -0.03951684] [-0.01253154 -0.01253154 -0.03951696] [-0.01253156 0.01253156 0.03951694] ... [-0.02666086 -0.02666086 0.01049118] [ 0.00229031 -0.00231195 -0.0016448 ] [-0.00231196 0.00229031 -0.00164479]] Final stress: [ 7.00808996e-04 7.00808996e-04 4.88431939e-04 -2.01133943e-13 -1.51961890e-12 -1.72321673e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0392111 -0.0392111 0.0678329 ] [ 0.03921113 0.03921112 0.06783288] [ 0.03921114 -0.03921114 -0.06783286] ... [ 0.02707088 0.02707088 -0.02861922] [ 0.00252643 -0.00051364 0.00678686] [-0.00051365 0.00252643 0.00678687]] Final stress: [-2.86383790e-04 -2.86383791e-04 4.97774560e-04 -6.46698864e-13 3.00699673e-13 7.00473429e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00308698 0.02097606 0.01964547] [-0.01309703 0.01032592 -0.01316851] [-0.01309703 -0.01032591 0.01316851] ... [-0.02124828 -0.00897595 0.0395149 ] [-0.03768401 -0.02116593 0.00063424] [ 0.00272835 -0.02102544 -0.00481844]] Final stress: [ 7.53714298e-04 6.88306305e-04 1.01946506e-04 -1.14777576e-04 5.17349030e-17 -1.16731276e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01310046 -0.01032215 -0.01316498] [ 0.00307897 -0.02098374 0.01965285] [ 0.00307897 0.02098374 -0.01965285] ... [ 0.04454962 0.02558181 0.04002827] [ 0.02740457 -0.02513014 0.02534283] [-0.05523555 -0.00155128 0.0254775 ]] Final stress: [7.53687179e-04 6.88282807e-04 1.01939049e-04 1.14772901e-04 2.08310276e-15 7.18385141e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02104462 -0.00301552 0.01971139] [ 0.01029227 -0.01312767 -0.01313701] [-0.02104462 -0.00301552 -0.01971139] ... [-0.00896778 -0.02123529 0.03949956] [-0.02101437 0.00271021 -0.00481044] [-0.02116174 -0.03766782 0.00063818]] Final stress: [ 6.88096616e-04 7.53472297e-04 1.01879970e-04 -6.77777628e-14 -1.14735857e-04 4.51253793e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01031869 0.01310361 -0.01316174] [-0.02099079 0.00307163 0.01965963] [ 0.01031869 0.01310361 0.01316174] ... [ 0.02558086 0.0445478 0.04002666] [-0.00155142 -0.05523251 0.02547652] [-0.02512961 0.02740321 0.02534196]] Final stress: [ 6.88261260e-04 7.53662312e-04 1.01932211e-04 -4.91261389e-14 1.14768615e-04 -5.64356992e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03203783 0.03203783 0.00390052] [-0.03203783 -0.03203783 0.00390052] [ 0.01349774 -0.01349774 -0.00914058] ... [-0.00208808 -0.00208808 0.07844193] [-0.02602607 -0.02997955 -0.02160523] [-0.02997955 -0.02602607 -0.02160523]] Final stress: [ 6.89605497e-04 6.89605497e-04 1.67775427e-04 -1.95402839e-14 -1.10371626e-13 -2.12248363e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01380863 -0.01380863 0.00893398] [ 0.01380863 0.01380863 0.00893398] [-0.03205813 0.03205813 -0.00407966] ... [ 0.01275953 0.01275953 -0.0010791 ] [ 0.0095553 -0.01749495 0.05405049] [-0.01749495 0.0095553 0.05405049]] Final stress: [ 6.89737476e-04 6.89737476e-04 1.66705066e-04 1.05060439e-13 -3.01340912e-14 2.12428981e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00993982 -0.00993982 -0.02301795] [ 0.00993982 0.00993982 -0.02301795] [ 0.06530478 -0.06530478 0.04659799] ... [-0.02455607 -0.02455607 -0.02809387] [ 0.01277769 0.02621522 -0.01295651] [ 0.02621522 0.01277769 -0.01295651]] Final stress: [-5.84965622e-05 -5.84965622e-05 5.56295548e-04 4.90954131e-14 -4.62704043e-14 -8.67155151e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0641271 -0.0641271 -0.04600085] [ 0.06412709 0.06412709 -0.04600084] [ 0.01156079 -0.01156079 0.02490245] ... [ 0.00918859 0.00918859 -0.05037847] [ 0.02157975 0.0192656 0.00475142] [ 0.0192656 0.02157975 0.00475142]] Final stress: [-5.12293419e-05 -5.12293419e-05 5.74961293e-04 -7.12463783e-14 -5.02512791e-14 8.90378769e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08160103 0.10927978 0.10927978] [ 0.09528687 0.12363179 -0.12363179] [ 0.09528687 -0.12363179 0.12363179] ... [ 0.05024954 -0.00694909 -0.01564088] [ 0.05024954 -0.01564088 -0.00694909] [ 0.01188479 -0.03567587 -0.03567587]] Final stress: [ 4.07824623e-04 3.24440526e-04 3.24440526e-04 -1.83131345e-04 -3.89147177e-14 -5.53146869e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09528687 -0.12363179 -0.12363179] [-0.08160103 -0.10927978 0.10927978] [-0.08160103 0.10927978 -0.10927978] ... [-0.03334792 0.02125835 0.02533049] [-0.03334792 0.02533049 0.02125835] [-0.01170832 0.03993706 0.03993706]] Final stress: [ 4.07824622e-04 3.24440526e-04 3.24440526e-04 1.83131345e-04 -3.47993497e-14 -8.61696214e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00123702 0.00123702 0.00136821] [ 0.00441908 0.00441908 -0.00440823] [ 0.00045812 -0.00057944 0.00060391] ... [-0.00678728 -0.00678728 0.00298499] [ 0.00144933 0.00390894 -0.00353422] [ 0.00390894 0.00144933 -0.00353422]] Final stress: [7.69327729e-06 7.69327727e-06 7.15010064e-06 5.77731804e-05 5.77731804e-05 1.01710515e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.75829549e-04 -4.61333518e-04 -6.03695109e-04] [ 4.61333725e-04 5.75829752e-04 -6.03695307e-04] [ 4.41367988e-03 -4.41367989e-03 4.39941706e-03] ... [ 5.03567130e-03 -4.70856552e-03 -3.68440604e-05] [-3.13130253e-03 -7.77847005e-04 -8.08733234e-03] [ 9.34453327e-04 3.31995739e-03 8.10729995e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.69092829e-06 7.69092830e-06 7.14773641e-06 5.78403319e-05 -5.78403319e-05 -1.01645408e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.56513992e-04 -5.81244442e-04 -6.04013874e-04] [ 5.81245303e-04 4.56514891e-04 -6.04014746e-04] [-1.23859630e-03 1.23859630e-03 -1.37149367e-03] ... [-4.72684823e-03 5.05501082e-03 -3.65327911e-05] [ 3.30742582e-03 9.57328020e-04 8.11387592e-03] [-8.00900953e-04 -3.11888377e-03 -8.09342421e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.69443191e-06 7.69443191e-06 7.15126347e-06 -5.77392260e-05 5.77392260e-05 -1.01742244e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00439976 -0.00439976 -0.004428 ] [-0.00121532 -0.00121532 0.00138555] [ 0.00061878 -0.00041933 0.00060398] ... [ 0.00673433 0.00673433 -0.00256346] [-0.00118979 -0.00339903 0.00350827] [-0.00339903 -0.00118979 0.00350827]] Final stress: [ 7.68424517e-06 7.68424517e-06 7.14192917e-06 -5.81781648e-05 -5.81781648e-05 1.01418729e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00123807 0.00137142 0.00123807] [ 0.00045609 0.00060403 -0.00058171] [ 0.00442117 -0.00441248 0.00442117] ... [ 0.00145346 -0.0035351 0.00391365] [-0.00678427 0.00298045 -0.00678427] [ 0.00391365 -0.0035351 0.00145346]] Final stress: [7.69412111e-06 7.15097975e-06 7.69412113e-06 5.77450938e-05 1.01726037e-06 5.77450938e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-6.00423843e-04 -6.03928566e-04 -4.37331435e-04] [ 4.39523508e-03 4.40538234e-03 -4.39523506e-03] [ 4.37331643e-04 -6.03928763e-04 6.00424073e-04] ... [-3.14176747e-03 -8.09618582e-03 -7.99049402e-04] [ 5.03502453e-03 -3.63062667e-05 -4.70664217e-03] [ 9.56085679e-04 8.11712932e-03 3.33075164e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.69726946e-06 7.15386735e-06 7.69726945e-06 5.77873092e-05 -1.01948738e-06 -5.77873092e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.56493997e-04 -6.04014236e-04 -5.81264851e-04] [-1.23896714e-03 -1.37188496e-03 1.23896715e-03] [ 5.81264046e-04 -6.04013452e-04 4.56493209e-04] ... [ 3.30739184e-03 8.11376257e-03 9.57212615e-04] [-4.72676800e-03 -3.65325481e-05 5.05493098e-03] [-8.00785208e-04 -8.09330973e-03 -3.11885001e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.69443552e-06 7.15127040e-06 7.69443549e-06 -5.77398534e-05 -1.01742692e-06 5.77398534e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00434876 -0.00436894 -0.00434876] [ 0.00060962 0.00060306 -0.00042669] [-0.0011763 0.0013381 -0.0011763 ] ... [-0.00119743 0.0035042 -0.00334318] [ 0.00675716 -0.0025781 0.00675716] [-0.00334318 0.0035042 -0.00119743]] Final stress: [ 7.69199177e-06 7.14832059e-06 7.69199178e-06 -5.80867049e-05 1.01950231e-06 -5.80867049e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10927978 0.08160103 0.10927978] [ 0.12363179 0.09528687 -0.12363179] [-0.10927978 0.08160103 -0.10927978] ... [-0.00694909 0.05024954 -0.01564088] [-0.03567587 0.01188479 -0.03567587] [-0.01564088 0.05024954 -0.00694909]] Final stress: [ 3.24440525e-04 4.07824622e-04 3.24440526e-04 3.71146260e-14 -1.83131345e-04 -9.00564020e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12363179 -0.09528687 -0.12363179] [-0.10927978 -0.08160103 0.10927978] [ 0.12363179 -0.09528687 0.12363179] ... [ 0.02125835 -0.03334792 0.02533049] [ 0.03993706 -0.01170832 0.03993706] [ 0.02533049 -0.03334792 0.02125835]] Final stress: [ 3.24440526e-04 4.07824622e-04 3.24440526e-04 -1.28546700e-13 1.83131345e-04 -6.63639681e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00138886 0.00124672 0.00124672] [ 0.00060417 0.00044757 -0.00059063] [ 0.00060417 -0.00059063 0.00044757] ... [-0.00352531 0.00142121 0.00393582] [-0.00352531 0.00393582 0.00142121] [ 0.00298726 -0.0067851 -0.0067851 ]] Final stress: [7.14269616e-06 7.68500417e-06 7.68500416e-06 1.01318690e-06 5.79835137e-05 5.79835137e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-6.03844653e-04 -5.78362827e-04 -4.59079177e-04] [ 4.40560909e-03 4.41747568e-03 -4.41747567e-03] [-1.36610560e-03 1.23592745e-03 -1.23592745e-03] ... [-8.09016652e-03 -3.12548491e-03 -7.88574232e-04] [ 8.11036124e-03 9.45097656e-04 3.31408782e-03] [-3.66980504e-05 5.04471111e-03 -4.71711017e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.14940281e-06 7.69258484e-06 7.69258483e-06 -1.01691331e-06 5.77930988e-05 -5.77930988e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-6.03620882e-04 -4.62470739e-04 -5.74554363e-04] [-1.35843891e-03 -1.23185590e-03 1.23185590e-03] [ 4.39609586e-03 -4.41156591e-03 4.41156589e-03] ... [ 8.10581219e-03 3.32291478e-03 9.29193384e-04] [-8.08595919e-03 -7.72546060e-04 -3.13423420e-03] [-3.69176118e-05 -4.70431449e-03 5.03117143e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.14688813e-06 7.69008534e-06 7.69008534e-06 -1.01621832e-06 -5.78637587e-05 5.78637587e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00441156 -0.00442074 -0.00442074] [ 0.00060402 0.00058121 -0.00045656] [ 0.00060402 -0.00045656 0.00058121] ... [ 0.00354205 -0.00125064 -0.00337782] [ 0.00354205 -0.00337782 -0.00125064] [-0.00255335 0.00671601 0.00671601]] Final stress: [ 7.15124943e-06 7.69442463e-06 7.69442464e-06 1.01741348e-06 -5.77379723e-05 -5.77379723e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10927978 0.10927978 0.08160103] [-0.10927978 -0.10927978 0.08160103] [ 0.12363179 -0.12363179 0.09528687] ... [-0.03567587 -0.03567587 0.01188479] [-0.00694909 -0.01564088 0.05024954] [-0.01564088 -0.00694909 0.05024954]] Final stress: [ 3.24440525e-04 3.24440525e-04 4.07824622e-04 4.32238797e-16 -5.58195844e-14 -1.83131345e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12363179 -0.12363179 -0.09528687] [ 0.12363179 0.12363179 -0.09528687] [-0.10927978 0.10927978 -0.08160103] ... [ 0.03993706 0.03993706 -0.01170832] [ 0.02125835 0.02533049 -0.03334792] [ 0.02533049 0.02125835 -0.03334792]] Final stress: [ 3.24440526e-04 3.24440526e-04 4.07824622e-04 -6.47991707e-14 -7.85515459e-14 1.83131345e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03234586 0.01201135 0.01201135] [ 0.03234574 -0.01201147 0.01201147] [ 0.03234575 0.01201146 -0.01201145] ... [-0.00085143 0.00211257 -0.00417893] [-0.00085143 -0.00417893 0.00211257] [ 0.01524474 -0.02211997 -0.02211997]] Final stress: [ 2.42565832e-04 4.99741115e-04 4.99741115e-04 -2.36365639e-13 -9.74336441e-13 -9.99329742e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02604989 -0.02656229 -0.02656229] [-0.02604989 0.02656229 -0.02656229] [-0.02604988 -0.02656229 0.02656229] ... [ 0.01005738 -0.00495705 -0.00674717] [ 0.01005738 -0.00674717 -0.00495705] [-0.00793603 0.01869449 0.01869449]] Final stress: [ 5.66054648e-05 -2.73495151e-04 -2.73495151e-04 -2.19046809e-13 -1.65406598e-13 -1.24606736e-14] Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01598329 -0.04967846 -0.05765323] [-0.08446311 0.11487647 0.05423796] [-0.04650524 0.09719964 -0.05418515] ... [ 0.08558572 0.10807502 -0.05131987] [ 0.09121593 -0.11712279 0.04478635] [-0.07029875 0.0639041 -0.00255222]] Final stress: [ 4.21071491e-02 4.25891231e-02 4.23585531e-02 -1.64627012e-05 -5.47283192e-05 9.06841609e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02088635 -0.01599143 -0.00675287] [ 0.01605475 0.01726351 -0.00798012] [ 0.04268342 -0.05453364 0.03155533] ... [ 0.00401894 -0.00563914 0.01890466] [ 0.01143653 0.01358482 -0.00579634] [-0.00333098 0.0045628 -0.00960193]] Final stress: [ 4.20418674e-02 4.20771275e-02 4.20803114e-02 2.80355911e-05 1.20893756e-06 -9.36956399e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01560383 0.01560383 -0.01455968] [-0.0156037 -0.01560371 -0.01455981] [-0.01560367 0.01560368 0.01455984] ... [-0.00490159 -0.00490159 0.00030975] [ 0.01572759 -0.00090933 0.00468886] [-0.00090933 0.01572759 0.00468886]] Final stress: [-4.78036885e-05 -4.78036886e-05 -3.28287376e-04 -9.67500249e-14 -1.68658644e-12 -2.48401527e-14] Minimization converged after 47 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 85 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00528875 0.00290049 -0.00713035] [-0.00255179 0.00215618 -0.00192694] [-0.0042438 0.01868118 -0.00899784] ... [ 0.00720336 -0.00408891 -0.01074299] [-0.00043615 0.00178463 -0.00081064] [ 0.00670206 -0.00628705 0.00486442]] Final stress: [ 4.19754306e-02 4.20317394e-02 4.19453757e-02 3.26795461e-07 -1.58666879e-06 2.64481151e-05] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00092034 -0.0011869 0.00174206] [ 0.00157829 0.00014375 -0.00039939] [ 0.00343343 -0.00281111 -0.00080739] ... [ 0.00056899 -0.00034774 0.00311484] [-0.00094328 0.00209896 0.0015098 ] [-0.00216526 0.00141299 0.00146259]] Final stress: [ 0.04428524 0.04554699 0.04629018 -0.00034249 -0.00018715 0.00019917] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01569707 -0.01461442 0.01569707] [-0.01569704 0.01461445 0.01569704] [-0.01569706 -0.01461443 -0.01569706] ... [ 0.01575197 0.0047333 -0.00098011] [-0.00482662 0.00013616 -0.00482662] [-0.00098012 0.0047333 0.01575198]] Final stress: [-4.68824885e-05 -3.28515016e-04 -4.68824884e-05 1.62348247e-12 1.62696764e-14 1.45945100e-12] Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04763456 -0.09177594 -0.03518434] [ 0.00827982 -0.06330183 0.00666514] [ 0.04763456 -0.09177594 0.03518434] ... [ 0.01926094 -0.08079352 -0.01315174] [ 0.00707301 -0.03870426 -0.00377317] [ 0.02125902 -0.07104449 0.00048488]] Final stress: [ 1.70860637e-04 1.06558465e-03 9.53410483e-04 2.83839039e-14 -2.58770248e-05 7.33932402e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00894012 0.06299792 0.00625472] [ 0.04811374 0.09211622 -0.0354149 ] [ 0.00894011 0.06299793 -0.00625473] ... [ 0.02203679 0.0953253 -0.02851438] [ 0.02927975 -0.01788232 -0.00298747] [ 0.01438205 0.10887805 0.02172138]] Final stress: [ 1.70330987e-04 1.06201499e-03 9.50188422e-04 -1.01922426e-13 2.52680979e-05 2.70361860e-13] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04759207 -0.03520694 -0.09177211] [ 0.04759207 0.03520693 -0.0917721 ] [ 0.00810407 0.00677348 -0.06338636] ... [ 0.00712108 -0.00356781 -0.03876501] [ 0.01907666 -0.01310907 -0.08054495] [ 0.02128588 0.0003194 -0.07089562]] Final stress: [ 1.69056682e-04 9.54166245e-04 1.06642647e-03 -6.48868227e-14 2.82167033e-14 -2.72316933e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01001455 0.00425402 0.06033632] [ 0.01001454 -0.00425403 0.06033633] [ 0.04831832 -0.03653099 0.09256777] ... [ 0.02987058 -0.00309543 -0.01932898] [ 0.0220825 -0.02879454 0.09415515] [ 0.01561533 0.02211185 0.10851959]] Final stress: [1.74471714e-04 9.58083348e-04 1.07173921e-03 2.79021931e-13 1.82566343e-13 2.73578163e-05] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01045183 -0.03312221 0.01045183] [-0.01045181 0.03312223 0.01045182] [-0.0104518 -0.03312224 -0.0104518 ] ... [ 0.00165002 -0.00102436 -0.00410087] [-0.02220045 0.01588787 -0.02220045] [-0.00410087 -0.00102436 0.00165002]] Final stress: [ 5.04244283e-04 2.43547522e-04 5.04244283e-04 -8.98915545e-13 4.47751619e-13 -6.95357384e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02630895 0.02750628 -0.02630895] [ 0.02630896 -0.02750627 -0.02630896] [ 0.02630898 0.02750624 0.02630898] ... [-0.00494287 0.01015589 -0.00622211] [ 0.01863965 -0.00778451 0.01863965] [-0.00622212 0.01015589 -0.00494287]] Final stress: [-2.74539322e-04 6.53661334e-05 -2.74539322e-04 5.36104622e-13 -6.30836904e-13 4.32314477e-13] Minimization converged after 47 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04880295 0.03194922 0.02392893] [-0.0148768 -0.00913749 0.00857716] [-0.01451867 0.02093444 0.00769436] ... [-0.00221236 0.00230269 -0.00206289] [-0.00282978 0.00280384 0.01428402] [-0.00295028 0.0008184 0.0024482 ]] Final stress: [ 4.20182076e-02 4.20269496e-02 4.19494030e-02 3.37743799e-06 -5.34424569e-07 -2.07574036e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00362085 -0.0024789 -0.01033067] [-0.00073792 0.00449222 0.003529 ] [ 0.00792248 -0.00941599 0.01564346] ... [-0.00066008 -0.00205305 0.00019184] [-0.00146207 0.00043931 -0.00119304] [ 0.00176991 -0.00109007 -0.00106038]] Final stress: [ 4.19936289e-02 4.19478088e-02 4.20475840e-02 8.90979405e-06 -1.82829327e-06 2.77497836e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44113011e-02 1.55915385e-02 1.55915394e-02] [ 1.44112734e-02 -1.55915703e-02 1.55915721e-02] [ 1.44111902e-02 1.55916519e-02 -1.55916545e-02] ... [ 4.73914601e-03 1.56682647e-02 -9.17470659e-04] [ 4.73914636e-03 -9.17470598e-04 1.56682654e-02] [ 6.98499641e-05 -4.82419951e-03 -4.82420142e-03]] Final stress: [-3.26886508e-04 -4.84445527e-05 -4.84445526e-05 -1.85269282e-12 6.35146007e-13 -5.47331315e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09170618 -0.04759631 -0.03510508] [-0.06315964 0.00847052 0.00651698] [-0.06315964 -0.00847052 -0.00651698] ... [-0.08105786 0.01948973 -0.013179 ] [-0.07117486 0.02124437 0.00069847] [-0.03866852 0.00699037 -0.0040463 ]] Final stress: [ 1.06476492e-03 1.73089224e-04 9.52671123e-04 -2.42361155e-05 8.23436168e-15 9.43692785e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06132612 -0.00958885 0.00500479] [ 0.09247345 0.04830473 -0.03619773] [ 0.09247345 -0.04830473 0.03619772] ... [ 0.09457534 0.02211186 -0.02867901] [ 0.10860541 0.01521135 0.02203245] [-0.01881783 0.02959682 -0.0030752 ]] Final stress: [ 1.06858487e-03 1.72286516e-04 9.55541746e-04 2.71784036e-05 -1.78389020e-13 7.45108680e-14] Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04008551 -0.0490208 -0.09395274] [ 0.04008551 0.0490208 -0.09395274] [ 0.00057806 -0.01191643 -0.05337129] ... [-0.0067359 0.00440444 -0.03284572] [-0.00198074 0.02800013 -0.06677327] [-0.01233916 0.01631465 -0.078259 ]] Final stress: [ 9.79723456e-04 1.63959575e-04 1.09857432e-03 -5.36615773e-14 -1.71064903e-14 -4.75620974e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00621562 -0.00900278 0.06296972] [-0.00621562 0.00900278 0.06296972] [ 0.03544959 -0.04817211 0.09216186] ... [-0.00298769 0.02926453 -0.0179478 ] [ 0.02174719 0.01440538 0.10887566] [-0.02850455 0.02206934 0.09534064]] Final stress: [ 9.49881482e-04 1.70001378e-04 1.06167574e-03 1.23959529e-13 -5.15620353e-13 2.53884084e-05] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01152841 0.01152841 -0.03271589] [-0.01152836 -0.01152836 -0.03271595] [-0.01152845 0.01152845 0.03271585] ... [-0.02221189 -0.02221189 0.01582843] [ 0.00180286 -0.00428672 -0.00087034] [-0.00428673 0.00180287 -0.00087034]] Final stress: [ 5.02451026e-04 5.02451026e-04 2.44223821e-04 -2.00957795e-13 7.81556291e-13 -5.60215329e-13] Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-9.29023760e-02 -3.70138813e-02 -4.85961826e-02] [-5.98685057e-02 -3.92869842e-03 -1.01310025e-02] [-5.98685024e-02 3.92869486e-03 1.01310062e-02] ... [-7.02118960e-02 -2.62061994e-05 2.33589944e-02] [-8.07087308e-02 -1.30568657e-02 1.86789674e-02] [-3.64985270e-02 -5.12881040e-03 6.16278862e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.07448232e-03 9.60343653e-04 1.72632013e-04 -2.99025735e-05 -1.18039842e-13 1.37819992e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0584999 0.00303557 -0.01029708] [ 0.09321152 0.03780982 -0.04868416] [ 0.09321153 -0.03780983 0.04868417] ... [ 0.10738393 0.02311362 0.01704743] [ 0.09291969 -0.02874215 0.02259949] [-0.02027998 -0.00339174 0.02952391]] Final stress: [ 1.08182760e-03 9.66400336e-04 1.67991214e-04 3.60817946e-05 -4.34742459e-13 1.84521774e-13] Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03518844 -0.09178246 -0.04765129] [-0.00667578 -0.06331457 -0.0082833 ] [ 0.03518843 -0.09178245 0.04765129] ... [ 0.0005501 -0.07109141 0.02125738] [-0.0038447 -0.03870769 0.00705555] [-0.01316399 -0.08087785 0.01933277]] Final stress: [ 9.53412149e-04 1.06558710e-03 1.71637110e-04 -1.90058774e-13 -2.54472989e-05 -1.60209246e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00351795 0.05924586 -0.01023134] [ 0.03738809 0.09306049 -0.04866501] [-0.00351795 0.05924586 0.01023134] ... [ 0.02261533 0.10803915 0.01642779] [-0.003258 -0.0200633 0.02980411] [-0.02885483 0.09350873 0.02233126]] Final stress: [9.63325884e-04 1.07807748e-03 1.72611597e-04 3.35264783e-13 3.15809800e-05 6.79717729e-14] Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00119101 0.00146907 0.00146907] [ 0.00280179 0.00309713 -0.00309713] [ 0.00280179 -0.00309713 0.00309713] ... [-0.00034593 -0.00738432 0.00140019] [-0.00034593 0.00140019 -0.00738432] [ 0.0032535 0.00336937 0.00336937]] Final stress: [ 6.34732016e-06 5.55239406e-06 5.55239410e-06 7.16029981e-05 -3.19221077e-15 7.81289651e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00284927 -0.00306995 -0.00306995] [-0.00123918 -0.0014424 0.0014424 ] [-0.00123918 0.0014424 -0.0014424 ] ... [ 0.00050227 0.00734587 -0.00123763] [ 0.00050227 -0.00123763 0.00734587] [-0.00280857 -0.00329447 -0.00329447]] Final stress: [ 6.34756539e-06 5.55448447e-06 5.55448447e-06 -7.13456221e-05 1.67393248e-15 3.23503507e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 161 steps. Final forces: [[-2.32308619e-04 1.51816004e-04 5.69244188e-04] [-2.67242184e-04 -2.57378089e-04 6.56819873e-04] [ 8.93172549e-04 2.44012784e-04 -2.86973832e-04] ... [-3.14931475e-04 -3.39296111e-04 7.50799571e-04] [-2.44948735e-04 1.03804896e-04 7.13848651e-04] [ 1.33576863e-04 -5.86130140e-05 7.19067896e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04536563 0.04535137 0.04623567 -0.00035381 -0.00035347 0.00245888] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 159 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10084951e-03 -9.67209440e-04 -1.96508379e-04] [ 2.96462208e-03 1.32766439e-03 1.35154408e-03] [ 5.83041622e-04 -8.71234591e-04 -5.39005654e-04] ... [-1.71862973e-03 -1.17987571e-05 8.30328293e-04] [-7.46621368e-04 -1.81911056e-03 9.07383609e-04] [ 9.61826668e-04 1.54032954e-03 -2.11269550e-03]] Final stress: [ 0.04537765 0.04537237 0.04623992 -0.00035738 0.00035757 -0.00244402] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01043839 0.02063193 -0.02427186] [-0.00516593 0.01923729 -0.01253065] [ 0.00359636 -0.02023211 0.0085409 ] ... [-0.0210195 -0.02592067 0.01024844] [-0.00610522 -0.01596055 -0.01191045] [ 0.00514352 0.00848655 0.01892327]] Final stress: [ 4.56605611e-02 4.63036903e-02 4.64263949e-02 1.88449007e-04 -4.40146923e-05 -1.54430739e-03] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00605217 0.03561147 0.01867288] [-0.0294074 -0.03540651 -0.02933925] [ 0.00093048 0.01808407 0.00165166] ... [ 0.00711167 -0.02372626 0.02880029] [ 0.01462211 0.00028617 0.00490413] [-0.00956715 0.00707263 -0.00091603]] Final stress: [ 0.04472437 0.04485073 0.0456498 -0.00044125 -0.00040933 -0.00023958] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 156 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.50860268e-04 -3.01350926e-03 3.14837295e-04] [ 3.06438921e-03 5.84711969e-04 -1.93430958e-04] [-1.07728948e-04 2.36396127e-03 -1.05634885e-04] ... [-1.62297212e-04 6.97781309e-04 4.76833392e-04] [-7.64749502e-05 1.04142950e-03 -4.77244370e-05] [ 9.10161502e-04 7.48135178e-04 -2.28101577e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04536143 0.04623204 0.04537106 -0.00036331 0.0024572 -0.00036361] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05700119 0.1082529 0.09198117] [ 0.05151151 0.05852096 -0.02082489] [-0.02622084 0.03434833 -0.016364 ] ... [ 0.01370381 0.00136397 -0.03224294] [-0.01087289 0.00521782 0.01300234] [ 0.02619689 0.00365328 0.03669428]] Final stress: [ 4.86533946e-02 4.68094796e-02 4.41051019e-02 9.93749753e-05 -8.90285956e-04 3.39666043e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 157 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00314343 -0.00143733 0.00233793] [-0.00338965 -0.0013207 0.00245636] [ 0.00731427 -0.01226561 0.00872398] ... [-0.00168253 -0.00470939 0.00095867] [-0.00210173 -0.00033895 -0.0070588 ] [-0.005055 0.00469589 -0.00410064]] Final stress: [ 0.04536257 0.04621602 0.04544803 0.00035459 -0.00247467 -0.00036022] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 158 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00147462 0.00272779 -0.00153653] [-0.00060162 -0.00572435 -0.00333573] [ 0.00554263 -0.01104193 0.00779837] ... [-0.00097978 0.0079228 0.00138085] [ 0.00502424 0.00091494 0.00441543] [ 0.0025353 0.00765771 0.00016482]] Final stress: [0.04533534 0.04625133 0.04540611 0.00034478 0.00241617 0.00035048] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00141961 0.00125206 0.00141961] [ 0.00304522 0.00286002 -0.00304522] [-0.00141961 0.00125206 -0.00141961] ... [-0.00742085 -0.00027819 0.00141936] [ 0.00333021 0.00318134 0.00333021] [ 0.00141936 -0.00027819 -0.00742085]] Final stress: [5.55756286e-06 6.35044802e-06 5.55756289e-06 1.24792552e-14 7.11650456e-05 1.73192105e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00307454 -0.00280625 -0.00307454] [-0.00144887 -0.001198 0.00144887] [ 0.00307454 -0.00280625 0.00307454] ... [ 0.00733697 0.00054241 -0.00123394] [-0.00332511 -0.00279838 -0.00332511] [-0.00123394 0.00054241 0.00733697]] Final stress: [ 5.55423443e-06 6.34949022e-06 5.55423444e-06 2.20084620e-14 -7.14959884e-05 5.76381977e-15] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00264102 -0.00304854 -0.01873915] [ 0.00861788 0.01911508 -0.01743343] [ 0.00804032 -0.04005413 0.04390443] ... [-0.01617229 -0.00351579 -0.00859388] [-0.0224527 -0.01257091 0.00064537] [-0.0123062 0.02117287 0.01153544]] Final stress: [ 4.64248414e-02 4.60621344e-02 4.55647863e-02 1.60533136e-03 -5.67703410e-05 -5.44723207e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 156 steps. Final forces: [[-6.01822872e-04 7.19815838e-05 3.93066270e-05] [-1.23054407e-04 1.16254236e-04 -9.82613331e-05] [ 2.94689465e-04 -4.69786683e-04 3.09992603e-04] ... [-3.84728995e-04 -7.90646469e-05 -6.34640220e-05] [-4.18805644e-04 4.38053297e-04 2.26136548e-04] [ 3.97864844e-05 3.81164263e-05 -4.75554348e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04623726 0.04536479 0.04535569 -0.00245758 -0.00035426 0.00035417] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00229725 -0.0154437 -0.00720161] [-0.00940999 -0.01212128 0.00346736] [-0.00974652 -0.00304733 0.00601238] ... [-0.00220726 0.00537446 0.02816521] [ 0.00285544 0.01566845 0.00221065] [ 0.01091386 0.00640501 0.00083739]] Final stress: [ 0.04600542 0.04479648 0.04586264 -0.00023196 -0.00015909 0.00031556] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 154 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00068594 0.00078983 0.00086708] [-0.00066896 -0.00096434 0.00050634] [ 0.0014058 -0.00014891 -0.00043042] ... [-0.00016134 -0.00032036 0.0012187 ] [-0.00019997 0.00108742 -0.00037111] [ 0.00069927 -0.00015494 -0.00015502]] Final stress: [0.04623697 0.04535904 0.04535795 0.00246058 0.00035508 0.00035504] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00138751 0.00138751 0.00127294] [-0.00138751 -0.00138751 0.00127294] [ 0.00300934 -0.00300934 0.00287695] ... [ 0.003325 0.003325 0.00311273] [-0.00744006 0.00143602 -0.00026468] [ 0.00143602 -0.00744006 -0.00026468]] Final stress: [ 5.55898407e-06 5.55898411e-06 6.35223201e-06 2.10849928e-14 -8.77150147e-15 7.10292642e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00301969 -0.00301969 -0.00287735] [ 0.00301969 0.00301969 -0.00287735] [-0.00139598 0.00139598 -0.00127148] ... [-0.00327647 -0.00327647 -0.00272707] [ 0.00737951 -0.00125234 0.00045776] [-0.00125234 0.00737951 0.00045776]] Final stress: [ 5.56062770e-06 5.56062770e-06 6.35309567e-06 -4.54568688e-15 -1.08880888e-14 -7.09696056e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02322832 0.00561924 0.00561924] [ 0.0232283 -0.00561927 0.00561926] [ 0.02322829 0.00561927 -0.00561927] ... [-0.00231015 -0.00497512 0.00321123] [-0.00231016 0.00321124 -0.00497512] [-0.00058694 -0.00732709 -0.00732709]] Final stress: [ 1.99082504e-04 2.41052819e-04 2.41052819e-04 -3.48340013e-13 -9.12890565e-14 -2.12197437e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.76574948e-02 -9.13492969e-03 -9.13493004e-03] [-2.76575132e-02 9.13491122e-03 -9.13491103e-03] [-2.76575141e-02 -9.13491184e-03 9.13491150e-03] ... [ 4.70261620e-03 1.79255268e-03 7.74998967e-04] [ 4.70261581e-03 7.74999375e-04 1.79255314e-03] [ 9.23090406e-05 8.58772283e-03 8.58772375e-03]] Final stress: [-2.50291589e-05 -1.82449077e-04 -1.82449077e-04 2.48523523e-13 -2.22726786e-13 -7.37841266e-14] Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00164541 0.00289076 0.00059256] [ 0.00164542 -0.00289076 0.00059255] [ 0.00164541 0.00289077 -0.00059256] ... [-0.00094191 0.00091426 0.0005523 ] [-0.00017282 -0.00033366 0.00094714] [ 0.00092777 -0.00027162 -0.00100749]] Final stress: [ 2.83904072e-05 -1.86651970e-05 4.81534999e-06 -9.50312518e-14 5.95492255e-14 2.79253228e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.38981960e-03 -1.71817911e-03 3.12461125e-04] [-2.38982221e-03 1.71817635e-03 3.12463816e-04] [-2.38981731e-03 -1.71818136e-03 -3.12458705e-04] ... [ 1.22796346e-03 -1.27602164e-03 5.71207036e-04] [-1.87566373e-04 6.28669969e-04 -1.25153924e-03] [ 1.35194564e-05 -2.67299858e-04 1.17245813e-03]] Final stress: [-1.85390427e-05 2.76951538e-05 4.60125283e-06 -1.45642477e-13 -8.10841408e-14 5.70529097e-14] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00328468 0.00129518 0.00609315] [ 0.00328467 -0.00129519 0.00609316] [ 0.00328468 0.00129518 -0.00609315] ... [-0.00021341 0.00152654 -0.00074814] [-0.00135875 0.00105863 0.00134932] [ 0.00181766 -0.00159715 -0.00062986]] Final stress: [ 1.81827155e-05 6.60133378e-06 -3.56821031e-06 -6.62951951e-14 -7.98257509e-14 1.23016391e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.35870013e-03 3.42076934e-04 -1.62837380e-03] [-2.35870600e-03 -3.42082999e-04 -1.62836775e-03] [-2.35870126e-03 3.42078150e-04 1.62837253e-03] ... [-1.89526930e-04 -1.22968625e-03 6.66390527e-04] [ 1.20486011e-03 5.73335102e-04 -1.25279473e-03] [-2.13479259e-05 1.15040933e-03 -2.66828287e-04]] Final stress: [-1.88268790e-05 4.58704831e-06 2.79406951e-05 -7.65386831e-14 -1.17678482e-13 -1.80250290e-14] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01446843 -0.00706954 -0.00706954] [-0.01741665 -0.00735856 0.00735856] [-0.01741665 0.00735856 -0.00735856] ... [-0.03028031 -0.02206289 0.01705932] [-0.03028031 0.01705932 -0.02206289] [-0.0229683 0.00160989 0.00160989]] Final stress: [ 6.96347804e-04 -5.83130010e-05 -5.83130009e-05 -2.32604359e-04 -1.11481564e-14 -3.55904615e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01873852 0.00834156 0.00834156] [ 0.01296709 0.0058176 -0.0058176 ] [ 0.01296709 -0.0058176 0.0058176 ] ... [ 0.03206346 0.02614281 0.00528569] [ 0.03206346 0.00528569 0.02614281] [ 0.00192682 -0.0066712 -0.0066712 ]] Final stress: [ 6.83903646e-04 -6.25350233e-05 -6.25350233e-05 2.31280850e-04 -1.70563299e-14 -2.08082216e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13622834 -0.18281028 -0.13204453] [ 0.02779123 -0.03488516 -0.01730496] [ 0.13622836 -0.1828103 0.13204455] ... [-0.03419673 0.01859547 -0.03700995] [-0.02224448 -0.07702022 0.02766916] [-0.00830036 -0.02220213 -0.07165588]] Final stress: [ 1.03767496e-04 2.26081736e-03 1.99718928e-03 -5.03855279e-13 -6.37018153e-04 -2.99024409e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02821661 0.03435714 -0.01767295] [ 0.13614256 0.18251229 -0.13189145] [ 0.02821662 0.03435712 0.01767296] ... [ 0.06362643 0.09540828 0.00048084] [ 0.03969531 0.00828103 0.04329406] [ 0.05506239 0.05189192 0.06929427]] Final stress: [ 1.00439356e-04 2.25508474e-03 1.99226574e-03 -6.20660222e-13 6.37465020e-04 4.79050051e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.22032228e-04 -1.24978011e-02 -1.50041569e-03] [-5.39540186e-03 -1.36500306e-02 2.83022168e-03] [ 1.22034419e-04 -1.24978032e-02 1.50041783e-03] ... [-3.23932277e-02 -3.35504503e-02 1.17457118e-02] [ 6.79356486e-03 4.74025740e-05 5.29284557e-03] [-6.53327117e-03 -3.53277740e-02 -2.71862227e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.39261452e-04 6.95103512e-06 -4.60845436e-05 3.20078479e-14 -3.23716045e-04 -1.18373875e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00566117 0.01379665 0.00303449] [-0.00012284 0.01226234 -0.00132274] [-0.00566117 0.01379665 -0.0030345 ] ... [ 0.02882285 0.04166279 0.01214889] [-0.01314357 0.01987044 -0.00559029] [-0.00900409 0.0393546 0.02559048]] Final stress: [ 7.35005407e-04 4.68628651e-06 -4.78932767e-05 -3.39957118e-14 3.22831204e-04 -3.04858468e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1367016 -0.13254059 -0.18311406] [ 0.13670159 0.13254059 -0.18311406] [ 0.02887013 -0.01841547 -0.03357208] ... [-0.0222986 0.02739775 -0.07649445] [-0.03436285 -0.03690723 0.01801598] [-0.00814992 -0.07176828 -0.02259298]] Final stress: [ 1.03880994e-04 1.99455241e-03 2.25794741e-03 5.37075255e-13 -1.67526827e-13 -6.36387037e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-2.87480195e-02 -1.85572372e-02 3.33224825e-02] [ 2.87480190e-02 1.85572362e-02 3.33224835e-02] [ 1.37002525e-01 -1.33103892e-01 1.83551699e-01] ... [ 3.99797132e-02 4.30023444e-02 7.60181916e-03] [ 6.36414794e-02 9.49888891e-05 9.57439997e-02] [ 5.51891441e-02 6.95331758e-02 5.28416042e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.08440156e-04 1.99973315e-03 2.26393452e-03 1.56704868e-13 -2.67589132e-13 6.35671253e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-3.51128357e-04 -1.67137439e-03 -1.27225384e-02] [ 3.51130337e-04 1.67137620e-03 -1.27225404e-02] [-5.17373257e-03 2.66090464e-03 -1.35345196e-02] ... [ 6.73032256e-03 5.28329479e-03 2.39585173e-05] [-3.23173621e-02 1.17741311e-02 -3.33329510e-02] [-6.71185334e-03 -2.70791449e-02 -3.51986499e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.43372632e-04 -4.43819626e-05 9.08874673e-06 -1.15581128e-13 -6.98517078e-14 -3.24589803e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00620786 0.00346976 0.01426795] [-0.00620786 -0.00346976 0.01426795] [-0.00038482 -0.00116696 0.01214262] ... [-0.01327584 -0.00579666 0.01970259] [ 0.02906228 0.01216296 0.04189534] [-0.00893065 0.02584558 0.03968274]] Final stress: [ 7.35447672e-04 -4.87768472e-05 3.83965867e-06 5.51072367e-14 -1.63043230e-13 3.23786764e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00619531 -0.02712158 0.00619532] [-0.00619531 0.02712159 0.00619531] [-0.00619529 -0.02712161 -0.00619529] ... [-0.00526155 -0.00291174 0.00292305] [-0.00880707 -0.00176714 -0.00880707] [ 0.00292305 -0.00291174 -0.00526155]] Final stress: [ 2.69505216e-04 2.11372012e-04 2.69505216e-04 1.12041482e-12 -1.81617009e-13 5.19810903e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01382182 0.03340266 -0.01382182] [ 0.01382183 -0.03340265 -0.01382183] [ 0.01382182 0.03340266 0.01382182] ... [ 0.00153738 0.00447496 0.00165012] [ 0.00961311 0.00060355 0.00961311] [ 0.00165012 0.00447496 0.00153738]] Final stress: [-2.01723330e-04 3.36102003e-05 -2.01723330e-04 -1.42514694e-13 8.11522597e-13 -1.56469532e-13] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00042901 -0.001367 0.00226977] [-0.00042901 0.001367 0.00226978] [-0.00042901 -0.001367 -0.00226978] ... [ 0.00108016 -0.00026484 -0.00012848] [-0.00115999 0.00078196 -0.00019603] [ 0.00057971 -0.00117838 0.00113085]] Final stress: [ 4.54815269e-06 2.86881047e-05 -1.96909938e-05 1.87899441e-13 3.85214792e-14 -1.07178001e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.12872295e-04 2.39011522e-03 -1.71765713e-03] [-3.12867408e-04 -2.39011046e-03 -1.71766194e-03] [-3.12875050e-04 2.39011788e-03 1.71765435e-03] ... [-1.25188658e-03 -1.87588101e-04 6.28495774e-04] [ 1.17282834e-03 1.36384326e-05 -2.67248565e-04] [ 5.71175081e-04 1.22829533e-03 -1.27633414e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.60113961e-06 -1.85376802e-05 2.76935143e-05 1.39813097e-13 -3.29002288e-14 -2.71739591e-14] Minimization converged after 48 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.18322932 -0.13644921 -0.13266329] [-0.0336726 0.02841162 -0.01832689] [-0.0336726 -0.02841162 0.01832689] ... [ 0.0182516 -0.03404938 -0.03675498] [-0.0221252 -0.00761237 -0.07151791] [-0.07673656 -0.02267541 0.02699147]] Final stress: [ 2.26927387e-03 1.10800725e-04 2.00437436e-03 -6.35777750e-04 -1.12793153e-13 7.68813696e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0347085 -0.02788384 -0.01739236] [ 0.18218762 0.13569412 -0.13149639] [ 0.18218763 -0.13569412 0.13149639] ... [ 0.09513525 0.06347224 0.00051261] [ 0.05160008 0.05524009 0.06914838] [ 0.0083791 0.03981193 0.04338891]] Final stress: [ 2.25714243e-03 1.01392772e-04 1.99405308e-03 6.37342708e-04 2.50704908e-14 -7.27330415e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.23831022e-02 -3.47620802e-05 -1.44099000e-03] [-1.36336170e-02 -5.45662475e-03 2.86890690e-03] [-1.36336165e-02 5.45662421e-03 -2.86890642e-03] ... [-3.36479417e-02 -3.24101776e-02 1.17082842e-02] [-3.53542041e-02 -6.38600102e-03 -2.72312693e-02] [-2.79233361e-05 6.83476177e-03 5.28666230e-03]] Final stress: [ 5.37656269e-06 7.36110721e-04 -4.73024470e-05 -3.22977045e-04 1.45307665e-13 -1.36163170e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.35104082e-02 5.10930290e-03 2.63040634e-03] [ 1.24421730e-02 9.12273467e-05 -1.38364447e-03] [ 1.24421690e-02 -9.12235958e-05 1.38364056e-03] ... [ 4.18071982e-02 2.84898325e-02 1.23080321e-02] [ 3.91440251e-02 -9.47542397e-03 2.51960270e-02] [ 1.98097421e-02 -1.29588465e-02 -5.01131863e-03]] Final stress: [ 9.01887514e-06 7.40272383e-04 -4.43089284e-05 3.22787589e-04 -6.30817739e-14 -2.12373943e-13] Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00697739 -0.01437203 -0.00697739] [-0.00726476 -0.01729605 0.00726476] [ 0.00697739 -0.01437203 0.00697739] ... [-0.02199958 -0.03026299 0.01703102] [ 0.00158881 -0.02290634 0.00158881] [ 0.01703102 -0.03026299 -0.02199958]] Final stress: [-5.86102604e-05 6.94076295e-04 -5.86102602e-05 -7.45045051e-14 -2.31954809e-04 3.48728574e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00741475 0.01751025 0.00741475] [ 0.0069137 0.01435613 -0.0069137 ] [-0.00741475 0.01751024 -0.00741475] ... [ 0.02582968 0.03125684 0.00534141] [-0.00638298 0.0025043 -0.00638298] [ 0.00534141 0.03125684 0.02582968]] Final stress: [-5.79334549e-05 6.96299450e-04 -5.79334548e-05 -1.46817454e-14 2.32110465e-04 1.51794012e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13249979 -0.1368097 -0.18300402] [ 0.1324998 0.1368097 -0.18300402] [ 0.01812731 -0.0287228 -0.03378716] ... [ 0.02776675 -0.02196135 -0.07648641] [-0.0718837 -0.00841932 -0.02295129] [-0.03686648 -0.03456405 0.0177664 ]] Final stress: [ 1.98898433e-03 9.98768771e-05 2.25138171e-03 4.00203978e-13 -1.07331995e-13 -6.36735145e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.83329548e-02 -2.84189691e-02 3.36673232e-02] [ 1.83329667e-02 2.84189814e-02 3.36673104e-02] [ 1.32655519e-01 -1.36442833e-01 1.83222648e-01] ... [ 4.32208295e-02 4.02354521e-02 7.74271348e-03] [ 6.93398184e-02 5.55670592e-02 5.23374952e-02] [ 1.79710181e-04 6.34203518e-02 9.52971315e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.00431365e-03 1.10775305e-04 2.26920759e-03 -2.21580973e-13 -5.92253766e-13 6.35768986e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00109526 0.00040858 -0.01201904] [ 0.00109527 -0.00040858 -0.01201905] [-0.00324895 0.00593029 -0.01399496] ... [ 0.00531246 0.00687416 0.00023404] [-0.02741009 -0.00623356 -0.03567351] [ 0.01171794 -0.03257189 -0.03402622]] Final stress: [-4.91029829e-05 7.31811583e-04 3.19103073e-06 -2.12520638e-13 1.76952830e-13 -3.22051496e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00253511 0.00504303 0.0133344 ] [-0.00253511 -0.00504303 0.0133344 ] [ 0.00184623 -0.0005269 0.01282226] ... [-0.00540449 -0.01306223 0.02030715] [ 0.02539459 -0.00910891 0.03904035] [ 0.01229082 0.02868519 0.04141202]] Final stress: [-4.52604214e-05 7.41817427e-04 7.92035835e-06 -9.59162102e-15 -1.57612065e-14 3.24465139e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00648952 0.00648952 -0.02586746] [-0.00648947 -0.00648948 -0.0258675 ] [-0.0064895 0.0064895 0.02586748] ... [-0.00833632 -0.00833632 -0.002137 ] [-0.00625276 0.00272714 -0.00198332] [ 0.00272714 -0.00625276 -0.00198332]] Final stress: [ 2.60372863e-04 2.60372863e-04 2.29875563e-04 1.17587058e-12 8.40827550e-13 -3.98674682e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01358912 -0.01358912 0.03325649] [ 0.01358911 0.01358911 0.0332565 ] [ 0.01358912 -0.01358912 -0.03325649] ... [ 0.00962557 0.00962557 0.00061703] [ 0.00156376 0.00163878 0.00454768] [ 0.00163877 0.00156376 0.00454768]] Final stress: [-2.00643198e-04 -2.00643198e-04 3.12518916e-05 -2.30149496e-14 1.09323885e-13 1.90961585e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.18351022 -0.13309685 -0.13697704] [-0.03314385 0.01869872 -0.02887066] [-0.03314383 -0.01869874 0.02887068] ... [-0.02266558 -0.07170508 -0.00773367] [ 0.01770746 -0.03664577 -0.03431786] [-0.07647048 0.02716727 -0.02243937]] Final stress: [ 2.26396035e-03 1.99976204e-03 1.08300485e-04 -6.35886676e-04 8.96566049e-14 -3.76104647e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03393419 -0.01807197 -0.02823004] [ 0.18289405 0.13231471 -0.13617569] [ 0.18289405 -0.13231472 0.1361757 ] ... [ 0.05216022 0.06931128 0.05546067] [ 0.09525688 0.00023984 0.06342967] [ 0.00795555 0.04321124 0.04006972]] Final stress: [ 2.26664887e-03 2.00215476e-03 1.08555770e-04 6.36316514e-04 3.30599869e-13 -1.26260621e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.22002354e-02 -1.27797768e-03 1.59886475e-04] [-1.37409738e-02 -2.99625286e-03 5.61230877e-03] [-1.37409724e-02 2.99625159e-03 -5.61230748e-03] ... [-3.54763719e-02 -2.72844210e-02 -6.31110163e-03] [-3.37805141e-02 1.17070406e-02 -3.24500126e-02] [ 6.71585975e-05 5.28879630e-03 6.82508877e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.34532423e-06 -4.81113623e-05 7.33624713e-04 -3.22243575e-04 -2.04976270e-13 4.17461405e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01315233 0.00237803 0.00487303] [ 0.01275194 0.00180031 -0.00048795] [ 0.01275194 -0.00180031 0.00048795] ... [ 0.03892825 0.02530065 -0.00912211] [ 0.04133117 0.01224542 0.02857611] [ 0.02024819 -0.00535678 -0.01301822]] Final stress: [ 7.17416003e-06 -4.57523326e-05 7.38883420e-04 3.23261544e-04 -1.39104840e-13 -1.77643469e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13265088 -0.18330039 -0.13647835] [ 0.0182006 -0.03388437 -0.0283287 ] [ 0.13265085 -0.18330036 0.13647832] ... [-0.07145889 -0.02215082 -0.0075433 ] [ 0.02698115 -0.07666533 -0.02264964] [-0.03679282 0.01820452 -0.03397677]] Final stress: [ 2.00441814e-03 2.26938099e-03 1.11103720e-04 -1.47338588e-13 -6.35419768e-04 -3.57137790e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0176391 0.0344275 -0.02801002] [ 0.13187866 0.18252769 -0.13595114] [ 0.0176391 0.0344275 0.02801002] ... [ 0.06923331 0.05178191 0.05531429] [ 0.04337051 0.00830203 0.03992264] [ 0.00044249 0.09520669 0.06347888]] Final stress: [ 1.99785777e-03 2.26156819e-03 1.04159149e-04 -1.93960628e-13 6.37284422e-04 2.47319883e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00030509 -0.01119643 0.00156199] [-0.00375664 -0.01446686 0.00678038] [ 0.00030509 -0.01119642 -0.001562 ] ... [-0.02780543 -0.03644792 -0.00581873] [ 0.00538345 0.00116761 0.00691141] [ 0.01175791 -0.03494725 -0.0328819 ]] Final stress: [-5.56045887e-05 -4.93610184e-06 7.13417615e-04 -1.53337343e-13 -3.17245863e-04 -2.27242485e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00260293 0.01340881 0.00550999] [ 0.0007437 0.01173397 0.00100774] [-0.00260293 0.01340881 -0.00550999] ... [ 0.0254054 0.03939933 -0.00911336] [-0.00555686 0.01877433 -0.0131411 ] [ 0.01196945 0.04183722 0.02846545]] Final stress: [-5.29745008e-05 -1.95043695e-06 7.14993953e-04 -1.04013645e-13 3.15987649e-04 4.52468150e-14] Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00741923 -0.00741923 -0.01478527] [ 0.00741923 0.00741923 -0.01478527] [-0.00548351 0.00548351 -0.0156976 ] ... [ 0.00145198 0.00145198 -0.02272163] [-0.02151249 0.01694172 -0.02989776] [ 0.01694172 -0.02151249 -0.02989777]] Final stress: [-6.01509201e-05 -6.01509203e-05 6.82436451e-04 7.41829894e-15 7.04471082e-14 -2.28607853e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00581515 0.00581515 0.0160296 ] [-0.00581515 -0.00581515 0.0160296 ] [ 0.00721354 -0.00721354 0.01462123] ... [-0.00633956 -0.00633956 0.00227784] [ 0.02543494 0.00542249 0.0306694 ] [ 0.00542249 0.02543494 0.0306694 ]] Final stress: [-5.95670727e-05 -5.95670726e-05 6.84216438e-04 -8.33081463e-14 -1.15736427e-13 2.28680623e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00649431 0.00278583 0.00278583] [ 0.00801169 0.00431663 -0.00431663] [ 0.00801169 -0.00431663 0.00431663] ... [ 0.0046412 -0.00777657 0.00088035] [ 0.0046412 0.00088035 -0.00777657] [ 0.00680622 0.00048988 0.00048988]] Final stress: [4.26291520e-06 3.79012163e-06 3.79012159e-06 7.94050739e-06 1.55627109e-15 7.23682111e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00801215 -0.00431645 -0.00431645] [-0.00649456 -0.00278544 0.00278544] [-0.00649456 0.00278544 -0.00278544] ... [-0.00461998 0.00788645 -0.00063529] [-0.00461998 -0.00063529 0.00788645] [-0.00656126 -0.00062677 -0.00062677]] Final stress: [ 4.26331105e-06 3.79037532e-06 3.79037534e-06 -7.92722433e-06 -2.46603904e-14 -2.35068661e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00117163 0.00117163 0.00183268] [ 0.00187827 0.00187827 -0.00252169] [-0.0004671 -0.00083744 0.00019412] ... [-0.00143163 -0.00143163 0.00022074] [ 0.00020831 0.00251219 -0.00097888] [ 0.00251219 0.00020831 -0.00097888]] Final stress: [2.75569065e-06 2.75569063e-06 2.73894431e-06 2.97195590e-05 2.97195590e-05 5.60774881e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.06298581e-04 4.36140135e-04 -1.94115286e-04] [-4.36139201e-04 8.06299520e-04 -1.94116235e-04] [ 1.85543007e-03 -1.85543007e-03 2.46795146e-03] ... [ 1.47213862e-03 -1.44348015e-03 6.47045823e-05] [-3.77495314e-04 -2.19166014e-03 -1.83580571e-03] [ 2.33567543e-03 3.65209213e-04 1.82238305e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.72069042e-06 2.72069041e-06 2.70253292e-06 2.82676224e-05 -2.82676225e-05 -6.21478230e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.36918571e-04 -8.07142188e-04 -1.94149360e-04] [ 8.07142322e-04 -4.36918447e-04 -1.94149495e-04] [-1.15355863e-03 1.15355862e-03 -1.78422215e-03] ... [-1.44290856e-03 1.47158342e-03 6.47466847e-05] [ 3.66288373e-04 2.33497824e-03 1.82289664e-03] [-2.19087377e-03 -3.78558317e-04 -1.83630761e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.72039789e-06 2.72039787e-06 2.70220976e-06 -2.82664085e-05 2.82664085e-05 -6.22345670e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.88135432e-03 -1.88135430e-03 -2.52854844e-03] [-1.17409579e-03 -1.17409581e-03 1.83895907e-03] [ 8.41231372e-04 4.70891999e-04 1.94105332e-04] ... [ 1.41350398e-03 1.41350398e-03 -5.39494823e-05] [-2.10988536e-04 -2.34476715e-03 9.57048300e-04] [-2.34476733e-03 -2.10988497e-04 9.57048341e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.76074384e-06 2.76074386e-06 2.74420890e-06 -2.99236410e-05 -2.99236410e-05 5.52036862e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00115352 0.00178433 0.00115352] [-0.00043707 0.00019416 -0.0008073 ] [ 0.00185554 -0.00246903 0.00185554] ... [ 0.00041249 -0.00103569 0.00241769] [-0.00141213 0.0001532 -0.00141213] [ 0.00241769 -0.00103569 0.00041249]] Final stress: [2.72033290e-06 2.70213924e-06 2.72033292e-06 2.82662577e-05 6.22535257e-08 2.82662577e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.07049360e-04 -1.94146773e-04 4.36830738e-04] [ 1.85550366e-03 2.46874583e-03 -1.85550366e-03] [-4.36831090e-04 -1.94146416e-04 8.07049021e-04] ... [-3.78448728e-04 -1.83621325e-03 -2.19091550e-03] [ 1.47159854e-03 6.47433234e-05 -1.44292462e-03] [ 2.33501298e-03 1.82280154e-03 3.66177342e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.72042086e-06 2.70223643e-06 2.72042085e-06 2.82666241e-05 -6.22274402e-08 -2.82666241e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.36403325e-04 -1.94127193e-04 -8.06584677e-04] [-1.15358062e-03 -1.78370783e-03 1.15358061e-03] [ 8.06584277e-04 -1.94126779e-04 -4.36403741e-04] ... [ 3.65564907e-04 1.82259743e-03 2.33548454e-03] [-1.44333743e-03 6.47174290e-05 1.47200043e-03] [-2.19144200e-03 -1.83601679e-03 -3.77846057e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.72060149e-06 2.70243331e-06 2.72060149e-06 -2.82671247e-05 -6.21745365e-08 2.82671248e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.85553426e-03 -2.46865988e-03 -1.85553425e-03] [ 8.06927364e-04 1.94141014e-04 4.36719670e-04] [-1.15354793e-03 1.78400461e-03 -1.15354793e-03] ... [-4.42867069e-04 1.02327162e-03 -2.23070562e-03] [ 1.39152871e-03 3.06454776e-05 1.39152875e-03] [-2.23070565e-03 1.02327161e-03 -4.42867060e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.72047249e-06 2.70229217e-06 2.72047249e-06 -2.82667168e-05 6.22124469e-08 -2.82667168e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00301907 0.00656949 0.00301907] [ 0.00459579 0.00813467 -0.00459579] [-0.00301907 0.00656949 -0.00301907] ... [-0.00753616 0.00441335 0.00089617] [ 0.00029136 0.00740866 0.00029136] [ 0.00089617 0.00441335 -0.00753616]] Final stress: [3.80532419e-06 4.26689038e-06 3.80532417e-06 4.30051162e-15 1.04328929e-05 1.92688057e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00434737 -0.0080134 -0.00434737] [-0.00281286 -0.006492 0.00281286] [ 0.00434737 -0.0080134 0.00434737] ... [ 0.00784206 -0.00458269 -0.00063647] [-0.00060093 -0.00663453 -0.00060093] [-0.00063647 -0.00458269 0.00784206]] Final stress: [ 3.78912115e-06 4.25886162e-06 3.78912113e-06 3.28257136e-14 -8.38602947e-06 -3.96783732e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00181723 0.00116618 0.00116618] [ 0.00019411 -0.00045718 -0.00082744] [ 0.0001941 -0.00082744 -0.00045718] ... [-0.00099645 0.00027115 0.00248371] [-0.00099645 0.00248371 0.00027115] [ 0.00020009 -0.0014248 -0.0014248 ]] Final stress: [2.72788672e-06 2.74503890e-06 2.74503892e-06 5.78854165e-08 2.92753388e-05 2.92753388e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.94108945e-04 -8.09305268e-04 4.39140680e-04] [ 2.47324546e-03 1.85773586e-03 -1.85773589e-03] [-1.78821794e-03 1.15534643e-03 -1.15534643e-03] ... [-1.81669867e-03 -3.85361026e-04 -2.19472807e-03] [ 1.80319170e-03 2.33809784e-03 3.72956449e-04] [ 6.42989128e-05 1.44510401e-03 -1.41660407e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.70634166e-06 2.72434131e-06 2.72434131e-06 -6.14964477e-08 2.84179160e-05 -2.84179160e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.94136748e-04 4.36612636e-04 -8.06812173e-04] [-1.78388106e-03 -1.15353548e-03 1.15353549e-03] [ 2.46852402e-03 -1.85550950e-03 1.85550949e-03] ... [ 1.82269100e-03 3.65866438e-04 2.33524608e-03] [-1.83610655e-03 -2.19117610e-03 -3.78142701e-04] [ 6.47302797e-05 -1.44312713e-03 1.47179571e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.70233526e-06 2.72051137e-06 2.72051137e-06 -6.22009117e-08 -2.82668929e-05 2.82668929e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.48240111e-03 -1.86134770e-03 -1.86134768e-03] [ 1.94136445e-04 8.14912927e-04 4.44667720e-04] [ 1.94136215e-04 4.44667935e-04 8.14912695e-04] ... [ 1.00806889e-03 -3.89592214e-04 -2.25677565e-03] [ 1.00806895e-03 -2.25677573e-03 -3.89592188e-04] [ 1.12336297e-05 1.39672166e-03 1.39672167e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.71181752e-06 2.72961401e-06 2.72961402e-06 6.05989116e-08 -2.86465381e-05 -2.86465381e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00279465 0.00279465 0.00651583] [-0.00279465 -0.00279465 0.00651583] [ 0.00432685 -0.00432685 0.00803485] ... [ 0.00046027 0.00046027 0.00682533] [-0.00774073 0.00089708 0.00460336] [ 0.00089708 -0.00774073 0.00460336]] Final stress: [ 3.78958709e-06 3.78958703e-06 4.26006631e-06 -2.98824748e-14 -1.63326597e-15 8.40922738e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00444021 -0.00444021 -0.00803946] [ 0.00444021 0.00444021 -0.00803946] [-0.00289213 0.00289213 -0.00650377] ... [-0.00053427 -0.00053427 -0.00684421] [ 0.00774626 -0.00064168 -0.00449607] [-0.00064168 0.00774626 -0.00449607]] Final stress: [ 3.79104111e-06 3.79104115e-06 4.25502525e-06 2.07497036e-14 1.93201394e-14 -9.39226860e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01224877 0.000677 0.000677 ] [ 0.01224885 -0.00067692 0.00067692] [ 0.01224886 0.00067692 -0.00067691] ... [-0.00223495 -0.00337667 0.00521687] [-0.00223495 0.00521687 -0.00337667] [ 0.00357039 -0.00688582 -0.00688581]] Final stress: [ 9.85288063e-05 1.41147666e-04 1.41147666e-04 -4.43000316e-13 -1.62360749e-13 3.18430505e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02060524 -0.00319353 -0.00319353] [-0.0206052 0.00319357 -0.00319357] [-0.02060522 -0.00319355 0.00319355] ... [ 0.0059485 0.00293399 -0.00418784] [ 0.0059485 -0.00418784 0.00293399] [-0.00732418 0.00823727 0.00823727]] Final stress: [-4.35654099e-06 -1.12167685e-04 -1.12167684e-04 -1.85832537e-14 -3.32247464e-13 -2.40978037e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00305157 -0.00305157 0.00534817] [ 0.00305222 0.00305223 0.00534753] [ 0.00305228 -0.00305227 -0.00534748] ... [ 0.00108564 0.00108564 -0.00089103] [-0.00153882 0.0041473 -0.00557145] [ 0.00414728 -0.00153882 -0.00557145]] Final stress: [ 5.76182882e-05 5.76182882e-05 2.04943030e-04 4.41422572e-12 -2.04434467e-12 2.07048833e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00390554 0.0050076 0.00046686] [ 0.00390551 -0.00500763 0.00046689] [ 0.00390549 0.00500765 -0.0004669 ] ... [-0.00083463 0.00113015 -0.00456499] [ 0.00133516 -0.00487183 0.00156669] [-0.00217157 0.00055028 -0.00118173]] Final stress: [ 2.45653578e-06 1.74904618e-05 6.87985785e-06 1.12977776e-12 7.31100361e-13 -1.52468653e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.32366384e-03 -5.02410078e-03 4.27109081e-05] [-5.32368343e-03 5.02408039e-03 4.27305102e-05] [-5.32369641e-03 -5.02406867e-03 -4.27429753e-05] ... [ 2.27381887e-03 -2.10490084e-03 -3.81845845e-03] [ 1.75597553e-03 -1.66055547e-03 -1.04311092e-03] [-4.29054966e-03 -2.89207812e-04 1.28884998e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.92315998e-05 1.47929163e-06 7.32987214e-06 3.40723349e-13 9.99129498e-13 -6.77717417e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.79321424e-04 5.79321492e-04 -1.04515619e-03] [-5.79175017e-04 -5.79176370e-04 -1.04530243e-03] [-5.79185836e-04 5.79186772e-04 1.04528936e-03] ... [ 4.51265720e-05 4.51275571e-05 -9.09476705e-04] [ 9.92860676e-05 -1.61881838e-03 1.66405199e-03] [-1.61881770e-03 9.92866306e-05 1.66405355e-03]] Final stress: [-7.44269630e-05 -7.44269631e-05 -7.89574774e-05 1.59394615e-14 1.41802364e-12 1.91959569e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00076102 0.00173492 -0.00076102] [ 0.00076109 -0.00173486 -0.00076109] [ 0.00076124 0.0017347 0.00076124] ... [-0.00047583 -0.00078549 0.00130487] [ 0.00044414 -0.00100375 0.00044414] [ 0.00130486 -0.00078548 -0.00047583]] Final stress: [7.83903958e-05 1.05125468e-04 7.83903960e-05 1.45019678e-13 3.47694152e-12 5.43527534e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-4.50107471e-03 3.92824083e-04 5.49552499e-03] [ 4.50104200e-03 -3.92857049e-04 5.49555747e-03] [ 4.50105024e-03 3.92847583e-04 -5.49554977e-03] ... [ 5.21359519e-05 1.48599802e-03 -4.76978920e-03] [-2.02339456e-03 -4.26202610e-03 2.22481648e-03] [-1.84253246e-03 -1.20266769e-03 1.60984401e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.07394092e-06 7.24635731e-06 1.98184629e-05 1.37627575e-12 1.75844530e-13 -2.65844473e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00579951 0.00042703 -0.00471725] [-0.00579956 -0.00042708 -0.0047172 ] [-0.00579955 0.00042707 0.00471721] ... [ 0.0021109 -0.00122075 -0.00170612] [ 0.00275232 -0.00411182 -0.00259448] [-0.00469181 0.00145715 -0.00055592]] Final stress: [2.09333266e-05 7.41208204e-06 3.84590857e-07 4.97745488e-13 2.72416056e-13 7.87154348e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-5.79979898e-05 1.01944134e-05 -5.79984426e-05] [ 5.80702871e-05 -1.01247214e-05 -5.80694574e-05] [ 5.80784973e-05 1.01146939e-05 5.80776565e-05] ... [-1.19705719e-03 1.85721680e-04 -2.35131890e-03] [ 1.26704944e-03 -1.50110242e-03 1.26704938e-03] [-2.35131781e-03 1.85722154e-04 -1.19705704e-03]] Final stress: [-7.66869214e-05 -7.20054731e-05 -7.66869215e-05 -7.78412712e-14 9.01139569e-13 -7.30183865e-14] Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01247097 -0.00694342 -0.00694342] [-0.02756862 -0.0241643 0.0241643 ] [-0.02756862 0.02416429 -0.02416429] ... [-0.01596779 -0.03003078 0.00819272] [-0.01596779 0.00819272 -0.03003079] [-0.02651008 0.00129095 0.00129096]] Final stress: [ 7.13641972e-04 -6.16626058e-05 -6.16626058e-05 -2.72189545e-04 2.55045561e-13 -3.55302416e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02808451 0.02401921 0.02401921] [ 0.00847607 0.00485585 -0.00485585] [ 0.00847607 -0.00485585 0.00485585] ... [ 0.02197346 0.02388327 0.00384945] [ 0.02197346 0.00384945 0.02388327] [ 0.01958626 -0.00188421 -0.00188421]] Final stress: [ 6.31966558e-04 -8.61500929e-05 -8.61500932e-05 2.65797491e-04 8.10158244e-14 -1.27426239e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14821636 -0.19184468 -0.13722766] [ 0.02260024 -0.05199609 -0.00404592] [ 0.14821637 -0.19184469 0.13722767] ... [ 0.00275775 0.00383065 -0.04689671] [-0.0310787 -0.11449211 0.00576587] [-0.03586923 -0.03536393 -0.03956553]] Final stress: [ 3.58255086e-04 2.25921631e-03 2.01138199e-03 3.86118153e-13 -4.84279931e-04 -1.40443282e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0253516 0.0469858 -0.00769022] [ 0.15256776 0.19556695 -0.14237776] [ 0.02535161 0.04698579 0.00769023] ... [ 0.04335417 0.10722288 -0.00322441] [ 0.06120188 0.028218 0.05679553] [ 0.03378673 0.06793749 0.03881121]] Final stress: [ 3.52761524e-04 2.25446304e-03 2.00640763e-03 -4.52419666e-13 4.88006721e-04 -1.37083962e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00321151 -0.00690337 -0.00183136] [-0.01904976 -0.02472932 0.01960424] [ 0.00321151 -0.00690337 0.00183136] ... [-0.03075057 -0.02442558 0.00289696] [ 0.00559884 -0.01555711 -0.00272368] [-0.00257428 -0.01872309 -0.0267635 ]] Final stress: [ 6.82472151e-04 -3.08954503e-05 -6.85898914e-05 1.40439947e-13 -3.28717050e-04 -2.75799356e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01805563 0.0241031 0.01877203] [ 0.00327632 0.00701545 -0.00173322] [-0.01805564 0.02410311 -0.01877204] ... [ 0.03158247 0.02080445 0.00909124] [-0.00561453 0.0244543 -0.0065176 ] [ 0.00011357 0.02586607 0.02911373]] Final stress: [ 6.83773894e-04 -2.67576112e-05 -6.49737913e-05 2.12496163e-14 3.25902440e-04 -5.49260326e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.15001368 -0.14017255 -0.19430426] [ 0.1500137 0.14017258 -0.19430429] [ 0.02300579 -0.00558338 -0.05004686] ... [-0.03189966 0.00466716 -0.11420029] [ 0.00290582 -0.04596672 0.00286299] [-0.03399542 -0.03946441 -0.03545115]] Final stress: [ 3.78294548e-04 2.03763777e-03 2.28976388e-03 -1.07411699e-13 -3.46332238e-13 -4.82989401e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02156468 -0.00351406 0.05270333] [ 0.02156464 0.00351402 0.05270337] [ 0.14794449 -0.13749804 0.19225566] ... [ 0.06279246 0.05848604 0.03096937] [ 0.04120595 -0.00270199 0.10558621] [ 0.03468861 0.03616404 0.06534807]] Final stress: [ 3.71014816e-04 2.03105026e-03 2.28163563e-03 -6.90696757e-13 2.01328759e-13 4.83785893e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00343941 -0.00181032 -0.00717396] [ 0.00343941 0.00181031 -0.00717396] [-0.01743076 0.01823636 -0.02364678] ... [ 0.00494353 -0.00248683 -0.01469792] [-0.02981163 0.0033341 -0.02344599] [-0.00343228 -0.02581202 -0.01866712]] Final stress: [ 6.82142990e-04 -6.35477045e-05 -2.52392572e-05 1.51915902e-13 1.48101508e-14 -3.23793487e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01944877 0.01987994 0.02488688] [-0.01944878 -0.01987995 0.02488689] [ 0.00289276 -0.00164323 0.00659779] ... [-0.00586149 -0.00771828 0.0244627 ] [ 0.03267321 0.00879579 0.02011546] [ 0.00116438 0.0302892 0.02607223]] Final stress: [ 6.76970184e-04 -7.12895914e-05 -3.42446597e-05 2.10670905e-13 -8.15092249e-14 3.28247518e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00061078 -0.01211754 0.00061078] [-0.00061075 0.01211757 0.00061074] [-0.00061082 -0.0121175 -0.00061082] ... [-0.00335142 -0.00221303 0.00519729] [-0.00691582 0.00355141 -0.00691582] [ 0.00519728 -0.00221303 -0.00335142]] Final stress: [1.40536635e-04 9.89287712e-05 1.40536635e-04 5.87724357e-13 1.05317971e-12 1.11957795e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00320327 0.02058172 -0.00320327] [ 0.00320322 -0.02058177 -0.00320322] [ 0.00320321 0.02058178 0.00320321] ... [ 0.00294037 0.00593948 -0.0041861 ] [ 0.008232 -0.00732183 0.008232 ] [-0.0041861 0.00593948 0.00294037]] Final stress: [-1.12170484e-04 -4.45945861e-06 -1.12170484e-04 -7.76341775e-13 3.09035726e-13 -4.22410438e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00687495 -0.0041135 -0.0041135 ] [-0.0068751 0.00411335 -0.00411335] [-0.00687525 -0.0041132 0.0041132 ] ... [-0.00847729 -0.00232863 0.00541877] [-0.00847728 0.00541876 -0.00232863] [ 0.00057272 0.00144113 0.00144113]] Final stress: [ 2.32102019e-04 5.41945125e-05 5.41945127e-05 -4.31503621e-12 2.23105877e-12 -1.21656754e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00050565 -0.00415012 0.00535084] [-0.00050569 0.00415008 0.00535087] [-0.00050568 -0.0041501 -0.00535086] ... [ 0.0015463 0.0005926 -0.00480443] [-0.00121987 -0.00199266 0.00116588] [-0.00439277 -0.00154981 0.00179124]] Final stress: [ 7.05482343e-06 1.60125429e-06 1.87939574e-05 -9.99353519e-13 6.87273020e-13 6.08166564e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00039124 0.00575467 -0.00474402] [-0.00039126 -0.00575469 -0.004744 ] [-0.00039124 0.00575467 0.00474402] ... [-0.00120989 0.00211715 -0.00169026] [ 0.00144487 -0.00470703 -0.0005634 ] [-0.00411164 0.00274696 -0.00259045]] Final stress: [ 7.41490948e-06 2.08674282e-05 4.55853347e-07 -6.88749795e-13 6.98359452e-13 7.23413721e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00076416 0.00040318 0.00040318] [ 0.00076409 -0.00040325 0.00040325] [ 0.00076414 0.0004032 -0.00040321] ... [ 0.00112797 -0.00016818 -0.00154384] [ 0.00112797 -0.00154384 -0.00016818] [-0.00089796 0.00028418 0.00028418]] Final stress: [-7.57942051e-05 -7.57051073e-05 -7.57051074e-05 -2.14164717e-13 -8.69267385e-13 1.80689987e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.19239778 -0.14815381 -0.13790517] [-0.05229702 0.02151857 -0.0036651 ] [-0.05229702 -0.02151857 0.0036651 ] ... [ 0.00409434 0.00345145 -0.04649788] [-0.03478947 -0.03533799 -0.03902896] [-0.11575483 -0.0317793 0.00509992]] Final stress: [ 2.28462193e-03 3.74863006e-04 2.03381270e-03 -4.83018583e-04 3.39726584e-13 -3.65346189e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0522837 -0.02214617 -0.00369792] [ 0.1920014 0.14832482 -0.13745817] [ 0.19200145 -0.14832487 0.13745821] ... [ 0.10570274 0.04173103 -0.00241478] [ 0.06505036 0.03427727 0.03647374] [ 0.03086439 0.06237696 0.05858109]] Final stress: [ 2.26511737e-03 3.59352950e-04 2.01671941e-03 4.86218426e-04 -1.23863265e-12 7.51248342e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00708064 -0.0033363 -0.00179607] [-0.02409714 -0.01804849 0.01876342] [-0.02409713 0.01804849 -0.01876341] ... [-0.02382163 -0.03015024 0.00319527] [-0.01873804 -0.00315044 -0.02614725] [-0.01496215 0.00516744 -0.00255879]] Final stress: [-2.69290189e-05 6.82861630e-04 -6.50906714e-05 -3.25593361e-04 3.71165848e-13 1.32144202e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0244448 0.01866018 0.01925886] [ 0.00669555 0.0029807 -0.0015593 ] [ 0.00669555 -0.0029807 0.00155929] ... [ 0.02056438 0.03204191 0.00894494] [ 0.0259852 0.00056493 0.02961064] [ 0.02442709 -0.00569717 -0.00698741]] Final stress: [-2.99789985e-05 6.80371108e-04 -6.76776747e-05 3.26605477e-04 1.66731787e-13 1.87529409e-13] Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00710784 -0.01257635 -0.00710784] [-0.02456728 -0.02802416 0.02456728] [ 0.00710784 -0.01257635 0.00710784] ... [-0.03045962 -0.01597624 0.00813145] [ 0.00148531 -0.02656051 0.00148531] [ 0.00813145 -0.01597624 -0.03045962]] Final stress: [-6.20277175e-05 7.17384728e-04 -6.20277175e-05 1.73309744e-13 -2.74253693e-04 -1.36755417e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02421237 0.02769374 0.02421237] [ 0.00675718 0.01225836 -0.00675718] [-0.02421237 0.02769374 -0.02421237] ... [ 0.02380069 0.02141792 0.00429708] [-0.00056553 0.01883368 -0.00056553] [ 0.00429708 0.02141791 0.02380069]] Final stress: [-6.22882181e-05 7.10626627e-04 -6.22882187e-05 -2.90824726e-14 2.71523719e-04 -8.59418186e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14234975 -0.15251409 -0.19567251] [ 0.14234974 0.15251409 -0.19567251] [ 0.00741851 -0.02507653 -0.04739572] ... [ 0.00579331 -0.03077256 -0.11174666] [-0.04103663 -0.03389013 -0.03736783] [-0.04536152 0.00083953 0.0009976 ]] Final stress: [ 2.01164644e-03 3.57523207e-04 2.26031202e-03 1.25928123e-12 -1.56691511e-13 -4.86994506e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00913062 -0.02713294 0.04504202] [ 0.00913059 0.0271329 0.04504206] [ 0.14323088 -0.15385671 0.19594197] ... [ 0.05587681 0.06010073 0.02663558] [ 0.03968616 0.03309011 0.06895727] [-0.00337247 0.04430752 0.10790735]] Final stress: [ 1.97721813e-03 3.34659937e-04 2.22154751e-03 3.25789459e-13 -1.01872453e-12 4.87816220e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00202946 -0.00367278 -0.00733549] [ 0.00202945 0.00367277 -0.00733548] [-0.01845972 0.01764533 -0.02381542] ... [-0.0025511 0.00507335 -0.01502817] [-0.02594063 -0.00334227 -0.01854137] [ 0.0032535 -0.02995995 -0.02348942]] Final stress: [-6.35974892e-05 6.86086738e-04 -2.50921864e-05 7.69616544e-14 -1.15868163e-13 -3.26060574e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01821312 0.01741546 0.02362947] [-0.01821313 -0.01741547 0.02362947] [ 0.00179463 -0.00341387 0.00716457] ... [-0.00608037 -0.00553531 0.02415067] [ 0.0285751 -0.00038712 0.02566961] [ 0.00915235 0.03104904 0.02099437]] Final stress: [-6.37391666e-05 6.80760221e-04 -2.55186912e-05 -8.05346489e-14 -9.64055327e-14 3.23265144e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00066675 0.00066675 -0.01221632] [-0.00066681 -0.00066681 -0.01221626] [-0.00066682 0.00066682 0.01221625] ... [-0.00689016 -0.00689016 0.00356734] [-0.00337681 0.00521012 -0.00222613] [ 0.00521013 -0.00337681 -0.00222612]] Final stress: [ 1.41003212e-04 1.41003212e-04 9.87388875e-05 -7.05726202e-13 2.67542210e-13 9.40696055e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00317098 -0.00317098 0.02053455] [ 0.00317101 0.00317101 0.02053452] [ 0.00317096 -0.00317096 -0.02053457] ... [ 0.00824953 0.00824953 -0.0073298 ] [ 0.00293843 -0.00417989 0.00593702] [-0.00417988 0.00293843 0.00593702]] Final stress: [-1.11968105e-04 -1.11968105e-04 -4.87647465e-06 4.31301344e-14 6.97421889e-13 -6.84634687e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.19405545 -0.13974537 -0.14948654] [-0.05070733 0.00510495 -0.02245193] [-0.05070731 -0.00510497 0.02245195] ... [-0.03500993 -0.03909693 -0.03408521] [ 0.00332795 -0.04609176 0.0033943 ] [-0.11494841 0.00445405 -0.03215972]] Final stress: [ 2.29786466e-03 2.04484639e-03 3.83865520e-04 -4.82141954e-04 4.43656911e-13 4.89467991e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05102706 -0.00492373 -0.02225959] [ 0.19352886 0.13907314 -0.14881727] [ 0.19352882 -0.13907309 0.14881723] ... [ 0.0661574 0.03655199 0.03527738] [ 0.10554158 -0.00313741 0.0411823 ] [ 0.02999629 0.0581115 0.06318974]] Final stress: [ 2.29596385e-03 2.04301767e-03 3.81192275e-04 4.82339055e-04 1.23963992e-12 -1.53686366e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00714428 -0.00177133 -0.00338935] [-0.02362361 -0.01820447 0.01740788] [-0.02362361 0.01820446 -0.01740787] ... [-0.01870497 -0.02579246 -0.00346219] [-0.02344391 0.00336602 -0.02978114] [-0.01454978 -0.00245305 0.00492891]] Final stress: [-2.55126398e-05 -6.37266007e-05 6.80627424e-04 -3.23162579e-04 -8.37873864e-14 -2.86140489e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02374705 0.01834325 0.01752578] [ 0.00731879 0.00196344 -0.00360974] [ 0.00731879 -0.00196344 0.00360975] ... [ 0.02567958 0.0287471 -0.00021639] [ 0.02085956 0.00920818 0.03124582] [ 0.02450658 -0.00620155 -0.00555094]] Final stress: [-2.46430098e-05 -6.31928929e-05 6.85987781e-04 3.25556882e-04 -1.56987783e-13 5.08647754e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13918811 -0.19349652 -0.14888363] [ 0.00500441 -0.05079917 -0.02229573] [ 0.13918805 -0.19349647 0.14888357] ... [-0.03907383 -0.03464986 -0.03394495] [ 0.00440793 -0.11484367 -0.03220344] [-0.04615461 0.00366005 0.00339044]] Final stress: [ 2.04366729e-03 2.29660762e-03 3.82290244e-04 1.01775164e-13 -4.82565381e-04 2.96169761e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0087073 0.04542826 -0.02652098] [ 0.14334703 0.19600614 -0.15376237] [ 0.00870731 0.04542824 0.026521 ] ... [ 0.0396512 0.06872427 0.0330319 ] [ 0.05607688 0.02743701 0.0602199 ] [-0.00329786 0.10785291 0.04417865]] Final stress: [1.98569175e-03 2.23091000e-03 3.38431827e-04 2.71960848e-13 4.89100553e-04 1.33488899e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00169241 -0.00707632 -0.00330479] [-0.018172 -0.02360135 0.01738035] [ 0.00169242 -0.00707633 0.0033048 ] ... [-0.02578169 -0.01873338 -0.00346029] [-0.00245298 -0.01453022 0.0049069 ] [ 0.00336646 -0.02345521 -0.02976899]] Final stress: [-6.37293129e-05 -2.55463050e-05 6.80047841e-04 -3.50774250e-14 -3.22807651e-04 -1.73685087e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01985412 0.02469676 0.01978647] [ 0.00095573 0.00575382 -0.00180289] [-0.01985411 0.02469676 -0.01978646] ... [ 0.03043908 0.02610267 0.0015429 ] [-0.00822795 0.02326962 -0.00596915] [ 0.00830748 0.01993537 0.03262401]] Final stress: [-7.83835537e-05 -4.37862443e-05 6.48958720e-04 -1.07056360e-13 3.19749279e-04 7.87209049e-14] Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0067384 -0.0067384 -0.01198167] [ 0.0067384 0.0067384 -0.01198167] [-0.02480398 0.02480398 -0.02822015] ... [ 0.00164376 0.00164377 -0.02603853] [-0.03094406 0.00793707 -0.01615587] [ 0.00793707 -0.03094406 -0.01615587]] Final stress: [-6.46468623e-05 -6.46468623e-05 7.10407752e-04 -7.32663932e-14 1.42242948e-13 -2.74338316e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02428386 0.02428386 0.02763375] [-0.02428385 -0.02428385 0.02763374] [ 0.00719482 -0.00719482 0.01270062] ... [-0.00053398 -0.00053398 0.01918728] [ 0.02379216 0.00433228 0.02124967] [ 0.00433228 0.02379216 0.02124967]] Final stress: [-6.16457331e-05 -6.16457331e-05 7.16155433e-04 8.57614601e-14 1.71697995e-14 2.73422295e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00097845 0.00033837 0.00033837] [-0.00047424 0.00084708 -0.00084708] [-0.00047424 -0.00084708 0.00084708] ... [-0.00119401 -0.00256557 0.0005916 ] [-0.00119401 0.0005916 -0.00256557] [ 0.00143374 0.00150083 0.00150083]] Final stress: [ 2.37680736e-06 2.24356308e-06 2.24356306e-06 2.99954780e-05 -1.06446215e-14 -1.53081770e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00047668 -0.00084636 -0.00084636] [ 0.00098078 -0.00033776 0.00033776] [ 0.00098078 0.00033776 -0.00033776] ... [ 0.00121415 0.0025299 -0.00031404] [ 0.00121415 -0.00031404 0.0025299 ] [-0.00110844 -0.00151046 -0.00151046]] Final stress: [ 2.37674216e-06 2.24347640e-06 2.24347639e-06 -3.00083696e-05 -3.30681315e-15 -4.75083911e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-4.14374594e-04 -4.14374591e-04 -1.29335168e-03] [-3.30343978e-05 -3.30343951e-05 9.19541503e-04] [ 1.03820703e-03 7.27280175e-04 1.61659961e-04] ... [-2.57132531e-03 -2.57132534e-03 1.78346362e-03] [ 6.31833361e-04 -6.06246916e-04 -1.15644570e-03] [-6.06246776e-04 6.31833317e-04 -1.15644569e-03]] Final stress: [1.95475049e-06 1.95475053e-06 1.91445190e-06 9.74809190e-06 9.74809186e-06 1.02309011e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.28025618e-04 -1.03922746e-03 -1.61803536e-04] [ 1.03922736e-03 -7.28025690e-04 -1.61803455e-04] [-3.25864603e-05 3.25864566e-05 -9.19978759e-04] ... [ 1.74451584e-03 -1.79498958e-03 1.66125237e-04] [-1.43137321e-03 2.57999899e-03 -3.21468563e-03] [-2.21764902e-03 1.39519663e-03 3.15141603e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.95377512e-06 1.95377515e-06 1.91342665e-06 9.73510239e-06 -9.73510237e-06 -1.02462029e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00103864 0.0007276 -0.00016172] [-0.0007276 0.00103864 -0.00016172] [ 0.00041439 -0.00041439 0.00129374] ... [-0.00179421 0.00174375 0.00016605] [ 0.00139457 -0.00221644 0.00315002] [ 0.00257863 -0.00143074 -0.00321327]] Final stress: [ 1.95433638e-06 1.95433640e-06 1.91401615e-06 -9.74238236e-06 9.74238236e-06 -1.02373832e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.32124889e-05 3.32124691e-05 9.32281080e-04] [ 4.18547704e-04 4.18547702e-04 -1.31002970e-03] [-7.38169955e-04 -1.05238375e-03 1.63381791e-04] ... [ 2.52802621e-03 2.52802617e-03 -1.42860143e-03] [-6.64396353e-04 1.00019952e-03 1.10556417e-03] [ 1.00019934e-03 -6.64396340e-04 1.10556420e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.94254968e-06 1.94254973e-06 1.90158305e-06 -9.56150162e-06 -9.56150157e-06 1.04223856e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-4.14662959e-04 -1.30061436e-03 -4.14662936e-04] [ 1.04625972e-03 1.62768564e-04 7.33211646e-04] [-3.07347773e-05 9.24251660e-04 -3.07347689e-05] ... [ 6.35602669e-04 -1.16437115e-03 -6.11576265e-04] [-2.58820210e-03 1.79488844e-03 -2.58820218e-03] [-6.11576217e-04 -1.16437121e-03 6.35602704e-04]] Final stress: [1.94707851e-06 1.90637798e-06 1.94707857e-06 9.64211904e-06 1.03516918e-07 9.64211902e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.41604846e-04 -1.63794672e-04 -1.05660273e-03] [-3.53009392e-05 -9.38203597e-04 3.53009222e-05] [ 1.05660272e-03 -1.63794683e-04 -7.41604834e-04] ... [-1.44635067e-03 -3.25725149e-03 2.61046941e-03] [ 1.77180176e-03 1.67976922e-04 -1.82254341e-03] [-2.24400333e-03 3.19340571e-03 1.40993446e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.93946231e-06 1.89831074e-06 1.93946232e-06 9.50511680e-06 -1.04707595e-07 -9.50511674e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00109074 -0.00016823 0.00076726] [ 0.00042453 0.00134965 -0.00042453] [-0.00076726 -0.00016823 0.00109074] ... [ 0.00144334 0.00327632 -0.00230667] [-0.00187264 0.00017202 0.00182141] [ 0.00268212 -0.00334131 -0.0014802 ]] Final stress: [ 1.90871008e-06 1.86589373e-06 1.90871008e-06 -9.06073973e-06 -1.09712258e-07 9.06073973e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.63599960e-05 9.16409591e-04 3.63599854e-05] [-7.21839864e-04 1.60615081e-04 -1.03076534e-03] [ 4.15250715e-04 -1.28780339e-03 4.15250725e-04] ... [-6.52522893e-04 1.08602744e-03 9.82531397e-04] [ 2.48727695e-03 -1.40503673e-03 2.48727697e-03] [ 9.82531431e-04 1.08602743e-03 -6.52522831e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.96186600e-06 1.92192886e-06 1.96186600e-06 -9.84252221e-06 1.01198268e-07 -9.84252217e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00034276 -0.00097715 0.00034276] [ 0.00085189 -0.0004725 -0.00085189] [-0.00034276 -0.00097715 -0.00034276] ... [-0.00256009 -0.00119731 0.00059115] [ 0.00149715 0.00144378 0.00149715] [ 0.00059115 -0.00119731 -0.00256009]] Final stress: [ 2.24464062e-06 2.37772129e-06 2.24464060e-06 8.22293912e-15 3.00500933e-05 -5.55612070e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00086562 0.00047322 -0.00086562] [-0.00035533 0.0009791 0.00035533] [ 0.00086562 0.00047322 0.00086562] ... [ 0.00250289 0.00123397 -0.00031469] [-0.00149367 -0.00115323 -0.00149367] [-0.00031469 0.00123397 0.00250289]] Final stress: [ 2.24834219e-06 2.38082870e-06 2.24834223e-06 1.66392715e-14 -3.02850523e-05 -4.84524507e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00128462 -0.00041548 -0.00041548] [ 0.00016006 0.00102681 0.00071894] [ 0.00016006 0.00071894 0.00102681] ... [-0.00114497 0.00062752 -0.00059808] [-0.00114497 -0.00059808 0.00062752] [ 0.00176728 -0.00254732 -0.00254732]] Final stress: [1.92589340e-06 1.96563790e-06 1.96563788e-06 1.00613961e-07 9.89319120e-06 9.89319118e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.61216052e-04 7.25045689e-04 -1.03512156e-03] [-9.18883984e-04 -3.50438108e-05 3.50437931e-05] [ 1.29166350e-03 -4.15339408e-04 4.15339412e-04] ... [-3.20486503e-03 -1.42691718e-03 2.57029060e-03] [ 3.14173364e-03 -2.20907965e-03 1.39079248e-03] [ 1.65613764e-04 1.73922468e-03 -1.78963812e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.91756456e-06 1.95771677e-06 1.95771687e-06 -1.01843988e-07 9.78562321e-06 -9.78562317e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.60953687e-04 -1.03319758e-03 7.23623717e-04] [ 1.28977803e-03 4.15122712e-04 -4.15122699e-04] [-9.17602227e-04 3.54391965e-05 -3.54391996e-05] ... [ 3.13680345e-03 1.38865375e-03 -2.20541466e-03] [-3.19986686e-03 2.56609922e-03 -1.42475213e-03] [ 1.65377460e-04 -1.78681025e-03 1.73642794e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.91948888e-06 1.95954482e-06 1.95954488e-06 -1.01559292e-07 -9.81125616e-06 9.81125610e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.16198550e-04 3.69536998e-05 3.69537008e-05] [ 1.60481426e-04 -7.21165322e-04 -1.02983459e-03] [ 1.60481640e-04 -1.02983480e-03 -7.21165102e-04] ... [ 1.08509441e-03 -6.52287423e-04 9.81510723e-04] [ 1.08509439e-03 9.81510813e-04 -6.52287360e-04] [-1.40396926e-03 2.48534453e-03 2.48534443e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.92286683e-06 1.96275989e-06 1.96275988e-06 1.01059291e-07 -9.85384215e-06 -9.85384211e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00042611 0.00042611 -0.00097705] [-0.00042611 -0.00042611 -0.00097705] [ 0.00094328 -0.00094328 -0.00046393] ... [ 0.00141085 0.00141085 0.0016539 ] [-0.00241852 0.00058906 -0.00130721] [ 0.00058906 -0.00241852 -0.00130721]] Final stress: [2.26885653e-06 2.26885649e-06 2.39797022e-06 3.86278826e-15 1.38578179e-14 3.14848247e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00084695 -0.00084695 0.0004745 ] [ 0.00084695 0.00084695 0.00047451] [-0.00033825 0.00033825 0.0009787 ] ... [-0.00150987 -0.00150987 -0.00110992] [ 0.00253074 -0.00031378 0.00121167] [-0.00031378 0.00253074 0.00121167]] Final stress: [ 2.24355652e-06 2.24355656e-06 2.37680069e-06 4.16360345e-15 6.28089878e-15 -2.99969737e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-2.54407103e-03 9.43654594e-04 9.43655889e-04] [ 2.54407297e-03 -9.43653098e-04 9.43653142e-04] [ 2.54399567e-03 9.43731143e-04 -9.43731043e-04] ... [ 6.87209053e-04 -6.79541347e-05 -9.82912729e-04] [ 6.87209280e-04 -9.82913438e-04 -6.79533972e-05] [ 7.83784008e-04 -1.91009732e-03 -1.91009826e-03]] Final stress: [ 5.50490996e-05 6.07113438e-05 6.07113437e-05 1.92007020e-13 -2.07478880e-13 1.41387281e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01640219 -0.00620499 -0.00620499] [-0.01640213 0.00620505 -0.00620505] [-0.01640222 -0.00620497 0.00620497] ... [ 0.00057129 0.0012035 -0.00673133] [ 0.0005713 -0.00673133 0.0012035 ] [-0.00552122 0.01258259 0.01258259]] Final stress: [ 8.91380145e-05 -1.02747183e-04 -1.02747183e-04 9.73585361e-13 9.56697634e-13 -1.25262107e-12] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01772196 0.01318944 -0.00348659] [ 0.01772196 -0.01318944 -0.00348659] [ 0.01772196 0.01318944 0.00348659] ... [-0.00526789 0.00124821 0.00551568] [ 0.00338579 -0.00149907 0.00744005] [ 0.00971546 -0.00916232 -0.01162438]] Final stress: [-4.90458829e-05 1.38388539e-04 2.99081984e-05 1.01982088e-13 7.29460333e-13 -3.84159837e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01258402 -0.01658055 -0.00307833] [-0.01258402 0.01658054 -0.00307833] [-0.01258402 -0.01658055 0.00307833] ... [ 0.00144949 -0.0050718 0.00467427] [-0.00819121 0.00874746 -0.01075525] [-0.0018704 0.00303608 0.00699361]] Final stress: [ 1.29358905e-04 -4.84564488e-05 2.73668603e-05 -1.58925397e-13 1.10303230e-12 -1.07035773e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.26333690e-04 2.26333458e-04 -1.30674746e-03] [-2.26372866e-04 -2.26371448e-04 -1.30672134e-03] [-2.26326714e-04 2.26320534e-04 1.30676299e-03] ... [ 7.58190974e-05 7.58209128e-05 5.03774096e-04] [ 1.49748362e-04 -1.02135953e-03 1.03353323e-04] [-1.02135578e-03 1.49753594e-04 1.03353254e-04]] Final stress: [-4.28238790e-05 -4.28238797e-05 -5.63884410e-05 1.04099795e-12 3.04744032e-12 5.16580092e-13] Minimization converged after 45 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0176182 -0.00345 0.01313609] [ 0.0176182 0.00345 0.01313609] [ 0.0176182 -0.00345 -0.01313609] ... [ 0.00336228 0.00745236 -0.00158831] [-0.00529575 0.00545546 0.00130594] [ 0.00970966 -0.01160415 -0.00909232]] Final stress: [-5.00576664e-05 2.97009979e-05 1.38719528e-04 7.91179961e-13 -1.04174251e-12 -8.12166320e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01270483 -0.00317995 -0.01683886] [-0.01270483 0.00317995 -0.01683886] [-0.01270483 -0.00317995 0.01683886] ... [-0.00850258 -0.01095658 0.00899535] [ 0.00131561 0.00491683 -0.0050416 ] [-0.00172866 0.00708332 0.00317984]] Final stress: [ 1.30901493e-04 2.79756872e-05 -4.80108457e-05 -4.22373055e-13 5.21065378e-14 3.29799483e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00206954 -0.01421706 0.00206954] [-0.00206981 0.01421678 0.00206982] [-0.00207019 -0.0142164 -0.0020702 ] ... [-0.0007105 0.00053768 -0.01731883] [-0.00936269 0.0008672 -0.0093627 ] [-0.01731881 0.00053767 -0.00071051]] Final stress: [ 7.24051005e-05 -2.85041017e-04 7.24050974e-05 -4.50750358e-12 -8.97914352e-12 -6.43125396e-12] Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0018922 0.0025883 0.0025883 ] [-0.00660482 -0.00528654 0.00528654] [-0.00660481 0.00528654 -0.00528654] ... [-0.0013447 0.00059119 0.00065653] [-0.0013447 0.00065653 0.00059119] [-0.00082021 -0.00026181 -0.00026181]] Final stress: [-6.79565902e-06 -2.65061771e-05 -2.65061771e-05 8.49350872e-06 7.83741592e-15 -1.37849732e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00655394 0.00525168 0.00525168] [-0.00187424 -0.00260608 0.00260608] [-0.00187425 0.00260608 -0.00260608] ... [ 0.00053589 -0.00063113 0.00054352] [ 0.00053589 0.00054352 -0.00063113] [ 0.00019948 0.00015918 0.00015918]] Final stress: [-6.36156186e-06 -2.66348902e-05 -2.66348901e-05 -8.27733542e-06 7.12051438e-14 4.69132537e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09189096 -0.12292622 -0.08969279] [ 0.0413883 0.00213693 -0.03558706] [ 0.09189102 -0.12292628 0.08969285] ... [ 0.01761795 0.03450473 -0.029327 ] [ 0.02623088 -0.06751968 0.04630414] [ 0.03013185 0.02823099 0.00740523]] Final stress: [-1.04210330e-04 1.45780385e-03 1.31186256e-03 2.26485461e-13 -5.02351847e-04 1.83630217e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-4.37285601e-02 -4.22917645e-03 -3.75839084e-02] [ 9.77373456e-02 1.28241617e-01 -9.51635332e-02] [ 4.37285469e-02 -4.22916213e-03 3.75838951e-02] ... [ 1.20245268e-04 1.71968445e-02 -3.95436765e-02] [-1.89765821e-02 -2.15938077e-02 -2.53544025e-02] [ 3.37117314e-02 8.28641591e-03 9.42617326e-03]] Final stress: [-1.06752515e-04 1.45362514e-03 1.30718636e-03 -7.71925020e-14 5.04309587e-04 9.69744243e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.90196636e-03 1.60377394e-03 2.61694824e-03] [-5.50326293e-03 -6.22751065e-03 5.21540490e-03] [-2.90196923e-03 1.60377682e-03 -2.61695107e-03] ... [ 1.79754874e-04 -9.61000645e-04 6.26981726e-04] [-6.51590028e-04 7.83875044e-05 -2.21451736e-04] [-2.94681298e-04 -1.03710395e-03 5.59222260e-04]] Final stress: [-6.60064071e-06 -2.65208143e-05 -2.66147559e-05 -4.44041237e-14 8.11901971e-06 -2.37912494e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00549307 0.00621889 0.00519838] [-0.00291824 -0.0016048 0.00262639] [-0.00549308 0.00621889 -0.00519839] ... [-0.00106222 0.00100154 0.00056289] [-0.00022468 0.00109559 0.00023295] [-0.00036187 0.00093584 -0.00069564]] Final stress: [-6.64533256e-06 -2.64984582e-05 -2.65916802e-05 -2.02288868e-14 -8.14268904e-06 4.55753167e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09547081 -0.09312061 -0.12655888] [ 0.09547088 0.09312068 -0.12655896] [ 0.04288739 -0.03689419 0.00320366] ... [ 0.02655992 0.04711537 -0.0670949 ] [ 0.0169137 -0.02924491 0.03452449] [ 0.03055845 0.00668363 0.02808189]] Final stress: [-9.99603195e-05 1.32584727e-03 1.47434093e-03 3.03842115e-13 2.51734629e-13 -5.06549581e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04228752 -0.03637814 -0.0029269 ] [ 0.04228751 0.03637813 -0.00292689] [ 0.09397972 -0.09168032 0.12489517] ... [-0.01810088 -0.02492346 -0.020596 ] [-0.00121038 -0.0394656 0.01618812] [ 0.03441163 0.00780151 0.00730035]] Final stress: [-1.04017267e-04 1.31455580e-03 1.46128749e-03 3.52321344e-14 1.59887175e-14 5.04487115e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.91807905e-03 2.62238294e-03 1.59548529e-03] [-2.91808094e-03 -2.62238483e-03 1.59548720e-03] [-5.49355353e-03 5.19502138e-03 -6.22083419e-03] ... [-6.65876307e-04 -2.36091394e-04 7.46294002e-05] [ 1.71766103e-04 6.11888007e-04 -9.90824429e-04] [-2.97790743e-04 5.58931633e-04 -1.05878809e-03]] Final stress: [-6.69437674e-06 -2.65629168e-05 -2.64698774e-05 -1.54621143e-14 1.08693792e-14 8.21919227e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00552369 0.00522193 0.00623583] [-0.00552369 -0.00522193 0.00623583] [-0.00291639 0.00261743 -0.00160248] ... [-0.00024183 0.00019916 0.00109233] [-0.00104166 0.0005439 0.00096466] [-0.00035904 -0.00068574 0.00090476]] Final stress: [-6.72533223e-06 -2.65744310e-05 -2.64817362e-05 -2.09590558e-14 -1.51912215e-14 -8.15893029e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00117234 -0.00272924 0.00117234] [-0.00117233 0.00272925 0.00117233] [-0.00117237 -0.00272921 -0.00117237] ... [-0.00032658 0.00026834 0.00109894] [-0.00224526 0.00111973 -0.00224526] [ 0.00109894 0.00026834 -0.00032658]] Final stress: [ 6.42382795e-05 4.77542212e-05 6.42382796e-05 9.35061711e-14 -3.17733309e-13 -2.86506013e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00598796 0.01604875 -0.00598796] [ 0.00598787 -0.01604884 -0.00598787] [ 0.00598778 0.01604893 0.00598779] ... [ 0.00112062 0.00072847 -0.0067144 ] [ 0.01205226 -0.0054193 0.01205226] [-0.0067144 0.00072847 0.00112062]] Final stress: [-1.01613561e-04 8.56594349e-05 -1.01613562e-04 7.62856254e-13 -9.87964990e-14 -1.07576660e-12] Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00282214 -0.01577571 0.01210736] [ 0.00282214 0.01577571 0.01210736] [ 0.00282214 -0.01577571 -0.01210737] ... [ 0.00660166 0.00292565 -0.00199307] [-0.01008955 0.00798722 -0.00767682] [ 0.00412178 -0.00472483 0.00136359]] Final stress: [ 2.57091687e-05 -4.54943744e-05 1.20883552e-04 -3.49765207e-13 3.28866658e-13 5.44529233e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00328816 0.01288264 -0.01715778] [ 0.00328816 -0.01288264 -0.01715778] [ 0.00328816 0.01288264 0.01715777] ... [-0.01116363 -0.00873938 0.00917536] [ 0.0071819 -0.00162332 0.00326512] [ 0.00509799 0.00125638 -0.00508442]] Final stress: [ 2.86512227e-05 1.32766164e-04 -4.76070459e-05 1.09347743e-12 -8.67985262e-14 5.97787396e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-1.39868036e-03 6.95778316e-05 6.95786058e-05] [ 1.39860668e-03 -6.96415610e-05 6.96366987e-05] [ 1.39843734e-03 6.98104534e-05 -6.98137801e-05] ... [ 1.62642978e-04 1.12508871e-04 -9.67240119e-04] [ 1.62626669e-04 -9.67220008e-04 1.12501182e-04] [ 5.40196636e-04 1.76885322e-04 1.76886905e-04]] Final stress: [-5.55507972e-05 -4.34371600e-05 -4.34371597e-05 1.91405285e-12 5.29396029e-12 -1.60959103e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12423183 -0.09290056 -0.09068314] [ 0.00218606 0.04183008 -0.03596223] [ 0.00218607 -0.0418301 0.03596224] ... [ 0.03504696 0.01806046 -0.02951528] [ 0.02871658 0.03037122 0.00769371] [-0.06815917 0.0263317 0.04664135]] Final stress: [ 1.47521969e-03 -9.83658248e-05 1.32704442e-03 -5.04624448e-04 1.51172179e-14 -6.34830456e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00192156 -0.04231472 -0.03628963] [ 0.12609185 0.09427665 -0.09197067] [ 0.12609185 -0.09427665 0.09197067] ... [ 0.01591989 -0.00234388 -0.0402254 ] [ 0.00690011 0.03524381 0.00676839] [-0.02041555 -0.01758447 -0.02498017]] Final stress: [ 1.50198290e-03 -8.79662177e-05 1.35026806e-03 5.06771555e-04 -6.84266514e-13 5.54077456e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.61321769e-03 2.92905179e-03 2.62858112e-03] [-6.22049138e-03 -5.50946703e-03 5.20619350e-03] [-6.22048889e-03 5.50946452e-03 -5.20619096e-03] ... [-9.65230075e-04 1.67850908e-04 6.18847884e-04] [-1.02996240e-03 -2.80174559e-04 5.45484543e-04] [ 8.56035134e-05 -6.39535517e-04 -2.22258824e-04]] Final stress: [-2.64529925e-05 -6.84158249e-06 -2.65451548e-05 8.21844544e-06 -1.87093296e-14 -2.05790024e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00623266 0.00554145 0.00523195] [-0.00162708 -0.00293555 0.00262882] [-0.00162708 0.00293556 -0.00262882] ... [ 0.00092267 -0.00102073 0.0005271 ] [ 0.00086664 -0.0003588 -0.00067551] [ 0.00106978 -0.00025638 0.00016968]] Final stress: [-2.64450322e-05 -6.94729463e-06 -2.65364033e-05 -8.19223304e-06 -4.77038753e-15 3.61234171e-14] Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00262016 0.00189949 0.00262016] [-0.0052318 -0.00654926 0.0052318 ] [-0.00262017 0.0018995 -0.00262017] ... [ 0.00062455 -0.00140065 0.00063433] [-0.00030181 -0.00084694 -0.00030181] [ 0.00063433 -0.00140065 0.00062455]] Final stress: [-2.65463846e-05 -6.68429692e-06 -2.65463846e-05 -7.38686371e-14 8.43536171e-06 2.60903653e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00524206 0.00654422 0.00524206] [-0.00262111 -0.00189527 0.00262111] [-0.00524206 0.00654422 -0.00524206] ... [-0.00062926 0.00052912 0.00054867] [ 0.00015768 0.0001822 0.00015768] [ 0.00054867 0.00052912 -0.00062926]] Final stress: [-2.66281103e-05 -6.44599458e-06 -2.66281103e-05 -1.29387011e-14 -8.25083957e-06 6.56182464e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09547426 -0.09800437 -0.12839916] [ 0.09547423 0.09800434 -0.12839913] [ 0.03796514 -0.04407183 0.00476766] ... [ 0.04737865 0.0267455 -0.06482454] [ 0.004897 0.03053593 0.02665977] [-0.02866125 0.0147493 0.03320236]] Final stress: [ 1.30633015e-03 -1.08842525e-04 1.45266812e-03 -3.57941521e-14 -3.17841007e-15 -5.06474325e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03855459 -0.04468934 -0.00542339] [ 0.03855459 0.04468934 -0.0054234 ] [ 0.09621114 -0.09876738 0.12906841] ... [-0.02537953 -0.01918234 -0.0220948 ] [ 0.00990304 0.03388508 0.00836574] [-0.03937952 0.00056989 0.01741618]] Final stress: [ 1.30607782e-03 -1.10046899e-04 1.45250473e-03 -1.75885267e-13 -3.31816432e-13 5.07896269e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.62735389e-03 2.93228117e-03 1.60522107e-03] [-2.62735698e-03 -2.93228423e-03 1.60522422e-03] [-5.20131725e-03 5.50905065e-03 -6.22237933e-03] ... [-2.26466699e-04 -6.42324416e-04 8.22417870e-05] [ 5.46759585e-04 -2.82027706e-04 -1.03949515e-03] [ 6.12466268e-04 1.65542399e-04 -9.79756221e-04]] Final stress: [-2.65347051e-05 -6.82822096e-06 -2.64428217e-05 1.48645423e-14 -2.59284020e-14 8.22889902e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00520831 0.00549895 0.00622347] [-0.00520831 -0.00549895 0.00622348] [-0.00262033 0.00290813 -0.00160409] ... [ 0.00023211 -0.00022615 0.00109789] [-0.00069849 -0.00036994 0.00092408] [ 0.00055788 -0.00106135 0.00099411]] Final stress: [-2.66059480e-05 -6.62516655e-06 -2.65123226e-05 -1.53628026e-14 3.34540088e-14 -8.12558786e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00103413 0.00103413 -0.00260813] [-0.00103418 -0.00103418 -0.00260808] [-0.0010342 0.00103419 0.00260806] ... [-0.00202104 -0.00202104 0.00092014] [-0.0001712 -0.00011897 0.00050739] [-0.00011897 -0.0001712 0.00050739]] Final stress: [ 6.20998270e-05 6.20998269e-05 5.21550232e-05 -6.74020680e-13 -9.51213911e-15 -3.12483395e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00672368 -0.00672368 0.0174638 ] [ 0.00672369 0.00672369 0.01746379] [ 0.00672375 -0.00672375 -0.01746373] ... [ 0.01329136 0.01329136 -0.00536649] [ 0.00111951 -0.00798136 0.00081449] [-0.00798137 0.00111951 0.00081449]] Final stress: [-1.04023270e-04 -1.04023270e-04 9.46622267e-05 -1.89576557e-13 -2.67790292e-13 -4.48921278e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12697314 -0.09426328 -0.09672928] [ 0.00435952 0.03733351 -0.04334173] [ 0.0043595 -0.03733349 0.04334172] ... [ 0.02663829 0.00508534 0.03055838] [ 0.03299285 -0.02860533 0.01483241] [-0.06448406 0.04692516 0.02661685]] Final stress: [ 1.44101236e-03 1.29621241e-03 -1.11372711e-04 -5.03924933e-04 2.63785121e-13 2.09039539e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00524149 -0.03821367 -0.04434038] [ 0.12846123 0.09576291 -0.09834617] [ 0.12846126 -0.09576294 0.0983462 ] ... [ 0.00840443 0.01001642 0.03367692] [ 0.0172814 -0.03932897 0.00071376] [-0.02228801 -0.02539717 -0.01922044]] Final stress: [ 1.44171320e-03 1.29655191e-03 -1.12347936e-04 5.05496741e-04 8.38337740e-13 2.18171589e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.61741393e-03 2.63152955e-03 2.92680325e-03] [-6.22402588e-03 -5.21098314e-03 5.50908355e-03] [-6.22402701e-03 5.21098431e-03 -5.50908465e-03] ... [-1.02328177e-03 5.50048533e-04 -2.90302126e-04] [-9.60304893e-04 6.19470273e-04 1.72213194e-04] [ 8.41319376e-05 -2.17520341e-04 -6.33102773e-04]] Final stress: [-2.65048583e-05 -2.65976481e-05 -6.68267820e-06 8.09520468e-06 3.68757661e-15 -7.77261179e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0062244 0.00519837 0.00549579] [-0.00159458 -0.0026217 0.00291628] [-0.00159458 0.0026217 -0.00291629] ... [ 0.00094334 -0.00069219 -0.00035581] [ 0.0010054 0.00056365 -0.00106024] [ 0.00110106 0.00023106 -0.00022442]] Final stress: [-2.64936233e-05 -2.65868931e-05 -6.62159961e-06 -8.15790647e-06 8.71263347e-15 2.25052685e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09033998 -0.12378095 -0.09252208] [ 0.03606468 0.00240462 -0.04189475] [ 0.09033991 -0.12378088 0.09252201] ... [ 0.00764857 0.02870333 0.03033567] [ 0.04650551 -0.0679815 0.02625939] [-0.02959802 0.03502265 0.0180141 ]] Final stress: [ 1.32467832e-03 1.47250669e-03 -9.98572617e-05 -5.87363313e-14 -5.05178114e-04 -6.42755938e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03676887 -0.00362531 -0.04273133] [ 0.09319496 0.12608061 -0.0955992 ] [ 0.03676892 -0.00362535 0.04273138] ... [ 0.00865326 0.0076224 0.03406824] [-0.02524532 -0.02168182 -0.01861496] [-0.03953901 0.01628987 -0.00048212]] Final stress: [ 1.30190256e-03 1.44734757e-03 -1.07637202e-04 9.48553012e-13 5.03020186e-04 -8.37293520e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.62461687e-03 1.61175099e-03 2.92414025e-03] [-5.21985997e-03 -6.23167252e-03 5.52218675e-03] [-2.62461935e-03 1.61175344e-03 -2.92414273e-03] ... [ 5.42991163e-04 -1.01864131e-03 -2.73042816e-04] [-2.13081677e-04 7.86946482e-05 -6.23683765e-04] [ 6.23432872e-04 -9.56648282e-04 1.69233144e-04]] Final stress: [-2.65730851e-05 -2.64805997e-05 -6.75230663e-06 -7.94128348e-15 8.15072441e-06 -1.10285453e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00520215 0.0062217 0.00549625] [-0.0026211 -0.00160047 0.00291236] [-0.00520216 0.0062217 -0.00549626] ... [-0.00069726 0.00093394 -0.00036415] [ 0.00023465 0.00109648 -0.00022422] [ 0.00055884 0.00100213 -0.00106261]] Final stress: [-2.65858036e-05 -2.64924782e-05 -6.66058646e-06 1.18124946e-14 -8.16800872e-06 1.26014890e-15] Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0026158 0.0026158 0.00188704] [-0.0026158 -0.0026158 0.00188704] [-0.00523862 0.00523862 -0.00654235] ... [-0.00030007 -0.00030007 -0.00086703] [ 0.00063843 0.00063736 -0.00139789] [ 0.00063736 0.00063843 -0.00139789]] Final stress: [-2.66254040e-05 -2.66254040e-05 -6.44800957e-06 -4.20465599e-14 -1.42801392e-14 8.26490765e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.27465395e-03 5.27465392e-03 6.58225592e-03] [-5.27465432e-03 -5.27465429e-03 6.58225624e-03] [-2.63216637e-03 2.63216636e-03 -1.94537538e-03] ... [ 9.58739044e-05 9.58738168e-05 2.09658023e-04] [-6.17319589e-04 5.10195800e-04 4.80336923e-04] [ 5.10195865e-04 -6.17319605e-04 4.80336925e-04]] Final stress: [-2.65549537e-05 -2.65549537e-05 -6.79250275e-06 7.23042279e-15 -7.73870728e-15 -8.31073164e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.06777756e-04 1.45556687e-04 1.45556691e-04] [ 4.41528813e-04 4.80085119e-04 -4.80085131e-04] [ 4.41528614e-04 -4.80084921e-04 4.80084920e-04] ... [-1.28582983e-03 -8.29645184e-04 8.29607308e-04] [-1.28582982e-03 8.29607315e-04 -8.29645224e-04] [ 5.62156389e-04 7.18896607e-05 7.18896356e-05]] Final stress: [ 2.68120710e-06 2.64758563e-06 2.64758564e-06 3.03380105e-05 -4.88536511e-15 1.21973226e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.34067567e-04 -4.81771686e-04 -4.81771681e-04] [-9.93368991e-05 -1.47268951e-04 1.47268957e-04] [-9.93366071e-05 1.47268653e-04 -1.47268648e-04] ... [ 1.26657648e-03 7.75325076e-04 -6.49470368e-04] [ 1.26657649e-03 -6.49470371e-04 7.75325064e-04] [-3.65388748e-04 -1.12165503e-04 -1.12165497e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.68119821e-06 2.64757216e-06 2.64757215e-06 -3.03895252e-05 -2.17938219e-14 -2.25411141e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00981287 -0.00981287 -0.00768363] [-0.00893059 -0.00893059 0.00677226] [-0.001483 -0.00280295 0.00071917] ... [ 0.01759146 0.01759146 0.00435113] [ 0.00948619 -0.00680529 0.0002401 ] [-0.00680529 0.00948619 0.0002401 ]] Final stress: [-4.99296301e-07 -4.99296374e-07 -1.70541875e-06 -1.29022711e-05 -1.29022713e-05 3.64097982e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00281365 0.0014945 -0.00071877] [-0.0014945 0.00281365 -0.00071877] [-0.00894461 0.00894461 -0.00677518] ... [ 0.00927507 -0.00869078 0.0018407 ] [ 0.01736446 0.01286437 0.00837616] [-0.00937885 -0.01750069 -0.0085227 ]] Final stress: [-5.01496828e-07 -5.01496626e-07 -1.70759337e-06 -1.29228608e-05 1.29228606e-05 -3.64256930e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00147096 -0.00278839 -0.00071791] [ 0.00278838 -0.00147096 -0.00071791] [ 0.00985588 -0.00985588 0.00774003] ... [-0.00873937 0.00932103 0.00183914] [-0.01748553 -0.00938948 -0.00846069] [ 0.01287273 0.01734788 0.00831188]] Final stress: [-4.96750725e-07 -4.96750830e-07 -1.70322741e-06 1.28857523e-05 -1.28857523e-05 -3.63849857e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00891784 0.00891784 0.0067672 ] [ 0.00980419 0.00980419 -0.00768305] [ 0.00279727 0.00147288 0.00072148] ... [-0.01812025 -0.01812025 -0.00109039] [-0.00939915 0.0099994 -0.00057696] [ 0.0099994 -0.00939915 -0.00057696]] Final stress: [-4.94701570e-07 -4.94701652e-07 -1.70559271e-06 1.28309923e-05 1.28309923e-05 3.64443717e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00983567 -0.00772319 -0.00983567] [-0.00146708 0.00071842 -0.00278548] [-0.00895522 0.00681352 -0.00895522] ... [ 0.00948797 0.00025026 -0.00677078] [ 0.01758471 0.00439745 0.01758471] [-0.00677078 0.00025026 0.00948797]] Final stress: [-4.98301952e-07 -1.70312743e-06 -4.98301759e-07 -1.28178829e-05 3.63819881e-06 -1.28178830e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00280055 -0.00072158 0.00147591] [-0.00889393 -0.00674023 0.00889393] [-0.00147591 -0.00072158 0.00280055] ... [ 0.01738295 0.00833112 0.01286697] [ 0.00933877 0.0018416 -0.00875404] [-0.00937981 -0.00847798 -0.0175194 ]] Final stress: [-4.96653147e-07 -1.70629816e-06 -4.96652972e-07 -1.28598630e-05 -3.64446980e-06 1.28598629e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00147998 -0.00071841 -0.00279841] [ 0.0098375 0.00771208 -0.0098375 ] [ 0.00279841 -0.00071842 -0.00147998] ... [-0.01749324 -0.00850322 -0.00938557] [-0.00870369 0.00183995 0.00928666] [ 0.01287002 0.00835555 0.01735631]] Final stress: [-4.98975446e-07 -1.70463137e-06 -4.98975385e-07 1.28748023e-05 -3.63987943e-06 -1.28748021e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00893601 0.00678085 0.00893601] [ 0.00280052 0.00072008 0.00147885] [ 0.00981971 -0.00769388 0.00981971] ... [-0.00936752 -0.00057004 0.01003806] [-0.01810064 -0.00105524 -0.01810064] [ 0.01003806 -0.00057004 -0.00936752]] Final stress: [-4.96303763e-07 -1.70513833e-06 -4.96303809e-07 1.28716534e-05 3.64259328e-06 1.28716536e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.51056648e-04 9.22029461e-05 1.51056640e-04] [ 4.85794337e-04 4.27176481e-04 -4.85794332e-04] [-1.51056798e-04 9.22031003e-05 -1.51056807e-04] ... [-8.17509678e-04 -1.30791895e-03 8.28670903e-04] [ 7.56049473e-05 5.75192719e-04 7.56049865e-05] [ 8.28670868e-04 -1.30791898e-03 -8.17509728e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.64764651e-06 2.68126424e-06 2.64764647e-06 3.26992156e-15 3.04513547e-05 -1.64603442e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00048242 -0.00043708 -0.00048242] [-0.0001478 -0.00010224 0.0001478 ] [ 0.00048242 -0.00043708 0.00048242] ... [ 0.00077691 0.0012633 -0.00064929] [-0.00011149 -0.00036503 -0.00011149] [-0.00064929 0.0012633 0.00077691]] Final stress: [ 2.64761779e-06 2.68124408e-06 2.64761779e-06 -6.81070598e-17 -3.03743239e-05 -6.34414719e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00770371 -0.00982162 -0.00982162] [ 0.00071888 -0.00147201 -0.00279133] [ 0.00071888 -0.00279133 -0.00147201] ... [ 0.00024766 0.00948431 -0.00678236] [ 0.00024766 -0.00678236 0.00948431] [ 0.00437869 0.01759328 0.01759328]] Final stress: [-1.70309206e-06 -4.98051652e-07 -4.98051770e-07 3.63860500e-06 -1.28376753e-05 -1.28376754e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00071714 -0.00277889 0.00146303] [-0.0068663 -0.00900274 0.00900274] [ 0.00777319 -0.00988029 0.00988029] ... [ 0.00832464 0.0173442 0.01287127] [-0.00847382 -0.00938856 -0.01748207] [ 0.00183883 0.00930427 -0.0087231 ]] Final stress: [-1.70103316e-06 -4.95752823e-07 -4.95752637e-07 -3.63597160e-06 -1.28209731e-05 1.28209730e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00072141 0.0014718 -0.002796 ] [ 0.00770972 0.00982956 -0.00982956] [-0.00679436 0.00894395 -0.00894395] ... [-0.00845489 -0.01753235 -0.00936189] [ 0.00830847 0.01285065 0.01739621] [ 0.0018427 -0.00878938 0.00937537]] Final stress: [-1.70711349e-06 -4.94343230e-07 -4.94343712e-07 -3.64614259e-06 1.28161306e-05 -1.28161310e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00688683 0.00900091 0.00900091] [ 0.00071953 0.0027585 0.00143806] [ 0.00071953 0.00143806 0.0027585 ] ... [-0.00058548 -0.00945485 0.00989444] [-0.00058548 0.00989444 -0.00945485] [-0.00120702 -0.01809719 -0.01809719]] Final stress: [-1.70173137e-06 -4.90481181e-07 -4.90481064e-07 3.63892975e-06 1.27122327e-05 1.27122328e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.48879721e-04 1.48879730e-04 9.53210883e-05] [-1.48879396e-04 -1.48879403e-04 9.53207526e-05] [ 4.83488521e-04 -4.83488520e-04 4.30161596e-04] ... [ 7.49878252e-05 7.49878310e-05 5.71696534e-04] [-8.20863338e-04 8.28931677e-04 -1.30193104e-03] [ 8.28931661e-04 -8.20863300e-04 -1.30193094e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.64755034e-06 2.64755032e-06 2.68117246e-06 -1.22566017e-14 1.01531372e-14 3.04187298e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.86280364e-04 -4.86280375e-04 -4.27480939e-04] [ 4.86280202e-04 4.86280205e-04 -4.27480759e-04] [-1.51497154e-04 1.51497161e-04 -9.24613394e-05] ... [-1.13312252e-04 -1.13312316e-04 -3.73850445e-04] [ 7.68363791e-04 -6.48896704e-04 1.27869493e-03] [-6.48896798e-04 7.68363804e-04 1.27869499e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.64770233e-06 2.64770234e-06 2.68131652e-06 -4.61819292e-16 -6.53025949e-15 -3.04549258e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05112652 0.0245888 0.02458881] [ 0.05112636 -0.02458895 0.02458895] [ 0.05112638 0.02458893 -0.02458893] ... [-0.00367288 0.04356836 -0.01144794] [-0.00367289 -0.01144793 0.04356835] [ 0.07777027 -0.06419963 -0.06419963]] Final stress: [-2.22167129e-04 1.15154994e-03 1.15154994e-03 -6.85716734e-12 -1.83685343e-12 -2.56150079e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.04495886e-03 -7.69874479e-04 -7.69873853e-04] [-1.04488890e-03 7.69946263e-04 -7.69944882e-04] [-1.04485772e-03 -7.69977355e-04 7.69976651e-04] ... [-1.49659068e-04 -5.01561841e-04 -6.03452412e-05] [-1.49660650e-04 -6.03504230e-05 -5.01560502e-04] [-1.55839401e-03 5.22588214e-04 5.22585508e-04]] Final stress: [-2.41282259e-05 -3.28594325e-05 -3.28594328e-05 9.03127664e-13 1.98377216e-12 1.09587394e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00052417 -0.00052418 0.00197673] [ 0.00052436 0.00052434 0.00197656] [ 0.00052486 -0.00052487 -0.00197606] ... [-0.00155313 -0.00155312 -0.00252252] [-0.00079601 0.00161143 -0.00020562] [ 0.00161146 -0.00079602 -0.00020563]] Final stress: [ 2.06399311e-05 2.06399325e-05 8.49016292e-05 -6.95618568e-15 2.03894803e-11 7.55236264e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01040731 0.00929096 -0.00105392] [ 0.01040724 -0.00929103 -0.00105386] [ 0.01040726 0.00929101 0.00105388] ... [-0.00198672 0.00060263 -0.00215758] [ 0.00231561 -0.00572813 0.00368896] [ 0.0010944 -0.00390688 -0.00512261]] Final stress: [-3.24719308e-05 8.82618073e-05 2.14148576e-05 -2.66402636e-13 -8.60869874e-14 3.55584514e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00820549 -0.00975602 -0.00118892] [-0.00820548 0.00975603 -0.00118893] [-0.00820546 -0.00975605 0.00118895] ... [ 0.00059961 -0.001745 -0.00166504] [-0.00333729 0.00151905 -0.00439686] [-0.00524647 0.0019233 0.00320834]] Final stress: [ 8.47280368e-05 -3.59463878e-05 1.91411134e-05 2.71848370e-14 6.26717154e-13 -1.60925070e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00056202 0.00056199 -0.00250686] [-0.00056204 -0.0005621 -0.00250678] [-0.00056107 0.00056104 0.00250781] ... [ 0.00085859 0.0008586 0.00221758] [ 0.00072498 -0.00160336 0.00043104] [-0.00160332 0.00072497 0.00043103]] Final stress: [-1.02374568e-05 -1.02374595e-05 -7.37531702e-05 8.23443278e-12 1.25140747e-11 -1.18443254e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-2.90279456e-04 1.43223398e-03 -2.90269703e-04] [ 2.90075943e-04 -1.43240988e-03 -2.90076207e-04] [ 2.90505728e-04 1.43199511e-03 2.90494832e-04] ... [-8.72473896e-04 -3.11777884e-05 1.20815026e-03] [-8.73677813e-04 -2.17883744e-03 -8.73686938e-04] [ 1.20816454e-03 -3.11687952e-05 -8.72485318e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.19415894e-05 7.48719844e-05 2.19415904e-05 8.74330800e-12 -3.32715609e-11 1.04263781e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-7.76792521e-04 5.63656928e-04 1.89680669e-03] [ 7.76811583e-04 -5.63638118e-04 1.89678798e-03] [ 7.76814574e-04 5.63634893e-04 -1.89678457e-03] ... [ 2.69641957e-04 1.51518810e-05 2.32316189e-04] [ 2.35718032e-04 1.06184491e-04 -1.86903622e-04] [ 4.03753626e-04 7.99867492e-06 -1.60376004e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.24487303e-05 6.14108339e-06 -8.27457053e-07 8.13714120e-13 3.60851794e-13 -4.94017632e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0092072 -0.00128888 -0.01079439] [-0.00920723 0.00128885 -0.01079436] [-0.00920726 -0.00128882 0.01079433] ... [-0.00351964 -0.00470887 0.00035924] [ 0.00055763 -0.00184818 -0.00199445] [-0.00435261 0.00321441 0.00185188]] Final stress: [ 7.55937069e-05 2.14180888e-05 -2.00467606e-05 -2.33326348e-13 -2.10400295e-13 2.54229084e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00558834 -0.00331073 0.00558834] [-0.0055885 0.00331054 0.0055885 ] [-0.00558845 -0.00331062 -0.00558842] ... [ 0.00198383 -0.00075766 -0.00956407] [ 0.00781028 0.01000698 0.00781027] [-0.00956402 -0.00075768 0.0019838 ]] Final stress: [ 5.39863340e-05 -1.95212430e-04 5.39863323e-05 -2.18775521e-12 1.08953796e-12 -1.94580234e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-6.27306559e-03 -2.96144639e-03 -2.96144632e-03] [-8.85368032e-05 5.39664510e-04 -5.39664482e-04] [-8.85376563e-05 -5.39663632e-04 5.39663599e-04] ... [ 7.24918169e-04 -1.29355110e-03 -3.10297761e-03] [ 7.24918139e-04 -3.10297748e-03 -1.29355124e-03] [ 1.09400143e-03 2.91326230e-03 2.91326222e-03]] Final stress: [-2.64289461e-05 4.96631321e-05 4.96631322e-05 -3.02362865e-05 2.28513342e-14 -4.17282204e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-2.03837025e-05 -6.55170232e-04 -6.55170276e-04] [ 6.63647775e-03 3.35395235e-03 -3.35395241e-03] [ 6.63648073e-03 -3.35395525e-03 3.35395525e-03] ... [ 1.47515838e-03 3.04238661e-03 -2.79895971e-03] [ 1.47515843e-03 -2.79895976e-03 3.04238670e-03] [ 1.58994302e-03 -1.33584598e-03 -1.33584589e-03]] Final stress: [-2.53500280e-05 4.89434877e-05 4.89434877e-05 3.01511870e-05 -1.99337041e-14 3.33346615e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0012112 -0.00038744 -0.00038744] [-0.0026118 -0.00058122 0.00058122] [-0.0026118 0.00058122 -0.00058122] ... [ 0.00354016 -0.0012862 0.00046175] [ 0.00354016 0.00046175 -0.0012862 ] [-0.00215249 0.00231877 0.00231877]] Final stress: [ 2.17882520e-05 -2.59269028e-05 -2.59269028e-05 -2.78738125e-05 -5.54998894e-14 -3.55766480e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00245236 0.00035127 0.00035127] [ 0.00133617 0.00048757 -0.00048757] [ 0.00133617 -0.00048757 0.00048757] ... [-0.00334332 -0.00020323 0.00239685] [-0.00334332 0.00239685 -0.00020323] [ 0.0004971 -0.00294188 -0.00294188]] Final stress: [ 2.27921334e-05 -2.63729772e-05 -2.63729771e-05 2.90931691e-05 3.85704527e-14 1.36554436e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00443409 -0.0050501 -0.00311031] [ 0.00184655 -0.00142967 -0.00050942] [ 0.00443408 -0.0050501 0.00311031] ... [-0.00093913 0.00049522 -0.00301588] [ 0.00313703 -0.00337606 0.00293466] [ 0.00140662 0.00040358 -0.00133323]] Final stress: [-2.64441864e-05 4.99124684e-05 4.94471069e-05 5.13922336e-15 -2.88779359e-05 2.16572411e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00188855 0.00135661 -0.0005628 ] [ 0.00449747 0.00510492 -0.00318487] [ 0.00188856 0.00135661 0.0005628 ] ... [ 0.00322451 0.00136369 -0.00297247] [-0.0008652 -0.00265782 -0.00116194] [ 0.00145139 0.00125116 0.00291466]] Final stress: [-2.62763578e-05 4.97338723e-05 4.92726266e-05 2.54154366e-14 2.85939510e-05 -3.19749511e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00645029 -0.02254781 -0.01323303] [ 0.02172501 0.01948233 -0.02874293] [ 0.00645028 -0.02254779 0.01323301] ... [-0.01300398 -0.00913437 0.01948303] [-0.00283533 0.01029663 0.00171612] [-0.01907458 -0.00650089 -0.00360689]] Final stress: [ 3.78198580e-04 -1.00052002e-04 -1.11923738e-04 -4.32901292e-13 -1.23738576e-04 -5.26201631e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0217721 -0.01953208 -0.02879189] [ 0.00648842 0.02258679 -0.0132727 ] [ 0.02177211 -0.01953209 0.0287919 ] ... [-0.00144428 0.00747717 0.01856204] [-0.01234012 0.02643076 -0.00559879] [-0.02084704 0.0103365 0.00593052]] Final stress: [ 3.78556476e-04 -1.00099183e-04 -1.11984813e-04 -1.93563659e-14 1.23953257e-04 -4.08739937e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00435429 -0.00302577 -0.0049825 ] [ 0.00435429 0.00302577 -0.0049825 ] [ 0.00182378 -0.0004817 -0.00147426] ... [ 0.00317746 0.00298654 -0.00340716] [-0.00099643 -0.00304048 0.00052882] [ 0.00140622 -0.00137694 0.0004404 ]] Final stress: [-2.68272180e-05 4.96172845e-05 5.00896570e-05 7.23488650e-14 -1.32147968e-14 -2.94051237e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0017795 -0.00043224 0.00152891] [ 0.0017795 0.00043224 0.00152891] [ 0.00432938 -0.00299575 0.00495767] ... [-0.00092404 -0.00121608 -0.00267865] [ 0.00328638 -0.00299619 0.00132989] [ 0.00149817 0.00298921 0.00122308]] Final stress: [-2.69993664e-05 4.97017284e-05 5.01757598e-05 -4.82779045e-15 3.57895898e-15 2.95767145e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00630465 -0.01308661 -0.0223978 ] [ 0.00630465 0.01308661 -0.02239781] [ 0.02145222 -0.02846724 0.01920931] ... [-0.00282056 0.00169935 0.01018229] [-0.0129041 0.01940321 -0.00910041] [-0.01892163 -0.0035465 -0.00646233]] Final stress: [ 3.76715854e-04 -1.11658812e-04 -9.98737317e-05 1.51666905e-14 -6.37279007e-13 -1.22892661e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00129241 0.00069822 0.00210527] [-0.00129241 -0.00069822 0.00210527] [-0.00037304 -0.00021436 0.00162278] ... [-0.00236365 -0.0032081 0.00258605] [ 0.0006454 0.00224615 -0.00395296] [ 0.00011042 0.00023104 -0.00348765]] Final stress: [ 2.06222013e-05 -2.55628822e-05 -2.54067126e-05 1.59482209e-15 -8.77171825e-15 2.70312775e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02795519 -0.05566682 0.02795519] [-0.02795546 0.05566655 0.02795545] [-0.02795548 -0.05566653 -0.02795548] ... [ 0.04860572 -0.00217443 -0.01163316] [-0.07444679 0.08611952 -0.07444682] [-0.01163316 -0.00217445 0.04860574]] Final stress: [ 1.31889000e-03 -1.70113128e-04 1.31889000e-03 -1.24981546e-12 5.58410420e-12 6.32279881e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-6.17366565e-04 1.29488629e-03 -6.17366748e-04] [ 6.17361782e-04 -1.29488931e-03 -6.17362464e-04] [ 6.17369483e-04 1.29488134e-03 6.17369510e-04] ... [-4.25783278e-04 -2.10642056e-04 1.40810203e-05] [ 4.68888740e-04 -1.59713554e-03 4.68891678e-04] [ 1.40764075e-05 -2.10641201e-04 -4.25782628e-04]] Final stress: [-3.22419298e-05 -2.54833467e-05 -3.22419296e-05 9.68827414e-13 -8.97608122e-13 6.49752426e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00135635 -0.00036344 -0.00036343] [-0.0013565 0.00036328 -0.00036328] [-0.00135657 -0.00036322 0.00036322] ... [-0.00012711 -0.0005396 0.0011164 ] [-0.00012711 0.00111641 -0.0005396 ] [-0.00168573 -0.00107292 -0.00107291]] Final stress: [ 6.62554021e-05 2.56018608e-05 2.56018640e-05 -7.70226480e-13 -5.94053869e-12 3.68201527e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00106224 -0.00969984 0.00835375] [ 0.0010622 0.0096998 0.00835379] [ 0.00106222 -0.00969982 -0.00835377] ... [ 0.00300283 0.00191203 -0.00403383] [-0.00427898 0.00017616 -0.00331894] [-0.00179947 -0.00164351 0.00040745]] Final stress: [ 1.82833243e-05 -2.51439096e-05 7.17757132e-05 9.20284819e-13 7.49788395e-13 -3.58813661e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.71799713e-04 1.88723689e-03 -9.51470402e-04] [-4.71798603e-04 -1.88723543e-03 -9.51472378e-04] [-4.71786160e-04 1.88722301e-03 9.51483937e-04] ... [-8.85002137e-05 -3.77697624e-04 4.12444614e-04] [ 1.30669998e-04 2.69341836e-04 5.10747196e-04] [ 1.23420229e-04 -2.99736465e-04 3.69307371e-04]] Final stress: [5.89787721e-06 1.71026313e-07 1.09473148e-05 1.76796809e-13 3.42889548e-13 1.17783213e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00508129 0.00058422 0.00058424] [ 0.0050789 -0.00058663 0.00058661] [ 0.00507937 0.00058616 -0.00058615] ... [ 0.00176453 0.0015934 -0.00565448] [ 0.00176451 -0.0056544 0.00159339] [ 0.00308507 0.00238223 0.00238224]] Final stress: [-1.34198062e-04 2.62220390e-05 2.62220387e-05 -1.67238133e-11 1.13369436e-12 4.78941885e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00798053 -0.0073277 -0.00607589] [-0.00036999 0.00279989 -0.00153498] [-0.00036999 -0.00279988 0.00153498] ... [ 0.00117566 -0.00106477 -0.00253924] [ 0.00115883 0.00048613 -0.0010452 ] [-0.00262963 0.0030697 0.00319227]] Final stress: [ 4.65646293e-05 -2.09862298e-05 4.61587665e-05 -3.03589534e-05 -1.31886258e-14 -7.25686022e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00051524 -0.00254829 -0.00132231] [ 0.00722721 0.00660356 -0.00538977] [ 0.00722721 -0.00660356 0.00538977] ... [ 0.00072083 0.00267486 -0.00224863] [ 0.00068479 0.00085985 0.00271661] [-0.00215127 -0.00133459 -0.00133897]] Final stress: [ 4.57148553e-05 -2.00435788e-05 4.53311508e-05 2.86395018e-05 5.66999319e-14 -3.55275304e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02259441 -0.00647062 -0.01327185] [ 0.01955805 0.0217897 -0.0288263 ] [ 0.01955805 -0.0217897 0.0288263 ] ... [-0.00918598 -0.01302364 0.01951693] [-0.00653935 -0.01906745 -0.00360628] [ 0.01027974 -0.00284708 0.00170907]] Final stress: [-1.00139311e-04 3.78488691e-04 -1.12022985e-04 -1.23644191e-04 -5.15455854e-14 2.21974787e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01893886 -0.02117217 -0.02814019] [ 0.02212004 0.00612994 -0.01286605] [ 0.02212004 -0.00612994 0.01286605] ... [ 0.0074404 -0.00149783 0.01834348] [ 0.01026748 -0.02066668 0.00582272] [ 0.02616768 -0.01219663 -0.00550417]] Final stress: [-9.97965582e-05 3.75277569e-04 -1.11524071e-04 1.22448348e-04 -4.55744379e-13 4.07136003e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.49038113e-02 -2.09931360e-02 -1.49038112e-02] [ 4.25628475e-03 2.97277634e-03 -4.25628485e-03] [ 1.49038060e-02 -2.09931306e-02 1.49038059e-02] ... [-1.86892370e-03 2.44528871e-03 -4.51342413e-03] [ 6.70635528e-03 8.49330338e-05 6.70635539e-03] [-4.51342471e-03 2.44528882e-03 -1.86892346e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.49875467e-05 -5.40688650e-05 7.49875467e-05 1.39971413e-13 -7.26246208e-05 4.63785378e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-5.90819395e-04 4.26239024e-05 -5.90819430e-04] [ 3.12138033e-03 6.45213940e-03 -3.12138028e-03] [ 5.90817714e-04 4.26255324e-05 5.90817726e-04] ... [ 3.09385465e-03 1.65633189e-03 -2.94511693e-03] [-1.31798198e-03 1.72266387e-03 -1.31798193e-03] [-2.94511695e-03 1.65633189e-03 3.09385466e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.99075061e-05 -2.67214818e-05 4.99075061e-05 1.75141069e-14 3.03485236e-05 -6.91247983e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01519047 -0.01733969 -0.01519047] [ 0.02738664 0.01140664 -0.02738664] [ 0.01519045 -0.01733967 0.01519045] ... [-0.00629138 -0.01349513 0.02139446] [ 0.00418769 -0.03036349 0.00418769] [ 0.02139447 -0.01349513 -0.00629138]] Final stress: [-1.11834018e-04 3.91294652e-04 -1.11834019e-04 2.34123547e-15 -1.03954773e-04 1.22296391e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02745975 -0.01139655 -0.02745975] [ 0.0152483 0.0174108 -0.0152483 ] [ 0.02745975 -0.01139654 0.02745975] ... [ 0.00298954 0.00052276 0.01687032] [-0.00253095 -0.01118471 -0.00253095] [ 0.01687032 0.00052277 0.00298954]] Final stress: [-1.11848550e-04 3.91413458e-04 -1.11848551e-04 -1.54360022e-13 1.03728815e-04 -1.19402070e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00316019 -0.00447963 -0.00509621] [ 0.00316019 0.00447963 -0.00509621] [ 0.00052348 -0.00185615 -0.00141189] ... [ 0.00293385 0.00313102 -0.00335015] [-0.00135662 0.00141106 0.00037148] [-0.00299136 -0.0009659 0.00046527]] Final stress: [ 4.93062820e-05 -2.63981806e-05 4.97698819e-05 -1.56473681e-15 8.70396065e-15 -2.87292292e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00046775 -0.00181513 0.00149603] [ 0.00046774 0.00181513 0.00149603] [ 0.00300169 -0.00433547 0.00496625] ... [-0.00121454 -0.00092182 -0.00267975] [ 0.00298227 0.00150021 0.00122034] [-0.00299374 0.00327961 0.00132649]] Final stress: [ 4.96560952e-05 -2.69438310e-05 5.01295733e-05 -9.32742816e-15 -6.18641193e-15 2.94806011e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.72676325e-04 4.07976366e-04 -1.56537016e-03] [ 1.72676222e-04 -4.07976459e-04 -1.56537004e-03] [-7.69077930e-04 1.35639576e-03 -2.16045021e-03] ... [ 1.76222299e-03 2.63320202e-03 5.72892041e-05] [-7.35712735e-04 -1.64757581e-03 2.95629911e-03] [ 4.27593075e-04 -3.46535920e-04 2.50931569e-03]] Final stress: [-2.54203776e-05 2.02921612e-05 -2.52663471e-05 -3.31971755e-14 -3.27963302e-14 -2.66179361e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02863374 -0.02165429 -0.01937564] [ 0.02863374 0.02165429 -0.01937564] [ 0.01308836 -0.00634388 0.02240055] ... [-0.00548094 -0.01226659 0.02627511] [ 0.00590796 -0.02090058 0.01036907] [ 0.01854351 -0.00146327 0.0075575 ]] Final stress: [-1.11705763e-04 3.78340420e-04 -9.98124990e-05 -2.04700155e-13 2.96610392e-13 1.23656580e-04] Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-8.64560991e-04 -8.64560300e-04 9.53654488e-04] [ 8.64640562e-04 8.64639968e-04 9.53573243e-04] [ 8.64627754e-04 -8.64627144e-04 -9.53585171e-04] ... [ 5.18640716e-04 5.18641204e-04 -1.58562127e-03] [-4.78129853e-04 -5.17027833e-05 -1.31815656e-04] [-5.16996446e-05 -4.78129774e-04 -1.31815369e-04]] Final stress: [-3.30411481e-05 -3.30411482e-05 -2.45064462e-05 -7.83480923e-13 2.97966162e-13 8.73331611e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00552377 -0.00360059 -0.0049005 ] [-0.00125286 0.0006698 -0.00198291] [-0.00125286 -0.0006698 0.00198291] ... [ 0.00057792 -0.00129891 0.00120938] [ 0.0006527 -0.00290496 -0.00100122] [-0.00321913 0.00299521 0.00312164]] Final stress: [ 4.90292873e-05 4.85796092e-05 -2.52428069e-05 -2.92072295e-05 2.50792886e-14 3.66863170e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00079453 -0.00107474 -0.00233583] [ 0.00658622 0.00471683 -0.00596537] [ 0.00658622 -0.00471683 0.00596537] ... [ 0.00084583 0.00278194 0.00103542] [ 0.00090617 -0.00246075 0.0028424 ] [-0.00229552 -0.00129221 -0.00120471]] Final stress: [ 4.69534418e-05 4.65464766e-05 -2.19723425e-05 2.87773792e-05 -1.24265841e-13 -8.32583111e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02248121 -0.01318928 -0.00643658] [ 0.01945457 0.02869257 -0.02170488] [ 0.01945458 -0.02869258 0.02170489] ... [-0.0064749 -0.00362651 -0.01911797] [-0.00908959 0.01946944 -0.01301673] [ 0.01034291 0.00170436 -0.0028573 ]] Final stress: [-9.99555112e-05 -1.11840283e-04 3.78363864e-04 -1.23897512e-04 -3.19404272e-13 -3.01278878e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01900214 -0.02821144 -0.02124887] [ 0.02214687 0.01288425 -0.00615444] [ 0.02214688 -0.01288426 0.00615445] ... [ 0.01018022 0.00583153 -0.0206547 ] [ 0.0073571 0.018384 -0.00146811] [ 0.02616733 -0.00554832 -0.01222372]] Final stress: [-9.98162044e-05 -1.11552369e-04 3.75325961e-04 1.23015814e-04 2.28348839e-13 -3.25362506e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00319654 -0.00514996 -0.00451995] [ 0.00052256 -0.00143016 -0.00185944] [ 0.00319654 -0.00514996 0.00451995] ... [-0.00134518 0.00048617 0.00134557] [ 0.00299154 -0.00334916 0.00316467] [-0.00300468 0.00056915 -0.00098927]] Final stress: [ 4.93044754e-05 4.97701853e-05 -2.63557933e-05 1.12402248e-14 -2.93656413e-05 1.31044143e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00051182 0.00143383 -0.00184948] [ 0.00307637 0.00502275 -0.0044006 ] [ 0.00051182 0.00143382 0.00184949] ... [ 0.00295019 0.00123023 0.00148348] [-0.00119469 -0.00267634 -0.00089813] [-0.00298591 0.0013362 0.00325211]] Final stress: [ 4.95060586e-05 4.99745494e-05 -2.66218053e-05 2.81275755e-14 2.91146298e-05 1.19032485e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01319823 -0.02250079 -0.00644176] [ 0.0287022 0.01945374 -0.02171048] [ 0.01319824 -0.0225008 0.00644177] ... [-0.00363017 -0.00649093 -0.01912464] [ 0.00171685 0.01035071 -0.00284432] [ 0.01946967 -0.00910573 -0.01302009]] Final stress: [-1.11845295e-04 -9.99585407e-05 3.78373155e-04 4.55688616e-13 -1.23961334e-04 -7.74390479e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02886277 -0.01959334 -0.02180539] [ 0.01330187 0.02262529 -0.00647902] [ 0.02886277 -0.01959334 0.02180538] ... [ 0.00590231 0.01031522 -0.0208418 ] [-0.00563269 0.02651843 -0.01236077] [ 0.01853298 0.00743291 -0.00148352]] Final stress: [-1.12050640e-04 -1.00178362e-04 3.78403065e-04 1.88776780e-13 1.23388595e-04 2.42968494e-13] Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00132096 -0.00132096 -0.0006283 ] [ 0.00132096 0.00132096 -0.0006283 ] [ 0.00545758 -0.00545758 0.00898584] ... [-0.00156306 -0.00156306 0.00126027] [ 0.00325701 -0.00271406 0.00113842] [-0.00271406 0.00325701 0.00113842]] Final stress: [ 5.07153786e-05 5.07153786e-05 -2.71587028e-05 1.10076353e-14 -1.13185290e-14 3.44616767e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00033773 -0.00033773 -0.00116751] [ 0.00033773 0.00033773 -0.00116751] [-0.00058263 0.00058263 -0.00261155] ... [ 0.00229803 0.00229803 -0.00214185] [-0.00123557 0.00046023 0.00352987] [ 0.00046023 -0.00123557 0.00352987]] Final stress: [-2.58872967e-05 -2.58872967e-05 2.15266014e-05 -1.73035821e-14 2.42500391e-14 -2.77233468e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02732667 -0.02732667 -0.01129633] [ 0.02732665 0.02732665 -0.01129632] [ 0.01524758 -0.01524758 0.01741565] ... [-0.00259162 -0.00259162 -0.01120775] [ 0.00308054 0.01681236 0.000536 ] [ 0.01681236 0.00308054 0.000536 ]] Final stress: [-1.11699056e-04 -1.11699056e-04 3.91351539e-04 -2.74781180e-14 6.89733819e-13 1.03875971e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.03221070e-03 -8.69444392e-04 -8.69444415e-04] [ 2.99735894e-05 2.08503827e-04 -2.08503815e-04] [ 2.99729998e-05 -2.08503232e-04 2.08503204e-04] ... [ 5.23813480e-03 -4.07220095e-03 1.54145568e-03] [ 5.23813475e-03 1.54145589e-03 -4.07220089e-03] [ 2.64598607e-03 3.75477128e-03 3.75477123e-03]] Final stress: [-2.27597758e-06 -2.82469482e-06 -2.82469467e-06 -3.53129859e-05 6.52383657e-15 2.28963293e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.44189685e-05 -2.23265742e-04 -2.23265689e-04] [ 1.01943363e-03 8.56335174e-04 -8.56335176e-04] [ 1.01943318e-03 -8.56334769e-04 8.56334751e-04] ... [-5.40585819e-03 3.85205821e-03 -3.34769770e-04] [-5.40585826e-03 -3.34769853e-04 3.85205809e-03] [-1.47460618e-03 -3.96451442e-03 -3.96451442e-03]] Final stress: [-2.27607200e-06 -2.82499065e-06 -2.82499074e-06 3.53277032e-05 -9.32695467e-15 -1.15841349e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00423581 -0.00423581 -0.00267645] [-0.00308382 -0.00308382 0.00152676] [-0.00091688 -0.00219924 0.00066283] ... [ 0.01064987 0.01064987 0.00223464] [ 0.00669802 -0.0018893 0.00221308] [-0.0018893 0.00669802 0.00221308]] Final stress: [-9.68399665e-06 -9.68399699e-06 -1.01487993e-05 -1.86368600e-05 -1.86368601e-05 1.23697718e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00222171 0.00096048 -0.00065269] [-0.00096048 0.00222171 -0.00065269] [-0.00319206 0.00319206 -0.00160192] ... [ 0.00438579 -0.0046079 0.00160937] [ 0.00846624 0.0058523 0.00395718] [-0.002709 -0.00894657 -0.00446201]] Final stress: [-9.80960245e-06 -9.80960309e-06 -1.02798932e-05 -1.91396911e-05 1.91396912e-05 -1.26800359e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00092594 -0.00221535 -0.00066641] [ 0.00221535 -0.00092594 -0.00066641] [ 0.00419098 -0.00419098 0.00261905] ... [-0.00451814 0.00429727 0.00158821] [-0.008745 -0.0025663 -0.00434919] [ 0.00566818 0.00827038 0.00385085]] Final stress: [-9.72381467e-06 -9.72381506e-06 -1.01904120e-05 1.86101606e-05 -1.86101607e-05 -1.24168699e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00329797 0.00329797 0.00175004] [ 0.00440254 0.00440254 -0.00285222] [ 0.00217002 0.00092792 0.00064305] ... [-0.01152008 -0.01152008 0.00088041] [-0.00720392 0.00521182 -0.00288483] [ 0.00521181 -0.00720392 -0.00288483]] Final stress: [-9.72341151e-06 -9.72341126e-06 -1.01862577e-05 1.90259136e-05 1.90259137e-05 1.25754378e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.004288 -0.0027068 -0.004288 ] [-0.00094279 0.00065946 -0.00221751] [-0.00315049 0.00157108 -0.00315049] ... [ 0.00698886 0.00233955 -0.0019376 ] [ 0.01104808 0.00232336 0.01104808] [-0.0019376 0.00233955 0.00698886]] Final stress: [-9.83676906e-06 -1.03111146e-05 -9.83676902e-06 -1.88383941e-05 1.26891620e-06 -1.88383941e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00219786 -0.00065692 0.000927 ] [-0.00310078 -0.00153963 0.00310078] [-0.000927 -0.00065692 0.00219785] ... [ 0.00811674 0.003813 0.00564969] [ 0.00417803 0.00157454 -0.00440501] [-0.00257291 -0.00431384 -0.00859307]] Final stress: [-9.61139718e-06 -1.00693864e-05 -9.61139712e-06 -1.88717063e-05 -1.22697244e-06 1.88717065e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00092846 -0.00064935 -0.00218294] [ 0.00435087 0.00279394 -0.00435087] [ 0.00218293 -0.00064935 -0.00092846] ... [-0.00892759 -0.00447027 -0.00276198] [-0.00458227 0.00160846 0.00435757] [ 0.00590419 0.00396311 0.00844556]] Final stress: [-9.77730382e-06 -1.02449070e-05 -9.77730370e-06 1.89333121e-05 -1.26510099e-06 -1.89333124e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00322099 0.00166022 0.00322099] [ 0.00218832 0.0006481 0.0009356 ] [ 0.00434017 -0.00277671 0.00434017] ... [-0.00707028 -0.00281097 0.0051593 ] [-0.01132375 0.00094267 -0.01132375] [ 0.0051593 -0.00281097 -0.00707028]] Final stress: [-9.66617301e-06 -1.01262571e-05 -9.66617290e-06 1.90344516e-05 1.24254136e-06 1.90344517e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.14302003e-04 -9.82487214e-04 -8.14301951e-04] [ 2.72614973e-04 8.92278262e-05 -2.72614952e-04] [ 8.14302717e-04 -9.82488005e-04 8.14302749e-04] ... [-4.04696893e-03 4.97571994e-03 1.48170303e-03] [ 3.57931500e-03 2.65211929e-03 3.57931495e-03] [ 1.48170319e-03 4.97571988e-03 -4.04696906e-03]] Final stress: [-2.75050485e-06 -2.21612943e-06 -2.75050478e-06 -3.57425490e-15 -3.42945508e-05 5.96013385e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-3.29181547e-04 -7.81712667e-05 -3.29181595e-04] [ 7.67920049e-04 1.00442329e-03 -7.67920070e-04] [ 3.29180311e-04 -7.81699819e-05 3.29180267e-04] ... [ 3.78401996e-03 -4.75813879e-03 -2.91842964e-04] [-3.53902383e-03 -1.62851440e-03 -3.53902381e-03] [-2.91843295e-04 -4.75813875e-03 3.78401989e-03]] Final stress: [-2.63988882e-06 -2.12279033e-06 -2.63988879e-06 -1.32927765e-14 3.20326824e-05 1.28845150e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00275559 -0.00433083 -0.00433083] [ 0.00064693 -0.00094898 -0.00219868] [ 0.00064693 -0.00219868 -0.00094898] ... [ 0.00236607 0.00684724 -0.00218102] [ 0.00236607 -0.00218102 0.00684724] [ 0.00216695 0.01099334 0.01099334]] Final stress: [-1.02358545e-05 -9.77110389e-06 -9.77110402e-06 1.26471478e-06 -1.91288220e-05 -1.91288221e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00069045 -0.00223928 0.00089844] [-0.00111672 -0.00268378 0.00268378] [ 0.00234875 -0.00391967 0.00391967] ... [ 0.00337742 0.00736892 0.00492421] [-0.00385794 -0.00200819 -0.00782732] [ 0.00149201 0.00386727 -0.0040937 ]] Final stress: [-9.68362012e-06 -9.24152954e-06 -9.24152960e-06 -1.13503419e-06 -1.81981510e-05 1.81981508e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00072197 0.00085321 -0.00226021] [ 0.00204235 0.00360169 -0.00360169] [-0.00071945 0.00227375 -0.00227375] ... [-0.00336431 -0.00693314 -0.00143363] [ 0.00290503 0.00416866 0.00649379] [ 0.00139861 -0.00369244 0.00346526]] Final stress: [-9.19434948e-06 -8.77462902e-06 -8.77462907e-06 -1.03356825e-06 1.74583863e-05 -1.74583862e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00143625 0.00301472 0.00301472] [ 0.0006659 0.00222359 0.00093536] [ 0.0006659 0.00093536 0.00222359] ... [-0.00280427 -0.00712188 0.00499025] [-0.00280427 0.00499025 -0.00712188] [ 0.00084083 -0.01138437 -0.01138437]] Final stress: [-1.02178485e-05 -9.75092914e-06 -9.75092916e-06 1.24763802e-06 1.86827981e-05 1.86827980e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.65563445e-04 -8.65563420e-04 -1.01596990e-03] [ 8.65564490e-04 8.65564515e-04 -1.01597097e-03] [ 2.13859019e-04 -2.13859074e-04 4.80535600e-05] ... [ 3.63532641e-03 3.63532646e-03 2.61844620e-03] [-4.05916194e-03 1.51029801e-03 5.03681988e-03] [ 1.51029792e-03 -4.05916189e-03 5.03681985e-03]] Final stress: [-2.76281719e-06 -2.76281735e-06 -2.22546016e-06 7.47645041e-15 -3.28198674e-14 -3.45575588e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.60503244e-04 -1.60503258e-04 9.66127534e-07] [ 1.60502818e-04 1.60502794e-04 9.66593240e-07] [ 9.11576862e-04 -9.11576839e-04 1.05725490e-03] ... [-3.96796864e-03 -3.96796869e-03 -1.43861145e-03] [ 3.85491029e-03 -3.56510409e-04 -5.37607370e-03] [-3.56510247e-04 3.85491040e-03 -5.37607366e-03]] Final stress: [-2.80730514e-06 -2.80730510e-06 -2.26037564e-06 1.23157848e-14 -8.61963234e-15 3.51416159e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01171535 0.01565133 0.01565133] [ 0.01171479 -0.01565191 0.01565188] [ 0.01171497 0.0156517 -0.0156517 ] ... [-0.00122001 -0.00889469 0.01251023] [-0.00121998 0.01251023 -0.00889472] [ 0.00810258 0.00783182 0.00783182]] Final stress: [ 1.07905082e-04 2.80607817e-04 2.80607819e-04 -2.87536951e-12 5.58844048e-12 1.58722594e-12] Minimization converged after 45 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.000209 0.000209 0.00110937] [-0.00020842 -0.00020843 0.0011088 ] [-0.00020876 0.00020878 -0.00110914] ... [-0.00088218 -0.00088217 -0.00010954] [-0.00026702 0.0010517 0.00012321] [ 0.0010517 -0.00026702 0.0001232 ]] Final stress: [ 1.58214575e-05 1.58214583e-05 4.37614497e-05 -8.13306457e-12 9.05986385e-13 -3.28411090e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.90729229e-03 2.09743033e-03 8.92437939e-05] [ 1.90727961e-03 -2.09744283e-03 8.92564563e-05] [ 1.90728461e-03 2.09743813e-03 -8.92513092e-05] ... [ 2.88929823e-04 1.18251379e-04 6.60115049e-04] [ 8.07197270e-04 -1.12473927e-03 7.25957588e-04] [ 2.67826637e-03 -4.34337824e-04 -3.44877443e-04]] Final stress: [ 5.21499875e-07 1.46337283e-05 7.91527876e-06 -8.29680093e-13 -3.59759013e-13 6.11134640e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00509811 -0.00338873 0.00082391] [-0.00509807 0.00338876 0.00082388] [-0.00509806 -0.00338878 -0.00082387] ... [ 0.00233747 -0.00028185 0.00224681] [ 0.00137377 0.00565163 0.00015283] [-0.00068519 0.00043318 0.00183169]] Final stress: [ 4.43593473e-05 -1.78677668e-05 1.43377850e-05 2.31356514e-13 9.32359764e-14 -1.03953709e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00123678 -0.00123678 -0.00335619] [ 0.00123683 0.00123682 -0.00335624] [ 0.00123669 -0.00123669 0.00335611] ... [-0.00028246 -0.00028246 -0.0012277 ] [ 0.00101665 -0.00289847 -0.00032858] [-0.00289847 0.00101666 -0.00032858]] Final stress: [ 6.34053559e-06 6.34053561e-06 -6.54639833e-05 -2.43384885e-12 1.73306588e-12 -5.18882460e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00024337 0.0011954 0.00024337] [-0.00024336 -0.00119539 0.00024335] [-0.00024341 0.00119545 -0.00024342] ... [-0.0003301 0.00019365 0.00089002] [-0.00072409 -0.00016923 -0.00072409] [ 0.00089006 0.00019364 -0.00033011]] Final stress: [ 1.59671845e-05 4.23053076e-05 1.59671844e-05 -3.63252345e-13 3.19182804e-13 1.26171147e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-3.56844764e-03 -5.97596356e-05 3.52921016e-03] [ 3.56841826e-03 5.97306062e-05 3.52924035e-03] [ 3.56848826e-03 -5.97988049e-05 -3.52917084e-03] ... [ 1.09573055e-03 8.64581175e-04 -4.50042154e-04] [ 7.70459969e-04 1.61509995e-03 3.43582357e-04] [ 4.28305864e-03 1.91108184e-04 -4.74343191e-06]] Final stress: [-8.86284172e-06 1.30726706e-05 3.45395938e-05 1.24365699e-12 2.44073428e-12 1.04648267e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00347986 -0.00033394 -0.00407567] [-0.00347986 0.00033394 -0.00407567] [-0.00347985 -0.00033396 0.00407568] ... [-0.00023456 0.00032108 0.00723729] [ 0.00027696 0.00195169 0.00125227] [-0.00289851 0.00113721 0.00155669]] Final stress: [ 3.96156538e-05 1.35080835e-05 -1.42831202e-05 2.77684865e-14 2.53866817e-13 4.35474075e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00586219 -0.02080997 -0.00586219] [ 0.0058623 0.02081006 -0.00586233] [ 0.00586217 -0.02080994 0.00586217] ... [ 0.01072189 0.00511806 -0.014035 ] [ 0.00471255 0.00974688 0.0047126 ] [-0.0140349 0.00511801 0.01072188]] Final stress: [ 1.60050358e-04 -2.59442794e-04 1.60050341e-04 2.04138514e-11 -2.27385625e-11 7.40533285e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00219916 -0.00060287 -0.00060287] [-0.00040252 0.0002378 -0.0002378 ] [-0.00040252 -0.0002378 0.0002378 ] ... [ 0.00153343 -0.00167546 0.00048071] [ 0.00153343 0.00048071 -0.00167546] [-0.00237177 0.00313948 0.00313948]] Final stress: [ 2.21413732e-05 1.20126266e-05 1.20126266e-05 -1.15133835e-05 -1.56754934e-14 -4.98761813e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00025502 -0.00047156 -0.00047156] [ 0.00283366 0.00109512 -0.00109512] [ 0.00283365 -0.00109512 0.00109512] ... [-0.00062838 0.00051307 0.00011373] [-0.00062838 0.00011373 0.00051307] [-0.00188666 0.00111816 0.00111816]] Final stress: [ 2.36812604e-05 1.19448389e-05 1.19448391e-05 1.42960025e-05 -5.00894163e-14 1.05699705e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01167373 -0.01103738 -0.01103738] [ 0.0091779 0.0231217 -0.0231217 ] [ 0.00917791 -0.02312171 0.02312171] ... [-0.02366655 -0.00490706 0.02143697] [-0.02366655 0.02143697 -0.00490706] [-0.02917478 0.00152458 0.00152458]] Final stress: [ 3.43618636e-04 -1.08925071e-04 -1.08925068e-04 -3.56083236e-05 -7.66403593e-13 -6.30855901e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00859433 -0.02227963 -0.02227963] [ 0.01121232 0.01055519 -0.01055519] [ 0.01121233 -0.0105552 0.0105552 ] ... [ 0.00891471 0.00226936 0.01348787] [ 0.00891471 0.01348787 0.00226936] [-0.01487118 0.00475542 0.00475542]] Final stress: [ 3.37227521e-04 -1.08010526e-04 -1.08010526e-04 3.49114260e-05 -3.12669662e-13 4.32050737e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-5.60349689e-04 -1.17626945e-03 -7.86217863e-05] [ 6.62973640e-04 -9.18753727e-04 -1.78415581e-04] [ 5.60349703e-04 -1.17626948e-03 7.86218387e-05] ... [-4.75017742e-04 2.81180252e-04 3.72952174e-04] [ 1.59333239e-03 -1.90857834e-04 4.47749685e-04] [-1.56867747e-03 2.80006910e-03 8.90703860e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.16864391e-05 1.23665048e-05 1.23080098e-05 4.04486421e-14 -1.04064667e-05 1.10356512e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-7.02516095e-04 8.35638321e-04 -2.38741570e-04] [ 8.49158007e-04 1.46289253e-03 -3.88120253e-04] [ 7.02517656e-04 8.35636777e-04 2.38743139e-04] ... [ 1.56021607e-03 -1.42179533e-03 -2.09533224e-05] [-4.41109195e-04 5.38961331e-04 -1.54437963e-03] [-2.02972977e-03 1.04507119e-03 2.93085869e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.18566085e-05 1.21481166e-05 1.20925718e-05 -1.47997992e-14 1.00697867e-05 4.33980764e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00239928 -0.01574814 -0.00859409] [ 0.01575047 0.01488374 -0.02203806] [ 0.00239928 -0.01574815 0.00859409] ... [-0.0117498 -0.01737834 0.01915579] [-0.0083773 0.01081163 -0.00283415] [-0.01801047 -0.01290981 -0.00029103]] Final stress: [ 3.20475639e-04 -9.86480461e-05 -1.06186613e-04 -3.62321514e-13 -4.79726213e-05 -3.62153098e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.68507216e-02 -1.60035830e-02 -2.33450336e-02] [ 2.81624996e-03 1.65548254e-02 -9.21223334e-03] [ 1.68507252e-02 -1.60035861e-02 2.33450365e-02] ... [-3.22102127e-03 1.64155665e-02 1.46646458e-02] [-7.27024822e-03 2.23668140e-02 -2.92835784e-07] [-2.39416052e-02 2.09380714e-02 7.04578262e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.29161803e-04 -9.97176277e-05 -1.07652120e-04 -8.13013901e-13 4.96357458e-05 -3.80662140e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-4.87428388e-04 -3.03632017e-06 -1.08128869e-03] [ 4.87427363e-04 3.03529855e-06 -1.08128767e-03] [ 5.43678142e-04 -5.64509456e-05 -1.02134674e-03] ... [ 1.60420828e-03 4.63744904e-04 -2.14982513e-04] [-5.49725284e-04 3.86667112e-04 2.65317712e-04] [-1.57048641e-03 8.14700815e-04 2.77812096e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13281247e-05 1.24016162e-05 1.24612100e-05 -1.13293083e-13 -1.37183834e-13 -1.06373527e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-6.23415782e-04 -1.80288939e-04 8.52807135e-04] [ 6.23415704e-04 1.80288829e-04 8.52807265e-04] [ 8.24048843e-04 -3.83678132e-04 1.41715926e-03] ... [-4.16305391e-04 -1.52818041e-03 5.48149659e-04] [ 1.56485126e-03 -1.76690977e-05 -1.43189952e-03] [-2.03087201e-03 2.93106367e-03 1.03903800e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15757802e-05 1.21664437e-05 1.22217776e-05 -4.95596880e-14 -9.44737367e-14 1.03672113e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00289766 -0.00932673 -0.01670123] [ 0.00289762 0.0093267 -0.0167012 ] [ 0.01699287 -0.02352113 0.01614793] ... [-0.00867445 -0.0028841 0.01108709] [-0.01217793 0.01976822 -0.01778445] [-0.01856417 -0.00036393 -0.01328701]] Final stress: [ 3.30339984e-04 -1.07853958e-04 -9.98695428e-05 3.46865428e-14 4.81246187e-13 -4.97777812e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.49719260e-02 -2.11114238e-02 -1.40922353e-02] [ 1.49719337e-02 2.11114314e-02 -1.40922427e-02] [ 2.07104000e-03 -8.12121071e-03 1.51395817e-02] ... [-6.81982642e-03 -3.61168270e-05 2.12061082e-02] [-3.17788791e-03 1.39279635e-02 1.56110115e-02] [-2.28483772e-02 6.69370886e-03 2.01009968e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.13748528e-04 -1.05110124e-04 -9.78660682e-05 1.01159060e-12 9.86956634e-13 4.66565803e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01135087 -0.00874038 0.01135087] [-0.01135064 0.00874062 0.01135064] [-0.01135065 -0.00874061 -0.01135064] ... [-0.00466454 0.00259318 0.01135804] [ 0.00265514 0.0070171 0.00265513] [ 0.01135806 0.00259317 -0.00466452]] Final stress: [1.60907973e-04 4.49214624e-05 1.60907975e-04 1.91886524e-13 6.47442895e-12 2.36244755e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-9.74592053e-04 1.14783733e-03 -9.74589816e-04] [ 9.74186176e-04 -1.14825014e-03 -9.74182361e-04] [ 9.74284776e-04 1.14814386e-03 9.74289941e-04] ... [ 1.81093676e-04 5.09207136e-04 9.70922149e-04] [ 8.13961783e-05 -5.10967021e-04 8.13963361e-05] [ 9.70918656e-04 5.09210256e-04 1.81089470e-04]] Final stress: [-2.17935600e-05 -1.15399510e-05 -2.17935601e-05 -1.11741625e-12 1.97513525e-13 -3.72626044e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00131696 0.00029792 0.00029792] [-0.00131703 -0.00029799 0.00029799] [-0.00131713 0.00029808 -0.00029808] ... [ 0.00022744 -0.00041199 0.00108976] [ 0.00022744 0.00108976 -0.000412 ] [-0.00018048 -0.00093649 -0.00093649]] Final stress: [4.65488624e-05 1.45336110e-05 1.45336097e-05 1.80689133e-12 2.88556676e-12 5.19570636e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.37136111e-04 -2.86680539e-03 3.59657177e-03] [-3.37069922e-04 2.86687238e-03 3.59650639e-03] [-3.37123218e-04 -2.86681802e-03 -3.59656004e-03] ... [ 1.01236147e-03 7.32675256e-04 1.29792158e-04] [-8.48056067e-05 3.09071454e-03 2.37483317e-04] [ 1.34087664e-03 1.86807255e-04 7.88941122e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.15046046e-05 -7.00008015e-06 2.94784825e-05 5.07072857e-13 -9.12803355e-13 5.98949629e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.18849879e-04 1.74421056e-03 -1.97474967e-03] [ 1.18850502e-04 -1.74420991e-03 -1.97475081e-03] [ 1.18836653e-04 1.74422304e-03 1.97473722e-03] ... [ 9.90850028e-05 -1.85165428e-05 2.53339098e-03] [ 3.03732949e-04 -9.21460666e-04 4.27790985e-04] [ 6.79216820e-04 9.24025948e-05 3.34016519e-04]] Final stress: [ 7.84111496e-06 1.39951140e-05 1.03255483e-06 -5.87183833e-14 6.27060377e-13 3.30744197e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00291762 0.00157853 0.00157854] [ 0.00291761 -0.00157853 0.00157853] [ 0.00291753 0.00157862 -0.00157861] ... [-0.00023558 0.00223516 -0.005359 ] [-0.00023558 -0.005359 0.00223515] [ 0.00314574 0.00189915 0.00189914]] Final stress: [-1.22482504e-04 2.79460045e-05 2.79460046e-05 -1.54516855e-12 -3.09931882e-12 -1.33562451e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00151513 -0.0009242 -0.00049747] [-0.00076601 0.00068073 -0.00025128] [-0.00076601 -0.00068073 0.00025128] ... [ 0.00038737 -0.00043672 0.00042993] [ 0.00284072 -0.00161978 0.00092524] [-0.00014629 0.00148411 0.00039959]] Final stress: [ 1.21840558e-05 2.17479476e-05 1.21298418e-05 -1.02361801e-05 3.98050064e-14 -9.65830552e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.59702533e-04 -6.95517849e-04 -2.22045754e-04] [ 1.30836962e-03 6.96873209e-04 -2.26182143e-04] [ 1.30836975e-03 -6.96873329e-04 2.26182293e-04] ... [-1.40968454e-03 1.61148580e-03 -5.45815787e-05] [ 1.07958616e-03 -2.01840654e-03 2.98413310e-03] [ 5.05097421e-04 -4.46687220e-04 -1.57065192e-03]] Final stress: [1.22755352e-05 2.16709127e-05 1.22184366e-05 1.03055842e-05 2.81765308e-14 8.13090976e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01664241 -0.00286312 -0.00927466] [ 0.01613626 0.01699196 -0.02350265] [ 0.01613626 -0.01699197 0.02350265] ... [-0.01776622 -0.01220843 0.01975398] [-0.01330055 -0.01857897 -0.00041216] [ 0.01112589 -0.00867564 -0.00287143]] Final stress: [-9.97449439e-05 3.30174509e-04 -1.07735407e-04 -4.98949696e-05 -7.17472681e-13 -4.88447252e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.26859133e-02 -1.35679742e-02 -1.94399837e-02] [ 1.41056593e-02 1.56469700e-03 -7.35386243e-03] [ 1.41056448e-02 -1.56468174e-03 7.35384725e-03] ... [ 1.49502498e-02 -3.14497839e-03 1.33709520e-02] [ 1.94357939e-02 -2.19950348e-02 6.42721870e-03] [ 2.03698893e-02 -6.48495541e-03 -8.69898735e-05]] Final stress: [-9.64527732e-05 3.02270741e-04 -1.03184447e-04 4.45692661e-05 -5.45331748e-13 -2.03109841e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00027339 -0.00178923 -0.00027339] [ 0.00017346 -0.00043382 -0.00017346] [ 0.00027339 -0.00178923 0.00027339] ... [-0.00158814 0.00143936 0.00037615] [ 0.00290716 -0.00216523 0.00290716] [ 0.00037615 0.00143936 -0.00158814]] Final stress: [ 1.22526560e-05 2.15851573e-05 1.22526561e-05 -8.03273320e-14 -1.06761489e-05 7.91862400e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-4.53816855e-04 2.96407285e-04 -4.53816937e-04] [ 1.00222973e-03 2.81879028e-03 -1.00222975e-03] [ 4.53816557e-04 2.96407691e-04 4.53816533e-04] ... [ 4.91456251e-04 -5.27994625e-04 8.67016550e-05] [ 1.06409455e-03 -1.86427486e-03 1.06409463e-03] [ 8.67014977e-05 -5.27994509e-04 4.91456309e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.18279395e-05 2.36798262e-05 1.18279398e-05 4.03964209e-14 1.36841811e-05 -1.31900899e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01023668 -0.01096894 -0.01023668] [ 0.02190737 0.00827361 -0.02190737] [ 0.01023666 -0.01096891 0.01023666] ... [-0.00476604 -0.02318118 0.02082646] [ 0.00151536 -0.02827534 0.00151536] [ 0.02082647 -0.02318118 -0.00476604]] Final stress: [-1.07199108e-04 3.34190929e-04 -1.07199108e-04 -4.21566447e-13 -3.45796198e-05 -6.88409603e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02266332 -0.00888153 -0.02266332] [ 0.010659 0.01135191 -0.01065899] [ 0.02266334 -0.00888154 0.02266334] ... [ 0.00251206 0.00902616 0.01357291] [ 0.00473923 -0.01516875 0.00473923] [ 0.01357292 0.00902616 0.00251206]] Final stress: [-1.08079685e-04 3.40041512e-04 -1.08079686e-04 -2.31637254e-13 3.55327198e-05 -4.69664483e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00038778 -0.00084381 -0.00144781] [ 0.00038778 0.00084381 -0.00144781] [ 0.00025992 -0.00071866 -0.00079972] ... [ 0.00045293 0.0015487 -0.00016189] [ 0.00090536 -0.00158802 0.00280055] [ 0.00043863 -0.00046539 0.00032698]] Final stress: [ 1.20879105e-05 2.17911385e-05 1.21433480e-05 -9.64113966e-14 -4.21256544e-14 -1.00418639e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-2.19857850e-04 -6.80808969e-04 8.35601254e-04] [ 2.19858025e-04 6.80809091e-04 8.35601153e-04] [ 2.69283012e-04 -7.27475018e-04 1.32516103e-03] ... [-1.55021055e-03 -4.38613120e-04 5.37842024e-04] [ 2.98471257e-03 -2.03615499e-03 1.04360681e-03] [-4.55643889e-05 1.60933027e-03 -1.43610929e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.22226553e-05 2.16685878e-05 1.22793354e-05 4.54389590e-14 -5.03244676e-14 1.03004295e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00899342 -0.00268866 -0.01625738] [ 0.0089934 0.00268864 -0.01625736] [ 0.02280346 -0.01640235 0.01553998] ... [-0.00287336 -0.00856158 0.01097379] [-0.00036242 -0.01832104 -0.01313151] [ 0.0194612 -0.01200571 -0.0175967 ]] Final stress: [-1.07011373e-04 3.25699056e-04 -9.92304306e-05 -5.04273129e-13 -1.91692496e-12 -4.90780163e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.99650825e-02 -1.40212266e-02 -1.31301774e-02] [ 1.99650856e-02 1.40212290e-02 -1.31301800e-02] [ 7.61098766e-03 -1.75229706e-03 1.44440932e-02] ... [-5.79436619e-05 -6.60561747e-03 2.05908424e-02] [ 6.52758631e-03 -2.23007022e-02 1.96744263e-02] [ 1.35483157e-02 -3.12675346e-03 1.52264623e-02]] Final stress: [-1.03748491e-04 3.05910168e-04 -9.68426720e-05 5.11486809e-13 -7.57904170e-13 4.54295454e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.31583945e-03 4.31583671e-03 -4.06196949e-03] [-4.31579160e-03 -4.31580959e-03 -4.06200208e-03] [-4.31593603e-03 4.31594308e-03 4.06186543e-03] ... [-1.20796702e-03 -1.20796554e-03 5.05349595e-03] [ 4.51724618e-05 5.87367164e-03 -1.99949160e-05] [ 5.87364461e-03 4.51638360e-05 -2.00021710e-05]] Final stress: [ 9.91262044e-05 9.91262041e-05 -1.32117378e-05 2.84966247e-12 -9.45703339e-14 1.23105729e-12] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00135326 -0.00031533 -0.00076514] [-0.00083666 0.00020088 -0.00065344] [-0.00083666 -0.00020088 0.00065344] ... [ 0.00281439 0.00087409 -0.00158903] [ 0.00033764 0.00042935 -0.00049433] [-0.00017278 0.00044547 0.00154655]] Final stress: [ 1.22646020e-05 1.22083716e-05 2.15476483e-05 -1.03506274e-05 -2.46722780e-14 1.16951414e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.96596739e-04 -1.71290866e-04 -6.42182989e-04] [ 1.17870234e-03 1.10348708e-04 -5.78416635e-04] [ 1.17870269e-03 -1.10349063e-04 5.78417022e-04] ... [ 1.09232428e-03 3.02151356e-03 -2.01012187e-03] [-1.41747900e-03 -7.34778890e-05 1.65081915e-03] [ 4.82439550e-04 -1.56397210e-03 -4.17279970e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.24061738e-05 1.23479718e-05 2.15336207e-05 1.05506641e-05 6.67652933e-14 -5.85339852e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.39653483e-02 -7.29106273e-03 -1.57733683e-03] [ 1.24719686e-02 1.91490990e-02 -1.33532670e-02] [ 1.24719759e-02 -1.91491065e-02 1.33532740e-02] ... [-1.20897350e-02 -3.34321106e-05 -1.69322691e-02] [-1.64966635e-02 1.78770794e-02 -1.08157125e-02] [ 1.01785624e-02 -2.83713166e-03 -7.91825535e-03]] Final stress: [-9.61276770e-05 -1.02800079e-04 3.00751321e-04 -4.46672367e-05 8.11850772e-13 -8.52691519e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01249569 -0.01920918 -0.01337636] [ 0.01399806 0.00728725 -0.00153626] [ 0.01399807 -0.00728726 0.00153627] ... [ 0.01938097 0.0064294 -0.02190117] [ 0.01491053 0.0132768 -0.00309071] [ 0.02025233 -0.00011885 -0.00646939]] Final stress: [-9.62268459e-05 -1.02899217e-04 3.00885883e-04 4.43882384e-05 -2.32529888e-13 -9.70559727e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00080577 -0.00193763 -0.00127895] [ 0.00038735 -0.00074412 -0.00086364] [ 0.00080577 -0.00193763 0.00127895] ... [ 0.0010248 0.00313039 -0.00181004] [ 0.00050732 -0.00013045 0.00166886] [ 0.00053318 0.00043386 -0.00050216]] Final stress: [ 1.18950740e-05 1.19581880e-05 2.27076204e-05 9.12440246e-14 -1.16120179e-05 -6.20045884e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.48295531e-04 9.39072289e-04 -6.27410857e-04] [ 1.68395427e-04 1.25620201e-03 -6.44707131e-04] [ 1.48296238e-04 9.39071526e-04 6.27411593e-04] ... [ 3.00771521e-03 1.12607367e-03 -2.02088394e-03] [-1.57070207e-03 4.87994402e-04 -4.27814459e-04] [-6.75294944e-05 -1.37812534e-03 1.63888882e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.22385159e-05 1.22961690e-05 2.16046171e-05 -1.55059490e-13 1.03670909e-05 -2.94954704e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00898054 -0.01622973 -0.00267813] [ 0.02285983 0.0156111 -0.01646107] [ 0.00898052 -0.0162297 0.00267811] ... [-0.00038632 -0.01311858 -0.01834424] [-0.00287432 0.01099013 -0.00856661] [ 0.01948726 -0.01758434 -0.01203796]] Final stress: [-1.07105964e-04 -9.93057997e-05 3.26232583e-04 -5.51688405e-13 -4.92694938e-05 2.65191711e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-2.48461612e-02 -1.72758189e-02 -1.81108650e-02] [ 9.88712813e-03 1.74604951e-02 -3.25661179e-03] [ 2.48462071e-02 -1.72758651e-02 1.81109112e-02] ... [ 7.21125811e-03 2.14359138e-02 -2.46306583e-02] [ 5.35156595e-05 2.31190886e-02 -7.54345420e-03] [ 1.51731720e-02 1.68958188e-02 -3.31892438e-03]] Final stress: [-1.09190917e-04 -1.00801102e-04 3.38955279e-04 -7.59378458e-13 5.14729140e-05 1.70475582e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00026607 -0.00026607 -0.00178753] [ 0.00026607 0.00026607 -0.00178753] [ 0.00018646 -0.00018646 -0.00040602] ... [ 0.00294486 0.00294486 -0.00217709] [-0.00164396 0.00040278 0.00142826] [ 0.00040278 -0.00164396 0.00142826]] Final stress: [ 1.22816446e-05 1.22816445e-05 2.14902491e-05 7.36915232e-15 -9.75727576e-14 -1.06086266e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-1.07969091e-04 -1.07969064e-04 4.87842933e-04] [ 1.07969792e-04 1.07969831e-04 4.87842187e-04] [-4.88449615e-06 4.88454697e-06 1.59309078e-03] ... [ 8.92740636e-04 8.92740554e-04 -1.44787027e-03] [ 6.77498206e-04 -1.04271304e-04 -2.29686779e-04] [-1.04270875e-04 6.77498214e-04 -2.29686922e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.24287313e-05 1.24287312e-05 2.13125492e-05 -1.18227714e-13 1.47426137e-13 1.07062928e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01088328 -0.01088328 -0.01159214] [ 0.01088328 0.01088328 -0.01159214] [ 0.02303003 -0.02303003 0.00916275] ... [ 0.00140344 0.00140344 -0.02900098] [-0.00491217 0.02135506 -0.02373107] [ 0.02135506 -0.00491218 -0.02373107]] Final stress: [-1.08344168e-04 -1.08344168e-04 3.42965543e-04 1.71757767e-12 9.29017415e-13 -3.61806630e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02374982 -0.02374982 -0.00963671] [ 0.02374984 0.02374984 -0.00963672] [ 0.01135658 -0.01135658 0.01199099] ... [ 0.00481527 0.00481526 -0.01528405] [ 0.00254537 0.01390192 0.00911748] [ 0.01390192 0.00254537 0.00911748]] Final stress: [-1.09486465e-04 -1.09486465e-04 3.48133159e-04 4.02225945e-13 4.55687500e-13 3.62577874e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00496964 -0.00266078 -0.00266078] [-0.00295188 -0.00056425 0.00056425] [-0.00295189 0.00056425 -0.00056425] ... [ 0.0109904 0.00747673 0.00533711] [ 0.0109904 0.00533711 0.00747673] [-0.00513393 -0.0051463 -0.0051463 ]] Final stress: [-1.39099828e-05 -1.54042968e-05 -1.54042968e-05 -6.08605530e-06 -4.82193654e-14 2.34366187e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00341179 0.00108256 0.00108256] [ 0.00530693 0.00307179 -0.00307179] [ 0.00530693 -0.00307179 0.00307179] ... [-0.01320968 -0.00984419 -0.00099387] [-0.01320968 -0.00099387 -0.00984419] [ 0.01170962 0.00492436 0.00492436]] Final stress: [-1.45896031e-05 -1.61787745e-05 -1.61787746e-05 2.42421779e-06 1.94960086e-13 -1.04177941e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00298628 -0.00298628 -0.00222162] [-0.00231202 -0.00231202 0.00155236] [-0.00039205 -0.00113221 0.00037762] ... [ 0.00750165 0.00750165 0.00091868] [ 0.00548604 -0.00155839 0.00178851] [-0.00155839 0.00548604 0.00178851]] Final stress: [-1.17092101e-05 -1.17092103e-05 -1.18579828e-05 -1.74233083e-05 -1.74233083e-05 4.16807209e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00110599 0.00036804 -0.00037653] [-0.00036804 0.00110599 -0.00037653] [-0.00234627 0.00234627 -0.00161166] ... [ 0.00345463 -0.00400412 0.00142189] [ 0.00543135 0.00389136 0.00168493] [-0.00107001 -0.00605492 -0.00234253]] Final stress: [-1.17068926e-05 -1.17068924e-05 -1.18562632e-05 -1.74618536e-05 1.74618536e-05 -4.16311526e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00038533 -0.00113924 -0.00038451] [ 0.00113924 -0.00038533 -0.00038451] [ 0.00296796 -0.00296796 0.00220322] ... [-0.00403404 0.00348695 0.00142593] [-0.00608214 -0.00102665 -0.00233852] [ 0.00385557 0.00546028 0.00168285]] Final stress: [-1.17930363e-05 -1.17930361e-05 -1.19444410e-05 1.75442389e-05 -1.75442390e-05 -4.18435214e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00235603 0.00235603 0.00163994] [ 0.00301848 0.00301848 -0.00229737] [ 0.00108275 0.00035439 0.00037174] ... [-0.00813735 -0.00813735 0.00186149] [-0.00607462 0.00437301 -0.00242621] [ 0.00437301 -0.00607462 -0.00242621]] Final stress: [-1.16360201e-05 -1.16360200e-05 -1.17829014e-05 1.75023392e-05 1.75023389e-05 4.14439691e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00299661 -0.00224682 -0.00299661] [-0.00037418 0.0003807 -0.00112048] [-0.00231629 0.00157136 -0.00231629] ... [ 0.0055651 0.00177789 -0.00149115] [ 0.00752065 0.00096121 0.00752065] [-0.00149115 0.00177789 0.0055651 ]] Final stress: [-1.17385377e-05 -1.18893227e-05 -1.17385379e-05 -1.75608062e-05 4.17126379e-07 -1.75608062e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00111715 -0.00037544 0.00038136] [-0.0023566 -0.00160976 0.0023566 ] [-0.00038136 -0.00037543 0.00111715] ... [ 0.00542239 0.00168466 0.00388929] [ 0.00344585 0.00142151 -0.0039955 ] [-0.00106877 -0.00234243 -0.0060461 ]] Final stress: [-1.16987950e-05 -1.18482344e-05 -1.16987950e-05 -1.74005525e-05 -4.16321273e-07 1.74005524e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00037135 -0.0003736 -0.00110346] [ 0.00303353 0.00229364 -0.00303353] [ 0.00110346 -0.0003736 -0.00037135] ... [-0.00603055 -0.00233423 -0.00107325] [-0.00398872 0.00142028 0.00343799] [ 0.00389151 0.00167555 0.005406 ]] Final stress: [-1.16723883e-05 -1.18211912e-05 -1.16723883e-05 1.74779037e-05 -4.15486673e-07 -1.74779036e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00235207 0.00161378 0.00235207] [ 0.00110575 0.00037253 0.00037579] [ 0.00301614 -0.00227282 0.00301614] ... [-0.00605913 -0.00242059 0.00438883] [-0.00815029 0.00188661 -0.00815029] [ 0.00438883 -0.00242059 -0.00605913]] Final stress: [-1.16552487e-05 -1.18024987e-05 -1.16552487e-05 1.74049652e-05 4.15273693e-07 1.74049650e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00270172 -0.00501234 -0.00270172] [-0.00061103 -0.00300094 0.00061103] [ 0.00270172 -0.00501234 0.00270172] ... [ 0.00746794 0.01097745 0.0053837 ] [-0.00513833 -0.00516971 -0.00513833] [ 0.0053837 0.01097745 0.00746794]] Final stress: [-1.54380605e-05 -1.39404860e-05 -1.54380603e-05 -1.55741131e-13 -5.87102881e-06 2.40505457e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00058534 0.00297189 0.00058534] [ 0.00268914 0.00499449 -0.00268914] [-0.00058534 0.00297189 -0.00058534] ... [-0.00836877 -0.01154475 -0.00068552] [ 0.0045057 0.00992653 0.0045057 ] [-0.00068552 -0.01154475 -0.00836877]] Final stress: [-1.55471789e-05 -1.40320913e-05 -1.55471790e-05 9.85671598e-15 4.81562044e-06 -2.33452291e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00222347 -0.00297408 -0.00297408] [ 0.00038012 -0.00037553 -0.00112064] [ 0.00038012 -0.00112064 -0.00037553] ... [ 0.00180236 0.00553643 -0.00151763] [ 0.00180236 -0.00151763 0.00553643] [ 0.0009413 0.00751066 0.00751066]] Final stress: [-1.18762963e-05 -1.17267157e-05 -1.17267160e-05 4.16782378e-07 -1.76217993e-05 -1.76217990e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00038209 -0.00112627 0.00037719] [-0.00158592 -0.00233532 0.00233532] [ 0.00226419 -0.00301832 0.00301832] ... [ 0.00162177 0.00546727 0.00383638] [-0.00227931 -0.0010105 -0.00609072] [ 0.00142436 0.00355397 -0.00410288]] Final stress: [-1.19291701e-05 -1.17765527e-05 -1.17765524e-05 -4.17835211e-07 -1.76349241e-05 1.76349239e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00038509 0.00035324 -0.00110829] [ 0.00224911 0.00298231 -0.00298231] [-0.00156488 0.00229326 -0.00229326] ... [-0.00222692 -0.00606025 -0.00098183] [ 0.00156709 0.00380792 0.0054347 ] [ 0.00142436 -0.00412605 0.00357483]] Final stress: [-1.19186236e-05 -1.17658209e-05 -1.17658211e-05 -4.16802413e-07 1.79891986e-05 -1.79891988e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0016595 0.00239505 0.00239505] [ 0.00037282 0.00110322 0.00037261] [ 0.00037282 0.00037262 0.00110322] ... [-0.00240952 -0.00613512 0.00430353] [-0.00240952 0.00430353 -0.00613512] [ 0.00181215 -0.00816539 -0.00816539]] Final stress: [-1.18068498e-05 -1.16573680e-05 -1.16573682e-05 4.15059518e-07 1.72437630e-05 1.72437631e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00272876 -0.00272876 -0.00501504] [ 0.00272876 0.00272876 -0.00501504] [-0.0006435 0.0006435 -0.00300891] ... [-0.00513142 -0.00513142 -0.00517372] [ 0.0074494 0.00538537 0.01094565] [ 0.00538537 0.0074494 0.01094564]] Final stress: [-1.54007221e-05 -1.54007218e-05 -1.39082035e-05 9.43408114e-15 -1.31588912e-14 -5.85520375e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00109407 0.00109407 0.00340911] [-0.00109407 -0.00109407 0.00340911] [ 0.00309356 -0.00309356 0.0053137 ] ... [ 0.00495882 0.00495882 0.01166897] [-0.00982779 -0.00109006 -0.01316874] [-0.00109005 -0.00982779 -0.01316874]] Final stress: [-1.62022117e-05 -1.62022114e-05 -1.46060056e-05 1.91200260e-13 2.29575636e-15 1.56914752e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00397968 0.01204603 0.01204602] [ 0.0039799 -0.01204581 0.0120458 ] [ 0.00398015 0.01204556 -0.01204555] ... [-0.01211527 0.0063214 0.00068317] [-0.01211536 0.0006831 0.00632135] [ 0.0149426 -0.00635963 -0.00635961]] Final stress: [-1.76932432e-04 2.22277988e-04 2.22277989e-04 9.93926630e-12 -6.92665037e-12 7.34330679e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.67929202e-03 -3.05508385e-04 -3.05504649e-04] [-1.67893183e-03 3.05860642e-04 -3.05861015e-04] [-1.67866373e-03 -3.06135232e-04 3.06140682e-04] ... [-8.68447958e-05 -8.13188178e-04 -8.48259070e-06] [-8.68111909e-05 -8.49619658e-06 -8.13194014e-04] [-2.56846570e-03 3.13220410e-04 3.13217075e-04]] Final stress: [ 7.03959819e-07 -2.07563110e-05 -2.07563094e-05 4.36597234e-12 -6.00045003e-13 5.05063689e-13] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-9.81635709e-04 1.41283451e-03 2.11538397e-04] [ 9.81722532e-04 -1.41274596e-03 2.11446451e-04] [ 9.81671856e-04 1.41279727e-03 -2.11498621e-04] ... [ 7.49055974e-06 1.77278107e-04 7.04335812e-04] [ 2.88638195e-04 1.69327585e-04 3.50009715e-04] [ 1.39987603e-03 -6.52925857e-05 -1.73667249e-04]] Final stress: [-1.17373323e-06 1.59605982e-05 7.38117428e-06 2.94692118e-12 7.91458359e-13 1.66289410e-12] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00186909 0.0044986 0.00721473] [-0.00354335 -0.00071075 -0.00027679] [-0.01648359 -0.00125499 0.00484514] ... [ 0.01342095 0.00060534 0.00120162] [ 0.01113455 -0.0197213 -0.01286261] [ 0.01294795 0.01433375 0.00632697]] Final stress: [ 0.0467536 0.0437441 0.04709381 -0.00016147 0.00090701 0.00029921] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00049132 -0.00049131 -0.00281851] [ 0.00049148 0.00049149 -0.00281868] [ 0.00049134 -0.00049134 0.00281853] ... [-0.0011776 -0.0011776 -0.0014339 ] [ 0.00063128 -0.00264767 -0.0002458 ] [-0.00264761 0.00063125 -0.00024583]] Final stress: [ 8.80723162e-06 8.80723217e-06 -5.57894072e-05 4.22606912e-12 -1.30875847e-12 -3.81774273e-12] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-9.84971201e-04 2.16552372e-04 1.42592640e-03] [ 9.85043947e-04 -2.16478252e-04 1.42585467e-03] [ 9.85012130e-04 2.16511476e-04 -1.42588411e-03] ... [ 3.52002245e-04 3.63367937e-04 2.39573592e-04] [ 9.18691551e-05 7.78181933e-04 1.55333514e-04] [ 1.47342732e-03 -1.25201525e-04 -7.31539375e-05]] Final stress: [-6.31102719e-07 7.43745428e-06 1.54848039e-05 -1.15382421e-12 2.39272578e-12 -1.78686982e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.00138921e-03 2.62949685e-04 -4.64809664e-04] [-1.00116106e-03 -2.62720961e-04 -4.65042096e-04] [-1.00119958e-03 2.62766826e-04 4.64993042e-04] ... [-7.48325651e-04 -1.38707699e-03 7.88748951e-04] [ 2.57920390e-05 -4.45461192e-04 -1.08913217e-03] [-1.45823960e-03 3.27448197e-04 -1.48618390e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.57958369e-05 4.60430110e-06 -1.57057248e-05 4.49958653e-12 2.91331344e-12 2.14037435e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-1.18094600e-03 -7.32236357e-03 -1.18094488e-03] [ 1.18081621e-03 7.32224264e-03 -1.18081374e-03] [ 1.18049462e-03 -7.32190956e-03 1.18049214e-03] ... [ 2.75997153e-03 -2.13849008e-03 -3.92084958e-03] [-7.69575118e-05 -1.12296479e-03 -7.69431354e-05] [-3.92084745e-03 -2.13839966e-03 2.76002771e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.77648017e-05 -9.71139549e-05 2.77647986e-05 -4.62026661e-12 -9.92673995e-13 -1.22589941e-13] Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.16958168 -0.17432973 -0.17432974] [ 0.18147441 0.27036279 -0.2703628 ] [ 0.18147434 -0.2703627 0.27036271] ... [-0.03786582 -0.00408417 0.09134599] [-0.03786583 0.09134599 -0.0040842 ] [-0.12171699 -0.02432604 -0.02432606]] Final stress: [ 1.36888550e-03 3.54461538e-04 3.54461544e-04 -3.32908504e-04 -1.59931140e-11 -1.46915992e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02837005 -0.24792108 -0.24792109] [ 0.17057204 0.23930267 -0.23930267] [ 0.17057219 -0.23930282 0.23930282] ... [-0.03632512 0.22490653 -0.02156117] [-0.03632507 -0.02156119 0.22490653] [ 0.16010943 -0.19149932 -0.19149935]] Final stress: [ 3.58555259e-03 2.11204402e-03 2.11204406e-03 7.20211461e-04 -1.32156169e-11 -1.92921722e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11363165 -0.20047184 -0.10144551] [ 0.06046938 -0.07863475 -0.01391514] [ 0.11363142 -0.2004716 0.10144528] ... [-0.04956551 0.05923013 0.07608412] [ 0.09445731 -0.04219347 0.06284643] [-0.26136973 0.39454322 0.08873655]] Final stress: [ 4.22577402e-03 5.06736670e-03 4.35704101e-03 -2.60677063e-11 -1.54072903e-03 8.01286912e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09336789 0.06535357 -0.03551278] [ 0.18712739 0.26545976 -0.16246046] [ 0.09336809 0.06535341 0.03551294] ... [ 0.14085983 -0.04729032 0.00487596] [ 0.01196669 0.06319605 -0.13217634] [-0.28982877 0.15749911 0.37121878]] Final stress: [ 4.52648333e-03 4.99779766e-03 4.23494056e-03 1.94965289e-11 1.51689100e-03 -9.99077714e-11] Minimization converged after 159 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1626154 -0.16202127 -0.20021205] [ 0.071678 0.14629659 -0.10649574] [ 0.16261543 -0.16202128 0.20021207] ... [ 0.02124511 0.05005886 0.03231835] [-0.05219465 0.07346975 0.01274245] [-0.03965265 -0.01004708 0.01081214]] Final stress: [7.70417189e-04 2.79833581e-04 1.83346246e-04 2.56201686e-12 4.70297794e-04 1.47122956e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10684763 -0.09406597 -0.19616373] [ 0.10684772 0.09406608 -0.19616383] [ 0.06041444 -0.01381659 -0.08158815] ... [ 0.09630585 0.06157789 -0.04281778] [-0.04341024 0.07535508 0.05650005] [-0.25610289 0.09356406 0.39260013]] Final stress: [ 4.19206552e-03 4.28371722e-03 4.98552855e-03 -6.87625226e-13 1.61701299e-11 -1.50733484e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06721021 -0.01870607 0.07943142] [ 0.0672103 0.01870615 0.07943133] [ 0.10370804 -0.09112793 0.1965802 ] ... [ 0.04560529 -0.15270455 0.07255539] [ 0.16382358 -0.02418495 -0.07446515] [-0.21007691 0.37267236 0.15002283]] Final stress: [ 4.38735497e-03 4.52547558e-03 5.24863267e-03 8.50885546e-11 -5.15787743e-12 1.53532900e-03] Minimization converged after 141 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.15754849 -0.19268958 -0.15711211] [ 0.1575484 0.19268947 -0.15711202] [ 0.07004375 -0.10264753 0.13965925] ... [-0.04912775 0.01316532 0.07188967] [ 0.01921592 0.03145646 0.0487615 ] [-0.04001496 0.01069239 -0.00815715]] Final stress: [7.28590682e-04 1.54069114e-04 2.41904817e-04 3.60409945e-12 4.53656366e-12 4.42105577e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00888114 -0.00370426 0.00888114] [-0.0088813 0.00370409 0.00888131] [-0.00888132 -0.00370409 -0.0088813 ] ... [-0.00071597 -0.00696383 -0.00359584] [-0.01070714 0.02252923 -0.01070721] [-0.00359582 -0.00696389 -0.000716 ]] Final stress: [ 2.05852538e-04 -2.11433097e-04 2.05852533e-04 -1.03506449e-12 6.65201984e-12 -9.36486609e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.12942981e-03 1.51815174e-03 -1.12942843e-03] [ 1.12936683e-03 -1.51820772e-03 -1.12936632e-03] [ 1.12921336e-03 1.51836846e-03 1.12920634e-03] ... [-6.57869943e-04 -7.06080875e-04 8.01288093e-05] [-9.54398239e-05 -2.71113820e-03 -9.54341371e-05] [ 8.01134233e-05 -7.06070995e-04 -6.57865338e-04]] Final stress: [-1.81929117e-05 -2.41999514e-06 -1.81929140e-05 3.82278751e-12 -5.37437536e-12 8.43726375e-12] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.54514752e-04 -9.82377974e-04 1.49918675e-03] [-2.54590869e-04 9.82304529e-04 1.49926173e-03] [-2.54585918e-04 -9.82311967e-04 -1.49925571e-03] ... [ 3.79968873e-04 3.48813820e-04 2.65041007e-04] [-1.04272179e-04 1.47082519e-03 -3.42424844e-05] [ 7.89589678e-04 9.19063213e-05 1.93105491e-04]] Final stress: [ 7.48462487e-06 -2.96348874e-07 1.52261876e-05 -1.76655744e-12 -1.05831675e-12 -9.60891280e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.66215272e-04 2.14374645e-03 -2.00585542e-04] [-9.66550475e-04 -2.14408193e-03 -2.00250654e-04] [-9.66452136e-04 2.14398376e-03 2.00351569e-04] ... [-8.56274759e-04 -2.00453144e-04 2.06914836e-04] [ 2.42605669e-04 -1.01991141e-04 -2.86015251e-04] [-5.06426265e-05 2.85793241e-04 -8.98693280e-04]] Final stress: [ 5.69650644e-06 1.67528983e-05 -4.75122946e-06 3.42784562e-12 1.97056675e-12 1.30736450e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01541607 0.00640521 0.00640523] [ 0.01541972 -0.0064018 0.00640162] [ 0.01541646 0.00640487 -0.00640485] ... [ 0.00266208 0.00637392 -0.01515348] [ 0.00266186 -0.01515327 0.00637387] [ 0.02035567 0.00265984 0.00265963]] Final stress: [-2.26014931e-04 8.98026650e-05 8.98026584e-05 -5.63135074e-12 5.78452167e-11 5.50555146e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.17485582 -0.09859246 -0.08479208] [-0.06554319 0.05797194 -0.01971361] [-0.06554308 -0.05797205 0.01971371] ... [ 0.06246743 -0.02723391 0.07157092] [ 0.34986839 -0.19880729 0.09179141] [-0.0546914 0.09656172 0.06330469]] Final stress: [ 4.07641327e-03 3.41882963e-03 3.46517112e-03 -1.32437616e-03 9.77084352e-11 2.68275307e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08079409 -0.06351114 -0.01516186] [ 0.19997832 0.10890729 -0.09702091] [ 0.19997861 -0.1089076 0.09702123] ... [-0.07490408 0.16991525 -0.02368425] [ 0.15109652 -0.21686085 0.38079313] [ 0.07866282 0.04804339 -0.15167829]] Final stress: [5.34924585e-03 4.47321231e-03 4.61813509e-03 1.55355280e-03 6.36884639e-11 3.49635132e-11] Minimization converged after 148 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 78 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.27925942 -0.23748602 -0.27925942] [ 0.36900223 0.17012881 -0.36900223] [ 0.27925969 -0.23748627 0.27925969] ... [ 0.00317383 -0.01946138 0.15947445] [-0.04405606 -0.18412941 -0.04405613] [ 0.15947448 -0.01946138 0.00317378]] Final stress: [ 1.48180139e-03 3.05592617e-03 1.48180133e-03 -2.50828235e-11 -5.48871497e-04 -1.39770945e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.34489956 -0.21799039 -0.34489956] [ 0.23275655 0.21651434 -0.23275654] [ 0.34490097 -0.2179918 0.34490094] ... [ 0.11377574 -0.00919183 0.04125371] [-0.05827256 0.00809931 -0.05827259] [ 0.04125369 -0.0091918 0.11377575]] Final stress: [ 6.69616701e-04 2.11836719e-03 6.69616699e-04 -1.36869751e-11 3.47003132e-04 5.51483131e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09963239 -0.11155063 -0.20544734] [ 0.09963256 0.11155082 -0.20544748] [ 0.01525885 -0.06450144 -0.08335091] ... [ 0.06339831 0.09819471 -0.04605286] [ 0.09188179 -0.26994478 0.40553298] [ 0.0758188 -0.05104308 0.05674458]] Final stress: [ 4.66314213e-03 4.52711672e-03 5.39814497e-03 -1.56413240e-11 -3.42163360e-11 -1.56518276e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01360565 -0.06270546 0.083635 ] [ 0.01360512 0.06270494 0.08363546] [ 0.09524616 -0.10847617 0.19947889] ... [-0.15085818 0.04717073 0.07695178] [ 0.38208013 -0.21724017 0.15266799] [-0.02330889 0.17215741 -0.07203782]] Final stress: [ 4.54296573e-03 4.41958486e-03 5.27101937e-03 -1.47897060e-11 -4.28090775e-11 1.54465436e-03] Minimization converged after 155 steps. Minimization converged after 158 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00077822 0.00077822 -0.00223789] [-0.00077803 -0.00077802 -0.00223808] [-0.00077716 0.00077716 0.00223895] ... [-0.00051095 -0.00051094 0.00337787] [ 0.00023928 -0.00019578 -0.00085765] [-0.00019572 0.00023928 -0.00085766]] Final stress: [ 4.45687885e-05 4.45687893e-05 -1.06590623e-05 -3.18382967e-12 2.43827724e-12 -5.69995873e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-2.34864499e-03 -2.34865657e-03 1.58959464e-03] [ 2.34822323e-03 2.34823002e-03 1.59002591e-03] [ 2.34827411e-03 -2.34825559e-03 -1.59000064e-03] ... [ 4.34309638e-05 4.34217961e-05 -4.53832765e-03] [-2.88500701e-03 -2.47995023e-03 -1.59505141e-03] [-2.47999561e-03 -2.88499671e-03 -1.59506591e-03]] Final stress: [-4.18670430e-05 -4.18670352e-05 3.27076238e-05 -7.40750939e-12 2.24566895e-12 -1.79882724e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.18019852 -0.08447651 -0.09717635] [-0.07051994 0.01919967 -0.06011804] [-0.0705199 -0.01919971 0.06011808] ... [ 0.37079761 0.09332562 -0.22444203] [ 0.06061624 0.07298413 -0.0342084 ] [-0.04777266 0.06186266 0.09670304]] Final stress: [ 4.39646060e-03 3.75062106e-03 3.70552285e-03 -1.41578842e-03 5.35431611e-11 -1.19026919e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0761107 -0.01921205 -0.06704616] [ 0.19980068 0.09781031 -0.11227413] [ 0.19980092 -0.09781057 0.11227442] ... [ 0.1544801 0.36831088 -0.20946997] [-0.06630575 -0.02614982 0.1646495 ] [ 0.06505378 -0.14750013 0.04502549]] Final stress: [ 4.96551702e-03 4.26321343e-03 4.15602383e-03 1.49778249e-03 -4.29090415e-11 -1.50272093e-11] Minimization converged after 151 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09944567 -0.19962314 -0.11429527] [ 0.02012491 -0.0735199 -0.067981 ] [ 0.099446 -0.19962346 0.1142956 ] ... [ 0.08532155 0.38756408 -0.25382166] [ 0.06634194 -0.04194155 0.09708509] [ 0.07459865 0.05720771 -0.05135207]] Final stress: [ 4.24638811e-03 4.94979549e-03 4.12283522e-03 4.66518187e-11 -1.50405175e-03 9.13869595e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01765722 0.0779388 -0.06554774] [ 0.09916024 0.2013982 -0.11315225] [ 0.01765736 0.07793872 0.06554789] ... [ 0.36941978 0.15512312 -0.21124021] [-0.14776169 0.06793168 0.04645091] [-0.02542062 -0.06684066 0.1647159 ]] Final stress: [ 4.31863110e-03 5.02428803e-03 4.21024890e-03 -5.43094067e-11 1.50160398e-03 -6.72566054e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10238766 -0.13962399 -0.06936863] [ 0.19366494 0.15787138 -0.15811872] [ 0.10238773 -0.13962406 0.06936868] ... [-0.07020413 -0.0397397 -0.01698982] [ 0.04455042 -0.00033807 -0.00424734] [ 0.04790769 0.02045452 -0.07250316]] Final stress: [ 1.53398012e-04 2.42020130e-04 7.33265708e-04 -1.59496862e-12 -4.44473543e-04 -3.09342754e-12] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 78 steps. Minimization converged after 78 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.22467924 -0.22467925 -0.20774973] [ 0.22467872 0.22467873 -0.2077492 ] [ 0.33747849 -0.33747849 0.21896666] ... [-0.02786165 -0.02786161 -0.16187128] [-0.00942393 0.12342272 -0.05247937] [ 0.12342274 -0.00942391 -0.05247938]] Final stress: [ 5.95076904e-04 5.95076901e-04 2.04627460e-03 -2.02547028e-11 -7.90355148e-13 -3.37049280e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.32522458 -0.32522459 -0.21076208] [ 0.3252257 0.32522571 -0.21076315] [ 0.21011418 -0.21011419 0.19392427] ... [-0.04230143 -0.04230139 -0.00942097] [ 0.10042482 0.0462994 -0.00146878] [ 0.04629939 0.10042481 -0.00146878]] Final stress: [4.90934648e-04 4.90934649e-04 1.96313677e-03 1.44745367e-11 7.44637528e-12 2.89097009e-04] Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.10976078e-03 -5.10976088e-03 -4.13606305e-03] [-3.01214203e-05 -3.01214184e-05 -9.26399658e-04] [ 1.61571853e-03 -3.54567348e-03 2.60571715e-03] ... [ 4.40136190e-03 4.40136138e-03 3.33416478e-03] [ 4.78296733e-04 2.21928385e-03 -2.23037451e-03] [ 2.21928220e-03 4.78296749e-04 -2.23037433e-03]] Final stress: [-3.43472432e-05 -3.43472441e-05 -3.49607399e-05 -2.91496467e-05 -2.91496460e-05 1.34396355e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-3.54541644e-03 -1.61975302e-03 -2.60764248e-03] [ 1.61975151e-03 3.54541515e-03 -2.60764065e-03] [-3.99013519e-05 3.99010561e-05 9.14496380e-04] ... [ 1.77504940e-03 -3.49673392e-03 3.73379141e-03] [ 5.65881042e-03 4.80384543e-03 2.99917981e-03] [ 2.61891789e-03 -7.65125645e-03 -5.03928092e-03]] Final stress: [-3.44102843e-05 -3.44102850e-05 -3.50249633e-05 -2.92526569e-05 2.92526564e-05 -1.34635003e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00161307 -0.00356526 -0.00261423] [ 0.00356525 0.00161307 -0.00261423] [ 0.00512054 -0.00512054 0.00413574] ... [-0.00348866 0.00176694 0.00373728] [-0.00762236 0.00264166 -0.00501848] [ 0.00478782 0.00562942 0.00297788]] Final stress: [-3.44481994e-05 -3.44481990e-05 -3.50648398e-05 2.92453345e-05 -2.92453341e-05 -1.34838728e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-6.13452280e-05 -6.13452311e-05 -1.01745723e-03] [ 4.96020189e-03 4.96020187e-03 -3.98803156e-03] [ 3.51069326e-03 -1.58264622e-03 2.56990406e-03] ... [-6.14442224e-03 -6.14442273e-03 3.95974236e-03] [-2.26442960e-03 4.87815537e-03 1.19750383e-04] [ 4.87815577e-03 -2.26442945e-03 1.19750548e-04]] Final stress: [-3.30470928e-05 -3.30470920e-05 -3.36224067e-05 2.80749555e-05 2.80749566e-05 1.24778609e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.99654649e-03 -4.01864550e-03 -4.99654571e-03] [ 1.57357656e-03 2.56669660e-03 -3.51316491e-03] [ 1.76304782e-05 -9.79555735e-04 1.76305995e-05] ... [ 4.21375040e-04 -2.14115789e-03 2.14413051e-03] [ 4.06850714e-03 3.13413784e-03 4.06850789e-03] [ 2.14413098e-03 -2.14115821e-03 4.21374347e-04]] Final stress: [-3.31797344e-05 -3.37577269e-05 -3.31797339e-05 -2.81440281e-05 1.25587036e-06 -2.81440275e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-3.53817325e-03 -2.58453147e-03 -1.58392783e-03] [ 6.21527358e-05 1.03134006e-03 -6.21524880e-05] [ 1.58392838e-03 -2.58453198e-03 3.53817390e-03] ... [ 5.29593747e-03 2.76338835e-03 4.50611814e-03] [ 1.67530106e-03 3.58957955e-03 -3.34529238e-03] [ 2.62986598e-03 -4.73272445e-03 -7.22059628e-03]] Final stress: [-3.33118257e-05 -3.38955317e-05 -3.33118247e-05 -2.82387608e-05 -1.26449254e-06 2.82387613e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00157667 -0.00257394 -0.00352454] [ 0.00497748 0.00399539 -0.00497748] [ 0.00352454 -0.00257394 0.00157667] ... [-0.00720201 -0.00474288 0.00261096] [-0.003315 0.00357515 0.00164798] [ 0.00449648 0.00277835 0.00528203]] Final stress: [-3.31712894e-05 -3.37503333e-05 -3.31712915e-05 2.81513982e-05 -1.25569302e-06 -2.81513985e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.24859443e-05 -9.12407980e-04 5.24858044e-05] [ 3.55974519e-03 2.61152339e-03 -1.61317384e-03] [ 5.14350669e-03 -4.16156477e-03 5.14350676e-03] ... [-2.39231785e-03 1.67315578e-04 5.12235525e-03] [-6.47724991e-03 4.04974615e-03 -6.47724926e-03] [ 5.12235665e-03 1.67315660e-04 -2.39231720e-03]] Final stress: [-3.44857415e-05 -3.51026031e-05 -3.44857423e-05 2.92849784e-05 1.34971231e-06 2.92849793e-05] Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00405196 -0.00502203 -0.00502203] [ 0.00258454 0.00159906 -0.00352287] [ 0.00258454 -0.00352287 0.00159906] ... [-0.00221295 0.00038334 0.00222433] [-0.00221295 0.00222433 0.00038334] [ 0.00318174 0.00402382 0.00402382]] Final stress: [-3.39657206e-05 -3.33809961e-05 -3.33809955e-05 1.26798304e-06 -2.83452141e-05 -2.83452133e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.61422777e-03 -3.56252617e-03 -1.61582266e-03] [ 9.48792382e-04 -1.61444002e-05 1.61443659e-05] [ 4.13059627e-03 -5.11262777e-03 5.11262762e-03] ... [ 2.95795330e-03 5.63268902e-03 4.80222496e-03] [-4.99764828e-03 2.62792908e-03 -7.62477045e-03] [ 3.73760422e-03 1.79055496e-03 -3.51147982e-03]] Final stress: [-3.50752378e-05 -3.44584934e-05 -3.44584919e-05 -1.34874486e-06 -2.92487802e-05 2.92487801e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00259532 -0.00163165 -0.00350883] [ 0.00422858 0.00517583 -0.00517583] [ 0.00081294 0.00011724 -0.00011724] ... [-0.0050349 -0.00763853 0.00259541] [ 0.00299681 0.0048242 0.00564795] [ 0.00373201 -0.00348764 0.00176731]] Final stress: [-3.50054300e-05 -3.43932301e-05 -3.43932298e-05 -1.34463909e-06 2.93720338e-05 -2.93720337e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-9.14472173e-04 3.12465125e-05 3.12465994e-05] [ 2.56007578e-03 3.49028112e-03 -1.58319780e-03] [ 2.56007603e-03 -1.58319822e-03 3.49028141e-03] ... [ 1.46543292e-04 -2.27273887e-03 4.93056778e-03] [ 1.46543190e-04 4.93056768e-03 -2.27273794e-03] [ 3.95348948e-03 -6.12240297e-03 -6.12240313e-03]] Final stress: [-3.37566657e-05 -3.31796904e-05 -3.31796911e-05 1.25550369e-06 2.82136237e-05 2.82136245e-05] Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-7.47968075e-04 5.23568040e-04 5.23574338e-04] [ 7.47545016e-04 -5.24003652e-04 5.24000132e-04] [ 7.48026877e-04 5.23525230e-04 -5.23528525e-04] ... [-8.81779899e-05 -2.89256319e-04 2.32219679e-04] [-8.81810535e-05 2.32243904e-04 -2.89249176e-04] [ 1.00357930e-03 4.42642002e-05 4.42725381e-05]] Final stress: [ 6.67185827e-06 1.94595748e-05 1.94595748e-05 -3.38100745e-12 -2.86008902e-12 -1.85193496e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00132509 -0.00070702 -0.00070702] [-0.00132488 0.00070721 -0.00070722] [-0.00132456 -0.00070753 0.00070753] ... [-0.00062026 -0.00118581 -0.00030834] [-0.00062026 -0.00030835 -0.00118581] [-0.00216472 0.00017351 0.00017351]] Final stress: [ 9.79195357e-06 -1.66281081e-05 -1.66281089e-05 -2.25177468e-12 1.05473386e-12 6.31889130e-12] Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-8.74568095e-04 1.52159739e-03 3.17562446e-04] [ 8.74718606e-04 -1.52144284e-03 3.17411100e-04] [ 8.74727302e-04 1.52144698e-03 -3.17411220e-04] ... [-4.17204291e-04 2.38032519e-05 7.12921647e-04] [-1.60202305e-04 -8.56605192e-04 3.60738138e-05] [ 2.38947350e-03 -1.89019851e-04 -4.33710689e-04]] Final stress: [-5.81371071e-06 2.11367900e-05 7.54476680e-06 6.55557388e-12 4.14551961e-12 2.26979707e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.04189047e-03 -8.28618520e-04 1.01181792e-04] [-1.04171688e-03 8.28791411e-04 1.01016491e-04] [-1.04186965e-03 -8.28635803e-04 -1.01167512e-04] ... [ 9.69988219e-05 -5.02135213e-04 5.84668810e-04] [-1.35894909e-04 1.45104298e-03 -4.61369699e-04] [-1.71210149e-04 -2.19794164e-04 5.38015316e-05]] Final stress: [ 2.23960498e-05 -7.09392228e-06 7.51660301e-06 -1.84890474e-13 -4.38656586e-12 7.05586111e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-5.03131208e-04 3.48099504e-04 1.21037279e-03] [ 5.03159756e-04 -3.48060202e-04 1.21034855e-03] [ 5.03133976e-04 3.48094756e-04 -1.21037350e-03] ... [ 6.24833797e-05 1.76929468e-05 -4.06403167e-05] [-1.17281102e-04 6.99450299e-04 -1.60486125e-04] [ 1.54308158e-03 -2.98592722e-04 -2.97045324e-04]] Final stress: [-6.70631392e-06 7.04486135e-06 2.10352880e-05 5.89021511e-16 2.33308568e-12 -1.40294394e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.47790594e-03 5.78956722e-04 -3.08595538e-04] [-1.47814032e-03 -5.79196309e-04 -3.08358574e-04] [-1.47817828e-03 5.79239180e-04 3.08317546e-04] ... [-1.01737969e-04 -2.80302476e-04 1.26768265e-03] [-8.94319744e-05 5.27804106e-04 -3.91313778e-04] [-1.01150467e-04 -2.03460175e-04 -3.26752807e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.83180959e-05 6.35902189e-06 -5.31322421e-06 1.42842593e-12 5.58535850e-12 2.58734333e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00271105 0.0008268 0.0008268 ] [-0.00107242 -0.0002017 0.0002017 ] [-0.00107242 0.0002017 -0.0002017 ] ... [ 0.00173773 -0.00159691 0.00015324] [ 0.00173773 0.00015324 -0.00159691] [-0.00345811 0.0042629 0.0042629 ]] Final stress: [ 2.90711802e-06 1.87304747e-05 1.87304747e-05 -3.07060703e-05 4.84891825e-14 -3.60704041e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00112898 0.00019658 0.00019658] [ 0.00295934 -0.00075162 0.00075162] [ 0.00295934 0.00075162 -0.00075162] ... [-0.00033087 0.00187363 -0.00025036] [-0.00033087 -0.00025036 0.00187363] [-0.00402436 0.00143864 0.00143864]] Final stress: [ 3.66622579e-06 1.89694389e-05 1.89694385e-05 3.28276922e-05 2.15143874e-13 -4.53190193e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.11256534e-03 -9.95001433e-04 -9.95000559e-04] [ 7.83309492e-04 1.75869461e-03 -1.75869439e-03] [ 7.83308985e-04 -1.75869392e-03 1.75869411e-03] ... [-1.29220636e-03 -1.77621124e-04 1.34839987e-03] [-1.29220587e-03 1.34839920e-03 -1.77620906e-04] [-2.32544568e-03 5.56251034e-06 5.56225460e-06]] Final stress: [ 1.20099166e-05 -5.83583983e-06 -5.83583996e-06 -1.98735077e-06 2.05286452e-13 8.67343140e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-7.83862930e-04 -1.76055755e-03 -1.76055772e-03] [ 1.06440503e-03 9.79156179e-04 -9.79156210e-04] [ 1.06439757e-03 -9.79149131e-04 9.79148891e-04] ... [ 2.78715038e-04 9.73422091e-04 7.27495550e-04] [ 2.78715168e-04 7.27494656e-04 9.73422689e-04] [-7.26610544e-04 -4.12606626e-05 -4.12607744e-05]] Final stress: [ 1.24922710e-05 -6.07221888e-06 -6.07221856e-06 1.96047467e-06 2.28992503e-13 1.38503867e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00088248 -0.00179162 0.00050197] [ 0.0012088 -0.00247734 0.00018687] [ 0.00088248 -0.00179162 -0.00050197] ... [-0.00096701 0.00110826 0.00028197] [ 0.00226019 0.00011635 0.0015663 ] [-0.00355578 0.00406326 0.00124666]] Final stress: [ 3.92401471e-06 1.89066774e-05 1.85990975e-05 -6.58870774e-13 -3.09029282e-05 -3.66137606e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0011061 0.00237617 0.00022029] [ 0.00044233 0.00128469 0.00087413] [ 0.00110609 0.00237617 -0.00022029] ... [ 0.00217982 -0.00079908 -0.00030066] [-0.00064317 -0.00025777 -0.0012568 ] [-0.00366004 0.00176244 0.00416977]] Final stress: [2.57246343e-06 1.87341323e-05 1.84604777e-05 1.97836242e-15 2.81261058e-05 4.23093845e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00053979 -0.0015255 -0.0009844 ] [ 0.00131988 0.00122367 -0.00176477] [ 0.0005398 -0.0015255 0.0009844 ] ... [-0.00113272 -0.0004289 0.00136266] [-0.00049534 0.00023017 0.00042106] [-0.00120609 -0.00082724 -0.0006078 ]] Final stress: [ 1.22884776e-05 -5.95948249e-06 -5.98393364e-06 -1.23465262e-13 -1.97387656e-06 8.99382978e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.34749863e-03 -1.23013909e-03 -1.76390605e-03] [ 5.56696877e-04 1.50658657e-03 -9.72813207e-04] [ 1.34750717e-03 -1.23014728e-03 1.76391483e-03] ... [ 3.30858547e-05 1.13224057e-03 7.18776121e-04] [-5.84663980e-04 1.85822355e-03 3.43578104e-04] [-1.80321232e-03 6.95296589e-04 5.17644640e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.19514169e-05 -5.79658194e-06 -5.82088599e-06 1.17640180e-13 2.09528301e-06 1.46138044e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-7.20212030e-04 6.32924707e-04 -1.63633776e-03] [ 7.20212589e-04 -6.32924065e-04 -1.63633835e-03] [ 1.07146915e-03 2.93299985e-04 -2.55929952e-03] ... [ 2.27763734e-03 1.52144236e-03 7.85020087e-05] [-9.13384232e-04 2.93788620e-04 1.16819061e-03] [-3.62237084e-03 1.34118322e-03 4.22805716e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.84795921e-06 1.86688154e-05 1.89840265e-05 1.07545845e-13 7.07863314e-14 -3.18229988e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00121118 0.00017634 0.00247633] [ 0.00121118 -0.00017634 0.00247633] [ 0.00078552 0.00059036 0.00171294] ... [-0.00076704 -0.0015624 -0.0001213 ] [ 0.00251171 -0.00030522 -0.00111323] [-0.00416376 0.0048185 0.00193965]] Final stress: [ 4.01042786e-06 1.87498962e-05 1.90677878e-05 2.16289971e-13 -7.37866166e-14 3.17238496e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00056781 -0.00099115 -0.00152783] [ 0.0005678 0.00099113 -0.00152782] [ 0.0013317 -0.00175532 0.00121863] ... [-0.00048048 0.00043911 0.00019501] [-0.00111298 0.00134838 -0.00036663] [-0.00116595 -0.00061622 -0.00079626]] Final stress: [ 1.20258643e-05 -5.85763653e-06 -5.83332817e-06 -5.84435764e-14 4.49751472e-14 -2.07956954e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.34237102e-03 -1.76300001e-03 -1.21980652e-03] [ 1.34237205e-03 1.76300055e-03 -1.21980739e-03] [ 5.59315472e-04 -9.79646237e-04 1.52284874e-03] ... [-5.83761662e-04 3.51949618e-04 1.85381730e-03] [ 2.06307685e-05 7.23270137e-04 1.15120210e-03] [-1.80162217e-03 5.08622340e-04 7.10229084e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.19087730e-05 -5.79872387e-06 -5.77444517e-06 -3.26642093e-14 -4.23639845e-14 2.05819226e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.77806172e-04 -4.56209450e-04 8.77805422e-04] [-8.77496173e-04 4.56506468e-04 8.77506769e-04] [-8.77220176e-04 -4.56783577e-04 -8.77232773e-04] ... [-2.85365978e-04 6.77181091e-05 3.96316985e-04] [-4.35562542e-06 9.86725084e-04 -4.34423959e-06] [ 3.96263386e-04 6.77331602e-05 -2.85350471e-04]] Final stress: [1.92087157e-05 4.75421287e-06 1.92087152e-05 2.18884290e-12 5.65733494e-13 3.18364958e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00071679 0.00139684 -0.0007168 ] [ 0.00071662 -0.00139703 -0.00071661] [ 0.00071666 0.00139697 0.00071667] ... [-0.00109802 -0.00048656 -0.0001329 ] [-0.00016812 -0.00214338 -0.00016812] [-0.0001329 -0.00048657 -0.001098 ]] Final stress: [-1.57540821e-05 7.67794906e-06 -1.57540787e-05 1.73450843e-12 2.81567130e-14 2.66597581e-12] Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.10397371e-05 -1.34025898e-03 1.32991053e-03] [ 1.11884798e-05 1.34040736e-03 1.32977284e-03] [ 1.12577853e-05 -1.34047390e-03 -1.32970005e-03] ... [-2.13464395e-04 -3.70873425e-04 -5.47752724e-04] [ 3.90707341e-05 2.41944844e-03 2.40422531e-04] [ 8.81833444e-04 -2.64385855e-04 9.44354777e-05]] Final stress: [ 8.41385554e-06 -1.46484650e-06 1.84813750e-05 -1.27579062e-12 4.96037127e-12 2.11231028e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.60296068e-04 1.27041098e-03 -5.39531666e-04] [-3.60277286e-04 -1.27039443e-03 -5.39544974e-04] [-3.60337976e-04 1.27045169e-03 5.39482375e-04] ... [-2.27135685e-04 6.79908457e-05 1.59128525e-03] [ 3.71494144e-04 6.69184082e-04 1.10366042e-04] [ 1.07974608e-03 3.52449546e-04 -2.03828388e-04]] Final stress: [ 7.80861010e-06 2.18957843e-05 -6.13822796e-06 -9.73231642e-13 -4.43049249e-13 6.99684930e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.58906428e-03 -6.92617182e-04 6.57873205e-04] [-2.37323049e-03 1.23184933e-03 1.29431511e-04] [-2.37322886e-03 -1.23185090e-03 -1.29429899e-04] ... [ 1.10573851e-03 -8.88375685e-04 2.40758141e-04] [ 3.93199773e-03 -3.42907519e-03 1.24369444e-03] [ 8.70659978e-05 2.15106545e-03 1.50235210e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.88791646e-05 3.49583653e-06 1.85833819e-05 -2.99289173e-05 -3.10502146e-14 -3.71235697e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00244684 -0.00123144 0.00015467] [ 0.0016279 0.00070743 0.00066752] [ 0.0016279 -0.00070742 -0.00066752] ... [-0.00101386 0.00240017 -0.00030027] [ 0.00190259 -0.00399156 0.00461275] [-0.0002146 -0.00073529 -0.00148606]] Final stress: [ 1.89427978e-05 3.81941622e-06 1.86381856e-05 3.06409637e-05 -7.51251127e-15 2.87401449e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00152035 -0.00055263 -0.00098212] [ 0.00123559 0.00134402 -0.00177381] [ 0.00123559 -0.00134402 0.00177381] ... [-0.00037018 -0.0011127 0.00134577] [-0.00080162 -0.00119589 -0.00060721] [ 0.00021602 -0.00049578 0.00043435]] Final stress: [-5.83990848e-06 1.20457894e-05 -5.86428962e-06 -2.12069652e-06 3.01492574e-14 2.17208880e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.19110793e-03 -1.29707433e-03 -1.73619434e-03] [ 1.49846109e-03 5.14524004e-04 -9.53376392e-04] [ 1.49845619e-03 -5.14518282e-04 9.53370666e-04] ... [ 1.18709989e-03 2.44228721e-05 7.40920427e-04] [ 8.24315427e-04 -1.84914119e-03 5.57686635e-04] [ 1.85284325e-03 -5.73032364e-04 3.29868478e-04]] Final stress: [-6.04266291e-06 1.24508921e-05 -6.06695999e-06 1.74920731e-06 -7.30489486e-14 -1.02210000e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0005922 -0.00316991 0.0005922 ] [-0.00016304 -0.00111264 0.00016304] [-0.0005922 -0.00316991 -0.0005922 ] ... [-0.00172979 0.00188223 0.00016843] [ 0.00464034 -0.00364048 0.00464034] [ 0.00016843 0.00188223 -0.00172979]] Final stress: [ 1.88380155e-05 3.90063630e-06 1.88380160e-05 -1.60279465e-13 -3.25008577e-05 -8.47364637e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00015124 0.0010595 0.00015124] [-0.00073953 0.00290294 0.00073953] [-0.00015124 0.0010595 -0.00015124] ... [ 0.00174912 -0.00031339 -0.00023875] [ 0.00133068 -0.00386097 0.00133068] [-0.00023875 -0.00031339 0.00174912]] Final stress: [1.87163264e-05 3.21173238e-06 1.87163266e-05 3.70715760e-13 3.09964091e-05 4.13159108e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-9.94721201e-04 -1.10133023e-03 -9.94720856e-04] [ 1.77395912e-03 7.86979279e-04 -1.77395904e-03] [ 9.94714787e-04 -1.10132313e-03 9.94714170e-04] ... [-1.96300867e-04 -1.32272033e-03 1.35684448e-03] [ 1.32269679e-05 -2.33334359e-03 1.32263276e-05] [ 1.35684385e-03 -1.32272022e-03 -1.96301010e-04]] Final stress: [-5.88310073e-06 1.21090675e-05 -5.88310078e-06 5.03199925e-15 -2.00023203e-06 2.81602656e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.78783487e-03 -7.88014990e-04 -1.78783519e-03] [ 9.89498678e-04 1.09088452e-03 -9.89498645e-04] [ 1.78785753e-03 -7.88037255e-04 1.78785718e-03] ... [ 9.85240816e-04 2.57801540e-04 7.21875778e-04] [-8.12787436e-05 -6.97336817e-04 -8.12793337e-05] [ 7.21875037e-04 2.57801702e-04 9.85240975e-04]] Final stress: [-5.90911812e-06 1.21643175e-05 -5.90911820e-06 1.57889569e-13 1.98362621e-06 2.83869769e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.00236929e-04 -7.84646598e-04 -1.72026923e-03] [-6.00237252e-04 7.84646294e-04 -1.72026915e-03] [-1.95058228e-04 -1.20149074e-03 -2.51225241e-03] ... [ 1.57116042e-03 2.32049003e-03 8.01662818e-05] [ 1.33449359e-03 -3.60391713e-03 4.22006333e-03] [ 2.84112679e-04 -9.30625542e-04 1.15630419e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.87584961e-05 4.01821154e-06 1.90772196e-05 1.75212741e-13 -2.76225518e-13 -3.16562831e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00019815 -0.00118636 0.00249588] [-0.00019815 0.00118636 0.00249588] [-0.00062528 -0.0007476 0.00167576] ... [-0.00154384 -0.00074903 -0.00010114] [ 0.00483526 -0.00416689 0.00193014] [-0.00028205 0.00252542 -0.00112533]] Final stress: [ 1.86594639e-05 4.07083807e-06 1.89766671e-05 -5.87802129e-14 -3.30095895e-13 3.17891859e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00096671 -0.00053029 -0.00152197] [ 0.00096672 0.0005303 -0.00152198] [ 0.00179172 -0.00135501 0.00123647] ... [ 0.0004484 -0.00048324 0.00021861] [-0.00059963 -0.00118664 -0.00080616] [ 0.00135643 -0.00110105 -0.00036917]] Final stress: [-5.81070850e-06 1.19370420e-05 -5.78626576e-06 1.60564471e-13 3.02739363e-13 -1.96953995e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.75193286e-03 -1.31893655e-03 -1.21232572e-03] [ 1.75193527e-03 1.31893907e-03 -1.21232811e-03] [ 9.58659876e-04 -5.25945330e-04 1.49827114e-03] ... [ 3.49031128e-04 -5.68579571e-04 1.84972476e-03] [ 5.47327634e-04 -1.83508834e-03 7.86169285e-04] [ 7.33293307e-04 2.76242976e-05 1.17726006e-03]] Final stress: [-5.96971903e-06 1.22570742e-05 -5.94539660e-06 -4.81066499e-14 1.10506631e-13 1.86840175e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.92921765e-04 6.92909533e-04 -8.65364163e-04] [-6.93012846e-04 -6.93002949e-04 -8.65262110e-04] [-6.92694467e-04 6.92710481e-04 8.65557793e-04] ... [ 4.68004017e-05 4.67872324e-05 1.25717071e-03] [-4.30182966e-04 2.23611816e-04 1.73831028e-05] [ 2.23572083e-04 -4.30168607e-04 1.73854606e-05]] Final stress: [ 1.99099579e-05 1.99099586e-05 7.38270906e-06 1.26533594e-12 -1.07129614e-13 6.14421498e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-5.52831973e-04 -5.52838582e-04 1.36484806e-03] [ 5.52972227e-04 5.52981552e-04 1.36470180e-03] [ 5.52765121e-04 -5.52755382e-04 -1.36492180e-03] ... [ 9.30136613e-06 9.30382320e-06 -2.28679684e-03] [-9.86795425e-04 -1.88354605e-04 -6.90866170e-04] [-1.88367150e-04 -9.86792468e-04 -6.90872891e-04]] Final stress: [-1.66578428e-05 -1.66578409e-05 1.01367610e-05 6.62572569e-12 -3.17399141e-12 -3.01315446e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.63805165e-03 6.27762066e-04 -7.22834428e-04] [-2.45969975e-03 -1.97062164e-04 -1.16462497e-03] [-2.45970004e-03 1.97062314e-04 1.16462480e-03] ... [ 4.02413868e-03 1.30305060e-03 -3.48415223e-03] [ 1.12106497e-03 2.62678223e-04 -8.71264423e-04] [ 9.27523757e-05 1.52452746e-03 2.20666753e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.88368943e-05 1.85352762e-05 3.50907853e-06 -3.05844880e-05 5.53830086e-14 8.93608309e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00253733 0.00021191 -0.00118733] [ 0.00164412 -0.00068468 -0.00070283] [ 0.00164412 0.00068468 0.00070284] ... [ 0.00197749 0.00484256 -0.00414048] [-0.00107799 -0.00030576 0.00254229] [-0.00015036 -0.00155732 -0.00075262]] Final stress: [ 1.91095617e-05 1.87897085e-05 3.97415892e-06 3.18234375e-05 -8.26794304e-14 9.01122395e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00152486 -0.00098927 -0.0005775 ] [ 0.00120705 0.00174264 -0.00133058] [ 0.00120706 -0.00174264 0.00133058] ... [-0.0007817 -0.000597 -0.00116262] [-0.00034124 0.00133761 -0.0010874 ] [ 0.00018814 0.00043374 -0.00049039]] Final stress: [-5.76883868e-06 -5.79302097e-06 1.18940418e-05 -2.05362021e-06 8.86234645e-15 4.66037600e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.23314526e-03 -1.78110375e-03 -1.35131337e-03] [ 1.51655257e-03 9.68585718e-04 -5.39084192e-04] [ 1.51654664e-03 -9.68578958e-04 5.39077976e-04] ... [ 7.20127563e-04 5.27662217e-04 -1.81178775e-03] [ 1.15563144e-03 7.19873808e-04 3.83986829e-05] [ 1.85851030e-03 3.39082516e-04 -5.92453663e-04]] Final stress: [-5.79260351e-06 -5.81702332e-06 1.19464225e-05 2.00366460e-06 -1.85871789e-13 -2.34246729e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.93435664e-04 -1.72604569e-03 -7.81214358e-04] [-2.07282010e-04 -2.52343787e-03 -1.17906824e-03] [-5.93437811e-04 -1.72604339e-03 7.81212337e-04] ... [ 1.35172156e-03 4.22566493e-03 -3.60925593e-03] [ 1.57467363e-03 6.99579761e-05 2.31563232e-03] [ 2.83312501e-04 1.16975174e-03 -9.14033565e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.87284241e-05 1.90461738e-05 3.94027498e-06 3.77646667e-13 -3.17443186e-05 4.01047110e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00018782 0.00253307 -0.00121843] [-0.00062021 0.00172838 -0.00077436] [-0.00018782 0.00253307 0.00121843] ... [ 0.00481531 0.00196197 -0.00415735] [-0.00155391 -0.00011753 -0.00075589] [-0.0002873 -0.00109197 0.00251018]] Final stress: [1.86609212e-05 1.89795251e-05 4.25053690e-06 1.61239427e-13 3.15504351e-05 1.39691463e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00098241 -0.00152578 -0.00055649] [ 0.00176855 0.00122519 -0.00134232] [ 0.0009824 -0.00152577 0.00055648] ... [-0.00059834 -0.00079973 -0.00118485] [ 0.0004386 0.00020953 -0.0004926 ] [ 0.00134531 -0.0003619 -0.00109847]] Final stress: [-5.81960223e-06 -5.79528490e-06 1.19534679e-05 1.41476951e-14 -2.06295313e-06 8.18146071e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.77120031e-03 -1.22889527e-03 -1.33706208e-03] [ 9.90004372e-04 1.53231236e-03 -5.56160992e-04] [ 1.77120132e-03 -1.22889732e-03 1.33706388e-03] ... [ 5.37521523e-04 7.40572272e-04 -1.82046606e-03] [ 3.44180102e-04 1.85566008e-03 -5.90510568e-04] [ 7.21045466e-04 1.17046793e-03 3.95341774e-05]] Final stress: [-5.86702301e-06 -5.84265279e-06 1.20497763e-05 -1.94917829e-14 2.05431857e-06 1.44040221e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00092883 0.00092882 -0.00249382] [-0.00092882 -0.00092882 -0.00249382] [-0.00021643 0.00021643 -0.00103571] ... [ 0.0038804 0.0038804 -0.0031466 ] [-0.00142569 0.00010773 0.00149316] [ 0.00010773 -0.00142569 0.00149316]] Final stress: [ 1.84663469e-05 1.84663471e-05 2.12781111e-06 -2.24159343e-13 -7.70066321e-14 -2.83334092e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00018765 0.00018765 0.0011328 ] [-0.00018765 -0.00018765 0.0011328 ] [-0.00077406 0.00077406 0.00292775] ... [ 0.00143802 0.00143802 -0.00398609] [ 0.00179379 -0.00024807 -0.00035675] [-0.00024807 0.00179379 -0.00035675]] Final stress: [1.89590916e-05 1.89590913e-05 3.81300185e-06 3.71345251e-14 1.99765115e-13 3.27002224e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00319287 -0.00316995 -0.00360031] [ 0.00083045 0.00073445 -0.00095799] [-0.00221004 0.00217956 -0.00417075] ... [ 0.00063915 0.00024576 -0.00330585] [ 0.00016356 0.00198338 -0.00366513] [ 0.00251769 0.00046354 -0.00340048]] Final stress: [-1.77137304e-05 -1.56146355e-05 3.54568753e-05 6.94419907e-07 -6.76588114e-07 -3.93731787e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.78381601e-03 -1.78381607e-03 -8.11659617e-04] [ 1.78382879e-03 1.78382819e-03 -8.11672124e-04] [ 9.66719273e-04 -9.66719264e-04 1.08254613e-03] ... [-8.34073086e-05 -8.34072020e-05 -6.90694511e-04] [ 9.60530471e-04 7.22777941e-04 2.14596456e-04] [ 7.22778776e-04 9.60529563e-04 2.14596617e-04]] Final stress: [-5.80989485e-06 -5.80989473e-06 1.19610285e-05 -5.24097554e-14 1.89063738e-13 2.00037098e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00255898 -0.00193122 -0.00193122] [ 0.00030004 0.00093302 -0.00093302] [ 0.00030004 -0.00093302 0.00093302] ... [ 0.00145368 0.00031887 0.0012633 ] [ 0.00145368 0.0012633 0.00031887] [ 0.00091375 -0.00169686 -0.00169687]] Final stress: [-1.46070680e-05 -1.48320412e-05 -1.48320413e-05 -1.41917657e-05 1.16924384e-13 2.52293810e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00029887 -0.00092668 -0.00092668] [ 0.00255812 0.00193554 -0.00193554] [ 0.00255812 -0.00193554 0.00193554] ... [-0.00241567 -0.00132416 0.00188277] [-0.00241567 0.00188277 -0.00132416] [ 0.00222386 0.00069444 0.00069444]] Final stress: [-1.45990706e-05 -1.48237647e-05 -1.48237646e-05 1.41872718e-05 -2.02839351e-13 -1.65690695e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-3.07523848e-03 -3.07523825e-03 -2.41396926e-03] [ 1.83224136e-03 1.83224184e-03 -2.49408166e-03] [ 1.76858527e-03 -3.09169944e-03 2.43008634e-03] ... [-2.85375204e-03 -2.85375183e-03 -1.95223029e-03] [-8.67603193e-04 9.96683847e-05 1.14316486e-05] [ 9.96686676e-05 -8.67603325e-04 1.14314184e-05]] Final stress: [ 6.63851752e-07 6.63852646e-07 6.38301924e-07 -3.53311730e-06 -3.53311764e-06 1.40509808e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00294105 -0.00161867 -0.0022798 ] [ 0.00161867 0.00294105 -0.0022798 ] [ 0.00159269 -0.00159269 0.00225417] ... [-0.00090022 0.00078052 -0.0003419 ] [-0.00278017 -0.00220089 -0.00193491] [ 0.00152093 0.00265311 0.00181763]] Final stress: [ 6.49555973e-07 6.49557457e-07 6.25552718e-07 -3.12500807e-06 3.12500710e-06 -1.38200813e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00201526 -0.00363161 -0.00282337] [ 0.00363162 0.00201527 -0.00282338] [ 0.00365317 -0.00365317 0.00284541] ... [ 0.00103762 -0.00114675 -0.00044907] [ 0.00342567 0.00190346 0.00233949] [-0.00279795 -0.00354425 -0.00244604]] Final stress: [ 2.60140562e-07 2.60140481e-07 2.26412991e-07 4.07664451e-06 -4.07664305e-06 -1.96989749e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0019746 -0.0019746 -0.00281373] [ 0.00339399 0.00339399 -0.00255554] [ 0.00349729 -0.00181969 0.00265842] ... [ 0.00309279 0.00309278 0.00129932] [ 0.00085871 -0.00095557 -0.00021358] [-0.00095557 0.00085871 -0.00021358]] Final stress: [5.04561090e-07 5.04562679e-07 4.73916850e-07 3.43628490e-06 3.43628462e-06 1.72467111e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-3.00235616e-03 -2.35117987e-03 -3.00235581e-03] [ 1.66480169e-03 2.31619896e-03 -2.96771117e-03] [ 1.67533984e-03 -2.32707041e-03 1.67534029e-03] ... [-8.32497238e-04 2.49618678e-05 6.65167263e-05] [-2.72551599e-03 -1.86299749e-03 -2.72551604e-03] [ 6.65153500e-05 2.49620447e-05 -8.32496403e-04]] Final stress: [ 6.98700958e-07 6.74668709e-07 6.98697849e-07 -3.19099958e-06 1.34068127e-08 -3.19099957e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00319327 -0.0024323 -0.00167148] [ 0.00186242 0.0026236 -0.00186242] [ 0.0016715 -0.00243232 0.00319329] ... [-0.00303364 -0.00208973 -0.00242164] [-0.0009975 -0.00037358 0.00088001] [ 0.0016782 0.00197483 0.00290843]] Final stress: [ 6.76536302e-07 6.50241522e-07 6.76537884e-07 -3.03788205e-06 -1.43522251e-08 3.03788116e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0018397 -0.00259662 -0.00335368] [ 0.0032397 0.00248304 -0.0032397 ] [ 0.0033537 -0.00259664 0.00183972] ... [ 0.0031013 0.00212854 0.00177402] [ 0.0009196 -0.000404 -0.00103682] [-0.00257826 -0.00224314 -0.00322682]] Final stress: [ 5.58487895e-07 5.29424399e-07 5.58487562e-07 3.51954856e-06 -1.59891406e-08 -3.51954911e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00192096 -0.00266568 -0.00192096] [ 0.00336125 0.00261681 -0.0018725 ] [ 0.00336358 -0.00261956 0.00336358] ... [ 0.00085396 -0.0001225 -0.00091213] [ 0.00305021 0.00127161 0.00305021] [-0.00091213 -0.0001225 0.00085396]] Final stress: [4.90575912e-07 4.61168958e-07 4.90576417e-07 3.72409161e-06 1.67220475e-08 3.72409295e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00136557 -0.00209285 -0.00136557] [ 0.00118392 0.00045509 -0.00118392] [ 0.00136556 -0.00209285 0.00136556] ... [-0.0003079 -0.00025844 0.00014776] [-0.00032277 0.00092622 -0.00032277] [ 0.00014776 -0.00025844 -0.0003079 ]] Final stress: [-6.35825801e-06 -6.26432015e-06 -6.35825781e-06 3.27032945e-14 -6.59444299e-06 -1.12239415e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00096854 -0.00032508 -0.00096854] [ 0.00183048 0.00246958 -0.00183048] [ 0.00096855 -0.00032509 0.00096855] ... [-0.00110604 -0.00198704 0.00175172] [ 0.00053041 0.00186727 0.00053041] [ 0.00175172 -0.00198704 -0.00110604]] Final stress: [-1.32004743e-05 -1.30056070e-05 -1.32004744e-05 -8.73770789e-15 1.27328506e-05 4.30747463e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-2.72239184e-03 -3.50392579e-03 -3.50392548e-03] [ 2.68605865e-03 1.90422403e-03 -3.46801674e-03] [ 2.68606905e-03 -3.46802698e-03 1.90423399e-03] ... [ 2.74574325e-05 -1.00287124e-03 1.29920697e-04] [ 2.74566169e-05 1.29920437e-04 -1.00287088e-03] [-2.17630154e-03 -3.25449178e-03 -3.25448990e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.25396915e-07 4.56283345e-07 4.56284668e-07 1.74792039e-08 -3.93028511e-06 -3.93028500e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00229282 -0.002961 -0.00162477] [ 0.00231283 0.00164442 -0.00164442] [ 0.00231828 -0.0029861 0.0029861 ] ... [-0.00196321 -0.00284918 -0.00220787] [ 0.00185154 0.00153291 0.00272761] [-0.00033938 -0.00093814 0.00082389]] Final stress: [ 5.73800604e-07 5.97886085e-07 5.97884510e-07 -1.36862867e-08 -3.10582847e-06 3.10582903e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00282825 -0.00202339 -0.00363324] [ 0.00282141 0.00362591 -0.00362591] [ 0.00289072 -0.00208538 0.00208538] ... [ 0.00233829 0.00339327 0.00189989] [-0.00244288 -0.00279754 -0.00350987] [-0.00045063 0.00100742 -0.00111454]] Final stress: [ 2.12150575e-07 2.45935188e-07 2.45933673e-07 -1.96116240e-08 4.03049620e-06 -4.03049595e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00260754 -0.00187504 -0.00187504] [ 0.00265588 0.00338805 -0.00192384] [ 0.00265587 -0.00192383 0.00338805] ... [-0.00010947 0.00085274 -0.00091404] [-0.00010947 -0.00091404 0.00085274] [ 0.00128724 0.0031464 0.0031464 ]] Final stress: [3.23615975e-07 3.54136638e-07 3.54136685e-07 1.77086979e-08 4.11471475e-06 4.11471406e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00193173 -0.00193173 -0.00255741] [ 0.00193174 0.00193174 -0.00255741] [ 0.00093055 -0.00093055 0.00029965] ... [-0.00170226 -0.00170226 0.00090906] [ 0.00032721 0.00125953 0.00145758] [ 0.00125953 0.00032721 0.00145758]] Final stress: [-1.48145827e-05 -1.48145829e-05 -1.45899417e-05 9.60246918e-14 -1.13592882e-13 -1.41781702e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00093803 -0.00093803 -0.00030954] [ 0.00093802 0.00093802 -0.00030954] [ 0.00192983 -0.00192983 0.00255311] ... [ 0.00069239 0.00069239 0.00219405] [-0.00130906 0.00187856 -0.00239532] [ 0.00187856 -0.00130906 -0.00239532]] Final stress: [-1.47891283e-05 -1.47891284e-05 -1.45648925e-05 1.44125148e-13 2.53497028e-14 1.41762159e-05] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 10 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0011566 0.00027147 0.00019399] [-0.00054005 -0.00069512 0.0005055 ] [-0.00059895 0.00057693 -0.00055121] ... [ 0.0010091 0.000582 0.00029999] [ 0.00082175 -0.00015254 0.00098423] [-0.00171866 0.00047019 0.00055326]] Final stress: [ 1.62794947e-05 -6.00698262e-06 -5.10173181e-06 1.48927006e-06 -7.28425562e-07 -1.19027733e-06] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[-6.34025266e-05 8.19157530e-05 -3.07334759e-04] [-5.64508472e-04 4.30956056e-04 6.82023805e-05] [-3.18757450e-04 3.95626564e-04 9.57047599e-05] ... [-2.18473860e-04 5.97463147e-04 4.37713619e-04] [-3.79284295e-04 6.37088518e-04 -3.52907980e-04] [ 3.45950897e-04 7.03268680e-04 7.88911875e-04]] Final stress: [ 1.50913785e-05 -5.30123604e-06 -4.85383697e-06 -2.21093202e-07 2.60531375e-06 4.15732172e-07] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.14440268e-04 7.95777957e-04 4.24279835e-05] [-2.95052427e-04 -8.03751823e-04 -2.86163013e-04] [-7.99338286e-05 4.40943128e-04 -5.33677537e-04] ... [ 3.33969886e-04 -2.43874896e-04 2.08554542e-04] [ 4.35869928e-05 -1.31878292e-03 -2.30868700e-04] [ 1.98930187e-04 -8.30044572e-05 -1.51377652e-06]] Final stress: [-5.23785918e-06 1.62387838e-05 -5.74360903e-06 2.71248913e-07 1.57609113e-07 -3.28363915e-06] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.85258938e-03 -1.62463414e-03 -1.62463413e-03] [ 6.52557809e-04 8.81023399e-04 -8.81023182e-04] [ 6.52550972e-04 -8.81016378e-04 8.81016418e-04] ... [-2.35450387e-04 -6.45716938e-07 6.02887736e-05] [-2.35450015e-04 6.02880473e-05 -6.45805248e-07] [ 3.55780058e-04 -1.97984428e-04 -1.97984322e-04]] Final stress: [-2.92353448e-06 -2.95434758e-06 -2.95434715e-06 -2.68788913e-06 3.16976310e-13 -3.24814643e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00063354 -0.00086844 -0.00086844] [ 0.0019161 0.00168174 -0.00168174] [ 0.00191609 -0.00168174 0.00168174] ... [-0.00020864 -0.00049014 0.00079409] [-0.00020864 0.00079409 -0.00049014] [ 0.00046309 -0.00037982 -0.00037982]] Final stress: [-2.89008245e-06 -2.92123279e-06 -2.92123287e-06 2.71110811e-06 -3.68911878e-13 2.06336048e-13] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.65049119e-03 -1.90090221e-03 -1.65049128e-03] [ 8.60803232e-04 6.09867595e-04 -8.60803208e-04] [ 1.65048890e-03 -1.90090007e-03 1.65048896e-03] ... [-2.60658436e-05 -2.84571543e-04 5.16073708e-05] [-1.68985923e-04 3.46941082e-04 -1.68986071e-04] [ 5.16056147e-05 -2.84571335e-04 -2.60654371e-05]] Final stress: [-2.95677060e-06 -2.92576408e-06 -2.95676982e-06 -1.07809335e-14 -2.60098162e-06 -1.81842857e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00087034 -0.00061724 -0.00087034] [ 0.00165545 0.00190803 -0.00165545] [ 0.00087033 -0.00061724 0.00087033] ... [-0.00051964 -0.00023742 0.00080094] [-0.00038057 0.00048491 -0.00038057] [ 0.00080094 -0.00023742 -0.00051964]] Final stress: [-2.92226330e-06 -2.89114946e-06 -2.92226289e-06 2.38062107e-13 2.58646103e-06 -4.16843416e-13] Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.63594403e-03 -1.63594410e-03 -1.87812879e-03] [ 1.63595238e-03 1.63595243e-03 -1.87813701e-03] [ 8.64989417e-04 -8.64989479e-04 6.22283991e-04] ... [-1.66180330e-04 -1.66180353e-04 3.65347153e-04] [-1.04554692e-05 7.33429215e-05 -2.72771511e-04] [ 7.33433156e-05 -1.04554203e-05 -2.72771771e-04]] Final stress: [-2.99239872e-06 -2.99239872e-06 -2.96148888e-06 1.88336876e-13 -5.10328906e-14 -2.62454669e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00082928 -0.00082928 -0.00060691] [ 0.00082928 0.00082928 -0.00060691] [ 0.0016594 -0.0016594 0.00188124] ... [-0.00035253 -0.00035253 0.00052083] [-0.00052539 0.00080539 -0.00028389] [ 0.00080539 -0.00052538 -0.00028389]] Final stress: [-3.00482024e-06 -3.00482074e-06 -2.97410120e-06 5.92603006e-14 -4.84771739e-14 2.72836301e-06] Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: energy-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 53.00814 11269.46398 62.27386 -0.00019 0.00029 -0.00019] [11269.46398 60.56499 95.89877 -0.00107 -0.00241 0.00081] [ 62.27386 95.89877 -77.92094 -0.00021 0.00125 0. ] [ -0.00019 -0.00107 -0.00021 0.37644 0.00001 -0. ] [ 0.00029 -0.00241 0.00125 0.00001 0.37897 -0. ] [ -0.00019 0.00081 0. -0. -0. 0.3772 ]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[ 137.75579 74049.21912 230.27145 0.08718 0.00058 0.00609] [74049.21912 149.38926 1967.78753 0.00902 0.02124 2.35892] [ 230.27145 1967.78753 5724.38889 0.0021 0.02075 0.0483 ] [ 0.08718 0.00902 0.0021 2.05947 0.00002 0.00503] [ 0.00058 0.02124 0.02075 0.00002 2.06233 0.07504] [ 0.00609 2.35892 0.0483 0.00503 0.07504 2.06015]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 37024.609561 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 11269.463978 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 11207.190118 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 227 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 11269.463978 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Attempting to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.01,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 36 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 129 steps. Minimization converged after 130 steps. Minimization converged after 124 steps. Minimization converged after 122 steps. Minimization converged after 130 steps. Minimization converged after 130 steps. Minimization converged after 127 steps. Minimization converged after 125 steps. Minimization converged after 36 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 130 steps. Minimization converged after 129 steps. Minimization converged after 126 steps. Minimization converged after 124 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 129 steps. Minimization converged after 130 steps. Minimization converged after 127 steps. Minimization converged after 125 steps. Minimization converged after 36 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 129 steps. Minimization converged after 129 steps. Minimization converged after 125 steps. Minimization converged after 126 steps. Minimization converged after 129 steps. Minimization converged after 129 steps. Minimization converged after 122 steps. Minimization converged after 124 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 161 steps. Minimization converged after 159 steps. Minimization converged after 160 steps. Minimization converged after 158 steps. Minimization converged after 161 steps. Minimization converged after 157 steps. Minimization converged after 159 steps. Minimization converged after 157 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 162 steps. Minimization converged after 162 steps. Minimization converged after 160 steps. Minimization converged after 159 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 35 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 79 steps. Minimization converged after 78 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 80 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 159 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 161 steps. Minimization converged after 161 steps. Minimization converged after 35 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 157 steps. Minimization converged after 160 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 158 steps. Minimization converged after 157 steps. Minimization converged after 35 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 157 steps. Minimization converged after 164 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 162 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01975978 -0.01320456 0.00708621] [ 0.0301011 0.04597324 -0.0306335 ] [-0.00309199 -0.00946804 -0.00310441] ... [ 0.02571612 0.00122307 -0.01163793] [-0.02567669 0.00326587 0.02235836] [ 0.01034071 0.0208971 -0.01088665]] Final stress: [ 0.04519573 0.04614941 0.04634852 0.00386753 -0.00392196 -0.00198849] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01434318 -0.00514225 -0.01092417] [ 0.01235858 0.05534358 -0.03406751] [-0.00116904 -0.00518687 -0.01114207] ... [ 0.00329278 -0.007076 -0.00934337] [ 0.00944062 0.01133082 0.00593166] [ 0.00068084 0.00211929 0.00247805]] Final stress: [ 0.04560715 0.04565478 0.04617654 -0.00387675 0.00387248 -0.0019311 ] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00623397 0.00771503 -0.00701991] [-0.0143407 -0.00767143 0.00247076] [ 0.01299323 -0.00305757 0.0189666 ] ... [ 0.0046815 0.00281554 0.01432802] [-0.00953121 0.00351014 -0.00662242] [-0.00120765 -0.00649254 0.00086988]] Final stress: [ 0.04624022 0.04540497 0.04641156 -0.00385944 -0.00385165 0.00197328] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 168 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00255393 0.00533736 0.00252872] [-0.00483404 -0.00431763 0.00300429] [ 0.00101806 0.00090818 0.00124604] ... [ 0.00092879 0.00080891 0.00203457] [-0.00239689 -0.00162154 -0.00272143] [ 0.00117603 0.00059226 0.00058653]] Final stress: [0.04542349 0.04620939 0.04542964 0.00376301 0.00251596 0.00376354] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00696404 -0.0037275 0.008049 ] [-0.00167453 0.01359919 0.00222803] [ 0.00888682 0.00950976 0.00875855] ... [ 0.00066101 -0.00736777 -0.01503686] [-0.00361852 -0.00203128 0.0050572 ] [-0.00403172 0.00759198 0.00541935]] Final stress: [ 0.0455404 0.0461864 0.04575828 0.00391314 -0.00190713 -0.00396185] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01838116 0.04605575 0.0392798 ] [ 0.00132956 0.03116888 -0.03222402] [ 0.01175944 -0.02462325 0.02030459] ... [ 0.00406661 -0.00688823 0.00568307] [-0.03375178 0.01138992 0.0063454 ] [ 0.00411287 -0.02902734 0.00278184]] Final stress: [ 0.04559837 0.04631389 0.04617222 -0.00389088 -0.00192451 0.00383612] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00974055 -0.011583 -0.00863511] [ 0.00043655 0.01073963 -0.01505436] [-0.0050958 0.0304053 0.00164787] ... [-0.0189665 -0.00253421 0.00565859] [-0.01716202 -0.0064493 -0.01883974] [ 0.00791182 0.00023568 -0.0196757 ]] Final stress: [ 0.04584407 0.04624715 0.0456817 -0.00392446 0.0016607 -0.00401084] Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00043277 -0.0156597 -0.00533989] [ 0.02225971 0.02552859 -0.01404211] [-0.02857271 0.03371972 -0.01025641] ... [ 0.00011081 -0.00408441 -0.01555015] [ 0.00181605 -0.01194835 -0.01236401] [-0.01848804 -0.01435718 -0.01096724]] Final stress: [0.04629199 0.04585238 0.04553392 0.00206294 0.00385836 0.00388681] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00187818 -0.01302052 -0.02109301] [ 0.00643932 -0.00258573 0.00105528] [ 0.00307919 0.00503611 -0.0057701 ] ... [ 0.00963157 0.0074949 -0.02602254] [-0.00026942 0.00746726 0.00288687] [ 0.00020269 0.00163725 -0.01044806]] Final stress: [ 0.04640929 0.04594523 0.04590193 -0.00173296 0.00395447 -0.0039711 ] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00817386 -0.00283458 -0.01791069] [-0.00260356 -0.00794704 0.02401677] [ 0.01855695 -0.01653351 -0.0009099 ] ... [ 0.01465706 0.01148904 -0.00071028] [ 0.01055894 -0.00245042 0.01346486] [-0.01853695 0.00033645 0.00445811]] Final stress: [ 0.04625363 0.04567391 0.0455701 -0.00190253 -0.00390354 0.0038739 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 170 steps. Final forces: [[-4.56174947e-04 5.38258953e-04 -5.91250619e-05] [ 2.72951586e-03 5.97422424e-03 -2.01161272e-03] [ 9.18348653e-04 1.05878067e-03 7.38026324e-04] ... [ 5.27491139e-04 7.62488674e-04 -5.36552480e-04] [ 5.18358521e-04 -3.47236046e-04 3.74499561e-04] [ 7.59203343e-06 9.95766182e-04 7.57904634e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04621869 0.04545458 0.04546325 0.00252106 -0.00377381 -0.00377327] Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 134 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 151 steps. Minimization converged after 153 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 152 steps. Minimization converged after 151 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 134 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 153 steps. Minimization converged after 152 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 153 steps. Minimization converged after 153 steps. Minimization converged after 38 steps. Minimization converged after 49 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. Minimization converged after 153 steps. Minimization converged after 153 steps. Minimization converged after 133 steps. Minimization converged after 133 steps. Minimization converged after 154 steps. Minimization converged after 154 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03030773 0.00203385 0.04830206] [ 0.01499111 -0.01214315 -0.0243271 ] [-0.02330848 0.03038844 -0.02796857] ... [-0.02713411 -0.01503181 0.01705371] [-0.00231808 -0.02726273 -0.00675577] [ 0.00277623 -0.01965279 -0.02726354]] Final stress: [ 0.04652601 0.04465762 0.04645624 -0.00234323 0.00230543 -0.00086974] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-1.53563900e-02 -1.42233324e-02 -1.13589833e-02] [ 1.26036526e-02 -5.92686140e-03 -2.81827944e-02] [-1.87082948e-02 1.64510367e-02 -3.74856445e-02] ... [ 7.28413088e-03 1.49639829e-02 -1.72213917e-02] [ 1.74555587e-03 7.45914288e-03 2.03049590e-02] [-4.36712405e-03 5.10322792e-05 1.09189105e-02]] Final stress: [ 0.04424865 0.04618156 0.04607308 -0.00230767 -0.00246553 0.00052778] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 154 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.12492811e-03 1.09244874e-03 1.23372027e-03] [-3.59263753e-04 -9.20921651e-04 1.04357767e-03] [ 8.46125850e-04 1.76557263e-04 2.42812813e-05] ... [ 5.26431233e-04 -1.46324952e-04 2.25180044e-04] [ 1.31203732e-03 2.23730340e-03 1.23010857e-03] [-1.92628685e-04 -2.20781983e-04 2.01584741e-04]] Final stress: [0.04534317 0.04618355 0.04537208 0.00220859 0.00250998 0.00220661] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 153 steps. Final forces: [[-7.39488791e-03 -2.12542947e-03 -3.19949832e-03] [ 7.34089302e-05 1.94198910e-05 -7.96801017e-04] [ 1.93334460e-03 -2.65096739e-03 2.73934371e-03] ... [-3.91710476e-04 1.18206798e-03 5.24228615e-04] [ 2.32567801e-04 4.25876162e-04 1.51471397e-03] [-8.39350900e-04 6.44481612e-03 4.79392348e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04526149 0.04619959 0.04543433 0.00219706 -0.00252626 -0.00218683] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 159 steps. Final forces: [[-3.14392487e-03 -3.95543059e-03 -7.77387469e-03] [-7.68392807e-03 -5.08648867e-03 2.77631393e-03] [ 9.20824314e-04 -9.84985706e-04 -1.82222956e-03] ... [ 4.95099803e-03 -1.94508516e-04 -2.14122932e-03] [ 8.04713790e-04 -1.15705498e-04 -2.08940645e-03] [-9.72140795e-05 3.12534236e-03 -2.77745732e-03]] Final stress: [ 0.04535308 0.0462498 0.04547079 -0.00222486 -0.00249511 0.00222141] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00265467 -0.01306524 -0.01604158] [-0.01823008 0.01808044 -0.01579199] [ 0.05113885 -0.00155954 -0.02140841] ... [-0.02950168 -0.00035656 -0.01335385] [ 0.00870421 0.01463786 -0.00730677] [-0.00253823 0.01025529 -0.00115229]] Final stress: [ 4.42648510e-02 4.63673788e-02 4.87867239e-02 -1.91234420e-03 -9.40993853e-05 -2.55387042e-03] Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 154 steps. Final forces: [[-2.91314986e-03 -7.48010138e-04 -2.58129789e-03] [ 1.93777488e-03 2.81365297e-03 -2.46111547e-04] [ 5.20581625e-04 -1.35365001e-03 2.65943035e-03] ... [ 5.70660211e-04 -2.38939288e-03 1.02029416e-03] [ 1.07137170e-03 -8.16526439e-04 -1.82841049e-03] [ 3.89102383e-05 -1.56790535e-03 -1.27467575e-03]] Final stress: [0.04618979 0.04532654 0.04540993 0.00249784 0.0022137 0.00220646] Minimization converged after 148 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 156 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0042811 0.01205909 0.01230042] [-0.00660222 -0.00703724 0.00397995] [-0.00922455 0.00731498 -0.00801622] ... [-0.0062519 -0.00249025 -0.00376473] [ 0.00461988 0.00502983 -0.0044042 ] [ 0.00650785 -0.00594824 0.0014008 ]] Final stress: [ 0.04624802 0.04529501 0.04560472 -0.00247843 -0.0022416 0.00219817] Minimization converged after 148 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 84 steps. Minimization converged after 79 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01338579 -0.01338579 -0.27129036] [ 0.01338562 0.01338562 -0.27129018] [ 0.01338564 -0.01338564 0.27129021] ... [-0.04287159 -0.04287159 0.02911763] [ 0.15464106 -0.01647078 0.05365987] [-0.01647079 0.15464107 0.05365987]] Final stress: [ 1.06341117e-04 1.06341117e-04 9.27222289e-04 -8.80549970e-13 -7.41798736e-13 2.14698206e-13] Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 79 steps. Minimization converged after 79 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01334443 -0.27128662 -0.01334443] [ 0.01334447 0.27128666 -0.01334447] [ 0.0133444 -0.27128658 0.0133444 ] ... [ 0.15447713 0.05369567 -0.01654201] [-0.04282459 0.02925721 -0.04282459] [-0.01654201 0.05369567 0.15447713]] Final stress: [ 1.06809334e-04 9.27549744e-04 1.06809334e-04 7.96118214e-13 1.17070001e-12 -8.03397254e-13] Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 79 steps. Minimization converged after 79 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.27128789 -0.01336073 -0.01336073] [ 0.27128783 0.01336067 -0.01336067] [ 0.27128785 -0.0133607 0.0133607 ] ... [ 0.0537104 0.1543926 -0.01653282] [ 0.05371039 -0.01653282 0.1543926 ] [ 0.02929243 -0.04276082 -0.04276082]] Final stress: [ 9.28269942e-04 1.07735333e-04 1.07735333e-04 4.97905660e-13 -5.79422620e-13 -5.92009589e-13] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 52 steps. Minimization converged after 134 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 133 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.32073945 -0.32073945 -0.3064611 ] [ 0.21452303 0.21452303 -0.20178722] [ 0.09674895 -0.09319065 0.11010827] ... [-0.11317381 -0.11317381 0.07239676] [ 0.05550039 0.09472997 -0.03510076] [ 0.09472997 0.05550039 -0.03510076]] Final stress: [0.00113546 0.00113546 0.00100161 0.00096318 0.00096318 0.00022746] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09319103 -0.09674857 -0.11010826] [ 0.09674857 0.09319103 -0.11010826] [ 0.21452784 -0.21452784 0.20179227] ... [ 0.09277362 -0.03079624 -0.04477375] [-0.04651074 -0.01927047 -0.13582292] [ 0.00263847 0.10294697 0.13883063]] Final stress: [ 0.00113545 0.00113545 0.00100161 0.00096319 -0.00096319 -0.00022746] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0967489 -0.09319069 -0.11010827] [ 0.0931907 0.0967489 -0.11010827] [ 0.3207394 -0.3207394 0.306461 ] ... [-0.03079748 0.09277479 -0.04477365] [ 0.10294751 0.00263795 0.13883217] [-0.01926964 -0.04651074 -0.13582446]] Final stress: [ 0.00113546 0.00113546 0.00100161 -0.00096318 0.00096318 -0.00022746] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21451708 -0.21451708 -0.20178096] [ 0.32074 0.32074 -0.30646218] [ 0.09319019 -0.09674941 0.11010828] ... [ 0.10402288 0.10402288 -0.04482681] [ 0.00915349 -0.03321252 0.04462032] [-0.03321252 0.00915349 0.04462032]] Final stress: [ 0.00113546 0.00113546 0.00100162 -0.00096316 -0.00096316 0.00022746] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.32073907 -0.30646035 -0.32073907] [ 0.09674863 0.11010826 -0.09319097] [ 0.21452712 -0.20179152 0.21452712] ... [ 0.05549874 -0.03510085 0.09473042] [-0.11317355 0.07239656 -0.11317355] [ 0.09473042 -0.03510085 0.05549874]] Final stress: [0.00113545 0.00100161 0.00113545 0.00096319 0.00022746 0.00096319] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09319074 -0.11010827 -0.09674886] [ 0.21452411 0.20178835 -0.21452411] [ 0.09674886 -0.11010827 0.09319074] ... [-0.04651074 -0.13582426 -0.01926974] [ 0.09277464 -0.04477367 -0.03079733] [ 0.00263802 0.13883197 0.10294744]] Final stress: [ 0.00113545 0.00100161 0.00113545 0.00096318 -0.00022746 -0.00096318] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09674927 -0.11010828 -0.09319033] [ 0.32073983 0.30646184 -0.32073983] [ 0.09319033 -0.11010828 0.09674927] ... [ 0.10294809 0.13883383 0.00263739] [-0.03079884 -0.04477355 0.09277605] [-0.01926873 -0.13582612 -0.04651073]] Final stress: [ 0.00113546 0.00100162 0.00113546 -0.00096317 -0.00022746 0.00096317] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21452472 -0.20178899 -0.21452472] [ 0.09319078 0.11010827 -0.09674882] [ 0.32073929 -0.30646079 0.32073929] ... [ 0.00915509 0.04462024 -0.03321363] [ 0.10402257 -0.04482652 0.10402257] [-0.03321363 0.04462024 0.00915509]] Final stress: [ 0.00113545 0.00100161 0.00113545 -0.00096318 0.00022746 -0.00096318] Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.30646076 -0.32073927 -0.32073927] [ 0.11010827 0.0967488 -0.0931908 ] [ 0.11010827 -0.0931908 0.0967488 ] ... [-0.0351008 0.05549964 0.09473018] [-0.0351008 0.09473018 0.05549964] [ 0.07239667 -0.11317369 -0.11317369]] Final stress: [0.00100161 0.00113545 0.00113545 0.00022746 0.00096318 0.00096318] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11010827 -0.0931906 -0.096749 ] [ 0.20178652 0.21452237 -0.21452237] [ 0.30646122 -0.32073951 0.32073951] ... [-0.13582489 -0.04651074 -0.0192694 ] [ 0.1388326 0.00263781 0.10294766] [-0.04477363 0.09277511 -0.03079784]] Final stress: [ 0.00100162 0.00113546 0.00113546 -0.00022746 0.00096318 -0.00096318] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11010827 -0.09674901 -0.09319059] [ 0.30646124 0.32073952 -0.32073952] [ 0.20178639 -0.21452225 0.21452225] ... [ 0.13883264 0.10294767 0.00263779] [-0.13582493 -0.01926938 -0.04651074] [-0.04477362 -0.03079787 0.09277515]] Final stress: [ 0.00100162 0.00113546 0.00113546 -0.00022746 -0.00096317 0.00096317] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.20178892 -0.21452466 -0.21452466] [ 0.11010827 0.09319078 -0.09674882] [ 0.11010827 -0.09674882 0.09319078] ... [ 0.04462024 0.00915507 -0.03321362] [ 0.04462024 -0.03321362 0.00915507] [-0.04482652 0.10402257 0.10402257]] Final stress: [ 0.00100161 0.00113545 0.00113545 0.00022746 -0.00096318 -0.00096318] Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 44 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12158648 -0.04156578 0.09423382] [ 0.12583052 0.04521867 0.08969639] [ 0.13264554 -0.05103515 -0.08336231] ... [-0.02844441 -0.05281919 -0.03125742] [-0.02704215 -0.13430555 -0.01178843] [-0.02538488 -0.18778388 0.21392096]] Final stress: [ 1.42049404e-02 1.22703122e-02 1.65491380e-02 -3.27504041e-09 5.38700751e-08 -1.43435617e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 44 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04034958 -0.12010944 0.09537685] [ 0.02413352 0.10152166 0.11407537] [ 0.03059116 -0.10903298 -0.10647411] ... [-0.05287845 -0.02843674 -0.03090541] [-0.1886262 -0.02248012 0.21346394] [-0.13246201 -0.02715667 -0.01199958]] Final stress: [ 1.22708830e-02 1.42053957e-02 1.65498640e-02 -4.38467043e-07 -5.65166707e-11 -1.13417632e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0670934 0.0670934 -0.08710403] [-0.06709333 -0.06709333 -0.0871041 ] [-0.06709342 0.06709342 0.087104 ] ... [-0.01298797 -0.01298797 0.08840941] [ 0.06104777 -0.01372655 0.04813207] [-0.01372654 0.06104776 0.04813207]] Final stress: [-2.64323243e-03 -2.64323243e-03 -2.54286742e-03 8.51882692e-13 8.43768886e-14 -9.62329493e-14] Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 44 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13748804 0.07884485 -0.05542151] [ 0.13417845 -0.08206216 -0.05243655] [ 0.11425634 0.10111768 0.03506179] ... [-0.02724716 -0.01181523 -0.13264071] [-0.02857269 -0.03155956 -0.05231251] [-0.02430293 0.21395669 -0.18807124]] Final stress: [ 1.42046302e-02 1.65487497e-02 1.22699566e-02 3.37543956e-09 -3.77295228e-08 1.38471120e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 44 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02948223 0.10726168 -0.10766969] [ 0.04393026 -0.09123918 -0.12437498] [ 0.03162865 0.10497843 0.11020042] ... [-0.18879021 0.21289452 -0.02150806] [-0.05292065 -0.03003873 -0.0292906 ] [-0.13417161 -0.01158561 -0.02679305]] Final stress: [ 1.22713329e-02 1.65507936e-02 1.42058266e-02 -1.37211060e-07 2.26409295e-08 2.84875060e-09] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06694299 -0.08710467 0.06694299] [-0.06694295 0.08710471 0.06694295] [-0.06694294 -0.08710473 -0.06694294] ... [ 0.06113574 0.04815366 -0.01381219] [-0.01299475 0.08856184 -0.01299475] [-0.01381219 0.04815366 0.06113574]] Final stress: [-2.64133503e-03 -2.54315250e-03 -2.64133503e-03 8.95740354e-13 1.22243205e-12 4.79638129e-13] Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 44 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10307081 -0.1121932 -0.03341765] [-0.10445161 0.11110216 -0.03240874] [-0.09744739 -0.11859049 0.03902623] ... [-0.01190687 -0.02701741 -0.13245675] [ 0.21356889 -0.02263229 -0.18853624] [-0.03170679 -0.02866732 -0.05232547]] Final stress: [ 1.65505498e-02 1.42057888e-02 1.22713231e-02 -9.11124833e-09 5.83193450e-10 -6.68078913e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 44 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0925612 -0.04311908 -0.12333629] [-0.09392641 0.04095115 -0.12109771] [-0.0850867 -0.04968691 0.13089662] ... [ 0.21376291 -0.18827756 -0.02382665] [-0.01188121 -0.13309143 -0.02708952] [-0.03185258 -0.05244153 -0.02850619]] Final stress: [ 1.65495321e-02 1.22706756e-02 1.42052220e-02 3.35805753e-08 -1.10164318e-07 5.72322141e-09] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08712281 0.06686967 0.06686967] [ 0.08712283 -0.06686965 0.06686965] [ 0.08712286 0.06686962 -0.06686962] ... [ 0.04815448 0.06093403 -0.01356284] [ 0.04815448 -0.01356286 0.06093404] [ 0.0885189 -0.01289935 -0.01289935]] Final stress: [-2.54245353e-03 -2.64110868e-03 -2.64110868e-03 1.53927829e-12 -2.10753547e-13 1.48356989e-13] Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 136 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 134 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 135 steps. Minimization converged after 134 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12665951 -0.12575872 -0.12575872] [ 0.10225723 0.10472625 -0.10472625] [ 0.10225723 -0.10472625 0.10472625] ... [-0.00173522 -0.09026838 0.01265035] [-0.00173522 0.01265035 -0.09026838] [ 0.061886 0.05027727 0.05027727]] Final stress: [6.35001953e-04 4.94640260e-04 4.94640260e-04 1.46214237e-03 9.69353442e-16 1.73419917e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10225164 -0.10475293 -0.10475293] [ 0.12666028 0.12572704 -0.12572704] [ 0.12666028 -0.12572704 0.12572704] ... [ 0.04115446 0.07746305 -0.0312008 ] [ 0.04115446 -0.0312008 0.07746305] [-0.02220297 -0.03369922 -0.03369922]] Final stress: [ 6.35039425e-04 4.94693162e-04 4.94693162e-04 -1.46233034e-03 2.11055049e-14 3.24925149e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11081586 -0.11081586 -0.10311707] [ 0.07671771 0.07671771 -0.07530142] [ 0.02565759 -0.0316581 0.03380772] ... [-0.05496734 -0.05496734 0.03022755] [ 0.02200793 0.04482643 -0.01849728] [ 0.04482643 0.02200793 -0.01849728]] Final stress: [3.26170278e-04 3.26170278e-04 2.90060959e-04 7.01821612e-04 7.01821612e-04 5.32215537e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0316581 -0.02565759 -0.03380772] [ 0.02565759 0.0316581 -0.03380772] [ 0.07671771 -0.07671771 0.07530142] ... [ 0.04245135 -0.02386656 -0.01490164] [-0.02768381 -0.01404589 -0.06841062] [ 0.00626328 0.04303492 0.06842069]] Final stress: [ 3.26170278e-04 3.26170278e-04 2.90060959e-04 7.01821612e-04 -7.01821612e-04 -5.32215538e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02565759 -0.0316581 -0.03380772] [ 0.0316581 0.02565759 -0.03380772] [ 0.11081586 -0.11081586 0.10311707] ... [-0.02386656 0.04245135 -0.01490164] [ 0.04303492 0.00626328 0.06842069] [-0.01404589 -0.02768381 -0.06841062]] Final stress: [ 3.26170278e-04 3.26170278e-04 2.90060959e-04 -7.01821612e-04 7.01821612e-04 -5.32215538e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07672806 -0.07672806 -0.07531716] [ 0.1108093 0.1108093 -0.10310526] [ 0.03166299 -0.0256518 0.03380712] ... [ 0.05224798 0.05224798 -0.02074697] [-0.00545693 -0.02536937 0.02104207] [-0.02536937 -0.00545693 0.02104207]] Final stress: [ 3.26172783e-04 3.26172783e-04 2.90065529e-04 -7.01863094e-04 -7.01863094e-04 5.32247568e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11081586 -0.10311707 -0.11081586] [ 0.02565759 0.03380772 -0.0316581 ] [ 0.07671771 -0.07530142 0.07671771] ... [ 0.02200793 -0.01849728 0.04482643] [-0.05496734 0.03022755 -0.05496734] [ 0.04482643 -0.01849728 0.02200793]] Final stress: [3.26170278e-04 2.90060959e-04 3.26170278e-04 7.01821612e-04 5.32215538e-05 7.01821612e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0316581 -0.03380772 -0.02565759] [ 0.07671771 0.07530142 -0.07671771] [ 0.02565759 -0.03380772 0.0316581 ] ... [-0.02768381 -0.06841062 -0.01404589] [ 0.04245135 -0.01490164 -0.02386656] [ 0.00626328 0.06842069 0.04303492]] Final stress: [ 3.26170278e-04 2.90060959e-04 3.26170278e-04 7.01821612e-04 -5.32215537e-05 -7.01821612e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02564534 -0.03380627 -0.0316682 ] [ 0.11080522 0.10309565 -0.11080522] [ 0.0316682 -0.03380627 0.02564534] ... [ 0.0430456 0.06841684 0.00625681] [-0.02385141 -0.01490129 0.04243653] [-0.01403724 -0.06840435 -0.02769301]] Final stress: [ 3.26188262e-04 2.90081477e-04 3.26188262e-04 -7.01883185e-04 -5.32335172e-05 7.01883185e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07671771 -0.07530142 -0.07671771] [ 0.0316581 0.03380772 -0.02565759] [ 0.11081586 -0.10311707 0.11081586] ... [-0.00546502 0.02104368 -0.02537379] [ 0.05224586 -0.02074893 0.05224586] [-0.02537379 0.02104368 -0.00546502]] Final stress: [ 3.26170278e-04 2.90060959e-04 3.26170278e-04 -7.01821612e-04 5.32215538e-05 -7.01821612e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12575434 -0.12665806 -0.12575434] [ 0.1047342 0.10226256 -0.1047342 ] [ 0.12575434 -0.12665806 0.12575434] ... [-0.09026484 -0.00173878 0.0126497 ] [ 0.05027407 0.06188657 0.05027407] [ 0.0126497 -0.00173878 -0.09026484]] Final stress: [4.94636269e-04 6.34993948e-04 4.94636269e-04 8.94439164e-15 1.46218059e-03 1.92163714e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1047476 -0.10225836 -0.1047476 ] [ 0.12573743 0.12665878 -0.12573743] [ 0.1047476 -0.10225836 0.1047476 ] ... [ 0.07746873 0.04114114 -0.03120322] [-0.03370207 -0.02221811 -0.03370207] [-0.03120322 0.04114114 0.07746873]] Final stress: [ 4.94666768e-04 6.35016584e-04 4.94666768e-04 3.80442363e-16 -1.46227851e-03 7.50270463e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10311707 -0.11081586 -0.11081586] [ 0.03380772 0.02565759 -0.0316581 ] [ 0.03380772 -0.0316581 0.02565759] ... [-0.01849728 0.02200793 0.04482643] [-0.01849728 0.04482643 0.02200793] [ 0.03022755 -0.05496734 -0.05496734]] Final stress: [2.90060959e-04 3.26170278e-04 3.26170278e-04 5.32215538e-05 7.01821612e-04 7.01821612e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03380772 -0.0316581 -0.02565759] [ 0.07530142 0.07671771 -0.07671771] [ 0.10311707 -0.11081586 0.11081586] ... [-0.06841062 -0.02768381 -0.01404589] [ 0.06842069 0.00626328 0.04303492] [-0.01490164 0.04245135 -0.02386656]] Final stress: [ 2.90060959e-04 3.26170278e-04 3.26170278e-04 -5.32215538e-05 7.01821612e-04 -7.01821612e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03380772 -0.02565759 -0.0316581 ] [ 0.10311707 0.11081586 -0.11081586] [ 0.07530142 -0.07671771 0.07671771] ... [ 0.06842069 0.04303492 0.00626328] [-0.06841062 -0.01404589 -0.02768381] [-0.01490164 -0.02386656 0.04245135]] Final stress: [ 2.90060959e-04 3.26170278e-04 3.26170278e-04 -5.32215538e-05 -7.01821612e-04 7.01821612e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07535741 -0.07675417 -0.07675417] [ 0.03380555 0.0316758 -0.02563661] [ 0.03380555 -0.02563661 0.03167581] ... [ 0.02103781 -0.00543588 -0.02535747] [ 0.02103781 -0.02535747 -0.00543588] [-0.02074187 0.05225366 0.05225366]] Final stress: [ 2.90078371e-04 3.26180348e-04 3.26180348e-04 5.32335688e-05 -7.01969951e-04 -7.01969951e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12574632 -0.12574632 -0.12665578] [ 0.12574632 0.12574632 -0.12665578] [ 0.10474773 -0.10474773 0.10227082] ... [ 0.05026904 0.05026904 0.06188682] [-0.09025896 0.01264846 -0.00174537] [ 0.01264846 -0.09025896 -0.00174537]] Final stress: [4.94631742e-04 4.94631742e-04 6.34982532e-04 5.54667133e-15 1.67206520e-14 1.46224759e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10475632 -0.10475632 -0.10226143] [ 0.10475632 0.10475632 -0.10226143] [ 0.12573063 -0.12573063 0.12665785] ... [-0.03369915 -0.03369915 -0.02221429] [ 0.0774648 -0.03120213 0.04114759] [-0.03120213 0.0774648 0.04114759]] Final stress: [ 4.94670213e-04 4.94670213e-04 6.35015400e-04 6.91514556e-15 2.09383515e-14 -1.46232744e-03] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 51 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00152873 0.00225963 0.00512427] [-0.00105 0.00569489 0.01265406] [ 0.00052284 0.00283841 -0.00484652] ... [ 0.00429424 0.00117451 -0.0061844 ] [ 0.00040985 0.00540775 0.00273435] [-0.00663301 -0.011053 -0.00766774]] Final stress: [4.68958559e-02 4.37870537e-02 4.62624141e-02 4.49457135e-04 4.04752448e-04 7.93442756e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 86 steps. Final forces: [[-2.25647080e-04 4.88842058e-04 -1.05372591e-04] [-8.55166546e-04 -6.63240964e-04 5.80202476e-04] [-2.61289572e-04 -8.85914849e-04 -1.64989663e-03] ... [ 1.98704569e-04 9.44917447e-04 -1.02310151e-03] [-1.50548373e-03 -1.02875719e-04 -1.13486338e-05] [ 2.17288548e-03 -7.23630286e-05 -2.51084700e-04]] Final stress: [ 4.13852921e-02 4.25829508e-02 4.19904924e-02 5.88711450e-06 -7.33913398e-09 3.90250141e-07] Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 81 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[-5.16940057e-04 -8.03581789e-04 -9.52387803e-04] [ 6.57761732e-04 9.33324531e-04 -4.93915117e-04] [ 4.73672811e-04 -1.23382862e-03 3.73737367e-04] ... [ 7.56009412e-04 -2.55463030e-04 1.65009407e-04] [ 2.23233941e-04 1.76114517e-03 -1.59335212e-04] [-3.21562236e-05 -3.71594908e-04 3.41084625e-04]] Final stress: [ 4.13805083e-02 4.19699096e-02 4.25813264e-02 -5.69971164e-07 -3.16145771e-07 8.01113737e-08] Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 81 steps. Minimization converged after 80 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 151 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 137 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05603864 -0.05253554 -0.05253554] [ 0.04252165 0.04717447 -0.04717447] [ 0.04252165 -0.04717447 0.04717447] ... [-0.00482163 -0.05539141 0.0107332 ] [-0.00482163 0.0107332 -0.05539141] [ 0.03866961 0.031071 0.031071 ]] Final stress: [ 2.79323212e-04 2.18308545e-04 2.18308545e-04 8.96761292e-04 2.53752249e-16 -2.55415325e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04251345 -0.04720474 -0.04720474] [ 0.05604086 0.05249949 -0.05249949] [ 0.05604086 -0.05249949 0.05249949] ... [ 0.02160335 0.05148169 -0.01821845] [ 0.02160335 -0.01821845 0.05148169] [-0.02276862 -0.02480471 -0.02480471]] Final stress: [ 2.79359767e-04 2.18352973e-04 2.18352973e-04 -8.96970006e-04 1.73763640e-14 -1.54445460e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04521581 -0.04521581 -0.0408536 ] [ 0.03388588 0.03388588 -0.03440316] [ 0.00886785 -0.01385132 0.01353287] ... [-0.03398396 -0.03398396 0.01718596] [ 0.01093393 0.02711284 -0.01209689] [ 0.02711284 0.01093393 -0.01209689]] Final stress: [1.31779405e-04 1.31779405e-04 1.16297532e-04 4.42752172e-04 4.42752172e-04 2.05589860e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01388477 -0.00883225 -0.01353118] [ 0.00883226 0.01388477 -0.01353119] [ 0.0338991 -0.0338991 0.03445175] ... [ 0.02426042 -0.01662036 -0.00580418] [-0.01836926 -0.00985237 -0.04151645] [ 0.00662396 0.02419052 0.04161985]] Final stress: [ 1.31826926e-04 1.31826926e-04 1.16348859e-04 4.42856116e-04 -4.42856116e-04 -2.05841100e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00886864 -0.0138531 -0.01353421] [ 0.0138531 0.00886864 -0.01353421] [ 0.04523 -0.04523 0.0408674 ] ... [-0.01666888 0.02430915 -0.00580482] [ 0.02415568 0.00665017 0.04163301] [-0.00988321 -0.0183377 -0.04153416]] Final stress: [ 1.31792692e-04 1.31792692e-04 1.16310494e-04 -4.42656309e-04 4.42656309e-04 -2.05603569e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03383929 -0.03383929 -0.03431187] [ 0.04527046 0.04527046 -0.04095134] [ 0.0138112 -0.00891554 0.01353753] ... [ 0.03286638 0.03286638 -0.01305202] [-0.00490917 -0.01925576 0.01296427] [-0.01925576 -0.00490917 0.01296427]] Final stress: [ 1.31750410e-04 1.31750410e-04 1.16262031e-04 -4.42409557e-04 -4.42409557e-04 2.05320102e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.045241 -0.04089807 -0.045241 ] [ 0.00889 0.01353572 -0.01383393] [ 0.0338743 -0.03437128 0.0338743 ] ... [ 0.01095861 -0.01210343 0.02714366] [-0.0339644 0.01718742 -0.0339644 ] [ 0.02714366 -0.01210343 0.01095861]] Final stress: [1.31763166e-04 1.16279348e-04 1.31763165e-04 4.42582657e-04 2.05435581e-05 4.42582657e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01384131 -0.01353455 -0.0088807 ] [ 0.0338733 0.03437892 -0.0338733 ] [ 0.0088807 -0.01353455 0.01384131] ... [-0.01833058 -0.04153559 -0.00988438] [ 0.02431627 -0.00580551 -0.01667761] [ 0.00665029 0.04163242 0.02414773]] Final stress: [ 1.31774186e-04 1.16290720e-04 1.31774186e-04 4.42637317e-04 -2.05515666e-05 -4.42637317e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00890398 -0.01353681 -0.0138217 ] [ 0.04526106 0.04093113 -0.04526106] [ 0.0138217 -0.01353681 0.00890398] ... [ 0.02412519 0.04164715 0.0066698 ] [-0.01671485 -0.00580553 0.02435439] [-0.00990675 -0.04155289 -0.01830975]] Final stress: [ 1.31761291e-04 1.16274486e-04 1.31761291e-04 -4.42465846e-04 -2.05389209e-05 4.42465846e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03380589 -0.03423351 -0.03380589] [ 0.01376985 0.01354108 -0.0089623 ] [ 0.04531064 -0.04103462 0.04531064] ... [-0.00496357 0.01298 -0.01930576] [ 0.0328418 -0.01306649 0.0328418 ] [-0.01930576 0.01298 -0.00496357]] Final stress: [ 1.31707216e-04 1.16213058e-04 1.31707216e-04 -4.42160460e-04 2.05027269e-05 -4.42160460e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05251872 -0.05603817 -0.05251872] [ 0.04719057 0.04252145 -0.04719057] [ 0.05251872 -0.05603817 0.05251872] ... [-0.05538557 -0.00483656 0.01073025] [ 0.03107002 0.03865933 0.03107002] [ 0.01073025 -0.00483656 -0.05538557]] Final stress: [ 2.18323912e-04 2.79334025e-04 2.18323912e-04 -1.57557424e-14 8.96863633e-04 4.55027074e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04716483 -0.04253896 -0.04716483] [ 0.05255536 0.05603211 -0.05255536] [ 0.04716483 -0.04253896 0.04716483] ... [ 0.05151004 0.02153443 -0.01823039] [-0.02481408 -0.02284361 -0.02481408] [-0.01823039 0.02153443 0.05151004]] Final stress: [ 2.18265223e-04 2.79281103e-04 2.18265223e-04 -9.36406601e-15 -8.96663966e-04 -9.68804217e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04091313 -0.04524872 -0.04524872] [ 0.0135355 0.00889705 -0.01382632] [ 0.0135355 -0.01382632 0.00889705] ... [-0.01210393 0.01096513 0.02714055] [-0.01210393 0.02714055 0.01096513] [ 0.01719337 -0.03396586 -0.03396586]] Final stress: [1.16275613e-04 1.31761734e-04 1.31761734e-04 2.05431229e-05 4.42549103e-04 4.42549103e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01353445 -0.01385054 -0.00887155] [ 0.03439181 0.03387678 -0.03387678] [ 0.04087144 -0.0452314 0.0452314 ] ... [-0.04153451 -0.01833492 -0.00988612] [ 0.04163297 0.00665261 0.02415249] [-0.00580491 0.0243123 -0.01667201]] Final stress: [ 1.16306044e-04 1.31788394e-04 1.31788394e-04 -2.05578707e-05 4.42646239e-04 -4.42646239e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01353202 -0.00883956 -0.01387886] [ 0.04081771 0.04520708 -0.04520708] [ 0.03443909 -0.03389319 0.03389319] ... [ 0.0416241 0.02418225 0.0066322 ] [-0.04152145 -0.00986171 -0.01836175] [-0.00580414 -0.01663257 0.02427325]] Final stress: [ 1.16343467e-04 1.31822383e-04 1.31822383e-04 -2.05796057e-05 -4.42800237e-04 4.42800237e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.034361 -0.03387114 -0.03387114] [ 0.01353639 0.01382752 -0.00889748] [ 0.01353639 -0.00889748 0.01382752] ... [ 0.01295954 -0.00488437 -0.01924296] [ 0.01295954 -0.01924296 -0.00488437] [-0.01304542 0.03287308 0.03287308]] Final stress: [ 1.16270894e-04 1.31755417e-04 1.31755417e-04 2.05382614e-05 -4.42542663e-04 -4.42542663e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05245576 -0.05245576 -0.05604099] [ 0.05245576 0.05245576 -0.05604099] [ 0.0472449 -0.0472449 0.04250974] ... [ 0.03107282 0.03107282 0.03861219] [-0.05536744 0.01071874 -0.00489496] [ 0.01071874 -0.05536744 -0.00489496]] Final stress: [ 2.18397715e-04 2.18397715e-04 2.79393439e-04 -6.58595398e-16 -4.84731822e-15 8.97231641e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04722635 -0.04722635 -0.04253589] [ 0.04722636 0.04722636 -0.04253589] [ 0.05248678 -0.05248678 0.05602826] ... [-0.02479444 -0.02479444 -0.02277393] [ 0.05147257 -0.01822009 0.02160966] [-0.01822009 0.05147257 0.02160966]] Final stress: [ 2.18324386e-04 2.18324386e-04 2.79323138e-04 9.68644279e-15 5.93229483e-16 -8.97102648e-04] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00454656 -0.00070367 0.00636862] [-0.03031786 -0.01669963 0.02781731] [-0.0264574 0.00074478 -0.00794932] ... [-0.00635862 -0.00562287 0.00748003] [-0.00195796 0.00073233 -0.00138331] [ 0.00762872 -0.00285363 0.00339508]] Final stress: [ 4.23330032e-02 4.16775090e-02 4.20042628e-02 -3.60372047e-07 -7.49964312e-06 9.03686408e-07] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0039987 0.00518142 0.00379594] [-0.0025569 -0.00170721 0.00208288] [-0.00077814 0.00511487 -0.0029777 ] ... [-0.00193033 -0.00192644 0.00124466] [-0.00031499 -0.0008707 0.00144458] [-0.00275304 0.00093445 -0.00123368]] Final stress: [ 4.42848462e-02 4.68119945e-02 4.55595083e-02 -3.31290366e-04 -6.31178838e-05 -3.59068371e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00250388 -0.00250388 -0.16401683] [ 0.00250405 0.00250405 -0.164017 ] [ 0.00250405 -0.00250406 0.16401701] ... [-0.04909855 -0.04909855 0.08693176] [ 0.10095622 -0.07732652 0.09327581] [-0.07732653 0.10095622 0.09327581]] Final stress: [3.52881912e-03 3.52881912e-03 2.83733563e-03 4.67174297e-13 2.17140259e-13 3.90910187e-14] Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 80 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02886141 -0.04950853 -0.08478931] [ 0.04908438 0.00721301 -0.06376007] [ 0.06436418 0.01140032 0.00217093] ... [ 0.02701702 -0.02122899 0.02140302] [-0.00562395 0.04624084 -0.02851358] [-0.00286154 -0.02184148 -0.03102161]] Final stress: [ 4.25793633e-02 4.23941810e-02 4.19870449e-02 -1.77779586e-06 -3.45428174e-05 1.04658252e-05] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00521954 -0.00339495 -0.00277561] [ 0.00381776 0.00467648 -0.00884232] [ 0.01543076 -0.01733614 0.014116 ] ... [-0.00147678 -0.00110877 -0.00734343] [-0.00088761 -0.00207362 -0.00412823] [-0.00302336 -0.00499788 0.00459404]] Final stress: [ 0.04409845 0.04570249 0.04672223 0.00032987 -0.00027886 0.00013777] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00298203 -0.1646055 -0.00298203] [ 0.0029821 0.16460557 -0.0029821 ] [ 0.00298208 -0.16460555 0.00298208] ... [ 0.10035734 0.09317361 -0.07699134] [-0.04918192 0.08797061 -0.04918192] [-0.07699134 0.09317361 0.10035734]] Final stress: [ 3.53070401e-03 2.83337075e-03 3.53070401e-03 1.48873037e-13 -2.35319182e-13 -3.26616393e-13] Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.1086597 0.01061209 0.082124 ] [ 0.07316439 0.02704542 -0.09122553] [-0.1086597 0.01061209 -0.082124 ] ... [ 0.05983432 -0.06807043 -0.0171746 ] [-0.072028 -0.05823292 -0.09219999] [ 0.10428995 -0.01843398 0.00591956]] Final stress: [ 2.87024803e-03 4.73210265e-03 4.17521406e-03 -3.80211835e-14 2.09016263e-04 7.28358686e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07317067 -0.0270346 -0.09123242] [-0.1086798 -0.0106154 0.08214518] [ 0.07317067 -0.0270346 0.09123242] ... [ 0.0475955 0.10631498 -0.0654624 ] [ 0.13884785 -0.08887918 0.02123799] [ 0.10132985 0.1674253 0.08119176]] Final stress: [ 2.87034172e-03 4.73213541e-03 4.17524919e-03 6.19977353e-14 -2.09195988e-04 1.12386081e-13] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10866679 0.08213774 0.01059699] [-0.10866679 -0.08213774 0.01059699] [ 0.07320763 -0.09126352 0.02705546] ... [-0.07203406 -0.09221192 -0.05824733] [ 0.05986286 -0.01715814 -0.06810004] [ 0.10427789 0.00594237 -0.01845665]] Final stress: [2.87048735e-03 4.17531019e-03 4.73220547e-03 8.90600363e-14 1.32838150e-13 2.09301737e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07291608 -0.09107506 -0.02697053] [ 0.07291608 0.09107506 -0.02697053] [-0.1085837 0.08195704 -0.01053143] ... [ 0.13873062 0.02112891 -0.08887261] [ 0.04760978 -0.06552841 0.10630415] [ 0.10130621 0.08127252 0.16743632]] Final stress: [ 2.87071444e-03 4.17674762e-03 4.73382676e-03 8.40849926e-14 6.61573832e-14 -2.08437765e-04] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00988491 0.0182617 -0.00312384] [-0.01012442 0.00451347 0.018786 ] [-0.02246274 -0.00695874 -0.02913238] ... [ 0.00193427 0.00345199 0.00305795] [ 0.00100527 -0.00030231 -0.0049178 ] [ 0.01861332 -0.00657556 -0.00875463]] Final stress: [ 4.22254993e-02 4.23889819e-02 4.16894288e-02 4.94078356e-06 -6.83900882e-07 5.30207299e-05] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00555793 0.00736364 0.00642476] [ 0.00854178 0.01118675 -0.02257515] [ 0.00629711 0.00454873 0.0120395 ] ... [-0.00977391 0.01087181 0.00255154] [-0.00596445 0.01087915 0.00755888] [ 0.01192942 -0.00583032 -0.0052411 ]] Final stress: [ 0.04602613 0.0442965 0.0474153 -0.00059693 0.0008966 0.00078359] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.16338995 -0.00171716 -0.00171716] [ 0.16339006 0.00171727 -0.00171726] [ 0.16339007 -0.00171728 0.00171727] ... [ 0.09343561 0.10071316 -0.07743264] [ 0.09343561 -0.07743263 0.10071315] [ 0.08583439 -0.04864584 -0.04864584]] Final stress: [ 2.83673370e-03 3.51896220e-03 3.51896220e-03 4.06226246e-13 9.62788067e-13 -2.95556658e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01055855 0.10865256 0.08212848] [ 0.02703995 0.07322589 -0.09127726] [ 0.02703995 -0.07322589 0.09127726] ... [-0.06805854 0.05984532 -0.01716771] [-0.01843013 0.10430257 0.0059193 ] [-0.05821804 -0.07203243 -0.09218537]] Final stress: [4.73256467e-03 2.87039435e-03 4.17561815e-03 2.09185373e-04 1.09669247e-13 4.25433525e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02704514 -0.07313416 -0.09120086] [-0.01061314 -0.10864231 0.0820998 ] [-0.01061314 0.10864231 -0.0820998 ] ... [ 0.10626769 0.04761827 -0.06547598] [ 0.1673636 0.10136196 0.0812079 ] [-0.08894687 0.13881788 0.021227 ]] Final stress: [ 4.73210627e-03 2.87011570e-03 4.17521200e-03 -2.08776668e-04 6.23943564e-14 6.81184326e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08189643 0.1085615 0.01047288] [-0.08189643 -0.1085615 0.01047288] [ 0.09104007 -0.07283686 0.02693311] ... [-0.09204721 -0.07196715 -0.05828494] [ 0.00584539 0.10444201 -0.01841346] [-0.01703185 0.05973294 -0.06805679]] Final stress: [ 4.17768054e-03 2.87121303e-03 4.73486873e-03 1.44868256e-14 -3.33187332e-14 2.08496377e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09123068 -0.07316998 -0.0270476 ] [ 0.09123068 0.07316998 -0.0270476 ] [-0.0821238 0.10865892 -0.01060883] ... [ 0.02123834 0.13884185 -0.08891043] [ 0.08119664 0.10134589 0.16740068] [-0.06546609 0.04760518 0.10629668]] Final stress: [ 4.17523572e-03 2.87028385e-03 4.73212665e-03 1.70768261e-14 2.28343199e-14 -2.09047629e-04] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 49 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01058946 0.08214985 0.10867421] [ 0.02706063 0.0912877 -0.07323552] [ 0.02706063 -0.0912877 0.07323552] ... [-0.01847187 0.00595807 0.10426929] [-0.06811996 -0.01714701 0.05988217] [-0.05825733 -0.09221954 -0.07203758]] Final stress: [4.73225280e-03 4.17535584e-03 2.87063333e-03 2.09495368e-04 1.02500299e-13 2.16696729e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02697804 -0.09108372 -0.07292549] [-0.01052311 -0.08194998 0.10857603] [-0.01052311 0.08194998 -0.10857603] ... [ 0.16743876 0.08127238 0.10130792] [ 0.10630606 -0.06552783 0.04760994] [-0.08887455 0.02113149 0.138735 ]] Final stress: [ 4.73387600e-03 4.17679043e-03 2.87076751e-03 -2.08453001e-04 3.81940486e-14 7.79223848e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 146 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08206454 0.01055186 0.10863328] [ 0.09120195 0.02701719 -0.07310275] [-0.08206454 0.01055186 -0.10863328] ... [ 0.00591168 -0.01844164 0.10433019] [-0.09215922 -0.05825549 -0.07201422] [-0.01711989 -0.06808335 0.05982364]] Final stress: [ 4.17608407e-03 4.73307656e-03 2.87071565e-03 -5.65865450e-14 2.09067956e-04 4.06187034e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09119445 -0.02700693 -0.07308398] [-0.08204877 -0.0105345 0.10862718] [ 0.09119445 -0.02700693 0.07308398] ... [ 0.08123103 0.16747637 0.10131306] [ 0.02119074 -0.08884107 0.1388126 ] [-0.06548532 0.10634664 0.0475904 ]] Final stress: [ 4.17634327e-03 4.73336658e-03 2.87084696e-03 -8.78367004e-15 -2.09085973e-04 6.23841914e-14] Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02384142 -0.02087466 -0.02087466] [ 0.01635652 0.01980065 -0.01980065] [ 0.01635652 -0.01980065 0.01980065] ... [-0.00466986 -0.03435996 0.00755428] [-0.00466986 0.00755428 -0.03435996] [ 0.02364799 0.01877032 0.01877032]] Final stress: [ 1.14435814e-04 9.21885703e-05 9.21885703e-05 5.55776679e-04 -1.48821303e-15 8.56595535e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01638868 -0.01984096 -0.01984096] [ 0.02382282 0.02084702 -0.02084702] [ 0.02382282 -0.02084702 0.02084702] ... [ 0.01140186 0.03288121 -0.01044112] [ 0.01140186 -0.01044112 0.03288121] [-0.01723091 -0.01648281 -0.01648281]] Final stress: [ 1.14406920e-04 9.21695688e-05 9.21695689e-05 -5.55965400e-04 1.29611828e-14 1.43400740e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01815287 -0.01815287 -0.01560184] [ 0.01387017 0.01387017 -0.01484132] [ 0.00273398 -0.00628961 0.00540061] ... [-0.02114844 -0.02114844 0.01007022] [ 0.00590362 0.01644433 -0.00775517] [ 0.01644433 0.00590362 -0.00775517]] Final stress: [5.44517820e-05 5.44517819e-05 4.93910818e-05 2.77059778e-04 2.77059778e-04 8.25136327e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00619183 -0.00283937 -0.00540552] [ 0.00283937 0.00619183 -0.00540552] [ 0.01379171 -0.01379171 0.01465996] ... [ 0.01431947 -0.01128076 -0.00220384] [-0.01187053 -0.00634361 -0.02574304] [ 0.00515359 0.014092 0.02576919]] Final stress: [ 5.43882043e-05 5.43882043e-05 4.93225413e-05 2.76491102e-04 -2.76491102e-04 -8.20914472e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00277154 -0.00625472 -0.00540233] [ 0.00625472 0.00277154 -0.00540233] [ 0.01819099 -0.01819099 0.0156758 ] ... [-0.01119455 0.01423393 -0.00220275] [ 0.01415519 0.00510812 0.02574743] [-0.0062927 -0.01192978 -0.02571551]] Final stress: [ 5.44340699e-05 5.44340699e-05 4.93707945e-05 -2.76829418e-04 2.76829418e-04 -8.23828741e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01384039 -0.01384039 -0.01478268] [ 0.01818262 0.01818262 -0.01565984] [ 0.00626212 -0.00276361 0.00540198] ... [ 0.02068649 0.02068649 -0.00830474] [-0.00361825 -0.01323525 0.0080822 ] [-0.01323525 -0.00361825 0.0080822 ]] Final stress: [ 5.44375412e-05 5.44375412e-05 4.93748691e-05 -2.76878573e-04 -2.76878573e-04 8.24089361e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01818455 -0.0156958 -0.01818455] [ 0.00279851 0.00540253 -0.00622764] [ 0.01384321 -0.01475016 0.01384321] ... [ 0.00593894 -0.00777293 0.01649285] [-0.02111832 0.01010013 -0.02111832] [ 0.01649285 -0.00777293 0.00593894]] Final stress: [5.43978672e-05 4.93353970e-05 5.43978672e-05 2.76858670e-04 8.22275274e-06 2.76858670e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00626385 -0.005402 -0.0027619 ] [ 0.01385574 0.01479964 -0.01385574] [ 0.0027619 -0.005402 0.00626386] ... [-0.01193415 -0.02570246 -0.00629285] [ 0.01421737 -0.00220279 -0.01117748] [ 0.00510834 0.02573515 0.01415916]] Final stress: [ 5.44323088e-05 4.93707906e-05 5.44323088e-05 2.76919913e-04 -8.23893684e-06 -2.76919913e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00278076 -0.00540264 -0.00624595] [ 0.01819724 0.01569091 -0.01819724] [ 0.00624596 -0.00540264 0.00278076] ... [ 0.01414802 0.02575006 0.00511147] [-0.01120476 -0.00220296 0.01424375] [-0.00629665 -0.025719 -0.01192302]] Final stress: [ 5.44275723e-05 4.93638970e-05 5.44275722e-05 -2.76791297e-04 -8.23454472e-06 2.76791297e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01380813 -0.01467135 -0.01380813] [ 0.00618734 0.0054059 -0.00284443] [ 0.01823309 -0.01578684 0.01823309] ... [-0.00369995 0.00811113 -0.01332908] [ 0.02063842 -0.00832991 0.02063842] [-0.01332908 0.00811113 -0.00369995]] Final stress: [ 5.43761511e-05 4.93117898e-05 5.43761511e-05 -2.76510107e-04 8.20333084e-06 -2.76510107e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02086996 -0.02383877 -0.02086996] [ 0.01980793 0.01636189 -0.01980793] [ 0.02086996 -0.02383877 0.02086996] ... [-0.03435669 -0.00467102 0.0075533 ] [ 0.01876668 0.02365226 0.01876668] [ 0.0075533 -0.00467102 -0.03435669]] Final stress: [9.21861827e-05 1.14431602e-04 9.21861827e-05 4.28581255e-15 5.55802963e-04 8.27620078e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01978266 -0.01633074 -0.01978266] [ 0.02088309 0.0238569 -0.02088309] [ 0.01978266 -0.01633074 0.01978266] ... [ 0.03290021 0.01139907 -0.01044284] [-0.01650991 -0.01718875 -0.01650991] [-0.01044284 0.01139907 0.03290021]] Final stress: [ 9.22133978e-05 1.14465716e-04 9.22133979e-05 1.34979520e-14 -5.55696788e-04 2.85110668e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01581761 -0.01824758 -0.01824758] [ 0.00540669 0.00286154 -0.00617145] [ 0.00540669 -0.00617145 0.00286154] ... [-0.00779256 0.00601015 0.01656978] [-0.00779256 0.01656978 0.00601015] [ 0.01011174 -0.02107138 -0.02107138]] Final stress: [4.93007913e-05 5.43659909e-05 5.43659909e-05 8.19656417e-06 2.76417401e-04 2.76417401e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00540234 -0.00624396 -0.00278215] [ 0.01475128 0.01382755 -0.01382755] [ 0.01568884 -0.01819351 0.01819351] ... [-0.02571632 -0.01192516 -0.00628944] [ 0.02574702 0.00510447 0.01415031] [-0.00220322 0.01423821 -0.01120014]] Final stress: [ 4.93599841e-05 5.44235981e-05 5.44235981e-05 -8.23379364e-06 2.76822183e-04 -2.76822183e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00539957 -0.00272003 -0.00630184] [ 0.01557912 0.01814298 -0.01814298] [ 0.0148577 -0.0138732 0.0138732 ] ... [ 0.02572305 0.01420462 0.00506836] [-0.02568704 -0.0062488 -0.01197643] [-0.00220226 -0.0111202 0.01415933]] Final stress: [ 4.94012552e-05 5.44619503e-05 5.44619503e-05 -8.25866127e-06 -2.77145266e-04 2.77145266e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01471948 -0.01383736 -0.01383736] [ 0.00540416 0.0062046 -0.00282419] [ 0.00540416 -0.00282419 0.0062046 ] ... [ 0.008103 -0.00365999 -0.0132981 ] [ 0.008103 -0.0132981 -0.00365999] [-0.00832971 0.02065441 0.02065441]] Final stress: [ 4.93154520e-05 5.43780275e-05 5.43780275e-05 8.20964739e-06 -2.76723025e-04 -2.76723025e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02087975 -0.02087975 -0.0238571 ] [ 0.02087975 0.02087975 -0.0238571 ] [ 0.01978572 -0.01978572 0.01633024] ... [ 0.01878655 0.01878655 0.023626 ] [-0.03436907 0.00755318 -0.00467506] [ 0.00755318 -0.03436907 -0.00467506]] Final stress: [9.22159330e-05 9.22159330e-05 1.14467707e-04 1.79692541e-14 3.83919234e-15 5.55716584e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01979808 -0.01979808 -0.01632933] [ 0.01979808 0.01979808 -0.01632933] [ 0.02086668 -0.02086668 0.02385727] ... [-0.01650676 -0.01650676 -0.01717354] [ 0.03289227 -0.0104398 0.01141633] [-0.0104398 0.03289227 0.01141633]] Final stress: [ 9.22246483e-05 9.22246483e-05 1.14474141e-04 1.95822411e-14 4.56546362e-15 -5.55794880e-04] Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00211268 -0.00211268 0.01423275] [ 0.00211276 0.00211276 0.01423267] [ 0.00211274 -0.00211274 -0.01423269] ... [ 0.00441512 0.00441512 -0.01044549] [-0.00342504 0.00526871 -0.01025259] [ 0.0052687 -0.00342504 -0.01025259]] Final stress: [ 8.37143088e-04 8.37143089e-04 8.84960769e-04 3.20316695e-13 4.76229792e-13 -2.59956770e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 84 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00023819 -0.00712854 -0.00716222] [ 0.00304955 0.00370158 -0.00600357] [ 0.00655298 -0.0058377 0.00633282] ... [-0.00382768 -0.00344404 0.00039222] [ 0.00228823 0.00075365 -0.00370893] [-0.00098093 0.00069957 0.00023931]] Final stress: [ 4.22629556e-02 4.17825235e-02 4.19655733e-02 3.87704368e-08 1.25891032e-05 -2.98035032e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 80 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01511864 0.0019875 -0.01696205] [-0.06670991 -0.01509492 0.03149082] [-0.0068872 0.02050813 -0.01869136] ... [ 0.02353097 -0.01849449 -0.0033046 ] [ 0.02459277 -0.02094933 -0.05728468] [-0.00609117 -0.02020954 0.01539025]] Final stress: [ 4.14250651e-02 4.22051855e-02 4.17932550e-02 -4.56492007e-06 2.05845706e-06 2.32527073e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00727093 0.00727093 -0.02367618] [-0.00727109 -0.00727109 -0.02367602] [-0.00727105 0.00727105 0.02367606] ... [-0.00661745 -0.00661745 0.01125379] [ 0.00868932 -0.00871896 0.01264955] [-0.00871895 0.00868932 0.01264955]] Final stress: [-6.49609331e-04 -6.49609330e-04 -8.60048723e-04 -8.36392526e-13 6.51173744e-13 1.62206879e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00274181 0.01323924 -0.00274181] [ 0.00274198 -0.01323907 -0.00274198] [ 0.00274192 0.01323914 0.00274191] ... [-0.00302501 -0.0109185 0.00675558] [ 0.00391081 -0.01011954 0.0039108 ] [ 0.00675557 -0.0109185 -0.00302501]] Final stress: [ 8.40231171e-04 8.73524933e-04 8.40231171e-04 -2.86327459e-13 1.62240638e-14 -9.45438847e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 84 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00087338 0.01076929 0.00566093] [-0.00902773 -0.01322566 0.00517378] [-0.00207932 0.00223576 -0.00218887] ... [-0.00132784 0.00410717 -0.00729053] [ 0.00473553 0.00014547 0.00880184] [ 0.01236506 0.00536873 0.01122259]] Final stress: [ 4.21773490e-02 4.20729945e-02 4.17594146e-02 1.28129435e-06 -1.69498589e-06 -2.46051953e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 88 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01072671 0.01312373 0.01177088] [-0.0073869 0.00264544 0.00783313] [-0.03389633 -0.00470376 -0.01721024] ... [ 0.01450727 -0.00685206 0.01772376] [ 0.00840917 0.00245727 0.01347921] [ 0.00082698 0.00278826 0.00410199]] Final stress: [ 4.18122744e-02 4.19961594e-02 4.22725362e-02 -4.15471193e-05 1.05904694e-05 -1.13805085e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00761479 -0.02310024 0.00761479] [-0.00761487 0.02310016 0.00761487] [-0.00761481 -0.02310022 -0.00761481] ... [ 0.00853595 0.01296304 -0.00932069] [-0.0063692 0.01090288 -0.0063692 ] [-0.00932069 0.01296304 0.00853595]] Final stress: [-6.52410975e-04 -8.55914258e-04 -6.52410975e-04 -7.30605312e-13 -6.54382501e-13 -9.88959811e-13] Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09513227 0.03115061 0.08255002] [ 0.04948597 0.00997332 -0.05764613] [-0.09513227 0.03115061 -0.08255002] ... [ 0.03720645 -0.06175807 -0.0204972 ] [-0.04105605 -0.03257146 -0.07070629] [ 0.07191702 -0.02111712 0.00730182]] Final stress: [ 1.20314015e-03 2.43655640e-03 2.15440577e-03 -3.32521108e-14 6.72057675e-05 4.87349266e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0495006 -0.00993611 -0.05763885] [-0.09515177 -0.03116035 0.08259051] [ 0.0495006 -0.00993611 0.05763885] ... [ 0.03230274 0.05742424 -0.04315551] [ 0.0900274 -0.0638486 0.01475402] [ 0.07134251 0.1015555 0.04424378]] Final stress: [ 1.20262441e-03 2.43641356e-03 2.15426713e-03 4.30070680e-14 -6.69316944e-05 1.02619217e-13] Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 147 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09516552 0.08266493 0.03116738] [-0.09516552 -0.08266493 0.03116738] [ 0.04976841 -0.05784336 0.01007892] ... [-0.04111397 -0.07081758 -0.03255979] [ 0.03731324 -0.02055348 -0.06180455] [ 0.07181865 0.00737539 -0.02116001]] Final stress: [ 1.20345646e-03 2.15368706e-03 2.43574709e-03 -6.12384873e-14 -1.43159530e-13 6.79970392e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04970164 -0.0577939 -0.01000249] [ 0.04970164 0.05779389 -0.01000249] [-0.09515174 0.08263594 -0.03111339] ... [ 0.09012605 0.0148189 -0.06382108] [ 0.03228501 -0.04311434 0.0574861 ] [ 0.07135255 0.04420672 0.10162279]] Final stress: [ 1.20305043e-03 2.15421053e-03 2.43636347e-03 2.16607660e-14 -4.07129624e-14 -6.76301176e-05] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01302079 -0.00281403 -0.00281403] [-0.0130207 0.00281412 -0.00281412] [-0.01302074 -0.00281408 0.00281408] ... [-0.01100287 -0.00300102 0.00680488] [-0.01100287 0.00680488 -0.00300102] [-0.00990655 0.00382755 0.00382754]] Final stress: [ 8.73655930e-04 8.40762640e-04 8.40762640e-04 -1.02501726e-13 5.67162132e-13 -1.23441390e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01876023 -0.08652003 -0.0327168 ] [-0.01772119 -0.00632454 0.02024081] [-0.01313459 -0.00184668 -0.02684902] ... [-0.00739629 -0.00603377 -0.05313533] [-0.02180476 0.03104398 0.0208294 ] [ 0.03248172 -0.01179056 0.00722991]] Final stress: [ 4.25823671e-02 4.26726602e-02 4.17631375e-02 2.69696990e-05 2.08427811e-05 -6.15679325e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01425605 -0.08703813 -0.07135503] [-0.11764972 -0.12261012 0.01189301] [-0.06507629 0.01475417 -0.08167498] ... [ 0.05584368 0.02965851 0.0288113 ] [ 0.05622886 -0.09912067 0.06731567] [-0.01195416 0.01950423 -0.03125046]] Final stress: [ 4.32567317e-02 4.22164542e-02 4.30037933e-02 6.23142595e-06 1.60259403e-04 -9.09581883e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02317634 0.00765773 0.00765772] [ 0.02317639 -0.00765767 0.00765767] [ 0.02317639 0.00765768 -0.00765768] ... [ 0.01298813 0.00848827 -0.0094291 ] [ 0.01298812 -0.00942909 0.00848827] [ 0.01105954 -0.00638008 -0.00638008]] Final stress: [-8.56709264e-04 -6.51969169e-04 -6.51969169e-04 4.27262144e-13 7.26788861e-13 -1.12247220e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03105494 0.09505484 0.08237905] [ 0.00989079 0.04923649 -0.05749533] [ 0.00989079 -0.04923649 0.05749533] ... [-0.06176089 0.03712153 -0.02040383] [-0.02111027 0.07202929 0.00724299] [-0.03260153 -0.04100471 -0.07060243]] Final stress: [ 2.43798560e-03 1.20325326e-03 2.15566303e-03 6.66679741e-05 -3.21477696e-14 8.67643796e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01002904 -0.04968824 -0.05778429] [-0.03109168 -0.09509955 0.08257766] [-0.03109168 0.09509955 -0.08257766] ... [ 0.05742934 0.03230975 -0.04312365] [ 0.10154747 0.07140689 0.04422636] [-0.06391158 0.09010418 0.01481689]] Final stress: [ 2.43648310e-03 1.20289819e-03 2.15431401e-03 -6.71788298e-05 -1.60916529e-14 1.02439315e-14] Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08271607 0.0952159 0.03123749] [-0.08271607 -0.0952159 0.03123749] [ 0.05775744 -0.04968349 0.01001128] ... [-0.0707702 -0.04108788 -0.03253873] [ 0.00734197 0.07183082 -0.02111303] [-0.0205772 0.0372685 -0.06173809]] Final stress: [ 2.15334177e-03 1.20285454e-03 2.43535230e-03 -1.03811783e-13 -2.60229635e-14 6.76034435e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05771591 -0.04957016 -0.00996901] [ 0.05771591 0.04957016 -0.00996901] [-0.08258824 0.09515386 -0.03111352] ... [ 0.01476591 0.09009628 -0.06370039] [ 0.04421418 0.07124053 0.10172371] [-0.04315075 0.03226022 0.05754095]] Final stress: [ 2.15456909e-03 1.20341548e-03 2.43675395e-03 4.20057570e-14 -2.67577363e-14 -6.77683922e-05] Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03113921 0.08260868 0.09514586] [ 0.00999902 0.05773876 -0.04962526] [ 0.00999902 -0.05773875 0.04962526] ... [-0.02111403 0.00731418 0.07189037] [-0.0617419 -0.02053753 0.03723779] [-0.03253904 -0.07073125 -0.04107557]] Final stress: [ 2.43631408e-03 2.15417856e-03 1.20305147e-03 6.74307614e-05 -8.88493315e-14 -6.08753271e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01006787 -0.05787111 -0.04980513] [-0.0311299 -0.08266667 0.09515785] [-0.03112991 0.08266667 -0.09515785] ... [ 0.10165018 0.04416961 0.07132833] [ 0.05750401 -0.04309986 0.03227077] [-0.06380423 0.01486541 0.09019133]] Final stress: [ 2.43597937e-03 2.15387870e-03 1.20337672e-03 -6.80166940e-05 3.44637899e-14 -1.46871961e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08264738 0.03117724 0.0951557 ] [ 0.05781227 0.0100746 -0.04973029] [-0.08264738 0.03117724 -0.0951557 ] ... [ 0.00735496 -0.02113608 0.07183079] [-0.07080745 -0.0325461 -0.0411107 ] [-0.0205669 -0.06177445 0.03728716]] Final stress: [ 2.15366511e-03 2.43571930e-03 1.20331235e-03 -1.09830068e-13 6.77442591e-05 -2.20050716e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05768425 -0.01000579 -0.04954499] [-0.08256846 -0.03116188 0.09513159] [ 0.05768425 -0.01000579 0.04954499] ... [ 0.04421613 0.10160683 0.07128361] [ 0.01477731 -0.06380808 0.09007587] [-0.04316217 0.05744885 0.03228513]] Final stress: [ 2.15416884e-03 2.43628723e-03 1.20312645e-03 -1.22144273e-14 -6.72374306e-05 -1.31418698e-14] Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0101823 -0.00813955 -0.00813955] [ 0.00593151 0.00812819 -0.00812819] [ 0.00593151 -0.00812819 0.00812819] ... [-0.00369726 -0.02134151 0.00515964] [-0.00369726 0.00515964 -0.02134151] [ 0.01444167 0.01143921 0.01143921]] Final stress: [ 4.69361445e-05 3.84827005e-05 3.84827006e-05 3.46275860e-04 4.51560512e-15 -3.48314789e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00593744 -0.00813567 -0.00813567] [ 0.01017803 0.00813362 -0.00813362] [ 0.01017803 -0.00813362 0.00813362] ... [ 0.0063218 0.02076189 -0.00614103] [ 0.0063218 -0.00614103 0.02076189] [-0.01180745 -0.01058804 -0.01058804]] Final stress: [ 4.69324540e-05 3.84803125e-05 3.84803124e-05 -3.46314360e-04 2.33687507e-16 5.73254697e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00719312 -0.00719312 -0.005461 ] [ 0.00559155 0.00559155 -0.00670652] [ 0.00039877 -0.00325435 0.00217421] ... [-0.013326 -0.013326 0.00600278] [ 0.00312046 0.00980659 -0.00483868] [ 0.00980659 0.00312046 -0.00483868]] Final stress: [2.30811830e-05 2.30811830e-05 2.13423181e-05 1.74327233e-04 1.74327233e-04 3.30708659e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00326676 -0.00038334 -0.00217253] [ 0.00038335 0.00326676 -0.00217253] [ 0.00563015 -0.00563015 0.00675909] ... [ 0.00808497 -0.00689674 -0.00080189] [-0.00795738 -0.00363498 -0.01586262] [ 0.0032991 0.00881471 0.01587859]] Final stress: [ 2.30743099e-05 2.30743099e-05 2.13364846e-05 1.74643552e-04 -1.74643552e-04 -3.30951553e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00041871 -0.00323393 -0.00217407] [ 0.00323393 0.00041871 -0.00217407] [ 0.00718967 -0.00718967 0.00547751] ... [-0.00695952 0.00814871 -0.00080191] [ 0.00877497 0.0033397 0.01590203] [-0.0036778 -0.00791908 -0.01588764]] Final stress: [ 2.30653297e-05 2.30653297e-05 2.13258486e-05 -1.74361096e-04 1.74361096e-04 -3.30080733e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00557088 -0.00557088 -0.00665956] [ 0.00721491 0.00721491 -0.00550866] [ 0.00322881 -0.00042541 0.00217493] ... [ 0.01311446 0.01311446 -0.00519313] [-0.00223446 -0.00842564 0.00494506] [-0.00842564 -0.00223446 0.00494506]] Final stress: [ 2.30709091e-05 2.30709091e-05 2.13308019e-05 -1.74186539e-04 -1.74186539e-04 3.30036908e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00735634 -0.00581756 -0.00735634] [ 0.00059787 0.00217966 -0.00306357] [ 0.00543734 -0.00635581 0.00543734] ... [ 0.00330547 -0.00489707 0.00999313] [-0.01321396 0.00607187 -0.01321396] [ 0.00999313 -0.00489707 0.00330547]] Final stress: [2.30046298e-05 2.12565348e-05 2.30046298e-05 1.73268237e-04 3.25677679e-06 1.73268237e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00321313 -0.00217537 -0.00044176] [ 0.00555819 0.00663073 -0.00555819] [ 0.00044176 -0.00217537 0.00321313] ... [-0.00789084 -0.01591313 -0.00371466] [ 0.00820317 -0.00080163 -0.00701263] [ 0.00337502 0.01592673 0.00874586]] Final stress: [ 2.30646048e-05 2.13237359e-05 2.30646048e-05 1.74099988e-04 -3.29624185e-06 -1.74099988e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00048006 -0.00217616 -0.00317593] [ 0.0072546 0.00560168 -0.0072546 ] [ 0.00317593 -0.00217616 0.00048006] ... [ 0.00871623 0.01593874 0.00338927] [-0.00705541 -0.00080222 0.00824487] [-0.00373056 -0.01592743 -0.00786228]] Final stress: [ 2.30477752e-05 2.13051286e-05 2.30477752e-05 -1.73939471e-04 -3.28646569e-06 1.73939471e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00552658 -0.00655887 -0.00552658] [ 0.00317405 0.00217648 -0.00048253] [ 0.00726169 -0.00561093 0.00726169] ... [-0.00229516 0.00496349 -0.00848314] [ 0.01308353 -0.00521289 0.01308353] [-0.00848314 0.00496349 -0.00229516]] Final stress: [ 2.30489048e-05 2.13061406e-05 2.30489048e-05 -1.73883724e-04 3.28594612e-06 -1.73883724e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00813891 -0.01018184 -0.00813891] [ 0.008129 0.00593215 -0.008129 ] [ 0.00813891 -0.01018184 0.00813891] ... [-0.02134112 -0.0036975 0.00515957] [ 0.01143876 0.01444202 0.01143876] [ 0.00515957 -0.0036975 -0.02134112]] Final stress: [ 3.84824430e-05 4.69357466e-05 3.84824431e-05 1.59838849e-14 3.46280011e-04 -8.01806480e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00813326 -0.00593553 -0.00813326] [ 0.00813553 0.0101794 -0.00813553] [ 0.00813327 -0.00593554 0.00813327] ... [ 0.02076285 0.0063212 -0.00614119] [-0.01058917 -0.01180634 -0.01058917] [-0.00614119 0.0063212 0.02076285]] Final stress: [ 3.84810795e-05 4.69336394e-05 3.84810795e-05 -5.85426370e-15 -3.46301994e-04 1.47926978e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00525901 -0.00707745 -0.00707745] [ 0.00217199 0.00031036 -0.00333935] [ 0.00217199 -0.00333935 0.00031036] ... [-0.00481721 0.00301326 0.00974038] [-0.00481721 0.00974038 0.00301326] [ 0.00597094 -0.01336721 -0.01336721]] Final stress: [2.13648458e-05 2.30973442e-05 2.30973442e-05 3.32227723e-06 1.74957176e-04 1.74957176e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00217382 -0.00326813 -0.00038441] [ 0.00673187 0.0056027 -0.0056027 ] [ 0.0054353 -0.00718137 0.00718137] ... [-0.01588614 -0.00793906 -0.00367794] [ 0.01590291 0.00334109 0.00879589] [-0.000801 0.00812899 -0.00693773]] Final stress: [ 2.13485365e-05 2.30867303e-05 2.30867303e-05 -3.31070928e-06 1.74403017e-04 -1.74403017e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00217164 -0.00039056 -0.00325775] [ 0.00538184 0.00711992 -0.00711992] [ 0.00677945 -0.00565883 0.00565883] ... [ 0.01585449 0.00882175 0.00326987] [-0.01583972 -0.00360554 -0.00796459] [-0.00080286 -0.00686746 0.00805299]] Final stress: [ 2.13192745e-05 2.30567269e-05 2.30567269e-05 -3.30505558e-06 -1.74843731e-04 1.74843731e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00647718 -0.00550289 -0.00550289] [ 0.00217667 0.00311643 -0.00053994] [ 0.00217667 -0.00053994 0.00311643] ... [ 0.00497722 -0.00231681 -0.00850953] [ 0.00497722 -0.00850953 -0.00231681] [-0.00524945 0.01306862 0.01306862]] Final stress: [ 2.12701048e-05 2.30155090e-05 2.30155090e-05 3.27085390e-06 -1.73809275e-04 -1.73809275e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00813489 -0.00813489 -0.01017895] [ 0.00813489 0.00813489 -0.01017895] [ 0.00813407 -0.00813407 0.00593617] ... [ 0.01143594 0.01143594 0.01444417] [-0.02133865 0.00515917 -0.00369901] [ 0.00515917 -0.02133865 -0.00369901]] Final stress: [3.84808238e-05 3.84808238e-05 4.69332443e-05 3.79175732e-16 2.94164550e-15 3.46306115e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00813767 -0.00813767 -0.00593902] [ 0.00813767 0.00813767 -0.00593902] [ 0.00813204 -0.00813204 0.01017689] ... [-0.01058709 -0.01058709 -0.01180838] [ 0.02076108 -0.00614089 0.0063223 ] [-0.00614089 0.02076108 0.0063223 ]] Final stress: [ 3.84796732e-05 3.84796732e-05 4.69314661e-05 -6.16038981e-15 2.15572984e-15 -3.46324665e-04] Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04407475 -0.03549967 -0.00667398] [ 0.02304842 0.00290009 0.00678935] [ 0.01689309 0.01133796 -0.00679133] ... [ 0.01573612 0.00343569 0.02558227] [-0.0294048 0.01329084 -0.02180677] [-0.00563123 -0.01891626 -0.04931006]] Final stress: [ 4.21993956e-02 4.17821568e-02 4.22822349e-02 1.18203004e-05 -6.28031287e-05 -4.14094318e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.12104405e-04 2.19330232e-03 -2.15920149e-03] [ 4.23733316e-03 9.64644322e-03 1.15362067e-02] [-5.95244647e-03 7.63924334e-03 -9.48130547e-05] ... [ 3.20300441e-03 1.77799751e-02 7.60457609e-03] [-1.27104084e-02 1.45861009e-02 -1.78167431e-02] [-8.38132554e-03 -2.97021752e-03 4.42917693e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.17723903e-02 4.21964444e-02 4.19564154e-02 7.60617079e-07 -6.40535144e-07 -1.21688128e-06] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01932432 -0.01788934 -0.01206189] [-0.00265106 0.01234004 -0.00741266] [-0.00677671 0.01450211 -0.01309627] ... [ 0.00915586 -0.00851312 -0.00488368] [-0.00367231 0.00473008 0.00237307] [-0.00845744 -0.00825522 0.00302864]] Final stress: [ 4.69923883e-02 4.64602600e-02 4.31629124e-02 4.40317992e-05 -1.35966419e-04 8.14609391e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02918711 0.04916974 0.03545121] [ 0.03229123 -0.01482002 -0.04896214] [-0.03352857 0.02572314 -0.02338031] ... [-0.01385557 -0.08360215 0.04083743] [-0.00806468 0.03908334 0.03756846] [-0.02492983 -0.03136659 -0.00504891]] Final stress: [ 4.21932511e-02 4.21433636e-02 4.25662860e-02 -3.21146499e-05 1.25807685e-06 2.10993527e-06] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09217773 0.10887336 0.10887336] [-0.04411261 -0.02324547 0.02324547] [-0.04411261 0.02324546 -0.02324546] ... [-0.01264001 -0.00717992 -0.01076299] [-0.01264001 -0.01076299 -0.00717992] [ 0.02150877 -0.00455342 -0.00455342]] Final stress: [ 3.46263078e-04 5.18528077e-04 5.18528077e-04 7.68536583e-05 -4.68903292e-14 3.15708443e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0440956 0.02325927 0.02325927] [-0.09207028 -0.10879763 0.10879763] [-0.09207028 0.10879762 -0.10879762] ... [ 0.04560118 -0.0250297 -0.01903149] [ 0.04560118 -0.01903149 -0.02502969] [ 0.01937535 0.02579853 0.02579853]] Final stress: [ 3.46560152e-04 5.17854759e-04 5.17854759e-04 -7.75330989e-05 -1.96183861e-14 3.14810184e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06040012 -0.04492703 -0.04492703] [ 0.08545044 0.10902075 -0.10902075] [ 0.08545044 -0.10902075 0.10902075] ... [-0.02944893 0.0368186 0.03178079] [-0.02944893 0.03178079 0.0368186 ] [-0.03821918 -0.02866307 -0.02866307]] Final stress: [ 2.62302497e-04 -7.60461439e-05 -7.60461440e-05 1.37823666e-04 -5.36695560e-14 -1.70686068e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08545246 -0.10902281 -0.10902281] [ 0.06040034 0.04492774 -0.04492774] [ 0.06040034 -0.04492774 0.04492774] ... [ 0.01069269 0.0057559 0.0079897 ] [ 0.01069269 0.0079897 0.0057559 ] [-0.01177564 0.0051454 0.0051454 ]] Final stress: [ 2.62288871e-04 -7.60566538e-05 -7.60566538e-05 -1.37815851e-04 -2.08233106e-14 -6.72910814e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10232817 0.08085094 0.09952473] [-0.02824344 -0.04415372 0.02621154] [-0.10232816 0.08085094 -0.09952473] ... [ 0.02575303 -0.03869086 -0.0057195 ] [-0.00573639 -0.02044888 -0.03258573] [ 0.02949935 -0.01114393 0.02107983]] Final stress: [3.02435239e-04 5.40091265e-04 5.03592814e-04 2.21429314e-15 1.38577586e-04 2.38086182e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02823001 0.04410052 0.02618602] [-0.10231965 -0.08085757 0.09950383] [-0.02823 0.04410052 -0.02618602] ... [ 0.00203126 0.01092755 -0.02342984] [ 0.03064733 -0.013296 -0.00191069] [ 0.01507663 0.03850504 0.00261025]] Final stress: [ 3.02491592e-04 5.40199452e-04 5.03697317e-04 4.60228274e-16 -1.38434885e-04 3.51256760e-15] Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10230982 0.09948796 0.0808109 ] [-0.10230982 -0.09948796 0.08081089] [-0.02824958 0.02619859 -0.04414445] ... [-0.00572221 -0.03254439 -0.02040719] [ 0.02569675 -0.00572178 -0.0386403 ] [ 0.02955415 0.02102975 -0.01110641]] Final stress: [ 3.01850442e-04 5.03756481e-04 5.40289472e-04 -3.82535874e-15 2.21194654e-14 1.38177039e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02824866 0.02617121 0.04410055] [-0.02824866 -0.02617121 0.04410055] [-0.10229169 0.09944382 -0.08078356] ... [ 0.03055148 -0.00196687 -0.01338041] [ 0.00208444 -0.02342002 0.01086832] [ 0.01520516 0.00269055 0.03841723]] Final stress: [ 3.01277895e-04 5.03974554e-04 5.40541544e-04 -2.01638080e-14 1.47390943e-14 -1.37653417e-04] Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 150 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.17575252 0.13584713 0.18975775] [ 0.01165729 0.00082642 -0.05871906] [ 0.04139098 -0.02544834 0.05824171] ... [-0.09173309 -0.04479616 0.0092043 ] [-0.12447771 -0.00190227 -0.0484817 ] [ 0.11213121 0.04942443 0.0529759 ]] Final stress: [ 4.26948951e-02 4.26675033e-02 4.16260807e-02 -3.16947473e-05 2.80375690e-07 1.32813629e-04] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-1.52642964e-03 -1.36242975e-03 2.35812033e-05] [ 5.25767285e-03 8.92995218e-04 -3.18444828e-03] [ 3.68796044e-04 -4.64344991e-03 -6.85971017e-03] ... [ 2.58053539e-03 2.50061461e-03 -2.57158505e-03] [-9.14444428e-04 -1.68279098e-03 2.52064179e-03] [-6.94170568e-04 1.03775408e-03 4.38973488e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.62814151e-02 4.39566083e-02 4.73701193e-02 -6.53795992e-06 -2.69735266e-04 6.43388441e-05] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08084863 0.1023202 0.09949633] [-0.04410182 -0.02823809 0.02618563] [-0.04410182 0.02823808 -0.02618563] ... [-0.03863458 0.02569869 -0.00572686] [-0.01110013 0.02952986 0.02103271] [-0.02042171 -0.00573732 -0.03256432]] Final stress: [5.40264278e-04 3.02098610e-04 5.03748661e-04 1.38165615e-04 1.98126055e-15 7.96444240e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04420983 0.02825541 0.02623554] [-0.08083294 -0.10232973 0.09953866] [-0.08083294 0.10232973 -0.09953867] ... [ 0.01097414 0.0020133 -0.02342603] [ 0.0385548 0.01507012 0.00258811] [-0.01327936 0.03064715 -0.00192118]] Final stress: [ 5.39999947e-04 3.02408040e-04 5.03501349e-04 -1.38767999e-04 -1.57954677e-14 7.59472409e-15] Minimization converged after 146 steps. Minimization converged after 149 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10886442 0.0921651 0.10886442] [-0.02324707 -0.04411059 0.02324707] [-0.10886442 0.0921651 -0.10886442] ... [-0.00717352 -0.01264299 -0.01075999] [-0.0045556 0.02149271 -0.0045556 ] [-0.01075999 -0.01264299 -0.00717352]] Final stress: [ 5.18448949e-04 3.46297566e-04 5.18448949e-04 -2.00810019e-15 7.69331713e-05 -5.23371334e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02325465 0.0441012 0.02325465] [-0.10882266 -0.09210589 0.10882266] [-0.02325464 0.04410119 -0.02325464] ... [-0.02501451 0.04559325 -0.01903298] [ 0.02579295 0.01938264 0.02579295] [-0.01903298 0.04559325 -0.02501451]] Final stress: [ 5.18077966e-04 3.46460758e-04 5.18077966e-04 3.19673695e-14 -7.73071420e-05 2.69066077e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04492763 -0.06040031 -0.04492763] [ 0.10902247 0.08545213 -0.10902247] [ 0.04492762 -0.0604003 0.04492762] ... [ 0.03681704 -0.02944733 0.03178012] [-0.02866191 -0.03821876 -0.02866191] [ 0.03178012 -0.02944733 0.03681704]] Final stress: [-7.60549296e-05 2.62291107e-04 -7.60549296e-05 -6.14325420e-14 1.37817133e-04 -6.23426479e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1090209 -0.08545059 -0.1090209 ] [ 0.04492708 0.06040013 -0.04492708] [ 0.10902091 -0.08545059 0.10902091] ... [ 0.005756 0.01069421 0.00798915] [ 0.00514609 -0.01177576 0.00514609] [ 0.00798915 0.01069421 0.005756 ]] Final stress: [-7.60469251e-05 2.62301484e-04 -7.60469252e-05 5.36187723e-14 -1.37823086e-04 -7.15391067e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09951875 0.10232757 0.08085901] [-0.09951875 -0.10232756 0.08085901] [-0.026201 0.02823814 -0.04412906] ... [-0.03258862 -0.00574173 -0.02044753] [ 0.02107161 0.0294993 -0.01113387] [-0.00572206 0.02574312 -0.03867922]] Final stress: [ 5.03631056e-04 3.02445992e-04 5.40129188e-04 -5.21493355e-14 4.63004018e-14 1.38493407e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02623231 0.02825383 0.04420209] [-0.02623231 -0.02825383 0.04420209] [-0.09953695 0.10232971 -0.08083571] ... [-0.00192046 0.03064671 -0.01328063] [ 0.00258993 0.01507069 0.0385505 ] [-0.02342618 0.00201482 0.01097041]] Final stress: [ 5.03513660e-04 3.02411026e-04 5.40012154e-04 5.60689536e-14 -8.26488752e-15 -1.38740682e-04] Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 148 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0808379 0.09946528 0.10230662] [-0.04405651 -0.0261606 0.02823056] [-0.04405651 0.0261606 -0.02823056] ... [-0.01107107 0.02100056 0.02955485] [-0.03859971 -0.00573056 0.02566157] [-0.02040216 -0.03255499 -0.0057413 ]] Final stress: [ 5.40431190e-04 5.03898308e-04 3.01887447e-04 1.37877857e-04 9.01253589e-15 -3.19574069e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04426215 0.02624164 0.02827147] [-0.08074459 -0.09949587 0.10229571] [-0.08074459 0.09949586 -0.10229571] ... [ 0.03855186 0.00261644 0.01513903] [ 0.01097544 -0.02342222 0.0020279 ] [-0.01331798 -0.00195812 0.03060505]] Final stress: [ 5.40163866e-04 5.03617841e-04 3.01748558e-04 -1.38588687e-04 1.12669599e-14 -6.05477643e-14] Minimization converged after 147 steps. Minimization converged after 148 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09952301 0.08084457 0.10232542] [-0.02621308 -0.04415993 0.02824399] [-0.09952301 0.08084457 -0.10232541] ... [ 0.02108383 -0.01114885 0.02950029] [-0.03258718 -0.02044957 -0.00573572] [-0.00571791 -0.03869766 0.02575779]] Final stress: [ 5.03592232e-04 5.40092549e-04 3.02445970e-04 2.84460561e-14 1.38614454e-04 -6.85027833e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02618889 0.04413817 0.02824813] [-0.09946329 -0.08078291 0.1022932 ] [-0.02618889 0.04413817 -0.02824813] ... [ 0.00265263 0.03847804 0.01515767] [-0.00195172 -0.01334485 0.03059067] [-0.02342463 0.01091231 0.00205685]] Final stress: [ 5.03849280e-04 5.40400302e-04 3.01703185e-04 3.97119478e-14 -1.38087455e-04 3.56060533e-15] Minimization converged after 149 steps. Minimization converged after 147 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10881136 0.10881136 0.09208984] [-0.10881136 -0.10881136 0.09208984] [-0.02325672 0.02325672 -0.04409867] ... [-0.00456863 -0.00456863 0.02139662] [-0.00713522 -0.01074206 -0.01266086] [-0.01074206 -0.00713522 -0.01266086]] Final stress: [ 5.17977365e-04 5.17977365e-04 3.46505441e-04 -1.99390408e-14 -1.02248800e-14 7.74088919e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02325257 0.02325257 0.04410373] [-0.02325257 -0.02325257 0.04410374] [-0.10883399 0.10883399 -0.09212198] ... [ 0.02579045 0.02579045 0.01938593] [-0.02500768 -0.01903366 0.0455897 ] [-0.01903366 -0.02500768 0.0455897 ]] Final stress: [ 5.18178809e-04 5.18178809e-04 3.46416154e-04 -3.87221366e-14 -2.28479558e-15 -7.72052944e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04492737 -0.04492737 -0.06040564] [ 0.04492737 0.04492737 -0.06040563] [ 0.10901165 -0.10901165 0.08543463] ... [-0.02866955 -0.02866955 -0.03822231] [ 0.03683093 0.03178537 -0.02946395] [ 0.03178537 0.03683093 -0.02946395]] Final stress: [-7.59691612e-05 -7.59691612e-05 2.62387864e-04 -1.21665642e-13 -1.34417600e-13 1.37892305e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10902303 -0.10902303 -0.08545267] [ 0.10902303 0.10902303 -0.08545267] [ 0.04492781 -0.04492781 0.06040036] ... [ 0.00514532 0.00514532 -0.01177563] [ 0.00575589 0.00798976 0.01069252] [ 0.00798976 0.00575589 0.01069252]] Final stress: [-7.60577522e-05 -7.60577522e-05 2.62287446e-04 -1.34781204e-15 -8.64576491e-14 -1.37815034e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0027798 -0.006285 -0.006285 ] [ 0.00460479 0.00117289 -0.00117289] [ 0.00460479 -0.00117289 0.00117289] ... [ 0.00240531 -0.01636652 0.00417735] [ 0.00240531 0.00417735 -0.01636652] [ 0.01326305 0.00716093 0.00716093]] Final stress: [ 2.20250413e-05 1.84963056e-05 1.84963056e-05 1.75234677e-04 -5.21279169e-15 1.13000143e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00460479 -0.00117289 -0.00117289] [ 0.0027798 0.006285 -0.006285 ] [ 0.0027798 -0.006285 0.006285 ] ... [-0.00147946 0.01650427 -0.00443358] [-0.00147946 -0.00443358 0.01650427] [-0.01243151 -0.00717277 -0.00717277]] Final stress: [ 2.20250413e-05 1.84963056e-05 1.84963056e-05 -1.75234678e-04 -9.19593344e-15 1.88872433e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00276743 0.00276743 0.00414173] [ 0.00770065 0.00770065 -0.00885038] [-0.00063095 -0.00189519 0.00075298] ... [-0.00765095 -0.00765095 0.00279267] [-0.00063283 0.00328387 -0.00334957] [ 0.00328387 -0.00063283 -0.00334957]] Final stress: [8.76526218e-06 8.76526218e-06 8.33932097e-06 1.27800865e-04 1.27800865e-04 1.02688784e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00190694 0.0006421 -0.00075317] [-0.0006421 0.00190694 -0.00075317] [ 0.00763729 -0.00763729 0.00879865] ... [ 0.00271495 -0.00238747 -0.00024555] [-0.00416762 -0.00041474 -0.00684674] [ 0.00037227 0.00440333 0.00682389]] Final stress: [ 8.76885311e-06 8.76885312e-06 8.34212322e-06 1.27754596e-04 -1.27754596e-04 -1.02888356e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00062587 -0.00189084 -0.0007534 ] [ 0.00189085 -0.00062587 -0.0007534 ] [-0.00278269 0.00278269 -0.00415242] ... [-0.00239144 0.0027196 -0.00024591] [ 0.00436617 0.00039099 0.00679161] [-0.00043506 -0.00413195 -0.00681478]] Final stress: [ 8.75900564e-06 8.75900562e-06 8.33357385e-06 -1.27843843e-04 1.27843843e-04 -1.02321623e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00767797 -0.00767797 -0.0088322 ] [-0.00274873 -0.00274873 0.00412733] [ 0.00189951 0.00063544 0.00075285] ... [ 0.00755598 0.00755598 -0.00238805] [ 0.0009337 -0.00266243 0.00332578] [-0.00266243 0.0009337 0.00332578]] Final stress: [ 8.76859983e-06 8.76859981e-06 8.34228038e-06 -1.27773277e-04 -1.27773277e-04 1.02882258e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0027533 0.00413105 0.0027533 ] [-0.00063461 0.00075283 -0.00189861] [ 0.00768287 -0.00883622 0.00768287] ... [-0.00062934 -0.0033462 0.00327459] [-0.00765667 0.00279298 -0.00765667] [ 0.00327459 -0.0033462 -0.00062934]] Final stress: [8.76843757e-06 8.34217375e-06 8.76843755e-06 1.27776234e-04 1.02873683e-06 1.27776234e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00189636 -0.00075276 0.00063253] [ 0.00769512 0.00884628 -0.00769512] [-0.00063253 -0.00075276 0.00189635] ... [-0.00415078 -0.00683474 -0.00039809] [ 0.00271982 -0.00024554 -0.0023924 ] [ 0.00035543 0.00681178 0.00438626]] Final stress: [ 8.76803215e-06 8.34190733e-06 8.76803213e-06 1.27783621e-04 -1.02852250e-06 -1.27783621e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00062751 -0.00075277 -0.00189125] [-0.00278869 -0.00415932 0.00278869] [ 0.00189125 -0.00075277 -0.00062751] ... [ 0.00437532 0.0068026 0.00035799] [-0.00239394 -0.00024563 0.00272151] [-0.00040106 -0.00682564 -0.00414023]] Final stress: [ 8.76556442e-06 8.33982249e-06 8.76556443e-06 -1.27808481e-04 -1.02711449e-06 1.27808481e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00766735 -0.00882349 -0.00766735] [ 0.00190147 0.00075291 0.00063725] [-0.00273883 0.00411928 -0.00273883] ... [ 0.0009321 0.00332327 -0.00266466] [ 0.00755686 -0.00238828 0.00755686] [-0.00266466 0.00332327 0.0009321 ]] Final stress: [ 8.76895150e-06 8.34251156e-06 8.76895152e-06 -1.27766868e-04 1.02900836e-06 -1.27766868e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00628668 -0.00278086 -0.00628668] [ 0.00117093 0.00460344 -0.00117093] [ 0.00628668 -0.00278086 0.00628668] ... [-0.01636761 0.00240611 0.00417751] [ 0.00716202 0.01326207 0.00716202] [ 0.00417751 0.00240611 -0.01636761]] Final stress: [1.84967761e-05 2.20257311e-05 1.84967761e-05 5.89924983e-15 1.75222694e-04 1.47070437e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00118185 -0.00461099 -0.00118185] [ 0.0062773 0.00277497 -0.0062773 ] [ 0.00118185 -0.00461099 0.00118185] ... [ 0.01649977 -0.00147608 -0.00443297] [-0.00716828 -0.01243615 -0.00716828] [-0.00443297 -0.00147608 0.01649977]] Final stress: [ 1.84941540e-05 2.20218867e-05 1.84941540e-05 8.70690064e-15 -1.75289479e-04 5.35319100e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00413414 0.00275711 0.00275711] [ 0.00075281 -0.00063392 -0.00189786] [ 0.00075281 -0.00189786 -0.00063392] ... [-0.00334716 -0.00063001 0.00327371] [-0.00334716 0.00327371 -0.00063001] [ 0.00279291 -0.00765632 -0.00765632]] Final stress: [8.34208490e-06 8.76830238e-06 8.76830237e-06 1.02866540e-06 1.27778697e-04 1.27778697e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0007532 -0.0018966 0.00063189] [ 0.00884335 0.00769246 -0.00769246] [-0.00413352 0.00275804 -0.00275804] ... [-0.00682804 -0.00414606 -0.00042166] [ 0.00680501 0.00037834 0.00438096] [-0.00024573 0.0027183 -0.00239049]] Final stress: [ 8.33772990e-06 8.76367701e-06 8.76367702e-06 -1.02592783e-06 1.27805909e-04 -1.27805909e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00075283 0.00063461 -0.00189861] [-0.00413105 -0.0027533 0.0027533 ] [ 0.00883622 -0.00768287 0.00768287] ... [ 0.00681473 0.0043902 0.00035782] [-0.00683766 -0.00040041 -0.00415464] [-0.00024553 -0.00239145 0.00271885]] Final stress: [ 8.34217375e-06 8.76843757e-06 8.76843755e-06 -1.02873683e-06 -1.27776234e-04 1.27776234e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00885431 -0.00770492 -0.00770492] [ 0.00075271 0.00189455 0.00063086] [ 0.00075271 0.00063086 0.00189455] ... [ 0.00333215 0.00093775 -0.00265677] [ 0.00333215 -0.00265677 0.00093775] [-0.00238745 0.00755377 0.00755377]] Final stress: [ 8.34169438e-06 8.76770799e-06 8.76770798e-06 1.02835109e-06 -1.27789526e-04 -1.27789526e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00628789 -0.00628789 -0.00278162] [ 0.00628789 0.00628789 -0.00278162] [ 0.00116953 -0.00116953 0.00460247] ... [ 0.00716279 0.00716279 0.01326138] [-0.01636839 0.00417761 0.00240668] [ 0.00417761 -0.01636839 0.00240668]] Final stress: [ 1.84971123e-05 1.84971123e-05 2.20262239e-05 -1.81324861e-14 1.47632568e-14 1.75214134e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00117933 -0.00117933 -0.00460924] [ 0.00117933 0.00117933 -0.00460924] [ 0.00627946 -0.00627946 0.00277633] ... [-0.00716955 -0.00716955 -0.01243484] [ 0.01650103 -0.00443314 -0.00147703] [-0.00443314 0.01650103 -0.00147703]] Final stress: [ 1.84947592e-05 1.84947592e-05 2.20227740e-05 1.33814497e-15 7.34126849e-15 -1.75274064e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03909227 0.01245549 0.01245549] [ 0.03909215 -0.01245561 0.01245561] [ 0.0390922 0.01245556 -0.01245555] ... [-0.0017541 0.0020492 -0.00320847] [-0.00175411 -0.00320846 0.0020492 ] [ 0.01103534 -0.02626732 -0.02626732]] Final stress: [ 4.58448884e-04 6.90331377e-04 6.90331376e-04 -1.81570397e-13 -1.41666425e-12 -9.88055670e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06746293 -0.03915219 -0.03915219] [-0.06746295 0.03915216 -0.03915216] [-0.06746293 -0.03915219 0.0391522 ] ... [ 0.00656286 0.00244121 0.0009678 ] [ 0.00656286 0.0009678 0.00244121] [-0.02928748 0.0269429 0.0269429 ]] Final stress: [ 5.11973471e-04 -2.80272585e-04 -2.80272585e-04 1.68945385e-14 1.05412264e-12 -5.02532502e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-1.57510933e-02 -1.57510934e-02 2.30698567e-02] [ 1.57512113e-02 1.57512116e-02 2.30697439e-02] [ 1.57511894e-02 -1.57511875e-02 -2.30697682e-02] ... [-3.09899514e-03 -3.09899463e-03 -6.25987959e-03] [-8.96536168e-05 6.74611057e-03 -1.16621053e-02] [ 6.74610633e-03 -8.96530371e-05 -1.16621047e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.61693938e-04 3.61693938e-04 8.35390678e-04 -9.38542341e-13 -1.24190546e-13 9.59656154e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00463936 0.00743898 0.00120112] [ 0.00463936 -0.00743898 0.00120111] [ 0.00463936 0.00743898 -0.00120111] ... [-0.00228196 0.00296856 0.00164314] [-0.00141351 -0.00142014 0.00243408] [ 0.00161937 -0.00058645 -0.00198665]] Final stress: [ 5.93502853e-05 -4.11133494e-05 8.58980804e-06 1.84868820e-13 3.11863095e-14 -6.53276850e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00717875 -0.00419222 0.00130458] [-0.00717875 0.00419222 0.00130458] [-0.00717875 -0.00419222 -0.00130458] ... [ 0.00290156 -0.00221548 0.00165018] [-0.00056099 0.00166093 -0.00189333] [-0.00144753 -0.00144447 0.00233751]] Final stress: [-4.32365567e-05 6.08477685e-05 8.42709254e-06 -8.76560481e-14 -1.06971205e-14 -2.87836523e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00297628 -0.00297628 -0.08270579] [ 0.00297619 0.0029762 -0.0827057 ] [ 0.00297628 -0.00297628 0.08270579] ... [ 0.00604765 0.00604765 -0.01497287] [ 0.01548284 -0.01060741 0.019377 ] [-0.0106074 0.01548284 0.019377 ]] Final stress: [ 6.70504216e-04 6.70504216e-04 -1.84894752e-04 -3.44817980e-13 3.47578365e-13 7.62520626e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01479128 0.02428193 -0.01479128] [ 0.0147912 -0.02428201 -0.0147912 ] [ 0.01479126 0.02428196 0.01479126] ... [ 0.00040015 -0.01160105 0.00632938] [-0.00276717 -0.00745555 -0.00276717] [ 0.00632938 -0.01160106 0.00040015]] Final stress: [ 3.64339598e-04 8.48842040e-04 3.64339598e-04 -1.68968948e-13 -6.92748350e-13 -5.75502009e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00353133 0.00186536 0.00763283] [ 0.00353133 -0.00186535 0.00763283] [ 0.00353133 0.00186535 -0.00763283] ... [-0.00146572 0.00241677 -0.00164734] [-0.00231754 0.00163058 0.00301292] [ 0.00184807 -0.00196401 -0.00051865]] Final stress: [ 5.99578326e-05 8.33652732e-06 -4.25790033e-05 -7.12644486e-15 1.26660162e-13 -1.69339686e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00716082 0.00149969 -0.00379602] [-0.00716082 -0.00149969 -0.00379602] [-0.00716082 0.00149969 0.00379602] ... [-0.00053687 -0.00186197 0.00172584] [ 0.0028928 0.00164711 -0.00220523] [-0.00150891 0.00230642 -0.00146384]] Final stress: [-4.41835840e-05 8.31711901e-06 6.14117914e-05 9.44980563e-14 -1.50389686e-13 -8.38678773e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00297628 -0.08270579 -0.00297629] [ 0.00297621 0.08270571 -0.00297621] [ 0.00297623 -0.08270573 0.00297623] ... [ 0.01548284 0.01937699 -0.0106074 ] [ 0.00604765 -0.01497287 0.00604765] [-0.01060741 0.019377 0.01548284]] Final stress: [ 6.70504145e-04 -1.84894803e-04 6.70504145e-04 3.16116047e-12 -1.31113159e-13 2.38827066e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0543084 0.0668364 0.0668364 ] [-0.03188546 -0.01918814 0.01918814] [-0.03188546 0.01918814 -0.01918814] ... [-0.00754996 -0.00486223 -0.00832345] [-0.00754996 -0.00832345 -0.00486223] [ 0.01545494 0.00033532 0.00033532]] Final stress: [ 1.49684006e-04 2.89402931e-04 2.89402931e-04 3.73985445e-05 -3.84544874e-14 -6.77132700e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03188662 0.01918938 0.01918938] [-0.05430806 -0.06683599 0.06683599] [-0.05430806 0.06683598 -0.06683598] ... [ 0.02496821 -0.01465538 -0.01439784] [ 0.02496821 -0.01439784 -0.01465538] [ 0.01367318 0.01216412 0.01216412]] Final stress: [ 1.49682530e-04 2.89404013e-04 2.89404013e-04 -3.73956889e-05 -5.29899546e-15 -1.84390423e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03905403 -0.02762565 -0.02762565] [ 0.05350862 0.06958763 -0.06958763] [ 0.05350862 -0.06958763 0.06958763] ... [-0.01886031 0.01998823 0.0202713 ] [-0.01886031 0.0202713 0.01998823] [-0.02246318 -0.01357462 -0.01357462]] Final stress: [ 1.07486918e-04 -1.12093950e-04 -1.12093950e-04 5.85119268e-05 3.34399401e-15 -3.52272026e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05360626 -0.06946914 -0.06946914] [ 0.03889053 0.02748014 -0.02748014] [ 0.03889053 -0.02748014 0.02748014] ... [ 0.00675965 0.0046926 0.00774905] [ 0.00675965 0.00774905 0.0046926 ] [-0.01285101 -0.00024028 -0.00024028]] Final stress: [ 1.09545884e-04 -1.12038293e-04 -1.12038293e-04 -5.70858407e-05 -2.14213189e-14 6.88635691e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06518596 0.05192539 0.06452873] [-0.02065647 -0.03264848 0.02035281] [-0.06518596 0.05192539 -0.06452873] ... [ 0.0135757 -0.02336816 -0.00639569] [-0.00018089 -0.013046 -0.01647392] [ 0.02030379 -0.00682233 0.0115401 ]] Final stress: [ 1.30611043e-04 3.05768505e-04 2.89451503e-04 1.67081742e-14 5.94847925e-05 -8.98269541e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02065438 0.03263966 0.02034651] [-0.06518215 -0.05191993 0.06452073] [-0.02065438 0.03263966 -0.0203465 ] ... [ 0.00187272 0.00551711 -0.01634264] [ 0.01449752 -0.01164194 -0.00423396] [ 0.01169663 0.02208148 0.00204479]] Final stress: [ 1.30548851e-04 3.05799194e-04 2.89477821e-04 8.92973843e-14 -5.94351621e-05 7.99754449e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02322899 -0.03945714 -0.02546881] [ 0.06903488 0.05811717 -0.07174573] [ 0.02322899 -0.03945714 0.02546881] ... [-0.00105473 -0.00139309 0.01777532] [-0.0125595 0.01011074 0.00533599] [-0.01147386 -0.01995484 0.0011357 ]] Final stress: [ 8.76283226e-05 -9.42156512e-05 -1.13596949e-04 1.81091759e-14 2.78885727e-05 6.14790533e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06901902 -0.05809109 -0.07165685] [ 0.02320458 0.03929734 -0.02537218] [ 0.06901902 -0.05809108 0.07165685] ... [-0.01303841 0.02788169 0.01026607] [-0.00311222 0.01531893 0.01771855] [-0.02072075 0.00946223 -0.01355895]] Final stress: [ 8.96787719e-05 -9.39426512e-05 -1.13409903e-04 1.02289716e-13 -2.66148433e-05 -1.91912526e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06517137 0.06450978 0.05190598] [-0.06517137 -0.06450977 0.05190598] [-0.02065177 0.02034379 -0.0326399 ] ... [-0.00018418 -0.01648196 -0.01304432] [ 0.01357831 -0.00639335 -0.02337956] [ 0.02031212 0.01154254 -0.00682805]] Final stress: [ 1.30619178e-04 2.89503169e-04 3.05829132e-04 9.54961937e-14 -7.20375782e-14 5.94938192e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02065317 0.02034899 0.03264793] [-0.02065317 -0.02034899 0.03264793] [-0.06517278 0.06451494 -0.05190829] ... [ 0.01450826 -0.00423243 -0.01163983] [ 0.00186473 -0.0163478 0.00553044] [ 0.01168674 0.00203459 0.02210197]] Final stress: [ 1.30688755e-04 2.89484140e-04 3.05807015e-04 2.49562131e-14 -5.65120961e-14 -5.95498228e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02324428 -0.02551032 -0.03953125] [ 0.02324427 0.02551031 -0.03953124] [ 0.06903605 -0.07177329 0.05811217] ... [-0.01257561 0.00533475 0.01009776] [-0.00102969 0.01778419 -0.00143721] [-0.0114423 0.00116747 -0.02000424]] Final stress: [ 8.71389555e-05 -1.13594050e-04 -9.42330724e-05 3.82794780e-14 1.14982108e-14 2.82830029e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06904097 -0.0717677 -0.0581301 ] [ 0.06904096 0.07176769 -0.05813009] [ 0.02323133 -0.02548677 0.03948427] ... [-0.00310395 0.01777496 0.01542756] [-0.01324933 0.01025891 0.02803198] [-0.02059531 -0.01372926 0.00958724]] Final stress: [ 8.70660330e-05 -1.13670092e-04 -9.43120670e-05 -5.34754252e-14 5.21425988e-15 -2.81964025e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.012499 -0.03944767 0.012499 ] [-0.0124991 0.03944757 0.0124991 ] [-0.01249905 -0.03944762 -0.01249905] ... [ 0.0025768 -0.00185047 -0.00311522] [-0.0263085 0.00981817 -0.0263085 ] [-0.00311521 -0.00185047 0.0025768 ]] Final stress: [ 6.89121310e-04 4.58097618e-04 6.89121310e-04 -6.26202171e-13 -6.94566053e-13 -2.93702164e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03897319 0.06745147 -0.03897319] [ 0.03897315 -0.06745151 -0.03897315] [ 0.03897317 0.06745149 0.03897317] ... [ 0.0028443 0.00643235 0.00087723] [ 0.02692229 -0.02999886 0.02692229] [ 0.00087723 0.00643235 0.00284431]] Final stress: [-2.78781015e-04 5.13806314e-04 -2.78781015e-04 -1.48136626e-12 2.51919101e-13 -1.93980570e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02409818 -0.01476976 -0.01476975] [-0.02409824 0.0147697 -0.0147697 ] [-0.02409814 -0.0147698 0.0147698 ] ... [-0.01167507 0.00037868 0.00639081] [-0.01167507 0.00639081 0.00037868] [-0.00729313 -0.0028693 -0.0028693 ]] Final stress: [ 8.44951770e-04 3.64506518e-04 3.64506518e-04 7.32462451e-13 -1.51128697e-12 4.12097081e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00104712 -0.00490338 0.00740153] [-0.00104712 0.00490339 0.00740153] [-0.00104712 -0.00490338 -0.00740153] ... [ 0.00244302 -0.00139994 -0.00137101] [-0.00199689 0.00156942 -0.00060239] [ 0.00164483 -0.00227794 0.00296228]] Final stress: [ 8.64926757e-06 5.91521674e-05 -4.07062476e-05 4.01008505e-14 -1.54047832e-13 -1.10158834e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00130028 0.00746929 -0.00447535] [-0.00130027 -0.00746929 -0.00447535] [-0.00130027 0.00746929 0.00447535] ... [-0.00198404 -0.0005765 0.00165245] [ 0.00243241 -0.00145255 -0.0014221 ] [ 0.0016422 0.00297648 -0.0022883 ]] Final stress: [ 8.55157958e-06 -4.13346271e-05 5.94429623e-05 -7.94955046e-15 -2.56196954e-15 1.35895842e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08270579 -0.00297628 -0.00297628] [ 0.08270575 0.00297624 -0.00297624] [ 0.08270582 -0.00297631 0.00297631] ... [ 0.019377 0.01548284 -0.0106074 ] [ 0.01937699 -0.01060739 0.01548284] [-0.01497287 0.00604765 0.00604765]] Final stress: [-1.84894792e-04 6.70504159e-04 6.70504159e-04 -3.81505608e-13 -1.04459599e-12 3.09435241e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05193853 0.06519193 0.06457813] [-0.03274233 -0.02067033 0.02041064] [-0.03274233 0.02067033 -0.02041064] ... [-0.02346131 0.0136736 -0.00639949] [-0.0068968 0.02024345 0.01162447] [-0.01309468 -0.00017724 -0.01650862]] Final stress: [ 3.05543526e-04 1.31491178e-04 2.89257551e-04 6.01951217e-05 1.67041945e-14 -3.77575415e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0326404 0.02065221 0.02034449] [-0.05190795 -0.06517287 0.06451154] [-0.05190795 0.06517287 -0.06451154] ... [ 0.00552432 0.00186881 -0.01634629] [ 0.02209404 0.01169301 0.00204027] [-0.01164228 0.01450393 -0.00423383]] Final stress: [ 3.05823783e-04 1.30614541e-04 2.89498621e-04 -5.94898198e-05 2.07691946e-14 1.92555161e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03935736 -0.02321428 -0.025408 ] [ 0.05809818 0.06902381 -0.07168802] [ 0.05809818 -0.06902381 0.07168802] ... [-0.00131528 -0.00110856 0.01775776] [-0.0198641 -0.01155587 0.00106966] [ 0.01014952 -0.01250481 0.00535652]] Final stress: [-9.40304450e-05 8.89724358e-05 -1.13467877e-04 2.70658070e-05 4.22238930e-14 -5.70903497e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05811192 -0.06903311 -0.07174395] [ 0.03946287 0.02323126 -0.02547111] [ 0.03946287 -0.02323126 0.02547111] ... [ 0.02800427 -0.0132046 0.01026135] [ 0.0095656 -0.02062631 -0.0136934 ] [ 0.01540177 -0.0031125 0.01775616]] Final stress: [-9.41871981e-05 8.77172440e-05 -1.13572176e-04 -2.78650030e-05 2.92286347e-14 -4.54734689e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06671216 0.05433511 0.06671216] [-0.01906005 -0.03179022 0.01906005] [-0.06671215 0.05433511 -0.06671215] ... [-0.00500122 -0.00745467 -0.00832616] [ 0.00037762 0.01570707 0.00037762] [-0.00832616 -0.00745467 -0.00500122]] Final stress: [ 2.89851477e-04 1.47881643e-04 2.89851477e-04 -3.51164251e-14 3.58598917e-05 3.87732649e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01910978 0.03185351 0.01910978] [-0.06673657 -0.05429601 0.06673657] [-0.01910977 0.03185351 -0.01910977] ... [-0.01451783 0.0248301 -0.01436545] [ 0.01208504 0.01372068 0.01208504] [-0.01436545 0.0248301 -0.01451783]] Final stress: [ 2.89721800e-04 1.48075732e-04 2.89721800e-04 -3.78148123e-14 -3.61923577e-05 2.90810168e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0272964 -0.03872468 -0.0272964 ] [ 0.0692572 0.0537076 -0.0692572 ] [ 0.0272964 -0.03872468 0.0272964 ] ... [ 0.01955586 -0.01822319 0.02020476] [-0.01342921 -0.02261803 -0.01342921] [ 0.02020476 -0.01822319 0.01955586]] Final stress: [-1.11593055e-04 1.14469316e-04 -1.11593055e-04 9.42571569e-14 5.42865123e-05 -8.13465237e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06961742 -0.05345365 -0.06961742] [ 0.0276885 0.03914457 -0.0276885 ] [ 0.06961743 -0.05345365 0.06961743] ... [ 0.00452504 0.00689497 0.00776612] [-0.00027653 -0.01268303 -0.00027653] [ 0.00776612 0.00689497 0.00452504]] Final stress: [-1.11951215e-04 1.07586808e-04 -1.11951215e-04 1.79854391e-14 -5.86935879e-05 5.34573496e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06456459 0.06519172 0.05193665] [-0.06456459 -0.06519172 0.05193665] [-0.02039324 0.02066644 -0.03271335] ... [-0.01649652 -0.000178 -0.0130793 ] [ 0.01159719 0.02026168 -0.0068723 ] [-0.00639856 0.01364197 -0.02343012]] Final stress: [ 2.89312831e-04 1.31208957e-04 3.05607568e-04 -3.27851830e-14 -2.79108447e-14 5.99670776e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02042894 0.02067601 0.03276905] [-0.02042893 -0.02067601 0.03276904] [-0.06459935 0.06520064 -0.05195127] ... [-0.00421 0.01455933 -0.01159888] [ 0.0019559 0.01159558 0.02219285] [-0.01636132 0.00181021 0.0056081 ]] Final stress: [ 2.89186522e-04 1.31697799e-04 3.05460787e-04 -6.01545378e-15 4.99117651e-14 -6.03606081e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02535721 -0.02320261 -0.0392746 ] [ 0.02535721 0.02320261 -0.03927461] [ 0.07163926 -0.06901464 0.05808115] ... [ 0.00537497 -0.01245729 0.01018343] [ 0.00101317 -0.01162697 -0.01978732] [ 0.01774306 -0.00115472 -0.00124929]] Final stress: [-1.13349464e-04 9.01442883e-05 -9.38624588e-05 -5.76654161e-15 1.02996937e-13 2.63599634e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07177137 -0.06903778 -0.05811841] [ 0.07177138 0.06903779 -0.05811842] [ 0.02550216 -0.0232398 0.03951496] ... [ 0.01776791 -0.00311276 0.01542752] [-0.01373531 -0.0205973 0.00959799] [ 0.01025999 -0.01325634 0.02804283]] Final stress: [-1.13620363e-04 8.71140398e-05 -9.42603494e-05 -2.61159723e-14 -2.01339446e-15 -2.82528618e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01185733 0.01185733 -0.03986384] [-0.01185725 -0.01185725 -0.03986392] [-0.01185723 0.01185723 0.03986393] ... [-0.02643248 -0.02643248 0.01161545] [ 0.00201017 -0.00278653 -0.00160459] [-0.00278654 0.00201018 -0.00160459]] Final stress: [ 6.84894458e-04 6.84894458e-04 4.61558690e-04 -1.23049488e-12 3.30285297e-13 -1.00508583e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03826775 -0.03826776 0.06795126] [ 0.03826779 0.03826779 0.06795123] [ 0.03826775 -0.03826775 -0.06795127] ... [ 0.02708695 0.02708695 -0.03005865] [ 0.00273062 0.00050959 0.00640753] [ 0.00050958 0.00273063 0.00640754]] Final stress: [-2.78401523e-04 -2.78401523e-04 5.02984151e-04 -1.81776424e-12 -1.62513983e-13 -2.09477628e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05194196 0.06456781 0.06519593] [-0.03271096 -0.02039292 0.02066715] [-0.03271096 0.02039292 -0.02066715] ... [-0.00686651 0.01159189 0.02026234] [-0.02342156 -0.00639908 0.01363589] [-0.01307721 -0.01649216 -0.00017718]] Final stress: [ 3.05600858e-04 2.89307232e-04 1.31159038e-04 5.99260188e-05 -6.04371089e-14 6.73736592e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03266161 0.02035908 0.02065671] [-0.05191828 -0.06452853 0.06517986] [-0.05191828 0.06452853 -0.06517986] ... [ 0.02210715 0.0020274 0.0116777 ] [ 0.00553638 -0.0163478 0.00186008] [-0.01163494 -0.00422989 0.01451144]] Final stress: [ 3.05756227e-04 2.89440622e-04 1.30777755e-04 -5.96205708e-05 -2.65260632e-14 -2.76908575e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03924301 -0.02533966 -0.02319594] [ 0.05808435 0.07162842 -0.06901473] [ 0.05808435 -0.07162842 0.06901473] ... [-0.01976707 0.00100037 -0.01163929] [-0.00123097 0.01773954 -0.00116476] [ 0.01018839 0.00537489 -0.01245159]] Final stress: [-9.38592116e-05 -1.13354304e-04 9.03337068e-05 2.62002863e-05 -1.26113099e-14 5.33288606e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05802931 -0.07150114 -0.06899016] [ 0.03904556 0.02521507 -0.02317278] [ 0.03904556 -0.02521507 0.02317278] ... [ 0.00928736 -0.0133132 -0.02091126] [ 0.02767272 0.01027866 -0.01273275] [ 0.01515928 0.01763367 -0.00313082]] Final stress: [-9.33326036e-05 -1.12970887e-04 9.36413712e-05 -2.43027971e-05 3.28215801e-14 -1.84209164e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06451629 0.05191095 0.06517491] [-0.02034846 -0.03264611 0.02065346] [-0.06451629 0.05191095 -0.06517492] ... [ 0.01154584 -0.00683016 0.02030748] [-0.01648172 -0.01304691 -0.00018327] [-0.00639405 -0.02338123 0.01358218]] Final stress: [ 2.89482561e-04 3.05805071e-04 1.30657502e-04 -2.54618299e-15 5.95242012e-05 2.73781542e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02039919 0.0327183 0.02066985] [-0.06457842 -0.05195149 0.06520296] [-0.02039919 0.0327183 -0.02066984] ... [ 0.00199487 0.02213678 0.01163826] [-0.00421936 -0.01161511 0.01452877] [-0.01635026 0.00556552 0.0018384 ]] Final stress: [ 2.89276343e-04 3.05564702e-04 1.31186543e-04 -3.45399909e-14 -5.99470525e-05 -1.56150008e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.025494 -0.03949867 -0.02323531] [ 0.07176943 0.05812463 -0.06903949] [ 0.025494 -0.03949868 0.02323532] ... [ 0.00116259 -0.01999208 -0.0114408 ] [ 0.00532794 0.01009521 -0.01258152] [ 0.01778258 -0.00142497 -0.00103286]] Final stress: [-1.13646717e-04 -9.42877301e-05 8.70887468e-05 -6.49336330e-14 2.82228601e-05 9.78470816e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07176667 -0.05811278 -0.06903558] [ 0.02550088 0.03951457 -0.02324095] [ 0.07176667 -0.05811278 0.06903558] ... [-0.01372832 0.00959473 -0.02060432] [ 0.0177628 0.01542186 -0.00311585] [ 0.01026068 0.02803822 -0.01324755]] Final stress: [-1.13592139e-04 -9.42260382e-05 8.72623701e-05 4.79775288e-14 -2.81885689e-05 -7.66335375e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06665728 0.06665728 0.05431984] [-0.06665728 -0.06665728 0.05431985] [-0.01902037 0.01902037 -0.03178364] ... [ 0.00041134 0.00041134 0.01584018] [-0.0050618 -0.00832799 -0.0074217 ] [-0.00832799 -0.0050618 -0.0074217 ]] Final stress: [ 2.90025446e-04 2.90025446e-04 1.46920203e-04 -4.37862961e-14 -3.71697590e-15 3.51844015e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0189389 0.0189389 0.03167706] [-0.01893889 -0.01893889 0.03167705] [-0.06662493 0.06662493 -0.05438675] ... [ 0.01204103 0.01204103 0.01376496] [-0.01436114 -0.01432921 0.02462668] [-0.01432921 -0.01436114 0.02462668]] Final stress: [ 2.90216531e-04 2.90216531e-04 1.46707053e-04 2.22524405e-14 5.34644922e-14 -3.47208008e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02753727 -0.02753727 -0.03897921] [ 0.02753727 0.02753727 -0.03897921] [ 0.06947781 -0.06947781 0.05354123] ... [-0.01351499 -0.01351499 -0.02251533] [ 0.01985082 0.02025203 -0.01866669] [ 0.02025203 0.01985082 -0.01866669]] Final stress: [-1.11848995e-04 -1.11848995e-04 1.09890189e-04 1.12420734e-14 -3.30208671e-14 5.71949020e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06940544 -0.06940544 -0.05362308] [ 0.06940544 0.06940544 -0.05362308] [ 0.0274362 -0.0274362 0.03885638] ... [-0.00026005 -0.00026005 -0.01297945] [ 0.00476913 0.00774534 0.00670443] [ 0.00774534 0.00476913 0.00670443]] Final stress: [-1.11882617e-04 -1.11882617e-04 1.11021561e-04 2.62123497e-14 7.35393253e-14 -5.62902283e-05] Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00124036 0.00124036 0.00136427] [ 0.00416451 0.00416451 -0.00415923] [ 0.00042665 -0.00054612 0.00056381] ... [-0.00647039 -0.00647039 0.00284448] [ 0.00137906 0.003731 -0.00337398] [ 0.003731 0.00137906 -0.00337398]] Final stress: [7.15893364e-06 7.15893362e-06 6.66497068e-06 5.50735341e-05 5.50735341e-05 9.25228685e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.46116013e-04 -4.26650986e-04 -5.63814759e-04] [ 4.26650551e-04 5.46115576e-04 -5.63814299e-04] [ 4.16451348e-03 -4.16451349e-03 4.15922687e-03] ... [ 4.81058548e-03 -4.51593024e-03 -2.14851011e-05] [-2.97998207e-03 -7.55825674e-04 -7.71928832e-03] [ 9.21580093e-04 3.14761882e-03 7.73407475e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.15893364e-06 7.15893363e-06 6.66497071e-06 5.50735340e-05 -5.50735340e-05 -9.25228677e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.26650702e-04 -5.46115714e-04 -5.63814466e-04] [ 5.46115691e-04 4.26650668e-04 -5.63814420e-04] [-1.24036364e-03 1.24036364e-03 -1.36427086e-03] ... [-4.51593017e-03 4.81058548e-03 -2.14851440e-05] [ 3.14761882e-03 9.21579994e-04 7.73407473e-03] [-7.55825620e-04 -2.97998211e-03 -7.71928831e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.15893363e-06 7.15893363e-06 6.66497070e-06 -5.50735340e-05 5.50735340e-05 -9.25228685e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00416451 -0.00416451 -0.00415923] [-0.00124036 -0.00124036 0.00136427] [ 0.00054612 -0.00042665 0.00056381] ... [ 0.00640433 0.00640433 -0.00243249] [-0.00119762 -0.00322133 0.00337616] [-0.00322133 -0.00119762 0.00337616]] Final stress: [ 7.15893364e-06 7.15893363e-06 6.66497071e-06 -5.50735341e-05 -5.50735341e-05 9.25228680e-07] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00124036 0.00136427 0.00124036] [ 0.00042665 0.00056381 -0.00054612] [ 0.00416451 -0.00415923 0.00416451] ... [ 0.00137906 -0.00337398 0.003731 ] [-0.00647039 0.00284449 -0.00647039] [ 0.003731 -0.00337398 0.00137906]] Final stress: [7.15893368e-06 6.66497064e-06 7.15893361e-06 5.50735341e-05 9.25228701e-07 5.50735340e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.46115679e-04 -5.63814421e-04 -4.26650654e-04] [ 4.16451261e-03 4.15922601e-03 -4.16451262e-03] [ 4.26650033e-04 -5.63813785e-04 5.46115046e-04] ... [-2.97998211e-03 -7.71928831e-03 -7.55825639e-04] [ 4.81058547e-03 -2.14851000e-05 -4.51593016e-03] [ 9.21579942e-04 7.73407476e-03 3.14761879e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.15893363e-06 6.66497068e-06 7.15893365e-06 5.50735340e-05 -9.25228674e-07 -5.50735340e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.26650663e-04 -5.63814420e-04 -5.46115688e-04] [-1.24036377e-03 -1.36427100e-03 1.24036377e-03] [ 5.46115973e-04 -5.63814716e-04 4.26650958e-04] ... [ 3.14761884e-03 7.73407475e-03 9.21579963e-04] [-4.51593021e-03 -2.14850979e-05 4.81058548e-03] [-7.55825643e-04 -7.71928832e-03 -2.97998205e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.15893364e-06 6.66497068e-06 7.15893365e-06 -5.50735341e-05 -9.25228698e-07 5.50735341e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00416451 -0.00415923 -0.00416451] [ 0.00054612 0.00056381 -0.00042665] [-0.00124036 0.00136427 -0.00124036] ... [-0.00119762 0.00337616 -0.00322133] [ 0.00640433 -0.00243249 0.00640433] [-0.00322133 0.00337616 -0.00119762]] Final stress: [ 7.15893366e-06 6.66497068e-06 7.15893366e-06 -5.50735340e-05 9.25228695e-07 -5.50735340e-05] Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00136427 0.00124036 0.00124036] [ 0.00056381 0.00042665 -0.00054612] [ 0.00056381 -0.00054612 0.00042665] ... [-0.00337398 0.00137906 0.003731 ] [-0.00337398 0.003731 0.00137906] [ 0.00284448 -0.00647039 -0.00647039]] Final stress: [6.66497071e-06 7.15893365e-06 7.15893363e-06 9.25228672e-07 5.50735340e-05 5.50735340e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.63814593e-04 -5.46115867e-04 -4.26650837e-04] [ 4.15922630e-03 4.16451291e-03 -4.16451294e-03] [-1.36427096e-03 1.24036377e-03 -1.24036375e-03] ... [-7.71928831e-03 -2.97998211e-03 -7.55825673e-04] [ 7.73407476e-03 9.21579967e-04 3.14761874e-03] [-2.14851205e-05 4.81058550e-03 -4.51593017e-03]] Final stress: [ 6.66497069e-06 7.15893364e-06 7.15893362e-06 -9.25228713e-07 5.50735341e-05 -5.50735340e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.63813536e-04 -4.26649771e-04 -5.46114800e-04] [-1.36427080e-03 -1.24036359e-03 1.24036358e-03] [ 4.15922655e-03 -4.16451317e-03 4.16451317e-03] ... [ 7.73407478e-03 3.14761880e-03 9.21580001e-04] [-7.71928826e-03 -7.55825746e-04 -2.97998207e-03] [-2.14851441e-05 -4.51593022e-03 4.81058550e-03]] Final stress: [ 6.66497071e-06 7.15893366e-06 7.15893359e-06 -9.25228705e-07 -5.50735340e-05 5.50735340e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00415923 -0.00416451 -0.00416451] [ 0.00056381 0.00054612 -0.00042665] [ 0.00056381 -0.00042665 0.00054612] ... [ 0.00337616 -0.00119762 -0.00322133] [ 0.00337616 -0.00322133 -0.00119762] [-0.00243249 0.00640433 0.00640433]] Final stress: [ 6.66497069e-06 7.15893365e-06 7.15893363e-06 9.25228731e-07 -5.50735340e-05 -5.50735340e-05] Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0497801 0.00223957 0.00223957] [ 0.04978014 -0.00223952 0.00223952] [ 0.04978011 0.00223956 -0.00223956] ... [-0.00723298 -0.00504745 0.00267561] [-0.00723298 0.00267562 -0.00504745] [ 0.0160174 -0.01794132 -0.01794132]] Final stress: [ 3.09324377e-04 4.61661990e-04 4.61661990e-04 -7.65596106e-14 -5.83166580e-14 -5.82446412e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05345968 -0.01464025 -0.01464025] [-0.05345968 0.01464025 -0.01464025] [-0.05345968 -0.01464025 0.01464025] ... [ 0.00900859 0.00256008 0.00515531] [ 0.00900859 0.00515531 0.00256008] [-0.01846922 0.01732341 0.01732341]] Final stress: [ 1.17956490e-04 -2.43238533e-04 -2.43238533e-04 -5.51769418e-14 2.41577112e-13 -6.37118029e-15] Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.58743923e-03 -1.65438889e-04 -7.34115342e-04] [-4.38822337e-03 -3.96186518e-03 8.41286026e-03] [-3.95818418e-04 5.17663653e-03 -2.92755169e-03] ... [-3.34556126e-03 1.31871887e-03 -1.02073389e-03] [ 6.51096726e-04 7.58052327e-04 -1.96175301e-03] [-6.29131341e-05 -2.79286907e-03 -7.74527883e-04]] Final stress: [0.04739091 0.04441806 0.0465968 0.00022275 0.00029655 0.00010862] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 82 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02501961 -0.13096315 -0.08525399] [ 0.03527587 -0.07445933 0.01597511] [ 0.02304956 -0.04096355 0.00835191] ... [ 0.02010632 0.01036117 0.01485219] [ 0.00517017 0.01507138 0.00607891] [-0.01550445 0.02988047 -0.00757583]] Final stress: [ 4.18024867e-02 4.21688014e-02 4.18688995e-02 -8.05428647e-05 -4.68839303e-07 -1.71062839e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02919894 -0.02919894 -0.10485145] [ 0.02919875 0.02919875 -0.10485127] [ 0.02919864 -0.02919862 0.10485113] ... [ 0.01396579 0.01396579 -0.11872126] [ 0.02894031 -0.05981636 0.06056745] [-0.05981633 0.0289403 0.06056745]] Final stress: [ 1.66419376e-03 1.66419376e-03 1.40400067e-03 -4.93994081e-12 -3.55825711e-12 6.75229350e-12] Minimization converged after 45 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09256803 -0.05621751 0.00360939] [ 0.09256805 0.05621752 0.00360938] [ 0.09256807 -0.05621754 -0.00360936] ... [-0.02237812 0.00573129 -0.0462777 ] [-0.02465065 0.0034757 0.0231745 ] [ 0.03964525 -0.00755333 0.01219872]] Final stress: [-2.50222041e-05 2.22521214e-04 7.82344379e-04 5.62413870e-13 -1.08188337e-12 2.99349438e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 83 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01359181 0.02346652 0.00084904] [-0.00235143 -0.00283439 -0.01674398] [-0.00440338 0.03592127 -0.0159558 ] ... [ 0.00503389 -0.01079979 0.0146351 ] [-0.00057378 0.01699883 -0.00284991] [-0.014469 -0.01384178 0.0096997 ]] Final stress: [ 4.18461981e-02 4.19623957e-02 4.19615543e-02 4.69371240e-06 -4.50407635e-05 -1.53030014e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02875109 -0.10337728 -0.02875108] [ 0.02875086 0.10337705 -0.02875087] [ 0.0287508 -0.10337698 0.0287508 ] ... [ 0.02748977 0.06045535 -0.05964699] [ 0.01453096 -0.11794968 0.01453096] [-0.05964699 0.06045535 0.02748977]] Final stress: [ 1.62888371e-03 1.36532030e-03 1.62888371e-03 3.25026646e-12 -3.31444678e-12 4.37156502e-12] Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05208812 -0.09454796 -0.03978488] [ 0.00901701 -0.06060277 0.00575266] [ 0.05208813 -0.09454797 0.03978489] ... [ 0.01669654 -0.07897055 -0.01290306] [ 0.00725304 -0.0392143 -0.00198205] [ 0.01883044 -0.07093666 -0.0017332 ]] Final stress: [ 1.44498894e-04 1.04378226e-03 9.35391497e-04 1.58808358e-13 -4.17368363e-05 2.64354945e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01252893 0.05339562 0.00015473] [ 0.05357308 0.09645072 -0.04331248] [ 0.01252893 0.05339563 -0.00015474] ... [ 0.02353427 0.09229478 -0.02793268] [ 0.02891166 -0.01955923 -0.00276528] [ 0.01617553 0.10593448 0.02398586]] Final stress: [ 1.50751331e-04 1.06358447e-03 9.51005488e-04 -1.14330965e-13 4.87567465e-05 -3.17177680e-13] Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0521346 -0.03983209 -0.09459357] [ 0.0521346 0.03983209 -0.09459357] [ 0.00897375 0.00579613 -0.06064559] ... [ 0.0072625 -0.00196092 -0.03921413] [ 0.01668236 -0.01290787 -0.07896549] [ 0.01883936 -0.00174937 -0.07094039]] Final stress: [ 1.44474901e-04 9.35648814e-04 1.04407244e-03 1.28483369e-13 7.66140845e-14 -4.19065696e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00834995 0.00613494 0.06076677] [ 0.00834995 -0.00613494 0.06076677] [ 0.05262922 -0.04057341 0.09509195] ... [ 0.02543905 -0.00286185 -0.01466009] [ 0.02445821 -0.02634861 0.09421308] [ 0.01400212 0.02453814 0.10435624]] Final stress: [ 1.15237458e-04 9.34348070e-04 1.04260526e-03 3.15093233e-13 -1.54690693e-13 6.04191110e-05] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00109555 -0.04928522 0.00109555] [-0.00109558 0.04928519 0.00109558] [-0.00109557 -0.0492852 -0.00109557] ... [-0.00610142 -0.00573474 0.00173402] [-0.01795847 0.02071604 -0.01795847] [ 0.00173402 -0.00573474 -0.00610142]] Final stress: [ 4.44996699e-04 3.22961059e-04 4.44996699e-04 3.75554866e-13 -1.81991433e-13 -2.05255464e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01653561 0.05418021 -0.01653561] [ 0.01653559 -0.05418022 -0.01653559] [ 0.01653561 0.0541802 0.01653561] ... [ 0.00155546 0.00991275 0.00461192] [ 0.01724103 -0.01519903 0.01724103] [ 0.00461192 0.00991275 0.00155546]] Final stress: [-2.49493448e-04 1.53491428e-04 -2.49493448e-04 -3.22822342e-13 1.13381875e-13 -2.85018832e-13] Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00046063 -0.00080124 -0.00174017] [-0.0026699 -0.00472888 0.00667883] [-0.00084063 -0.00272566 0.00061758] ... [-0.00086843 -0.004295 0.00283903] [-0.00225175 0.00252437 0.00022824] [ 0.0024356 -0.00511526 -0.00093036]] Final stress: [ 4.19344164e-02 4.20359209e-02 4.19256672e-02 -5.84780613e-06 -2.09657884e-07 2.74229528e-06] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00185156 -0.00490621 -0.00200171] [ 0.0016315 -0.002786 0.00088572] [-0.00299458 0.00413127 -0.00659098] ... [ 0.00169896 0.00392577 0.00409286] [-0.0010401 -0.00139453 0.00277779] [-0.00150581 -0.00012173 0.00022484]] Final stress: [ 4.64709639e-02 4.33138379e-02 4.70379558e-02 -3.74251871e-05 -8.79998944e-04 5.23473578e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10577364 -0.02851 -0.02851 ] [ 0.10577372 0.02851007 -0.02851007] [ 0.105774 -0.02851035 0.02851034] ... [ 0.06012079 0.0305764 -0.05939431] [ 0.06012078 -0.05939432 0.03057641] [-0.11726747 0.01306293 0.01306292]] Final stress: [ 1.41704319e-03 1.67908141e-03 1.67908141e-03 -5.62417249e-13 4.04685439e-12 6.17660571e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09459042 -0.05210687 -0.03984302] [-0.06067286 0.00889323 0.00583597] [-0.06067286 -0.00889324 -0.00583597] ... [-0.07879376 0.01654968 -0.01288176] [-0.07083915 0.0188544 -0.00186961] [-0.03923809 0.00729427 -0.00182134]] Final stress: [ 1.04448550e-03 1.43138164e-04 9.36018919e-04 -4.28249785e-05 -7.26775622e-14 -2.24082894e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06077274 -0.00867937 0.00596663] [ 0.09461961 0.05209093 -0.03990697] [ 0.09461961 -0.05209093 0.03990697] ... [ 0.09496492 0.02315203 -0.02713431] [ 0.10644194 0.01282948 0.02290855] [-0.01446933 0.02727498 -0.00249197]] Final stress: [ 1.04553794e-03 1.40355570e-04 9.36961438e-04 4.48840137e-05 5.60784674e-15 -2.59427687e-13] Minimization converged after 143 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04278183 -0.05389945 -0.096518 ] [ 0.04278183 0.05389945 -0.096518 ] [-0.00132477 -0.01222879 -0.05515946] ... [-0.00393161 0.0059707 -0.03545328] [-0.00268188 0.02203219 -0.06981958] [-0.01283026 0.01563704 -0.07894621]] Final stress: [ 9.43530840e-04 1.45403507e-04 1.05460984e-03 8.61497147e-14 -5.17931576e-14 -4.81957947e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00559757 -0.00925432 0.06048491] [-0.00559758 0.00925431 0.06048492] [ 0.03990986 -0.05229574 0.09471069] ... [-0.002401 0.02758733 -0.01494925] [ 0.02270859 0.01274395 0.10682738] [-0.02722789 0.02308517 0.09516464]] Final stress: [ 9.34293292e-04 1.43376090e-04 1.04257208e-03 2.50780376e-14 -3.71965554e-13 4.21222082e-05] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00276011 0.00276011 -0.05043394] [-0.00276013 -0.00276013 -0.05043393] [-0.00276014 0.00276014 0.05043392] ... [-0.01803431 -0.01803431 0.01601774] [-0.00407233 0.002012 -0.00694036] [ 0.002012 -0.00407233 -0.00694036]] Final stress: [ 4.72920259e-04 4.72920259e-04 3.02676277e-04 1.05787255e-12 -2.90218479e-13 -4.56000180e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01568785 -0.01568785 0.05401137] [ 0.01568783 0.01568782 0.0540114 ] [ 0.01568784 -0.01568784 -0.05401139] ... [ 0.0173579 0.0173579 -0.01681318] [ 0.00201261 0.00500932 0.00950376] [ 0.00500932 0.00201261 0.00950376]] Final stress: [-2.46311483e-04 -2.46311483e-04 1.38054576e-04 -7.02035758e-14 -4.95581501e-13 3.94893947e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09500189 -0.0405178 -0.05246968] [-0.05927836 -0.00470362 -0.00970794] [-0.05927836 0.00470361 0.00970795] ... [-0.0706266 -0.00191599 0.01966214] [-0.07896696 -0.01285243 0.01648521] [-0.03837878 -0.00252302 0.00689591]] Final stress: [ 1.04753540e-03 9.38348789e-04 1.45439605e-04 -4.32272042e-05 -7.88564774e-14 -1.14348646e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06046608 0.00555599 -0.0093503 ] [ 0.09487732 0.04005467 -0.05249401] [ 0.09487732 -0.04005468 0.05249401] ... [ 0.10683064 0.02278656 0.01280522] [ 0.09521782 -0.02721711 0.02317529] [-0.01512674 -0.00241157 0.02753606]] Final stress: [ 1.04214924e-03 9.33902402e-04 1.42590735e-04 4.26125745e-05 -3.32921143e-13 -4.39245293e-14] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04002666 -0.09472582 -0.05218828] [-0.00597838 -0.06077415 -0.00864108] [ 0.04002666 -0.09472582 0.05218829] ... [-0.0024654 -0.07045783 0.0189338 ] [-0.00117075 -0.0391561 0.00747453] [-0.01282947 -0.07808274 0.01590604]] Final stress: [ 9.36926372e-04 1.04550583e-03 1.36799240e-04 3.25790959e-13 -4.71286579e-05 1.02453520e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00350385 0.05777493 -0.01052344] [ 0.0413211 0.09549799 -0.05289708] [-0.00350385 0.05777493 0.01052344] ... [ 0.02323432 0.10652598 0.01408679] [-0.00254898 -0.01677852 0.028091 ] [-0.02751121 0.09411028 0.02328869]] Final stress: [ 9.41234453e-04 1.05125166e-03 1.46255158e-04 -2.82811845e-13 4.48779077e-05 9.30167865e-14] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 160 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.62910075e-04 1.81900634e-03 -2.67691510e-04] [ 1.11502458e-03 1.09824307e-03 -7.52658372e-05] [-1.15124096e-03 1.49784062e-03 1.46390615e-03] ... [ 5.35590941e-04 7.84436748e-04 4.35402433e-04] [-6.68356956e-04 1.08237441e-03 4.61120917e-05] [ 9.43812450e-04 -6.27474072e-04 -2.13810013e-06]] Final stress: [ 0.04536345 0.04535864 0.04624324 -0.00035741 -0.00035701 0.00245516] Minimization converged after 152 steps. Minimization converged after 154 steps. Minimization converged after 152 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00100172 -0.01030904 -0.00230704] [-0.00365615 0.00211509 0.01094352] [ 0.00139541 -0.01558308 -0.02101331] ... [-0.00260573 -0.00753048 0.00226093] [ 0.00567576 -0.01714088 -0.00246902] [ 0.02026271 -0.00041647 -0.00141669]] Final stress: [4.56871504e-02 4.60952133e-02 4.54112871e-02 7.56785233e-05 1.82878567e-03 9.09751858e-05] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00458628 0.02427458 0.01676335] [ 0.00819857 -0.01587421 -0.00460559] [ 0.01983366 0.00015077 0.00944836] ... [ 0.00408441 -0.0092699 -0.0037233 ] [-0.00155588 0.01046441 0.00265809] [ 0.00731531 0.00497759 0.00489342]] Final stress: [ 0.04588728 0.04639108 0.04533998 -0.00019148 -0.00188699 0.00018983] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 157 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01142751 -0.01174502 -0.01318729] [-0.00362662 -0.00615792 0.00448876] [ 0.00127534 -0.0040132 0.00166115] ... [ 0.00218919 0.00287011 -0.00123262] [-0.00080478 -0.00158786 -0.00035018] [-0.0017353 0.00091448 0.001427 ]] Final stress: [ 0.04542143 0.04622619 0.04530925 0.00037301 -0.00245774 -0.00036912] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 163 steps. Final forces: [[-2.92658661e-04 -7.96515606e-04 -2.22164772e-04] [ 7.22260177e-04 8.55194228e-04 -8.80863994e-04] [ 1.24812733e-04 -8.39610745e-05 1.44995845e-04] ... [-3.17512812e-04 -6.57744808e-04 -1.35372248e-04] [-2.80838858e-04 4.55935308e-04 -3.15103802e-04] [-2.60047214e-04 -7.66712693e-04 -2.94434801e-04]] Final stress: [0.04535876 0.04623163 0.04535899 0.00036032 0.00246109 0.00036045] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10316111 0.15345359 0.10316111] [ 0.11260086 0.11903291 -0.11260086] [-0.10316111 0.1534536 -0.10316111] ... [-0.11863403 0.37693583 0.08559993] [-0.07782597 0.35344888 -0.07782597] [ 0.08559994 0.37693583 -0.11863402]] Final stress: [ 5.70386528e-03 7.42204481e-03 5.70386528e-03 8.05151625e-14 -2.55278466e-03 -8.46141949e-13] Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01071664 -0.00713464 -0.01540243] [ 0.00947039 0.00786948 -0.00183515] [-0.00559775 0.00397127 0.02340673] ... [-0.01247033 0.00774049 -0.01230542] [ 0.00169719 0.00048576 -0.00047082] [-0.00691209 -0.00582915 -0.00314895]] Final stress: [ 4.63960297e-02 4.64841505e-02 4.54221356e-02 1.47023739e-03 -1.06756083e-04 -6.40544904e-05] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01193133 -0.02521372 0.00911603] [ 0.0173589 -0.01829588 0.00434795] [-0.06849579 0.02232528 -0.01771376] ... [ 0.00050719 -0.00190415 -0.00981502] [-0.003091 0.02404019 -0.00629224] [ 0.00231067 0.01043212 0.01841779]] Final stress: [ 4.64468741e-02 4.51864343e-02 4.63956803e-02 -1.25316197e-03 -1.41908747e-04 -7.80272643e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 162 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.93548758e-04 5.81232937e-04 3.19905923e-04] [ 2.58803765e-04 -1.44643204e-04 -6.81478085e-05] [-7.12153372e-04 -5.66907513e-04 4.50103199e-04] ... [ 3.71885395e-05 5.32868166e-04 -1.11050731e-04] [ 1.67284034e-04 7.15218169e-05 1.24892813e-04] [-5.78899220e-04 2.98744380e-04 -1.96337813e-04]] Final stress: [ 0.04623713 0.04536482 0.04536458 -0.00245709 0.00035668 -0.00035652] Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0025717 -0.00982209 0.00088157] [-0.00743083 -0.01900075 0.01722572] [-0.00217132 -0.01497859 -0.00449458] ... [ 0.01844172 0.0301693 -0.01169966] [ 0.00620572 -0.01771122 0.0325953 ] [-0.00171907 -0.00163755 -0.00898392]] Final stress: [0.04644344 0.04609437 0.04551913 0.0018611 0.00018985 0.00022287] Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02011686 -0.01015012 -0.01015012] [-0.02011693 0.01015006 -0.01015006] [-0.02011692 -0.01015006 0.01015006] ... [ 0.00119567 0.00460865 -0.00130323] [ 0.00119567 -0.00130323 0.00460865] [-0.00078209 0.00599238 0.00599238]] Final stress: [-8.55302233e-05 -1.55328673e-04 -1.55328673e-04 6.73792099e-14 -3.87218078e-13 -4.46998203e-13] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.13488836e-03 -6.39075803e-03 -1.13329990e-02] [ 8.76147354e-03 8.11958519e-03 -3.37582883e-03] [-7.35289380e-03 -1.80318772e-03 -2.43446017e-03] ... [ 1.05808799e-02 -1.05832819e-03 2.24168013e-03] [ 6.52382371e-03 2.91739820e-03 -4.66028531e-03] [-3.76020472e-05 9.58861473e-03 -3.20983976e-03]] Final stress: [ 0.04691391 0.04501059 0.04516952 0.00063256 0.00041172 -0.00054685] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 85 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00245478 -0.00570967 -0.00351919] [ 0.00043531 -0.00285175 0.00153226] [ 0.00023202 0.00017739 -0.00645261] ... [-0.00448064 -0.00149944 0.00540261] [-0.00293278 0.006774 -0.01176291] [ 0.01056135 -0.00314622 -0.00739373]] Final stress: [4.19329158e-02 4.20519830e-02 4.19965428e-02 3.99822301e-06 1.18956417e-06 2.15175205e-05] Minimization converged after 49 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 44 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00788743 0.07905777 0.04798714] [ 0.03277057 -0.04172875 0.01332408] [ 0.02324236 0.05096284 -0.02142759] ... [-0.13378774 0.09645642 -0.07392026] [ 0.22293807 -0.04055956 0.06525684] [-0.05167874 -0.00157405 0.00159309]] Final stress: [ 1.36653814e-02 1.45393813e-02 1.33986333e-02 -3.09548021e-09 2.35289068e-08 4.17396778e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 81 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01890447 -0.01586577 -0.00880752] [-0.01375445 0.0104199 -0.02073556] [-0.03194025 0.00882766 -0.01566165] ... [ 0.04434058 -0.01381832 0.00022938] [ 0.03031537 0.01554061 0.06285365] [-0.04803339 -0.0444815 0.04511101]] Final stress: [ 4.17326007e-02 4.20628348e-02 4.22192304e-02 1.15602439e-04 2.84963926e-06 -6.57314795e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03584424 -0.09997369 -0.03584423] [ 0.0358437 0.09997315 -0.03584369] [ 0.03584429 -0.09997376 0.03584429] ... [ 0.04881153 0.14699485 -0.07836705] [-0.0874368 0.02399062 -0.08743681] [-0.07836709 0.14699483 0.04881154]] Final stress: [ 3.10648998e-03 7.66356138e-04 3.10648998e-03 -1.07492432e-12 -6.88679475e-12 -3.71611868e-12] Minimization converged after 78 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.139745 -0.16356042 -0.14247076] [ 0.03728662 0.01363696 -0.03583463] [ 0.13974501 -0.16356043 0.14247078] ... [-0.05565726 0.01558428 -0.02843027] [-0.01658563 -0.05338719 0.02781664] [-0.01057808 -0.02249216 -0.0804874 ]] Final stress: [-2.37508655e-04 1.60246345e-03 1.43318454e-03 -2.43904126e-14 -6.76892929e-04 1.30846593e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0373561 -0.01400443 -0.03607283] [ 0.13901803 0.16287254 -0.14190439] [ 0.03735609 -0.01400442 0.03607282] ... [ 0.06692053 0.07333131 0.0039686 ] [ 0.01976408 0.01204639 0.03374658] [ 0.03769083 0.03316889 0.07116504]] Final stress: [-2.37018993e-04 1.60263111e-03 1.43335645e-03 -3.76754489e-13 6.76550077e-04 1.66810343e-13] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14016317 -0.14260412 -0.16355058] [ 0.14016318 0.14260414 -0.1635506 ] [ 0.03853149 -0.03681594 0.01478775] ... [-0.01624565 0.02775236 -0.05284878] [-0.05570658 -0.02819686 0.01426198] [-0.01090479 -0.08038233 -0.02360902]] Final stress: [-2.39024586e-04 1.42164625e-03 1.58899114e-03 3.65111395e-13 -3.73333749e-13 -6.73152518e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03747435 -0.03613288 -0.01412141] [ 0.03747432 0.03613285 -0.01412139] [ 0.139263 -0.14208792 0.16300057] ... [ 0.01964354 0.0336285 0.01210502] [ 0.06699306 0.00391071 0.07364201] [ 0.0373753 0.07122113 0.03353023]] Final stress: [-2.37323274e-04 1.43117606e-03 1.60001366e-03 1.69612480e-13 6.57712151e-13 6.75903768e-04] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01095187 0.0206901 -0.01095187] [ 0.01095184 -0.02069013 -0.01095184] [ 0.0109518 0.02069017 0.0109518 ] ... [ 0.00395719 0.00112126 -0.00094594] [ 0.00603855 -0.00065728 0.00603855] [-0.00094594 0.00112126 0.00395719]] Final stress: [-1.62387532e-04 -7.22116622e-05 -1.62387532e-04 -3.18755577e-13 -4.85635799e-13 -1.27043885e-13] Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization stopped after hitting the maximum of 200 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.25568113e-03 -2.83526051e-03 -1.40092924e-02] [ 4.86488974e-03 -7.72414432e-03 6.45463933e-03] [-4.45944176e-04 1.08911782e-02 8.58898317e-03] ... [ 5.54299829e-03 -4.87746027e-03 -8.08164896e-03] [-1.47356193e-02 1.86123012e-04 -6.29439986e-05] [-2.88864395e-03 9.83297181e-03 1.10057894e-02]] Final stress: [ 0.04551954 0.04569847 0.04457518 -0.00035096 -0.00020594 0.00072292] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 90 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00066762 0.0017528 0.00126934] [ 0.00178358 -0.00234301 0.00305635] [-0.00208648 0.00221353 0.00034372] ... [-0.0024115 0.00333156 0.00110503] [-0.00350881 -0.0019075 0.00029707] [ 0.00527941 -0.00164736 -0.00113519]] Final stress: [ 4.19426756e-02 4.19820804e-02 4.20369732e-02 8.56174210e-08 -4.83688006e-06 -1.13841724e-08] Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.16313429 -0.13930571 -0.14219367] [ 0.01437811 0.03769445 -0.03641848] [ 0.0143781 -0.03769444 0.03641847] ... [ 0.01539648 -0.05550509 -0.02825976] [-0.02245512 -0.01046992 -0.08028158] [-0.05338893 -0.01677174 0.02742794]] Final stress: [ 1.60120714e-03 -2.35844766e-04 1.43206834e-03 -6.75152838e-04 -3.16239866e-13 -1.16029016e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01431107 -0.03754132 -0.0363786 ] [ 0.1631881 0.13922429 -0.1422269 ] [ 0.16318813 -0.13922432 0.14222693] ... [ 0.07339369 0.06685833 0.00380122] [ 0.03350952 0.03779147 0.07117292] [ 0.01170768 0.01986625 0.03360006]] Final stress: [ 1.60455859e-03 -2.34498615e-04 1.43487819e-03 6.75311928e-04 8.20142444e-15 4.03634938e-14] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14229187 -0.13951245 -0.1632915 ] [ 0.14229188 0.13951245 -0.16329151] [ 0.03596172 -0.03735431 0.01385756] ... [ 0.02769066 -0.01666181 -0.05347735] [-0.08041346 -0.01065311 -0.02246079] [-0.0283511 -0.05560518 0.01556694]] Final stress: [ 1.43227635e-03 -2.37316986e-04 1.60135335e-03 1.81586887e-13 -1.63196425e-13 -6.76337120e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0365844 -0.037874 -0.01457265] [ 0.03658437 0.03787397 -0.01457263] [ 0.14238168 -0.13951108 0.16329374] ... [ 0.03350541 0.01976635 0.011692 ] [ 0.07122613 0.0374239 0.03392985] [ 0.00376821 0.06697009 0.07375861]] Final stress: [ 1.43082678e-03 -2.35353516e-04 1.59977868e-03 -1.47920941e-13 -2.15232187e-13 6.74257389e-04] Minimization converged after 140 steps. Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01031253 -0.01031253 0.02057758] [ 0.01031256 0.01031255 0.02057755] [ 0.01031254 -0.01031254 -0.02057757] ... [ 0.00618801 0.00618801 -0.00116534] [ 0.00434242 -0.00128892 0.00129414] [-0.00128892 0.00434242 0.00129414]] Final stress: [-1.57830903e-04 -1.57830903e-04 -7.78281530e-05 -6.36139665e-13 -2.10536902e-14 9.81619986e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.16324955 -0.14233676 -0.13957969] [ 0.0145964 0.03660258 -0.03800544] [ 0.01459639 -0.03660256 0.03800543] ... [-0.02287954 -0.08029884 -0.01062285] [ 0.01495584 -0.0281992 -0.05556676] [-0.0532311 0.02751597 -0.01659747]] Final stress: [ 1.59691562e-03 1.42842069e-03 -2.36715068e-04 -6.74285619e-04 1.51728609e-13 -9.08461144e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01475355 -0.03678785 -0.0378788 ] [ 0.16322451 0.14229502 -0.13922728] [ 0.16322452 -0.14229503 0.13922729] ... [ 0.03366989 0.07112902 0.037852 ] [ 0.0733454 0.00375387 0.06680151] [ 0.01150389 0.03360537 0.02006175]] Final stress: [ 1.60422127e-03 1.43448407e-03 -2.33001936e-04 6.73966504e-04 -7.78983139e-13 -1.21496877e-14] Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14273002 -0.16359635 -0.14040905] [ 0.03706999 0.01512951 -0.03889589] [ 0.14273006 -0.16359639 0.14040909] ... [-0.08031944 -0.0241566 -0.01105612] [ 0.02776008 -0.05264681 -0.01606165] [-0.02805176 0.01362016 -0.05571723]] Final stress: [ 1.41664245e-03 1.58310330e-03 -2.39639399e-04 4.81433216e-13 -6.71470704e-04 -2.87320786e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03661251 -0.01448723 -0.03825413] [ 0.14250853 0.16354531 -0.13998595] [ 0.03661249 -0.01448722 0.03825412] ... [ 0.07131642 0.03412773 0.03726981] [ 0.03350272 0.01136169 0.01959592] [ 0.00382893 0.07413097 0.06721232]] Final stress: [ 1.42555983e-03 1.59364303e-03 -2.38454651e-04 -5.06120189e-13 6.74329635e-04 6.83874492e-15] Minimization converged after 138 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00431472 0.00182225 0.00182225] [ 0.00533324 0.00284744 -0.00284744] [ 0.00533324 -0.00284744 0.00284744] ... [ 0.00309649 -0.0055884 0.00072928] [ 0.00309649 0.00072928 -0.0055884 ] [ 0.00430006 0.00050338 0.00050338]] Final stress: [ 3.56428712e-06 3.30722288e-06 3.30722291e-06 2.58986224e-05 1.91415489e-14 -1.05480920e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00533523 -0.00284381 -0.00284381] [-0.00431717 -0.00181906 0.00181906] [-0.00431717 0.00181905 -0.00181905] ... [-0.00309887 0.00563769 -0.00052879] [-0.00309887 -0.00052879 0.00563769] [-0.00408112 -0.00059797 -0.00059797]] Final stress: [ 3.56461861e-06 3.30724348e-06 3.30724338e-06 -2.58562353e-05 1.65652616e-14 8.41509885e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00081457 0.00081457 0.00158234] [ 0.0015237 0.0015237 -0.00227474] [-0.00056264 -0.00095623 0.00020599] ... [-0.0017661 -0.0017661 0.00030767] [ 0.00033245 0.00231013 -0.00097886] [ 0.00231013 0.00033245 -0.00097886]] Final stress: [2.58563189e-06 2.58563189e-06 2.55133225e-06 2.55556555e-05 2.55556555e-05 8.84749198e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-9.10515060e-04 5.17897002e-04 -2.05607624e-04] [-5.17896393e-04 9.10515666e-04 -2.05608226e-04] [ 1.49176120e-03 -1.49176118e-03 2.19771964e-03] ... [ 1.58500884e-03 -1.55570839e-03 8.66229158e-05] [-7.19625648e-04 -1.83656529e-03 -2.29225975e-03] [ 2.02539325e-03 7.11046762e-04 2.27901936e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.55272449e-06 2.55272449e-06 2.51620200e-06 2.41261941e-05 -2.41261941e-05 -9.56314001e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.96314565e-04 -9.90735713e-04 -2.06337983e-04] [ 9.90735250e-04 -5.96315035e-04 -2.06337497e-04] [-8.31376314e-04 8.31376306e-04 -1.63333374e-03] ... [-1.11521508e-03 1.14274001e-03 7.95930231e-05] [ 8.29106986e-04 2.13311966e-03 1.95620411e-03] [-1.95615175e-03 -8.39663085e-04 -1.97039789e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.60858347e-06 2.60858347e-06 2.57573188e-06 -2.65680418e-05 2.65680417e-05 -8.37177284e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.49048661e-03 -1.49048658e-03 -2.19380541e-03] [-7.88449394e-04 -7.88449397e-04 1.50819130e-03] [ 9.07817507e-04 5.15304174e-04 2.05557742e-04] ... [ 1.73050645e-03 1.73050649e-03 -3.01580609e-05] [-5.58533520e-04 -1.95553413e-03 1.02390291e-03] [-1.95553405e-03 -5.58533538e-04 1.02390290e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.55175273e-06 2.55175275e-06 2.51518689e-06 -2.40726064e-05 -2.40726064e-05 9.58050992e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00078859 0.00150759 0.00078859] [-0.00051459 0.00020552 -0.00090704] [ 0.00149055 -0.00219313 0.00149055] ... [ 0.00053991 -0.00103966 0.0021902 ] [-0.00175455 0.00025624 -0.00175455] [ 0.0021902 -0.00103966 0.00053991]] Final stress: [2.55205317e-06 2.51552765e-06 2.55205321e-06 2.40749368e-05 9.56995301e-08 2.40749368e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-9.07565298e-04 -2.05546973e-04 5.15072396e-04] [ 1.49052985e-03 2.19360660e-03 -1.49052986e-03] [-5.15072597e-04 -2.05546801e-04 9.07565125e-04] ... [-7.15283181e-04 -2.29857937e-03 -1.83506921e-03] [ 1.59567213e-03 8.67179235e-05 -1.56635370e-03] [ 2.02403079e-03 2.28534509e-03 7.06725687e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.55185454e-06 2.51530192e-06 2.55185453e-06 2.40733479e-05 -9.57693860e-08 -2.40733479e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.74653484e-04 -2.06152195e-04 -9.68604733e-04] [-8.18842749e-04 -1.59883388e-03 8.18842754e-04] [ 9.68604348e-04 -2.06151811e-04 -5.74653897e-04] ... [ 7.96502918e-04 2.04957866e-03 2.10204802e-03] [-1.24108587e-03 8.16445914e-05 1.26912573e-03] [-1.92160951e-03 -2.06349989e-03 -8.06483632e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.59224469e-06 2.55832145e-06 2.59224471e-06 -2.58662228e-05 -8.71571410e-08 2.58662228e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.49153892e-03 -2.19547243e-03 -1.49153892e-03] [ 9.08422193e-04 2.05539161e-04 5.15937347e-04] [-7.89380668e-04 1.50974568e-03 -7.89380670e-04] ... [-5.53644268e-04 1.02229222e-03 -1.95978145e-03] [ 1.72977294e-03 -3.16680013e-05 1.72977302e-03] [-1.95978148e-03 1.02229223e-03 -5.53644309e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.55291057e-06 2.51643959e-06 2.55291060e-06 -2.41131319e-05 9.55137648e-08 -2.41131319e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00179938 0.00433905 0.00179938] [ 0.00282193 0.00535488 -0.00282193] [-0.00179938 0.00433905 -0.00179938] ... [-0.00559625 0.00309202 0.0007497 ] [ 0.00050039 0.00423826 0.00050039] [ 0.0007497 0.00309202 -0.00559625]] Final stress: [ 3.30909679e-06 3.56723079e-06 3.30909672e-06 -1.41964326e-14 2.59473406e-05 -2.05896606e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00282727 -0.00534978 -0.00282727] [-0.00180424 -0.00433348 0.00180424] [ 0.00282727 -0.00534978 0.00282727] ... [ 0.00564187 -0.00309601 -0.0005424 ] [-0.00059573 -0.00403985 -0.00059573] [-0.0005424 -0.00309601 0.00564187]] Final stress: [ 3.30848913e-06 3.56658067e-06 3.30848916e-06 -8.31029842e-15 -2.58876028e-05 -5.39527256e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00150971 0.00078923 0.00078923] [ 0.00020555 -0.00051605 -0.00090854] [ 0.00020555 -0.00090854 -0.00051605] ... [-0.00103805 0.00053437 0.00219312] [-0.00103805 0.00219312 0.00053437] [ 0.00025761 -0.00175515 -0.00175515]] Final stress: [2.51637431e-06 2.55285127e-06 2.55285127e-06 9.55352166e-08 2.41132198e-05 2.41132198e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.05856571e-04 -9.40114077e-04 5.46864942e-04] [ 2.24717978e-03 1.51203216e-03 -1.51203218e-03] [-1.55706671e-03 8.05297571e-04 -8.05297577e-04] ... [-2.17060399e-03 -7.63947798e-04 -1.88225165e-03] [ 2.15698604e-03 2.06653771e-03 7.54606695e-04] [ 8.39441596e-05 1.41888170e-03 -1.39026924e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.53874711e-06 2.57383700e-06 2.57383699e-06 -9.10154886e-08 2.50467078e-05 -2.50467078e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.05731784e-04 5.32085375e-04 -9.25016597e-04] [-1.53384235e-03 -7.97059569e-04 7.97059576e-04] [ 2.22182372e-03 -1.50156620e-03 1.50156618e-03] ... [ 2.21986501e-03 7.32374992e-04 2.04538375e-03] [-2.23328957e-03 -1.85875416e-03 -7.41323364e-04] [ 8.53258210e-05 -1.47530122e-03 1.50426782e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.52710766e-06 2.56293613e-06 2.56293615e-06 -9.33891030e-08 -2.45731001e-05 2.45731001e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.20167178e-03 -1.49407671e-03 -1.49407671e-03] [ 2.05570977e-04 9.12135706e-04 5.19570625e-04] [ 2.05571215e-04 5.19570376e-04 9.12135959e-04] ... [ 1.01750729e-03 -5.37685505e-04 -1.96970146e-03] [ 1.01750732e-03 -1.96970148e-03 -5.37685546e-04] [-3.62469980e-05 1.73055537e-03 1.73055535e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.51923886e-06 2.55553017e-06 2.55553018e-06 9.49371452e-08 -2.42282176e-05 -2.42282176e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00181387 0.00181387 0.00431346] [-0.00181387 -0.00181387 0.00431346] [ 0.00283815 -0.00283815 0.00533098] ... [ 0.00051446 0.00051446 0.00427976] [-0.0056062 0.00072738 0.00311227] [ 0.00072738 -0.0056062 0.00311227]] Final stress: [3.30665510e-06 3.30665515e-06 3.56459049e-06 7.66923651e-15 2.66851506e-14 2.57048894e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00285864 -0.00285864 -0.00532778] [ 0.00285864 0.00285864 -0.00532778] [-0.00183206 0.00183206 -0.00430778] ... [-0.00058741 -0.00058741 -0.00413012] [ 0.00561473 -0.00052592 -0.00308277] [-0.00052592 0.00561473 -0.00308277]] Final stress: [ 3.30734797e-06 3.30734795e-06 3.56333077e-06 -8.28485993e-15 1.34405609e-14 -2.60659713e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-1.09581169e-02 2.21792016e-03 2.21792044e-03] [ 1.09581371e-02 -2.21789887e-03 2.21789837e-03] [ 1.09581590e-02 2.21787766e-03 -2.21787762e-03] ... [-1.60773069e-05 -1.01194634e-03 1.15202447e-03] [-1.60787498e-05 1.15202878e-03 -1.01194726e-03] [-7.01100830e-04 -6.49476435e-03 -6.49476394e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.28926269e-05 1.57604689e-04 1.57604689e-04 -1.94159036e-13 1.14240835e-14 2.11995439e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01494045 -0.0028888 -0.0028888 ] [-0.01494027 0.00288898 -0.00288898] [-0.0149403 -0.00288895 0.00288895] ... [ 0.00228416 0.00252458 -0.00298163] [ 0.00228416 -0.00298163 0.00252457] [-0.00306943 0.00712244 0.00712244]] Final stress: [-1.81196286e-05 -1.17382861e-04 -1.17382861e-04 1.34295835e-12 3.08489298e-13 4.83802397e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-3.13119932e-04 -3.13120419e-04 9.23793508e-04] [ 3.13026487e-04 3.13029644e-04 9.23884525e-04] [ 3.13060999e-04 -3.13059623e-04 -9.23854079e-04] ... [-3.13549476e-05 -3.13554392e-05 -5.92963083e-04] [ 4.62161121e-05 1.26619124e-03 -1.95216438e-04] [ 1.26619482e-03 4.62161617e-05 -1.95218636e-04]] Final stress: [ 7.73865756e-05 7.73865757e-05 9.00760667e-05 -9.70299447e-13 -4.43651342e-13 1.05329467e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00300863 0.00427538 0.00053244] [ 0.00300864 -0.00427537 0.00053243] [ 0.00300863 0.00427539 -0.00053245] ... [-0.00305792 0.00312912 -0.00356035] [-0.00191674 -0.00257926 0.00067502] [-0.00314675 0.00305142 -0.00054246]] Final stress: [ 4.43359695e-06 1.44846416e-05 6.77077862e-06 6.07717384e-14 -2.00415751e-13 3.09025221e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00415256 -0.00331275 0.00033253] [-0.00415255 0.00331275 0.00033253] [-0.00415254 -0.00331276 -0.00033252] ... [ 0.00320174 -0.00315613 -0.00306394] [ 0.00302283 -0.00266411 -0.0005833 ] [-0.00227301 -0.00206619 0.00068437]] Final stress: [1.24797595e-05 5.07438890e-06 6.47283727e-06 2.43476653e-13 9.13202428e-14 9.61791619e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00081838 0.00081838 -0.00203857] [-0.00081857 -0.00081857 -0.00203838] [-0.00081862 0.00081863 0.00203833] ... [-0.00058682 -0.00058681 0.00084002] [ 0.00046565 -0.00126767 0.00093028] [-0.00126768 0.00046565 0.00093028]] Final stress: [-6.57608950e-05 -6.57608950e-05 -9.37522343e-05 -2.08217661e-12 -4.59736204e-13 2.09898294e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-4.35690288e-04 1.12160258e-03 -4.35691802e-04] [ 4.35843265e-04 -1.12145069e-03 -4.35844333e-04] [ 4.35855535e-04 1.12144021e-03 4.35856844e-04] ... [-9.83697836e-05 -3.94545786e-04 1.26412711e-03] [ 6.97900379e-05 -5.54114744e-04 6.97890213e-05] [ 1.26412643e-03 -3.94547623e-04 -9.83689610e-05]] Final stress: [ 7.68864854e-05 9.21216375e-05 7.68864854e-05 7.25550780e-13 -1.70303794e-12 1.04354697e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.002752 0.00101262 0.00508772] [ 0.00275202 -0.0010126 0.00508769] [ 0.00275201 0.00101262 -0.00508771] ... [-0.00183885 0.00071871 -0.00342974] [-0.00316402 -0.0047171 0.00328191] [-0.00416035 -0.00052787 0.00335842]] Final stress: [1.52589620e-06 8.02140149e-06 2.22787668e-05 5.97622952e-14 5.16033624e-15 4.30377035e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00438041 0.00059785 -0.00297072] [-0.00438039 -0.00059783 -0.00297074] [-0.00438041 0.00059785 0.00297072] ... [ 0.00309644 -0.00053677 -0.00329102] [ 0.0031501 -0.00371248 -0.00307212] [-0.00267921 0.00067795 -0.00190959]] Final stress: [1.54146059e-05 6.90889413e-06 4.06283679e-06 4.63879536e-14 7.86755046e-13 3.30576610e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00065692 -0.00168159 0.00065692] [-0.00065687 0.00168163 0.00065688] [-0.00065703 -0.00168147 -0.00065703] ... [ 0.00031431 0.00060347 -0.00116664] [-0.00040643 0.000854 -0.00040643] [-0.00116665 0.00060347 0.00031432]] Final stress: [-6.69250029e-05 -8.96226787e-05 -6.69250026e-05 -1.13641588e-12 2.72332811e-13 9.70008093e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01787657 -0.0091432 -0.0091432 ] [ 0.00041374 0.00776185 -0.00776185] [ 0.00041374 -0.00776186 0.00776186] ... [-0.01744715 -0.01520447 -0.00718548] [-0.01744715 -0.00718548 -0.01520447] [ 0.0078953 0.00022376 0.00022376]] Final stress: [-1.21900606e-04 2.28185071e-04 2.28185071e-04 -1.40031154e-04 -7.69716076e-14 -1.40039873e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00109768 -0.0064842 -0.0064842 ] [ 0.01652089 0.00818359 -0.00818359] [ 0.01652089 -0.00818359 0.00818359] ... [ 0.0254426 0.01621896 -0.00517779] [ 0.0254426 -0.00517779 0.01621896] [ 0.00540778 0.00314324 0.00314324]] Final stress: [-1.27524580e-04 2.35425957e-04 2.35425957e-04 1.46716077e-04 -8.56668504e-15 -7.55082597e-14] Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 77 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00888125 -0.01738881 -0.00951808] [ 0.00322945 -0.004361 -0.003497 ] [ 0.00888125 -0.01738881 0.00951808] ... [-0.00952328 -0.01766749 -0.00578757] [-0.00064906 -0.01028379 -0.00263996] [ 0.00772493 -0.01570666 -0.01227666]] Final stress: [-1.46645330e-04 2.62962868e-04 2.45323713e-04 -7.71867655e-14 -1.27761813e-04 1.63015057e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0031132 0.00447327 -0.00335932] [ 0.00877451 0.01723462 -0.00938925] [ 0.0031132 0.00447327 0.00335932] ... [ 0.01662383 0.01977619 -0.00742066] [ 0.00670933 -0.0043809 0.0018395 ] [ 0.00714001 0.02188909 0.01659571]] Final stress: [-1.46819514e-04 2.62613358e-04 2.45036164e-04 -5.57123557e-14 1.27964120e-04 -1.52335195e-14] Minimization converged after 141 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00749362 -0.00800293 -0.01590156] [ 0.00749362 0.00800293 -0.01590156] [ 0.00291275 -0.00305968 -0.00482064] ... [-0.00051901 -0.00262049 -0.01016979] [-0.00923451 -0.00585066 -0.01744883] [ 0.00772249 -0.01194892 -0.01540514]] Final stress: [-1.44640771e-04 2.41678228e-04 2.58894696e-04 3.45269570e-14 1.39617754e-13 -1.25721575e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0041934 -0.00417241 0.00363614] [ 0.0041934 0.00417242 0.00363614] [ 0.01024241 -0.01058542 0.01840587] ... [ 0.006589 0.00183947 -0.00499949] [ 0.01715453 -0.00737506 0.02048404] [ 0.00683476 0.01709683 0.02250126]] Final stress: [-1.45365277e-04 2.42396512e-04 2.59620973e-04 -4.07269012e-14 -2.66639294e-14 1.27156409e-04] Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 141 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00223048 -0.01162614 0.00223048] [-0.00223056 0.01162606 0.00223056] [-0.00223059 -0.01162602 -0.00223059] ... [-0.00087421 -0.0002037 0.00085867] [-0.00684592 -0.00084997 -0.00684593] [ 0.00085867 -0.0002037 -0.00087421]] Final stress: [ 1.60680293e-04 7.35901280e-05 1.60680293e-04 3.87717081e-13 -8.51749898e-13 8.13068096e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00281391 0.01473296 -0.00281392] [ 0.00281388 -0.01473299 -0.00281388] [ 0.00281385 0.01473302 0.00281385] ... [ 0.0024973 0.00220345 -0.00289447] [ 0.00713342 -0.00298196 0.00713343] [-0.00289447 0.00220344 0.0024973 ]] Final stress: [-1.16914576e-04 -1.99041660e-05 -1.16914576e-04 -4.95605050e-13 8.65170474e-13 5.99295093e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00116111 -0.00045744 -0.00045744] [-0.00116114 0.00045741 -0.00045742] [-0.00116101 -0.00045754 0.00045754] ... [-0.00069148 -0.00013687 0.00137695] [-0.00069148 0.00137696 -0.00013688] [-0.00044346 0.00010235 0.00010235]] Final stress: [ 9.28714343e-05 7.65326832e-05 7.65326837e-05 6.60117109e-13 3.18934962e-14 -3.37510883e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00106088 -0.00332979 0.00587569] [-0.0010609 0.00332977 0.00587571] [-0.00106088 -0.00332979 -0.00587569] ... [ 0.00085671 -0.00223735 -0.0039462 ] [-0.00063249 -0.00488751 0.00397921] [-0.00546654 -0.00378318 0.0039255 ]] Final stress: [ 9.28373913e-06 -1.74787509e-06 3.01338545e-05 -6.52266456e-13 -2.91903131e-13 8.92547001e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00031184 0.00417537 -0.00337269] [-0.00031183 -0.00417536 -0.0033727 ] [-0.00031184 0.00417536 0.0033727 ] ... [-0.00059882 0.00306408 -0.0027063 ] [ 0.00069937 -0.00227812 -0.00210057] [-0.0030926 0.0032543 -0.00320975]] Final stress: [ 6.52271362e-06 1.29575339e-05 4.77416174e-06 -2.55137671e-13 -5.55363722e-15 -2.06280411e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00197939 0.00080072 0.00080072] [ 0.00197943 -0.00080067 0.00080067] [ 0.0019794 0.00080071 -0.00080071] ... [ 0.00089735 0.0004551 -0.00123047] [ 0.00089735 -0.00123047 0.0004551 ] [ 0.00082281 -0.00056746 -0.00056747]] Final stress: [-9.27581698e-05 -6.60966835e-05 -6.60966835e-05 2.29268906e-12 -5.84867605e-13 3.53575594e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01752439 -0.0090632 -0.00969415] [-0.00444163 0.0031166 -0.00337723] [-0.00444163 -0.0031166 0.00337723] ... [-0.01753558 -0.00970088 -0.00576084] [-0.01569803 0.00756779 -0.01245252] [-0.01042301 -0.00064756 -0.00250511]] Final stress: [ 2.63581986e-04 -1.47570951e-04 2.45921146e-04 -1.28699300e-04 -9.55319731e-14 4.82203007e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00448561 -0.00315147 -0.00339165] [ 0.01696294 0.00846385 -0.00907119] [ 0.01696294 -0.00846386 0.00907119] ... [ 0.01967027 0.01648516 -0.00749497] [ 0.02191062 0.00726575 0.01644584] [-0.00464043 0.00674807 0.00175243]] Final stress: [ 2.61705759e-04 -1.45841581e-04 2.44182520e-04 1.26963242e-04 4.54336964e-14 4.42675323e-14] Minimization converged after 144 steps. Minimization converged after 140 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00745435 -0.01538278 -0.00745435] [ 0.00606175 -0.00232183 -0.00606175] [ 0.00745435 -0.01538278 0.00745435] ... [-0.01463264 -0.01626741 -0.00775102] [-0.00016066 0.00606789 -0.00016066] [-0.00775102 -0.01626741 -0.01463264]] Final stress: [ 2.44146693e-04 -1.29863413e-04 2.44146693e-04 -1.56971500e-13 -1.50905651e-04 -6.53827077e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00541823 0.00298015 -0.00541823] [ 0.00733757 0.01500529 -0.00733757] [ 0.00541823 0.00298015 0.00541823] ... [ 0.01562189 0.02470702 -0.00499912] [ 0.00332726 0.00760861 0.00332726] [-0.00499912 0.02470702 0.01562189]] Final stress: [ 2.47515106e-04 -1.33289839e-04 2.47515106e-04 -1.54084607e-13 1.54622356e-04 6.20936721e-14] Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00957369 -0.0089378 -0.01742653] [ 0.00957369 0.0089378 -0.01742653] [ 0.00343795 -0.00317151 -0.00440268] ... [-0.00259476 -0.0006422 -0.01030544] [-0.0123282 0.0076926 -0.0156958 ] [-0.00578375 -0.00957749 -0.01762198]] Final stress: [ 2.45452886e-04 -1.46918538e-04 2.63090754e-04 -3.62898967e-14 -4.37040008e-14 -1.28079345e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00683767 -0.00908791 0.0004435 ] [ 0.00683766 0.00908791 0.0004435 ] [ 0.00812377 -0.0101305 0.01544018] ... [ 0.00084123 0.00517147 -0.01035109] [ 0.01661208 0.00503118 0.02285201] [-0.00688875 0.01710813 0.02065442]] Final stress: [ 1.84741728e-04 -1.07156385e-04 1.94861671e-04 -8.23231042e-14 -2.96230627e-14 9.49985338e-05] Minimization converged after 142 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00222798 0.00222798 -0.01149469] [-0.0022279 -0.0022279 -0.01149476] [-0.00222799 0.00222799 0.01149468] ... [-0.00677521 -0.00677521 -0.00082601] [-0.00090113 0.00091846 -0.00016677] [ 0.00091846 -0.00090113 -0.00016677]] Final stress: [ 1.60089073e-04 1.60089073e-04 7.34366662e-05 3.10509312e-13 8.05187976e-13 -3.61345748e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00261604 -0.00261604 0.01411005] [ 0.00261607 0.00261607 0.01411002] [ 0.00261597 -0.00261597 -0.01411012] ... [ 0.00708732 0.00708732 -0.00270455] [ 0.00245171 -0.00266505 0.00196913] [-0.00266505 0.00245171 0.00196913]] Final stress: [-1.15568622e-04 -1.15568622e-04 -2.44037843e-05 -5.58778292e-14 -7.50941901e-15 -3.52507327e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01762263 -0.00983034 -0.00920457] [-0.00447494 0.00330696 -0.0030522 ] [-0.00447494 -0.00330696 0.0030522 ] ... [-0.01568822 -0.01260182 0.00741497] [-0.01741944 -0.00573197 -0.00985205] [-0.01055234 -0.00240099 -0.00065748]] Final stress: [ 2.64025251e-04 2.46354548e-04 -1.48269653e-04 -1.29406867e-04 -1.39780068e-13 -5.07360704e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00145387 -0.0062098 -0.00729811] [ 0.0191702 0.01148655 -0.0122541 ] [ 0.0191702 -0.01148655 0.0122541 ] ... [ 0.02360433 0.01766647 0.00594484] [ 0.02158685 -0.00723394 0.01791231] [-0.00770866 0.00149278 0.00602957]] Final stress: [ 2.35690536e-04 2.21050333e-04 -1.32324285e-04 1.16367949e-04 -1.18586419e-13 6.23385782e-15] Minimization converged after 139 steps. Minimization converged after 145 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.16759945e-02 -1.93914016e-02 -1.20732715e-02] [ 5.58838481e-03 -2.11139612e-03 -6.32428857e-03] [ 1.16759914e-02 -1.93913985e-02 1.20732685e-02] ... [-1.33945800e-02 -1.73531819e-02 6.99906370e-03] [-1.88136055e-03 -7.29331242e-03 1.59063671e-05] [-5.42923444e-03 -1.90566093e-02 -1.07818155e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.29730446e-04 2.45380210e-04 -1.38112451e-04 1.08653387e-14 -1.21401708e-04 -1.64006806e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00446982 0.0033776 -0.00475828] [ 0.00984615 0.01771116 -0.00978194] [ 0.00446981 0.0033776 0.00475828] ... [ 0.01699594 0.02267324 0.00678488] [ 0.00166734 -0.00583166 0.0065239 ] [-0.00743328 0.02050023 0.01711407]] Final stress: [ 2.36416472e-04 2.52973241e-04 -1.41264884e-04 -2.21513289e-14 1.23466313e-04 -7.44094079e-14] Minimization converged after 145 steps. Minimization converged after 142 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-9.24723394e-03 -9.24723383e-03 -1.73657702e-02] [ 9.24723794e-03 9.24723792e-03 -1.73657742e-02] [ 6.51043760e-03 -6.51043758e-03 -1.16533039e-03] ... [ 1.29513212e-05 1.29515041e-05 5.19998100e-03] [-1.52266745e-02 -7.34405221e-03 -1.68915717e-02] [-7.34405168e-03 -1.52266742e-02 -1.68915718e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.40153973e-04 2.40153972e-04 -1.30792615e-04 5.84115286e-14 1.17943426e-14 -1.50888141e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00804 -0.00804 -0.0013133 ] [ 0.00804001 0.00804001 -0.0013133 ] [ 0.00928959 -0.00928959 0.0182863 ] ... [ 0.0030249 0.0030249 0.00279344] [ 0.01610668 -0.00545578 0.02615434] [-0.00545578 0.01610668 0.02615434]] Final stress: [ 2.18247808e-04 2.18247808e-04 -1.17526949e-04 -1.69822910e-14 -6.74500464e-14 1.33786834e-04] Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04041558 -0.03467084 -0.03467084] [-0.03890008 -0.03069965 0.03069965] [-0.03890008 0.03069965 -0.03069965] ... [-0.00152853 -0.04383916 0.02022659] [-0.00152853 0.0202266 -0.04383916] [-0.07723131 0.04501524 0.04501524]] Final stress: [ 2.47798451e-04 2.08584738e-04 2.08584738e-04 -4.75020160e-04 -3.52055526e-14 -6.60252386e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03905441 0.03074184 0.03074184] [ 0.04059358 0.03475112 -0.03475112] [ 0.04059358 -0.03475112 0.03475112] ... [ 0.0160395 0.04983788 -0.00707247] [ 0.0160395 -0.00707247 0.04983788] [ 0.09232082 -0.03755715 -0.03755715]] Final stress: [ 2.49554976e-04 2.10082500e-04 2.10082499e-04 4.75809410e-04 -5.23213311e-14 -4.77757005e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.77539327e-04 3.77539324e-04 4.92893576e-04] [ 7.91860604e-04 7.91860585e-04 -8.99829285e-04] [ 4.03573190e-05 -2.63691546e-04 1.55632392e-04] ... [-1.48388117e-03 -1.48388120e-03 9.86312581e-04] [-6.13000222e-04 1.19215290e-03 -5.04255703e-04] [ 1.19215289e-03 -6.13000200e-04 -5.04255659e-04]] Final stress: [2.61137472e-06 2.61137468e-06 2.59322540e-06 2.11969557e-05 2.11969557e-05 2.35624471e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.58076505e-04 -4.57595717e-05 -1.55531162e-04] [ 4.57599056e-05 2.58076865e-04 -1.55531489e-04] [ 7.89428259e-04 -7.89428243e-04 8.91889215e-04] ... [-1.19238583e-04 9.19278727e-05 8.23650144e-05] [-9.93869837e-04 -1.00888292e-04 -8.92195687e-04] [ 2.80984128e-04 9.63044212e-04 8.53536988e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.60952134e-06 2.60952132e-06 2.59129958e-06 2.11527862e-05 -2.11527862e-05 -2.37194256e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.64860886e-05 -2.57245735e-04 -1.55479495e-04] [ 2.57245545e-04 4.64859016e-05 -1.55479296e-04] [-3.74522967e-04 3.74522977e-04 -4.83587943e-04] ... [ 8.98120940e-05 -1.17162206e-04 8.24360631e-05] [ 9.63753943e-04 2.78346632e-04 8.56332831e-04] [-9.81003009e-05 -9.94590011e-04 -8.95022051e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.60903448e-06 2.60903450e-06 2.59078586e-06 -2.11403152e-05 2.11403151e-05 -2.37632489e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-7.87401541e-04 -7.87401550e-04 -8.92630657e-04] [-3.73599139e-04 -3.73599117e-04 4.86208845e-04] [ 2.60804826e-04 -4.29547328e-05 1.55489466e-04] ... [ 1.44550551e-03 1.44550550e-03 -7.96045016e-04] [ 5.80036844e-04 -9.87961270e-04 4.66101305e-04] [-9.87961318e-04 5.80036850e-04 4.66101354e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.61015780e-06 2.61015781e-06 2.59195873e-06 -2.11700191e-05 -2.11700191e-05 2.36672058e-08] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.76267216e-04 4.90960100e-04 3.76267226e-04] [ 4.09782525e-05 1.55592971e-04 -2.62991068e-04] [ 7.90453910e-04 -8.97762541e-04 7.90453928e-04] ... [-6.12472571e-04 -5.04473945e-04 1.19105490e-03] [-1.48425471e-03 9.86865980e-04 -1.48425466e-03] [ 1.19105495e-03 -5.04473958e-04 -6.12472548e-04]] Final stress: [2.61110358e-06 2.59294565e-06 2.61110360e-06 2.11917453e-05 2.35852025e-08 2.11917453e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.57342436e-04 -1.55469557e-04 -4.63698500e-05] [ 7.87973305e-04 8.89763442e-04 -7.87973293e-04] [ 4.63712483e-05 -1.55470954e-04 2.57343830e-04] ... [-9.94824871e-04 -8.95385495e-04 -9.80209378e-05] [-1.17035968e-04 8.24398169e-05 8.96827134e-05] [ 2.78275569e-04 8.56694729e-04 9.63988849e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.60900813e-06 2.59075622e-06 2.60900813e-06 2.11394195e-05 -2.37662017e-08 -2.11394195e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.04151826e-05 -1.55628139e-04 -2.63625085e-04] [-3.77335417e-04 -4.92627431e-04 3.77335412e-04] [ 2.63623891e-04 -1.55626909e-04 4.04139710e-05] ... [ 9.63710656e-04 8.46355778e-04 2.92149901e-04] [ 9.98762605e-05 8.20950234e-05 -1.27052790e-04] [-1.12617299e-04 -8.84895750e-04 -9.94485092e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.61135502e-06 2.59320584e-06 2.61135503e-06 -2.11968074e-05 -2.35639279e-08 2.11968074e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-7.84788589e-04 -8.82400805e-04 -7.84788594e-04] [ 2.53051728e-04 1.55361739e-04 -5.04377494e-05] [-3.71629959e-04 4.76620531e-04 -3.71629946e-04] ... [ 5.72519442e-04 4.70066683e-04 -9.75044464e-04] [ 1.44867921e-03 -7.99338411e-04 1.44867921e-03] [-9.75044470e-04 4.70066717e-04 5.72519439e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.60754046e-06 2.58923424e-06 2.60754050e-06 -2.11060363e-05 2.38902473e-08 -2.11060363e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03478313 -0.04064594 -0.03478313] [-0.03076245 -0.0391 0.03076245] [ 0.03478313 -0.04064594 0.03478313] ... [-0.04394666 -0.00171489 0.02036077] [ 0.04521421 -0.07753592 0.04521421] [ 0.02036077 -0.00171489 -0.04394666]] Final stress: [ 2.10535455e-04 2.50084300e-04 2.10535454e-04 2.76950402e-13 -4.76085820e-04 -3.08012310e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03070714 0.03893487 0.03070714] [ 0.03468688 0.04045577 -0.03468688] [-0.03070714 0.03893487 -0.03070714] ... [ 0.04973652 0.01584812 -0.00704818] [-0.03747571 0.09208102 -0.03747571] [-0.00704818 0.01584811 0.04973652]] Final stress: [ 2.08919843e-04 2.48191887e-04 2.08919844e-04 -2.98376242e-14 4.75187163e-04 -9.25603561e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.84704728e-04 3.73654640e-04 3.73654636e-04] [ 1.55473390e-04 4.44966423e-05 -2.59227543e-04] [ 1.55473860e-04 -2.59228012e-04 4.44971182e-05] ... [-5.06073795e-04 -6.07931778e-04 1.18429881e-03] [-5.06073750e-04 1.18429880e-03 -6.07931727e-04] [ 9.88996202e-04 -1.48637566e-03 -1.48637559e-03]] Final stress: [2.59140189e-06 2.60962472e-06 2.60962472e-06 2.37129925e-08 2.11562628e-05 2.11562628e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.55604324e-04 -2.63063058e-04 -4.09287762e-05] [ 8.98483906e-04 7.91114699e-04 -7.91114725e-04] [-4.91654494e-04 3.76900726e-04 -3.76900725e-04] ... [-8.86283350e-04 -9.94717294e-04 -1.11057087e-04] [ 8.47726483e-04 2.90670678e-04 9.63936454e-04] [ 8.21334787e-05 -1.25913134e-04 9.87157759e-05]] Final stress: [ 2.59293037e-06 2.61109296e-06 2.61109298e-06 -2.35871020e-08 2.11901465e-05 -2.11901465e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.55351050e-04 -5.20686187e-05 -2.51395962e-04] [-4.75302028e-04 -3.71954735e-04 3.71954737e-04] [ 8.80982817e-04 -7.85013973e-04 7.85013974e-04] ... [ 8.64841318e-04 9.63537124e-04 2.66022005e-04] [-9.03661689e-04 -8.51432049e-05 -9.94427664e-04] [ 8.27387079e-05 8.09728030e-05 -1.08474324e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.58863694e-06 2.60697013e-06 2.60697015e-06 -2.39396465e-08 -2.10906696e-05 2.10906696e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.97871094e-04 -7.90739938e-04 -7.90739935e-04] [ 1.55592554e-04 2.62812823e-04 -4.11551466e-05] [ 1.55592418e-04 -4.11549897e-05 2.62812710e-04] ... [ 4.65493169e-04 5.82153462e-04 -9.91761365e-04] [ 4.65493168e-04 -9.91761384e-04 5.82153504e-04] [-7.94875329e-04 1.44434187e-03 1.44434174e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.59281933e-06 2.61098636e-06 2.61098634e-06 2.35962763e-08 -2.11877524e-05 -2.11877524e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03489214 -0.03489214 -0.04084979] [ 0.03489215 0.03489215 -0.04084979] [-0.03082748 0.03082748 -0.03927714] ... [ 0.04538844 0.04538844 -0.07780694] [-0.04404479 0.02048173 -0.00187322] [ 0.02048173 -0.04404479 -0.00187322]] Final stress: [ 2.12275397e-04 2.12275398e-04 2.52121255e-04 2.47525354e-13 -3.15171130e-13 -4.77076985e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03087676 0.03087676 0.03942748] [-0.03087676 -0.03087676 0.03942747] [ 0.03497862 -0.03497862 0.04102294] ... [-0.0378051 -0.0378051 0.09307435] [ 0.05016325 -0.00715405 0.01661864] [-0.00715405 0.05016325 0.01661864]] Final stress: [2.13744411e-04 2.13744411e-04 2.53842685e-04 4.05608510e-13 2.63806500e-13 4.77885108e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-3.11081153e-03 9.53293419e-04 9.53294359e-04] [ 3.11080898e-03 -9.53298365e-04 9.53299021e-04] [ 3.11087419e-03 9.53232333e-04 -9.53231486e-04] ... [ 8.23465676e-05 -5.52291410e-04 1.04895579e-03] [ 8.23488551e-05 1.04895105e-03 -5.52290529e-04] [ 1.29579650e-03 -1.74327279e-03 -1.74327509e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.99299425e-05 6.01126820e-05 6.01126820e-05 -4.62311980e-14 -1.65038298e-14 -2.68551190e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00576447 -0.0024129 -0.0024129 ] [-0.00576463 0.00241274 -0.00241274] [-0.00576466 -0.00241272 0.00241273] ... [-0.00066033 -0.00013021 0.00116271] [-0.00066033 0.00116271 -0.00013021] [-0.0023039 0.00290637 0.00290637]] Final stress: [-1.71919629e-05 -6.98335504e-05 -6.98335502e-05 -2.64088419e-13 -1.55933966e-12 -7.35533347e-13] Minimization converged after 45 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01311346 0.01034773 -0.00207266] [ 0.01311346 -0.01034773 -0.00207266] [ 0.01311346 0.01034773 0.00207266] ... [-0.00395121 0.00140209 0.00229088] [ 0.00217532 -0.0024643 0.00525462] [ 0.00557535 -0.00560638 -0.00788069]] Final stress: [-3.88531598e-05 9.67833061e-05 2.04964545e-05 -1.66954022e-13 5.29794209e-13 -7.43955279e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01005712 -0.01261492 -0.00191639] [-0.01005711 0.01261493 -0.0019164 ] [-0.01005712 -0.01261492 0.00191639] ... [ 0.00144843 -0.00370283 0.00153943] [-0.00496545 0.00460788 -0.00720645] [-0.00278446 0.00197676 0.00488727]] Final stress: [ 9.06864068e-05 -3.56905943e-05 1.95883467e-05 -6.22199716e-13 -6.76151122e-13 6.18162444e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00065746 0.00065746 -0.00054609] [-0.00065772 -0.00065772 -0.00054583] [-0.00065769 0.00065769 0.00054586] ... [ 0.0001396 0.0001396 0.00062099] [ 0.00038044 -0.00089034 -0.0001675 ] [-0.00089034 0.00038044 -0.00016749]] Final stress: [-4.02640994e-05 -4.02641002e-05 -5.73361169e-05 7.76675308e-13 2.35124770e-12 1.10398011e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-5.67256859e-03 9.39142452e-03 -5.67256514e-03] [ 5.67245306e-03 -9.39154080e-03 -5.67244721e-03] [ 5.67253960e-03 9.39145552e-03 5.67254404e-03] ... [-5.24716578e-05 8.01840718e-04 1.56856819e-02] [ 4.34372152e-03 2.32059330e-04 4.34372960e-03] [ 1.56857017e-02 8.01841975e-04 -5.24813298e-05]] Final stress: [ 1.69866534e-05 3.24638719e-04 1.69866545e-05 -7.52990216e-13 -2.02028258e-12 2.92422423e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01280117 -0.00204189 0.01002691] [ 0.01280117 0.00204189 0.01002691] [ 0.01280116 -0.00204189 -0.01002692] ... [ 0.00219424 0.00515748 -0.00242172] [-0.00382775 0.00220696 0.00133052] [ 0.00543133 -0.00772839 -0.00553304]] Final stress: [-3.79013969e-05 1.97841295e-05 9.35565481e-05 -1.79268462e-13 8.94258781e-15 -7.75451702e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00994279 -0.00202706 -0.01270723] [-0.00994279 0.00202706 -0.01270723] [-0.0099428 -0.00202705 0.01270723] ... [-0.0055095 -0.00769027 0.00538713] [ 0.00131801 0.00217741 -0.00379949] [-0.00241587 0.00513616 0.00219912]] Final stress: [ 9.26792497e-05 1.95775923e-05 -3.76768002e-05 -1.74092783e-13 5.69272404e-13 1.64698678e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00676487 -0.0146912 0.00676487] [-0.00676515 0.0146909 0.00676515] [-0.00676582 -0.01469023 -0.00676583] ... [ 0.0012834 -0.00332095 -0.02820709] [-0.01079186 0.00228992 -0.01079185] [-0.02820705 -0.00332097 0.00128341]] Final stress: [ 1.47513607e-04 -3.66434813e-04 1.47513606e-04 -2.18170951e-11 6.35621440e-12 -7.50645688e-13] Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00181687 0.00262099 0.00262099] [-0.00659957 -0.0054368 0.0054368 ] [-0.00659958 0.0054368 -0.0054368 ] ... [-0.00104593 0.00077592 0.00076375] [-0.00104593 0.00076375 0.00077592] [-0.00115015 -0.00015995 -0.00015995]] Final stress: [-1.23470798e-06 -2.67068908e-05 -2.67068908e-05 5.43547214e-06 5.33046146e-14 4.65723001e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.63047468e-03 5.48484864e-03 5.48484861e-03] [-1.87565558e-03 -2.63942628e-03 2.63942633e-03] [-1.87565441e-03 2.63942521e-03 -2.63942515e-03] ... [ 2.12474272e-04 -7.03495880e-04 5.30709893e-04] [ 2.12474311e-04 5.30709795e-04 -7.03495808e-04] [ 1.95037749e-04 -7.33092044e-05 -7.33092145e-05]] Final stress: [-1.53648695e-06 -2.66609992e-05 -2.66609993e-05 -5.40263556e-06 -2.57665466e-14 -1.02355059e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12392584 -0.13308367 -0.12696949] [ 0.03098029 0.02542337 -0.03313222] [ 0.12392588 -0.13308371 0.12696953] ... [-0.01063504 0.02654819 0.01133601] [ 0.01832842 -0.0348399 0.03243784] [ 0.03686944 0.03295571 -0.00697929]] Final stress: [-1.56363133e-04 9.94323445e-04 9.01290078e-04 4.03816644e-13 -3.42808716e-04 -2.02177477e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.97377760e-02 -1.12583008e-02 -2.41020424e-02] [ 9.73925184e-02 1.14445120e-01 -1.03134501e-01] [ 1.97377952e-02 -1.12583198e-02 2.41020609e-02] ... [ 5.95401189e-03 2.83802416e-03 -4.45957387e-02] [-3.77898422e-03 1.05093450e-04 -1.75856175e-02] [-1.21512501e-03 1.00790675e-02 2.10722324e-02]] Final stress: [-5.62862330e-05 1.21823746e-03 1.10020939e-03 -6.35951853e-13 3.30623699e-04 7.91644745e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.81339428e-03 1.63560325e-03 2.63373955e-03] [-5.53928680e-03 -6.35371104e-03 5.35649273e-03] [-2.81339702e-03 1.63560591e-03 -2.63374220e-03] ... [ 3.37597897e-04 -6.68312437e-04 7.26698638e-04] [-4.97187497e-04 7.44480462e-06 -7.31968672e-05] [-4.07755699e-04 -7.80464989e-04 6.78506176e-04]] Final stress: [-1.48616934e-06 -2.65440323e-05 -2.66565801e-05 -3.28944409e-15 5.33158479e-06 -2.02967090e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00555473 0.00637081 0.00537586] [-0.0027915 -0.00161992 0.00261577] [-0.00555473 0.00637081 -0.00537586] ... [-0.00116819 0.00075177 0.0005954 ] [-0.0003296 0.00132525 0.0001304 ] [-0.00054973 0.00063769 -0.00085147]] Final stress: [-1.40570520e-06 -2.65653069e-05 -2.66785880e-05 -1.06399731e-15 -5.31471230e-06 1.69111655e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09625997 -0.10203973 -0.11339714] [ 0.09625992 0.10203968 -0.1133971 ] [ 0.01935164 -0.02375517 0.01088065] ... [ 0.01151003 0.02132368 -0.05372856] [ 0.00908299 0.00606895 0.02569175] [ 0.03778705 0.00726684 0.03517452]] Final stress: [-5.59549708e-05 1.09677200e-03 1.21428497e-03 1.50713361e-13 -2.21831507e-14 -3.28575317e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01948147 -0.0242405 -0.01039383] [ 0.01948148 0.0242405 -0.01039384] [ 0.09802563 -0.10425171 0.11648338] ... [-0.00179503 -0.01689692 0.00204383] [ 0.00432821 -0.0454728 0.00319894] [-0.00061303 0.01962865 0.01054425]] Final stress: [-3.09059146e-05 1.15936102e-03 1.28466154e-03 -1.22851531e-13 -1.50850934e-13 3.32057122e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.82261898e-03 2.63478916e-03 1.65667219e-03] [-2.82262103e-03 -2.63479126e-03 1.65667424e-03] [-5.60325032e-03 5.41235802e-03 -6.38962490e-03] ... [-4.29606635e-04 -3.86117766e-05 5.83234327e-06] [ 3.21883698e-04 7.44405195e-04 -6.29308198e-04] [-3.55883280e-04 6.40337077e-04 -7.30602414e-04]] Final stress: [-1.59138758e-06 -2.66473174e-05 -2.65357228e-05 -2.41201985e-14 -2.31551045e-14 5.28087393e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00555198 0.00537122 0.00636854] [-0.00555197 -0.00537122 0.00636854] [-0.00279792 0.00262029 -0.00162207] ... [-0.00032635 0.00013479 0.00132768] [-0.00116791 0.00059088 0.00075615] [-0.00054617 -0.0008514 0.00064068]] Final stress: [-1.46754160e-06 -2.66528255e-05 -2.65396402e-05 -7.29637618e-15 2.75223118e-14 -5.38957569e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00095402 -0.00355186 0.00095402] [-0.00095403 0.00355184 0.00095403] [-0.00095409 -0.00355179 -0.00095409] ... [-0.00082358 -0.00013944 0.00180676] [-0.00170103 0.00153651 -0.00170103] [ 0.00180676 -0.00013944 -0.00082358]] Final stress: [ 6.07317968e-05 5.00372117e-05 6.07317968e-05 -4.90975315e-13 5.00460574e-13 -2.08784721e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00258443 0.00638883 -0.00258444] [ 0.00258445 -0.00638881 -0.00258445] [ 0.00258437 0.0063889 0.00258437] ... [-0.00016993 -0.00069407 0.00126864] [ 0.00328394 -0.00233034 0.00328394] [ 0.00126863 -0.00069406 -0.00016993]] Final stress: [-7.19411086e-05 -1.47060807e-05 -7.19411087e-05 -8.24725234e-13 -3.29697416e-13 -4.60453277e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0122251 -0.00211045 -0.00211045] [-0.01222555 0.00211 -0.00211001] [-0.0122248 -0.00211078 0.00211079] ... [ 0.00068648 -0.00055279 0.01640154] [ 0.00068646 0.01640158 -0.0005528 ] [-0.00308247 0.00406572 0.00406574]] Final stress: [ 3.47350012e-04 9.62418777e-06 9.62418696e-06 2.73379950e-12 -1.01041092e-12 -4.87623331e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00186081 -0.01234885 0.00984539] [ 0.00186082 0.01234886 0.00984538] [ 0.0018608 -0.01234884 -0.0098454 ] ... [ 0.0047792 0.00192604 -0.00288707] [-0.00697937 0.00434093 -0.00475266] [ 0.00131765 -0.00361003 0.00146958]] Final stress: [ 1.90612937e-05 -3.50457579e-05 8.83181229e-05 -3.48685710e-13 6.23625697e-13 -4.14458499e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00201801 0.01034266 -0.01301942] [ 0.00201801 -0.01034266 -0.01301942] [ 0.00201801 0.01034266 0.01301943] ... [-0.0079451 -0.00547492 0.00538236] [ 0.00536414 -0.00269914 0.00214891] [ 0.0020302 0.00158799 -0.0040972 ]] Final stress: [ 2.02348582e-05 9.73626751e-05 -4.00867264e-05 1.49521357e-13 8.20028244e-14 9.25142121e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-1.05911426e-03 4.34366631e-04 4.34364427e-04] [ 1.05909161e-03 -4.34382164e-04 4.34391867e-04] [ 1.05901096e-03 4.34468316e-04 -4.34467116e-04] ... [-1.05576869e-04 2.42166014e-04 -1.00238660e-03] [-1.05578025e-04 -1.00237999e-03 2.42165983e-04] [ 4.21043787e-04 3.95638584e-05 3.95737414e-05]] Final stress: [-5.33098316e-05 -4.03205236e-05 -4.03205246e-05 -1.94760002e-12 -2.17479667e-12 -1.74787988e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11339187 -0.09388192 -0.10061235] [ 0.00907545 0.01823899 -0.02342728] [ 0.00907548 -0.01823902 0.02342731] ... [ 0.02743962 0.01494132 0.00485107] [ 0.0373659 0.03825919 0.01153831] [-0.05997371 0.00989884 0.01948778]] Final stress: [ 1.30514995e-03 -2.14771959e-05 1.17817861e-03 -3.31251970e-04 3.63686183e-14 1.63025259e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00943654 -0.01809167 -0.02296874] [ 0.11148564 0.09311089 -0.09945573] [ 0.11148566 -0.09311091 0.09945574] ... [ 0.00302636 0.00405169 -0.04437652] [ 0.01039979 0.00048357 0.01860634] [ 0.00162371 -0.00138142 -0.01642165]] Final stress: [ 1.24829482e-03 -4.38993749e-05 1.12738873e-03 3.30204127e-04 7.99581093e-14 1.30803029e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.64177813e-03 2.82171388e-03 2.62675006e-03] [-6.38556360e-03 -5.59944519e-03 5.40143910e-03] [-6.38556412e-03 5.59944572e-03 -5.40143964e-03] ... [-6.43715837e-04 3.19011632e-04 7.40020331e-04] [-7.44714080e-04 -3.47948628e-04 6.39976798e-04] [ 2.77828127e-06 -4.38942088e-04 -4.56081981e-05]] Final stress: [-2.64761035e-05 -1.72420626e-06 -2.65869273e-05 5.41254277e-06 -1.84355303e-14 3.52335088e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0063577 0.00554278 0.00535836] [-0.00162139 -0.00280292 0.00262164] [-0.00162139 0.00280293 -0.00262164] ... [ 0.00075553 -0.00116663 0.00060085] [ 0.00064661 -0.00054113 -0.00084629] [ 0.00131578 -0.00032713 0.00013117]] Final stress: [-2.65340805e-05 -1.49362533e-06 -2.66464928e-05 -5.35191534e-06 5.58294672e-15 7.35359556e-14] Minimization converged after 77 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00262682 0.00183243 0.00262682] [-0.00546577 -0.00661216 0.00546577] [-0.00262682 0.00183242 -0.00262682] ... [ 0.0007685 -0.00101298 0.00078032] [-0.00015259 -0.00114471 -0.00015259] [ 0.00078032 -0.00101298 0.0007685 ]] Final stress: [-2.67051665e-05 -1.29956929e-06 -2.67051665e-05 5.08158223e-14 5.47146862e-06 6.25032472e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.39758761e-03 6.57285170e-03 5.39758761e-03] [-2.63107452e-03 -1.80931935e-03 2.63107453e-03] [-5.39758918e-03 6.57285334e-03 -5.39758920e-03] ... [-7.37814174e-04 2.90349666e-04 5.84779503e-04] [ 2.30770854e-05 2.09154527e-04 2.30770161e-05] [ 5.84779136e-04 2.90349659e-04 -7.37814097e-04]] Final stress: [-2.66896769e-05 -1.21976511e-06 -2.66896769e-05 -4.19641514e-14 -5.53734284e-06 -8.02741969e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1044453 -0.09850598 -0.11605141] [ 0.10444531 0.09850599 -0.11605142] [ 0.02490212 -0.0203826 0.01172153] ... [ 0.02183534 0.01148453 -0.05513805] [ 0.00781616 0.03830146 0.03660216] [ 0.00612029 0.00986561 0.02713493]] Final stress: [ 1.12876731e-03 -4.59551326e-05 1.25052612e-03 3.18109554e-13 1.20494382e-12 -3.33990620e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0232181 -0.01802276 -0.0089537 ] [ 0.02321807 0.01802272 -0.00895366] [ 0.10042948 -0.0937007 0.11312109] ... [-0.01587687 0.00033624 0.00285102] [ 0.01738498 0.00096616 0.01055293] [-0.04524943 0.00265755 0.002939 ]] Final stress: [ 1.17519724e-03 -2.15395319e-05 1.30186123e-03 -6.12834094e-13 6.11570871e-13 3.30320610e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.63941939e-03 2.81146970e-03 1.64847858e-03] [-2.63942768e-03 -2.81147805e-03 1.64848685e-03] [-5.37259148e-03 5.54779385e-03 -6.36262078e-03] ... [-6.54209343e-05 -4.88135177e-04 5.07608845e-06] [ 6.77272877e-04 -4.08144912e-04 -7.66886350e-04] [ 7.34694413e-04 3.40693780e-04 -6.51537178e-04]] Final stress: [-2.67100046e-05 -1.36927856e-06 -2.65964550e-05 -2.99885416e-14 -3.38028381e-14 5.23757890e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.41763124e-03 5.60698908e-03 6.39173537e-03] [-5.41763409e-03 -5.60699208e-03 6.39173834e-03] [-2.64143550e-03 2.82773227e-03 -1.66648362e-03] ... [ 5.96563584e-05 -3.61120706e-04 1.30326846e-03] [-8.13442329e-04 -5.44190301e-04 5.72582923e-04] [ 5.64394823e-04 -1.10802648e-03 6.70040609e-04]] Final stress: [-2.66603323e-05 -1.57483342e-06 -2.65485389e-05 -3.80207764e-14 2.40140592e-14 -5.25484854e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.55795936e-04 9.55795704e-04 -3.22224512e-03] [-9.55786611e-04 -9.55786943e-04 -3.22225414e-03] [-9.55785415e-04 9.55785864e-04 3.22225499e-03] ... [-1.72397909e-03 -1.72397904e-03 1.35978858e-03] [-6.17233965e-04 1.23496763e-03 2.03831965e-05] [ 1.23496809e-03 -6.17233941e-04 2.03820599e-05]] Final stress: [ 6.03025684e-05 6.03025683e-05 4.98116462e-05 -1.95859882e-13 -1.15053793e-13 2.45386824e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00261181 -0.00261181 0.00636909] [ 0.00261179 0.00261179 0.00636911] [ 0.00261181 -0.0026118 -0.0063691 ] ... [ 0.00328583 0.00328583 -0.00234492] [-0.00016752 0.00126904 -0.00069391] [ 0.00126904 -0.00016752 -0.0006939 ]] Final stress: [-7.19482003e-05 -7.19482003e-05 -1.46883379e-05 4.25169514e-13 1.54021124e-12 5.96082934e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11339563 -0.10100713 -0.09448074] [ 0.00915746 0.02311795 -0.01807956] [ 0.00915751 -0.02311801 0.01807961] ... [ 0.03676419 0.01069719 0.0382629 ] [ 0.02675297 0.00538367 0.01368565] [-0.05844815 0.01964035 0.01018022]] Final stress: [ 1.28238691e-03 1.15766766e-03 -2.77782373e-05 -3.28117445e-04 -3.82019854e-14 4.15324809e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00804109 -0.02217036 -0.01700845] [ 0.1120529 0.09948253 -0.0928138 ] [ 0.11205289 -0.09948253 0.09281379] ... [ 0.01088875 0.01732515 0.0006796 ] [ 0.0030867 -0.04507136 0.00274485] [ 0.00274631 -0.01587616 0.00032001]] Final stress: [ 1.28506393e-03 1.16026367e-03 -2.54805900e-05 3.26670331e-04 2.30234537e-13 -1.11713333e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.60213574e-03 2.60438144e-03 2.78653016e-03] [-6.36901176e-03 -5.36765109e-03 5.55291135e-03] [-6.36901220e-03 5.36765153e-03 -5.55291175e-03] ... [-7.99974742e-04 6.80533784e-04 -3.84814998e-04] [-6.77777850e-04 7.35600333e-04 3.40691489e-04] [-4.32060542e-06 -7.45350007e-05 -5.07481346e-04]] Final stress: [-2.64896584e-05 -2.66022948e-05 -1.57920548e-06 5.50610149e-06 -1.14249012e-14 7.83265547e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00638379 0.00540042 0.00556702] [-0.0016422 -0.00262646 0.00278989] [-0.0016422 0.00262646 -0.00278989] ... [ 0.00061386 -0.00085203 -0.00056482] [ 0.00073075 0.00059712 -0.00116273] [ 0.00133804 0.00012173 -0.0003353 ]] Final stress: [-2.66605805e-05 -2.67754021e-05 -1.18717068e-06 -5.12366205e-06 9.96407817e-16 -2.48121300e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10197278 -0.11316884 -0.09625609] [ 0.02349335 0.0107836 -0.01913314] [ 0.10197279 -0.11316884 0.09625609] ... [ 0.00703189 0.03494108 0.03780461] [ 0.02126651 -0.05309226 0.01157395] [ 0.00621 0.02539603 0.00870282]] Final stress: [ 1.08793494e-03 1.20435186e-03 -5.83165977e-05 2.14224378e-13 -3.27065289e-04 1.46994890e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02306087 -0.00883468 -0.01785357] [ 0.10044754 0.11309639 -0.09371367] [ 0.02306092 -0.00883473 0.01785362] ... [ 0.01737196 0.01062618 0.00086173] [-0.01587867 0.00280136 0.00040388] [-0.04530661 0.00291239 0.00264172]] Final stress: [ 1.17400728e-03 1.30054156e-03 -2.09794604e-05 -3.56436028e-13 3.29273281e-04 -2.50661186e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.63546484e-03 1.63718423e-03 2.81371004e-03] [-5.36291299e-03 -6.36028746e-03 5.54428552e-03] [-2.63546238e-03 1.63718175e-03 -2.81370745e-03] ... [ 6.76622872e-04 -7.84122148e-04 -3.93195447e-04] [-7.30834723e-05 -7.59816960e-06 -4.99869040e-04] [ 7.32317933e-04 -6.66350173e-04 3.38478997e-04]] Final stress: [-2.66445937e-05 -2.65315477e-05 -1.50517128e-06 1.32207196e-14 5.40712175e-06 -1.88667057e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00537027 0.00637411 0.00555499] [-0.00260847 -0.00160374 0.00279007] [-0.00537027 0.00637411 -0.005555 ] ... [-0.00085413 0.00065355 -0.00053987] [ 0.00013688 0.00133235 -0.00032607] [ 0.00058746 0.00076875 -0.00117271]] Final stress: [-2.66255445e-05 -2.65125282e-05 -1.48774976e-06 -2.66235638e-14 -5.46147617e-06 -4.34230783e-14] Minimization converged after 76 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.63203615e-03 2.63203614e-03 1.93742900e-03] [-2.63203987e-03 -2.63203984e-03 1.93743262e-03] [-5.59822416e-03 5.59822426e-03 -6.73177685e-03] ... [-2.17081538e-05 -2.17082808e-05 -9.96111974e-04] [ 6.04725874e-04 8.19252460e-04 -8.08972382e-04] [ 8.19251806e-04 6.04726007e-04 -8.08972268e-04]] Final stress: [-2.65140135e-05 -2.65140134e-05 -2.11155747e-06 -2.60465822e-14 -4.63040419e-14 5.56906149e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 12 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00559552 0.00559552 0.00673251] [-0.00559552 -0.00559552 0.00673251] [-0.00265043 0.00265043 -0.00196435] ... [-0.00020196 -0.00020196 0.00024712] [-0.00065456 0.00043021 0.00012901] [ 0.00043021 -0.00065456 0.00012901]] Final stress: [-2.64925848e-05 -2.64925848e-05 -2.20381909e-06 -9.30709288e-15 -4.76676821e-14 -5.56975185e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.81325451e-05 1.69257802e-04 1.69257806e-04] [ 2.65784406e-04 5.22757191e-04 -5.22757188e-04] [ 2.65785001e-04 -5.22757791e-04 5.22757787e-04] ... [-1.44209640e-03 -6.87431822e-04 8.48134615e-04] [-1.44209641e-03 8.48134601e-04 -6.87431846e-04] [ 6.87190605e-04 -2.10667936e-04 -2.10667968e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.69250268e-06 2.65876530e-06 2.65876531e-06 3.23476529e-05 -1.07686276e-15 -4.98265428e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.64765563e-04 -5.22621694e-04 -5.22621707e-04] [ 8.90623960e-05 -1.69211065e-04 1.69211063e-04] [ 8.90622053e-05 1.69211256e-04 -1.69211267e-04] ... [ 1.41055242e-03 6.37528580e-04 -6.69638333e-04] [ 1.41055236e-03 -6.69638339e-04 6.37528575e-04] [-4.88028077e-04 1.67289044e-04 1.67289033e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.69235570e-06 2.65861599e-06 2.65861602e-06 -3.23506536e-05 1.07927839e-14 -3.21418683e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00450643 -0.00450643 -0.00546676] [-0.00327133 -0.00327133 0.00423851] [ 0.00163709 0.00029089 0.0007098 ] ... [ 0.00798677 0.00798677 0.00260736] [ 0.01196569 0.00095134 0.00116594] [ 0.00095134 0.01196569 0.00116594]] Final stress: [-3.91819735e-06 -3.91819727e-06 -4.65820427e-06 -5.97184407e-05 -5.97184408e-05 1.60457167e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00025711 -0.00160943 -0.00071254] [ 0.00160943 -0.00025711 -0.00071254] [-0.00317879 0.00317879 -0.00411546] ... [ 0.0106258 -0.01057233 0.00119414] [ 0.00667117 0.00273256 -0.00393895] [-0.00040432 -0.00692127 0.00366764]] Final stress: [-3.91267746e-06 -3.91267751e-06 -4.64774187e-06 -5.94681333e-05 5.94681333e-05 -1.59094629e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00163429 0.00028721 -0.00071025] [-0.00028721 0.00163429 -0.00071025] [ 0.00447762 -0.00447762 0.0054346 ] ... [-0.01067252 0.01072751 0.00120165] [-0.0070099 -0.00046073 0.00367982] [ 0.0028038 0.00675883 -0.00395241]] Final stress: [-3.92459372e-06 -3.92459379e-06 -4.66382797e-06 5.99750767e-05 -5.99750767e-05 -1.60550434e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00326209 0.00326209 0.00424373] [ 0.00449185 0.00449185 -0.00546613] [-0.00030755 -0.00164884 0.00070738] ... [-0.00839205 -0.00839205 -0.00017842] [-0.01205729 0.00148115 -0.00147166] [ 0.00148115 -0.01205729 -0.00147166]] Final stress: [-3.91865216e-06 -3.91865226e-06 -4.65409613e-06 6.02482343e-05 6.02482343e-05 1.60438579e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-3.95069488e-03 -4.60219725e-03 -3.95069492e-03] [ 1.35510145e-03 7.31563904e-04 -4.22451362e-05] [-2.61098136e-03 3.27195779e-03 -2.61098135e-03] ... [ 1.00235485e-02 4.77411840e-04 1.17494834e-03] [ 6.22995333e-03 2.05288092e-03 6.22995312e-03] [ 1.17494826e-03 4.77411834e-04 1.00235485e-02]] Final stress: [-3.74762775e-06 -4.43149271e-06 -3.74762757e-06 -5.43796203e-05 1.42956340e-06 -5.43796203e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00032901 -0.00070462 -0.00166482] [-0.00335589 -0.00435602 0.00335589] [ 0.00166482 -0.00070462 -0.00032901] ... [ 0.00671382 -0.00398133 0.00288481] [ 0.01070874 0.00119999 -0.01065774] [-0.00054376 0.00370543 -0.00696684]] Final stress: [-3.89896315e-06 -4.63430004e-06 -3.89896307e-06 -5.97322334e-05 -1.60107906e-06 5.97322335e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.38710818e-03 -7.29202665e-04 -4.53819640e-06] [ 4.03525388e-03 4.72184898e-03 -4.03525388e-03] [ 4.53859338e-06 -7.29203080e-04 1.38710861e-03] ... [-6.08320479e-03 3.56399980e-03 1.31436545e-04] [-9.63740970e-03 1.12069066e-03 9.67501644e-03] [ 2.05289732e-03 -3.82453115e-03 5.84140415e-03]] Final stress: [-3.77426270e-06 -4.46727876e-06 -3.77426255e-06 5.49797703e-05 -1.45302181e-06 -5.49797702e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00305548 0.00390289 0.00305548] [-0.00016366 0.00071464 -0.00152342] [ 0.00432972 -0.00516896 0.00432972] ... [-0.01110762 -0.00113001 0.00117606] [-0.00748554 -0.0001359 -0.00748554] [ 0.00117606 -0.00113001 -0.01110762]] Final stress: [-3.81445915e-06 -4.52179950e-06 -3.81445932e-06 5.69897181e-05 1.51126186e-06 5.69897180e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.69357971e-04 -8.83923438e-05 1.69357974e-04] [ 5.22835717e-04 2.65502931e-04 -5.22835711e-04] [-1.69357958e-04 -8.83923724e-05 -1.69357952e-04] ... [-6.87280047e-04 -1.44262418e-03 8.48105039e-04] [-2.10330582e-04 6.86993122e-04 -2.10330582e-04] [ 8.48105086e-04 -1.44262418e-03 -6.87280083e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.65870338e-06 2.69244200e-06 2.65870341e-06 -2.41653051e-15 3.23482095e-05 -3.77555317e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.27066079e-04 -2.66469835e-04 -5.27066086e-04] [-1.73122902e-04 8.78937879e-05 1.73122891e-04] [ 5.27065477e-04 -2.66469218e-04 5.27065466e-04] ... [ 6.36389105e-04 1.41000359e-03 -6.67861608e-04] [ 1.66848692e-04 -4.97692701e-04 1.66848649e-04] [-6.67861604e-04 1.41000359e-03 6.36389052e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.65815345e-06 2.69185829e-06 2.65815344e-06 -3.50562792e-15 -3.23382629e-05 -4.42650778e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.96600815e-03 -4.18653863e-03 -4.18653867e-03] [ 7.22662797e-04 1.47202438e-03 9.56668900e-05] [ 7.22662777e-04 9.56668590e-05 1.47202438e-03] ... [ 7.70485112e-04 1.08628794e-02 1.09379205e-03] [ 7.70484937e-04 1.09379222e-03 1.08628795e-02] [ 2.29743012e-03 6.98595967e-03 6.98595961e-03]] Final stress: [-4.53531195e-06 -3.82661043e-06 -3.82661049e-06 1.50374039e-06 -5.66271627e-05 -5.66271626e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00070697 0.00031221 -0.0016527 ] [-0.00427939 -0.00329361 0.00329361] [ 0.005501 -0.00452236 0.00452236] ... [-0.00395754 0.00673163 0.00284715] [ 0.00368324 -0.00050512 -0.0069838 ] [ 0.00120069 0.010704 -0.01065128]] Final stress: [-4.64859978e-06 -3.91244821e-06 -3.91244797e-06 -1.60333308e-06 -5.99975476e-05 5.99975479e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00071309 -0.00162029 0.00026749] [ 0.00538875 0.00444853 -0.00444853] [-0.00415303 0.00320595 -0.00320595] ... [ 0.0036848 -0.00702641 -0.00043522] [-0.00395625 0.00277921 0.00677618] [ 0.00120252 -0.010693 0.01074971]] Final stress: [-4.67341369e-06 -3.93116964e-06 -3.93116926e-06 -1.60653548e-06 5.97298565e-05 -5.97298566e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00413851 0.00318512 0.00318512] [ 0.00071211 -0.0002746 -0.0016254 ] [ 0.00071211 -0.0016254 -0.0002746 ] ... [-0.00147493 -0.01208745 0.00141736] [-0.00147493 0.00141736 -0.01208745] [-0.00018535 -0.00843058 -0.00843058]] Final stress: [-4.67377897e-06 -3.93415702e-06 -3.93415715e-06 1.60703044e-06 6.01545259e-05 6.01545259e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.66270154e-04 1.66270156e-04 -8.97719081e-05] [-1.66270479e-04 -1.66270474e-04 -8.97716005e-05] [ 5.19267317e-04 -5.19267327e-04 2.63640305e-04] ... [-2.10007873e-04 -2.10007849e-04 6.78688242e-04] [-6.88087203e-04 8.49712234e-04 -1.44415495e-03] [ 8.49712122e-04 -6.88087231e-04 -1.44415491e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.65902935e-06 2.65902929e-06 2.69280158e-06 -9.25463766e-15 2.11489649e-15 3.23595900e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.15470427e-04 -5.15470422e-04 -2.65761990e-04] [ 5.15470618e-04 5.15470633e-04 -2.65762173e-04] [-1.62718168e-04 1.62718172e-04 8.74012920e-05] ... [ 1.71041293e-04 1.71041332e-04 -4.73104065e-04] [ 6.42087053e-04 -6.72305722e-04 1.40418854e-03] [-6.72305664e-04 6.42087001e-04 1.40418854e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.65968653e-06 2.65968656e-06 2.69347947e-06 6.40172295e-15 -5.45361567e-15 -3.23565504e-05] Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: energy-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.01,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 0.63971 99.55233 99.55199 0. 0. -0. ] [99.55233 0.63971 99.55241 0. 0. -0. ] [99.55199 99.55241 0.63971 0. 0. -0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. -0.05048 0. -0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.05048 -0.00001] [-0. -0. -0. -0. -0.00001 -0.05047]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[ 82.46121 515.41606 515.42227 0. 0. 0. ] [515.41606 82.46121 515.41561 0. 0. 0. ] [515.42227 515.41561 82.46121 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.15923 0.00005 0.00011] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.00005 0.15924 0.00002] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.00011 0.00002 0.15924]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 257.711135 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 99.552407 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 0.000344 Unable to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed, escalating to method stress-condensed Attempting to compute elastic constants with method stress-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01434924 0.00490468 0.00490468] [ 0.01434941 -0.00490451 0.00490451] [ 0.01434934 0.00490459 -0.00490459] ... [-0.001795 -0.00096932 0.0012134 ] [-0.001795 0.0012134 -0.00096932] [ 0.00404788 -0.00947227 -0.00947227]] Final stress: [1.06729931e-04 2.00022242e-04 2.00022242e-04 2.48711282e-13 8.10559682e-13 1.89898487e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02016065 -0.00757558 -0.00757558] [-0.02016075 0.00757548 -0.00757548] [-0.02016074 -0.00757549 0.00757549] ... [ 0.00320597 0.00184307 -0.00158955] [ 0.00320596 -0.00158955 0.00184307] [-0.00683618 0.00994462 0.00994462]] Final stress: [ 1.76057370e-05 -1.48901604e-04 -1.48901604e-04 -6.12599767e-13 -8.68520510e-13 5.94019341e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00481247 -0.01630095 0.00481247] [-0.00481239 0.01630103 0.00481239] [-0.00481242 -0.016301 -0.00481242] ... [ 0.00125423 -0.00135228 -0.00128747] [-0.00878509 0.00101382 -0.00878509] [-0.00128747 -0.00135228 0.00125424]] Final stress: [ 2.15791622e-04 8.04293104e-05 2.15791622e-04 -3.20452405e-13 -3.89046208e-14 -4.78711781e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00750097 0.02054974 -0.00750097] [ 0.00750091 -0.0205498 -0.00750091] [ 0.00750089 0.02054982 0.00750089] ... [ 0.00370104 0.00408947 -0.00365389] [ 0.00990498 -0.00888598 0.00990498] [-0.00365389 0.00408947 0.00370104]] Final stress: [-1.39695133e-04 -1.51598045e-07 -1.39695133e-04 -3.46067331e-13 -1.14748424e-14 5.43876235e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00488844 0.00488844 -0.01425337] [-0.00488836 -0.00488836 -0.01425345] [-0.00488832 0.00488832 0.01425349] ... [-0.00942709 -0.00942709 0.00406878] [-0.00099521 0.00124897 -0.00176322] [ 0.00124896 -0.0009952 -0.00176322]] Final stress: [1.99446142e-04 1.99446142e-04 1.06753898e-04 1.39989365e-13 2.51911415e-13 2.72569694e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00762331 -0.00762331 0.02119163] [ 0.00762334 0.00762334 0.0211916 ] [ 0.00762326 -0.00762326 -0.02119168] ... [ 0.00990163 0.00990163 -0.0089682 ] [ 0.00376441 -0.00396798 0.00422825] [-0.00396798 0.00376442 0.00422825]] Final stress: [-1.41860538e-04 -1.41860538e-04 5.93054158e-06 -4.65384866e-13 2.89760363e-13 -8.16405122e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00280172 0.00113361 0.00113361] [ 0.00360791 0.00194488 -0.00194488] [ 0.00360791 -0.00194488 0.00194488] ... [ 0.0014046 -0.00445947 0.00093761] [ 0.0014046 0.00093761 -0.00445947] [ 0.00274922 0.00069921 0.00069921]] Final stress: [ 3.21581389e-06 3.00243111e-06 3.00243110e-06 2.97767341e-05 -1.83632720e-15 -4.96149287e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00360681 -0.00194792 -0.00194792] [-0.00280016 -0.00113622 0.00113622] [-0.00280016 0.00113622 -0.00113622] ... [-0.00139703 0.00444374 -0.00072513] [-0.00139703 -0.00072513 0.00444374] [-0.00251772 -0.00075525 -0.00075525]] Final stress: [ 3.21602083e-06 3.00291272e-06 3.00291274e-06 -2.98396898e-05 -5.55035857e-15 1.82561882e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00110429 0.00281504 0.00110429] [ 0.0019122 0.00361775 -0.0019122 ] [-0.00110429 0.00281504 -0.00110429] ... [-0.00448335 0.0014104 0.00095357] [ 0.00071048 0.00266839 0.00071048] [ 0.00095357 0.0014104 -0.00448335]] Final stress: [3.00330964e-06 3.21811791e-06 3.00330964e-06 8.49770297e-15 2.96390718e-05 5.46225136e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00191967 -0.00361582 -0.00191967] [-0.00111118 -0.00281254 0.00111118] [ 0.00191967 -0.00361582 0.00191967] ... [ 0.00447562 -0.00141308 -0.00073393] [-0.00077122 -0.00243153 -0.00077122] [-0.00073393 -0.00141308 0.00447562]] Final stress: [ 3.00211154e-06 3.21685472e-06 3.00211153e-06 -4.76922572e-15 -2.95779301e-05 -2.94035747e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00110887 0.00110887 0.00280235] [-0.00110887 -0.00110887 0.00280235] [ 0.00191791 -0.00191791 0.00360616] ... [ 0.00071893 0.00071893 0.00270089] [-0.00449267 0.00094033 0.00143132] [ 0.00094033 -0.00449267 0.00143132]] Final stress: [ 3.00069942e-06 3.00069939e-06 3.21544848e-06 -1.07859724e-15 -8.11867022e-15 2.94447623e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00199213 -0.00199213 -0.00360755] [ 0.00199214 0.00199214 -0.00360755] [-0.00117638 0.00117638 -0.00279652] ... [-0.00071724 -0.00071724 -0.00261684] [ 0.00437796 -0.00072611 -0.00134313] [-0.00072611 0.00437796 -0.00134313]] Final stress: [ 3.00715867e-06 3.00715875e-06 3.21758560e-06 4.05873018e-15 -4.88970994e-16 -3.05181083e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.019391 -0.0016135 -0.00161349] [ 0.019391 0.00161349 -0.00161349] [ 0.01939106 -0.00161355 0.00161355] ... [-0.00107517 -0.00362305 -0.00038251] [-0.00107517 -0.00038251 -0.00362305] [ 0.00557423 -0.00651143 -0.00651143]] Final stress: [ 2.51062484e-05 1.59079182e-04 1.59079182e-04 3.05195729e-13 -6.84053730e-13 -8.53560803e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.54550608e-02 -5.91150462e-03 -5.91150558e-03] [-1.54550923e-02 5.91147313e-03 -5.91147342e-03] [-1.54550333e-02 -5.91153420e-03 5.91153600e-03] ... [-5.62699339e-05 -7.83869199e-04 2.38386906e-03] [-5.62718161e-05 2.38387070e-03 -7.83868738e-04] [ 4.49636581e-04 6.26629900e-03 6.26629657e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.11503242e-05 -1.36008730e-04 -1.36008730e-04 -7.62988846e-13 -4.36431193e-13 -1.02508835e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00145478 -0.02021665 -0.00145478] [ 0.00145483 0.0202167 -0.00145483] [ 0.00145486 -0.02021673 0.00145486] ... [-0.00349407 -0.00130587 -0.0003838 ] [-0.00677847 0.00549861 -0.00677847] [-0.0003838 -0.00130587 -0.00349407]] Final stress: [1.64197479e-04 2.36055161e-05 1.64197479e-04 3.51770368e-13 1.53917399e-13 9.43037941e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00576388 0.01498971 -0.00576388] [ 0.00576391 -0.01498968 -0.00576391] [ 0.00576392 0.01498967 0.00576392] ... [-0.00086723 -0.00020232 0.00259443] [ 0.00618772 0.00059632 0.00618772] [ 0.00259443 -0.00020232 -0.00086723]] Final stress: [-1.34780999e-04 3.83223024e-05 -1.34780999e-04 1.76285135e-13 8.33070380e-13 -3.90641158e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-9.06423084e-04 -9.06422240e-04 -2.15359179e-02] [ 9.06456127e-04 9.06455257e-04 -2.15359507e-02] [ 9.06436171e-04 -9.06435552e-04 2.15359293e-02] ... [-7.14583421e-03 -7.14583394e-03 5.16204828e-03] [-3.23735822e-03 -8.98977680e-05 -1.76278499e-03] [-8.98991242e-05 -3.23735791e-03 -1.76278453e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.73295394e-04 1.73295394e-04 2.26199284e-05 -5.41463910e-13 7.53512555e-13 6.39446668e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-5.63660242e-03 -5.63660346e-03 1.46869612e-02] [ 5.63665560e-03 5.63665439e-03 1.46869113e-02] [ 5.63662810e-03 -5.63662882e-03 -1.46869334e-02] ... [ 6.06995897e-03 6.06995898e-03 1.85757901e-04] [-6.08948763e-04 2.00939296e-03 -9.04607520e-05] [ 2.00938792e-03 -6.08946282e-04 -9.04604685e-05]] Final stress: [-1.32564357e-04 -1.32564357e-04 3.55035464e-05 -4.40337035e-13 7.39671527e-13 -6.85374307e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00635496 0.00197208 0.00197208] [-0.00466433 0.00370575 -0.00370575] [-0.00466433 -0.00370575 0.00370575] ... [-0.0039666 -0.00665972 0.00027518] [-0.0039666 0.00027518 -0.00665972] [ 0.0083361 0.00542826 0.00542826]] Final stress: [ 3.06325924e-06 1.29673058e-06 1.29673055e-06 -2.68811065e-05 2.76694125e-14 3.36030739e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00471357 -0.00373906 -0.00373906] [ 0.00642102 -0.00198773 0.00198773] [ 0.00642101 0.00198773 -0.00198773] ... [ 0.00432049 0.00687799 0.00088188] [ 0.00432049 0.00088188 0.00687799] [-0.00731876 -0.00534454 -0.00534454]] Final stress: [3.13595817e-06 1.33179245e-06 1.33179240e-06 2.76460167e-05 2.20963681e-14 1.95535135e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00209213 -0.00643564 0.00209213] [ 0.00385672 -0.00471432 -0.00385672] [-0.00209213 -0.00643564 -0.00209213] ... [-0.00657063 -0.00413957 0.00027606] [ 0.00539109 0.00869675 0.00539109] [ 0.00027606 -0.00413957 -0.00657063]] Final stress: [ 1.33848530e-06 3.13594675e-06 1.33848528e-06 4.07803164e-14 -2.60890388e-05 -9.39139198e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00408256 0.00472452 -0.00408256] [-0.00228137 0.00648271 0.00228137] [ 0.00408257 0.00472452 0.00408257] ... [ 0.00656216 0.00469529 0.0008753 ] [-0.00516128 -0.00808808 -0.00516128] [ 0.0008753 0.00469529 0.00656216]] Final stress: [ 1.37842887e-06 3.19681307e-06 1.37842887e-06 -3.37393540e-14 2.44549155e-05 4.17279748e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00195996 0.00195996 -0.0063008 ] [-0.00195996 -0.00195996 -0.00630079] [ 0.00367947 -0.00367947 -0.00462365] ... [ 0.0053852 0.0053852 0.00826164] [-0.00660926 0.00027457 -0.00394473] [ 0.00027457 -0.00660926 -0.00394473]] Final stress: [ 1.26925754e-06 1.26925754e-06 3.00576557e-06 3.12839558e-14 3.57414646e-15 -2.62738616e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00373163 -0.00373163 0.00470682] [ 0.00373162 0.00373162 0.00470682] [-0.00198414 0.00198414 0.00641059] ... [-0.00533644 -0.00533644 -0.00729682] [ 0.00686282 0.00087805 0.00432029] [ 0.00087805 0.00686282 0.00432028]] Final stress: [ 1.32482536e-06 1.32482551e-06 3.12136892e-06 -1.09469720e-14 -1.69386892e-15 2.74599339e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-3.08044222e-03 1.45397509e-03 1.45397532e-03] [ 3.08049451e-03 -1.45391973e-03 1.45392439e-03] [ 3.08057067e-03 1.45384598e-03 -1.45384462e-03] ... [-7.97740796e-05 7.44667973e-04 -1.32400859e-03] [-7.97714123e-05 -1.32401515e-03 7.44666488e-04] [ 5.56797133e-04 -1.05342942e-03 -1.05343093e-03]] Final stress: [3.30037655e-05 6.55059351e-05 6.55059349e-05 3.13678274e-13 8.12227427e-14 1.70090295e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00802114 -0.00318163 -0.00318163] [-0.00802106 0.00318171 -0.00318171] [-0.00802107 -0.0031817 0.0031817 ] ... [-0.00082973 0.00075763 -0.00056915] [-0.00082973 -0.00056914 0.00075763] [-0.00258699 0.00483311 0.00483312]] Final stress: [ 1.09946242e-05 -7.67859548e-05 -7.67859553e-05 2.44219298e-12 -1.44558484e-12 -3.01368155e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0018087 -0.004172 0.0018087 ] [-0.0018087 0.00417201 0.0018087 ] [-0.00180863 -0.00417207 -0.00180863] ... [-0.00060981 0.0015136 -0.00024147] [-0.00403393 0.00216357 -0.00403393] [-0.00024149 0.0015136 -0.00060981]] Final stress: [7.30031968e-05 2.60720766e-05 7.30031966e-05 2.15583070e-12 5.53145390e-13 5.18723997e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00306259 0.00732211 -0.00306259] [ 0.0030624 -0.0073223 -0.0030624 ] [ 0.00306239 0.00732232 0.00306239] ... [ 0.00050864 -0.00065494 -0.00027764] [ 0.00395628 -0.00224809 0.00395628] [-0.00027764 -0.00065494 0.00050864]] Final stress: [-7.50423346e-05 6.70967163e-06 -7.50423349e-05 9.49799524e-13 -1.01575637e-12 -1.98682167e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.66020777e-03 1.66020689e-03 -3.72127162e-03] [-1.66040026e-03 -1.66039736e-03 -3.72108645e-03] [-1.66048760e-03 1.66049524e-03 3.72098509e-03] ... [-2.65191858e-03 -2.65192236e-03 1.50096191e-03] [ 6.41592276e-05 -8.37054213e-04 7.22239037e-04] [-8.37048259e-04 6.41580763e-05 7.22240917e-04]] Final stress: [ 6.96949746e-05 6.96949749e-05 2.89731730e-05 -2.09890099e-12 -9.14632857e-13 1.62908302e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00315112 -0.00315112 0.00800891] [ 0.00315105 0.00315105 0.00800898] [ 0.00315096 -0.00315096 -0.00800908] ... [ 0.00480559 0.0048056 -0.00257127] [ 0.00075763 -0.00058268 -0.00081628] [-0.00058268 0.00075763 -0.00081628]] Final stress: [-7.66148649e-05 -7.66148653e-05 1.06599691e-05 -2.11874984e-12 1.06652061e-12 -1.72812285e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.72771504e-03 -5.57879116e-04 -5.57879122e-04] [-1.16685528e-03 7.22936327e-06 -7.22936318e-06] [-1.16685486e-03 -7.22978284e-06 7.22978185e-06] ... [ 1.22311239e-03 -3.79826313e-03 5.90546864e-04] [ 1.22311241e-03 5.90546893e-04 -3.79826315e-03] [ 1.65119779e-03 1.40119931e-03 1.40119924e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.14231676e-06 9.56433382e-07 9.56433364e-07 7.15249585e-06 -2.69402497e-14 -7.29192367e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.18666634e-03 7.46350079e-06 7.46351807e-06] [ 1.74573279e-03 5.70851381e-04 -5.70851389e-04] [ 1.74573236e-03 -5.70850960e-04 5.70850948e-04] ... [-1.32623017e-03 3.75077753e-03 -1.52136025e-04] [-1.32623024e-03 -1.52135930e-04 3.75077760e-03] [-1.19077027e-03 -1.50968636e-03 -1.50968641e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.13196105e-06 9.44249010e-07 9.44249027e-07 -6.94732259e-06 2.75073168e-14 -5.60274169e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.98424253e-04 -1.76591833e-03 -5.98424257e-04] [-3.72850921e-05 -1.20916845e-03 3.72851075e-05] [ 5.98424974e-04 -1.76591905e-03 5.98424961e-04] ... [-3.86738674e-03 1.31325434e-03 5.95140427e-04] [ 1.45038157e-03 1.61873982e-03 1.45038148e-03] [ 5.95140370e-04 1.31325430e-03 -3.86738674e-03]] Final stress: [ 9.36596492e-07 1.12581757e-06 9.36596513e-07 1.29786553e-14 6.73706538e-06 -5.00393258e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.87705462e-05 1.20635556e-03 2.87705215e-05] [ 5.90573077e-04 1.76376637e-03 -5.90573060e-04] [-2.87712159e-05 1.20635626e-03 -2.87712109e-05] ... [ 3.78249005e-03 -1.37290756e-03 -1.52245147e-04] [-1.53308644e-03 -1.18208630e-03 -1.53308645e-03] [-1.52245133e-04 -1.37290761e-03 3.78249002e-03]] Final stress: [ 9.33503444e-07 1.12283005e-06 9.33503433e-07 -2.89800296e-14 -6.72564383e-06 -1.47375726e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.93031655e-04 -5.93031644e-04 -1.76395336e-03] [ 5.93032394e-04 5.93032410e-04 -1.76395411e-03] [-3.15772583e-05 3.15772776e-05 -1.20687831e-03] ... [ 1.44650687e-03 1.44650683e-03 1.61778724e-03] [-3.86025702e-03 5.93758968e-04 1.30085336e-03] [ 5.93759165e-04 -3.86025718e-03 1.30085353e-03]] Final stress: [ 9.36542082e-07 9.36542084e-07 1.12546755e-06 5.29083869e-14 -1.44978255e-14 6.77614166e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-5.30416322e-05 -5.30416147e-05 1.12612441e-03] [ 5.30416953e-05 5.30416909e-05 1.12612434e-03] [ 5.15969508e-04 -5.15969513e-04 1.69101208e-03] ... [-1.43985895e-03 -1.43985894e-03 -1.24542307e-03] [ 3.65658515e-03 -1.52605011e-04 -1.20390599e-03] [-1.52605066e-04 3.65658513e-03 -1.20390596e-03]] Final stress: [ 9.73700464e-07 9.73700442e-07 1.15677401e-06 -1.00277573e-14 -1.38158650e-14 -7.52541015e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00236373 0.00187198 0.00187198] [ 0.0023637 -0.00187201 0.00187202] [ 0.00236379 0.00187192 -0.00187192] ... [ 0.00060576 0.0006271 0.00075546] [ 0.00060576 0.00075545 0.00062709] [ 0.00447787 -0.00036277 -0.00036279]] Final stress: [ 7.75489343e-06 5.89666213e-05 5.89666210e-05 2.86355607e-12 -1.80948424e-12 -3.89831312e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.72953368e-04 -7.07386968e-04 -7.07386797e-04] [-8.72804612e-04 7.07534090e-04 -7.07533917e-04] [-8.72827767e-04 -7.07508292e-04 7.07507751e-04] ... [-4.27314789e-04 -3.03492421e-04 -1.71858865e-04] [-4.27314078e-04 -1.71867469e-04 -3.03491426e-04] [-1.29512131e-03 4.62436692e-05 4.62408917e-05]] Final stress: [-2.20840123e-05 -2.65121253e-05 -2.65121251e-05 1.30116913e-12 9.01907006e-13 -2.28298492e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00209123 -0.00261637 0.00209124] [-0.00209119 0.00261643 0.0020912 ] [-0.00209088 -0.00261676 -0.00209086] ... [ 0.00066096 0.00059987 0.00073973] [-0.00041023 0.00489676 -0.00041024] [ 0.00073978 0.00059986 0.00066094]] Final stress: [ 6.28978592e-05 4.09743170e-06 6.28978570e-05 4.72893954e-12 4.93289628e-14 -6.81499771e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-8.41476719e-04 7.05382708e-04 -8.41477084e-04] [ 8.41423443e-04 -7.05436619e-04 -8.41423207e-04] [ 8.41435029e-04 7.05426239e-04 8.41435170e-04] ... [-3.27568870e-04 -4.03804014e-04 -1.65084392e-04] [-6.22370582e-05 -1.33199565e-03 -6.22379079e-05] [-1.65088154e-04 -4.03805028e-04 -3.27564770e-04]] Final stress: [-2.65680337e-05 -2.30058295e-05 -2.65680336e-05 1.00466286e-12 -5.52892152e-13 1.94336538e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00103449 0.00103449 -0.00233771] [-0.00103434 -0.00103435 -0.00233786] [-0.00103437 0.00103436 0.00233784] ... [-0.001008 -0.001008 0.00321775] [ 0.00010417 -0.00104025 -0.00035608] [-0.00104027 0.0001042 -0.00035605]] Final stress: [ 5.65822892e-05 5.65822893e-05 7.42357539e-07 -1.29994457e-12 4.66991383e-12 -1.97037007e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-7.11656943e-04 -7.11658463e-04 7.51221548e-04] [ 7.11732611e-04 7.11732642e-04 7.51149006e-04] [ 7.11765297e-04 -7.11771425e-04 -7.51107540e-04] ... [-3.63644201e-05 -3.63650046e-05 -1.51875901e-03] [-3.32503934e-04 -8.89975756e-05 -2.74666622e-04] [-8.89990515e-05 -3.32502095e-04 -2.74666513e-04]] Final stress: [-2.72840132e-05 -2.72840136e-05 -2.15469718e-05 9.49534481e-13 -1.18748162e-12 -7.99756296e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04255127e-03 -8.88981391e-04 -8.88981333e-04] [-9.83845343e-05 6.42727854e-05 -6.42727986e-05] [-9.83855758e-05 -6.42716900e-05 6.42716816e-05] ... [ 2.63763526e-03 -3.88658507e-03 1.58838744e-03] [ 2.63763522e-03 1.58838730e-03 -3.88658516e-03] [ 1.53812930e-03 1.69609192e-03 1.69609191e-03]] Final stress: [-1.85550754e-06 -2.12788356e-06 -2.12788348e-06 -1.09781312e-05 -6.06643756e-14 5.45356517e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.07507668e-04 -6.14741693e-05 -6.14741488e-05] [ 1.05281961e-03 8.92959073e-04 -8.92959059e-04] [ 1.05281898e-03 -8.92958422e-04 8.92958471e-04] ... [-2.79899412e-03 3.69314932e-03 -6.55756086e-04] [-2.79899409e-03 -6.55756126e-04 3.69314925e-03] [-6.52252219e-04 -1.86551229e-03 -1.86551235e-03]] Final stress: [-1.86523266e-06 -2.13813217e-06 -2.13813219e-06 1.09198318e-05 7.17121725e-14 -9.07086190e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.81166428e-04 -1.04060868e-03 -8.81166416e-04] [ 7.44691809e-05 -9.40742340e-05 -7.44691536e-05] [ 8.81166240e-04 -1.04060844e-03 8.81166210e-04] ... [-3.87948466e-03 2.65243738e-03 1.58808185e-03] [ 1.69438862e-03 1.56834330e-03 1.69438871e-03] [ 1.58808167e-03 2.65243753e-03 -3.87948472e-03]] Final stress: [-2.13790383e-06 -1.86493950e-06 -2.13790372e-06 -7.81970602e-15 -1.10032199e-05 5.55832171e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.94109495e-04 3.02961938e-05 -2.94109469e-04] [ 6.80745264e-04 9.97877029e-04 -6.80745274e-04] [ 2.94108967e-04 3.02967177e-05 2.94108962e-04] ... [ 3.49186845e-03 -1.96260828e-03 -4.06583101e-04] [-1.48293607e-03 -9.16781155e-04 -1.48293615e-03] [-4.06583258e-04 -1.96260836e-03 3.49186842e-03]] Final stress: [-1.76488287e-06 -1.52294619e-06 -1.76488297e-06 -9.29009594e-15 9.01219951e-06 2.78695805e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.96188017e-04 -8.96188000e-04 -1.04706166e-03] [ 8.96189214e-04 8.96189235e-04 -1.04706278e-03] [ 5.59905413e-05 -5.59905454e-05 -1.03968887e-04] ... [ 1.69911863e-03 1.69911867e-03 1.53623737e-03] [-3.88866629e-03 1.58614353e-03 2.63639357e-03] [ 1.58614363e-03 -3.88866640e-03 2.63639353e-03]] Final stress: [-2.12711007e-06 -2.12711009e-06 -1.85483700e-06 -3.87633192e-16 3.23891487e-15 -1.10362628e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-7.70715683e-05 -7.70715110e-05 9.44109279e-05] [ 7.70725555e-05 7.70725732e-05 9.44098659e-05] [ 8.79279842e-04 -8.79279844e-04 1.04165541e-03] ... [-1.86837902e-03 -1.86837902e-03 -6.54622861e-04] [ 3.69827044e-03 -6.46804705e-04 -2.80635022e-03] [-6.46804518e-04 3.69827059e-03 -2.80635020e-03]] Final stress: [-2.14256865e-06 -2.14256859e-06 -1.86938330e-06 -1.98274804e-14 5.58902555e-14 1.10225484e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00893319 0.00654625 0.00654624] [ 0.00893347 -0.00654596 0.00654597] [ 0.0089333 0.00654614 -0.00654614] ... [ 0.00016571 -0.01092146 0.0090024 ] [ 0.00016578 0.00900235 -0.0109215 ] [ 0.0105976 -0.00555776 -0.00555776]] Final stress: [-3.94476441e-05 2.16795782e-04 2.16795777e-04 -1.69504938e-12 -2.90314896e-12 1.62791876e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00091581 -0.00095849 -0.00095849] [-0.0009153 0.000959 -0.00095899] [-0.00091555 -0.00095875 0.00095874] ... [-0.00029878 -0.00058413 -0.00100125] [-0.00029878 -0.00100126 -0.00058413] [-0.00072606 0.00089514 0.00089515]] Final stress: [-1.06779523e-05 -1.87466567e-05 -1.87466588e-05 -4.35526492e-12 4.02286772e-12 3.74143110e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01483824 -0.02800238 0.01483821] [-0.01483593 0.02800467 0.01483599] [-0.01483599 -0.02800458 -0.01483605] ... [-0.02178159 -0.00659106 0.00681869] [ 0.0068424 0.02894742 0.00684241] [ 0.00681858 -0.0065915 -0.02178165]] Final stress: [4.45169658e-04 2.85198046e-04 4.45169664e-04 3.61039574e-11 1.45796019e-11 6.07155594e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-1.10018760e-03 1.09503411e-03 -1.10018417e-03] [ 1.09998199e-03 -1.09523853e-03 -1.09998443e-03] [ 1.09967229e-03 1.09555425e-03 1.09967563e-03] ... [-6.14838115e-04 9.45763610e-05 -6.64079368e-04] [ 1.87505071e-04 -8.25592525e-04 1.87525076e-04] [-6.64056089e-04 9.45615037e-05 -6.14854259e-04]] Final stress: [-1.82860622e-05 -1.39627928e-05 -1.82860615e-05 -4.90211296e-12 9.11317232e-13 -8.26514515e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00766104 0.00766104 -0.00875529] [-0.00766111 -0.0076611 -0.00875523] [-0.00766138 0.00766138 0.00875494] ... [ 0.00217795 0.00217795 0.0117191 ] [-0.00362201 0.00161156 0.00062907] [ 0.00161155 -0.003622 0.0006291 ]] Final stress: [ 1.12135729e-04 1.12135730e-04 2.03256640e-05 -2.71921783e-12 5.98620781e-13 -8.11589774e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00123386 -0.00123386 0.00085675] [ 0.00123364 0.00123365 0.00085696] [ 0.0012337 -0.00123369 -0.00085692] ... [ 0.00062107 0.00062107 -0.00064954] [-0.0007485 -0.00100048 -0.00025685] [-0.00100044 -0.00074852 -0.00025687]] Final stress: [-1.88445175e-05 -1.88445167e-05 -1.11468407e-05 -3.18604904e-12 1.91183535e-12 1.78645164e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00311136 -0.00155407 -0.00155407] [-0.00199931 -0.00042985 0.00042985] [-0.00199931 0.00042985 -0.00042985] ... [ 0.00720369 0.00150395 0.00054138] [ 0.00720369 0.00054139 0.00150395] [-0.00134753 -0.0001228 -0.0001228 ]] Final stress: [-1.01872844e-05 -1.06505153e-05 -1.06505152e-05 -3.16476215e-05 1.28916586e-13 -6.52194500e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00192849 0.00032544 0.00032544] [ 0.00306639 0.00147546 -0.00147546] [ 0.00306639 -0.00147546 0.00147546] ... [-0.00776129 -0.00200292 0.00208959] [-0.00776129 0.00208959 -0.00200292] [ 0.00378874 -0.00050343 -0.00050343]] Final stress: [-1.02619858e-05 -1.07332880e-05 -1.07332880e-05 3.23741050e-05 9.91464430e-14 -8.01308244e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.51383975e-03 -3.06241937e-03 -1.51383982e-03] [-3.75389604e-04 -1.93602418e-03 3.75389624e-04] [ 1.51384026e-03 -3.06241986e-03 1.51384032e-03] ... [ 1.44281409e-03 7.24639965e-03 5.07061857e-04] [-5.27169256e-05 -1.27944569e-03 -5.27168667e-05] [ 5.07061890e-04 7.24639951e-03 1.44281403e-03]] Final stress: [-1.06812572e-05 -1.02139996e-05 -1.06812571e-05 1.89272449e-13 -3.25868019e-05 9.06882309e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00041552 0.00196071 0.00041552] [ 0.00154446 0.00307793 -0.00154446] [-0.00041552 0.00196071 -0.00041552] ... [-0.00203758 -0.00732974 0.00201647] [-0.00033755 0.00387375 -0.00033755] [ 0.00201647 -0.00732974 -0.00203759]] Final stress: [-1.04165371e-05 -9.96907456e-06 -1.04165371e-05 3.51035159e-14 3.03326694e-05 7.75570030e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00151241 -0.00151241 -0.00307449] [ 0.0015124 0.0015124 -0.00307449] [-0.00039262 0.00039262 -0.00196665] ... [-0.00019149 -0.00019149 -0.0014822 ] [ 0.00159297 0.00050143 0.00709774] [ 0.00050143 0.00159297 0.00709774]] Final stress: [-1.06220071e-05 -1.06220073e-05 -1.01667937e-05 -4.65371630e-14 -8.33059759e-14 -3.14019405e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00042627 0.00042627 0.0019691 ] [-0.00042627 -0.00042627 0.0019691 ] [ 0.00154794 -0.00154794 0.0030788 ] ... [-0.00043602 -0.00043602 0.0039572 ] [-0.00207289 0.00207415 -0.00760756] [ 0.00207415 -0.00207289 -0.00760756]] Final stress: [-1.05924919e-05 -1.05924920e-05 -1.01345232e-05 -6.59522045e-14 1.90411928e-14 3.17963855e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0009078 0.00283777 0.00283779] [ 0.00090898 -0.0028366 0.0028366 ] [ 0.00090869 0.00283691 -0.0028369 ] ... [-0.00086721 -0.00026987 0.00140802] [-0.0008672 0.00140804 -0.00026988] [ 0.00228945 -0.00073939 -0.0007394 ]] Final stress: [-2.26274529e-05 4.89181261e-05 4.89181260e-05 5.83891877e-12 3.01217259e-12 -1.12812979e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0008839 -0.00111653 -0.00111653] [-0.00088417 0.00111626 -0.00111625] [-0.00088395 -0.00111648 0.00111648] ... [-0.00015454 -0.00077896 -0.00013854] [-0.00015453 -0.00013858 -0.00077897] [-0.00155947 0.00042919 0.0004292 ]] Final stress: [ 5.12245662e-06 -1.66103543e-05 -1.66103542e-05 1.66794675e-12 -4.38666306e-13 3.89122299e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00210564 -0.00101593 0.00210565] [-0.00210567 0.00101592 0.00210565] [-0.00210636 -0.00101525 -0.00210633] ... [-0.0003342 -0.0007824 0.00090276] [-0.00041706 0.00264859 -0.00041704] [ 0.00090282 -0.00078242 -0.00033422]] Final stress: [ 4.59306757e-05 -2.02218478e-05 4.59306774e-05 -2.44029494e-13 5.51524358e-12 2.80260134e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-7.15743925e-04 1.30136660e-03 -7.15747544e-04] [ 7.15946662e-04 -1.30115708e-03 -7.15956505e-04] [ 7.15771516e-04 1.30134139e-03 7.15767869e-04] ... [-7.02017179e-04 -2.47586733e-04 2.25008632e-04] [ 3.64980289e-05 -2.33699038e-03 3.64965720e-05] [ 2.25033019e-04 -2.47596612e-04 -7.02037113e-04]] Final stress: [-1.93146207e-05 8.37987664e-06 -1.93146202e-05 2.42865052e-12 -3.49156040e-14 4.43707437e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00176861 0.0017686 -0.00269883] [-0.00176878 -0.0017688 -0.00269871] [-0.0017683 0.00176832 0.00269914] ... [-0.00026214 -0.00026213 0.00357182] [-0.00080347 -0.00061742 -0.0010564 ] [-0.0006174 -0.00080347 -0.00105639]] Final stress: [ 4.85563058e-05 4.85563054e-05 -1.29966941e-05 -1.76005150e-11 1.72278107e-11 -2.36538330e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-4.25074274e-04 -4.25081869e-04 1.46533159e-03] [ 4.24933907e-04 4.24945592e-04 1.46547633e-03] [ 4.25361695e-04 -4.25352504e-04 -1.46505335e-03] ... [ 1.10848621e-04 1.10839661e-04 -2.59288343e-03] [-7.04873989e-04 4.27507550e-04 6.50037973e-05] [ 4.27491509e-04 -7.04877915e-04 6.50096615e-05]] Final stress: [-1.94791484e-05 -1.94791486e-05 8.10435458e-06 1.02335570e-11 4.70661641e-13 3.05965971e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02134594 -0.01555307 -0.01555307] [-0.00182768 0.00490795 -0.00490795] [-0.00182767 -0.00490797 0.00490797] ... [ 0.03649584 0.00711003 0.02124181] [ 0.03649583 0.02124181 0.00711003] [ 0.00942746 -0.02897854 -0.02897854]] Final stress: [-2.80621209e-05 -5.95343372e-05 -5.95343290e-05 -2.37353665e-04 1.62933360e-12 -2.19967183e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0026181 -0.00425967 -0.00425967] [ 0.0218161 0.01588727 -0.01588727] [ 0.0218161 -0.01588726 0.01588726] ... [-0.03708489 -0.0134347 0.01747495] [-0.03708489 0.01747495 -0.0134347 ] [ 0.02879987 0.02105513 0.02105513]] Final stress: [-2.78937113e-05 -5.93103613e-05 -5.93103685e-05 2.36773138e-04 -1.64536969e-12 -2.11649962e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01569598 -0.0221073 -0.01569598] [ 0.00424361 -0.00311471 -0.00424361] [ 0.01569596 -0.02210729 0.01569596] ... [ 0.0069943 0.03633839 0.02143496] [-0.02782115 0.00779312 -0.02782115] [ 0.02143496 0.03633839 0.0069943 ]] Final stress: [-6.02257736e-05 -2.88764459e-05 -6.02257781e-05 2.46019672e-12 -2.35212657e-04 3.47618275e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00423128 0.0025255 -0.00423128] [ 0.01554427 0.02137385 -0.01554427] [ 0.00423128 0.00252551 0.00423128] ... [-0.01342127 -0.03733596 0.01736298] [ 0.02053503 0.02938734 0.02053503] [ 0.01736297 -0.03733596 -0.01342127]] Final stress: [-6.03462193e-05 -2.98576713e-05 -6.03462121e-05 -2.25728448e-12 2.34313446e-04 -1.19005234e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01584705 -0.01584705 -0.02190567] [ 0.01584707 0.01584707 -0.02190569] [ 0.00425536 -0.00425536 -0.002755 ] ... [-0.02845087 -0.02845087 0.00809828] [ 0.0071892 0.02138805 0.03645691] [ 0.02138806 0.0071892 0.03645692]] Final stress: [-5.96209565e-05 -5.96209571e-05 -2.81628395e-05 -3.78733505e-12 6.34254381e-12 -2.37111146e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00397451 -0.00397451 0.00267538] [ 0.00397451 0.0039745 0.00267539] [ 0.01591471 -0.01591471 0.02162527] ... [ 0.02088033 0.02088034 0.02917367] [-0.01343326 0.01739564 -0.03718138] [ 0.01739565 -0.01343326 -0.03718138]] Final stress: [-5.97986638e-05 -5.97986584e-05 -2.89709621e-05 -4.52504594e-12 -3.42816140e-13 2.35850794e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00190096 0.00148726 0.00148725] [ 0.00190107 -0.00148713 0.00148715] [ 0.00190176 0.00148644 -0.00148645] ... [-0.00202141 -0.0001152 -0.00112513] [-0.00202144 -0.00112506 -0.00011522] [ 0.00361661 -0.00094897 -0.00094898]] Final stress: [-3.15757245e-05 4.23478804e-05 4.23478831e-05 -4.99868171e-12 1.33523036e-12 -1.16849685e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00322772 -0.0186116 -0.01861305] [-0.00320177 0.01863868 -0.01863938] [-0.003207 -0.0186316 0.01863263] ... [-0.0009658 -0.00624815 -0.00429714] [-0.00097149 -0.0042968 -0.00624765] [-0.02691813 -0.00333033 -0.00332816]] Final stress: [ 9.81341622e-05 -8.08012830e-05 -8.08011163e-05 6.86080041e-11 -7.37982660e-10 -7.73368186e-10] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-2.35399838e-03 -4.02856242e-05 -2.27718795e-03] [ 6.52655471e-04 -1.66400815e-03 -6.16369140e-04] [-1.96131273e-03 4.13267731e-03 -1.87498715e-03] ... [-3.03890598e-04 -1.02222366e-03 2.01705056e-04] [ 4.77047687e-04 -3.57381453e-04 9.72459697e-04] [ 9.01699285e-04 -2.19856947e-04 5.74763652e-04]] Final stress: [-1.04593097e-05 3.60130751e-06 -9.49331942e-06 -3.78831769e-07 -4.81447370e-07 3.56387269e-07] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00074444 -0.00074442 0.00127262] [ 0.00074431 0.00074432 0.00127274] [ 0.00074442 -0.00074442 -0.00127263] ... [-0.00010672 -0.00010672 -0.00185102] [-0.00092138 -0.00021738 -0.00088174] [-0.00021738 -0.0009214 -0.00088172]] Final stress: [-1.37210574e-05 -1.37210612e-05 9.52112132e-06 2.20988581e-12 -8.83106636e-12 5.17659761e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00137119 -0.00118413 -0.00118413] [ 0.00022102 0.00040915 -0.00040915] [ 0.00022102 -0.00040915 0.00040915] ... [ 0.00082977 0.00033615 0.00074762] [ 0.00082977 0.00074762 0.00033615] [ 0.0003251 -0.00094425 -0.00094425]] Final stress: [-6.64862892e-06 -6.69998153e-06 -6.69998168e-06 -4.60300253e-06 -5.61363394e-14 -6.34488150e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00022036 -0.00040816 -0.00040816] [ 0.00136755 0.00118081 -0.00118081] [ 0.00136755 -0.00118081 0.00118081] ... [-0.00146578 -0.00098612 0.00104492] [-0.00146578 0.00104491 -0.00098612] [ 0.00146428 0.00028834 0.00028834]] Final stress: [-6.60226915e-06 -6.65328157e-06 -6.65328151e-06 4.58857175e-06 1.33011681e-14 5.86881709e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00118322 -0.0013685 -0.00118322] [ 0.00040258 0.00021624 -0.00040258] [ 0.00118321 -0.0013685 0.00118321] ... [ 0.00034737 0.00082873 0.0007393 ] [-0.00093652 0.00032007 -0.00093652] [ 0.0007393 0.00082873 0.00034737]] Final stress: [-6.64135605e-06 -6.59053148e-06 -6.64135602e-06 1.63264699e-14 -4.59474021e-06 5.15806179e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00040935 -0.00021702 -0.00040935] [ 0.00117619 0.00136747 -0.00117619] [ 0.00040935 -0.00021702 0.00040935] ... [-0.00098738 -0.00145866 0.00104285] [ 0.00028555 0.00146414 0.00028555] [ 0.00104285 -0.00145866 -0.00098738]] Final stress: [-6.61768652e-06 -6.56693710e-06 -6.61768654e-06 -1.95364168e-14 4.52459294e-06 -7.88531413e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00117275 -0.00117275 -0.00136796] [ 0.00117274 0.00117274 -0.00136796] [ 0.00041616 -0.00041616 0.00021989] ... [-0.00092713 -0.00092713 0.00032254] [ 0.00034488 0.000741 0.00082553] [ 0.000741 0.00034488 0.00082553]] Final stress: [-6.63705102e-06 -6.63705097e-06 -6.58608627e-06 -2.01527403e-14 -5.78112374e-15 -4.53935830e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00040679 -0.00040679 -0.00022366] [ 0.00040679 0.00040679 -0.00022366] [ 0.00118347 -0.00118347 0.00136554] ... [ 0.00029089 0.00029089 0.00146552] [-0.00098741 0.00104407 -0.00146795] [ 0.00104407 -0.00098741 -0.00146795]] Final stress: [-6.66690549e-06 -6.66690554e-06 -6.61585134e-06 1.34220578e-14 -6.05181399e-15 4.60767487e-06] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.38699426e-03 -2.22707592e-03 -2.22707581e-03] [ 7.23228151e-04 8.83805319e-04 -8.83805191e-04] [ 7.23228133e-04 -8.83805347e-04 8.83805634e-04] ... [-4.95966103e-04 -8.35796021e-05 -5.51175304e-05] [-4.95966249e-04 -5.51164373e-05 -8.35800584e-05] [ 2.98082117e-04 -1.00082971e-04 -1.00083271e-04]] Final stress: [-2.55697247e-06 -2.58763637e-06 -2.58763679e-06 -3.03578969e-06 -5.68431185e-14 -7.73235618e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-7.99195505e-04 -9.84184101e-04 -9.84184406e-04] [ 2.44067318e-03 2.25632078e-03 -2.25632059e-03] [ 2.44067235e-03 -2.25631963e-03 2.25631963e-03] ... [-7.78692935e-05 -5.61438758e-04 7.53505725e-04] [-7.78689710e-05 7.53505843e-04 -5.61439104e-04] [ 2.86904877e-04 -5.78154274e-04 -5.78154396e-04]] Final stress: [-2.30871297e-06 -2.34001174e-06 -2.34001195e-06 3.00974873e-06 -8.23143598e-14 -3.46358652e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.25239529e-03 -2.43384226e-03 -2.25239550e-03] [ 9.53219081e-04 7.71118034e-04 -9.53219077e-04] [ 2.25238945e-03 -2.43383657e-03 2.25238967e-03] ... [-1.11266804e-04 -5.58889387e-04 -8.83886406e-05] [-4.68148983e-05 3.08239364e-04 -4.68146664e-05] [-8.83878592e-05 -5.58890343e-04 -1.11266665e-04]] Final stress: [-2.43093156e-06 -2.39969294e-06 -2.43093093e-06 6.66918688e-13 -2.94338063e-06 -4.74062382e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00097603 -0.00078053 -0.00097603] [ 0.00216752 0.00236241 -0.00216752] [ 0.00097603 -0.00078053 0.00097603] ... [-0.00062999 -0.00017293 0.00077128] [-0.00056458 0.00039916 -0.00056458] [ 0.00077128 -0.00017293 -0.00062999]] Final stress: [-2.49022690e-06 -2.45942789e-06 -2.49022735e-06 5.24018433e-14 2.78475294e-06 4.51040224e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.25896426e-03 -2.25896426e-03 -2.43758284e-03] [ 2.25896416e-03 2.25896400e-03 -2.43758224e-03] [ 9.34940730e-04 -9.34940739e-04 7.55654841e-04] ... [-3.60708979e-05 -3.60710718e-05 2.93629644e-04] [-1.17354435e-04 -7.43958947e-05 -5.62771747e-04] [-7.43945068e-05 -1.17354042e-04 -5.62772605e-04]] Final stress: [-2.44183984e-06 -2.44183883e-06 -2.41065117e-06 -1.64779747e-13 1.52810353e-13 -2.87259234e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00100157 -0.00100157 -0.00082269] [ 0.00100158 0.00100158 -0.0008227 ] [ 0.00222642 -0.00222642 0.00240468] ... [-0.00057775 -0.00057775 0.00033024] [-0.00056649 0.00075971 -0.00011792] [ 0.0007597 -0.00056649 -0.00011792]] Final stress: [-2.37407907e-06 -2.37407882e-06 -2.34286709e-06 -3.53404445e-13 -6.31364497e-13 3.01619343e-06] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 9 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: stress-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 1.48775 0.82124 0.82113 0.00001 0.00004 0. ] [ 0.82124 1.48786 0.82116 0.00001 0.00004 0. ] [ 0.82113 0.82116 1.4878 0.00001 0.00004 0.00008] [ 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.3492 -0. 0. ] [ 0.00004 0.00004 0.00004 -0. 0.34916 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0.00008 0. 0. 0.37745]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[0.00762 0.00037 0.00039 0.00145 0.0013 0.00178] [0.00037 0.00747 0.00042 0.00136 0.00131 0.00178] [0.00039 0.00042 0.00758 0.00136 0.00129 0.00168] [0.00145 0.00136 0.00136 0.02649 0. 0. ] [0.0013 0.00131 0.00129 0. 0.02621 0. ] [0.00178 0.00178 0.00168 0. 0. 0.03584]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 0.017921 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.487859 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 0.028252 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 227 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.487859 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Attempting to compute elastic constants with method stress-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01731436 -0.01470711 -0.01470711] [ 0.01130882 0.01419267 -0.01419267] [ 0.01130882 -0.01419267 0.01419267] ... [-0.00436352 -0.02879162 0.00659092] [-0.00436352 0.00659092 -0.02879162] [ 0.0196524 0.01557084 0.01557084]] Final stress: [ 8.17435809e-05 6.65846878e-05 6.65846878e-05 4.65888110e-04 7.68478271e-16 -3.28521727e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01131756 -0.01420011 -0.01420011] [ 0.01730625 0.01470006 -0.01470006] [ 0.01730625 -0.01470006 0.01470006] ... [ 0.00910496 0.0277292 -0.00851219] [ 0.00910496 -0.00851219 0.0277292 ] [-0.01505074 -0.0139909 -0.0139909 ]] Final stress: [ 8.17336522e-05 6.65761055e-05 6.65761055e-05 -4.65973843e-04 9.37326085e-16 6.01781769e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01469211 -0.01730375 -0.01469211] [ 0.01421308 0.01132523 -0.01421308] [ 0.01469211 -0.01730375 0.01469211] ... [-0.02878169 -0.00436968 0.0065894 ] [ 0.01555961 0.01966049 0.01555961] [ 0.0065894 -0.00436968 -0.02878169]] Final stress: [ 6.65759490e-05 8.17304991e-05 6.65759490e-05 3.78790219e-15 4.65990631e-04 -6.41320667e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01421829 -0.01132941 -0.01421829] [ 0.01468828 0.01730106 -0.01468828] [ 0.01421829 -0.01132941 0.01421829] ... [ 0.02772563 0.00910358 -0.00850822] [-0.01398536 -0.01506795 -0.01398536] [-0.00850822 0.00910358 0.02772563]] Final stress: [ 6.65737319e-05 8.17271723e-05 6.65737320e-05 -2.19008558e-15 -4.66016682e-04 5.16338488e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01469386 -0.01469386 -0.01730476] [ 0.01469386 0.01469386 -0.01730476] [ 0.01421053 -0.01421053 0.01132338] ... [ 0.01556088 0.01556088 0.01965888] [-0.02878282 0.00658977 -0.00436931] [ 0.00658977 -0.02878282 -0.00436931]] Final stress: [ 6.65766387e-05 6.65766387e-05 8.17317489e-05 8.34754185e-15 -3.36244684e-15 4.65981428e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01419267 -0.01419267 -0.01130882] [ 0.01419267 0.01419267 -0.01130882] [ 0.01470711 -0.01470711 0.01731436] ... [-0.01399671 -0.01399671 -0.01505657] [ 0.02773529 -0.00850982 0.00909745] [-0.00850982 0.02773529 0.00909745]] Final stress: [ 6.65846878e-05 6.65846878e-05 8.17435810e-05 -3.91637793e-15 -4.46257563e-15 -4.65888110e-04] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00746392 -0.00571877 -0.00571877] [ 0.00397392 0.00582743 -0.00582743] [ 0.00397392 -0.00582743 0.00582743] ... [-0.00328443 -0.01786222 0.0044328 ] [-0.00328443 0.0044328 -0.01786222] [ 0.01202024 0.00953044 0.00953044]] Final stress: [ 3.37699667e-05 2.81236236e-05 2.81236235e-05 2.90023800e-04 -1.01943066e-14 6.40004653e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0039663 -0.00586836 -0.00586836] [ 0.00747013 0.0056766 -0.0056766 ] [ 0.00747013 -0.0056766 0.0056766 ] ... [ 0.00516543 0.01743478 -0.0050568 ] [ 0.00516543 -0.0050568 0.01743478] [-0.01007004 -0.0089427 -0.0089427 ]] Final stress: [ 3.37859937e-05 2.81420469e-05 2.81420469e-05 -2.90249381e-04 -5.14609326e-15 -6.06019111e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00571653 -0.00745739 -0.00571653] [ 0.00582808 0.00397895 -0.00582808] [ 0.00571653 -0.00745739 0.00571653] ... [-0.01785921 -0.0032933 0.00443687] [ 0.00952744 0.01200693 0.00952744] [ 0.00443687 -0.0032933 -0.01785921]] Final stress: [ 2.81184818e-05 3.37646938e-05 2.81184818e-05 -6.64735060e-15 2.90102695e-04 1.24405896e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0059575 -0.00398581 -0.0059575 ] [ 0.00559098 0.00745443 -0.00559098] [ 0.0059575 -0.00398581 0.0059575 ] ... [ 0.01739434 0.00523627 -0.00504344] [-0.00891894 -0.01003016 -0.00891894] [-0.00504344 0.00523627 0.01739434]] Final stress: [ 2.81547783e-05 3.37902450e-05 2.81547783e-05 7.51316615e-15 -2.90773411e-04 1.79781553e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00566963 -0.00566963 -0.00744956] [ 0.00566963 0.00566963 -0.00744956] [ 0.00587541 -0.00587541 0.00398733] ... [ 0.00951755 0.00951755 0.01197867] [-0.01783808 0.00443081 -0.00333556] [ 0.00443081 -0.01783808 -0.00333556]] Final stress: [ 2.81260575e-05 2.81260575e-05 3.37681098e-05 -7.87751814e-15 -2.37893076e-15 2.90410708e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00593547 -0.00593547 -0.00403607] [ 0.00593547 0.00593547 -0.00403607] [ 0.00562561 -0.00562561 0.00741762] ... [-0.00890343 -0.00890343 -0.01012892] [ 0.01740822 -0.00505436 0.00516666] [-0.00505436 0.01740822 0.00516666]] Final stress: [ 2.81122263e-05 2.81122263e-05 3.37442087e-05 5.88630464e-15 -4.38775937e-15 -2.90580625e-04] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09154062 -0.05693924 -0.05693924] [-0.0915406 0.05693926 -0.05693926] [-0.0915407 -0.05693917 0.05693917] ... [ 0.01179772 0.00025639 -0.00221367] [ 0.01179772 -0.00221367 0.00025639] [-0.01815767 0.0320594 0.0320594 ]] Final stress: [ 9.35872263e-04 -2.29260200e-04 -2.29260200e-04 1.83228522e-14 -7.15195166e-13 -8.69762764e-13] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05703027 0.09158554 -0.05703026] [ 0.05703038 -0.09158543 -0.05703038] [ 0.05703043 0.09158538 0.05703043] ... [ 0.0003117 0.01176317 -0.00220465] [ 0.03202449 -0.01805956 0.03202449] [-0.00220464 0.01176317 0.0003117 ]] Final stress: [-2.28583999e-04 9.37610102e-04 -2.28583999e-04 -6.87187482e-13 1.91737827e-12 -1.92620421e-13] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-6.57636383e-02 -6.57636375e-02 9.11779446e-02] [ 6.57637172e-02 6.57637169e-02 9.11778697e-02] [ 6.57636585e-02 -6.57636594e-02 -9.11779270e-02] ... [ 3.22191574e-02 3.22191601e-02 -2.13025279e-02] [-3.08249304e-04 5.10828931e-06 1.15528603e-02] [ 5.11942368e-06 -3.08255419e-04 1.15528569e-02]] Final stress: [-2.18955667e-04 -2.18955667e-04 1.03392407e-03 3.22559134e-13 1.99695640e-12 3.50684002e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00178676 0.00246429 0.00246429] [ 0.00777386 0.00853003 -0.00853003] [ 0.00777386 -0.00853003 0.00853003] ... [-0.00263626 -0.01385318 0.003228 ] [-0.00263626 0.003228 -0.01385318] [ 0.00514593 0.00502093 0.00502093]] Final stress: [ 2.14388727e-05 1.82719131e-05 1.82719131e-05 1.61661101e-04 1.31070588e-14 -7.85712564e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00783425 -0.0085306 -0.0085306 ] [-0.00185485 -0.00247188 0.00247188] [-0.00185485 0.00247188 -0.00247188] ... [ 0.003638 0.01379652 -0.00325593] [ 0.003638 -0.00325593 0.01379652] [-0.00398148 -0.00467505 -0.00467505]] Final stress: [ 2.14626322e-05 1.82929166e-05 1.82929166e-05 -1.61215337e-04 -5.23611211e-15 3.76763316e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00247833 0.00192632 0.00247833] [ 0.00852854 0.0078964 -0.00852854] [-0.00247833 0.00192632 -0.00247833] ... [-0.01396128 -0.00252742 0.00323323] [ 0.00502573 0.00493785 0.00502573] [ 0.00323323 -0.00252742 -0.01396128]] Final stress: [ 1.83185951e-05 2.14917466e-05 1.83185951e-05 -4.62514529e-15 1.60704748e-04 1.47458780e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00850821 -0.00782132 -0.00850821] [-0.00245838 -0.00185156 0.00245838] [ 0.00850821 -0.00782132 0.00850821] ... [ 0.01382716 0.00362804 -0.00325476] [-0.0046955 -0.00389797 -0.0046955 ] [-0.00325476 0.00362804 0.01382716]] Final stress: [ 1.83196243e-05 2.14936490e-05 1.83196243e-05 4.29713625e-15 -1.60911481e-04 2.75165033e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00248604 0.00248604 0.00193403] [-0.00248604 -0.00248604 0.00193403] [ 0.00854047 -0.00854047 0.00790867] ... [ 0.00501179 0.00501179 0.00497326] [-0.01394635 0.00323379 -0.00253069] [ 0.00323379 -0.01394635 -0.00253069]] Final stress: [1.83052608e-05 1.83052608e-05 2.14762853e-05 3.41031182e-14 1.37780085e-14 1.60839454e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00854359 -0.00854359 -0.0079065 ] [ 0.00854359 0.00854359 -0.0079065 ] [-0.00248741 0.00248741 -0.00192994] ... [-0.00466114 -0.00466114 -0.00392452] [ 0.01383039 -0.00325841 0.0035897 ] [-0.00325841 0.01383039 0.0035897 ]] Final stress: [ 1.82998054e-05 1.82998054e-05 2.14700147e-05 2.26027092e-14 2.32037356e-14 -1.60915669e-04] Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00092413 0.00100367 0.00100367] [ 0.00351767 0.00363333 -0.00363333] [ 0.00351767 -0.00363333 0.00363333] ... [-0.00129029 -0.00934028 0.00228962] [-0.00129029 0.00228962 -0.00934028] [ 0.00390234 0.00370632 0.00370632]] Final stress: [1.00447439e-05 8.65445628e-06 8.65445625e-06 9.24250221e-05 1.81143545e-14 9.56945062e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00352558 -0.00367995 -0.00367995] [-0.00092382 -0.00104265 0.00104265] [-0.00092382 0.00104265 -0.00104265] ... [ 0.00173336 0.00923609 -0.00213072] [ 0.00173336 -0.00213072 0.00923609] [-0.00341537 -0.0035646 -0.0035646 ]] Final stress: [ 1.00259804e-05 8.63985934e-06 8.63985936e-06 -9.29045081e-05 -1.09324189e-14 4.64187357e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00102354 0.000924 0.00102354] [ 0.00365718 0.00352177 -0.00365718] [-0.00102354 0.000924 -0.00102354] ... [-0.00931791 -0.00130142 0.00228443] [ 0.00369214 0.00395237 0.00369214] [ 0.00228443 -0.00130142 -0.00931791]] Final stress: [ 8.64863024e-06 1.00369579e-05 8.64863021e-06 -1.13638835e-14 9.26167208e-05 1.62410877e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0036357 -0.00351179 -0.0036357 ] [-0.0010055 -0.00091776 0.0010055 ] [ 0.0036357 -0.00351179 0.0036357 ] ... [ 0.00928634 0.00169801 -0.00213118] [-0.00359522 -0.0033263 -0.00359522] [-0.00213118 0.00169801 0.00928634]] Final stress: [ 8.65695593e-06 1.00473334e-05 8.65695590e-06 8.78807001e-15 -9.23754024e-05 3.27350105e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00100677 0.00100677 0.00092416] [-0.00100677 -0.00100677 0.00092415] [ 0.00363719 -0.00363719 0.00351842] ... [ 0.0037068 0.0037068 0.00391191] [-0.00934312 0.00228556 -0.0012822 ] [ 0.00228556 -0.00934312 -0.0012822 ]] Final stress: [8.65633600e-06 8.65633598e-06 1.00465973e-05 9.48360766e-15 1.22625941e-14 9.23640885e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00366716 -0.00366716 -0.00352344] [ 0.00366716 0.00366716 -0.00352344] [-0.00103191 0.00103191 -0.00092392] ... [-0.00357309 -0.00357309 -0.00338891] [ 0.00925151 -0.00213099 0.00172157] [-0.00213099 0.00925151 0.00172157]] Final stress: [ 8.64478699e-06 8.64478699e-06 1.00321485e-05 5.63971214e-15 9.54588094e-15 -9.27427929e-05] Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 47 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00033756 0.00025416 0.00025416] [ 0.00049441 0.00109514 -0.00109514] [ 0.00049441 -0.00109514 0.00109514] ... [ 0.00044827 -0.00540504 0.00062511] [ 0.00044827 0.00062511 -0.00540504] [ 0.00245021 0.00339756 0.00339756]] Final stress: [4.07450244e-06 3.72893615e-06 3.72893614e-06 5.99803470e-05 3.63559654e-14 2.29393310e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00050007 -0.00114227 -0.00114227] [ 0.00033803 -0.00029517 0.00029517] [ 0.00033803 0.00029517 -0.00029517] ... [-0.00038511 0.00531875 -0.00044394] [-0.00038511 -0.00044394 0.00531875] [-0.00225967 -0.00334858 -0.00334858]] Final stress: [ 4.07160861e-06 3.72974288e-06 3.72974290e-06 -5.99978125e-05 -1.42227557e-14 -1.34663971e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0002737 -0.00034808 0.0002737 ] [ 0.00111763 0.0004867 -0.00111763] [-0.0002737 -0.00034808 -0.0002737 ] ... [-0.00539107 0.00045373 0.00060734] [ 0.00336524 0.00247075 0.00336524] [ 0.00060734 0.00045373 -0.00539107]] Final stress: [ 3.73092738e-06 4.07287268e-06 3.73092734e-06 1.13062676e-14 5.99344569e-05 -7.42139408e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00110921 -0.00053763 -0.00110921] [-0.00026599 0.00029726 0.00026599] [ 0.00110921 -0.00053763 0.00110921] ... [ 0.00533598 -0.00038308 -0.0004884 ] [-0.00343306 -0.00229861 -0.00343306] [-0.0004884 -0.00038308 0.00533598]] Final stress: [ 3.72235874e-06 4.07389113e-06 3.72235875e-06 2.09777493e-14 -6.02336092e-05 1.68695034e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00027333 0.00027333 -0.00034827] [-0.00027333 -0.00027333 -0.00034827] [ 0.00111725 -0.00111725 0.0004865 ] ... [ 0.00336512 0.00336512 0.00247081] [-0.005391 0.00060743 0.00045373] [ 0.00060743 -0.005391 0.00045373]] Final stress: [ 3.73092942e-06 3.73092945e-06 4.07286655e-06 3.64828028e-15 -2.93479910e-15 5.99345724e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0010606 -0.0010606 -0.00050551] [ 0.0010606 0.0010606 -0.00050551] [-0.00022353 0.00022353 0.00032283] ... [-0.00342626 -0.00342626 -0.00215925] [ 0.00535041 -0.00049762 -0.00036484] [-0.00049762 0.00535041 -0.00036484]] Final stress: [ 3.72552200e-06 3.72552202e-06 4.07619126e-06 1.08294022e-14 8.24848683e-15 -6.00759515e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-1.93214135e-02 4.07918120e-03 4.07917912e-03] [ 1.93214125e-02 -4.07918117e-03 4.07918189e-03] [ 1.93214023e-02 4.07919128e-03 -4.07919030e-03] ... [-1.03243854e-03 9.87401166e-04 -1.59751996e-03] [-1.03243708e-03 -1.59752150e-03 9.87402211e-04] [-1.56093598e-06 -6.73922810e-03 -6.73922739e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.34820745e-05 2.16701430e-04 2.16701431e-04 7.62592201e-13 -2.58457344e-13 1.08490717e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.91963379e-02 -8.24832882e-03 -8.24832937e-03] [-1.91963529e-02 8.24831474e-03 -8.24831477e-03] [-1.91963280e-02 -8.24833826e-03 8.24833724e-03] ... [ 3.33103898e-03 -3.23129357e-05 -3.61173947e-04] [ 3.33103700e-03 -3.61171631e-04 -3.23138788e-05] [-6.41977973e-03 1.05039375e-02 1.05039396e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.74330917e-05 -1.52576193e-04 -1.52576193e-04 4.76243108e-13 -2.88710349e-13 7.59924061e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00469739 -0.01385028 0.00469739] [-0.00469733 0.01385034 0.00469733] [-0.00469731 -0.01385036 -0.00469731] ... [ 0.0009443 -0.00136391 -0.00060379] [-0.00882109 0.00240003 -0.0088211 ] [-0.00060377 -0.00136391 0.0009443 ]] Final stress: [ 2.02860020e-04 7.29614294e-05 2.02860020e-04 -2.74021937e-13 -5.11337926e-13 5.29313812e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-8.49065096e-03 2.00815417e-02 -8.49064968e-03] [ 8.49062418e-03 -2.00815666e-02 -8.49062656e-03] [ 8.49055183e-03 2.00816378e-02 8.49055120e-03] ... [-2.22643347e-04 3.17201568e-03 5.00715650e-05] [ 1.04672715e-02 -5.98420276e-03 1.04672725e-02] [ 5.00659012e-05 3.17201803e-03 -2.22642742e-04]] Final stress: [-1.56854671e-04 5.48657110e-05 -1.56854671e-04 -2.06872563e-13 5.73661620e-13 2.99730676e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00476914 0.00476914 -0.01425802] [-0.00476916 -0.00476916 -0.014258 ] [-0.00476912 0.00476913 0.01425804] ... [-0.00902764 -0.00902764 0.00236162] [ 0.00105376 -0.00071337 -0.00149195] [-0.00071337 0.00105376 -0.00149195]] Final stress: [ 2.05598016e-04 2.05598016e-04 7.23042734e-05 -1.42427881e-12 -1.58399402e-12 1.46758593e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00837994 -0.00837994 0.01967869] [ 0.00837984 0.00837984 0.01967879] [ 0.00837984 -0.00837984 -0.01967879] ... [ 0.01055771 0.01055771 -0.00667064] [ 0.00015316 -0.00072858 0.00344762] [-0.00072858 0.00015316 0.00344762]] Final stress: [-1.53660352e-04 -1.53660352e-04 5.21076575e-05 -2.65793814e-14 -6.16408347e-13 5.73727817e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.03494535e-03 1.63529472e-03 1.63529471e-03] [ 1.62270820e-03 2.22165044e-03 -2.22165045e-03] [ 1.62270826e-03 -2.22165047e-03 2.22165048e-03] ... [ 3.02147705e-04 -1.77218352e-03 5.33358556e-05] [ 3.02147680e-04 5.33358336e-05 -1.77218352e-03] [ 4.20392290e-03 8.13019989e-05 8.13019647e-05]] Final stress: [ 2.97317719e-06 2.98123480e-06 2.98123482e-06 5.05111429e-05 -5.99380684e-15 -1.01280121e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-1.65070439e-03 -2.24439121e-03 -2.24439122e-03] [-1.05795024e-03 -1.65330935e-03 1.65330934e-03] [-1.05795058e-03 1.65330968e-03 -1.65330968e-03] ... [-2.19498778e-04 1.73969984e-03 1.17531993e-05] [-2.19498837e-04 1.17530739e-05 1.73969988e-03] [-4.13263770e-03 -9.07485915e-05 -9.07485946e-05]] Final stress: [ 2.98968064e-06 2.99743022e-06 2.99743021e-06 -5.14344163e-05 -3.68551059e-15 4.59668442e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.63533985e-03 1.03503181e-03 1.63533983e-03] [ 2.22174343e-03 1.62284266e-03 -2.22174342e-03] [-1.63534040e-03 1.03503237e-03 -1.63534039e-03] ... [-1.77226935e-03 3.02134581e-04 5.33734100e-05] [ 8.12362715e-05 4.20427357e-03 8.12363130e-05] [ 5.33734950e-05 3.02134561e-04 -1.77226940e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.98121697e-06 2.97316043e-06 2.98121698e-06 -1.85233967e-14 5.05103311e-05 -6.54945279e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-2.23170786e-03 -1.63597535e-03 -2.23170786e-03] [-1.64334075e-03 -1.04606459e-03 1.64334075e-03] [ 2.23170802e-03 -1.63597551e-03 2.23170800e-03] ... [ 1.77190263e-03 -2.66896474e-04 2.99376582e-05] [-1.13787157e-04 -4.10932393e-03 -1.13787147e-04] [ 2.99377160e-05 -2.66896506e-04 1.77190263e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.98982998e-06 2.98186734e-06 2.98982997e-06 -1.18808732e-14 -5.09928271e-05 1.19555435e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.63791499e-03 1.63791497e-03 1.03913140e-03] [-1.63791588e-03 -1.63791588e-03 1.03913229e-03] [ 2.22447099e-03 -2.22447100e-03 1.62716951e-03] ... [ 6.72621505e-05 6.72621418e-05 4.20827157e-03] [-1.74941499e-03 6.29825866e-05 2.73973193e-04] [ 6.29825693e-05 -1.74941500e-03 2.73973195e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.98651243e-06 2.98651245e-06 2.97841935e-06 -2.14111817e-15 -1.13943586e-14 5.08071112e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-2.22342329e-03 -2.22342328e-03 -1.62478771e-03] [ 2.22342348e-03 2.22342349e-03 -1.62478791e-03] [-1.63642132e-03 1.63642131e-03 -1.03637626e-03] ... [-1.37980138e-04 -1.37980110e-04 -4.09367647e-03] [ 1.80957830e-03 4.87091696e-05 -3.15793027e-04] [ 4.87092678e-05 1.80957827e-03 -3.15793026e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.98101020e-06 2.98101020e-06 2.97300212e-06 1.03163882e-14 -6.31895375e-15 -5.04974116e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03003545 -0.00290707 -0.00290707] [ 0.03003545 0.00290707 -0.00290707] [ 0.03003545 -0.00290708 0.00290708] ... [ 0.00061017 -0.00538946 -0.00168286] [ 0.00061017 -0.00168285 -0.00538946] [ 0.00543983 -0.01233225 -0.01233225]] Final stress: [ 1.27592726e-05 2.31800711e-04 2.31800711e-04 4.30813476e-13 -2.27811545e-13 -1.47754568e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02418589 -0.01398217 -0.01398217] [-0.02418591 0.01398215 -0.01398215] [-0.02418589 -0.01398217 0.01398217] ... [-0.00347592 -0.00115737 0.00691631] [-0.00347593 0.00691631 -0.00115737] [-0.00231641 0.01255195 0.01255196]] Final stress: [ 1.63488766e-04 -1.79447927e-04 -1.79447928e-04 4.00944325e-13 -5.08495242e-13 -1.17948754e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00248711 -0.03112839 -0.00248711] [ 0.00248708 0.03112835 -0.00248708] [ 0.00248708 -0.03112835 0.00248708] ... [-0.0052885 0.0002625 -0.0014984 ] [-0.01263256 0.00525805 -0.01263256] [-0.0014984 0.0002625 -0.0052885 ]] Final stress: [ 2.39869582e-04 1.51106287e-05 2.39869581e-04 -5.77891755e-14 2.08896239e-13 -3.71526006e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01444565 0.02558586 -0.01444565] [ 0.01444556 -0.02558595 -0.01444556] [ 0.01444558 0.02558593 0.01444558] ... [-0.00084568 -0.00304362 0.0062237 ] [ 0.01272209 -0.00275944 0.01272209] [ 0.0062237 -0.00304362 -0.00084568]] Final stress: [-1.81520516e-04 1.74346949e-04 -1.81520516e-04 -1.14273486e-12 -5.61151141e-13 1.68310333e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00281391 -0.00281391 -0.03024097] [ 0.00281391 0.00281391 -0.03024097] [ 0.00281392 -0.00281392 0.03024098] ... [-0.01236176 -0.01236176 0.00541056] [-0.00535174 -0.00163229 0.00050496] [-0.00163229 -0.00535174 0.00050496]] Final stress: [ 2.32957992e-04 2.32957992e-04 1.32033810e-05 -1.07074921e-13 -1.45050608e-14 -1.77385024e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01442807 -0.01442807 0.02542737] [ 0.01442802 0.01442802 0.02542742] [ 0.014428 -0.014428 -0.02542744] ... [ 0.01273119 0.01273119 -0.00264151] [-0.00090267 0.00635922 -0.00314143] [ 0.00635922 -0.00090267 -0.00314143]] Final stress: [-1.81562921e-04 -1.81562922e-04 1.73639590e-04 -2.67542670e-13 2.34282430e-13 -3.04222027e-13] Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 74 steps. Minimization converged after 76 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-4.47783464e-03 2.00981448e-03 2.00981489e-03] [ 4.47783368e-03 -2.00981539e-03 2.00981596e-03] [ 4.47781689e-03 2.00983501e-03 -2.00983537e-03] ... [ 6.43007923e-05 1.31425190e-04 -1.26847450e-04] [ 6.43057892e-05 -1.26867638e-04 1.31429940e-04] [ 1.27655569e-03 -1.62166881e-03 -1.62166803e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.27680651e-05 7.42227445e-05 7.42227446e-05 -4.67877541e-13 1.87667173e-12 2.07987472e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00530601 -0.00153849 -0.00153849] [-0.00530592 0.00153858 -0.00153858] [-0.00530588 -0.00153862 0.00153862] ... [-0.00107814 0.00117791 -0.00100359] [-0.00107814 -0.0010036 0.00117792] [-0.00275324 0.00448786 0.00448786]] Final stress: [-9.66249393e-06 -5.66038703e-05 -5.66038707e-05 2.24583948e-13 1.15244344e-12 1.48664329e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0020384 -0.00532624 0.0020384 ] [-0.0020384 0.00532624 0.0020384 ] [-0.00203839 -0.00532626 -0.00203839] ... [-0.00039206 0.00041236 0.00051298] [-0.00298611 0.00173381 -0.00298611] [ 0.00051296 0.00041237 -0.00039206]] Final stress: [7.61897052e-05 2.07179849e-05 7.61897052e-05 5.95546481e-13 1.69542260e-12 1.96837960e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00140301 0.00489809 -0.00140302] [ 0.00140311 -0.004898 -0.00140311] [ 0.00140313 0.00489798 0.00140313] ... [ 0.00109613 -0.00095064 -0.00094724] [ 0.00409313 -0.00265747 0.00409312] [-0.00094724 -0.00095064 0.00109613]] Final stress: [-5.48459249e-05 -1.23744057e-05 -5.48459245e-05 1.75146897e-12 3.42350146e-13 3.91741347e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00199032 0.00199031 -0.00522386] [-0.00199037 -0.00199037 -0.00522381] [-0.00199033 0.00199033 0.00522384] ... [-0.00288016 -0.00288016 0.001678 ] [-0.00035844 0.00048637 0.00036737] [ 0.00048637 -0.00035844 0.00036737]] Final stress: [ 7.54505444e-05 7.54505446e-05 2.13596987e-05 -8.10822049e-13 -1.39269349e-15 1.42836418e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0015055 -0.0015055 0.00519261] [ 0.00150557 0.00150557 0.00519254] [ 0.00150554 -0.00150554 -0.00519257] ... [ 0.00437949 0.00437949 -0.00272038] [ 0.00116857 -0.0009917 -0.00105166] [-0.00099171 0.00116857 -0.00105166]] Final stress: [-5.60254060e-05 -5.60254060e-05 -1.06573295e-05 7.86943815e-13 -1.10885545e-12 -2.89527870e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00348732 -0.00246943 -0.00246943] [-0.00252781 -0.00147424 0.00147424] [-0.00252781 0.00147424 -0.00147424] ... [ 0.00406728 -0.00499179 0.00342594] [ 0.00406728 0.00342594 -0.00499179] [-0.00259662 -0.00218371 -0.00218371]] Final stress: [-5.88226604e-07 -1.28982317e-06 -1.28982323e-06 2.23696339e-05 -1.70622154e-14 1.11937017e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00228438 0.00112124 0.00112124] [ 0.00327732 0.00214641 -0.00214641] [ 0.00327732 -0.00214641 0.00214641] ... [-0.003465 0.00471036 -0.00205471] [-0.003465 -0.00205471 0.00471036] [ 0.00307777 0.00195833 0.00195833]] Final stress: [-5.14682022e-07 -1.18356595e-06 -1.18356609e-06 -2.15257456e-05 1.18174808e-13 1.65669837e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00204986 -0.00321597 -0.00204986] [-0.00101542 -0.00221286 0.00101542] [ 0.00204986 -0.00321597 0.00204986] ... [-0.00480078 0.00326625 0.00309277] [-0.0020689 -0.00185444 -0.0020689 ] [ 0.00309277 0.00326625 -0.00480078]] Final stress: [-1.15750887e-06 -4.96862357e-07 -1.15750893e-06 -2.23844846e-14 2.12765151e-05 1.43959324e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00095292 0.00216195 0.00095292] [ 0.00199531 0.00317364 -0.00199531] [-0.00095292 0.00216195 -0.00095292] ... [ 0.00465303 -0.00321257 -0.00195552] [ 0.00188393 0.00268872 0.00188393] [-0.00195552 -0.00321257 0.00465303]] Final stress: [-1.14267686e-06 -4.87016818e-07 -1.14267673e-06 2.48478320e-15 -2.07447030e-05 -8.97855294e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00246785 -0.00246785 -0.003487 ] [ 0.00246785 0.00246785 -0.003487 ] [-0.00147258 0.00147258 -0.00252742] ... [-0.00218469 -0.00218469 -0.00259816] [-0.00499136 0.00342524 0.00406635] [ 0.00342524 -0.00499136 0.00406635]] Final stress: [-1.29007548e-06 -1.29007551e-06 -5.88474866e-07 -3.12268164e-14 4.12002068e-14 2.23770141e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00087121 0.00087121 0.00211128] [-0.00087121 -0.00087121 0.00211128] [ 0.00191797 -0.00191797 0.00312814] ... [ 0.00189018 0.00189018 0.0026327 ] [ 0.00461036 -0.0019058 -0.00302874] [-0.0019058 0.00461036 -0.00302874]] Final stress: [-1.10917313e-06 -1.10917325e-06 -4.62584416e-07 2.44982459e-14 2.96948486e-15 -2.08770572e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00222012 0.00173777 0.00173777] [ 0.00222036 -0.00173753 0.00173752] [ 0.00222046 0.00173743 -0.00173743] ... [ 0.00054242 0.00058931 0.00070297] [ 0.00054242 0.00070298 0.0005893 ] [ 0.00417738 -0.00032651 -0.0003265 ]] Final stress: [ 7.92787722e-06 5.53329289e-05 5.53329301e-05 1.05677708e-12 -2.86033896e-12 -6.12868257e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.02684674e-03 -5.42359466e-04 -5.42359132e-04] [-1.02683626e-03 5.42369952e-04 -5.42369789e-04] [-1.02683008e-03 -5.42371899e-04 5.42371876e-04] ... [-2.92758735e-04 -3.34125442e-04 -7.02509121e-05] [-2.92755858e-04 -7.02577122e-05 -3.34126419e-04] [-1.43336596e-03 4.90369576e-05 4.90360788e-05]] Final stress: [-1.89311238e-05 -2.61656854e-05 -2.61656855e-05 -3.64278142e-13 7.27852195e-13 6.21843364e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04338431 -0.03031656 0.0433843 ] [-0.04338514 0.03031571 0.04338514] [-0.0433854 -0.03031544 -0.04338543] ... [ 0.01287061 0.03089953 0.05372338] [-0.00909336 0.03962111 -0.00909338] [ 0.05372341 0.03089951 0.01287063]] Final stress: [ 1.08844289e-03 9.51915523e-04 1.08844289e-03 -1.31338393e-11 4.41553770e-12 -2.04083522e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00104123 0.00182396 -0.00104123] [ 0.00104137 -0.00182381 -0.00104137] [ 0.00104151 0.00182368 0.00104151] ... [-0.00032916 -0.00048043 -0.00019526] [ 0.00032608 -0.00209444 0.00032608] [-0.00019526 -0.00048043 -0.00032915]] Final stress: [-3.28809328e-05 -1.15408329e-05 -3.28809327e-05 4.38712363e-12 2.12240936e-12 2.82233319e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00086129 0.00086129 -0.00128908] [-0.00086148 -0.00086149 -0.00128889] [-0.0008614 0.00086141 0.00128897] ... [-0.00021265 -0.00021266 0.00233524] [ 0.00032047 0.00019288 0.00018092] [ 0.00019286 0.00032048 0.00018093]] Final stress: [ 4.05470925e-05 4.05470920e-05 1.89277167e-05 -5.10321100e-12 -1.01901153e-12 5.02307501e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-6.65723831e-04 -6.65721652e-04 8.68107403e-04] [ 6.65711270e-04 6.65711335e-04 8.68118162e-04] [ 6.65704643e-04 -6.65703877e-04 -8.68123915e-04] ... [ 2.28493926e-05 2.28495173e-05 -1.35327212e-03] [-2.92294129e-04 -8.89987801e-05 -3.71204396e-04] [-8.89889598e-05 -2.92296238e-04 -3.71206682e-04]] Final stress: [-2.58025698e-05 -2.58025703e-05 -2.03362170e-05 6.74871213e-13 -1.78684984e-12 2.07703132e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04052393e-03 -8.91612513e-04 -8.91612538e-04] [-1.16158804e-04 4.09300537e-05 -4.09300684e-05] [-1.16158749e-04 -4.09300969e-05 4.09300626e-05] ... [ 2.37693327e-03 -3.68071435e-03 1.54564442e-03] [ 2.37693320e-03 1.54564434e-03 -3.68071439e-03] [ 1.42048822e-03 1.45797820e-03 1.45797821e-03]] Final stress: [-1.84508385e-06 -2.08416966e-06 -2.08416964e-06 -8.77679805e-06 -7.61720724e-14 -3.55399633e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.74533572e-05 -8.66705163e-05 -8.66705289e-05] [ 1.02668239e-03 8.50422865e-04 -8.50422871e-04] [ 1.02668263e-03 -8.50423106e-04 8.50423093e-04] ... [-2.39234053e-03 3.47149499e-03 -5.80802281e-04] [-2.39234046e-03 -5.80802089e-04 3.47149500e-03] [-5.72064783e-04 -1.56869584e-03 -1.56869593e-03]] Final stress: [-1.78681103e-06 -2.02105065e-06 -2.02105077e-06 8.56156818e-06 -2.24198598e-14 6.35533011e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.66912299e-04 -1.02349454e-03 -8.66912344e-04] [ 6.91020173e-05 -9.56236288e-05 -6.91020045e-05] [ 8.66911932e-04 -1.02349409e-03 8.66911934e-04] ... [-3.68051748e-03 2.37316661e-03 1.53669682e-03] [ 1.45095583e-03 1.42385046e-03 1.45095594e-03] [ 1.53669685e-03 2.37316666e-03 -3.68051754e-03]] Final stress: [-2.08348431e-06 -1.84445705e-06 -2.08348439e-06 1.80148606e-14 -8.75364357e-06 -2.26346568e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-7.75919706e-05 8.77871823e-05 -7.75919941e-05] [ 8.59853746e-04 1.01706729e-03 -8.59853740e-04] [ 7.75912374e-05 8.77879214e-05 7.75912223e-05] ... [ 3.50694462e-03 -2.53905714e-03 -6.22837794e-04] [-1.62506666e-03 -5.24919764e-04 -1.62506648e-03] [-6.22837694e-04 -2.53905709e-03 3.50694456e-03]] Final stress: [-2.09229358e-06 -1.85271794e-06 -2.09229346e-06 5.26780786e-14 8.77867210e-06 -3.29348993e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.39401973e-04 -8.39402002e-04 -1.01718773e-03] [ 8.39401003e-04 8.39400991e-04 -1.01718677e-03] [ 9.79256382e-05 -9.79256028e-05 -8.76814912e-05] ... [ 1.39234468e-03 1.39234476e-03 1.43798510e-03] [-3.64741160e-03 1.47737519e-03 2.22182897e-03] [ 1.47737500e-03 -3.64741151e-03 2.22182897e-03]] Final stress: [-2.00777968e-06 -2.00777977e-06 -1.77425607e-06 3.66521773e-14 -2.94117431e-14 -8.47462295e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.97230781e-05 -8.97230400e-05 8.41012848e-05] [ 8.97232380e-05 8.97232408e-05 8.41011482e-05] [ 8.48129893e-04 -8.48129902e-04 1.01390664e-03] ... [-1.60269291e-03 -1.60269297e-03 -5.28477498e-04] [ 3.49541869e-03 -6.09907418e-04 -2.48003494e-03] [-6.09907467e-04 3.49541874e-03 -2.48003496e-03]] Final stress: [-2.06206208e-06 -2.06206201e-06 -1.82451567e-06 2.21720292e-15 3.32031194e-14 8.61455552e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 18 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06156682 -0.0116325 -0.01163286] [ 0.06157638 0.01164251 -0.01164163] [ 0.0615805 -0.01164575 0.01164636] ... [-0.04098757 -0.0338377 -0.03012353] [-0.04098758 -0.03012427 -0.03383745] [ 0.0828273 -0.03758404 -0.03758407]] Final stress: [ 8.77343399e-04 1.91880718e-03 1.91880715e-03 1.26779267e-10 -3.02398616e-10 -3.27864136e-10] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.55615772e-03 -5.01528041e-04 -5.01528460e-04] [-1.55586382e-03 5.01832606e-04 -5.01823326e-04] [-1.55584880e-03 -5.01835897e-04 5.01830445e-04] ... [-7.08990463e-04 4.86392118e-04 -2.49161277e-05] [-7.08976291e-04 -2.49420430e-05 4.86407057e-04] [-2.11997331e-03 -2.33547957e-04 -2.33548529e-04]] Final stress: [-1.44623711e-05 -1.73227922e-05 -1.73227915e-05 3.49593174e-12 7.56048659e-13 5.97532936e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01663386 -0.01212481 0.01663393] [-0.01663045 0.01212825 0.01663039] [-0.01662703 -0.0121318 -0.01662696] ... [-0.00012931 -0.01804336 0.00725848] [-0.00165935 0.02933549 -0.00165954] [ 0.00725815 -0.01804338 -0.00012932]] Final stress: [ 5.71970836e-04 -1.65041207e-04 5.71970811e-04 7.07184809e-11 -7.47392505e-12 7.07120593e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-2.96726307e-04 1.20927352e-03 -2.96727966e-04] [ 2.96837193e-04 -1.20917097e-03 -2.96835335e-04] [ 2.96834209e-04 1.20917496e-03 2.96837273e-04] ... [-9.88185774e-05 -3.32653960e-04 -1.01633824e-03] [-2.04917936e-04 -8.69037841e-04 -2.04919930e-04] [-1.01632802e-03 -3.32645978e-04 -9.88320268e-05]] Final stress: [-1.84650279e-05 -1.17970717e-05 -1.84650261e-05 5.76634282e-13 -8.25503517e-13 2.16130569e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00661422 0.00661429 -0.02963349] [-0.00660895 -0.00660898 -0.02963884] [-0.00661355 0.0066138 0.02963397] ... [-0.05436999 -0.05437001 0.0839679 ] [-0.02590557 -0.00112075 -0.03875147] [-0.00112058 -0.02590566 -0.03875145]] Final stress: [ 1.93890649e-03 1.93890649e-03 6.58509150e-04 3.78860003e-11 -5.55120409e-12 1.09475296e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00130949 -0.00130949 0.00042699] [ 0.00130946 0.00130946 0.00042702] [ 0.00130946 -0.00130946 -0.00042702] ... [ 0.0001011 0.00010111 -0.00108137] [-0.00026112 -0.00074965 -0.00055192] [-0.00074966 -0.00026113 -0.00055191]] Final stress: [-1.88953218e-05 -1.88953207e-05 -4.77546830e-06 1.63929104e-12 4.42729575e-12 9.69139091e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00281705 -0.00143788 -0.00143788] [-0.00173178 -0.00034271 0.00034271] [-0.00173178 0.00034271 -0.00034271] ... [ 0.00626986 0.00146786 0.00067608] [ 0.00626986 0.00067608 0.00146786] [-0.00119677 -0.00034414 -0.00034414]] Final stress: [-9.73638499e-06 -1.01106925e-05 -1.01106925e-05 -2.54708645e-05 -1.97551203e-14 -7.59459120e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00154593 0.00020382 0.00020382] [ 0.00267233 0.00133921 -0.00133921] [ 0.00267233 -0.00133921 0.00133921] ... [-0.0062308 -0.0018239 0.00176485] [-0.0062308 0.00176485 -0.0018239 ] [ 0.00338672 -0.00017225 -0.00017225]] Final stress: [-9.36221053e-06 -9.72067028e-06 -9.72067015e-06 2.49595867e-05 4.39230484e-14 4.42611086e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00142145 -0.00279444 -0.00142145] [-0.00033088 -0.00171368 0.00033088] [ 0.00142145 -0.00279444 0.00142145] ... [ 0.00150502 0.00625494 0.0006577 ] [-0.00035088 -0.0012761 -0.00035088] [ 0.0006577 0.00625494 0.00150502]] Final stress: [-1.01085230e-05 -9.73661107e-06 -1.01085228e-05 1.44982653e-13 -2.56129381e-05 -1.05200090e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00039135 0.00175714 0.00039135] [ 0.00147669 0.00283252 -0.00147669] [-0.00039135 0.00175714 -0.00039135] ... [-0.00200772 -0.00677994 0.00175768] [-0.00023116 0.00363185 -0.00023116] [ 0.00175768 -0.00677994 -0.00200772]] Final stress: [-1.00992361e-05 -9.72458458e-06 -1.00992361e-05 1.66664896e-14 2.56205482e-05 -1.01673152e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00144232 -0.00144232 -0.00277507] [ 0.00144232 0.00144232 -0.00277507] [-0.00033931 0.00033931 -0.00168158] ... [-0.00035656 -0.00035656 -0.00115007] [ 0.00136817 0.00067334 0.00598982] [ 0.00067335 0.00136817 0.00598982]] Final stress: [-9.87185493e-06 -9.87185492e-06 -9.50744190e-06 4.71308396e-15 4.67429405e-14 -2.48794454e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00025011 0.00025011 0.00163238] [-0.00025011 -0.00025011 0.00163238] [ 0.00137534 -0.00137534 0.00274834] ... [-0.00011597 -0.00011597 0.00341395] [-0.00187876 0.00172888 -0.00629148] [ 0.00172888 -0.00187876 -0.00629148]] Final stress: [-9.78703557e-06 -9.78703545e-06 -9.42606479e-06 -1.02498266e-13 -7.00782793e-14 2.41356306e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00568113 0.00532018 0.00532016] [ 0.00568106 -0.00532024 0.00532025] [ 0.00568072 0.00532056 -0.00532057] ... [-0.00613211 0.00046183 -0.00326415] [-0.0061321 -0.00326412 0.00046183] [ 0.01363563 -0.00031133 -0.00031135]] Final stress: [-1.06468801e-04 1.34241110e-04 1.34241110e-04 1.24064277e-12 3.16169443e-12 -6.44807980e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00131301 -0.0010936 -0.0010936 ] [-0.00131307 0.00109354 -0.00109353] [-0.001313 -0.0010936 0.00109359] ... [-0.00048774 -0.00114145 -0.00040585] [-0.00048775 -0.00040584 -0.00114146] [-0.00200506 0.00041678 0.0004168 ]] Final stress: [ 2.92923339e-06 -1.66057621e-05 -1.66057663e-05 2.41845193e-12 -4.36129022e-12 -6.60691837e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0023567 -0.00058608 0.0023567 ] [-0.00235687 0.0005859 0.00235688] [-0.0023573 -0.00058548 -0.00235729] ... [ 0.00044895 -0.00120786 0.00033925] [-0.00106091 0.00316579 -0.00106091] [ 0.00033931 -0.00120787 0.00044894]] Final stress: [ 4.65104470e-05 -2.84661348e-05 4.65104495e-05 -1.25187124e-11 -8.93739694e-12 -2.14047296e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-5.66890773e-04 1.20683672e-03 -5.66879096e-04] [ 5.66639923e-04 -1.20709078e-03 -5.66642524e-04] [ 5.66757388e-04 1.20696045e-03 5.66757239e-04] ... [-9.93684897e-04 -5.89425590e-05 4.23172104e-05] [-4.39218139e-05 -2.43001779e-03 -4.39029612e-05] [ 4.23467530e-05 -5.89306467e-05 -9.93681412e-04]] Final stress: [-1.93109844e-05 8.66340289e-06 -1.93109838e-05 -3.09050624e-12 -1.40895059e-13 3.68691898e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00474822 0.00474822 -0.00807898] [-0.00474842 -0.00474842 -0.00807878] [-0.00474875 0.00474875 0.00807844] ... [-0.00169528 -0.00169529 0.01760799] [-0.00289792 -0.00570804 -0.0065889 ] [-0.00570803 -0.0028979 -0.00658891]] Final stress: [ 1.39465967e-04 1.39465966e-04 -1.00550559e-04 -2.19109510e-12 2.15998613e-12 1.27609873e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-8.10622494e-04 -8.10619064e-04 1.20389404e-03] [ 8.10862836e-04 8.10858306e-04 1.20365061e-03] [ 8.10877087e-04 -8.10872724e-04 -1.20364077e-03] ... [ 1.73200842e-04 1.73207540e-04 -2.18797864e-03] [-9.48864212e-04 -2.15831547e-05 -1.56345661e-04] [-2.15886121e-05 -9.48852250e-04 -1.56344587e-04]] Final stress: [-1.91606985e-05 -1.91606991e-05 1.00572426e-05 -2.41959859e-12 1.21990159e-12 2.05785533e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01324017 -0.00966291 -0.00966291] [-0.00155234 0.00234287 -0.00234287] [-0.00155234 -0.00234287 0.00234287] ... [ 0.01891979 0.00366938 0.01178063] [ 0.01891979 0.01178063 0.00366938] [ 0.00452888 -0.01586147 -0.01586148]] Final stress: [-6.06839190e-05 -7.15498089e-05 -7.15498084e-05 -1.37467010e-04 -3.50350578e-12 -7.82892920e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00169768 -0.00208838 -0.00208838] [ 0.01328272 0.0098159 -0.0098159 ] [ 0.01328272 -0.00981589 0.00981589] ... [-0.02169518 -0.0082331 0.01045663] [-0.02169517 0.01045663 -0.0082331 ] [ 0.01740264 0.01074996 0.01074996]] Final stress: [-6.08179874e-05 -7.15958370e-05 -7.15958361e-05 1.37319594e-04 1.18811307e-12 -5.56851481e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00981901 -0.01298766 -0.00981901] [ 0.00217441 -0.0013122 -0.00217441] [ 0.00981902 -0.01298767 0.00981902] ... [ 0.0036052 0.01900989 0.01167812] [-0.016089 0.00450786 -0.016089 ] [ 0.01167812 0.01900989 0.0036052 ]] Final stress: [-7.13631816e-05 -6.06462742e-05 -7.13631851e-05 -5.28638172e-14 -1.38795834e-04 -2.29420957e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00260487 0.00161139 -0.00260487] [ 0.00951599 0.01341433 -0.00951599] [ 0.00260487 0.00161139 0.00260487] ... [-0.00803395 -0.02136546 0.01046619] [ 0.01056688 0.01684852 0.01056688] [ 0.01046619 -0.02136545 -0.00803395]] Final stress: [-7.19242299e-05 -6.08978661e-05 -7.19242288e-05 -1.98259238e-12 1.36739949e-04 1.17359364e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00971883 -0.00971883 -0.01317347] [ 0.00971884 0.00971884 -0.01317347] [ 0.00248377 -0.00248377 -0.00129094] ... [-0.01614816 -0.01614816 0.00505186] [ 0.00343262 0.01185588 0.01872204] [ 0.01185588 0.00343262 0.01872204]] Final stress: [-7.16203946e-05 -7.16203977e-05 -6.06263930e-05 2.12920190e-12 4.31791513e-13 -1.38426821e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00268074 -0.00268074 0.00114388] [ 0.00268074 0.00268074 0.00114388] [ 0.00951617 -0.00951617 0.01302525] ... [ 0.01103688 0.01103688 0.01653329] [-0.00847155 0.01052213 -0.0217122 ] [ 0.01052212 -0.00847155 -0.0217122 ]] Final stress: [-7.12697165e-05 -7.12697155e-05 -6.03624328e-05 1.30264624e-12 -2.29206464e-13 1.37467873e-04] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00141897 -0.00052013 -0.00052013] [-0.00141926 0.00051984 -0.00051983] [-0.00141896 -0.00052014 0.00052014] ... [-0.00049691 -0.00067266 -0.00022558] [-0.00049691 -0.00022561 -0.00067262] [-0.00115583 -0.00015932 -0.00015932]] Final stress: [ 6.32967919e-06 -1.15015454e-05 -1.15015497e-05 6.14023759e-12 -2.32100645e-12 -1.12937786e-12] Minimization converged after 9 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00030772 0.00192233 -0.00030771] [ 0.00030689 -0.00192314 -0.00030689] [ 0.00030727 0.00192279 0.00030727] ... [-0.00044798 -0.00069697 0.00013114] [-0.00017036 -0.00148609 -0.00017039] [ 0.00013114 -0.00069697 -0.00044797]] Final stress: [-1.08689499e-05 3.87798912e-06 -1.08689532e-05 3.29396167e-12 -7.63268680e-12 -2.61831834e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.99860610e-04 9.99846363e-04 -8.07802522e-04] [-9.99991303e-04 -9.99976179e-04 -8.07664812e-04] [-9.99593350e-04 9.99590969e-04 8.08056874e-04] ... [ 1.87804390e-04 1.87802281e-04 1.25436386e-03] [-8.88750412e-04 8.91313126e-05 -1.90705545e-04] [ 8.91769197e-05 -8.88751917e-04 -1.90712259e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.03851073e-05 2.03851077e-05 3.07894817e-06 -5.60034243e-12 -6.22083184e-13 5.52433778e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 13 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0008634 -0.0008634 0.00159702] [ 0.00086367 0.00086368 0.00159675] [ 0.00086395 -0.00086395 -0.00159647] ... [-0.0001191 -0.0001191 -0.00146743] [-0.00070254 -0.00021603 -0.00091726] [-0.000216 -0.00070254 -0.00091723]] Final stress: [-1.00849949e-05 -1.00849926e-05 2.83912471e-06 7.72475341e-12 1.60096549e-12 4.21193658e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0011515 -0.0009786 -0.0009786 ] [ 0.00025717 0.00043053 -0.00043053] [ 0.00025717 -0.00043053 0.00043053] ... [ 0.00038849 0.00016876 0.0004226 ] [ 0.00038849 0.0004226 0.00016876] [ 0.00028856 -0.00055059 -0.00055059]] Final stress: [-3.66362231e-06 -3.69163426e-06 -3.69163438e-06 -2.30632107e-06 2.53279683e-14 -7.25779394e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.55662817e-04 -4.30859212e-04 -4.30859175e-04] [ 1.15226915e-03 9.77528612e-04 -9.77528633e-04] [ 1.15227070e-03 -9.77530226e-04 9.77530211e-04] ... [-8.52753760e-04 -6.54574669e-04 7.83695477e-04] [-8.52753852e-04 7.83695558e-04 -6.54574560e-04] [ 9.09073164e-04 8.98463251e-05 8.98462451e-05]] Final stress: [-3.65016051e-06 -3.67810510e-06 -3.67810503e-06 2.26997280e-06 -1.46664421e-14 5.71827247e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00097554 -0.00115191 -0.00097554] [ 0.00042857 0.00025174 -0.00042857] [ 0.00097554 -0.0011519 0.00097554] ... [ 0.00016689 0.00038916 0.00042692] [-0.00054474 0.00028283 -0.00054474] [ 0.00042692 0.00038916 0.00016689]] Final stress: [-3.70631670e-06 -3.67830703e-06 -3.70631666e-06 -1.62462233e-15 -2.29208429e-06 -6.45953842e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.13128570e-04 -2.38122068e-04 -4.13128544e-04] [ 9.88527186e-04 1.16306548e-03 -9.88527165e-04] [ 4.13126284e-04 -2.38119805e-04 4.13126240e-04] ... [-6.34761641e-04 -8.39943594e-04 7.79143560e-04] [ 7.71810375e-05 9.21608964e-04 7.71808729e-05] [ 7.79143571e-04 -8.39943648e-04 -6.34761787e-04]] Final stress: [-3.70165820e-06 -3.67368631e-06 -3.70165821e-06 7.15087127e-15 2.28985805e-06 7.25088321e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00097161 -0.00097161 -0.00116153] [ 0.00097161 0.00097161 -0.00116152] [ 0.0004405 -0.0004405 0.00025013] ... [-0.00054044 -0.00054044 0.00028428] [ 0.00016268 0.00042228 0.00037351] [ 0.00042228 0.00016268 0.00037351]] Final stress: [-3.69433082e-06 -3.69433082e-06 -3.66618232e-06 -5.64720448e-14 1.85540383e-14 -2.20831859e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-4.24596023e-04 -4.24596022e-04 -2.51714627e-04] [ 4.24596533e-04 4.24596551e-04 -2.51715135e-04] [ 9.81384011e-04 -9.81384054e-04 1.15380027e-03] ... [ 7.47841779e-05 7.47841258e-05 9.18349444e-04] [-6.36728408e-04 7.78387061e-04 -8.49997505e-04] [ 7.78387023e-04 -6.36728337e-04 -8.49997480e-04]] Final stress: [-3.69825028e-06 -3.69825034e-06 -3.67024404e-06 -2.87033289e-14 -1.57684795e-14 2.30296220e-06] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.60419698e-03 -2.45587077e-03 -2.45587118e-03] [ 8.30910645e-04 9.79934931e-04 -9.79934864e-04] [ 8.30919264e-04 -9.79942862e-04 9.79943337e-04] ... [-6.08020080e-04 -2.23665163e-04 -1.67981517e-04] [-6.08019750e-04 -1.67981489e-04 -2.23665798e-04] [ 2.87157292e-04 6.40719190e-06 6.40773263e-06]] Final stress: [-2.19385940e-06 -2.22572126e-06 -2.22572037e-06 -3.51715893e-06 2.18028671e-13 -8.70216534e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-8.08499553e-04 -9.45460422e-04 -9.45460728e-04] [ 2.58305052e-03 2.44677501e-03 -2.44677518e-03] [ 2.58305118e-03 -2.44677596e-03 2.44677610e-03] ... [-9.83400270e-05 -5.02127205e-04 7.60453262e-04] [-9.83406014e-05 7.60452632e-04 -5.02127560e-04] [ 2.56115422e-04 -6.76016999e-04 -6.76016690e-04]] Final stress: [-2.26853073e-06 -2.30004527e-06 -2.30004524e-06 3.89026916e-06 3.63898963e-14 1.05747762e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.35967185e-03 -2.53564335e-03 -2.35967188e-03] [ 9.95881946e-04 8.19260226e-04 -9.95882127e-04] [ 2.35967915e-03 -2.53565079e-03 2.35967895e-03] ... [-1.05095975e-04 -5.52229533e-04 -1.12986868e-04] [-6.55152250e-06 3.34183406e-04 -6.55087926e-06] [-1.12986973e-04 -5.52229958e-04 -1.05095313e-04]] Final stress: [-2.35338906e-06 -2.32205419e-06 -2.35338838e-06 -2.96715712e-13 -3.31324491e-06 -1.72559634e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.05033063e-03 -8.63048542e-04 -1.05033045e-03] [ 2.44163044e-03 2.62825889e-03 -2.44163081e-03] [ 1.05032916e-03 -8.63047616e-04 1.05032922e-03] ... [-4.74844469e-04 -1.32155516e-05 7.51329992e-04] [-7.27767014e-04 1.76453493e-04 -7.27767133e-04] [ 7.51331273e-04 -1.32149994e-05 -4.74844733e-04]] Final stress: [-2.20008827e-06 -2.16783568e-06 -2.20008678e-06 -6.43312280e-13 3.76945433e-06 8.22442348e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-2.44875191e-03 -2.44875195e-03 -2.60651600e-03] [ 2.44875483e-03 2.44875472e-03 -2.60651885e-03] [ 9.67347069e-04 -9.67347195e-04 8.08916951e-04] ... [-1.82671672e-05 -1.82672356e-05 3.51840877e-04] [-1.32573743e-04 -1.94079137e-04 -6.17659994e-04] [-1.94079476e-04 -1.32574059e-04 -6.17659880e-04]] Final stress: [-2.22868390e-06 -2.22868394e-06 -2.19727332e-06 1.58582845e-13 6.23357238e-14 -3.72231577e-06] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-9.46004134e-04 -9.46003822e-04 -7.84917504e-04] [ 9.45998743e-04 9.45998704e-04 -7.84912071e-04] [ 2.42231408e-03 -2.42231416e-03 2.58271815e-03] ... [-6.69132086e-04 -6.69131314e-04 2.97762976e-04] [-5.08457470e-04 7.53492423e-04 -7.79461825e-05] [ 7.53491635e-04 -5.08457726e-04 -7.79465385e-05]] Final stress: [-2.35146580e-06 -2.35146467e-06 -2.32001393e-06 -2.06979781e-13 -5.43079180e-14 3.51959286e-06] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 7 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Minimization converged after 6 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: stress-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 0.95638 0.78887 0.80083 0.00001 0. 0.00001] [ 0.78887 0.92455 0.70449 0.00001 -0. 0.00001] [ 0.80083 0.70449 1.27576 0.00001 0. 0.00002] [ 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.18184 0. 0. ] [ 0. -0. 0. 0. 0.1806 -0. ] [ 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0. -0. 0.18071]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[6.77775 2.2088 3.75298 0.00009 0.00006 0.00002] [2.2088 2.03355 4.06021 0.00008 0.00004 0.00002] [3.75298 4.06021 6.34064 0.00008 0.00006 0.00003] [0.00009 0.00008 0.00008 0.05696 0. 0. ] [0.00006 0.00004 0.00006 0. 0.05773 0. ] [0.00002 0.00002 0.00003 0. 0. 0.05623]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 3.388877 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.275756 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 0.319375 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 227 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.275756 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Attempting to compute elastic constants with method stress-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.01,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.26212473 -0.27250449 -0.27250449] [ 0.23101057 0.22884958 -0.22884958] [ 0.23101057 -0.22884958 0.22884958] ... [ 0.00724429 -0.15415649 0.01632972] [ 0.0072443 0.01632972 -0.15415649] [ 0.10706309 0.08460492 0.08460492]] Final stress: [ 1.61356498e-03 1.24957590e-03 1.24957590e-03 1.55638001e-03 1.89782585e-15 -1.70016198e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.23100494 -0.22882808 -0.22882808] [ 0.26212701 0.27252351 -0.27252351] [ 0.26212701 -0.27252351 0.27252351] ... [ 0.08980311 0.1351898 -0.05073895] [ 0.08980311 -0.05073895 0.1351898 ] [-0.0238351 -0.04460824 -0.04460824]] Final stress: [ 1.61356060e-03 1.24955633e-03 1.24955633e-03 -1.55625156e-03 -3.13876842e-15 1.26587707e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.27253454 -0.26212774 -0.27253454] [ 0.22882081 0.23100781 -0.22882081] [ 0.27253454 -0.26212774 0.27253454] ... [-0.1541666 0.00726763 0.01633458] [ 0.0846081 0.10707497 0.0846081 ] [ 0.01633458 0.00726763 -0.1541666 ]] Final stress: [1.24953229e-03 1.61354347e-03 1.24953229e-03 2.36268283e-14 1.55619293e-03 6.71744432e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.2288402 -0.23101157 -0.2288402 ] [ 0.27251612 0.26212569 -0.27251612] [ 0.2288402 -0.23101157 0.2288402 ] ... [ 0.13518526 0.08980984 -0.05073796] [-0.04460448 -0.02383228 -0.04460448] [-0.05073796 0.08980984 0.13518526]] Final stress: [ 1.24955473e-03 1.61355172e-03 1.24955473e-03 -1.06718999e-14 -1.55631297e-03 6.33566570e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.27252706 -0.27252706 -0.26212568] [ 0.27252706 0.27252706 -0.26212568] [ 0.22883948 -0.22883948 0.23102211] ... [ 0.0846007 0.0846007 0.10707691] [-0.15415892 0.01633346 0.00726021] [ 0.01633346 -0.15415892 0.00726021]] Final stress: [1.24951495e-03 1.24951495e-03 1.61351643e-03 5.49096702e-15 2.20195216e-14 1.55627456e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.22883514 -0.22883514 -0.23101082] [ 0.22883514 0.22883514 -0.23101082] [ 0.27252114 -0.27252114 0.26212623] ... [-0.04460666 -0.04460666 -0.02383628] [ 0.13518806 -0.05073892 0.08980488] [-0.05073892 0.13518806 0.08980488]] Final stress: [ 1.24954805e-03 1.24954805e-03 1.61354883e-03 -1.59190027e-14 4.91994731e-16 -1.55628093e-03] Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08609956 -0.083544 -0.083544 ] [ 0.06922158 0.07309627 -0.07309627] [ 0.06922158 -0.07309627 0.07309627] ... [-0.00404509 -0.07082187 0.01216267] [-0.00404509 0.01216267 -0.07082187] [ 0.04948719 0.03989916 0.03989916]] Final stress: [ 4.32304692e-04 3.32512344e-04 3.32512344e-04 1.16473549e-03 -1.43631240e-14 -8.45876998e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06922632 -0.07310191 -0.07310191] [ 0.08609791 0.08354125 -0.08354125] [ 0.08609791 -0.08354126 0.08354126] ... [ 0.03024068 0.06362537 -0.02425514] [ 0.03024068 -0.02425514 0.06362537] [-0.02398287 -0.02940074 -0.02940074]] Final stress: [ 4.32297296e-04 3.32507536e-04 3.32507536e-04 -1.16476047e-03 -2.48563635e-15 -2.51707452e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08354375 -0.08609941 -0.08354375] [ 0.07309678 0.06922201 -0.07309678] [ 0.08354375 -0.08609941 0.08354375] ... [-0.07082163 -0.00404525 0.01216264] [ 0.0398989 0.04948734 0.0398989 ] [ 0.01216264 -0.00404525 -0.07082163]] Final stress: [ 3.32511907e-04 4.32304020e-04 3.32511907e-04 -3.82714897e-15 1.16473776e-03 -8.94671434e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07308683 -0.06920716 -0.07308683] [ 0.08354434 0.08610431 -0.08354434] [ 0.07308683 -0.06920716 0.07308683] ... [ 0.06362744 0.03024461 -0.02425444] [-0.02940529 -0.0239677 -0.02940529] [-0.02425444 0.03024461 0.06362744]] Final stress: [ 3.32535655e-04 4.32333022e-04 3.32535655e-04 -2.59003806e-15 -1.16470892e-03 -7.17422216e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08354178 -0.08354178 -0.08609822] [ 0.08354178 0.08354178 -0.08609822] [ 0.07310083 -0.07310083 0.06922542] ... [ 0.03989681 0.03989681 0.04948847] [-0.07081968 0.01216241 -0.00404652] [ 0.01216241 -0.07081968 -0.00404652]] Final stress: [ 3.32508450e-04 3.32508450e-04 4.32298702e-04 2.03540833e-15 -5.70982321e-15 1.16475572e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07310046 -0.07310046 -0.0692251 ] [ 0.07310046 0.07310046 -0.0692251 ] [ 0.08354196 -0.08354196 0.08609833] ... [-0.02940119 -0.02940119 -0.02398237] [ 0.06362578 -0.02425519 0.03024039] [-0.02425519 0.06362578 0.03024039]] Final stress: [ 3.32508767e-04 3.32508767e-04 4.32299191e-04 7.29187378e-15 -9.33508748e-16 -1.16475407e-03] Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03744755 -0.03400348 -0.03400348] [ 0.02702126 0.03140431 -0.03140431] [ 0.02702126 -0.03140431 0.03140431] ... [-0.00500241 -0.04405742 0.00915632] [-0.00500241 0.00915632 -0.04405742] [ 0.0305477 0.02451196 0.02451196]] Final stress: [ 1.83685226e-04 1.47747415e-04 1.47747415e-04 7.12340980e-04 -1.90346541e-15 -3.15395203e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02701497 -0.0313146 -0.0313146 ] [ 0.03745339 0.03409304 -0.03409304] [ 0.03745339 -0.03409304 0.03409304] ... [ 0.01584221 0.04186151 -0.01403548] [ 0.01584221 -0.01403548 0.04186151] [-0.02034074 -0.02070101 -0.02070101]] Final stress: [ 1.83649105e-04 1.47689187e-04 1.47689187e-04 -7.11790055e-04 9.12040807e-15 -1.35711290e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03397138 -0.03745723 -0.03397138] [ 0.03141878 0.02699311 -0.03141878] [ 0.03397138 -0.03745723 0.03397138] ... [-0.04405472 -0.00504431 0.00915184] [ 0.0245263 0.03049348 0.0245263 ] [ 0.00915184 -0.00504431 -0.04405472]] Final stress: [ 1.47802154e-04 1.83738640e-04 1.47802154e-04 3.05333704e-15 7.12537259e-04 -1.79400713e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03134283 -0.02699241 -0.03134283] [ 0.03405283 0.03746326 -0.03405283] [ 0.03134283 -0.02699241 0.03134283] ... [ 0.04184186 0.01589461 -0.01402658] [-0.02069741 -0.02028097 -0.02069741] [-0.01402658 0.01589461 0.04184186]] Final stress: [ 1.47748834e-04 1.83703428e-04 1.47748834e-04 1.18266381e-15 -7.12009253e-04 4.72218940e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03405875 -0.03405875 -0.03745626] [ 0.03405875 0.03405875 -0.03745626] [ 0.03133441 -0.03133441 0.02699715] ... [ 0.02453043 0.02453043 0.03054804] [-0.04408563 0.00916838 -0.00496675] [ 0.00916838 -0.04408563 -0.00496675]] Final stress: [ 1.47728637e-04 1.47728637e-04 1.83685414e-04 -3.30760312e-15 1.23618456e-14 7.12028010e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03140058 -0.03140058 -0.02699881] [ 0.03140058 0.03140058 -0.02699881] [ 0.03399635 -0.03399635 0.0374584 ] ... [-0.02068164 -0.02068164 -0.02024081] [ 0.0418135 -0.01401688 0.01594856] [-0.01401688 0.0418135 0.01594856]] Final stress: [ 1.47782383e-04 1.47782383e-04 1.83722588e-04 1.86544461e-15 3.09864314e-15 -7.12359237e-04] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0158824 -0.01337037 -0.01337037] [ 0.01021197 0.01297572 -0.01297572] [ 0.01021197 -0.01297572 0.01297572] ... [-0.00426366 -0.02743094 0.00634242] [-0.00426366 0.00634242 -0.02743094] [ 0.01869985 0.01481196 0.01481196]] Final stress: [7.49723680e-05 6.09220178e-05 6.09220178e-05 4.44150437e-04 1.56443715e-14 5.44216132e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01021197 -0.01297572 -0.01297572] [ 0.0158824 0.01337037 -0.01337037] [ 0.0158824 -0.01337037 0.01337037] ... [ 0.00856927 0.02647544 -0.00807116] [ 0.00856927 -0.00807116 0.02647544] [-0.01450256 -0.01338715 -0.01338715]] Final stress: [ 7.49723680e-05 6.09220178e-05 6.09220178e-05 -4.44150437e-04 3.72702541e-15 1.33689616e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01337037 -0.0158824 -0.01337037] [ 0.01297572 0.01021197 -0.01297572] [ 0.01337037 -0.0158824 0.01337037] ... [-0.02743094 -0.00426366 0.00634242] [ 0.01481196 0.01869985 0.01481196] [ 0.00634242 -0.00426366 -0.02743094]] Final stress: [ 6.09220178e-05 7.49723680e-05 6.09220178e-05 3.54321853e-15 4.44150437e-04 -2.08970502e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01297573 -0.01021229 -0.01297573] [ 0.01337019 0.01588193 -0.01337019] [ 0.01297573 -0.01021229 0.01297573] ... [ 0.02647508 0.0085699 -0.00807147] [-0.01338687 -0.01450156 -0.01338687] [-0.00807147 0.0085699 0.02647508]] Final stress: [ 6.09214558e-05 7.49718465e-05 6.09214558e-05 -4.07152017e-15 -4.44155805e-04 -1.93177049e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01337037 -0.01337037 -0.0158824 ] [ 0.01337037 0.01337037 -0.0158824 ] [ 0.01297572 -0.01297572 0.01021197] ... [ 0.01481196 0.01481196 0.01869985] [-0.02743094 0.00634242 -0.00426366] [ 0.00634242 -0.02743094 -0.00426366]] Final stress: [ 6.09220178e-05 6.09220178e-05 7.49723680e-05 7.47506176e-15 -1.06904706e-14 4.44150437e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01297573 -0.01297573 -0.01021241] [ 0.01297573 0.01297573 -0.01021241] [ 0.01337012 -0.01337012 0.01588175] ... [-0.01338676 -0.01338676 -0.01450116] [ 0.02647494 -0.0080716 0.00857015] [-0.0080716 0.02647494 0.00857015]] Final stress: [ 6.09212319e-05 6.09212319e-05 7.49716386e-05 -7.94012081e-15 -1.56154857e-15 -4.44157945e-04] Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00685345 -0.00517253 -0.00517253] [ 0.00358285 0.00536197 -0.00536197] [ 0.00358285 -0.00536197 0.00536197] ... [-0.00318038 -0.01701062 0.0042474 ] [-0.00318038 0.0042474 -0.01701062] [ 0.01146309 0.00905607 0.00905607]] Final stress: [3.09205337e-05 2.59041783e-05 2.59041783e-05 2.76599930e-04 8.70825099e-15 3.61397627e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00358118 -0.00535984 -0.00535984] [ 0.00685474 0.0051743 -0.0051743 ] [ 0.00685474 -0.0051743 0.0051743 ] ... [ 0.00484789 0.0166403 -0.00480686] [ 0.00484789 -0.00480686 0.0166403 ] [-0.00970477 -0.00853223 -0.00853223]] Final stress: [ 3.09213826e-05 2.59047127e-05 2.59047127e-05 -2.76588743e-04 1.17358366e-14 4.59606277e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00517851 -0.0068578 -0.00517851] [ 0.00535475 0.00357718 -0.00535475] [ 0.00517851 -0.0068578 0.00517851] ... [-0.01701414 -0.00317823 0.00424798] [ 0.00906011 0.01145992 0.00906011] [ 0.00424798 -0.00317823 -0.01701414]] Final stress: [ 2.59059869e-05 3.09234066e-05 2.59059869e-05 -1.32676121e-14 2.76562070e-04 -6.17766686e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00535738 -0.00357924 -0.00535738] [ 0.00517634 0.00685622 -0.00517634] [ 0.00535738 -0.00357924 0.00535738] ... [ 0.01664132 0.00484725 -0.00480703] [-0.00853344 -0.00970361 -0.00853344] [-0.00480703 0.00484725 0.01664132]] Final stress: [ 2.59053293e-05 3.09223620e-05 2.59053293e-05 5.59835602e-15 -2.76575836e-04 1.17855640e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00517144 -0.00517144 -0.00685266] [ 0.00517145 0.00517145 -0.00685266] [ 0.00536328 -0.00536328 0.00358389] ... [ 0.00905534 0.00905534 0.01146367] [-0.01700998 0.0042473 -0.00318077] [ 0.0042473 -0.01700998 -0.00318077]] Final stress: [2.59038494e-05 2.59038494e-05 3.09200113e-05 2.60833693e-15 4.22291167e-15 2.76606815e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00535377 -0.00535377 -0.0035764 ] [ 0.00535377 0.00535377 -0.0035764 ] [ 0.00517933 -0.00517933 0.0068584 ] ... [-0.00853521 -0.00853521 -0.0097019 ] [ 0.01664283 -0.00480729 0.00484632] [-0.00480729 0.01664283 0.00484632]] Final stress: [ 2.59062335e-05 2.59062335e-05 3.09237983e-05 7.79670898e-15 8.67901819e-15 -2.76556909e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04107591 0.01507912 0.01507912] [ 0.04107567 -0.01507935 0.01507936] [ 0.04107582 0.01507922 -0.01507921] ... [-0.00170462 0.00326598 -0.00229588] [-0.00170462 -0.00229588 0.00326598] [ 0.00816503 -0.02962272 -0.02962272]] Final stress: [ 6.29233119e-04 8.20804768e-04 8.20804768e-04 1.12034644e-12 -2.28074899e-12 -5.76997582e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08451367 -0.05218715 -0.05218714] [-0.08451363 0.05218718 -0.05218719] [-0.08451373 -0.05218709 0.05218709] ... [ 0.01083393 -0.00029524 -0.00148444] [ 0.01083394 -0.00148444 -0.00029524] [-0.01622712 0.03040264 0.03040264]] Final stress: [ 8.02359075e-04 -2.61792357e-04 -2.61792358e-04 -1.46790517e-12 8.02875000e-13 4.70575366e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01512448 -0.04085362 0.01512448] [-0.01512453 0.04085357 0.01512453] [-0.01512456 -0.04085354 -0.01512456] ... [ 0.00323338 -0.00164155 -0.00229771] [-0.02955658 0.00818982 -0.02955658] [-0.00229771 -0.00164155 0.00323338]] Final stress: [ 8.19333812e-04 6.28460001e-04 8.19333812e-04 -6.94274129e-13 1.59957354e-12 2.00049780e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05112906 0.08477006 -0.05112906] [ 0.05112919 -0.08476994 -0.05112918] [ 0.05112925 0.08476988 0.05112925] ... [-0.00016865 0.0109667 -0.001881 ] [ 0.03046287 -0.01606993 0.03046287] [-0.00188101 0.0109667 -0.00016865]] Final stress: [-2.60936172e-04 7.94852154e-04 -2.60936172e-04 5.33748127e-13 1.51079527e-12 1.04064298e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01506892 0.01506892 -0.04106205] [-0.01506894 -0.01506894 -0.04106203] [-0.01506901 0.01506901 0.04106196] ... [-0.02961985 -0.02961985 0.0081895 ] [ 0.00325449 -0.00228658 -0.00169898] [-0.00228658 0.00325449 -0.00169898]] Final stress: [ 8.20574610e-04 8.20574610e-04 6.29212681e-04 -9.28357352e-13 -5.79521153e-13 7.90371143e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 17 steps. Final forces: [[-5.78840288e-02 -5.78840291e-02 8.37710545e-02] [ 5.78840387e-02 5.78840385e-02 8.37710439e-02] [ 5.78841105e-02 -5.78841113e-02 -8.37709721e-02] ... [ 3.03932642e-02 3.03932637e-02 -1.82009096e-02] [-7.75702165e-04 9.31725225e-05 1.06305218e-02] [ 9.31667312e-05 -7.75701285e-04 1.06305221e-02]] Final stress: [-2.61479360e-04 -2.61479360e-04 8.54351754e-04 -1.07457819e-13 -1.03038139e-13 -7.46698933e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00239822 0.00352415 0.00352415] [ 0.00740839 0.00858743 -0.00858743] [ 0.00740839 -0.00858743 0.00858743] ... [-0.00313698 -0.0116038 0.00270978] [-0.00313698 0.00270978 -0.0116038 ] [ 0.0037411 0.00386492 0.00386492]] Final stress: [ 1.67737929e-05 1.45347093e-05 1.45347093e-05 1.71913449e-04 -5.37194372e-15 -7.98084888e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00740839 -0.00858743 -0.00858743] [-0.00239822 -0.00352415 0.00352415] [-0.00239822 0.00352415 -0.00352415] ... [ 0.00395136 0.01145284 -0.00274588] [ 0.00395136 -0.00274588 0.01145284] [-0.00282057 -0.00359147 -0.00359147]] Final stress: [ 1.67737929e-05 1.45347093e-05 1.45347093e-05 -1.71913449e-04 9.61768141e-16 -1.37349244e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00352415 0.00239822 0.00352415] [ 0.00858743 0.00740839 -0.00858743] [-0.00352415 0.00239822 -0.00352415] ... [-0.0116038 -0.00313698 0.00270978] [ 0.00386492 0.0037411 0.00386492] [ 0.00270978 -0.00313698 -0.0116038 ]] Final stress: [ 1.45347093e-05 1.67737929e-05 1.45347092e-05 -1.35940238e-14 1.71913449e-04 -9.61352549e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00858743 -0.00740839 -0.00858743] [-0.00352415 -0.00239822 0.00352415] [ 0.00858743 -0.00740839 0.00858743] ... [ 0.01145284 0.00395136 -0.00274588] [-0.00359147 -0.00282057 -0.00359147] [-0.00274588 0.00395136 0.01145284]] Final stress: [ 1.45347093e-05 1.67737929e-05 1.45347092e-05 1.30270659e-14 -1.71913449e-04 -2.15184515e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00352415 0.00352415 0.00239822] [-0.00352415 -0.00352415 0.00239822] [ 0.00858743 -0.00858743 0.00740839] ... [ 0.00386492 0.00386492 0.0037411 ] [-0.0116038 0.00270978 -0.00313698] [ 0.00270978 -0.0116038 -0.00313698]] Final stress: [ 1.45347093e-05 1.45347092e-05 1.67737929e-05 -7.59937631e-15 -2.26228088e-16 1.71913449e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00858743 -0.00858743 -0.00740839] [ 0.00858743 0.00858743 -0.00740839] [-0.00352415 0.00352415 -0.00239822] ... [-0.00359147 -0.00359147 -0.00282057] [ 0.01145284 -0.00274588 0.00395136] [-0.00274588 0.01145284 0.00395136]] Final stress: [ 1.45347093e-05 1.45347093e-05 1.67737929e-05 1.46994497e-14 -1.01459220e-14 -1.71913449e-04] Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 47 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00092444 0.00099569 0.00099569] [ 0.00331104 0.00341511 -0.00341511] [ 0.00331104 -0.00341511 0.00341511] ... [-0.00125666 -0.00890218 0.00219974] [-0.00125667 0.00219974 -0.00890218] [ 0.00370407 0.00352887 0.00352887]] Final stress: [ 9.29345400e-06 8.02896707e-06 8.02896704e-06 8.82640051e-05 -2.75269175e-15 -6.68810772e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00311214 -0.00338897 -0.00338897] [-0.00073217 -0.0009759 0.00097589] [-0.00073217 0.00097589 -0.00097589] ... [ 0.00176508 0.00880093 -0.00201863] [ 0.00176508 -0.00201863 0.00880093] [-0.00311476 -0.00349435 -0.00349435]] Final stress: [ 9.31629244e-06 8.04872462e-06 8.04872461e-06 -8.86901018e-05 -1.95052852e-14 -4.68061939e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00100186 0.00090241 0.00100186] [ 0.00342279 0.00329045 -0.00342279] [-0.00100186 0.00090241 -0.00100186] ... [-0.00890418 -0.00124953 0.00218673] [ 0.00353767 0.00373162 0.00353767] [ 0.00218673 -0.00124953 -0.00890418]] Final stress: [8.03540116e-06 9.30007796e-06 8.03540114e-06 1.47799748e-15 8.81532369e-05 1.40462862e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00342405 -0.00315156 -0.00342405] [-0.0010052 -0.00076527 0.0010052 ] [ 0.00342405 -0.00315156 0.00342405] ... [ 0.00876348 0.00178081 -0.00202515] [-0.00345912 -0.0031833 -0.00345912] [-0.00202515 0.00178081 0.00876348]] Final stress: [ 8.03109458e-06 9.29494089e-06 8.03109452e-06 5.16329581e-15 -8.91126188e-05 9.15449103e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00099187 0.00099187 0.00088339] [-0.00099187 -0.00099187 0.00088339] [ 0.00341045 -0.00341045 0.00326907] ... [ 0.0035448 0.0035448 0.00370659] [-0.00889606 0.00219369 -0.00127774] [ 0.00219369 -0.00889606 -0.00127774]] Final stress: [ 8.03419020e-06 8.03419017e-06 9.29934921e-06 -1.44183245e-14 -1.72986347e-14 8.83022918e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00344759 -0.00344759 -0.00331237] [ 0.00344759 0.00344759 -0.00331237] [-0.00102289 0.00102289 -0.00092001] ... [-0.00340779 -0.00340779 -0.0032209 ] [ 0.00880564 -0.0020349 0.00165833] [-0.0020349 0.00880564 0.00165833]] Final stress: [ 8.01752014e-06 8.01752014e-06 9.27897193e-06 -5.12196632e-15 1.63575431e-14 -8.86777885e-05] Minimization converged after 47 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 73 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 75 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 72 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01967747 -0.00651758 -0.00651758] [-0.0196775 0.00651756 -0.00651756] [-0.01967756 -0.0065175 0.0065175 ] ... [ 0.00540997 -0.00014452 -0.00253933] [ 0.00540997 -0.00253933 -0.00014452] [-0.0071804 0.01060329 0.01060329]] Final stress: [ 7.50283659e-05 -1.51386374e-04 -1.51386374e-04 -1.44813051e-12 8.38650856e-14 -7.77793435e-13] Minimization converged after 48 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00655862 0.0197273 -0.00655862] [ 0.00655856 -0.01972737 -0.00655855] [ 0.00655859 0.01972734 0.00655859] ... [-0.00019769 0.0053 -0.00232547] [ 0.0106137 -0.00708392 0.0106137 ] [-0.00232546 0.0053 -0.00019769]] Final stress: [-1.51728066e-04 7.50350685e-05 -1.51728067e-04 -3.37537510e-13 -4.26208154e-13 -1.35498824e-12] Minimization converged after 44 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00627924 -0.00627924 0.01893238] [ 0.00627925 0.00627925 0.01893237] [ 0.00627922 -0.00627922 -0.0189324 ] ... [ 0.0104491 0.0104491 -0.00712057] [-0.00011766 -0.00250089 0.00520307] [-0.00250089 -0.00011766 0.00520307]] Final stress: [-1.49649534e-04 -1.49649534e-04 6.93679364e-05 -6.71271568e-14 2.41563996e-13 -3.32215617e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.33552910e-04 1.42872325e-03 1.42872326e-03] [ 1.26253482e-03 1.95677902e-03 -1.95677901e-03] [ 1.26253463e-03 -1.95677884e-03 1.95677885e-03] ... [ 9.93094641e-05 -1.63249479e-03 9.59009108e-05] [ 9.93094578e-05 9.59008244e-05 -1.63249475e-03] [ 3.68340021e-03 1.70397779e-04 1.70397750e-04]] Final stress: [2.93542699e-06 2.93427895e-06 2.93427893e-06 4.87559602e-05 1.65973913e-14 1.96062748e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.25464940e-03 -1.94425058e-03 -1.94425059e-03] [-7.26575902e-04 -1.41682729e-03 1.41682728e-03] [-7.26576167e-04 1.41682753e-03 -1.41682755e-03] ... [-2.21804878e-04 1.74941749e-03 5.27754294e-05] [-2.21804871e-04 5.27753524e-05 1.74941752e-03] [-3.53040715e-03 -2.70195387e-04 -2.70195394e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.91452066e-06 2.91285369e-06 2.91285368e-06 -4.75920435e-05 3.93901389e-15 3.35168580e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.42692519e-03 7.33661385e-04 1.42692518e-03] [ 1.95485040e-03 1.26249455e-03 -1.95485040e-03] [-1.42692516e-03 7.33661366e-04 -1.42692517e-03] ... [-1.63933948e-03 1.09430642e-04 9.33140738e-05] [ 1.73874575e-04 3.68266946e-03 1.73874564e-04] [ 9.33138730e-05 1.09430688e-04 -1.63933938e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.93294748e-06 2.93406719e-06 2.93294749e-06 2.03383494e-15 4.86660846e-05 -1.38471779e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.94470668e-03 -1.25546299e-03 -1.94470667e-03] [-1.41727798e-03 -7.27359217e-04 1.41727796e-03] [ 1.94470678e-03 -1.25546310e-03 1.94470678e-03] ... [ 1.74152560e-03 -2.13253720e-04 4.95455327e-05] [-2.65690793e-04 -3.53351722e-03 -2.65690748e-04] [ 4.95454190e-05 -2.13253734e-04 1.74152564e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.91482243e-06 2.91641320e-06 2.91482242e-06 2.88268018e-16 -4.76893527e-05 1.95104746e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.42448344e-03 1.42448345e-03 7.30907870e-04] [-1.42448333e-03 -1.42448333e-03 7.30907752e-04] [ 1.95232423e-03 -1.95232424e-03 1.25957634e-03] ... [ 1.88961411e-04 1.88961401e-04 3.67427677e-03] [-1.66511495e-03 8.38856176e-05 1.38794262e-04] [ 8.38857238e-05 -1.66511497e-03 1.38794251e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.92659648e-06 2.92659652e-06 2.92792161e-06 -8.70471541e-15 -3.30129301e-15 4.83429912e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-1.94733150e-03 -1.94733150e-03 -1.25754237e-03] [ 1.94733131e-03 1.94733131e-03 -1.25754218e-03] [-1.41978200e-03 1.41978201e-03 -7.29250159e-04] ... [-2.53040383e-04 -2.53040378e-04 -3.54057977e-03] [ 1.71909484e-03 4.04143562e-05 -1.87033677e-04] [ 4.04143821e-05 1.71909483e-03 -1.87033660e-04]] Final stress: [ 2.92008998e-06 2.92008997e-06 2.92152632e-06 5.59313315e-15 2.38212936e-15 -4.79691020e-05] Minimization converged after 48 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01736979 -0.00810269 -0.00810269] [-0.01736982 0.00810267 -0.00810267] [-0.01736983 -0.00810265 0.00810265] ... [-0.00190383 -0.00046257 0.00378953] [-0.00190383 0.00378954 -0.00046257] [-0.00306954 0.00851022 0.00851022]] Final stress: [ 9.98780996e-05 -1.45978292e-04 -1.45978292e-04 -3.24372582e-13 6.27920964e-13 1.24441955e-12] Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00807804 0.01737885 -0.00807804] [ 0.00807808 -0.01737881 -0.00807808] [ 0.00807815 0.01737874 0.00807815] ... [-0.00044046 -0.00192204 0.00377789] [ 0.00851685 -0.00311583 0.00851685] [ 0.00377789 -0.00192204 -0.00044045]] Final stress: [-1.45949694e-04 9.99507852e-05 -1.45949694e-04 7.20097704e-13 2.68103860e-13 2.16389712e-14] Minimization converged after 49 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00751323 -0.00751323 0.01643812] [ 0.00751326 0.00751326 0.01643809] [ 0.00751326 -0.00751325 -0.01643809] ... [ 0.00810597 0.00810597 -0.00335148] [-0.00015703 0.0033142 -0.00185742] [ 0.0033142 -0.00015703 -0.00185742]] Final stress: [-1.41405942e-04 -1.41405942e-04 9.05558416e-05 -1.36188080e-13 -1.12004760e-12 -6.51878701e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00705188 -0.03109503 -0.03109503] [-0.00204412 -0.02255714 0.02255714] [-0.00204412 0.02255714 -0.02255714] ... [ 0.04443823 -0.06880618 0.01733514] [ 0.04443823 0.01733515 -0.06880618] [-0.07022352 0.04281569 0.04281569]] Final stress: [ 3.08357615e-04 2.46408686e-04 2.46408687e-04 -7.93255966e-04 -6.94985893e-14 -3.66858562e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00213911 0.0230173 0.0230173 ] [ 0.00732262 0.03185604 -0.03185604] [ 0.00732262 -0.03185604 0.03185604] ... [-0.02883539 0.07696308 -0.00269189] [-0.02883539 -0.00269188 0.07696308] [ 0.08899353 -0.03510122 -0.03510122]] Final stress: [ 3.19987124e-04 2.55928649e-04 2.55928649e-04 8.05617110e-04 -5.20744629e-13 6.07145767e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03178967 -0.00730033 -0.03178967] [-0.02297047 -0.00212771 0.02297047] [ 0.03178968 -0.00730033 0.03178968] ... [-0.06983874 0.04481755 0.01784337] [ 0.04362799 -0.0714526 0.04362799] [ 0.01784337 0.04481754 -0.06983874]] Final stress: [ 2.55334866e-04 3.19266407e-04 2.55334867e-04 2.74534760e-13 -8.04760113e-04 1.56292749e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02234434 0.00201161 0.02234434] [ 0.03075128 0.00694294 -0.03075128] [-0.02234434 0.00201161 -0.02234434] ... [ 0.07496599 -0.02903472 -0.00244311] [-0.03424168 0.08645198 -0.03424168] [-0.00244311 -0.02903472 0.07496599]] Final stress: [ 2.42355412e-04 3.03407896e-04 2.42355412e-04 -6.50646006e-13 7.87745109e-04 2.53160254e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03170499 -0.03170499 -0.00721391] [ 0.03170499 0.03170499 -0.00721391] [-0.02287969 0.02287969 -0.00203433] ... [ 0.04359065 0.04359065 -0.07153887] [-0.06983521 0.01784085 0.04478215] [ 0.01784084 -0.06983521 0.04478215]] Final stress: [ 2.55315398e-04 2.55315400e-04 3.19210079e-04 8.17417323e-13 1.05742516e-12 -8.04466999e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02336688 0.02336688 0.00232043] [-0.02336689 -0.02336689 0.00232044] [ 0.03228614 -0.03228614 0.00754448] ... [-0.03538242 -0.03538242 0.08930694] [ 0.07745358 -0.00274749 -0.02893424] [-0.00274749 0.07745358 -0.02893424]] Final stress: [2.58593163e-04 2.58593163e-04 3.23316087e-04 3.06943641e-13 2.38264911e-13 8.10495396e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00480987 0.00192198 0.00192198] [ 0.0048099 -0.00192195 0.00192195] [ 0.00480987 0.00192198 -0.00192199] ... [ 0.00025517 -0.00013486 0.00020124] [ 0.00025518 0.00020123 -0.00013486] [ 0.00125984 -0.0024121 -0.00241209]] Final stress: [ 2.16903974e-05 7.09913704e-05 7.09913701e-05 5.58252166e-14 -3.12559567e-13 9.25014617e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00603301 -0.00194925 -0.00194925] [-0.00603277 0.00194949 -0.00194949] [-0.00603301 -0.00194924 0.00194924] ... [-0.00140623 0.00138936 -0.00103304] [-0.00140623 -0.00103304 0.00138936] [-0.00306478 0.0052282 0.00522819]] Final stress: [-5.70756997e-07 -5.95893324e-05 -5.95893328e-05 1.63237452e-13 1.84157488e-12 3.75279816e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.90555357e-03 -4.60980939e-03 1.90555168e-03] [-1.90544297e-03 4.60991793e-03 1.90544172e-03] [-1.90536743e-03 -4.60999632e-03 -1.90536681e-03] ... [ 5.09322205e-05 1.20033962e-04 -1.55642608e-06] [-1.99503883e-03 1.12231954e-03 -1.99504102e-03] [-1.54698471e-06 1.20033824e-04 5.09311983e-05]] Final stress: [ 7.07171521e-05 2.19641530e-05 7.07171524e-05 -6.82776459e-13 6.17297695e-13 -3.15092287e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00187095 0.0060477 -0.00187095] [ 0.00187089 -0.00604775 -0.00187089] [ 0.00187093 0.00604771 0.00187093] ... [ 0.00133158 -0.00136424 -0.00103545] [ 0.00521541 -0.00310768 0.00521541] [-0.00103546 -0.00136423 0.00133158]] Final stress: [-5.97887089e-05 7.61519821e-08 -5.97887089e-05 -6.03362610e-14 6.34649427e-13 6.07543955e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00190429 0.00190429 -0.00503441] [-0.00190443 -0.00190443 -0.00503428] [-0.0019044 0.0019044 0.00503431] ... [-0.0028601 -0.0028601 0.00143109] [-0.00029726 0.00039793 0.00039609] [ 0.00039793 -0.00029726 0.00039609]] Final stress: [7.14525469e-05 7.14525470e-05 2.08824931e-05 4.40902073e-13 8.34277715e-13 6.23671897e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 15 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00170985 -0.00170984 0.00402504] [ 0.00170964 0.00170964 0.00402524] [ 0.00170966 -0.00170966 -0.00402522] ... [ 0.00287737 0.00287737 -0.00157238] [ 0.00012078 0.00058164 -0.00084275] [ 0.00058163 0.00012078 -0.00084275]] Final stress: [-5.45579337e-05 -5.45579340e-05 -1.23400389e-05 1.98574157e-12 -2.00831307e-12 2.66453207e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0039158 -0.00187436 -0.00187436] [-0.00275977 -0.00067613 0.00067613] [-0.00275976 0.00067613 -0.00067613] ... [ 0.003851 -0.00340387 0.00383707] [ 0.003851 0.00383707 -0.00340387] [-0.00275615 -0.00317142 -0.00317142]] Final stress: [-9.23436433e-07 -1.79941917e-06 -1.79941916e-06 3.09369063e-05 -3.54366296e-15 1.99298661e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00321251 0.0011744 0.0011744 ] [ 0.00430374 0.00231581 -0.00231581] [ 0.00430374 -0.00231581 0.00231581] ... [-0.00507872 0.00312175 -0.00293476] [-0.00507872 -0.00293476 0.00312175] [ 0.00545609 0.00333359 0.00333359]] Final stress: [-1.01475047e-06 -1.96474405e-06 -1.96474393e-06 -3.55921670e-05 -3.61863531e-14 1.91792780e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00179417 -0.00386932 -0.00179417] [-0.00059024 -0.00270658 0.00059024] [ 0.00179417 -0.00386932 0.00179417] ... [-0.00339313 0.00366799 0.00374471] [-0.00319006 -0.00270707 -0.00319006] [ 0.00374471 0.00366799 -0.00339313]] Final stress: [-1.77341076e-06 -9.07831452e-07 -1.77341089e-06 -4.02588233e-14 3.08085085e-05 4.03217494e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00106162 0.00311425 0.00106162] [ 0.00221567 0.00421972 -0.00221567] [-0.00106162 0.00311425 -0.00106162] ... [ 0.00314218 -0.00484968 -0.00283493] [ 0.00327945 0.005181 0.00327945] [-0.00283493 -0.00484968 0.00314218]] Final stress: [-1.93570268e-06 -9.99671113e-07 -1.93570279e-06 -6.50260342e-14 -3.47192772e-05 -5.94356729e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00231976 -0.00231976 -0.00431216] [ 0.00231976 0.00231976 -0.00431216] [-0.00118114 0.00118114 -0.00322363] ... [-0.00351408 -0.00351408 -0.00409521] [-0.00327464 0.00444161 0.0050324 ] [ 0.00444161 -0.00327464 0.0050324 ]] Final stress: [-1.95712360e-06 -1.95712358e-06 -1.00956890e-06 3.25038650e-14 2.71451784e-14 3.57777170e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00120222 0.00120222 0.00322521] [-0.00120222 -0.00120222 0.00322521] [ 0.0023412 -0.0023412 0.00431399] ... [ 0.00332271 0.00332271 0.00545989] [ 0.00312661 -0.00294479 -0.00507531] [-0.00294479 0.00312661 -0.00507531]] Final stress: [-1.95967715e-06 -1.95967718e-06 -1.01059819e-06 3.39164538e-14 -1.89084921e-14 -3.55639773e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00213154 0.00169272 0.00169272] [ 0.00213148 -0.00169278 0.00169277] [ 0.00213159 0.00169266 -0.00169265] ... [ 0.00050464 0.00055011 0.00067163] [ 0.00050464 0.00067162 0.00055013] [ 0.00404326 -0.00031361 -0.0003136 ]] Final stress: [ 7.19768428e-06 5.34834020e-05 5.34834005e-05 4.31246392e-12 -3.22729902e-12 1.41627239e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00250124 -0.00138135 -0.00138135] [-0.00250121 0.00138137 -0.00138137] [-0.00250147 -0.00138111 0.00138112] ... [-0.00064213 -0.00055011 -0.00010587] [-0.00064213 -0.00010588 -0.00055011] [-0.00334832 0.00043641 0.00043642]] Final stress: [ 1.79418655e-06 -4.06421383e-05 -4.06421392e-05 -1.09687959e-12 1.17164008e-12 5.97442382e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00088638 -0.00136023 0.00088637] [-0.00088546 0.0013611 0.00088546] [-0.00088547 -0.00136112 -0.00088548] ... [-0.00114807 -0.00078314 -0.00168566] [-0.00065055 0.00083816 -0.00065055] [-0.00168563 -0.00078317 -0.00114805]] Final stress: [ 4.32489304e-05 1.37857587e-05 4.32489309e-05 -2.70714936e-12 3.09839743e-12 4.08834169e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-8.12590905e-04 2.18960016e-03 -8.12590987e-04] [ 8.12380750e-04 -2.18981885e-03 -8.12374645e-04] [ 8.12483410e-04 2.18970959e-03 8.12482738e-04] ... [-5.59881106e-04 -5.70490337e-04 4.79555210e-05] [ 5.69318383e-04 -2.90351767e-03 5.69314758e-04] [ 4.79753611e-05 -5.70500113e-04 -5.59881510e-04]] Final stress: [-3.60074848e-05 -1.32880206e-06 -3.60074849e-05 -1.61761963e-12 1.76320084e-12 -1.03443504e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00197999 0.00198 -0.0025029 ] [-0.00197999 -0.00197999 -0.0025029 ] [-0.00197957 0.00197957 0.00250332] ... [-0.00035973 -0.00035973 0.00475345] [ 0.00064445 0.0007707 0.00058419] [ 0.00077072 0.00064446 0.00058417]] Final stress: [ 5.94546389e-05 5.94546396e-05 2.33510460e-06 -1.00948165e-12 -5.10353395e-12 4.34282621e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 14 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00388835 -0.00388835 0.00509152] [ 0.00388814 0.00388814 0.00509173] [ 0.00388806 -0.00388806 -0.00509181] ... [ 0.00041323 0.00041323 -0.0054571 ] [-0.00138118 -0.0029162 -0.00274629] [-0.00291624 -0.00138118 -0.00274628]] Final stress: [-5.11121082e-05 -5.11121072e-05 6.63300545e-06 -3.07045136e-12 -9.04709320e-12 -4.32911445e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00477482 -0.00236269 -0.00236269] [-0.00363721 -0.00117571 0.00117571] [-0.00363721 0.00117571 -0.00117571] ... [ 0.0122248 0.00482343 0.00189324] [ 0.0122248 0.00189324 0.00482343] [-0.00457001 -0.00113009 -0.00113009]] Final stress: [-8.33671544e-06 -9.43497364e-06 -9.43497337e-06 -3.31013090e-05 -9.13107208e-14 4.18984223e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00367763 0.00118177 0.00118177] [ 0.00481404 0.00236752 -0.00236752] [ 0.00481405 -0.00236752 0.00236752] ... [-0.01252993 -0.00528008 0.00133397] [-0.01252993 0.00133397 -0.00528008] [ 0.00764114 0.00060247 0.00060247]] Final stress: [-8.34550265e-06 -9.44881814e-06 -9.44881826e-06 3.33638277e-05 2.93948983e-14 2.25428307e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00233118 -0.00479018 -0.00233118] [-0.0011437 -0.00365182 0.0011437 ] [ 0.00233118 -0.00479018 0.00233118] ... [ 0.00481153 0.01223212 0.00182532] [-0.00113952 -0.00459218 -0.00113952] [ 0.00182532 0.01223212 0.00481153]] Final stress: [-9.44614032e-06 -8.34520179e-06 -9.44614026e-06 1.85957836e-14 -3.34222836e-05 -1.58924660e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0011776 0.00369749 0.0011776 ] [ 0.00236704 0.00483745 -0.00236704] [-0.0011776 0.00369749 -0.0011776 ] ... [-0.00522571 -0.01259604 0.0013319 ] [ 0.00057607 0.00757752 0.00057607] [ 0.0013319 -0.01259604 -0.00522571]] Final stress: [-9.46450765e-06 -8.35254922e-06 -9.46450771e-06 -4.97094475e-14 3.34586505e-05 -4.12991589e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00228986 -0.00228986 -0.00475471] [ 0.00228986 0.00228986 -0.00475471] [-0.00108728 0.00108728 -0.00360158] ... [-0.00112228 -0.00112228 -0.00448563] [ 0.00479482 0.00187542 0.01230364] [ 0.00187542 0.00479482 0.01230364]] Final stress: [-9.48534426e-06 -9.48534431e-06 -8.37496696e-06 2.80544577e-14 3.22715840e-14 -3.32596173e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00114733 0.00114733 0.00364616] [-0.00114733 -0.00114733 0.00364616] [ 0.00234843 -0.00234843 0.00479742] ... [ 0.00057029 0.00057029 0.00747501] [-0.00524145 0.00126321 -0.0126376 ] [ 0.00126321 -0.00524145 -0.0126376 ]] Final stress: [-9.48538191e-06 -9.48538181e-06 -8.36913499e-06 -2.04411599e-13 -3.43748964e-14 3.31233510e-05] Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: stress-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.01,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 0.67909 0.10645 0.10644 0. -0. 0. ] [ 0.10645 0.6791 0.10645 0. -0. 0. ] [ 0.10644 0.10645 0.6791 0. -0. -0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.23157 -0. 0. ] [-0. -0. -0. -0. 0.23153 -0. ] [ 0. 0. -0. 0. -0. 0.23155]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[0.05406 0.38451 0.38451 0. 0.00001 0.00001] [0.38451 0.05406 0.38451 0.00001 0. 0.00001] [0.38451 0.38451 0.05407 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001] [0. 0.00001 0.00001 0.01113 0. 0. ] [0.00001 0. 0.00001 0. 0.01088 0. ] [0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0. 0. 0.01098]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 0.192257 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 0.679100 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 0.000040 Attempting to compute elastic constants with method stress-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.1,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 65 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 47 steps. Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 63 steps. Minimization converged after 63 steps. Minimization converged after 63 steps. Minimization converged after 63 steps. Minimization converged after 63 steps. Minimization converged after 63 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 66 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 65 steps. Minimization converged after 65 steps. Minimization converged after 65 steps. Minimization converged after 65 steps. Minimization converged after 65 steps. Minimization converged after 65 steps. Minimization converged after 37 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 37 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 37 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 67 steps. Minimization converged after 38 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 38 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 38 steps. Minimization converged after 39 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 69 steps. Minimization converged after 68 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 71 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 70 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.24059572 -0.24935497 -0.24935497] [ 0.21346171 0.21122952 -0.21122952] [ 0.21346171 -0.21122952 0.21122952] ... [ 0.00399829 -0.14427165 0.01687548] [ 0.00399829 0.01687548 -0.14427165] [ 0.10142054 0.07916039 0.07916039]] Final stress: [1.43316478e-03 1.10477762e-03 1.10477762e-03 1.51648212e-03 6.12616974e-15 1.13589713e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21346017 -0.21126784 -0.21126784] [ 0.24059372 0.24931221 -0.24931221] [ 0.24059372 -0.24931221 0.24931221] ... [ 0.08305787 0.12673997 -0.04874786] [ 0.08305787 -0.04874786 0.12673997] [-0.0258324 -0.04337806 -0.04337806]] Final stress: [ 1.43322863e-03 1.10486575e-03 1.10486575e-03 -1.51673365e-03 2.60423885e-15 1.50231944e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.24933793 -0.24059694 -0.24933793] [ 0.21123387 0.21344736 -0.21123387] [ 0.24933793 -0.24059694 0.24933793] ... [-0.14427244 0.00398586 0.01687249] [ 0.07916723 0.10140711 0.07916723] [ 0.01687249 0.00398586 -0.14427244]] Final stress: [ 1.10484604e-03 1.43322885e-03 1.10484604e-03 -2.63143789e-15 1.51654724e-03 2.61419497e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21123236 -0.21345802 -0.21123236] [ 0.24934872 0.24059594 -0.24934872] [ 0.21123236 -0.21345802 0.21123236] ... [ 0.12675995 0.08301939 -0.04875528] [-0.04339336 -0.02586485 -0.04339336] [-0.04875528 0.08301939 0.12675995]] Final stress: [ 1.10479888e-03 1.43318384e-03 1.10479888e-03 1.39872693e-14 -1.51651000e-03 -3.93042346e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.2493157 -0.2493157 -0.24059471] [ 0.2493157 0.2493157 -0.24059471] [ 0.21126021 -0.21126021 0.21345462] ... [ 0.07916267 0.07916267 0.10139991] [-0.14426314 0.01686887 0.00396757] [ 0.01686887 -0.14426314 0.00396757]] Final stress: [1.10487231e-03 1.10487231e-03 1.43323938e-03 1.32510361e-14 1.79607180e-14 1.51669860e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 11 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21125052 -0.21125052 -0.21346468] [ 0.21125052 0.21125052 -0.21346468] [ 0.24933481 -0.24933481 0.24059423] ... [-0.04338695 -0.04338695 -0.02585621] [ 0.12675191 -0.04875293 0.08303298] [-0.04875293 0.12675191 0.08303298]] Final stress: [ 1.10481012e-03 1.10481012e-03 1.43318439e-03 -3.08341498e-15 6.17753905e-15 -1.51661018e-03] Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 45 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07920585 -0.07648552 -0.07648552] [ 0.06305728 0.06706555 -0.06706555] [ 0.06305728 -0.06706555 0.06706555] ... [-0.00423333 -0.06748292 0.01202806] [-0.00423333 0.01202806 -0.06748292] [ 0.04716464 0.03808599 0.03808599]] Final stress: [3.96650511e-04 3.05431952e-04 3.05431952e-04 1.10921389e-03 2.33460533e-15 1.43845666e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06306134 -0.06709625 -0.06709625] [ 0.07920354 0.07645617 -0.07645617] [ 0.07920353 -0.07645617 0.07645617] ... [ 0.02824813 0.06099634 -0.02299378] [ 0.02824813 -0.02299378 0.06099634] [-0.02388447 -0.02849609 -0.02849609]] Final stress: [ 3.96663441e-04 3.05455924e-04 3.05455924e-04 -1.10940084e-03 -2.13343292e-14 2.38272475e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07648338 -0.07920455 -0.07648338] [ 0.06706981 0.06306086 -0.06706981] [ 0.07648338 -0.07920455 0.07648338] ... [-0.06748087 -0.00423466 0.0120278 ] [ 0.03808379 0.04716586 0.03808379] [ 0.0120278 -0.00423466 -0.06748087]] Final stress: [ 3.05428451e-04 3.96645097e-04 3.05428451e-04 -1.08952178e-14 1.10923286e-03 1.60027825e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06710819 -0.0630832 -0.06710819] [ 0.07645777 0.07919603 -0.07645777] [ 0.06710819 -0.0630832 0.06710819] ... [ 0.06099675 0.02823794 -0.02299552] [-0.0284923 -0.02390688 -0.0284923 ] [-0.02299552 0.02823794 0.06099675]] Final stress: [ 3.05419260e-04 3.96619910e-04 3.05419260e-04 -1.16574878e-14 -1.10942662e-03 -1.20734807e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07648481 -0.07648481 -0.07920542] [ 0.07648481 0.07648481 -0.07920542] [ 0.06706695 -0.06706695 0.06305846] ... [ 0.03808527 0.03808527 0.04716504] [-0.06748224 0.01202797 -0.00423377] [ 0.01202797 -0.06748224 -0.00423377]] Final stress: [ 3.05430798e-04 3.05430798e-04 3.96648727e-04 8.40513873e-15 -1.62871782e-15 1.10922014e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06710332 -0.06710332 -0.06307171] [ 0.06710332 0.06710332 -0.06307171] [ 0.07645547 -0.07645547 0.07919993] ... [-0.02849384 -0.02849384 -0.02389381] [ 0.06099576 -0.02299434 0.02824483] [-0.02299434 0.06099576 0.02824483]] Final stress: [ 3.05440042e-04 3.05440042e-04 3.96643818e-04 3.28745271e-15 -5.31978717e-15 -1.10942206e-03] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 42 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03436002 -0.03107003 -0.03107003] [ 0.02451154 0.02864094 -0.02864094] [ 0.02451154 -0.02864094 0.02864094] ... [-0.00489722 -0.04204542 0.00885698] [-0.00489722 0.00885698 -0.04204542] [ 0.02909434 0.02332525 0.02332525]] Final stress: [ 1.67819823e-04 1.34991483e-04 1.34991483e-04 6.78325611e-04 -1.21035156e-15 1.21314207e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02452474 -0.02866944 -0.02866944] [ 0.03435735 0.03105169 -0.03105169] [ 0.03435735 -0.03105169 0.03105169] ... [ 0.01485821 0.03999627 -0.01325533] [ 0.01485821 -0.01325533 0.03999627] [-0.01973378 -0.01984656 -0.01984656]] Final stress: [ 1.67816757e-04 1.34996453e-04 1.34996453e-04 -6.78402077e-04 -8.11835018e-15 1.11515698e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03104381 -0.03436061 -0.03104381] [ 0.0286739 0.02451786 -0.0286739 ] [ 0.03104381 -0.03436061 0.03104381] ... [-0.0420334 -0.00491248 0.00884918] [ 0.02331951 0.02909602 0.02331951] [ 0.00884918 -0.00491248 -0.0420334 ]] Final stress: [ 1.35011053e-04 1.67830647e-04 1.35011053e-04 -1.49283919e-14 6.78442500e-04 -2.86883287e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02869761 -0.02449261 -0.02869761] [ 0.03100738 0.03437235 -0.03100738] [ 0.02869761 -0.02449261 0.02869761] ... [ 0.03997491 0.01491999 -0.01324498] [-0.01984521 -0.01965916 -0.01984521] [-0.01324498 0.01491999 0.03997491]] Final stress: [ 1.35070047e-04 1.67885279e-04 1.35070047e-04 8.21071116e-15 -6.78636275e-04 8.66105283e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03106023 -0.03106023 -0.03435105] [ 0.03106023 0.03106023 -0.03435105] [ 0.0286538 -0.0286538 0.02452404] ... [ 0.02331699 0.02331699 0.02909342] [-0.04203828 0.00885776 -0.00490499] [ 0.00885776 -0.04203828 -0.00490499]] Final stress: [ 1.34977837e-04 1.34977837e-04 1.67802739e-04 -3.52747520e-15 -7.79214325e-15 6.78423231e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02864633 -0.02864633 -0.02451739] [ 0.02864633 0.02864633 -0.02451739] [ 0.03106545 -0.03106545 0.03435522] ... [-0.0198489 -0.0198489 -0.01971624] [ 0.03999807 -0.01326319 0.01485811] [-0.01326319 0.03999807 0.01485811]] Final stress: [ 1.34983917e-04 1.34983917e-04 1.67810869e-04 -3.37685939e-15 1.46457560e-14 -6.78377766e-04] Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 40 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01460412 -0.01159842 -0.01159842] [ 0.00915019 0.01238679 -0.01238679] [ 0.00915019 -0.01238679 0.01238679] ... [-0.00470281 -0.02593219 0.00599978] [-0.00470281 0.00599978 -0.02593219] [ 0.0173479 0.01407799 0.01407799]] Final stress: [6.88193249e-05 5.60214525e-05 5.60214525e-05 4.26711571e-04 7.82068487e-15 1.29824048e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00915587 -0.01226286 -0.01226286] [ 0.01460252 0.01172619 -0.01172619] [ 0.01460252 -0.01172619 0.01172619] ... [ 0.00853774 0.02507041 -0.00757484] [ 0.00853774 -0.00757484 0.02507041] [-0.0135389 -0.012739 -0.012739 ]] Final stress: [ 6.87706202e-05 5.59584965e-05 5.59584965e-05 -4.25951822e-04 -4.77961326e-15 1.02958402e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01168288 -0.01459391 -0.01168288] [ 0.01230935 0.0091679 -0.01230935] [ 0.01168288 -0.01459391 0.01168288] ... [-0.02596127 -0.00461701 0.0060159 ] [ 0.01407529 0.01742347 0.01407529] [ 0.0060159 -0.00461701 -0.02596127]] Final stress: [ 5.59670038e-05 6.87723276e-05 5.59670038e-05 -3.69755863e-15 4.26219051e-04 1.00970132e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01229071 -0.00916093 -0.01229071] [ 0.01169955 0.01459875 -0.01169955] [ 0.01229071 -0.00916093 0.01229071] ... [ 0.02505769 0.00856082 -0.00757046] [-0.01273181 -0.01352461 -0.01273181] [-0.00757046 0.00856082 0.02505769]] Final stress: [ 5.59658724e-05 6.87741437e-05 5.59658724e-05 -2.13310602e-15 -4.26114669e-04 1.81265587e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01159419 -0.01159419 -0.01459876] [ 0.01159419 0.01159419 -0.01459876] [ 0.01239355 -0.01239355 0.00915827] ... [ 0.01407273 0.01407273 0.01735427] [-0.02592861 0.0059996 -0.00470273] [ 0.0059996 -0.02592861 -0.00470273]] Final stress: [5.60159484e-05 5.60159484e-05 6.88121820e-05 3.95881147e-15 4.14385575e-15 4.26742366e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0123272 -0.0123272 -0.00916892] [ 0.0123272 0.0123272 -0.00916892] [ 0.01166508 -0.01166508 0.01459294] ... [-0.01272196 -0.01272196 -0.01350804] [ 0.02504119 -0.00756493 0.00858975] [-0.00756493 0.02504119 0.00858975]] Final stress: [ 5.59741046e-05 5.59741046e-05 6.87771887e-05 6.70867160e-16 2.32882265e-15 -4.26326170e-04] Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 43 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00632628 -0.00433593 -0.00433593] [ 0.00316725 0.00524764 -0.00524764] [ 0.00316725 -0.00524764 0.00524764] ... [-0.00347898 -0.01606671 0.00402279] [-0.00347898 0.00402279 -0.01606671] [ 0.01053091 0.0086075 0.0086075 ]] Final stress: [2.84319652e-05 2.40089893e-05 2.40089893e-05 2.66111784e-04 2.12029866e-14 1.06507679e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00316292 -0.00513046 -0.00513046] [ 0.00633952 0.00446207 -0.00446207] [ 0.00633952 -0.00446207 0.00446207] ... [ 0.0048606 0.01576434 -0.00452037] [ 0.0048606 -0.00452037 0.01576434] [-0.00903272 -0.00812516 -0.00812516]] Final stress: [ 2.84149996e-05 2.39852866e-05 2.39852866e-05 -2.65137462e-04 -2.79109027e-15 3.96116743e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00418501 -0.00633641 -0.00418501] [ 0.00540122 0.00315955 -0.00540122] [ 0.00418502 -0.00633641 0.00418502] ... [-0.01600933 -0.00360159 0.00398631] [ 0.00859531 0.01045908 0.00859531] [ 0.00398631 -0.00360159 -0.01600933]] Final stress: [ 2.40589088e-05 2.84718840e-05 2.40589088e-05 1.40512373e-14 2.66866322e-04 -3.24468172e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00530809 -0.00315204 -0.00530809] [ 0.00428222 0.00634791 -0.00428222] [ 0.00530809 -0.00315204 0.00530809] ... [ 0.01568539 0.00503595 -0.00448331] [-0.00809957 -0.00889406 -0.00809957] [-0.00448331 0.00503595 0.01568539]] Final stress: [ 2.40413904e-05 2.84604238e-05 2.40413904e-05 -8.77847921e-15 -2.66161758e-04 -1.23477256e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00446062 -0.00446062 -0.00629769] [ 0.00446062 0.00446062 -0.00629769] [ 0.00513595 -0.00513595 0.00320954] ... [ 0.00859539 0.00859539 0.01068929] [-0.01611104 0.00404447 -0.00332741] [ 0.00404447 -0.01611104 -0.00332741]] Final stress: [ 2.39530132e-05 2.39530132e-05 2.83786946e-05 3.09808282e-15 -6.27336669e-15 2.65317713e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00519089 -0.00519089 -0.00314576] [ 0.00519089 0.00519089 -0.00314576] [ 0.00439579 -0.00439579 0.00635055] ... [-0.00812064 -0.00812064 -0.00894631] [ 0.01573295 -0.004509 0.00494344] [-0.004509 0.01573295 0.00494344]] Final stress: [ 2.40118569e-05 2.40118570e-05 2.84395705e-05 6.71015216e-15 -1.64201679e-14 -2.65564083e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04027683 0.01419817 0.01419817] [ 0.04027676 -0.01419823 0.01419824] [ 0.04027686 0.01419814 -0.01419813] ... [-0.00167973 0.00288307 -0.00184711] [-0.00167973 -0.00184711 0.00288307] [ 0.0085944 -0.02858546 -0.02858546]] Final stress: [ 5.91450170e-04 7.80824640e-04 7.80824640e-04 3.46831349e-13 -1.21167821e-12 6.44596982e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07309116 -0.0459056 -0.0459056 ] [-0.07309121 0.04590555 -0.04590555] [-0.0730912 -0.04590556 0.04590555] ... [ 0.00817236 0.00269074 -0.00204353] [ 0.00817236 -0.00204354 0.00269075] [-0.02899037 0.02854158 0.02854158]] Final stress: [ 5.80480384e-04 -2.94885783e-04 -2.94885783e-04 -2.43987876e-12 7.32999720e-13 1.45739006e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01465692 -0.0391691 0.01465692] [-0.01465691 0.03916911 0.01465691] [-0.01465685 -0.03916916 -0.01465685] ... [ 0.00240055 -0.00167016 -0.00211621] [-0.02833478 0.00917247 -0.02833478] [-0.00211621 -0.00167016 0.00240056]] Final stress: [ 7.82037985e-04 5.89204101e-04 7.82037985e-04 -2.48647303e-12 5.42410786e-13 -2.15869581e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04656273 0.07273806 -0.04656273] [ 0.04656262 -0.07273817 -0.04656262] [ 0.04656268 0.07273811 0.04656268] ... [ 0.00262221 0.00815707 -0.00172658] [ 0.02844397 -0.02892153 0.02844397] [-0.00172658 0.00815706 0.00262221]] Final stress: [-2.95945560e-04 5.84348755e-04 -2.95945560e-04 -6.87574264e-13 3.44793777e-14 1.53637768e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01585257 0.01585257 -0.03917137] [-0.01585254 -0.01585254 -0.0391714 ] [-0.0158526 0.0158526 0.03917135] ... [-0.02823909 -0.02823909 0.00764828] [ 0.00331621 -0.00274041 -0.00168382] [-0.0027404 0.0033162 -0.00168382]] Final stress: [ 7.86376166e-04 7.86376165e-04 5.84535067e-04 5.68467856e-13 -8.40489590e-14 2.45295363e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 16 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04643997 -0.04643997 0.07241404] [ 0.04643988 0.04643988 0.07241413] [ 0.04643997 -0.04643997 -0.07241405] ... [ 0.02841281 0.02841281 -0.02964234] [ 0.00296716 -0.00180464 0.00815076] [-0.00180465 0.00296716 0.00815076]] Final stress: [-2.94991598e-04 -2.94991598e-04 5.81826845e-04 -4.72354789e-14 1.24939513e-12 1.05628629e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0018911 0.00351207 0.00351207] [ 0.00600695 0.00766152 -0.00766152] [ 0.00600695 -0.00766152 0.00766152] ... [-0.00346711 -0.00949185 0.00226794] [-0.00346711 0.00226794 -0.00949185] [ 0.00319329 0.00319432 0.00319432]] Final stress: [1.29059894e-05 1.13936870e-05 1.13936870e-05 1.79537459e-04 1.39154972e-14 4.42486128e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00579684 -0.00751578 -0.00751578] [-0.00169561 -0.00338042 0.00338042] [-0.0016956 0.00338042 -0.00338042] ... [ 0.00415422 0.00930436 -0.0023309 ] [ 0.00415422 -0.0023309 0.00930436] [-0.00239246 -0.00306943 -0.00306943]] Final stress: [ 1.29225894e-05 1.14017387e-05 1.14017388e-05 -1.79551283e-04 8.74476670e-16 -5.36933891e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00341464 0.00171741 0.00341464] [ 0.00755442 0.00582296 -0.00755442] [-0.00341464 0.00171741 -0.00341464] ... [-0.0094967 -0.00351183 0.00226668] [ 0.0032758 0.00320254 0.0032758 ] [ 0.00226668 -0.00351183 -0.0094967 ]] Final stress: [1.14123579e-05 1.29306385e-05 1.14123579e-05 8.54401114e-15 1.79392073e-04 1.16510537e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00749423 -0.00576268 -0.00749423] [-0.00336032 -0.00166295 0.00336032] [ 0.00749423 -0.00576268 0.00749423] ... [ 0.00930193 0.00416443 -0.00233209] [-0.00308232 -0.00239855 -0.00308232] [-0.00233209 0.00416443 0.00930193]] Final stress: [ 1.14028345e-05 1.29247848e-05 1.14028345e-05 9.68700007e-15 -1.79550896e-04 1.34179859e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00339429 0.00339429 0.00168128] [-0.00339429 -0.00339429 0.00168128] [ 0.00753278 -0.00753278 0.00578546] ... [ 0.00329097 0.00329097 0.00321245] [-0.00949547 0.00226646 -0.00352079] [ 0.00226646 -0.00949547 -0.00352079]] Final stress: [ 1.14146107e-05 1.14146107e-05 1.29339464e-05 -7.42080021e-15 1.44792788e-15 1.79377143e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00760114 -0.00760114 -0.00590377] [ 0.00760114 0.00760114 -0.00590377] [-0.00345856 0.00345856 -0.00179525] ... [-0.00303131 -0.00303131 -0.0023953 ] [ 0.00931903 -0.00231352 0.00410733] [-0.00231352 0.00931903 0.00410733]] Final stress: [ 1.14075218e-05 1.14075218e-05 1.29235268e-05 9.79103455e-15 -9.18842832e-15 -1.79423937e-04] Minimization converged after 47 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. Minimization converged after 47 steps. Minimization converged after 44 steps. Minimization converged after 54 steps. Minimization converged after 46 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00092011 0.00098331 0.00098331] [ 0.0031185 0.00321148 -0.00321148] [ 0.0031185 -0.00321148 0.00321148] ... [-0.00122393 -0.00848416 0.00211387] [-0.00122393 0.00211387 -0.00848416] [ 0.00351537 0.00335986 0.00335986]] Final stress: [8.61036677e-06 7.46033461e-06 7.46033461e-06 8.42984965e-05 3.29704645e-14 9.49534609e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00311893 -0.0032137 -0.0032137 ] [-0.00092015 -0.00098512 0.00098512] [-0.00092014 0.00098512 -0.00098512] ... [ 0.00155282 0.00843022 -0.00193998] [ 0.00155282 -0.00193998 0.00843022] [-0.00299082 -0.00327243 -0.00327243]] Final stress: [ 8.61133569e-06 7.46130316e-06 7.46130313e-06 -8.42621731e-05 2.34552908e-14 1.95323555e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00098839 0.00092014 0.00098839] [ 0.00321755 0.00311956 -0.00321755] [-0.00098839 0.00092014 -0.00098839] ... [-0.00848131 -0.00122248 0.00211115] [ 0.00335747 0.00352882 0.00335747] [ 0.00211115 -0.00122248 -0.00848131]] Final stress: [7.46013255e-06 8.60983794e-06 7.46013253e-06 2.38441686e-14 8.43072539e-05 6.32556632e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00327633 -0.0031291 -0.00327633] [-0.00103835 -0.00092011 0.00103835] [ 0.00327633 -0.0031291 0.00327633] ... [ 0.00835684 0.00160713 -0.00193725] [-0.00323152 -0.00312178 -0.00323152] [-0.00193725 0.00160713 0.00835684]] Final stress: [ 7.44158645e-06 8.58619865e-06 7.44158642e-06 1.40344224e-14 -8.50220663e-05 1.32314376e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00104507 0.00104507 0.00092012] [-0.00104507 -0.00104507 0.00092012] [ 0.00328427 -0.00328427 0.00313041] ... [ 0.00331015 0.00331015 0.00366565] [-0.00840078 0.0021054 -0.00128089] [ 0.0021054 -0.00840078 -0.00128089]] Final stress: [ 7.43958416e-06 7.43958416e-06 8.58356217e-06 3.97690267e-15 -2.22260608e-15 8.50995736e-05] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 10 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00327446 -0.00327446 -0.00312886] [ 0.00327446 0.00327446 -0.00312886] [-0.00103668 0.00103668 -0.00092014] ... [-0.00323459 -0.00323459 -0.00311894] [ 0.00836359 -0.00193504 0.00159902] [-0.00193504 0.00836359 0.00159902]] Final stress: [ 7.44377123e-06 7.44377122e-06 8.58872554e-06 4.48294555e-15 2.40911059e-14 -8.49384524e-05] Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: stress-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.1,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 0.69447 0.11361 0.11361 0. 0. -0. ] [ 0.11361 0.69446 0.11361 0. 0. -0. ] [ 0.11361 0.11361 0.69447 0. 0. -0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.29435 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.2346 -0. ] [-0. -0. -0. 0. -0. 0.29435]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[0.03753 0.04661 0.04661 0. 0. 0. ] [0.04661 0.03752 0.04661 0. 0. 0. ] [0.04661 0.04661 0.03752 0. 0. 0. ] [0. 0. 0. 0.01442 0. 0. ] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0.01326 0. ] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.01442]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 0.023305 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 0.694470 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 0.059748 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 227 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 0.694470 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. WARNING: None of the calculations successfully completed with errors within tolerance. Using the following run with the lowest errors: Method: stress-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 1.48775 0.82124 0.82113 0.00001 0.00004 0. ] [ 0.82124 1.48786 0.82116 0.00001 0.00004 0. ] [ 0.82113 0.82116 1.4878 0.00001 0.00004 0.00008] [ 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.3492 -0. 0. ] [ 0.00004 0.00004 0.00004 -0. 0.34916 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0.00008 0. 0. 0.37745]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[0.00762 0.00037 0.00039 0.00145 0.0013 0.00178] [0.00037 0.00747 0.00042 0.00136 0.00131 0.00178] [0.00039 0.00042 0.00758 0.00136 0.00129 0.00168] [0.00145 0.00136 0.00136 0.02649 0. 0. ] [0.0013 0.00131 0.00129 0. 0.02621 0. ] [0.00178 0.00178 0.00168 0. 0. 0.03584]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 0.017921 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.487859 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 0.028252 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 227 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 1.487859 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. R E S U L T S Elastic constants [GPa]: [[238.36416 131.5769 131.55888 0.00127 0.00703 0.00078] [131.5769 238.38131 131.5647 0.00127 0.00705 0.00078] [131.55888 131.5647 238.37196 0.00127 0.00703 0.01269] [ 0.00127 0.00127 0.00127 55.948 -0. 0. ] [ 0.00703 0.00705 0.00703 -0. 55.94207 0. ] [ 0.00078 0.00078 0.01269 0. 0. 60.47448]] 95 %% Error estimate [GPa]: [[1.22115 0.05892 0.06244 0.23221 0.20765 0.28529] [0.05892 1.19675 0.06774 0.21748 0.21066 0.28529] [0.06244 0.06774 1.21454 0.2182 0.20717 0.26914] [0.23221 0.21748 0.2182 4.24374 0. 0. ] [0.20765 0.21066 0.20717 0. 4.19939 0. ] [0.28529 0.28529 0.26914 0. 0. 5.7425 ]] Maximum deviation from material symmetry [GPa] = 4.52648 Bulk modulus [GPa] = 167.16871 Unique elastic constants for space group 227 [GPa] ['c11', 'c12', 'c44'] [238.36415876858217, 131.57689794684345, 55.94799535432221] Nearest matrix of isotropic elastic constants: Distance to isotropic state [-] = 0.10169 Isotropic bulk modulus [GPa] = 167.16871 Isotropic shear modulus [GPa] = 55.77566