element(s): ['Li'] AFLOW prototype label: A_hP2_194_c Parameter names: ['a', 'c/a'] model type (only 'standard' supported at this time): standard number of parameter sets: 1 Parameter values for parameter set 0: ['3.0565', '1.639326'] model name: Sim_LAMMPS_EIM_Zhou_2010_BrClCsFIKLiNaRb__SM_259779394709_001 ==== Building ASE atoms object with: ==== representative atom symbols = ['Li'] representative atom coordinates = [[0.33333333 0.66666667 0.25 ]] spacegroup = 194 cell = [[3.0565, 0, 0], [-1.52825, 2.6470066466671, 0], [0, 0, 5.0106]] ========================================= Step Time Energy fmax BFGS: 0 15:01:18 -2.638866 2.137673 BFGS: 1 15:01:18 -2.816473 1.765549 BFGS: 2 15:01:18 -3.038886 1.250301 BFGS: 3 15:01:18 -3.188145 0.799796 BFGS: 4 15:01:18 -3.274070 0.420099 BFGS: 5 15:01:19 -3.308720 0.103765 BFGS: 6 15:01:19 -3.310666 0.026285 BFGS: 7 15:01:19 -3.310722 0.031295 BFGS: 8 15:01:19 -3.310751 0.031935 BFGS: 9 15:01:19 -3.310837 0.025966 BFGS: 10 15:01:19 -3.310895 0.013660 BFGS: 11 15:01:19 -3.310918 0.003250 BFGS: 12 15:01:19 -3.310921 0.000652 BFGS: 13 15:01:19 -3.310921 0.000065 BFGS: 14 15:01:19 -3.310921 0.000004 BFGS: 15 15:01:19 -3.310921 0.000000 BFGS: 16 15:01:19 -3.310921 0.000000 Minimization converged after 16 steps. Maximum force component: 2.1199792436958431e-32 eV/Angstrom Maximum stress component: 3.727437717839928e-11 eV/Angstrom^3 ==== Minimized structure obtained from ASE ==== symbols = ['Li', 'Li'] basis = [[0.33333333 0.66666667 0.25 ] [0.66666666 0.33333334 0.75 ]] cellpar = Cell([[3.439862989750302, -8.788995523711649e-17, 7.52969071099991e-37], [-1.719931494875151, 2.9790087346616514, 4.3616850572112084e-36], [1.1670345332702676e-36, -3.6456368153594793e-35, 5.582657380227489]]) forces = [[-2.11997924e-32 1.22397059e-32 5.73429708e-33] [ 1.05998962e-32 -6.11985294e-33 -5.73429708e-33]] stress = [-3.72743772e-11 -3.72743772e-11 1.33637276e-12 2.47050907e-34 -5.41457764e-48 -6.67605460e-28] energy per atom = -1.6554604024177637 =============================================== Parameter sets [0] relaxed to duplicate structures, attempting to write only one of them. Successfully added property instance for parameter set 0