Model name? LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003 Stoichiometric species (literal list of strings)? ['B', 'C', 'N'] Prototype label? A2BC_hP4_156_ab_a_b Temperature (K)? No temperature given Cauchy stress (literal list of floats, Voigt order xx,yy,zz,yz,xz,xy, eV/A^3)? No stress given Query result (literal list of dicts)? [{'instance-id': 2, '': 1.5495e-10, 'parameter-names.source-value': ['c/a', 'z1', 'z2', 'z3', 'z4'], 'parameter-values.source-value': [3.5627622, 0.69257463, 0.96695254, 0.20109311, 0.46837973], 'meta.uuid': 'TE_706166553683_001-and-MO_959249795837_003-1711747419-tr'}] Runtime arguments (literal dictonary)? {} ==== Building ASE atoms object with: ==== representative atom symbols = ['B', 'B', 'C', 'N'] representative atom coordinates = [[0. 0. 0.69257463] [0.33333333 0.66666667 0.20109311] [0. 0. 0.96695254] [0.33333333 0.66666667 0.46837973]] spacegroup = 156 cell = [[1.5495, 0, 0], [-0.77475, 1.341906363164, 0], [0, 0, 5.5205]] ========================================= E L A S T I C C O N S T A N T C A L C U L A T I O N S Attempting to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.34158717e-10 2.20915841e-02 -3.67477473e-03] [ 5.87953458e-11 -2.39870219e-02 -1.17521049e-02] [-4.51699823e-11 -2.70530056e-02 1.20241526e-02] [ 1.20540493e-10 2.89484434e-02 3.40272707e-03]] Final stress: [-3.70498469e-02 -1.21314532e-02 -2.24585711e-03 -1.03773140e-03 1.29313938e-11 9.79122199e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.54313324e-12 8.71504441e-02 -9.38944382e-02] [ 5.39488159e-14 -6.76788452e-02 1.38152596e-01] [ 5.65596181e-13 -1.52767152e-01 -2.19813713e-01] [-3.15328319e-12 1.33295554e-01 1.75555556e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.55072724e-02 5.26403854e-03 5.83668564e-03 -2.03509027e-02 -4.67074075e-13 -1.68199278e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.10777142e-12 -5.93167895e-02 -1.12053957e-01] [ 7.42215968e-13 6.99455698e-02 1.69251639e-01] [-1.39648276e-13 2.05594126e-01 -2.80379113e-01] [ 1.50906197e-12 -2.16222907e-01 2.23181430e-01]] Final stress: [1.35137906e-02 1.71004610e-02 6.65892396e-03 1.70250779e-02 2.62395515e-13 1.20153394e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.04956668e-12 7.15676501e-02 -9.85736270e-02] [ 1.43670817e-12 -7.56368337e-02 1.16251450e-01] [-8.58311902e-13 -2.21160733e-01 1.98886308e-02] [-1.62598060e-12 2.25229917e-01 -3.75664541e-02]] Final stress: [-9.19498896e-03 -1.32743243e-02 2.90299015e-03 -1.86253965e-02 -5.07175052e-13 -1.01953484e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.42795498e-12 -1.01382373e-01 -6.59044400e-02] [-2.47277893e-13 7.45403292e-02 8.18169627e-02] [-2.43044517e-13 1.66014176e-01 2.06911332e-02] [-9.28342472e-13 -1.39172132e-01 -3.66036559e-02]] Final stress: [-2.13744385e-02 -1.28426504e-03 1.87435860e-03 2.22680557e-02 -2.41206078e-13 -6.49445625e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08245742 -0.01607654 -0.09961956] [-0.06930064 0.00489235 0.1440659 ] [-0.15888203 -0.00430014 -0.23399572] [ 0.14572525 0.01548433 0.18954938]] Final stress: [ 0.02284005 0.00797806 0.00597595 0.00199059 -0.01946699 0.00433829] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08245743 -0.01607653 -0.09961954] [ 0.06930065 0.00489234 0.14406589] [ 0.15888201 -0.00430014 -0.23399574] [-0.14572523 0.01548432 0.18954939]] Final stress: [ 0.02284005 0.00797806 0.00597595 0.00199059 0.01946699 -0.00433829] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09418536 0.01636438 -0.08204461] [-0.07627732 -0.0036732 0.08825684] [-0.17206441 0.00299629 0.02161207] [ 0.15415638 -0.01568747 -0.0278243 ]] Final stress: [-0.01858686 -0.0036952 0.00207516 -0.0023777 -0.02081758 0.00443044] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09418535 0.01636438 -0.08204457] [ 0.07627731 -0.0036732 0.08825682] [ 0.17206443 0.0029963 0.02161201] [-0.15415639 -0.01568748 -0.02782426]] Final stress: [-0.01858686 -0.0036952 0.00207516 -0.0023777 0.02081758 -0.00443045] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02290599 -0.00841293 -0.01143323] [ 0.02272866 0.01127969 -0.00966315] [ 0.02292757 0.01149265 0.00734671] [-0.02275024 -0.01435941 0.01374967]] Final stress: [2.21288309e-02 9.76146335e-03 2.80269662e-03 5.77198474e-05 1.24556375e-03 1.26942183e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02289445 -0.00840714 -0.01144211] [-0.02274192 0.01128632 -0.00965459] [-0.02291377 0.01148575 0.00734882] [ 0.02276124 -0.01436493 0.01374788]] Final stress: [ 2.21289349e-02 9.76140988e-03 2.80286132e-03 5.50975526e-05 -1.24032406e-03 -1.26943778e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01983086 0.0129512 -0.01671205] [ 0.02229529 -0.01122877 -0.00535404] [ 0.02333216 -0.01164056 0.00639865] [-0.02579659 0.00991813 0.01566744]] Final stress: [-0.01738741 -0.00454538 -0.00044344 -0.0009422 0.00075441 0.01251631] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01982405 0.01294781 -0.01670543] [-0.02230325 -0.01123274 -0.00535889] [-0.02332388 -0.01163642 0.00638538] [ 0.02580308 0.00992136 0.01567894]] Final stress: [-0.01738749 -0.00454536 -0.00044354 -0.00094064 -0.00075129 -0.01251641] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.15970963e-10 -2.44395700e-02 -6.73975614e-03] [-7.50381831e-12 2.55272465e-02 -1.63809205e-02] [-4.24749439e-11 2.55423857e-02 1.40475824e-02] [-1.66006323e-10 -2.66300621e-02 9.07309423e-03]] Final stress: [-1.18118174e-02 -3.71271494e-02 -2.30886568e-03 1.14024123e-03 -4.18054571e-11 -9.25478082e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.26134169e-14 5.84568613e-02 -1.13365569e-01] [ 4.19471532e-13 -6.99263024e-02 1.67650552e-01] [-4.40967792e-13 -2.05005768e-01 -2.78706244e-01] [-7.34291100e-14 2.16475209e-01 2.24421261e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.72144837e-02 1.34900099e-02 6.63511665e-03 -1.67536599e-02 -1.13693118e-13 2.44097848e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.07014308e-13 -8.76772599e-02 -9.53647890e-02] [ 1.08468334e-12 6.77696848e-02 1.37187097e-01] [-4.91463857e-13 1.52803348e-01 -2.18996442e-01] [-1.31319434e-12 -1.32895773e-01 1.77174134e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.37396841e-03 2.54766504e-02 5.82679385e-03 2.04790752e-02 -3.51021216e-13 -9.47765019e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.28320573e-14 9.86771016e-02 -7.17665246e-02] [ 6.02744851e-13 -7.49831604e-02 7.59590064e-02] [-8.29535659e-13 -1.65380753e-01 2.54192378e-02] [ 2.68798872e-13 1.41686812e-01 -2.96117196e-02]] Final stress: [-9.34497986e-04 -2.13523564e-02 1.80169228e-03 -2.15974025e-02 -1.41419348e-13 5.01061713e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.01314659e-14 -7.19241979e-02 -1.01821565e-01] [ 1.36306157e-12 7.61628579e-02 1.13604389e-01] [-1.37373338e-12 2.21309941e-01 2.24218149e-02] [ 3.84345333e-14 -2.25548601e-01 -3.42046383e-02]] Final stress: [-1.30992174e-02 -9.17997855e-03 2.87734034e-03 1.87043321e-02 -3.00404875e-13 7.51592569e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08247114 0.01628452 -0.09842652] [-0.06930501 -0.00392345 0.14556291] [-0.15900765 0.00327712 -0.23540819] [ 0.14584152 -0.0156382 0.1882718 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00792747 0.02280629 0.00599575 -0.00230504 -0.01947755 0.00434553] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08247114 0.01628452 -0.09842649] [ 0.06930501 -0.00392345 0.14556289] [ 0.15900765 0.00327712 -0.23540821] [-0.14584152 -0.0156382 0.18827181]] Final stress: [ 0.00792747 0.02280629 0.00599575 -0.00230504 0.01947755 -0.00434553] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09567181 -0.0158224 -0.07721718] [-0.07556584 0.0044855 0.09287512] [-0.1727483 -0.00386542 0.01787164] [ 0.15264233 0.01520232 -0.03352959]] Final stress: [-0.00389115 -0.01869164 0.00213067 0.00202634 -0.02125576 0.00438769] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09567182 -0.01582239 -0.07721718] [ 0.07556586 0.0044855 0.09287513] [ 0.17274827 -0.00386542 0.01787166] [-0.15264231 0.01520231 -0.03352961]] Final stress: [-0.00389115 -0.01869164 0.00213067 0.00202634 0.02125576 -0.00438769] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02154088 0.01383056 -0.0053577 ] [ 0.02332617 -0.01175195 -0.00287521] [ 0.02229218 -0.01111318 0.00246018] [-0.02407747 0.00903457 0.00577272]] Final stress: [ 0.00925512 0.02222712 0.00288926 -0.00099128 0.00084747 0.01264281] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02153522 0.01382775 -0.00536411] [-0.02333259 -0.01175516 -0.00286879] [-0.02228549 -0.01110984 0.00246151] [ 0.02408285 0.00903725 0.00577139]] Final stress: [ 0.0092551 0.02222717 0.00288938 -0.00099001 -0.00084492 -0.01264288] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01700272 -0.00549286 -0.00411033] [ 0.01912566 0.00948624 0.00776569] [ 0.02642152 0.01323215 -0.00306964] [-0.02854447 -0.01722553 -0.00058573]] Final stress: [-5.43508433e-03 -1.73160886e-02 -2.79346107e-04 -9.73767778e-05 9.27520589e-04 1.22036024e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0169982 -0.0054906 -0.00410533] [-0.01913078 0.0094888 0.00776178] [-0.02641622 0.0132295 -0.00307785] [ 0.0285488 -0.0172277 -0.0005786 ]] Final stress: [-5.43507974e-03 -1.73161399e-02 -2.79427814e-04 -9.83925624e-05 -9.25491618e-04 -1.22036593e-02] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.00817792e-12 2.16928713e-01 1.65741096e-01] [ 6.07109849e-13 -1.88846727e-01 3.78754741e-02] [-1.38851756e-12 -5.67030482e-01 -7.12457620e-01] [-2.34571043e-13 5.38948497e-01 5.08841050e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.40827240e-02 -1.74388750e-02 2.95227612e-02 -4.75325518e-02 -3.67887565e-13 2.61118934e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.16384115e-12 -2.19031047e-01 1.66516379e-01] [ 2.06738446e-12 1.92235061e-01 3.71736723e-02] [-1.70518807e-12 5.64022948e-01 -7.12226515e-01] [-4.52157886e-12 -5.37226962e-01 5.08536463e-01]] Final stress: [-1.48558892e-02 2.14953196e-02 2.95177234e-02 4.77301699e-02 -1.23780046e-12 -1.30462756e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.20937392e-11 2.89618373e-01 -1.74039499e-01] [-1.49947958e-12 -2.34722992e-01 1.41665047e-01] [ 2.65563765e-12 -7.46272814e-01 9.46004413e-01] [-1.32578462e-11 6.91377434e-01 -9.13629961e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.01738365e-02 -1.98461572e-02 -1.24823341e-02 -5.13458791e-02 -1.93328568e-12 -8.01137706e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.13586406e-11 -2.92749053e-01 -1.74205274e-01] [ 1.70115159e-12 2.40508969e-01 1.44691135e-01] [-5.10297967e-13 7.33128071e-01 9.49116063e-01] [ 1.01736167e-11 -6.80887987e-01 -9.19601924e-01]] Final stress: [-1.96517149e-02 2.69818373e-02 -1.35350439e-02 5.32877985e-02 1.82026628e-12 6.34878078e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.21839553 0.00159612 0.16611127] [-0.18914064 -0.0009959 0.03603573] [-0.56589087 0.00089831 -0.71234353] [ 0.53663597 -0.00149854 0.51019653]] Final stress: [ 0.0018776 0.0022225 0.02932995 -0.00035464 -0.04758455 0.01946621] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21839555 0.00159612 0.16611125] [ 0.18914066 -0.0009959 0.03603574] [ 0.56589083 0.00089831 -0.71234344] [-0.53663594 -0.00149854 0.51019645]] Final stress: [ 0.0018776 0.0022225 0.02932995 -0.00035464 0.04758455 -0.01946621] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.29159928 0.00223228 -0.17411437] [-0.23623781 -0.00202207 0.14166031] [-0.73628957 0.00193917 0.94989226] [ 0.6809281 -0.00214938 -0.9174382 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00197038 0.00285719 -0.01375456 -0.00040314 -0.05316743 0.0248896 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.2915993 0.00223228 -0.17411432] [ 0.23623782 -0.00202207 0.14166026] [ 0.73628957 0.00193917 0.94989232] [-0.68092809 -0.00214938 -0.91743826]] Final stress: [ 0.00197038 0.00285719 -0.01375456 -0.00040314 0.05316743 -0.0248896 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02193046 0.01429086 0.00852997] [ 0.02385476 -0.00066013 0.00049708] [ 0.02672997 0.0004026 -0.00387198] [-0.02865427 -0.01403332 -0.00515507]] Final stress: [ 0.00287091 0.00444043 0.02679171 -0.00259543 0.00102094 0.01243765] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0219303 0.01429086 0.00852872] [-0.02385487 -0.00066013 0.00049697] [-0.02672986 0.0004026 -0.0038625 ] [ 0.02865443 -0.01403332 -0.00516319]] Final stress: [ 0.00287093 0.00444045 0.02679172 -0.00259543 -0.00102088 -0.01243765] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.24816390e-12 5.21544796e-01 1.51629479e+00] [ 2.99286203e-12 -5.07131616e-01 -1.18168983e+00] [-2.77575467e-12 -1.06746520e+00 -7.10619849e-01] [ 1.03720851e-12 1.05305202e+00 3.76014886e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.12386197e-02 -2.61520729e-02 6.31743402e-03 -9.21245068e-02 -4.43849871e-13 2.31161733e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.92584641e-12 -5.57716095e-01 1.51995278e+00] [-3.54450995e-12 5.03480147e-01 -1.16552375e+00] [ 4.91757936e-12 1.05741709e+00 -7.15563040e-01] [-5.29099377e-12 -1.00318114e+00 3.61134016e-01]] Final stress: [-2.72839872e-02 2.59814875e-02 4.29114713e-03 1.01379483e-01 1.13491706e-13 -4.82363930e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.16908698 0.16714208 0.42652172] [-0.14299519 -0.14722875 -0.32201708] [-0.32240756 -0.32174166 -0.33596969] [ 0.29631578 0.30182833 0.23146506]] Final stress: [ 0.00942982 -0.00676472 -0.00277823 -0.03323522 -0.03346984 0.0084208 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.16908697 0.16714207 0.42652167] [ 0.14299518 -0.14722874 -0.32201701] [ 0.32240757 -0.32174167 -0.33596969] [-0.29631578 0.30182834 0.23146503]] Final stress: [ 0.00942982 -0.00676472 -0.00277823 -0.03323522 0.03346984 -0.0084208 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.1609708 -0.1634173 0.42317046] [-0.14522039 0.14790264 -0.32565324] [-0.31951627 0.32068369 -0.33314291] [ 0.30376586 -0.30516903 0.23562569]] Final stress: [-0.00806845 0.01094723 -0.00282552 0.03235578 -0.03105689 0.00918533] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.16097078 -0.16341728 0.42317046] [ 0.14522037 0.14790262 -0.32565321] [ 0.31951629 0.32068372 -0.33314292] [-0.30376588 -0.30516905 0.23562567]] Final stress: [-0.00806845 0.01094723 -0.00282552 0.03235578 0.03105689 -0.00918533] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03165481 0.13127111 0.13109472] [ 0.00666758 -0.10585481 -0.09087614] [-0.00493718 -0.21287094 -0.19868611] [ 0.02992441 0.18745463 0.15846753]] Final stress: [ 0.00621027 -0.00325394 0.00062744 -0.02481994 0.0046641 0.01469317] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03165482 0.1312711 0.13109468] [-0.00666758 -0.1058548 -0.09087608] [ 0.00493718 -0.21287094 -0.1986861 ] [-0.02992442 0.18745464 0.15846751]] Final stress: [ 0.00621027 -0.00325394 0.00062744 -0.02481994 -0.00466411 -0.01469317] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03229055 -0.1331954 0.13100469] [ 0.00775486 0.10611372 -0.09015127] [-0.00625557 0.21262439 -0.19919266] [ 0.03079125 -0.18554271 0.15833924]] Final stress: [-0.00301547 0.0059545 0.00063815 0.02520841 0.0045199 0.01480684] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03229054 -0.13319542 0.13100476] [-0.00775486 0.10611373 -0.09015135] [ 0.00625557 0.21262439 -0.19919267] [-0.03079124 -0.1855427 0.15833926]] Final stress: [-0.00301547 0.0059545 0.00063815 0.02520841 -0.0045199 -0.01480684] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.35607434e-01 7.63831818e-03 1.51873230e+00] [-5.03170221e-01 3.86418519e-04 -1.17789187e+00] [-1.06038614e+00 3.00041360e-03 -7.17035299e-01] [ 1.02794893e+00 -1.10251503e-02 3.76194862e-01]] Final stress: [-0.0010748 -0.00073691 0.00478404 -0.00324558 -0.09393831 0.02798138] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.35607415e-01 7.63831816e-03 1.51873219e+00] [ 5.03170194e-01 3.86417751e-04 -1.17789174e+00] [ 1.06038615e+00 3.00041439e-03 -7.17035286e-01] [-1.02794893e+00 -1.10251503e-02 3.76194831e-01]] Final stress: [-0.0010748 -0.00073691 0.00478404 -0.00324558 0.09393831 -0.02798139] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.42868492e-01 2.72251508e-04 1.28063112e-01] [-1.04388107e-01 1.72560901e-04 -8.64002090e-02] [-2.22187721e-01 -9.55334707e-05 -2.03407113e-01] [ 1.83707337e-01 -3.49278938e-04 1.61744210e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00141593 0.00153363 0.00077321 -0.00012176 -0.02772263 0.01727546] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.23014982 0.02130688 0.63842514] [-0.13770301 -0.0079355 -0.34080643] [-1.07469807 0.00751537 -0.53080917] [ 1.4425509 -0.02088676 0.23319046]] Final stress: [-0.00056363 0.00017056 0.00496613 -0.0020717 0.00257594 0.05917436] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.23014989 0.02130689 0.63842488] [ 0.13770296 -0.0079355 -0.34080611] [ 1.07469815 0.00751537 -0.53080915] [-1.442551 -0.02088676 0.23319038]] Final stress: [-0.00056363 0.00017056 0.00496614 -0.0020717 -0.00257595 -0.05917437] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.42868481e-01 2.72251536e-04 1.28063126e-01] [ 1.04388095e-01 1.72560767e-04 -8.64002134e-02] [ 2.22187736e-01 -9.55333363e-05 -2.03407119e-01] [-1.83707350e-01 -3.49278967e-04 1.61744207e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00141593 0.00153363 0.00077321 -0.00012176 0.02772263 -0.01727546] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02063066 0.02334851 0.00145999] [ 0.02293513 0.0005062 0.00279629] [ 0.02711433 -0.00095081 -0.00594395] [-0.02941881 -0.0229039 0.00168766]] Final stress: [ 0.00087908 0.00321956 0.0012874 -0.00460335 0.00099628 0.02505971] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02063068 0.02334851 0.00145969] [-0.02293524 0.0005062 0.00279639] [-0.02711422 -0.00095081 -0.00594335] [ 0.02941878 -0.0229039 0.00168726]] Final stress: [ 0.00087908 0.00321957 0.0012874 -0.00460335 -0.00099626 -0.02505972] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.76251114e-13 5.34401334e-02 -7.70241679e-02] [-3.30523803e-13 -4.10867711e-02 1.11822170e-01] [ 5.31601889e-13 -9.56088959e-02 -1.84991815e-01] [ 1.75959941e-13 8.32555337e-02 1.50193813e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.67629326e-02 3.99164947e-03 4.35704046e-03 -1.27545339e-02 1.53737118e-13 -8.08531900e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.21709630e-12 -3.48313087e-02 -8.96879395e-02] [ 6.22641912e-13 4.20298488e-02 1.32461529e-01] [-2.92624648e-13 1.29044528e-01 -2.25493573e-01] [ 1.88367551e-12 -1.36243068e-01 1.82719984e-01]] Final stress: [9.04703835e-03 1.16055124e-02 4.80951085e-03 1.05299310e-02 2.99079432e-13 1.40081053e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.94574998e-13 4.57209579e-02 -1.18943490e-01] [ 2.69023085e-13 -4.97539030e-02 1.24931920e-01] [-3.16019129e-13 -1.44866092e-01 3.21452710e-02] [-3.46217846e-13 1.48899037e-01 -3.81337012e-02]] Final stress: [-4.45199615e-03 -7.61512151e-03 3.02883281e-03 -1.16430382e-02 -1.38318798e-13 2.70834010e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.41053011e-12 -6.57471137e-02 -9.71097069e-02] [ 5.04591161e-13 4.92636193e-02 1.03162176e-01] [ 4.90662198e-14 1.09798401e-01 2.36653299e-02] [ 1.83892485e-12 -9.33149064e-02 -2.97177986e-02]] Final stress: [-1.25840327e-02 3.86014363e-04 2.45824380e-03 1.41113271e-02 3.73131885e-13 1.31161042e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05030777 -0.01041155 -0.07978732] [-0.04203887 0.00304076 0.11507172] [-0.09949779 -0.00266241 -0.19297438] [ 0.0912289 0.0100332 0.15768998]] Final stress: [ 0.01505378 0.00571223 0.00442547 0.00132317 -0.01217187 0.00278966] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05030776 -0.01041155 -0.07978734] [ 0.04203885 0.00304076 0.11507173] [ 0.09949782 -0.00266242 -0.19297437] [-0.09122891 0.01003321 0.15768997]] Final stress: [ 0.01505378 0.00571223 0.00442547 0.00132317 0.01217187 -0.00278966] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06143968 0.01099785 -0.10439632] [-0.05020795 -0.00265777 0.10615596] [-0.11359212 0.00221732 0.02684311] [ 0.1023604 -0.0105574 -0.02860275]] Final stress: [-0.01072426 -0.00131034 0.00254846 -0.00154627 -0.01327193 0.00296286] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0614397 0.01099784 -0.10439633] [ 0.05020797 -0.00265776 0.10615596] [ 0.1135921 0.00221732 0.0268431 ] [-0.10236037 -0.01055739 -0.02860273]] Final stress: [-0.01072425 -0.00131034 0.00254846 -0.00154627 0.01327193 -0.00296286] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.20860526e-12 3.44982967e-02 -9.01612483e-02] [ 4.57112213e-13 -4.20075894e-02 1.31852436e-01] [-5.82892025e-13 -1.28832704e-01 -2.24812125e-01] [ 1.34449049e-12 1.36341997e-01 1.83120937e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.16486186e-02 9.03749222e-03 4.80095421e-03 -1.04270612e-02 1.24761501e-13 9.82617716e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.10399666e-12 -5.36484496e-02 -7.76379587e-02] [-4.29620966e-13 4.11250407e-02 1.11446322e-01] [ 2.37325350e-13 9.56205593e-02 -1.84689307e-01] [-3.90761208e-12 -8.30971503e-02 1.50880944e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.03483663e-03 1.67520253e-02 4.35320703e-03 1.28049952e-02 -6.94757148e-13 -2.38652311e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-7.52756364e-13 6.47560199e-02 -9.94328377e-02] [ 1.01674853e-12 -4.94074262e-02 1.00788171e-01] [-4.84941297e-13 -1.09589558e-01 2.55747390e-02] [ 2.19225679e-13 9.42409640e-02 -2.69300721e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.26389768e-04 -1.25753145e-02 2.42870948e-03 -1.38664942e-02 -6.16921184e-14 6.65477853e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.69579237e-12 -4.58837341e-02 -1.20397425e-01] [ 1.67379131e-14 4.99682956e-02 1.23818265e-01] [ 2.20772619e-13 1.44927823e-01 3.32776594e-02] [ 2.43488563e-12 -1.49012385e-01 -3.66984993e-02]] Final stress: [-7.53817746e-03 -4.44618805e-03 3.01753550e-03 1.16786822e-02 5.20465586e-13 1.31780091e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05030752 0.01049503 -0.07933182] [-0.04204271 -0.00267389 0.11567744] [-0.09954689 0.0022746 -0.19357697] [ 0.09128208 -0.01009574 0.15723136]] Final stress: [ 0.00569231 0.01504053 0.00443342 -0.00144453 -0.01217463 0.00279274] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05030753 0.01049502 -0.07933184] [ 0.04204273 -0.00267388 0.11567746] [ 0.09954687 0.00227459 -0.19357696] [-0.09128207 -0.01009573 0.15723134]] Final stress: [ 0.00569231 0.01504053 0.00443342 -0.00144453 0.01217462 -0.00279274] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06199175 -0.0107915 -0.10234779] [-0.0499502 0.00299828 0.10801355] [-0.11384649 -0.00258105 0.02529693] [ 0.10180495 0.01037426 -0.03096269]] Final stress: [-0.00139207 -0.01076723 0.00257064 0.00140274 -0.01343378 0.00294709] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06199174 -0.0107915 -0.10234776] [ 0.04995019 0.00299829 0.10801353] [ 0.1138465 -0.00258105 0.02529678] [-0.10180495 0.01037427 -0.03096255]] Final stress: [-0.00139207 -0.01076723 0.00257064 0.00140274 0.01343378 -0.00294709] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.25589858e-12 1.22866427e-01 7.66103062e-02] [-2.03352266e-12 -1.10855526e-01 1.06777664e-02] [ 2.01573046e-12 -3.28603619e-01 -3.90325186e-01] [-4.22179305e-12 3.16592719e-01 3.03037113e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.38160498e-02 -6.85125328e-03 1.94625382e-02 -2.57219859e-02 -3.51034376e-13 -3.44032258e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.08477203e-12 -1.23699024e-01 7.69503854e-02] [ 2.97505510e-13 1.11987807e-01 1.00137308e-02] [-3.66003018e-13 3.27630280e-01 -3.90115768e-01] [ 1.17023405e-12 -3.15919063e-01 3.03151652e-01]] Final stress: [-9.12688723e-03 1.60999092e-02 1.94529773e-02 2.58229696e-02 1.39616824e-13 7.97699894e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.34824486e-12 2.00783198e-01 -1.40607716e-01] [ 2.46043420e-13 -1.60733603e-01 8.94145301e-02] [-7.58256739e-13 -5.08809157e-01 6.91322775e-01] [ 2.86112453e-12 4.68759563e-01 -6.40129589e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.85682200e-02 -1.55404798e-02 -1.14191720e-02 -3.71910552e-02 3.73344683e-13 1.69696853e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.59707317e-14 -2.02104312e-01 -1.40733757e-01] [ 1.39591702e-12 1.63542328e-01 9.03321267e-02] [ 6.81787959e-13 5.06034713e-01 6.90785081e-01] [-2.09266285e-12 -4.67472729e-01 -6.40383451e-01]] Final stress: [-1.56877742e-02 1.86931925e-02 -1.14017459e-02 3.72061378e-02 -2.37289283e-13 -3.84197389e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.23262093e-01 5.82853635e-04 7.67577197e-02] [-1.15432862e-01 -3.18545148e-04 1.19044260e-02] [-3.28091534e-01 2.84779749e-04 -3.90241598e-01] [ 3.20262303e-01 -5.49088235e-04 3.01579452e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00589557 0.00362202 0.01965173 -0.00013555 -0.02627645 0.01147338] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.23262097e-01 5.82853728e-04 7.67577524e-02] [ 1.15432881e-01 -3.18545030e-04 1.19044667e-02] [ 3.28091541e-01 2.84779629e-04 -3.90241884e-01] [-3.20262325e-01 -5.49088327e-04 3.01579665e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00589557 0.00362202 0.01965173 -0.00013555 0.02627644 -0.01147338] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.20185505 0.00098406 -0.14066917] [-0.166157 -0.00101539 0.09137597] [-0.50780494 0.00097614 0.69106368] [ 0.47210689 -0.00094482 -0.64177047]] Final stress: [ 0.00269014 0.00288486 -0.01121481 -0.00015993 -0.03785249 0.01712123] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.2018549 0.00098406 -0.14066931] [ 0.16615683 -0.00101539 0.09137608] [ 0.50780517 0.00097614 0.69106375] [-0.47210711 -0.00094482 -0.64177052]] Final stress: [ 0.00269014 0.00288486 -0.0112148 -0.00015993 0.0378525 -0.01712125] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.27208961e-13 1.76839012e-01 2.80436757e-01] [-2.47718512e-13 -1.57999802e-01 -2.10904058e-01] [ 1.44936146e-15 -3.50510339e-01 -2.73044210e-01] [ 1.07675327e-12 3.31671129e-01 2.03511511e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.08888743e-02 -8.52557951e-03 -1.81451235e-03 -3.54474270e-02 2.03035438e-13 4.88631400e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.49653336e-12 -1.84758876e-01 2.84313854e-01] [-2.01362343e-12 1.55901515e-01 -2.07198153e-01] [ 1.97552174e-12 3.53409269e-01 -2.76271049e-01] [-2.46666576e-12 -3.24551907e-01 1.99155348e-01]] Final stress: [-8.56509595e-03 1.06932622e-02 -1.76727199e-03 3.76770059e-02 -2.35997746e-14 -2.42922926e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06693021 0.06636319 0.09368013] [-0.05759688 -0.05789005 -0.05665572] [-0.13334014 -0.13301353 -0.18355444] [ 0.12400681 0.12454038 0.14653003]] Final stress: [ 0.00535026 -0.00218471 0.00089394 -0.01398862 -0.01419784 0.00371772] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06693021 0.0663632 0.09368013] [ 0.0575969 -0.05789006 -0.05665574] [ 0.13334012 -0.13301352 -0.18355443] [-0.12400681 0.12454038 0.14653004]] Final stress: [ 0.00535026 -0.00218471 0.00089394 -0.01398862 0.01419783 -0.00371772] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06566734 -0.0662328 0.09298755] [-0.05798909 0.05769707 -0.05719354] [-0.13277154 0.13309698 -0.18292108] [ 0.12509329 -0.12456124 0.14712707]] Final stress: [-0.00217718 0.00538149 0.00088702 0.01400253 -0.01379371 0.00382894] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06566734 -0.0662328 0.09298746] [ 0.05798909 0.05769706 -0.05719343] [ 0.13277154 0.13309698 -0.18292107] [-0.12509329 -0.12456124 0.14712704]] Final stress: [-0.00217718 0.00538149 0.00088702 0.01400253 0.01379371 -0.00382894] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01607281 0.06505883 0.02893306] [ 0.00349992 -0.05186303 -0.0026671 ] [-0.00266863 -0.10608826 -0.14346357] [ 0.01524152 0.09289246 0.11719761]] Final stress: [ 0.00417747 -0.00055732 0.00132116 -0.01354801 0.00234492 0.00896068] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01607283 0.06505882 0.02893308] [-0.00349992 -0.05186301 -0.00266711] [ 0.00266863 -0.10608829 -0.14346358] [-0.01524153 0.09289248 0.11719761]] Final stress: [ 0.00417747 -0.00055732 0.00132116 -0.01354802 -0.00234492 -0.00896068] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01629386 -0.06567176 0.02902839] [ 0.00384685 0.05195245 -0.00243534] [-0.00308616 0.10610375 -0.14383199] [ 0.01553317 -0.09238443 0.11723894]] Final stress: [-0.00049719 0.00410772 0.00132457 0.01367119 0.0023019 0.00899794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01629385 -0.06567177 0.02902836] [-0.00384685 0.05195246 -0.00243532] [ 0.00308615 0.10610373 -0.14383199] [-0.01553315 -0.09238442 0.11723895]] Final stress: [-0.00049718 0.00410772 0.00132457 0.01367119 -0.00230189 -0.00899794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.18056518 0.00148606 0.28238144] [-0.16096375 0.00061749 -0.20760049] [-0.35169358 -0.00071002 -0.2746415 ] [ 0.33209214 -0.00139353 0.19986054]] Final stress: [ 0.00260732 0.00219263 -0.00159926 -0.0005312 -0.03698767 0.00966597] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.18056518 0.00148606 0.28238147] [ 0.16096375 0.00061749 -0.20760051] [ 0.35169358 -0.00071002 -0.2746415 ] [-0.33209215 -0.00139353 0.19986055]] Final stress: [ 0.00260732 0.00219263 -0.00159926 -0.0005312 0.03698767 -0.00966597] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.81832232e-02 8.68382251e-05 2.52845541e-02] [-4.92494938e-02 6.53566436e-05 2.30625376e-04] [-1.06823998e-01 -4.21789368e-05 -1.39079005e-01] [ 8.78902685e-02 -1.10015932e-04 1.13563825e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.81571260e-03 1.83880302e-03 1.37397731e-03 -3.83226371e-05 -1.46364445e-02 1.01726263e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12433599 0.00672906 0.20504566] [-0.07251645 -0.00237237 -0.06229438] [-0.59747808 0.00216126 -0.38332979] [ 0.79433052 -0.00651795 0.24057851]] Final stress: [ 0.00080676 0.00108582 -0.00012015 -0.00070834 -0.00033808 0.03180358] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12433584 0.00672905 0.20504615] [ 0.07251653 -0.00237236 -0.06229497] [ 0.59747792 0.00216126 -0.38332988] [-0.79433029 -0.00651795 0.2405787 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00080676 0.00108582 -0.00012016 -0.00070834 0.00033809 -0.03180356] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-6.81832578e-02 8.68382139e-05 2.52846714e-02] [ 4.92495813e-02 6.53571386e-05 2.30470526e-04] [ 1.06823899e-01 -4.21794388e-05 -1.39079026e-01] [-8.78902230e-02 -1.10015914e-04 1.13563884e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.81571288e-03 1.83880328e-03 1.37397448e-03 -3.83227024e-05 1.46364310e-02 -1.01726189e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02163301 0.01498128 0.00327804] [ 0.02373504 0.00025035 0.00374525] [ 0.02688349 -0.00053459 -0.00591305] [-0.02898552 -0.01469704 -0.00111024]] Final stress: [ 0.00126728 0.00279567 0.00129706 -0.00293628 0.00100044 0.01559143] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02163894 0.01498124 0.00328584] [-0.02372838 0.00025035 0.00373738] [-0.02689042 -0.00053459 -0.00591424] [ 0.02897986 -0.014697 -0.00110898]] Final stress: [ 0.00126726 0.00279565 0.00129691 -0.00293627 -0.0010031 -0.01559135] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.48796727e-13 3.23184252e-02 -6.16363789e-02] [-6.23215021e-13 -2.43380118e-02 9.10729783e-02] [ 7.13852154e-13 -6.05163165e-02 -1.61953292e-01] [ 7.70212019e-13 5.25359031e-02 1.32516693e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.13264103e-02 3.14396272e-03 3.45365606e-03 -8.04637516e-03 3.09551177e-13 6.18986295e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.32034834e-12 -1.90556998e-02 -7.11447010e-02] [-5.91968315e-13 2.42946169e-02 1.06267436e-01] [ 4.07319361e-13 8.21618459e-02 -1.92396990e-01] [-1.14455147e-12 -8.74007629e-02 1.57274255e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.16297806e-03 8.23010666e-03 3.74080420e-03 6.48589888e-03 -1.27878700e-13 -9.47822764e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.28218616e-13 2.92349440e-02 -4.73039731e-02] [-1.55123744e-13 -3.24321668e-02 4.10787883e-02] [-1.52271208e-13 -9.12946002e-02 6.84472551e-02] [ 4.40081999e-13 9.44918230e-02 -6.22220703e-02]] Final stress: [-1.93085674e-03 -3.91191254e-03 1.60043196e-03 -7.23414625e-03 4.68338406e-14 1.43925557e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.18715975e-12 -4.18949324e-02 -4.23121077e-02] [-3.29591606e-13 3.20897965e-02 3.67599790e-02] [ 3.54747048e-13 7.01854799e-02 5.81974549e-02] [-1.21918621e-12 -6.03803441e-02 -5.26453262e-02]] Final stress: [-7.04025040e-03 1.15320340e-03 1.45023883e-03 8.81947353e-03 -1.53559284e-13 -8.39372302e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03009775 -0.00702027 -0.06327334] [-0.02486218 0.00200805 0.09327168] [-0.06303663 -0.001764 -0.16719457] [ 0.05780106 0.00677622 0.13719623]] Final stress: [ 0.01019018 0.00427878 0.00349459 0.00090306 -0.00764668 0.00186454] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03009772 -0.00702028 -0.0632733 ] [ 0.02486213 0.00200806 0.09327163] [ 0.06303669 -0.00176401 -0.16719458] [-0.0578011 0.00677624 0.13719625]] Final stress: [ 0.01019018 0.00427878 0.00349458 0.00090306 0.00764669 -0.00186455] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03936596 0.00699759 -0.04379397] [-0.03261591 -0.00175247 0.03673374] [-0.07240082 0.0014729 0.06011045] [ 0.06565077 -0.00671802 -0.05305022]] Final stress: [-5.86775283e-03 3.19765008e-05 1.46277260e-03 -9.65829585e-04 -8.33658038e-03 1.87609427e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03936596 0.00699759 -0.04379398] [ 0.03261591 -0.00175247 0.03673375] [ 0.07240081 0.0014729 0.06011043] [-0.06565076 -0.00671802 -0.0530502 ]] Final stress: [-5.86775262e-03 3.19764650e-05 1.46277278e-03 -9.65829391e-04 8.33658035e-03 -1.87609388e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.07923739e-12 1.89260854e-02 -7.13097884e-02] [-7.47407344e-13 -2.42747429e-02 1.06038630e-01] [ 4.45036803e-13 -8.20918280e-02 -1.92112886e-01] [-2.75900136e-12 8.74404855e-02 1.57384044e-01]] Final stress: [ 8.24612666e-03 6.15913074e-03 3.73770381e-03 -6.44761993e-03 -4.30872491e-13 -1.89216373e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.97911953e-13 -3.24027499e-02 -6.18931812e-02] [-2.65967370e-13 2.43564991e-02 9.09273715e-02] [-1.64167508e-13 6.05175878e-02 -1.61849194e-01] [-4.60685309e-13 -5.24713370e-02 1.32815004e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.16105873e-03 1.13224841e-02 3.45219247e-03 8.06644404e-03 -1.32888620e-13 -3.67329679e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.30543362e-12 4.16018526e-02 -4.30982080e-02] [-7.20143563e-13 -3.21195326e-02 3.59594547e-02] [ 2.44605117e-13 -7.01363591e-02 5.88333272e-02] [-1.84394167e-12 6.06540391e-02 -5.16945738e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.20169108e-03 -7.03831782e-03 1.44027648e-03 -8.74774563e-03 -2.98838980e-13 -1.35413831e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.58326431e-13 -2.93162127e-02 -4.78743874e-02] [ 4.90970329e-13 3.25014672e-02 4.05714001e-02] [-6.35922521e-13 9.13380977e-02 6.89545657e-02] [-7.32096675e-13 -9.45233522e-02 -6.16515783e-02]] Final stress: [-3.88014176e-03 -1.92817547e-03 1.59473496e-03 7.25480136e-03 -2.82163734e-13 -9.96258898e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03009323 0.00705469 -0.06310214] [-0.02486411 -0.00187328 0.09351886] [-0.06305623 0.0016211 -0.16745928] [ 0.05782711 -0.00680252 0.13704255]] Final stress: [ 0.00427083 0.01018512 0.00349782 -0.00094955 -0.00764687 0.00186595] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03009323 0.00705469 -0.06310212] [ 0.02486412 -0.00187328 0.09351886] [ 0.06305622 0.0016211 -0.16745929] [-0.05782711 -0.00680252 0.13704255]] Final stress: [ 0.00427083 0.01018512 0.00349782 -0.00094955 0.00764687 -0.00186595] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03952427 -0.00693259 -0.04303767] [-0.03254354 0.00190257 0.03740738] [-0.07247099 -0.00163233 0.05952375] [ 0.06549027 0.00666235 -0.05389346]] Final stress: [ 2.60779223e-06 -5.88406698e-03 1.47080216e-03 9.08715742e-04 -8.38248599e-03 1.87139011e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03952429 -0.00693257 -0.0430377 ] [ 0.03254358 0.00190257 0.03740743] [ 0.07247095 -0.00163233 0.05952366] [-0.06549023 0.00666233 -0.05389339]] Final stress: [ 2.60655057e-06 -5.88406614e-03 1.47080299e-03 9.08713788e-04 8.38248228e-03 -1.87138624e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.21163408e-12 7.15291621e-02 2.20881775e-02] [ 2.41093820e-13 -6.11092443e-02 -1.11714075e-02] [-1.73635195e-13 -1.90276312e-01 -1.98453319e-01] [ 5.15357895e-12 1.79856394e-01 1.87536549e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.47387038e-03 -3.88877496e-03 1.16482152e-02 -1.46407248e-02 9.48789930e-13 2.94134550e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.90120836e-12 -7.19002362e-02 2.23183661e-02] [ 1.59574047e-12 6.14586879e-02 -1.16070750e-02] [-1.24178120e-12 1.89995470e-01 -1.98341121e-01] [ 1.53337586e-12 -1.79553921e-01 1.87629830e-01]] Final stress: [-3.79144897e-03 9.38152905e-03 1.16410902e-02 1.47005052e-02 1.63644502e-14 1.75327868e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.76787621e-12 1.48233097e-01 -1.35235907e-01] [ 5.29965178e-13 -1.22214548e-01 7.54908345e-02] [-4.32494687e-12 -3.78630782e-01 5.70665400e-01] [ 1.02205050e-12 3.52612233e-01 -5.10920327e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.56783888e-02 -9.88475444e-03 -5.96289377e-03 -2.68720373e-02 -8.04938500e-13 9.33581639e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.55177171e-13 -1.48868317e-01 -1.35379737e-01] [-5.66041138e-13 1.23841245e-01 7.56880216e-02] [ 1.72842990e-12 3.76991784e-01 5.70497405e-01] [-4.00155603e-13 -3.51964713e-01 -5.10805690e-01]] Final stress: [-9.97458765e-03 1.57674339e-02 -5.95842191e-03 2.68428060e-02 3.21066193e-13 -5.14185660e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.17014458e-02 2.09860439e-04 2.21849806e-02] [-6.12902107e-02 -9.75526728e-05 -1.13690899e-02] [-1.90128787e-01 8.58442142e-05 -1.98398952e-01] [ 1.79717552e-01 -1.98151980e-04 1.87583061e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.74819731e-03 2.83942401e-03 1.16450302e-02 -5.07541483e-05 -1.46666669e-02 6.63425279e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.17014072e-02 2.09860516e-04 2.21845970e-02] [ 6.12901408e-02 -9.75533351e-05 -1.13694303e-02] [ 1.90128891e-01 8.58448782e-05 -1.98398713e-01] [-1.79717624e-01 -1.98152059e-04 1.87583546e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.74820893e-03 2.83943566e-03 1.16450261e-02 -5.07540813e-05 1.46666770e-02 -6.63426067e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.48321478e-01 4.85280118e-04 -1.35302666e-01] [-1.27026603e-01 -6.26681693e-04 7.70900691e-02] [-3.77569166e-01 6.07377792e-04 5.70582086e-01] [ 3.56274291e-01 -4.65976217e-04 -5.12369489e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.37464578e-03 3.96888423e-03 -5.76798103e-03 -6.11321072e-05 -2.72886256e-02 1.28257086e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.48321004e-01 4.85281930e-04 -1.35302974e-01] [ 1.27026078e-01 -6.26690005e-04 7.70904599e-02] [ 3.77569892e-01 6.07386107e-04 5.70582120e-01] [-3.56274967e-01 -4.65978032e-04 -5.12369606e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.37464552e-03 3.96888428e-03 -5.76797357e-03 -6.11313663e-05 2.72886617e-02 -1.28257749e-02] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.54902133e-13 7.71473275e-02 6.33399173e-02] [-1.09926001e-12 -6.76123086e-02 -3.18047985e-02] [ 1.41041302e-12 -1.56144716e-01 -1.66990128e-01] [-4.55890534e-13 1.46609697e-01 1.35455009e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.18986619e-03 -2.79178317e-03 1.08029176e-03 -1.67158919e-02 2.32709251e-13 -8.61972089e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.80284085e-12 -7.81405837e-02 6.41279492e-02] [-6.98326163e-13 6.74602473e-02 -3.11936373e-02] [ 2.52212530e-13 1.56520869e-01 -1.67727850e-01] [-3.36159746e-12 -1.45840533e-01 1.34793538e-01]] Final stress: [-2.73045990e-03 6.08433567e-03 1.08797398e-03 1.69969320e-02 -5.86667179e-13 -2.16208753e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03428755 0.03410381 0.01915779] [-0.02949596 -0.02959842 0.00699392] [-0.06982342 -0.06971036 -0.14118811] [ 0.06503182 0.06520498 0.11503641]] Final stress: [ 0.00384541 -0.00018236 0.00142944 -0.00787672 -0.00794537 0.00200069] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03428758 0.03410383 0.01915782] [ 0.02949597 -0.02959844 0.00699389] [ 0.0698234 -0.06971034 -0.14118812] [-0.0650318 0.06520495 0.11503641]] Final stress: [ 0.00384541 -0.00018236 0.00142944 -0.00787672 0.00794537 -0.00200069] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03390557 -0.03408888 0.01886632] [-0.02962751 0.02952529 0.0067651 ] [-0.06962666 0.06973946 -0.14089367] [ 0.0653486 -0.06517587 0.11526225]] Final stress: [-0.00017661 0.00385616 0.00142669 0.00788849 -0.00781994 0.00202954] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03390559 -0.0340889 0.01886632] [ 0.02962753 0.02952531 0.0067651 ] [ 0.06962663 0.06973943 -0.14089367] [-0.06534858 -0.06517584 0.11526225]] Final stress: [-0.00017661 0.00385616 0.00142669 0.00788849 0.00781994 -0.00202953] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-9.60157249e-03 3.64024175e-02 4.20243868e-05] [ 2.15721713e-03 -2.87022099e-02 2.21703397e-02] [-1.68978035e-03 -6.06617584e-02 -1.24628022e-01] [ 9.13413571e-03 5.29615508e-02 1.02415658e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00330419 0.00051452 0.00157851 -0.00806435 0.00138485 0.005578 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.60159194e-03 3.64024050e-02 4.19376609e-05] [-2.15722139e-03 -2.87021770e-02 2.21704501e-02] [ 1.68978431e-03 -6.06617958e-02 -1.24628008e-01] [-9.13415486e-03 5.29615678e-02 1.02415620e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00330419 0.00051451 0.00157852 -0.00806436 -0.00138485 -0.005578 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-9.69152926e-03 -3.66125994e-02 7.94097932e-05] [ 2.28807414e-03 2.87397687e-02 2.22698291e-02] [-1.84536258e-03 6.06784019e-02 -1.24840412e-01] [ 9.24881770e-03 -5.28055712e-02 1.02491173e-01]] Final stress: [0.00053353 0.00328121 0.0015799 0.008106 0.00136994 0.00559229] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.69152397e-03 -3.66126051e-02 7.96318571e-05] [-2.28807298e-03 2.87397804e-02 2.22695975e-02] [ 1.84536147e-03 6.06783939e-02 -1.24840456e-01] [-9.24881246e-03 -5.28055692e-02 1.02491226e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00053353 0.00328121 0.0015799 0.008106 -0.00136994 -0.00559229] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07764834 0.00041402 0.06373815] [-0.06754292 0.0002214 -0.03150766] [-0.15632474 -0.00024564 -0.16735873] [ 0.14621932 -0.00038978 0.13512824]] Final stress: [ 0.00165412 0.00172196 0.00108398 -0.00015376 -0.01685576 0.00444849] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07764833 0.00041402 0.0637381 ] [ 0.06754291 0.0002214 -0.0315076 ] [ 0.15632474 -0.00024564 -0.16735872] [-0.14621932 -0.00038978 0.13512823]] Final stress: [ 0.00165412 0.00172196 0.00108398 -0.00015376 0.01685576 -0.00444849] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.79311680e-02 3.54057914e-05 -1.35513765e-03] [-2.69952735e-02 2.16884070e-05 2.29960535e-02] [-6.06946022e-02 -1.36251891e-05 -1.21468392e-01] [ 4.97587077e-02 -4.34690094e-05 9.98274759e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.91552754e-03 1.92280585e-03 1.59450713e-03 -1.39955973e-05 -8.65750413e-03 6.27726353e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04592688 0.00167683 0.00425348] [-0.05032457 -0.00047504 0.06883548] [-0.30526715 0.00040525 -0.31107466] [ 0.4015186 -0.00160705 0.2379857 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00132444 0.00152626 0.00347244 -0.00021078 0.00073601 0.01438745] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04592694 0.00167683 0.00425311] [ 0.05032456 -0.00047504 0.06883579] [ 0.30526718 0.00040525 -0.31107455] [-0.40151868 -0.00160705 0.23798565]] Final stress: [ 0.00132444 0.00152626 0.00347244 -0.00021078 -0.00073602 -0.01438746] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.79311801e-02 3.54057767e-05 -1.35508257e-03] [ 2.69952948e-02 2.16884818e-05 2.29959984e-02] [ 6.06945783e-02 -1.36252648e-05 -1.21468405e-01] [-4.97586930e-02 -4.34689936e-05 9.98274896e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.91552741e-03 1.92280571e-03 1.59450608e-03 -1.39956049e-05 8.65750154e-03 -6.27726153e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.80736476e-11 1.71096336e+00 -3.04905480e+00] [ 1.60738623e-11 -9.11982474e-01 1.10779350e+01] [-8.70330258e-11 -4.38478898e+00 -1.65357349e+01] [ 4.28804266e-11 3.58580809e+00 8.50685464e+00]] Final stress: [ 7.40414401e-02 -2.44821527e-01 3.20057848e-01 -4.28369877e-01 -1.29245844e-11 3.30005771e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.51394883e-10 -4.13822564e-01 -2.25395567e+00] [-4.47998570e-11 5.85578231e-01 4.42237942e+00] [ 2.26247100e-11 2.47413159e+00 -8.20569979e+00] [-2.29202533e-10 -2.64588725e+00 6.03727605e+00]] Final stress: [-1.18475342e-01 1.02152658e-01 1.14912244e-01 1.22530098e-01 -4.04268191e-11 -1.39549603e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.72335497e-12 1.62419548e-02 2.72627575e-02] [-2.60778595e-13 -1.84676742e-02 -2.21361200e-02] [ 7.63255128e-13 -5.04004390e-02 -2.28819618e-02] [ 1.21418500e-12 5.26261584e-02 1.77553243e-02]] Final stress: [-8.97067184e-04 -1.61607131e-03 4.22988431e-04 -4.23568254e-03 4.16391429e-13 4.91351559e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45734987e-13 -2.27740633e-02 2.27596851e-02] [-6.59515411e-13 1.78187587e-02 -1.87154668e-02] [ 9.69758562e-13 3.82819043e-02 -2.00894314e-02] [-1.67935110e-13 -3.33265997e-02 1.60452132e-02]] Final stress: [-3.67154474e-03 1.20517569e-03 4.72041096e-04 5.06796035e-03 1.88261156e-13 -4.29835891e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.50719357 -0.41753805 -2.97079128] [ -1.03270147 0.05464566 10.71019465] [ -4.179285 -0.02461738 -16.21422784] [ 3.70479291 0.38750977 8.47482447]] Final stress: [-0.06541722 -0.09912347 0.30980043 0.06282907 -0.37379746 0.14848573] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.50718668 -0.4175413 -2.97077405] [ 1.03269275 0.05464592 10.71017894] [ 4.17929537 -0.02461749 -16.21423203] [ -3.70480144 0.38751287 8.47482713]] Final stress: [-0.06541697 -0.09912373 0.30980001 0.06282956 0.37379839 -0.14848672] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0216115 0.00383596 0.02329228] [-0.01821351 -0.00098727 -0.01927805] [-0.03967546 0.00083266 -0.02036401] [ 0.03627748 -0.00368135 0.01634979]] Final stress: [-0.00304121 0.00057397 0.00046407 -0.00052288 -0.00483778 0.00102692] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02161153 0.00383594 0.02329226] [ 0.01821357 -0.00098727 -0.01927801] [ 0.03967539 0.00083265 -0.02036404] [-0.03627743 -0.00368133 0.01634979]] Final stress: [-0.00304121 0.00057397 0.00046407 -0.00052287 0.00483777 -0.00102691] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-5.54502104e-12 4.66932261e-01 -2.64658823e+00] [ 4.50191067e-11 -6.33472024e-01 5.96096086e+00] [-5.07894588e-11 -3.17697157e+00 -1.06269692e+01] [ 1.13212738e-11 3.34351134e+00 7.31259655e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.26120465e-01 -1.68626094e-01 1.62998581e-01 -1.60737569e-01 -8.69288070e-12 3.46819232e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.67251889e-10 -1.80769607e+00 -3.17273601e+00] [ 5.45503131e-11 1.21353167e+00 1.21950808e+01] [-8.57365103e-11 4.41918633e+00 -1.78867033e+01] [-1.36051574e-10 -3.82502193e+00 8.86435848e+00]] Final stress: [-2.29109985e-01 3.62061867e-02 3.61450597e-01 4.37308115e-01 -4.36225761e-11 -4.37892793e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.72984890e-13 2.27277876e-02 2.26529638e-02] [-1.35497256e-12 -1.78167076e-02 -1.88114918e-02] [ 1.70667777e-12 -3.82758227e-02 -1.99998251e-02] [-5.29279745e-13 3.33647427e-02 1.61583531e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.21353131e-03 -3.67343683e-03 4.70885552e-04 -5.05672660e-03 2.86899015e-13 -1.01713642e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.01617844e-13 -1.62851407e-02 2.71277139e-02] [ 1.25088937e-12 1.84741382e-02 -2.23084700e-02] [-1.25311762e-12 5.04401314e-02 -2.27623827e-02] [ 5.01836420e-13 -5.26291289e-02 1.79431388e-02]] Final stress: [-1.60729778e-03 -8.96121313e-04 4.20808526e-04 4.24960431e-03 -1.87023105e-13 1.00340179e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.47088453 0.41005932 -2.94605304] [ -1.00896695 -0.26913546 10.58155422] [ -4.16141072 0.25376317 -16.05132066] [ 3.69949315 -0.39468703 8.41581948]] Final stress: [-0.12657604 -0.03391749 0.30562736 -0.04299764 -0.36822292 0.14619286] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.47088463 0.41005954 -2.94605057] [ 1.008967 -0.26913573 10.58155499] [ 4.16141264 0.25376341 -16.05132831] [ -3.69949501 -0.39468722 8.41582389]] Final stress: [-0.12657612 -0.0339175 0.30562743 -0.04299766 0.36822321 -0.14619296] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02162342 -0.00382564 0.02341111] [-0.01820714 0.00104888 -0.01915252] [-0.03967653 -0.0008975 -0.02045714] [ 0.03626025 0.00367426 0.01619856]] Final stress: [ 0.00056955 -0.00304456 0.00046563 0.00050361 -0.00484102 0.00102627] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02162348 -0.0038256 0.02341118] [ 0.01820724 0.00104887 -0.01915255] [ 0.03967641 -0.00089749 -0.02045714] [-0.03626017 0.00367422 0.01619851]] Final stress: [ 0.00056954 -0.00304456 0.00046563 0.0005036 0.00484101 -0.00102626] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.11371718e-12 3.98384411e-02 1.76234108e-02] [ 1.63927661e-12 -3.38674416e-02 3.68570994e-03] [-2.15876449e-12 -1.05544605e-01 -1.07398827e-01] [ 4.62657863e-12 9.95736053e-02 8.60897063e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.98339290e-03 -1.39803941e-03 7.64748599e-03 -8.35481274e-03 3.91785376e-13 3.43252271e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.08783685e-12 -3.99575970e-02 1.77789230e-02] [-7.52137502e-13 3.39705360e-02 3.60998968e-03] [-5.94839282e-13 1.05466717e-01 -1.07430219e-01] [-7.44296985e-13 -9.94796563e-02 8.60413066e-02]] Final stress: [-1.37080785e-03 5.95307664e-03 7.64587643e-03 8.37572697e-03 -2.86807632e-13 -7.83029132e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.15496058e-11 1.38550886e-01 -1.73983574e-01] [ 2.19484066e-12 -1.13845530e-01 1.00980880e-01] [ 3.66569991e-12 -3.52815075e-01 6.20553536e-01] [ 1.57098518e-11 3.28109719e-01 -5.47550841e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.52033423e-02 -8.51904160e-03 -2.21170973e-03 -2.39915675e-02 3.86608561e-12 9.64287107e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.78497798e-12 -1.38986547e-01 -1.74137595e-01] [-2.34070597e-12 1.15312171e-01 1.00944784e-01] [ 2.32299293e-12 3.51306476e-01 6.20487428e-01] [ 2.80350569e-12 -3.27632101e-01 -5.47294617e-01]] Final stress: [-8.64973006e-03 1.53403404e-02 -2.21112294e-03 2.39230719e-02 1.05683143e-12 2.06599789e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.98984120e-02 7.11662777e-05 1.77010746e-02] [-3.39195546e-02 -2.35071671e-05 3.64812373e-03] [-1.05504925e-01 1.95315957e-05 -1.07414620e-01] [ 9.95260676e-02 -6.71907062e-05 8.60654221e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.27800112e-03 2.30580497e-03 7.64668565e-03 -1.86070812e-05 -8.36522351e-03 3.67627394e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.98982647e-02 7.11664755e-05 1.77010631e-02] [ 3.39194037e-02 -2.35079040e-05 3.64806873e-03] [ 1.05505127e-01 1.95323310e-05 -1.07414580e-01] [-9.95262658e-02 -6.71909024e-05 8.60654478e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.27800213e-03 2.30580601e-03 7.64668487e-03 -1.86070205e-05 8.36523178e-03 -3.67629322e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.38537238e-01 3.20852312e-04 -1.74057668e-01] [-1.18571143e-01 -6.25753164e-04 1.02464826e-01] [-3.51823128e-01 6.14517951e-04 6.20519481e-01] [ 3.31857032e-01 -3.09617099e-04 -5.48926638e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.84305749e-03 4.39300596e-03 -2.01877397e-03 -1.11823718e-05 -2.43885273e-02 1.19278352e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.38536730e-01 3.20853835e-04 -1.74057663e-01] [ 1.18570479e-01 -6.25762353e-04 1.02465022e-01] [ 3.51823949e-01 6.14527149e-04 6.20519071e-01] [-3.31857698e-01 -3.09618630e-04 -5.48926429e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.84305509e-03 4.39300377e-03 -2.01877093e-03 -1.11814863e-05 2.43885884e-02 -1.19279088e-02] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.63801610e-13 4.10787038e-02 1.03894764e-02] [-3.97717016e-13 -3.57347775e-02 1.39765247e-02] [ 9.81417638e-14 -8.49855396e-02 -1.35430262e-01] [ 8.56748700e-13 7.96416133e-02 1.11064260e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.35894282e-03 -6.20728487e-04 1.49936754e-03 -9.66966891e-03 1.88024432e-13 2.80876003e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.24070631e-13 -4.13640061e-02 1.07050422e-02] [-1.95984722e-13 3.56939625e-02 1.42331056e-02] [-6.30064143e-13 8.51105838e-02 -1.35763671e-01] [ 1.13153757e-12 -7.94405402e-02 1.10825523e-01]] Final stress: [-6.07291313e-04 4.32737572e-03 1.50244264e-03 9.75208631e-03 7.01416244e-14 5.28867074e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01913693 0.01906953 -0.00340931] [-0.01647186 -0.01650815 0.02597732] [-0.04102077 -0.04098066 -0.12610587] [ 0.03835571 0.03841928 0.10353786]] Final stress: [ 0.00315115 0.00067503 0.00162708 -0.00473281 -0.00475771 0.00123363] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01913694 0.01906955 -0.00340925] [ 0.01647188 -0.01650817 0.02597726] [ 0.04102075 -0.04098064 -0.12610589] [-0.03835569 0.03841926 0.10353788]] Final stress: [ 0.00315115 0.00067503 0.00162708 -0.00473281 0.00475771 -0.00123362] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01901323 -0.01908049 -0.00350152] [-0.01651303 0.01647681 0.02589686] [-0.040956 0.04099604 -0.12598911] [ 0.0384558 -0.03839236 0.10359377]] Final stress: [ 0.00067745 0.00315417 0.00162613 0.00474131 -0.00471644 0.00124278] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01901323 -0.01908049 -0.00350157] [ 0.01651303 0.01647681 0.02589694] [ 0.040956 0.04099604 -0.12598911] [-0.03845579 -0.03839236 0.10359374]] Final stress: [ 0.00067745 0.00315417 0.00162613 0.00474131 0.00471644 -0.00124278] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0065188 0.02119286 -0.00973292] [ 0.00152219 -0.01630867 0.03038027] [-0.00123469 -0.03744631 -0.11741511] [ 0.0062313 0.03256211 0.09676775]] Final stress: [ 0.00287621 0.00101614 0.00167157 -0.00501597 0.00092486 0.00352427] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00651876 0.02119288 -0.00973321] [-0.00152218 -0.01630871 0.03038056] [ 0.00123468 -0.03744625 -0.11741506] [-0.00623126 0.03256208 0.0967677 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0028762 0.00101614 0.00167158 -0.00501596 -0.00092486 -0.00352427] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00655805 -0.02126676 -0.0097353 ] [ 0.00157595 0.01632572 0.03042153] [-0.00129766 0.03745241 -0.11752864] [ 0.00627977 -0.03251136 0.09684241]] Final stress: [0.00102302 0.00286832 0.00167216 0.00503041 0.00091927 0.00353019] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00655802 -0.02126678 -0.00973536] [-0.00157594 0.01632576 0.03042157] [ 0.00129766 0.03745235 -0.11752863] [-0.00627973 -0.03251133 0.09684243]] Final stress: [ 0.00102303 0.00286831 0.00167216 0.00503041 -0.00091926 -0.00353018] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.12223050e-02 1.39810129e-04 1.05491280e-02] [-3.57158564e-02 7.80198310e-05 1.41021363e-02] [-8.50462974e-02 -8.60506231e-05 -1.35597205e-01] [ 7.95398489e-02 -1.31779337e-04 1.10945941e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.85485308e-03 1.87431115e-03 1.50085650e-03 -5.22191515e-05 -9.71073000e-03 2.47844889e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.12223695e-02 1.39810071e-04 1.05492589e-02] [ 3.57159356e-02 7.80201837e-05 1.41019774e-02] [ 8.50462043e-02 -8.60509778e-05 -1.35597231e-01] [-7.95397705e-02 -1.31779277e-04 1.10945995e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.85485319e-03 1.87431124e-03 1.50085356e-03 -5.22191883e-05 9.71072393e-03 -2.47844018e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.21937021e-02 1.63728635e-05 -1.01362817e-02] [-1.52108083e-02 5.64996788e-06 3.03958028e-02] [-3.74546702e-02 -2.68149925e-06 -1.15232944e-01] [ 3.04717765e-02 -1.93413322e-05 9.49734225e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.95003830e-03 1.95305511e-03 1.67340905e-03 -5.41699837e-06 -5.40035649e-03 3.97991612e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.84481287e-02 9.54468765e-04 -7.34457009e-03] [-1.80063201e-02 -2.79896009e-04 6.21676729e-02] [-2.13322190e-01 2.50988708e-04 -2.69947183e-01] [ 2.89776639e-01 -9.25561463e-04 2.15124080e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00155692 0.0016414 0.00252099 -0.00010887 0.00274601 0.01185515] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.84481776e-02 9.54469391e-04 -7.34492306e-03] [ 1.80063649e-02 -2.79895510e-04 6.21676531e-02] [ 2.13322148e-01 2.50988211e-04 -2.69946989e-01] [-2.89776690e-01 -9.25562093e-04 2.15124258e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00155692 0.0016414 0.00252099 -0.00010887 -0.00274603 -0.01185515] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.21936973e-02 1.63728680e-05 -1.01362022e-02] [ 1.52108076e-02 5.64996759e-06 3.03957089e-02] [ 3.74546725e-02 -2.68149935e-06 -1.15232956e-01] [-3.04717828e-02 -1.93413362e-05 9.49734495e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.95003833e-03 1.95305514e-03 1.67340732e-03 -5.41699953e-06 5.40035584e-03 -3.97991650e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.41752745e-11 2.62429891e-01 -3.02476229e-01] [ 3.17138245e-11 -1.89642011e-01 6.06964585e-01] [-2.46513480e-11 -5.36491865e-01 -1.29389949e+00] [ 5.71291469e-11 4.63703985e-01 9.89411134e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.83368358e-02 -1.45638443e-02 1.43843153e-02 -4.41966441e-02 5.53820220e-12 4.88844455e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.75109474e-11 -1.43214233e-01 -4.26162107e-01] [ 2.01548153e-11 2.10104236e-01 9.49495687e-01] [-2.16119917e-11 8.60265795e-01 -1.98764201e+00] [-5.60631697e-11 -9.27155798e-01 1.46430843e+00]] Final stress: [-3.61408539e-02 3.89612978e-02 2.28472035e-02 3.60459565e-02 -1.53997784e-11 -1.85326973e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-6.72899236e-15 9.05698470e-03 2.07120473e-02] [ 7.18886105e-13 -1.16061824e-02 -3.90862771e-03] [-2.61778663e-13 -3.88024716e-02 -9.91278832e-02] [-4.51416682e-13 4.13516692e-02 8.23244636e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.50273956e-04 -8.26109287e-04 7.91443707e-04 -2.75644313e-03 -1.36571270e-13 1.87060082e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.43688707e-12 -1.93741899e-02 2.17643248e-02] [ 5.86759157e-13 1.45989501e-02 -3.64712203e-03] [ 3.55845995e-14 3.61366689e-02 -1.07736335e-01] [ 8.03556874e-13 -3.13614291e-02 8.96191320e-02]] Final stress: [-2.07553740e-03 1.76547540e-03 7.86393173e-04 4.06525121e-03 1.73325577e-13 7.46692777e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.24897681 -0.06800612 -0.31362697] [-0.20223921 0.01775696 0.64845134] [-0.5740072 -0.01536985 -1.38568882] [ 0.5272696 0.06561901 1.05086444]] Final stress: [ 0.00724096 -0.00357058 0.01359437 0.00897943 -0.04313161 0.01825483] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.24897482 -0.06800719 -0.3136223 ] [ 0.20223702 0.01775726 0.64844692] [ 0.57401002 -0.01537013 -1.38569002] [-0.52727222 0.06562006 1.0508654 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00724102 -0.00357067 0.01359429 0.00897956 0.04313176 -0.0182551 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01736422 0.00405733 0.02168979] [-0.01439762 -0.00110056 -0.00376751] [-0.0362856 0.00095621 -0.10639205] [ 0.033319 -0.00391298 0.08846976]] Final stress: [-0.00139652 0.00109104 0.00078572 -0.00053747 -0.0037255 0.00106818] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01736423 0.00405735 0.02168967] [ 0.01439751 -0.00110056 -0.00376761] [ 0.03628571 0.00095621 -0.10639189] [-0.03331899 -0.00391299 0.08846983]] Final stress: [-0.00139652 0.00109104 0.00078572 -0.00053747 0.00372552 -0.00106819] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.01725667e-11 1.37594077e-01 -4.26571614e-01] [ 1.04501692e-11 -1.99245641e-01 9.48878388e-01] [-1.03033730e-11 -8.70715234e-01 -1.98661166e+00] [-2.02970384e-11 9.32366799e-01 1.46430489e+00]] Final stress: [ 4.23911421e-02 -3.95345896e-02 2.28019153e-02 -3.65626051e-02 -6.27547111e-12 -4.94775259e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.71937481e-11 -2.62711450e-01 -3.02988952e-01] [-2.13481101e-11 1.98732202e-01 6.08812464e-01] [ 2.38586655e-11 5.32496372e-01 -1.29237640e+00] [-2.96922617e-11 -4.68517124e-01 9.86552885e-01]] Final stress: [-1.03784075e-02 1.93037218e-02 1.47555372e-02 4.45507159e-02 -3.87185143e-13 -2.78585281e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.55367255e-12 1.93302495e-02 2.17634084e-02] [-1.00788323e-12 -1.45990784e-02 -3.63599136e-03] [ 1.29355944e-12 -3.61368730e-02 -1.07732759e-01] [-2.84176502e-12 3.14057019e-02 8.96053417e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.77021661e-03 -2.08058573e-03 7.86581971e-04 -4.05447667e-03 -2.49677815e-13 -2.06907408e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.63705550e-12 -9.07660111e-03 2.07078739e-02] [ 5.00016912e-13 1.16046725e-02 -3.92209990e-03] [-6.01339941e-13 3.88038287e-02 -9.91045994e-02] [ 2.72193032e-12 -4.13319001e-02 8.23188254e-02]] Final stress: [-8.23170332e-04 5.47856035e-04 7.91256406e-04 2.76337486e-03 3.87467780e-13 1.70501299e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.2482239 0.06806998 -0.31277053] [-0.20177803 -0.02148742 0.64846828] [-0.57401701 0.0190717 -1.38509645] [ 0.52757113 -0.06565426 1.04939871]] Final stress: [-0.00397802 0.00761683 0.01358522 -0.00864909 -0.0430756 0.01823886] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.24822344 0.06807016 -0.31276916] [ 0.2017779 -0.02148749 0.64846715] [ 0.5740172 0.01907177 -1.38509695] [-0.52757165 -0.06565444 1.04939896]] Final stress: [-0.00397804 0.00761684 0.0135852 -0.0086491 0.04307555 -0.0182389 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01740068 -0.00404676 0.02168698] [-0.01438382 0.00112332 -0.00378569] [-0.03629984 -0.00098075 -0.10636795] [ 0.03328299 0.0039042 0.08846666]] Final stress: [ 0.00108949 -0.00139436 0.00078545 0.0005276 -0.00373553 0.00106707] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01740049 -0.00404685 0.02168723] [ 0.0143836 0.00112335 -0.003786 ] [ 0.03630006 -0.00098078 -0.10636772] [-0.03328316 0.00390428 0.08846649]] Final stress: [ 0.00108949 -0.00139437 0.00078545 0.00052761 0.00373554 -0.00106709] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.36315827e-12 2.17933059e-02 6.92614637e-03] [-3.28321268e-12 -1.85119849e-02 2.68556025e-03] [ 3.60975247e-12 -5.76583985e-02 -5.16791435e-02] [-4.68567025e-12 5.43770774e-02 4.20674368e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.30188416e-03 2.75935530e-04 5.18084064e-03 -4.73306307e-03 -7.45896238e-14 -4.37478976e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.73960020e-13 -2.18240579e-02 6.95330441e-03] [-8.62069747e-13 1.85469927e-02 2.66682345e-03] [ 7.55972108e-13 5.76310473e-02 -5.16847748e-02] [-5.86313983e-13 -5.43539822e-02 4.20646469e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.84238430e-04 4.29320702e-03 5.18047357e-03 4.73758886e-03 6.10876639e-14 -7.55955005e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.13653139e-11 3.37183427e-01 -7.24932117e-01] [ 4.60336630e-12 -2.52113262e-01 5.20900033e-01] [ 1.00774723e-11 -8.48726439e-01 1.99188130e+00] [-6.60473880e-11 7.63656273e-01 -1.78784922e+00]] Final stress: [ 3.56785829e-02 -1.88928307e-02 1.34433723e-02 -4.55583738e-02 -1.04640675e-11 -3.31061525e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.90346079e-11 -3.38597379e-01 -7.25126289e-01] [ 2.70949576e-11 2.60657271e-01 5.20470072e-01] [-2.44144169e-11 8.32361730e-01 1.99616866e+00] [ 7.63501983e-11 -7.54421622e-01 -1.79151245e+00]] Final stress: [-2.00674014e-02 3.39422097e-02 1.23376418e-02 4.66314854e-02 8.93725483e-12 5.57218517e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.18080348e-02 2.43251616e-05 6.93994877e-03] [-1.85288197e-02 -4.84750304e-06 2.67576358e-03] [-5.76455432e-02 3.49132672e-06 -5.16809253e-02] [ 5.43663280e-02 -2.29689853e-05 4.20652130e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28467130e-03 2.29296515e-03 5.18065034e-03 -6.73194615e-06 -4.73536434e-03 2.00881208e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.18083745e-02 2.43249633e-05 6.93980445e-03] [ 1.85291773e-02 -4.84655093e-06 2.67596259e-03] [ 5.76450683e-02 3.49037225e-06 -5.16810213e-02] [-5.43658711e-02 -2.29687846e-05 4.20652543e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28467088e-03 2.29296469e-03 5.18065384e-03 -6.73203350e-06 4.73534307e-03 -2.00876709e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.36191162e-01 8.95652455e-04 -7.31223085e-01] [-2.54969620e-01 -4.13946433e-03 5.19178715e-01] [-8.41568247e-01 7.90497591e-03 1.99791284e+00] [ 7.60346705e-01 -4.66116404e-03 -1.78586847e+00]] Final stress: [ 0.00834964 0.00816317 0.01541499 -0.00060654 -0.04466115 0.02660854] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.36198175e-01 8.95599118e-04 -7.31219072e-01] [ 2.54977520e-01 -4.13921896e-03 5.19173134e-01] [ 8.41558348e-01 7.90473066e-03 1.99791727e+00] [-7.60337693e-01 -4.66111082e-03 -1.78587133e+00]] Final stress: [ 0.00834964 0.00816317 0.01541489 -0.00060657 0.04466061 -0.0266076 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.19016082e-12 2.31802654e-02 -6.37725745e-03] [-1.20228046e-12 -2.00534857e-02 2.82868502e-02] [ 7.00881410e-13 -5.10315057e-02 -1.23882678e-01] [ 1.69515096e-12 4.79047260e-02 1.01973085e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.50170850e-03 3.51608852e-04 1.65253147e-03 -5.88365070e-03 4.82615384e-13 2.48184512e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.88882978e-13 -2.32610828e-02 -6.29245741e-03] [-9.52328711e-13 2.00488074e-02 2.83693357e-02] [ 1.03071805e-12 5.10662873e-02 -1.24006367e-01] [-7.59857455e-13 -4.78540118e-02 1.01929489e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.56007337e-04 3.49206643e-03 1.65353262e-03 5.90720535e-03 8.25411778e-14 -9.02207765e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01087885 0.01085188 -0.01157813] [-0.00929619 -0.00930806 0.0331862 ] [-0.02652768 -0.02651432 -0.12301471] [ 0.02494502 0.0249705 0.10140663]] Final stress: [ 0.00282206 0.00105759 0.00171107 -0.00297584 -0.00298538 0.00088046] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01087878 0.01085181 -0.01157789] [ 0.00929613 -0.009308 0.03318591] [ 0.02652774 -0.02651438 -0.12301465] [-0.02494509 0.02497056 0.10140662]] Final stress: [ 0.00282206 0.00105758 0.00171106 -0.00297584 0.00298538 -0.00088047] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01083696 -0.0108639 -0.01159144] [-0.00930843 0.00929659 0.03317678] [-0.02651411 0.02652745 -0.12300353] [ 0.02498558 -0.02496014 0.10141819]] Final stress: [ 0.00105786 0.00282252 0.00171097 0.00298081 -0.00297129 0.0008841 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01083697 -0.01086391 -0.01159154] [ 0.00930844 0.0092966 0.0331769 ] [ 0.0265141 0.02652744 -0.12300353] [-0.02498557 -0.02496013 0.10141817]] Final stress: [ 0.00105786 0.00282252 0.00171097 0.00298081 0.00297129 -0.0008841 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.39064826 1.0655908 -0.37456762] [ 0.10780271 -0.82973461 3.0987374 ] [-0.08309449 -2.2649869 -7.84673365] [ 0.36594003 2.02913071 5.12256388]] Final stress: [ 0.0445239 -0.09314121 0.11078828 -0.21526404 0.05465748 0.02806157] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.39065164 1.06558818 -0.37456172] [-0.10780372 -0.82972877 3.09873455] [ 0.08309537 -2.264994 -7.84673457] [-0.36594329 2.02913458 5.12256174]] Final stress: [ 0.04452439 -0.09314177 0.11078821 -0.21526484 -0.05465793 -0.02806181] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.39521837 -1.05433509 -0.37444564] [ 0.11596312 0.89609403 3.08198574] [-0.08518576 2.18464799 -7.80970945] [ 0.36444101 -2.02640692 5.10216935]] Final stress: [-0.07886114 0.03340995 0.1115941 0.20689427 0.05246127 0.02913144] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.39523056 -1.05432516 -0.3744112 ] [-0.11596705 0.89607832 3.08195774] [ 0.08518923 2.18466839 -7.80971377] [-0.36445275 -2.02642155 5.10216723]] Final stress: [-0.07886299 0.03341158 0.11159349 0.20689659 -0.05246282 -0.02913226] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.32209814e-02 5.23578538e-05 -6.33497706e-03] [-2.00516232e-02 2.73942579e-05 2.83280246e-02] [-5.10483150e-02 -3.03528753e-05 -1.23944510e-01] [ 4.78789569e-02 -4.93992364e-05 1.01951462e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.92194544e-03 1.92875624e-03 1.65303129e-03 -1.92087938e-05 -5.89537991e-03 1.57149436e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.32210331e-02 5.23578205e-05 -6.33494587e-03] [ 2.00516759e-02 2.73944038e-05 2.83280157e-02] [ 5.10482498e-02 -3.03530213e-05 -1.23944531e-01] [-4.78788926e-02 -4.93992030e-05 1.01951461e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.92194504e-03 1.92875583e-03 1.65303104e-03 -1.92088073e-05 5.89537732e-03 -1.57148791e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.09008755e+00 5.11464631e-04 -4.11920988e-01] [-7.64809953e-01 -3.55269649e-02 2.90268355e+00] [-2.16105852e+00 4.33638557e-02 -7.34667237e+00] [ 1.83578093e+00 -8.34835543e-03 4.85590982e+00]] Final stress: [-0.02575078 -0.01632983 0.10367663 0.00382312 -0.22327479 0.05939713] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.52693711e-02 5.04523253e-04 -1.78273760e-02] [-2.26912146e-03 -1.48009477e-04 6.01110405e-02] [-1.45364615e-01 1.36297616e-04 -2.25583910e-01] [ 2.02903108e-01 -4.92811392e-04 1.83300245e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.72228690e-03 1.75585919e-03 2.20755353e-03 -5.40253436e-05 3.16215248e-03 9.09421840e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.52693544e-02 5.04523084e-04 -1.78277023e-02] [ 2.26906546e-03 -1.48009899e-04 6.01113124e-02] [ 1.45364682e-01 1.36298036e-04 -2.25583812e-01] [-2.02903102e-01 -4.92811221e-04 1.83300202e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.72228847e-03 1.75586076e-03 2.20755890e-03 -5.40252787e-05 -3.16213646e-03 -9.09422129e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.09008574e+00 5.11462886e-04 -4.11926144e-01] [ 7.64802726e-01 -3.55275578e-02 2.90269058e+00] [ 2.16106693e+00 4.33644487e-02 -7.34667106e+00] [-1.83578391e+00 -8.34835384e-03 4.85590662e+00]] Final stress: [-0.02575078 -0.01632981 0.10367677 0.00382319 0.22327588 -0.05939771] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.29157197e-11 4.45337056e-02 -3.18215574e-02] [-3.08549085e-12 -3.21184702e-02 5.98931622e-02] [ 7.02036606e-12 -9.09040826e-02 -1.51082147e-01] [ 8.97008162e-12 7.84888472e-02 1.23010542e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.43873227e-03 -1.72513205e-05 2.50317164e-03 -7.51019905e-03 3.34742196e-12 3.08128868e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.98331887e-12 -2.10186716e-02 -4.27584571e-02] [ 1.56770170e-12 3.18893351e-02 8.21579718e-02] [-3.97556770e-13 1.35130200e-01 -2.06819349e-01] [-9.16062191e-12 -1.46000864e-01 1.67419834e-01]] Final stress: [-2.59652475e-03 8.83387900e-03 2.98592256e-03 5.02034504e-03 -1.83515511e-12 -4.00321861e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.45247875e-13 8.29788148e-02 8.61311350e-02] [-1.23408612e-11 -1.27336920e-01 1.88020283e-01] [-2.56105727e-12 -5.29161539e-01 -1.25973708e+00] [ 1.54494438e-11 5.73519644e-01 9.85585663e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.19881788e-02 -2.61147969e-02 4.57555691e-03 -2.15821372e-02 2.18288387e-12 1.40806881e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.45609609e-12 -1.58248389e-01 4.80633967e-02] [ 4.58623460e-12 1.22633825e-01 1.22080637e-01] [-1.56750101e-11 3.24933458e-01 -8.47478602e-01] [ 1.35434441e-11 -2.89318894e-01 6.77334568e-01]] Final stress: [-1.09878488e-02 1.13502704e-02 4.31915695e-03 2.60322888e-02 -1.05668030e-12 1.00675276e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04095876 -0.01183756 -0.03337315] [-0.0330411 0.00327636 0.0628502 ] [-0.09593147 -0.00289396 -0.15872843] [ 0.08801381 0.01145516 0.12925138]] Final stress: [ 0.0045979 0.00180223 0.00256638 0.00153493 -0.00688741 0.00308454] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04095958 -0.01183715 -0.03337464] [ 0.03304209 0.00327624 0.06285197] [ 0.09593042 -0.00289384 -0.15872968] [-0.08801294 0.01145475 0.12925235]] Final stress: [ 0.00459787 0.00180226 0.00256641 0.00153487 0.00688734 -0.00308444] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14651895 0.04272968 0.05232373] [-0.13029517 -0.01283364 0.13142983] [-0.34754858 0.01133178 -0.90082044] [ 0.33132481 -0.04122782 0.71706689]] Final stress: [-0.00107299 0.00370645 0.00479011 -0.00547019 -0.02470098 0.01125852] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14652443 0.04272672 0.05231149] [ 0.13030167 -0.01283266 0.13144452] [ 0.34754067 0.01133084 -0.90082445] [-0.33131791 -0.0412249 0.71706845]] Final stress: [-0.00107279 0.00370624 0.00479038 -0.00546983 0.02470047 -0.01125778] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.00886625e-11 2.08534862e-02 -4.28082203e-02] [ 2.81309806e-12 -3.16375422e-02 8.21246776e-02] [-3.59297704e-12 -1.35350020e-01 -2.06744251e-01] [ 2.08742988e-11 1.46134076e-01 1.67427794e-01]] Final stress: [ 8.87447644e-03 -2.63449265e-03 2.98538038e-03 -5.02221750e-03 3.17971041e-12 1.28905767e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.92362445e-12 -4.45780219e-02 -3.18788365e-02] [ 6.31047731e-13 3.22166299e-02 5.98088262e-02] [-2.92671486e-13 9.07904770e-02 -1.50999249e-01] [ 3.56441959e-12 -7.84290851e-02 1.23069259e-01]] Final stress: [9.53249669e-06 6.41634931e-03 2.50203363e-03 7.50947094e-03 6.20087828e-13 2.30966080e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.26917398e-12 1.58169029e-01 4.80189630e-02] [ 2.12349238e-11 -1.21244791e-01 1.22089241e-01] [-2.28028748e-11 -3.26477434e-01 -8.47826528e-01] [-5.70568245e-12 2.89553197e-01 6.77718325e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.09441892e-03 -8.72979880e-03 4.31920386e-03 -2.61703166e-02 -6.27376966e-12 9.13165221e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.59008310e-11 -8.51286875e-02 8.64936293e-02] [ 1.17447983e-11 1.31342300e-01 1.88240219e-01] [-7.36464036e-12 5.25378022e-01 -1.26031575e+00] [ 2.15205267e-11 -5.71591634e-01 9.85581897e-01]] Final stress: [-2.59754119e-02 2.18295125e-02 4.58661914e-03 2.14068436e-02 2.53479468e-12 1.79060159e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04093003 0.01184885 -0.03331258] [-0.0330291 -0.00334575 0.06288429] [-0.09592379 0.00296074 -0.15873254] [ 0.08802287 -0.01146385 0.12916083]] Final stress: [ 0.0017788 0.0046182 0.00256668 -0.00153686 -0.006884 0.00308418] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04093021 0.01184865 -0.0333126 ] [ 0.0330298 -0.0033457 0.06288466] [ 0.0959229 0.0029607 -0.15873269] [-0.08802249 -0.01146365 0.12916063]] Final stress: [ 0.00177881 0.00461818 0.00256668 -0.00153683 0.00688387 -0.00308412] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14679617 -0.04271462 0.05225717] [-0.13048322 0.01141302 0.13146385] [-0.34751406 -0.00992207 -0.90115439] [ 0.3312011 0.04122367 0.71743337]] Final stress: [ 0.00593777 -0.00330262 0.00479206 0.00559691 -0.0247164 0.0112636 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14679729 -0.04271403 0.0522547 ] [ 0.13048431 0.01141284 0.13146824] [ 0.34751261 -0.0099219 -0.90115535] [-0.33119964 0.04122309 0.71743241]] Final stress: [ 0.00593771 -0.0033026 0.00479214 0.00559684 0.02471634 -0.01126346] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.15019799e-12 1.46073454e-02 2.91113942e-03] [ 5.25121179e-13 -1.24135030e-02 2.35327389e-03] [-2.55658971e-12 -3.86390264e-02 -2.92308379e-02] [ 9.06384343e-13 3.64451840e-02 2.39664246e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.59812304e-03 9.02241096e-04 3.69663797e-03 -3.10130279e-03 -4.26107271e-13 8.49583772e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.19318659e-12 -1.46191879e-02 2.91095774e-03] [ 1.28836069e-12 1.24298896e-02 2.33844294e-03] [-1.40862148e-12 3.86225689e-02 -2.92258995e-02] [ 6.30911989e-12 -3.64332706e-02 2.39764988e-02]] Final stress: [9.06422062e-04 3.59438537e-03 3.69640663e-03 3.10260440e-03 8.86994860e-13 4.13707835e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.89517455e-12 1.73733744e-02 -3.37083851e-02] [-2.24684138e-12 -1.50674478e-02 2.55611401e-02] [ 2.09944757e-12 -3.59069509e-02 5.20921973e-02] [-2.75376943e-12 3.36010243e-02 -4.39449522e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.21597360e-03 1.12621802e-03 -6.57137823e-04 -2.99921468e-03 -4.80124577e-14 -2.74611140e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-9.20485910e-13 -1.73914937e-02 -3.37195138e-02] [ 5.96903386e-13 1.50723174e-02 2.55554272e-02] [-1.06073136e-12 3.59020848e-02 5.20987823e-02] [ 1.40784953e-12 -3.35829084e-02 -4.39346957e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.13058463e-03 3.21215739e-03 -6.57193084e-04 3.00361265e-03 1.88799995e-14 1.13705571e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.46118311e-02 1.04428239e-05 2.91155157e-03] [-1.24202343e-02 -2.73853626e-06 2.34499324e-03] [-3.86321417e-02 2.16546758e-06 -2.92264292e-02] [ 3.64405448e-02 -9.86975521e-06 2.39698844e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.24841569e-03 2.25217607e-03 3.69650773e-03 -2.77811157e-06 -3.10200654e-03 1.34611510e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.46123306e-02 1.04427140e-05 2.91135753e-03] [ 1.24207049e-02 -2.73783847e-06 2.34527548e-03] [ 3.86317107e-02 2.16476565e-06 -2.92269081e-02] [-3.64400851e-02 -9.86964118e-06 2.39702751e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.24841514e-03 2.25217552e-03 3.69651268e-03 -2.77818811e-06 3.10199711e-03 -1.34606383e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.73827406e-02 1.30909925e-05 -3.37130144e-02] [-1.50702010e-02 2.94673216e-06 2.55573173e-02] [-3.59042190e-02 -3.62767984e-06 5.20962008e-02] [ 3.35916794e-02 -1.24100448e-05 -4.39405038e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.16931084e-03 2.17315139e-03 -6.57182992e-04 -4.22092833e-06 -3.00140207e-03 1.04279908e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.73825530e-02 1.30910066e-05 -3.37132343e-02] [ 1.50699489e-02 2.94639652e-06 2.55574782e-02] [ 3.59044567e-02 -3.62734264e-06 5.20960018e-02] [-3.35918526e-02 -1.24100605e-05 -4.39402457e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.16931240e-03 2.17315295e-03 -6.57179996e-04 -4.22088776e-06 3.00142277e-03 -1.04282263e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.98479599e-15 2.04784591e-02 -2.06578700e-02] [-6.91402231e-13 -1.74614095e-02 5.56909226e-02] [-4.11053570e-14 -5.35787720e-02 -1.98592543e-01] [ 7.42322870e-13 5.05617223e-02 1.63559490e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.66839710e-03 -5.17607536e-05 2.05024979e-03 -4.88198691e-03 1.28328609e-13 2.86292344e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.83552652e-12 -2.05572973e-02 -2.06895825e-02] [-2.89537816e-12 1.75124006e-02 5.58136558e-02] [ 3.07214800e-12 5.36686557e-02 -1.99013039e-01] [-2.00730751e-12 -5.06237590e-02 1.63888965e-01]] Final stress: [-4.90055893e-05 3.66360808e-03 2.05208774e-03 4.89758318e-03 3.10743257e-13 -2.68766610e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.23138388 0.23440329 -0.18365468] [-0.20766951 -0.20600378 0.80425478] [-0.61727724 -0.62636037 -2.4744971 ] [ 0.59356286 0.59796086 1.853897 ]] Final stress: [ 0.01804801 -0.02558791 0.02047516 -0.04438757 -0.04215155 0.02112191] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.23138494 0.23440436 -0.1836571 ] [ 0.2076707 -0.20600503 0.80425734] [ 0.61727569 -0.62635876 -2.47449707] [-0.59356145 0.59795943 1.85389684]] Final stress: [ 0.01804787 -0.02558776 0.02047521 -0.04438747 0.04215146 -0.02112176] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.22971803 -0.23458925 -0.1835877 ] [-0.19720482 0.20587989 0.80475011] [-0.62785111 0.62665001 -2.47537214] [ 0.59533791 -0.59794065 1.85420973]] Final stress: [-0.02581329 0.01826071 0.02046818 0.04445982 -0.04304619 0.02273345] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.22971624 -0.23458749 -0.18358044] [ 0.19720364 0.20587877 0.80474247] [ 0.62785269 0.62665153 -2.47537292] [-0.59534009 -0.59794281 1.8542109 ]] Final stress: [-0.02581348 0.01826088 0.02046803 0.04445978 0.04304616 -0.02273363] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02525075 0.06947024 -0.02740409] [ 0.00611373 -0.05181418 0.07815262] [-0.00509184 -0.13194393 -0.27015045] [ 0.02422886 0.11428788 0.21940192]] Final stress: [ 0.00521527 -0.00187905 0.00274606 -0.01055129 0.00350026 0.00285997] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02525203 0.06946932 -0.02740202] [-0.00611405 -0.05181245 0.07815029] [ 0.00509214 -0.13194611 -0.27015027] [-0.02423012 0.11428923 0.21940201]] Final stress: [ 0.00521544 -0.00187922 0.00274602 -0.01055153 -0.00350043 -0.00286005] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02528957 -0.06947605 -0.02739898] [ 0.00619378 0.05200069 0.07807484] [-0.00518497 0.13166689 -0.26993699] [ 0.02428076 -0.11419153 0.21926114]] Final stress: [-0.00182259 0.00516063 0.00274465 0.0105356 0.0034896 0.00286499] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02529288 -0.06947368 -0.02739403] [-0.00619465 0.05199643 0.07806946] [ 0.00518579 0.13167245 -0.26993752] [-0.02428402 -0.1141952 0.21926209]] Final stress: [-0.00182303 0.00516107 0.00274455 0.01053617 -0.00349004 -0.00286521] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.05208705e-02 3.50232272e-05 -2.06777159e-02] [-1.74895542e-02 6.39897507e-06 5.57614179e-02] [-5.36307207e-02 -8.29981500e-06 -1.98831213e-01] [ 5.05994044e-02 -3.31223873e-05 1.63747511e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.80411406e-03 1.81140699e-03 2.05131228e-03 -1.11300788e-05 -4.89018713e-03 1.85842424e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.05209427e-02 3.50231892e-05 -2.06777072e-02] [ 1.74896354e-02 6.39917340e-06 5.57614460e-02] [ 5.36306305e-02 -8.30001054e-06 -1.98831271e-01] [-5.05993232e-02 -3.31223521e-05 1.63747532e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.80411352e-03 1.81140645e-03 2.05131267e-03 -1.11300979e-05 4.89018218e-03 -1.85841526e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.23547865e-02 2.42811491e-05 -2.66696684e-02] [-4.73628408e-02 -1.05206668e-04 7.54096141e-02] [-1.30192045e-01 1.09049920e-04 -2.59942786e-01] [ 1.05200099e-01 -2.81244016e-05 2.11202841e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.66369170e-03 1.71196016e-03 2.68189489e-03 5.37087225e-06 -1.18427391e-02 4.49259107e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ -3.75998107 1.36229763 4.69785875] [ 1.12962397 -0.81846368 9.76484413] [ -8.43170754 0.82624063 -17.22514425] [ 11.06206464 -1.37007458 2.76244137]] Final stress: [-0.13823123 -0.07029385 0.3919368 -0.05923403 -0.01402065 0.66335519] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.75997924 1.36229123 4.69782932] [ -1.12964681 -0.81846815 9.76479715] [ 8.43172771 0.82624523 -17.22504925] [-11.06206014 -1.3700683 2.76242278]] Final stress: [-0.13822923 -0.070293 0.39193506 -0.0592327 0.01402359 -0.6633564 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.23550795e-02 2.42812352e-05 -2.66707660e-02] [ 4.73639693e-02 -1.05199521e-04 7.54107607e-02] [ 1.30190310e-01 1.09042746e-04 -2.59940954e-01] [-1.05199200e-01 -2.81244595e-05 2.11200960e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.66369245e-03 1.71196058e-03 2.68191721e-03 5.37004219e-06 1.18425107e-02 -4.49247782e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.01683826e-11 1.84722265e-02 -7.31794381e-03] [ 1.07099269e-12 -1.33216128e-02 1.47612387e-02] [-1.05316515e-12 -3.76273454e-02 -4.14030646e-02] [ 1.01553176e-11 3.24767317e-02 3.39597697e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.35511180e-03 1.43367327e-03 1.57518310e-03 -3.29003181e-03 1.70861347e-12 5.99933637e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.13588738e-12 -6.33359865e-03 -7.24680240e-03] [ 1.53203860e-12 9.60233002e-03 1.46348487e-02] [-1.50829414e-12 4.07343806e-02 -4.11573508e-02] [ 3.11819667e-12 -4.40031119e-02 3.37693046e-02]] Final stress: [1.36508538e-03 4.42475306e-03 1.57021784e-03 1.78879500e-03 2.52496736e-13 2.53444590e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.51467596e-12 8.91459042e-03 -1.08478680e-03] [ 5.67547181e-12 -1.35568721e-02 1.46745267e-02] [-5.77241662e-12 -5.76608489e-02 -7.60137384e-02] [ 4.58747276e-12 6.23031306e-02 6.24239985e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.53376333e-03 -1.12126585e-03 1.36016807e-03 -2.30147170e-03 -4.29170256e-13 5.68815983e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.31173933e-12 -1.89312141e-02 -8.76554666e-04] [-1.09534387e-12 1.36764717e-02 1.06341864e-02] [ 1.82187295e-12 3.85369925e-02 -5.53194815e-02] [-5.04135449e-12 -3.32822501e-02 4.55618498e-02]] Final stress: [-2.36472384e-04 2.73039801e-03 1.28323688e-03 3.35959993e-03 -5.45854426e-13 -3.34809285e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01617311 -0.00467403 -0.0073219 ] [-0.01303499 0.00129965 0.01474346] [-0.0378174 -0.00114981 -0.04141296] [ 0.03467927 0.0045242 0.03399139]] Final stress: [ 0.00358872 0.00220074 0.00157452 0.00060603 -0.00291326 0.00121507] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01617269 -0.00467418 -0.00732207] [ 0.0130349 0.00129971 0.01474395] [ 0.03781747 -0.00114987 -0.04141272] [-0.03467969 0.00452434 0.03399085]] Final stress: [ 0.00358872 0.00220072 0.00157452 0.00060604 0.00291319 -0.00121509] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01741988 0.00504217 -0.00088498] [-0.01405569 -0.00140935 0.01120489] [-0.04076176 0.00124679 -0.05823731] [ 0.03739757 -0.0048796 0.04791739]] Final stress: [ 0.00051854 0.00196297 0.00129366 -0.00065493 -0.0030983 0.00130997] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0174205 0.00504181 -0.00088502] [ 0.01405649 -0.00140924 0.01120479] [ 0.04076074 0.00124669 -0.05823757] [-0.03739673 -0.00487925 0.0479178 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00051857 0.00196295 0.00129366 -0.00065489 0.00309822 -0.00130987] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.20189794e-13 6.31344388e-03 -7.25575224e-03] [ 2.87039424e-12 -9.58066693e-03 1.46338809e-02] [-8.26595086e-13 -4.07558591e-02 -4.11479806e-02] [-1.53445485e-12 4.40230821e-02 3.37698520e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.42875346e-03 1.36141420e-03 1.57023289e-03 -1.78755001e-03 -4.64970814e-13 7.76079754e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.14297849e-12 -1.84851973e-02 -7.32752424e-03] [-1.65522153e-12 1.33386047e-02 1.47429724e-02] [ 8.48144688e-13 3.76103424e-02 -4.13926671e-02] [-3.30896248e-12 -3.24637498e-02 3.39772190e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.43842374e-03 4.35122750e-03 1.57492957e-03 3.29109557e-03 -4.48006159e-13 -2.70099741e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.47867046e-13 1.89265128e-02 -8.57718182e-04] [ 2.55675689e-13 -1.36590831e-02 1.06527890e-02] [ 1.31031102e-12 -3.85574719e-02 -5.53406882e-02] [-2.31554879e-12 3.32900422e-02 4.55456173e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.73401010e-03 -2.41268419e-04 1.28346451e-03 -3.36022922e-03 -1.30109039e-13 -1.12428447e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.33538146e-13 -8.94753710e-03 -1.06317925e-03] [-1.53256010e-12 1.36004369e-02 1.46833163e-02] [ 3.63574470e-12 5.76264671e-02 -7.60358458e-02] [-2.22568491e-12 -6.22793669e-02 6.24157088e-02]] Final stress: [-1.11484510e-03 3.52635754e-03 1.36024953e-03 2.30256504e-03 4.11683106e-13 -2.09207443e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01616807 0.00467774 -0.0073114 ] [-0.01303411 -0.00130632 0.01475242] [-0.03781826 0.00115585 -0.04141838] [ 0.0346843 -0.00452727 0.03397736]] Final stress: [ 0.00219722 0.00359161 0.00157462 -0.00060777 -0.00291253 0.00121518] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01616715 0.00467819 -0.00731061] [ 0.01303287 -0.00130645 0.01475135] [ 0.03781941 0.00115597 -0.0414174 ] [-0.03468513 -0.00452771 0.03397666]] Final stress: [ 0.00219719 0.00359165 0.0015746 -0.00060783 0.00291263 -0.0012153 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01742438 -0.00503903 -0.00090526] [-0.01406003 0.00140122 0.01119302] [-0.04076072 -0.00123934 -0.05823161] [ 0.03739638 0.00487715 0.04794385]] Final stress: [ 0.0019598 0.00052278 0.00129354 0.00065325 -0.00309827 0.00130991] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01742482 -0.00503884 -0.00090568] [ 0.01406023 0.00140115 0.0111932 ] [ 0.04076043 -0.00123927 -0.05823141] [-0.03739584 0.00487696 0.04794389]] Final stress: [ 0.00195979 0.00052279 0.00129354 0.00065323 0.0030983 -0.00130987] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-9.26923642e-12 1.45553544e-02 1.49477525e-03] [ 6.14363812e-13 -1.23649404e-02 2.75651359e-03] [ 1.29480714e-12 -3.84975655e-02 -2.34396008e-02] [ 7.37230763e-12 3.63071516e-02 1.91883120e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.54721707e-03 8.64002777e-04 2.79644531e-03 -2.75438102e-03 1.72729974e-12 4.28314006e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.96093704e-12 -1.45655983e-02 1.49500915e-03] [-1.05718754e-12 1.23848153e-02 2.74598740e-03] [ 2.91912783e-12 3.84778116e-02 -2.34378582e-02] [ 3.11585480e-12 -3.62970285e-02 1.91968616e-02]] Final stress: [8.68286984e-04 3.54323676e-03 2.79628059e-03 2.75434318e-03 1.26760983e-12 1.03722324e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.41025877e-09 8.67865110e-01 1.63238101e+01] [ 6.35247942e-10 -2.87358885e+00 -1.20901071e+01] [-2.43531813e-10 -4.14976154e+00 -6.47060570e+00] [ 1.01852496e-09 6.15548527e+00 2.23690273e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.19492789e-01 -2.84508359e-01 -2.49166306e-02 -5.29968410e-01 1.51890600e-10 1.01303544e-10] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.27605685e-09 -9.17967829e-01 1.63095031e+01] [ 5.37020295e-10 3.19413997e+00 -1.21169605e+01] [-3.74772914e-10 3.82364898e+00 -6.43155160e+00] [ 1.11378960e-09 -6.09982112e+00 2.23900901e+00]] Final stress: [-2.12273783e-01 5.57256234e-02 -1.80951323e-02 4.98176882e-01 1.20465727e-10 8.23088624e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45613766e-02 7.02751872e-06 1.49504959e-03] [-1.23758904e-02 -5.46244615e-06 2.75103799e-03] [-3.84867534e-02 5.10090769e-06 -2.34400026e-02] [ 3.63012672e-02 -6.66598026e-06 1.91939151e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.20378834e-03 2.20758587e-03 2.79635869e-03 -1.37231329e-06 -2.75430937e-03 1.33943999e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45617797e-02 7.02738354e-06 1.49478852e-03] [ 1.23761197e-02 -5.46216314e-06 2.75120917e-03] [ 3.84865489e-02 5.10062714e-06 -2.34401125e-02] [-3.63008890e-02 -6.66584755e-06 1.91941148e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.20379040e-03 2.20758792e-03 2.79636223e-03 -1.37233286e-06 2.75433551e-03 -1.33940673e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.88957332 0.02542962 16.30909445] [ -3.03189398 -0.16160666 -12.1005768 ] [ -3.98191516 0.16992578 -6.44791327] [ 6.12423583 -0.03374874 2.23939562]] Final stress: [-0.11475387 -0.04945811 -0.01983526 0.01545631 -0.51410036 0.1690433 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -0.88954645 0.02543136 16.30920111] [ 3.03196593 -0.16158895 -12.10070121] [ 3.98181185 0.16990806 -6.44783408] [ -6.12423133 -0.03375048 2.23933418]] Final stress: [-0.11475449 -0.04945942 -0.01984013 0.01545411 0.51407697 -0.16903897] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.05708662e-11 1.58293297e-01 -8.65686205e-02] [-8.61977980e-12 -1.35603349e-01 3.05771113e-01] [ 7.51875927e-12 -4.15870428e-01 -1.01004085e+00] [-2.94835597e-11 3.93180480e-01 7.90838353e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.45437651e-02 -1.41052505e-02 6.54719322e-03 -2.84406169e-02 -3.98584712e-12 -2.07825029e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.27101437e-11 -1.58704210e-01 -8.66355839e-02] [ 3.86529914e-12 1.37824627e-01 3.05578207e-01] [-3.76153687e-12 4.13581039e-01 -1.00973065e+00] [-1.28203455e-11 -3.92701457e-01 7.90788023e-01]] Final stress: [-1.41107895e-02 1.45565392e-02 6.54624560e-03 2.82640598e-02 -3.28940231e-12 -4.68010606e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.025004 0.02497604 -0.01654583] [-0.02132204 -0.02127869 0.04599804] [-0.06612368 -0.06616573 -0.16053788] [ 0.06244172 0.06246838 0.13108567]] Final stress: [ 0.00417827 -0.00043062 0.00206898 -0.00435106 -0.00435356 0.00229311] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02500415 0.02497619 -0.01654653] [ 0.02132213 -0.02127878 0.04599881] [ 0.06612361 -0.06616566 -0.1605382 ] [-0.06244159 0.06246824 0.13108592]] Final stress: [ 0.00417826 -0.00043061 0.002069 -0.00435107 0.00435357 -0.0022931 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02495422 -0.02498216 -0.01653744] [-0.02122469 0.02126811 0.04601822] [-0.06622075 0.06617863 -0.16055376] [ 0.06249122 -0.06246458 0.13107298]] Final stress: [-0.00043146 0.00417823 0.00206926 0.00435472 -0.00435223 0.00231618] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02495513 -0.02498307 -0.01653827] [ 0.02122596 0.02126937 0.04601988] [ 0.06621935 0.06617724 -0.16055606] [-0.06249018 -0.06246354 0.13107446]] Final stress: [-0.00043134 0.00417809 0.00206928 0.0043546 0.00435211 -0.00231605] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00701923 0.01931597 -0.00491216] [ 0.00169469 -0.01437496 0.01320652] [-0.00141637 -0.03655287 -0.04658987] [ 0.00674092 0.03161186 0.03829552]] Final stress: [ 0.003052 0.00110017 0.00144026 -0.00321461 0.0009732 0.00121558] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00701917 0.01931602 -0.00491231] [-0.00169467 -0.01437507 0.01320672] [ 0.00141636 -0.03655277 -0.04658986] [-0.00674086 0.03161182 0.03829545]] Final stress: [ 0.003052 0.00110018 0.00144026 -0.00321459 -0.00097319 -0.00121557] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00702516 -0.01932704 -0.00491269] [ 0.00170655 0.01439128 0.01320015] [-0.0014304 0.03653663 -0.04658171] [ 0.00674901 -0.03160086 0.03829424]] Final stress: [0.00110478 0.00304759 0.00144016 0.00321545 0.00097156 0.00121657] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00702487 -0.01932722 -0.00491354] [-0.00170651 0.01439196 0.01320157] [ 0.00143036 0.03653598 -0.04658193] [-0.00674872 -0.03160073 0.03829389]] Final stress: [ 0.00110482 0.00304754 0.00144019 0.00321533 -0.00097151 -0.00121655] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.58272720e-01 2.67839869e-04 -8.66118805e-02] [-1.40717932e-01 -1.05363651e-03 3.07191458e-01] [-4.14482319e-01 1.04414197e-03 -1.00988831e+00] [ 3.96927531e-01 -2.58345322e-04 7.89308729e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.65935928e-03 1.33598090e-03 6.73954698e-03 6.14599903e-05 -2.87838321e-02 1.43281548e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.58273130e-01 2.67837754e-04 -8.66112274e-02] [ 1.40717872e-01 -1.05363776e-03 3.07190093e-01] [ 4.14482287e-01 1.04414319e-03 -1.00988786e+00] [-3.96927029e-01 -2.58343185e-04 7.89308993e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.65936808e-03 1.33598953e-03 6.73952271e-03 6.14603668e-05 2.87839231e-02 -1.43281312e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.08383227e-02 4.52991209e-06 -4.91421344e-03] [-1.35992134e-02 -7.59199466e-06 1.31862504e-02] [-3.73827346e-02 8.29337572e-06 -4.64429618e-02] [ 3.01436252e-02 -5.23129315e-06 3.81709248e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07432095e-03 2.07838397e-03 1.44013380e-03 -3.02200957e-07 -3.68305367e-03 1.69725875e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.42712455 0.02073306 0.01092288] [ 0.02431786 -0.00887366 0.31787844] [-0.97884201 0.00906203 -0.94217982] [ 1.3816487 -0.02092143 0.6133785 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0006502 0.00029533 0.00777867 -0.00122947 0.02791104 0.07653189] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.42712749 0.02073327 0.01092633] [-0.02431068 -0.00887329 0.3178829 ] [ 0.97883317 0.00906166 -0.94218606] [-1.38164998 -0.02092164 0.61337684]] Final stress: [ 0.00065008 0.0002952 0.00777874 -0.00122953 -0.02791329 -0.07653155] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.08381567e-02 4.52986524e-06 -4.91392691e-03] [ 1.35988064e-02 -7.59259305e-06 1.31858524e-02] [ 3.73831208e-02 8.29397510e-06 -4.64425096e-02] [-3.01437705e-02 -5.23124728e-06 3.81705841e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07432164e-03 2.07838466e-03 1.44012682e-03 -3.02120813e-07 3.68311329e-03 -1.69728955e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.38853467e-12 1.84530311e-02 -4.04872693e-03] [-8.59524452e-12 -1.33046157e-02 8.98871391e-03] [ 1.17629784e-11 -3.75707744e-02 -2.69609944e-02] [-7.56309078e-12 3.24223591e-02 2.20210075e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.92941374e-03 1.29798271e-03 1.44714466e-03 -3.07431195e-03 1.24910045e-12 -8.99418866e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.71579893e-12 -6.32253477e-03 -3.99990545e-03] [ 2.07664918e-12 9.58689665e-03 8.90727105e-03] [-1.08905853e-12 4.06581581e-02 -2.68017991e-02] [-5.72965980e-12 -4.39225200e-02 2.18944335e-02]] Final stress: [ 9.46611238e-04 4.28139095e-03 1.44288495e-03 1.57276233e-03 -1.32684401e-12 -1.86437522e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.77626056e-12 6.30280707e-03 -1.58653973e-03] [-2.71696034e-12 -9.56362878e-03 7.27237308e-03] [ 7.49851158e-12 -4.06683232e-02 -3.15529835e-02] [-3.00199969e-12 4.39291449e-02 2.58671502e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.26644998e-03 -7.48451575e-05 1.28229921e-03 -1.57322600e-03 1.16832859e-12 -3.21190256e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.64709868e-12 -1.84510392e-02 -1.61754822e-03] [ 1.07342299e-11 1.33185364e-02 7.32895873e-03] [-9.01579874e-12 3.75428868e-02 -3.17357334e-02] [ 2.93090899e-12 -3.24103840e-02 2.60243229e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.83987916e-04 2.90716167e-03 1.28609279e-03 3.07418880e-03 -1.47116125e-12 7.63126691e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01615218 -0.00466845 -0.00404797] [-0.01301643 0.001295 0.00897878] [-0.03775989 -0.00114542 -0.02697072] [ 0.03462414 0.00451887 0.0220399 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00316519 0.00206249 0.00144659 0.00060554 -0.00269701 0.00121217] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01615223 -0.00466847 -0.00404762] [ 0.01301619 0.001295 0.00897816] [ 0.03776012 -0.00114541 -0.02696998] [-0.03462409 0.00451889 0.02203944]] Final stress: [ 0.00316519 0.00206249 0.00144658 0.00060555 0.00269707 -0.00121218] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01614091 0.00466948 -0.00160492] [-0.01301449 -0.00130616 0.00733635] [-0.03774808 0.00115612 -0.03176004] [ 0.03462166 -0.00451943 0.02602861]] Final stress: [ 0.00104052 0.00215 0.00128577 -0.00060563 -0.00269641 0.00121191] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01614156 0.00466924 -0.00160527] [ 0.01301479 -0.00130607 0.00733655] [ 0.03774781 0.00115603 -0.03176078] [-0.03462104 -0.0045192 0.0260295 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00104054 0.00214998 0.00128577 -0.00060561 0.00269646 -0.00121186] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.96416536e-12 6.30611805e-03 -4.00692654e-03] [-3.10779982e-12 -9.56322920e-03 8.90967572e-03] [ 2.76061075e-13 -4.06817077e-02 -2.67958671e-02] [-4.13806836e-12 4.39388188e-02 2.18931179e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.28528999e-03 9.42877933e-04 1.44294477e-03 -1.57290455e-03 -7.54687019e-13 -3.97674059e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.23163108e-12 -1.84593099e-02 -4.05084063e-03] [-2.82615294e-12 1.33214280e-02 8.97853353e-03] [ 1.86377346e-12 3.75538650e-02 -2.69566126e-02] [-8.26341773e-12 -3.24159831e-02 2.20289197e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.30217110e-03 3.92559745e-03 1.44699312e-03 3.07403014e-03 -1.16329044e-12 -6.04983763e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.54593307e-12 1.84439539e-02 -1.61078381e-03] [-5.69588430e-13 -1.33016087e-02 7.34240794e-03] [ 1.47864685e-12 -3.75598843e-02 -3.17439975e-02] [ 3.61918655e-12 3.24175392e-02 2.60123734e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.91089726e-03 2.79625588e-04 1.28627971e-03 -3.07434210e-03 1.03800705e-12 1.64773464e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.08444242e-12 -6.31598274e-03 -1.57907479e-03] [ 3.97753076e-12 9.58586943e-03 7.27338134e-03] [-4.02754891e-12 4.06459576e-02 -3.15560891e-02] [-5.04141173e-12 -4.39158443e-02 2.58617826e-02]] Final stress: [-7.14146852e-05 3.26273293e-03 1.28229304e-03 1.57277394e-03 -1.87647921e-12 -4.53039977e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01614894 0.00467053 -0.0040425 ] [-0.01301564 -0.00130621 0.00898165] [-0.03776071 0.00115623 -0.02697366] [ 0.03462741 -0.00452055 0.0220345 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00205891 0.00316849 0.00144662 -0.0006058 -0.0026966 0.00121216] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161497 0.00467042 -0.00404193] [ 0.01301472 -0.0013061 0.00898013] [ 0.03776162 0.00115612 -0.02697261] [-0.03462664 -0.00452044 0.02203441]] Final stress: [ 0.00205894 0.00316849 0.00144659 -0.0006058 0.00269696 -0.00121217] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01614245 -0.00466816 -0.00161159] [-0.01301411 0.00129523 0.00732938] [-0.03774832 -0.00114557 -0.03175379] [ 0.03461998 0.0045185 0.02603601]] Final stress: [ 0.00214684 0.00104411 0.00128568 0.00060546 -0.00269674 0.00121207] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01614421 -0.00466741 -0.00161316] [ 0.0130156 0.00129498 0.00733106] [ 0.03774696 -0.00114533 -0.03175572] [-0.03461834 0.00451776 0.02603782]] Final stress: [ 0.00214679 0.00104417 0.00128571 0.00060537 0.00269675 -0.0012119 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.01629191e-11 1.45282145e-02 5.09994634e-04] [-3.77640302e-12 -1.23371227e-02 2.81278788e-03] [ 1.52430065e-12 -3.84121669e-02 -1.79031352e-02] [-7.91364196e-12 3.62210751e-02 1.45803527e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.51872727e-03 8.43683483e-04 2.23228891e-03 -2.53782900e-03 -1.18613571e-12 -6.33303387e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.74909826e-12 -1.45354103e-02 5.10973967e-04] [-1.83042557e-12 1.23557798e-02 2.80595311e-03] [ 4.29623156e-12 3.83935168e-02 -1.79010904e-02] [-7.02063407e-13 -3.62138862e-02 1.45841633e-02]] Final stress: [ 8.47714671e-04 3.51486336e-03 2.23218036e-03 2.53732511e-03 8.55449943e-13 -1.44886599e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.08051933e-12 1.66271406e-02 -4.85604131e-02] [ 2.67502557e-12 -1.43680729e-02 5.97099488e-02] [-7.10050031e-12 -3.61115042e-02 -5.86621719e-02] [-2.64475421e-12 3.38524365e-02 4.75126362e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.18080713e-03 9.90777462e-04 1.34273780e-03 -2.46016644e-03 -2.15822674e-12 1.75451434e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.29399780e-11 -1.66352243e-02 -4.85588794e-02] [-2.03457065e-12 1.43774913e-02 5.97036143e-02] [-3.70817461e-12 3.61020135e-02 -5.86637662e-02] [-1.71841204e-11 -3.38442804e-02 4.75190314e-02]] Final stress: [ 9.94653255e-04 3.17706937e-03 1.34263127e-03 2.46140392e-03 -4.18085100e-12 -1.02568483e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45321146e-02 4.86219949e-06 5.09826255e-04] [-1.23465295e-02 -7.16599629e-06 2.81027029e-03] [-3.84027765e-02 6.93763950e-06 -1.79024118e-02] [ 3.62171913e-02 -4.63384268e-06 1.45823152e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.17933848e-03 2.18315231e-03 2.23225073e-03 -4.89510444e-07 -2.53761798e-03 1.33552833e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45315306e-02 4.86239113e-06 5.10021162e-04] [ 1.23460604e-02 -7.16659336e-06 2.81009462e-03] [ 3.84032035e-02 6.93824321e-06 -1.79019127e-02] [-3.62177334e-02 -4.63404099e-06 1.45817969e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.17933741e-03 2.18315123e-03 2.23224747e-03 -4.89460549e-07 2.53761074e-03 -1.33558393e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.66323403e-02 5.38326205e-06 -4.85591194e-02] [-1.43725730e-02 -3.73078555e-06 5.97055003e-02] [-3.61069913e-02 3.46191335e-06 -5.86637254e-02] [ 3.38472241e-02 -5.11438984e-06 4.75173445e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.08393405e-03 2.08774047e-03 1.34266213e-03 -1.10943388e-06 -2.46105595e-03 1.09306240e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.66319115e-02 5.38334581e-06 -4.85585447e-02] [ 1.43721465e-02 -3.73127763e-06 5.97049111e-02] [ 3.61073907e-02 3.46241388e-06 -5.86639728e-02] [-3.38476257e-02 -5.11448204e-06 4.75176064e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.08393302e-03 2.08773944e-03 1.34265078e-03 -1.10938469e-06 2.46106963e-03 -1.09310808e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.87235166e-12 2.36941927e-02 -9.91036576e-03] [ 1.86490038e-12 -2.01452676e-02 2.70547128e-02] [ 5.49827978e-13 -6.27557762e-02 -9.49941023e-02] [ 4.55999821e-13 5.92068511e-02 7.78497553e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.18079593e-03 -1.97883196e-04 1.69427387e-03 -4.28550301e-03 2.38473785e-13 1.26955179e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.27325190e-12 -2.37193273e-02 -9.91682602e-03] [ 3.64118696e-12 2.01931758e-02 2.70381671e-02] [-2.56690134e-12 6.27075412e-02 -9.49841291e-02] [-3.35017951e-12 -5.91813897e-02 7.78627879e-02]] Final stress: [-1.86819359e-04 4.17043789e-03 1.69404236e-03 4.28585088e-03 -1.20796025e-12 2.44509137e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01028015 0.01027377 -0.00431892] [-0.0087399 -0.00873395 0.01166006] [-0.0271573 -0.02716292 -0.04109742] [ 0.02561704 0.0256231 0.03375627]] Final stress: [ 0.00303085 0.00114015 0.00141742 -0.00189883 -0.00189994 0.00094345] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01028025 0.01027387 -0.00431905] [ 0.00874004 -0.00873409 0.01166012] [ 0.02715717 -0.0271628 -0.04109671] [-0.02561696 0.02562301 0.03375565]] Final stress: [ 0.00303084 0.00114016 0.00141742 -0.00189882 0.00189993 -0.00094344] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01026946 -0.01027584 -0.00432002] [-0.00872617 0.00873212 0.0116673 ] [-0.02717077 0.02716514 -0.04109949] [ 0.02562747 -0.02562142 0.03375222]] Final stress: [ 0.00114005 0.00303077 0.00141753 0.00189966 -0.00189855 0.00094726] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01026901 -0.01027539 -0.00431957] [ 0.0087257 0.00873165 0.01166681] [ 0.0271712 0.02716556 -0.04109943] [-0.02562789 -0.02562183 0.03375219]] Final stress: [ 0.00114 0.00303082 0.00141752 0.00189968 0.00189857 -0.00094731] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00701192 0.01930328 -0.00302914] [ 0.00169347 -0.01435763 0.00832185] [-0.00141623 -0.03651003 -0.02912658] [ 0.00673468 0.03156437 0.02383387]] Final stress: [ 0.00307885 0.00113211 0.00137001 -0.00299931 0.000971 0.00093103] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00701254 0.01930245 -0.00302903] [-0.0016937 -0.01435723 0.0083221 ] [ 0.00141645 -0.03651038 -0.02912617] [-0.00673529 0.03156516 0.0238331 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00307891 0.00113204 0.00137002 -0.00299924 -0.00097107 -0.00093108] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00701715 -0.01930752 -0.00302811] [ 0.001702 0.01437352 0.00831849] [-0.0014261 0.03649409 -0.02912339] [ 0.00674125 -0.03156009 0.02383301]] Final stress: [0.00113629 0.00307473 0.00136996 0.00299882 0.00097004 0.00093171] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00701688 -0.01930811 -0.00302717] [-0.00170183 0.01437318 0.00831659] [ 0.00142593 0.03649444 -0.02912285] [-0.00674098 -0.03155951 0.02383342]] Final stress: [ 0.00113631 0.00307473 0.00136993 0.00299901 -0.00097003 -0.00093169] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.37056983e-02 1.53998866e-05 -9.91210116e-03] [-2.01678248e-02 -1.71895487e-05 2.70442617e-02] [-6.27333073e-02 1.64367326e-05 -9.49878094e-02] [ 5.91954337e-02 -1.46470705e-05 7.78556488e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.98656471e-03 1.99671266e-03 1.69411989e-03 -2.28742223e-06 -4.28580424e-03 2.18413500e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.37071286e-02 1.53991533e-05 -9.91379180e-03] [ 2.01696677e-02 -1.71848104e-05 2.70465935e-02] [ 6.27310584e-02 1.64319842e-05 -9.49890047e-02] [-5.91935976e-02 -1.46463271e-05 7.78562030e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.98655988e-03 1.99670773e-03 1.69416117e-03 -2.28788934e-06 4.28564192e-03 -2.18393134e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.08209963e-02 3.05615792e-06 -3.02737516e-03] [-1.35827843e-02 -8.52748839e-06 8.30473642e-03] [-3.73400124e-02 8.95994459e-06 -2.90295845e-02] [ 3.01018004e-02 -3.48861414e-06 2.37522232e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10362910e-03 2.10768507e-03 1.36988510e-03 2.07660929e-07 -3.46753630e-03 1.41079218e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14815418 0.00237383 -0.00918418] [ 0.01136727 -0.0009855 0.05821336] [-0.32311858 0.00098017 -0.18779219] [ 0.45990549 -0.00236849 0.13876301]] Final stress: [ 0.00167047 0.00181195 0.00274982 -0.00015392 0.01177776 0.02541939] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.1481559 0.00237386 -0.00918736] [-0.01136574 -0.00098548 0.05821819] [ 0.32311718 0.00098014 -0.18778962] [-0.45990734 -0.00236853 0.13875878]] Final stress: [ 0.00167045 0.00181193 0.00274991 -0.00015393 -0.01177844 -0.0254194 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.08218248e-02 3.05614055e-06 -3.02789844e-03] [ 1.35832200e-02 -8.52698598e-06 8.30497493e-03] [ 3.73396083e-02 8.95943111e-06 -2.90301529e-02] [-3.01010035e-02 -3.48858565e-06 2.37530764e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10363500e-03 2.10769096e-03 1.36989019e-03 2.07605722e-07 3.46759744e-03 -1.41072476e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.97598274e-12 1.84369722e-02 -2.26697803e-03] [-6.08575581e-12 -1.32867211e-02 5.54812322e-03] [ 4.84201741e-12 -3.75367735e-02 -1.73397765e-02] [ 5.21841771e-12 3.23865224e-02 1.40586313e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.66528519e-03 1.21451390e-03 1.37068795e-03 -2.93989320e-03 2.08712436e-12 -5.83802893e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.33860310e-11 -6.31661050e-03 -2.22762488e-03] [-3.12512798e-12 9.57472340e-03 5.48983733e-03] [-1.35288569e-12 4.06096849e-02 -1.72448236e-02] [-8.90965253e-12 -4.38677978e-02 1.39826112e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.86792886e-04 4.19333778e-03 1.36677892e-03 1.43816150e-03 -2.04787532e-12 -6.44291682e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.67287625e-12 6.29853306e-03 -1.31056844e-03] [ 8.87607197e-12 -9.55319215e-03 4.87833921e-03] [-7.76221231e-12 -4.06280843e-02 -1.90826996e-02] [-2.78079469e-12 4.38827434e-02 1.55149288e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.56408764e-03 5.02236435e-05 1.27555247e-03 -1.43812496e-03 -2.29109850e-12 3.53068920e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.09222048e-12 -1.84378771e-02 -1.33213135e-03] [-2.21670729e-12 1.33080412e-02 4.91351311e-03] [ 5.72123317e-12 3.75124108e-02 -1.91909366e-02] [-9.56695140e-12 -3.23825750e-02 1.56095548e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.85790657e-04 3.02827587e-03 1.27903701e-03 2.93803184e-03 -5.08324846e-13 -6.45996965e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613769 -0.00466449 -0.00226714] [-0.01300291 0.00129198 0.00554602] [-0.03772056 -0.00114258 -0.01735095] [ 0.03458579 0.00451509 0.01407207]] Final stress: [ 0.00290211 0.00197777 0.00137026 0.00060517 -0.00256157 0.00121024] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01613719 -0.00466457 -0.00226825] [ 0.01300346 0.00129206 0.0055477 ] [ 0.03772002 -0.00114265 -0.01735108] [-0.0345863 0.00451517 0.01407163]] Final stress: [ 0.00290211 0.00197776 0.00137029 0.00060517 0.00256135 -0.00121024] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613211 0.00466581 -0.00132762] [-0.01300121 -0.00130615 0.00491637] [-0.03771907 0.00115646 -0.01920606] [ 0.03458817 -0.00451613 0.01561732]] Final stress: [ 0.00134115 0.00227269 0.00127867 -0.00060453 -0.00256145 0.00121023] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161329 0.00466547 -0.00132573] [ 0.013002 -0.00130604 0.00491384] [ 0.03771834 0.00115636 -0.01920607] [-0.03458745 -0.00451578 0.01561796]] Final stress: [ 0.00134118 0.00227267 0.00127862 -0.00060449 0.00256142 -0.00121014] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.55144342e-13 6.29845963e-03 -2.24358339e-03] [-1.73115407e-12 -9.55471530e-03 5.50868738e-03] [-2.72077066e-12 -4.06296647e-02 -1.72402060e-02] [ 3.79361993e-12 4.38859203e-02 1.39751020e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.19707482e-03 6.83042837e-04 1.36712644e-03 -1.43727317e-03 7.02188370e-14 1.13665533e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.23339273e-11 -1.84391070e-02 -2.27439237e-03] [-2.35775310e-12 1.33084138e-02 5.55344407e-03] [ 1.08407641e-13 3.75151795e-02 -1.73408204e-02] [-1.00722989e-11 -3.23844863e-02 1.40617687e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.21863533e-03 3.66126372e-03 1.37079645e-03 2.93765270e-03 -1.92608529e-12 -6.69535644e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.52899738e-12 1.84368842e-02 -1.32822095e-03] [ 6.79485765e-13 -1.32888960e-02 4.91415844e-03] [-6.04130331e-12 -3.75316010e-02 -1.91939764e-02] [-4.18824350e-12 3.23836128e-02 1.56080389e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.03207392e-03 5.81841363e-04 1.27903183e-03 -2.93991889e-03 -2.21302563e-12 -1.75760695e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.03607617e-12 -6.31459599e-03 -1.30066217e-03] [ 2.65719933e-12 9.57596341e-03 4.86822281e-03] [-1.03363947e-11 4.06053870e-02 -1.90842370e-02] [ 5.65438321e-12 -4.38667544e-02 1.55166763e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.39879074e-05 3.56028214e-03 1.27536448e-03 1.43798575e-03 -1.32681335e-12 4.67547436e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613678 0.00466541 -0.00226239] [-0.0130005 -0.00130577 0.00554342] [-0.03772299 0.00115611 -0.01735318] [ 0.03458671 -0.00451575 0.01407215]] Final stress: [ 0.00197418 0.00290562 0.0013702 -0.00060453 -0.00256199 0.00121018] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01613511 0.00466595 -0.00226635] [ 0.01300023 -0.00130601 0.00554866] [ 0.03772319 0.00115635 -0.01735187] [-0.03458832 -0.00451629 0.01406956]] Final stress: [ 0.00197412 0.00290565 0.0013703 -0.00060458 0.00256172 -0.00121028] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613592 -0.00466407 -0.00132997] [-0.01300346 0.00129195 0.00491344] [-0.03771689 -0.00114252 -0.01920473] [ 0.03458442 0.00451464 0.01562125]] Final stress: [ 0.00226916 0.00134485 0.00127863 0.00060511 -0.00256164 0.00121014] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01613372 -0.00466493 -0.00133031] [ 0.01300213 0.00129226 0.00491429] [ 0.03771808 -0.00114282 -0.01920175] [-0.0345865 0.00451549 0.01561777]] Final stress: [ 0.00226921 0.00134478 0.00127865 0.0006052 0.00256151 -0.00121033] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.53667269e-12 1.45119542e-02 -3.71872178e-05] [ 1.04897310e-11 -1.23176821e-02 2.55192382e-03] [-8.18876043e-12 -3.83626191e-02 -1.30523382e-02] [ 1.23720131e-12 3.61683470e-02 1.05376016e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.50345216e-03 8.33164951e-04 1.87568668e-03 -2.40291173e-03 -1.60141505e-12 6.57581032e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.77706287e-11 -1.45181856e-02 -3.35280567e-05] [-2.79626821e-12 1.23383188e-02 2.54528051e-03] [ 8.34261306e-12 3.83420857e-02 -1.30530492e-02] [ 1.22112025e-11 -3.61622189e-02 1.05412968e-02]] Final stress: [8.37227713e-04 3.49946105e-03 1.87557224e-03 2.40168497e-03 4.27460556e-12 4.92189556e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.17807021e-13 1.44942435e-02 -1.16589408e-02] [-9.72298240e-12 -1.22965450e-02 1.77886600e-02] [ 5.67879077e-12 -3.83185505e-02 -3.30618172e-02] [ 4.65860683e-12 3.61208520e-02 2.69320980e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.41156125e-03 7.44182487e-04 9.46568605e-04 -2.40153488e-03 2.15265262e-12 -2.91245106e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.99413402e-13 -1.44992820e-02 -1.16577143e-02] [-4.40889187e-12 1.23171264e-02 1.77866214e-02] [ 8.45520854e-12 3.82980302e-02 -3.30634506e-02] [-4.23939529e-12 -3.61158745e-02 2.69345435e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.48147456e-04 3.40761616e-03 9.46533710e-04 2.40008478e-03 1.13787931e-12 -4.81049634e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45141259e-02 3.50175646e-06 -3.45220473e-05] [-1.23279365e-02 -8.23170618e-06 2.54782639e-03] [-3.83523817e-02 8.08683024e-06 -1.30531439e-02] [ 3.61661923e-02 -3.35688050e-06 1.05398395e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.16641282e-03 2.17023477e-03 1.87561425e-03 6.32244686e-08 -2.40213147e-03 1.33318274e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45151523e-02 3.50126616e-06 -3.28866430e-05] [ 1.23281213e-02 -8.23163307e-06 2.54534257e-03] [ 3.83522369e-02 8.08675456e-06 -1.30545836e-02] [-3.61652059e-02 -3.35638766e-06 1.05421276e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.16642237e-03 2.17024432e-03 1.87556913e-03 6.32733322e-08 2.40228873e-03 -1.33311934e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44960205e-02 3.48002371e-06 -1.16601879e-02] [-1.23067352e-02 -8.22738986e-06 1.77899770e-02] [-3.83083649e-02 8.08529673e-06 -3.30611092e-02] [ 3.61190797e-02 -3.33793059e-06 2.69313201e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07596715e-03 2.07977957e-03 9.46594732e-04 6.89723614e-08 -2.40068884e-03 1.33175617e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44941899e-02 3.48096983e-06 -1.16608683e-02] [ 1.23075620e-02 -8.22580547e-06 1.77915719e-02] [ 3.83075213e-02 8.08371410e-06 -3.30609708e-02] [-3.61208934e-02 -3.33887844e-06 2.69302671e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07595504e-03 2.07976748e-03 9.46622343e-04 6.86835064e-08 2.40014985e-03 -1.33180685e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.75929797e-12 1.45229685e-02 -3.80443487e-03] [ 7.70876852e-13 -1.23367647e-02 1.03324961e-02] [-9.99025081e-13 -3.84122469e-02 -3.63287697e-02] [-8.53840956e-12 3.62260431e-02 2.98007085e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.43159915e-03 7.55240935e-04 1.39834563e-03 -2.62699089e-03 -1.86020385e-12 -4.12647856e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.54609397e-12 -1.45317043e-02 -3.80343004e-03] [-5.62372414e-13 1.23541124e-02 1.03243100e-02] [ 1.81882938e-12 3.83948770e-02 -3.63262044e-02] [-4.79554764e-12 -3.62172850e-02 2.98053244e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.59279785e-04 3.42776653e-03 1.39821544e-03 2.62713718e-03 -4.95633948e-13 -2.87104795e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01027098 0.01026656 -0.0026536 ] [-0.00873031 -0.00872281 0.00735504] [-0.02712493 -0.02713223 -0.02570323] [ 0.02558426 0.02558848 0.02100179]] Final stress: [ 0.00305475 0.00116775 0.00135532 -0.00176435 -0.00176466 0.00094159] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01027074 0.01026633 -0.0026533 ] [ 0.00873029 -0.00872279 0.00735485] [ 0.02712494 -0.02713224 -0.02570325] [-0.02558449 0.0255887 0.0210017 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00305476 0.00116774 0.00135532 -0.00176431 0.00176462 -0.00094161] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01026325 -0.01026766 -0.00265643] [-0.00871512 0.00872262 0.00736235] [-0.02714 0.0271327 -0.02570595] [ 0.02559187 -0.02558766 0.02100004]] Final stress: [ 0.00116773 0.00305466 0.00135545 0.00176461 -0.0017643 0.00094537] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01026179 -0.0102662 -0.00265661] [ 0.00871418 0.00872169 0.00736278] [ 0.02714085 0.02713354 -0.02570348] [-0.02559325 -0.02558903 0.02099731]] Final stress: [ 0.0011676 0.00305478 0.00135546 0.00176454 0.00176423 -0.0009455 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00700728 0.01928993 -0.00184806] [ 0.00169276 -0.01434237 0.00527549] [-0.00141622 -0.03647774 -0.01823287] [ 0.00673075 0.03153018 0.01480543]] Final stress: [ 0.00309541 0.00115185 0.00132579 -0.00286426 0.00096961 0.00075319] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00700755 0.01928914 -0.00184739] [-0.00169299 -0.01434317 0.00527538] [ 0.00141646 -0.03647696 -0.01823366] [-0.00673102 0.03153098 0.01480567]] Final stress: [ 0.0030954 0.00115184 0.00132579 -0.00286393 -0.0009696 -0.00075322] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00701069 -0.01929217 -0.00184838] [ 0.00169869 0.01435866 0.00527466] [-0.001423 0.03646145 -0.01823179] [ 0.00673499 -0.03152794 0.01480551]] Final stress: [0.00115595 0.00309134 0.00132578 0.00286324 0.00096892 0.00075357] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00701065 -0.01929213 -0.00184781] [-0.0016987 0.0143589 0.00527409] [ 0.00142301 0.03646122 -0.01823211] [-0.00673495 -0.03152799 0.01480582]] Final stress: [ 0.00115596 0.00309133 0.00132577 0.00286318 -0.00096891 -0.00075357] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45273040e-02 5.76065711e-06 -3.80415925e-03] [-1.23460260e-02 -6.43826873e-06 1.03291489e-02] [-3.84030024e-02 6.15612897e-06 -3.63278602e-02] [ 3.62217243e-02 -5.47851737e-06 2.98028705e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.09156459e-03 2.09536465e-03 1.39829301e-03 -8.58380229e-07 -2.62692621e-03 1.33618146e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45271886e-02 5.76056801e-06 -3.80367403e-03] [ 1.23452830e-02 -6.43937778e-06 1.03280955e-02] [ 3.84037067e-02 6.15724464e-06 -3.63270977e-02] [-3.62218011e-02 -5.47843486e-06 2.98026762e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.09157143e-03 2.09537148e-03 1.39827509e-03 -8.58237474e-07 2.62707107e-03 -1.33622756e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.08060159e-02 2.18101894e-06 -1.84989856e-03] [-1.35692091e-02 -9.10300936e-06 5.26813966e-03] [-3.73065992e-02 9.36639922e-06 -1.81709311e-02] [ 3.00697924e-02 -2.44440881e-06 1.47526900e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12172018e-03 2.12576432e-03 1.32580152e-03 5.17411326e-07 -3.33234228e-03 1.23160769e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07305817 0.00057686 -0.00354222] [ 0.00551005 -0.00023384 0.01740177] [-0.15913539 0.00023215 -0.05728293] [ 0.22668351 -0.00057517 0.04342337]] Final stress: [ 2.02018913e-03 2.05389568e-03 1.63977721e-03 -3.87040272e-05 5.82299140e-03 1.24613411e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0730525 0.00057679 -0.00354581] [-0.00551518 -0.00023387 0.0174026 ] [ 0.15913901 0.00023218 -0.05727914] [-0.22667634 -0.0005751 0.04342236]] Final stress: [ 2.02023624e-03 2.05394182e-03 1.63979830e-03 -3.86926020e-05 -5.82081449e-03 -1.24612434e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.08070959e-02 2.18108019e-06 -1.85016533e-03] [ 1.35710013e-02 -9.10059381e-06 5.26856737e-03] [ 3.73049113e-02 9.36398664e-06 -1.81735865e-02] [-3.00688167e-02 -2.44447300e-06 1.47551845e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12172006e-03 2.12576421e-03 1.32580797e-03 5.17119605e-07 3.33214743e-03 -1.23145402e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.50961378e-11 1.84287557e-02 -1.28318493e-03] [-7.91093926e-12 -1.32798259e-02 3.48994834e-03] [-1.07590824e-12 -3.75073028e-02 -1.10746809e-02] [-2.61033764e-11 3.23583730e-02 8.86791745e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.50034865e-03 1.16360902e-03 1.32480069e-03 -2.85499306e-03 -5.31972957e-12 -1.83487978e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.12196762e-11 -6.30961089e-03 -1.25159208e-03] [-2.01461244e-13 9.57132602e-03 3.45023560e-03] [-6.47025185e-13 4.05716450e-02 -1.10154961e-02] [-1.03712074e-11 -4.38333602e-02 8.81685256e-03]] Final stress: [ 5.25332890e-04 4.13872177e-03 1.32118651e-03 1.35220152e-03 -2.13755612e-12 -5.66799983e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.41640084e-12 6.29678042e-03 -8.95243233e-04] [ 1.62837359e-11 -9.54330397e-03 3.21047018e-03] [-1.64339037e-11 -4.05989115e-02 -1.17320875e-02] [ 3.56274558e-12 4.38454350e-02 9.41686057e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.74842651e-03 1.27245164e-04 1.26738367e-03 -1.35445079e-03 -3.04930806e-12 1.11565194e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.39967066e-11 -1.84277502e-02 -9.18630645e-04] [-3.26252783e-12 1.33005735e-02 3.24202802e-03] [ 4.35732982e-12 3.74860275e-02 -1.17942670e-02] [-1.50964866e-11 -3.23588508e-02 9.47086966e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.73289741e-04 3.10224552e-03 1.27084913e-03 2.85256456e-03 -1.88728830e-12 -9.96298806e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01612665 -0.00466176 -0.00128163] [-0.01299411 0.0012901 0.00348825] [-0.03769216 -0.00114083 -0.01107784] [ 0.03455962 0.00451248 0.00887122]] Final stress: [ 0.0027384 0.00192556 0.00132438 0.00060489 -0.00247635 0.00120894] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01612607 -0.00466192 -0.00128065] [ 0.01299426 0.00129019 0.00348755] [ 0.037692 -0.00114091 -0.0110793 ] [-0.0345602 0.00451264 0.0088724 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0027384 0.00192554 0.00132437 0.0006049 0.00247621 -0.00120896] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01612468 0.00466223 -0.00091571] [-0.01299262 -0.00130579 0.0032422 ] [-0.03769312 0.00115634 -0.01180287] [ 0.03456107 -0.00451278 0.00947638]] Final stress: [ 0.00152764 0.0023478 0.00127045 -0.00060368 -0.00247659 0.00120885] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01612297 0.00466286 -0.00091252] [ 0.01299184 -0.00130603 0.00323831] [ 0.03769382 0.00115658 -0.0118015 ] [-0.03456269 -0.00451341 0.0094757 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0015276 0.00234785 0.00127038 -0.00060374 0.00247644 -0.00120898] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.06623191e-11 6.29859145e-03 -1.25799339e-03] [-9.05580363e-12 -9.54271086e-03 3.45560372e-03] [ 1.07345552e-11 -4.06001245e-02 -1.10142839e-02] [-2.23274871e-11 4.38442439e-02 8.81667355e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.14261486e-03 5.21501491e-04 1.32128669e-03 -1.35471126e-03 -1.82495628e-12 -1.71740337e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.85446881e-12 -1.84285104e-02 -1.28332348e-03] [ 1.02174981e-11 1.32981182e-02 3.48777404e-03] [ 5.65015049e-13 3.74889245e-02 -1.10704303e-02] [-2.94608435e-12 -3.23585323e-02 8.86597973e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.16741753e-03 3.49660428e-03 1.32477089e-03 2.85301999e-03 -3.49740408e-13 3.99261174e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.33685118e-12 1.84238670e-02 -9.15628220e-04] [-1.12038666e-11 -1.32809296e-02 3.24129906e-03] [ 1.41472125e-11 -3.75056089e-02 -1.17944171e-02] [-9.28261634e-12 3.23626715e-02 9.46874628e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.10627120e-03 7.69181838e-04 1.27082645e-03 -2.85404849e-03 1.46088619e-12 -1.13783963e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.56141029e-12 -6.31028265e-03 -8.85994174e-04] [-7.19566030e-12 9.57004220e-03 3.20055011e-03] [ 1.01846504e-11 4.05723429e-02 -1.17313660e-02] [-5.55489682e-12 -4.38321025e-02 9.41681006e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.31119028e-04 3.74452546e-03 1.26720372e-03 1.35284440e-03 1.26897332e-12 -7.13178479e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01612192 0.00466324 -0.00127638] [-0.01299288 -0.00130624 0.00348454] [-0.03769334 0.0011568 -0.01108168] [ 0.0345643 -0.0045138 0.00887352]] Final stress: [ 0.00192179 0.0027421 0.0013243 -0.00060376 -0.00247577 0.001209 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01612282 0.00466303 -0.00127418] [ 0.0129924 -0.00130611 0.00348124] [ 0.03769383 0.00115667 -0.0110803 ] [-0.03456341 -0.00451359 0.00887325]] Final stress: [ 0.00192182 0.00274209 0.00132425 -0.00060375 0.00247605 -0.00120898] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01612643 -0.00466175 -0.00091305] [-0.01299325 0.00129007 0.00323652] [-0.03769242 -0.00114078 -0.01179967] [ 0.03455924 0.00451246 0.0094762 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00234417 0.00153134 0.00127035 0.0006049 -0.00247675 0.00120897] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01612654 -0.00466175 -0.00091752] [ 0.01299304 0.00129005 0.00324205] [ 0.03769262 -0.00114077 -0.01179806] [-0.03455913 0.00451246 0.00947353]] Final stress: [ 0.00234417 0.00153133 0.00127046 0.0006049 0.00247681 -0.00120897] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.90326744e-13 1.44991269e-02 -2.41652813e-04] [ 2.46775929e-12 -1.23086267e-02 2.10320202e-03] [-5.53503294e-12 -3.83287791e-02 -9.14927836e-03] [ 2.08206369e-12 3.61382789e-02 7.28772916e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.49520726e-03 8.27932967e-04 1.64841641e-03 -2.31726268e-03 -8.79902763e-13 2.56792252e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.91136715e-11 -1.45038564e-02 -2.42328894e-04] [-7.68096502e-12 1.23292272e-02 2.10336180e-03] [ 3.31197851e-12 3.83082510e-02 -9.14954570e-03] [-2.47368827e-11 -3.61336217e-02 7.28851279e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.31903324e-04 3.49125561e-03 1.64842313e-03 2.31569365e-03 -4.01851342e-12 -1.75411837e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.31551045e-11 1.44978094e-02 -3.41181337e-03] [ 1.66308731e-11 -1.23044744e-02 6.42486678e-03] [-1.14503517e-11 -3.83237656e-02 -1.55905967e-02] [ 2.79667262e-11 3.61304306e-02 1.25775433e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.44121306e-03 7.74329712e-04 9.77528164e-04 -2.31772402e-03 2.79487504e-12 2.43786023e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.62329056e-11 -1.45033538e-02 -3.41317489e-03] [ 5.37382422e-13 1.23252350e-02 6.42612483e-03] [-7.80275497e-12 3.83031064e-02 -1.55930142e-02] [-1.89558647e-11 -3.61249877e-02 1.25800642e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.78347032e-04 3.43720819e-03 9.77552993e-04 2.31627585e-03 -5.45202005e-12 -9.74749472e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45022436e-02 2.64423204e-06 -2.40520216e-04] [-1.23189893e-02 -8.89724614e-06 2.10140003e-03] [-3.83184783e-02 8.80498522e-06 -9.15098677e-03] [ 3.61352240e-02 -2.55197112e-06 7.29010696e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15966526e-03 2.16349135e-03 1.64838456e-03 4.10304172e-07 -2.31661018e-03 1.33161423e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45059170e-02 2.64239311e-06 -2.46996351e-04] [ 1.23162734e-02 -8.90200078e-06 2.10853594e-03] [ 3.83211712e-02 8.80974195e-06 -9.15069990e-03] [-3.61315275e-02 -2.55013426e-06 7.28916031e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15967126e-03 2.16349732e-03 1.64851647e-03 4.11048828e-07 2.31792591e-03 -1.33156916e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45000230e-02 2.62637382e-06 -3.41800720e-03] [-1.23149045e-02 -8.91514411e-06 6.43219028e-03] [-3.83133736e-02 8.82464492e-06 -1.55887111e-02] [ 3.61282550e-02 -2.53587464e-06 1.25745280e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10585588e-03 2.10968109e-03 9.77665279e-04 4.18043205e-07 -2.31687877e-03 1.33146274e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44989570e-02 2.62698927e-06 -3.41714620e-03] [ 1.23158849e-02 -8.91349353e-06 6.43179644e-03] [ 3.83124062e-02 8.82299291e-06 -1.55904720e-02] [-3.61293341e-02 -2.53648865e-06 1.25758218e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10584785e-03 2.10967308e-03 9.77655579e-04 4.17783488e-07 2.31645352e-03 -1.33146530e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.61346194e-12 1.45101926e-02 -2.33337604e-03] [-9.18301633e-12 -1.23215132e-02 6.53013887e-03] [ 9.16720888e-12 -3.83719203e-02 -2.27264943e-02] [-7.59118463e-12 3.61832409e-02 1.85297314e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.45212161e-03 7.80163936e-04 1.34337110e-03 -2.45837734e-03 6.28624479e-13 -9.28825214e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.82465805e-11 -1.45182494e-02 -2.33166005e-03] [-5.39516327e-12 1.23410968e-02 6.52506635e-03] [ 3.72096386e-12 3.83524299e-02 -2.27278224e-02] [-1.65898718e-11 -3.61752773e-02 1.85344161e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.84264696e-04 3.44811403e-03 1.34328655e-03 2.45777558e-03 -2.34599166e-12 -1.19004763e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01026209 0.01025887 -0.00161332] [-0.00872322 -0.00871478 0.00467363] [-0.02709967 -0.02710799 -0.01609881] [ 0.02556081 0.0255639 0.01303851]] Final stress: [ 0.00306943 0.00118495 0.00131634 -0.00167966 -0.00167948 0.00094033] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01026201 0.01025879 -0.00161202] [ 0.00872347 -0.00871502 0.00467243] [ 0.02709943 -0.02710775 -0.01610131] [-0.02556089 0.02556399 0.0130409 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00306941 0.00118496 0.00131632 -0.00167959 0.00167941 -0.00094032] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01025586 -0.01025908 -0.00161512] [-0.00870578 0.00871422 0.0046775 ] [-0.02711701 0.02710868 -0.0161008 ] [ 0.02556692 -0.02556383 0.01303842]] Final stress: [ 0.0011849 0.00306943 0.00131641 0.00167983 -0.00168 0.00094418] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0102555 -0.01025872 -0.00161512] [ 0.00870529 0.00871374 0.00467745] [ 0.02711745 0.02710913 -0.01610023] [-0.02556725 -0.02556416 0.0130379 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00118486 0.00306947 0.00131641 0.00167987 0.00168004 -0.00094422] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00700298 0.01927962 -0.00111077] [ 0.00169205 -0.01433271 0.00337728] [-0.001416 -0.03645194 -0.01143861] [ 0.00672692 0.03150503 0.00917211]] Final stress: [ 0.00310547 0.0011643 0.00129808 -0.00277926 0.00096852 0.00064195] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00700317 0.0192794 -0.00110897] [-0.00169211 -0.01433247 0.0033747 ] [ 0.00141605 -0.03645216 -0.01143546] [-0.00672712 0.03150523 0.00916973]] Final stress: [ 0.0031055 0.00116428 0.00129804 -0.00277927 -0.00096855 -0.00064197] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00700603 -0.01927908 -0.00110974] [ 0.0016968 0.01434984 0.00337499] [-0.00142127 0.03643483 -0.0114343 ] [ 0.00673051 -0.03150559 0.00916905]] Final stress: [0.00116832 0.00310148 0.00129805 0.00277747 0.00096806 0.00064222] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0070059 -0.01927965 -0.00111116] [-0.00169662 0.01434902 0.00337675] [ 0.00142109 0.03643561 -0.01143645] [-0.00673037 -0.03150498 0.00917085]] Final stress: [ 0.0011683 0.00310149 0.00129808 0.00277776 -0.00096807 -0.0006422 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45167448e-02 4.04233764e-06 -2.33222517e-03] [-1.23322723e-02 -7.79824453e-06 6.52670556e-03] [-3.83613315e-02 7.62075632e-06 -2.27294435e-02] [ 3.61768590e-02 -3.86484942e-06 1.85349631e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.11426790e-03 2.11808368e-03 1.34331270e-03 -1.58725805e-07 -2.45834647e-03 1.33376839e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45154268e-02 4.04289475e-06 -2.33187740e-03] [ 1.23321895e-02 -7.79809692e-06 6.52675801e-03] [ 3.83613700e-02 7.62061641e-06 -2.27287830e-02] [-3.61781328e-02 -3.86541422e-06 1.85339024e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.11426065e-03 2.11807643e-03 1.34331282e-03 -1.58803266e-07 2.45811097e-03 -1.33384146e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.07953512e-02 1.62453658e-06 -1.11437621e-03] [-1.35606389e-02 -9.44523893e-06 3.37451260e-03] [-3.72800522e-02 9.60312054e-06 -1.13985083e-02] [ 3.00453400e-02 -1.78241816e-06 9.13837189e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13295859e-03 2.13698802e-03 1.29815276e-03 7.09985998e-07 -3.24736221e-03 1.11937436e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.16257027e-02 1.86419368e-04 -1.33183284e-03] [ 3.12481639e-03 -7.42334208e-05 6.11537683e-03] [-9.06397314e-02 7.36233329e-05 -2.03329872e-02] [ 1.29140618e-01 -1.85809280e-04 1.55494432e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10898367e-03 2.11963856e-03 1.35860847e-03 -1.27946556e-05 3.31518282e-03 7.08203768e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.16210795e-02 1.86389661e-04 -1.34460483e-03] [-3.13172702e-03 -7.42661243e-05 6.12832802e-03] [ 9.06472973e-02 7.36560772e-05 -2.03309201e-02] [-1.29136650e-01 -1.85779614e-04 1.55471969e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10901125e-03 2.11966609e-03 1.35885153e-03 -1.27877502e-05 -3.31271111e-03 -7.08221647e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.07944794e-02 1.62439976e-06 -1.11374698e-03] [ 1.35598011e-02 -9.44620750e-06 3.37360470e-03] [ 3.72808385e-02 9.60411968e-06 -1.13953650e-02] [-3.00461602e-02 -1.78231196e-06 9.13550726e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13295925e-03 2.13698866e-03 1.29813827e-03 7.10116801e-07 3.24738275e-03 -1.11946576e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.70316642e-11 1.84209754e-02 -7.22588847e-04] [ 1.37506092e-11 -1.32712369e-02 2.24119192e-03] [-2.25198595e-11 -3.74907376e-02 -7.04169848e-03] [-2.82653068e-11 3.23409991e-02 5.52309540e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.39781279e-03 1.13184525e-03 1.29690301e-03 -2.80224766e-03 -1.05887255e-11 -7.22810134e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.04462306e-11 -6.30409875e-03 -6.86418261e-04] [ 3.64054381e-12 9.56734938e-03 2.20106810e-03] [-1.39513611e-11 4.05475690e-02 -7.01605797e-03] [-2.01536027e-11 -4.38108196e-02 5.50140813e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.24695848e-04 4.10495777e-03 1.29324861e-03 1.29855150e-03 -7.09238342e-12 -8.56303490e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.41729631e-11 6.29397940e-03 -5.56173626e-04] [ 1.40259594e-11 -9.53923517e-03 2.11740213e-03] [-2.23999742e-11 -4.05756131e-02 -7.29254545e-03] [ 3.25522317e-11 4.38208689e-02 5.73131695e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.86290629e-03 1.75034749e-04 1.26106432e-03 -1.30126995e-03 1.07864607e-12 2.56038440e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.49449307e-11 -1.84236859e-02 -5.82263870e-04] [-6.16758749e-12 1.32909973e-02 2.14470520e-03] [-6.34088441e-12 3.74710443e-02 -7.32254610e-03] [ 3.74440201e-11 -3.23383556e-02 5.76010477e-03]] Final stress: [8.90021833e-04 3.14796020e-03 1.26448905e-03 2.80059674e-03 5.62363788e-12 1.68398083e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01612103 -0.0046594 -0.00071589] [-0.01298708 0.00128858 0.00223431] [-0.03767377 -0.0011394 -0.0070504 ] [ 0.03453981 0.00451022 0.00553198]] Final stress: [ 0.00263634 0.0018933 0.00129638 0.00060466 -0.00242355 0.00120802] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01612162 -0.00465938 -0.00071891] [ 0.01298589 0.00128849 0.00223737] [ 0.03767492 -0.00113931 -0.00704778] [-0.03453918 0.0045102 0.00552933]] Final stress: [ 0.00263634 0.00189332 0.00129644 0.00060468 0.00242393 -0.00120805] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01611366 0.00466115 -0.0005705 ] [-0.01298737 -0.00130623 0.00213562] [-0.03767343 0.00115693 -0.00733311] [ 0.03454714 -0.00451185 0.00576799]] Final stress: [ 0.00164356 0.0023943 0.00126392 -0.00060322 -0.00242222 0.00120814] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01611402 0.00466116 -0.00057281] [ 0.01298649 -0.00130617 0.0021381 ] [ 0.03767427 0.00115687 -0.00733309] [-0.03454675 -0.00451186 0.0057678 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00164357 0.0023943 0.00126396 -0.00060323 0.00242248 -0.00120816] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.86563265e-12 6.29811581e-03 -6.95724590e-04] [-1.95533401e-11 -9.53645872e-03 2.21014496e-03] [ 1.30680690e-11 -4.05784644e-02 -7.01346228e-03] [ 4.63660187e-12 4.38168074e-02 5.49904190e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.10872334e-03 4.20980563e-04 1.29341708e-03 -1.30259632e-03 3.80687226e-12 -8.48585210e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.78666699e-11 -1.84209545e-02 -7.24965484e-04] [ 1.22880918e-11 1.32930185e-02 2.24338884e-03] [-5.46541610e-12 3.74690647e-02 -7.04189067e-03] [-2.46791511e-11 -3.23411287e-02 5.52346731e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.13583732e-03 3.39383758e-03 1.29694770e-03 2.79950816e-03 -5.91293741e-12 -6.48335504e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.32437203e-13 1.84202979e-02 -5.81450038e-04] [-1.66360068e-11 -1.32723472e-02 2.14608403e-03] [ 2.25016696e-11 -3.74896708e-02 -7.32784952e-03] [-6.21979204e-12 3.23417201e-02 5.76321553e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.15192322e-03 8.85996249e-04 1.26450327e-03 -2.80197732e-03 3.96898270e-12 -1.28649837e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.30566728e-11 -6.30831512e-03 -5.46903358e-04] [ 1.71243516e-11 9.56342647e-03 2.10571226e-03] [-1.51343851e-11 4.05514983e-02 -7.29372658e-03] [ 5.10770332e-11 -4.38066097e-02 5.73491768e-03]] Final stress: [1.78854187e-04 3.85911427e-03 1.26085407e-03 1.30034724e-03 6.34921554e-12 3.70948166e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01611395 0.00466115 -0.00070905] [-0.01298689 -0.00130618 0.00222713] [-0.03767389 0.00115689 -0.00705284] [ 0.03454683 -0.00451186 0.00553476]] Final stress: [ 0.00188945 0.00264018 0.00129625 -0.00060322 -0.00242228 0.00120814] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01611531 0.00466083 -0.00070925] [ 0.01298619 -0.00130599 0.00222715] [ 0.0376746 0.0011567 -0.00705135] [-0.03454548 -0.00451153 0.00553345]] Final stress: [ 0.00188948 0.00264015 0.00129625 -0.00060321 0.0024227 -0.00120811] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01612334 -0.00465899 -0.00058041] [-0.01298476 0.00128824 0.00214509] [-0.03767605 -0.00113905 -0.0073296 ] [ 0.03453746 0.0045098 0.00576492]] Final stress: [ 0.00239043 0.00164748 0.0012641 0.00060467 -0.00242462 0.00120803] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161226 -0.00465913 -0.00057933] [ 0.01298539 0.00128835 0.00214386] [ 0.03767542 -0.00113916 -0.00732936] [-0.03453821 0.00450994 0.00576484]] Final stress: [ 0.00239045 0.00164747 0.00126408 0.00060467 0.00242434 -0.00120803] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.38664444e-11 1.44919923e-02 -2.55434023e-04] [-3.03735162e-12 -1.23023681e-02 1.62387487e-03] [ 9.17054041e-12 -3.83078689e-02 -6.21905333e-03] [-4.00154458e-11 3.61182447e-02 4.85061248e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.49069519e-03 8.25371584e-04 1.50317953e-03 -2.26396293e-03 -5.52837750e-12 -2.33041756e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.57558992e-11 -1.44982209e-02 -2.57180280e-04] [-4.07320185e-12 1.23200563e-02 1.62470992e-03] [ 6.88248026e-12 3.82901629e-02 -6.21916930e-03] [-1.85706745e-11 -3.61119984e-02 4.85163966e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.29280141e-04 3.48682235e-03 1.50319925e-03 2.26330095e-03 -1.97280393e-12 -1.23105596e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.51028521e-11 1.44945994e-02 -1.35460791e-03] [ 1.85677094e-11 -1.22996462e-02 3.14611005e-03] [-8.45276106e-12 -3.83095528e-02 -8.58379442e-03] [ 1.49755694e-11 3.61145996e-02 6.79229228e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.45825176e-03 7.93008282e-04 1.06370251e-03 -2.26510271e-03 1.02541112e-12 1.84496239e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.13221322e-12 -1.45021742e-02 -1.36201078e-03] [ 1.62889199e-11 1.23170373e-02 3.15265635e-03] [-2.34481054e-13 3.82921762e-02 -8.57752200e-03] [-2.32033125e-11 -3.61070394e-02 6.78687644e-03]] Final stress: [ 7.96979256e-04 3.45433472e-03 1.06383391e-03 2.26476501e-03 -4.36607828e-12 -3.53571366e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44979140e-02 2.09793329e-06 -2.59840027e-04] [-1.23099535e-02 -9.32434302e-06 1.62849911e-03] [-3.83002982e-02 9.26555695e-06 -6.22013470e-03] [ 3.61123377e-02 -2.03914724e-06 4.85147562e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15612756e-03 2.15995570e-03 1.50326570e-03 6.30946512e-07 -2.26445447e-03 1.33063805e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44995968e-02 2.09725066e-06 -2.62515696e-04] [ 1.23095767e-02 -9.32525243e-06 1.63145826e-03] [ 3.83007104e-02 9.26648596e-06 -6.21829817e-03] [-3.61106903e-02 -2.03848418e-06 4.84935560e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15612877e-03 2.15995692e-03 1.50332182e-03 6.31119769e-07 2.26486215e-03 -1.33057087e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44969219e-02 2.09406196e-06 -1.35290961e-03] [-1.23098768e-02 -9.33038234e-06 3.14290135e-03] [-3.82993624e-02 9.27214971e-06 -8.58179635e-03] [ 3.61123173e-02 -2.03582934e-06 6.79180462e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.12373287e-03 2.12756123e-03 1.06364905e-03 6.33250719e-07 -2.26430878e-03 1.33064342e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44947318e-02 2.09510159e-06 -1.35107096e-03] [ 1.23108609e-02 -9.32849820e-06 3.14104309e-03] [ 3.82983600e-02 9.27027877e-06 -8.58129164e-03] [-3.61144891e-02 -2.03688216e-06 6.79131951e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.12372829e-03 2.12755665e-03 1.06361465e-03 6.32924132e-07 2.26366617e-03 -1.33070445e-03] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.55842004e-12 1.45045943e-02 -1.41258113e-03] [ 9.95416965e-12 -1.23119663e-02 4.15705027e-03] [ 2.75249615e-12 -3.83393254e-02 -1.42443581e-02] [-5.15166208e-12 3.61466973e-02 1.14998889e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.46431365e-03 7.96180518e-04 1.30880675e-03 -2.35312534e-03 -2.58224088e-13 2.69675781e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.79416983e-12 -1.45072718e-02 -1.41557790e-03] [-1.25496100e-11 1.23307167e-02 4.16009536e-03] [ 1.27362194e-11 3.83204794e-02 -1.42434593e-02] [ 5.58500815e-12 -3.61439243e-02 1.14989419e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.99935059e-04 3.46057098e-03 1.30886598e-03 2.35159952e-03 3.95756608e-12 -4.03749581e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0102549 0.01025243 -0.00096461] [-0.00871804 -0.00870901 0.00300279] [-0.0270813 -0.02709025 -0.01010568] [ 0.02554444 0.02554683 0.0080675 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00307848 0.0011957 0.00129194 -0.00162643 -0.00162595 0.00093948] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01025732 0.01025485 -0.00097045] [ 0.008717 -0.00870796 0.00300906] [ 0.02708237 -0.02709132 -0.01010565] [-0.02554204 0.02554443 0.00806704]] Final stress: [ 0.00307842 0.00119577 0.00129205 -0.00162713 0.00162665 -0.00093941] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0102527 -0.01025517 -0.00096526] [-0.0086983 0.00870733 0.00300365] [-0.02710098 0.02709203 -0.01010999] [ 0.02554658 -0.02554419 0.0080716 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00119574 0.00307843 0.00129195 0.00162734 -0.00162782 0.00094326] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01024949 -0.01025196 -0.0009594 ] [ 0.00869998 0.00870901 0.00299737] [ 0.02709929 0.02709033 -0.01010725] [-0.02554978 -0.02554739 0.00806928]] Final stress: [ 0.00119566 0.0030785 0.00129183 0.00162635 0.00162683 -0.00094334] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00700111 0.01927038 -0.00064625] [ 0.00169206 -0.01432554 0.00218885] [-0.00141631 -0.03643421 -0.0071951 ] [ 0.00672536 0.03148936 0.0056525 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00311177 0.00117198 0.00128065 -0.00272573 0.0009679 0.0005725 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00700025 0.01927183 -0.00064921] [-0.00169164 -0.01432546 0.00219208] [ 0.0014159 -0.03643433 -0.00719324] [-0.00672451 0.03148795 0.00565037]] Final stress: [ 0.00311171 0.00117206 0.00128072 -0.00272603 -0.00096783 -0.00057243] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00700142 -0.0192732 -0.00065156] [ 0.0016945 0.01434085 0.0021942 ] [-0.00141909 0.03641895 -0.00719418] [ 0.006726 -0.0314866 0.00565154]] Final stress: [0.00117608 0.0031077 0.00128076 0.00272497 0.00096745 0.00057246] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00700354 -0.01926924 -0.00064826] [-0.00169564 0.01434197 0.00219067] [ 0.00142022 0.03641777 -0.00719295] [-0.00672811 -0.0314905 0.00565054]] Final stress: [ 0.00117593 0.00310784 0.00128069 0.00272396 -0.00096759 -0.00057264] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45055755e-02 2.98884569e-06 -1.41140030e-03] [-1.23217905e-02 -8.62967994e-06 4.15519528e-03] [-3.83294678e-02 8.51663445e-06 -1.42430435e-02] [ 3.61456827e-02 -2.87580018e-06 1.14992485e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12834140e-03 2.13216526e-03 1.30877554e-03 2.70632432e-07 -2.35219383e-03 1.33218692e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45032631e-02 2.98994662e-06 -1.41111842e-03] [ 1.23229324e-02 -8.62750669e-06 4.15594332e-03] [ 3.83283087e-02 8.51445306e-06 -1.42440226e-02] [-3.61479779e-02 -2.87689299e-06 1.14991977e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12832590e-03 2.13214976e-03 1.30878618e-03 2.70263011e-07 2.35149168e-03 -1.33224565e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.07839859e-02 1.18803777e-06 -6.55595817e-04] [-1.35550208e-02 -9.61104449e-06 2.19577490e-03] [-3.72610362e-02 9.70463189e-06 -7.16943114e-03] [ 3.00320711e-02 -1.28162520e-06 5.62925205e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13992810e-03 2.14393187e-03 1.28088735e-03 8.36991938e-07 -3.19329026e-03 1.04934740e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.50890773e-02 6.73936597e-05 -5.09654117e-04] [ 1.88003232e-03 -2.64945714e-05 2.28957676e-03] [-5.46258171e-02 2.62627733e-05 -7.65128671e-03] [ 7.78348621e-02 -6.71618615e-05 5.87136407e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13813232e-03 2.14191273e-03 1.26652751e-03 -4.69439125e-06 1.99713491e-03 4.26414232e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.50884701e-02 6.73911253e-05 -5.08866405e-04] [-1.88015149e-03 -2.64945909e-05 2.28883246e-03] [ 5.46254917e-02 2.62628306e-05 -7.65057849e-03] [-7.78338103e-02 -6.71593650e-05 5.87061243e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13812921e-03 2.14190955e-03 1.26651358e-03 -4.69410214e-06 -1.99701084e-03 -4.26409178e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.07844394e-02 1.18798317e-06 -6.57204595e-04] [ 1.35535751e-02 -9.61320047e-06 2.19767526e-03] [ 3.72624080e-02 9.70677419e-06 -7.17115967e-03] [-3.00315437e-02 -1.28155689e-06 5.63068901e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13992884e-03 2.14393260e-03 1.28092056e-03 8.37250086e-07 3.19370166e-03 -1.04940072e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.16191379e-11 1.84121554e-02 -3.89073924e-04] [ 1.64217201e-11 -1.32690122e-02 1.46943733e-03] [-3.40121848e-11 -3.74763320e-02 -4.48189573e-03] [ 4.92047444e-11 3.23331888e-02 3.40153232e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.33384722e-03 1.11214328e-03 1.27966053e-03 -2.76775986e-03 1.55944125e-12 3.60842278e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.80279793e-11 -6.30068871e-03 -3.63157963e-04] [ 7.88742661e-12 9.56370976e-03 1.44363975e-03] [-3.44147230e-11 4.05326844e-02 -4.46763297e-03] [ 4.45367146e-11 -4.37957054e-02 3.38715118e-03]] Final stress: [3.61928138e-04 4.08400359e-03 1.27625656e-03 1.26522680e-03 5.05421764e-13 2.88416159e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.05027331e-11 6.29603812e-03 -3.12716387e-04] [ 4.54471790e-12 -9.53327635e-03 1.41179699e-03] [-2.67915377e-11 -4.05632943e-02 -4.57949173e-03] [-1.82630040e-11 4.38005325e-02 3.48041113e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.93420061e-03 2.04801172e-04 1.25659739e-03 -1.26950363e-03 -9.74945918e-12 -6.89926252e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.22852770e-12 -1.84108620e-02 -3.33864140e-04] [-1.47203061e-12 1.32912389e-02 1.43302106e-03] [ 6.76225785e-13 3.74543111e-02 -4.59010632e-03] [-4.47456308e-13 -3.23346880e-02 3.49094940e-03]] Final stress: [ 9.62599219e-04 3.17642612e-03 1.25992462e-03 2.76470747e-03 6.21332115e-14 -1.04342012e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01611358 -0.00465882 -0.00038654] [-0.01298347 0.00128814 0.00146772] [-0.03766042 -0.00113901 -0.00448766] [ 0.03453031 0.00450969 0.00340647]] Final stress: [ 0.00257276 0.0018732 0.00127924 0.00060458 -0.00238956 0.00120755] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01611872 -0.00465748 -0.00039023] [ 0.01298173 0.00128739 0.00147201] [ 0.03766223 -0.00113827 -0.00448704] [-0.03452525 0.00450836 0.00340525]] Final stress: [ 0.00257265 0.00187331 0.00127932 0.00060449 0.00239093 -0.00120738] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01610912 0.0046597 -0.000327 ] [-0.01298216 -0.00130607 0.00142577] [-0.03766178 0.00115687 -0.00459749] [ 0.03453482 -0.0045105 0.00349872]] Final stress: [ 0.0017159 0.00242312 0.0012594 -0.00060288 -0.00238908 0.00120761] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01611166 0.00465902 -0.00033029] [ 0.01298143 -0.0013057 0.00142988] [ 0.03766256 0.00115651 -0.00459797] [-0.03453233 -0.00450983 0.00349838]] Final stress: [ 0.00171595 0.00242306 0.00125947 -0.00060283 0.00238974 -0.00120751] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.27947504e-11 6.29689592e-03 -3.71037670e-04] [-2.24277411e-13 -9.53182360e-03 1.45262813e-03] [ 6.37665420e-12 -4.05646306e-02 -4.46993552e-03] [ 3.66493363e-11 4.37995583e-02 3.38834506e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.08769771e-03 3.58243481e-04 1.27641608e-03 -1.26995134e-03 8.51618649e-12 1.94906943e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.83618276e-11 -1.84173346e-02 -3.95891594e-04] [ 2.29187268e-11 1.32857681e-02 1.47738376e-03] [-1.14738169e-11 3.74595417e-02 -4.48365500e-03] [ 2.69095458e-11 -3.23279752e-02 3.40216283e-03]] Final stress: [1.11613593e-03 3.32985649e-03 1.27980680e-03 2.76713137e-03 2.63613198e-12 2.72412813e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.02621739e-11 1.84122297e-02 -3.36489509e-04] [-1.16305346e-11 -1.32688984e-02 1.43582909e-03] [-1.39862416e-11 -3.74765268e-02 -4.59528965e-03] [ 1.53398301e-11 3.23331955e-02 3.49595008e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.18038075e-03 9.58659104e-04 1.25997049e-03 -2.76784809e-03 -4.41122589e-13 2.12475466e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.33518448e-11 -6.31063003e-03 -3.13046079e-04] [ 3.40137989e-11 9.55950929e-03 1.41176472e-03] [-2.96382222e-11 4.05372703e-02 -4.57699023e-03] [-1.77293076e-11 -4.37861495e-02 3.47827159e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.08740647e-04 3.93026967e-03 1.25660413e-03 1.26813813e-03 -1.00787536e-11 9.65695575e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01611049 0.00465935 -0.00038479] [-0.01298153 -0.00130586 0.00146603] [-0.03766233 0.00115666 -0.00448803] [ 0.03453338 -0.00451016 0.0034068 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0018694 0.00257655 0.0012792 -0.00060286 -0.00238944 0.00120756] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01610901 0.00465963 -0.00038348] [ 0.01298279 -0.00130608 0.00146451] [ 0.03766109 0.00115688 -0.00448776] [-0.03453487 -0.00451044 0.00340672]] Final stress: [ 0.00186937 0.00257658 0.00127918 -0.00060286 0.00238888 -0.00120757] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01611815 -0.00465771 -0.00033374] [-0.01298147 0.00128748 0.00143349] [-0.03766255 -0.00113835 -0.00459649] [ 0.03452587 0.00450858 0.00349674]] Final stress: [ 0.00241919 0.00171982 0.00125954 0.00060452 -0.00239093 0.00120743] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01611629 -0.00465803 -0.00033109] [ 0.01298328 0.00128775 0.00143024] [ 0.03766078 -0.00113863 -0.00459736] [-0.03452777 0.00450891 0.00349821]] Final stress: [ 0.00241923 0.00171979 0.00125948 0.00060452 0.00239017 -0.00120743] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.57225543e-11 1.44844413e-02 -1.88750843e-04] [-6.39977763e-12 -1.22987806e-02 1.20750761e-03] [ 2.18471990e-11 -3.82940411e-02 -4.14125755e-03] [ 1.02671864e-11 3.61083805e-02 3.12250078e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.48827598e-03 8.23924318e-04 1.41047831e-03 -2.22994300e-03 7.04390961e-12 1.63650801e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.36596159e-11 -1.44886719e-02 -1.89041067e-04] [-2.22392109e-11 1.23196054e-02 1.20596962e-03] [ 2.82069656e-11 3.82733057e-02 -4.13843216e-03] [-3.96371096e-11 -3.61042392e-02 3.12150360e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.27910997e-04 3.48434139e-03 1.41045913e-03 2.22816769e-03 -1.14093237e-12 -3.39298791e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.56961232e-11 1.44876339e-02 -5.97003140e-04] [ 2.30398359e-11 -1.22976562e-02 1.77636840e-03] [-3.20810774e-11 -3.82955714e-02 -5.04451084e-03] [ 2.47367508e-11 3.61055936e-02 3.86514557e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.46844375e-03 8.04258948e-04 1.12929432e-03 -2.23084865e-03 -2.61791284e-12 2.64890207e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.56030796e-11 -1.44922290e-02 -5.97714912e-04] [-1.16889721e-11 1.23201549e-02 1.77583116e-03] [ 2.30913053e-11 3.82732596e-02 -5.04155100e-03] [-2.69965664e-11 -3.61011856e-02 3.86343476e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.08346824e-04 3.46439251e-03 1.12929308e-03 2.22876771e-03 1.65527363e-13 -2.13028706e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44934120e-02 1.75240916e-06 -1.91496724e-04] [-1.23073256e-02 -9.59105957e-06 1.20977956e-03] [-3.82856632e-02 9.55362926e-06 -4.14098285e-03] [ 3.60995768e-02 -1.71497884e-06 3.12270001e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15419911e-03 2.15802845e-03 1.41052377e-03 7.70224319e-07 -2.23079536e-03 1.32993954e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44911121e-02 1.75324873e-06 -1.90422336e-04] [ 1.23078839e-02 -9.58974499e-06 1.20865627e-03] [ 3.82850604e-02 9.55236365e-06 -4.14042186e-03] [-3.61018323e-02 -1.71586739e-06 3.12218792e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15419683e-03 2.15802616e-03 1.41050316e-03 7.70000413e-07 2.23022696e-03 -1.33002911e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44897223e-02 1.75316403e-06 -5.98474869e-04] [-1.23079931e-02 -9.59104528e-06 1.77769749e-03] [-3.82852737e-02 9.55373846e-06 -5.04345064e-03] [ 3.61035445e-02 -1.71585724e-06 3.86422803e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13444161e-03 2.13827107e-03 1.12932170e-03 7.70421149e-07 -2.22997269e-03 1.33011762e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44928622e-02 1.75162329e-06 -5.99108750e-04] [ 1.23060914e-02 -9.59449960e-06 1.77775655e-03] [ 3.82871790e-02 9.55720294e-06 -5.04208961e-03] [-3.61004083e-02 -1.71432665e-06 3.86344181e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13445095e-03 2.13828040e-03 1.12932490e-03 7.70986891e-07 2.23100465e-03 -1.33005665e-03] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.77524660e-12 1.44946137e-02 -8.38142340e-04] [-1.50166706e-12 -1.23049402e-02 2.67968026e-03] [ 2.21406856e-12 -3.83159898e-02 -8.95020582e-03] [ 5.05732435e-12 3.61263163e-02 7.10866789e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.47204157e-03 8.05927879e-04 1.28719842e-03 -2.28616472e-03 1.48446449e-12 1.87637550e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.03093046e-11 -1.45031641e-02 -8.39143416e-04] [-1.81292008e-11 1.23229033e-02 2.67912623e-03] [ 2.89140302e-11 3.82980951e-02 -8.94837466e-03] [-3.10830476e-11 -3.61178343e-02 7.10839185e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.09974776e-04 3.46804351e-03 1.28719546e-03 2.28590357e-03 6.92208461e-13 -2.71184619e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01025032 0.01024833 -0.00055328] [-0.00871555 -0.00870615 0.00195266] [-0.02706764 -0.02707699 -0.00636446] [ 0.02553287 0.02553481 0.00496508]] Final stress: [ 0.003084 0.00120251 0.00127652 -0.00159292 -0.00159225 0.00093883] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01025102 0.01024903 -0.00055583] [ 0.00871423 -0.00870483 0.0019559 ] [ 0.02706891 -0.02707827 -0.00636589] [-0.02553212 0.02553406 0.00496582]] Final stress: [ 0.00308403 0.00120247 0.00127658 -0.00159335 0.00159268 -0.00093887] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01024584 -0.01024783 -0.00055363] [-0.00869527 0.00870467 0.00195404] [-0.02708779 0.02707844 -0.00636758] [ 0.02553723 -0.02553529 0.00496716]] Final stress: [ 0.00120239 0.0030841 0.00127654 0.00159316 -0.00159383 0.00094277] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01024885 -0.01025084 -0.00055694] [ 0.00869423 0.00870364 0.00195697] [ 0.02708887 0.02707952 -0.00636531] [-0.02553426 -0.02553232 0.00496527]] Final stress: [ 0.0012025 0.00308401 0.0012766 0.00159397 0.00159465 -0.00094267] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00699926 0.01926551 -0.00036107] [ 0.00169168 -0.01431976 0.0014522 ] [-0.00141612 -0.03642328 -0.00454264] [ 0.0067237 0.03147753 0.00345151]] Final stress: [ 0.00311567 0.00117681 0.00126985 -0.00269269 0.00096747 0.00052903] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0069985 0.01926734 -0.00036326] [-0.00169114 -0.01431843 0.00145451] [ 0.00141559 -0.03642459 -0.00454376] [-0.00672294 0.03147569 0.0034525 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00311565 0.00117684 0.00126989 -0.00269334 -0.00096744 -0.00052896] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00699821 -0.01926875 -0.00036185] [ 0.00169309 0.01433623 0.00145261] [-0.00141777 0.03640697 -0.00454077] [ 0.00672288 -0.03147445 0.00345001]] Final stress: [0.001181 0.0031115 0.00126986 0.00269174 0.000967 0.00052885] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00700127 -0.01926315 -0.00035867] [-0.00169471 0.01433755 0.00144958] [ 0.00141937 0.03640553 -0.00454445] [-0.00672593 -0.03147994 0.00345353]] Final stress: [ 0.00118077 0.00311171 0.0012698 0.00269037 -0.00096722 -0.00052911] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44992487e-02 2.32276236e-06 -8.39631834e-04] [-1.23143915e-02 -9.14909203e-06 2.68023953e-03] [-3.83066093e-02 9.07671483e-06 -8.94835323e-03] [ 3.61217521e-02 -2.25038516e-06 7.10774553e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13708736e-03 2.14091475e-03 1.28721400e-03 5.40391324e-07 -2.28599739e-03 1.33100172e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44975276e-02 2.32357657e-06 -8.35221486e-04] [ 1.23150382e-02 -9.14779341e-06 2.67508272e-03] [ 3.83059414e-02 9.07541515e-06 -8.94892141e-03] [-3.61234520e-02 -2.25119834e-06 7.10906018e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13708798e-03 2.14091538e-03 1.28711879e-03 5.40153795e-07 2.28552215e-03 -1.33105647e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.07756206e-02 8.17367840e-07 -3.64418188e-04] [-1.35489284e-02 -9.67163175e-06 1.45382188e-03] [-3.72504735e-02 9.72691708e-06 -4.52712666e-03] [ 3.00237813e-02 -8.72653184e-07 3.43772297e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14429004e-03 2.14826151e-03 1.26997457e-03 9.25210126e-07 -3.15978557e-03 1.00572477e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.22583928e-02 5.28245724e-05 -2.14380439e-04] [ 1.67239578e-03 -2.13290543e-05 1.32520076e-03] [-4.84739177e-02 2.12056268e-05 -4.29729765e-03] [ 6.90599147e-02 -5.27011450e-05 3.18647733e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14455472e-03 2.14757427e-03 1.24801466e-03 -3.52648402e-06 1.79343674e-03 3.81389225e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.22612385e-02 5.28343695e-05 -2.11718068e-04] [-1.66848512e-03 -2.13193844e-05 1.32185657e-03] [ 4.84699527e-02 2.11959401e-05 -4.29643688e-03] [-6.90627061e-02 -5.27109252e-05 3.18629839e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14455782e-03 2.14757741e-03 1.24795501e-03 -3.52862666e-06 -1.79486982e-03 -3.81382094e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.07775336e-02 8.17469316e-07 -3.65410853e-04] [ 1.35491487e-02 -9.67164613e-06 1.45499977e-03] [ 3.72502902e-02 9.72692242e-06 -4.52684230e-03] [-3.00219053e-02 -8.72745585e-07 3.43725338e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14428955e-03 2.14826103e-03 1.26999647e-03 9.25186598e-07 3.16010279e-03 -1.00561154e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.54940911e-11 1.84089938e-02 -1.92406800e-04] [ 9.63807593e-12 -1.32657762e-02 9.97360213e-04] [-4.31973558e-11 -3.74687060e-02 -2.86509530e-03] [ 7.90511163e-11 3.23254885e-02 2.06014189e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.29386016e-03 1.09991727e-03 1.26908354e-03 -2.74704530e-03 5.05592099e-12 4.85423971e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.86859537e-11 -6.31100069e-03 -1.77386953e-04] [ 1.79347635e-11 9.55136182e-03 9.85900506e-04] [ 1.86450449e-11 4.05331591e-02 -2.86419528e-03] [ 2.21132314e-11 -4.37735202e-02 2.05568172e-03]] Final stress: [3.22854336e-04 4.07083369e-03 1.26592953e-03 1.24904767e-03 8.74063756e-12 2.13908665e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.08873863e-10 6.28953951e-03 -1.47930241e-04] [ 7.02852657e-11 -9.53616290e-03 9.61601492e-04] [-6.35869343e-11 -4.05484658e-02 -2.90021192e-03] [ 1.02182041e-10 4.37950892e-02 2.08654067e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.97870182e-03 2.23315614e-04 1.25360308e-03 -1.24664633e-03 5.17767625e-12 9.47306882e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.89316452e-11 -1.84133145e-02 -1.72066584e-04] [-8.21267058e-11 1.32852601e-02 9.84094582e-04] [ 4.40845307e-11 3.74493957e-02 -2.90708091e-03] [-9.27820321e-13 -3.23213413e-02 2.09505292e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.00816964e-03 3.19393163e-03 1.25695861e-03 2.74565260e-03 9.51881758e-12 -4.62025712e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01611354 -0.00465731 -0.00019208] [-0.01297857 0.00128715 0.00099759] [-0.03765432 -0.00113806 -0.00286876] [ 0.03451935 0.00450822 0.00206325]] Final stress: [ 0.00253298 0.00186079 0.0012687 0.00060447 -0.00236977 0.00120714] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01611414 -0.00465699 -0.00019288] [ 0.01297956 0.00128707 0.00099791] [ 0.0376534 -0.00113799 -0.00286819] [-0.03451882 0.00450791 0.00206316]] Final stress: [ 0.00253296 0.00186082 0.00126871 0.00060443 0.00236966 -0.00120706] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01610938 0.00465788 -0.00016891] [-0.0129777 -0.00130549 0.00098054] [-0.03765525 0.00115635 -0.00291132] [ 0.03452357 -0.00450875 0.00209969]] Final stress: [ 0.00176112 0.00244099 0.0012565 -0.0006026 -0.00236923 0.00120715] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01610582 0.00465874 -0.00016617] [ 0.01297948 -0.001306 0.000977 ] [ 0.03765345 0.00115687 -0.00290899] [-0.03452712 -0.0045096 0.00209816]] Final stress: [ 0.00176105 0.00244107 0.00125644 -0.00060265 0.00236814 -0.00120724] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.10966747e-11 6.29555188e-03 -1.71723340e-04] [ 1.05207900e-11 -9.53173163e-03 9.79096707e-04] [-1.05422407e-11 -4.05529024e-02 -2.86216117e-03] [ 3.11012917e-11 4.37890821e-02 2.05478780e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.07446550e-03 3.19226668e-04 1.26580417e-03 -1.24878471e-03 3.55880601e-12 2.27401154e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.16209369e-11 -1.84108126e-02 -1.94884707e-04] [-4.40454715e-11 1.32867964e-02 9.99442394e-04] [ 6.78460311e-11 3.74478122e-02 -2.86151968e-03] [-1.21772020e-11 -3.23237960e-02 2.05696199e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.10397354e-03 3.28982300e-03 1.26912896e-03 2.74480288e-03 1.32457748e-11 -3.18372448e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.51560144e-12 1.84039760e-02 -1.70126638e-04] [ 2.59945147e-12 -1.32679361e-02 9.81207832e-04] [-3.44478075e-11 -3.74666304e-02 -2.90453629e-03] [ 2.93205980e-11 3.23305905e-02 2.09345510e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.19818334e-03 1.00393359e-03 1.25690729e-03 -2.74561838e-03 -2.45706622e-12 1.78182228e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.21859640e-12 -6.30246061e-03 -1.46840973e-04] [ 5.71471991e-11 9.56027331e-03 9.62080073e-04] [-7.81251314e-11 4.05243561e-02 -2.90293502e-03] [ 1.77433918e-11 -4.37821688e-02 2.08769592e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.27032487e-04 3.97493550e-03 1.25360905e-03 1.24541217e-03 -1.44780411e-11 4.22203981e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01610501 0.00465871 -0.00018657] [-0.01298142 -0.00130612 0.00099091] [-0.03765152 0.00115698 -0.002866 ] [ 0.03452792 -0.00450957 0.00206165]] Final stress: [ 0.00185687 0.0025369 0.00126858 -0.00060261 -0.00236753 0.00120717] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01610575 0.00465865 -0.00018574] [ 0.01298015 -0.00130601 0.0009897 ] [ 0.03765275 0.00115687 -0.00286628] [-0.03452714 -0.00450952 0.00206232]] Final stress: [ 0.00185688 0.00253689 0.00126856 -0.00060263 0.00236796 -0.0012072 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01611369 -0.00465705 -0.0001695 ] [-0.01298031 0.00128715 0.00098219] [-0.03765275 -0.00113806 -0.00291045] [ 0.03451937 0.00450797 0.00209777]] Final stress: [ 0.00243712 0.00176496 0.00125653 0.00060442 -0.00236943 0.00120704] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161194 -0.00465583 -0.00017472] [ 0.01297637 0.0012863 0.00098788] [ 0.03765667 -0.00113722 -0.00291293] [-0.03451363 0.00450675 0.00209977]] Final stress: [ 0.00243701 0.00176508 0.00125664 0.00060438 0.00237141 -0.00120696] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.37729280e-11 1.44875206e-02 -1.10067715e-04] [-5.32515343e-11 -1.22942952e-02 8.87866636e-04] [ 5.11936747e-11 -3.82875563e-02 -2.72474872e-03] [-3.17277645e-11 3.60943309e-02 1.94694980e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.48663515e-03 8.23485273e-04 1.35155762e-03 -2.21066656e-03 5.53836211e-12 -4.71536863e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.32224630e-11 -1.45024035e-02 -1.18413959e-04] [ 1.93801232e-11 1.23082825e-02 8.98920798e-04] [-2.24034424e-11 3.82736454e-02 -2.73119770e-03] [ 2.62690043e-11 -3.60795244e-02 1.95069086e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.27619309e-04 3.48246941e-03 1.35175428e-03 2.21246715e-03 -7.89238072e-14 2.51263999e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.35679531e-12 1.44909388e-02 -2.70033613e-04] [ 4.29987925e-12 -1.22920815e-02 1.11259788e-03] [-2.99615842e-11 -3.82902206e-02 -3.07674712e-03] [ 3.00102651e-11 3.60913633e-02 2.23418285e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.47442351e-03 8.11338468e-04 1.17359923e-03 -2.21184493e-03 -1.25800382e-12 1.90183298e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.14680634e-11 -1.44889414e-02 -2.63670883e-04] [ 4.63969076e-12 1.23155160e-02 1.10575903e-03] [ 3.81224490e-11 3.82668144e-02 -3.07538675e-03] [-2.12883877e-11 -3.60933890e-02 2.23329860e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.15108807e-04 3.47063379e-03 1.17347575e-03 2.20827269e-03 4.91229476e-12 -9.52734832e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44888511e-02 1.53483530e-06 -1.10278149e-04] [-1.23040966e-02 -9.76184871e-06 8.88778401e-04] [-3.82777432e-02 9.73798947e-06 -2.72757845e-03] [ 3.60929887e-02 -1.51097609e-06 1.94907820e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15313692e-03 2.15696698e-03 1.35157182e-03 8.58359055e-07 -2.20975901e-03 1.32966669e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44902075e-02 1.53406700e-06 -1.10580244e-04] [ 1.23032320e-02 -9.76333722e-06 8.88883485e-04] [ 3.82786075e-02 9.73945005e-06 -2.72543983e-03] [-3.60916320e-02 -1.51017981e-06 1.94713659e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.15313929e-03 2.15696933e-03 1.35157554e-03 8.58613709e-07 2.21021413e-03 -1.32964268e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44951036e-02 1.53138102e-06 -2.70908315e-04] [-1.23008364e-02 -9.76837204e-06 1.11257791e-03] [-3.82814919e-02 9.74456915e-06 -3.07650819e-03] [ 3.60872248e-02 -1.50757815e-06 2.23483859e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14098126e-03 2.14481133e-03 1.17360243e-03 8.59557527e-07 -2.21171883e-03 1.32954336e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44942236e-02 1.53194808e-06 -2.68293039e-04] [ 1.23030561e-02 -9.76512734e-06 1.10985335e-03] [ 3.82793582e-02 9.74133726e-06 -3.07772022e-03] [-3.60881907e-02 -1.50815800e-06 2.23615992e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14097716e-03 2.14480725e-03 1.17355146e-03 8.59145071e-07 2.21105172e-03 -1.32946984e-03] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.94063599e-12 1.44900343e-02 -4.73724257e-04] [-3.68047242e-11 -1.23005718e-02 1.74969916e-03] [ 3.62313248e-11 -3.82997910e-02 -5.64151385e-03] [-9.36483183e-12 3.61103285e-02 4.36553895e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.47669286e-03 8.12198340e-04 1.27353475e-03 -2.24455788e-03 6.42884933e-12 -2.58649657e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.08069932e-12 -1.44971447e-02 -4.79187914e-04] [-2.31999760e-11 1.23184436e-02 1.75671032e-03] [ 1.27823461e-11 3.82819422e-02 -5.64162686e-03] [ 6.34848597e-12 -3.61032411e-02 4.36410445e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.16138240e-04 3.47273352e-03 1.27366370e-03 2.24400942e-03 4.02896507e-12 -9.51264344e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01024914 0.01024745 -0.00030252] [-0.00871137 -0.00870172 0.00130468] [-0.02706104 -0.02707065 -0.00402833] [ 0.02552327 0.02552492 0.00302618]] Final stress: [ 0.00308746 0.00120673 0.00126702 -0.00157287 -0.00157207 0.00093845] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01024867 0.01024699 -0.00030211] [ 0.00871185 -0.00870221 0.00130411] [ 0.02706056 -0.02707017 -0.00402843] [-0.02552374 0.02552539 0.00302642]] Final stress: [ 0.00308746 0.00120673 0.00126701 -0.00157267 0.00157187 -0.00093845] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01024311 -0.01024479 -0.00030055] [-0.00869233 0.00870198 0.00130257] [-0.02707998 0.02707037 -0.00402882] [ 0.0255292 -0.02552755 0.0030268 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0012066 0.00308758 0.00126697 0.0015723 -0.0015731 0.00094241] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01024267 -0.01024436 -0.00029819] [ 0.00869366 0.0087033 0.00130004] [ 0.0270787 0.02706909 -0.00402916] [-0.02552969 -0.02552804 0.0030273 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00120664 0.00308753 0.00126693 0.00157192 0.00157272 -0.00094236] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00699625 0.01926589 -0.000184 ] [ 0.00169039 -0.01431447 0.00099357] [-0.00141497 -0.03641769 -0.00288967] [ 0.00672083 0.03146628 0.0020801 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00311799 0.00117994 0.00126312 -0.00267306 0.00096708 0.00050171] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00699648 0.01926423 -0.00018191] [-0.0016909 -0.01431738 0.00099007] [ 0.00141548 -0.03641488 -0.00288569] [-0.00672107 0.03146803 0.00207753]] Final stress: [ 0.00311793 0.00118003 0.00126306 -0.00267209 -0.00096701 -0.00050175] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00699899 -0.01925983 -0.00018052] [ 0.00169392 0.01433609 0.00098873] [-0.00141864 0.03639622 -0.00288624] [ 0.00672371 -0.03147248 0.00207803]] Final stress: [0.00118393 0.00311403 0.00126304 0.00266915 0.00096686 0.00050184] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00699984 -0.01925915 -0.00018104] [-0.0016941 0.01433446 0.00098934] [ 0.00141881 0.03639775 -0.00288691] [-0.00672455 -0.03147306 0.00207861]] Final stress: [ 0.0011838 0.00311415 0.00126305 0.00266939 -0.00096698 -0.0005019 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44913834e-02 1.89789299e-06 -4.76257016e-04] [-1.23104675e-02 -9.47706565e-06 1.75311912e-03] [-3.82898866e-02 9.43078436e-06 -5.64011347e-03] [ 3.61089706e-02 -1.85161170e-06 4.36325137e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14252314e-03 2.14635208e-03 1.27359844e-03 7.11843462e-07 -2.24364246e-03 1.33033557e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44907046e-02 1.89822175e-06 -4.73134210e-04] [ 1.23114872e-02 -9.47546472e-06 1.74950287e-03] [ 3.82888982e-02 9.42922847e-06 -5.64031290e-03] [-3.61096808e-02 -1.85198550e-06 4.36394424e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14252292e-03 2.14635186e-03 1.27353200e-03 7.11634190e-07 2.24328374e-03 -1.33031611e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.07740255e-02 5.33938106e-07 -1.87437707e-04] [-1.35467952e-02 -9.68510109e-06 9.96321989e-04] [-3.72418814e-02 9.71757993e-06 -2.87746011e-03] [ 3.00146512e-02 -5.66416949e-07 2.06857582e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14701420e-03 2.15095722e-03 1.26325780e-03 9.85024000e-07 -3.13914490e-03 9.78153144e-04] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.22490759e-02 5.26841054e-05 -4.01639385e-05] [ 1.66220129e-03 -2.18071962e-05 8.88248917e-04] [-4.84318708e-02 2.17370127e-05 -2.74812463e-03] [ 6.90187454e-02 -5.26139219e-05 1.90003966e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14703817e-03 2.15011753e-03 1.24156421e-03 -3.37138524e-06 1.81573400e-03 3.83806700e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.22415553e-02 5.26578004e-05 -5.05739326e-05] [-1.67280175e-03 -2.18331155e-05 9.00302871e-04] [ 4.84425888e-02 2.17629278e-05 -2.75259596e-03] [-6.90113423e-02 -5.25876127e-05 1.90286702e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14704205e-03 2.15012125e-03 1.24178132e-03 -3.36563132e-06 -1.81188834e-03 -3.83826903e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.07779687e-02 5.34266109e-07 -1.88657770e-04] [ 1.35458328e-02 -9.68745991e-06 9.97548645e-04] [ 3.72428437e-02 9.71983505e-06 -2.87857112e-03] [-3.00107079e-02 -5.66641248e-07 2.06968025e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14701785e-03 2.15096091e-03 1.26327974e-03 9.85250411e-07 3.14011756e-03 -9.77995642e-04] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.79426413e-11 -6.30740720e-03 -5.44726219e-05] [-6.47354904e-11 9.55341514e-03 6.91634368e-04] [ 3.31442196e-11 4.05235216e-02 -1.85162144e-03] [ 4.95210609e-11 -4.37695296e-02 1.21445969e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.98452353e-04 4.06257630e-03 1.25933083e-03 1.23478844e-03 1.67359116e-11 -9.37897378e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.17979166e-11 6.29403428e-03 -4.56936916e-05] [-6.33106662e-11 -9.52916713e-03 6.82309367e-04] [ 3.48389069e-11 -4.05477852e-02 -1.86761741e-03] [-4.33108861e-11 4.37829180e-02 1.23100174e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.00653314e-03 2.34853661e-04 1.25174987e-03 -1.23598505e-03 -6.03574033e-13 -5.87108351e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.66268182e-10 6.29281448e-03 -5.38232685e-05] [ 1.19514561e-10 -9.52883520e-03 6.88278587e-04] [-1.09520934e-10 -4.05479830e-02 -1.85030009e-03] [ 1.56277985e-10 4.37840037e-02 1.21584478e-03]] Final stress: [ 4.06646836e-03 2.94636989e-04 1.25927257e-03 -1.23581433e-03 5.12602459e-12 1.51625808e-11] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.80013381e-11 -6.30558986e-03 -4.38374853e-05] [-3.71862526e-11 9.55448747e-03 6.82598424e-04] [ 2.66142815e-11 4.05224612e-02 -1.86797243e-03] [-3.74352545e-11 -4.37713588e-02 1.22921149e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.38556130e-04 4.00275718e-03 1.25175238e-03 1.23420521e-03 -1.20420777e-12 -4.08980310e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.60878730e-11 1.44817439e-02 -2.47936865e-04] [ 4.38774060e-12 -1.22978944e-02 1.17327344e-03] [-2.42179423e-11 -3.82887525e-02 -3.57796120e-03] [ 8.59219015e-11 3.61049030e-02 2.65262462e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.47980402e-03 8.15839474e-04 1.26505925e-03 -2.21746511e-03 1.07876889e-11 4.90113148e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.89720470e-11 -1.44931484e-02 -2.54214184e-04] [-5.90772028e-12 1.23150203e-02 1.18030150e-03] [ 1.58903754e-11 3.82717549e-02 -3.57804163e-03] [-3.89622536e-11 -3.60936268e-02 2.65195432e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.19980334e-04 3.47567155e-03 1.26519100e-03 2.21789366e-03 -3.77511274e-12 -2.44422088e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01024526 0.01024377 -0.00014208] [-0.00870969 -0.0086999 0.00089546] [-0.02705567 -0.02706544 -0.00256964] [ 0.0255201 0.02552157 0.00181626]] Final stress: [ 0.00308972 0.00120927 0.00126099 -0.00155951 -0.00155863 0.00093831] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01025049 0.010249 -0.00014531] [ 0.00870933 -0.00869953 0.0008992 ] [ 0.02705618 -0.02706595 -0.0025713 ] [-0.02551502 0.02551649 0.00181741]] Final stress: [ 0.00308947 0.00120952 0.00126106 -0.0015606 0.00155972 -0.00093806] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01024394 -0.01024543 -0.00014333] [-0.00868998 0.00869977 0.00089697] [-0.02707542 0.02706564 -0.00256777] [ 0.02552145 -0.02551998 0.00181414]] Final stress: [ 0.00120934 0.00308964 0.00126102 0.00155986 -0.00156073 0.00094206] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01023961 -0.0102411 -0.00013842] [ 0.00869228 0.00870207 0.00089097] [ 0.02707309 0.02706332 -0.0025665 ] [-0.02552576 -0.02552429 0.00181395]] Final stress: [ 0.00120924 0.00308974 0.00126091 0.00155851 0.00155938 -0.00094216] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44887617e-02 1.62634518e-06 -2.51074824e-04] [-1.23071357e-02 -9.68813835e-06 1.17684097e-03] [-3.82796532e-02 9.65865521e-06 -3.57616808e-03] [ 3.60980272e-02 -1.59686203e-06 2.65040194e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14590697e-03 2.14973677e-03 1.26512756e-03 8.21296248e-07 -2.21777969e-03 1.32980912e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44931049e-02 1.62415249e-06 -2.54629838e-04] [ 1.23034082e-02 -9.69442971e-06 1.18050925e-03] [ 3.82833267e-02 9.66491138e-06 -3.57810369e-03] [-3.60936300e-02 -1.59463418e-06 2.65222427e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14591535e-03 2.14974513e-03 1.26519391e-03 8.22244705e-07 2.21945328e-03 -1.32978358e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: energy-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 198.26486 71.13316 16.64866 34449.11134 -0.00359 0.00001] [ 71.13316 198.26487 16.64874 -35253.21232 -0.06933 -0. ] [ 16.64866 16.64874 255.8197 -0.12867 -0.00075 0.00002] [ 34449.11134 -35253.21232 -0.12867 -3988.54944 -0. -0.12954] [ -0.00359 -0.06933 -0.00075 -0. -3884.59728 174379.4978 ] [ 0.00001 -0. 0.00002 -0.12954 174379.4978 63.56583]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[ 0.00022 0.00013 0.00013 114343.99554 0.14571 0.00005] [ 0.00013 0.00019 0.00021 115227.57862 0.66271 0.00003] [ 0.00013 0.00021 0.00024 61.52532 1.12845 0.00002] [114343.99554 115227.57862 61.52532 4331.67308 0.02021 0.62436] [ 0.14571 0.66271 1.12845 0.02021 4222.87455 968680.32941] [ 0.00005 0.00003 0.00002 0.62436 968680.32941 0.00006]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 484340.164707 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 174379.497803 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 139930.386464 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 156 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 174379.497803 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Attempting to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.17211926e-12 -2.64610281e-02 -9.41798261e-02] [ 8.05423653e-12 2.69649905e-02 -8.10653041e-02] [-8.10527145e-12 2.37685815e-02 7.51725406e-02] [-2.12776498e-12 -2.42725440e-02 1.00072590e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.94288918e-01 1.46197873e-01 3.36020530e-02 1.52937819e-03 -2.22592027e-12 3.39776208e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.24623878e-12 -4.43253646e-03 -9.81165923e-02] [ 6.31298095e-12 -1.24914216e-02 -7.55051449e-02] [-9.10131562e-12 -4.23398749e-02 8.24560338e-02] [-1.47403617e-12 5.92638330e-02 9.11657034e-02]] Final stress: [-3.92667620e-01 -1.39434069e-01 -3.25600530e-02 -7.85112948e-04 -2.38878033e-12 2.90587582e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.03381537e-12 -2.43819509e-02 -1.22412162e-02] [-5.49714679e-12 2.46625027e-02 2.61208293e-03] [ 4.84574663e-12 2.65073937e-02 -2.60088714e-02] [-6.39143946e-12 -2.67879454e-02 3.56380046e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.27354769e-01 -1.24964339e-01 1.42423583e-03 1.68619355e-03 -1.30417899e-13 -6.47969204e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.90125516e-13 -1.17921606e-03 -3.89016412e-03] [ 3.43170999e-12 -7.77824739e-03 7.15774646e-03] [-3.00368758e-12 -4.18432354e-02 -2.37650498e-02] [-1.43103064e-12 5.08006989e-02 2.04974675e-02]] Final stress: [-1.24649366e-01 1.26600461e-01 1.46602554e-03 -5.42470680e-04 -9.54321663e-13 1.18501936e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.63084301e-13 -1.73572928e-02 2.72194473e-02] [ 1.13049485e-11 2.08662778e-02 -4.37631855e-02] [-1.61909999e-11 2.90056372e-02 6.58156151e-03] [ 5.44370105e-12 -3.25146221e-02 9.96217672e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14320370e-01 9.01116904e-02 2.70124276e-01 9.69447498e-04 -2.65542563e-12 9.37839313e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.61151603e-12 -2.21940753e-02 -4.72612101e-02] [ 1.77258035e-12 2.41038379e-02 -6.94943562e-02] [-2.91953419e-12 2.76752284e-02 5.05852136e-02] [-3.46653609e-12 -2.95849910e-02 6.61703527e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.83323558e-01 5.84418752e-02 -2.40169758e-01 1.20526561e-03 -1.33534233e-12 -8.45530463e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.97974449e-11 1.44402903e-02 -7.08214716e-02] [-1.04805411e-11 -1.98438321e-02 -1.58374267e-01] [ 1.02717056e-11 -2.96798504e-02 1.02363421e-01] [-1.95872138e-11 3.50833923e-02 1.26832318e-01]] Final stress: [-1.77075316e-01 -4.99726743e-02 2.36938425e-01 -6.32835008e-04 -1.41525280e-12 -1.64947112e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.36299834e-11 2.26208327e-02 -1.88228412e-03] [ 7.94227271e-12 -2.44448093e-02 -7.00457315e-02] [-1.23744799e-11 -2.75687519e-02 3.02444401e-02] [-9.20458501e-12 2.93927285e-02 4.16835756e-02]] Final stress: [-2.13711656e-01 -8.55004520e-02 -2.75163133e-01 -1.22600700e-03 -4.63745683e-12 -3.61295831e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.34939671e-12 1.13196371e+00 4.55887045e-01] [ 7.60430130e-13 -6.96880343e-01 4.09393783e-01] [-2.40881750e-13 -2.38841902e+00 -9.44560784e-01] [ 3.83553952e-12 1.95333565e+00 7.92799556e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.75623216e-01 9.48740555e-03 1.51042112e-01 -2.96734604e-01 6.81391455e-13 2.49714702e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.84228868e-13 -7.62857203e-01 4.30560392e-01] [ 2.49341238e-12 9.83964361e-01 1.49484594e+00] [-2.47812621e-12 3.48847562e+00 -3.66100853e+00] [-5.16197762e-13 -3.70958278e+00 1.73560219e+00]] Final stress: [ 6.54438706e-02 2.31364314e-01 2.97176866e-01 2.69856671e-01 -5.96130562e-13 9.67398079e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.13487820e-13 1.52505749e+00 2.39932686e-01] [ 1.19334013e-13 -7.97991658e-02 3.08136369e+00] [-1.12660142e-12 -4.61420872e+00 -4.67968752e-01] [ 1.42584035e-12 3.16895039e+00 -2.85332763e+00]] Final stress: [-3.11901113e-02 -2.39854031e-01 3.18019498e-01 -4.81424133e-01 5.96394570e-15 8.80650164e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.11044637e-13 -1.88141701e+00 1.82948599e+00] [-9.86255565e-13 5.04867087e-01 7.31553774e-02] [ 1.28925885e-12 2.62952272e+00 8.83472758e-01] [-4.33254994e-13 -1.25297279e+00 -2.78611413e+00]] Final stress: [-2.48134544e-01 -3.49371010e-02 1.03203463e-01 4.84760271e-01 2.01534892e-13 -7.06766293e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.70292298 -0.42002475 5.00270462] [-1.99956023 0.2013392 -0.90224078] [-3.82069272 -0.18569705 -4.30897966] [ 4.11732997 0.4043826 0.20851582]] Final stress: [ 0.20068459 0.03606792 0.44339951 0.02179286 -0.39323643 0.11802391] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.70292298 -0.42002475 5.00270461] [ 1.99956023 0.2013392 -0.90224078] [ 3.82069272 -0.18569705 -4.30897966] [-4.11732997 0.4043826 0.20851582]] Final stress: [ 0.20068459 0.03606792 0.44339951 0.02179286 0.39323643 -0.11802391] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.35090318 0.28686415 0.72623443] [-0.82470238 -0.05100861 1.18505634] [-2.74191117 0.04994336 0.42885893] [ 2.21571038 -0.2857989 -2.34014969]] Final stress: [-0.21967255 -0.05596057 0.17602727 -0.05136344 -0.29857357 0.07616402] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.35090318 0.28686415 0.72623442] [ 0.82470239 -0.05100861 1.18505634] [ 2.74191117 0.04994336 0.42885893] [-2.21571038 -0.2857989 -2.34014969]] Final stress: [-0.21967255 -0.05596057 0.17602727 -0.05136344 0.29857357 -0.07616402] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02654511 0.01508973 -0.1030207 ] [ 0.01884751 0.00884442 -0.09959431] [ 0.02565214 0.01287479 0.08182109] [-0.01795454 -0.03680895 0.12079392]] Final stress: [ 0.19998116 0.07581532 0.01677804 -0.00377422 0.00311926 0.12681527] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02654504 0.01508977 -0.10302032] [-0.01884759 0.00884446 -0.09959479] [-0.02565206 0.01287475 0.08182172] [ 0.01795461 -0.03680898 0.1207934 ]] Final stress: [ 0.19998116 0.07581532 0.01677803 -0.00377424 -0.00311923 -0.12681527] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00274145 0.02883373 -0.11198355] [ 0.01976314 -0.01125281 -0.10547523] [ 0.02887985 -0.01397098 0.0902236 ] [-0.05138444 -0.00360994 0.12723518]] Final stress: [-0.19365641 -0.06629998 -0.01641612 -0.00511713 -0.00102138 0.12467487] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00274148 0.02883371 -0.11198341] [-0.01976317 -0.01125282 -0.10547539] [-0.02887982 -0.01397096 0.09022364] [ 0.05138447 -0.00360993 0.12723516]] Final stress: [-0.19365641 -0.06629998 -0.01641612 -0.00511713 0.00102139 -0.12467487] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-2.87524319e-11 2.88986787e-02 7.00577811e-02] [ 5.39277152e-12 -2.68780151e-02 2.25495568e-02] [-8.27472769e-12 -3.02262013e-02 -6.10164083e-02] [ 3.16166052e-11 2.82055376e-02 -3.15909296e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.40460436e-01 3.89307681e-01 3.25348395e-02 -3.00037588e-03 4.13573283e-12 2.01921664e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.12690135e-11 -1.76052677e-02 -1.17012659e-01] [-3.48302702e-12 2.20185453e-02 -1.08002210e-01] [ 3.65102436e-12 2.89276166e-02 9.49161116e-02] [ 2.11117443e-11 -3.33408943e-02 1.30098757e-01]] Final stress: [-1.39698408e-01 -3.90770351e-01 -3.30098591e-02 9.85610159e-04 4.88300333e-12 9.33845991e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.58028294e-11 2.89162752e-02 3.01681381e-02] [-2.60095673e-11 -2.55122673e-02 7.23594766e-03] [ 2.32797334e-11 -3.08007819e-02 -1.74341465e-02] [-5.30778217e-11 2.73967741e-02 -1.99699393e-02]] Final stress: [ 8.83822724e-02 2.12395510e-01 2.68766363e-01 -3.10226386e-03 -4.86319656e-12 -4.32090655e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.74289357e-12 2.42430236e-02 -7.95544062e-03] [ 1.12644505e-11 -2.53036253e-02 -1.18148976e-01] [-1.53816443e-11 -2.62446597e-02 6.51368104e-02] [-2.63303788e-12 2.73052615e-02 6.09676066e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.78647422e-02 1.83965135e-01 -2.41045743e-01 -1.31975731e-03 -4.03397922e-12 5.05538621e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.50164065e-11 -1.22520649e-02 -5.87915684e-02] [-4.81353390e-12 1.85320201e-02 -1.64166551e-01] [-5.52636756e-12 3.08510171e-02 1.03270178e-01] [ 2.53705182e-11 -3.71309723e-02 1.19687942e-01]] Final stress: [-5.07090531e-02 -1.76583757e-01 2.36806384e-01 5.10964275e-04 3.50847749e-12 1.10663708e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.97928054e-11 -2.09350931e-02 -4.72627720e-02] [-6.57634277e-12 2.35278875e-02 -2.97287764e-02] [ 3.20426585e-12 2.85380885e-02 3.16957747e-02] [-2.64317058e-11 -3.11308830e-02 4.52957737e-02]] Final stress: [-8.58858823e-02 -2.12952502e-01 -2.74399427e-01 1.10623378e-03 -4.37710674e-12 -1.78132025e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04378225e-12 5.76990556e-01 1.29311571e+00] [ 7.42274731e-13 -8.96017362e-01 1.20301691e+00] [-7.82095742e-13 -2.70699582e+00 -3.51610616e+00] [ 1.10334485e-12 3.02602263e+00 1.01997355e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.76378337e-01 6.35828986e-02 1.96713055e-01 -1.95335254e-01 2.83301155e-14 1.10750267e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.68348321e-12 -1.23144208e+00 1.21522367e+00] [ 1.40965299e-12 9.39720168e-01 3.52071197e-01] [-1.21346596e-12 2.09076162e+00 -1.52257986e+00] [ 1.51580267e-12 -1.79903970e+00 -4.47150046e-02]] Final stress: [2.67483463e-02 2.35878263e-01 1.45182799e-01 2.73792834e-01 2.78276714e-14 1.55139268e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.50499013e-14 1.39363922e+00 5.73516802e-01] [-1.53875046e-12 -7.77155524e-01 -4.13913376e-02] [ 1.50835833e-12 -2.35996319e+00 1.69161658e+00] [ 6.26269869e-14 1.74347949e+00 -2.22374205e+00]] Final stress: [-5.24241027e-03 -2.42588157e-01 1.14196497e-01 -3.04383558e-01 3.85526491e-13 -9.09695355e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.42191239e-12 -1.16810862e+00 -3.17240554e-01] [-5.94273545e-13 6.59524775e-01 2.50232744e+00] [-3.04897167e-13 3.61700999e+00 -2.55540846e-01] [ 2.32103963e-12 -3.10842615e+00 -1.92954604e+00]] Final stress: [-1.94193136e-01 -5.51671364e-02 2.71467649e-01 3.27706806e-01 3.64962496e-13 1.00728719e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.81347422 0.22583711 0.00714849] [-0.88748281 -0.01720479 0.72755478] [-1.83311656 0.01591871 -1.71272025] [ 1.90712515 -0.22455104 0.97801698]] Final stress: [ 0.06285651 0.21639914 0.12627668 -0.04217264 -0.18350765 0.05379065] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.81347422 0.22583711 0.00714849] [ 0.88748281 -0.01720479 0.72755478] [ 1.83311656 0.01591871 -1.71272025] [-1.90712515 -0.22455104 0.97801698]] Final stress: [ 0.06285651 0.21639914 0.12627668 -0.04217264 0.18350765 -0.05379065] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.71900503e+00 -2.46739977e-01 1.02810560e+00] [-5.21900420e-01 -6.31956533e-02 9.89729132e-01] [-2.74524175e+00 2.13447784e-03 1.61101495e-01] [ 1.54813714e+00 3.07801153e-01 -2.17893623e+00]] Final stress: [-0.06425671 -0.22126532 0.138249 0.04841539 -0.43768033 0.05482409] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.71900503e+00 -2.46739978e-01 1.02810560e+00] [ 5.21900419e-01 -6.31956534e-02 9.89729133e-01] [ 2.74524175e+00 2.13447793e-03 1.61101494e-01] [-1.54813714e+00 3.07801154e-01 -2.17893623e+00]] Final stress: [-0.06425671 -0.22126532 0.138249 0.04841539 0.43768033 -0.05482409] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01269024 0.03685288 -0.03828448] [ 0.02378378 -0.01288876 -0.02856687] [ 0.02059542 -0.00985238 0.02855893] [-0.03168897 -0.01411174 0.03829241]] Final stress: [ 0.07197533 0.19953562 0.01768871 -0.0052866 -0.00064115 0.12466931] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01269023 0.03685288 -0.03828461] [-0.02378379 -0.01288876 -0.02856671] [-0.02059541 -0.00985238 0.02855878] [ 0.03168898 -0.01411174 0.03829253]] Final stress: [ 0.07197533 0.19953562 0.01768872 -0.0052866 0.00064116 -0.12466931] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.13968969 0.21754535 -0.10239917] [-0.03249914 -0.00840522 0.0649481 ] [ 0.45101969 0.21558754 0.09565345] [-0.55821024 -0.42472767 -0.05820238]] Final stress: [-0.09187079 -0.17208051 -0.01437395 -0.02994508 0.00128864 0.09510509] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13968935 0.21754507 -0.10240722] [ 0.03249943 -0.00840535 0.06495777] [-0.4510199 0.21558763 0.09564486] [ 0.55820982 -0.42472736 -0.05819541]] Final stress: [-0.09187078 -0.17208052 -0.01437378 -0.02994501 -0.00128875 -0.09510509] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.82568240e-13 6.61100177e-01 1.58175704e+01] [-5.39857221e-13 1.33127173e+01 4.65368100e+01] [-9.46324182e-14 -2.32920993e+01 -4.60822920e+01] [ 3.61100906e-13 9.31828190e+00 -1.62720884e+01]] Final stress: [ 7.02403608e-01 -1.41640385e+00 3.12445152e+00 -2.60783626e+00 4.90849204e-15 -7.01102722e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.61287362e-11 -1.32832539e+00 1.61330428e+01] [-5.46284589e-12 -2.21653237e+00 4.26096935e+01] [ 4.63284771e-12 1.18869032e+01 -4.09045536e+01] [ 1.69576679e-11 -8.34204540e+00 -1.78381828e+01]] Final stress: [-1.16376927e+00 4.15893795e-01 3.74211776e+00 1.39222376e+00 2.80000484e-12 7.20504793e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.37211897e-12 3.63105828e+00 5.74760094e+00] [ 3.14753648e-13 2.26970362e-01 1.00991491e+01] [ 6.26579951e-14 -9.87046094e+00 4.30364792e+00] [-8.75013777e-12 6.01243230e+00 -2.01503979e+01]] Final stress: [ 2.83104751e-01 -4.72571081e-01 1.35945794e+00 -3.98237850e-01 -1.55248478e-12 -4.36646025e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.40178882e-13 -4.05550780e+00 5.47419347e+00] [-2.64822387e-12 9.51889044e-01 1.05791864e+01] [ 2.32622342e-12 8.62916518e+00 4.44881573e+00] [-3.00317930e-13 -5.52554643e+00 -2.05021956e+01]] Final stress: [-3.17038331e-01 1.27192738e-01 1.39305111e+00 3.30655916e-01 4.01714343e-13 -1.13508603e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.42637396 0.418717 16.48242224] [ 6.86380349 -4.48299683 47.38805524] [-16.19970642 4.43567371 -47.52273779] [ 7.90952897 -0.37139388 -16.34773969]] Final stress: [-0.56354688 -0.27578895 3.97824483 0.41377349 -2.01174671 0.83968611] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.42637399 0.418717 16.48242221] [ -6.86380344 -4.48299679 47.38805519] [ 16.19970638 4.43567367 -47.52273778] [ -7.90952895 -0.37139388 -16.34773963]] Final stress: [-0.56354688 -0.27578895 3.97824483 0.41377348 2.01174671 -0.8396861 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.74086184 0.21815273 2.21877641] [ -1.34317849 -0.10548665 6.35568021] [ -6.58708496 0.12877923 4.26608989] [ 5.18940162 -0.24144531 -12.84054652]] Final stress: [-0.09517526 -0.0018065 0.76463113 -0.04465547 -0.22491937 0.21340925] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.74086183 0.21815273 2.21877641] [ 1.34317848 -0.10548666 6.35568023] [ 6.58708498 0.12877924 4.26608989] [ -5.18940163 -0.24144532 -12.84054652]] Final stress: [-0.09517526 -0.0018065 0.76463113 -0.04465547 0.22491937 -0.21340925] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.4196116 -1.61261172 -0.68332306] [ 0.62559354 -0.32611812 0.7722285 ] [ 0.71135081 1.37597003 0.0587385 ] [-0.91733276 0.5627598 -0.14764394]] Final stress: [ 0.03304893 0.02363054 0.28960693 0.42815672 -0.00887474 0.11014649] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.41961171 -1.61261239 -0.68332311] [-0.62559381 -0.32611824 0.77222894] [-0.711351 1.37597052 0.05873797] [ 0.9173331 0.56276011 -0.14764381]] Final stress: [ 0.03304894 0.02363054 0.28960695 0.42815689 0.00887477 -0.11014648] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02713082 0.02637786 0.00800204] [ 0.02617327 0.00986312 -0.04933448] [ 0.02404321 -0.01051151 0.01954888] [-0.02308566 -0.02572947 0.02178355]] Final stress: [-0.01531765 -0.01535905 -0.25733191 -0.00734275 0.00183615 0.12729523] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0271308 0.02637808 0.00800207] [-0.02617328 0.00986308 -0.04933453] [-0.02404318 -0.01051148 0.01954878] [ 0.02308566 -0.02572969 0.02178368]] Final stress: [-0.01531766 -0.01535904 -0.25733191 -0.00734279 -0.00183614 -0.12729523] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.80785941e-12 2.16892581e+00 1.31757957e+00] [-1.42580696e-12 -1.18274298e+00 5.90593633e+00] [ 1.14372270e-12 -6.11861830e+00 -2.31421078e-01] [-3.53642809e-12 5.13243547e+00 -6.99209482e+00]] Final stress: [ 2.31349292e-01 -2.47513286e-01 9.32431571e-01 -4.01096756e-01 -3.69473354e-13 -2.94050495e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.96200109e-12 -3.18954522e+00 -3.41195872e-01] [ 1.13858749e-12 1.05548348e+00 7.76811758e+00] [-2.48565708e-13 6.26871882e+00 -8.96142496e-01] [ 1.08167468e-12 -4.13465708e+00 -6.53077921e+00]] Final stress: [-1.57588416e-01 1.67063542e-01 9.61162147e-01 6.48778952e-01 1.36647108e-13 1.07321370e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.4507209 1.71487454 -0.20269795] [-0.82717124 -0.56422932 4.48380722] [-3.23267497 -3.63360049 0.37941422] [ 2.6091253 2.48295526 -4.66052349]] Final stress: [ 0.11244336 -0.09939344 0.56956501 -0.36868071 -0.28702478 0.09016294] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.4507209 1.71487454 -0.20269795] [ 0.82717123 -0.56422932 4.48380721] [ 3.23267497 -3.63360049 0.37941422] [-2.6091253 2.48295526 -4.66052349]] Final stress: [ 0.11244336 -0.09939344 0.56956501 -0.36868071 0.28702478 -0.09016294] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.99326194 -1.57954302 0.06354188] [-0.75661566 0.67525323 4.1568816 ] [-3.2694997 3.47138649 0.30152613] [ 3.03285342 -2.5670967 -4.5219496 ]] Final stress: [-0.10276471 0.10767356 0.55373978 0.33275031 -0.1761418 0.1356236 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.99326194 -1.57954302 0.06354187] [ 0.75661566 0.67525323 4.1568816 ] [ 3.2694997 3.47138649 0.30152613] [-3.03285342 -2.5670967 -4.5219496 ]] Final stress: [-0.10276471 0.10767356 0.55373978 0.33275031 0.1761418 -0.1356236 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.90172893 1.83698273 -0.71661323] [ 0.29698065 -0.71433527 2.53758328] [ 0.10872456 -3.66994697 0.9448 ] [ 0.49602372 2.54729951 -2.76577005]] Final stress: [ 0.120172 -0.09064539 0.3076693 -0.38485008 0.11507029 0.17066351] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.90172893 1.83698273 -0.71661323] [-0.29698065 -0.71433527 2.53758328] [-0.10872456 -3.66994697 0.9448 ] [-0.49602372 2.54729951 -2.76577005]] Final stress: [ 0.120172 -0.09064539 0.3076693 -0.38485008 -0.11507029 -0.17066351] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.49993378 -2.0948904 -0.67345155] [ 0.14608646 0.8900254 2.60090902] [-0.52843988 3.48339935 0.86574889] [ 0.88228721 -2.27853436 -2.79320636]] Final stress: [-0.0557879 0.08754163 0.30932224 0.42581552 0.05740263 0.18364586] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.49993378 -2.0948904 -0.67345155] [-0.14608646 0.8900254 2.60090902] [ 0.52843988 3.48339935 0.86574889] [-0.88228721 -2.27853436 -2.79320636]] Final stress: [-0.0557879 0.08754163 0.30932224 0.42581552 -0.05740263 -0.18364586] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.52437728 0.32786677 1.11400356] [-1.51457372 0.0741818 6.35907624] [-5.76342088 -0.05609416 -0.21322317] [ 4.75361732 -0.34595441 -7.25985663]] Final stress: [-0.04785471 0.02434642 0.94902011 -0.10374403 -0.40939276 0.18242214] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.52437728 0.32786677 1.11400356] [ 1.51457373 0.0741818 6.35907624] [ 5.76342087 -0.05609416 -0.21322317] [-4.75361732 -0.34595441 -7.25985663]] Final stress: [-0.04785471 0.02434642 0.94902011 -0.10374403 0.40939276 -0.18242214] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.46967927 -0.06403335 -0.55347688] [-0.86730695 0.08142845 1.68246912] [-2.47463633 0.08247789 1.93966454] [ 1.87226402 -0.09987298 -3.06865678]] Final stress: [ 0.00419702 0.00647891 0.18020727 -0.00527227 -0.26979066 0.18082053] Minimization converged after 31 steps. Minimization converged after 31 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.46967927 -0.06403335 -0.55347688] [ 0.86730695 0.08142845 1.68246912] [ 2.47463633 0.08247789 1.93966454] [-1.87226401 -0.09987298 -3.06865678]] Final stress: [ 0.00419702 0.00647891 0.18020727 -0.00527227 0.26979066 -0.18082053] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01219562 -0.00126709 -0.01720026] [ 0.04628435 0.02496068 0.00220188] [ 0.00178877 -0.02309247 0.0311473 ] [-0.03587749 -0.00060112 -0.01614892]] Final stress: [ 0.00582522 -0.00611169 0.00105921 -0.00506993 -0.00501401 0.25213085] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0121957 -0.00126821 -0.01719894] [-0.04628429 0.02496081 0.00220045] [-0.00178887 -0.02309258 0.03114802] [ 0.03587747 -0.00060002 -0.01614953]] Final stress: [ 0.00582528 -0.00611176 0.00105918 -0.00506974 0.00501398 -0.25213085] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.13991966e-11 -2.60399909e-02 -5.92767942e-02] [-1.14905216e-11 2.65431820e-02 -5.01745293e-02] [ 1.82426936e-11 2.43739015e-02 4.64487252e-02] [-4.81580071e-11 -2.48770926e-02 6.30025982e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.48942782e-01 9.23964380e-02 2.14763190e-02 1.40904200e-03 -5.00509766e-12 -3.23635831e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.71552200e-11 7.44773145e-03 -5.63897491e-02] [-8.49976469e-12 -1.44479901e-02 -4.00398299e-02] [ 1.25133682e-11 -3.60725254e-02 4.86664657e-02] [ 1.31559676e-11 4.30727841e-02 4.77631132e-02]] Final stress: [-2.45470347e-01 -8.71282882e-02 -1.99942099e-02 -5.74902091e-04 5.42862113e-12 2.21883103e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.73814236e-11 -2.34987917e-02 -7.13458036e-03] [ 6.67328389e-13 2.46178993e-02 8.43621213e-04] [ 6.72606133e-12 2.65042654e-02 -1.43181642e-02] [-2.47735651e-11 -2.76233731e-02 2.06091234e-02]] Final stress: [ 8.07791211e-02 -7.71230722e-02 1.32054207e-03 1.37531507e-03 -3.14871406e-12 -1.30543556e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.80968782e-12 6.45913260e-03 -1.12962123e-03] [-3.97546232e-12 -1.40649731e-02 5.18516822e-03] [ 4.13312895e-12 -3.62786665e-02 -1.66868317e-02] [ 1.64481623e-12 4.38845070e-02 1.26312847e-02]] Final stress: [-7.64879127e-02 7.98067688e-02 1.36652809e-03 -4.68502583e-04 1.25295506e-12 -1.40399368e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.22823869e-11 -2.02496961e-02 1.72350443e-02] [-3.45493924e-12 2.27541576e-02 -2.76487089e-02] [ 3.02136788e-12 2.75981415e-02 4.08108275e-03] [-2.18503479e-11 -3.01026031e-02 6.33258187e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.35283686e-01 5.72897487e-02 1.69950864e-01 1.03389438e-03 -3.48658865e-12 -1.36742529e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04595048e-11 -2.32257465e-02 -2.65987426e-02] [ 2.21087974e-11 2.47157988e-02 -3.93459624e-02] [-2.47530913e-11 2.68241381e-02 2.86872002e-02] [ 1.31018772e-11 -2.83141904e-02 3.72575047e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.15723196e-01 3.73193886e-02 -1.49271176e-01 1.18474628e-03 -3.12331528e-12 1.95429420e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.67945467e-11 1.87530536e-02 -3.98956189e-02] [-2.49200183e-12 -2.21268336e-02 -9.38533792e-02] [-8.22941520e-12 -2.81941059e-02 5.98742555e-02] [-6.07116094e-12 3.15678860e-02 7.38747427e-02]] Final stress: [-1.09541391e-01 -3.04974377e-02 1.48913248e-01 -8.91164475e-04 -3.13118832e-12 -4.51916510e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.12710214e-11 2.36334478e-02 -2.08431677e-03] [ 1.08607665e-11 -2.50397318e-02 -4.35183302e-02] [-9.18520641e-12 -2.66414937e-02 1.92373827e-02] [ 9.59587271e-12 2.80477778e-02 2.63652643e-02]] Final stress: [-1.32205140e-01 -5.24636607e-02 -1.70827816e-01 -1.19943376e-03 -2.35557022e-13 1.13443890e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.70822211e-12 5.54441130e-01 2.71214358e-02] [ 3.62568049e-14 -4.56834619e-01 3.59937746e-01] [ 2.62379094e-13 -9.85554007e-01 -6.10375434e-01] [ 1.42127803e-12 8.87947496e-01 2.23316252e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.49061911e-01 2.75435124e-02 4.18145238e-02 -1.29460970e-01 3.30499912e-13 7.64194052e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.54912324e-13 -4.01954765e-01 -2.90222675e-01] [ 7.62279562e-13 4.68289954e-01 9.37332396e-01] [-8.08675609e-13 1.31036346e+00 -1.50972229e+00] [ 1.98188688e-13 -1.37669864e+00 8.62612566e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.33425170e-02 9.49648039e-02 6.15607588e-02 1.17069315e-01 -1.38069161e-13 5.08045021e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.74209561e-12 5.09937840e-01 -5.15250121e-03] [ 4.56514384e-13 -4.02368907e-01 3.83827677e-01] [-3.54169818e-13 -1.39739520e+00 1.52198147e-01] [ 2.61898836e-12 1.28982626e+00 -5.30873323e-01]] Final stress: [-7.18934006e-02 -8.52330436e-02 3.66526515e-02 -1.42390493e-01 4.28081331e-13 1.72366805e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.68097176e-14 -7.45986338e-01 5.07893193e-01] [-7.42894244e-13 4.33020419e-01 -1.44291175e-01] [ 5.60199456e-13 1.02099018e+00 6.82554195e-01] [ 1.49199229e-13 -7.08024264e-01 -1.04615621e+00]] Final stress: [-1.38605062e-01 -2.81657208e-02 1.23168878e-02 1.70265994e-01 1.52139594e-13 -3.08150425e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.53080447 -0.09598409 -0.23391362] [-0.46368226 0.04844426 0.56997462] [-1.00703405 -0.04538165 -0.91585321] [ 0.93991184 0.09292148 0.5797922 ]] Final stress: [ 0.13310859 0.0393237 0.04638277 0.00686463 -0.12548321 0.0271385 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.53080447 -0.09598409 -0.23391362] [ 0.46368226 0.04844426 0.56997463] [ 1.00703405 -0.04538165 -0.9158532 ] [-0.93991184 0.09292148 0.5797922 ]] Final stress: [ 0.13310859 0.0393237 0.04638277 0.00686463 0.12548321 -0.0271385 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.58867757 0.09711696 0.11580705] [-0.46247311 -0.00322386 -0.10020642] [-1.04941405 0.00626551 0.50039023] [ 0.92320959 -0.1001586 -0.51599085]] Final stress: [-0.11996765 -0.03196512 0.01864733 -0.01922085 -0.13498738 0.02313156] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.58867757 0.09711696 0.11580705] [ 0.46247312 -0.00322386 -0.10020643] [ 1.04941405 0.00626551 0.50039023] [-0.92320959 -0.1001586 -0.51599085]] Final stress: [-0.11996765 -0.03196512 0.01864733 -0.01922085 0.13498738 -0.02313156] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02541482 0.00562601 -0.06648173] [ 0.02055801 0.009855 -0.06222862] [ 0.02469096 0.01242915 0.05078 ] [-0.01983415 -0.02791017 0.07793035]] Final stress: [ 0.12630391 0.04878301 0.01093829 -0.0022317 0.00240212 0.07934333] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02541498 0.00562593 -0.06648251] [-0.02055782 0.0098549 -0.06222764] [-0.02469116 0.01242925 0.05077883] [ 0.019834 -0.02791009 0.07793132]] Final stress: [ 0.12630391 0.04878301 0.01093831 -0.00223166 -0.00240219 -0.07934333] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00659292 0.02231635 -0.07135843] [ 0.01802781 -0.00961622 -0.0692739 ] [ 0.02693279 -0.01321074 0.06090224] [-0.03836768 0.00051061 0.07973009]] Final stress: [-0.12084557 -0.04045567 -0.00996533 -0.00320428 -0.00063183 0.07848941] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00659298 0.02231637 -0.07135894] [-0.01802774 -0.00961619 -0.0692733 ] [-0.02693286 -0.01321078 0.06090173] [ 0.03836763 0.00051059 0.07973051]] Final stress: [-0.12084557 -0.04045567 -0.00996532 -0.00320429 0.0006318 -0.07848941] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.13235210e-11 1.83763637e-02 -7.56841826e-02] [ 3.44022814e-12 -2.14677458e-02 -7.50090559e-02] [ 5.92947783e-13 -2.92331267e-02 5.92091473e-02] [ 2.72767451e-11 3.23245087e-02 9.14840912e-02]] Final stress: [ 9.30738782e-02 2.49558623e-01 2.11358263e-02 -1.08242472e-03 5.38334320e-12 1.65977496e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.21584087e-11 -2.05898228e-02 -7.22482373e-02] [-2.63312521e-11 2.88904112e-02 -6.61625690e-02] [ 2.22007057e-11 2.76861640e-02 5.98101541e-02] [-3.80141352e-11 -3.59867523e-02 7.86006521e-02]] Final stress: [-8.59361809e-02 -2.42743925e-01 -2.01853427e-02 1.79299114e-03 -2.27743947e-12 -3.51840440e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.73885515e-12 2.02320638e-02 -4.16489631e-03] [-2.09782372e-11 -2.25605999e-02 -1.71146697e-02] [ 1.99949749e-11 -2.78211949e-02 7.51064529e-03] [-1.76748199e-12 3.01497310e-02 1.37689207e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.73535132e-02 1.35645933e-01 1.70189393e-01 -1.06905505e-03 4.18664595e-12 -1.27909461e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.05277140e-11 2.46025942e-02 -2.18202958e-03] [-1.66663918e-11 -2.55134420e-02 -6.95623232e-02] [ 1.95662098e-11 -2.59435876e-02 3.78122516e-02] [-4.34268177e-11 2.68544355e-02 3.39321013e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.70543522e-02 1.16028882e-01 -1.49815895e-01 -1.26676225e-03 -3.85047877e-12 -3.28594100e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.69268496e-11 -1.70952356e-02 -3.79554780e-02] [-8.75144336e-12 2.11833572e-02 -1.05510989e-01] [-1.11248929e-11 2.90369251e-02 6.62905028e-02] [-1.70405808e-11 -3.31250468e-02 7.71759644e-02]] Final stress: [-3.06628835e-02 -1.09103217e-01 1.48725389e-01 7.87595376e-04 -5.94960214e-12 -1.37261757e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.96032635e-11 -2.24808457e-02 -3.03036843e-02] [ 7.55021848e-12 2.44003344e-02 -1.86062647e-02] [-5.83318788e-12 2.72977067e-02 2.01663298e-02] [-2.13115359e-11 -2.92171955e-02 2.87436192e-02]] Final stress: [-5.26081342e-02 -1.31824031e-01 -1.70352702e-01 1.11993265e-03 -5.40130973e-12 -7.21081067e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.66783254e-13 4.00530537e-01 -4.00454257e-01] [-1.92372810e-13 -4.46604590e-01 8.13504676e-01] [-2.16573721e-13 -1.32846618e+00 -1.40227189e+00] [ 5.56416024e-13 1.37454023e+00 9.89221475e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.99640495e-02 8.13786441e-02 6.13309939e-02 -1.17864956e-01 5.54635147e-14 2.15745146e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.90168409e-14 -5.92110654e-01 -5.18647680e-02] [-1.58172932e-12 4.50901666e-01 2.93286157e-01] [ 1.56222127e-12 9.79050144e-01 -5.50588120e-01] [-5.34893310e-14 -8.37841156e-01 3.09166731e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.57998747e-02 1.47373354e-01 3.83934175e-02 1.38819626e-01 3.36995465e-13 -8.79412786e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.16570120e-12 9.52169263e-01 3.44145207e-01] [-6.53945864e-13 -4.93193880e-01 -1.13330029e-01] [ 1.47036680e-13 -1.52898889e+00 9.68115416e-01] [-4.65141467e-12 1.07001351e+00 -1.19893059e+00]] Final stress: [-6.21179334e-03 -1.46895417e-01 3.89391938e-02 -2.13625653e-01 -8.47781435e-13 -2.76561135e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.25637520e-13 -8.03427026e-01 1.39823057e-02] [-1.27245176e-12 4.00100161e-01 9.79821221e-01] [ 1.04388286e-12 2.39984920e+00 2.01916504e-01] [-8.43726131e-14 -1.99652233e+00 -1.19572003e+00]] Final stress: [-1.27213510e-01 -3.16566131e-02 1.06410964e-01 2.43507873e-01 2.08659647e-13 -6.94886950e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.52697008 0.10473406 -0.17711952] [-0.46461867 -0.00825816 0.63219686] [-1.01586262 0.00710615 -0.97433062] [ 0.95351121 -0.10358205 0.51925327]] Final stress: [ 0.04087757 0.13073073 0.04842166 -0.02036538 -0.12311627 0.02624086] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.52697008 0.10473406 -0.17711952] [ 0.46461867 -0.00825816 0.63219686] [ 1.01586262 0.00710615 -0.97433061] [-0.95351121 -0.10358205 0.51925327]] Final stress: [ 0.04087757 0.13073073 0.04842166 -0.02036538 0.12311627 -0.02624087] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.67211798 -0.07155213 0.22570397] [-0.42335342 0.02794363 0.0320629 ] [-1.07974243 -0.02121862 0.40653211] [ 0.83097786 0.06482712 -0.66429898]] Final stress: [-0.03532479 -0.12696844 0.01891678 0.00533812 -0.15743784 0.02188525] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.67211798 -0.07155213 0.22570397] [ 0.42335341 0.02794363 0.0320629 ] [ 1.07974243 -0.02121862 0.4065321 ] [-0.83097787 0.06482712 -0.66429898]] Final stress: [-0.03532479 -0.12696844 0.01891678 0.00533812 0.15743784 -0.02188525] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01644275 0.02738753 -0.02540889] [ 0.02371317 -0.01244625 -0.01766966] [ 0.02140562 -0.0104614 0.01751253] [-0.02867604 -0.00447988 0.02556602]] Final stress: [ 4.60349899e-02 1.26338756e-01 1.15058918e-02 -3.52295361e-03 -2.94660592e-05 7.83872728e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0164428 0.02738756 -0.02540935] [-0.02371313 -0.01244624 -0.01766905] [-0.02140566 -0.01046142 0.01751169] [ 0.02867599 -0.0044799 0.02556672]] Final stress: [ 4.60349891e-02 1.26338756e-01 1.15059023e-02 -3.52296195e-03 2.94494595e-05 -7.83872731e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00600358 0.02025732 -0.00927421] [ 0.00141538 0.00030615 0.0020514 ] [ 0.04134038 0.02075307 0.01140462] [-0.04875933 -0.04131654 -0.00418182]] Final stress: [-0.04478227 -0.12074575 -0.00905719 -0.00292649 0.00062786 0.07766788] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00600363 0.02025735 -0.00927521] [-0.00141546 0.00030619 0.00205259] [-0.0413403 0.02075303 0.01140367] [ 0.04875939 -0.04131657 -0.00418105]] Final stress: [-0.04478227 -0.12074575 -0.00905716 -0.0029265 -0.00062783 -0.07766788] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-9.24231178e-13 1.25409771e+00 2.14632107e+00] [-8.81306313e-13 -1.01058067e+00 2.31114072e+00] [ 1.14217750e-12 -3.74950903e+00 -6.01471958e+00] [ 6.57755100e-13 3.50599199e+00 1.55725780e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.27808092e-01 -1.59199580e-01 4.77209151e-01 -3.44853654e-01 3.93947543e-13 -2.17291706e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.87649602e-12 -1.34260427e+00 2.20133487e+00] [ 1.05773875e-12 1.18044515e+00 2.41509215e+00] [-1.18531118e-12 3.58984695e+00 -6.03980421e+00] [ 2.99836848e-12 -3.42768782e+00 1.42337720e+00]] Final stress: [-1.30752306e-01 1.00533768e-01 4.83394829e-01 3.48855108e-01 3.10162645e-13 2.15339174e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-8.14314154e-12 1.73336893e+00 2.96558456e-01] [ 5.16053151e-12 -9.83000654e-01 2.53998605e+00] [-6.07520284e-12 -4.32000650e+00 3.92571751e+00] [ 9.06804666e-12 3.56963822e+00 -6.76226201e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.44208484e-01 -1.57982492e-01 2.47193197e-01 -2.22217798e-01 2.15937571e-13 8.42226211e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.82397552e-12 -1.86785717e+00 2.06722403e-01] [ 2.92026798e-12 1.14354013e+00 2.71227595e+00] [-2.38547550e-12 4.15542167e+00 3.91507489e+00] [ 6.30686475e-12 -3.43110463e+00 -6.83407325e+00]] Final stress: [-1.19630579e-01 1.09764745e-01 2.53216131e-01 2.33856899e-01 6.11113392e-13 4.73839346e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.29359977 0.06380754 2.16709943] [-1.10344981 -0.05888517 2.35322225] [-3.65627975 0.06044149 -6.02180009] [ 3.46612979 -0.06536386 1.50147841]] Final stress: [-0.02821075 -0.00655891 0.47996712 -0.01171553 -0.34673291 0.12986803] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.29359978 0.06380754 2.16709943] [ 1.10344983 -0.05888516 2.35322224] [ 3.65627973 0.06044149 -6.02180011] [-3.46612978 -0.06536386 1.50147844]] Final stress: [-0.02821075 -0.00655891 0.47996712 -0.01171553 0.34673291 -0.12986803] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.7687997 0.07845033 0.34819639] [-1.074314 -0.05573652 2.70726171] [-4.21586152 0.06609516 3.83732416] [ 3.52137583 -0.08880897 -6.89278226]] Final stress: [-0.02689947 0.00476385 0.25107871 -0.0157222 -0.21998019 0.13414826] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.7687997 0.07845033 0.34819638] [ 1.074314 -0.05573652 2.70726171] [ 4.21586152 0.06609516 3.83732415] [-3.52137583 -0.08880897 -6.89278225]] Final stress: [-0.02689947 0.00476385 0.25107871 -0.0157222 0.21998019 -0.13414826] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00682043 0.03995698 0.05135227] [ 0.01489106 0.00343055 -0.00949846] [ 0.03752355 -0.00424557 -0.01574375] [-0.04559418 -0.03914197 -0.02611006]] Final stress: [ 0.00968959 0.0128384 0.16004141 -0.00844575 0.0004822 0.07777056] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00682052 0.03995816 0.05135316] [-0.01489105 0.00343049 -0.00949866] [-0.03752424 -0.00424553 -0.01574349] [ 0.04559476 -0.03914312 -0.02611102]] Final stress: [ 0.00968951 0.01283845 0.16004141 -0.00844596 -0.00048225 -0.07777052] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04135098 0.07234177 0.00932834] [ 0.04008196 0.00270628 -0.06321191] [ 0.0376712 -0.00411239 0.02555169] [-0.03640218 -0.07093566 0.02833189]] Final stress: [-0.0113755 -0.00468851 -0.16039956 -0.01456555 0.00245877 0.07965 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04135024 0.07233947 0.00932816] [-0.04008131 0.0027064 -0.06321051] [-0.03767054 -0.00411246 0.02555078] [ 0.03640161 -0.07093341 0.02833157]] Final stress: [-0.01137539 -0.00468866 -0.16039954 -0.01456514 -0.00245871 -0.07965 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.53626244e-12 1.88422110e+00 -3.57178005e-01] [ 1.18178709e-12 -1.17188936e+00 4.45766500e+00] [-5.45701722e-13 -4.50543883e+00 9.63210679e-01] [ 8.95271704e-13 3.79310709e+00 -5.06369767e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.56655526e-01 -1.56285316e-01 5.45052062e-01 -2.82694708e-01 1.60749533e-14 1.31655996e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.31947285e-12 -2.54220477e+00 -6.73365140e-01] [ 1.54775910e-12 1.13057280e+00 4.91008035e+00] [-1.81633658e-12 4.59313203e+00 1.10820951e+00] [ 1.60083708e-12 -3.18150006e+00 -5.34492472e+00]] Final stress: [-9.83759787e-02 1.08289260e-01 5.57944879e-01 4.36379918e-01 -7.19600799e-14 1.61387889e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.54585539 0.4890818 2.16791123] [-0.46643131 -0.49476355 -2.16507707] [-0.86172689 -0.83249481 1.80227091] [ 0.78230282 0.83817656 -1.80510507]] Final stress: [ 0.02155702 -0.01409629 -0.00088954 -0.10626604 -0.12779152 0.01663732] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.54585539 0.4890818 2.16791123] [ 0.46643131 -0.49476355 -2.16507708] [ 0.86172689 -0.83249481 1.80227091] [-0.78230281 0.83817656 -1.80510506]] Final stress: [ 0.02155702 -0.01409629 -0.00088954 -0.10626604 0.12779152 -0.01663732] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.43293931 -0.4844801 2.10404764] [-0.51371133 0.47694208 -2.11303947] [-0.8145601 0.84282242 1.73939165] [ 0.89533212 -0.8352844 -1.73039981]] Final stress: [-0.0129272 0.02389469 0.00132084 0.11082582 -0.09252463 0.01980504] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.43293931 -0.4844801 2.10404764] [ 0.51371133 0.47694208 -2.11303947] [ 0.8145601 0.84282242 1.73939164] [-0.89533212 -0.8352844 -1.73039981]] Final stress: [-0.0129272 0.02389469 0.00132084 0.11082582 0.09252463 -0.01980504] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-9.13644652e-02 5.11539501e-01 2.37539510e+00] [ 6.46677052e-03 -4.90844663e-01 -2.28369997e+00] [ 1.63236476e-04 -7.93690764e-01 5.09478992e-01] [ 8.47344582e-02 7.72995925e-01 -6.01174122e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.01465481 -0.01607879 -0.03011612 -0.117507 0.01627138 0.08389931] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.13644634e-02 5.11539502e-01 2.37539511e+00] [-6.46677022e-03 -4.90844667e-01 -2.28369997e+00] [-1.63236735e-04 -7.93690759e-01 5.09478990e-01] [-8.47344564e-02 7.72995924e-01 -6.01174130e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.0146548 -0.01607879 -0.03011612 -0.117507 -0.01627138 -0.08389931] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11649658 -0.58883891 2.42204986] [ 0.03485845 0.49040096 -2.34079964] [-0.03257614 0.79611787 0.54304318] [ 0.11421426 -0.69767991 -0.6242934 ]] Final stress: [-0.01259443 0.00821541 -0.0315248 0.13528761 0.01374505 0.08712715] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.11649658 -0.58883891 2.42204986] [-0.03485845 0.49040096 -2.34079964] [ 0.03257614 0.79611787 0.54304318] [-0.11421426 -0.69767991 -0.6242934 ]] Final stress: [-0.01259443 0.00821541 -0.0315248 0.13528761 -0.01374505 -0.08712715] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.45025751 0.16033936 -0.39554227] [-1.07828594 -0.06263988 5.99613562] [-5.38225742 0.07903706 0.97871533] [ 4.01028585 -0.17673654 -6.57930868]] Final stress: [-0.03115525 0.02175564 0.71997052 -0.04222101 -0.38220978 0.16332674] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.45025751 0.16033936 -0.39554227] [ 1.07828594 -0.06263988 5.99613562] [ 5.38225742 0.07903706 0.97871532] [-4.01028585 -0.17673654 -6.57930868]] Final stress: [-0.03115525 0.02175564 0.71997052 -0.04222101 0.38220978 -0.16332674] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.62458183 0.02108769 -1.81161053] [-1.21493202 -0.00449851 2.16743829] [-2.65638293 0.01813745 -2.73215612] [ 2.24673313 -0.03472663 2.37632835]] Final stress: [ 0.02350216 0.03315812 0.23877899 -0.00725965 -0.27085135 0.13556657] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -3.02129608 1.39584077 10.72498632] [ -1.35061333 -0.3357102 0.40715042] [ -6.970523 0.31579826 -1.00692406] [ 11.34243242 -1.37592882 -10.12521268]] Final stress: [-0.10689323 0.01656095 0.83982411 -0.14322713 0.27587573 0.45903813] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.02129607 1.39584076 10.72498631] [ 1.35061332 -0.33571021 0.40715043] [ 6.97052301 0.31579826 -1.00692405] [-11.3424324 -1.37592881 -10.12521269]] Final stress: [-0.10689323 0.01656095 0.83982411 -0.14322713 -0.27587572 -0.45903813] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.62458182 0.02108769 -1.81161053] [ 1.21493201 -0.00449851 2.16743829] [ 2.65638294 0.01813745 -2.73215611] [-2.24673313 -0.03472663 2.37632835]] Final stress: [ 0.02350216 0.03315812 0.23877899 -0.00725965 0.27085135 -0.13556657] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02326685 0.02566385 -0.00118588] [ 0.02235096 0.0140676 -0.00566425] [ 0.02658963 -0.01469201 0.01622754] [-0.02567374 -0.02503945 -0.0093774 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00122068 -0.00032953 0.00134162 -0.00814094 0.00201432 0.15872978] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02326685 0.02566382 -0.00118584] [-0.02235097 0.01406761 -0.00566426] [-0.02658963 -0.01469201 0.01622745] [ 0.02567374 -0.02503941 -0.00937734]] Final stress: [ 0.00122069 -0.00032954 0.00134162 -0.00814093 -0.00201432 -0.15872978] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.12551503e-12 -2.56367129e-02 -3.57452416e-02] [-2.18476326e-11 2.62454899e-02 -2.95220227e-02] [ 3.04188378e-11 2.47437935e-02 2.72947492e-02] [-1.27060636e-11 -2.53525705e-02 3.79725150e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.57009030e-01 5.86020406e-02 1.39150947e-02 1.31282896e-03 4.52700093e-12 -1.92709896e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.13340734e-11 1.39995756e-02 -3.47281956e-02] [-1.82058969e-12 -1.86956666e-02 -2.58616523e-02] [-5.22273956e-12 -3.21826047e-02 3.12427236e-02] [-4.29550145e-12 3.68786956e-02 2.93471243e-02]] Final stress: [-1.51894513e-01 -5.35854349e-02 -1.20413406e-02 -7.92251421e-04 -2.06682709e-12 -3.24537656e-13] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.79612488e-12 -2.30558668e-02 -3.88329889e-03] [ 7.01331072e-12 2.45038701e-02 8.64517438e-04] [ 3.27692300e-13 2.65774374e-02 -8.94439850e-03] [-5.54473654e-12 -2.80254407e-02 1.19631800e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.13700660e-02 -4.72848530e-02 1.28802614e-03 1.22193078e-03 -9.26465378e-13 8.12064488e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.94912531e-12 1.19699191e-02 1.76622426e-03] [-1.09459028e-11 -1.78089033e-02 5.17351748e-03] [ 2.22743137e-11 -3.28753859e-02 -1.25846831e-02] [-6.36981093e-12 3.87143700e-02 5.64494135e-03]] Final stress: [-4.67508392e-02 5.05153208e-02 1.33546287e-03 -5.99037768e-04 3.92897613e-12 -9.82950093e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.27520060e-11 -2.20891940e-02 1.08676530e-02] [-4.65060174e-11 2.39611844e-02 -1.73508900e-02] [ 4.03354082e-11 2.66633908e-02 2.49467273e-03] [ 1.89222735e-11 -2.85353812e-02 3.98856426e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.55663947e-02 3.66776878e-02 1.06945556e-01 1.07263146e-03 1.26918486e-11 -1.59875739e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.34516017e-11 -2.39210601e-02 -1.54802071e-02] [-3.62790024e-11 2.51557314e-02 -2.29819074e-02] [ 2.51943624e-11 2.62052685e-02 1.68146659e-02] [ 4.45253296e-11 -2.74399398e-02 2.16474486e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.32674764e-02 2.41282779e-02 -9.26828785e-02 1.16787462e-03 1.41488406e-11 3.62450031e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10436055e-10 2.11640062e-02 -2.49431326e-02] [-5.32070956e-11 -2.35210227e-02 -5.91987954e-02] [ 5.96403354e-11 -2.71349515e-02 3.76088858e-02] [-1.16864369e-10 2.94919681e-02 4.65330422e-02]] Final stress: [-6.74533065e-02 -1.82225592e-02 9.36461499e-02 -9.98566006e-04 -8.77637051e-12 -9.31249169e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.34916669e-11 2.42313809e-02 -1.57551878e-03] [-3.05212548e-11 -2.53922110e-02 -2.68063025e-02] [ 2.49243369e-11 -2.60583335e-02 1.20287533e-02] [-1.78815279e-11 2.72191636e-02 1.63530680e-02]] Final stress: [-8.16059944e-02 -3.19242042e-02 -1.06028958e-01 -1.18001218e-03 2.19682379e-12 -2.68546932e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.64387340e-14 3.52486130e-01 -8.85050610e-02] [-6.37546006e-13 -2.84928206e-01 2.81850054e-01] [ 7.80616674e-13 -6.10641091e-01 -4.63221437e-01] [-1.67072953e-13 5.43083167e-01 2.69876444e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.59219543e-02 1.44502188e-02 1.91865000e-02 -8.32164578e-02 1.43883097e-13 -4.77805580e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.74667395e-13 -2.52303929e-01 -2.17944959e-01] [-3.59599069e-13 2.95896775e-01 5.23330520e-01] [ 6.37425659e-13 8.18253460e-01 -8.63057164e-01] [-1.24971648e-12 -8.61846307e-01 5.57671604e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.90544140e-02 6.01577924e-02 2.81591413e-02 7.26485803e-02 -9.47489818e-14 -8.80778800e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.47674060e-12 3.02179875e-01 2.05437559e-02] [-6.97200110e-13 -2.72243592e-01 1.74454013e-01] [ 1.81650485e-13 -8.56137585e-01 1.41820795e-01] [-9.72588329e-13 8.26201301e-01 -3.36818563e-01]] Final stress: [-4.25276937e-02 -5.74844669e-02 1.06933926e-02 -8.42861470e-02 -1.43434352e-13 -9.00238268e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.16971710e-12 -4.32075777e-01 2.23981436e-01] [-7.59329231e-13 2.79610582e-01 -5.28732840e-02] [ 1.17949877e-12 6.38248493e-01 3.28684442e-01] [ 7.40385617e-13 -4.85783298e-01 -4.99792594e-01]] Final stress: [-8.65588738e-02 -1.51919119e-02 9.04069957e-04 9.99800966e-02 4.15344238e-13 3.11561395e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.3979169 -0.04697957 -0.27034137] [-0.26501287 0.01547306 0.27448387] [-0.6652739 -0.01348892 -0.5249427 ] [ 0.53236987 0.04499543 0.5208002 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0851817 0.02943268 0.01992151 0.00519802 -0.09822672 0.01535058] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.39791689 -0.04697957 -0.27034137] [ 0.26501286 0.01547306 0.27448387] [ 0.6652739 -0.01348892 -0.5249427 ] [-0.53236987 0.04499543 0.5208002 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0851817 0.02943268 0.01992151 0.00519802 0.09822672 -0.01535058] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.3705406 0.06039975 0.04925264] [-0.29168601 -0.0068935 -0.03504089] [-0.65504495 0.00411279 0.27661435] [ 0.57619037 -0.05761904 -0.2908261 ]] Final stress: [-0.07793903 -0.02067254 0.0024184 -0.01061724 -0.08623187 0.01623991] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.37054059 0.06039975 0.04925263] [ 0.29168601 -0.0068935 -0.03504088] [ 0.65504495 0.00411279 0.27661436] [-0.57619037 -0.05761904 -0.29082611]] Final stress: [-0.07793903 -0.02067254 0.0024184 -0.01061724 0.08623187 -0.01623991] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02441662 -0.00055287 -0.04248916] [ 0.02156712 0.01049364 -0.03855073] [ 0.02396288 0.01205606 0.03117788] [-0.02111338 -0.02199683 0.04986201]] Final stress: [ 0.0799438 0.03152811 0.00730449 -0.00122417 0.00190406 0.04961593] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0244164 -0.00055276 -0.04248822] [-0.02156738 0.01049377 -0.03855195] [-0.02396262 0.01205593 0.03117952] [ 0.02111359 -0.02199694 0.04986065]] Final stress: [ 0.0799438 0.03152811 0.00730447 -0.00122422 -0.00190396 -0.04961593] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01252044 0.0181835 -0.04342134] [ 0.01994919 -0.01033039 -0.04658796] [ 0.02543501 -0.01257952 0.04098019] [-0.03286377 0.00472641 0.04902911]] Final stress: [-7.44865287e-02 -2.42497332e-02 -5.82131728e-03 -2.20731181e-03 -7.72061192e-06 4.90061812e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01252022 0.0181834 -0.04341889] [-0.01994941 -0.0103305 -0.0465908 ] [-0.02543479 -0.01257941 0.04098217] [ 0.03286397 0.0047265 0.04902751]] Final stress: [-7.44865314e-02 -2.42497337e-02 -5.82136842e-03 -2.20726753e-03 7.81067148e-06 -4.90061828e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.61001245e-12 2.09760672e-02 -4.68165773e-02] [-2.48173357e-12 -2.31259839e-02 -4.57672162e-02] [-4.57378970e-12 -2.77736219e-02 3.58836212e-02] [ 1.46583405e-11 2.99235386e-02 5.67001723e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.91983966e-02 1.57271640e-01 1.36944530e-02 -1.12378135e-03 1.71467351e-12 6.64568870e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.09452118e-11 -2.23431295e-02 -4.50877758e-02] [-5.29855348e-12 2.43500353e-02 -4.35008112e-02] [ 1.67046917e-11 2.67833609e-02 3.84996577e-02] [-4.64950994e-13 -2.87902667e-02 5.00889293e-02]] Final stress: [-5.26509963e-02 -1.51950943e-01 -1.22859635e-02 1.12352165e-03 3.79159644e-12 -3.43780703e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.27689436e-12 2.20567932e-02 -2.52850424e-03] [ 3.48188858e-11 -2.38218924e-02 -1.07330018e-02] [-3.18952228e-11 -2.68137708e-02 4.64297753e-03] [-1.02074182e-11 2.85788700e-02 8.61852846e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.67595166e-02 8.57505460e-02 1.07093963e-01 -1.09449844e-03 -9.15656001e-12 1.42110479e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.99575885e-11 2.48390230e-02 -3.41188322e-04] [-1.38145545e-11 -2.56829316e-02 -4.17127564e-02] [ 1.09001658e-11 -2.56485915e-02 2.25229394e-02] [ 3.28599457e-11 2.64925000e-02 1.95310053e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.39992320e-02 7.34217970e-02 -9.30208427e-02 -1.22465682e-03 8.75072026e-12 9.92544756e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.09731665e-10 -2.01341235e-02 -2.38270823e-02] [-3.58658255e-11 2.29290621e-02 -6.67866521e-02] [ 3.16533807e-11 2.76874427e-02 4.17973164e-02] [ 1.13950719e-10 -3.04823813e-02 4.88164180e-02]] Final stress: [-1.82799178e-02 -6.72134418e-02 9.35246426e-02 9.36582917e-04 2.89443538e-11 4.10334367e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.21793321e-11 -2.34685421e-02 -1.91530267e-02] [ 3.36809972e-11 2.49673447e-02 -1.14887204e-02] [-4.99424144e-11 2.64883818e-02 1.26543085e-02] [-1.59097614e-11 -2.79871844e-02 1.79874386e-02]] Final stress: [-3.19743274e-02 -8.14026300e-02 -1.05735082e-01 1.12771167e-03 -1.45265619e-11 1.07761044e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.51788043e-13 2.94419682e-01 -3.28492125e-01] [ 8.54017594e-13 -2.55247653e-01 4.14454951e-01] [-5.37877035e-13 -8.55452739e-01 -7.70207330e-01] [-6.70612871e-13 8.16280710e-01 6.84244504e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.61514358e-02 5.00941867e-02 2.65516632e-02 -8.84045609e-02 -2.45651238e-13 1.46570874e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.98099696e-12 -3.92467509e-01 -1.53056765e-01] [ 3.29517013e-13 2.78973491e-01 2.23819175e-01] [-4.41120881e-13 6.21012990e-01 -4.13342985e-01] [ 2.10160361e-12 -5.07518972e-01 3.42580575e-01]] Final stress: [2.04902699e-02 9.38742876e-02 1.85326366e-02 9.31629329e-02 3.06793336e-13 1.32339190e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.65013836e-13 3.80047188e-01 1.25963550e-01] [-1.03468189e-12 -2.89062007e-01 -1.49622505e-01] [ 1.26578760e-12 -6.25986984e-01 4.02572237e-01] [-3.98923949e-13 5.35001803e-01 -3.78913282e-01]] Final stress: [-7.54477637e-03 -8.80917385e-02 -2.99080454e-04 -8.72964642e-02 2.15886890e-13 -8.13929956e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.87538829e-13 -2.93504300e-01 -4.25830609e-02] [ 8.88910907e-13 2.91495480e-01 1.12916379e-01] [-2.93661146e-13 8.46732153e-01 1.93467024e-01] [-1.24029259e-13 -8.44723333e-01 -2.63800342e-01]] Final stress: [-5.27129095e-02 -4.32918871e-02 1.02490086e-02 8.03973667e-02 -7.89740406e-14 4.06771461e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.35804141 0.05908579 -0.19242166] [-0.28113926 -0.00698048 0.35217213] [-0.64700894 0.00410432 -0.5909626 ] [ 0.57010679 -0.05620964 0.43121214]] Final stress: [ 0.02645058 0.08314973 0.02092586 -0.01038089 -0.08677386 0.01649964] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.35804141 0.05908579 -0.19242166] [ 0.28113926 -0.00698048 0.35217212] [ 0.64700894 0.00410432 -0.59096261] [-0.57010679 -0.05620964 0.43121215]] Final stress: [ 0.02645058 0.08314973 0.02092586 -0.01038089 0.08677386 -0.01649964] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.40364779 -0.0499276 0.12911746] [-0.27577499 0.01660403 0.04861216] [-0.67010638 -0.01463784 0.21238598] [ 0.54223358 0.04796142 -0.3901156 ]] Final stress: [-0.02362336 -0.08013736 0.00339107 0.0054266 -0.09587763 0.0152746 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.40364779 -0.0499276 0.12911746] [ 0.27577498 0.01660403 0.04861216] [ 0.67010639 -0.01463784 0.21238598] [-0.54223358 0.04796142 -0.3901156 ]] Final stress: [-0.02362336 -0.08013736 0.00339107 0.0054266 0.09587763 -0.0152746 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01875483 0.02135334 -0.01685045] [ 0.02358468 -0.01214726 -0.01084347] [ 0.02183643 -0.01078158 0.0105914 ] [-0.02666628 0.00157551 0.01710252]] Final stress: [ 0.02968356 0.08009562 0.00765619 -0.00239678 0.00036112 0.04917547] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01875425 0.02135305 -0.01685108] [-0.02358535 -0.0121476 -0.01084289] [-0.02183574 -0.01078123 0.01059185] [ 0.02666684 0.00157578 0.01710212]] Final stress: [ 0.02968356 0.08009563 0.00765621 -0.00239665 -0.00036085 -0.04917547] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00398478 0.00934345 -0.00327329] [ 0.00908221 0.0042619 -0.00073369] [ 0.0353491 0.017745 0.00922206] [-0.04044653 -0.03135036 -0.00521509]] Final stress: [-0.0271901 -0.07427137 -0.00523717 -0.00173136 0.00077988 0.04824626] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00398474 0.00934348 -0.00327326] [-0.00908227 0.00426193 -0.00073368] [-0.03534904 0.01774497 0.0092218 ] [ 0.04044657 -0.03135038 -0.00521486]] Final stress: [-0.0271901 -0.07427137 -0.00523717 -0.00173137 -0.00077985 -0.04824626] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.85252030e-12 8.32496544e-01 1.09811333e+00] [-9.49119472e-13 -7.05010418e-01 8.82274490e-01] [ 1.71498015e-12 -2.35480691e+00 -3.48668167e+00] [ 2.09379389e-12 2.22732079e+00 1.50629385e+00]] Final stress: [ 8.03746345e-02 -9.01671943e-02 2.23053324e-01 -2.06124840e-01 8.12501524e-13 5.34461603e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.65849755e-12 -8.67008632e-01 1.12006812e+00] [ 1.45767274e-12 7.69066478e-01 9.08466833e-01] [ 2.50546112e-13 2.29505412e+00 -3.49537471e+00] [ 2.94077436e-12 -2.19711197e+00 1.46683975e+00]] Final stress: [-7.55568583e-02 7.00319716e-02 2.26158268e-01 2.08218440e-01 6.49629958e-13 2.30298035e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.13043923e-11 1.05482079e+00 -1.26803418e-01] [-1.92627923e-12 -7.29822512e-01 1.14190819e+00] [ 9.78022567e-13 -2.67860172e+00 2.78798980e+00] [-1.03675037e-11 2.35360345e+00 -3.80309457e+00]] Final stress: [ 9.09596487e-02 -8.87221623e-02 6.49363391e-02 -1.58763189e-01 -1.73754500e-12 -6.80635863e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.69276571e-12 -1.10216402e+00 -1.40530765e-01] [-1.23185446e-12 7.94954226e-01 1.20956186e+00] [ 3.23616177e-12 2.60576949e+00 2.75950214e+00] [-6.69168930e-12 -2.29855970e+00 -3.82853323e+00]] Final stress: [-7.93937162e-02 8.00818556e-02 6.62907315e-02 1.60583808e-01 -5.55043723e-13 -4.24129882e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.84800914 0.02235289 1.10181962] [-0.7386262 -0.02153621 0.88854497] [-2.31944809 0.03018894 -3.48381143] [ 2.21006516 -0.03100562 1.49344684]] Final stress: [-0.00968149 -0.00081819 0.22459017 -0.00391809 -0.20618014 0.07962472] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.84800909 0.02235289 1.10181965] [ 0.73862615 -0.02153621 0.88854496] [ 2.31944816 0.03018894 -3.48381141] [-2.21006522 -0.03100562 1.4934468 ]] Final stress: [-0.00968149 -0.00081819 0.22459017 -0.00391809 0.20618014 -0.07962473] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.09000437 0.03012027 -0.16394632] [-0.76074873 -0.02273147 1.144881 ] [-2.64797731 0.03065262 2.80605053] [ 2.31872166 -0.03804142 -3.78698522]] Final stress: [-0.00168476 0.0037668 0.06449618 -0.00595175 -0.16120503 0.08413214] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.09000435 0.03012027 -0.16394632] [ 0.76074871 -0.02273147 1.14488101] [ 2.64797733 0.03065262 2.80605051] [-2.31872169 -0.03804142 -3.78698519]] Final stress: [-0.00168476 0.0037668 0.06449618 -0.00595175 0.16120503 -0.08413215] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00805543 0.05059057 0.03971502] [ 0.01418094 -0.00233013 -0.00610289] [ 0.03157477 0.00141009 -0.01280827] [-0.03770027 -0.04967054 -0.02080387]] Final stress: [ 0.00518006 0.01052481 0.10062993 -0.00918406 0.00048593 0.04836787] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00805537 0.05059058 0.03971513] [-0.01418102 -0.00233013 -0.00610287] [-0.03157469 0.00141009 -0.0128091 ] [ 0.03770033 -0.04967054 -0.02080315]] Final stress: [ 0.00518006 0.01052481 0.10062993 -0.00918406 -0.0004859 -0.04836787] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02467183 0.0515511 0.00382239] [ 0.0241626 -0.00253371 -0.032231 ] [ 0.02273514 0.00160646 0.01346646] [-0.02222591 -0.05062385 0.01494214]] Final stress: [-0.00689634 -0.00141369 -0.09951341 -0.00934962 0.00143258 0.04976037] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.024672 0.05155109 0.0038224 ] [-0.02416242 -0.00253371 -0.03223096] [-0.02273533 0.00160646 0.01346626] [ 0.02222576 -0.05062384 0.0149423 ]] Final stress: [-0.00689634 -0.00141369 -0.09951341 -0.00934962 -0.00143265 -0.04976037] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.58977700e-11 2.43973410e+00 3.46042679e+01] [-7.78988679e-12 -6.05261895e+00 -7.41113902e+00] [ 5.20316082e-12 -6.82020850e+00 3.32843822e+00] [-3.33286706e-11 1.04330934e+01 -3.05215671e+01]] Final stress: [ 1.30290504e-01 -6.30725556e-01 2.58543785e+00 -5.17003145e-01 -3.22551079e-12 -2.56788914e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.87131189e-11 -4.00308325e+00 3.68413409e+01] [-1.55155836e-12 6.16976458e+00 -5.47622027e+00] [ 7.33415932e-13 6.50039034e+00 3.44645508e+00] [-2.79155921e-11 -8.66707167e+00 -3.48115757e+01]] Final stress: [-2.97285375e-01 -3.27833542e-01 2.68351238e+00 6.55895791e-01 -3.66899338e-12 -1.55557427e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.30737024 0.29362944 2.59448593] [-0.26607418 -0.27429156 -2.58418518] [-0.52620504 -0.51771812 0.28411317] [ 0.48490899 0.49838024 -0.29441391]] Final stress: [ 0.01127165 -0.01474423 -0.04349012 -0.0790301 -0.08467373 0.01153545] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.30737024 0.29362944 2.59448593] [ 0.26607418 -0.27429156 -2.58418518] [ 0.52620504 -0.51771812 0.28411317] [-0.48490899 0.49838024 -0.29441391]] Final stress: [ 0.01127165 -0.01474423 -0.04349012 -0.0790301 0.08467373 -0.01153545] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.25353886 -0.27717713 2.58228299] [-0.28223212 0.27537559 -2.56113468] [-0.49856608 0.51500861 0.26611952] [ 0.52725934 -0.51320707 -0.28726784]] Final stress: [-0.01711765 0.01071865 -0.0432383 0.07631225 -0.06750777 0.01372829] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.25353886 -0.27717713 2.58228298] [ 0.28223212 0.27537559 -2.56113469] [ 0.49856608 0.51500861 0.26611953] [-0.52725934 -0.51320707 -0.28726782]] Final stress: [-0.01711765 0.01071865 -0.0432383 0.07631225 0.06750777 -0.01372829] Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 28 steps. Minimization converged after 28 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.26735418 0.64505334 30.31424028] [ -5.69286196 -0.17863352 -7.11943803] [ -6.64616999 0.14571771 4.19588209] [ 8.07167777 -0.61213753 -27.39068434]] Final stress: [-0.38435954 -0.0479689 2.19867653 -0.10577854 -0.70692308 0.13001458] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.26735418 0.64505334 30.31424039] [ 5.69286197 -0.17863352 -7.11943801] [ 6.64616999 0.14571771 4.19588208] [ -8.07167778 -0.61213753 -27.39068445]] Final stress: [-0.38435954 -0.0479689 2.19867653 -0.10577854 0.70692308 -0.13001458] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.60325315 0.02125348 0.48745851] [ -1.93744468 -0.10774095 8.06506479] [ -4.78304565 0.12179343 -13.23690948] [ 4.11723718 -0.03530597 4.68438618]] Final stress: [-0.09019499 -0.0313042 0.68274041 0.00299908 -0.54631152 0.170838 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.38428962 0.87549141 10.2856472 ] [-1.15013107 -0.30524959 -1.80771582] [-6.04824184 0.29599763 -0.95773078] [ 9.58266253 -0.86623944 -7.5202006 ]] Final stress: [-0.08900342 -0.00618431 0.52310603 -0.07580892 0.13179173 0.40771822] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.38428956 0.87549139 10.28564716] [ 1.1501311 -0.30524959 -1.80771594] [ 6.04824179 0.29599762 -0.95773069] [-9.58266246 -0.86623942 -7.52020052]] Final stress: [-0.08900342 -0.00618431 0.52310603 -0.07580892 -0.13179173 -0.40771821] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.60325315 0.02125348 0.4874585 ] [ 1.93744467 -0.10774095 8.06506479] [ 4.78304567 0.12179343 -13.23690948] [ -4.11723719 -0.03530597 4.68438619]] Final stress: [-0.09019499 -0.0313042 0.68274041 0.00299908 0.54631152 -0.170838 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03843466 0.0809741 -0.00421246] [ 0.04023314 0.0110123 -0.0082493 ] [ 0.04758913 -0.01264533 0.01882516] [-0.04938761 -0.07934107 -0.0063634 ]] Final stress: [-0.00148817 0.00478797 0.00124981 -0.0180873 0.00237748 0.09881265] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03843475 0.08097427 -0.00421305] [-0.04023314 0.01101231 -0.0082487 ] [-0.04758923 -0.01264534 0.01882557] [ 0.04938762 -0.07934124 -0.00636382]] Final stress: [-0.00148818 0.00478798 0.00124982 -0.01808733 -0.0023775 -0.09881265] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.10910671e-12 -2.54035058e-02 -2.19254990e-02] [-2.10183650e-11 2.60905500e-02 -1.75814786e-02] [ 3.81542577e-11 2.49233750e-02 1.61786104e-02] [-2.22613091e-11 -2.56104192e-02 2.33283672e-02]] Final stress: [ 9.91755470e-02 3.74563781e-02 9.17777331e-03 1.24836268e-03 4.52747583e-12 -2.41081649e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.39788137e-11 1.80936001e-02 -2.07585267e-02] [-2.10902116e-11 -2.13656279e-02 -1.69407650e-02] [ 1.39472299e-11 -2.96352937e-02 2.02260118e-02] [-1.68319247e-11 3.29073214e-02 1.74732798e-02]] Final stress: [-9.38460540e-02 -3.26712769e-02 -7.07119313e-03 -9.19959611e-04 -1.07276601e-13 -2.08990999e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.50925502e-11 -2.28456281e-02 -1.50373095e-03] [-4.21276440e-11 2.44350367e-02 1.36477926e-03] [ 4.29811614e-11 2.66180909e-02 -6.22420810e-03] [-8.59278239e-11 -2.82074995e-02 6.36315979e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.28690052e-02 -2.86700801e-02 1.28021508e-03 1.13843438e-03 -6.68357254e-12 -6.99864889e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.07958926e-11 1.59251114e-02 4.01389610e-03] [ 2.00306380e-11 -2.03503964e-02 5.51637529e-03] [-1.06734808e-11 -3.05027774e-02 -1.01630380e-02] [ 5.14557234e-11 3.49280624e-02 6.32766566e-04]] Final stress: [-2.83322979e-02 3.22202757e-02 1.32624222e-03 -7.30449043e-04 7.49408942e-12 3.88788895e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.29494344e-10 -2.32541991e-02 6.84799984e-03] [-1.00092028e-10 2.47208169e-02 -1.08302292e-02] [ 1.16111475e-10 2.60625691e-02 1.48678660e-03] [-1.45523109e-10 -2.75291869e-02 2.49544278e-03]] Final stress: [ 5.43675213e-02 2.37566109e-02 6.74114403e-02 1.09800131e-03 -1.36270510e-12 -1.34954015e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.71999088e-12 -2.43819593e-02 -9.21652289e-03] [-3.74352541e-11 2.54448878e-02 -1.37037034e-02] [ 4.15537522e-11 2.57957134e-02 1.00838954e-02] [ 2.61742884e-12 -2.68586419e-02 1.28363309e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.66512231e-02 1.58877199e-02 -5.74016129e-02 1.15900651e-03 9.94887232e-12 -1.98410278e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.33191303e-11 2.26728084e-02 -1.52982508e-02] [-2.74494641e-12 -2.44180880e-02 -3.69864249e-02] [ 3.43430510e-11 -2.64057742e-02 2.33244987e-02] [ 3.17503298e-11 2.81510538e-02 2.89601770e-02]] Final stress: [-4.12768767e-02 -1.05786452e-02 5.90421303e-02 -1.05830458e-03 1.41311588e-11 1.49790871e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.12635342e-11 2.45870571e-02 -1.00895683e-03] [-3.01261889e-11 -2.56077631e-02 -1.63056796e-02] [ 1.96001431e-11 -2.56895839e-02 7.39103168e-03] [-5.07382157e-11 2.67102899e-02 9.92360471e-03]] Final stress: [-5.01146934e-02 -1.91294379e-02 -6.56894927e-02 -1.16529819e-03 -5.35457877e-12 -4.42082920e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.03472870e-13 2.22254704e-01 -1.13597527e-01] [ 1.02022557e-13 -1.75144621e-01 2.15364290e-01] [-7.93724895e-14 -3.81278962e-01 -3.47972432e-01] [-7.28627228e-13 3.34168879e-01 2.46205669e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.91306435e-02 1.01660188e-02 1.09567793e-02 -5.24533308e-02 -1.61406273e-13 -3.43080191e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.31251954e-12 -1.62202851e-01 -1.64542134e-01] [-3.92598280e-13 1.81696437e-01 3.20996886e-01] [-5.43523559e-14 5.14723085e-01 -5.42652258e-01] [-8.49485413e-13 -5.34216671e-01 3.86197505e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.88148910e-02 3.76897376e-02 1.24899377e-02 4.66646447e-02 -1.83027674e-13 -6.93509339e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.38840543e-13 1.88526001e-01 -1.82376588e-02] [-4.67218712e-13 -1.81517433e-01 1.10706089e-01] [ 7.32429091e-13 -5.38145487e-01 8.95369503e-02] [-9.13038742e-13 5.31136919e-01 -1.82005380e-01]] Final stress: [-2.45226250e-02 -3.47418571e-02 1.98637365e-03 -5.29061457e-02 -6.65598798e-15 -7.34287046e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.56840164e-13 -2.58920238e-01 6.64102529e-02] [ 7.97466693e-13 1.82741888e-01 7.82651451e-03] [-5.18924530e-13 3.98895820e-01 1.55380246e-01] [-8.39452639e-13 -3.22717469e-01 -2.29617014e-01]] Final stress: [-5.12665655e-02 -6.36933574e-03 5.38596268e-05 6.02718146e-02 -2.75913920e-13 -1.35441616e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.21616915 -0.03815734 -0.14110226] [-0.18332302 0.01356688 0.24738742] [-0.40054946 -0.01220731 -0.41243211] [ 0.36770333 0.03679777 0.30614696]] Final stress: [ 0.05324475 0.01670348 0.00975632 0.00419947 -0.05261405 0.01047488] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21616915 -0.03815734 -0.14110227] [ 0.18332302 0.01356688 0.24738742] [ 0.40054946 -0.01220731 -0.41243211] [-0.36770333 0.03679777 0.30614695]] Final stress: [ 0.05324475 0.01670348 0.00975632 0.00419947 0.05261405 -0.01047488] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.23828192 0.03734162 0.00315753] [-0.18638332 -0.00599394 0.02389246] [-0.41728868 0.00432454 0.13044736] [ 0.36539008 -0.03567222 -0.15749735]] Final stress: [-0.04801119 -0.01247245 -0.00150931 -0.00607563 -0.05644586 0.01021199] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.23828192 0.03734162 0.00315752] [ 0.18638332 -0.00599394 0.02389247] [ 0.41728868 0.00432454 0.13044737] [-0.36539008 -0.03567222 -0.15749735]] Final stress: [-0.04801119 -0.01247245 -0.00150931 -0.00607563 0.05644586 -0.01021199] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02368282 -0.00448907 -0.02707175] [ 0.02216741 0.01089195 -0.02383632] [ 0.02345776 0.01178526 0.01902423] [-0.02194235 -0.01818814 0.03188384]] Final stress: [ 0.05084855 0.02060792 0.0050364 -0.00058246 0.00157536 0.03101403] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02368251 -0.00448891 -0.02707334] [-0.02216781 0.01089215 -0.02383431] [-0.02345735 0.01178505 0.01902183] [ 0.02194264 -0.01818829 0.03188581]] Final stress: [ 0.05084855 0.02060791 0.00503644 -0.00058253 -0.00157521 -0.03101403] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01621332 0.01555894 -0.02321256] [ 0.02114446 -0.01078599 -0.03416733] [ 0.02440027 -0.01212271 0.02972781] [-0.02933142 0.00734977 0.02765207]] Final stress: [-0.04565705 -0.01426742 -0.00326149 -0.00157235 0.00037723 0.03060516] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01621367 0.01555912 -0.02321286] [-0.02114409 -0.01078581 -0.03416723] [-0.02440066 -0.0121229 0.02972899] [ 0.02933108 0.0073496 0.0276511 ]] Final stress: [-0.04565705 -0.01426742 -0.00326149 -0.00157242 -0.00037738 -0.03060516] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.77973929e-11 2.25367044e-02 -2.87011707e-02] [ 1.46925874e-13 -2.41695828e-02 -2.76363363e-02] [ 7.39303996e-12 -2.68067996e-02 2.14396183e-02] [ 1.02792358e-11 2.84396780e-02 3.48978886e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.78841798e-02 9.92771297e-02 9.04129303e-03 -1.13346682e-03 3.70121014e-12 5.51810527e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.20823661e-12 -2.34184403e-02 -2.74228658e-02] [-7.58209120e-12 2.49431005e-02 -2.80344360e-02] [ 8.52971795e-12 2.61721935e-02 2.48381334e-02] [-8.16340745e-12 -2.76968537e-02 3.06191684e-02]] Final stress: [-3.20088334e-02 -9.39512344e-02 -7.22447095e-03 1.13595635e-03 3.73910146e-13 -8.68315353e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.84474075e-11 2.32151807e-02 -1.46754494e-03] [-1.43894827e-11 -2.46149938e-02 -6.72590310e-03] [-5.23463629e-12 -2.61724726e-02 2.81994453e-03] [-4.88192195e-11 2.75722857e-02 5.37350351e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.38258546e-02 5.44634695e-02 6.75030060e-02 -1.11228009e-03 -1.06785578e-11 -3.40626005e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.67358278e-11 2.49874195e-02 1.41270965e-04] [ 8.80291536e-11 -2.58103479e-02 -2.53032251e-02] [-1.07297794e-10 -2.54196758e-02 1.36750594e-02] [-5.74732310e-11 2.62426042e-02 1.14868947e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.58206109e-02 4.67345900e-02 -5.76109521e-02 -1.19275504e-03 -3.55111241e-11 1.92450367e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.20206598e-10 -2.20241596e-02 -1.45899347e-02] [ 8.19614454e-11 2.40522776e-02 -4.18887655e-02] [-8.84724034e-11 2.67562358e-02 2.59816159e-02] [ 1.26716825e-10 -2.87843538e-02 3.04970843e-02]] Final stress: [-1.05959589e-02 -4.11411525e-02 5.89637568e-02 1.01808540e-03 4.11061667e-12 1.14556793e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.35156776e-10 -2.40881560e-02 -1.19716672e-02] [ 3.85564356e-11 2.53348457e-02 -6.96977251e-03] [-2.33214489e-12 2.59637872e-02 7.83717321e-03] [ 9.89320570e-11 -2.72104770e-02 1.11042665e-02]] Final stress: [-1.91423365e-02 -4.99997981e-02 -6.55091978e-02 1.13000096e-03 1.86996866e-11 7.43980508e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.30549041e-14 1.57027222e-01 -1.73048980e-01] [ 5.74361522e-13 -1.81807583e-01 3.10792178e-01] [-5.92515620e-13 -5.10959348e-01 -5.32905807e-01] [-7.68413111e-14 5.35739710e-01 3.95162609e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.76134351e-02 2.94590370e-02 1.23076160e-02 -4.49951186e-02 -1.52780920e-13 3.06722201e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.50603315e-12 -2.25512217e-01 -1.21790526e-01] [ 2.58008675e-13 1.75657687e-01 2.09556402e-01] [-1.20874448e-13 3.81530553e-01 -3.42793952e-01] [ 1.36154109e-12 -3.31676023e-01 2.55028076e-01]] Final stress: [1.03730842e-02 5.93783602e-02 1.09024654e-02 5.32430726e-02 2.36326941e-13 9.14364794e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.80174192e-12 2.49263972e-01 4.38417909e-02] [-1.08501446e-12 -1.78113719e-01 -1.67550063e-02] [ 9.60801100e-13 -3.97221405e-01 1.72848189e-01] [-1.67581747e-12 3.26071151e-01 -1.99934973e-01]] Final stress: [-6.69557472e-03 -5.46463174e-02 -6.03563300e-04 -5.72602475e-02 -1.09707709e-13 -1.48560104e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.07014179e-12 -2.00431415e-01 -1.77866352e-02] [ 1.51742030e-12 1.77474976e-01 1.15127623e-01] [-9.19648255e-13 5.46892624e-01 8.95452821e-02] [ 3.46841696e-12 -5.23936185e-01 -1.86886270e-01]] Final stress: [-3.25056369e-02 -2.68741773e-02 2.11288167e-03 5.69422420e-02 4.63713395e-13 2.67090866e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.21625206 0.03938382 -0.13367379] [-0.18331384 -0.0076214 0.25601915] [-0.40126293 0.00593086 -0.42013581] [ 0.36832471 -0.03769328 0.29779045]] Final stress: [ 0.01683184 0.05261449 0.00987361 -0.00610074 -0.052679 0.01051657] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21625206 0.03938382 -0.13367381] [ 0.18331384 -0.0076214 0.25601917] [ 0.40126293 0.00593086 -0.4201358 ] [-0.36832471 -0.03769327 0.29779044]] Final stress: [ 0.01683184 0.05261449 0.00987361 -0.00610074 0.052679 -0.01051657] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.24734046 -0.03412657 0.02916838] [-0.18200541 0.01046249 0.05032324] [-0.42131954 -0.00911588 0.10947279] [ 0.35598448 0.03277996 -0.1889644 ]] Final stress: [-0.01311773 -0.04902882 -0.00119526 0.00407054 -0.05909367 0.00993992] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.24734047 -0.03412656 0.02916837] [ 0.18200541 0.01046249 0.05032324] [ 0.42131953 -0.00911588 0.1094728 ] [-0.35598447 0.03277995 -0.18896441]] Final stress: [-0.01311773 -0.04902882 -0.00119526 0.00407054 0.05909367 -0.00993992] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02017545 0.01756332 -0.01125111] [ 0.02346902 -0.01195165 -0.006689 ] [ 0.02207624 -0.01095749 0.00636316] [-0.02536982 0.00534583 0.01157695]] Final stress: [ 0.01940861 0.05100127 0.00525385 -0.00168882 0.00060676 0.03080519] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02017416 0.01756268 -0.01125283] [-0.02347057 -0.01195243 -0.00668712] [-0.02207463 -0.01095669 0.00636265] [ 0.02537104 0.00534643 0.0115773 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0194086 0.05100129 0.00525389 -0.00168852 -0.00060616 -0.03080521] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01052246 0.00199256 0.00290315] [ 0.01412552 0.00687807 -0.00458525] [ 0.03102174 0.01556219 0.00912756] [-0.0346248 -0.02443283 -0.00744545]] Final stress: [-0.01621408 -0.04547609 -0.00288473 -0.00092391 0.00086102 0.03002417] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01052287 0.00199235 0.00290366] [-0.01412493 0.00687778 -0.00458576] [-0.03102234 0.01556249 0.00912783] [ 0.0346244 -0.02443263 -0.00744573]] Final stress: [-0.01621408 -0.04547609 -0.00288474 -0.0009238 -0.00086123 -0.03002416] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.65734959e-13 5.36465933e-01 5.62066800e-01] [-4.30470113e-13 -4.63097651e-01 3.10141983e-01] [ 1.30385243e-12 -1.46645190e+00 -2.02241174e+00] [-1.42784916e-12 1.39308362e+00 1.15020295e+00]] Final stress: [ 5.19857239e-02 -4.70453570e-02 1.07642353e-01 -1.22832897e-01 3.35344449e-14 -1.01357570e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.11567698e-12 -5.49565576e-01 5.69873974e-01] [-2.24786552e-13 4.86311591e-01 3.15623779e-01] [ 1.26999518e-12 1.42983281e+00 -2.02486939e+00] [ 3.05765656e-12 -1.36657882e+00 1.13937164e+00]] Final stress: [-4.90061814e-02 4.76767477e-02 1.05574092e-01 1.23770370e-01 8.76653048e-13 1.51736594e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.52515023e-12 6.63518716e-01 -2.38763316e-01] [-2.52774212e-12 -4.95469701e-01 5.00523548e-01] [ 2.82371934e-12 -1.69303645e+00 1.93802807e+00] [-2.81489589e-12 1.52498743e+00 -2.19978830e+00]] Final stress: [ 5.96152463e-02 -5.14721795e-02 3.30432501e-03 -1.11090743e-01 1.25476983e-13 -3.04163171e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.25364172e-12 -6.81237608e-01 -2.41856564e-01] [ 2.03392099e-12 5.23091453e-01 5.23972579e-01] [-1.16050941e-12 1.65798269e+00 1.92018084e+00] [ 3.72373573e-13 -1.49983654e+00 -2.20229685e+00]] Final stress: [-4.74343571e-02 5.49714041e-02 3.73384353e-03 1.10592477e-01 -1.90856585e-13 1.27644048e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.53942865 0.00980502 0.56120322] [-0.47181877 -0.00739408 0.31000442] [-1.45141587 0.01444345 -2.01744558] [ 1.38380599 -0.01685439 1.14623794]] Final stress: [ 0.00130229 0.00190554 0.10938681 -0.00201713 -0.12202151 0.04791763] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.53942861 0.00980502 0.56120323] [ 0.47181872 -0.00739408 0.3100044 ] [ 1.45141591 0.01444345 -2.01744543] [-1.38380602 -0.01685439 1.1462378 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00130229 0.00190554 0.10938681 -0.00201713 0.12202152 -0.04791764] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.67150943 0.00970735 -0.24044318] [-0.50792565 -0.00729963 0.51070229] [-1.67624121 0.01700505 1.93375838] [ 1.51265743 -0.01941277 -2.20401749]] Final stress: [ 0.00236367 0.00290057 0.00332573 -0.00181113 -0.11121882 0.05253804] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.67150943 0.00970735 -0.24044317] [ 0.50792565 -0.00729963 0.51070228] [ 1.67624121 0.01700505 1.93375835] [-1.51265743 -0.01941277 -2.20401747]] Final stress: [ 0.00236367 0.00290057 0.00332573 -0.00181113 0.11121882 -0.05253804] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01477087 0.03366032 0.02573803] [ 0.01900426 -0.00156295 -0.0026102 ] [ 0.02970827 0.00095359 -0.00908971] [-0.03394166 -0.03305096 -0.01403812]] Final stress: [ 0.00391954 0.00755026 0.0634541 -0.00610956 0.00073566 0.03020999] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01477143 0.03366031 0.02573807] [-0.01900364 -0.00156295 -0.00261037] [-0.02970892 0.00095359 -0.00908909] [ 0.03394112 -0.03305095 -0.01403862]] Final stress: [ 0.00391955 0.00755026 0.06345409 -0.00610956 -0.00073591 -0.03020998] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02543943 0.03401709 0.00179017] [ 0.02544358 -0.00165659 -0.02182425] [ 0.02392547 0.00104489 0.00953178] [-0.02392962 -0.03340539 0.01050229]] Final stress: [-0.00354375 0.00014072 -0.06167647 -0.0061682 0.0013339 0.03111054] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02543979 0.03401709 0.00179005] [-0.02544311 -0.00165659 -0.02182425] [-0.02392595 0.00104489 0.00953241] [ 0.02392927 -0.03340539 0.0105018 ]] Final stress: [-0.00354375 0.00014073 -0.06167647 -0.0061682 -0.00133408 -0.03111054] Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.69015421 1.47654427 27.78888215] [ -4.37375616 -4.03542301 -6.93402655] [ -3.92970181 -4.21952429 -7.66650796] [ 6.61330377 6.77840302 -13.18834764]] Final stress: [-0.06103981 -0.36616104 1.5946533 -0.67914752 -0.68452306 0.02320262] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.69015426 1.47654433 27.78888204] [ 4.3737562 -4.03542307 -6.93402675] [ 3.92970178 -4.21952424 -7.66650787] [ -6.61330373 6.77840298 -13.18834742]] Final stress: [-0.06103981 -0.36616103 1.5946533 -0.67914753 0.68452307 -0.02320262] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.98257008 -1.21867293 28.26964162] [ -3.80960934 4.12530706 -7.42559627] [ -4.49250165 4.1963924 -7.88159931] [ 7.31954091 -7.10302653 -12.96244604]] Final stress: [-0.38173984 -0.05576186 1.56843943 0.66074103 -0.65237472 0.29241138] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -0.98257003 -1.21867289 28.2696415 ] [ 3.80960933 4.12530706 -7.42559636] [ 4.49250167 4.19639242 -7.88159927] [ -7.31954098 -7.10302659 -12.96244587]] Final stress: [-0.38173984 -0.05576185 1.56843944 0.66074103 0.65237471 -0.29241138] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.29229596 1.11280435 3.70729171] [ 0.05438894 -1.07524174 -2.68126917] [-0.03260447 -1.86403261 -1.35408325] [ 0.27051149 1.82646999 0.32806071]] Final stress: [ 0.03582735 -0.05153569 0.04489756 -0.18705016 0.04375811 0.04867945] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.29229594 1.11280437 3.70729177] [-0.05438893 -1.07524177 -2.68126925] [ 0.03260447 -1.86403258 -1.35408326] [-0.27051147 1.82646998 0.32806073]] Final stress: [ 0.03582735 -0.05153568 0.04489756 -0.18705016 -0.0437581 -0.04867945] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.30293937 -1.14766815 3.63362718] [ 0.07874337 1.09447104 -2.63202167] [-0.06285529 1.81342929 -1.32888841] [ 0.28705129 -1.76023217 0.3272829 ]] Final stress: [-0.03406189 0.02485039 0.04613525 0.19073209 0.03992742 0.05082553] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.30293934 -1.14766817 3.63362709] [-0.07874336 1.09447106 -2.63202165] [ 0.06285529 1.81342925 -1.32888838] [-0.28705126 -1.76023214 0.32728294]] Final stress: [-0.03406188 0.02485039 0.04613525 0.19073208 -0.03992742 -0.05082553] Minimization converged after 36 steps. Minimization converged after 36 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.87436676 0.01198829 5.0435082 ] [-1.87870885 -0.04632881 -1.64902666] [-3.12094017 0.05566494 -6.62169446] [ 3.12528226 -0.02132442 3.22721293]] Final stress: [-0.03806112 -0.00943096 0.23263635 0.0010549 -0.3880782 0.09904539] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.22818801 0.32617685 5.73084406] [-0.71976819 -0.12653685 -2.34294313] [-4.01984105 0.12732189 -1.16694776] [ 5.96779726 -0.3269619 -2.22095317]] Final stress: [-0.02861459 -0.00520658 0.17701858 -0.02633792 0.04200719 0.2535187 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.22818808 0.32617687 5.73084399] [ 0.71976815 -0.12653686 -2.34294295] [ 4.01984111 0.1273219 -1.16694782] [-5.96779734 -0.32696191 -2.22095321]] Final stress: [-0.02861459 -0.00520658 0.17701859 -0.02633792 -0.0420072 -0.25351871] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.87436676 0.01198829 5.04350821] [ 1.87870885 -0.04632881 -1.64902666] [ 3.12094017 0.05566494 -6.62169447] [-3.12528226 -0.02132442 3.22721292]] Final stress: [-0.03806112 -0.00943096 0.23263635 0.0010549 0.3880782 -0.09904539] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01880495 0.05189888 -0.00189916] [ 0.02061222 0.00124765 -0.00159413] [ 0.02548813 -0.00223668 0.00167133] [-0.0272954 -0.05090985 0.00182196]] Final stress: [-0.00052724 0.00440774 0.00123697 -0.01026543 0.00112509 0.06170554] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01880544 0.05189886 -0.00189964] [-0.02061165 0.00124766 -0.00159323] [-0.02548873 -0.00223668 0.00167144] [ 0.02729494 -0.05090984 0.00182143]] Final stress: [-0.00052725 0.00440773 0.00123699 -0.01026543 -0.00112532 -0.06170553] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.06085329e-10 -2.52543245e-02 -1.36186635e-02] [ 1.64494180e-11 2.60197835e-02 -1.05416790e-02] [ 1.39050501e-11 2.50022488e-02 9.60837941e-03] [ 7.57272318e-11 -2.57677077e-02 1.45519631e-02]] Final stress: [6.28828341e-02 2.42310958e-02 6.21173647e-03 1.20118769e-03 1.78639879e-11 4.94575778e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.25834106e-11 2.06394351e-02 -1.14693397e-02] [ 3.54030566e-11 -2.30328361e-02 -1.18546391e-02] [-2.98059049e-11 -2.80035264e-02 1.36856808e-02] [ 6.69785928e-11 3.03969274e-02 9.63829805e-03]] Final stress: [-5.77337537e-02 -1.96198404e-02 -3.97407988e-03 -9.95838273e-04 6.10126231e-12 5.60120071e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-9.00547909e-11 -2.29020694e-02 4.88023561e-04] [ 8.47936328e-11 2.45360594e-02 2.06256643e-03] [-6.48976615e-11 2.64998206e-02 -4.97379773e-03] [ 7.01705517e-11 -2.81338106e-02 2.42320773e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.12662583e-02 -1.70751095e-02 1.28209563e-03 1.08962816e-03 -1.14190025e-12 8.52648258e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.19852806e-11 1.90880901e-02 5.44943225e-03] [ 2.50842747e-11 -2.23221874e-02 5.64983319e-03] [ 1.19109165e-11 -2.86247064e-02 -8.57870441e-03] [ 3.50049434e-11 3.18588036e-02 -2.52056103e-03]] Final stress: [-1.69236650e-02 2.08395817e-02 1.32152894e-03 -8.57222502e-04 9.69322063e-12 3.24423396e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.02963774e-12 1.34330326e-01 -1.08868411e-01] [-9.69001355e-14 -1.10368669e-01 1.70254226e-01] [ 3.54726231e-13 -2.33652974e-01 -2.66391222e-01] [-2.28606196e-12 2.09691318e-01 2.05005407e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.77964667e-02 9.51887209e-03 8.32471024e-03 -3.17317444e-02 -3.56379597e-13 -1.29198725e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.99439944e-12 -9.32312559e-02 -1.37617189e-01] [ 1.10380021e-12 1.14314676e-01 2.21860346e-01] [-1.45705670e-12 3.14121570e-01 -3.64301112e-01] [-1.64832384e-12 -3.35204991e-01 2.80057955e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.96580141e-02 2.73976188e-02 9.92207065e-03 2.68993511e-02 -6.43073115e-13 -2.18941552e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-9.18237708e-13 1.15425745e-01 -6.29590117e-02] [-6.70842722e-13 -1.16771326e-01 1.03134344e-01] [ 1.20141765e-12 -3.37513987e-01 4.25375365e-02] [ 3.92696292e-13 3.38859568e-01 -8.27128685e-02]] Final stress: [-1.57755235e-02 -2.09127957e-02 1.25517040e-03 -3.17484824e-02 3.60299737e-13 -1.65223635e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.03841154e-13 -1.54305528e-01 -2.06437543e-02] [-3.23485162e-13 1.15724847e-01 5.01748527e-02] [ 7.09674507e-13 2.47562560e-01 6.40042600e-02] [-8.96782648e-14 -2.08981879e-01 -9.35353584e-02]] Final stress: [-3.36628633e-02 -1.06583945e-03 1.56243896e-03 3.50224492e-02 1.45450970e-13 -2.09528333e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12742168 -0.02413698 -0.12162067] [-0.1074599 0.00778842 0.1808975 ] [-0.24289977 -0.00690497 -0.29300544] [ 0.22293799 0.02325353 0.23372861]] Final stress: [ 0.03375465 0.01113751 0.00843309 0.00286959 -0.02973379 0.00655813] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12742168 -0.02413699 -0.12162069] [ 0.10745989 0.00778842 0.18089752] [ 0.24289978 -0.00690497 -0.29300543] [-0.222938 0.02325353 0.2337286 ]] Final stress: [ 0.03375465 0.01113751 0.0084331 0.00286959 0.02973379 -0.00655814] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14174252 0.02405521 -0.05189304] [-0.12260822 -0.00483545 0.06172887] [-0.25653962 0.00380868 0.06005578] [ 0.23740532 -0.02302844 -0.06989162]] Final stress: [-0.02570577 -0.00565897 0.00212485 -0.00364793 -0.0329534 0.00653806] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14174252 0.02405521 -0.05189303] [ 0.12260821 -0.00483545 0.06172886] [ 0.25653963 0.00380868 0.06005578] [-0.23740532 -0.02302844 -0.06989161]] Final stress: [-0.02570577 -0.00565897 0.00212485 -0.00364793 0.0329534 -0.00653806] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02318792 -0.0069727 -0.01722368] [ 0.02253083 0.01114051 -0.01477129] [ 0.02312114 0.01160057 0.01155115] [-0.02246406 -0.01576838 0.02044383]] Final stress: [ 0.03261731 0.01373047 0.00361837 -0.0001778 0.00136432 0.01937955] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02318897 -0.00697323 -0.01722246] [-0.02252991 0.01114004 -0.01477213] [-0.02312211 0.01160106 0.01154934] [ 0.02246305 -0.01576787 0.02044525]] Final stress: [ 0.0326173 0.01373046 0.00361835 -0.00017759 -0.00136473 -0.01937955] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01706762 0.0146797 -0.1170637 ] [ 0.0210123 -0.01088496 0.09343095] [ 0.02342274 -0.01144088 -0.06616208] [-0.02736742 0.00764614 0.08979483]] Final stress: [-0.02763284 -0.00789898 0.00048048 -0.00133505 0.00047816 0.01905211] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01706527 0.01467854 -0.11706126] [-0.02101515 -0.01088638 0.09342893] [-0.02341978 -0.0114394 -0.06616552] [ 0.02736966 0.00764725 0.08979784]] Final stress: [-0.02763288 -0.00789897 0.00048044 -0.0013345 -0.00047707 -0.01905215] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.21676508e-10 2.35046178e-02 -1.77114766e-02] [-7.19441392e-11 -2.48352833e-02 -1.67590604e-02] [ 8.71976640e-11 -2.61707636e-02 1.28148347e-02] [-1.36925513e-10 2.75014291e-02 2.16557023e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.45175101e-02 6.29205277e-02 6.12715447e-03 -1.13415737e-03 -6.28446233e-12 -1.14624329e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.24019087e-10 -2.40699231e-02 -1.58355787e-02] [ 5.34699043e-12 2.53189683e-02 -1.88521995e-02] [-1.29933987e-11 2.57714875e-02 1.66542053e-02] [ 1.31661380e-10 -2.70205328e-02 1.80335728e-02]] Final stress: [-1.91665732e-02 -5.78298999e-02 -4.07020304e-03 1.13816213e-03 2.21939267e-11 7.39041619e-12] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.16675159e-12 9.74532395e-02 -1.34630946e-01] [ 1.41746424e-14 -1.14312632e-01 2.18034093e-01] [ 5.52394502e-14 -3.18930554e-01 -3.66674008e-01] [-1.24296753e-12 3.35789947e-01 2.83270862e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.50312966e-02 1.99666183e-02 7.69918550e-03 -2.84317550e-02 -2.27064825e-13 -6.28199789e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.69475284e-12 -1.35567055e-01 -1.12144879e-01] [-1.30305684e-12 1.05108203e-01 1.66496251e-01] [ 1.42473273e-12 2.33743130e-01 -2.64433550e-01] [-3.80541432e-12 -2.03284278e-01 2.10082178e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.22297293e-03 3.77200311e-02 8.10871894e-03 3.13302879e-02 -4.00999576e-13 -2.75843146e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.05581038e-12 1.47846767e-01 -3.40440487e-02] [ 5.06673913e-13 -1.16813421e-01 3.69654339e-02] [-1.21727563e-12 -2.46023103e-01 7.45933723e-02] [ 2.76281949e-12 2.14989757e-01 -7.75147574e-02]] Final stress: [-2.82121496e-03 -3.10622972e-02 1.39874559e-03 -3.34261876e-02 2.50582731e-13 1.80701259e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.34507680e-13 -1.16204334e-01 -6.98781296e-02] [-4.64115725e-13 1.18003919e-01 9.72150698e-02] [-1.19765959e-13 3.37843301e-01 4.80933859e-02] [-3.43980053e-13 -3.39642886e-01 -7.54303260e-02]] Final stress: [-2.09785760e-02 -1.52932005e-02 1.20173050e-03 3.19237614e-02 -9.93663453e-14 -3.98161874e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12746291 0.02461616 -0.11879028] [-0.10746086 -0.00549467 0.18430661] [-0.2431884 0.0044839 -0.29612061] [ 0.22318635 -0.02360539 0.23060428]] Final stress: [ 0.01101959 0.03367664 0.00847884 -0.00360743 -0.0297609 0.00657437] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12746291 0.02461616 -0.11879028] [ 0.10746086 -0.00549467 0.18430661] [ 0.2431884 0.0044839 -0.29612061] [-0.22318635 -0.02360539 0.23060428]] Final stress: [ 0.01101959 0.03367664 0.00847884 -0.00360743 0.0297609 -0.00657437] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14525541 -0.02279125 -0.04126852] [-0.12091053 0.00665234 0.0722422 ] [-0.25813765 -0.00575468 0.05162977] [ 0.23379278 0.0218936 -0.08260345]] Final stress: [-0.00355132 -0.02848676 0.00225079 0.00284913 -0.03398702 0.00643528] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14525541 -0.02279125 -0.04126853] [ 0.12091053 0.00665234 0.0722422 ] [ 0.25813765 -0.00575468 0.05162978] [-0.23379277 0.02189359 -0.08260345]] Final stress: [-0.00355132 -0.02848676 0.00225079 0.00284913 0.03398702 -0.00643528] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02104614 0.01519174 -0.00758557] [ 0.0233849 -0.01182724 -0.00421004] [ 0.02221232 -0.01105671 0.00383017] [-0.02455109 0.00769222 0.00796545]] Final stress: [ 0.01296463 0.03274201 0.00375251 -0.0012453 0.00075896 0.01927921] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02104191 0.01518963 -0.00758752] [-0.02338963 -0.01182961 -0.00420894] [-0.02220739 -0.01105424 0.00383536] [ 0.02455512 0.00769422 0.0079611 ]] Final stress: [ 0.01296462 0.03274205 0.00375254 -0.00124436 -0.00075706 -0.01927926] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01343054 -0.00066968 -0.0962702 ] [ 0.01601965 0.00764839 0.11379774] [ 0.02822755 0.01436835 -0.08049773] [-0.03081667 -0.02134706 0.06297019]] Final stress: [-0.00944681 -0.02739848 0.00073128 -0.00063028 0.0009028 0.01862199] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01342947 -0.00066915 -0.09626963] [-0.01602104 0.00764908 0.11379721] [-0.02822612 0.01436764 -0.08049862] [ 0.03081769 -0.02134758 0.06297105]] Final stress: [-0.0094468 -0.0273985 0.00073127 -0.00063054 -0.00090228 -0.01862201] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.82666858e-13 3.33206389e-01 2.92335066e-01] [-8.84025058e-13 -2.89661202e-01 1.03232902e-01] [ 2.45370000e-12 -8.96663399e-01 -1.17505134e+00] [-1.08690487e-12 8.53118212e-01 7.79483374e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.49813473e-02 -2.74542223e-02 5.45767750e-02 -7.14767827e-02 3.76494369e-13 -1.09857599e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.40020761e-13 -3.38323593e-01 2.94661601e-01] [ 3.40415153e-12 2.98256142e-01 1.03457471e-01] [-2.74326742e-12 8.81436323e-01 -1.17063827e+00] [-1.52399621e-12 -8.41368871e-01 7.72519203e-01]] Final stress: [-2.66392868e-02 3.11761851e-02 5.34905483e-02 7.37147505e-02 -8.82690331e-13 1.06492243e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.15221980e-12 4.27222813e-01 -2.09931962e-01] [-4.31298226e-13 -3.35642917e-01 2.45498263e-01] [ 1.88418031e-12 -1.08458624e+00 1.31237896e+00] [-6.59989598e-12 9.93006343e-01 -1.34794526e+00]] Final stress: [ 3.98661893e-02 -3.07837226e-02 -1.28626215e-02 -7.43452132e-02 -8.38268109e-13 -3.78582680e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.66013232e-12 -4.33896946e-01 -2.10553931e-01] [-1.47567679e-12 3.47164715e-01 2.53612143e-01] [ 1.26777972e-12 1.06542862e+00 1.31349184e+00] [-1.45273550e-12 -9.78696393e-01 -1.35655005e+00]] Final stress: [-3.21096519e-02 3.80391152e-02 -1.38259606e-02 7.65105679e-02 1.00991496e-14 -1.53305865e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.33874589 0.00363974 0.29217346] [-0.29519741 -0.00243441 0.10314768] [-0.8855804 0.00239199 -1.17052212] [ 0.84203192 -0.00359731 0.77520098]] Final stress: [ 0.00147225 0.00176942 0.05359105 -0.00077584 -0.0740454 0.03068575] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.33874588 0.00363974 0.29217348] [ 0.29519738 -0.00243441 0.10314765] [ 0.88558043 0.00239199 -1.17052212] [-0.84203194 -0.00359731 0.77520098]] Final stress: [ 0.00147225 0.00176942 0.05359105 -0.00077584 0.0740454 -0.03068576] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.42701455 0.00467506 -0.21517363] [-0.33826972 -0.00390681 0.24675031] [-1.07587159 0.00775325 1.3168314 ] [ 0.98712676 -0.0085215 -1.34840808]] Final stress: [ 0.00388764 0.00359163 -0.01112175 -0.00178463 -0.07353519 0.03472955] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.42701455 0.00467506 -0.21517366] [ 0.33826971 -0.00390681 0.24675035] [ 1.07587161 0.00775325 1.31683143] [-0.98712677 -0.0085215 -1.34840812]] Final stress: [ 0.00388764 0.00359163 -0.01112175 -0.00178463 0.07353519 -0.03472955] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01927523 0.02160398 0.01535082] [ 0.02208467 -0.0010042 -0.00039761] [ 0.02796933 0.00061426 -0.00609255] [-0.03077877 -0.02121405 -0.00886065]] Final stress: [ 0.00322956 0.005587 0.04017979 -0.00392175 0.00091487 0.01891061] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0192757 0.02160397 0.01535129] [-0.02208409 -0.0010042 -0.00039786] [-0.02796993 0.00061426 -0.00609467] [ 0.03077831 -0.02121404 -0.00885875]] Final stress: [ 0.00322956 0.005587 0.04017979 -0.00392174 -0.0009151 -0.0189106 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02566715 0.02175311 0.00045504] [ 0.02596456 -0.00105372 -0.0144873 ] [ 0.02445583 0.00066266 0.00669719] [-0.02475323 -0.02136206 0.00733507]] Final stress: [-0.00140076 0.00098015 -0.03806002 -0.00394368 0.00126749 0.01945312] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02566757 0.02175311 0.00045414] [-0.0259642 -0.00105372 -0.01448721] [-0.0244562 0.00066266 0.00670244] [ 0.02475283 -0.02136206 0.00733064]] Final stress: [-0.00140075 0.00098016 -0.03806001 -0.00394368 -0.00126765 -0.01945312] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.48523987e-12 1.73238473e+00 1.15534234e+01] [-3.50261812e-12 -2.70971508e+00 -5.92101882e+00] [-4.35726975e-13 -4.15314762e+00 -3.73252678e+00] [ 9.41599923e-12 5.13047797e+00 -1.89987783e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.06026147e-01 -2.09772168e-01 4.16783095e-01 -4.30679355e-01 1.36942539e-12 2.69076140e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.52043834e-11 -2.03117522e+00 1.13664341e+01] [-7.86301861e-12 2.83002261e+00 -5.67588466e+00] [ 9.08779085e-12 4.01621248e+00 -3.65473356e+00] [ 2.40050124e-11 -4.81505987e+00 -2.03581587e+00]] Final stress: [-1.31708801e-01 3.35313199e-02 4.23752532e-01 4.70383912e-01 6.02297246e-12 9.12440866e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.48896759 0.47658223 2.09327531] [-0.45738884 -0.45056338 -1.57987887] [-0.9279987 -0.93587587 -0.89982541] [ 0.89641995 0.90985702 0.38642897]] Final stress: [ 0.02244869 -0.02635185 0.01235956 -0.08321115 -0.08901364 0.02263639] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.48896758 0.47658222 2.0932753 ] [ 0.45738882 -0.45056337 -1.57987883] [ 0.92799871 -0.93587589 -0.89982542] [-0.89641996 0.90985703 0.38642895]] Final stress: [ 0.0224487 -0.02635185 0.01235956 -0.08321115 0.08901364 -0.0226364 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.45159636 -0.46079679 2.0921407 ] [-0.45812847 0.45346342 -1.59738678] [-0.93881959 0.93303923 -0.89177978] [ 0.94535169 -0.92570585 0.39702587]] Final stress: [-0.02459813 0.02413521 0.01326089 0.08152071 -0.07931749 0.02640245] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.45159634 -0.46079677 2.09214078] [ 0.45812845 0.4534634 -1.59738682] [ 0.93881962 0.93303925 -0.89177981] [-0.94535173 -0.92570589 0.39702585]] Final stress: [-0.02459813 0.02413522 0.01326089 0.08152072 0.07931749 -0.02640245] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07063253 0.3104924 0.53521738] [ 0.01949582 -0.25848124 -0.42045572] [-0.01282908 -0.50029038 -0.37166933] [ 0.06396579 0.44827923 0.25690767]] Final stress: [ 0.01256891 -0.0104309 -0.00285089 -0.05454936 0.01064285 0.02224606] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07063256 0.31049238 0.53521736] [-0.01949582 -0.2584812 -0.42045565] [ 0.01282909 -0.50029043 -0.37166934] [-0.06396582 0.44827926 0.25690763]] Final stress: [ 0.01256892 -0.01043091 -0.00285089 -0.05454937 -0.01064285 -0.02224606] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07745853 -0.31681192 0.53201203] [ 0.01859734 0.26235963 -0.41515003] [-0.01273331 0.49741163 -0.37136729] [ 0.0715945 -0.44295935 0.25450529]] Final stress: [-0.00665822 0.01134276 -0.00262587 0.05612226 0.01116172 0.02373424] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07745851 -0.31681193 0.532012 ] [-0.01859733 0.26235965 -0.41515003] [ 0.01273331 0.49741161 -0.37136728] [-0.07159449 -0.44295933 0.2545053 ]] Final stress: [-0.00665822 0.01134276 -0.00262587 0.05612225 -0.01116171 -0.02373424] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.84580755 0.07249158 11.4579034 ] [-2.7795539 -0.07616429 -5.82708544] [-4.06570618 0.0743012 -3.69363627] [ 4.99945253 -0.0706285 -1.93718169]] Final stress: [-0.08417196 -0.02071612 0.41900341 -0.00973243 -0.4426699 0.12151681] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.8458075 0.07249158 11.45790346] [ 2.77955385 -0.07616429 -5.82708532] [ 4.06570623 0.07430121 -3.69363633] [-4.99945258 -0.0706285 -1.93718181]] Final stress: [-0.08417196 -0.02071612 0.41900341 -0.00973243 0.4426699 -0.12151682] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.88367878e-01 1.12260191e-03 6.37519677e-01] [-2.94875323e-01 -7.23328292e-05 -4.70416906e-01] [-5.98997020e-01 3.74191085e-04 -5.53230472e-01] [ 5.05504465e-01 -1.42446016e-03 3.86127701e-01]] Final stress: [-0.00039998 0.00016467 -0.00249836 -0.00041865 -0.06942064 0.03147027] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.47608343 0.07448942 1.86124606] [-0.28521564 -0.02986814 -1.02509782] [-2.0118441 0.03550739 -0.80652385] [ 2.77314317 -0.08012867 -0.02962439]] Final stress: [-0.00397695 0.00117172 0.03158826 -0.00673294 0.01060007 0.11432269] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.47608358 0.07448943 1.86124585] [ 0.28521556 -0.02986815 -1.02509743] [ 2.01184425 0.0355074 -0.8065239 ] [-2.77314338 -0.08012868 -0.02962451]] Final stress: [-0.00397695 0.00117172 0.03158827 -0.00673294 -0.01060009 -0.11432271] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.88367899e-01 1.12260185e-03 6.37519594e-01] [ 2.94875365e-01 -7.23316661e-05 -4.70416877e-01] [ 5.98996961e-01 3.74189914e-04 -5.53230423e-01] [-5.05504428e-01 -1.42446010e-03 3.86127706e-01]] Final stress: [-0.00039998 0.00016468 -0.00249836 -0.00041865 0.06942063 -0.03147027] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01988633 0.03457824 -0.00039919] [ 0.02212844 0.00080644 0.00144794] [ 0.02676017 -0.00146568 -0.00496594] [-0.02900228 -0.03391899 0.00391719]] Final stress: [ 0.00033937 0.00374089 0.00127268 -0.00683172 0.00103061 0.03841155] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01988523 0.03457826 -0.00039732] [-0.02212978 0.00080644 0.00144549] [-0.02675878 -0.00146568 -0.0049667 ] [ 0.02900333 -0.03391902 0.00391853]] Final stress: [ 0.00033937 0.0037409 0.00127263 -0.00683173 -0.0010301 -0.03841157] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.32292133e-10 2.22180839e-02 -2.16980775e-03] [-1.08468250e-11 -2.40702902e-02 -1.26959667e-02] [ 1.58219150e-11 -2.69683240e-02 1.25859574e-02] [-1.37282737e-10 2.88205304e-02 2.27981701e-03]] Final stress: [-3.52301767e-02 -1.14724971e-02 -2.11074001e-03 -1.04132571e-03 -2.26545913e-11 -8.00513883e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.01124751e-12 8.29884099e-02 -9.21598831e-02] [ 4.95883933e-13 -6.43976983e-02 1.35177284e-01] [-4.12263973e-13 -1.45671087e-01 -2.15594140e-01] [-1.07631265e-12 1.27080375e-01 1.72576739e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.44257043e-02 5.11022094e-03 5.64824100e-03 -1.94107541e-02 -3.01700148e-13 -3.56090506e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.59253166e-12 -5.63129038e-02 -1.09564451e-01] [-8.56544002e-13 6.65093141e-02 1.64814669e-01] [ 4.49486368e-14 1.96083162e-01 -2.73387796e-01] [-7.96598898e-13 -2.06279573e-01 2.18137578e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.29672944e-02 1.64193493e-02 6.41686220e-03 1.62207103e-02 -1.45763067e-13 -8.97866448e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-6.50346964e-13 6.83265948e-02 -1.01608475e-01] [ 1.24843148e-12 -7.24517705e-02 1.18144634e-01] [-1.12119407e-12 -2.11623151e-01 1.85329030e-02] [ 5.51142465e-13 2.15748326e-01 -3.50690620e-02]] Final stress: [-8.61603496e-03 -1.25741924e-02 2.91501938e-03 -1.77481808e-02 -1.50898195e-13 9.98636515e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-7.50986079e-13 -9.68729187e-02 -7.01134789e-02] [ 9.85957626e-13 7.13985109e-02 8.50897721e-02] [-1.20898062e-12 1.58957928e-01 1.82731838e-02] [ 9.66669453e-13 -1.33483520e-01 -3.32494770e-02]] Final stress: [-2.02909276e-02 -1.08062545e-03 1.94502585e-03 2.12391128e-02 -9.04228414e-14 1.09420537e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07849049 -0.01537012 -0.09743129] [-0.065937 0.00465314 0.14068529] [-0.15151022 -0.00408713 -0.22888851] [ 0.13895673 0.01480411 0.18563451]] Final stress: [ 0.02187825 0.00769907 0.00577679 0.00190961 -0.01856396 0.00414473] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07849049 -0.01537012 -0.09743127] [ 0.065937 0.00465314 0.14068527] [ 0.15151022 -0.00408713 -0.22888852] [-0.13895673 0.01480411 0.18563452]] Final stress: [ 0.02187825 0.00769907 0.00577679 0.00190961 0.01856395 -0.00414473] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09007753 0.01569359 -0.08513034] [-0.07303711 -0.00355559 0.09119868] [-0.16474173 0.00290856 0.0195284 ] [ 0.14770132 -0.01504655 -0.02559674]] Final stress: [-0.01761967 -0.00340564 0.00213282 -0.00227131 -0.01987346 0.00424702] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09007753 0.01569359 -0.08513033] [ 0.07303711 -0.00355559 0.09119868] [ 0.16474173 0.00290856 0.01952838] [-0.14770132 -0.01504655 -0.02559673]] Final stress: [-0.01761967 -0.00340564 0.00213282 -0.00227131 0.01987346 -0.00424702] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02287773 -0.00853848 -0.01091819] [ 0.0227505 0.01129422 -0.00921555] [ 0.02290553 0.01148059 0.00697869] [-0.0227783 -0.01423633 0.01315504]] Final stress: [2.12043290e-02 9.41111117e-03 2.73081780e-03 7.76829697e-05 1.23342214e-03 1.21053011e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02286036 -0.00852978 -0.01093698] [-0.02277079 0.01130437 -0.00919632] [-0.02288441 0.01147003 0.00698226] [ 0.02279484 -0.01424462 0.01315104]] Final stress: [ 2.12044946e-02 9.41101996e-03 2.73118275e-03 7.36977285e-05 -1.22545875e-03 -1.21055611e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01994354 0.01286569 -0.01562684] [ 0.02233565 -0.01124483 -0.00543108] [ 0.02329354 -0.01162277 0.00640952] [-0.02568566 0.01000191 0.0146484 ]] Final stress: [-0.01648112 -0.00423517 -0.00037083 -0.00092122 0.00076511 0.01193525] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01994902 0.01286843 -0.0156258 ] [-0.02232916 -0.01124159 -0.00543257] [-0.0233003 -0.01162615 0.00640983] [ 0.02568043 0.00999931 0.01464854]] Final stress: [-0.01648107 -0.00423521 -0.00037086 -0.00092248 -0.00076765 -0.01193516] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.64843009e-12 5.55314334e-02 -1.10749362e-01] [-7.89907419e-13 -6.64891334e-02 1.63362228e-01] [ 4.14190383e-13 -1.95551344e-01 -2.71861452e-01] [ 3.03410769e-12 2.06509044e-01 2.19248586e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.65227700e-02 1.29456070e-02 6.39541469e-03 -1.59744627e-02 6.74308921e-13 1.19399603e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.64651624e-13 -8.34676188e-02 -9.35052739e-02] [ 2.01417442e-13 6.44806399e-02 1.34299399e-01] [ 6.48233637e-14 1.45703708e-01 -2.14853687e-01] [ 2.96500671e-13 -1.26716729e-01 1.74059562e-01]] Final stress: [5.21021788e-03 2.43981010e-02 5.63924352e-03 1.95273339e-02 7.35778537e-14 2.95162473e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.34555821e-12 9.44222274e-02 -7.54563384e-02] [ 1.78054186e-13 -7.17969473e-02 7.97399145e-02] [-2.73250823e-13 -1.58387426e-01 2.25924207e-02] [-1.24773802e-12 1.35762146e-01 -2.68759969e-02]] Final stress: [-7.61641432e-04 -2.02706303e-02 1.87865214e-03 -2.06316277e-02 -3.04001825e-13 -5.35495133e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.07673505e-12 -6.86544288e-02 -1.04598774e-01] [ 5.91439441e-13 7.29314609e-02 1.15724514e-01] [-1.53095201e-13 2.11759369e-01 2.08583666e-02] [ 2.64483921e-12 -2.16036401e-01 -3.19841066e-02]] Final stress: [-1.24134128e-02 -8.60233538e-03 2.89142454e-03 1.78206153e-02 4.77786246e-13 1.73726383e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07850211 0.01555964 -0.09634838] [-0.06594145 -0.00377403 0.14205093] [-0.15162453 0.00315885 -0.23018293] [ 0.13906386 -0.01494446 0.18448039]] Final stress: [ 0.00765305 0.02184752 0.00579483 -0.00219531 -0.01857334 0.00415135] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07850211 0.01555964 -0.09634839] [ 0.06594144 -0.00377403 0.14205094] [ 0.15162453 0.00315885 -0.23018293] [-0.13906387 -0.01494446 0.18448038]] Final stress: [ 0.00765305 0.02184752 0.00579483 -0.00219531 0.01857334 -0.00415135] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.09142585 -0.0152011 -0.08070624] [-0.07239271 0.00429835 0.09541133] [-0.16536257 -0.00370318 0.01611063] [ 0.14632942 0.01460593 -0.03081571]] Final stress: [-0.00358492 -0.01771544 0.00218344 0.00195066 -0.02027086 0.00420829] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.09142586 -0.01520109 -0.08070624] [ 0.07239272 0.00429835 0.09541132] [ 0.16536255 -0.00370318 0.01611062] [-0.14632941 0.01460592 -0.0308157 ]] Final stress: [-0.00358492 -0.01771544 0.00218344 0.00195066 0.02027086 -0.00420829] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01720071 -0.00573103 -0.00345804] [ 0.01929349 0.00957383 0.00718216] [ 0.02626127 0.01315089 -0.00273911] [-0.02835405 -0.01699369 -0.000985 ]] Final stress: [-5.09015741e-03 -1.64147389e-02 -2.13257531e-04 -7.22118329e-05 9.25950014e-04 1.16324577e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01719537 -0.00572835 -0.00345041] [-0.01929914 0.00957666 0.00717677] [-0.0262554 0.01314796 -0.00275404] [ 0.02835917 -0.01699626 -0.00097232]] Final stress: [-5.09017839e-03 -1.64148039e-02 -2.13374743e-04 -7.33671019e-05 -9.23642174e-04 -1.16325028e-02] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.42306175e-12 2.02433099e-01 1.49418999e-01] [ 2.90742864e-12 -1.79887108e-01 3.39057415e-02] [-3.03525195e-12 -5.34554026e-01 -6.67112219e-01] [ 2.53388283e-12 5.12008035e-01 4.83787478e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.44108072e-02 -1.53604885e-02 2.98163162e-02 -4.38746519e-02 -2.02281071e-13 3.06690444e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.41199552e-13 -2.04335230e-01 1.50108513e-01] [-8.21218310e-13 1.82933438e-01 3.31888567e-02] [ 8.93232320e-13 5.31855232e-01 -6.66870923e-01] [ 6.96443771e-14 -5.10453439e-01 4.83573553e-01]] Final stress: [-1.25397489e-02 2.15888416e-02 2.98101841e-02 4.40557890e-02 2.13770357e-13 -3.91873637e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.31171462e-12 2.78354159e-01 -1.69954876e-01] [ 7.72891950e-13 -2.26174726e-01 1.34433083e-01] [-1.45885691e-13 -7.17194364e-01 9.13153400e-01] [ 2.68139851e-12 6.65014931e-01 -8.77631607e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.91928700e-02 -1.87679240e-02 -1.23233323e-02 -4.94569222e-02 4.81075053e-13 1.89048354e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.92973935e-12 -2.81214707e-01 -1.70108255e-01] [ 4.16605118e-13 2.31527376e-01 1.37133649e-01] [-3.52972859e-15 7.04471704e-01 9.16405770e-01] [ 3.53376616e-12 -6.54784373e-01 -8.83431165e-01]] Final stress: [-1.86726389e-02 2.61106915e-02 -1.33814126e-02 5.13774871e-02 6.72348188e-13 2.13424216e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.20797049 0.00144382 0.15594434] [-0.18000525 -0.00089028 0.03205816] [-0.53774485 0.00080261 -0.67318947] [ 0.50977961 -0.00135615 0.48518697]] Final stress: [ 0.00198301 0.00225177 0.0274608 -0.00032217 -0.04537424 0.01847316] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.20797052 0.00144381 0.15594434] [ 0.18000528 -0.00089028 0.03205816] [ 0.53774482 0.00080261 -0.67318952] [-0.50977957 -0.00135615 0.48518702]] Final stress: [ 0.00198301 0.00225177 0.0274608 -0.00032217 0.04537424 -0.01847316] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.28019967 0.0020489 -0.17002441] [-0.22746715 -0.00187517 0.13426755] [-0.70743082 0.00179825 0.91710911] [ 0.6546983 -0.00197198 -0.88135225]] Final stress: [ 0.00207318 0.00285834 -0.01359779 -0.00036725 -0.05126775 0.02391201] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.28019957 0.0020489 -0.17002455] [ 0.22746703 -0.00187517 0.13426769] [ 0.707431 0.00179825 0.91710924] [-0.65469846 -0.00197198 -0.88135237]] Final stress: [ 0.00207318 0.00285834 -0.01359779 -0.00036725 0.05126776 -0.02391203] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.17714258e-12 4.61285487e-01 1.25206300e+00] [ 1.18816762e-12 -4.41673682e-01 -9.82222010e-01] [-2.52390773e-13 -9.32099235e-01 -6.30458493e-01] [ 2.22130647e-12 9.12487431e-01 3.60617500e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.80797693e-02 -2.39872383e-02 2.37196987e-03 -8.03915191e-02 3.79975724e-13 1.88024438e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.79318474e-12 -4.91446526e-01 1.25658554e+00] [-3.28846781e-12 4.37617275e-01 -9.69073181e-01] [ 5.16606072e-12 9.29898145e-01 -6.30862144e-01] [-6.98581817e-14 -8.76068894e-01 3.43349784e-01]] Final stress: [-2.31660703e-02 2.38328512e-02 1.43259823e-03 9.00631315e-02 1.16826625e-12 -1.86206095e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.15337514 0.15173921 0.36518335] [-0.12931171 -0.13348381 -0.2713933 ] [-0.29225423 -0.29166768 -0.31145925] [ 0.2681908 0.27341228 0.2176692 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00880382 -0.00573688 -0.0027675 -0.03074268 -0.03087614 0.00764703] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.15337516 0.15173924 0.36518338] [ 0.12931174 -0.13348384 -0.27139335] [ 0.2922542 -0.29166765 -0.31145925] [-0.26819077 0.27341225 0.21766923]] Final stress: [ 0.00880382 -0.00573688 -0.0027675 -0.03074267 0.03087614 -0.00764702] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14642071 -0.1485524 0.36206618] [-0.13130957 0.13405205 -0.2745832 ] [-0.28966386 0.2907456 -0.30885036] [ 0.27455272 -0.27624525 0.22136738]] Final stress: [-0.0070288 0.01028977 -0.00280862 0.02999055 -0.02879526 0.00828344] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14642071 -0.1485524 0.36206618] [ 0.13130958 0.13405206 -0.27458321] [ 0.28966385 0.29074559 -0.30885035] [-0.27455272 -0.27624525 0.22136738]] Final stress: [-0.0070288 0.01028977 -0.00280862 0.02999055 0.02879526 -0.00828344] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02927103 0.12123706 0.11317118] [ 0.00618885 -0.09761221 -0.07543745] [-0.00459877 -0.1966155 -0.18978669] [ 0.02768095 0.17299065 0.15205296]] Final stress: [ 0.00590362 -0.00283243 0.0007281 -0.02319979 0.00430846 0.01395709] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02927107 0.12123703 0.11317115] [-0.00618886 -0.09761216 -0.07543738] [ 0.00459878 -0.19661556 -0.18978669] [-0.02768099 0.17299069 0.15205293]] Final stress: [ 0.00590362 -0.00283243 0.00072811 -0.02319979 -0.00430846 -0.01395709] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02983706 -0.12294081 0.11314309] [ 0.00714759 0.09784057 -0.07480963] [-0.00576061 0.19643586 -0.1902906 ] [ 0.02845008 -0.17133562 0.15195714]] Final stress: [-0.00262805 0.00568263 0.0007375 0.02354396 0.00418212 0.01405767] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02983705 -0.12294082 0.11314306] [-0.00714759 0.09784059 -0.07480961] [ 0.00576061 0.19643583 -0.19029059] [-0.02845007 -0.1713356 0.15195714]] Final stress: [-0.00262805 0.00568263 0.0007375 0.02354395 -0.00418212 -0.01405767] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.72965012e-01 6.25478980e-03 1.25503758e+00] [-4.37250586e-01 7.79292431e-04 -9.79567525e-01] [-9.33022620e-01 2.72161662e-03 -6.32393203e-01] [ 8.97308194e-01 -9.75569885e-03 3.56923151e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00029967 -0.00017862 0.00194943 -0.00288076 -0.08350107 0.02434435] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.72965048e-01 6.25478950e-03 1.25503751e+00] [ 4.37250627e-01 7.79294121e-04 -9.79567511e-01] [ 9.33022562e-01 2.72161493e-03 -6.32393174e-01] [-8.97308142e-01 -9.75569855e-03 3.56923178e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00029967 -0.00017862 0.00194943 -0.00288076 0.08350107 -0.02434434] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.31023647e-01 2.38786810e-04 1.09104417e-01] [-9.55876378e-02 1.58741198e-04 -7.06089460e-02] [-2.03838344e-01 -9.12534534e-05 -1.91623689e-01] [ 1.68402335e-01 -3.06274555e-04 1.53128218e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00149206 0.00158906 0.00085834 -0.00010728 -0.02575482 0.01631367] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21422537 0.01874042 0.56790449] [-0.12851959 -0.00691215 -0.29673123] [-1.00794222 0.00656189 -0.50960548] [ 1.35068718 -0.01839016 0.23843222]] Final stress: [-0.000133 0.00031266 0.00403451 -0.00183397 0.00203203 0.05521295] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.21422553 0.01874043 0.56790431] [ 0.12851952 -0.00691215 -0.29673095] [ 1.00794237 0.00656189 -0.50960547] [-1.35068742 -0.01839017 0.23843211]] Final stress: [-0.000133 0.00031266 0.00403451 -0.00183397 -0.00203204 -0.05521297] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.31023664e-01 2.38786808e-04 1.09104454e-01] [ 9.55876841e-02 1.58741654e-04 -7.06090120e-02] [ 2.03838293e-01 -9.12539135e-05 -1.91623693e-01] [-1.68402313e-01 -3.06274549e-04 1.53128252e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00149206 0.00158906 0.00085833 -0.00010728 0.02575481 -0.01631366] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02071666 0.02232677 0.00166124] [ 0.02301422 0.00047711 0.00292481] [ 0.02711774 -0.00090217 -0.00596852] [-0.0294153 -0.02190171 0.00138247]] Final stress: [ 0.00092701 0.00316914 0.00128881 -0.00440024 0.00099453 0.0238862 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.020715 0.0223268 0.00167278] [-0.02301654 0.00047711 0.00291163] [-0.02711534 -0.00090217 -0.00597 ] [ 0.02941688 -0.02190174 0.0013856 ]] Final stress: [ 0.000927 0.00316914 0.00128856 -0.00440025 -0.00099369 -0.02388625] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.57973806e-15 5.08351039e-02 -7.53877745e-02] [-2.94979102e-13 -3.90278176e-02 1.09506307e-01] [ 1.19209764e-12 -9.12342926e-02 -1.82223829e-01] [-8.80649720e-13 7.94270064e-02 1.48105297e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.60893781e-02 3.89004269e-03 4.24582874e-03 -1.21702483e-02 1.08784607e-13 -6.48568256e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.22270423e-12 -3.29154081e-02 -8.76685632e-02] [ 3.07558449e-13 3.98593979e-02 1.29449189e-01] [-2.43917300e-14 1.23193043e-01 -2.21394393e-01] [ 9.50770712e-13 -1.30137033e-01 1.79613768e-01]] Final stress: [8.69651364e-03 1.11843447e-02 4.67551512e-03 1.00298975e-02 1.73931576e-13 7.08724751e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.34985989e-12 4.37601282e-02 -1.18191508e-01] [ 9.45774925e-13 -4.77430917e-02 1.22714464e-01] [-3.29492727e-13 -1.38958208e-01 3.69621270e-02] [ 1.72514433e-12 1.42941172e-01 -4.14850831e-02]] Final stress: [-4.08694817e-03 -7.17419220e-03 3.00049310e-03 -1.11126400e-02 2.61547515e-13 1.47681489e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.00648049e-12 -6.30537265e-02 -9.76835975e-02] [ 1.16477617e-12 4.73178946e-02 1.02435578e-01] [-3.85395058e-13 1.05480370e-01 2.76783639e-02] [-1.78243184e-12 -8.97445376e-02 -3.24303447e-02]] Final stress: [-1.19013708e-02 5.14788856e-04 2.47069898e-03 1.34931690e-02 -4.28206675e-13 -2.93660598e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04781996 -0.00998238 -0.07798577] [-0.03992783 0.00290679 0.11260488] [-0.0949524 -0.00254507 -0.18982156] [ 0.08706027 0.00962066 0.15520244]] Final stress: [ 0.01445265 0.00553624 0.00431024 0.0012709 -0.01161068 0.0026726 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04781996 -0.00998238 -0.07798573] [ 0.03992783 0.00290679 0.11260485] [ 0.09495241 -0.00254507 -0.18982158] [-0.08706028 0.00962066 0.15520246]] Final stress: [ 0.01445265 0.00553624 0.00431024 0.0012709 0.01161068 -0.0026726 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05893859 0.01057951 -0.1042315 ] [-0.04820111 -0.00257048 0.10502789] [-0.10908363 0.00214801 0.0309274 ] [ 0.09834614 -0.01015705 -0.03172379]] Final stress: [-0.01011378 -0.00112348 0.0025506 -0.00148357 -0.01269434 0.00284842] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05893861 0.0105795 -0.1042315 ] [ 0.04820113 -0.00257048 0.1050279 ] [ 0.1090836 0.00214801 0.03092739] [-0.09834612 -0.01015704 -0.03172379]] Final stress: [-0.01011378 -0.00112348 0.0025506 -0.00148357 0.01269434 -0.00284842] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.63164360e-15 3.26127711e-02 -8.80948611e-02] [-7.58317454e-13 -3.98372912e-02 1.28896951e-01] [ 6.42499942e-13 -1.23002602e-01 -2.20771194e-01] [ 1.20486954e-13 1.30227122e-01 1.79969104e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.12233881e-02 8.68780512e-03 4.66779138e-03 -9.93669724e-03 1.69560075e-13 -3.29990291e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-6.29163388e-13 -5.10250718e-02 -7.59502928e-02] [ 2.62964346e-13 3.90631057e-02 1.09164861e-01] [-1.60328998e-13 9.12444610e-02 -1.81950809e-01] [ 5.37486722e-13 -7.92824949e-02 1.48736241e-01]] Final stress: [3.92936530e-03 1.60795499e-02 4.24235256e-03 1.22162168e-02 6.25937034e-14 4.66164478e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.94124576e-13 6.21630178e-02 -9.97940084e-02] [ 3.21854739e-13 -4.74443730e-02 1.00274532e-01] [-8.99232945e-14 -1.05296125e-01 2.94140749e-02] [-8.21728102e-13 9.05774801e-02 -2.98945989e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.42590271e-04 -1.18935857e-02 2.44380337e-03 -1.32732945e-02 -1.77879394e-13 -2.43362999e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.10775711e-13 -4.39114904e-02 -1.19531514e-01] [-1.37236858e-12 4.79386036e-02 1.21689247e-01] [ 1.50500749e-12 1.39015459e-01 3.80121519e-02] [-4.61262972e-13 -1.43042572e-01 -4.01698849e-02]] Final stress: [-7.10324188e-03 -4.08168855e-03 2.99003961e-03 1.11458938e-02 2.54080256e-13 -1.01369007e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04781894 0.01005862 -0.0775726 ] [-0.03993149 -0.00257458 0.11315796] [-0.09499709 0.00219383 -0.19037547] [ 0.08710963 -0.00967787 0.1547901 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00551809 0.0144406 0.00431749 -0.00138111 -0.01161302 0.00267544] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04781894 0.01005862 -0.07757262] [ 0.03993149 -0.00257458 0.11315798] [ 0.09499709 0.00219383 -0.19037545] [-0.08710963 -0.00967787 0.15479009]] Final stress: [ 0.00551809 0.0144406 0.00431749 -0.00138111 0.01161302 -0.00267544] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05943515 -0.01039317 -0.10235453] [-0.04797 0.00288335 0.10672028] [-0.10931239 -0.00248211 0.02951256] [ 0.09784725 0.00999193 -0.03387831]] Final stress: [-0.00119824 -0.01015301 0.00257079 0.00135231 -0.01283979 0.00283424] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05943513 -0.01039317 -0.1023545 ] [ 0.04796998 0.00288335 0.10672028] [ 0.10931241 -0.00248211 0.02951245] [-0.09784726 0.00999193 -0.03387823]] Final stress: [-0.00119824 -0.01015301 0.00257079 0.00135231 0.01283979 -0.00283425] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.68818127e-12 1.16421754e-01 7.11868289e-02] [-2.25317768e-12 -1.05274057e-01 9.50629881e-03] [ 7.64310490e-13 -3.11163586e-01 -3.67191869e-01] [ 4.17108709e-12 3.00015889e-01 2.86498741e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.32164838e-02 -6.20229736e-03 1.84878444e-02 -2.44083085e-02 9.59834595e-13 9.84554853e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.16861121e-12 -1.17188121e-01 7.15176031e-02] [ 2.49902876e-12 1.06281354e-01 8.86180349e-03] [-2.42425914e-12 3.10302360e-01 -3.66996100e-01] [-1.23702437e-12 -2.99395593e-01 2.86616693e-01]] Final stress: [-8.50496375e-03 1.55270748e-02 1.84783446e-02 2.45048031e-02 -7.79481168e-13 7.48764604e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.13851374e-12 1.94273980e-01 -1.38265376e-01] [ 3.28960383e-13 -1.55606224e-01 8.66636626e-02] [ 1.48980654e-12 -4.91894220e-01 6.72709980e-01] [-8.95070823e-12 4.53226464e-01 -6.21108267e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.79987491e-02 -1.49190577e-02 -1.10952982e-02 -3.60356343e-02 -1.37420779e-12 -4.65020649e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.12705590e-12 -1.95490844e-01 -1.38393093e-01] [ 8.57972330e-13 1.58236730e-01 8.74679325e-02] [-3.86445650e-13 4.89291344e-01 6.72228935e-01] [ 4.66536879e-12 -4.52037230e-01 -6.21303775e-01]] Final stress: [-1.51057865e-02 1.81665014e-02 -1.10799409e-02 3.60440511e-02 8.04587478e-13 2.96949287e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.16779968e-01 5.25587028e-04 7.13252949e-02] [-1.09788269e-01 -2.82737014e-04 1.07488482e-02] [-3.10706693e-01 2.52404206e-04 -3.67116384e-01] [ 3.03714994e-01 -4.95254220e-04 2.85042241e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00593337 0.00363243 0.0186771 -0.00012285 -0.02495926 0.01086272] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.16780104e-01 5.25586570e-04 7.13252044e-02] [ 1.09788409e-01 -2.82735080e-04 1.07488721e-02] [ 3.10706510e-01 2.52402269e-04 -3.67116413e-01] [-3.03714815e-01 -4.95253758e-04 2.85042336e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00593337 0.00363243 0.0186771 -0.00012285 0.02495925 -0.0108627 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.19529345 0.00091029 -0.13832806] [-0.16093754 -0.00095575 0.08856831] [-0.49097793 0.00091933 0.67247886] [ 0.45662203 -0.00087388 -0.62271911]] Final stress: [ 0.00273685 0.00289083 -0.01089211 -0.0001456 -0.03669381 0.01654642] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1952935 0.00091029 -0.13832805] [ 0.16093759 -0.00095575 0.08856825] [ 0.4909779 0.00091933 0.67247911] [-0.45662199 -0.00087388 -0.62271931]] Final stress: [ 0.00273685 0.00289083 -0.01089211 -0.0001456 0.03669381 -0.01654642] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.33075842e-12 1.55793775e-01 2.35381867e-01] [ 4.70158201e-13 -1.44225233e-01 -1.77885986e-01] [-1.41291427e-12 -3.14172136e-01 -2.50123528e-01] [-3.77782874e-13 3.02603594e-01 1.92627646e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.02072682e-02 -5.33078432e-03 4.45409829e-04 -3.08910581e-02 -4.07192832e-13 9.51728615e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.18356149e-12 -1.62667020e-01 2.38984338e-01] [-2.80170635e-13 1.42360075e-01 -1.74563370e-01] [-6.55533787e-13 3.16760106e-01 -2.53112655e-01] [ 3.10779527e-12 -2.96453162e-01 1.88691686e-01]] Final stress: [-7.55430988e-03 1.22152788e-02 4.87536795e-04 3.28325784e-02 4.35125680e-13 1.56919157e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06212999 0.06162814 0.08099657] [-0.05344849 -0.05371178 -0.04581146] [-0.12396654 -0.12367375 -0.17685805] [ 0.11528504 0.11575739 0.14167294]] Final stress: [ 0.00513191 -0.00188335 0.00097332 -0.01313705 -0.01332271 0.0034648 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06212999 0.06162814 0.08099659] [ 0.05344849 -0.05371178 -0.04581149] [ 0.12396654 -0.12367375 -0.17685805] [-0.11528504 0.11575739 0.14167295]] Final stress: [ 0.00513191 -0.00188335 0.00097332 -0.01313705 0.01332271 -0.0034648 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06101714 -0.06151762 0.08035804] [-0.05380067 0.05353834 -0.0463039 ] [-0.12345471 0.12374651 -0.17626991] [ 0.11623825 -0.11576723 0.14221577]] Final stress: [-0.00187568 0.00515992 0.00096706 0.01315074 -0.01296543 0.00356049] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06101717 -0.06151766 0.08035808] [ 0.05380071 0.05353837 -0.04630395] [ 0.12345467 0.12374647 -0.17626991] [-0.11623821 -0.11576719 0.14221579]] Final stress: [-0.00187567 0.00515992 0.00096706 0.01315073 0.01296542 -0.00356049] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01516374 0.06112007 0.02427549] [ 0.00331209 -0.04867711 0.00135328] [-0.002532 -0.09979117 -0.14058082] [ 0.01438366 0.0873482 0.11495205]] Final stress: [ 0.00405624 -0.00040482 0.00136057 -0.01282087 0.00221002 0.00853603] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01516372 0.06112009 0.0242755 ] [-0.00331208 -0.04867714 0.00135327] [ 0.002532 -0.09979113 -0.14058082] [-0.01438363 0.08734818 0.11495205]] Final stress: [ 0.00405624 -0.00040482 0.00136057 -0.01282086 -0.00221002 -0.00853603] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01536445 -0.06166918 0.02436657] [ 0.00362461 0.04875857 0.00156513] [-0.00290774 0.09980986 -0.14093137] [ 0.01464759 -0.08689924 0.11499968]] Final stress: [-0.00035171 0.00399421 0.00136366 0.01293109 0.00217156 0.00856967] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0153644 -0.06166922 0.02436663] [-0.00362459 0.04875864 0.00156502] [ 0.00290773 0.09980977 -0.14093138] [-0.01464754 -0.08689919 0.11499972]] Final stress: [-0.0003517 0.00399421 0.00136366 0.01293108 -0.00217155 -0.00856966] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.15924564 0.00128796 0.23719585] [-0.14729391 0.00055986 -0.17475877] [-0.31544534 -0.00063933 -0.25160977] [ 0.30349361 -0.00120849 0.18917269]] Final stress: [ 0.00479093 0.00252979 0.00065889 -0.00046362 -0.03237381 0.00882457] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.15924562 0.00128796 0.23719593] [ 0.14729389 0.00055986 -0.17475884] [ 0.31544537 -0.00063933 -0.25160979] [-0.30349364 -0.00120849 0.18917269]] Final stress: [ 0.00479093 0.00252979 0.00065889 -0.00046362 0.03237381 -0.00882457] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.39687908e-02 7.86156567e-05 2.09161267e-02] [-4.61550376e-02 5.87491336e-05 3.96327766e-03] [-1.00354259e-01 -3.80068591e-05 -1.36255298e-01] [ 8.25405056e-02 -9.93579311e-05 1.11375893e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.83206924e-03 1.85225820e-03 1.40801275e-03 -3.44431926e-05 -1.38329130e-02 9.67468816e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1176908 0.00604606 0.18284999] [-0.06857748 -0.00211613 -0.04757487] [-0.56608178 0.0019259 -0.37432515] [ 0.75235006 -0.00585583 0.23905003]] Final stress: [ 0.00093405 0.0011383 -0.00029841 -0.00063961 -0.00052734 0.03007661] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.1176908 0.00604606 0.18284999] [ 0.06857748 -0.00211613 -0.04757487] [ 0.56608178 0.0019259 -0.37432515] [-0.75235006 -0.00585583 0.23905003]] Final stress: [ 0.00093405 0.0011383 -0.00029841 -0.00063961 0.00052734 -0.03007661] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-6.39687660e-02 7.86156635e-05 2.09160185e-02] [ 4.61549787e-02 5.87488169e-05 3.96341005e-03] [ 1.00354324e-01 -3.80065386e-05 -1.36255276e-01] [-8.25405367e-02 -9.93579418e-05 1.11375847e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.83206913e-03 1.85225811e-03 1.40801519e-03 -3.44431503e-05 1.38329217e-02 -9.67469317e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02176255 0.0143284 0.00341386] [ 0.02381742 0.00022822 0.00379473] [ 0.02683584 -0.00049992 -0.00587577] [-0.02889071 -0.0140567 -0.00133282]] Final stress: [ 0.00129774 0.0027622 0.00129748 -0.00280573 0.00100568 0.01486488] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02176377 0.01432839 0.00341523] [-0.02381606 0.00022822 0.00379301] [-0.02683726 -0.00049991 -0.00587544] [ 0.02888955 -0.0140567 -0.00133281]] Final stress: [ 0.00129774 0.0027622 0.00129744 -0.00280573 -0.00100623 -0.01486487] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.32417428e-12 3.06808466e-02 -6.01981541e-02] [ 7.22432530e-13 -2.30309577e-02 8.92281379e-02] [-1.07825164e-12 -5.78494692e-02 -1.60086980e-01] [-9.50801937e-13 5.01995802e-02 1.31056997e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.09089926e-02 3.07519631e-03 3.38263618e-03 -7.68586467e-03 -4.32633516e-13 -9.86511192e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.65486635e-12 -1.77972080e-02 -6.94422567e-02] [ 1.67184756e-12 2.28995083e-02 1.04001104e-01] [-1.29290936e-12 7.86069915e-02 -1.89801488e-01] [ 1.27786670e-12 -8.37092918e-02 1.55242641e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.93396343e-03 7.97455335e-03 3.65849935e-03 6.17372746e-03 -4.95189932e-14 1.66256151e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.41372502e-13 2.77709683e-02 -3.39673976e-02] [ 2.60330126e-12 -3.08405766e-02 2.79065389e-02] [-2.60569821e-12 -8.61559437e-02 6.40294619e-02] [ 5.36907324e-13 8.92255520e-02 -5.79686032e-02]] Final stress: [-1.81200066e-03 -3.61185633e-03 1.35950995e-03 -6.86739660e-03 -4.88146631e-13 1.77720659e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.65615828e-12 -3.96045764e-02 -3.06664227e-02] [ 1.13248820e-12 3.04362426e-02 2.51656815e-02] [-6.93141508e-13 6.62405441e-02 5.46580255e-02] [ 2.21422186e-12 -5.70722102e-02 -4.91572843e-02]] Final stress: [-6.61590871e-03 1.15957598e-03 1.24571888e-03 8.35260182e-03 2.74966958e-13 1.83311305e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02852509 -0.00677044 -0.06176527] [-0.02352111 0.0019345 0.09135855] [-0.06026618 -0.00170072 -0.16514952] [ 0.05526219 0.00653667 0.13555624]] Final stress: [ 0.00981514 0.00416693 0.00342186 0.00087142 -0.00729964 0.00179627] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02852502 -0.00677048 -0.06176503] [ 0.02352102 0.00193451 0.0913583 ] [ 0.0602663 -0.00170074 -0.16514964] [-0.0552623 0.00653671 0.13555636]] Final stress: [ 0.00981515 0.00416692 0.00342186 0.00087143 0.00729965 -0.00179628] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.037265 0.00658559 -0.03184 ] [-0.030947 -0.00165231 0.02504634] [-0.06834833 0.0013882 0.05634207] [ 0.06203033 -0.00632147 -0.04954842]] Final stress: [-0.00551357 0.00010074 0.00125507 -0.00090809 -0.00790471 0.00176555] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03726499 0.00658559 -0.03183991] [ 0.030947 -0.00165231 0.02504628] [ 0.06834833 0.0013882 0.05634219] [-0.06203034 -0.00632148 -0.04954855]] Final stress: [-0.00551358 0.00010074 0.00125507 -0.00090809 0.00790471 -0.00176555] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-7.51614049e-13 1.76791346e-02 -6.95902287e-02] [-6.00562135e-13 -2.28798350e-02 1.03793997e-01] [ 1.00899996e-12 -7.85450824e-02 -1.89541112e-01] [ 3.56631391e-13 8.37457828e-02 1.55337344e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.98904320e-03 5.93044022e-03 3.65570041e-03 -6.13913540e-03 3.01408184e-13 -1.39272168e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.31273464e-13 -3.07578845e-02 -6.04335853e-02] [ 4.20326751e-13 2.30482527e-02 8.90963217e-02] [-4.43195177e-13 5.78501813e-02 -1.59993975e-01] [ 1.40130962e-13 -5.01405496e-02 1.31331238e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.09076465e-03 1.09054499e-02 3.38131714e-03 7.70416218e-03 -7.01003247e-14 3.24581526e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.16284801e-13 3.93536968e-02 -3.13495967e-02] [-1.11009791e-12 -3.04598692e-02 2.44736415e-02] [ 1.27859485e-12 -6.61995457e-02 5.52082368e-02] [-7.85777693e-13 5.73057181e-02 -4.83322816e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.20180171e-03 -6.61442012e-03 1.23711502e-03 -8.29130549e-03 1.42455092e-13 -1.02333981e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.99424027e-12 -2.78465243e-02 -3.44732794e-02] [ 6.01319558e-13 3.08992748e-02 2.74405625e-02] [ 3.16782191e-15 8.61998752e-02 6.44857779e-02] [ 2.37391704e-12 -8.92526257e-02 -5.74530610e-02]] Final stress: [-3.58343024e-03 -1.80940368e-03 1.35420049e-03 6.88722074e-03 4.60618984e-13 1.63656991e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02852043 0.00680199 -0.0616105 ] [-0.02352285 -0.00181305 0.09158448] [-0.0602841 0.00157189 -0.1653935 ] [ 0.05528652 -0.00656083 0.13541952]] Final stress: [ 0.00415967 0.00981056 0.00342482 -0.00091359 -0.00729972 0.00179758] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02852039 0.00680201 -0.06161041] [ 0.0235228 -0.00181305 0.09158439] [ 0.06028416 0.0015719 -0.16539353] [-0.05528657 -0.00656085 0.13541955]] Final stress: [ 0.00415967 0.00981057 0.00342482 -0.0009136 0.00729972 -0.00179758] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03739845 -0.0065295 -0.03117728] [-0.03088582 0.00179027 0.02564105] [-0.06840664 -0.00153459 0.0558242 ] [ 0.06189401 0.00627382 -0.05028797]] Final stress: [ 7.51362932e-05 -5.52812732e-03 1.26217695e-03 8.56585731e-04 -7.94336142e-03 1.76152210e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03739846 -0.00652949 -0.03117729] [ 0.03088583 0.00179027 0.02564104] [ 0.06840663 -0.00153459 0.05582421] [-0.061894 0.00627381 -0.05028796]] Final stress: [ 7.51361639e-05 -5.52812659e-03 1.26217683e-03 8.56585010e-04 7.94336114e-03 -1.76152067e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.36766856e-12 6.80244157e-02 5.77698678e-02] [ 1.29338987e-12 -5.80347810e-02 2.55321471e-02] [-3.75600375e-13 -1.80984973e-01 -2.17121011e-01] [-3.28552810e-12 1.70995338e-01 1.33818996e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.95180100e-03 -4.75698221e-03 1.15695637e-02 -1.39240541e-02 -7.08140946e-13 -1.03719079e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.18030194e-13 -6.83618960e-02 5.80706112e-02] [ 1.98655545e-12 5.83341793e-02 2.52233717e-02] [-8.30900019e-13 1.80752362e-01 -2.17100862e-01] [-7.41188361e-13 -1.70724646e-01 1.33806879e-01]] Final stress: [-4.67291814e-03 7.86658587e-03 1.15641251e-02 1.39823949e-02 -3.20287300e-13 7.23828408e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.55638263e-12 1.45274536e-01 -1.35891234e-01] [ 1.53112635e-12 -1.19816819e-01 7.57508088e-02] [ 1.50635147e-12 -3.70892340e-01 5.65480102e-01] [-4.60215720e-12 3.45434623e-01 -5.05339677e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.54345726e-02 -9.58444828e-03 -5.62488383e-03 -2.62844411e-02 -5.25404712e-13 -1.62805820e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.60266721e-12 -1.45871854e-01 -1.36037543e-01] [-2.10418401e-12 1.21381815e-01 7.59116753e-02] [ 4.14220156e-12 3.69312553e-01 5.65332743e-01] [ 5.57725741e-13 -3.44822515e-01 -5.05206875e-01]] Final stress: [-9.68764195e-03 1.55381178e-02 -5.62104553e-03 2.62523078e-02 1.05316949e-12 -8.87926226e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.81856033e-02 1.91096745e-04 5.79070984e-02] [-5.81888087e-02 -8.83957134e-05 2.53879447e-02] [-1.80863657e-01 7.78171802e-05 -2.17110647e-01] [ 1.70866863e-01 -1.80518211e-04 1.33815603e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.55587692e-03 1.63851683e-03 1.15670477e-02 -4.60958840e-05 -1.39508060e-02 6.31222248e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.81855471e-02 1.91096916e-04 5.79072543e-02] [ 5.81887620e-02 -8.83961598e-05 2.53881037e-02] [ 1.80863742e-01 7.78176220e-05 -2.17110946e-01] [-1.70866957e-01 -1.80518378e-04 1.33815588e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.55587202e-03 1.63851196e-03 1.15670496e-02 -4.60958567e-05 1.39508076e-02 -6.31223025e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45344226e-01 4.56842915e-04 -1.35958990e-01] [-1.24597473e-01 -6.08353969e-04 7.73314173e-02] [-3.69859947e-01 5.90272870e-04 5.65406356e-01] [ 3.49113193e-01 -4.38761816e-04 -5.06778783e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.40989389e-03 3.99026591e-03 -5.43032068e-03 -5.49833637e-05 -2.66994763e-02 1.25605648e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45344084e-01 4.56843554e-04 -1.35959073e-01] [ 1.24597290e-01 -6.08357087e-04 7.73314666e-02] [ 3.69860239e-01 5.90275986e-04 5.65406648e-01] [-3.49113445e-01 -4.38762453e-04 -5.06779042e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.40989446e-03 3.99026665e-03 -5.43031925e-03 -5.49830889e-05 2.66994945e-02 -1.25605889e-02] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.78029553e-12 7.20033682e-02 5.45194158e-02] [ 2.54360769e-13 -6.30374725e-02 -2.41736630e-02] [ 1.37639466e-14 -1.45905842e-01 -1.62064998e-01] [-2.03859846e-12 1.36939946e-01 1.31719245e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.92687537e-03 -2.47293872e-03 1.14355501e-03 -1.57585896e-02 -3.84831075e-13 -9.29676359e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.87705147e-12 -7.28778819e-02 5.52436103e-02] [ 4.68042488e-13 6.29022747e-02 -2.36122699e-02] [ 1.07099659e-14 1.46244605e-01 -1.62749046e-01] [ 1.41026080e-12 -1.36268998e-01 1.31117706e-01]] Final stress: [-2.42090292e-03 5.83418525e-03 1.15055403e-03 1.60066313e-02 2.78786843e-13 1.01691815e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03225443 0.03208908 0.01558693] [-0.02775073 -0.02784303 0.01002369] [-0.06590523 -0.06580341 -0.13891219] [ 0.06140152 0.06155736 0.11330157]] Final stress: [ 3.75080781e-03 -6.28293483e-05 1.45960842e-03 -7.46638019e-03 -7.52815360e-03 1.89509707e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03225441 0.03208906 0.01558696] [ 0.0277507 -0.02784301 0.01002368] [ 0.06590526 -0.06580344 -0.1389122 ] [-0.06140155 0.06155738 0.11330156]] Final stress: [ 3.75081020e-03 -6.28323577e-05 1.45960824e-03 -7.46638226e-03 7.52815565e-03 -1.89509977e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03191421 -0.03207918 0.01532278] [-0.02786821 0.02777611 0.00981463] [-0.06572884 0.06583044 -0.13864139] [ 0.06168283 -0.06152737 0.11350398]] Final stress: [-5.74323963e-05 3.76041744e-03 1.45710529e-03 7.47789245e-03 -7.41621021e-03 1.92061189e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03191421 -0.03207918 0.01532281] [ 0.0278682 0.02777611 0.0098146 ] [ 0.06572885 0.06583044 -0.13864139] [-0.06168284 -0.06152738 0.11350399]] Final stress: [-5.74329964e-05 3.76041783e-03 1.45710470e-03 7.47789268e-03 7.41621044e-03 -1.92061239e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00917982 0.03444339 -0.00146137] [ 0.00206959 -0.02711598 0.02344862] [-0.00162608 -0.05761009 -0.12356793] [ 0.00873631 0.05028267 0.10158068]] Final stress: [ 0.00324626 0.0005833 0.00159272 -0.00767406 0.00132219 0.00532168] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00917985 0.03444337 -0.00146147] [-0.0020696 -0.02711592 0.02344875] [ 0.00162609 -0.05761015 -0.12356791] [-0.00873634 0.0502827 0.10158063]] Final stress: [ 0.00324627 0.0005833 0.00159273 -0.00767407 -0.00132219 -0.00532168] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00926234 -0.03463242 -0.0014293 ] [ 0.00218887 0.02715066 0.02353974] [-0.0017677 0.05762535 -0.12376777] [ 0.00884117 -0.05014359 0.10165733]] Final stress: [0.00060038 0.00322563 0.00159399 0.00771143 0.00130871 0.00533471] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00926234 -0.03463242 -0.00142935] [-0.00218887 0.02715066 0.02353978] [ 0.0017677 0.05762535 -0.12376776] [-0.00884117 -0.05014359 0.10165732]] Final stress: [ 0.00060038 0.00322563 0.00159399 0.00771143 -0.00130871 -0.00533471] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07244442 0.00036845 0.05488557] [-0.06297559 0.000199 -0.02390056] [-0.14606831 -0.00022051 -0.16240694] [ 0.13659948 -0.00034694 0.13142193]] Final stress: [ 0.00168734 0.00174635 0.00114692 -0.00013707 -0.01588206 0.00416319] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07244439 0.00036845 0.05488558] [ 0.06297555 0.000199 -0.02390054] [ 0.14606836 -0.00022051 -0.16240695] [-0.13659952 -0.00034694 0.13142191]] Final stress: [ 0.00168734 0.00174635 0.00114692 -0.00013707 0.01588206 -0.00416319] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.58929414e-02 3.26322713e-05 -2.71216316e-03] [-2.54858354e-02 1.92458081e-05 2.41502958e-02] [-5.76312313e-02 -1.19688287e-05 -1.20534342e-01] [ 4.72241253e-02 -3.99092508e-05 9.90962095e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.92070022e-03 1.92729746e-03 1.60656654e-03 -1.27018841e-05 -8.23807196e-03 5.98790827e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04872561 0.00159545 0.00411446] [-0.04578713 -0.00045565 0.0666438 ] [-0.29496491 0.00039173 -0.30671481] [ 0.38947765 -0.00153154 0.23595655]] Final stress: [ 0.00135097 0.00153638 0.00330563 -0.00019784 0.00107634 0.0142011 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04872546 0.00159545 0.00411571] [ 0.04578727 -0.00045565 0.06664234] [ 0.29496469 0.00039173 -0.30671506] [-0.38947742 -0.00153153 0.23595701]] Final stress: [ 0.00135097 0.00153638 0.0033056 -0.00019784 -0.00107634 -0.01420108] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.58929461e-02 3.26322551e-05 -2.71209360e-03] [ 2.54858326e-02 1.92458060e-05 2.41502386e-02] [ 5.76312364e-02 -1.19688265e-05 -1.20534361e-01] [-4.72241230e-02 -3.99092346e-05 9.90962160e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.92069987e-03 1.92729711e-03 1.60656541e-03 -1.27018815e-05 8.23807361e-03 -5.98790831e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-2.05505977e-10 2.08153353e+00 -3.19351123e+00] [-3.10782040e-11 -7.95904042e-01 1.58913492e+01] [ 6.12169263e-11 -5.90762168e+00 -2.21325231e+01] [ 1.75357227e-10 4.62199218e+00 9.43468519e+00]] Final stress: [ 8.48772974e-02 -3.78839136e-01 5.07802082e-01 -6.07347742e-01 4.93243142e-11 7.08321061e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-7.35601986e-11 -6.83071248e-01 -2.55745997e+00] [ 7.96096470e-11 7.81690593e-01 1.01217419e+01] [-6.29502086e-11 4.39912488e+00 -1.57447186e+01] [ 5.69242969e-11 -4.49774423e+00 8.18043676e+00]] Final stress: [-2.70626861e-01 1.23305700e-01 2.96176070e-01 2.68698372e-01 6.28706562e-13 6.59412635e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-9.15338118e-13 1.51881135e-02 2.77299586e-02] [ 6.89907333e-13 -1.73744386e-02 -2.13500916e-02] [ 2.43807578e-13 -4.77440466e-02 -3.15688628e-02] [-2.27613067e-14 4.99303716e-02 2.51889957e-02]] Final stress: [-7.77965648e-04 -1.46075498e-03 4.39517485e-04 -4.01366498e-03 5.72211129e-14 3.81474086e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10726706e-12 -2.14305437e-02 2.31544462e-02] [-1.13857795e-12 1.67606090e-02 -1.80116683e-02] [ 1.48909379e-12 3.61974973e-02 -2.75103454e-02] [-1.45057751e-12 -3.15275627e-02 2.23675676e-02]] Final stress: [-3.41807910e-03 1.22998770e-03 4.90605365e-04 4.80858455e-03 6.34113618e-14 -1.40093069e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.86843420e+00 -5.30790865e-01 -3.10384994e+00] [-1.05580161e+00 -2.73176292e-03 1.59307863e+01] [-5.69472005e+00 4.72175875e-02 -2.23801280e+01] [ 4.88208746e+00 4.86305040e-01 9.55319167e+00]] Final stress: [-0.13865365 -0.15863039 0.51290868 0.0914796 -0.54570762 0.21518373] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-1.86842678e+00 -5.30793830e-01 -3.10383687e+00] [ 1.05579207e+00 -2.73177972e-03 1.59307650e+01] [ 5.69472811e+00 4.72177448e-02 -2.23801169e+01] [-4.88209340e+00 4.86307865e-01 9.55318880e+00]] Final stress: [-0.13865321 -0.1586305 0.51290792 0.09148008 0.54570817 -0.21518463] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02032786 0.00365537 0.02374898] [-0.01713768 -0.00094504 -0.01855853] [-0.03752939 0.00079863 -0.02799568] [ 0.03433921 -0.00350896 0.02280523]] Final stress: [-0.00281951 0.00062813 0.00048226 -0.00049721 -0.00459038 0.00097772] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02032785 0.00365538 0.02374905] [ 0.01713767 -0.00094504 -0.01855859] [ 0.03752941 0.00079863 -0.02799566] [-0.03433923 -0.00350896 0.0228052 ]] Final stress: [-0.00281951 0.00062813 0.00048226 -0.00049721 0.00459038 -0.00097772] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-3.68107610e-11 5.35584641e-01 -2.42733888e+00] [ 1.87545704e-11 -5.01348244e-01 8.69520103e+00] [-3.16346235e-11 -4.18828593e+00 -1.38765748e+01] [ 4.97058401e-11 4.15404953e+00 7.60871262e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.42458137e-01 -2.59469112e-01 2.46877288e-01 -2.42846843e-01 3.08397378e-12 4.04629988e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-2.93851700e-10 -2.20696391e+00 -3.27686307e+00] [ 1.05210000e-10 1.29741081e+00 1.79270858e+01] [-7.83436458e-11 5.86962502e+00 -2.43639525e+01] [ 2.66983395e-10 -4.96007192e+00 9.71372982e+00]] Final stress: [-3.53373922e-01 1.24881318e-02 5.90317676e-01 6.12642207e-01 4.13885526e-11 1.89189182e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-7.74265201e-13 2.13918692e-02 2.30789107e-02] [ 3.42783961e-13 -1.67578381e-02 -1.80760430e-02] [-3.58407965e-13 -3.61926976e-02 -2.74448213e-02] [ 8.03652284e-13 3.15586666e-02 2.24419536e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.23666365e-03 -3.42029084e-03 4.89844601e-04 -4.79923422e-03 6.92727536e-14 6.09739513e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.74535603e-13 -1.52287468e-02 2.76188573e-02] [-4.33264535e-14 1.73785773e-02 -2.14980199e-02] [ 3.00037122e-13 4.77825692e-02 -3.14734266e-02] [ 2.36234643e-14 -4.99323997e-02 2.53525892e-02]] Final stress: [-1.45326357e-03 -7.77272786e-04 4.37627607e-04 4.02697240e-03 7.02786691e-14 -5.80335831e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.81227215 0.52145461 -3.08696398] [ -1.01820835 -0.45303417 15.69319831] [ -5.67499146 0.41580104 -22.10818442] [ 4.88092766 -0.48422148 9.5019501 ]] Final stress: [-0.21526363 -0.0739911 0.50519852 -0.04697304 -0.53656248 0.21015935] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.81229522 0.52145505 -3.08699206] [ 1.01823413 -0.45303149 15.69335738] [ 5.67501651 0.41579771 -22.10838181] [ -4.88095543 -0.48422128 9.50201648]] Final stress: [-0.21526577 -0.07399243 0.50520648 -0.04697384 0.53656642 -0.21015953] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02033551 -0.00364707 0.02383652] [-0.01713357 0.00100101 -0.01846297] [-0.0375284 -0.0008575 -0.02806219] [ 0.03432646 0.00350357 0.02268863]] Final stress: [ 0.00062486 -0.00282206 0.00048346 0.00047993 -0.00459233 0.00097719] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02033551 -0.00364707 0.02383665] [ 0.01713356 0.00100101 -0.01846312] [ 0.03752841 -0.0008575 -0.02806212] [-0.03432646 0.00350357 0.02268859]] Final stress: [ 0.00062486 -0.00282206 0.00048346 0.00047993 0.00459234 -0.00097719] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.33435406e-13 3.75310926e-02 1.61244889e-02] [-2.25304801e-13 -3.18967212e-02 3.54952237e-03] [ 5.47535108e-14 -9.94052041e-02 -1.00026750e-01] [-2.66823022e-13 9.37708327e-02 8.03527386e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.76963409e-03 -1.18052634e-03 7.33691266e-03 -7.89437380e-03 -3.42382196e-14 -2.53788385e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44028192e-12 -3.76350955e-02 1.62632526e-02] [ 1.14971943e-12 3.19889570e-02 3.48671612e-03] [-5.15774272e-13 9.93354526e-02 -1.00056580e-01] [-2.09514524e-12 -9.36893141e-02 8.03066110e-02]] Final stress: [-1.15652223e-03 5.74273624e-03 7.33554758e-03 7.91246846e-03 -5.06686963e-13 -4.72371369e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.65344127e-12 1.41099199e-01 -1.85142577e-01] [ 1.85589131e-12 -1.15737848e-01 1.08567420e-01] [ 1.32479075e-12 -3.59316064e-01 6.46231997e-01] [-1.51890653e-12 3.33954714e-01 -5.69656839e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.55141643e-02 -8.65630135e-03 -1.69752925e-03 -2.41990042e-02 2.64439693e-14 2.08147118e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.08365331e-11 -1.41532275e-01 -1.85299826e-01] [-5.26496685e-12 1.17262349e-01 1.08520021e-01] [ 9.91013716e-12 3.57746046e-01 6.46162085e-01] [-1.54780286e-11 -3.33476120e-01 -5.69382280e-01]] Final stress: [-8.77617152e-03 1.56407812e-02 -1.69706543e-03 2.41226287e-02 -6.85434649e-13 -1.13126798e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.75833580e-02 6.39007386e-05 1.61936145e-02] [-3.19433306e-02 -2.02832293e-05 3.51839405e-03] [-9.93697155e-02 1.67152186e-05 -1.00041885e-01] [ 9.37296882e-02 -6.03327279e-05 8.03298760e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28150182e-03 2.30615988e-03 7.33623504e-03 -1.68076753e-05 -7.90336747e-03 3.46231233e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.75837603e-02 6.39003006e-05 1.61934884e-02] [ 3.19437495e-02 -2.02813202e-05 3.51861191e-03] [ 9.93691507e-02 1.67133086e-05 -1.00041929e-01] [-9.37291399e-02 -6.03322889e-05 8.03298284e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28150074e-03 2.30615873e-03 7.33623877e-03 -1.68078433e-05 7.90334298e-03 -3.46225891e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.41086454e-01 3.19045455e-04 -1.85216477e-01] [-1.20495077e-01 -6.60362732e-04 1.10043812e-01] [-3.58290550e-01 6.49514578e-04 6.46197302e-01] [ 3.37699173e-01 -3.08197302e-04 -5.71024637e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.92443024e-03 4.48568439e-03 -1.50466497e-03 -5.88041407e-06 -2.45919735e-02 1.21462933e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.41085249e-01 3.19049333e-04 -1.85217111e-01] [ 1.20493677e-01 -6.60382211e-04 1.10044468e-01] [ 3.58292288e-01 6.49534088e-04 6.46196481e-01] [-3.37700716e-01 -3.08201211e-04 -5.71023838e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.92443276e-03 4.48568737e-03 -1.50465286e-03 -5.87861296e-06 2.45920761e-02 -1.21464560e-02] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.82240461e-13 3.87296346e-02 7.76693692e-03] [-3.59581072e-13 -3.36737351e-02 1.62329404e-02] [ 1.15973051e-12 -8.04355742e-02 -1.33704256e-01] [ 6.17717683e-14 7.53796747e-02 1.09704378e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.24229276e-03 -4.86657328e-04 1.52272272e-03 -9.18155578e-03 2.83274668e-13 -1.68486913e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.62374801e-12 -3.89810530e-02 8.05037647e-03] [-3.52860102e-14 3.36388688e-02 1.64658680e-02] [ 3.83065758e-13 8.05465189e-02 -1.34009340e-01] [-1.96440607e-12 -7.52043346e-02 1.09493096e-01]] Final stress: [-4.74936642e-04 4.21421545e-03 1.52551124e-03 9.25431488e-03 -2.88710354e-13 -1.05270469e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01806488 0.01800372 -0.00461503] [-0.01554625 -0.01557886 0.02697139] [-0.03904257 -0.0390065 -0.12523351] [ 0.03652394 0.03658164 0.10287714]] Final stress: [ 0.00310426 0.00073126 0.00163802 -0.00450489 -0.00452742 0.00118249] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01806485 0.01800369 -0.00461512] [ 0.01554622 -0.01557883 0.02697149] [ 0.03904261 -0.03900654 -0.12523348] [-0.03652398 0.03658167 0.10287711]] Final stress: [ 0.00310426 0.00073126 0.00163803 -0.00450489 0.00452742 -0.0011825 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01795424 -0.01801528 -0.0046945 ] [-0.01558267 0.01555012 0.02690072] [-0.03898486 0.03902086 -0.12512867] [ 0.03661329 -0.03655571 0.10292245]] Final stress: [ 0.00073342 0.00310683 0.00163718 0.00451298 -0.00449047 0.0011907 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01795422 -0.01801526 -0.00469457] [ 0.01558264 0.0155501 0.02690081] [ 0.03898489 0.0390209 -0.12512866] [-0.03661331 -0.03655573 0.10292241]] Final stress: [ 0.00073342 0.00310683 0.00163719 0.00451298 0.00449047 -0.0011907 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00631786 0.02006259 -0.01027441] [ 0.00148189 -0.01537447 0.03082237] [-0.00120701 -0.03579033 -0.11697334] [ 0.00604298 0.03110222 0.09642538]] Final stress: [ 0.00284779 0.00104899 0.0016767 -0.00479111 0.00089453 0.00336812] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00631784 0.02006261 -0.0102742 ] [-0.00148189 -0.0153745 0.03082215] [ 0.00120701 -0.03579031 -0.11697339] [-0.00604296 0.0311022 0.09642543]] Final stress: [ 0.00284779 0.00104899 0.00167669 -0.00479111 -0.00089452 -0.00336812] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00635399 -0.02012917 -0.01027845] [ 0.00153115 0.01539028 0.03085954] [-0.00126462 0.03579572 -0.11707995] [ 0.00608747 -0.03105682 0.09649886]] Final stress: [0.00105524 0.00284071 0.00167722 0.00480411 0.00088944 0.00337354] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00635395 -0.0201292 -0.01027837] [-0.00153114 0.01539033 0.03085947] [ 0.00126462 0.03579566 -0.11707998] [-0.00608743 -0.03105678 0.09649887]] Final stress: [ 0.00105524 0.00284071 0.00167722 0.00480411 -0.00088944 -0.00337353] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.88561995e-02 1.26168977e-04 7.91029306e-03] [-3.36576447e-02 7.02997784e-05 1.63470574e-02] [-8.04894515e-02 -7.75361503e-05 -1.33857019e-01] [ 7.52908966e-02 -1.18932606e-04 1.09599669e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.86504370e-03 1.88242648e-03 1.52407442e-03 -4.70910771e-05 -9.21780102e-03 2.35440257e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.88562061e-02 1.26168950e-04 7.91024341e-03] [ 3.36576366e-02 7.02997507e-05 1.63471369e-02] [ 8.04894588e-02 -7.75361214e-05 -1.33857018e-01] [-7.52908892e-02 -1.18932579e-04 1.09599638e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.86504338e-03 1.88242616e-03 1.52407584e-03 -4.70910689e-05 9.21780403e-03 -2.35440262e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.14140313e-02 1.54631484e-05 -1.08188169e-02] [-1.45809320e-02 4.70641060e-06 3.13748453e-02] [-3.64520652e-02 -1.96993938e-06 -1.17001397e-01] [ 2.96189659e-02 -1.81996197e-05 9.64453686e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.94817912e-03 1.95110158e-03 1.68685875e-03 -4.99919942e-06 -5.21616382e-03 3.82272308e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.84544417e-02 8.95976656e-04 -8.84255145e-03] [-1.59142466e-02 -2.62828745e-04 6.22569091e-02] [-2.05356146e-01 2.36416946e-04 -2.65874178e-01] [ 2.79724834e-01 -8.69564858e-04 2.12459820e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00157625 0.00165335 0.00247759 -0.00010151 0.00282895 0.01155948] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.84544365e-02 8.95976599e-04 -8.84233950e-03] [ 1.59142863e-02 -2.62828342e-04 6.22565546e-02] [ 2.05356094e-01 2.36416545e-04 -2.65874192e-01] [-2.79724817e-01 -8.69564802e-04 2.12459976e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00157625 0.00165335 0.00247758 -0.00010151 -0.00282896 -0.01155948] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.14140211e-02 1.54631301e-05 -1.08187002e-02] [ 1.45809041e-02 4.70636437e-06 3.13747288e-02] [ 3.64520917e-02 -1.96989275e-06 -1.17001400e-01] [-2.96189748e-02 -1.81996017e-05 9.64453715e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.94817884e-03 1.95110129e-03 1.68685655e-03 -4.99919020e-06 5.21616815e-03 -3.82272513e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.76342612e-11 2.15014123e-01 -2.40380541e-01] [ 1.07234228e-11 -1.55441503e-01 4.75190872e-01] [-1.02076711e-11 -4.38561124e-01 -1.03631789e+00] [ 3.71244840e-11 3.78988503e-01 8.01507557e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.58598004e-02 -1.10822330e-02 1.05532854e-02 -3.65359020e-02 4.84540806e-12 2.61257306e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.95905825e-11 -1.15121610e-01 -3.14740629e-01] [-1.53675291e-11 1.67920707e-01 6.82831274e-01] [ 2.34208835e-11 6.73941876e-01 -1.47140672e+00] [-4.76539233e-11 -7.26740973e-01 1.10331608e+00]] Final stress: [-2.62258935e-02 3.16815304e-02 1.49506392e-02 2.87338408e-02 -3.81678238e-12 -3.40145174e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.36893968e-12 8.49773686e-03 1.92410326e-02] [ 7.47183348e-13 -1.11782467e-02 -1.71578556e-03] [-4.16760593e-13 -3.90277158e-02 -1.07460630e-01] [ 1.03460990e-12 4.17082256e-02 8.99353834e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.30951506e-04 -8.20792044e-04 8.34328860e-04 -2.67170845e-03 1.07206436e-13 9.87336072e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.39301808e-12 -1.90741461e-02 2.00917729e-02] [-5.45630815e-13 1.42405290e-02 -1.41184222e-03] [ 2.16241088e-13 3.62922846e-02 -1.16952077e-01] [-2.06029638e-12 -3.14586675e-02 9.82721459e-02]] Final stress: [-1.95916666e-03 1.84180513e-03 8.29573809e-04 4.01496356e-03 -3.44658440e-13 -1.37402980e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.19909482 -0.05565648 -0.25211266] [-0.16556484 0.01475174 0.50293498] [-0.46326948 -0.01283839 -1.09440398] [ 0.4297395 0.05374313 0.84358166]] Final stress: [ 0.00837024 -0.00127718 0.0115051 0.00731314 -0.03418929 0.01483089] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.19909178 -0.05565811 -0.25210812] [ 0.16556114 0.01475218 0.50293047] [ 0.46327387 -0.0128388 -1.09440325] [-0.42974323 0.05374474 0.84358091]] Final stress: [ 0.00837034 -0.0012773 0.01150501 0.00731335 0.03418958 -0.01483131] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01700884 0.00417421 0.0200474 ] [-0.01402995 -0.00113878 -0.001541 ] [-0.03645023 0.00099328 -0.11546967] [ 0.03347134 -0.0040287 0.09696327]] Final stress: [-0.00126405 0.00115032 0.00082882 -0.00055116 -0.00366649 0.00109656] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01700889 0.00417419 0.02004734] [ 0.01403001 -0.00113878 -0.00154093] [ 0.03645017 0.00099327 -0.11546973] [-0.03347129 -0.00402868 0.09696331]] Final stress: [-0.00126404 0.00115032 0.00082882 -0.00055116 0.00366649 -0.00109655] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.66132108e-11 1.11647069e-01 -3.15057247e-01] [-4.28967734e-12 -1.61404205e-01 6.82363477e-01] [ 1.35288590e-11 -6.80161910e-01 -1.47061953e+00] [ 1.73628317e-11 7.29919046e-01 1.10331330e+00]] Final stress: [ 3.44755540e-02 -2.89938599e-02 1.49264973e-02 -2.90206125e-02 6.56122209e-12 6.87246377e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.59954332e-11 -2.15250533e-01 -2.40806302e-01] [-8.25933874e-12 1.57860751e-01 4.74367150e-01] [ 9.36044905e-12 4.35907613e-01 -1.03526609e+00] [-2.70984485e-11 -3.78517831e-01 8.01705245e-01]] Final stress: [-1.09938820e-02 1.58086789e-02 1.05424558e-02 3.63191722e-02 -3.09624533e-12 -1.91956223e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.59766861e-12 1.90289606e-02 2.00944162e-02] [ 1.97181095e-12 -1.42398295e-02 -1.40402222e-03] [-1.35780514e-12 -3.62932962e-02 -1.16948100e-01] [ 1.98415936e-12 3.15041651e-02 9.82577062e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.84660665e-03 -1.96430069e-03 8.29699584e-04 -4.00408226e-03 7.71066141e-14 2.13116801e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-6.45922552e-13 -8.51771658e-03 1.92400914e-02] [-1.28587288e-12 1.11798820e-02 -1.72532274e-03] [ 1.36323028e-12 3.90260067e-02 -1.07440596e-01] [ 5.63613392e-13 -4.16881721e-02 8.99258272e-02]] Final stress: [-8.17852892e-04 7.28307267e-04 8.34193514e-04 2.67798871e-03 4.16367978e-13 -4.27123442e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.19858431 0.05571486 -0.25148986] [-0.16525885 -0.01715439 0.50302155] [-0.46327409 0.01521956 -1.09408586] [ 0.42994863 -0.05378003 0.84255416]] Final stress: [-0.00106714 0.0081353 0.01150074 -0.00711281 -0.03415075 0.01482121] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.19858147 0.05571647 -0.25148603] [ 0.16525463 -0.01715492 0.50301689] [ 0.46327886 0.01522006 -1.09408359] [-0.42995202 -0.05378161 0.84255273]] Final stress: [-0.00106725 0.00813541 0.01150065 -0.007113 0.03415118 -0.01482163] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01705632 -0.0041609 0.02005296] [-0.0140119 0.00115684 -0.00155815] [-0.0364689 -0.00101304 -0.11544823] [ 0.03342448 0.0040171 0.09695342]] Final stress: [ 0.00114825 -0.00126168 0.00082855 0.0005418 -0.00367961 0.00109513] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01705632 -0.0041609 0.02005298] [ 0.01401191 0.00115684 -0.00155821] [ 0.03646889 -0.00101304 -0.11544822] [-0.03342448 0.0040171 0.09695344]] Final stress: [ 0.00114825 -0.00126168 0.00082855 0.0005418 0.00367961 -0.00109512] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.19432242e-12 2.04820261e-02 6.25207132e-03] [-3.53620778e-13 -1.73993401e-02 2.59966460e-03] [ 5.22580026e-13 -5.41863508e-02 -4.78397428e-02] [-1.36723965e-12 5.11036649e-02 3.89880069e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.17847991e-03 3.95240248e-04 4.99429094e-03 -4.46686357e-03 -1.34690850e-13 -9.06063395e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.30247982e-13 -2.05081171e-02 6.27319419e-03] [ 8.63562043e-13 1.74295412e-02 2.58109658e-03] [-1.24156891e-12 5.41631846e-02 -4.78419516e-02] [ 7.14088511e-13 -5.10846086e-02 3.89876608e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.02530974e-04 4.17101516e-03 4.99394449e-03 4.47084862e-03 -1.48328226e-13 8.87106475e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.84068522e-11 4.65627370e-01 -1.07802726e+00] [ 1.86331161e-11 -3.28330410e-01 8.07881745e-01] [ 5.96034181e-12 -1.14909530e+00 2.84471611e+00] [ 5.38057775e-11 1.01179834e+00 -2.57457060e+00]] Final stress: [ 4.80862616e-02 -2.55964580e-02 2.62242918e-02 -5.70953883e-02 1.13799768e-11 4.00018126e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.50864104e-11 -4.67585744e-01 -1.07820593e+00] [-2.38434144e-11 3.43507395e-01 8.07059225e-01] [ 3.48853737e-11 1.13285716e+00 2.83966600e+00] [-4.61129307e-11 -1.00877881e+00 -2.56851929e+00]] Final stress: [-2.21596371e-02 4.75544514e-02 2.73346745e-02 5.56301312e-02 -9.53792954e-13 -3.79110743e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.04948360e-02 2.18067288e-05 6.26279174e-03] [-1.74141882e-02 -4.05818563e-06 2.59036595e-03] [-5.41751208e-02 2.84217345e-06 -4.78409878e-02] [ 5.10944731e-02 -2.05907167e-05 3.89878301e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28315156e-03 2.29047673e-03 4.99411694e-03 -6.06806905e-06 -4.46887603e-03 1.88796494e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.04955596e-02 2.18063828e-05 6.26245538e-03] [ 1.74149885e-02 -4.05621157e-06 2.59082628e-03] [ 5.41740970e-02 2.84019589e-06 -4.78415965e-02] [-5.10935259e-02 -2.05903672e-05 3.89883149e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28315086e-03 2.29047597e-03 4.99412481e-03 -6.06826125e-06 4.46882327e-03 -1.88786837e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.64283082e-01 1.24314551e-03 -1.07682300e+00] [-3.32665062e-01 -7.42342330e-03 8.04678500e-01] [-1.13951217e+00 1.14395459e-02 2.84447479e+00] [ 1.00789415e+00 -5.25926815e-03 -2.57233029e+00]] Final stress: [ 0.01041505 0.00831791 0.02572932 -0.0002508 -0.05580733 0.03612309] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.64286432e-01 1.24311102e-03 -1.07681639e+00] [ 3.32669059e-01 -7.42325863e-03 8.04672042e-01] [ 1.13950721e+00 1.14393812e-02 2.84447797e+00] [-1.00788983e+00 -5.25923362e-03 -2.57233362e+00]] Final stress: [ 0.01041502 0.00831788 0.02572921 -0.00025082 0.05580705 -0.03612263] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.86300106e-13 2.18758171e-02 -7.28702353e-03] [ 5.35080227e-13 -1.89101108e-02 2.90473390e-02] [-4.80687105e-13 -4.86586403e-02 -1.23200483e-01] [-6.53348903e-13 4.56929341e-02 1.01440168e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.44411771e-03 4.15920390e-04 1.66101238e-03 -5.60536402e-03 -2.32438433e-13 2.70817082e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.95884929e-13 -2.19471577e-02 -7.21595838e-03] [-1.48806922e-12 1.89071204e-02 2.91187094e-02] [ 1.43101568e-12 4.86886969e-02 -1.23310772e-01] [ 9.53240958e-13 -4.56486596e-02 1.01408021e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.19986342e-04 3.43559849e-03 1.66188186e-03 5.62610858e-03 5.07453180e-13 -2.96351264e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01067517 0.01064938 -0.01259471] [-0.00910672 -0.00911725 0.03513886] [-0.02659846 -0.02658649 -0.12841807] [ 0.02503 0.02505436 0.10587392]] Final stress: [ 0.00282854 0.0010344 0.00173956 -0.00290873 -0.00291773 0.0008953 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01067512 0.01064933 -0.01259471] [ 0.00910666 -0.00911719 0.03513887] [ 0.02659851 -0.02658655 -0.12841799] [-0.02503005 0.02505441 0.10587383]] Final stress: [ 0.00282854 0.00103439 0.00173956 -0.00290873 0.00291773 -0.0008953 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01063539 -0.01066115 -0.01260486] [-0.00911684 0.00910633 0.03513228] [-0.02658708 0.02659902 -0.12840949] [ 0.02506854 -0.0250442 0.10588206]] Final stress: [ 0.00103459 0.00282888 0.0017395 0.00291353 -0.00290453 0.00089892] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0106354 -0.01066116 -0.01260487] [ 0.00911686 0.00910634 0.0351323 ] [ 0.02658707 0.02659901 -0.1284095 ] [-0.02506853 -0.02504419 0.10588207]] Final stress: [ 0.00103459 0.00282888 0.0017395 0.00291353 0.00290453 -0.00089891] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.2557034 0.71008129 -0.29805729] [ 0.06693681 -0.55040081 1.63974522] [-0.05315601 -1.43538376 -4.61474968] [ 0.2419226 1.27570328 3.27306176]] Final stress: [ 0.03324308 -0.04631362 0.05394987 -0.12703638 0.03567297 0.01876625] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.25570526 0.71007982 -0.29804523] [-0.06693733 -0.55039834 1.63972946] [ 0.05315646 -1.43538715 -4.6147502 ] [-0.24192439 1.27570568 3.27306597]] Final stress: [ 0.03324337 -0.04631385 0.05394956 -0.12703683 -0.03567322 -0.01876638] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.25768071 -0.70521992 -0.29768019] [ 0.07040157 0.57501316 1.63357185] [-0.05688571 1.39057057 -4.60056611] [ 0.24416485 -1.26036381 3.26467446]] Final stress: [-0.04563229 0.02680793 0.05154941 0.12347918 0.035379 0.01873824] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.25768523 -0.70521667 -0.29767693] [-0.07040286 0.57500664 1.63356881] [ 0.05688687 1.39057876 -4.60056529] [-0.24416924 -1.26036873 3.26467341]] Final stress: [-0.04563293 0.02680858 0.05154935 0.12348011 -0.0353796 -0.01873854] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.19117441e-02 4.75793253e-05 -7.25179461e-03] [-1.89089828e-02 2.45494093e-05 2.90832602e-02] [-4.86732162e-02 -2.72325091e-05 -1.23255603e-01] [ 4.56704548e-02 -4.48962255e-05 1.01424138e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.92582379e-03 1.93199111e-03 1.66145177e-03 -1.73972609e-05 -5.61570346e-03 1.51091655e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.19117310e-02 4.75793359e-05 -7.25172578e-03] [ 1.89089791e-02 2.45494000e-05 2.90831621e-02] [ 4.86732229e-02 -2.72324990e-05 -1.23255607e-01] [-4.56704710e-02 -4.48962369e-05 1.01424171e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.92582406e-03 1.93199138e-03 1.66145000e-03 -1.73972616e-05 5.61570195e-03 -1.51091763e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.27353672e-01 1.35424764e-04 -3.03461385e-01] [-5.01061451e-01 -1.34361264e-02 1.54949678e+00] [-1.38407018e+00 2.12890642e-02 -4.35621787e+00] [ 1.15777796e+00 -7.98836255e-03 3.11018248e+00]] Final stress: [-0.00764429 -0.00699424 0.04954618 0.0014806 -0.13516689 0.0358385 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.46195737e-02 4.72004042e-04 -1.83205497e-02] [-1.19686621e-03 -1.38404610e-04 5.94169718e-02] [-1.39649319e-01 1.27732298e-04 -2.20393001e-01] [ 1.95465759e-01 -4.61331730e-04 1.79296579e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.73677278e-03 1.76725679e-03 2.18293310e-03 -5.02553159e-05 3.16257214e-03 8.83318904e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.46195770e-02 4.72004088e-04 -1.83202027e-02] [ 1.19691056e-03 -1.38404294e-04 5.94165590e-02] [ 1.39649263e-01 1.27731975e-04 -2.20393070e-01] [-1.95465751e-01 -4.61331769e-04 1.79296714e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.73677294e-03 1.76725694e-03 2.18292544e-03 -5.02553558e-05 -3.16258288e-03 -8.83318608e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.27351579e-01 1.35423474e-04 -3.03465810e-01] [ 5.01055317e-01 -1.34364529e-02 1.54950142e+00] [ 1.38407743e+00 2.12893907e-02 -4.35621617e+00] [-1.15778117e+00 -7.98836127e-03 3.11018056e+00]] Final stress: [-0.00764427 -0.00699422 0.04954627 0.00148064 0.13516781 -0.03583902] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.40745054e-13 3.86310880e-02 -2.60256690e-02] [ 3.28370425e-12 -2.78611436e-02 4.92105727e-02] [-4.06554564e-12 -7.88238635e-02 -1.25750024e-01] [ 6.35073591e-13 6.80539192e-02 1.02565121e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.04015697e-03 3.40164609e-04 2.28130268e-03 -6.58577051e-03 -8.06408559e-13 2.22996495e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.91377165e-12 -1.82204540e-02 -3.50145508e-02] [ 8.25821399e-12 2.76444428e-02 6.74588929e-02] [-8.72412038e-12 1.17169982e-01 -1.72065367e-01] [ 5.37871830e-12 -1.26593971e-01 1.39621025e-01]] Final stress: [-1.78994827e-03 8.01942333e-03 2.66898663e-03 4.42098228e-03 -9.50385217e-13 7.55340660e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.25268284e-11 5.56498688e-02 4.33767602e-02] [-6.23765926e-12 -9.23808196e-02 1.27301932e-01] [ 7.66602493e-12 -3.72067224e-01 -8.34119267e-01] [ 4.10943293e-11 4.08798175e-01 6.63440574e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.60355405e-02 -1.54900197e-02 4.51310871e-03 -1.37131730e-02 9.67162365e-12 1.86583060e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.38531096e-11 -1.15958212e-01 2.69340168e-02] [ 3.84881536e-12 8.51218358e-02 8.48153964e-02] [-1.13862951e-11 2.37353925e-01 -5.79158507e-01] [ 2.13940740e-11 -2.06517548e-01 4.67409094e-01]] Final stress: [-7.72059762e-03 7.00131671e-03 2.99465211e-03 1.84946504e-02 1.44691145e-12 1.38176001e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03553385 -0.01026948 -0.02730724] [-0.02866018 0.00284609 0.0516496 ] [-0.08319474 -0.00251494 -0.1321273 ] [ 0.07632107 0.00993833 0.10778493]] Final stress: [ 0.0044475 0.00191517 0.00233239 0.0013313 -0.00604586 0.00267447] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03553341 -0.01026974 -0.02730711] [ 0.02865979 0.00284617 0.05164978] [ 0.08319541 -0.00251502 -0.1321283 ] [-0.07632179 0.00993859 0.10778563]] Final stress: [ 0.00444752 0.00191515 0.00233239 0.00133134 0.00604587 -0.00267453] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10710989 0.03113944 0.02924084] [-0.08763513 -0.00913814 0.08991315] [-0.25283744 0.00807455 -0.61335713] [ 0.23336269 -0.03007586 0.49420314]] Final stress: [-0.0032166 0.00232688 0.00315283 -0.00400521 -0.0170493 0.00816387] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10710829 0.03114029 0.02923993] [ 0.08763261 -0.00913839 0.08991451] [ 0.2528399 0.00807479 -0.61335384] [-0.23336422 -0.03007669 0.49419941]] Final stress: [-0.00321667 0.00232693 0.00315285 -0.00400532 0.01704955 -0.0081641 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.83161472e-12 1.80981770e-02 -3.50574151e-02] [-4.08093156e-12 -2.74591152e-02 6.74353107e-02] [ 1.60637519e-12 -1.17327977e-01 -1.72007427e-01] [ 6.53956056e-13 1.26688916e-01 1.39629532e-01]] Final stress: [ 8.04944097e-03 -1.81784810e-03 2.66863346e-03 -4.42151699e-03 4.68915512e-13 -1.88177472e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.14428907e-12 -3.86670585e-02 -2.60689099e-02] [-8.43863391e-13 2.79327757e-02 4.91392639e-02] [ 1.38975160e-12 7.87405774e-02 -1.25684333e-01] [-6.71481100e-12 -6.80062946e-02 1.02613979e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.60404611e-04 6.02346489e-03 2.28032508e-03 6.58629578e-03 -9.62862033e-13 -4.03088216e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.78499576e-12 1.15915068e-01 2.69424281e-02] [ 4.72072316e-12 -8.43895849e-02 8.48404234e-02] [-7.04045806e-12 -2.38177875e-01 -5.79380411e-01] [ 4.10331491e-12 2.06652392e-01 4.67597559e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.16049021e-03 -7.88039258e-03 2.99496075e-03 -1.85663613e-02 -8.36871082e-13 4.94497145e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.66352383e-11 -5.67649967e-02 4.36340741e-02] [ 6.26121334e-13 9.43798261e-02 1.27455793e-01] [ 4.70162125e-12 3.70203958e-01 -8.34491323e-01] [ 1.13227604e-11 -4.07818788e-01 6.63401456e-01]] Final stress: [-1.77486008e-02 1.82808969e-02 4.51798116e-03 1.36368638e-02 3.27625879e-12 6.30313147e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03551143 0.01027885 -0.027259 ] [-0.02865257 -0.00289454 0.0516794 ] [-0.08318703 0.00256126 -0.13213308] [ 0.07632816 -0.00994557 0.10771268]] Final stress: [ 0.00189765 0.00446245 0.00233267 -0.00133388 -0.0060428 0.00267415] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03550976 0.01027987 -0.02725679] [ 0.0286499 -0.00289483 0.05167641] [ 0.08319016 0.00256153 -0.13213115] [-0.07633031 -0.00994658 0.10771154]] Final stress: [ 0.00189759 0.00446253 0.00233262 -0.00133402 0.0060431 -0.00267442] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10724663 -0.03113068 0.02916488] [-0.08773339 0.00842604 0.08989648] [-0.25283183 -0.00736955 -0.61351599] [ 0.23331859 0.03007419 0.49445462]] Final stress: [ 0.00216416 -0.00305048 0.00315334 0.00406284 -0.01705617 0.00816774] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10724815 -0.03112979 0.0291584 ] [ 0.08773539 0.0084258 0.08990241] [ 0.25282928 -0.00736932 -0.61351617] [-0.23331652 0.03007332 0.49445536]] Final stress: [ 0.00216412 -0.00305039 0.00315345 0.00406273 0.01705598 -0.00816751] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.35669774e-12 1.46004938e-02 2.75169852e-03] [ 3.58215194e-13 -1.24075221e-02 2.40728377e-03] [-1.62743386e-12 -3.86210202e-02 -2.86491776e-02] [ 2.64023525e-12 3.64280485e-02 2.34901953e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.59157899e-03 8.97274117e-04 3.58536241e-03 -3.05837001e-03 1.30068393e-13 1.67382778e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.84953484e-12 -1.46104949e-02 2.75167396e-03] [ 5.28884662e-13 1.24226566e-02 2.39154956e-03] [-9.29516880e-13 3.86057079e-02 -2.86412916e-02] [-2.45394330e-12 -3.64178696e-02 2.34980681e-02]] Final stress: [ 9.01309262e-04 3.58800500e-03 3.58511777e-03 3.05956714e-03 -6.83342659e-13 -9.99112504e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.81445266e-12 1.77405330e-02 -2.46787278e-02] [-2.99799985e-12 -1.54364713e-02 1.95202764e-02] [ 2.19011593e-12 -3.56882699e-02 3.37092942e-02] [-4.02344304e-12 3.33842082e-02 -2.85508428e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.13611933e-03 1.11111997e-03 -6.75148976e-04 -2.95660565e-03 -2.79176262e-13 -3.83054902e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.05437966e-12 -1.77581712e-02 -2.46885678e-02] [-1.24499803e-12 1.54407810e-02 1.95138994e-02] [ 2.22143202e-12 3.56839817e-02 3.37157150e-02] [-6.02600261e-12 -3.33665914e-02 -2.85410466e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.11549113e-03 3.13227377e-03 -6.75218570e-04 2.96094852e-03 -6.46794450e-13 -3.93732930e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.46060141e-02 1.00253927e-05 2.75165511e-03] [-1.24157379e-02 -3.07371317e-06 2.39994477e-03] [-3.86127605e-02 2.52661668e-06 -2.86465803e-02] [ 3.64224843e-02 -9.47829623e-06 2.34949804e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.24265239e-03 2.24641825e-03 3.58524791e-03 -2.60527858e-06 -3.05892420e-03 1.34518838e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.46059412e-02 1.00253988e-05 2.75175911e-03] [ 1.24156736e-02 -3.07380323e-06 2.39979220e-03] [ 3.86128204e-02 2.52670372e-06 -2.86462859e-02] [-3.64225529e-02 -9.47829927e-06 2.34947346e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.24265268e-03 2.24641854e-03 3.58524535e-03 -2.60526755e-06 3.05892462e-03 -1.34519570e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.77499437e-02 1.25372423e-05 -2.46832959e-02] [-1.54391207e-02 2.87218305e-06 1.95165271e-02] [-3.56856647e-02 -3.52985349e-06 3.37130457e-02] [ 3.33748417e-02 -1.18795719e-05 -2.85462769e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12181918e-03 2.12568673e-03 -6.75193187e-04 -4.05136478e-06 -2.95878047e-03 1.01038794e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.77498510e-02 1.25372560e-05 -2.46831933e-02] [ 1.54390056e-02 2.87203365e-06 1.95164098e-02] [ 3.56857732e-02 -3.52970220e-06 3.37130836e-02] [-3.33749278e-02 -1.18795875e-05 -2.85463001e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12181913e-03 2.12568668e-03 -6.75195367e-04 -4.05134792e-06 2.95878861e-03 -1.01039907e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.01142765e-10 1.22078599e+00 -5.11863410e-01] [ 4.68428304e-11 -1.04703332e+00 7.81114165e+00] [-7.76069044e-11 -4.33225757e+00 -1.71872605e+01] [-2.70383584e-10 4.15850491e+00 9.88798231e+00]] Final stress: [ 9.51164524e-02 -2.66826081e-01 2.30984016e-01 -4.21974356e-01 -7.20198567e-11 -1.16721195e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.00266568e-10 -1.31136045e+00 -4.55544089e-01] [ 9.30085739e-11 1.41128491e+00 9.10367988e+00] [-7.99402651e-11 4.43995209e+00 -1.91094194e+01] [-3.13336726e-10 -4.53987654e+00 1.04612836e+01]] Final stress: [-2.62006433e-01 5.63209672e-02 2.76016546e-01 4.47350825e-01 -7.15230235e-11 -1.18000806e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.17099478 0.17069782 -0.13230884] [-0.15048642 -0.15138589 0.52213834] [-0.44711915 -0.44991979 -1.66478322] [ 0.42661079 0.43060786 1.27495372]] Final stress: [ 0.01421459 -0.01574851 0.01232266 -0.0313164 -0.03060146 0.01508248] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.17099829 0.17070136 -0.13231753] [ 0.15049026 -0.15138986 0.52214719] [ 0.44711418 -0.44991468 -1.66478297] [-0.42660615 0.43060319 1.27495331]] Final stress: [ 0.01421413 -0.01574802 0.01232283 -0.03131611 0.03060119 -0.015082 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.17004208 -0.17081269 -0.13224385] [-0.1452278 0.15129395 0.52240512] [-0.45243924 0.45010809 -1.66526523] [ 0.42762496 -0.43058935 1.27510396]] Final stress: [-0.01702779 0.01548548 0.0123216 0.0313639 -0.03101995 0.01615587] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.17004318 -0.17081378 -0.13224691] [ 0.14522873 0.15129485 0.52240876] [ 0.45243803 0.45010691 -1.66526517] [-0.42762358 -0.43058798 1.27510331]] Final stress: [-0.01702766 0.01548536 0.01232167 0.03136388 0.03101993 -0.01615574] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02109498 0.05803272 -0.02197455] [ 0.00510311 -0.04325999 0.06187438] [-0.00425346 -0.11013253 -0.21485507] [ 0.02024532 0.0953598 0.17495523]] Final stress: [ 0.00472859 -0.00118296 0.00239576 -0.00889724 0.00292403 0.00253246] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02109446 0.05803318 -0.02197536] [-0.00510297 -0.04326064 0.06187516] [ 0.00425332 -0.11013179 -0.21485557] [-0.02024481 0.09535925 0.17495578]] Final stress: [ 0.00472853 -0.00118289 0.00239577 -0.00889718 -0.00292396 -0.00253242] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02112444 -0.0580436 -0.02197048] [ 0.00516467 0.0433886 0.06181581] [-0.00432536 0.10993835 -0.21470253] [ 0.02028514 -0.09528336 0.1748572 ]] Final stress: [-0.0011432 0.00469021 0.00239472 0.00888797 0.00291566 0.00253655] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02112484 -0.05804319 -0.02196992] [-0.00516478 0.04338804 0.06181502] [ 0.00432547 0.10993888 -0.21470138] [-0.02028553 -0.09528373 0.17485627]] Final stress: [-0.00114325 0.00469026 0.00239471 0.00888802 -0.00291571 -0.00253657] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.26302332e+00 9.72656128e-03 -5.01717263e-01] [-1.21432435e+00 -1.38538251e-01 8.36524544e+00] [-4.37895263e+00 1.46074802e-01 -1.80398565e+01] [ 4.33025366e+00 -1.72631115e-02 1.01763284e+01]] Final stress: [-0.11255565 -0.07506 0.25230864 0.01148285 -0.43336305 0.17111271] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-1.26302249e+00 9.72663140e-03 -5.01710242e-01] [ 1.21432494e+00 -1.38538665e-01 8.36524794e+00] [ 4.37895715e+00 1.46075213e-01 -1.80398748e+01] [-4.33025961e+00 -1.72631789e-02 1.01763371e+01]] Final stress: [-0.11255584 -0.07506011 0.25230882 0.01148288 0.4333636 -0.171113 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.04628924e-02 1.94045578e-05 -2.13664152e-02] [-3.95485561e-02 -7.20901221e-05 5.97104971e-02] [-1.08716172e-01 7.51648997e-05 -2.06806992e-01] [ 8.78018358e-02 -2.24793355e-05 1.68462910e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.77114595e-03 1.80487930e-03 2.34712684e-03 2.96912034e-06 -9.98050780e-03 3.89329086e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.11361598 1.59302953 5.56836717] [ 1.33933121 -0.98375831 10.88753503] [ -9.05589357 0.9921163 -18.35690758] [ 11.83017834 -1.60138752 1.90100539]] Final stress: [-0.15929472 -0.07658541 0.45126875 -0.06582408 -0.02400907 0.71561095] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.11357706 1.59301183 5.56826156] [ -1.33933535 -0.98375595 10.88757451] [ 9.05588396 0.99211394 -18.35689537] [-11.83012566 -1.60136982 1.90105931]] Final stress: [-0.15929417 -0.07658521 0.45126912 -0.06582242 0.02401267 -0.71560837] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.04632517e-02 1.94047854e-05 -2.13685647e-02] [ 3.95498950e-02 -7.20839538e-05 5.97132471e-02] [ 1.08714587e-01 7.51587132e-05 -2.06807324e-01] [-8.78012307e-02 -2.24795449e-05 1.68462641e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.77114230e-03 1.80487554e-03 2.34717689e-03 2.96836681e-06 9.98026066e-03 -3.89318215e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.39086224e-12 1.84703740e-02 -6.88915265e-03] [-1.21303640e-12 -1.33196914e-02 1.40318254e-02] [ 1.93597655e-12 -3.76203749e-02 -3.96765694e-02] [-4.10179703e-12 3.24696922e-02 3.25338967e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.30234655e-03 1.41678754e-03 1.55901874e-03 -3.26347052e-03 -3.39525314e-13 -2.89850006e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.34692907e-12 -6.33119971e-03 -6.82077480e-03] [ 1.23490346e-12 9.60001914e-03 1.39113970e-02] [-1.06961315e-13 4.07251757e-02 -3.94395414e-02] [ 3.19126323e-12 -4.39939951e-02 3.23489192e-02]] Final stress: [1.31316489e-03 4.40695264e-03 1.55414749e-03 1.76201220e-03 6.03357685e-13 2.45242818e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.25141650e-12 7.73450487e-03 -1.20445097e-03] [-4.38576627e-12 -1.17554306e-02 1.22992833e-02] [ 8.94445108e-14 -4.99818494e-02 -6.23281623e-02] [ 1.05907470e-12 5.40027751e-02 5.12333299e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.25516436e-03 -7.13317913e-04 1.32189627e-03 -2.04202681e-03 1.82028802e-13 -1.80906839e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.96228667e-12 -1.84533981e-02 -1.04610208e-03] [ 1.42124962e-12 1.33292446e-02 1.00515725e-02] [-3.47362633e-12 3.75643526e-02 -5.10212477e-02] [-9.28139510e-13 -3.24401990e-02 4.20157772e-02]] Final stress: [-1.44994446e-04 2.73097511e-03 1.28053220e-03 3.26242952e-03 -9.82568646e-13 3.72375604e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01616806 -0.00467441 -0.00689131] [-0.01303061 0.00129942 0.01401456] [-0.03781234 -0.0011496 -0.03968472] [ 0.03467489 0.00452459 0.03256147]] Final stress: [ 0.00353631 0.00218342 0.00155836 0.00060609 -0.00288656 0.00121496] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161693 -0.0046738 -0.00689269] [ 0.01303233 0.00129925 0.01401638] [ 0.03781074 -0.00114944 -0.03968595] [-0.03467378 0.00452399 0.03256227]] Final stress: [ 0.00353626 0.00218346 0.00155839 0.00060601 0.00288641 -0.0012148 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01614593 0.00467201 -0.0010217 ] [-0.01302605 -0.00130525 0.0100593 ] [-0.03777128 0.00115473 -0.05105912] [ 0.0346514 -0.0045215 0.04202151]] Final stress: [ 0.00061315 0.00197179 0.00128017 -0.00060689 -0.00288537 0.0012137 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01614538 0.00467228 -0.00102075] [ 0.01302534 -0.00130532 0.01005816] [ 0.03777195 0.0011548 -0.05105812] [-0.03465191 -0.00452176 0.0420207 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00061313 0.00197181 0.00128015 -0.00060692 0.00288543 -0.00121377] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.86148231e-12 6.31430234e-03 -6.83093116e-03] [ 7.75716297e-14 -9.57942176e-03 1.39122561e-02] [-9.90470726e-13 -4.07458089e-02 -3.94332745e-02] [-2.93610969e-12 4.40109284e-02 3.23519495e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.41073387e-03 1.30970407e-03 1.55419387e-03 -1.76118539e-03 -7.98364219e-13 -1.50747537e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.02834321e-12 -1.84835007e-02 -6.89857201e-03] [ 3.71102888e-13 1.33381140e-02 1.40157214e-02] [-3.02877276e-12 3.76020229e-02 -3.96676565e-02] [ 1.65125552e-12 -3.24566363e-02 3.25505071e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.42159531e-03 4.29833652e-03 1.55879859e-03 3.26423035e-03 -3.94307430e-13 1.16837563e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.48581015e-12 1.84474153e-02 -1.02793687e-03] [-1.97758715e-12 -1.33120105e-02 1.00676782e-02] [ 1.18923664e-12 -3.75817043e-02 -5.10374041e-02] [-5.69132415e-12 3.24462995e-02 4.19976628e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.73439152e-03 -1.49503891e-04 1.28072179e-03 -3.26278103e-03 -8.28434162e-13 -4.14429867e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-8.39248809e-13 -7.75725264e-03 -1.18562430e-03] [-3.23670908e-12 1.17861942e-02 1.23040594e-02] [ 1.46470054e-12 4.99591435e-02 -6.23428170e-02] [ 2.62017318e-12 -5.39880850e-02 5.12243820e-02]] Final stress: [-7.08814515e-04 3.24988338e-03 1.32192081e-03 2.04301864e-03 8.18220432e-13 -3.76051000e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01616501 0.0046772 -0.00688272] [-0.01303099 -0.00130642 0.0140236 ] [-0.03781206 0.001156 -0.03969109] [ 0.03467804 -0.00452679 0.03255022]] Final stress: [ 0.00217995 0.00353921 0.00155847 -0.00060757 -0.00288594 0.0012149 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161647 0.00467735 -0.00688237] [ 0.01303062 -0.00130646 0.0140231 ] [ 0.03781241 0.00115604 -0.03969029] [-0.03467833 -0.00452693 0.03254956]] Final stress: [ 0.00217994 0.00353923 0.00155846 -0.00060759 0.00288596 -0.00121493] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01614649 -0.00467014 -0.00103727] [-0.01302581 0.00129882 0.01004553] [-0.03777135 -0.00114889 -0.05104766] [ 0.03465067 0.00452021 0.0420394 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00196916 0.00061672 0.00128 0.00060546 -0.00288549 0.00121388] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01614613 -0.0046703 -0.00103632] [ 0.01302543 0.00129887 0.01004429] [ 0.0377717 -0.00114894 -0.05104719] [-0.034651 0.00452037 0.04203922]] Final stress: [ 0.00196917 0.00061671 0.00127998 0.00060548 0.0028855 -0.00121392] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.90098934e-12 1.45536400e-02 1.37468431e-03] [-2.32106999e-12 -1.23638289e-02 2.77931595e-03] [-5.91123721e-13 -3.84846263e-02 -2.28645454e-02] [ 2.86368151e-14 3.62948152e-02 1.87105452e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.54327922e-03 8.61519903e-04 2.72692846e-03 -2.72743480e-03 -1.57653334e-13 -1.23917455e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.58266107e-12 -1.45603516e-02 1.37499434e-03] [ 2.86812457e-12 1.23800601e-02 2.76917091e-03] [-2.82233416e-12 3.84682301e-02 -2.28585504e-02] [ 5.52249912e-12 -3.62879386e-02 1.87143852e-02]] Final stress: [8.65419737e-04 3.53966406e-03 2.72677083e-03 2.72751485e-03 4.16746432e-13 4.62843106e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.03587338e-10 5.34159244e-01 5.09076635e+00] [-9.80137334e-11 -6.78551349e-01 -4.53271830e+00] [ 1.50990138e-10 -1.57499048e+00 -1.30154337e+00] [ 2.50631554e-10 1.71938258e+00 7.43495316e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.62267101e-02 -6.82628604e-02 -6.17086383e-02 -1.22759728e-01 8.45599420e-11 7.71744087e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.06103211e-10 -5.38685644e-01 5.08893449e+00] [-9.62666381e-11 7.13527138e-01 -4.53276535e+00] [-2.46221812e-11 1.53117159e+00 -1.30889985e+00] [-8.52109923e-11 -1.70601309e+00 7.52730713e-01]] Final stress: [-6.17868880e-02 3.97070039e-02 -6.16068960e-02 1.17430698e-01 -2.53705206e-11 -9.26354438e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45573804e-02 6.76093182e-06 1.37469846e-03] [-1.23718032e-02 -5.67360231e-06 2.77368556e-03] [-3.84765740e-02 5.32850027e-06 -2.28614129e-02] [ 3.62909968e-02 -6.41582980e-06 1.87130289e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.20058155e-03 2.20438132e-03 2.72684126e-03 -1.26326713e-06 -2.72758143e-03 1.33898865e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45574759e-02 6.76100168e-06 1.37446596e-03] [ 1.23722839e-02 -5.67288052e-06 2.77455289e-03] [ 3.84761183e-02 5.32777095e-06 -2.28625277e-02] [-3.62909262e-02 -6.41589209e-06 1.87135088e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.20057332e-03 2.20437311e-03 2.72685515e-03 -1.26336308e-06 2.72749179e-03 -1.33895771e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.37505195e-01 2.60149574e-03 5.08856224e+00] [-6.95323525e-01 -1.76792607e-02 -4.53299961e+00] [-1.55520095e+00 2.52921436e-02 -1.30058152e+00] [ 1.71301928e+00 -1.02143786e-02 7.45018891e-01]] Final stress: [-0.01368686 -0.00972083 -0.06153528 0.0016637 -0.12109104 0.05362715] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.37485535e-01 2.60183234e-03 5.08856245e+00] [ 6.95318931e-01 -1.76794411e-02 -4.53298749e+00] [ 1.55520693e+00 2.52923235e-02 -1.30060554e+00] [-1.71304033e+00 -1.02147147e-02 7.45030579e-01]] Final stress: [-0.01368702 -0.00972098 -0.06153514 0.00166368 0.12108866 -0.05362854] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.57283299e-12 1.19312104e-01 -7.09419964e-02] [-7.03190544e-13 -1.07392172e-01 2.24168749e-01] [ 1.09467567e-11 -3.19888481e-01 -7.45560015e-01] [-4.69612717e-12 3.07968550e-01 5.92333262e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.19823694e-02 -8.07285516e-03 6.47373687e-03 -2.06231427e-02 1.69322577e-12 -3.05133475e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.36777932e-11 -1.19586058e-01 -7.09906457e-02] [ 7.10000635e-13 1.08728947e-01 2.24023285e-01] [ 4.22522542e-12 3.18509673e-01 -7.45354402e-01] [ 1.87368194e-11 -3.07652563e-01 5.92321763e-01]] Final stress: [-1.03562810e-02 1.42713618e-02 6.47247636e-03 2.05244954e-02 4.58706104e-12 1.03765499e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0213316 0.02130955 -0.01352144] [-0.01817639 -0.01814626 0.03727906] [-0.05639847 -0.05642756 -0.13048339] [ 0.05324326 0.05326426 0.10672576]] Final stress: [ 3.89330519e-03 -3.66212057e-05 1.89369065e-03 -3.76292194e-03 -3.76544490e-03 1.95673080e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02133173 0.02130968 -0.01352207] [ 0.01817614 -0.018146 0.03727916] [ 0.05639882 -0.05642791 -0.13048343] [-0.05324323 0.05326423 0.10672634]] Final stress: [ 3.89332782e-03 -3.66243648e-05 1.89369405e-03 -3.76300876e-03 3.76553154e-03 -1.95674368e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02129448 -0.02131651 -0.01351841] [-0.01810967 0.01813984 0.03729947] [-0.05646417 0.05643504 -0.13049698] [ 0.05327936 -0.05325838 0.10671591]] Final stress: [-3.70182900e-05 3.89300473e-03 1.89398950e-03 3.76575019e-03 -3.76323244e-03 1.97324385e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02129317 -0.0213152 -0.01351645] [ 0.01810836 0.01813854 0.03729748] [ 0.05646586 0.05643673 -0.1304967 ] [-0.05328105 -0.05326006 0.10671567]] Final stress: [-3.71876140e-05 3.89316569e-03 1.89395219e-03 3.76581344e-03 3.76329622e-03 -1.97340908e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00701817 0.01931494 -0.00468017] [ 0.00169447 -0.01437318 0.01260219] [-0.00141629 -0.03654779 -0.04442991] [ 0.00673999 0.03160603 0.03650788]] Final stress: [ 0.00305533 0.00110417 0.00143161 -0.00318806 0.00097291 0.00118041] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00701922 0.01931395 -0.00467884] [-0.00169474 -0.01437155 0.01260048] [ 0.00141655 -0.03654931 -0.04442861] [-0.00674102 0.03160691 0.03650697]] Final stress: [ 0.00305547 0.00110403 0.00143158 -0.00318823 -0.00097305 -0.00118048] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00702521 -0.01932379 -0.00467941] [ 0.00170629 0.01438804 0.0125956 ] [-0.00143015 0.03653287 -0.04442191] [ 0.00674907 -0.03159713 0.03650571]] Final stress: [0.00110856 0.0030511 0.00143151 0.00318878 0.0009715 0.00118145] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00702477 -0.01932423 -0.0046803 ] [-0.00170617 0.01438869 0.01259668] [ 0.00143004 0.03653227 -0.04442231] [-0.00674864 -0.03159673 0.03650594]] Final stress: [ 0.00110862 0.00305104 0.00143153 0.00318872 -0.00097144 -0.00118142] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.19443207e-01 1.81340763e-04 -7.09539418e-02] [-1.12043368e-01 -6.26345926e-04 2.25583014e-01] [-3.19205328e-01 6.19581366e-04 -7.45453963e-01] [ 3.11805488e-01 -1.74576204e-04 5.90824890e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.36987210e-03 2.09110124e-03 6.66576148e-03 3.00767478e-05 -2.10865172e-02 1.11714035e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.19447511e-01 1.81328213e-04 -7.09612867e-02] [ 1.12047769e-01 -6.26293637e-04 2.25590838e-01] [ 3.19200169e-01 6.19529029e-04 -7.45456042e-01] [-3.11800427e-01 -1.74563604e-04 5.90826491e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.36988211e-03 2.09111038e-03 6.66590831e-03 3.00721764e-05 2.10863029e-02 -1.11708812e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.08369785e-02 4.34485799e-06 -4.68184346e-03] [-1.35982976e-02 -7.70880091e-06 1.25825536e-02] [-3.73769766e-02 8.37703596e-06 -4.42898053e-02] [ 3.01382957e-02 -5.01309303e-06 3.63890951e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07796872e-03 2.08203198e-03 1.43149046e-03 -2.38412328e-07 -3.65635867e-03 1.66179912e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.36951642 0.01564211 0.00523977] [ 0.02106596 -0.00673923 0.25475457] [-0.84637708 0.0067194 -0.77105068] [ 1.19482753 -0.01562228 0.51105634]] Final stress: [ 0.00016508 0.00068406 0.00521753 -0.00096369 0.02428968 0.06608295] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.36951768 0.01564218 0.00523617] [-0.02106587 -0.00673922 0.25475994] [ 0.8463775 0.0067194 -0.77104811] [-1.19482931 -0.01562235 0.51105199]] Final stress: [ 0.00016507 0.00068405 0.00521763 -0.0009637 -0.02428996 -0.06608304] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.08361771e-02 4.34461882e-06 -4.68049597e-03] [ 1.35961439e-02 -7.71194630e-06 1.25805743e-02] [ 3.73790131e-02 8.38018980e-06 -4.42882559e-02] [-3.01389798e-02 -5.01286233e-06 3.63881776e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07797394e-03 2.08203718e-03 1.43145535e-03 -2.37994334e-07 3.65668882e-03 -1.66195755e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.52396668e-12 1.84516172e-02 -3.81671894e-03] [ 1.24219645e-13 -1.33034654e-02 8.55619363e-03] [-3.33407390e-12 -3.75659171e-02 -2.58001270e-02] [-6.32794164e-12 3.24177653e-02 2.10606523e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.89664065e-03 1.28766349e-03 1.43753907e-03 -3.05760227e-03 -1.99396106e-12 -3.29235026e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.88413997e-13 -6.32267860e-03 -3.76805475e-03] [-6.39651353e-12 9.58422302e-03 8.47521713e-03] [ 6.95708877e-12 4.06535880e-02 -2.56471774e-02] [-1.04459670e-12 -4.39151325e-02 2.09400150e-02]] Final stress: [ 9.14423049e-04 4.27048717e-03 1.43328180e-03 1.55658793e-03 1.37605539e-12 -4.22511835e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.82496203e-12 6.30239629e-03 -1.57967375e-03] [ 1.84442609e-12 -9.56191684e-03 6.99473485e-03] [-1.47868458e-12 -4.06644819e-02 -2.99616915e-02] [ 7.45758316e-12 4.39240025e-02 2.45466304e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.30345057e-03 -5.92764686e-05 1.28189262e-03 -1.55666885e-03 1.09739340e-12 5.07667768e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.24472957e-13 -1.84487755e-02 -1.60748537e-03] [-1.55452040e-13 1.33158117e-02 7.04643289e-03] [-1.34842246e-12 3.75413221e-02 -3.01344313e-02] [ 1.91641668e-12 -3.24083583e-02 2.46954838e-02]] Final stress: [3.21286412e-04 2.92245395e-03 1.28560708e-03 3.05758812e-03 5.12232986e-14 9.58308993e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01615108 -0.00466793 -0.0038145 ] [-0.01301403 0.00129455 0.00854451] [-0.03775608 -0.00114498 -0.02580794] [ 0.03461903 0.00451836 0.02107794]] Final stress: [ 0.00313262 0.00205196 0.00143695 0.00060551 -0.0026806 0.00121195] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01615161 -0.0046675 -0.00381575] [ 0.01301602 0.00129448 0.00854675] [ 0.0377542 -0.00114493 -0.02581039] [-0.03461861 0.00451794 0.0210794 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00313258 0.00205198 0.00143699 0.00060544 0.00268025 -0.00121181] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0161411 0.00466888 -0.00159965] [-0.0130125 -0.00130604 0.00705635] [-0.0377457 0.00115604 -0.03015865] [ 0.0346171 -0.00451888 0.02470194]] Final stress: [ 0.00107786 0.00216533 0.00128534 -0.0006055 -0.00268008 0.0012117 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161409 0.00466895 -0.00159837] [ 0.01301243 -0.00130607 0.00705471] [ 0.03774576 0.00115607 -0.03015861] [-0.03461729 -0.00451895 0.02470226]] Final stress: [ 0.00107786 0.00216534 0.00128531 -0.0006055 0.00268006 -0.00121171] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.50301689e-12 6.30710762e-03 -3.77724642e-03] [ 2.10923900e-12 -9.56194636e-03 8.48125951e-03] [ 9.02075506e-13 -4.06758649e-02 -2.56425670e-02] [-5.14850315e-13 4.39307037e-02 2.09385539e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.27425746e-03 9.10786952e-04 1.43340562e-03 -1.55659667e-03 1.30204522e-13 8.98335757e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.73824323e-12 -1.84568107e-02 -3.81781322e-03] [ 3.52383053e-13 1.33203808e-02 8.54611703e-03] [ 2.65758639e-12 3.75488958e-02 -2.57954006e-02] [-4.76247167e-12 -3.24124658e-02 2.10670968e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.29178395e-03 3.89285326e-03 1.43738644e-03 3.05708087e-03 -2.78592411e-13 -2.40562090e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.57739922e-12 1.84427882e-02 -1.60340435e-03] [ 3.04528429e-12 -1.32993416e-02 7.06104058e-03] [-6.38827533e-13 -3.75579017e-02 -3.01424607e-02] [ 2.17029519e-12 3.24144551e-02 2.46848245e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.92613957e-03 3.17032534e-04 1.28582071e-03 -3.05785643e-03 2.90433008e-13 2.87492698e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.14314372e-12 -6.31699434e-03 -1.57273027e-03] [-4.08466013e-12 9.58527946e-03 6.99522735e-03] [ 4.52944149e-12 4.06411288e-02 -2.99663031e-02] [-7.59012991e-12 -4.39094139e-02 2.45438060e-02]] Final stress: [-5.56910320e-05 3.29961392e-03 1.28187950e-03 1.55622468e-03 -4.22708278e-13 -6.37873214e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01614477 0.0046709 -0.00381082] [-0.0130129 -0.00130656 0.00855015] [-0.03775713 0.00115661 -0.02580982] [ 0.03462526 -0.00452095 0.02107048]] Final stress: [ 0.00204828 0.003136 0.00143703 -0.00060574 -0.00267968 0.00121212] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01614646 0.00467021 -0.00381086] [ 0.01301422 -0.00130633 0.00855 ] [ 0.03775593 0.00115638 -0.02581119] [-0.03462369 -0.00452026 0.02107204]] Final stress: [ 0.00204834 0.00313596 0.00143703 -0.00060566 0.00267971 -0.00121196] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01614208 -0.00466768 -0.00160526] [-0.0130131 0.00129482 0.00705087] [-0.03774499 -0.00114519 -0.03015343] [ 0.03461601 0.00451804 0.02470782]] Final stress: [ 0.00216212 0.00108143 0.00128527 0.00060542 -0.00268009 0.00121184] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0161437 -0.00466696 -0.00160626] [ 0.01301473 0.0012946 0.00705209] [ 0.03774349 -0.00114498 -0.03015524] [-0.03461452 0.00451734 0.02470941]] Final stress: [ 0.00216207 0.00108148 0.00128529 0.00060533 0.00268004 -0.00121166] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.39936803e-12 1.45265216e-02 4.36552868e-04] [ 1.77128299e-12 -1.23347436e-02 2.79758590e-03] [-1.63588782e-12 -3.84059768e-02 -1.73752558e-02] [ 2.26389393e-12 3.62141988e-02 1.41411170e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.51671204e-03 8.42297386e-04 2.18847807e-03 -2.52122742e-03 6.59630692e-14 2.22726914e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.55587175e-12 -1.45334782e-02 4.36415640e-04] [ 4.71411321e-13 1.23543219e-02 2.79404778e-03] [ 2.35782531e-13 3.83864427e-02 -1.73761337e-02] [ 8.42999281e-13 -3.62072864e-02 1.41456703e-02]] Final stress: [8.46340924e-04 3.51277978e-03 2.18842355e-03 2.52045837e-03 2.19709249e-13 7.56350734e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.92676731e-12 1.50090674e-02 -7.09999261e-02] [-7.07063314e-13 -1.27989329e-02 8.87860885e-02] [-6.67231461e-13 -3.69519267e-02 -9.47331011e-02] [ 1.03152244e-11 3.47417921e-02 7.69469387e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.29618533e-03 8.35843225e-04 1.88065545e-03 -2.45798625e-03 1.80823274e-12 5.17455905e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.95047407e-12 -1.50184175e-02 -7.09991008e-02] [-4.05679613e-13 1.28112589e-02 8.87798322e-02] [-5.94825838e-14 3.69395324e-02 -9.47334056e-02] [-2.48538516e-12 -3.47323739e-02 7.69526741e-02]] Final stress: [ 8.39664825e-04 3.29252239e-03 1.88055366e-03 2.45905748e-03 -4.88787881e-13 -1.52973507e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45296642e-02 4.69473434e-06 4.35655896e-04] [-1.23449836e-02 -7.29639669e-06 2.79770681e-03] [-3.83957696e-02 7.07834184e-06 -1.73764934e-02] [ 3.62110890e-02 -4.47667950e-06 1.41431307e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.17761174e-03 2.18142667e-03 2.18848289e-03 -4.21459938e-07 -2.52067702e-03 1.33520669e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45293673e-02 4.69485154e-06 4.35706985e-04] [ 1.23448077e-02 -7.29661264e-06 2.79763343e-03] [ 3.83959285e-02 7.07855130e-06 -1.73758433e-02] [-3.62113689e-02 -4.47679021e-06 1.41425029e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.17761154e-03 2.18142647e-03 2.18848193e-03 -4.21447575e-07 2.52065925e-03 -1.33523166e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.50159790e-02 5.37293472e-06 -7.10015635e-02] [-1.28057361e-02 -5.37517275e-06 8.87842517e-02] [-3.69451733e-02 5.12536320e-06 -9.47327021e-02] [ 3.47349304e-02 -5.12312517e-06 7.69500139e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.06422154e-03 2.06791834e-03 1.88063166e-03 -8.59056983e-07 -2.45880831e-03 1.22814818e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.50157535e-02 5.37317060e-06 -7.10013060e-02] [ 1.28067084e-02 -5.37375173e-06 8.87846337e-02] [ 3.69442299e-02 5.12393383e-06 -9.47337063e-02] [-3.47351848e-02 -5.12335271e-06 7.69503786e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.06421193e-03 2.06790874e-03 1.88063647e-03 -8.59251895e-07 2.45854626e-03 -1.22810689e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.94155758e-12 2.05603603e-02 -8.22413051e-03] [ 5.78729556e-13 -1.74782466e-02 2.23303813e-02] [-8.02375527e-13 -5.44388212e-02 -7.85567100e-02] [ 5.15353038e-12 5.13567076e-02 6.44504591e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.91916615e-03 1.21812913e-04 1.60473926e-03 -3.77589936e-03 8.08949968e-13 3.14089783e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-8.26831659e-13 -2.05790766e-02 -8.22771584e-03] [ 3.77063181e-13 1.75119860e-02 2.23150208e-02] [ 1.30952606e-12 5.44055821e-02 -7.85481058e-02] [-8.61363064e-13 -5.13384916e-02 6.44608009e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.29955548e-04 3.91159643e-03 1.60451554e-03 3.77673822e-03 1.46937611e-13 -2.49732038e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01027941 0.01027328 -0.00411355] [-0.00873854 -0.0087324 0.01112693] [-0.02715389 -0.02715973 -0.03919287] [ 0.02561302 0.02561885 0.03217949]] Final stress: [ 0.00303384 0.00114357 0.00140976 -0.00188236 -0.00188336 0.00094324] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01028001 0.01027388 -0.00411445] [ 0.00873967 -0.00873352 0.0111286 ] [ 0.02715284 -0.02715868 -0.03919417] [-0.0256125 0.02561832 0.03218003]] Final stress: [ 0.00303374 0.00114366 0.00140979 -0.00188222 0.00188323 -0.00094314] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01026823 -0.01027436 -0.00411376] [-0.00872408 0.00873023 0.01113343] [-0.02716806 0.02716221 -0.03919478] [ 0.02562391 -0.02561808 0.03217511]] Final stress: [ 0.0011434 0.00303383 0.00140986 0.00188307 -0.00188206 0.00094711] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01026868 -0.01027481 -0.00411434] [ 0.00872447 0.00873062 0.01113414] [ 0.0271677 0.02716186 -0.03919544] [-0.02562349 -0.02561767 0.03217564]] Final stress: [ 0.00114344 0.00303379 0.00140988 0.00188307 0.00188206 -0.00094707] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00701203 0.01930108 -0.00288244] [ 0.00169361 -0.01435539 0.00794425] [-0.00141645 -0.03650688 -0.02777883] [ 0.00673487 0.03156119 0.02271702]] Final stress: [ 0.00308098 0.00113448 0.00136454 -0.00298262 0.00097091 0.00090911] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00701214 0.0193009 -0.00288227] [-0.00169366 -0.01435539 0.00794426] [ 0.0014165 -0.03650687 -0.02777924] [-0.00673498 0.03156136 0.02271724]] Final stress: [ 0.00308099 0.00113446 0.00136454 -0.00298258 -0.00097092 -0.00090912] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00701594 -0.01930688 -0.00288216] [ 0.0017013 0.01437126 0.00794082] [-0.00142542 0.03649102 -0.02777709] [ 0.00674006 -0.0315554 0.02271843]] Final stress: [0.00113875 0.00307679 0.00136449 0.00298243 0.00096989 0.00090967] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0070167 -0.01930599 -0.00288101] [-0.00170155 0.01437045 0.00793953] [ 0.00142566 0.03649177 -0.02777559] [-0.00674082 -0.03155623 0.02271707]] Final stress: [ 0.00113866 0.00307688 0.00136447 0.00298244 -0.00096998 -0.00090972] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.05699696e-02 1.24621845e-05 -8.22667934e-03] [-1.74955700e-02 -1.22313739e-05 2.23236239e-02] [-5.44216710e-02 1.16120702e-05 -7.85527434e-02] [ 5.13472714e-02 -1.18428808e-05 6.44557988e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.01682023e-03 2.02444438e-03 1.60464410e-03 -2.07910136e-06 -3.77626186e-03 1.89470560e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.05712443e-02 1.24615274e-05 -8.22768423e-03] [ 1.74967432e-02 -1.22287947e-05 2.23245700e-02] [ 5.44202113e-02 1.16094887e-05 -7.85534075e-02] [-5.13457102e-02 -1.18422214e-05 6.44565217e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.01682391e-03 2.02444799e-03 1.60466165e-03 -2.07932601e-06 3.77622720e-03 -1.89455482e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.08188552e-02 2.94564195e-06 -2.88095229e-03] [-1.35801136e-02 -8.60023036e-06 7.92792073e-03] [-3.73373487e-02 9.01184320e-06 -2.76866621e-02] [ 3.00986071e-02 -3.35725479e-06 2.26396936e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10587405e-03 2.10992878e-03 1.36442669e-03 2.46493149e-07 -3.45102615e-03 1.38875442e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13638636 0.00201207 -0.00838346] [ 0.01043708 -0.000833 0.05083489] [-0.29739707 0.0008283 -0.16458356] [ 0.42334635 -0.00200736 0.12213212]] Final stress: [ 0.00173639 0.00185609 0.00254033 -0.00013101 0.01084974 0.02338157] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.1363911 0.00201217 -0.00838863] [-0.01043262 -0.00083294 0.05084604] [ 0.29739342 0.00082823 -0.16458276] [-0.4233519 -0.00200747 0.12212535]] Final stress: [ 0.00173632 0.00185602 0.00254054 -0.00013103 -0.01085164 -0.02338161] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.08194920e-02 2.94568023e-06 -2.88081131e-03] [ 1.35809983e-02 -8.59903441e-06 7.92763719e-03] [ 3.73365170e-02 9.01064297e-06 -2.76875046e-02] [-3.00980233e-02 -3.35728881e-06 2.26406787e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10587634e-03 2.10993108e-03 1.36442151e-03 2.46346367e-07 3.45094992e-03 -1.38867307e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.90221666e-12 1.84352401e-02 -2.14021279e-03] [-1.01542154e-11 -1.32884626e-02 5.29143599e-03] [ 1.20349811e-11 -3.75308566e-02 -1.65792456e-02] [-4.75665687e-12 3.23840791e-02 1.34280224e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.64477390e-03 1.20827017e-03 1.36496247e-03 -2.92869804e-03 1.83594230e-12 -8.34753113e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.42414119e-12 -6.31679675e-03 -2.10239031e-03] [ 3.55145991e-12 9.57318796e-03 5.23478178e-03] [-1.23603753e-12 4.06062704e-02 -1.64892795e-02] [-8.99107178e-13 -4.38626616e-02 1.33568880e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.66805702e-04 4.18658151e-03 1.36107924e-03 1.42800862e-03 -4.32184415e-13 1.47711046e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.74131496e-13 6.30113172e-03 -1.26454677e-03] [ 4.61234783e-13 -9.54979067e-03 4.67158357e-03] [-3.84406916e-13 -4.06270046e-02 -1.81571128e-02] [-9.53240958e-13 4.38756635e-02 1.47500760e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.58694392e-03 5.98403711e-05 1.27456701e-03 -1.42883198e-03 -2.68921959e-13 -2.25552442e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.81556506e-12 -1.84404541e-02 -1.29058257e-03] [-6.65597005e-12 1.33065735e-02 4.71187272e-03] [ 5.76156744e-12 3.75100846e-02 -1.82611872e-02] [-9.19202214e-13 -3.23762040e-02 1.48398971e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.09191612e-04 3.03734493e-03 1.27814953e-03 2.92834178e-03 1.12542157e-12 -4.21914606e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613421 -0.00466493 -0.00213864] [-0.0130012 0.00129206 0.00528673] [-0.03771778 -0.00114267 -0.01658541] [ 0.03458477 0.00451553 0.01343732]] Final stress: [ 0.00288191 0.00197123 0.00136449 0.00060521 -0.00255079 0.00121024] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01613777 -0.00466365 -0.00214161] [ 0.01300258 0.00129156 0.00529015] [ 0.03771658 -0.00114218 -0.01659014] [-0.03458138 0.00451427 0.0134416 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00288182 0.00197133 0.00136455 0.00060508 0.00255117 -0.00120998] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613169 0.00466531 -0.00128249] [-0.01300008 -0.00130606 0.00471123] [-0.03771629 0.0011564 -0.01827384] [ 0.03458468 -0.00451565 0.01484511]] Final stress: [ 0.00136426 0.00228203 0.00127772 -0.00060443 -0.00255109 0.00121005] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01613083 0.00466535 -0.00128552] [ 0.01300173 -0.00130619 0.00471616] [ 0.03771469 0.00115653 -0.01827489] [-0.03458559 -0.00451569 0.01484425]] Final stress: [ 0.00136423 0.00228202 0.00127781 -0.0006044 0.00255055 -0.00121001] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.01404917e-11 6.30007365e-03 -2.11436381e-03] [-4.30510575e-12 -9.55162327e-03 5.24775269e-03] [ 8.90467170e-13 -4.06278004e-02 -1.64836388e-02] [-6.71812259e-12 4.38793501e-02 1.33502499e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.19034991e-03 6.63060013e-04 1.36132186e-03 -1.42775700e-03 -1.10889677e-12 -6.01289963e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.01173193e-12 -1.84401628e-02 -2.14230232e-03] [ 3.26855275e-12 1.33079478e-02 5.28902490e-03] [-5.34479752e-12 3.75114225e-02 -1.65791200e-02] [ 5.07666825e-14 -3.23792076e-02 1.34323974e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.21244357e-03 3.64074481e-03 1.36493244e-03 2.92748601e-03 -1.21735877e-12 1.96690141e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.01415532e-12 1.84356384e-02 -1.28902313e-03] [ 5.61329455e-12 -1.32893344e-02 4.71752256e-03] [-2.67696130e-12 -3.75273842e-02 -1.82645318e-02] [ 3.06495974e-12 3.23810801e-02 1.48360324e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.04120980e-03 6.05108049e-04 1.27823124e-03 -2.92906944e-03 1.81834730e-15 4.79269923e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.17412442e-11 -6.31367632e-03 -1.26218801e-03] [ 1.36611924e-12 9.57519584e-03 4.67348470e-03] [ 1.69193392e-12 4.06016222e-02 -1.81609440e-02] [ 1.86696943e-11 -4.38631417e-02 1.47496473e-02]] Final stress: [6.35231838e-05 3.58312631e-03 1.27459115e-03 1.42740756e-03 3.98051700e-12 1.07874421e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613378 0.00466538 -0.00213821] [-0.0130008 -0.00130601 0.00528992] [-0.03771831 0.00115639 -0.01659026] [ 0.03458534 -0.00451575 0.01343855]] Final stress: [ 0.00196764 0.0028854 0.00136454 -0.00060444 -0.00255084 0.00121004] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01613299 0.00466577 -0.00213655] [ 0.01299967 -0.00130612 0.00528743] [ 0.03771937 0.00115649 -0.01658739] [-0.03458605 -0.00451614 0.01343651]] Final stress: [ 0.00196761 0.00288543 0.0013645 -0.00060449 0.00255095 -0.00121014] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01613249 -0.00466459 -0.00128946] [-0.01300196 0.00129207 0.00471568] [-0.03771436 -0.00114265 -0.01827075] [ 0.03458382 0.00451517 0.01484453]] Final stress: [ 0.00227853 0.00136787 0.00127781 0.00060516 -0.00255078 0.00121015] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01613386 -0.00466398 -0.00128874] [ 0.01300334 0.00129188 0.00471482] [ 0.03771309 -0.00114247 -0.01827245] [-0.03458257 0.00451457 0.01484637]] Final stress: [ 0.00227848 0.00136791 0.0012778 0.00060509 0.00255073 -0.00121 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.41707167e-11 1.45089770e-02 -7.01154571e-05] [ 9.83878105e-12 -1.23190811e-02 2.51329862e-03] [-9.73306071e-12 -3.83560109e-02 -1.26167413e-02] [ 1.40737005e-11 3.61661150e-02 1.01735581e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.50228311e-03 8.32492869e-04 1.84787208e-03 -2.39150410e-03 4.79867459e-13 1.31605203e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.89575959e-12 -1.45146781e-02 -6.73496693e-05] [-6.46027372e-12 1.23364381e-02 2.50657541e-03] [ 3.80606419e-12 3.83385791e-02 -1.26138360e-02] [ 4.54593134e-12 -3.61603391e-02 1.01746102e-02]] Final stress: [ 8.36367978e-04 3.49850871e-03 1.84776011e-03 2.39090340e-03 1.70749791e-12 -1.12930472e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.28841943e-12 1.44931765e-02 -1.00497201e-02] [-1.48237130e-12 -1.23021107e-02 1.56707526e-02] [-1.78362186e-12 -3.83205070e-02 -3.02299195e-02] [-5.03033726e-12 3.61294412e-02 2.46088870e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.41535806e-03 7.47742832e-04 9.37858173e-04 -2.39016669e-03 -1.39204158e-12 -3.44596158e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-9.83826215e-12 -1.45039539e-02 -1.00434473e-02] [-2.68960223e-12 1.23147891e-02 1.56586934e-02] [ 3.04681042e-12 3.83076851e-02 -3.02294374e-02] [ 9.49328983e-12 -3.61185203e-02 2.46141913e-02]] Final stress: [7.51644235e-04 3.41159807e-03 9.37648115e-04 2.39159450e-03 2.50599209e-12 3.63166513e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45130427e-02 3.39623573e-06 -6.79690306e-05] [-1.23272244e-02 -8.31314593e-06 2.50814107e-03] [-3.83478425e-02 8.17473981e-06 -1.26147983e-02] [ 3.61620242e-02 -3.25782963e-06 1.01746263e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.16551516e-03 2.16933767e-03 1.84778553e-03 1.05895995e-07 -2.39155869e-03 1.33294841e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45148086e-02 3.39544214e-06 -6.79083103e-05] [ 1.23271024e-02 -8.31368363e-06 2.50750610e-03] [ 3.83480113e-02 8.17526787e-06 -1.26167594e-02] [-3.61603052e-02 -3.25702637e-06 1.01771617e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.16552483e-03 2.16934734e-03 1.84777403e-03 1.06044433e-07 2.39192689e-03 -1.33286299e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44988536e-02 3.37048711e-06 -1.00472424e-02] [-1.23101073e-02 -8.31678998e-06 1.56659822e-02] [-3.83125263e-02 8.18121682e-06 -3.02311568e-02] [ 3.61237800e-02 -3.23491396e-06 2.46124170e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07967192e-03 2.08348675e-03 9.37774709e-04 1.13721252e-07 -2.39056323e-03 1.33178770e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44972733e-02 3.37097176e-06 -1.00477159e-02] [ 1.23085139e-02 -8.31881846e-06 1.56664073e-02] [ 3.83139952e-02 8.18325868e-06 -3.02289474e-02] [-3.61252357e-02 -3.23541201e-06 2.46102560e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07967247e-03 2.08348728e-03 9.37783669e-04 1.13904457e-07 2.39061617e-03 -1.33195589e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.05121336e-12 1.45221657e-02 -3.62353339e-03] [ 3.11205857e-12 -1.23360586e-02 9.86335458e-03] [-5.35584511e-12 -3.84067688e-02 -3.46477943e-02] [ 6.28405834e-12 3.62206618e-02 2.84079731e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.43407281e-03 7.58399280e-04 1.39159257e-03 -2.60607299e-03 -2.89774278e-14 5.20587808e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.19736642e-12 -1.45294149e-02 -3.62149105e-03] [-9.68791020e-13 1.23510611e-02 9.85372314e-03] [-1.15674462e-12 3.83915888e-02 -3.46430967e-02] [-8.05935180e-14 -3.62132350e-02 2.84108646e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.62240811e-04 3.43044202e-03 1.39143687e-03 2.60644563e-03 -2.92037535e-13 -5.13778692e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01026848 0.01026421 -0.0025265 ] [-0.00872968 -0.00872206 0.00702651] [-0.02712184 -0.02712926 -0.02451514] [ 0.02558304 0.02558712 0.02001513]] Final stress: [ 0.00305663 0.00116979 0.00135057 -0.00175357 -0.00175382 0.00094151] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01026914 0.01026487 -0.00252611] [ 0.00872998 -0.00872236 0.00702583] [ 0.02712158 -0.027129 -0.02451628] [-0.02558242 0.02558649 0.02001656]] Final stress: [ 0.00305658 0.00116984 0.00135056 -0.00175364 0.00175389 -0.00094146] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01026102 -0.01026529 -0.00252756] [-0.00871246 0.00872008 0.00702973] [-0.02713886 0.02713142 -0.02451589] [ 0.0255903 -0.02558622 0.02001372]] Final stress: [ 0.00116969 0.00305666 0.00135062 0.00175424 -0.00175399 0.00094539] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01026133 -0.01026559 -0.00252762] [ 0.00871239 0.00872001 0.00702948] [ 0.02713894 0.0271315 -0.02451573] [-0.02559 -0.02558592 0.02001387]] Final stress: [ 0.00116971 0.00305666 0.00135062 0.00175431 0.00175406 -0.00094538] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00700603 0.01929034 -0.00175574] [ 0.00169222 -0.01434048 0.00503819] [-0.00141575 -0.03647553 -0.01739236] [ 0.00672956 0.03152567 0.01410991]] Final stress: [ 0.00309664 0.00115344 0.00132233 -0.00285425 0.00096944 0.00073938] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00700656 0.01928876 -0.00175982] [-0.00169269 -0.01434211 0.00504463] [ 0.00141621 -0.03647393 -0.01739357] [-0.00673009 0.03152728 0.01410875]] Final stress: [ 0.00309661 0.00115342 0.00132244 -0.00285358 -0.00096943 -0.00073944] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00700995 -0.01929084 -0.00175714] [ 0.00169842 0.01435797 0.00504014] [-0.00142275 0.03645805 -0.01739211] [ 0.00673428 -0.03152518 0.01410911]] Final stress: [0.0011575 0.00309257 0.00132236 0.00285262 0.00096879 0.00073981] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0070095 -0.01929145 -0.00175568] [-0.00169824 0.01435823 0.00503808] [ 0.00142258 0.03645782 -0.01739224] [-0.00673384 -0.0315246 0.01410984]] Final stress: [ 0.00115755 0.00309253 0.00132233 0.00285268 -0.00096875 -0.00073977] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45258945e-02 5.54513748e-06 -3.62248449e-03] [-1.23440688e-02 -6.60924754e-06 9.85885147e-03] [-3.83986984e-02 6.34019283e-06 -3.46457822e-02] [ 3.62168727e-02 -5.27608276e-06 2.84094152e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.09438273e-03 2.09818482e-03 1.39151958e-03 -7.70705727e-07 -2.60616536e-03 1.33593592e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45269822e-02 5.54489843e-06 -3.62319075e-03] [ 1.23455025e-02 -6.60727009e-06 9.86001792e-03] [ 3.83973667e-02 6.33821149e-06 -3.46473252e-02] [-3.62158870e-02 -5.27583984e-06 2.84104981e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.09437852e-03 2.09818063e-03 1.39153974e-03 -7.70915590e-07 2.60605279e-03 -1.33580199e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.08032649e-02 2.11495165e-06 -1.75942645e-03] [-1.35718725e-02 -9.14134875e-06 5.03650550e-03] [-3.73000303e-02 9.39165139e-06 -1.73379341e-02] [ 3.00686378e-02 -2.36525429e-06 1.40608550e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12308389e-03 2.12712690e-03 1.32242900e-03 5.40374757e-07 -3.32074496e-03 1.21763333e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.87153650e-02 5.10180137e-04 -3.18791285e-03] [ 5.19225363e-03 -2.06532383e-04 1.55506303e-02] [-1.49700578e-01 2.05014433e-04 -5.13640837e-02] [ 2.13223689e-01 -5.08662187e-04 3.90013663e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.03490708e-03 2.06465776e-03 1.59298726e-03 -3.43074044e-05 5.47257908e-03 1.17181097e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.87148042e-02 5.10173574e-04 -3.19504181e-03] [-5.19042075e-03 -2.06514902e-04 1.55597692e-02] [ 1.49697079e-01 2.04996880e-04 -5.13629848e-02] [-2.13221462e-01 -5.08655552e-04 3.89982574e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.03489327e-03 2.06464332e-03 1.59315329e-03 -3.43086448e-05 -5.47296935e-03 -1.17178834e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.08038948e-02 2.11482963e-06 -1.75984909e-03] [ 1.35701101e-02 -9.14400165e-06 5.03621186e-03] [ 3.73017091e-02 9.39431310e-06 -1.73364192e-02] [-3.00679244e-02 -2.36514104e-06 1.40600564e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12309474e-03 2.12713772e-03 1.32242593e-03 5.40703581e-07 3.32126133e-03 -1.21769456e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: energy-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 198.26484 71.13322 16.64874 552.48596 -0. -0.00002] [ 71.13322 198.26485 16.64875 -443.95787 -0. -0. ] [ 16.64874 16.64875 255.81977 -6.19776 -0.0001 -0. ] [ 552.48596 -443.95787 -6.19776 -2988.56313 0. 0. ] [ -0. -0. -0.0001 0. -3012.88669 4476.62497] [ -0.00002 -0. -0. 0. 4476.62497 63.56584]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[ 0.00005 0.00016 0.00011 143.85147 0. 0.00005] [ 0.00016 0.00005 0. 115.86011 0. 0.00002] [ 0.00011 0. 0. 37.11894 0.00011 0.00001] [ 143.85147 115.86011 37.11894 3460.50075 0.00001 0.00001] [ 0. 0. 0.00011 0.00001 3487.46174 3325.17418] [ 0.00005 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 3325.17418 0.00013]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 1743.730868 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 4476.624968 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 3924.139003 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 156 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 4476.624968 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Attempting to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.01,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-7.91869174e-13 -4.82788531e-02 -1.67647784e-02] [ 2.35453193e-12 5.20220951e-02 -1.92096835e-02] [-2.43143396e-12 5.83384036e-02 1.09393748e-02] [ 8.77076189e-13 -6.20816456e-02 2.50350871e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.29159501e+00 1.33722566e+00 3.27740189e-01 5.91521473e-03 -3.54906924e-13 1.66169417e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.85878710e-12 -2.09821529e+00 -4.53448722e-01] [ 9.19207852e-13 2.08226702e+00 -1.40966195e+00] [-1.29707399e-12 3.34322286e-01 1.81575829e+00] [ 3.23538635e-12 -3.18374017e-01 4.73523837e-02]] Final stress: [-4.62270550e+00 -1.54812502e+00 -2.66347860e-01 1.46618685e-02 3.65839927e-13 2.59329069e-13] Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.57092112e-12 2.73036846e-01 -1.47973963e+00] [-2.24094571e-12 -5.46571282e-01 1.57670595e+00] [ 2.62084647e-12 -4.84005036e-01 -8.28069870e-01] [-3.95915939e-12 7.57539473e-01 7.31103558e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.09471382e+00 -1.28521618e+00 5.09055302e-02 3.90959256e-02 -1.80324177e-13 -3.22072406e-13] Minimization converged after 28 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.98424176e-12 -1.77855594e-02 4.84316182e-02] [-1.21840146e-12 2.42092392e-02 -7.44124756e-02] [-6.91755681e-14 3.71512378e-02 1.38254588e-02] [-6.98777841e-13 -4.35749176e-02 1.21553986e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.92918377e+00 8.13305047e-01 2.44424573e+00 2.41359095e-03 -1.53410043e-13 -9.78486803e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.73947922e-12 3.33800079e-01 -1.17690753e+00] [ 5.10384703e-13 -3.31842931e-01 -1.61048140e+00] [-4.57023742e-14 -4.16942101e-01 1.22334241e+00] [ 1.27840100e-12 4.14984953e-01 1.56404652e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.67816664e+00 5.64244444e-01 -2.53780683e+00 -1.70915088e-02 2.36911261e-13 9.28995490e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.39075383e-13 -2.85349575e-01 -1.59830619e-01] [-3.65188565e-13 3.42072080e-01 -5.25960683e-01] [ 4.40781960e-13 2.01767898e-01 3.12423565e-01] [-1.90462229e-13 -2.58490403e-01 3.73367736e-01]] Final stress: [-1.98357444e+00 -5.68016309e-01 2.26235357e+00 2.98427660e-03 6.47124097e-14 -2.85547135e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.15810410e-12 -6.32927274e-01 6.52210017e-01] [ 1.39714846e-13 9.47380942e-01 -2.72665349e-01] [ 6.28994469e-13 4.80049032e-01 -5.94049549e-02] [-3.92722053e-12 -7.94502701e-01 -3.20139713e-01]] Final stress: [-2.34955634e+00 -9.43646018e-01 -2.98350770e+00 -3.69380193e-02 -6.42986786e-13 -2.18565771e-13] Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 23 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 24 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -5.12608531 3.02324316 23.67427388] [ -2.18617606 12.09522145 48.78202723] [ -4.95737612 -12.70164781 -46.40461194] [ 12.2696375 -2.4168168 -26.05168918]] Final stress: [ 1.74672919 0.04026084 4.82176877 -1.92436089 -0.1729137 0.86502303] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.12608531 3.02324316 23.67427388] [ 2.18617606 12.09522145 48.78202723] [ 4.95737612 -12.70164781 -46.40461194] [-12.2696375 -2.4168168 -26.05168918]] Final stress: [ 1.74672919 0.04026084 4.82176877 -1.92436089 0.1729137 -0.86502303] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 13.61366175 -2.17006308 11.97869037] [ -0.93343339 4.94343075 26.43634552] [ -4.99539399 -3.73432705 -3.2791286 ] [ -7.68483437 0.96095938 -35.13590729]] Final stress: [-1.54251519 -0.68661336 5.30765412 -0.93282615 -0.5324525 -0.04468225] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-13.61366175 -2.17006308 11.97869037] [ 0.93343339 4.94343075 26.43634552] [ 4.99539399 -3.73432705 -3.2791286 ] [ 7.68483437 0.96095938 -35.13590729]] Final stress: [-1.54251519 -0.68661336 5.30765412 -0.93282615 0.5324525 0.04468225] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02387557 -0.05535011 -0.06016781] [ 0.06143332 0.00381596 -0.05276066] [ 0.05924799 0.0502425 0.04826923] [-0.09680574 0.00129165 0.06465923]] Final stress: [ 1.77499921e+00 5.04033706e-01 1.72145631e-01 1.35871620e-02 -6.78937701e-04 1.22938986e+00] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02387572 -0.05534983 -0.06016758] [-0.06143333 0.00381587 -0.05276047] [-0.05924793 0.05024255 0.04826907] [ 0.09680553 0.0012914 0.06465898]] Final stress: [ 1.77499918e+00 5.04033719e-01 1.72145633e-01 1.35871266e-02 6.78913923e-04 -1.22938987e+00] Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-7.29591734e-12 1.63092935e+00 4.26370582e+00] [ 8.30573848e-12 -9.58988888e-01 5.43712776e+00] [-8.15678926e-12 -1.08264113e+00 -4.44870448e+00] [ 7.15824969e-12 4.10700661e-01 -5.25212910e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.01745886e+00 3.29751499e+00 4.34615452e-01 -1.56254531e-01 -4.28755783e-13 8.77310799e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10368225e-12 8.58412730e-01 -8.72065085e-01] [-9.33671543e-15 -9.49384359e-01 -1.34238023e+00] [ 4.92584055e-13 -5.70546796e-01 1.08365375e+00] [-1.58353148e-12 6.61518425e-01 1.13079156e+00]] Final stress: [-1.66589886e+00 -4.49037195e+00 -3.04229677e-01 -5.02214343e-03 -1.90914199e-13 -8.16399016e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-9.15992109e-13 1.97630389e-03 -9.52979567e-03] [ 1.98062378e-12 -3.18457115e-02 -3.37677582e-01] [-4.98829927e-13 -1.12103817e-01 1.28294111e-01] [-5.55670093e-13 1.41973225e-01 2.18913267e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.83661704e-01 1.96371255e+00 2.44119558e+00 -1.75552627e-03 -1.98655576e-13 7.98339039e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-8.40576567e-12 3.93917759e-02 1.85069008e-02] [ 3.94690140e-12 -3.66679701e-02 6.49551532e-02] [-2.88549913e-12 -5.16807314e-02 -3.71254928e-02] [ 7.32865678e-12 4.89569256e-02 -4.63365612e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.75700729e-01 1.66170826e+00 -2.51558937e+00 -6.37886684e-03 7.71557646e-13 6.34355729e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.71197366e-12 5.49905213e-01 -2.97995859e-02] [ 7.15333391e-13 -9.26857141e-01 -7.09761342e-01] [-1.22215389e-13 -4.16569863e-01 2.96456271e-01] [ 1.10865483e-12 7.93521791e-01 4.43104657e-01]] Final stress: [-6.11445626e-01 -1.92925352e+00 2.28460403e+00 4.16834509e-02 1.92454126e-13 1.01605254e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.60903582e-12 3.60593955e-01 -6.70618571e-02] [-7.46665967e-13 -4.02253966e-01 -9.99432949e-02] [ 6.00219961e-13 -2.31514078e-01 9.98254700e-02] [-1.46327611e-12 2.73174089e-01 6.71796820e-02]] Final stress: [-9.72412692e-01 -2.29458370e+00 -2.99976113e+00 1.25512813e-03 -1.47394724e-13 -1.15322358e-13] Minimization converged after 24 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.94468702e-13 -7.02353278e+00 3.73675914e+01] [-4.16591891e-13 2.44759636e+00 2.43427422e+01] [ 3.82044439e-13 7.28060860e+00 -2.23595549e+01] [ 6.44268059e-13 -2.70467218e+00 -3.93507787e+01]] Final stress: [1.99500603e-01 1.54739866e+00 4.72913893e+00 2.13774132e+00 1.14850072e-13 3.85770587e-14] Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 25 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.53778999 0.83691023 -2.82086413] [-2.35465836 1.17136757 2.98154902] [-1.89514233 1.2597852 -3.17661692] [ 1.7120107 -3.268063 3.01593202]] Final stress: [ 0.54807817 1.83340134 0.55398668 -0.33176524 -0.12432869 1.06554794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.53778999 0.83691023 -2.82086413] [ 2.35465836 1.17136757 2.98154903] [ 1.89514233 1.2597852 -3.17661692] [-1.7120107 -3.268063 3.01593202]] Final stress: [ 0.54807817 1.83340134 0.55398668 -0.33176524 0.12432869 -1.06554794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.95436488 4.868732 3.52142856] [-4.09503678 -2.39212755 1.69693355] [-0.29983481 -0.1631495 0.67066001] [-0.55949329 -2.31345494 -5.88902211]] Final stress: [-1.10427796 -2.08298586 0.122492 -0.50835092 -0.08944327 1.26228066] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.95436488 4.868732 3.52142857] [ 4.09503678 -2.39212755 1.69693354] [ 0.29983481 -0.1631495 0.67066001] [ 0.55949329 -2.31345494 -5.88902212]] Final stress: [-1.10427796 -2.08298586 0.122492 -0.50835092 0.08944327 -1.26228066] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 22 steps. Minimization converged after 24 steps. Minimization converged after 34 steps. Minimization converged after 34 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. Minimization converged after 41 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.38978873 7.95102972 19.89467679] [ -6.69370799 0.79003564 -0.75785163] [ -4.11127861 -1.32320243 -7.78604849] [ 12.19477532 -7.41786293 -11.35077667]] Final stress: [-0.92380884 0.16363598 -1.54421169 -1.81358004 0.65735179 1.44135198] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.38978876 7.95102972 19.89467681] [ 6.693708 0.79003563 -0.75785164] [ 4.1112786 -1.32320243 -7.78604851] [-12.19477535 -7.41786293 -11.35077666]] Final stress: [-0.92380884 0.16363598 -1.54421169 -1.81358004 -0.6573518 -1.44135198] Minimization converged after 23 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.17915963e-14 -3.22287402e+00 -8.86902747e+00] [-3.97291141e-13 1.10317467e+01 5.42442203e+01] [ 3.33585590e-13 -6.24231818e+00 -4.32982068e+01] [ 1.00706769e-13 -1.56655454e+00 -2.07698603e+00]] Final stress: [-4.03038665e-01 1.29265780e+00 9.80065461e+00 -1.21545860e+00 2.65506943e-14 1.18046090e-14] Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -5.5839948 -7.64532154 14.27035729] [ 7.12817828 -4.89222922 44.87799985] [ -7.73026434 11.87368357 -27.32175504] [ 6.18608086 0.66386719 -31.8266021 ]] Final stress: [-0.23467545 0.17168478 6.32438172 0.87712056 -0.01961184 1.98446604] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.5839948 -7.64532154 14.27035729] [ -7.12817828 -4.89222922 44.87799985] [ 7.73026434 11.87368357 -27.32175504] [ -6.18608086 0.66386719 -31.8266021 ]] Final stress: [-0.23467545 0.17168478 6.32438172 0.87712056 0.01961184 -1.98446604] Minimization converged after 30 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.25355969 5.5773036 16.50992467] [ -1.44457301 1.71347769 22.06582177] [ -9.40183952 -1.34390987 -12.88025317] [ 13.09997221 -5.94687142 -25.69549326]] Final stress: [-0.34281167 0.36057039 5.45641101 -1.19779646 0.0121042 1.91940652] Minimization converged after 38 steps. Minimization converged after 38 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.25355969 5.5773036 16.50992467] [ 1.44457301 1.71347769 22.06582177] [ 9.40183952 -1.34390987 -12.88025317] [-13.09997221 -5.94687142 -25.69549326]] Final stress: [-0.34281167 0.36057039 5.45641101 -1.19779646 -0.0121042 -1.91940652] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.7408752 -0.27850015 0.75419748] [-0.9520082 2.8248636 1.18442017] [-1.50474283 -1.35806892 -1.88741221] [ 1.71587584 -1.18829453 -0.05120544]] Final stress: [-5.01915300e-02 -8.82151522e-01 1.49843363e-01 -4.93188198e-01 1.55885682e-03 2.59670569e+00] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.7408752 -0.27850015 0.75419748] [ 0.9520082 2.8248636 1.18442017] [ 1.50474283 -1.35806892 -1.88741221] [-1.71587584 -1.18829454 -0.05120544]] Final stress: [-5.01915301e-02 -8.82151522e-01 1.49843363e-01 -4.93188198e-01 -1.55885705e-03 -2.59670569e+00] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-5.80827747e-12 -4.09127762e-02 -1.17433877e-01] [ 1.07755992e-12 4.65484458e-02 -1.08973187e-01] [-9.46462526e-13 4.20846636e-02 9.87784285e-02] [ 5.67586256e-12 -4.77203331e-02 1.27628635e-01]] Final stress: [2.20245971e+00 8.57680056e-01 2.00595548e-01 3.46051434e-03 8.29053718e-13 3.51804285e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.59595568e-12 -1.76252155e+00 8.88232921e-01] [ 1.85701021e-12 2.33197333e+00 -2.15454669e+00] [-1.91206231e-12 1.07262073e+00 2.28543629e+00] [ 2.64232169e-12 -1.64207251e+00 -1.01912252e+00]] Final stress: [-2.68109780e+00 -9.22891108e-01 -7.78174331e-02 -6.00409916e-02 4.59164730e-14 2.72090363e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.30986321e-13 4.90614280e-01 4.78507593e-01] [ 2.91473226e-13 -7.33048459e-01 -4.86160229e-01] [-8.51254614e-13 -5.19771236e-01 7.99078464e-01] [ 1.41093907e-12 7.62205414e-01 -7.91425828e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.18392945e-01 -7.90458427e-01 1.57718508e-02 2.55250188e-02 6.67203288e-14 8.77868518e-14] Minimization converged after 24 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-5.10560344e-13 -1.98530221e-02 1.00569156e-01] [ 2.15511419e-13 3.06502521e-02 -1.30415701e-01] [-3.95007811e-13 5.56964726e-02 1.79737963e-02] [ 7.07019512e-13 -6.64937026e-02 1.18727491e-02]] Final stress: [1.25152515e+00 5.22251523e-01 1.58247593e+00 1.93907123e-03 3.56490426e-14 5.20980382e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-7.29045036e-12 -1.25155691e-02 7.54313107e-02] [ 1.29530392e-12 1.42456542e-02 1.23842256e-01] [ 2.27818415e-13 4.16985860e-02 -5.76619281e-02] [ 5.80234472e-12 -4.34286710e-02 -1.41611639e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.05689959e+00 3.27924063e-01 -1.54253606e+00 2.76645467e-03 1.14950866e-12 3.73742172e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.02892504e-11 -2.48607141e-02 -9.09353162e-03] [-9.73704581e-12 2.51562670e-02 -2.62383053e-02] [ 8.67387043e-12 2.17386497e-02 1.68167342e-02] [-9.22691264e-12 -2.20342026e-02 1.85151027e-02]] Final stress: [-1.19840425e+00 -3.54122481e-01 1.43951419e+00 1.44234974e-04 2.08305161e-13 -1.06479764e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.69714481e-13 -6.43794393e-01 3.98364212e-01] [-9.37832711e-13 1.49415361e+00 -7.48836362e-02] [ 5.99079814e-13 4.74632265e-01 4.59509462e-03] [ 7.10091708e-14 -1.32499149e+00 -3.28075670e-01]] Final stress: [-1.39209610e+00 -5.74047977e-01 -1.75424822e+00 -1.36918152e-01 1.60387888e-13 -5.14972836e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.02653216e-12 -7.92965457e+00 4.33603688e+01] [-7.22236507e-13 -5.68770321e+00 7.98472372e+00] [ 1.04350838e-12 -4.88582188e+00 -1.88475697e+01] [ 7.11795206e-13 1.85031797e+01 -3.24975229e+01]] Final stress: [ 1.26014318e+00 -9.40811451e-01 1.96119056e+00 -3.47403840e-03 3.04095968e-13 1.72253121e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.69199853e-12 3.05587709e+00 2.55784355e+01] [ 2.16584324e-12 1.89764971e+00 2.84553145e+01] [-2.44540629e-12 8.47478903e+00 -3.33472715e+01] [ 2.96905035e-12 -1.34283158e+01 -2.06864785e+01]] Final stress: [5.13123285e-02 6.43899491e-01 3.27225626e+00 8.50742432e-01 2.55303733e-14 2.08703112e-13] Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 29 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.03543139e+00 1.78129037e-02 9.38798444e+00] [-2.87037541e+00 3.09566320e+00 2.35206716e+01] [-8.49356906e+00 -3.29139536e+00 -2.42015369e+01] [ 9.32851308e+00 1.77919254e-01 -8.70711913e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.19935212 0.29873861 3.90971387 -0.55758979 -1.04919485 0.46143168] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.03543139e+00 1.78129037e-02 9.38798444e+00] [ 2.87037541e+00 3.09566320e+00 2.35206716e+01] [ 8.49356906e+00 -3.29139536e+00 -2.42015369e+01] [-9.32851308e+00 1.77919254e-01 -8.70711914e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.19935212 0.29873861 3.90971387 -0.55758979 1.04919485 -0.46143168] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.00565817 -0.99139519 3.19828363] [ -1.514483 2.35011781 20.68003625] [ -9.2980247 -1.56503535 -4.87918804] [ 1.80684953 0.20631273 -18.99913184]] Final stress: [-1.02242095 -0.48821432 3.2519488 -0.45909405 -1.49469516 0.19179206] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -9.00565817 -0.99139519 3.19828363] [ 1.514483 2.35011781 20.68003625] [ 9.2980247 -1.56503535 -4.87918804] [ -1.80684953 0.20631273 -18.99913184]] Final stress: [-1.02242095 -0.48821432 3.2519488 -0.45909405 1.49469516 -0.19179206] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0672637 -0.45368433 0.23519523] [ 0.21493043 0.1396254 0.4569879 ] [ 0.21878713 0.08667067 -0.39517328] [-0.36645386 0.22738826 -0.29700985]] Final stress: [ 1.16271528 0.33107161 0.11244377 0.0659246 -0.01562362 0.76755136] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0672637 -0.45368433 0.23519523] [-0.21493043 0.1396254 0.4569879 ] [-0.21878713 0.08667067 -0.39517328] [ 0.36645386 0.22738826 -0.29700985]] Final stress: [ 1.16271528 0.33107161 0.11244377 0.0659246 0.01562362 -0.76755136] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.67843805 -0.10016129 -0.33493726] [-0.67333389 0.35694141 -0.41793043] [-0.44527703 0.2864715 0.32814475] [ 0.44017286 -0.54325162 0.42472295]] Final stress: [-1.29721575 -0.49671085 -0.07600231 -0.03536537 -0.02285519 0.78791121] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.67843805 -0.10016129 -0.33493726] [ 0.67333389 0.35694141 -0.41793043] [ 0.44527702 0.2864715 0.32814475] [-0.44017287 -0.54325162 0.42472295]] Final stress: [-1.29721575 -0.49671085 -0.07600231 -0.03536537 0.02285519 -0.78791121] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.68082385e-13 3.16004582e-02 -2.25133859e-02] [ 1.74066057e-13 -3.53540712e-02 -2.41993532e-02] [-5.45186942e-13 -3.91496822e-02 1.74486810e-02] [-5.89840676e-13 4.29032951e-02 2.92640580e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.95426316e-01 2.25872220e+00 2.01467170e-01 -3.31896330e-03 -2.35109348e-13 -2.41108400e-14] Minimization converged after 22 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.62099490e-10 -3.35793682e+00 6.36534223e+00] [-8.56779682e-11 -2.77775419e+00 -1.77958912e+01] [-1.66277978e-10 -6.66629575e+00 2.43451181e+00] [ 8.98497873e-11 1.28019868e+01 8.99603717e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.26922383e+00 1.00596598e+00 1.82902852e+00 -9.06018294e-02 -6.76436572e-11 -2.84252398e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.29217957e-10 7.96733778e-01 1.85911966e+00] [-4.35568996e-11 -5.78092850e-01 4.69902050e+00] [ 6.07820250e-11 -9.01173674e-01 -3.00764797e+00] [-1.46442181e-10 6.82532746e-01 -3.55049219e+00]] Final stress: [ 2.21883702e-01 9.66109968e-01 -1.45563820e+00 -6.83228017e-02 -1.39417050e-11 -1.05047859e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.23058766e-14 1.01522219e-02 3.30047359e-02] [-1.30671082e-13 -3.82041752e-01 -2.64747658e-01] [-1.60483606e-14 -2.92830086e-01 2.42031537e-01] [ 8.17262924e-14 6.64719616e-01 -1.02886154e-02]] Final stress: [-3.48774534e-01 -1.19080465e+00 1.44466921e+00 5.26754340e-02 6.80938119e-15 9.67241647e-16] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.28217120e-12 6.18108853e-01 -3.64577841e-02] [-1.00334194e-12 -1.16721755e+00 2.23702153e-02] [ 5.72461783e-13 -4.19393358e-01 6.52618368e-02] [-8.81038298e-13 9.68502059e-01 -5.11742681e-02]] Final stress: [-5.85221590e-01 -1.36989141e+00 -1.76816572e+00 8.91319592e-02 -4.24279636e-14 -9.68047073e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.48039567e-13 -7.53639660e+00 2.19220536e+01] [ 4.99299387e-13 -5.60931785e+00 1.45046398e+01] [-3.38959546e-13 -6.66366805e+00 -2.67026701e+01] [-2.98068861e-13 1.98093825e+01 -9.72402323e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.06829940e+00 2.18747919e-01 3.43577836e+00 -2.09711407e-01 -8.26276490e-14 1.42647081e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.85081507e-13 -5.81902617e+00 2.31099204e+01] [ 7.00890951e-13 4.87759966e+00 7.53288381e+00] [-8.42452844e-13 7.37600845e+00 -1.12761186e+01] [-2.47903260e-13 -6.43458194e+00 -1.93666857e+01]] Final stress: [ 2.85528631e-01 1.09956417e+00 3.34905924e+00 1.75985816e+00 -1.76328710e-13 9.97760582e-15] Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 23 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.41147595 3.48086372 23.98360929] [ -3.92648111 5.17354837 30.13956767] [ -5.74440156 -5.29651981 -33.98216212] [ 14.08235863 -3.35789228 -20.14101483]] Final stress: [-0.0460558 0.70638741 3.08363727 -1.16944274 -0.13926019 0.585888 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.41147595 3.48086372 23.98360929] [ 3.92648111 5.17354837 30.13956767] [ 5.74440156 -5.29651981 -33.98216212] [-14.08235863 -3.35789228 -20.14101483]] Final stress: [-0.0460558 0.70638741 3.08363727 -1.16944274 0.13926019 -0.585888 ] Minimization converged after 30 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.19154963 -0.25628352 -1.98511106] [-2.66889908 1.41743766 4.15836846] [-1.39030745 0.91441208 -5.25726159] [ 1.8676569 -2.07556622 3.08400419]] Final stress: [ 0.3832129 1.16354351 0.48488859 -0.15822057 -0.01930364 0.68429419] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.19154962 -0.25628352 -1.98511103] [ 2.66889908 1.41743766 4.15836841] [ 1.39030744 0.91441208 -5.25726154] [-1.8676569 -2.07556622 3.08400416]] Final stress: [ 0.3832129 1.16354351 0.48488859 -0.15822057 0.01930364 -0.68429419] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.7729918 0.60992453 1.46065066] [-0.81988313 -0.45603426 -1.39576237] [-0.22510978 -0.14901968 1.27076004] [ 0.27200112 -0.00487059 -1.33564832]] Final stress: [-0.50071778 -1.33368223 -0.10212212 -0.03866107 -0.00255644 0.8380452 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.7729918 0.60992453 1.46065066] [ 0.81988313 -0.45603426 -1.39576237] [ 0.22510978 -0.14901968 1.27076004] [-0.27200112 -0.00487059 -1.33564832]] Final stress: [-0.50071778 -1.33368223 -0.10212212 -0.03866107 0.00255644 -0.8380452 ] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 24 steps. Minimization converged after 21 steps. Minimization converged after 24 steps. Minimization converged after 25 steps. Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 29 steps. Minimization converged after 28 steps. Minimization converged after 28 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.37151936 0.8188256 1.67053166] [-1.13873954 0.80402863 -0.41968375] [-0.428266 0.26394339 -0.23710634] [ 0.19548619 -1.88679762 -1.01374157]] Final stress: [ 0.0146277 0.06968289 1.55082831 -0.27953409 -0.06453224 0.74200578] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-1.37151936 0.8188256 1.67053166] [ 1.13873954 0.80402863 -0.41968375] [ 0.428266 0.26394339 -0.23710634] [-0.19548618 -1.88679762 -1.01374157]] Final stress: [ 0.0146277 0.06968289 1.55082831 -0.27953409 0.06453224 -0.74200578] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.39557761 0.53836357 0.42267574] [-0.88553815 0.35063556 -0.37840233] [-0.46765709 0.40921217 0.12586764] [ 0.95761763 -1.29821129 -0.17014105]] Final stress: [-0.16320848 -0.12587299 -1.64796745 -0.15790521 0.07569976 0.79076911] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.39557761 0.53836357 0.42267574] [ 0.88553815 0.35063556 -0.37840233] [ 0.46765709 0.40921217 0.12586764] [-0.95761763 -1.29821129 -0.17014105]] Final stress: [-0.16320848 -0.12587299 -1.64796745 -0.15790521 -0.07569976 -0.79076911] Minimization converged after 24 steps. Minimization converged after 23 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.46983086 -3.6655398 22.59440362] [ 7.23723372 -1.23607335 47.18958336] [-11.30824457 -3.49099554 -31.88015201] [ -1.39882 8.39260869 -37.90383497]] Final stress: [ 0.53480904 -0.88103308 5.63816243 1.1416144 -1.24346559 0.34768034] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -5.46983086 -3.6655398 22.59440362] [ -7.23723372 -1.23607335 47.18958336] [ 11.30824457 -3.49099554 -31.88015201] [ 1.39882 8.39260869 -37.90383497]] Final stress: [ 0.53480904 -0.88103308 5.63816243 1.1416144 1.24346559 -0.34768034] Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -0.62145414 -4.94202823 26.91813424] [ -2.14511083 2.71996933 32.63938899] [ 1.82273499 -11.0460265 -22.28879442] [ 0.94382998 13.2680854 -37.26872881]] Final stress: [ 0.72602141 -1.15184456 5.86490912 0.44533929 0.45397888 0.60249566] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.62145414 -4.94202823 26.91813424] [ 2.14511083 2.71996933 32.63938899] [ -1.82273499 -11.0460265 -22.28879442] [ -0.94382998 13.2680854 -37.26872881]] Final stress: [ 0.72602141 -1.15184456 5.86490912 0.44533929 -0.45397888 -0.60249566] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.18112744 -9.21034066 15.44926977] [ 4.43107721 -2.33687682 34.35218179] [ -5.16059073 11.43359211 -15.6960692 ] [ 4.91064095 0.11362537 -34.10538235]] Final stress: [-0.16901234 -0.03999973 5.23239407 0.82177485 0.05864913 1.30079342] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.18112744 -9.21034066 15.44926977] [ -4.43107721 -2.33687682 34.35218179] [ 5.16059073 11.43359211 -15.69606921] [ -4.91064095 0.11362537 -34.10538235]] Final stress: [-0.16901234 -0.03999973 5.23239407 0.82177485 -0.05864913 -1.30079342] Minimization converged after 30 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.44320293 1.83904998 10.90880175] [ -0.86706322 0.23520941 19.67349834] [ -9.23833805 -0.07596966 -12.96160519] [ 6.66219834 -1.99828973 -17.6206949 ]] Final stress: [-0.29373686 -0.05600796 2.90287377 -0.39190806 -0.94158204 1.15520993] Minimization converged after 31 steps. Minimization converged after 31 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -3.44320293 1.83904998 10.90880175] [ 0.86706322 0.23520941 19.67349834] [ 9.23833805 -0.07596966 -12.96160519] [ -6.66219834 -1.99828973 -17.6206949 ]] Final stress: [-0.29373686 -0.05600796 2.90287377 -0.39190806 0.94158204 -1.15520993] Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-4.91897582e-12 -3.20531358e-02 -1.93194306e-02] [ 1.87219814e-12 3.34042046e-02 -1.54541158e-02] [-2.42531971e-12 3.22573146e-02 1.36998624e-02] [ 5.46431650e-12 -3.36083834e-02 2.10736839e-02]] Final stress: [1.43695393e+00 5.43205991e-01 1.23074352e-01 2.86965889e-03 4.76091032e-13 3.91752054e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.25617224e-13 -5.77654333e-01 1.72331028e+00] [ 6.21752216e-13 9.82529030e-01 -2.16013797e+00] [-7.88009415e-13 3.80756639e-01 1.77651201e+00] [-2.69866594e-13 -7.85631335e-01 -1.33968432e+00]] Final stress: [-1.62299676e+00 -5.69243244e-01 -1.41511952e-01 -5.10370157e-02 -2.43782896e-13 2.05881908e-14] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.23800709e-12 2.30829252e-01 -8.12611436e-01] [ 3.25404634e-13 -3.26044593e-01 9.28060439e-01] [ 3.41608252e-14 -2.52682348e-01 -4.22648300e-01] [ 8.81468509e-13 3.47897690e-01 3.07199296e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.65039629e-01 -4.89094737e-01 1.96903917e-02 8.05065319e-03 1.77542650e-13 6.85951447e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 9 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.24900270e-11 -9.64474759e+00 6.32606809e+00] [-1.18639106e-10 5.43671631e+00 1.50121800e+01] [ 6.93242989e-11 -1.75817846e+01 -1.37073011e+01] [-2.31816684e-11 2.17898159e+01 -7.63094693e+00]] Final stress: [ 7.83318530e-01 -5.62794071e-01 1.08617248e+00 3.93043219e-01 -1.41783030e-11 -3.20635101e-11] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.02887892e-10 -3.00922618e-02 2.02235267e+00] [ 1.87364720e-11 2.86755228e-01 -2.60686180e+00] [ 1.84652404e-11 7.70875077e-01 3.79788659e-01] [-1.40101339e-10 -1.02753804e+00 2.04720480e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.66011133e-01 3.79121516e-01 9.73397536e-01 7.80222450e-03 -2.06656541e-11 -6.32766918e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04568446e-11 -2.55510266e-02 -4.38983712e-02] [ 7.06877265e-12 2.77435521e-02 -6.19084494e-02] [-5.57378709e-12 2.70590782e-02 4.52733079e-02] [ 8.96989948e-12 -2.92516037e-02 6.05335127e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.83415698e-01 2.11541677e-01 -9.53713818e-01 1.69869926e-03 4.67592171e-13 8.75100721e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-2.68420876e-12 1.87127069e-02 -2.61873712e-02] [ 1.17725946e-12 -2.24099340e-02 -6.57066068e-02] [ 6.64832122e-13 -2.61464597e-02 4.19732141e-02] [ 8.37985497e-13 2.98436867e-02 4.99207638e-02]] Final stress: [-7.28295830e-01 -2.16255082e-01 9.11728261e-01 -1.38310007e-03 3.30866146e-13 1.14944261e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.34178949e-13 -3.18517872e-01 -1.16495607e-02] [ 6.98516332e-13 5.36021531e-01 -1.24696007e-01] [-5.92591948e-13 3.02243873e-01 1.60872263e-01] [-1.03375425e-12 -5.19747533e-01 -2.45266953e-02]] Final stress: [-8.46137958e-01 -3.40390215e-01 -1.08942430e+00 -2.86303389e-02 -3.43833096e-13 -9.90401525e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.54833047e-12 1.11534939e+00 1.65459054e+01] [ 2.13003291e-12 -3.09989746e+00 6.31669884e+00] [-1.78162281e-12 -6.54839593e+00 -1.00718183e+01] [ 2.18368726e-12 8.53294400e+00 -1.27907860e+01]] Final stress: [ 9.24153297e-01 -2.63745370e-01 1.87453476e+00 -5.94048403e-01 -1.67255810e-14 2.91734212e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.59669542e-13 -6.10081377e-02 1.20452981e+01] [ 1.40824006e-12 2.87249067e+00 1.20644698e+01] [-1.58710870e-12 7.50901124e+00 -1.94105921e+01] [-1.81663712e-13 -1.03204938e+01 -4.69917576e+00]] Final stress: [ 2.08411399e-01 5.05774243e-01 2.02024977e+00 7.73944688e-01 -2.88419926e-13 4.98298991e-14] Minimization converged after 23 steps. Minimization converged after 27 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.8843513 -0.70616536 4.61572988] [ -2.46626631 0.89894226 12.27244989] [ -7.69303755 -0.91627163 -13.33799054] [ 7.27495256 0.72349473 -3.55018924]] Final stress: [ 0.75925189 0.21033502 2.16640756 -0.09726017 -0.88729933 0.29509634] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.8843513 -0.70616536 4.61572988] [ 2.46626631 0.89894226 12.27244989] [ 7.69303755 -0.91627164 -13.33799054] [ -7.27495256 0.72349473 -3.55018924]] Final stress: [ 0.75925189 0.21033502 2.16640756 -0.09726017 0.88729933 -0.29509634] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.40878611 -0.20680275 2.859681 ] [ -1.55455139 0.81529304 9.93891067] [ -8.12362232 -0.10328503 -0.79786901] [ 3.2693876 -0.50520526 -12.00072266]] Final stress: [-0.73926466 -0.2482919 1.7955597 -0.23582123 -1.26848338 0.15904931] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -6.40878611 -0.20680275 2.859681 ] [ 1.55455139 0.81529304 9.93891067] [ 8.12362232 -0.10328503 -0.79786901] [ -3.2693876 -0.50520526 -12.00072266]] Final stress: [-0.73926466 -0.2482919 1.7955597 -0.23582123 1.26848338 -0.15904931] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0093031 -0.07261755 -0.09070329] [ 0.01830682 0.03277161 -0.08322774] [ 0.04134254 -0.00182562 0.06780216] [-0.06895246 0.04167156 0.10612886]] Final stress: [ 0.74795835 0.24430003 0.06283917 0.00850253 -0.00197118 0.4866208 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0093031 -0.07261755 -0.0907033 ] [-0.01830682 0.03277161 -0.08322773] [-0.04134254 -0.00182562 0.06780216] [ 0.06895246 0.04167156 0.10612888]] Final stress: [ 0.74795835 0.24430003 0.06283917 0.00850253 0.00197118 -0.4866208 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.7569883 -0.17727609 1.18959118] [-0.93507381 0.46110844 -1.92058687] [-0.29605498 0.27781812 1.64787518] [ 0.47414049 -0.56165047 -0.91687948]] Final stress: [-0.78339801 -0.2861421 -0.06997055 -0.04153874 0.02027518 0.46790821] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.7569883 -0.17727609 1.18959117] [ 0.93507382 0.46110844 -1.92058687] [ 0.29605497 0.27781812 1.64787518] [-0.47414049 -0.56165048 -0.91687948]] Final stress: [-0.78339801 -0.2861421 -0.06997055 -0.04153874 -0.02027518 -0.46790821] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-2.76731242e-12 3.19868920e-02 6.14644256e-02] [ 5.47998929e-13 -2.81407686e-02 6.76660529e-02] [-1.60883308e-12 -2.31049048e-02 -5.56943251e-02] [ 3.82115693e-12 1.92587814e-02 -7.34361534e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.15225332e-01 1.45881196e+00 1.24031914e-01 -3.27726970e-03 3.57759262e-13 2.42536941e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.87813023e-12 6.83528442e-01 -3.44662510e+00] [-2.36793809e-12 -1.22574344e+00 4.20689767e+00] [ 2.41271651e-12 -4.71156280e-01 -2.68596313e+00] [-4.90689954e-12 1.01337128e+00 1.92569057e+00]] Final stress: [-6.01969245e-01 -1.60086958e+00 -3.41558608e-02 9.37934341e-02 -4.66353717e-13 -3.90649223e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10326331e-12 6.40736667e-04 -3.42914791e-03] [-4.16547439e-13 -8.99247456e-03 -8.11559360e-02] [-7.94882823e-13 -3.71351831e-02 3.12757216e-02] [ 1.06706310e-13 4.54869210e-02 5.33093623e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.26156631e-01 8.06957284e-01 1.00950382e+00 -8.40644743e-04 -1.69251216e-13 -1.57773304e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-8.53789001e-12 2.63905959e-02 -1.69995157e-02] [ 2.39354196e-12 -2.80911330e-02 -5.95233240e-02] [-2.58481582e-12 -2.66474658e-02 3.61675841e-02] [ 8.73105060e-12 2.83480029e-02 4.03552556e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.04639668e-01 6.89207493e-01 -9.53719800e-01 -1.74376496e-03 1.09179638e-12 6.10198884e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-2.19761709e-12 -1.96885847e-02 -2.04676439e-02] [-7.47234306e-13 2.31142473e-02 -6.02125854e-02] [ 3.69010378e-13 2.55195947e-02 3.91031472e-02] [ 2.56761626e-12 -2.89452573e-02 4.15770822e-02]] Final stress: [-2.27655550e-01 -7.26423529e-01 9.07152845e-01 1.44401041e-03 5.68724550e-13 9.69926834e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.71098463e-13 7.23528486e-01 -6.78416969e-02] [ 1.98469366e-12 -1.72396584e+00 -6.98330072e-02] [-2.39037783e-12 -2.82731944e-01 1.29647972e-01] [ 1.18959703e-12 1.28316930e+00 8.02673186e-03]] Final stress: [-3.71023986e-01 -8.17942289e-01 -1.05540023e+00 1.81679890e-01 -3.07765324e-13 1.67237486e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.31341594e-13 -1.49395282e+00 1.10823039e+01] [-7.07515860e-13 -2.51962795e+00 1.11667975e+01] [ 7.27497489e-13 -8.73250852e+00 -1.97726209e+01] [ 4.01142661e-13 1.27460893e+01 -2.47648051e+00]] Final stress: [ 7.96831243e-01 7.21489622e-02 2.41100754e+00 -6.72658566e-01 2.33811276e-13 -2.86338846e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.01616805e-12 -4.39418163e+00 1.29383604e+01] [-1.06348957e-12 3.60814466e+00 2.62740000e+00] [ 8.17002932e-13 6.70280021e+00 -6.22106888e+00] [-1.78871067e-12 -5.91676324e+00 -9.34469149e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.41613716e-01 7.95105063e-01 1.85082934e+00 1.20858399e+00 -1.58700319e-13 -1.47254473e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.31551454e-12 7.27724673e+00 8.96809599e+00] [-3.59648943e-13 -1.38455958e+00 3.21322500e+00] [ 4.27142479e-13 -8.88157571e+00 1.25530230e+01] [-1.39484951e-12 2.98888856e+00 -2.47343440e+01]] Final stress: [-1.90893789e-01 -9.36882840e-01 1.47533216e+00 -1.02297570e+00 -7.57000717e-14 -9.70429088e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.30043674e-13 -6.63097628e+00 -1.45026029e+01] [ 2.30210816e-13 -4.31257465e+00 4.48964777e+01] [ 7.07400935e-13 1.42301982e+01 -1.90454197e+01] [-3.98689762e-13 -3.28664722e+00 -1.13484550e+01]] Final stress: [-1.06964608e+00 -1.59908678e-01 2.02197790e+00 1.10182419e+00 -6.84757447e-14 -2.93633936e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.67542256 1.69058902 12.54319334] [ -2.84545311 0.78543369 14.7107032 ] [ -7.43396913 -0.95707659 -18.68279332] [ 9.60399968 -1.51894611 -8.57110322]] Final stress: [-5.28418888e-04 6.82909504e-01 2.39511126e+00 -4.47867791e-01 -6.85384711e-01 3.91521890e-01] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -0.67542256 1.69058902 12.54319334] [ 2.84545311 0.78543369 14.71070321] [ 7.43396913 -0.95707659 -18.68279332] [ -9.60399968 -1.51894611 -8.57110322]] Final stress: [-5.28418928e-04 6.82909504e-01 2.39511126e+00 -4.47867791e-01 6.85384711e-01 -3.91521890e-01] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.31183628 0.95712041 4.17441012] [ 0.93334119 -0.66060823 19.17740677] [ -9.31381627 0.47313163 -7.1568075 ] [ 0.0686388 -0.7696438 -16.19500939]] Final stress: [-0.39199249 -0.894513 1.47259466 -0.12040114 -1.73171775 0.09876458] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -8.31183628 0.95712041 4.17441012] [ -0.93334119 -0.66060823 19.17740677] [ 9.31381627 0.47313163 -7.1568075 ] [ -0.0686388 -0.7696438 -16.19500939]] Final stress: [-0.39199249 -0.894513 1.47259466 -0.12040114 1.73171775 -0.09876458] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.59069982 -0.21148754 -2.18698009] [-1.78806823 0.9259277 3.48227221] [-0.95111715 0.65204848 -3.679565 ] [ 1.14848556 -1.36648864 2.38427288]] Final stress: [ 0.24846853 0.75300595 0.25406143 -0.10023338 -0.02468999 0.43328333] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.59069983 -0.21148754 -2.1869801 ] [ 1.78806823 0.9259277 3.48227222] [ 0.95111715 0.65204848 -3.67956498] [-1.14848555 -1.36648864 2.38427287]] Final stress: [ 0.24846853 0.75300595 0.25406143 -0.10023338 0.02468999 -0.43328333] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.17193876 2.98968025 -5.79985154] [ -5.31433271 -2.8815099 16.15455843] [ -1.00956599 -0.76138134 -10.56872136] [ 2.15195994 0.65321099 0.21401446]] Final stress: [-0.4870466 -0.74195335 0.92719281 -0.02502309 0.24161981 0.3228126 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.17193877 2.98968026 -5.79985155] [ 5.31433267 -2.88150987 16.15455844] [ 1.00956603 -0.76138137 -10.56872135] [ -2.15195993 0.65321098 0.21401446]] Final stress: [-0.4870466 -0.74195335 0.92719281 -0.02502309 -0.2416198 -0.32281261] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 25 steps. Minimization converged after 24 steps. Minimization converged after 21 steps. Minimization converged after 25 steps. Minimization converged after 37 steps. Minimization converged after 37 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01494746 -0.03975211 0.29516111] [ 0.04113504 0.0665896 -0.11342624] [ 0.15187015 -0.06628009 -0.05349003] [-0.20795265 0.0394426 -0.12824484]] Final stress: [ 0.06099859 0.01935008 0.9593148 -0.00759914 -0.00130154 0.48382151] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01494744 -0.03975221 0.29516104] [-0.04113505 0.0665896 -0.11342621] [-0.15187012 -0.06628009 -0.05349003] [ 0.20795262 0.03944269 -0.1282448 ]] Final stress: [ 0.06099859 0.01935007 0.9593148 -0.00759913 0.00130154 -0.48382152] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.40594642 0.18251292 0.11280723] [-0.87163152 0.29275894 -0.24090334] [-0.27647707 0.406949 0.19854185] [ 0.74216217 -0.88222086 -0.07044574]] Final stress: [-0.09283828 -0.05283743 -1.00555851 -0.07298191 0.07450551 0.48295131] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.40594642 0.18251292 0.11280723] [ 0.87163152 0.29275894 -0.24090334] [ 0.27647707 0.406949 0.19854185] [-0.74216217 -0.88222086 -0.07044574]] Final stress: [-0.09283828 -0.05283743 -1.00555851 -0.07298191 -0.07450551 -0.48295131] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.38448626e-13 -9.88661425e+00 3.43345090e+01] [ 1.94653321e-14 2.63738052e+00 3.61641785e+01] [-1.15675048e-13 -9.91310262e+00 -2.86252404e+01] [-4.41140180e-13 1.71623363e+01 -4.18734471e+01]] Final stress: [ 6.50914728e-01 -1.36908927e+00 5.46990841e+00 6.97970067e-01 -7.75357941e-14 -5.01429088e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.06312048e-13 -5.60313635e+00 1.29345321e+01] [-4.00955159e-12 -4.21555118e+00 4.22333774e+01] [ 3.71420950e-12 1.24643640e+01 -2.34220064e+01] [-5.03750687e-13 -2.64567650e+00 -3.17459031e+01]] Final stress: [-6.31594264e-01 4.53951945e-01 5.51090008e+00 5.53231100e-01 4.28768299e-13 -1.20888517e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.78949601 1.39187191 10.42676658] [ 2.07672136 -0.28283901 30.90317325] [ -8.96692516 -7.0711273 -13.99460859] [ 2.1007078 5.96209441 -27.33533124]] Final stress: [ 0.34252085 -0.4561288 4.68741272 0.22305267 -0.71461743 0.20102789] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.78949601 1.39187191 10.42676658] [ -2.07672136 -0.28283901 30.90317325] [ 8.96692516 -7.0711273 -13.99460859] [ -2.1007078 5.96209441 -27.33533124]] Final stress: [ 0.34252085 -0.4561288 4.68741272 0.22305267 0.71461743 -0.20102789] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.25953268 0.77641284 25.60770587] [ 1.65340427 -2.81598179 32.23044105] [ -8.10907306 8.17826297 -20.99407931] [ 10.71520147 -6.13869402 -36.84406761]] Final stress: [-0.67498955 0.36085282 5.85422941 0.10813091 0.60534307 0.69899382] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.25953268 0.77641284 25.60770587] [ -1.65340427 -2.81598179 32.23044105] [ 8.10907306 8.17826297 -20.99407931] [-10.71520147 -6.13869402 -36.84406761]] Final stress: [-0.67498955 0.36085282 5.85422941 0.10813091 -0.60534307 -0.69899382] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -0.63460611 3.48049677 6.46889184] [ -0.92079982 -0.18031773 19.72377334] [ 0.21274824 -10.68814574 -5.09705015] [ 1.3426577 7.38796669 -21.09561504]] Final stress: [ 0.42545963 -0.56123842 3.32567504 -0.17902167 0.34965412 0.47364148] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.63460611 3.48049677 6.46889184] [ 0.92079982 -0.18031773 19.72377334] [ -0.21274824 -10.68814574 -5.09705015] [ -1.3426577 7.38796669 -21.09561504]] Final stress: [ 0.42545963 -0.56123842 3.32567504 -0.17902167 -0.34965412 -0.47364148] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.59533407 -8.44478307 7.92291701] [ 2.2696017 -0.70667627 26.0236395 ] [ -3.08418348 11.4567635 -5.00907566] [ 3.40991584 -2.30530415 -28.93748085]] Final stress: [-0.14071748 0.04528471 4.17247509 0.49465203 0.11934226 0.80267938] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.59533407 -8.44478307 7.92291701] [ -2.2696017 -0.70667628 26.0236395 ] [ 3.08418348 11.4567635 -5.00907566] [ -3.40991585 -2.30530415 -28.93748085]] Final stress: [-0.14071748 0.04528471 4.17247509 0.49465203 -0.11934226 -0.80267938] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.99544044 6.16442378 27.11778697] [ 1.89333338 5.40854901 40.94530223] [ -8.93800566 -4.74387943 -29.60204028] [ 10.04011271 -6.82909336 -38.46104891]] Final stress: [-0.47941661 -0.06090647 5.30159656 -1.59100094 0.31544295 0.80439794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.99544044 6.16442378 27.11778697] [ -1.89333338 5.40854901 40.94530223] [ 8.93800566 -4.74387943 -29.60204028] [-10.04011271 -6.82909336 -38.46104891]] Final stress: [-0.47941661 -0.06090647 5.30159656 -1.59100094 -0.31544295 -0.80439794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.88499158 0.60085633 3.18942061] [-1.35956346 -0.03455715 11.9146169 ] [-7.60065108 0.22928292 -5.85163285] [ 5.07522296 -0.7955821 -9.25240467]] Final stress: [-0.11914408 0.00792524 1.69719606 -0.14367382 -0.83703341 0.71955882] Minimization converged after 31 steps. Minimization converged after 31 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.88499158 0.60085633 3.18942061] [ 1.35956346 -0.03455715 11.9146169 ] [ 7.60065108 0.22928292 -5.85163285] [-5.07522296 -0.7955821 -9.25240467]] Final stress: [-0.11914408 0.00792524 1.69719606 -0.14367382 0.83703341 -0.71955882] Minimization converged after 35 steps. Minimization converged after 35 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.43074484e-12 -4.19638377e-02 -9.83943690e-02] [-2.33250073e-12 4.34701047e-02 -8.66459386e-02] [ 1.56480211e-12 3.73280915e-02 7.86705055e-02] [-1.65647357e-12 -3.88343586e-02 1.06369802e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.24180942e-01 3.44971927e-01 7.32124216e-02 2.59205487e-03 3.05306312e-14 -2.14946424e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.05960379e-13 -2.92205342e-01 -3.52074968e-01] [ 2.01262423e-12 4.38627300e-01 3.08338368e-01] [-1.72627624e-12 2.14537316e-01 -1.92081504e-01] [-3.84875291e-13 -3.60959275e-01 2.35818104e-01]] Final stress: [-9.84572194e-01 -3.48512860e-01 -6.64635377e-02 -1.63119985e-02 -4.73844924e-13 9.71560932e-14] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-4.83063242e-12 2.88621417e-02 5.26657144e-02] [ 1.99189450e-12 -5.27285713e-02 2.46019106e-02] [-8.36957456e-13 -3.43786426e-02 2.88423319e-03] [ 3.68111965e-12 5.82450722e-02 -8.01518582e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.97824523e-01 -3.06600757e-01 4.33090778e-04 3.40920730e-03 5.13162741e-13 3.06682829e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.92962050e-13 -1.66431979e-02 -1.95846345e-02] [ 1.20720252e-12 -5.57879682e-04 -1.91097063e-02] [-5.97316467e-13 -4.74182523e-02 2.73960118e-02] [ 1.77177717e-13 6.46193298e-02 1.12983289e-02]] Final stress: [-3.16172789e-01 3.03679879e-01 -2.59427318e-03 3.17143891e-04 -9.73399770e-14 8.16324927e-14] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.62681716e-12 -8.33509010e-03 3.31485874e-02] [-2.15283585e-12 1.49491501e-02 -1.07944825e-01] [ 1.67646387e-12 3.28583687e-02 3.74072549e-02] [ 5.10622968e-12 -3.94724287e-02 3.73889823e-02]] Final stress: [5.06950741e-01 2.08861185e-01 6.35303556e-01 7.87539281e-04 1.33155882e-12 1.55770745e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-8.10983225e-15 -4.96778510e-02 -1.92999318e-01] [ 1.04801020e-12 5.58650890e-02 -2.78613187e-01] [-1.92989591e-12 6.15725304e-02 2.02789663e-01] [ 9.09317760e-13 -6.77597683e-02 2.68822843e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.40625326e-01 1.41190432e-01 -5.94282762e-01 2.35139814e-03 -2.74552125e-13 1.14904504e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.94624220e-12 1.47562698e-02 -2.66378394e-02] [-9.20759562e-13 -2.01455713e-02 -1.00223784e-01] [ 1.73377437e-12 -2.90975770e-02 6.02032712e-02] [-5.76009336e-12 3.44868785e-02 6.66583523e-02]] Final stress: [-4.42654326e-01 -1.33230560e-01 5.72560305e-01 -8.96805165e-04 -7.00685343e-13 -3.60150177e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.03258764e-12 1.56819728e-02 3.00985846e-02] [-9.77919395e-12 -2.01373237e-02 -1.66675151e-01] [ 1.16697971e-11 -3.25521627e-02 5.83926899e-02] [-3.92954896e-12 3.70075136e-02 7.81838762e-02]] Final stress: [-5.25719020e-01 -2.12413562e-01 -6.83121481e-01 -1.18900461e-03 1.94808658e-12 -7.77982768e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.27153886e-12 1.87264630e+00 9.43816561e+00] [ 3.29531324e-13 -2.34136707e+00 2.64181689e+00] [-1.45884390e-13 -5.92662778e+00 -6.86714489e+00] [ 2.09366378e-12 6.39534854e+00 -5.21283760e+00]] Final stress: [ 6.57056433e-01 -1.62713555e-01 1.13213308e+00 -6.17097038e-01 3.39744400e-13 1.40945876e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.57138061e-14 -1.20568992e-01 9.78044154e+00] [-1.97316122e-14 2.35273250e+00 9.52916199e+00] [-1.81683661e-13 7.62147683e+00 -1.47101864e+01] [ 2.11163118e-13 -9.85364035e+00 -4.59941713e+00]] Final stress: [-1.37997569e-02 4.80502371e-01 1.81610836e+00 5.76241907e-01 -5.09442927e-15 1.29290440e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10734252e-12 3.24280622e+00 -4.56115797e-01] [-2.84825332e-13 2.22274052e+00 1.75981901e+01] [ 1.44507236e-13 -1.06348791e+01 -8.11984174e+00] [-9.51121126e-13 5.16933231e+00 -9.02223260e+00]] Final stress: [-1.69705972e-01 -6.50718380e-01 1.34397554e+00 -9.84842507e-01 -1.37408418e-13 -7.06821458e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.18115695e-12 -5.94904980e+00 7.16734719e+00] [-2.07485136e-12 1.44704308e+00 5.25640257e+00] [ 1.41525095e-12 5.52345508e+00 2.57883031e+00] [-1.52361804e-12 -1.02144836e+00 -1.50025801e+01]] Final stress: [-5.66774796e-01 -2.80701429e-01 7.43296719e-01 1.04469371e+00 2.28044454e-14 -1.85964822e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.16677316 -0.46209421 2.27939053] [-2.12168765 0.42866395 5.31640259] [-5.30792013 -0.42339088 -7.49233461] [ 5.26283462 0.45682114 -0.10345852]] Final stress: [ 0.48418465 0.13447435 0.96051468 -0.0265729 -0.57213237 0.18037958] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.16677316 -0.46209421 2.27939053] [ 2.12168765 0.42866395 5.3164026 ] [ 5.30792013 -0.42339088 -7.49233461] [-5.26283462 0.45682114 -0.10345852]] Final stress: [ 0.48418465 0.13447435 0.96051468 -0.0265729 0.57213237 -0.18037958] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.2071972 -0.32446203 -1.11407079] [-1.11587728 0.3039124 5.7533455 ] [-5.46901672 0.07086045 -1.48546329] [ 3.3776968 -0.05031083 -3.15381142]] Final stress: [-0.46090416 -0.15773012 0.70624852 -0.03738365 -0.74852192 0.13881347] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.2071972 -0.32446203 -1.11407079] [ 1.11587728 0.3039124 5.7533455 ] [ 5.46901672 0.07086045 -1.48546329] [-3.3776968 -0.05031083 -3.15381142]] Final stress: [-0.46090416 -0.15773012 0.70624852 -0.03738365 0.74852192 -0.13881347] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01466004 -0.03027802 -0.13720843] [ 0.02471889 0.02623448 -0.13509874] [ 0.04413133 0.00840499 0.11085578] [-0.05419019 -0.00436144 0.16145138]] Final stress: [0.47589602 0.16479929 0.03671443 0.00178711 0.00108309 0.30483579] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01465999 -0.0302781 -0.13720801] [-0.02471887 0.02623447 -0.13509844] [-0.04413128 0.00840497 0.11085555] [ 0.05419017 -0.00436134 0.1614509 ]] Final stress: [ 0.47589601 0.16479927 0.03671444 0.00178713 -0.00108308 -0.30483579] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.25381557 -0.10909116 0.38743088] [-0.34334221 0.19023297 -0.62285268] [-0.1819228 0.11378554 0.51574842] [ 0.27144944 -0.19492736 -0.28032662]] Final stress: [-0.48444554 -0.18110611 -0.04429271 -0.0098457 0.0080085 0.30254273] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.25381557 -0.10909116 0.38743088] [ 0.3433422 0.19023297 -0.62285268] [ 0.18192281 0.11378555 0.51574841] [-0.27144944 -0.19492736 -0.28032661]] Final stress: [-0.48444554 -0.18110611 -0.04429271 -0.0098457 -0.0080085 -0.30254273] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.39247597e-13 2.27749859e-02 -5.17201811e-02] [ 2.90745726e-13 -3.17808562e-02 1.28616486e-01] [-1.80512723e-13 -6.07856712e-02 3.69749185e-02] [-5.61562949e-13 6.97915416e-02 -1.13871224e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.34380094e-01 9.28607883e-01 7.85714808e-02 -2.43600315e-03 -1.49496142e-13 -1.59390685e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.51319850e-11 1.58116280e+00 1.34247031e+01] [-1.98099653e-11 -4.89908845e+00 -7.24277511e+00] [ 1.72988017e-11 -3.31558272e+00 5.10770772e+00] [-3.26213414e-11 6.63350836e+00 -1.12896357e+01]] Final stress: [-2.71636924e-01 -1.18013810e+00 6.62031821e-01 3.20480195e-01 -1.53043202e-12 -3.02297743e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.64574647e-12 1.36145682e-02 -6.50155275e-02] [ 9.27269329e-13 -1.78459655e-02 -6.50307189e-02] [-1.51647401e-12 -3.05437051e-02 4.99150581e-02] [ 3.21947850e-12 3.47751024e-02 8.01311884e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07013543e-01 5.10898294e-01 6.36374285e-01 -1.12846655e-03 2.65072067e-13 2.27419128e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.21949585e-12 2.54481416e-02 -2.17858379e-02] [ 2.25497615e-12 -2.70122924e-02 -1.17348927e-01] [-1.42983065e-13 -2.61979107e-02 6.82419113e-02] [-5.34412965e-12 2.77620615e-02 7.08928536e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.32791776e-01 4.38383349e-01 -5.92183102e-01 -1.48615160e-03 -1.04648213e-12 -1.63187609e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.86209639e-13 -1.53410402e-02 -2.34536421e-02] [-1.53678502e-13 2.05667366e-02 -9.43867066e-02] [ 2.04111164e-12 2.87403034e-02 5.77506087e-02] [-2.67550045e-12 -3.39659999e-02 6.00897400e-02]] Final stress: [-1.38179486e-01 -4.43139607e-01 5.72295722e-01 9.32118605e-04 -2.83779305e-14 -1.51561749e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.12421702e-13 1.97789061e-01 -3.69179741e-02] [-1.35424289e-12 -4.95007772e-01 -1.23692771e-01] [ 1.90606580e-12 -1.91018561e-01 9.97349215e-02] [-1.08381533e-12 4.88237273e-01 6.08758240e-02]] Final stress: [-2.12959080e-01 -5.19722090e-01 -6.74117839e-01 4.39580977e-02 2.28367936e-13 -1.30434870e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.62503604e-12 2.30134680e-01 4.54523780e+00] [ 9.70214143e-13 -2.06466593e+00 6.00578920e+00] [-5.46108081e-13 -6.26953250e+00 -1.16935295e+01] [ 1.20755489e-12 8.10406375e+00 1.14250249e+00]] Final stress: [ 4.85664325e-01 7.64378443e-02 1.12568214e+00 -4.03682587e-01 1.38572334e-13 1.45152638e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.00943472e-12 -2.59088661e+00 5.73762016e+00] [ 2.69657343e-13 2.34671823e+00 8.22176421e-01] [ 4.87817902e-13 4.81581226e+00 -3.05151116e+00] [ 1.24866784e-12 -4.57164388e+00 -3.50828542e+00]] Final stress: [5.75475190e-02 5.61468106e-01 8.12839902e-01 6.34660139e-01 3.43989753e-13 7.71883211e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.98159499e-13 3.99640316e+00 4.31042728e+00] [-1.01764734e-12 -1.48350996e+00 1.05018881e+00] [ 4.11947820e-13 -5.97348744e+00 3.92613798e+00] [-2.10156545e-13 3.46059423e+00 -9.28675407e+00]] Final stress: [-3.83048015e-02 -6.06673024e-01 7.73149733e-01 -8.03093886e-01 1.17124874e-13 -8.79793964e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.83922517e-13 -3.22998636e+00 -6.24850968e+00] [-7.16889655e-14 -2.91023050e-01 1.61210683e+01] [-4.89751902e-13 7.77130343e+00 -6.10698458e+00] [ 8.36329270e-13 -4.25029403e+00 -3.76557407e+00]] Final stress: [-4.63108362e-01 -2.18407906e-01 9.77056842e-01 8.36833477e-01 8.16383643e-14 5.10773044e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.94799224 1.19306101 8.20881552] [ -2.26940553 -0.20755697 9.3347491 ] [ -7.32460155 0.11213256 -13.59571894] [ 7.64601484 -1.09763659 -3.94784568]] Final stress: [-0.03042699 0.49924019 1.73022919 -0.21724712 -0.78317323 0.30418297] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.94799224 1.19306101 8.20881552] [ 2.26940553 -0.20755697 9.3347491 ] [ 7.32460155 0.11213256 -13.59571894] [ -7.64601484 -1.09763659 -3.94784568]] Final stress: [-0.03042699 0.49924019 1.73022919 -0.21724712 0.78317323 -0.30418297] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.71977229 -0.1308309 3.59739156] [ -0.57098922 -0.26544533 8.41574722] [ -6.59007567 0.28442269 -1.50028798] [ 2.4412926 0.11185354 -10.5128508 ]] Final stress: [-0.24354505 -0.55167938 0.89236725 0.02262609 -1.01207017 0.1114703 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.71977229 -0.1308309 3.59739156] [ 0.57098922 -0.26544533 8.41574722] [ 6.59007567 0.28442269 -1.50028799] [ -2.4412926 0.11185354 -10.5128508 ]] Final stress: [-0.24354505 -0.55167938 0.89236725 0.02262609 1.01207017 -0.1114703 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14736642 0.01242112 -0.23007651] [-0.14920593 0.10226856 0.28499722] [-0.13706588 0.06329313 -0.01079615] [ 0.13890539 -0.1779828 -0.04412456]] Final stress: [ 0.16829413 0.46721443 0.0440128 -0.01887398 -0.0052992 0.29356464] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14736642 0.01242112 -0.23007657] [ 0.14920593 0.10226856 0.28499729] [ 0.13706588 0.06329313 -0.01079621] [-0.13890539 -0.1779828 -0.0441245 ]] Final stress: [ 0.16829413 0.46721443 0.0440128 -0.01887398 0.0052992 -0.29356464] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01467117 -0.03073292 -0.00212401] [ 0.0068749 0.01625446 0.0036944 ] [ 0.04364144 0.00956459 0.00650468] [-0.0651875 0.00491386 -0.00807507]] Final stress: [-0.17218534 -0.49756291 -0.03793423 0.00381554 -0.00128424 0.31753101] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01467117 -0.03073292 -0.00212402] [-0.0068749 0.01625446 0.00369442] [-0.04364144 0.00956459 0.00650467] [ 0.0651875 0.00491386 -0.00807506]] Final stress: [-0.17218534 -0.49756291 -0.03793423 0.00381554 0.00128424 -0.31753101] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 26 steps. Minimization converged after 22 steps. Minimization converged after 23 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.31538830e-12 -5.85593211e+00 2.82150816e+01] [-2.39326961e-12 -2.64334964e+00 2.80237857e+01] [ 2.86530370e-12 1.25460447e+01 -6.76073015e+00] [-9.80018410e-12 -4.04676293e+00 -4.94781372e+01]] Final stress: [-6.56167113e-01 8.08323656e-02 4.93343035e+00 -2.44199977e-01 -8.31315126e-13 -5.89231197e-13] Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10426518 -0.12683844 0.92177747] [ 0.08879683 0.23614751 -0.18640804] [ 0.47384342 -0.23900225 -0.24778578] [-0.66690543 0.12969318 -0.48758365]] Final stress: [ 0.04625223 -0.00630661 0.60385961 -0.02989661 -0.00929774 0.27534766] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10426037 -0.12683417 0.92175475] [-0.08879668 0.2361403 -0.18640408] [-0.47383437 -0.23899498 -0.24777947] [ 0.66689143 0.12968884 -0.4875712 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0462519 -0.00630565 0.60385973 -0.02989581 0.00929731 -0.27534845] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.22211652 0.15718156 0.00801167] [-0.33179666 0.07231412 -0.04487056] [-0.09195058 0.18152248 0.07697374] [ 0.20163072 -0.41101816 -0.04011485]] Final stress: [-0.05532544 -0.0315536 -0.63162547 -0.03666962 0.01653951 0.30083467] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.22211652 0.15718156 0.00801167] [ 0.33179666 0.07231412 -0.04487056] [ 0.09195058 0.18152248 0.07697374] [-0.20163072 -0.41101816 -0.04011485]] Final stress: [-0.05532544 -0.0315536 -0.63162547 -0.03666962 -0.01653951 -0.30083467] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.24536489e-13 -3.89863593e+00 2.57117320e+01] [-6.53288187e-13 4.29016937e+00 3.17641461e+01] [ 7.86094930e-13 -1.28796606e+01 -2.06260302e+01] [-1.04977485e-12 1.24881272e+01 -3.68498479e+01]] Final stress: [ 7.62379505e-01 -1.05444072e+00 5.88746651e+00 2.66807599e-01 -2.77787573e-14 -1.52434963e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.94794613e-13 -4.96849468e+00 4.44746620e+00] [-9.55306364e-13 -3.90092489e-01 2.58898763e+01] [ 8.25829205e-13 1.09073939e+01 -1.00481267e+01] [-4.69381478e-13 -5.54880675e+00 -2.02892158e+01]] Final stress: [-3.57724930e-01 2.93799041e-01 3.59742536e+00 6.32955316e-01 6.50363384e-14 -5.16886068e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.12770755 2.43722233 0.76804719] [ -0.49521546 -1.23022172 15.1853376 ] [ -6.00701338 -5.85148074 -3.81903491] [ 3.37452128 4.64448013 -12.13434988]] Final stress: [ 0.20129651 -0.22228349 2.05629339 -0.23951862 -0.55717449 0.12345561] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -3.12770755 2.43722233 0.76804719] [ 0.49521546 -1.23022172 15.1853376 ] [ 6.00701338 -5.85148074 -3.81903491] [ -3.37452128 4.64448013 -12.13434988]] Final stress: [ 0.20129651 -0.22228349 2.05629339 -0.23951862 0.55717449 -0.12345561] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.16688154 -2.49043221 5.74283444] [ -0.66853352 0.32504185 17.98396427] [ -6.74553425 7.18882357 -6.20568912] [ 6.24718624 -5.02343321 -17.52110959]] Final stress: [-0.32425886 0.21693086 2.89258847 0.32141868 0.02053349 0.37227129] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.16688154 -2.49043221 5.74283444] [ 0.66853352 0.32504185 17.98396427] [ 6.74553426 7.18882357 -6.20568912] [ -6.24718624 -5.02343321 -17.52110959]] Final stress: [-0.32425886 0.21693086 2.89258847 0.32141868 -0.02053349 -0.37227129] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.21471204 2.70993672 -0.83025087] [-0.39834893 -1.1233447 9.19754501] [-0.27226202 -6.54939907 -1.44856728] [ 0.88532299 4.96280705 -6.91872686]] Final stress: [ 0.23109141 -0.25714678 1.11586863 -0.4392403 0.1358095 0.32308389] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.21471204 2.70993672 -0.83025087] [ 0.39834893 -1.1233447 9.19754501] [ 0.27226202 -6.54939907 -1.44856728] [-0.88532299 4.96280705 -6.91872685]] Final stress: [ 0.23109141 -0.25714678 1.11586863 -0.4392403 -0.1358095 -0.32308389] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.75195007 -4.79253629 1.08327487] [ 0.93171893 1.65059863 12.76880535] [ -0.90357813 7.55704721 -1.13094741] [ 1.72380928 -4.41510955 -12.7211328 ]] Final stress: [-0.13109247 0.07713375 1.77509202 0.54484721 0.1263818 0.44999742] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.75195007 -4.79253629 1.08327487] [ -0.93171893 1.65059863 12.76880535] [ 0.90357813 7.55704721 -1.13094741] [ -1.72380928 -4.41510955 -12.7211328 ]] Final stress: [-0.13109247 0.07713375 1.77509202 0.54484721 -0.1263818 -0.44999742] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.87423704 2.57188651 11.56160301] [ 0.25706931 1.51199653 26.70880433] [-10.6635694 -0.83476223 -12.18594242] [ 7.53226305 -3.24912081 -26.08446492]] Final stress: [-0.26082986 0.09778863 4.37057968 -0.71755608 -0.13107077 0.49248147] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.87423704 2.57188651 11.56160301] [ -0.25706931 1.51199653 26.70880433] [ 10.6635694 -0.83476223 -12.18594242] [ -7.53226305 -3.24912081 -26.08446492]] Final stress: [-0.26082986 0.09778863 4.37057968 -0.71755608 0.13107077 -0.49248147] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.9559147 0.12030849 -0.77330675] [-1.41768176 0.03095584 6.58974801] [-5.09962327 0.04242337 -0.22029437] [ 3.56139033 -0.1936877 -5.5961469 ]] Final stress: [-0.02795409 0.01176526 0.77294758 -0.04551434 -0.52312118 0.43221773] Minimization converged after 30 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.9559147 0.12030849 -0.77330675] [ 1.41768176 0.03095584 6.58974802] [ 5.09962327 0.04242337 -0.22029437] [-3.56139033 -0.1936877 -5.5961469 ]] Final stress: [-0.02795409 0.01176526 0.77294758 -0.04551434 0.52312118 -0.43221773] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -0.62288876 6.26314228 21.35976235] [ -7.6500945 0.28947129 2.56596721] [ -0.71698531 4.84954791 -10.44395183] [ 8.98996857 -11.40216148 -13.48177773]] Final stress: [-1.01651586 0.79903088 1.22213213 -1.03341555 0.76042066 0.68462166] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.62288906 6.26314227 21.35976299] [ 7.65009488 0.28947117 2.56596836] [ 0.71698506 4.84954809 -10.44395325] [ -8.989969 -11.40216153 -13.48177811]] Final stress: [-1.0165159 0.79903091 1.22213221 -1.03341554 -0.76042072 -0.68462166] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-7.95968690e-11 -4.15550970e-01 -1.84950964e+00] [ 6.96317979e-11 4.19311978e-01 -1.64965048e+00] [-7.47925825e-11 3.23037464e-01 1.49502700e+00] [ 8.47470427e-11 -3.26798472e-01 2.00413313e+00]] Final stress: [ 6.46792120e-01 2.66853982e-01 2.74776523e-02 2.04160888e-02 -7.96402587e-13 8.42903118e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.20769313e-11 -2.23244449e-01 -2.56181617e+00] [ 1.42566256e-11 -1.10883736e-01 -1.71559303e+00] [ 2.35584794e-11 -1.17679928e+00 2.12726980e+00] [-7.98940601e-11 1.51092747e+00 2.15013940e+00]] Final stress: [-4.70856253e-01 -2.19765644e-01 -6.19460734e-02 9.91584916e-03 -1.06347500e-11 -3.67630282e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.62521948e-12 -5.69010248e-02 3.36487675e-01] [-6.47654218e-12 2.03573805e-01 3.16866249e-01] [ 3.59952129e-12 -6.38059963e-03 -2.66414947e-01] [-1.75676487e-12 -1.40292180e-01 -3.86938976e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.84744658e-01 -2.03969091e-01 5.83030444e-03 -2.43995548e-02 4.60738305e-13 -4.52729839e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-9.48262302e-13 -1.28764877e-02 9.19720885e-03] [-1.90070962e-12 5.17128867e-03 3.32881659e-02] [ 4.40271951e-13 -7.51546641e-02 -5.74082929e-02] [ 2.39931512e-12 8.28598631e-02 1.49229182e-02]] Final stress: [-1.92316332e-01 1.89997853e-01 1.98499310e-03 -2.30528276e-03 5.49489138e-13 2.75847184e-14] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.96722517e-11 -1.91633097e-02 -6.67462704e-02] [-7.81382511e-12 2.21269955e-02 -9.80143057e-02] [ 5.50659778e-12 2.72063438e-02 6.92657206e-02] [-1.73670210e-11 -3.01700295e-02 9.54948555e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.20747135e-01 1.35615067e-01 4.00694541e-01 1.10133793e-03 -2.07234673e-12 -1.36469638e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.18006645e-12 -2.08829500e-02 -8.22892757e-02] [-3.60560995e-12 2.34654716e-02 -1.20116103e-01] [ 5.20294528e-12 2.85089638e-02 8.73810316e-02] [ 1.56494262e-12 -3.10914855e-02 1.15024347e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.77450788e-01 8.80976209e-02 -3.68390722e-01 1.20606743e-03 1.49040659e-12 -1.21248959e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.25667075e-09 2.82143590e+00 -6.91802715e+00] [-6.21720845e-10 -7.00729275e+00 -2.82300471e+01] [ 2.67549574e-10 -5.93044966e+00 1.34092100e+01] [-9.02505673e-10 1.01163065e+01 2.17388643e+01]] Final stress: [ 5.46468402e-01 2.28192418e-01 8.47504205e-01 -3.26446267e-01 -1.72307150e-10 -9.94249586e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.10591744e-12 2.10900784e-02 5.85215808e-04] [-7.65828004e-12 -2.35576499e-02 -1.06681117e-01] [ 1.45413985e-11 -2.88444688e-02 4.44794925e-02] [-5.76148157e-12 3.13120403e-02 6.16164088e-02]] Final stress: [-3.29159330e-01 -1.32193417e-01 -4.22844845e-01 -1.25227289e-03 2.27557390e-12 -7.60180376e-13] Minimization converged after 24 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.15485692e-12 -1.50749335e+00 1.08010952e+01] [-1.51288595e-12 1.90225279e+00 4.35249610e+00] [ 2.01009348e-12 6.80383399e+00 -1.99413281e+00] [-1.64040873e-12 -7.19859343e+00 -1.31594585e+01]] Final stress: [-6.62271224e-02 2.76518635e-01 1.32462054e+00 4.05355466e-01 1.13956438e-13 -1.50210037e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.86535856e-12 2.12614108e+00 2.45491898e+00] [ 6.52930834e-13 4.93270724e-01 5.36723151e+00] [ 3.25558591e-13 -7.23087692e+00 -1.01883167e+00] [ 8.83838142e-13 4.61146512e+00 -6.80331882e+00]] Final stress: [-5.18521192e-02 -4.11738933e-01 6.69830073e-01 -7.37812092e-01 2.25742168e-13 9.73915105e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.46241763e-12 -3.24334462e+00 3.39054795e+00] [-1.35316476e-12 1.15053593e+00 1.16887165e+00] [ 9.18890181e-13 3.73583184e+00 2.42564455e+00] [-4.03508997e-12 -1.64302315e+00 -6.98506415e+00]] Final stress: [-3.58967691e-01 -1.07524907e-01 3.05282825e-01 6.51264474e-01 -5.62379305e-13 -3.05832979e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.7667117 -0.48991166 3.48385469] [-1.83422699 0.25610923 2.15979852] [-4.29827948 -0.24233284 -5.52035388] [ 4.36579477 0.47613527 -0.12329934]] Final stress: [ 0.30095305 0.05898712 0.58537125 0.02049499 -0.44472586 0.14250423] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.7667117 -0.48991166 3.4838547 ] [ 1.83422699 0.25610923 2.15979852] [ 4.29827948 -0.24233284 -5.52035388] [-4.36579477 0.47613527 -0.12329934]] Final stress: [ 0.30095305 0.05898712 0.58537125 0.02049499 0.44472586 -0.14250423] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.25078368 0.34975992 0.60197709] [-1.07569626 -0.02348802 2.45353817] [-4.01953065 0.02042087 0.31874077] [ 2.84444323 -0.34669277 -3.37425604]] Final stress: [-0.32381073 -0.07813969 0.38584953 -0.08070925 -0.49198818 0.10069313] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.25078368 0.34975992 0.60197709] [ 1.07569626 -0.02348802 2.45353817] [ 4.01953065 0.02042087 0.31874077] [-2.84444323 -0.34669277 -3.37425604]] Final stress: [-0.32381073 -0.07813969 0.38584953 -0.08070925 0.49198818 -0.10069313] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04844818 -0.01825036 -0.22292399] [ 0.04273462 0.0305675 -0.21232612] [ 0.06015719 0.02101258 0.18165153] [-0.05444363 -0.03332971 0.25359858]] Final stress: [ 0.30493692 0.1121117 0.02228857 -0.00058203 0.00523715 0.19160247] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04844824 -0.01825033 -0.22292419] [-0.04273464 0.0305675 -0.21232655] [-0.06015725 0.02101261 0.18165187] [ 0.05444364 -0.03332978 0.25359887]] Final stress: [ 0.30493693 0.11211171 0.02228857 -0.00058204 -0.00523717 -0.19160247] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03863232 0.00925882 -0.12256454] [ 0.03816001 -0.01132027 -0.11735962] [ 0.02130534 -0.01832001 0.09668991] [-0.02083303 0.02038147 0.14323425]] Final stress: [-0.29724341 -0.10693346 -0.02496676 -0.00080004 0.00193219 0.19358903] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03863215 0.00925809 -0.12256145] [-0.03815959 -0.01132004 -0.11735663] [-0.02130518 -0.01831994 0.09668747] [ 0.02083261 0.02038188 0.14323061]] Final stress: [-0.29724347 -0.10693359 -0.02496672 -0.00079994 -0.00193223 -0.19358902] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-4.65089686e-12 2.89564864e-02 -1.57401501e-01] [ 4.72363685e-13 -3.73206488e-02 -1.56302528e-01] [ 1.98878891e-13 -4.87845425e-02 1.26283679e-01] [ 3.97846860e-12 5.71487049e-02 1.87420350e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.19437683e-01 5.93797484e-01 4.59681764e-02 -1.37528851e-03 8.14299275e-13 2.41528138e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-6.01756752e-12 -3.99088797e-02 -1.50629391e-02] [-3.94438648e-12 3.63669166e-02 -2.35528213e-02] [ 2.21857992e-12 1.51550520e-02 1.03017472e-02] [ 7.75631816e-12 -1.16130889e-02 2.83140133e-02]] Final stress: [-2.18992994e-01 -6.11969307e-01 -4.94871462e-02 2.24492437e-03 1.97936856e-12 1.97137441e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.63815487e-13 2.46013818e-02 -1.46987987e-01] [ 1.68506051e-12 -2.55394224e-02 -6.67919577e-02] [-2.42446254e-12 -2.35675530e-02 8.20764204e-02] [ 1.62939107e-13 2.45055936e-02 1.31703524e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.34739346e-01 3.23460370e-01 4.01470842e-01 -1.33427622e-03 -5.24325438e-13 1.03850687e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.01861990e-11 2.37265254e-02 -2.21229070e-02] [-2.11511637e-11 -2.51734042e-02 -1.94163727e-01] [ 1.98974426e-11 -2.62202937e-02 1.09197815e-01] [-3.89364565e-11 2.76671726e-02 1.07088819e-01]] Final stress: [ 8.68814198e-02 2.78748610e-01 -3.69722780e-01 -1.34380565e-03 -2.95427305e-12 -3.30030071e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.45940811e-12 -2.11455048e-02 -3.20851713e-03] [ 2.23027759e-12 3.46467244e-02 1.24130651e-03] [-4.44152115e-12 2.06635930e-02 9.66818502e-03] [-1.26616773e-12 -3.41648126e-02 -7.70097439e-03]] Final stress: [-8.26810486e-02 -2.76018689e-01 3.63434513e-01 6.06494808e-04 -1.26781378e-12 6.02762851e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.64249430e-11 -1.87446383e-02 -6.95786116e-02] [-5.78842096e-13 2.77868631e-02 -4.69198567e-02] [ 1.54313584e-12 3.02351013e-02 4.71840945e-02] [ 2.54715259e-11 -3.92773261e-02 6.93143738e-02]] Final stress: [-1.33051340e-01 -3.25034157e-01 -4.21544981e-01 1.78798733e-03 5.25860955e-12 1.33158657e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.49012616e-12 2.44405954e-01 4.97540913e+00] [ 1.89772243e-14 -1.72553438e+00 2.18100581e+00] [-7.95297205e-13 -4.95856707e+00 -7.02909452e+00] [-1.70119127e-12 6.43969549e+00 -1.27320427e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.42921479e-01 -7.79135995e-03 6.60715501e-01 -2.63178444e-01 -5.55682493e-13 -1.03120919e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.97098121e-12 -2.10696759e+00 4.01981966e+00] [ 2.40369096e-12 1.86660795e+00 1.37196864e+00] [-2.73720564e-12 4.14229569e+00 -4.17392179e+00] [ 2.30162287e-12 -3.90193606e+00 -1.21786651e+00]] Final stress: [-7.26597808e-03 3.77310548e-01 5.59299126e-01 4.94621688e-01 -1.39026854e-13 2.46570827e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.67557892e-13 2.30012129e+00 1.34329909e+00] [ 2.65251363e-13 -9.60092998e-01 -4.33061466e-01] [ 1.66080257e-13 -3.63799665e+00 4.17071056e+00] [-1.18719271e-12 2.29796835e+00 -5.08094818e+00]] Final stress: [-1.15951209e-02 -3.61616867e-01 2.34912860e-01 -4.92645516e-01 -1.93310622e-13 -4.52569265e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.00887462e-13 -2.30459601e+00 -6.22764285e+00] [ 2.31389777e-12 1.65829049e-01 1.05885657e+01] [-1.71599692e-12 5.20774941e+00 -3.09691032e+00] [-2.94745131e-13 -3.06898245e+00 -1.26401252e+00]] Final stress: [-2.66764956e-01 -1.28282147e-01 4.92360205e-01 5.66567336e-01 -3.87163707e-13 8.45855056e-14] Minimization converged after 30 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.52684163 -0.14862835 3.06806766] [-0.83018482 -0.0461161 1.69656362] [-4.00460734 0.05969243 0.92096481] [ 2.30795054 0.13505202 -5.68559609]] Final stress: [-0.13430024 -0.34173793 0.3148049 0.01502605 -0.59633875 0.08292523] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.52684163 -0.14862835 3.06806766] [ 0.83018482 -0.0461161 1.69656362] [ 4.00460734 0.05969243 0.92096482] [-2.30795054 0.13505202 -5.68559609]] Final stress: [-0.13430024 -0.34173793 0.3148049 0.01502605 0.59633875 -0.08292523] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-3.84173235 5.20784108 -6.3016815 ] [ 2.99413426 -1.77845504 -8.77721532] [ 3.7043822 -1.75170503 6.48540053] [-2.85678411 -1.677681 8.5934963 ]] Final stress: [ 0.17069404 0.86853269 0.31694232 -1.06113083 0.48805898 0.20423477] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.84172074 5.20783026 -6.30166583] [-2.99412315 -1.77844826 -8.77720963] [-3.70437124 -1.7517001 6.48539159] [ 2.85677364 -1.67768191 8.59348388]] Final stress: [ 0.17069402 0.86853117 0.31693931 -1.06112808 -0.48805779 -0.20423465] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01914035 0.00138078 -0.01740225] [ 0.00147144 0.01358 -0.00080157] [ 0.06018762 0.02277395 0.01497076] [-0.08079941 -0.03773473 0.00323306]] Final stress: [-1.05698783e-01 -3.02982475e-01 -2.33040748e-02 2.21292658e-04 -7.39858950e-04 1.92309687e-01] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01914002 0.0013803 -0.01740198] [-0.00147165 0.01358011 -0.00080163] [-0.06018708 0.02277368 0.01497059] [ 0.08079875 -0.03773409 0.00323302]] Final stress: [-1.05698747e-01 -3.02982520e-01 -2.33040769e-02 2.21353423e-04 7.39857654e-04 -1.92309735e-01] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 25 steps. Minimization converged after 21 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.27130034e-12 3.75043664e+00 1.67606237e+01] [ 5.54877325e-14 2.71189942e+00 2.03192006e+01] [ 2.97125605e-14 -1.44403505e+01 1.94425965e-01] [ 2.18674037e-12 7.97801441e+00 -3.72742503e+01]] Final stress: [ 4.69728273e-01 -8.36688531e-01 3.49179947e+00 8.83062325e-02 3.04941791e-13 1.42086600e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.24354865e-12 -5.70731105e+00 1.50987795e+01] [ 2.52522135e-12 -7.60652240e-01 2.17184960e+01] [-2.09934717e-12 1.22957010e+01 9.20375201e-01] [-5.67472024e-12 -5.82773767e+00 -3.77376507e+01]] Final stress: [-5.03918530e-01 1.10968811e-01 3.48557246e+00 -1.54639365e-01 -1.10127771e-12 -2.17372738e-13] Minimization converged after 32 steps. Minimization converged after 32 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.69570834 1.4453166 24.40110927] [ 3.27962958 -1.51467335 23.89430676] [-14.17583709 1.67219276 -2.97833525] [ 8.20049916 -1.60283601 -45.31708078]] Final stress: [-0.46064156 -0.02977035 4.42481869 -0.04234609 0.45804252 0.6378286 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.69570834 1.4453166 24.40110927] [ -3.27962959 -1.51467335 23.89430677] [ 14.1758371 1.67219276 -2.97833526] [ -8.20049917 -1.60283601 -45.31708078]] Final stress: [-0.46064156 -0.02977035 4.42481869 -0.04234609 -0.45804252 -0.6378286 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00039345 0.00100371 0.04929352] [ 0.00997674 0.01956708 -0.03424042] [ 0.03760314 -0.01692884 0.00222182] [-0.04797333 -0.00364194 -0.01727492]] Final stress: [ 0.02369587 0.01894414 0.38103219 -0.0041515 0.00043756 0.18987631] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00039326 0.00100221 0.04929316] [-0.00997689 0.01956732 -0.03424018] [-0.03760305 -0.01692905 0.00222178] [ 0.0479732 -0.00364048 -0.01727477]] Final stress: [ 0.02369596 0.01894405 0.3810322 -0.00415127 -0.00043756 -0.18987633] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-0.19429479 -0.14147639 -0.0051073 ] [ 0.08543723 0.08298802 -0.21535016] [ 0.24470435 -0.08366136 -0.44082115] [-0.13584679 0.14214973 0.66127861]] Final stress: [-0.00666068 -0.03653139 -0.39645895 0.00729326 0.03531623 0.18974476] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.19429376 -0.14148006 -0.00510711] [-0.08543778 0.08298813 -0.21534761] [-0.24470266 -0.08366139 -0.44081585] [ 0.13584667 0.14215331 0.66127057]] Final stress: [-0.00666053 -0.03653163 -0.39645891 0.00729394 -0.03531584 -0.1897448 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.43443417e-13 2.45961229e+00 2.64496693e+00] [-1.29596876e-12 -1.02192311e+00 1.34312153e+01] [ 7.27581623e-13 -8.67022055e+00 -4.39051548e+00] [ 7.14408567e-13 7.23253137e+00 -1.16856667e+01]] Final stress: [ 3.59133405e-01 -4.22033009e-01 2.03762159e+00 -3.39129090e-01 3.30013032e-13 -6.41842462e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.61016491e-12 -4.14034487e+00 1.20784151e-02] [-3.83565358e-13 1.37733483e+00 1.22674798e+01] [-3.27987203e-13 7.49021333e+00 -2.70485171e+00] [-1.89538359e-12 -4.72720330e+00 -9.57470647e+00]] Final stress: [-1.65593102e-01 1.64428697e-01 1.62041094e+00 6.90511626e-01 -3.76013676e-13 -1.16839315e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.28541272 2.25838282 -0.06768589] [-0.98965476 -0.92988086 8.24984917] [-4.45683839 -4.97329084 0.71856861] [ 3.16108042 3.64478888 -8.90073189]] Final stress: [ 0.16544421 -0.14762464 1.18385026 -0.32758066 -0.36261936 0.09419244] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.28541272 2.25838282 -0.06768589] [ 0.98965476 -0.92988086 8.24984917] [ 4.45683838 -4.97329084 0.71856861] [-3.16108042 3.64478888 -8.90073189]] Final stress: [ 0.16544421 -0.14762464 1.18385026 -0.32758066 0.36261936 -0.09419244] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.39640092 -2.04572622 0.65704042] [-1.05322009 1.04724225 7.32961121] [-4.38676163 4.79529215 0.73814623] [ 4.04358081 -3.79680818 -8.72479786]] Final stress: [-0.15170666 0.15319125 1.15126171 0.29843192 -0.14345539 0.19595676] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.39640092 -2.04572622 0.65704042] [ 1.05322009 1.04724225 7.32961121] [ 4.38676163 4.79529215 0.73814623] [-4.04358081 -3.79680818 -8.72479786]] Final stress: [-0.15170666 0.15319125 1.15126171 0.29843192 0.14345539 -0.19595676] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.91610407 2.45864875 -0.83819612] [ 0.17646693 -1.25769546 4.89528026] [ 0.04826919 -5.11416828 1.73075713] [ 0.69136796 3.91321499 -5.78784127]] Final stress: [ 0.1792559 -0.15330095 0.68264073 -0.36288893 0.13861186 0.24200298] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.91610407 2.45864875 -0.83819612] [-0.17646693 -1.25769546 4.89528026] [-0.04826919 -5.11416828 1.73075713] [-0.69136796 3.91321499 -5.78784127]] Final stress: [ 0.1792559 -0.15330095 0.68264073 -0.36288893 -0.13861186 -0.24200298] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.87741521 -3.08999676 -0.65472641] [ 0.4966041 1.32959012 6.73025703] [-0.69657685 5.23635406 0.76038307] [ 1.07738796 -3.47594743 -6.83591369]] Final stress: [-0.10567495 0.09386519 0.7618286 0.47282169 0.06030937 0.27908615] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.87741521 -3.08999676 -0.65472641] [-0.4966041 1.32959012 6.73025703] [ 0.69657685 5.23635406 0.76038307] [-1.07738796 -3.47594743 -6.83591369]] Final stress: [-0.10567495 0.09386519 0.7618286 0.47282169 -0.06030937 -0.27908615] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.65162093 1.10070882 6.07656481] [ -0.23741368 0.05078137 19.76955401] [-10.51084742 0.07608093 -5.28917405] [ 7.09664017 -1.22757112 -20.55694477]] Final stress: [-0.1761004 0.07368793 3.18463238 -0.25100031 -0.2538219 0.4003695 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -3.65162093 1.10070882 6.07656481] [ 0.23741368 0.05078137 19.76955401] [ 10.51084742 0.07608093 -5.28917405] [ -7.09664017 -1.22757112 -20.55694477]] Final stress: [-0.1761004 0.07368793 3.18463238 -0.25100031 0.2538219 -0.4003695 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.39018371 0.05563776 -1.12851282] [-1.18457691 -0.03882792 5.13812851] [-4.08423966 0.04657131 -0.93269258] [ 2.87863286 -0.06338115 -3.07692311]] Final stress: [-0.0162513 0.00650462 0.49649498 -0.01399248 -0.43716352 0.2872024 ] Minimization converged after 37 steps. Minimization converged after 37 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.39018371 0.05563776 -1.12851282] [ 1.18457691 -0.03882792 5.13812851] [ 4.08423966 0.04657131 -0.93269258] [-2.87863286 -0.06338115 -3.07692311]] Final stress: [-0.0162513 0.00650462 0.49649498 -0.01399248 0.43716352 -0.2872024 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.77173839 0.74946223 1.82787589] [ 0.69130878 -0.0563193 0.39260373] [ 0.35063664 0.31529194 -0.85870571] [-0.27020703 -1.00843487 -1.36177391]] Final stress: [-0.09537331 0.00932312 0.00988358 -0.11815225 0.04151721 0.40686887] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.77174333 0.74947175 1.82788492] [-0.69131274 -0.05632126 0.39261371] [-0.35063823 0.3152952 -0.85871752] [ 0.27020764 -1.00844568 -1.36178111]] Final stress: [-0.09537432 0.00932358 0.00988375 -0.11815356 -0.04151751 -0.40686904] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.01898559e-11 -2.64184272e-02 -8.99286099e-02] [-3.78397400e-14 2.69127016e-02 -7.72865198e-02] [-1.74982316e-12 2.38481292e-02 7.16573214e-02] [-8.38689534e-12 -2.43424035e-02 9.55578083e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.76445136e-01 1.39566305e-01 3.21035123e-02 1.51655853e-03 -2.00872646e-12 -4.46692573e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.20843829e-12 -2.20332713e-01 7.24884838e-01] [-4.37313532e-12 1.43045401e-01 -4.05802045e-01] [ 2.56482184e-12 2.07328843e-01 -1.76737556e-01] [-2.39544539e-12 -1.30041531e-01 -1.42345238e-01]] Final stress: [-3.84697020e-01 -1.39935165e-01 -3.76886718e-02 2.73241638e-02 1.01789241e-13 -3.80139791e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.22622919e-12 -2.42586967e-02 -1.16048911e-02] [-3.25454616e-12 2.46674988e-02 2.22632706e-03] [ 6.62888711e-12 2.64982550e-02 -2.42673009e-02] [-4.59604750e-12 -2.69070572e-02 3.36458650e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.21633232e-01 -1.19047057e-01 1.40727145e-03 1.64264639e-03 6.48220619e-13 -4.37137856e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.71376108e-11 -3.23674859e-04 -3.74180186e-03] [ 5.19532160e-12 -8.61147117e-03 6.70818340e-03] [-3.41994163e-12 -4.11104515e-02 -2.28181323e-02] [ 1.53705399e-11 5.00455975e-02 1.98517508e-02]] Final stress: [-1.18660211e-01 1.20828544e-01 1.44944380e-03 -5.04377296e-04 2.19205349e-12 1.12425945e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.98063177e-12 -1.77099908e-02 2.60005028e-02] [-1.34516486e-12 2.10975236e-02 -4.17978037e-02] [-9.93963353e-12 2.88365449e-02 6.27688083e-03] [ 1.28909904e-12 -3.22240776e-02 9.52042009e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.04590485e-01 8.60674889e-02 2.57791500e-01 9.77125402e-04 -2.09062592e-12 1.42294315e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.87115486e-11 -2.23163379e-02 -4.45155154e-02] [-2.62313155e-11 2.41732517e-02 -6.55025476e-02] [ 2.19395608e-11 2.75800237e-02 4.76867326e-02] [-6.43995083e-11 -2.94369374e-02 6.23313304e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.74994273e-01 5.58313571e-02 -2.28916616e-01 1.20323871e-03 -7.38472428e-12 -4.92657343e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.92409508e-11 1.45962517e-02 -7.35211164e-02] [ 8.09292086e-12 -1.99782241e-02 -1.59557413e-01] [-7.45004752e-13 -2.95730780e-02 1.03834564e-01] [ 2.18785962e-11 3.49550503e-02 1.29243965e-01]] Final stress: [-1.68432109e-01 -4.73403375e-02 2.25962710e-01 -6.23703483e-04 4.09148885e-12 1.63171309e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.21837479e-12 2.27502002e-02 -1.97617769e-03] [-6.57832729e-13 -2.45194508e-02 -6.67845360e-02] [ 1.28639300e-11 -2.74555548e-02 2.89220114e-02] [-1.44223002e-11 2.92248054e-02 3.98387023e-02]] Final stress: [-2.03606040e-01 -8.14076256e-02 -2.62230177e-01 -1.22334035e-03 2.52457245e-13 -8.35322222e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.09037822e-12 8.10759442e-01 3.61868812e-01] [-9.65065701e-14 -7.35664082e-01 4.37417009e-01] [ 1.21326994e-13 -1.42608757e+00 -7.43088689e-01] [ 2.06536697e-12 1.35099221e+00 -5.61971318e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.22088312e-01 3.57589106e-02 8.50673172e-02 -1.77937512e-01 4.23483286e-13 1.06523063e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.96564615e-13 -3.71867302e-01 5.09021821e-01] [ 1.05735494e-12 4.70317492e-01 1.40752740e+00] [-1.13071770e-12 2.70064427e+00 -3.44220137e+00] [ 9.88756386e-13 -2.79909446e+00 1.52565214e+00]] Final stress: [ 5.31608658e-02 1.88697749e-01 1.48914287e-01 2.32446499e-01 -4.95123524e-14 1.03856121e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.47150344e-13 7.12060760e-01 -3.67856739e-01] [-1.30235666e-13 -1.77578087e-01 1.71138727e+00] [-3.00717350e-13 -2.93839703e+00 5.53723105e-01] [-5.20991236e-13 2.40391435e+00 -1.89725364e+00]] Final stress: [-6.61126955e-02 -1.84744246e-01 1.32679071e-01 -2.83788417e-01 -1.76044400e-13 -3.39232059e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-9.58768004e-13 -1.44542381e+00 4.83356920e-01] [ 1.00706552e-12 4.55947974e-01 7.58196010e-01] [-5.37976781e-13 2.06673511e+00 1.72052314e+00] [ 5.06840663e-13 -1.07725927e+00 -2.96207607e+00]] Final stress: [-2.28727704e-01 -3.53570756e-02 7.36755053e-02 3.56556648e-01 -2.31963474e-14 8.10129529e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.79880298 -0.49303117 6.7203359 ] [-2.33515913 0.21346132 -1.4909747 ] [-4.1932961 -0.19626187 -4.66884647] [ 4.72965225 0.47583172 -0.56051472]] Final stress: [ 0.18032807 0.02408915 0.54908396 0.02902725 -0.42737641 0.13399351] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.79880298 -0.49303117 6.72033589] [ 2.33515914 0.21346132 -1.4909747 ] [ 4.19329609 -0.19626187 -4.66884647] [-4.72965225 0.47583172 -0.56051472]] Final stress: [ 0.18032807 0.02408915 0.54908396 0.02902725 0.42737641 -0.13399351] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.52409291 0.18296951 0.45433544] [-0.70245624 -0.02242661 0.66259176] [-2.61794257 0.02200022 0.831225 ] [ 1.79630589 -0.18254312 -1.94815221]] Final stress: [-0.19618701 -0.05162719 0.14219344 -0.03869422 -0.35396017 0.06037225] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.52409291 0.18296951 0.45433544] [ 0.70245624 -0.02242661 0.66259176] [ 2.61794257 0.02200022 0.831225 ] [-1.79630589 -0.18254312 -1.94815221]] Final stress: [-0.19618701 -0.05162719 0.14219344 -0.03869422 0.35396017 -0.06037225] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0264362 0.01395418 -0.09864513] [ 0.0190637 0.0089678 -0.09504197] [ 0.02554671 0.01282955 0.07803212] [-0.01817421 -0.03575153 0.11565497]] Final stress: [ 0.19091299 0.0725151 0.01605449 -0.00358923 0.00303618 0.12095692] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0264362 0.01395418 -0.09864532] [-0.0190637 0.00896779 -0.09504174] [-0.02554672 0.01282955 0.07803191] [ 0.01817421 -0.03575153 0.11565515]] Final stress: [ 0.19091299 0.0725151 0.01605449 -0.00358923 -0.00303618 -0.12095692] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.51995475e-05 2.89491828e-02 -1.08352882e-01] [ 2.11817506e-02 -1.19100364e-02 -1.03330967e-01] [ 2.76901287e-02 -1.34050626e-02 8.78554150e-02] [-4.88166798e-02 -3.63408375e-03 1.23828434e-01]] Final stress: [-0.1844087 -0.06285643 -0.01563198 -0.00498463 -0.00081699 0.11897041] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.51174832e-05 2.89491406e-02 -1.08353350e-01] [-2.11818448e-02 -1.19100832e-02 -1.03330359e-01] [-2.76900309e-02 -1.34050141e-02 8.78547147e-02] [ 4.88167583e-02 -3.63404332e-03 1.23828995e-01]] Final stress: [-0.1844087 -0.06285643 -0.01563197 -0.00498461 0.00081703 -0.11897041] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-8.25646843e-13 2.71668751e-02 -1.50584034e-01] [-2.70423484e-12 -2.09945748e-02 -6.61169208e-03] [-1.65072014e-12 -5.48499087e-02 1.33408685e-01] [ 5.18623686e-12 4.86776084e-02 2.37870414e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.39696463e-01 3.74168472e-01 3.13245181e-02 -4.72691435e-03 5.82441859e-13 1.34764616e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.70548339e-12 -1.79867806e-02 -1.11716947e-01] [ 1.28943837e-11 2.21958565e-02 -1.03360158e-01] [-1.05637719e-11 2.87801865e-02 9.08224178e-02] [ 4.36814647e-12 -3.29892625e-02 1.24254687e-01]] Final stress: [-1.33001745e-01 -3.72065495e-01 -3.14122878e-02 1.00119863e-03 -1.54606462e-12 9.55194738e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.97802850e-11 2.39477960e-02 -1.45155792e-04] [ 3.92364917e-12 -2.08290849e-02 -2.60234739e-02] [-7.23450987e-12 -3.54069714e-02 5.27517868e-03] [-1.64762474e-11 3.22882603e-02 2.08934510e-02]] Final stress: [ 8.59467843e-02 2.03094103e-01 2.55992624e-01 -3.20429263e-03 -4.80410321e-12 -6.55577133e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-8.44489496e-11 2.42869091e-02 -7.04958080e-03] [ 4.15979425e-12 -2.53249974e-02 -1.11883776e-01] [ 4.77019639e-12 -2.62201742e-02 6.15719825e-02] [ 7.55179183e-11 2.72582626e-02 5.73613744e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.52991465e-02 1.75588225e-01 -2.29751784e-01 -1.31444516e-03 1.56403197e-11 4.29241596e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.65958661e-11 -1.28464015e-02 -5.63410569e-02] [-3.85409890e-12 1.88496090e-02 -1.57158896e-01] [ 2.93189583e-12 3.06491022e-02 9.88608004e-02] [-4.56739715e-11 -3.66523097e-02 1.14639152e-01]] Final stress: [-4.82168173e-02 -1.68216612e-01 2.25941003e-01 5.47240383e-04 -8.07608223e-12 -2.66302416e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.02512009e-12 -2.11235105e-02 -4.52278751e-02] [-6.41215596e-13 2.36330308e-02 -2.83723617e-02] [-4.95116491e-12 2.83886900e-02 3.03038868e-02] [ 4.57436519e-12 -3.08982104e-02 4.32963500e-02]] Final stress: [-8.17572867e-02 -2.02899898e-01 -2.61502003e-01 1.10803145e-03 -2.90308389e-13 2.21253793e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.23318630e-12 5.77690219e-01 1.31494990e+00] [ 4.55552479e-13 -8.60980818e-01 1.06179991e+00] [-9.00950321e-13 -2.65422199e+00 -3.34478927e+00] [-7.84408996e-13 2.93751259e+00 9.68039457e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.70673321e-01 5.85804916e-02 1.85252293e-01 -1.94202066e-01 -3.72115669e-13 -1.52286236e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.08281046e-13 -1.21752465e+00 1.18808321e+00] [-5.69230644e-13 9.18056148e-01 3.24631134e-01] [ 1.04599510e-12 2.05485669e+00 -1.54367465e+00] [-1.37285842e-12 -1.75538819e+00 3.09603113e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.48853912e-02 2.26123820e-01 1.38736699e-01 2.69453908e-01 -2.74037922e-14 -1.04126680e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04945219e-12 1.34069727e+00 5.53622815e-01] [-3.17338386e-13 -7.46911274e-01 2.72292276e-02] [ 8.83824481e-13 -2.29401944e+00 1.55238085e+00] [ 4.77869480e-13 1.70023344e+00 -2.13323289e+00]] Final stress: [-4.34329591e-03 -2.33652894e-01 1.08152351e-01 -2.93950507e-01 3.01978493e-13 7.02860945e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.35725957e-13 -1.07900289e+00 -2.55749174e-01] [-5.39403374e-13 6.61461724e-01 2.34768145e+00] [ 3.85512369e-13 3.50096928e+00 -2.10939177e-01] [ 3.23009848e-14 -3.08342812e+00 -1.88099310e+00]] Final stress: [-1.89652026e-01 -4.81193120e-02 2.56457721e-01 3.02841882e-01 8.24845076e-14 -2.12213663e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.34215907e-01 1.73341557e-01 -6.47045349e-02] [-7.25775861e-01 9.47959573e-04 1.14207494e+00] [-1.51638191e+00 3.22345898e-05 -1.61224814e+00] [ 1.50794186e+00 -1.74321751e-01 5.34877733e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.05655514 0.19410725 0.0997327 -0.03520141 -0.17089109 0.04071058] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-7.34215908e-01 1.73341556e-01 -6.47045370e-02] [ 7.25775863e-01 9.47959871e-04 1.14207495e+00] [ 1.51638190e+00 3.22343065e-05 -1.61224814e+00] [-1.50794186e+00 -1.74321751e-01 5.34877731e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.05655514 0.19410725 0.0997327 -0.03520141 0.17089109 -0.04071058] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.50043776 -0.26083967 1.09711654] [-0.33857641 0.02530438 0.66013984] [-2.70095059 -0.01204637 -0.25870564] [ 1.53908924 0.24758165 -1.49855075]] Final stress: [-0.05569223 -0.21199726 0.11019562 0.03316542 -0.43714674 0.0656893 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.50043776 -0.26083967 1.09711654] [ 0.33857641 0.02530438 0.66013985] [ 2.70095059 -0.01204637 -0.25870564] [-1.53908924 0.24758165 -1.49855075]] Final stress: [-0.05569223 -0.21199726 0.11019562 0.03316542 0.43714674 -0.0656893 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01315502 0.03570156 -0.0367497 ] [ 0.02378386 -0.01283665 -0.02723428] [ 0.02070301 -0.00993364 0.02720698] [-0.03133185 -0.01293127 0.036777 ]] Final stress: [ 0.06878538 0.19054625 0.01692318 -0.00507224 -0.0005669 0.11898205] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01315486 0.03570148 -0.03674977] [-0.02378405 -0.01283675 -0.02723424] [-0.02070282 -0.00993354 0.02720719] [ 0.03133201 -0.01293119 0.03677682]] Final stress: [ 0.06878538 0.19054625 0.01692318 -0.00507221 0.00056697 -0.11898205] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.30126181 0.48417258 -0.1613441 ] [-0.08350677 -0.03725182 0.16800176] [ 0.91711281 0.44938191 0.16301022] [-1.13486784 -0.89630268 -0.16966787]] Final stress: [-0.1139898 -0.134941 -0.01039892 -0.06620024 0.00180212 0.05685754] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.30126216 0.48417276 -0.16134756] [ 0.08350649 -0.03725165 0.16800624] [-0.91711263 0.4493818 0.16300465] [ 1.1348683 -0.89630291 -0.16966333]] Final stress: [-0.1139898 -0.134941 -0.01039884 -0.06620031 -0.00180198 -0.05685753] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.07695536e-12 3.60259911e-01 1.44705489e+01] [-5.16928340e-12 7.29202770e+00 3.97282662e+01] [ 5.33495210e-12 -1.82700106e+01 -4.59000941e+01] [-3.22757793e-12 1.06177230e+01 -8.29872093e+00]] Final stress: [ 5.28141894e-01 -1.35311386e+00 2.97447314e+00 -2.29895091e+00 4.88166284e-13 -9.80255678e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.83162220e-11 -1.00641733e+00 1.46530957e+01] [ 1.50055528e-11 -6.21939615e-01 3.90649679e+01] [-1.80324670e-11 1.13611006e+01 -4.39512312e+01] [-1.52852336e-11 -9.73274370e+00 -9.76683239e+00]] Final stress: [-1.07934638e+00 2.20231667e-01 3.26721705e+00 1.59390435e+00 -4.68195143e-12 -2.15133297e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.23332108e-11 3.29780854e+00 4.18274147e+00] [-1.70290388e-12 1.36653314e+00 1.21868066e+01] [-2.28625495e-13 -1.12327972e+01 3.97415342e+00] [ 1.42782522e-11 6.56845552e+00 -2.03437015e+01]] Final stress: [ 3.75819136e-01 -5.37062332e-01 1.41181406e+00 -4.32708299e-01 2.75513745e-12 5.97005827e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.91060296e-12 -3.75906329e+00 3.67222904e+00] [-8.25899679e-13 4.16789467e-01 1.24592353e+01] [ 8.43950994e-13 9.37729784e+00 4.33420817e+00] [-4.92379531e-12 -6.03502401e+00 -2.04656726e+01]] Final stress: [-3.71994612e-01 2.17568744e-01 1.46338453e+00 2.97743767e-01 -6.16929901e-13 -2.86275456e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.56822129 0.33350629 13.00357717] [ 0.99792582 -1.80272373 26.17205814] [-11.63154202 1.766923 -31.27722214] [ 9.0653949 -0.29770555 -7.89841317]] Final stress: [-0.38530712 -0.15252739 2.87243855 0.13110892 -1.42095815 0.56768858] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -1.56822129 0.33350629 13.00357717] [ -0.99792582 -1.80272373 26.17205814] [ 11.63154202 1.766923 -31.27722214] [ -9.06539491 -0.29770555 -7.89841317]] Final stress: [-0.38530712 -0.15252739 2.87243855 0.13110892 1.42095815 -0.56768858] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.64682981 0.19820787 1.91668315] [ -1.286693 -0.10952814 5.93723485] [ -6.3829697 0.13123852 4.5469899 ] [ 5.0228329 -0.21991824 -12.4009079 ]] Final stress: [-0.08729996 -0.00152629 0.69013473 -0.03939671 -0.22786015 0.20706745] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.6468298 0.19820787 1.91668315] [ 1.286693 -0.10952814 5.93723486] [ 6.38296971 0.13123852 4.5469899 ] [ -5.02283291 -0.21991824 -12.40090791]] Final stress: [-0.08729996 -0.00152629 0.69013473 -0.03939671 0.22786015 -0.20706745] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01606633 0.00848095 0.10341018] [ 0.01993468 0.01161363 -0.03083422] [ 0.031367 -0.009931 -0.0258412 ] [-0.03523535 -0.01016357 -0.04673475]] Final stress: [ 0.01569721 0.01409007 0.24152047 -0.00393704 0.00146216 0.1198345 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01606642 0.00848026 0.10340973] [-0.0199347 0.01161373 -0.03083408] [-0.03136702 -0.0099311 -0.02584113] [ 0.0352353 -0.0101629 -0.04673452]] Final stress: [ 0.01569726 0.01409003 0.24152047 -0.00393694 -0.00146217 -0.1198345 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02699334 0.02803407 0.00767853] [ 0.02606071 0.00895724 -0.0479151 ] [ 0.02403132 -0.00962253 0.01902827] [-0.0230987 -0.02736877 0.0212083 ]] Final stress: [-0.01464806 -0.0142565 -0.24528048 -0.00745415 0.0018112 0.12139898] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02699331 0.02803407 0.00767851] [-0.02606075 0.00895723 -0.04791511] [-0.02403129 -0.00962253 0.01902847] [ 0.02309873 -0.02736878 0.02120812]] Final stress: [-0.01464806 -0.0142565 -0.24528048 -0.00745415 -0.00181119 -0.12139898] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.37726592e-12 2.09671130e+00 1.14446186e+00] [-6.14154994e-13 -1.11272642e+00 5.37438358e+00] [ 1.24352807e-12 -5.90473416e+00 -9.10406635e-02] [ 1.75244975e-12 4.92074929e+00 -6.42780478e+00]] Final stress: [ 2.23645576e-01 -2.33747558e-01 8.45706780e-01 -4.09002736e-01 6.29690694e-13 5.25773933e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.05305727e-12 -2.97177849e+00 -4.24381303e-01] [ 3.32108473e-14 9.95408585e-01 7.16747270e+00] [ 2.29860618e-13 6.06986030e+00 -8.94891127e-01] [-1.31555834e-12 -4.09349040e+00 -5.84820027e+00]] Final stress: [-1.58048969e-01 1.72369704e-01 8.77449842e-01 6.36269413e-01 -1.96343099e-13 -7.23858005e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.37283297 1.65048254 -0.24074303] [-0.77412326 -0.50088017 4.07195422] [-3.11948821 -3.53086017 0.37075988] [ 2.5207785 2.3812578 -4.20197107]] Final stress: [ 0.11256772 -0.09467595 0.51702085 -0.37338576 -0.28602116 0.09003085] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.37283297 1.65048254 -0.24074303] [ 0.77412326 -0.50088017 4.07195422] [ 3.11948821 -3.53086017 0.37075988] [-2.5207785 2.3812578 -4.20197107]] Final stress: [ 0.11256772 -0.09467595 0.51702085 -0.37338576 0.28602116 -0.09003085] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.93525364 -1.50284264 0.01813703] [-0.69696087 0.62844923 3.7704101 ] [-3.15453027 3.34999747 0.29997641] [ 2.9162375 -2.47560406 -4.08852355]] Final stress: [-0.09992428 0.10699526 0.50199074 0.32942478 -0.18105595 0.13009653] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.93525364 -1.50284264 0.01813704] [ 0.69696087 0.62844923 3.7704101 ] [ 3.15453027 3.34999747 0.29997641] [-2.9162375 -2.47560406 -4.08852355]] Final stress: [-0.09992428 0.10699526 0.50199074 0.32942478 0.18105595 -0.13009653] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.95870071 1.82206715 -0.4604706 ] [ 0.17076593 -0.69987287 2.3267689 ] [ 0.09887833 -3.35145254 0.65238595] [ 0.68905645 2.22925826 -2.51868425]] Final stress: [ 0.09627495 -0.07995822 0.26244275 -0.38534767 0.15277435 0.16661668] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.95870071 1.82206715 -0.46047061] [-0.17076593 -0.69987287 2.3267689 ] [-0.09887833 -3.35145254 0.65238596] [-0.68905645 2.22925826 -2.51868425]] Final stress: [ 0.09627495 -0.07995822 0.26244275 -0.38534767 -0.15277435 -0.16661668] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.48352005 -1.97406955 -0.6453935 ] [ 0.13522354 0.82832587 2.31821953] [-0.511631 3.33915753 0.80662225] [ 0.85992751 -2.19341385 -2.47944829]] Final stress: [-0.05422889 0.08824063 0.27839415 0.41405326 0.05609383 0.17580449] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.48352005 -1.97406955 -0.6453935 ] [-0.13522354 0.82832587 2.31821953] [ 0.511631 3.33915753 0.80662225] [-0.85992751 -2.19341385 -2.47944828]] Final stress: [-0.05422889 0.08824063 0.27839415 0.41405326 -0.05609383 -0.17580449] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.41756394 0.29298453 0.96658153] [-1.46585473 0.05695547 5.84398907] [-5.53251588 -0.04083661 -0.05859759] [ 4.58080667 -0.30910339 -6.75197302]] Final stress: [-0.04222397 0.0229019 0.86442082 -0.09244373 -0.40376484 0.17490093] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.41756394 0.29298453 0.96658153] [ 1.46585473 0.05695547 5.84398907] [ 5.53251588 -0.04083661 -0.05859759] [-4.58080667 -0.30910339 -6.75197302]] Final stress: [-0.04222397 0.0229019 0.86442082 -0.09244373 0.40376484 -0.17490093] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.41272347 -0.06484449 -0.4354594 ] [-0.84192261 0.07831072 1.47826533] [-2.38959302 0.08430751 1.93062682] [ 1.81879217 -0.09777374 -2.97343274]] Final stress: [ 0.00228759 0.00538198 0.16550973 -0.00508805 -0.26178877 0.17412635] Minimization converged after 31 steps. Minimization converged after 31 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.41272347 -0.06484449 -0.4354594 ] [ 0.84192261 0.07831072 1.47826532] [ 2.38959302 0.08430751 1.93062682] [-1.81879217 -0.09777374 -2.97343274]] Final stress: [ 0.00228759 0.00538198 0.16550973 -0.00508805 0.26178877 -0.17412635] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.29833664 -0.82720819 1.68714987] [ 0.51441792 -0.34246585 1.76158631] [ 0.32524296 0.94739635 -1.39200284] [-0.54132425 0.2222777 -2.05673335]] Final stress: [-0.06149453 -0.04360862 0.02613346 0.25790202 -0.02011673 0.23897271] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.29833665 -0.8272082 1.68714991] [-0.51441792 -0.34246586 1.76158624] [-0.32524297 0.94739636 -1.39200292] [ 0.54132425 0.2222777 -2.05673323]] Final stress: [-0.06149453 -0.04360862 0.02613346 0.25790202 0.02011673 -0.23897271] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.19577037e-11 -2.59892663e-02 -5.62762692e-02] [ 1.35799202e-11 2.65023930e-02 -4.75247775e-02] [-1.66111805e-11 2.44260932e-02 4.39946973e-02] [ 6.49794541e-11 -2.49392198e-02 5.98063494e-02]] Final stress: [2.37625609e-01 8.82243005e-02 2.05434131e-02 1.39800022e-03 8.60362260e-12 4.25039800e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.00489893e-11 8.25491872e-03 -5.37544000e-02] [ 1.43442849e-11 -1.49696934e-02 -3.83128136e-02] [-1.58213319e-11 -3.56053672e-02 4.65431264e-02] [ 3.15410337e-11 4.23201418e-02 4.55240872e-02]] Final stress: [-2.33863388e-01 -8.29792265e-02 -1.90120095e-02 -6.02486078e-04 2.44452353e-12 2.52350283e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.55229171e-12 -2.34402646e-02 -6.74106378e-03] [ 1.29221352e-12 2.46068015e-02 8.04705783e-04] [ 4.62671047e-12 2.65106682e-02 -1.35914021e-02] [-3.37021903e-12 -2.76772051e-02 1.95277601e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.71585896e-02 -7.34343796e-02 1.31526884e-03 1.35494012e-03 4.49034225e-13 -1.13433709e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.17127072e-11 7.10757658e-03 -8.11323819e-04] [ 8.98649579e-12 -1.45255934e-02 5.14491705e-03] [-1.41276118e-11 -3.58649263e-02 -1.61712220e-02] [ 1.68515982e-11 4.32829432e-02 1.18376287e-02]] Final stress: [-7.27988993e-02 7.61891501e-02 1.36155513e-03 -4.79120235e-04 -2.43348579e-14 1.43422843e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.19227933e-12 -2.04755467e-02 1.64533905e-02] [-1.35452029e-11 2.29023267e-02 -2.63852232e-02] [ 1.34394078e-11 2.74848031e-02 3.88381159e-03] [ 6.27033495e-12 -2.99115830e-02 6.04802110e-03]] Final stress: [ 1.29155187e-01 5.47475289e-02 1.62184072e-01 1.03868946e-03 4.23441800e-12 -4.25024193e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.92801226e-11 -2.33095901e-02 -2.51510558e-02] [ 1.05298639e-11 2.47676862e-02 -3.72222249e-02] [-1.37185445e-11 2.67512167e-02 2.71451786e-02] [-2.60785300e-11 -2.82093128e-02 3.52281021e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.10487032e-01 3.56894014e-02 -1.42271279e-01 1.18284942e-03 -8.12277437e-12 -7.98272320e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.41885704e-11 1.90495593e-02 -3.80817541e-02] [-4.50239715e-11 -2.22970018e-02 -8.96352381e-02] [ 3.89380199e-11 -2.80695154e-02 5.71642666e-02] [-2.81146668e-11 3.13169579e-02 7.05527256e-02]] Final stress: [-1.04328217e-01 -2.89780136e-02 1.42092374e-01 -9.04843350e-04 3.42761696e-12 -4.05492626e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.15157317e-12 2.37079835e-02 -2.04750797e-03] [ 8.53806392e-13 -2.50849982e-02 -4.14589033e-02] [ 1.57781687e-12 -2.65686445e-02 1.83589995e-02] [ 3.71465705e-12 2.79456593e-02 2.51474117e-02]] Final stress: [-1.25940164e-01 -4.99218041e-02 -1.62805802e-01 -1.19679077e-03 1.09091327e-12 2.47822152e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.30328170e-12 5.35156476e-01 1.36831218e-03] [-2.83752839e-13 -4.34942228e-01 3.46138756e-01] [ 8.52399748e-16 -9.43102228e-01 -5.89601083e-01] [-2.02335891e-12 8.42887980e-01 2.42094014e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.42364297e-01 2.72681663e-02 3.86339376e-02 -1.25200566e-01 -3.91484361e-13 -1.22491107e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.22247264e-12 -3.92342905e-01 -2.96030594e-01] [-3.69728336e-13 4.41943942e-01 8.68396507e-01] [-2.36236161e-13 1.25670702e+00 -1.41131653e+00] [-6.03994285e-13 -1.30630805e+00 8.38950614e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.06939196e-02 9.12963212e-02 5.64183408e-02 1.14650318e-01 -1.81339423e-13 -4.93753609e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.13857795e-12 4.80729821e-01 4.67705454e-02] [ 1.22926192e-13 -3.89034759e-01 3.88344022e-01] [-1.76912738e-13 -1.32980395e+00 1.21295746e-01] [-1.09059810e-12 1.23810888e+00 -5.56410313e-01]] Final stress: [-6.97293094e-02 -8.22900687e-02 3.32137312e-02 -1.34137448e-01 -2.48371329e-13 -4.87568093e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.01803277e-12 -7.01368816e-01 4.48116409e-01] [-2.95332118e-13 4.15860411e-01 -1.53079908e-01] [ 5.43600538e-13 9.72641231e-01 6.50827750e-01] [ 7.88934022e-13 -6.87132825e-01 -9.45864252e-01]] Final stress: [-1.31679047e-01 -2.54091180e-02 1.03603902e-02 1.60355906e-01 2.69507667e-13 2.50461736e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.51464532 -0.09019986 -0.23931823] [-0.43935515 0.04405066 0.53188336] [-0.9651063 -0.04107565 -0.86574348] [ 0.88981613 0.08722485 0.57317836]] Final stress: [ 0.12735377 0.03808825 0.04268421 0.00679213 -0.12219216 0.02568556] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.51464532 -0.09019986 -0.23931823] [ 0.43935514 0.04405066 0.53188336] [ 0.96510631 -0.04107565 -0.86574349] [-0.88981613 0.08722485 0.57317836]] Final stress: [ 0.12735377 0.03808825 0.04268421 0.00679213 0.12219217 -0.02568556] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.56311394 0.09216191 0.09112537] [-0.4417324 -0.00381584 -0.10863903] [-0.99620926 0.00333854 0.48203354] [ 0.87482771 -0.09168461 -0.46451987]] Final stress: [-0.1157439 -0.03067198 0.01516316 -0.01893547 -0.12776009 0.02317939] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.56311394 0.09216191 0.09112537] [ 0.4417324 -0.00381584 -0.10863903] [ 0.99620925 0.00333854 0.48203354] [-0.87482771 -0.09168461 -0.46451987]] Final stress: [-0.1157439 -0.03067198 0.01516316 -0.01893547 0.12776009 -0.02317939] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02530331 0.00487226 -0.06356276] [ 0.02068598 0.00993401 -0.05930706] [ 0.02460595 0.01238685 0.04835918] [-0.01998863 -0.02719312 0.07451064]] Final stress: [ 0.1205897 0.04666614 0.01048887 -0.00210884 0.00234243 0.07567335] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02530365 0.00487209 -0.06356189] [-0.0206856 0.00993382 -0.059308 ] [-0.02460635 0.01238705 0.04835943] [ 0.0199883 -0.02719296 0.07451046]] Final stress: [ 0.1205897 0.04666614 0.01048885 -0.00210876 -0.00234259 -0.07567335] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0073234 0.02181154 -0.06802328] [ 0.01826517 -0.00970333 -0.06650803] [ 0.02675816 -0.01313923 0.05848168] [-0.03769993 0.00103103 0.07604963]] Final stress: [-0.11510305 -0.0384378 -0.00945417 -0.00308266 -0.00055465 0.07484426] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00732348 0.02181157 -0.06802507] [-0.01826508 -0.00970329 -0.0665059 ] [-0.02675825 -0.01313928 0.05847994] [ 0.03769985 0.00103099 0.07605104]] Final stress: [-0.11510305 -0.0384378 -0.00945413 -0.00308268 0.00055461 -0.07484426] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.10020222e-11 1.87089150e-02 -7.22400729e-02] [-1.07932283e-12 -2.16753853e-02 -7.14924346e-02] [ 1.98706676e-12 -2.90547600e-02 5.64120734e-02] [-2.19049518e-11 3.20212304e-02 8.73204341e-02]] Final stress: [ 8.89072704e-02 2.38195493e-01 2.02154224e-02 -1.08930620e-03 -3.72911621e-12 -1.24149305e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.57325576e-11 -2.06690566e-02 -7.14064810e-02] [-3.74943045e-12 2.34715986e-02 -6.69137642e-02] [ 2.26225874e-12 2.76332442e-02 5.91611122e-02] [ 1.72315322e-11 -3.04357862e-02 7.91591330e-02]] Final stress: [-8.17435794e-02 -2.33645888e-01 -1.94062988e-02 1.08285951e-03 3.80650003e-12 7.12537358e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.82624341e-11 2.04580017e-02 -3.96627304e-03] [ 4.86486133e-12 -2.27132736e-02 -1.63274743e-02] [ 6.44527465e-12 -2.77006967e-02 7.15600612e-03] [ 6.95643716e-12 2.99559686e-02 1.31377412e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.48160734e-02 1.29492963e-01 1.62411530e-01 -1.07306007e-03 2.87574329e-12 6.29092995e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.36599514e-11 2.46314349e-02 -1.88323268e-03] [-2.19736328e-11 -2.55327125e-02 -6.60155915e-02] [ 1.98595754e-11 -2.59114389e-02 3.58523516e-02] [-7.15380880e-11 2.68127166e-02 3.20464725e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.54436113e-02 1.10771564e-01 -1.42790399e-01 -1.26196326e-03 -9.20935092e-12 -5.09182721e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.00522896e-11 -1.74712202e-02 -3.62544335e-02] [-5.02089277e-12 2.13951975e-02 -1.00807550e-01] [ 5.24064711e-12 2.88796904e-02 6.33191599e-02] [-3.02602682e-11 -3.28036678e-02 7.37428232e-02]] Final stress: [-2.91271624e-02 -1.03916612e-01 1.41912495e-01 8.07241523e-04 -4.59688947e-12 -1.90341919e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.18859384e-11 -2.26023824e-02 -2.89486533e-02] [-5.76444274e-12 2.44689514e-02 -1.77340749e-02] [ 1.52453766e-12 2.71997225e-02 1.92504628e-02] [-1.76552696e-11 -2.90662915e-02 2.74322653e-02]] Final stress: [-5.00523030e-02 -1.25583409e-01 -1.62353050e-01 1.12112914e-03 -3.07701530e-12 -1.26545009e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.64779822e-12 3.99431795e-01 -4.08953814e-01] [-4.32688173e-13 -4.15623111e-01 7.45372387e-01] [ 3.08944276e-13 -1.28174431e+00 -1.30410568e+00] [-1.53001396e-12 1.29793563e+00 9.67687110e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.60433440e-02 7.90954033e-02 5.63039540e-02 -1.18341563e-01 -2.25881643e-13 -1.04299167e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.22555178e-12 -5.73534063e-01 -7.64103446e-02] [ 5.67480958e-13 4.28326460e-01 2.79121071e-01] [-2.55067668e-13 9.37022148e-01 -5.30110297e-01] [ 9.17444939e-13 -7.91814545e-01 3.27399570e-01]] Final stress: [2.53426814e-02 1.40827722e-01 3.51848715e-02 1.34713710e-01 1.20731844e-13 8.32460078e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.92434740e-12 8.47223094e-01 4.67512082e-01] [ 7.90873443e-14 -3.04851709e-01 -3.18573869e-01] [ 5.70872559e-13 -1.50706070e+00 6.18726451e-01] [ 2.30087130e-12 9.64689316e-01 -7.67664664e-01]] Final stress: [-5.14442278e-05 -1.44567924e-01 2.31584616e-02 -2.29802903e-01 5.73061871e-13 1.23372728e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.57166023e-12 -7.84659591e-01 1.05351456e-02] [-1.91128363e-13 3.78980034e-01 9.33572361e-01] [ 3.82580903e-13 2.35104292e+00 2.20571728e-01] [-1.75106717e-12 -1.94536336e+00 -1.16467923e+00]] Final stress: [-1.23431986e-01 -2.72751729e-02 1.00740165e-01 2.39425315e-01 -2.46203499e-13 -1.06455916e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.51104632 0.09796539 -0.1876684 ] [-0.44033876 -0.00790351 0.5885129 ] [-0.96714107 0.00328739 -0.91479419] [ 0.89643351 -0.09334927 0.5139497 ]] Final stress: [ 0.03767654 0.12436995 0.04352103 -0.0181639 -0.12141217 0.02602634] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.51104632 0.09796539 -0.1876684 ] [ 0.44033875 -0.00790351 0.5885129 ] [ 0.96714107 0.00328739 -0.91479419] [-0.89643351 -0.09334927 0.51394969]] Final stress: [ 0.03767654 0.12436995 0.04352103 -0.0181639 0.12141217 -0.02602634] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.62462773 -0.072112 0.2618994 ] [-0.41017559 0.02856719 0.07228259] [-1.02350493 -0.02191998 0.34411613] [ 0.80905279 0.06546478 -0.67829812]] Final stress: [-0.03464864 -0.12280916 0.0171608 0.0054511 -0.14569985 0.02132859] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.62462773 -0.072112 0.2618994 ] [ 0.41017559 0.02856719 0.07228258] [ 1.02350493 -0.02191998 0.34411613] [-0.80905279 0.06546478 -0.67829811]] Final stress: [-0.03464864 -0.12280916 0.0171608 0.0054511 0.14569985 -0.02132859] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01673034 0.02664545 -0.02437268] [ 0.02370094 -0.01241025 -0.01682358] [ 0.02146202 -0.01050353 0.0166553 ] [-0.02843263 -0.00373167 0.02454095]] Final stress: [ 4.40208474e-02 1.20646655e-01 1.10297656e-02 -3.38452912e-03 1.85252615e-05 7.47905495e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01673016 0.02664536 -0.02437415] [-0.02370116 -0.01241036 -0.01682181] [-0.02146179 -0.01050341 0.0166538 ] [ 0.02843279 -0.00373159 0.02454216]] Final stress: [ 4.40208456e-02 1.20646657e-01 1.10297971e-02 -3.38448728e-03 -1.84406940e-05 -7.47905529e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00481392 0.01897709 -0.00861429] [ 0.00232619 0.00077464 0.00172963] [ 0.04066496 0.02041504 0.01115421] [-0.04780508 -0.04016678 -0.00426955]] Final stress: [-0.0426078 -0.11497714 -0.00858524 -0.00278658 0.00064755 0.07401468] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00481397 0.01897712 -0.00861413] [-0.00232624 0.00077467 0.00172947] [-0.04066491 0.02041502 0.01115427] [ 0.04780513 -0.04016681 -0.00426961]] Final stress: [-0.0426078 -0.11497714 -0.00858524 -0.00278659 -0.00064753 -0.07401468] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.86866148e-13 1.20764647e+00 2.00270140e+00] [ 1.51566802e-12 -9.81737662e-01 2.09305453e+00] [ 9.85278482e-13 -3.58061433e+00 -5.68737783e+00] [-2.30923614e-12 3.35470552e+00 1.59162190e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.22551946e-01 -1.49064684e-01 4.41712537e-01 -3.26428684e-01 -1.40741044e-13 -2.54609829e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-9.90546078e-12 -1.28817397e+00 2.05312349e+00] [ 6.55797682e-13 1.13545072e+00 2.18401356e+00] [ 1.67817409e-12 3.43629966e+00 -5.71018302e+00] [ 7.56265623e-12 -3.28357641e+00 1.47304598e+00]] Final stress: [-1.23254204e-01 9.83911306e-02 4.47356090e-01 3.30310162e-01 1.80836776e-12 4.28699541e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.74937061e-12 1.64188740e+00 2.47351654e-01] [-1.58265870e-12 -9.63053320e-01 2.35770859e+00] [ 1.85131641e-12 -4.11192451e+00 3.78638302e+00] [-2.00802916e-12 3.43309043e+00 -6.39144327e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.37447928e-01 -1.49386971e-01 2.19272499e-01 -2.13249516e-01 8.17000762e-14 -2.14692548e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.08383135e-12 -1.76515338e+00 1.64188601e-01] [ 1.78750114e-12 1.10797743e+00 2.50868019e+00] [-1.37274220e-12 3.96397219e+00 3.77837768e+00] [-8.50163343e-12 -3.30679624e+00 -6.45124648e+00]] Final stress: [-1.14629989e-01 1.06975711e-01 2.24850101e-01 2.24404201e-01 -1.84060342e-12 -3.68298756e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.23846874 0.05817706 2.02164408] [-1.06489979 -0.05308531 2.13459603] [-3.4907692 0.0553019 -5.69468433] [ 3.31720024 -0.06039365 1.53844422]] Final stress: [-0.02632959 -0.00769027 0.44395549 -0.01076937 -0.32944777 0.12360602] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.23846873 0.05817706 2.02164409] [ 1.06489978 -0.05308531 2.13459603] [ 3.49076921 0.0553019 -5.69468435] [-3.31720026 -0.06039366 1.53844422]] Final stress: [-0.02632959 -0.00769027 0.44395549 -0.01076937 0.32944777 -0.12360602] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.69377288 0.07070422 0.22759007] [-1.04060556 -0.05182389 2.45715888] [-4.02586105 0.06169446 3.75847751] [ 3.37269373 -0.08057479 -6.44322646]] Final stress: [-0.02187491 0.00610973 0.22214581 -0.01413688 -0.21666784 0.12769227] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.69377288 0.07070422 0.22759006] [ 1.04060556 -0.05182389 2.45715888] [ 4.02586105 0.06169446 3.75847752] [-3.37269373 -0.08057479 -6.44322646]] Final stress: [-0.02187491 0.00610973 0.22214581 -0.01413688 0.21666784 -0.12769227] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00853525 0.0521909 0.06229266] [ 0.01829915 0.00317968 -0.01128718] [ 0.0457207 -0.00422481 -0.01919454] [-0.0554846 -0.05114577 -0.03181094]] Final stress: [ 0.00840897 0.01293889 0.15264979 -0.01073694 0.00054235 0.07373363] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00853542 0.05219106 0.06229271] [-0.01829896 0.00317967 -0.01128723] [-0.045721 -0.0042248 -0.01919368] [ 0.05548453 -0.05114593 -0.03181181]] Final stress: [ 0.00840896 0.0129389 0.15264979 -0.01073697 -0.00054243 -0.07373362] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0538729 0.09932252 0.01222112] [ 0.05222833 0.00196749 -0.08154341] [ 0.04910933 -0.00387884 0.03296959] [-0.04746476 -0.09741118 0.0363527 ]] Final stress: [-0.01212217 -0.00242109 -0.15318469 -0.01960629 0.00312345 0.07602481] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0538727 0.09932174 0.01222103] [-0.05222802 0.00196753 -0.0815429 ] [-0.04910917 -0.00387886 0.03296932] [ 0.04746448 -0.09741041 0.03635255]] Final stress: [-0.01212213 -0.00242114 -0.15318468 -0.01960615 -0.00312346 -0.07602481] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.22116553e-12 1.77599396e+00 -3.68857246e-01] [-2.59372602e-13 -1.12978118e+00 4.04163007e+00] [ 1.61928717e-12 -4.25272316e+00 9.29941987e-01] [-2.55194824e-12 3.60651037e+00 -4.60271481e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.47976691e-01 -1.45064832e-01 4.86582840e-01 -2.76984427e-01 -1.33280882e-13 -1.54017762e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.70942123e-16 -2.37935207e+00 -6.45367543e-01] [ 2.28131316e-14 1.09074245e+00 4.44077093e+00] [-1.23037431e-14 4.34069217e+00 1.05719080e+00] [-1.07548519e-14 -3.05208255e+00 -4.85259419e+00]] Final stress: [-9.35852696e-02 1.05564415e-01 4.98877866e-01 4.19718940e-01 -8.27927684e-15 1.72162532e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.56699994 0.5094431 2.45278765] [-0.49682021 -0.52420576 -2.51449922] [-0.90257051 -0.87402336 1.76832737] [ 0.83239078 0.88878602 -1.7066158 ]] Final stress: [ 0.02320842 -0.01478536 -0.00376188 -0.1070521 -0.12861777 0.01747538] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.56699994 0.5094431 2.45278765] [ 0.49682021 -0.52420576 -2.51449922] [ 0.90257051 -0.87402336 1.76832737] [-0.83239078 0.88878602 -1.7066158 ]] Final stress: [ 0.02320842 -0.01478536 -0.00376188 -0.1070521 0.12861777 -0.01747538] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.45883958 -0.51080662 2.37817406] [-0.53940305 0.50378338 -2.46567378] [-0.85958017 0.88693613 1.71233239] [ 0.94014365 -0.87991289 -1.62483267]] Final stress: [-0.01319315 0.02562349 -0.00158205 0.11332205 -0.0950646 0.02110869] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.45883958 -0.51080662 2.37817406] [ 0.53940305 0.50378338 -2.46567378] [ 0.85958017 0.88693613 1.71233239] [-0.94014365 -0.87991289 -1.62483268]] Final stress: [-0.01319315 0.02562349 -0.00158205 0.11332205 0.0950646 -0.02110869] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-9.20877549e-02 4.72710613e-01 2.36447957e+00] [ 8.50826999e-03 -4.53772459e-01 -2.30678127e+00] [ 1.54285657e-03 -7.42613065e-01 4.10083817e-01] [ 8.20366283e-02 7.23674910e-01 -4.67782120e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.01476023 -0.01566451 -0.03273995 -0.1111423 0.01665776 0.08002488] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.20877536e-02 4.72710614e-01 2.36447958e+00] [-8.50826979e-03 -4.53772461e-01 -2.30678127e+00] [-1.54285673e-03 -7.42613062e-01 4.10083816e-01] [-8.20366271e-02 7.23674909e-01 -4.67782125e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.01476023 -0.01566451 -0.03273995 -0.1111423 -0.01665776 -0.08002488] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11043716 -0.54464356 2.41112068] [ 0.03240797 0.45518482 -2.36182514] [-0.03015794 0.74601432 0.43639375] [ 0.10818712 -0.65655558 -0.48568929]] Final stress: [-0.01206183 0.00830709 -0.03492552 0.12815927 0.01318906 0.08297941] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.11043716 -0.54464356 2.41112068] [-0.03240797 0.45518482 -2.36182514] [ 0.03015794 0.74601432 0.43639375] [-0.10818712 -0.65655558 -0.48568929]] Final stress: [-0.01206183 0.00830709 -0.03492552 0.12815927 -0.01318906 -0.08297941] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.31652768 0.14210952 -0.43587955] [-1.02775175 -0.06745906 5.48383368] [-5.14675738 0.08218039 0.96575157] [ 3.85798146 -0.15683085 -6.0137057 ]] Final stress: [-0.02594937 0.02095964 0.65026554 -0.03651541 -0.38047426 0.15732903] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.31652768 0.14210952 -0.43587955] [ 1.02775175 -0.06745906 5.48383368] [ 5.14675738 0.08218039 0.96575157] [-3.85798146 -0.15683085 -6.0137057 ]] Final stress: [-0.02594937 0.02095964 0.65026554 -0.03651541 0.38047426 -0.15732903] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.53474259 0.01832278 -1.30196217] [-1.11510459 -0.00325299 2.46658029] [-2.4782108 0.01621684 -3.05563212] [ 2.0585728 -0.03128663 1.891014 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00929407 0.01600638 0.21341516 -0.00641898 -0.25998105 0.1268593 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.98046882 1.34280364 10.87207638] [ -1.26125235 -0.36298671 0.1941072 ] [ -6.98153912 0.34443154 -0.90331895] [ 11.22326029 -1.32424847 -10.16286462]] Final stress: [-0.10920462 0.0114305 0.80363985 -0.13179635 0.24525998 0.46200478] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.98046885 1.34280365 10.87207646] [ 1.26125236 -0.3629867 0.1941072 ] [ 6.98153911 0.34443154 -0.90331897] [-11.22326032 -1.32424848 -10.16286468]] Final stress: [-0.10920462 0.0114305 0.80363985 -0.13179635 -0.24525999 -0.46200478] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.5347426 0.01832278 -1.30196217] [ 1.1151046 -0.00325298 2.4665803 ] [ 2.47821079 0.01621684 -3.05563214] [-2.05857279 -0.03128663 1.89101401]] Final stress: [ 0.00929407 0.01600638 0.21341516 -0.00641898 0.25998105 -0.12685929] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02298707 0.02729064 -0.0016619 ] [ 0.02242422 0.01313752 -0.00573095] [ 0.02645113 -0.01378307 0.0155995 ] [-0.02588827 -0.02664509 -0.00820665]] Final stress: [ 1.13505142e-03 1.02989369e-04 1.32536428e-03 -8.24143418e-03 1.91797584e-03 1.51360341e-01] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02298709 0.02729064 -0.00166179] [-0.02242419 0.01313752 -0.00573118] [-0.02645115 -0.01378307 0.01560035] [ 0.02588826 -0.02664509 -0.00820738]] Final stress: [ 1.13505263e-03 1.02989999e-04 1.32536083e-03 -8.24143384e-03 -1.91798284e-03 -1.51360341e-01] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.91390479e-11 -2.56082165e-02 -3.40010607e-02] [-6.85981220e-14 2.62237392e-02 -2.80049371e-02] [ 1.30504158e-12 2.47694230e-02 2.58837231e-02] [ 3.79150201e-11 -2.53849457e-02 3.61222747e-02]] Final stress: [1.49880184e-01 5.59908043e-02 1.33303738e-02 1.30555305e-03 7.54636332e-12 2.02861079e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.80325580e-11 1.45060742e-02 -3.30230803e-02] [-3.34541247e-11 -1.90252330e-02 -2.47556549e-02] [ 4.17198671e-11 -3.18724999e-02 2.98820567e-02] [-4.63087207e-11 3.63916587e-02 2.78966786e-02]] Final stress: [-1.44705461e-01 -5.09997098e-02 -1.14272276e-02 -8.08423436e-04 6.76773177e-13 -4.40800799e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.62431195e-11 -2.30235562e-02 -3.61159543e-03] [ 1.19112430e-11 2.44950037e-02 8.94437948e-04] [-1.36687747e-11 2.65828440e-02 -8.57747011e-03] [-6.44842998e-11 -2.80542915e-02 1.12946276e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.90896572e-02 -4.49833458e-02 1.28638205e-03 1.21047585e-03 -1.54331519e-11 -2.77928003e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.69622926e-11 1.24255160e-02 2.02241287e-03] [ 4.18533806e-12 -1.81074380e-02 5.20168513e-03] [-2.14878245e-12 -3.25994122e-02 -1.22772552e-02] [ 2.49341953e-11 3.82813343e-02 5.05315722e-03]] Final stress: [-4.44674757e-02 4.82537626e-02 1.33391632e-03 -6.12541138e-04 4.30782989e-12 1.57882512e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.40383363e-12 -2.22345734e-02 1.03725175e-02] [-2.63606584e-11 2.40523753e-02 -1.65485243e-02] [ 4.10059447e-11 2.65923959e-02 2.36989937e-03] [-9.24368568e-12 -2.84101978e-02 3.80610752e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.17174430e-02 3.50831175e-02 1.02068206e-01 1.07667395e-03 7.63471821e-12 -2.00676798e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.61659703e-11 -2.39746405e-02 -1.46768823e-02] [-2.90032757e-11 2.51928557e-02 -2.17972366e-02] [ 4.80128474e-11 2.61535033e-02 1.59511015e-02] [ 4.71758986e-11 -2.73717186e-02 2.05230174e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.99828277e-02 2.31101186e-02 -8.83208321e-02 1.16581938e-03 2.00546654e-11 8.63132848e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.15424172e-11 2.13501697e-02 -2.37626385e-02] [-2.71680733e-11 -2.36311881e-02 -5.64770265e-02] [ 2.66962893e-11 -2.70472967e-02 3.58546058e-02] [-2.10610973e-11 2.93283151e-02 4.43850592e-02]] Final stress: [-6.42142926e-02 -1.72771271e-02 8.93739286e-02 -1.00613375e-03 2.03248248e-12 -2.66983123e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.10517609e-11 2.42747834e-02 -1.51601862e-03] [-1.92822284e-11 -2.54205939e-02 -2.55121458e-02] [-6.88729043e-12 -2.60113385e-02 1.14622707e-02] [-2.48660970e-11 2.71571491e-02 1.55658936e-02]] Final stress: [-7.77101839e-02 -3.03418023e-02 -1.01038978e-01 -1.17769851e-03 -6.54367557e-12 -2.39081319e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.97002137e-13 3.39186165e-01 -9.59611801e-02] [ 1.69691279e-12 -2.71455670e-01 2.71682271e-01] [-1.19252004e-12 -5.83587402e-01 -4.48177798e-01] [-7.12216744e-13 5.15856908e-01 2.72456707e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.17143468e-02 1.41505974e-02 1.77592313e-02 -8.02595096e-02 -4.03135199e-13 6.21100470e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.03959982e-13 -2.44853369e-01 -2.17755864e-01] [-2.90479446e-13 2.79766878e-01 4.90446585e-01] [ 7.04904234e-13 7.83885608e-01 -8.15344790e-01] [-1.04599922e-13 -8.18799117e-01 5.42654068e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.72514774e-02 5.77381303e-02 2.59216548e-02 7.08549502e-02 1.33250415e-13 -1.89308020e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.72716311e-12 2.89326550e-01 1.92664636e-02] [-2.76851025e-14 -2.60265784e-01 1.65614430e-01] [ 4.94471651e-13 -8.17804201e-01 1.36139089e-01] [-3.20160218e-12 7.88743435e-01 -3.21019982e-01]] Final stress: [-4.03902123e-02 -5.47284209e-02 9.34153616e-03 -8.08497185e-02 -5.03210916e-13 -1.72903766e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.61236649e-12 -4.11354822e-01 2.04899238e-01] [-9.50072269e-13 2.67560083e-01 -4.45898976e-02] [ 1.64222910e-12 6.09293824e-01 3.04245511e-01] [-2.32123175e-12 -4.65499085e-01 -4.64554851e-01]] Final stress: [-8.23779086e-02 -1.42407222e-02 3.82856714e-04 9.53173093e-02 -6.58330848e-14 -1.78941368e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.32459466 -0.05755458 -0.17953226] [-0.27629021 0.02318169 0.34257686] [-0.60656965 -0.0212288 -0.57070412] [ 0.5582652 0.05560168 0.40765952]] Final stress: [ 0.07986333 0.02444002 0.01937159 0.00560676 -0.07767587 0.01602711] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.32459466 -0.05755458 -0.17953225] [ 0.27629021 0.02318169 0.34257685] [ 0.60656965 -0.0212288 -0.57070413] [-0.5582652 0.05560168 0.40765952]] Final stress: [ 0.07986333 0.02444002 0.01937159 0.00560676 0.07767587 -0.01602711] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.3559046 0.05711693 0.04684017] [-0.27781208 -0.00667923 -0.02527174] [-0.62656584 0.00404262 0.25638955] [ 0.54847332 -0.05448032 -0.27795798]] Final stress: [-0.07431017 -0.019806 0.00177991 -0.00999225 -0.08307833 0.01545397] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.3559046 0.05711693 0.04684017] [ 0.27781207 -0.00667923 -0.02527174] [ 0.62656585 0.00404262 0.25638955] [-0.54847333 -0.05448032 -0.27795798]] Final stress: [-0.07431017 -0.019806 0.00177991 -0.00999225 0.08307833 -0.01545397] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02432976 -0.00103613 -0.04060232] [ 0.0216433 0.01054327 -0.03672623] [ 0.02390186 0.01202383 0.02967104] [-0.0212154 -0.02153097 0.0476575 ]] Final stress: [ 0.0763545 0.03018467 0.00702423 -0.00114547 0.00186386 0.04731887] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02433015 -0.00103632 -0.04060274] [-0.02164288 0.01054306 -0.03672559] [-0.0239023 0.01202405 0.02966977] [ 0.02121503 -0.02153078 0.04765856]] Final stress: [ 0.0763545 0.03018468 0.00702424 -0.00114538 -0.00186403 -0.04731886] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01297703 0.01786003 -0.04113969] [ 0.02009851 -0.01038693 -0.04485746] [ 0.02531009 -0.01252513 0.03944606] [-0.03243157 0.00505204 0.04655109]] Final stress: [-7.09190525e-02 -2.30105257e-02 -5.50163586e-03 -2.12903035e-03 3.97047823e-05 4.67319900e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01297759 0.0178603 -0.04114084] [-0.02009786 -0.01038661 -0.04485628] [-0.02531076 -0.01252547 0.0394462 ] [ 0.03243103 0.00505177 0.04655093]] Final stress: [-7.09190460e-02 -2.30105273e-02 -5.50161380e-03 -2.12915683e-03 -3.99592230e-05 -4.67319823e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.10322973e-11 2.11697231e-02 -4.45406018e-02] [ 2.85612723e-12 -2.32534745e-02 -4.34849605e-02] [-8.60781021e-12 -2.76576402e-02 3.40616832e-02] [-4.52590760e-11 2.97413916e-02 5.39638792e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.65701978e-02 1.50119026e-01 1.31201578e-02 -1.12556341e-03 -1.06651485e-11 -2.26377562e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.46303064e-12 -2.24765393e-02 -4.29237286e-02] [ 2.51464583e-12 2.44244043e-02 -4.15867497e-02] [-4.75271276e-12 2.67080986e-02 3.68096508e-02] [-2.23566998e-12 -2.86559636e-02 4.77008275e-02]] Final stress: [-5.00946385e-02 -1.44772231e-01 -1.16605771e-02 1.12496184e-03 -1.53323196e-12 2.59791076e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.80988617e-11 2.21972960e-02 -2.40007627e-03] [ 1.95320058e-11 -2.39209775e-02 -1.02399594e-02] [-2.53948416e-11 -2.67336630e-02 4.43082224e-03] [-3.22509658e-11 2.84573445e-02 8.20921347e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.51644087e-02 8.18897705e-02 1.02209599e-01 -1.09596158e-03 -1.19622067e-11 -6.13369179e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.99721401e-12 2.48583758e-02 -2.55763919e-04] [-4.51809293e-12 -2.56968772e-02 -3.96433630e-02] [ 5.75738112e-12 -2.56230572e-02 2.14063690e-02] [ 4.76691950e-12 2.64615586e-02 1.84927579e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.29896975e-02 7.01274226e-02 -8.86428397e-02 -1.22135068e-03 2.22867014e-12 1.43146192e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.39119505e-11 -2.03710511e-02 -2.26992241e-02] [ 6.89564009e-12 2.30634112e-02 -6.37395828e-02] [ 7.63184177e-12 2.75793333e-02 3.98536757e-02] [-4.84598108e-11 -3.02716935e-02 4.65851312e-02]] Final stress: [-1.73284548e-02 -6.39881074e-02 8.92576607e-02 9.48428687e-04 -7.42011826e-12 -2.23439599e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.51919587e-11 -2.35441802e-02 -1.82749341e-02] [-3.69747559e-11 2.50133625e-02 -1.09346071e-02] [ 3.29941486e-11 2.64231593e-02 1.20692994e-02] [-3.11956103e-11 -2.78923416e-02 1.71402418e-02]] Final stress: [-3.03864154e-02 -7.75186835e-02 -1.00759126e-01 1.12767849e-03 1.48681006e-12 -3.75976872e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.97047846e-13 2.54895624e-01 -2.73324516e-01] [ 5.50885292e-13 -2.63122859e-01 4.32137649e-01] [-7.66128480e-13 -7.94316579e-01 -7.65017830e-01] [-1.74324097e-13 8.02543814e-01 6.06204697e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.21767112e-02 4.64072166e-02 2.49879372e-02 -7.50755414e-02 -2.08954286e-13 2.29335354e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.85961229e-12 -3.81485182e-01 -1.62724796e-01] [-1.28552637e-12 2.64878596e-01 2.10950978e-01] [ 1.72928859e-12 5.94627479e-01 -3.96294890e-01] [-2.30658765e-12 -4.78020893e-01 3.48068707e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.02841414e-02 8.97281395e-02 1.70638960e-02 9.07440372e-02 -5.32150839e-14 -1.94142239e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.48582015e-12 3.63305381e-01 1.14486844e-01] [-2.99579805e-13 -2.76317969e-01 -1.33808544e-01] [ 1.16930727e-12 -5.97899777e-01 3.72576968e-01] [-2.34147771e-12 5.10912365e-01 -3.53255268e-01]] Final stress: [-7.05474858e-03 -8.39210268e-02 -7.26344219e-04 -8.35939239e-02 -1.70949286e-13 -1.43470456e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.90974924e-13 -2.80219564e-01 -4.02711758e-02] [-1.08546809e-12 2.78651924e-01 1.07271354e-01] [ 1.49863824e-12 8.08272768e-01 1.84822034e-01] [-1.18759169e-12 -8.06705128e-01 -2.51822212e-01]] Final stress: [-5.01665278e-02 -4.11689201e-02 8.89586368e-03 7.68802972e-02 1.10341049e-13 -1.29402069e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.34878281 0.05468226 -0.19794928] [-0.26554506 -0.00611923 0.32740744] [-0.62087335 0.00340552 -0.55919444] [ 0.53763559 -0.05196854 0.42973629]] Final stress: [ 0.02583278 0.07960595 0.01922216 -0.00969363 -0.08498125 0.01555669] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.34878281 0.05468225 -0.19794929] [ 0.26554506 -0.00611923 0.32740744] [ 0.62087335 0.00340552 -0.55919443] [-0.53763559 -0.05196854 0.42973628]] Final stress: [ 0.02583278 0.07960595 0.01922216 -0.00969363 0.08498125 -0.01555669] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.38693781 -0.04737715 0.12104466] [-0.26306855 0.01534358 0.05219778] [-0.64065332 -0.01345031 0.19677979] [ 0.51678406 0.04548387 -0.37002223]] Final stress: [-0.02251659 -0.07637789 0.00268354 0.00526343 -0.0920975 0.01454732] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.38693781 -0.04737715 0.12104465] [ 0.26306855 0.01534358 0.05219779] [ 0.64065331 -0.01345031 0.1967798 ] [-0.51678406 0.04548387 -0.37002224]] Final stress: [-0.02251659 -0.07637789 0.00268354 0.00526343 0.0920975 -0.01454732] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01893157 0.02088555 -0.01617122] [ 0.02357185 -0.01212344 -0.01032276] [ 0.02186731 -0.01080434 0.01006275] [-0.0265076 0.00204223 0.01643123]] Final stress: [ 0.02841656 0.07650945 0.00735931 -0.00230943 0.00039145 0.04691081] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01893185 0.02088569 -0.01617102] [-0.02357154 -0.01212328 -0.01032291] [-0.02186764 -0.01080451 0.01006247] [ 0.02650732 0.00204209 0.01643146]] Final stress: [ 0.02841657 0.07650945 0.00735931 -0.0023095 -0.00039157 -0.04691081] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00478433 0.00845346 -0.00271396] [ 0.00969789 0.00458072 -0.0010037 ] [ 0.03483762 0.01748735 0.00906869] [-0.03975118 -0.03052153 -0.00535102]] Final stress: [-0.02583306 -0.07070386 -0.00494297 -0.0016337 0.00079064 0.04598856] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00478408 0.00845359 -0.00271371] [-0.00969819 0.00458087 -0.00100397] [-0.03483731 0.0174872 0.00906874] [ 0.03975142 -0.03052165 -0.00535106]] Final stress: [-0.02583306 -0.07070386 -0.00494297 -0.00163376 -0.00079053 -0.04598856] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.10360591e-12 7.99179639e-01 1.03109162e+00] [ 1.57407551e-12 -6.75897339e-01 8.05300959e-01] [ 2.96419139e-13 -2.24713448e+00 -3.30553579e+00] [ 1.24416449e-12 2.12385218e+00 1.46914321e+00]] Final stress: [ 7.66837626e-02 -8.47784723e-02 2.07009525e-01 -1.96031378e-01 3.54135555e-13 1.65291620e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.13227559e-12 -8.30461395e-01 1.05094766e+00] [ 8.05584982e-13 7.34035614e-01 8.27868276e-01] [-9.36927836e-13 2.19287200e+00 -3.31320128e+00] [ 1.25694203e-12 -2.09644622e+00 1.43438534e+00]] Final stress: [-7.13087317e-02 6.76468005e-02 2.09983603e-01 1.97940461e-01 3.95245754e-14 1.11612451e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.34009901e-12 1.00866945e+00 -1.55617999e-01] [-2.81427963e-12 -7.03221998e-01 1.04505807e+00] [ 1.71897956e-12 -2.55672494e+00 2.69513848e+00] [-6.25009766e-12 2.25127748e+00 -3.58457855e+00]] Final stress: [ 8.73279826e-02 -8.29494668e-02 5.52749926e-02 -1.54008624e-01 -7.55454966e-13 -5.09596841e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.15324102e-12 -1.05141050e+00 -1.67341436e-01] [ 4.82747739e-12 7.63030773e-01 1.10591012e+00] [-5.66011409e-12 2.48932882e+00 2.66796200e+00] [ 1.97864641e-12 -2.20094909e+00 -3.60653069e+00]] Final stress: [-7.50612376e-02 7.80213487e-02 5.64869521e-02 1.55403328e-01 -8.70846702e-13 3.58250411e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.81078674 0.02319597 1.02530996] [-0.70756787 -0.01938913 0.80113269] [-2.21295587 0.02514206 -3.29336834] [ 2.109737 -0.0289489 1.46692569]] Final stress: [-0.00793519 0.00078865 0.20945897 -0.00458377 -0.19527491 0.07549933] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.81078672 0.02319597 1.02530997] [ 0.70756784 -0.01938913 0.80113268] [ 2.21295589 0.02514207 -3.29336827] [-2.10973702 -0.0289489 1.46692563]] Final stress: [-0.00793519 0.00078865 0.20945897 -0.00458377 0.19527491 -0.07549933] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.04207726 0.02742147 -0.20320478] [-0.72769172 -0.02128867 1.03681982] [-2.53046877 0.02892393 2.72217147] [ 2.21608324 -0.03505673 -3.5557865 ]] Final stress: [-0.00071936 0.00444145 0.05431551 -0.00529289 -0.15776213 0.08020294] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.04207723 0.02742147 -0.20320481] [ 0.72769169 -0.02128867 1.03681985] [ 2.53046881 0.02892393 2.72217144] [-2.21608327 -0.03505673 -3.55578648]] Final stress: [-0.00071936 0.00444145 0.05431551 -0.00529289 0.15776213 -0.08020294] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00884374 0.04867359 0.03815027] [ 0.01476109 -0.00224443 -0.00569615] [ 0.03139838 0.00135973 -0.01240473] [-0.03731573 -0.04778889 -0.02004939]] Final stress: [ 0.00501353 0.01016997 0.0960412 -0.0088358 0.00051403 0.0461194 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00884354 0.0486736 0.03815033] [-0.01476133 -0.00224443 -0.00569614] [-0.03139813 0.00135973 -0.01240506] [ 0.03731592 -0.0477889 -0.02004913]] Final stress: [ 0.00501353 0.01016997 0.0960412 -0.0088358 -0.00051394 -0.04611941] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02478722 0.0495428 0.0035821 ] [ 0.02434379 -0.00243216 -0.03104415] [ 0.02289911 0.00154104 0.01302228] [-0.02245569 -0.04865169 0.01443976]] Final stress: [-0.00648822 -0.00120644 -0.09483609 -0.00898518 0.00142071 0.04745659] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02478752 0.0495428 0.00358201] [-0.02434346 -0.00243216 -0.03104412] [-0.02289946 0.00154104 0.01302266] [ 0.0224554 -0.04865168 0.01443945]] Final stress: [-0.00648822 -0.00120644 -0.09483609 -0.00898518 -0.00142085 -0.04745658] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-1.35747229e-12 1.01907169e+00 5.43848278e+00] [-4.08728607e-13 -1.16682742e+00 -3.91460805e+00] [ 3.77211934e-13 -1.87024987e+00 1.45395881e+00] [ 1.37372752e-12 2.01800560e+00 -2.97783355e+00]] Final stress: [ 2.68805117e-02 -7.02846579e-02 1.98409601e-02 -1.86990317e-01 3.51017821e-13 5.02946288e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-2.52798704e-12 -1.15787891e+00 5.37439354e+00] [ 1.87725053e-12 1.13480485e+00 -3.99974779e+00] [-1.67079241e-13 1.87514311e+00 1.58844614e+00] [ 8.02420630e-13 -1.85206905e+00 -2.96309189e+00]] Final stress: [-5.42044472e-02 1.51307634e-02 1.52731856e-02 2.21690783e-01 1.38000724e-13 1.40167262e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 36 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05405818 -0.01617111 -2.74878887] [ 0.32318082 0.31388097 0.99027854] [ 0.15973957 0.14913919 0.06208378] [-0.42886221 -0.44684904 1.69642654]] Final stress: [ 1.14342887 1.20507267 13.58904954 0.02064962 0.02307935 -0.02930387] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 36 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05405835 -0.01617172 -2.74878941] [-0.3231812 0.31388102 0.99027964] [-0.15973949 0.14913978 0.06208274] [ 0.42886234 -0.44684909 1.69642703]] Final stress: [ 1.14342884 1.20507271 13.58904959 0.02064964 -0.02307937 0.02930388] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.26300729 -0.28721546 2.96851904] [-0.30347967 0.28955404 -2.94820905] [-0.53909756 0.55250855 0.21245656] [ 0.57956994 -0.55484714 -0.23276655]] Final stress: [-0.01548526 0.0122616 -0.0502711 0.07632459 -0.06772821 0.01503101] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.26300729 -0.28721546 2.96851904] [ 0.30347967 0.28955404 -2.94820905] [ 0.53909756 0.55250855 0.21245656] [-0.57956994 -0.55484714 -0.23276655]] Final stress: [-0.01548526 0.0122616 -0.0502711 0.07632459 0.06772821 -0.01503101] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.70463484e+00 1.52690884e+00 5.89808289e+01] [ 2.38262533e-01 -5.51582769e+00 4.49040684e+00] [-3.45877279e-02 -6.34774789e+00 -1.13797434e+01] [ 4.50096004e+00 1.03366667e+01 -5.20914924e+01]] Final stress: [-0.21916455 -1.17637597 3.98993681 -1.4628783 0.52704345 0.32352519] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.70463496e+00 1.52690865e+00 5.89808289e+01] [-2.38262545e-01 -5.51582768e+00 4.49040682e+00] [ 3.45877365e-02 -6.34774792e+00 -1.13797434e+01] [-4.50096015e+00 1.03366669e+01 -5.20914924e+01]] Final stress: [-0.21916453 -1.17637598 3.98993681 -1.46287828 -0.52704346 -0.3235252 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -4.41192442 -2.99590719 55.47088842] [ 0.49481263 7.16276156 3.46276057] [ -0.33850743 5.02433492 -10.69791057] [ 4.25561923 -9.19118929 -48.23573842]] Final stress: [-0.5221308 -0.73523359 3.93223952 1.40984823 0.45764549 0.30077262] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.41192446 -2.99590717 55.47088829] [ -0.49481263 7.16276156 3.46276057] [ 0.33850744 5.02433494 -10.69791056] [ -4.25561926 -9.19118933 -48.23573829]] Final stress: [-0.5221308 -0.73523358 3.93223952 1.40984823 -0.4576455 -0.30077262] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.08389662 0.07671115 5.39666852] [-1.15130472 0.03326975 -3.96137865] [-1.86848476 -0.02821361 1.53263745] [ 1.93589286 -0.08176729 -2.96792731]] Final stress: [-0.02596549 -0.01636584 0.01730709 -0.02440002 -0.20241797 0.04143109] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-1.08389662 0.07671115 5.39666852] [ 1.15130472 0.03326975 -3.96137865] [ 1.86848475 -0.02821361 1.53263745] [-1.93589285 -0.08176729 -2.96792732]] Final stress: [-0.02596549 -0.01636584 0.01730709 -0.02440002 0.20241797 -0.04143109] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.74631539 0.02315833 1.31660268] [ -2.13671954 -0.14534921 9.01205344] [ -5.22726967 0.15874993 -15.58172302] [ 4.61767381 -0.03655905 5.2530669 ]] Final stress: [-0.11691086 -0.04222475 0.7993698 0.00667769 -0.62942969 0.18571553] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.29619056 0.81916379 10.02503592] [-1.13154756 -0.28808908 -1.99791363] [-5.89541085 0.28214526 -0.99771213] [ 9.32314896 -0.81321998 -7.02941016]] Final stress: [-0.08430819 -0.00734543 0.48756086 -0.07116438 0.1213482 0.39662113] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.29619053 0.81916378 10.02503589] [ 1.13154757 -0.28808907 -1.99791369] [ 5.89541083 0.28214526 -0.99771208] [-9.32314892 -0.81321997 -7.02941011]] Final stress: [-0.08430819 -0.00734543 0.48756085 -0.07116438 -0.1213482 -0.39662113] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.7463154 0.02315833 1.31660269] [ 2.13671956 -0.1453492 9.01205344] [ 5.22726964 0.15874993 -15.58172303] [ -4.6176738 -0.03655905 5.2530669 ]] Final stress: [-0.11691086 -0.04222475 0.7993698 0.00667768 0.62942969 -0.18571553] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04862024 0.10871968 -0.00491524] [ 0.05115617 0.01245131 -0.0099412 ] [ 0.0608405 -0.01462057 0.02277801] [-0.06337643 -0.10655042 -0.00792158]] Final stress: [-0.00281896 0.00633885 0.00126235 -0.02376164 0.0028933 0.09404086] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04862069 0.10872203 -0.00491548] [-0.05115694 0.01245137 -0.0099412 ] [-0.0608411 -0.01462067 0.02277768] [ 0.06337735 -0.10655273 -0.00792101]] Final stress: [-0.00281908 0.00633897 0.00126235 -0.02376211 -0.00289328 -0.09404085] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.00218798e-11 -2.53836878e-02 -2.08875342e-02] [ 4.36320828e-11 2.60825793e-02 -1.66917661e-02] [-3.78284552e-11 2.49325574e-02 1.53508201e-02] [ 6.42096272e-11 -2.56314490e-02 2.22284801e-02]] Final stress: [9.46982725e-02 3.58229461e-02 8.81162431e-03 1.24210272e-03 3.74501042e-12 5.90079380e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.66027519e-11 1.84089262e-02 -1.96557539e-02] [-1.25074196e-11 -2.15718636e-02 -1.62663138e-02] [ 1.41570568e-11 -2.94351820e-02 1.93842659e-02] [-8.82489221e-11 3.25981194e-02 1.65378018e-02]] Final stress: [-8.93779556e-02 -3.10581089e-02 -6.68774559e-03 -9.29503172e-04 -1.36969360e-11 -5.46144179e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.21486089e-10 -2.28338888e-02 -1.28494371e-03] [ 3.27103958e-11 2.44384747e-02 1.42606594e-03] [-2.52029294e-11 2.66122990e-02 -6.04675324e-03] [ 1.13976877e-10 -2.82168849e-02 5.90563101e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.14367999e-02 -2.72350733e-02 1.28004612e-03 1.13086271e-03 1.61442583e-11 7.95620007e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.90573379e-11 1.62691742e-02 4.20504785e-03] [ 2.52552415e-11 -2.05672441e-02 5.54686651e-03] [-1.93073034e-11 -3.02978285e-02 -9.98083017e-03] [ 7.31389324e-11 3.45958984e-02 2.28915809e-04]] Final stress: [-2.69174966e-02 3.08101456e-02 1.32573259e-03 -7.43262689e-04 9.66534611e-12 5.36022476e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.32170539e-11 -2.33466340e-02 6.53645452e-03] [ 1.45752620e-11 2.47766158e-02 -1.03235618e-02] [-3.38513200e-11 2.60187664e-02 1.40860248e-03] [-6.39414043e-11 -2.74487482e-02 2.37850483e-03]] Final stress: [ 5.19545680e-02 2.27578061e-02 6.43540451e-02 1.10106760e-03 -2.00371485e-11 -2.57527699e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.49852005e-11 -2.44121862e-02 -8.74227409e-03] [ 3.19345483e-12 2.54744207e-02 -1.30224474e-02] [ 8.46880812e-12 2.57563710e-02 9.54254956e-03] [ 2.33137190e-11 -2.68186056e-02 1.22221720e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.45935280e-02 1.52514141e-02 -5.46804586e-02 1.15565783e-03 6.47071026e-12 1.41602522e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.97452946e-12 2.27801321e-02 -1.45354025e-02] [-4.80781328e-11 -2.44997064e-02 -3.52583184e-02] [ 3.94631524e-11 -2.63352770e-02 2.21762489e-02] [ 1.61875201e-12 2.80548513e-02 2.76174720e-02]] Final stress: [-3.92601626e-02 -9.98923019e-03 5.63682638e-02 -1.05828546e-03 9.20754915e-12 -2.61566758e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.51328263e-11 2.46168404e-02 -9.57979205e-04] [-1.34088222e-11 -2.56214232e-02 -1.54935158e-02] [ 5.90217094e-11 -2.56639327e-02 7.04390729e-03] [-9.07427744e-11 2.66685155e-02 9.40758773e-03]] Final stress: [-4.76874972e-02 -1.81429175e-02 -6.25800016e-02 -1.16527921e-03 -3.62254976e-12 -5.71786991e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.46225913e-13 2.12201818e-01 -1.13130131e-01] [ 5.71381917e-13 -1.67145974e-01 2.10185881e-01] [ 3.72506496e-13 -3.63800993e-01 -3.39056762e-01] [-1.06903375e-12 3.18745149e-01 2.42001012e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.64845985e-02 9.82329331e-03 1.03061073e-02 -5.01685614e-02 -1.17932731e-13 -2.44645630e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.27035275e-12 -1.54993366e-01 -1.59860013e-01] [-5.50274236e-13 1.73396864e-01 3.07856146e-01] [ 2.67205745e-13 4.91174692e-01 -5.20802788e-01] [ 1.58199495e-12 -5.09578191e-01 3.72806655e-01]] Final stress: [2.75224038e-02 3.60310458e-02 1.15290364e-02 4.46600269e-02 3.54494418e-13 5.26423244e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.89948360e-13 1.79776569e-01 -2.25175079e-02] [ 6.82617591e-13 -1.74400624e-01 1.08309520e-01] [-8.35349585e-14 -5.13636916e-01 8.38089217e-02] [-1.08969778e-12 5.08260972e-01 -1.69600934e-01]] Final stress: [-2.31233051e-02 -3.29863904e-02 1.54829817e-03 -5.04801934e-02 -2.22682845e-13 -1.77039537e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.57564369e-12 -2.46369434e-01 5.58431789e-02] [-9.95157082e-13 1.69751732e-01 9.87330475e-03] [ 7.73599500e-13 3.80841022e-01 1.42663019e-01] [ 2.79655812e-12 -3.04223320e-01 -2.08379502e-01]] Final stress: [-5.24681219e-02 -7.06764291e-03 -4.37641902e-04 5.67197677e-02 7.06068501e-13 9.78264370e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.20656861 -0.03643177 -0.13742563] [-0.17512293 0.01280397 0.23940836] [-0.38239815 -0.0115009 -0.39893621] [ 0.35095246 0.0351287 0.29695349]] Final stress: [ 0.05089802 0.01602316 0.00903477 0.00404965 -0.05040439 0.00998871] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.20656861 -0.03643177 -0.13742564] [ 0.17512293 0.01280397 0.23940837] [ 0.38239815 -0.0115009 -0.39893621] [-0.35095246 0.0351287 0.29695348]] Final stress: [ 0.05089802 0.01602316 0.00903477 0.00404965 0.05040439 -0.00998871] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.22270984 0.03571906 -0.00805656] [-0.1785547 -0.00591268 0.02790978] [-0.39384066 0.00432486 0.12623837] [ 0.34968552 -0.03413124 -0.14609159]] Final stress: [-0.04436792 -0.01080916 0.00048699 -0.00576242 -0.05228836 0.0097607 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.22270984 0.03571906 -0.00805655] [ 0.1785547 -0.00591268 0.02790977] [ 0.39384066 0.00432486 0.12623835] [-0.34968552 -0.03413124 -0.14609158]] Final stress: [-0.04436792 -0.01080916 0.00048699 -0.00576242 0.05228836 -0.0097607 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02362085 -0.00479386 -0.02586822] [ 0.02221511 0.01092383 -0.02270659] [ 0.02341465 0.01176189 0.01809515] [-0.02200891 -0.01789186 0.03047966]] Final stress: [ 0.04859831 0.01976049 0.00486133 -0.00053308 0.00154854 0.02957711] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02362122 -0.00479404 -0.02586719] [-0.02221472 0.01092364 -0.02270764] [-0.02341505 0.01176209 0.01809523] [ 0.02200855 -0.01789168 0.03047961]] Final stress: [ 0.04859831 0.01976049 0.00486131 -0.000533 -0.00154871 -0.02957711] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0164968 0.01535613 -0.0212166 ] [ 0.02123535 -0.01082105 -0.03367847] [ 0.0243177 -0.01208552 0.02920686] [-0.02905625 0.00755044 0.02568822]] Final stress: [-0.0434359 -0.01350137 -0.00307223 -0.00152326 0.00040682 0.02918517] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01649663 0.01535605 -0.02121563] [-0.02123552 -0.01082113 -0.03367944] [-0.02431753 -0.01208544 0.0292065 ] [ 0.02905641 0.00755052 0.02568856]] Final stress: [-0.0434359 -0.01350137 -0.00307225 -0.00152322 -0.00040675 -0.02918517] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.41960791e-12 2.26566051e-02 -2.73325321e-02] [ 9.08914502e-12 -2.42511249e-02 -2.62694930e-02] [ 1.28779517e-12 -2.67296674e-02 2.03532643e-02] [-5.96146743e-12 2.83241872e-02 3.32487608e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.62348101e-02 9.47903835e-02 8.68161210e-03 -1.13380892e-03 -7.70599361e-13 1.77379966e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.21617811e-11 -2.35012816e-02 -2.60353778e-02] [ 3.80017372e-12 2.49873108e-02 -2.68547584e-02] [-8.44678711e-13 2.61255665e-02 2.37940139e-02] [-3.51042251e-11 -2.76115957e-02 2.90961223e-02]] Final stress: [-3.04199393e-02 -8.94835939e-02 -6.83397504e-03 1.13720685e-03 -6.89597018e-12 -1.67315198e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.81494700e-10 2.33070829e-02 -1.38467448e-03] [-2.01323225e-11 -2.46734702e-02 -6.41691721e-03] [ 1.79168976e-11 -2.61255923e-02 2.68810947e-03] [-1.79264265e-10 2.74919795e-02 5.11348222e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.28253337e-02 5.20444725e-02 6.44411898e-02 -1.11473567e-03 -3.02268091e-11 -1.07686687e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.21112254e-10 2.50038769e-02 1.56343432e-04] [-1.02742925e-10 -2.58147875e-02 -2.40670529e-02] [ 8.38504481e-11 -2.54069657e-02 1.30132610e-02] [-1.02208662e-10 2.62178763e-02 1.08974485e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.51886223e-02 4.46721398e-02 -5.48797287e-02 -1.19245902e-03 -6.73057861e-13 -1.12827432e-11] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.41002357e-11 -2.21745767e-02 -1.38831971e-02] [-1.69968826e-11 2.41312882e-02 -3.99393882e-02] [ 1.14469567e-11 2.66904686e-02 2.48199612e-02] [ 2.96450451e-11 -2.86471801e-02 2.90026240e-02]] Final stress: [-1.00044840e-02 -3.91311358e-02 5.62935795e-02 1.02689701e-03 8.21898937e-12 6.41410949e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.23957023e-11 -2.41325522e-02 -1.14096707e-02] [-4.94132463e-11 2.53673671e-02 -6.61934201e-03] [ 7.64653946e-11 2.59187891e-02 7.46311661e-03] [ 4.53523191e-11 -2.71536041e-02 1.05658961e-02]] Final stress: [-1.81536042e-02 -4.75787666e-02 -6.24085040e-02 1.12856669e-03 2.62628761e-11 -4.01750758e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.60186100e-12 1.50286286e-01 -1.67576439e-01] [-1.23543797e-12 -1.73487429e-01 2.98621414e-01] [ 7.10229618e-13 -4.87759423e-01 -5.11941250e-01] [-1.09229466e-12 5.10960566e-01 3.80896275e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.58922975e-02 2.81761656e-02 1.13662798e-02 -4.31430039e-02 -5.03795941e-14 -1.25629882e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.82252564e-12 -2.15152376e-01 -1.20590413e-01] [-1.50573781e-13 1.67613176e-01 2.04908180e-01] [-1.36676694e-13 3.64026441e-01 -3.34363783e-01] [ 2.12624883e-12 -3.16487241e-01 2.50046016e-01]] Final stress: [9.97149896e-03 5.67498581e-02 1.02564872e-02 5.08839248e-02 3.68322215e-13 1.07315304e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.39161468e-12 2.31111152e-01 2.51385954e-02] [ 5.94867471e-13 -1.72278076e-01 -2.01755276e-02] [-5.14300408e-13 -3.77288577e-01 1.66442697e-01] [-2.46693811e-12 3.18455502e-01 -1.71405765e-01]] Final stress: [-5.68729284e-03 -5.19260827e-02 -8.12309813e-04 -5.29786905e-02 -5.89996350e-13 -9.42662977e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.35610707e-12 -1.81509311e-01 -3.76914299e-02] [-1.17308723e-13 1.77377828e-01 9.50657997e-02] [-4.48688829e-13 5.14316393e-01 9.62554554e-02] [ 1.92743130e-12 -5.10184911e-01 -1.53629825e-01]] Final stress: [-3.03436591e-02 -2.48433347e-02 1.45073807e-03 5.08688100e-02 2.60470628e-13 9.86971232e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.20424438 0.03547024 -0.13378621] [-0.17511635 -0.00740244 0.24726225] [-0.38064598 0.00787527 -0.40286152] [ 0.35151796 -0.03594306 0.28938548]] Final stress: [ 0.0168294 0.05077229 0.01022238 -0.00505332 -0.04962571 0.01058872] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.20424437 0.03547024 -0.13378623] [ 0.17511635 -0.00740244 0.24726227] [ 0.38064599 0.00787527 -0.40286151] [-0.35151796 -0.03594307 0.28938546]] Final stress: [ 0.0168294 0.05077229 0.01022238 -0.00505332 0.04962571 -0.01058872] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.23094324 -0.03279232 0.01569281] [-0.17457431 0.00999393 0.05198678] [-0.39751369 -0.00870032 0.10711107] [ 0.34114475 0.03149871 -0.17479066]] Final stress: [-0.01102925 -0.04566502 0.00077363 0.00393537 -0.05469714 0.00951407] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.23094325 -0.03279231 0.01569281] [ 0.17457432 0.00999393 0.05198677] [ 0.39751367 -0.00870031 0.10711107] [-0.34114474 0.0314987 -0.17479066]] Final stress: [-0.01102925 -0.04566502 0.00077363 0.00393537 0.05469714 -0.00951407] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0202808 0.0172689 -0.01081018] [ 0.02346269 -0.01193815 -0.0063733 ] [ 0.02208992 -0.01096834 0.00604506] [-0.02527181 0.0056376 0.01113843]] Final stress: [ 0.01861348 0.04874879 0.00506846 -0.00163337 0.00062424 0.02938324] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02028187 0.01726943 -0.01080894] [-0.02346163 -0.01193763 -0.00637444] [-0.02209102 -0.01096889 0.00604508] [ 0.02527078 0.00563709 0.0111383 ]] Final stress: [ 0.01861348 0.04874878 0.00506844 -0.00163359 -0.00062469 -0.02938323] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01103087 0.00141405 0.00380403] [ 0.01451807 0.00708204 -0.00534996] [ 0.03067117 0.01538519 0.00945979] [-0.03415837 -0.02388128 -0.00791386]] Final stress: [-0.01536786 -0.04326069 -0.00271143 -0.00086023 0.00086676 0.02862213] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0110313 0.00141383 0.00380343] [-0.01451759 0.0070818 -0.00534949] [-0.03067166 0.01538544 0.00946073] [ 0.03415795 -0.02388107 -0.00791467]] Final stress: [-0.01536786 -0.04326069 -0.00271142 -0.00086013 -0.00086695 -0.02862213] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.93895029e-12 5.12665840e-01 5.26247613e-01] [ 5.08274651e-12 -4.42835677e-01 2.78654438e-01] [-5.43194786e-12 -1.39742746e+00 -1.91494279e+00] [ 5.28122338e-12 1.32759729e+00 1.11004074e+00]] Final stress: [ 4.97202094e-02 -4.39398370e-02 1.00237082e-01 -1.16753499e-01 -2.32384339e-13 5.91636293e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.95129351e-12 -5.24511255e-01 5.33213489e-01] [-1.01851340e-12 4.63768902e-01 2.83197894e-01] [ 1.68779444e-12 1.36291983e+00 -1.91703670e+00] [ 2.29273371e-12 -1.30217748e+00 1.10062532e+00]] Final stress: [-4.63566860e-02 4.59279809e-02 9.81424685e-02 1.17607083e-01 8.15665935e-13 6.54838026e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.71993626e-12 6.33877305e-01 -2.38248403e-01] [-1.54472767e-12 -4.76414406e-01 4.63750449e-01] [ 1.62387248e-13 -1.61799846e+00 1.86387322e+00] [ 4.11219322e-12 1.46053556e+00 -2.08937526e+00]] Final stress: [ 5.71774264e-02 -4.84579180e-02 5.51925083e-04 -1.06928357e-01 8.42437315e-13 1.30641634e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.61941586e-12 -6.49941046e-01 -2.40893826e-01] [-4.07446624e-12 5.01685180e-01 4.84831712e-01] [ 2.49956566e-12 1.58527275e+00 1.84673987e+00] [ 4.20687096e-12 -1.43701689e+00 -2.09067776e+00]] Final stress: [-4.49913535e-02 5.31604263e-02 9.32783199e-04 1.06291615e-01 1.35513607e-12 1.72589363e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.51500879 0.00889319 0.52492972] [-0.45036734 -0.00663143 0.27806924] [-1.38350143 0.01374567 -1.90979671] [ 1.31885998 -0.01600743 1.10679774]] Final stress: [ 0.00197473 0.00210474 0.10196883 -0.00183701 -0.11590812 0.04547769] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.51500876 0.00889319 0.52492975] [ 0.4503673 -0.00663143 0.27806923] [ 1.38350148 0.01374567 -1.90979671] [-1.31886002 -0.01600743 1.10679773]] Final stress: [ 0.00197473 0.00210474 0.10196883 -0.00183701 0.11590812 -0.0454777 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.64104176 0.00865044 -0.23968129] [-0.48763877 -0.00649301 0.47274861] [-1.60242711 0.01619027 1.85995296] [ 1.44902412 -0.01834769 -2.09302029]] Final stress: [ 0.00295635 0.00291277 0.00054912 -0.00159965 -0.10699446 0.05011337] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.64104175 0.00865044 -0.23968129] [ 0.48763876 -0.00649301 0.47274862] [ 1.60242712 0.01619027 1.85995292] [-1.44902413 -0.01834769 -2.09302025]] Final stress: [ 0.00295635 0.00291277 0.00054912 -0.00159965 0.10699446 -0.05011338] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01531771 0.03222579 0.02453086] [ 0.0193834 -0.00149698 -0.00232834] [ 0.02952029 0.0009138 -0.00875407] [-0.03358598 -0.03164261 -0.01344844]] Final stress: [ 0.00383032 0.00731144 0.0605807 -0.00584917 0.00075732 0.02881206] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01531876 0.03222577 0.02453069] [-0.01938218 -0.00149698 -0.00232836] [-0.02952156 0.0009138 -0.00875212] [ 0.03358497 -0.03164259 -0.01345021]] Final stress: [ 0.00383033 0.00731144 0.06058071 -0.00584917 -0.0007578 -0.02881205] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02548088 0.03254972 0.00162693] [ 0.02552025 -0.00158406 -0.02094892] [ 0.02400272 0.00099877 0.00919369] [-0.0240421 -0.03196443 0.01012829]] Final stress: [-0.00328066 0.00024951 -0.05875761 -0.005902 0.00132643 0.02967049] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02548148 0.03254971 0.00162736] [-0.02551945 -0.00158406 -0.0209488 ] [-0.02400356 0.00099876 0.0091897 ] [ 0.02404153 -0.03196442 0.01013175]] Final stress: [-0.00328067 0.0002495 -0.05875761 -0.005902 -0.00132673 -0.02967047] Minimization converged after 25 steps. Minimization converged after 24 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.69150274 1.55597995 19.56588414] [-3.28069372 -3.08615642 -7.31446252] [-3.5685938 -3.72994477 -5.7704892 ] [ 5.15778478 5.26012124 -6.48093242]] Final stress: [-2.72624723e-04 -2.40000042e-01 9.39997312e-01 -5.11124943e-01 -5.18428132e-01 4.10430668e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.69150273 1.55597994 19.56588409] [ 3.28069371 -3.08615641 -7.31446251] [ 3.56859381 -3.72994478 -5.77048918] [-5.15778479 5.26012125 -6.4809324 ]] Final stress: [-2.72622792e-04 -2.40000042e-01 9.39997312e-01 -5.11124943e-01 5.18428132e-01 -4.10430681e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.25228877 -1.39437449 19.85785359] [-2.94968652 3.13424555 -7.65302326] [-3.8954483 3.71989657 -5.9017498 ] [ 5.59284605 -5.45976763 -6.30308054]] Final stress: [-0.25212304 0.00475497 0.92649946 0.49466571 -0.48328755 0.20624998] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.25228882 -1.39437454 19.85785355] [ 2.94968654 3.13424557 -7.65302331] [ 3.89544829 3.71989656 -5.90174976] [-5.592846 -5.45976759 -6.30308048]] Final stress: [-0.25212303 0.00475496 0.92649946 0.49466572 0.48328756 -0.20624997] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.24533432 0.95965856 2.95020531] [ 0.04619192 -0.89703441 -2.19253873] [-0.02860196 -1.59751461 -1.13599915] [ 0.22774436 1.53489046 0.37833257]] Final stress: [ 0.03133867 -0.04014251 0.02740341 -0.15868619 0.03677126 0.04445544] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.24533433 0.95965855 2.95020544] [-0.04619192 -0.89703441 -2.19253882] [ 0.02860196 -1.59751463 -1.13599918] [-0.22774437 1.53489049 0.37833256]] Final stress: [ 0.03133868 -0.04014252 0.02740341 -0.1586862 -0.03677126 -0.04445544] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.25413504 -0.98786611 2.8980453 ] [ 0.0658247 0.91051187 -2.1555142 ] [-0.05289867 1.55329376 -1.12794174] [ 0.24120901 -1.47593952 0.38541064]] Final stress: [-0.03137556 0.02300218 0.02683551 0.16045297 0.03372815 0.04622487] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.25413504 -0.98786612 2.89804544] [-0.0658247 0.91051188 -2.15551433] [ 0.05289867 1.55329377 -1.12794177] [-0.24120901 -1.47593953 0.38541065]] Final stress: [-0.03137556 0.02300218 0.02683551 0.16045298 -0.03372815 -0.04622487] Minimization converged after 33 steps. Minimization converged after 33 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.61578814 0.00939471 4.49966945] [-1.56768072 -0.03148336 -2.07448719] [-2.66344256 0.04068856 -5.28088275] [ 2.61533515 -0.01859991 2.85570049]] Final stress: [-2.68009391e-02 -9.14332124e-03 1.44237298e-01 2.09607853e-04 -3.22173539e-01 8.62340992e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.11463156 0.28371745 5.19770722] [-0.66225347 -0.1106008 -2.23267288] [-3.78128766 0.11219504 -1.14899581] [ 5.55817269 -0.28531169 -1.81603853]] Final stress: [-0.02292607 -0.00412644 0.15151771 -0.02286364 0.03645968 0.2357513 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.11463157 0.28371745 5.19770713] [ 0.66225345 -0.1106008 -2.23267278] [ 3.78128767 0.11219504 -1.14899583] [-5.55817269 -0.28531169 -1.81603852]] Final stress: [-0.02292607 -0.00412644 0.15151771 -0.02286364 -0.03645968 -0.2357513 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.61578812 0.00939471 4.49966939] [ 1.5676807 -0.03148336 -2.07448713] [ 2.66344257 0.04068856 -5.28088269] [-2.61533514 -0.01859991 2.85570042]] Final stress: [-2.68009388e-02 -9.14332121e-03 1.44237299e-01 2.09607951e-04 3.22173537e-01 -8.62341002e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01893852 0.04993825 -0.00181399] [ 0.02081331 0.00119709 -0.00112956] [ 0.02566937 -0.00214892 0.00041208] [-0.02754416 -0.04898642 0.00253147]] Final stress: [-0.00042755 0.00434251 0.00124252 -0.00987651 0.00111186 0.0588265 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01893865 0.04993825 -0.00181437] [-0.02081313 0.00119709 -0.00112896] [-0.02566956 -0.00214892 0.00041194] [ 0.02754403 -0.04898642 0.00253139]] Final stress: [-0.00042755 0.0043425 0.00124253 -0.00987651 -0.00111193 -0.0588265 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.39960881e-11 -2.52601519e-02 -1.29788959e-02] [-6.19097798e-11 2.59960832e-02 -1.00207007e-02] [ 7.00436280e-11 2.50271730e-02 9.11233152e-03] [-4.21238079e-11 -2.57631043e-02 1.38872650e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.00757747e-02 2.32098500e-02 5.98239241e-03 1.20502946e-03 7.88563937e-12 -5.77333925e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.97032397e-11 2.08350988e-02 -1.06788128e-02] [-5.53955081e-12 -2.31612560e-02 -1.15427650e-02] [ 1.54729456e-11 -2.78764692e-02 1.32398446e-02] [-8.96385136e-11 3.02026265e-02 8.98173315e-03]] Final stress: [-5.49508858e-02 -1.86128419e-02 -3.73641793e-03 -1.00153873e-03 -1.35853918e-11 -5.15563316e-12] Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.63548323e-11 -2.29379768e-02 6.54459376e-04] [ 2.03329823e-12 2.45500281e-02 2.14740586e-03] [-7.53742251e-12 2.64851173e-02 -4.89564534e-03] [-5.08661308e-11 -2.80971686e-02 2.09378010e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.03703628e-02 -1.61827685e-02 1.28276074e-03 1.09052374e-03 -1.14758547e-11 -2.60247484e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.81919798e-12 1.93871096e-02 5.52020545e-03] [-2.01044285e-11 -2.25037456e-02 5.62997602e-03] [ 2.44226861e-12 -2.84502797e-02 -8.42554059e-03] [ 1.08606926e-11 3.15669157e-02 -2.72464088e-03]] Final stress: [-1.60477027e-02 1.99664194e-02 1.32090249e-03 -8.70837622e-04 2.48801593e-12 -5.26004160e-13] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.20829778e-12 1.27997176e-01 -1.07288901e-01] [ 1.17874113e-12 -1.05364580e-01 1.66406419e-01] [-8.68632423e-13 -2.22756021e-01 -2.60268410e-01] [ 1.88824997e-12 2.00123426e-01 2.01150892e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.61437529e-02 9.29304401e-03 7.99809632e-03 -3.02962881e-02 1.68385037e-13 1.69893656e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.10430198e-12 -8.86870439e-02 -1.34383279e-01] [ 4.93064574e-13 1.09093848e-01 2.14821885e-01] [ 3.49830841e-14 2.99488889e-01 -3.52530913e-01] [ 1.56556192e-12 -3.19895693e-01 2.72092307e-01]] Final stress: [1.88372020e-02 2.63559706e-02 9.47331524e-03 2.56620647e-02 3.19130842e-13 1.11366993e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.15820374e-12 1.10284596e-01 -6.64510850e-02] [-4.71179085e-13 -1.12037850e-01 1.04296460e-01] [ 8.77969789e-13 -3.22559954e-01 3.80845678e-02] [-1.56648479e-12 3.24313208e-01 -7.59299431e-02]] Final stress: [-1.49055518e-02 -1.98327049e-02 1.16202473e-03 -3.03425166e-02 -9.69085872e-14 -1.08729539e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.64334388e-12 -1.47025281e-01 -2.66023869e-02] [-8.49738899e-13 1.10928913e-01 5.42205476e-02] [ 5.74844859e-13 2.36489315e-01 5.72253190e-02] [-2.36908583e-12 -2.00392947e-01 -8.48434796e-02]] Final stress: [-3.20118882e-02 -7.47222703e-04 1.59978856e-03 3.33655912e-02 -3.24756946e-13 -1.72458204e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12138511 -0.0230516 -0.11889066] [-0.10233241 0.00738055 0.17603358] [-0.23158182 -0.00653554 -0.28496267] [ 0.21252912 0.02220659 0.22781975]] Final stress: [ 0.03228792 0.01071331 0.00808035 0.00275605 -0.02835269 0.00625795] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12138511 -0.0230516 -0.11889065] [ 0.10233242 0.00738055 0.17603356] [ 0.23158181 -0.00653554 -0.28496268] [-0.21252911 0.02220658 0.22781977]] Final stress: [ 0.03228792 0.01071331 0.00808035 0.00275604 0.02835269 -0.00625795] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.13526646 0.02301902 -0.05554083] [-0.11765164 -0.00469921 0.06527302] [-0.24508104 0.00372041 0.05406577] [ 0.22746622 -0.02204022 -0.06379795]] Final stress: [-0.02423829 -0.00522604 0.00213664 -0.00347126 -0.03146593 0.00625346] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13526647 0.02301901 -0.05554085] [ 0.11765165 -0.00469921 0.06527303] [ 0.24508102 0.00372041 0.05406579] [-0.2274662 -0.02204021 -0.06379797]] Final stress: [-0.02423829 -0.00522604 0.00213664 -0.00347126 0.03146593 -0.00625346] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02314742 -0.00716449 -0.01645387] [ 0.02256061 0.01116073 -0.01407823] [ 0.02309229 0.01158473 0.01098213] [-0.02250549 -0.01558097 0.01954997]] Final stress: [ 0.0312082 0.01319775 0.00350882 -0.00014681 0.00134715 0.01848105] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02314692 -0.00716424 -0.01645565] [-0.02256111 0.01116098 -0.01407626] [-0.02309177 0.01158447 0.01098112] [ 0.02250597 -0.01558121 0.01955079]] Final stress: [ 0.0312082 0.01319775 0.00350886 -0.00014692 -0.00134694 -0.01848105] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01854043 0.01384407 -0.05246708] [ 0.02183361 -0.01106295 0.02426248] [ 0.0236324 -0.01175326 -0.01499556] [-0.02692558 0.00897214 0.04320015]] Final stress: [-0.02628513 -0.00757373 -0.0006402 -0.00115637 0.00062064 0.01822103] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01854102 0.01384437 -0.05246551] [-0.02183265 -0.01106247 0.0242612 ] [-0.02363339 -0.01175375 -0.01499765] [ 0.02692502 0.00897186 0.04320196]] Final stress: [-0.02628513 -0.00757375 -0.00064022 -0.00115654 -0.00062097 -0.01822101] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.95213289e-12 2.35793970e-02 -1.68749384e-02] [ 4.56441935e-11 -2.48869290e-02 -1.59328385e-02] [-2.91443295e-11 -2.61208543e-02 1.21592781e-02] [-1.25582739e-11 2.74283863e-02 2.06484988e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.34840317e-02 6.01099400e-02 5.90198431e-03 -1.13413684e-03 -8.88373540e-12 1.88360361e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.46728634e-10 -2.41221639e-02 -1.48707387e-02] [-8.12682890e-11 2.53441400e-02 -1.82208856e-02] [ 6.23170222e-11 2.57440762e-02 1.60823518e-02] [-1.27778808e-10 -2.69660522e-02 1.70092725e-02]] Final stress: [-1.81770283e-02 -5.50450186e-02 -3.82807005e-03 1.13957400e-03 -1.04672637e-11 -1.14263707e-11] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.18873444e-12 9.30943390e-02 -1.31090930e-01] [-1.26922344e-13 -1.09087505e-01 2.11353162e-01] [ 4.84331976e-13 -3.04433729e-01 -3.55247261e-01] [-2.55825916e-12 3.20426895e-01 2.74985029e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.39658013e-02 1.91490248e-02 7.25586589e-03 -2.72543374e-02 -3.74214760e-13 -1.45601029e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.35848277e-12 -1.29119945e-01 -1.10280713e-01] [-4.44694195e-13 1.00088205e-01 1.62854022e-01] [ 5.27159262e-13 2.22837462e-01 -2.58493059e-01] [-1.47554538e-12 -1.93805722e-01 2.05919750e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.97478056e-03 3.60747178e-02 7.78420920e-03 2.98674540e-02 -1.58366263e-13 -1.03978631e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.40063308e-12 1.41163576e-01 -3.88135746e-02] [ 1.59002585e-13 -1.11916696e-01 4.21692245e-02] [-7.74736178e-14 -2.35091787e-01 6.68965328e-02] [-1.48287112e-12 2.05844907e-01 -7.02521827e-02]] Final stress: [-2.57259219e-03 -2.94156352e-02 1.45047135e-03 -3.19161143e-02 -3.02488672e-13 -7.30732150e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.62838449e-12 -1.04757324e-01 -7.89952121e-02] [-5.61673971e-13 1.13156608e-01 9.88899235e-02] [ 5.81709160e-13 3.16622713e-01 4.93626114e-02] [-2.65038165e-12 -3.25021997e-01 -6.92573228e-02]] Final stress: [-1.98484037e-02 -1.22352954e-02 3.27662861e-03 2.83245812e-02 -3.68693740e-13 -1.69710946e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.12142238 0.02348773 -0.11632216] [-0.102334 -0.00529762 0.17914035] [-0.23184506 0.00433696 -0.28780991] [ 0.21275668 -0.02252708 0.22499173]] Final stress: [ 0.0106061 0.03221693 0.00812195 -0.0034266 -0.0283773 0.00627277] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.12142239 0.02348773 -0.11632215] [ 0.10233401 -0.00529761 0.17914034] [ 0.23184504 0.00433696 -0.28780992] [-0.21275667 -0.02252707 0.22499174]] Final stress: [ 0.0106061 0.03221693 0.00812195 -0.0034266 0.0283773 -0.00627276] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.13845781 -0.02186917 -0.04582572] [-0.10665232 0.00635823 0.07184939] [-0.24653516 -0.00549732 0.04637825] [ 0.21472967 0.02100826 -0.07240193]] Final stress: [-0.00690478 -0.02827698 0.00186514 0.0027431 -0.03118982 0.00616034] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13845781 -0.02186917 -0.04582573] [ 0.10665232 0.00635823 0.0718494 ] [ 0.24653516 -0.00549732 0.04637827] [-0.21472967 0.02100826 -0.07240194]] Final stress: [-0.00690478 -0.02827698 0.00186514 0.0027431 0.03118982 -0.00616034] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02111421 0.01500937 -0.00729055] [ 0.02337603 -0.01181657 -0.00402857] [ 0.02222447 -0.01106506 0.00364157] [-0.02448628 0.00787227 0.00767756]] Final stress: [ 0.01246637 0.03132977 0.00363648 -0.00121141 0.00077139 0.01838782] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02111234 0.01500844 -0.00729209] [-0.02337831 -0.01181772 -0.0040271 ] [-0.02222209 -0.01106388 0.00364282] [ 0.02448806 0.00787315 0.00767636]] Final stress: [ 0.01246636 0.03132979 0.00363651 -0.00121097 -0.00077051 -0.01838785] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01483753 -0.00291098 -0.03471017] [ 0.01741828 0.00857375 0.04196587] [ 0.0278957 0.01400099 -0.02750736] [-0.03047644 -0.01966376 0.02025167]] Final stress: [-0.00882911 -0.02616043 -0.00042108 -0.0003842 0.00090478 0.01781417] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01484317 -0.00291382 -0.03471646] [-0.01741186 0.00857054 0.04197079] [-0.02790234 0.01400432 -0.02749814] [ 0.03047104 -0.01966104 0.0202438 ]] Final stress: [-0.00882911 -0.02616037 -0.00042098 -0.00038292 -0.00090732 -0.01781409] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.95727547e-12 3.17699830e-01 2.74125578e-01] [-6.51340743e-13 -2.76235442e-01 9.22583644e-02] [ 2.27144063e-12 -8.45834254e-01 -1.10753989e+00] [ 4.34210307e-12 8.04369865e-01 7.41155951e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.35252834e-02 -2.85804490e-02 4.99543584e-02 -6.97413837e-02 1.37833578e-12 1.97068130e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.30577708e-12 -3.22332559e-01 2.76182712e-01] [-5.81853142e-13 2.83987707e-01 9.22731182e-02] [-3.83809087e-13 8.38871596e-01 -1.10766880e+00] [-5.31999922e-12 -8.00526744e-01 7.39212969e-01]] Final stress: [-2.50379704e-02 2.99166919e-02 4.99752021e-02 7.01413863e-02 -1.11220000e-12 -3.12980320e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-7.19375080e-13 4.09373655e-01 -2.05481512e-01] [-8.74518773e-13 -3.22836000e-01 2.29908826e-01] [ 3.09784468e-12 -1.03889819e+00 1.26270270e+00] [-1.49134871e-12 9.52360534e-01 -1.28713001e+00]] Final stress: [ 3.83433682e-02 -2.90412978e-02 -1.33380165e-02 -7.15382667e-02 4.31048777e-13 -1.35602373e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.05734171e-12 -4.11208215e-01 -2.03439339e-01] [-3.86944751e-12 3.29189748e-01 2.34619265e-01] [ 5.25904472e-12 1.02067900e+00 1.26412453e+00] [-2.44538417e-12 -9.38660536e-01 -1.29530445e+00]] Final stress: [-3.13855337e-02 3.51375650e-02 -1.49239468e-02 7.26564880e-02 7.19336830e-13 -3.43388004e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.32299313 0.00328109 0.27383461] [-0.28133339 -0.00216359 0.09206559] [-0.8426476 0.00214693 -1.10760274] [ 0.80098786 -0.00326443 0.74170254]] Final stress: [ 0.00173075 0.0018449 0.05007855 -0.00070182 -0.07049168 0.02916127] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.32299311 0.00328109 0.27383462] [ 0.28133338 -0.00216359 0.09206562] [ 0.84264762 0.00214693 -1.10760282] [-0.8009879 -0.00326443 0.74170257]] Final stress: [ 0.00173075 0.0018449 0.05007855 -0.00070182 0.07049168 -0.02916127] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.40885029 0.00425684 -0.21067206] [-0.32496615 -0.00357935 0.23074508] [-1.03067056 0.00743114 1.26731219] [ 0.94678642 -0.00810863 -1.28738521]] Final stress: [ 0.00411841 0.00359331 -0.01160431 -0.00170069 -0.07070491 0.0332168 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.40885023 0.00425684 -0.21067211] [ 0.32496608 -0.00357936 0.23074513] [ 1.03067066 0.00743114 1.26731226] [-0.94678651 -0.00810863 -1.28738528]] Final stress: [ 0.00411841 0.00359331 -0.01160431 -0.00170069 0.07070491 -0.03321681] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01963188 0.02063501 0.01448043] [ 0.02232025 -0.00095886 -0.0002461 ] [ 0.02781618 0.0005865 -0.00581896] [-0.03050454 -0.02026265 -0.00841536]] Final stress: [ 0.00317948 0.00543315 0.03838123 -0.00374597 0.00093006 0.01803975] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01963294 0.020635 0.01448006] [-0.02231883 -0.00095886 -0.00024637] [-0.02781764 0.0005865 -0.0058154 ] [ 0.03050353 -0.02026264 -0.00841828]] Final stress: [ 0.00317949 0.00543316 0.03838123 -0.00374597 -0.00093058 -0.01803972] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02567811 0.02077345 0.00035014] [ 0.02598931 -0.00100584 -0.01389792] [ 0.02449267 0.00063241 0.00647081] [-0.02480387 -0.02040002 0.00707697]] Final stress: [-0.00123423 0.00104129 -0.0362377 -0.00376602 0.00126381 0.01855294] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02567336 0.0207735 0.00034994] [-0.02599492 -0.00100585 -0.01389861] [-0.02448684 0.00063242 0.00647783] [ 0.0248084 -0.02040006 0.00707084]] Final stress: [-0.00123422 0.0010413 -0.03623771 -0.00376602 -0.00126161 -0.01855301] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.58533733e-12 1.53633425e+00 9.31071193e+00] [ 1.43964268e-13 -2.19813435e+00 -5.48829235e+00] [-5.94329056e-13 -3.55874967e+00 -2.98715463e+00] [ 3.03961023e-12 4.22054976e+00 -8.35264946e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.21468403e-02 -1.60548272e-01 2.56503611e-01 -3.49425666e-01 3.87249116e-13 1.76301935e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.20221335e-11 -1.76144612e+00 9.20513306e+00] [ 6.81437003e-12 2.27825965e+00 -5.32356973e+00] [-1.14841235e-11 3.47214011e+00 -2.94253832e+00] [ 1.66912274e-11 -3.98895364e+00 -9.39025015e-01]] Final stress: [-1.08016910e-01 4.45891928e-02 2.61923183e-01 3.84545313e-01 2.50854015e-13 1.26665029e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.427848 0.4174681 1.71227621] [-0.39208138 -0.38624414 -1.30764274] [-0.81010677 -0.81718309 -0.78214641] [ 0.77434016 0.78595913 0.37751293]] Final stress: [ 0.02060899 -0.02149442 0.00669671 -0.07277238 -0.07809605 0.01998119] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.42784804 0.41746815 1.71227615] [ 0.39208143 -0.3862442 -1.30764279] [ 0.81010671 -0.81718302 -0.78214636] [-0.7743401 0.78595907 0.377513 ]] Final stress: [ 0.02060899 -0.02149441 0.00669671 -0.07277238 0.07809604 -0.01998118] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.39713616 -0.40428031 1.70967127] [-0.39432298 0.38875759 -1.32156467] [-0.81960687 0.81455765 -0.77368177] [ 0.81679368 -0.79903493 0.38557518]] Final stress: [-0.019641 0.0221397 0.0076425 0.07160373 -0.06988588 0.02223125] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.39713617 -0.40428032 1.70967126] [ 0.39432299 0.3887576 -1.32156469] [ 0.81960685 0.81455764 -0.77368176] [-0.81679367 -0.79903492 0.38557519]] Final stress: [-0.019641 0.0221397 0.0076425 0.07160373 0.06988588 -0.02223125] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06312424 0.27993002 0.45423679] [ 0.01805 -0.23205453 -0.35343584] [-0.01187963 -0.45010738 -0.34111978] [ 0.05695387 0.40223189 0.24031883]] Final stress: [ 0.01164875 -0.00898915 -0.00293222 -0.05006172 0.00951245 0.02089061] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06312424 0.27993002 0.45423686] [-0.01805 -0.23205453 -0.35343591] [ 0.01187963 -0.45010739 -0.34111979] [-0.05695386 0.40223189 0.24031884]] Final stress: [ 0.01164875 -0.00898915 -0.00293222 -0.05006173 -0.00951245 -0.02089061] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.067284 -0.28331007 0.44878197] [ 0.01186084 0.23298966 -0.35038352] [-0.01349283 0.4458158 -0.3379763 ] [ 0.06891598 -0.39549539 0.23957785]] Final stress: [-0.0067074 0.01049249 -0.00182167 0.05040328 0.00867069 0.02178596] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06728399 -0.28331008 0.44878187] [-0.01186084 0.23298966 -0.35038341] [ 0.01349283 0.44581579 -0.33797628] [-0.06891597 -0.39549537 0.23957782]] Final stress: [-0.0067074 0.01049248 -0.00182166 0.05040328 -0.00867068 -0.02178596] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.62133231 0.05126737 9.25226511] [-2.24388823 -0.04714945 -5.42715714] [-3.50092066 0.05123706 -2.95895177] [ 4.12347657 -0.05535498 -0.8661562 ]] Final stress: [-0.05530703 -0.01452925 0.25827483 -0.00655487 -0.360418 0.10225336] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.62133235 0.05126737 9.25226489] [ 2.24388824 -0.04714945 -5.42715705] [ 3.50092059 0.05123706 -2.95895171] [-4.12347649 -0.05535498 -0.86615614]] Final stress: [-0.05530702 -0.01452925 0.25827483 -0.00655487 0.360418 -0.10225336] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.41818025e-01 9.30273029e-04 5.24958813e-01] [-2.57839719e-01 6.99951179e-05 -3.86885614e-01] [-5.26024917e-01 1.85793305e-04 -4.71177625e-01] [ 4.42046611e-01 -1.18606145e-03 3.33104426e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.0001756 0.0004929 -0.00306742 -0.00036183 -0.06221811 0.02906173] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.4344563 0.06419587 1.64737081] [-0.26081198 -0.02561095 -0.91540843] [-1.86426032 0.02771343 -0.77258907] [ 2.5595286 -0.06629836 0.04062669]] Final stress: [-0.00457272 0.00082289 0.02539315 -0.00677117 0.01071352 0.10644766] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.43445633 0.06419588 1.64737078] [ 0.26081197 -0.02561095 -0.91540839] [ 1.86426035 0.02771343 -0.77258907] [-2.55952865 -0.06629836 0.04062668]] Final stress: [-0.00457272 0.00082289 0.02539316 -0.00677117 -0.01071352 -0.10644766] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.41818019e-01 9.30273054e-04 5.24958810e-01] [ 2.57839719e-01 6.99951310e-05 -3.86885616e-01] [ 5.26024916e-01 1.85793293e-04 -4.71177622e-01] [-4.42046616e-01 -1.18606148e-03 3.33104429e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.0001756 0.0004929 -0.00306742 -0.00036183 0.06221811 -0.02906173] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01997244 0.0331146 -0.00019605] [ 0.02223667 0.00076864 0.0016296 ] [ 0.02683037 -0.00139993 -0.00518818] [-0.0290946 -0.03248331 0.00375463]] Final stress: [ 0.00041092 0.0036765 0.00127469 -0.00654154 0.0010243 0.03661479] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01997345 0.03311459 -0.00019745] [-0.0222355 0.00076864 0.00163163] [-0.02683158 -0.00139993 -0.00518853] [ 0.02909363 -0.03248329 0.00375436]] Final stress: [ 0.00041092 0.0036765 0.00127473 -0.00654153 -0.00102476 -0.03661477] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.55393623e-12 7.90185288e-02 -9.04274741e-02] [ 9.43032978e-13 -6.12679462e-02 1.32281338e-01] [-1.15590957e-12 -1.38910665e-01 -2.11551050e-01] [ 2.76955195e-12 1.21160082e-01 1.69697186e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.33944896e-02 4.96279321e-03 5.47028364e-03 -1.85144376e-02 2.65047787e-13 2.04100142e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.92938370e-13 -5.34442110e-02 -1.07135433e-01] [-1.02294041e-12 6.32298810e-02 1.60573002e-01] [ 3.86552335e-13 1.87023875e-01 -2.66779293e-01] [-3.53835017e-13 -1.96809545e-01 2.13341724e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.24450104e-02 1.57701585e-02 6.18991968e-03 1.54541359e-02 1.03287980e-14 -7.37716018e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.01879312e-13 6.52475910e-02 -1.04553218e-01] [ 1.38672667e-12 -6.94096491e-02 1.19982400e-01] [-1.50818182e-12 -2.02560556e-01 1.76640671e-02] [-6.22939200e-14 2.06722614e-01 -3.30932492e-02]] Final stress: [-8.06207288e-03 -1.19072480e-02 2.93172741e-03 -1.69155524e-02 -3.65868468e-13 7.68416643e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.69756743e-12 -9.25995011e-02 -7.41688528e-02] [ 6.37900973e-13 6.84056355e-02 8.82348748e-02] [-1.20333040e-12 1.52257353e-01 1.63921673e-02] [ 2.25709902e-12 -1.28063488e-01 -3.04581892e-02]] Final stress: [-1.92573254e-02 -8.86001406e-04 2.01606032e-03 2.02634454e-02 1.52309774e-13 1.62137459e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07470634 -0.01469758 -0.09529012] [-0.06272852 0.00442759 0.13742365] [-0.14448697 -0.00388663 -0.22403067] [ 0.13250915 0.01415662 0.18189713]] Final stress: [ 0.02096098 0.00743283 0.00558914 0.00183193 -0.01770311 0.00396058] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07470633 -0.01469758 -0.09529012] [ 0.0627285 0.00442759 0.13742365] [ 0.14448699 -0.00388663 -0.22403067] [-0.13250916 0.01415662 0.18189713]] Final stress: [ 0.02096098 0.00743283 0.00558914 0.00183193 0.01770311 -0.00396058] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08617575 0.01505606 -0.08813695] [-0.0699509 -0.00344143 0.09401683] [-0.15778479 0.00282271 0.01795565] [ 0.14155994 -0.01443735 -0.02383553]] Final stress: [-0.01669648 -0.00312842 0.00219154 -0.00217084 -0.01897625 0.00407272] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.08617574 0.01505607 -0.08813695] [ 0.06995089 -0.00344143 0.09401683] [ 0.1577848 0.00282271 0.01795566] [-0.14155995 -0.01443735 -0.02383553]] Final stress: [-0.01669648 -0.00312842 0.00219154 -0.00217084 0.01897626 -0.00407272] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02004597 0.01278176 -0.01465312] [ 0.02237953 -0.01126288 -0.00542918] [ 0.0232509 -0.01160287 0.00634652] [-0.02558446 0.01008399 0.01373578]] Final stress: [-0.01561696 -0.0039394 -0.00030026 -0.00090012 0.00077311 0.01138119] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02004611 0.01278183 -0.01465231] [-0.0223792 -0.01126271 -0.00542947] [-0.02325124 -0.01160305 0.00634398] [ 0.02558433 0.01008393 0.01373779]] Final stress: [-0.01561696 -0.00393941 -0.00030027 -0.00090017 -0.00077321 -0.01138118] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.85010684e-14 5.27340758e-02 -1.08205546e-01] [-2.57686017e-13 -6.32089932e-02 1.59255349e-01] [-2.10042487e-14 -1.86543327e-01 -2.65386365e-01] [ 1.76480358e-13 1.97018245e-01 2.14336562e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.58639503e-02 1.24252336e-02 6.17059132e-03 -1.52307510e-02 2.70212186e-14 -3.67504047e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.08524301e-14 -7.94545462e-02 -9.16586863e-02] [-2.30890307e-12 6.13437465e-02 1.31483058e-01] [ 2.36471454e-12 1.38939999e-01 -2.10880409e-01] [-6.00890865e-14 -1.20829199e-01 1.71056038e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.05376504e-03 2.33696089e-02 5.46210018e-03 1.86204885e-02 5.25182625e-13 -1.29786956e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.48408671e-14 9.03803475e-02 -7.90385293e-02] [-6.90374407e-13 -6.87639034e-02 8.33488454e-02] [ 7.70708584e-13 -1.51743878e-01 2.03380121e-02] [-1.20580629e-13 1.30127434e-01 -2.46483282e-02]] Final stress: [-5.95083260e-04 -1.92386726e-02 1.95543085e-03 -1.97133762e-02 1.56817354e-13 -4.63913170e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.33224334e-12 -6.55492751e-02 -1.07307726e-01] [-1.72623070e-12 6.98473153e-02 1.17769150e-01] [ 1.27314218e-12 2.02684909e-01 1.98006420e-02] [ 1.77794411e-12 -2.06982950e-01 -3.02620665e-02]] Final stress: [-1.17595473e-02 -8.04957628e-03 2.91002979e-03 1.69820788e-02 6.22974641e-13 3.32748395e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.07471607 0.0148703 -0.09430723] [-0.06273303 -0.00363005 0.13866962] [-0.14459094 0.00304442 -0.22521725] [ 0.1326079 -0.01428466 0.18085486]] Final stress: [ 0.00739095 0.020933 0.00560558 -0.0020915 -0.01771142 0.00396664] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.07471606 0.0148703 -0.09430727] [ 0.06273302 -0.00363005 0.13866967] [ 0.14459095 0.00304442 -0.22521722] [-0.13260791 -0.01428467 0.18085482]] Final stress: [ 0.00739095 0.020933 0.00560558 -0.0020915 0.01771142 -0.00396664] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.08739842 -0.01460863 -0.08408135] [-0.06936758 0.00412079 0.09785977] [-0.1583481 -0.00354942 0.01483188] [ 0.14031726 0.01403726 -0.02861031]] Final stress: [-0.00329249 -0.01678403 0.00223771 0.00187814 -0.01933653 0.00403763] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0873984 -0.01460864 -0.08408134] [ 0.06936755 0.0041208 0.09785976] [ 0.15834814 -0.00354942 0.01483187] [-0.14031729 0.01403727 -0.02861029]] Final stress: [-0.00329249 -0.01678403 0.00223771 0.00187814 0.01933654 -0.00403764] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01738835 -0.00595761 -0.00290242] [ 0.01945297 0.00965708 0.0067095 ] [ 0.02610852 0.01307345 -0.00248349] [-0.02817315 -0.01677292 -0.00132359]] Final stress: [-4.76133896e-03 -1.55553086e-02 -1.48740580e-04 -4.82708557e-05 9.24327614e-04 1.10877875e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01738533 -0.0059561 -0.00289856] [-0.01945594 0.00965856 0.00670735] [-0.02610543 0.0130719 -0.00249177] [ 0.02817603 -0.01677437 -0.00131703]] Final stress: [-4.76136250e-03 -1.55553450e-02 -1.48791128e-04 -4.88979642e-05 -9.23074495e-04 -1.10878007e-02] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.72339268e-12 1.92579317e-01 1.39924977e-01] [ 2.34783330e-13 -1.65896869e-01 2.73792423e-02] [-6.26240379e-13 -5.07583301e-01 -6.29983086e-01] [-6.33099476e-12 4.80900852e-01 4.62678867e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.96534414e-02 -1.55841330e-02 2.76855144e-02 -4.10858130e-02 -1.36131236e-12 -3.25047658e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.52755282e-12 -1.94300317e-01 1.40540647e-01] [-9.46851538e-13 1.68634221e-01 2.66570022e-02] [ 1.38447760e-12 5.05163272e-01 -6.29737150e-01] [ 2.07962120e-12 -4.79497177e-01 4.62539500e-01]] Final stress: [-1.54036542e-02 1.94741727e-02 2.76785219e-02 4.12519919e-02 7.18567123e-13 6.22435802e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.98912197e-12 2.67667614e-01 -1.66003534e-01] [-1.60190329e-12 -2.18026659e-01 1.27810941e-01] [ 4.89950962e-14 -6.82087238e-01 8.86539803e-01] [-1.44055254e-12 6.32446283e-01 -8.48347210e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.82606391e-02 -2.06587992e-02 -1.32397249e-02 -4.94505237e-02 -2.61903940e-13 -1.66838498e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.21225293e-13 -2.70282554e-01 -1.66147512e-01] [-2.65108204e-12 2.22982690e-01 1.30218599e-01] [ 1.79425333e-12 6.77248227e-01 8.85296061e-01] [ 1.48719188e-12 -6.29948363e-01 -8.49367148e-01]] Final stress: [-1.77415952e-02 2.52786957e-02 -1.31944062e-02 4.95554067e-02 6.86835248e-13 -6.26418200e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.19802627 0.00130565 0.14641722] [-0.17129597 -0.00079541 0.02853407] [-0.51091862 0.00071665 -0.63606078] [ 0.48418832 -0.00122689 0.46110949]] Final stress: [ 0.00207797 0.00227792 0.02571473 -0.0002926 -0.04327739 0.0175272 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.19802632 0.00130565 0.14641717] [ 0.17129601 -0.00079541 0.02853406] [ 0.51091856 0.00071665 -0.63606065] [-0.48418825 -0.00122689 0.46110942]] Final stress: [ 0.00207797 0.00227792 0.02571473 -0.0002926 0.04327739 -0.01752719] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.26938957 0.00188166 -0.16606934] [-0.21911519 -0.00174088 0.12750098] [-0.68002243 0.00166953 0.88593217] [ 0.62974804 -0.00181031 -0.84736381]] Final stress: [ 0.00216728 0.00285969 -0.01340798 -0.00033456 -0.0494552 0.02298263] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.26938963 0.00188166 -0.16606933] [ 0.21911524 -0.00174088 0.12750098] [ 0.68002239 0.00166953 0.88593232] [-0.62974799 -0.00181031 -0.84736397]] Final stress: [ 0.00216728 0.00285969 -0.01340798 -0.00033456 0.0494552 -0.02298263] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.11067490e-12 4.09762449e-01 1.04017034e+00] [-7.32804659e-13 -3.87467243e-01 -8.18673648e-01] [ 1.97272819e-12 -8.23788779e-01 -5.60618495e-01] [-6.35444475e-12 8.01493573e-01 3.39121808e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.53972353e-02 -1.98236116e-02 5.54904045e-04 -7.21037414e-02 -7.40394582e-13 -3.81542593e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.52392289e-12 -4.30877758e-01 1.04768770e+00] [-2.14082680e-12 3.79103851e-01 -8.10364207e-01] [ 2.49217617e-12 8.21609252e-01 -5.60979725e-01] [-6.87917561e-12 -7.69835345e-01 3.23656228e-01]] Final stress: [-2.04975349e-02 2.02781200e-02 -1.01703713e-03 7.96228399e-02 -7.41806700e-13 -4.87296667e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.13901825 0.13512534 0.31068459] [-0.1174308 -0.12154066 -0.22871787] [-0.26524983 -0.26222426 -0.28717369] [ 0.24366238 0.24863957 0.20520696]] Final stress: [ 0.00828923 -0.00375004 -0.00163007 -0.02745376 -0.028379 0.00717785] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13901825 0.13512534 0.31068454] [ 0.1174308 -0.12154065 -0.22871781] [ 0.26524983 -0.26222426 -0.28717368] [-0.24366238 0.24863957 0.20520695]] Final stress: [ 0.00828923 -0.00375004 -0.00163006 -0.02745376 0.028379 -0.00717785] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.13303754 -0.13239043 0.3077942 ] [-0.11921778 0.1220207 -0.23153595] [-0.26293487 0.26141957 -0.28476764] [ 0.24911511 -0.25104983 0.20850939]] Final stress: [-0.00608765 0.01080333 -0.00166611 0.02680879 -0.02657937 0.00728794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.13303753 -0.13239042 0.30779423] [ 0.11921778 0.12202069 -0.23153596] [ 0.26293488 0.26141958 -0.28476765] [-0.24911512 -0.25104984 0.20850938]] Final stress: [-0.00608765 0.01080333 -0.00166611 0.02680879 0.02657937 -0.00728794] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02713584 0.11222766 0.09773585] [ 0.0057584 -0.09023089 -0.06212358] [-0.00429316 -0.18203718 -0.18191212] [ 0.0256706 0.16004041 0.14629985]] Final stress: [ 0.00562782 -0.0024574 0.00082141 -0.02172399 0.00399014 0.01326349] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02713583 0.11222767 0.09773592] [-0.00575839 -0.09023092 -0.06212368] [ 0.00429316 -0.18203716 -0.18191212] [-0.02567059 0.1600404 0.14629988]] Final stress: [ 0.00562782 -0.0024574 0.00082141 -0.02172399 -0.00399014 -0.01326349] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02764094 -0.11373886 0.09775262] [ 0.00660606 0.09043356 -0.06157565] [-0.00531975 0.181909 -0.18240837] [ 0.02635464 -0.15860369 0.1462314 ]] Final stress: [-0.00228151 0.00543609 0.00082967 0.02202932 0.00387915 0.01335271] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02764096 -0.11373885 0.09775257] [-0.00660606 0.09043353 -0.06157558] [ 0.00531976 0.18190902 -0.18240836] [-0.02635465 -0.15860371 0.14623137]] Final stress: [-0.00228152 0.00543609 0.00082968 0.02202932 -0.00387915 -0.01335271] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.19501082e-01 5.15370524e-03 1.04345807e+00] [-3.82786012e-01 9.90847464e-04 -8.16885171e-01] [-8.18494710e-01 -1.16741917e-03 -5.58003227e-01] [ 7.81779640e-01 -4.97713354e-03 3.31430324e-01]] Final stress: [-0.00082878 -0.00046057 -0.00099013 -0.00167302 -0.07633157 0.02253983] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.19501095e-01 5.15370509e-03 1.04345799e+00] [ 3.82786026e-01 9.90848078e-04 -8.16885102e-01] [ 8.18494682e-01 -1.16741978e-03 -5.58003207e-01] [-7.81779613e-01 -4.97713339e-03 3.31430321e-01]] Final stress: [-0.00082877 -0.00046057 -0.00099013 -0.00167302 0.07633157 -0.02253983] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.20559636e-01 2.10316443e-04 9.30832929e-02] [-8.78334021e-02 1.45173172e-04 -5.71968780e-02] [-1.87640125e-01 -8.58644988e-05 -1.81675159e-01] [ 1.54913891e-01 -2.69625117e-04 1.45788744e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.55553721e-03 1.63608068e-03 9.38640249e-04 -9.47723934e-05 -2.39906612e-02 1.54231757e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.1997755 0.01652033 0.50550538] [-0.12019696 -0.00603242 -0.25729237] [-0.94645262 0.00574338 -0.49011394] [ 1.26642508 -0.01623129 0.24190093]] Final stress: [ 0.00024316 0.00044015 0.0032574 -0.00162627 0.00154292 0.05159483] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.19977541 0.01652032 0.50550551] [ 0.120197 -0.00603242 -0.25729254] [ 0.94645253 0.00574338 -0.49011396] [-1.26642494 -0.01623128 0.24190099]] Final stress: [ 0.00024316 0.00044015 0.0032574 -0.00162627 -0.00154292 -0.05159482] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.20559643e-01 2.10316432e-04 9.30833513e-02] [ 8.78334106e-02 1.45173248e-04 -5.71969393e-02] [ 1.87640119e-01 -8.58645739e-05 -1.81675175e-01] [-1.54913887e-01 -2.69625107e-04 1.45788763e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.55553712e-03 1.63608059e-03 9.38639094e-04 -9.47724026e-05 2.39906607e-02 -1.54231750e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02080193 0.02134864 0.00188499] [ 0.02309662 0.00044882 0.00302058] [ 0.02711071 -0.00085516 -0.00598809] [-0.0294054 -0.02094231 0.00108252]] Final stress: [ 0.00097267 0.00312042 0.00128964 -0.00420571 0.00099177 0.02276781] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02080349 0.02134862 0.00188018] [-0.0230949 0.00044882 0.00302609] [-0.0271125 -0.00085515 -0.00598833] [ 0.02940391 -0.02094229 0.00108206]] Final stress: [ 0.00097267 0.00312042 0.00128974 -0.00420571 -0.00099246 -0.02276779] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.36046209e-12 4.83501917e-02 -7.37681613e-02] [ 4.74976395e-13 -3.70626365e-02 1.07244286e-01] [-2.94389730e-13 -8.70702837e-02 -1.79568610e-01] [ 1.18026075e-12 7.57827285e-02 1.46092485e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.54473875e-02 3.79250330e-03 4.13988075e-03 -1.16135443e-02 1.63486849e-13 9.26722067e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.90711768e-13 -3.10823944e-02 -8.56850977e-02] [-4.62655088e-14 3.77859531e-02 1.26533177e-01] [-2.83825480e-13 1.17624574e-01 -2.17496358e-01] [ 7.12404094e-13 -1.24328133e-01 1.76648279e-01]] Final stress: [8.36108679e-03 1.07834375e-02 4.54852731e-03 9.55319035e-03 7.77781138e-14 3.70998315e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.29957416e-12 4.18901857e-02 -1.16324036e-01] [-7.88761417e-14 -4.58171516e-02 1.19313517e-01] [ 3.79364942e-13 -1.33258728e-01 4.23193010e-02] [ 9.97412222e-13 1.37185694e-01 -4.53087821e-02]] Final stress: [-3.74352936e-03 -6.75123403e-03 2.95165755e-03 -1.06064228e-02 2.79170249e-13 5.04522216e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.78646636e-13 -6.04722602e-02 -9.72522779e-02] [ 3.60912255e-13 4.54519757e-02 1.00624963e-01] [-2.49353056e-13 1.01318046e-01 3.23002211e-02] [ 3.80653842e-13 -8.62977614e-02 -3.56729061e-02]] Final stress: [-1.12492997e-02 6.35088161e-04 2.46343494e-03 1.29017981e-02 1.29225782e-14 3.90385672e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04544599 -0.00957499 -0.07621596] [-0.03791286 0.00278047 0.11020502] [-0.09062581 -0.00243461 -0.18681193] [ 0.08309268 0.00922914 0.15282287]] Final stress: [ 0.0138794 0.00536818 0.00420063 0.00122105 -0.01107593 0.0025615 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.04544599 -0.009575 -0.07621602] [ 0.03791285 0.00278047 0.11020508] [ 0.09062582 -0.00243461 -0.1868119 ] [-0.08309268 0.00922914 0.15282283]] Final stress: [ 0.0138794 0.00536818 0.00420063 0.00122105 0.01107593 -0.0025615 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05653968 0.01017342 -0.10307618] [-0.04627734 -0.00248421 0.1028111 ] [-0.10473616 0.00207901 0.03557496] [ 0.09447382 -0.00976822 -0.03530988]] Final stress: [-0.00953177 -0.00094648 0.00253314 -0.0014231 -0.01214131 0.00273738] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05653963 0.01017344 -0.10307618] [ 0.04627728 -0.00248421 0.1028111 ] [ 0.10473623 0.00207902 0.03557496] [-0.09447388 -0.00976825 -0.03530988]] Final stress: [-0.00953177 -0.00094648 0.00253314 -0.0014231 0.01214131 -0.00273739] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.74334635e-12 3.08072234e-02 -8.60686265e-02] [ 1.11385337e-12 -3.77639206e-02 1.26032204e-01] [-1.76138618e-13 -1.17453669e-01 -2.16926434e-01] [ 1.82162965e-12 1.24410366e-01 1.76962856e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.08188110e-02 8.35312651e-03 4.54154841e-03 -9.46877109e-03 3.16180315e-13 1.63409477e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.94720845e-13 -4.85234593e-02 -7.42833770e-02] [-1.38796635e-12 3.70952535e-02 1.06933858e-01] [ 1.43469720e-12 8.70790505e-02 -1.79322594e-01] [-3.33448547e-13 -7.56508447e-02 1.46672113e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.82830957e-03 1.54385278e-02 4.13672392e-03 1.16554159e-02 2.65037482e-13 -9.69856908e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.04697717e-12 5.96732299e-02 -9.91669130e-02] [-5.65321444e-13 -4.55624825e-02 9.86608330e-02] [ 4.88175689e-13 -1.01156376e-01 3.38749411e-02] [-1.99319554e-12 8.70456287e-02 -3.33688611e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.51325322e-04 -1.12424097e-02 2.43898047e-03 -1.27047736e-02 -2.73618183e-13 -1.36364153e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.37789606e-12 -4.20314271e-02 -1.17557761e-01] [ 9.91596779e-13 4.59953467e-02 1.18368448e-01] [-1.13536589e-12 1.33311855e-01 4.32942555e-02] [-1.21957132e-12 -1.37275775e-01 -4.41049424e-02]] Final stress: [-6.68579237e-03 -3.73879386e-03 2.94196445e-03 1.06375444e-02 -4.89974643e-13 -8.58925858e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.04544431 0.00964464 -0.0758414 ] [-0.03791632 -0.00247974 0.11071024] [-0.09066649 0.00211658 -0.18732115] [ 0.08313851 -0.00928149 0.15245231]] Final stress: [ 0.00535165 0.01386845 0.00420725 -0.00132112 -0.01107788 0.00256412] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0454443 0.00964464 -0.07584145] [ 0.03791631 -0.00247974 0.11071028] [ 0.0906665 0.00211658 -0.18732112] [-0.08313851 -0.00928149 0.15245228]] Final stress: [ 0.00535165 0.01386845 0.00420725 -0.00132112 0.01107789 -0.00256412] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05698531 -0.01000539 -0.10135814] [-0.04607067 0.00277187 0.10435173] [-0.10494127 -0.00238609 0.03428044] [ 0.09402663 0.00961962 -0.03727403]] Final stress: [-0.00101478 -0.00956756 0.0025515 0.00130306 -0.0122717 0.00272465] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05698527 -0.01000542 -0.10135813] [ 0.04607062 0.00277188 0.10435173] [ 0.10494133 -0.0023861 0.03428039] [-0.09402668 0.00961964 -0.03727398]] Final stress: [-0.00101478 -0.00956756 0.0025515 0.00130306 0.01227171 -0.00272466] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.60704219e-12 1.10282296e-01 6.60727527e-02] [-2.30600673e-12 -9.99591526e-02 8.45800280e-03] [ 2.18067578e-12 -2.94567004e-01 -3.45248754e-01] [-2.49550554e-12 2.84243861e-01 2.70717999e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.26460620e-02 -5.58625226e-03 1.75719579e-02 -2.31608791e-02 1.53970103e-14 -2.63528730e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.02025201e-12 -1.10987799e-01 6.63965997e-02] [-2.98443453e-12 1.00854171e-01 7.83686629e-03] [ 1.85037489e-12 2.93806296e-01 -3.45068154e-01] [-4.89511903e-12 -2.83672668e-01 2.70834688e-01]] Final stress: [-7.91335492e-03 1.49806006e-02 1.75626095e-02 2.32530106e-02 -5.25432649e-13 -4.25893686e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.78341629e-12 1.88151440e-01 -1.36148313e-01] [-1.04889231e-12 -1.50769399e-01 8.42330726e-02] [ 8.85634231e-13 -4.75975946e-01 6.55387887e-01] [ 3.93740249e-12 4.38593906e-01 -6.03472647e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.74636914e-02 -1.43338473e-02 -1.07676544e-02 -3.49421341e-02 9.56038646e-13 1.55380462e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.18408235e-12 -1.89274192e-01 -1.36277688e-01] [-2.10256096e-12 1.53237919e-01 8.49354899e-02] [ 3.88954147e-12 4.73528925e-01 6.54958664e-01] [-3.00457922e-12 -4.37492652e-01 -6.03616466e-01]] Final stress: [-1.45563832e-02 1.76702624e-02 -1.07541482e-02 3.49445523e-02 3.15461801e-13 -2.76694066e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.10606814e-01 4.73788851e-04 6.62032556e-02] [-9.49597739e-02 -2.50705283e-04 6.71019501e-03] [-2.94159446e-01 2.23470684e-04 -3.45181368e-01] [ 2.78512405e-01 -4.46554252e-04 2.72267917e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00214542 0.00236348 0.01737502 -0.00011132 -0.02249348 0.01028168] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.10606794e-01 4.73788945e-04 6.62032885e-02] [ 9.49597389e-02 -2.50705861e-04 6.71014684e-03] [ 2.94159514e-01 2.23471260e-04 -3.45181530e-01] [-2.78512458e-01 -4.46554345e-04 2.72268095e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00214542 0.00236348 0.01737502 -0.00011132 0.02249348 -0.01028168] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.18912404 0.00084303 -0.13621171] [-0.15601747 -0.00090154 0.08608625] [-0.47513882 0.00086773 0.65518186] [ 0.44203224 -0.00080922 -0.60505641]] Final stress: [ 0.00278076 0.00289769 -0.01056553 -0.00013251 -0.03559733 0.01600497] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.18912394 0.00084303 -0.13621173] [ 0.15601733 -0.00090154 0.08608635] [ 0.47513901 0.00086773 0.65518191] [-0.4420324 -0.00080922 -0.60505653]] Final stress: [ 0.00278075 0.00289769 -0.01056553 -0.00013251 0.03559735 -0.01600498] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.07118610e-12 1.42704924e-01 2.02481301e-01] [ 8.26787206e-13 -1.32095510e-01 -1.49783143e-01] [-5.46667746e-13 -2.87586989e-01 -2.35537210e-01] [-2.35775115e-12 2.76977575e-01 1.82839052e-01]] Final stress: [ 9.53096857e-03 -4.45295118e-03 5.52465254e-04 -2.87640102e-02 -5.74209597e-13 -7.93107179e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.79220961e-12 -1.48658025e-01 2.05807881e-01] [ 4.25004866e-13 1.30451534e-01 -1.46804036e-01] [-1.15077999e-12 2.89882172e-01 -2.38293811e-01] [ 2.54332493e-12 -2.71675681e-01 1.79289966e-01]] Final stress: [-6.73487839e-03 1.16159818e-02 5.89919020e-04 3.04503901e-02 2.13307143e-13 1.63650896e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0577828 0.05733765 0.06996526] [-0.04969753 -0.04993403 -0.03637727] [-0.11548249 -0.1152199 -0.17089514] [ 0.10739722 0.10781628 0.13730714]] Final stress: [ 0.00493318 -0.00161206 0.00104605 -0.01235399 -0.01251904 0.0032356 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05778282 0.05733767 0.06996527] [ 0.04969755 -0.04993405 -0.03637728] [ 0.11548247 -0.11521988 -0.17089514] [-0.1073972 0.10781627 0.13730716]] Final stress: [ 0.00493318 -0.00161206 0.00104605 -0.01235399 0.01251904 -0.0032356 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.05680047 -0.05724444 0.06937719] [-0.05001348 0.04977778 -0.03682877] [-0.11502208 0.11528384 -0.17034925] [ 0.10823509 -0.10781718 0.13780084]] Final stress: [-0.00160437 0.00495833 0.00104036 0.01236747 -0.01220272 0.00331826] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.05680047 -0.05724444 0.06937732] [ 0.05001348 0.04977778 -0.03682891] [ 0.11502208 0.11528384 -0.17034927] [-0.10823509 -0.10781718 0.13780087]] Final stress: [-0.00160437 0.00495833 0.00104036 0.01236747 0.01220272 -0.00331826] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01432794 0.0574828 0.02015256] [ 0.0031391 -0.04573663 0.00490948] [-0.00240602 -0.09398658 -0.13798689] [ 0.01359486 0.08224041 0.11292484]] Final stress: [ 0.00394442 -0.00026516 0.00139611 -0.01214201 0.00208603 0.00813297] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01432795 0.05748279 0.02015257] [-0.0031391 -0.04573662 0.00490947] [ 0.00240602 -0.09398659 -0.13798689] [-0.01359487 0.08224042 0.11292485]] Final stress: [ 0.00394442 -0.00026516 0.00139611 -0.01214201 -0.00208603 -0.00813297] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01451044 -0.05797504 0.02023866] [ 0.00342106 0.04581103 0.00510327] [-0.00274466 0.09400714 -0.13831991] [ 0.01383404 -0.08184313 0.11297798]] Final stress: [-0.00021815 0.00388917 0.00139892 0.01224068 0.00205159 0.00816337] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01451046 -0.05797502 0.02023862] [-0.00342107 0.045811 0.00510333] [ 0.00274467 0.09400718 -0.13831991] [-0.01383406 -0.08184315 0.11297796]] Final stress: [-0.00021815 0.00388917 0.00139892 0.01224068 -0.0020516 -0.00816338] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.14569432 0.00112013 0.20415609] [-0.13527167 0.00050599 -0.14682326] [-0.28871645 -0.00057454 -0.23690882] [ 0.2782938 -0.00105158 0.17957599]] Final stress: [ 0.0049187 0.00261107 0.00076357 -0.00040569 -0.03011894 0.0080817 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.14569432 0.00112013 0.20415602] [ 0.13527167 0.00050599 -0.14682319] [ 0.28871645 -0.00057454 -0.2369088 ] [-0.2782938 -0.00105158 0.17957598]] Final stress: [ 0.0049187 0.00261107 0.00076357 -0.00040569 0.03011894 -0.0080817 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.00947634e-02 7.13354627e-05 1.70730809e-02] [-4.33103250e-02 5.27628269e-05 7.24896135e-03] [-9.44153532e-02 -3.41765359e-05 -1.33755221e-01] [ 7.76309148e-02 -8.99217537e-05 1.09433179e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.84643594e-03 1.86416800e-03 1.43863169e-03 -3.09991045e-05 -1.30860477e-02 9.20471208e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11295274 0.00548383 0.1596951 ] [-0.06685129 -0.00183971 -0.03726856] [-0.53471537 0.00166802 -0.36347226] [ 0.71451941 -0.00531214 0.24104572]] Final stress: [ 1.14617708e-03 1.28451320e-03 -4.82983000e-04 -5.88834726e-04 1.60352643e-05 2.84342728e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.11295262 0.00548383 0.15969564] [ 0.06685132 -0.00183971 -0.03726906] [ 0.5347153 0.00166802 -0.3634724 ] [-0.71451924 -0.00531213 0.24104582]] Final stress: [ 1.14617517e-03 1.28451118e-03 -4.82993017e-04 -5.88834381e-04 -1.60191820e-05 -2.84342622e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-6.00947689e-02 7.13354560e-05 1.70731022e-02] [ 4.33103303e-02 5.27628545e-05 7.24893917e-03] [ 9.44153478e-02 -3.41765633e-05 -1.33755226e-01] [-7.76309092e-02 -8.99217472e-05 1.09433185e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.84643590e-03 1.86416797e-03 1.43863127e-03 -3.09991070e-05 1.30860476e-02 -9.20471149e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02189457 0.01370517 0.00353118] [ 0.0239048 0.00020675 0.00383569] [ 0.02678024 -0.00046646 -0.00582967] [-0.02879046 -0.01344546 -0.0015372 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00132707 0.00273045 0.00129782 -0.00268104 0.00101025 0.01417302] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02189431 0.01370517 0.00351873] [-0.02390469 0.00020675 0.00384963] [-0.02678034 -0.00046646 -0.00582774] [ 0.02879072 -0.01344546 -0.00154062]] Final stress: [ 0.00132708 0.00273046 0.00129808 -0.00268104 -0.00101022 -0.014173 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.21258384e-13 2.91171360e-02 -5.87836921e-02] [ 1.21422425e-12 -2.17808131e-02 8.74254575e-02] [-1.57074982e-12 -5.53149478e-02 -1.58288271e-01] [ 8.92560331e-13 4.79786249e-02 1.29646505e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.05114484e-02 3.00893425e-03 3.31453818e-03 -7.34270375e-03 -1.91093351e-13 1.19677554e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.81278473e-13 -1.65876214e-02 -6.77690829e-02] [ 4.85436344e-14 2.15629158e-02 1.01791162e-01] [ 1.46900070e-13 7.52300891e-02 -1.87307933e-01] [-4.64966607e-13 -8.02053835e-02 1.53285854e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.71423643e-03 7.73198484e-03 3.57974831e-03 5.87594221e-03 -5.64440123e-14 -2.18967176e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.28248627e-12 2.63249153e-02 -2.12231067e-02] [ 2.28684042e-13 -2.92658211e-02 1.57285157e-02] [-9.07987010e-13 -8.11391159e-02 5.73937201e-02] [ 1.95626848e-12 8.40800218e-02 -5.18991291e-02]] Final stress: [-1.70694688e-03 -3.32663275e-03 1.13462630e-03 -6.51323944e-03 1.68260762e-13 1.20285746e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.87933783e-12 -3.73459203e-02 -1.94859675e-02] [ 6.70169866e-13 2.87955572e-02 1.44105169e-02] [-9.12072067e-13 6.23603671e-02 4.90801113e-02] [-1.62339760e-12 -5.38100040e-02 -4.40046607e-02]] Final stress: [-6.21315452e-03 1.15878811e-03 1.05404599e-03 7.89968990e-03 -5.24107706e-13 -4.76268104e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02702196 -0.00653493 -0.06028532] [-0.02223822 0.00186552 0.0894911 ] [-0.05763342 -0.00164152 -0.16318421] [ 0.05284968 0.00631093 0.13397844]] Final stress: [ 0.00945762 0.00406001 0.00335217 0.0008415 -0.00696917 0.00173186] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02702199 -0.00653491 -0.06028533] [ 0.02223827 0.00186551 0.08949111] [ 0.05763336 -0.00164151 -0.16318421] [-0.05284964 0.00631092 0.13397844]] Final stress: [ 0.00945762 0.00406001 0.00335217 0.00084149 0.00696916 -0.00173186] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03519193 0.00618267 -0.02038251] [-0.02929409 -0.00155403 0.01421235] [-0.06436921 0.00130508 0.05054884] [ 0.05847137 -0.00593372 -0.04437868]] Final stress: [-0.0051794 0.00016142 0.00106061 -0.00085176 -0.00748579 0.00165759] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03519191 0.00618269 -0.02038241] [ 0.02929406 -0.00155404 0.01421221] [ 0.06436925 0.00130508 0.05054903] [-0.0584714 -0.00593373 -0.04437883]] Final stress: [-0.0051794 0.00016142 0.0010606 -0.00085176 0.0074858 -0.0016576 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.02911342e-12 1.64799019e-02 -6.79016833e-02] [ 4.77022285e-13 -2.15433327e-02 1.01603763e-01] [-1.01552881e-13 -7.51756723e-02 -1.87069190e-01] [ 2.64286336e-12 8.02391030e-02 1.53367111e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.74510332e-03 5.71099499e-03 3.57722232e-03 -5.84469923e-03 4.89890697e-13 1.71691930e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.01380187e-13 -2.91875822e-02 -5.89990693e-02] [-1.05749524e-12 2.17972065e-02 8.73057627e-02] [ 7.27826436e-13 5.53149378e-02 -1.58205573e-01] [-1.74842779e-13 -4.79245622e-02 1.29898880e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.02312450e-03 1.05082348e-02 3.31334215e-03 7.35935447e-03 1.32192728e-13 -6.54193453e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.01414190e-12 3.71330257e-02 -2.00743343e-02] [-1.30059743e-12 -2.88139471e-02 1.38183215e-02] [ 1.43138648e-12 -6.23262942e-02 4.95520740e-02] [-1.14056854e-12 5.40072156e-02 -4.32960612e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.19524462e-03 -6.21207275e-03 1.04669295e-03 -7.84773812e-03 1.06434895e-13 -1.33981839e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.38015814e-12 -2.63954791e-02 -2.16688378e-02] [ 1.12633318e-12 2.93150981e-02 1.53017317e-02] [-1.92025605e-12 8.11831577e-02 5.78018587e-02] [-6.04929301e-13 -8.41027768e-02 -5.14347525e-02]] Final stress: [-3.30130194e-03 -1.70446718e-03 1.12968984e-03 6.53228381e-03 -5.58270561e-13 3.47045076e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02701721 0.00656384 -0.06014545] [-0.0222398 -0.00175617 0.08969764] [-0.05764979 0.00152546 -0.16340916] [ 0.05287239 -0.00633313 0.13385697]] Final stress: [ 0.00405339 0.00945348 0.00335488 -0.00087974 -0.00696915 0.00173308] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.02701725 0.00656382 -0.06014551] [ 0.02223984 -0.00175616 0.08969768] [ 0.05764974 0.00152545 -0.16340913] [-0.05287234 -0.00633311 0.13385696]] Final stress: [ 0.00405339 0.00945348 0.00335488 -0.00087974 0.00696914 -0.00173307] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03530299 -0.00613465 -0.01980705] [-0.02924296 0.00168064 0.01473358] [-0.06441683 -0.00143929 0.05009612] [ 0.0583568 0.00589331 -0.04502265]] Final stress: [ 0.00013931 -0.0051923 0.00106685 0.00080544 -0.00751792 0.00165418] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03530293 -0.00613469 -0.01980718] [ 0.02924287 0.00168065 0.0147337 ] [ 0.06441692 -0.0014393 0.05009595] [-0.05835686 0.00589334 -0.04502247]] Final stress: [ 0.00013931 -0.0051923 0.00106685 0.00080544 0.00751793 -0.00165418] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.52767469e-12 6.33269296e-02 3.84725967e-02] [ 3.60898594e-13 -5.40305834e-02 9.63109681e-03] [-7.68989473e-13 -1.68308665e-01 -1.88641568e-01] [-1.09884150e-12 1.59012319e-01 1.40537875e-01]] Final stress: [ 8.01878744e-03 -3.78949867e-03 1.08545987e-02 -1.30255648e-02 -3.93792735e-13 -3.95378893e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.09173347e-12 -6.36299237e-02 3.87806452e-02] [-1.10236885e-12 5.42811785e-02 9.38364765e-03] [ 2.16995042e-13 1.68117552e-01 -1.88646518e-01] [-2.11084622e-13 -1.58768807e-01 1.40482225e-01]] Final stress: [-3.71794214e-03 7.94400863e-03 1.08500253e-02 1.30803441e-02 8.51109164e-16 -7.02745362e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.08539271e-11 1.42681503e-01 -1.37018436e-01] [ 4.77732003e-14 -1.17705810e-01 7.63684751e-02] [-2.01730971e-12 -3.64102837e-01 5.61959261e-01] [-8.90151494e-12 3.39127144e-01 -5.01309300e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.52259151e-02 -9.31547176e-03 -5.28420592e-03 -2.57539661e-02 -2.17719522e-12 -4.73869353e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.78487128e-12 -1.43246721e-01 -1.37164943e-01] [ 3.47824222e-12 1.19219782e-01 7.64956511e-02] [-3.50062600e-12 3.62570691e-01 5.61827630e-01] [ 6.79890866e-12 -3.38543751e-01 -5.01158338e-01]] Final stress: [-9.42990926e-03 1.53416897e-02 -5.28095896e-03 2.57188445e-02 5.02190088e-13 5.63783818e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.34750043e-02 1.66969022e-04 3.86211216e-02] [-5.41577023e-02 -7.17643415e-05 9.51196992e-03] [-1.68210999e-01 6.24079072e-05 -1.88643799e-01] [ 1.58893697e-01 -1.57612588e-04 1.40510707e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.07834752e-03 2.14938305e-03 1.08524023e-02 -4.13986595e-05 -1.30519085e-02 5.86764670e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.34750599e-02 1.66968927e-04 3.86211938e-02] [ 5.41577813e-02 -7.17637054e-05 9.51212157e-03] [ 1.68210885e-01 6.24072684e-05 -1.88643809e-01] [-1.58893606e-01 -1.57612490e-04 1.40510494e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.07834398e-03 2.14937950e-03 1.08524044e-02 -4.13987208e-05 1.30518995e-02 -5.86763726e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.42734163e-01 4.31330790e-04 -1.37087202e-01] [-1.22459108e-01 -5.93449694e-04 7.79327432e-02] [-3.63095911e-01 5.76484562e-04 5.61893567e-01] [ 3.42820855e-01 -4.14365658e-04 -5.02739108e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.44607051e-03 4.01453237e-03 -5.08994754e-03 -4.92571027e-05 -2.61675179e-02 1.23277514e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.42734389e-01 4.31330394e-04 -1.37087186e-01] [ 1.22459339e-01 -5.93447304e-04 7.79325879e-02] [ 3.63095782e-01 5.76482166e-04 5.61894700e-01] [-3.42820733e-01 -4.14365256e-04 -5.02740102e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.44607160e-03 4.01453359e-03 -5.08994900e-03 -4.92573608e-05 2.61675104e-02 -1.23277318e-02] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.81582786e-12 6.73041245e-02 4.67940711e-02] [ 1.52197677e-12 -5.88667145e-02 -1.74885587e-02] [-1.03036893e-12 -1.36570300e-01 -1.57660764e-01] [ 3.32990059e-12 1.28132890e-01 1.28355252e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.68682394e-03 -2.18379805e-03 1.20099702e-03 -1.48715775e-02 4.06438410e-13 2.66851547e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.16780326e-13 -6.80746021e-02 4.74586776e-02] [ 2.87346969e-13 5.87468131e-02 -1.69725321e-02] [-5.21887221e-13 1.36875002e-01 -1.58294618e-01] [-1.62862779e-13 -1.27547213e-01 1.27808472e-01]] Final stress: [-2.13954431e-03 5.60520829e-03 1.20738437e-03 1.50906348e-02 -1.48949396e-13 9.59466238e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03036463 0.03021566 0.01240719] [-0.02612835 -0.02621152 0.01271648] [-0.06227255 -0.06218082 -0.13685661] [ 0.05803627 0.05817668 0.11173295]] Final stress: [ 3.66300065e-03 4.73640282e-05 1.48684189e-03 -7.08143963e-03 -7.13707340e-03 1.79738060e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03036465 0.03021568 0.01240723] [ 0.02612838 -0.02621155 0.01271641] [ 0.06227251 -0.06218079 -0.13685661] [-0.05803624 0.05817665 0.11173297]] Final stress: [ 3.66299751e-03 4.73676113e-05 1.48684070e-03 -7.08143691e-03 7.13707071e-03 -1.79737725e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.03006144 -0.03021007 0.01216835] [-0.02623318 0.0261502 0.01252607] [-0.06211452 0.06220604 -0.13660796] [ 0.05828625 -0.05814617 0.11191354]] Final stress: [ 5.24015964e-05 3.67157361e-03 1.48456804e-03 7.09267479e-03 -7.03712146e-03 1.81999341e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.03006145 -0.03021008 0.01216831] [ 0.02623319 0.02615022 0.01252609] [ 0.06211449 0.06220602 -0.13660794] [-0.05828624 -0.05814616 0.11191355]] Final stress: [ 5.24036381e-05 3.67157251e-03 1.48456842e-03 7.09267182e-03 7.03711847e-03 -1.81999184e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00878756 0.03260033 -0.0028131 ] [ 0.00198817 -0.02562214 0.02459488] [-0.00156702 -0.0547505 -0.12260426] [ 0.00836641 0.04777231 0.10082248]] Final stress: [ 0.00319224 0.00064718 0.00160556 -0.00730557 0.00126387 0.00507785] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00878755 0.03260033 -0.00281311] [-0.00198817 -0.02562216 0.02459486] [ 0.00156702 -0.05475048 -0.12260425] [-0.0083664 0.04777231 0.1008225 ]] Final stress: [ 0.00319224 0.00064718 0.00160556 -0.00730556 -0.00126387 -0.00507785] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0088634 -0.03277029 -0.0027863 ] [ 0.00209701 0.02565408 0.02467848] [-0.00169605 0.05476454 -0.1227921 ] [ 0.00846244 -0.04764833 0.10089992]] Final stress: [0.00066253 0.00317372 0.00160672 0.00733912 0.0012517 0.00508976] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0088634 -0.03277029 -0.00278631] [-0.00209701 0.02565408 0.02467848] [ 0.00169605 0.05476454 -0.12279209] [-0.00846244 -0.04764833 0.10089992]] Final stress: [ 0.00066253 0.00317372 0.00160672 0.00733912 -0.0012517 -0.00508976] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.06769262 0.00032851 0.04713006] [-0.05881165 0.00017892 -0.01723717] [-0.13671675 -0.00019806 -0.15797771] [ 0.12783578 -0.00030938 0.12808482]] Final stress: [ 0.00171645 0.00176796 0.00120407 -0.00012239 -0.01498064 0.00390338] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.06769262 0.00032851 0.04713009] [ 0.05881165 0.00017892 -0.01723721] [ 0.13671675 -0.00019806 -0.15797771] [-0.12783579 -0.00030938 0.12808483]] Final stress: [ 0.00171645 0.00176796 0.00120407 -0.00012239 0.01498063 -0.00390338] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.39782820e-02 3.01118627e-05 -3.92980092e-03] [-2.40649958e-02 1.70382460e-05 2.51841313e-02] [-5.47635111e-02 -1.04677037e-05 -1.19690463e-01] [ 4.48502250e-02 -3.66824050e-05 9.84361331e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.92536979e-03 1.93136526e-03 1.61744509e-03 -1.15337481e-05 -7.84272282e-03 5.71334991e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.10786981e-02 1.51519376e-03 3.55820390e-03] [-4.16010230e-02 -4.35592286e-04 6.50070781e-02] [-2.84887994e-01 3.77063006e-04 -3.02418727e-01] [ 3.77567715e-01 -1.45666448e-03 2.33853445e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00137694 0.00154715 0.00316117 -0.00018556 0.00137811 0.01399226] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.10786492e-02 1.51519302e-03 3.55868273e-03] [ 4.16011054e-02 -4.35591214e-04 6.50063448e-02] [ 2.84887876e-01 3.77061941e-04 -3.02418772e-01] [-3.77567630e-01 -1.45666375e-03 2.33853745e-01]] Final stress: [ 0.00137694 0.00154715 0.00316116 -0.00018556 -0.00137812 -0.01399225] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.39782730e-02 3.01118686e-05 -3.92979307e-03] [ 2.40649821e-02 1.70382018e-05 2.51841182e-02] [ 5.47635277e-02 -1.04676585e-05 -1.19690463e-01] [-4.48502368e-02 -3.66824119e-05 9.84361375e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.92536985e-03 1.93136532e-03 1.61744486e-03 -1.15337432e-05 7.84272435e-03 -5.71335133e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-2.82792643e-11 2.35062110e+00 -2.98239619e+00] [-1.35266797e-10 -3.79850257e-01 2.08954880e+01] [ 1.05196631e-10 -7.42377389e+00 -2.72882204e+01] [ 5.83262804e-11 5.45300304e+00 9.37512852e+00]] Final stress: [ 9.43337100e-02 -5.20567959e-01 7.18467731e-01 -7.86853303e-01 2.86976555e-11 -6.86556353e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.61484999e-11 -8.49083639e-01 -2.54072923e+00] [ 1.12014040e-10 8.20826977e-01 1.54865197e+01] [-1.10216386e-10 6.03112908e+00 -2.23217108e+01] [-6.79493579e-11 -6.00287242e+00 9.37592035e+00]] Final stress: [-4.15536785e-01 1.33370501e-01 5.12047746e-01 4.19344109e-01 -3.03258877e-11 1.96543068e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.06319901e-12 1.41805193e-02 2.75529814e-02] [-7.58194505e-13 -1.63360816e-02 -2.00230045e-02] [ 1.41357976e-12 -4.53097834e-02 -3.95124300e-02] [ 4.05836822e-13 4.74653457e-02 3.19824531e-02]] Final stress: [-6.56714016e-04 -1.31624162e-03 4.66961675e-04 -3.80442388e-03 4.06389399e-13 -1.81838364e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.31987477e-12 -2.09155661e-02 2.38614191e-02] [-6.49781661e-13 1.63422619e-02 -1.74610598e-02] [-7.87215345e-14 3.55365074e-02 -3.55748205e-02] [-5.94524430e-13 -3.09632031e-02 2.91744613e-02]] Final stress: [-3.21101673e-03 1.28217023e-03 5.07570005e-04 4.65771049e-03 -1.36049916e-13 -6.39142505e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.10203169 -0.60992328 -2.83990308] [ -0.80795605 -0.13361658 21.12029072] [ -7.07610296 0.18729952 -27.7853999 ] [ 5.78202731 0.55624034 9.50501227]] Final stress: [-0.21830682 -0.21881193 0.73281506 0.11932497 -0.70615192 0.280786 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.10202457 -0.60992619 -2.83986878] [ 0.80793901 -0.13362162 21.12032432] [ 7.07612963 0.18730485 -27.78545321] [ -5.78204407 0.55624297 9.50499768]] Final stress: [-0.21830762 -0.21881275 0.73281649 0.11932608 0.70615497 -0.28078792] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01918036 0.00350483 0.02370516] [-0.01617047 -0.00091045 -0.01741556] [-0.03566026 0.00077116 -0.03506818] [ 0.03265037 -0.00336554 0.02877857]] Final stress: [-0.00260812 0.00068268 0.00050896 -0.00047564 -0.00436573 0.00093646] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01918034 0.00350484 0.0237049 ] [ 0.01617042 -0.00091045 -0.01741533] [ 0.0356603 0.00077116 -0.03506824] [-0.03265038 -0.00336556 0.02877868]] Final stress: [-0.00260811 0.00068268 0.00050896 -0.00047564 0.00436574 -0.00093646] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-9.40449489e-11 6.09746492e-01 -2.47029897e+00] [ 3.57050511e-11 -3.29583804e-01 1.27421908e+01] [-4.04270844e-11 -5.75632755e+00 -1.90126177e+01] [ 9.87692584e-11 5.47616486e+00 8.74072586e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.78459885e-01 -3.96478818e-01 3.99960024e-01 -3.76726119e-01 1.25629642e-11 8.23648653e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[-1.63830217e-10 -2.47131880e+00 -3.00715047e+00] [ 5.31576226e-11 1.16263284e+00 2.35271482e+01] [ 7.74320408e-12 7.13189522e+00 -3.00114079e+01] [ 1.02921787e-10 -5.82320925e+00 9.49141020e+00]] Final stress: [-4.78600642e-01 -1.44446986e-02 8.38033665e-01 7.69333607e-01 2.62561390e-11 7.24806482e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45915138e-12 2.08843823e-02 2.38132800e-02] [-7.00755209e-13 -1.63410893e-02 -1.75039846e-02] [ 5.40314104e-13 -3.55380881e-02 -3.55324535e-02] [ 1.61158413e-12 3.09947951e-02 2.92231581e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.28792882e-03 -3.21387351e-03 5.07064241e-04 -4.64985606e-03 4.29177228e-13 4.85160231e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.48328919e-12 -1.42187839e-02 2.74630445e-02] [ 1.21773685e-12 1.63384885e-02 -2.01477645e-02] [-7.10923941e-13 4.53468341e-02 -3.94390338e-02] [ 9.74623160e-13 -4.74665387e-02 3.21237539e-02]] Final stress: [-1.30988765e-03 -6.56287082e-04 4.65352941e-04 3.81709313e-03 2.68114865e-14 1.22663518e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.02738888 0.60387746 -2.83212339] [ -0.75256481 -0.70068149 20.82156257] [ -7.07427248 0.65427312 -27.46569487] [ 5.79944841 -0.55746908 9.47625569]] Final stress: [-0.30832107 -0.11883413 0.72002546 -0.0322408 -0.69763309 0.27533853] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 8 steps. Final forces: [[ -2.02738848 0.60387811 -2.83210957] [ 0.75256418 -0.70068328 20.82157178] [ 7.07428015 0.65427477 -27.46572967] [ -5.79945585 -0.5574696 9.47626746]] Final stress: [-0.30832155 -0.1188343 0.7200261 -0.03224072 0.69763466 -0.27533897] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.0191869 -0.00349839 0.02376855] [-0.01616943 0.00096138 -0.01734708] [-0.03566107 -0.0008247 -0.03511541] [ 0.03264361 0.00336171 0.02869394]] Final stress: [ 0.00068037 -0.00260999 0.00050982 0.00046013 -0.00436701 0.0009361 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01918687 -0.0034984 0.02376859] [ 0.01616937 0.00096138 -0.01734717] [ 0.03566113 -0.0008247 -0.03511535] [-0.03264363 0.00336173 0.02869393]] Final stress: [ 0.00068037 -0.00260999 0.00050982 0.00046013 0.00436702 -0.0009361 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.68654412e-12 3.53469413e-02 1.47396161e-02] [ 1.01981206e-12 -3.00336947e-02 3.42903753e-03] [-1.29297788e-12 -9.35971545e-02 -9.31074353e-02] [-5.41418993e-12 8.82839079e-02 7.49387817e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.56687567e-03 -9.75543807e-04 7.04242430e-03 -7.45793570e-03 -1.33285471e-12 -2.31233965e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.33726883e-12 -3.54375106e-02 1.48623475e-02] [-7.34760126e-13 3.01162485e-02 3.37708489e-03] [ 4.24719071e-13 9.35347098e-02 -9.31359775e-02] [-3.03019415e-12 -8.82134476e-02 7.48965451e-02]] Final stress: [-9.54383133e-04 5.54304983e-03 7.04127045e-03 7.47353211e-03 -4.85099999e-13 -2.00999844e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.27618531e-12 1.44820338e-01 -1.99131270e-01] [-8.90188964e-13 -1.18522372e-01 1.18122310e-01] [-1.95805221e-12 -3.68830370e-01 6.79461438e-01] [-1.44192991e-12 3.42532403e-01 -5.98452478e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.59465525e-02 -8.88123160e-03 -1.11747347e-03 -2.45616439e-02 -7.24355058e-13 -1.20322832e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.15515060e-12 -1.45263554e-01 -1.99288986e-01] [ 2.36778978e-12 1.20140738e-01 1.18059217e-01] [ 1.68574833e-12 3.67160542e-01 6.79392546e-01] [-1.12128761e-11 -3.42037726e-01 -5.98162778e-01]] Final stress: [-8.98388868e-03 1.60564037e-02 -1.11718026e-03 2.44747737e-02 -1.74332695e-12 -4.78080142e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.53924121e-02 5.73694753e-05 1.48008039e-02] [-3.00752695e-02 -1.74611516e-05 3.40310166e-03] [-9.35654683e-02 1.42591408e-05 -9.31208642e-02] [ 8.82483257e-02 -5.41674645e-05 7.49169587e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28407281e-03 2.30593031e-03 7.04184898e-03 -1.51796484e-05 -7.46570540e-03 3.25993253e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.53926573e-02 5.73692455e-05 1.48007574e-02] [ 3.00755420e-02 -1.74599942e-05 3.40323982e-03] [ 9.35651147e-02 1.42579845e-05 -9.31210233e-02] [-8.82479994e-02 -5.41672359e-05 7.49170261e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.28407162e-03 2.30592908e-03 7.04185117e-03 -1.51797563e-05 7.46568699e-03 -3.25989943e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44813063e-01 3.20955560e-04 -1.99205006e-01] [-1.23327518e-01 -7.08317834e-04 1.19591190e-01] [-3.67754710e-01 6.97785617e-04 6.79427730e-01] [ 3.46269165e-01 -3.10423343e-04 -5.99813913e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.02003936e-03 4.59816121e-03 -9.24653788e-04 1.22416594e-07 -2.49494764e-02 1.24664224e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44811543e-01 3.20960646e-04 -1.99205885e-01] [ 1.23325812e-01 -7.08342008e-04 1.19592171e-01] [ 3.67756828e-01 6.97809808e-04 6.79426664e-01] [-3.46271097e-01 -3.10428446e-04 -5.99812949e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.02004163e-03 4.59816405e-03 -9.24635900e-04 1.24616110e-07 2.49495913e-02 -1.24666235e-02] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.54347842e-13 3.65324954e-02 5.42248801e-03] [ 2.87655316e-13 -3.17473079e-02 1.82468578e-02] [ 2.55097592e-14 -7.61977738e-02 -1.32141648e-01] [ 5.04278910e-13 7.14125863e-02 1.08472302e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.13390397e-03 -3.62580470e-04 1.54381299e-03 -8.72193436e-03 1.08636338e-13 4.53425172e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.08571614e-13 -3.67539716e-02 5.67592992e-03] [ 4.63924472e-13 3.17177312e-02 1.84577771e-02] [-7.01494201e-13 7.62960290e-02 -1.32420180e-01] [-1.66821418e-13 -7.12597885e-02 1.08286473e-01]] Final stress: [-3.52312200e-04 4.10893385e-03 1.54633731e-03 8.78613753e-03 -1.92125376e-13 1.79706478e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01705077 0.01699524 -0.00570189] [-0.01466963 -0.01469891 0.02786372] [-0.03718479 -0.03715238 -0.12443591] [ 0.03480366 0.03485605 0.10227408]] Final stress: [ 0.0030605 0.00078356 0.0016479 -0.00428922 -0.00430963 0.00113485] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01705079 0.01699526 -0.00570193] [ 0.01466965 -0.01469893 0.02786374] [ 0.03718476 -0.03715235 -0.1244359 ] [-0.03480363 0.03485602 0.10227409]] Final stress: [ 0.0030605 0.00078356 0.0016479 -0.00428922 0.00430962 -0.00113485] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01695167 -0.0170071 -0.00576988] [-0.01470172 0.0146725 0.02780209] [-0.03713351 0.03716587 -0.124342 ] [ 0.03488356 -0.03483127 0.10230979]] Final stress: [ 0.00078545 0.00306268 0.00164716 0.00429691 -0.00427653 0.00114223] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01695169 -0.01700711 -0.00576968] [ 0.01470174 0.01467252 0.02780186] [ 0.03713349 0.03716585 -0.12434203] [-0.03488354 -0.03483126 0.10230985]] Final stress: [ 0.00078546 0.00306268 0.00164716 0.0042969 0.00427653 -0.00114222] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00640228 0.01981496 -0.01124714] [ 0.0015088 -0.01511402 0.03263604] [-0.00123416 -0.03572946 -0.12179817] [ 0.00612764 0.03102853 0.10040928]] Final stress: [ 0.00285023 0.00103188 0.00170328 -0.00468729 0.00090418 0.00323708] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00640232 0.01981492 -0.01124702] [-0.00150881 -0.01511397 0.03263592] [ 0.00123416 -0.03572951 -0.12179815] [-0.00612767 0.03102856 0.10040925]] Final stress: [ 0.00285023 0.00103187 0.00170328 -0.00468729 -0.00090419 -0.00323708] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.00643445 -0.01986932 -0.01124859] [ 0.00155539 0.01512359 0.03265767] [-0.00128877 0.0357191 -0.12185097] [ 0.00616783 -0.03097337 0.1004419 ]] Final stress: [0.00103838 0.00284319 0.00170357 0.00469838 0.000899 0.00324209] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.00643443 -0.01986933 -0.01124867] [-0.00155539 0.01512361 0.03265773] [ 0.00128877 0.03571907 -0.12185098] [-0.00616781 -0.03097335 0.10044191]] Final stress: [ 0.00103839 0.00284319 0.00170357 0.00469838 -0.000899 -0.00324209] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.66439602e-02 1.13966817e-04 5.55063500e-03] [-3.17336575e-02 6.33397404e-05 1.83503214e-02] [-7.62455506e-02 -6.98664540e-05 -1.32281127e-01] [ 7.13352479e-02 -1.07440103e-04 1.08380171e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.87421269e-03 1.88976986e-03 1.54503884e-03 -4.24970832e-05 -8.75392304e-03 2.23932871e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.66439605e-02 1.13966812e-04 5.55051333e-03] [ 3.17336575e-02 6.33397411e-05 1.83504493e-02] [ 7.62455466e-02 -6.98664550e-05 -1.32281104e-01] [-7.13352435e-02 -1.07440098e-04 1.08380141e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.87421288e-03 1.88977005e-03 1.54504125e-03 -4.24970817e-05 8.75392283e-03 -2.23932847e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.12467281e-02 1.50322217e-05 -1.18113736e-02] [-1.43614635e-02 3.71434425e-06 3.32941103e-02] [-3.65152387e-02 -1.12013906e-06 -1.22304405e-01] [ 2.96299740e-02 -1.76264269e-05 1.00821668e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.93984750e-03 1.94289271e-03 1.71496228e-03 -4.72443618e-06 -5.12611360e-03 3.69793249e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.83416107e-02 8.40551546e-04 -1.02703212e-02] [-1.39657034e-02 -2.46604149e-04 6.23264071e-02] [-1.97640738e-01 2.22477898e-04 -2.61761412e-01] [ 2.69948052e-01 -8.16425294e-04 2.09705326e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.59483592e-03 1.66517910e-03 2.43859548e-03 -9.46022429e-05 2.89879926e-03 1.12645012e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.83416518e-02 8.40552020e-04 -1.02710738e-02] [ 1.39656486e-02 -2.46604667e-04 6.23271206e-02] [ 1.97640821e-01 2.22478412e-04 -2.61761211e-01] [-2.69948121e-01 -8.16425766e-04 2.09705164e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.59483827e-03 1.66518147e-03 2.43860929e-03 -9.46022429e-05 -2.89879471e-03 -1.12645080e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.12467026e-02 1.50322179e-05 -1.18115001e-02] [ 1.43613997e-02 3.71421807e-06 3.32942422e-02] [ 3.65152996e-02 -1.12001270e-06 -1.22304343e-01] [-2.96299967e-02 -1.76264232e-05 1.00821600e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.93984770e-03 1.94289291e-03 1.71496478e-03 -4.72441780e-06 5.12612299e-03 -3.69793731e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: energy-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.01,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 198.2649 71.13321 16.64874 439.10831 0. 0. ] [ 71.13321 198.26489 16.64874 -450.0696 -0. -0.00001] [ 16.64874 16.64874 255.81977 -6.41903 0.00001 -0. ] [ 439.10831 -450.0696 -6.41903 -1449.85398 0. -0. ] [ 0. -0. 0.00001 0. -1444.29831 4515.5956 ] [ 0. -0.00001 -0. -0. 4515.5956 61.60087]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[ 6.00228 6.01365 0.00008 80.22272 0. 0. ] [ 6.01365 5.97777 0.00005 133.65961 0. 0.00005] [ 0.00008 0.00005 0. 50.448 0.00001 0. ] [ 80.22272 133.65961 50.448 6152.8776 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0.00001 0. 6093.07384 2722.62054] [ 0. 0.00005 0. 0. 2722.62054 34.77358]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 3076.438798 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 4515.595603 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 4076.487289 WARNING: Maximum deviation from material symmetry according to space group 156 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 4515.595603 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Unable to compute elastic constants with method energy-condensed, escalating to method stress-condensed Attempting to compute elastic constants with method stress-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.80620015e-13 1.13772826e-01 1.35683473e-01] [-4.87591738e-13 -1.00474915e-01 -9.42134054e-02] [ 9.05571408e-13 -2.29479318e-01 -2.04306773e-01] [-4.29795088e-14 2.16181406e-01 1.62836706e-01]] Final stress: [ 8.06414881e-03 -5.12018653e-03 6.45227389e-04 -2.32030918e-02 2.08916037e-13 -2.76813749e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.29446843e-12 -1.15736469e-01 1.36884144e-01] [-2.18365018e-12 1.00211026e-01 -9.32400014e-02] [ 2.16642264e-12 2.30107283e-01 -2.05390994e-01] [-2.27387900e-12 -2.14581840e-01 1.61746852e-01]] Final stress: [-4.96944041e-03 7.84529293e-03 6.58189116e-04 2.37500438e-02 5.04106659e-14 -2.40988517e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.11476418 0.00078689 0.13628893] [-0.10035759 0.00038693 -0.09374239] [-0.22977535 -0.00043392 -0.20484685] [ 0.21536877 -0.0007399 0.16230031]] Final stress: [ 0.00138009 0.00153009 0.00065143 -0.00028794 -0.02347513 0.0064984 ] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.11476418 0.00078689 0.13628896] [ 0.1003576 0.00038693 -0.09374244] [ 0.22977535 -0.00043392 -0.20484685] [-0.21536876 -0.0007399 0.16230033]] Final stress: [ 0.00138009 0.00153009 0.00065143 -0.00028794 0.02347513 -0.0064984 ] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.40732865e-13 5.64489855e-02 3.02577582e-02] [ 2.20928310e-13 -4.92630192e-02 -3.18005555e-03] [ 2.46392750e-13 -1.15089861e-01 -1.47904651e-01] [ 3.85970769e-13 1.07903894e-01 1.20826949e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.13376406e-03 -1.52494243e-03 1.33067659e-03 -1.27727809e-02 1.29373189e-13 3.27688670e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-8.20508592e-13 -5.69975197e-02 3.07813971e-02] [ 1.17261929e-12 4.91779613e-02 -2.77049138e-03] [-8.64392542e-13 1.15316718e-01 -1.48418327e-01] [ 4.99173619e-13 -1.07497160e-01 1.20407421e-01]] Final stress: [-1.49602317e-03 5.07527359e-03 1.33566371e-03 1.29296015e-02 -9.16135503e-14 9.55017099e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.67254066e-02 2.42919667e-04 3.05226697e-02] [-4.92237445e-02 1.34448938e-04 -2.98023144e-03] [-1.15199387e-01 -1.48521097e-04 -1.48161694e-01] [ 1.07697724e-01 -2.28847509e-04 1.20619256e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.77891857e-03 1.81515688e-03 1.33308112e-03 -9.07316763e-05 -1.28508769e-02 3.30719617e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.67254456e-02 2.42919631e-04 3.05226830e-02] [ 4.92237986e-02 1.34449255e-04 -2.98027798e-03] [ 1.15199321e-01 -1.48521415e-04 -1.48161690e-01] [-1.07697674e-01 -2.28847471e-04 1.20619285e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.77891903e-03 1.81515732e-03 1.33308034e-03 -9.07317110e-05 1.28508716e-02 -3.30719038e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.14287226e-12 3.12492989e-02 2.33926289e-04] [-5.54727271e-13 -2.71191457e-02 2.26881422e-02] [ 8.29598976e-13 -6.60957499e-02 -1.28606666e-01] [-1.41948432e-12 6.19655967e-02 1.05684598e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.87703096e-03 -7.04646255e-05 1.59116049e-03 -7.60591529e-03 -8.13418451e-14 -1.04960963e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.38913140e-13 -3.14062833e-02 4.16724284e-04] [-2.99181036e-13 2.71011201e-02 2.28464983e-02] [ 6.56049867e-13 6.61657086e-02 -1.28821781e-01] [-1.18660637e-12 -6.18605454e-02 1.05558559e-01]] Final stress: [-6.30909038e-05 3.85887799e-03 1.59305882e-03 7.65157748e-03 -7.85756420e-14 -7.98910393e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.13283123e-02 8.69284481e-05 3.26167281e-04] [-2.71109315e-02 4.77320554e-05 2.27661478e-02] [-6.61297765e-02 -5.26896063e-05 -1.28714378e-01] [ 6.19123957e-02 -8.19708972e-05 1.05622063e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.89478174e-03 1.90640071e-03 1.59208830e-03 -3.22947872e-05 -7.62866928e-03 1.96729228e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.13282983e-02 8.69284618e-05 3.26130333e-04] [ 2.71109135e-02 4.77319969e-05 2.27661920e-02] [ 6.61297977e-02 -5.26895482e-05 -1.28714371e-01] [-6.19124128e-02 -8.19709105e-05 1.05622049e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.89478172e-03 1.90640069e-03 1.59208912e-03 -3.22947824e-05 7.62867080e-03 -1.96729423e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.68957208e-13 1.75748493e-02 -9.95185017e-03] [-4.84193198e-13 -1.51333843e-02 3.12481153e-02] [ 6.06744689e-13 -4.10252303e-02 -1.21108322e-01] [-6.91949970e-13 3.85837654e-02 9.98120571e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.26400493e-03 6.16443623e-04 1.68571809e-03 -4.69510897e-03 7.81500722e-15 -6.25587459e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.00022724e-12 -1.76201339e-02 -9.92001767e-03] [ 9.67145634e-13 1.51343977e-02 3.12873202e-02] [-1.28140771e-12 4.10425270e-02 -1.21178854e-01] [ 2.31893497e-12 -3.85567908e-02 9.98115513e-02]] Final stress: [6.19561045e-04 3.25870346e-03 1.68620772e-03 4.70817754e-03 1.45080580e-13 1.81195972e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.75976674e-02 3.35021575e-05 -9.93651664e-03] [-1.51341180e-02 1.61232354e-05 3.12683072e-02] [-4.10335927e-02 -1.79961717e-05 -1.21143516e-01] [ 3.85700433e-02 -3.16292212e-05 9.98117250e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.93752822e-03 1.94183086e-03 1.68597406e-03 -1.20595727e-05 -4.70162598e-03 1.32165248e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.75977082e-02 3.35021382e-05 -9.93650109e-03] [ 1.51341658e-02 1.61233431e-05 3.12682896e-02] [ 4.10335336e-02 -1.79962803e-05 -1.21143527e-01] [-3.85699911e-02 -3.16292010e-05 9.98117384e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.93752822e-03 1.94183085e-03 1.68597372e-03 -1.20595836e-05 4.70162249e-03 -1.32164695e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.14574718e-10 8.62996240e-01 -3.56330687e-01] [-9.23575079e-11 -7.41874545e-01 3.49788765e+00] [ 5.06908792e-11 -2.64541490e+00 -8.65956126e+00] [-7.28831336e-11 2.52429321e+00 5.51800429e+00]] Final stress: [ 7.19578447e-02 -1.26194278e-01 1.28406627e-01 -2.13000779e-01 -5.42195142e-12 -9.72889088e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.13326508e-11 -8.72932562e-01 -3.57002139e-01] [-1.04505935e-11 8.43713788e-01 3.48965593e+00] [ 1.04601859e-11 2.54071777e+00 -8.64768293e+00] [ 4.13206158e-11 -2.51149899e+00 5.51502914e+00]] Final stress: [-1.10759485e-01 6.23373454e-02 1.31091286e-01 2.02706113e-01 9.90099514e-12 1.64474951e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.69447346e-01 5.61832890e-03 -3.62799757e-01] [-7.94699429e-01 -5.04530453e-02 3.49218778e+00] [-2.58939610e+00 5.83506277e-02 -8.64743950e+00] [ 2.51464818e+00 -1.35159113e-02 5.51805148e+00]] Final stress: [-0.03045749 -0.02166449 0.13122816 0.00475272 -0.20655766 0.09309397] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-8.69448948e-01 5.61817347e-03 -3.62813965e-01] [ 7.94699907e-01 -5.04520870e-02 3.49217568e+00] [ 2.58937884e+00 5.83496684e-02 -8.64737470e+00] [-2.51462980e+00 -1.35157549e-02 5.51801298e+00]] Final stress: [-0.03045702 -0.02166419 0.13122773 0.00475263 0.20655605 -0.09309292] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.20709605e-13 5.54048084e-02 -2.88994495e-02] [-1.61052486e-12 -4.71748164e-02 8.29392005e-02] [-1.84979983e-12 -1.47289957e-01 -2.86321654e-01] [ 3.14094931e-12 1.39059965e-01 2.32281904e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.79503825e-03 -3.52111656e-03 2.85562183e-03 -9.38555912e-03 1.50303480e-13 8.68935951e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.69046805e-12 -5.54840170e-02 -2.89145895e-02] [-1.63690632e-12 4.74430894e-02 8.28804185e-02] [-8.39075836e-12 1.47015183e-01 -2.86267453e-01] [ 2.32552866e-12 -1.38974255e-01 2.32301624e-01]] Final stress: [-3.46307625e-03 6.73919714e-03 2.85483279e-03 9.37307749e-03 -1.54075576e-12 5.60204478e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.54436532e-02 5.51293181e-05 -2.89070999e-02] [-4.73079131e-02 -1.18755303e-04 8.29095475e-02] [-1.47153704e-01 1.16374240e-04 -2.86293097e-01] [ 1.39017964e-01 -5.27482550e-05 2.32290650e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.60939361e-03 1.66563710e-03 2.85522425e-03 -4.50799932e-07 -9.37942643e-03 5.12971558e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.54471709e-02 5.51245489e-05 -2.89120796e-02] [ 4.73116186e-02 -1.18733958e-04 8.29151768e-02] [ 1.47149142e-01 1.16352880e-04 -2.86294509e-01] [-1.39013590e-01 -5.27434707e-05 2.32291412e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.60939628e-03 1.66563926e-03 2.85532772e-03 -4.52719093e-07 9.37921925e-03 -5.12926937e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.52216346e-12 1.45281129e-02 -4.90024214e-03] [ 1.10591983e-12 -1.23459862e-02 1.31783331e-02] [-5.54158932e-13 -3.84387649e-02 -4.65010139e-02] [ 2.97115457e-12 3.62566382e-02 3.82229230e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.41613623e-03 7.36411119e-04 1.43917424e-03 -2.75227692e-03 4.46983594e-13 2.22882458e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.03594130e-12 -1.45400951e-02 -4.90203265e-03] [ 1.93556759e-12 1.23634107e-02 1.31696720e-02] [-2.00947809e-12 3.84214044e-02 -4.64973410e-02] [ 1.11456677e-12 -3.62447200e-02 3.82297016e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.40651365e-04 3.41221238e-03 1.43904573e-03 2.75311718e-03 -2.40601633e-13 1.70421321e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45338747e-02 7.08849945e-06 -4.90111880e-03] [-1.23549930e-02 -5.39126619e-06 1.31743779e-02] [-3.84297928e-02 5.02898522e-06 -4.64998300e-02] [ 3.62509112e-02 -6.72621850e-06 3.82265710e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07445342e-03 2.07824106e-03 1.43911549e-03 -1.39664332e-06 -2.75258725e-03 1.33781761e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45346112e-02 7.08813537e-06 -4.90103623e-03] [ 1.23550512e-02 -5.39129946e-06 1.31735642e-02] [ 3.84297663e-02 5.02901731e-06 -4.64992070e-02] [-3.62502064e-02 -6.72585322e-06 3.82266791e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07446376e-03 2.07825139e-03 1.43910288e-03 -1.39659771e-06 2.75271644e-03 -1.33777649e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-6.22790968e-12 1.45179809e-02 -3.02073736e-03] [ 1.11362937e-12 -1.23293334e-02 8.30370478e-03] [-8.75437309e-13 -3.83916401e-02 -2.90718628e-02] [ 5.99464575e-12 3.62029926e-02 2.37888954e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.44253036e-03 7.68617453e-04 1.36907566e-03 -2.53732562e-03 9.46815206e-13 3.86223847e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.84907209e-12 -1.45244833e-02 -3.01697550e-03] [ 3.13241924e-12 1.23458254e-02 8.29401444e-03] [-5.79765988e-12 3.83750335e-02 -2.90682285e-02] [ 8.51138084e-12 -3.61963756e-02 2.37911896e-02]] Final stress: [7.72485630e-04 3.43881607e-03 1.36891376e-03 2.53717328e-03 2.89580837e-13 6.39979453e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45216899e-02 4.83749331e-06 -3.02073546e-03] [-1.23399115e-02 -7.16755197e-06 8.30251773e-03] [-3.83811304e-02 6.94155945e-06 -2.90724483e-02] [ 3.61993521e-02 -4.61150083e-06 2.37906660e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10368752e-03 2.10749624e-03 1.36905764e-03 -4.82869927e-07 -2.53681336e-03 1.33491132e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45208315e-02 4.83759772e-06 -3.01919850e-03] [ 1.23382347e-02 -7.16990931e-06 8.30002237e-03] [ 3.83827011e-02 6.94392354e-06 -2.90704728e-02] [-3.62001043e-02 -4.61161194e-06 2.37896489e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10369686e-03 2.10750556e-03 1.36901412e-03 -4.82602221e-07 2.53702510e-03 -1.33504644e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 7.02598743e-12 1.45090532e-02 -1.84087627e-03] [ 2.29346034e-12 -1.23160494e-02 5.26144489e-03] [-4.92767285e-13 -3.83558029e-02 -1.82023314e-02] [-8.83378787e-12 3.61627991e-02 1.47817628e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.45861947e-03 7.88758932e-04 1.32490772e-03 -2.40272103e-03 -1.78464588e-12 -3.42622297e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.58648554e-11 -1.45151080e-02 -1.83658829e-03] [-4.01775922e-12 1.23344748e-02 5.25370048e-03] [ 4.51037645e-13 3.83373675e-02 -1.82008646e-02] [-1.22872944e-11 -3.61567343e-02 1.47837524e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.92696551e-04 3.45476187e-03 1.32477451e-03 2.40195640e-03 -2.28116966e-12 -8.80465021e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45119757e-02 3.47965187e-06 -1.84188533e-03] [-1.23261592e-02 -8.24410201e-06 5.26190371e-03] [-3.83457300e-02 8.10100730e-06 -1.82015616e-02] [ 3.61599134e-02 -3.33655716e-06 1.47815432e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12178916e-03 2.12560951e-03 1.32491962e-03 7.07754544e-08 -2.40211590e-03 1.33293873e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45123634e-02 3.47926662e-06 -1.83906828e-03] [ 1.23250607e-02 -8.24578151e-06 5.25768130e-03] [ 3.83467880e-02 8.10268440e-06 -1.82004534e-02] [-3.61594853e-02 -3.33616948e-06 1.47818404e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12180256e-03 2.12562288e-03 1.32484457e-03 7.10151347e-08 2.40243847e-03 -1.33297781e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.05414878e-11 1.45007958e-02 -1.10626095e-03] [-1.21142354e-12 -1.23073898e-02 3.36781127e-03] [-4.32511015e-13 -3.83281063e-02 -1.14192620e-02] [ 1.21782862e-11 3.61347002e-02 9.15771173e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.46844285e-03 8.01412916e-04 1.29727165e-03 -2.31791017e-03 2.21942336e-12 5.92354334e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.80616876e-11 -1.45024451e-02 -1.10067164e-03] [-3.57061472e-12 1.23289726e-02 3.36150829e-03] [-2.52986651e-13 3.83065515e-02 -1.14183950e-02] [-1.42534352e-11 -3.61330790e-02 9.15755840e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.05262259e-04 3.46458576e-03 1.29715808e-03 2.31552870e-03 -2.81446652e-12 -9.59350168e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45021402e-02 2.63552042e-06 -1.10464215e-03] [-1.23179322e-02 -8.90601877e-06 3.36592266e-03] [-3.83175826e-02 8.81452624e-06 -1.14179309e-02] [ 3.61333746e-02 -2.54402788e-06 9.15665043e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13301402e-03 2.13683995e-03 1.29723895e-03 4.13977187e-07 -2.31687542e-03 1.33157490e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45036267e-02 2.63476597e-06 -1.10341147e-03] [ 1.23175590e-02 -8.90686250e-06 3.36403478e-03] [ 3.83179818e-02 8.81539461e-06 -1.14197275e-02] [-3.61319142e-02 -2.54329806e-06 9.15910422e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13302196e-03 2.13684787e-03 1.29720409e-03 4.14161368e-07 2.31724656e-03 -1.33151756e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.09575552e-11 1.44974715e-02 -6.48796905e-04] [-6.84599317e-12 -1.23009538e-02 2.18958762e-03] [ 6.41753079e-12 -3.83092554e-02 -7.18539596e-03] [-1.05340493e-11 3.61127377e-02 5.64460525e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.47434434e-03 8.09449163e-04 1.28002308e-03 -2.26537278e-03 -5.63144778e-13 -9.54668902e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.94531552e-11 -1.44964410e-02 -6.48504300e-04] [-6.80523801e-12 1.23203837e-02 2.18921594e-03] [ 1.00853937e-11 3.82896646e-02 -7.18587588e-03] [-2.27395863e-11 -3.61136073e-02 5.64516424e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.13056658e-04 3.47073798e-03 1.28001745e-03 2.26292145e-03 -2.03439726e-12 -1.60919510e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44969476e-02 2.09634845e-06 -6.45790635e-04] [-1.23106341e-02 -9.32591889e-06 2.18512296e-03] [-3.82994956e-02 9.26736954e-06 -7.18339298e-03] [ 3.61131822e-02 -2.03779910e-06 5.64406065e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13999566e-03 2.14382389e-03 1.27994533e-03 6.31819960e-07 -2.26415432e-03 1.33064660e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44969847e-02 2.09644017e-06 -6.45410830e-04] [ 1.23116837e-02 -9.32441874e-06 2.18469877e-03] [ 3.82985018e-02 9.26586708e-06 -7.18284631e-03] [-3.61132008e-02 -2.03788848e-06 5.64355837e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.13999501e-03 2.14382326e-03 1.27993826e-03 6.31640086e-07 2.26392574e-03 -1.33058831e-03] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.00678441e-11 1.44892053e-02 -3.55792228e-04] [ 4.99069911e-11 -1.22974309e-02 1.44371486e-03] [-4.33496078e-11 -3.82957115e-02 -4.53974852e-03] [ 3.51462782e-12 3.61039371e-02 3.45182590e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.47828234e-03 8.14252542e-04 1.26904657e-03 -2.23118726e-03 -9.11728919e-12 3.00779123e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.28268663e-11 -1.44952668e-02 -3.57612003e-04] [ 1.45036487e-11 1.23177670e-02 1.44713392e-03] [-1.96503816e-11 3.82754946e-02 -4.54118448e-03] [-1.76932618e-11 -3.60979948e-02 3.45166257e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.18263476e-04 3.47423403e-03 1.26910775e-03 2.22987521e-03 -7.88083511e-12 -1.18888699e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44952559e-02 1.75095272e-06 -3.60993585e-04] [-1.23059068e-02 -9.59432480e-06 1.45036016e-03] [-3.82873031e-02 9.55699448e-06 -4.54168139e-03] [ 3.60979540e-02 -1.71362240e-06 3.45231481e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14434516e-03 2.14817454e-03 1.26916701e-03 7.70891905e-07 -2.23149205e-03 1.32993400e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44950102e-02 1.75087742e-06 -3.61836370e-04] [ 1.23036661e-02 -9.59748587e-06 1.45135380e-03] [ 3.82894203e-02 9.56010946e-06 -4.54232523e-03] [-3.60980761e-02 -1.71350100e-06 3.45280780e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14434545e-03 2.14817480e-03 1.26918392e-03 7.71252418e-07 2.23194789e-03 -1.33006714e-03] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.67715268e-11 1.44898245e-02 -1.83023764e-04] [-3.84117317e-11 -1.22918286e-02 9.91639291e-04] [ 5.03179436e-11 -3.82902053e-02 -2.89003810e-03] [-5.86856397e-11 3.60922093e-02 2.08142257e-03]] Final stress: [ 3.48057120e-03 8.17368785e-04 1.26242795e-03 -2.21167597e-03 2.87259548e-13 -5.34776688e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.40033488e-11 -1.44942523e-02 -1.81014233e-04] [ 1.26543886e-10 1.23152943e-02 9.87564998e-04] [-1.45057125e-10 3.82669754e-02 -2.88607298e-03] [ 3.25106591e-11 -3.60880173e-02 2.07952221e-03]] Final stress: [ 8.21507598e-04 3.47647867e-03 1.26236353e-03 2.20933378e-03 -2.68158432e-11 8.93243719e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.44908067e-02 1.53346447e-06 -1.79119703e-04] [-1.23021968e-02 -9.76524563e-06 9.88148879e-04] [-3.82798445e-02 9.74139026e-06 -2.89114103e-03] [ 3.60912347e-02 -1.50960909e-06 2.08211185e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14703977e-03 2.15086981e-03 1.26236138e-03 8.58942370e-07 -2.21057550e-03 1.32968084e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.44874570e-02 1.53538933e-06 -1.78155839e-04] [ 1.23060260e-02 -9.75905524e-06 9.86350233e-04] [ 3.82761062e-02 9.73519037e-06 -2.88767509e-03] [-3.60946752e-02 -1.51152448e-06 2.07948070e-03]] Final stress: [ 2.14704757e-03 2.15087766e-03 1.26233352e-03 8.58024037e-07 2.20906958e-03 -1.32964928e-03] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: stress-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.0001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[ 198.26489 71.13102 16.64708 137.77756 -0.0008 -0. ] [ 71.13102 198.26487 16.64706 -142.36859 -0.0008 -0. ] [ 16.64708 16.64706 255.81979 0.00883 0.00234 -0. ] [ 137.77756 -142.36859 0.00883 -581.18577 -0. -0. ] [ -0.0008 -0.0008 0.00234 -0. -580.17043 140.9331 ] [ -0. -0. -0. -0. 140.9331 63.56692]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[ 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 120.24761 0.00139 0. ] [ 0.00002 0.00003 0.00008 121.99887 0.00139 0. ] [ 0.00006 0.00008 0.00004 0.00715 0.00791 0. ] [120.24761 121.99887 0.00715 523.13677 0.00002 0. ] [ 0.00139 0.00139 0.00791 0.00002 519.4453 121.25136] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 121.25136 0.00001]] WARNING: Maximum standard error estimate (1/2 of the error given by numdifftools) 261.568387 is too big compared to maximum elastic constant component 581.185766 [ASE units] and requested fractional tolerance 0.010000. Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 4.591026 Attempting to compute elastic constants with method stress-condensed and step generator MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.70025365e-12 -2.58226052e-02 -4.65097933e-02] [ 1.83591272e-12 2.63751432e-02 -3.89315917e-02] [ 2.24140650e-12 2.45859870e-02 3.60296547e-02] [-3.82912452e-13 -2.51385250e-02 4.94117304e-02]] Final stress: [2.00003160e-01 7.43788165e-02 1.74463780e-02 1.35962844e-03 4.64740973e-13 7.73956339e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.95353446e-11 1.09384251e-02 -4.49289234e-02] [ 7.53326438e-13 -1.67073243e-02 -3.25287706e-02] [ 6.03907874e-12 -3.40280728e-02 3.94352541e-02] [ 3.27356666e-11 3.97969720e-02 3.80224398e-02]] Final stress: [-1.95455400e-01 -6.92264911e-02 -1.57531872e-02 -6.92593399e-04 7.73019535e-12 1.80002545e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.34376173e-11 1.97987048e-02 -6.07781055e-02] [-1.68934398e-12 -2.23653952e-02 -5.98221998e-02] [ 3.87712302e-12 -2.84519726e-02 4.71317834e-02] [-1.56356508e-11 3.10186631e-02 7.34685218e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.50542577e-02 2.00432574e-01 1.71622083e-02 -1.10883855e-03 -2.08817478e-12 -9.42700078e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.56431985e-12 -2.15206575e-02 -5.80807352e-02] [-9.96398320e-12 2.39091184e-02 -5.50520828e-02] [ 2.93954141e-12 2.72211107e-02 4.86897544e-02] [ 3.46800366e-12 -2.96095715e-02 6.44430636e-02]] Final stress: [-6.81400394e-02 -1.95423041e-01 -1.60659291e-02 1.10945929e-03 1.27481148e-12 -3.59714638e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.36138972e-13 1.21515792e+00 -6.22925800e-01] [ 2.87377977e-13 -6.74069180e-01 2.25594123e+00] [-9.42414766e-13 -3.56840039e+00 7.61385257e-01] [ 2.18734753e-13 3.02731165e+00 -2.39440068e+00]] Final stress: [ 1.46179329e-01 -1.16698073e-01 2.83241834e-01 -2.85885149e-01 -1.82066637e-13 3.47033093e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.93778576e-12 -1.63452212e+00 -7.75291751e-01] [ 1.16891913e-12 6.99260702e-01 2.47917959e+00] [-1.45176579e-12 3.58340515e+00 8.02397564e-01] [-1.66211706e-12 -2.64814372e+00 -2.50628540e+00]] Final stress: [-8.68072794e-02 1.24045688e-01 2.91137645e-01 3.86486942e-01 -6.08371839e-13 -3.22659532e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.72200793 0.06075879 1.82862186] [-0.73522916 0.04309168 -1.75209771] [-1.25949353 -0.03278109 2.3045698 ] [ 1.27271476 -0.07106937 -2.38109395]] Final stress: [ 0.00362919 0.00399695 0.01391237 -0.0217873 -0.15830999 0.02703842] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.72200793 0.06075879 1.82862186] [ 0.73522916 0.04309168 -1.75209771] [ 1.25949353 -0.03278109 2.3045698 ] [-1.27271476 -0.07106937 -2.38109395]] Final stress: [ 0.00362919 0.00399695 0.01391237 -0.0217873 0.15830999 -0.02703842] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0220692 0.03369234 -0.00245029] [ 0.02238086 0.00992111 -0.00544915] [ 0.02609286 -0.01065443 0.01322927] [-0.02640451 -0.03295901 -0.00532983]] Final stress: [ 0.00075448 0.00148101 0.00128131 -0.00873891 0.00165761 0.12690884] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02206918 0.03369235 -0.00245023] [-0.02238087 0.00992111 -0.00544933] [-0.02609284 -0.01065443 0.01322977] [ 0.02640453 -0.03295902 -0.00533021]] Final stress: [ 0.00075448 0.00148101 0.00128131 -0.00873891 -0.00165761 -0.12690884] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.45676049e-12 -2.55093389e-02 -2.82925398e-02] [-2.80720215e-11 2.61606986e-02 -2.30535706e-02] [ 2.01523444e-11 2.48434379e-02 2.12784376e-02] [ 1.03744062e-11 -2.54947976e-02 3.00676728e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.26200470e-01 4.73266101e-02 1.13897477e-02 1.27843597e-03 6.48513030e-12 -1.01477507e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.89584927e-11 1.61850872e-02 -2.73353023e-02] [ 3.33466143e-11 -2.01193941e-02 -2.10808626e-02] [-3.68695025e-11 -3.08342468e-02 2.53560618e-02] [ 4.24913039e-11 3.47685537e-02 2.30601031e-02]] Final stress: [-1.20893983e-01 -4.24263991e-02 -9.39006348e-03 -8.61252671e-04 -2.70909024e-13 4.18728260e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.73593126e-13 2.18106051e-02 -3.70709354e-02] [-2.41976751e-12 -2.36792269e-02 -3.59937379e-02] [ 1.53795921e-12 -2.72659418e-02 2.80880647e-02] [ 2.03791845e-13 2.91345636e-02 4.49766086e-02]] Final stress: [ 4.78419471e-02 1.26368235e-01 1.12140958e-02 -1.13034536e-03 3.83662768e-13 -1.21791567e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.30801507e-11 -2.29177497e-02 -3.57229521e-02] [-2.22454004e-11 2.46691730e-02 -3.52258982e-02] [ 2.33908468e-11 2.64576562e-02 3.11932769e-02] [ 1.19306579e-11 -2.82090795e-02 3.97555734e-02]] Final stress: [-4.16273148e-02 -1.20986284e-01 -9.58591277e-03 1.12982770e-03 7.60922205e-12 -6.13803662e-13] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-1.52568930e-12 4.38568114e-01 2.53691416e+00] [ 2.40685943e-13 -4.69462351e-01 -2.47019987e+00] [-6.61356603e-13 -8.13125935e-01 4.91273312e-01] [ 1.95730238e-12 8.44020172e-01 -5.57987608e-01]] Final stress: [ 2.05405647e-02 -2.04471272e-02 -3.39093653e-02 -1.09850660e-01 2.02339127e-13 1.21829046e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-5.29059110e-13 -5.25942050e-01 2.56497268e+00] [ 4.07754126e-13 4.43186802e-01 -2.50571893e+00] [-3.22121236e-13 8.45905202e-01 5.28626503e-01] [ 4.45565460e-13 -7.63149954e-01 -5.87880254e-01]] Final stress: [-1.86193034e-02 1.60352090e-02 -3.56781780e-02 1.36519202e-01 1.22254616e-14 4.59228574e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.46230734 0.02506049 2.55537451] [-0.45965478 0.01501391 -2.49685804] [-0.82453135 -0.01288302 0.50974755] [ 0.82187879 -0.02719138 -0.56826402]] Final stress: [-0.00144799 -0.00209603 -0.0348623 -0.00986831 -0.11696556 0.01898267] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 4 steps. Final forces: [[-0.46230734 0.02506049 2.55537451] [ 0.45965478 0.01501391 -2.49685804] [ 0.82453135 -0.01288302 0.50974755] [-0.82187879 -0.02719138 -0.56826403]] Final stress: [-0.00144799 -0.00209603 -0.0348623 -0.00986831 0.11696556 -0.01898267] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[-0.28297689 0.74269558 0.04389079] [ 0.29945768 0.03742673 -0.01679184] [ 0.3680113 -0.0495465 0.07472964] [-0.38449209 -0.7305758 -0.10182859]] Final stress: [-3.66033035e-02 3.94907460e-02 -1.43219718e-04 -1.53073216e-01 1.81727895e-02 7.28468519e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 7 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.28297302 0.74269571 0.043892 ] [-0.29946201 0.03742674 -0.01679758] [-0.36800689 -0.04954652 0.074734 ] [ 0.38449588 -0.73057593 -0.10182842]] Final stress: [-3.66032504e-02 3.94908157e-02 -1.43306454e-04 -1.53073240e-01 -1.81710774e-02 -7.28469100e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 9.07507073e-11 -2.53284625e-02 -1.74621196e-02] [ 8.37815971e-12 2.60459122e-02 -1.37870794e-02] [-2.10205768e-11 2.49731771e-02 1.26377810e-02] [-7.81048594e-11 -2.56906268e-02 1.86114181e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.98334735e-02 3.04037960e-02 7.59636892e-03 1.22566835e-03 -1.97895400e-11 -3.69172915e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.30595575e-10 1.94536606e-02 -1.59347892e-02] [ 8.96162983e-12 -2.22555115e-02 -1.40896493e-02] [-2.06761249e-11 -2.87683563e-02 1.66348440e-02] [-1.18877127e-10 3.15702072e-02 1.33895945e-02]] Final stress: [-7.45701805e-02 -2.57085076e-02 -5.41687514e-03 -9.60875514e-04 -2.75830099e-11 -5.87142198e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.47310979e-10 2.30536102e-02 -2.28101216e-02] [-3.44608604e-11 -2.45234929e-02 -2.17869821e-02] [ 1.67371924e-11 -2.64704055e-02 1.67969696e-02] [-1.29573952e-10 2.79402882e-02 2.78001341e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.07595906e-02 7.98974718e-02 7.48772610e-03 -1.13430497e-03 -2.11338538e-11 -8.89116575e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.07382730e-11 -2.37637435e-02 -2.13712164e-02] [-9.66084266e-12 2.51478956e-02 -2.30002926e-02] [-1.04740500e-12 2.59552970e-02 2.03683707e-02] [-4.00345538e-11 -2.73394491e-02 2.40031383e-02]] Final stress: [-2.51539093e-02 -7.46742897e-02 -5.53969733e-03 1.13576321e-03 -7.98340153e-12 -2.68051128e-12] Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 24 steps. Minimization converged after 23 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. Minimization converged after 30 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.01937889 0.04306051 -0.00133754] [ 0.02145416 0.00102229 0.00021226] [ 0.02623033 -0.00184331 -0.00282275] [-0.02830559 -0.04223949 0.00394803]] Final stress: [-8.08706665e-05 4.09119364e-03 1.25842828e-03 -8.51298758e-03 1.07064244e-03 4.92782244e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.01937947 0.04306049 -0.00133765] [-0.02145345 0.00102229 0.00021265] [-0.02623106 -0.00184331 -0.00282213] [ 0.02830504 -0.04223947 0.00394712]] Final stress: [-8.08738332e-05 4.09118823e-03 1.25843518e-03 -8.51298439e-03 -1.07091540e-03 -4.92782139e-02] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.49433304e-11 -2.52245653e-02 -1.08844922e-02] [-8.47538457e-11 2.59791060e-02 -8.29180802e-03] [ 9.68810969e-11 2.50454360e-02 7.49219322e-03] [ 2.82656711e-12 -2.57999767e-02 1.16841070e-02]] Final stress: [ 5.07598931e-02 1.98212426e-02 5.22172298e-03 1.19315544e-03 2.25908816e-11 -4.66219651e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.62398306e-11 2.14842489e-02 -7.76258212e-03] [ 1.17865185e-10 -2.35873557e-02 -1.08471862e-02] [-1.17094889e-10 -2.74533314e-02 1.20138356e-02] [ 3.54538864e-11 2.95564382e-02 6.59593280e-03]] Final stress: [-4.57250554e-02 -1.52730966e-02 -2.95412832e-03 -1.02039870e-03 -1.98045428e-11 8.58616593e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.45236938e-11 2.38265578e-02 -1.40999141e-02] [ 1.20651958e-11 -2.50589853e-02 -1.32224353e-02] [-3.42612069e-11 -2.59539759e-02 1.00154620e-02] [ 5.67050989e-11 2.71864034e-02 1.73068874e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.00542719e-02 5.07828760e-02 5.15457730e-03 -1.13370093e-03 2.89970432e-12 3.77086494e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.81938112e-10 -2.42820679e-02 -1.13713995e-02] [-1.17950994e-11 2.54451293e-02 -1.64705076e-02] [ 6.15966262e-12 2.56343509e-02 1.44312428e-02] [-1.76322325e-10 -2.67974124e-02 1.34106643e-02]] Final stress: [-1.48961755e-02 -4.58115316e-02 -3.03104608e-03 1.13769116e-03 -3.23982130e-11 -1.01302196e-11] Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-4.02418550e-13 9.15304837e-01 3.68108278e+00] [-2.06613372e-13 -1.00023892e+00 -2.65441277e+00] [-2.91324256e-13 -1.94020284e+00 -1.36711103e+00] [ 8.99984948e-13 2.02513692e+00 3.40441019e-01]] Final stress: [ 5.05539921e-02 -6.58902285e-02 4.51944644e-02 -1.66959044e-01 8.75899871e-14 3.89976621e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.50061799e-13 -1.00070016e+00 3.66802112e+00] [-8.33085142e-12 1.00840629e+00 -2.60723300e+00] [ 8.83571384e-12 1.93238570e+00 -1.36580758e+00] [-2.62436340e-13 -1.94009183e+00 3.05019452e-01]] Final stress: [-4.96702606e-02 3.92549678e-02 4.80591307e-02 1.85852764e-01 1.89773147e-12 -4.52535371e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.9487762 0.01960516 3.66599658] [-1.00686401 -0.00725116 -2.63642431] [-1.92840081 0.01306391 -1.35871433] [ 1.98648862 -0.02541792 0.32914206]] Final stress: [-0.01195296 -0.00274042 0.04768062 -0.00484395 -0.17343448 0.05190738] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.94877619 0.01960516 3.6659966 ] [ 1.006864 -0.00725116 -2.63642428] [ 1.92840083 0.01306391 -1.35871435] [-1.98648863 -0.02541792 0.32914203]] Final stress: [-0.01195296 -0.00274042 0.04768062 -0.00484395 0.17343448 -0.05190738] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-0.0202799 0.02815163 0.00057341] [ 0.02259109 0.00063806 0.00222733] [ 0.02701964 -0.00117453 -0.00570622] [-0.02933083 -0.02761516 0.00290548]] Final stress: [ 0.00065103 0.00345012 0.00128128 -0.00555713 0.00100659 0.03065813] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.02027869 0.02815165 0.00057765] [-0.02259259 0.00063806 0.00222218] [-0.02701809 -0.00117453 -0.00570658] [ 0.02933199 -0.02761518 0.00290675]] Final stress: [ 0.00065103 0.00345013 0.00128119 -0.00555713 -0.00100602 -0.03065815] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 4 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.81732320e-12 2.69611526e-01 5.50437905e-01] [ 1.20893746e-13 -2.47242940e-01 -4.27637932e-01] [-3.00561225e-13 -5.35408776e-01 -3.83427638e-01] [ 2.01081513e-12 5.13040190e-01 2.60627665e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.79609556e-02 -1.44381443e-02 -3.58436717e-03 -5.15460464e-02 3.12213414e-13 1.15387424e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.02012842e-12 -2.83908537e-01 5.55289990e-01] [ 5.57898562e-13 2.44148221e-01 -4.21579298e-01] [-4.76325143e-13 5.39689343e-01 -3.87648492e-01] [ 2.94541995e-12 -4.99929027e-01 2.53937800e-01]] Final stress: [-1.16402272e-02 1.48340275e-02 -3.50375950e-03 5.54770558e-02 4.57603503e-13 1.90268349e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.2767161 0.00283202 0.55267661] [-0.24448841 0.00086182 -0.42641844] [-0.53766622 -0.00104885 -0.38534661] [ 0.50543853 -0.00264499 0.25908845]] Final stress: [ 0.00022006 0.00061006 -0.00373875 -0.00097059 -0.05332544 0.01472538] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.27671611 0.00283202 0.5526766 ] [ 0.24448842 0.00086182 -0.42641844] [ 0.53766621 -0.00104885 -0.38534661] [-0.50543852 -0.00264499 0.25908845]] Final stress: [ 0.00022006 0.00061006 -0.00373875 -0.00097059 0.05332544 -0.01472538] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.11593825e-02 1.80810923e-02 2.59880534e-03] [ 2.33859506e-02 3.50540260e-04 3.41447188e-03] [ 2.70495587e-02 -6.94265065e-04 -5.99793347e-03] [-2.92761268e-02 -1.77373675e-02 -1.53437427e-05]] Final stress: [ 0.00112405 0.00295495 0.00129376 -0.00355505 0.00099235 0.01906398] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.11598784e-02 1.80810872e-02 2.60141059e-03] [-2.33851196e-02 3.50539896e-04 3.41241256e-03] [-2.70504149e-02 -6.94265145e-04 -6.00032032e-03] [ 2.92756562e-02 -1.77373620e-02 -1.35028315e-05]] Final stress: [ 0.00112404 0.00295493 0.00129371 -0.00355505 -0.00099264 -0.01906396] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.19957256e-12 1.05135562e-01 1.17249910e-01] [-9.61444466e-14 -9.26786165e-02 -7.83497161e-02] [ 7.57256237e-13 -2.12128840e-01 -1.95224123e-01] [ 5.56448984e-13 1.99671894e-01 1.56323928e-01]] Final stress: [ 7.62214857e-03 -4.56284909e-03 7.42887113e-04 -2.17168193e-02 2.85015637e-13 2.47991073e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.78113946e-13 -1.06852711e-01 1.18360256e-01] [ 1.14535551e-13 9.24389242e-02 -7.74640668e-02] [ 3.00928987e-14 2.12700989e-01 -1.96232008e-01] [ 4.19071028e-13 -1.98287203e-01 1.55335819e-01]] Final stress: [-4.43685546e-03 7.43348198e-03 7.54527523e-04 2.21968157e-02 8.54621342e-14 3.21885449e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 0.10600224 0.00069198 0.11781027] [-0.09257118 0.00034761 -0.07792082] [-0.21239973 -0.00038873 -0.19572661] [ 0.19896867 -0.00065086 0.15583716]] Final stress: [ 0.00145032 0.00157787 0.00074846 -0.00025416 -0.0219556 0.00601267] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-0.10600226 0.00069198 0.11781025] [ 0.0925712 0.00034761 -0.07792081] [ 0.2123997 -0.00038873 -0.1957266 ] [-0.19896864 -0.00065086 0.15583717]] Final stress: [ 0.00145032 0.00157787 0.00074846 -0.00025416 0.0219556 -0.00601267] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 6.86563653e-13 5.30072410e-02 2.54258863e-02] [-1.41370184e-12 -4.62268065e-02 9.98267455e-04] [ 1.07612270e-12 -1.08310255e-01 -1.44956225e-01] [-3.44748535e-13 1.01529821e-01 1.18532071e-01]] Final stress: [ 4.95909929e-03 -1.31911038e-03 1.37037137e-03 -1.20917261e-02 1.72897363e-13 -9.97767509e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.46765759e-12 -5.34911367e-02 2.59035925e-02] [-7.18747110e-13 4.61523462e-02 1.37379460e-03] [ 5.00168266e-13 1.08513149e-01 -1.45430464e-01] [-1.25716451e-12 -1.01174358e-01 1.18153077e-01]] Final stress: [-1.29429397e-03 4.90723907e-03 1.37492322e-03 1.22303433e-02 -1.27264685e-13 -1.07591758e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.32510804e-02 2.17874856e-04 2.56675183e-02] [-4.61924401e-02 1.21042702e-04 1.18164338e-03] [-1.08408270e-01 -1.33641530e-04 -1.45193561e-01] [ 1.01349630e-01 -2.05276028e-04 1.18344399e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.79725382e-03 1.82924672e-03 1.37256843e-03 -8.14164014e-05 -1.21607570e-02 3.11966745e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-5.32510568e-02 2.17874887e-04 2.56674641e-02] [ 4.61924129e-02 1.21042549e-04 1.18170916e-03] [ 1.08408301e-01 -1.33641378e-04 -1.45193551e-01] [-1.01349657e-01 -2.05276058e-04 1.18344378e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.79725378e-03 1.82924668e-03 1.37256964e-03 -8.14163861e-05 1.21607588e-02 -3.11967048e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.65035693e-12 2.95071614e-02 -1.33205011e-03] [ 5.87710219e-13 -2.55938407e-02 2.40224188e-02] [-1.60254622e-13 -6.27987142e-02 -1.27514873e-01] [-2.06750936e-12 5.88853935e-02 1.04824504e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.79385877e-03 2.35390931e-05 1.60561435e-03 -7.23516408e-03 -4.26827066e-13 -7.59061593e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.40387440e-14 -2.96452488e-02 -1.17179133e-03] [-5.84180274e-13 2.55791295e-02 2.41636818e-02] [ 1.20584315e-12 6.28602351e-02 -1.27709403e-01] [-5.83531487e-13 -5.87941159e-02 1.04717512e-01]] Final stress: [ 3.01259144e-05 3.77775481e-03 1.60731015e-03 7.27538504e-03 1.63921711e-13 -6.50541320e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.95766719e-02 7.87557494e-05 -1.25143338e-03] [-2.55871843e-02 4.29630128e-05 2.40923159e-02] [-6.28286335e-02 -4.74472050e-05 -1.27612241e-01] [ 5.88391459e-02 -7.42715572e-05 1.04771358e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.90109280e-03 1.91155145e-03 1.60644897e-03 -2.92050332e-05 -7.25520873e-03 1.87942154e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-2.95766471e-02 7.87557568e-05 -1.25140959e-03] [ 2.55871425e-02 4.29628756e-05 2.40923263e-02] [ 6.28286851e-02 -4.74470666e-05 -1.27612252e-01] [-5.88391805e-02 -7.42715658e-05 1.04771335e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.90109224e-03 1.91155090e-03 1.60644906e-03 -2.92050170e-05 7.25521387e-03 -1.87942578e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45682685e-12 1.65379281e-02 -1.05146994e-02] [ 2.08339205e-13 -1.42204954e-02 3.17056221e-02] [-1.43495675e-13 -3.92406040e-02 -1.20637248e-01] [ 1.40733432e-12 3.69231713e-02 9.94463251e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.22348539e-03 6.61463538e-04 1.69087569e-03 -4.47857341e-03 2.32457777e-13 9.13620770e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-3.66148084e-14 -1.65781480e-02 -1.04904540e-02] [ 2.23401159e-13 1.42222360e-02 3.17380508e-02] [ 1.54865704e-13 3.92553437e-02 -1.20699479e-01] [-3.46484993e-13 -3.68994317e-02 9.94518821e-02]] Final stress: [ 6.64386498e-04 3.21883319e-03 1.69128368e-03 4.49013404e-03 -2.25551941e-14 -5.41634164e-15] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.65582442e-02 3.05021452e-05 -1.05032303e-02] [-1.42216273e-02 1.43185986e-05 3.17224995e-02] [-3.92476436e-02 -1.60192153e-05 -1.20668285e-01] [ 3.69110267e-02 -2.88015285e-05 9.94490162e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.94008795e-03 1.94399918e-03 1.69109222e-03 -1.09221854e-05 -4.48433360e-03 1.27908930e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 5 steps. Final forces: [[-1.65582540e-02 3.05021389e-05 -1.05032978e-02] [ 1.42216306e-02 1.43186053e-05 3.17225681e-02] [ 3.92476380e-02 -1.60192224e-05 -1.20668273e-01] [-3.69110147e-02 -2.88015218e-05 9.94490025e-02]] Final stress: [ 1.94008809e-03 1.94399932e-03 1.69109352e-03 -1.09221852e-05 4.48433461e-03 -1.27908846e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.75414031e-11 5.77431896e-01 -3.07689855e-01] [-7.47462617e-12 -5.05253343e-01 1.83892359e+00] [ 3.19063500e-11 -1.66226421e+00 -5.09502350e+00] [ 2.31017150e-11 1.59008566e+00 3.56378977e+00]] Final stress: [ 5.08376579e-02 -6.82044697e-02 6.16772187e-02 -1.22819355e-01 1.23159097e-11 7.92642911e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-2.83235754e-11 -5.81507877e-01 -3.07948974e-01] [ 7.81942362e-11 5.43305420e-01 1.83639096e+00] [-6.91314638e-11 1.60775338e+00 -5.09081124e+00] [ 1.92594361e-11 -1.56955093e+00 3.56236926e+00]] Final stress: [-6.65803536e-02 4.33699608e-02 5.95074131e-02 1.18982265e-01 -1.03497584e-11 5.17341872e-12] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 5.79428836e-01 3.17611598e-04 -3.07814922e-01] [-5.22476850e-01 -1.66547814e-02 1.83612535e+00] [-1.64084840e+00 2.65421160e-02 -5.09289006e+00] [ 1.58389641e+00 -1.02049462e-02 3.56457963e+00]] Final stress: [-0.01132055 -0.00862023 0.0615251 0.0022549 -0.12075559 0.05568073] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-5.79441403e-01 3.17423339e-04 -3.07837206e-01] [ 5.22491286e-01 -1.66538524e-02 1.83614737e+00] [ 1.64082998e+00 2.65411870e-02 -5.09288928e+00] [-1.58387986e+00 -1.02047580e-02 3.56457911e+00]] Final stress: [-0.01132053 -0.00862022 0.06152554 0.00225482 0.12075444 -0.05567902] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.28411777e-13 4.62686115e-02 -2.31769562e-02] [-5.53089323e-12 -3.93791615e-02 6.56150681e-02] [ 9.24475925e-12 -1.22867460e-01 -2.27576859e-01] [-3.37556198e-12 1.15978010e-01 1.85138747e-01]] Final stress: [ 6.04658149e-03 -2.54886566e-03 2.47844868e-03 -7.91641490e-03 1.48581858e-12 -5.00586032e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.25831142e-11 -4.63306210e-02 -2.31911918e-02] [-4.37252274e-12 3.95638748e-02 6.55691567e-02] [ 3.18037914e-13 1.22678983e-01 -2.27538053e-01] [-8.52885644e-12 -1.15912236e-01 1.85160088e-01]] Final stress: [-2.50818525e-03 6.00771102e-03 2.47782410e-03 7.90974315e-03 -1.59954241e-12 -6.93755987e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 4.63012016e-02 4.19624903e-05 -2.31861708e-02] [-3.94734602e-02 -7.96834338e-05 6.55947075e-02] [-1.22771051e-01 7.78158295e-05 -2.27559343e-01] [ 1.15943310e-01 -4.00948860e-05 1.85150806e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.72975670e-03 1.76886105e-03 2.47818289e-03 -1.78708929e-06 -7.91294205e-03 4.27763080e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-4.63000042e-02 4.19638409e-05 -2.31848316e-02] [ 3.94722056e-02 -7.96894793e-05 6.55932467e-02] [ 1.22772595e-01 7.78218728e-05 -2.27558799e-01] [-1.15944796e-01 -4.00962345e-05 1.85150384e-01]] Final stress: [ 1.72975509e-03 1.76885960e-03 2.47815606e-03 -1.78654592e-06 7.91301037e-03 -4.27778217e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 2.35548994e-12 1.45273669e-02 -4.66894903e-03] [-3.74895883e-12 -1.23440181e-02 1.25754875e-02] [ 2.79955443e-12 -3.84333317e-02 -4.43449398e-02] [-1.38429025e-12 3.62499829e-02 3.64384014e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.41942041e-03 7.40425150e-04 1.43055031e-03 -2.72582159e-03 3.52023518e-13 -2.81978614e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.81964252e-12 -1.45370035e-02 -4.66860788e-03] [-1.68774478e-12 1.23604369e-02 1.25656868e-02] [-1.11196794e-12 3.84168602e-02 -4.43407303e-02] [-1.02848112e-12 -3.62402935e-02 3.64436514e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.44474364e-04 3.41564680e-03 1.43039724e-03 2.72641800e-03 -4.73156130e-13 -1.41173076e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45334445e-02 6.80312502e-06 -4.66977812e-03] [-1.23537418e-02 -5.61478908e-06 1.25720726e-02] [-3.84236896e-02 5.26964030e-06 -4.43444919e-02] [ 3.62439869e-02 -6.45797625e-06 3.64421975e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07809275e-03 2.08188301e-03 1.43049979e-03 -1.28137080e-06 -2.72602262e-03 1.33739474e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45329199e-02 6.80338240e-06 -4.66921971e-03] [ 1.23537522e-02 -5.61467949e-06 1.25718344e-02] [ 3.84236640e-02 5.26953174e-06 -4.43444740e-02] [-3.62444963e-02 -6.45823468e-06 3.64418593e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.07808657e-03 2.08187684e-03 1.43049433e-03 -1.28141336e-06 2.72591929e-03 -1.33742150e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-3.05483937e-12 1.45169889e-02 -2.87404629e-03] [-4.28644338e-12 -1.23277248e-02 7.92608019e-03] [ 4.80149731e-12 -3.83876915e-02 -2.77273803e-02] [ 2.53173871e-12 3.61984274e-02 2.26753464e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.44455028e-03 7.71097031e-04 1.36360574e-03 -2.52073410e-03 1.58019833e-12 -1.03413437e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.56340565e-12 -1.45250329e-02 -2.87348027e-03] [ 1.54752513e-14 1.23467474e-02 7.92144914e-03] [ 7.79345772e-13 3.83687197e-02 -2.77280829e-02] [ 7.57068019e-13 -3.61904343e-02 2.26801141e-02]] Final stress: [7.75168385e-04 3.44059818e-03 1.36353172e-03 2.52029775e-03 3.26489336e-13 4.32533568e-14] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45210341e-02 4.66786235e-06 -2.87399014e-03] [-1.23373980e-02 -7.30332754e-06 7.92428422e-03] [-3.83780510e-02 7.08765667e-06 -2.77281467e-02] [ 3.61944149e-02 -4.45219148e-06 2.26778526e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10594479e-03 2.10975503e-03 1.36357742e-03 -4.13674992e-07 -2.52048436e-03 1.33471093e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45202851e-02 4.66812531e-06 -2.87406419e-03] [ 1.23369043e-02 -7.30392933e-06 7.92444251e-03] [ 3.83784979e-02 7.08825940e-06 -2.77274065e-02] [-3.61951170e-02 -4.45245538e-06 2.26770282e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.10594326e-03 2.10975350e-03 1.36358042e-03 -4.13632569e-07 2.52045078e-03 -1.33477652e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 3 steps. Minimization converged after 2 steps. The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 8.19130961e-12 1.45071808e-02 -1.75367293e-03] [-1.20950082e-12 -1.23176035e-02 5.03322610e-03] [-1.93746299e-12 -3.83501167e-02 -1.73650234e-02] [-5.04737398e-12 3.61605394e-02 1.40854702e-02]] Final stress: [ 3.45972814e-03 7.90382379e-04 1.32160195e-03 -2.39150050e-03 -1.43486628e-12 -3.32814850e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 3.91165138e-12 -1.45111927e-02 -1.74967629e-03] [-2.51559407e-13 1.23346128e-02 5.02590696e-03] [ 3.27016474e-12 3.83329652e-02 -1.73616912e-02] [-6.92444019e-12 -3.61563853e-02 1.40854605e-02]] Final stress: [ 7.94137223e-04 3.45604846e-03 1.32147692e-03 2.39065183e-03 -5.57322210e-13 -3.88815953e-13] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[ 1.45107457e-02 3.37580599e-06 -1.75110098e-03] [-1.23257567e-02 -8.32515961e-06 5.02819991e-03] [-3.83419215e-02 8.18842933e-06 -1.73645349e-02] [ 3.61569325e-02 -3.23907571e-06 1.40874360e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12317466e-03 2.12699581e-03 1.32151520e-03 1.13024514e-07 -2.39145620e-03 1.33275195e-03] The following exception was caught during minimization: RuntimeError('LineSearch failed!') Minimization stalled after 6 steps. Final forces: [[-1.45122167e-02 3.37507452e-06 -1.74857505e-03] [ 1.23251285e-02 -8.32638310e-06 5.02433664e-03] [ 3.83425645e-02 8.18965362e-06 -1.73649073e-02] [-3.61554763e-02 -3.23834501e-06 1.40891457e-02]] Final stress: [ 2.12318868e-03 2.12700981e-03 1.32144598e-03 1.13245787e-07 2.39188201e-03 -1.33270925e-03] Minimization converged after 5 steps. Minimization converged after 5 steps. Summary of completed elastic constants calculation: Method: stress-condensed Step generator: MaxStepGenerator(_base_step=0.001,_step_nom=None,_num_steps=14,_step_ratio=1.6,offset=0,num_extrap=0,check_num_steps=True,use_exact_steps=True,_scale=500,_state=State(x=array(1), method='forward', n=1, order=2)) Raw elastic constants [ASE units]: [[198.26487 71.13101 16.64707 10.31917 -0. 0. ] [ 71.13101 198.26488 16.64707 -11.52816 -0. 0. ] [ 16.64707 16.64707 255.81977 0.00354 -0. -0. ] [ 10.31917 -11.52816 0.00354 -95.35015 -0. -0. ] [ -0. -0. -0. -0. -95.34043 11.27196] [ 0. 0. -0. -0. 11.27196 63.56691]] 95%% Error estimate [ASE units]: [[0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 3.7251 0. 0. ] [0.00002 0.00003 0.00004 2.0775 0. 0. ] [0.00002 0.00004 0.00004 0.0136 0. 0. ] [3.7251 2.0775 0.0136 3.89814 0. 0. ] [0. 0. 0. 0. 3.8392 2.50425] [0. 0. 0. 0. 2.50425 0.00003]] Maximum deviation from material symmetry [ASE units]: 1.208991 R E S U L T S Elastic constants [GPa]: [[ 31765.53406 11396.44388 2667.15435 1653.31268 -0.00006 0. ] [ 11396.44388 31765.53607 2667.15394 -1847.01432 -0.00006 0. ] [ 2667.15435 2667.15394 40986.84623 0.56773 -0.00003 -0. ] [ 1653.31268 -1847.01432 0.56773 -15276.77887 -0.00001 -0. ] [ -0.00006 -0.00006 -0.00003 -0.00001 -15275.22103 1805.96704] [ 0. 0. -0. -0. 1805.96704 10184.54245]] 95 %% Error estimate [GPa]: [[ 0.0031 0.00248 0.00376 596.82731 0.00026 0.0001 ] [ 0.00248 0.00402 0.00643 332.85243 0.00025 0.0001 ] [ 0.00376 0.00643 0.00719 2.1792 0.0002 0.00022] [596.82731 332.85243 2.1792 624.55093 0.00002 0. ] [ 0.00026 0.00025 0.0002 0.00002 615.10716 401.22572] [ 0.0001 0.0001 0.00022 0. 401.22572 0.00449]] Maximum deviation from material symmetry [GPa] = 193.70164 Bulk modulus [GPa] = 15330.84514 Unique elastic constants for space group 156 [GPa] ['c11', 'c12', 'c13', 'c14', 'c33', 'c44'] [31765.534058141006, 11396.443884783472, 2667.154351074718, 1653.3126777902487, 40986.84623295526, -15276.778873198113] WARNING: Nearest isotropic state not computed.