Enter the name of the KIM Model you wish to perform calculations for: Enter the name of the species you wish to simulate: Enter the lattice type of the crystal ('bcc', 'diamond', 'fcc', 'hcp', or 'sc'): Enter the lattice constant 'a' in meters: If the lattice type is hcp, enter the lattice constant 'c' in meters (if you are not using hcp as the lattice, simply put any value here, as it will be ignored): Parameters Input: Cu fcc MEAM_LAMMPS_WangOhLee_2020_CuMo__MO_486450342170_002 [3.613315641880036] CELL_SIZE_MIN: 4 CELL_SIZE_MAX: 6 Smallest System Size: 256 Largest System Size: 864 [Calculation] Supercell Size: 4 Unrelaxed Cell: [[14.45326257 0. 0. ] [ 0. 14.45326257 0. ] [ 0. 0. 14.45326257]] Unrelaxed Cell Vector: [14.453262567520143, 0.0, 14.453262567520143, 0.0, 0.0, 14.453262567520143] Unrelaxed Cell Energy: -906.2400000135269 Energy of Unrelaxed Cell With Vacancy: -906.2400000135269 ========== Loop: 0 Position Relaxation... Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:10:40 -901.572394* 0.0768 FIRE: 1 19:10:40 -901.573564* 0.0726 FIRE: 2 19:10:40 -901.575683* 0.0646 FIRE: 3 19:10:40 -901.578363* 0.0533 FIRE: 4 19:10:40 -901.581139* 0.0399 FIRE: 5 19:10:40 -901.583573* 0.0295 FIRE: 6 19:10:40 -901.585349* 0.0179 FIRE: 7 19:10:40 -901.586352* 0.0146 FIRE: 8 19:10:40 -901.586673* 0.0146 FIRE: 9 19:10:40 -901.586704* 0.0143 FIRE: 10 19:10:40 -901.586764* 0.0136 FIRE: 11 19:10:40 -901.586847* 0.0125 FIRE: 12 19:10:40 -901.586949* 0.0112 FIRE: 13 19:10:40 -901.587062* 0.0096 FIRE: 14 19:10:40 -901.587178* 0.0077 FIRE: 15 19:10:40 -901.587289* 0.0059 FIRE: 16 19:10:40 -901.587399* 0.0047 FIRE: 17 19:10:40 -901.587495* 0.0044 FIRE: 18 19:10:40 -901.587568* 0.0039 FIRE: 19 19:10:40 -901.587609* 0.0045 FIRE: 20 19:10:40 -901.587621* 0.0064 FIRE: 21 19:10:40 -901.587623* 0.0064 FIRE: 22 19:10:40 -901.587628* 0.0062 FIRE: 23 19:10:40 -901.587634* 0.0059 FIRE: 24 19:10:40 -901.587642* 0.0056 FIRE: 25 19:10:40 -901.587650* 0.0052 FIRE: 26 19:10:40 -901.587660* 0.0047 FIRE: 27 19:10:40 -901.587670* 0.0042 FIRE: 28 19:10:40 -901.587680* 0.0036 FIRE: 29 19:10:40 -901.587691* 0.0028 FIRE: 30 19:10:41 -901.587701* 0.0020 FIRE: 31 19:10:41 -901.587709* 0.0013 FIRE: 32 19:10:41 -901.587714* 0.0013 FIRE: 33 19:10:41 -901.587717* 0.0017 FIRE: 34 19:10:41 -901.587719* 0.0019 FIRE: 35 19:10:41 -901.587719* 0.0019 FIRE: 36 19:10:41 -901.587720* 0.0018 FIRE: 37 19:10:41 -901.587720* 0.0017 FIRE: 38 19:10:41 -901.587721* 0.0016 FIRE: 39 19:10:41 -901.587723* 0.0015 FIRE: 40 19:10:41 -901.587724* 0.0013 FIRE: 41 19:10:41 -901.587725* 0.0011 FIRE: 42 19:10:41 -901.587727* 0.0009 Relaxation Completed. Steps: 42 Cell Size Relaxation... Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111030 Iterations: 531 Function evaluations: 912 Current VFE: 1.1110303524498022 Energy of Supercell: -906.2400000135269 Unrelaxed Cell Volume: 3019.24028323104 Current Relaxed Cell Volume: 3016.3219184101317 Current Relaxation Volume: 2.9183648209082094 Current Cell: [[ 1.44486041e+01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 1.69817009e-07 1.44486041e+01 0.00000000e+00] [ 7.45873953e-07 -6.48775506e-08 1.44486046e+01]] ========== Loop: 1 Position Relaxation... Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:11:05 -901.588970* 0.0016 FIRE: 1 19:11:05 -901.588970* 0.0015 FIRE: 2 19:11:05 -901.588972* 0.0014 FIRE: 3 19:11:05 -901.588973* 0.0011 FIRE: 4 19:11:05 -901.588975* 0.0009 Relaxation Completed. Steps: 4 Cell Size Relaxation... Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111025 Iterations: 134 Function evaluations: 305 Current VFE: 1.1110248451118423 Energy of Supercell: -906.2400000135269 Unrelaxed Cell Volume: 3019.24028323104 Current Relaxed Cell Volume: 3016.318702643448 Current Relaxation Volume: 2.9215805875919614 Current Cell: [[ 1.44485992e+01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 1.75514775e-07 1.44485993e+01 0.00000000e+00] [ 7.39467829e-07 -6.66456518e-08 1.44485990e+01]] ========== Loop: 2 Position Relaxation... Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:11:15 -901.588975* 0.0009 Relaxation Completed. Steps: 0 Cell Size Relaxation... Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111025 Iterations: 120 Function evaluations: 275 Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:11:23 -901.588975* 0.0009 FIRE: 1 19:11:23 -901.588975* 0.0008 FIRE: 2 19:11:23 -901.588976* 0.0008 FIRE: 3 19:11:23 -901.588977* 0.0007 FIRE: 4 19:11:23 -901.588977* 0.0006 FIRE: 5 19:11:23 -901.588978* 0.0004 FIRE: 6 19:11:23 -901.588979* 0.0003 FIRE: 7 19:11:23 -901.588980* 0.0003 FIRE: 8 19:11:23 -901.588980* 0.0003 FIRE: 9 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0001 FIRE: 10 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0002 FIRE: 11 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0002 FIRE: 12 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0002 FIRE: 13 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0001 FIRE: 14 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0001 FIRE: 15 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0001 FIRE: 16 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0001 FIRE: 17 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0001 FIRE: 18 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0001 FIRE: 19 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0000 FIRE: 20 19:11:23 -901.588981* 0.0000 Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111019 Iterations: 197 Function evaluations: 449 --------------- Calculation Completed. Number Of Atoms in Supercell: 256 Vacancy Formation Energy (relaxed): 1.1110192911216927 Vacancy Formation Energy (unrelaxed): 1.1276055981263653 Unrelaxed Cell Volume: 3019.24028323104 Relaxed Cell Volume: 3016.318702643448 Relaxation Volume: 2.9215805875919614 Relaxed Cell Vector: [14.448588888225842, 1.8004006676868356e-07, 14.448589407277524, 7.443856592439455e-07, -6.861582113670432e-08, 14.448588743076947] Unrelaxed Cell Vector: [14.453262567520143, 0.0, 14.453262567520143, 0.0, 0.0, 14.453262567520143] Relaxed Cell: [[ 1.44485889e+01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 1.80040067e-07 1.44485894e+01 0.00000000e+00] [ 7.44385659e-07 -6.86158211e-08 1.44485887e+01]] Unrelaxed Cell: [[14.45326257 0. 0. ] [ 0. 14.45326257 0. ] [ 0. 0. 14.45326257]] Supercell Size: 5 Unrelaxed Cell: [[18.06657821 0. 0. ] [ 0. 18.06657821 0. ] [ 0. 0. 18.06657821]] Unrelaxed Cell Vector: [18.06657820940018, 0.0, 18.06657820940018, 0.0, 0.0, 18.06657820940018] Unrelaxed Cell Energy: -1770.0000000264824 Energy of Unrelaxed Cell With Vacancy: -1770.0000000264824 ========== Loop: 0 Position Relaxation... Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:11:37 -1765.332394* 0.0768 FIRE: 1 19:11:37 -1765.333564* 0.0726 FIRE: 2 19:11:38 -1765.335683* 0.0646 FIRE: 3 19:11:38 -1765.338363* 0.0533 FIRE: 4 19:11:38 -1765.341140* 0.0399 FIRE: 5 19:11:38 -1765.343577* 0.0295 FIRE: 6 19:11:38 -1765.345364* 0.0179 FIRE: 7 19:11:38 -1765.346389* 0.0152 FIRE: 8 19:11:38 -1765.346762* 0.0144 FIRE: 9 19:11:38 -1765.346796* 0.0141 FIRE: 10 19:11:38 -1765.346861* 0.0133 FIRE: 11 19:11:38 -1765.346954* 0.0123 FIRE: 12 19:11:38 -1765.347067* 0.0109 FIRE: 13 19:11:38 -1765.347194* 0.0093 FIRE: 14 19:11:38 -1765.347326* 0.0074 FIRE: 15 19:11:38 -1765.347456* 0.0060 FIRE: 16 19:11:38 -1765.347588* 0.0049 FIRE: 17 19:11:38 -1765.347713* 0.0046 FIRE: 18 19:11:38 -1765.347820* 0.0042 FIRE: 19 19:11:38 -1765.347902* 0.0051 FIRE: 20 19:11:38 -1765.347959* 0.0071 FIRE: 21 19:11:38 -1765.348002* 0.0082 FIRE: 22 19:11:38 -1765.348042* 0.0082 FIRE: 23 19:11:38 -1765.348086* 0.0069 FIRE: 24 19:11:38 -1765.348127* 0.0044 FIRE: 25 19:11:38 -1765.348147* 0.0028 FIRE: 26 19:11:38 -1765.348151* 0.0027 FIRE: 27 19:11:38 -1765.348159* 0.0025 FIRE: 28 19:11:38 -1765.348169* 0.0022 FIRE: 29 19:11:38 -1765.348181* 0.0019 FIRE: 30 19:11:38 -1765.348193* 0.0017 FIRE: 31 19:11:38 -1765.348204* 0.0014 FIRE: 32 19:11:38 -1765.348213* 0.0011 FIRE: 33 19:11:38 -1765.348221* 0.0009 Relaxation Completed. Steps: 33 Cell Size Relaxation... Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111138 Iterations: 455 Function evaluations: 806 Current VFE: 1.111138018932479 Energy of Supercell: -1770.0000000264824 Unrelaxed Cell Volume: 5896.953678185619 Current Relaxed Cell Volume: 5894.028117351561 Current Relaxation Volume: 2.9255608340572508 Current Cell: [[ 1.80635900e+01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [-8.42206568e-07 1.80635905e+01 0.00000000e+00] [ 4.32543331e-07 1.44718933e-07 1.80635895e+01]] ========== Loop: 1 Position Relaxation... Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:12:04 -1765.348862* 0.0009 Relaxation Completed. Steps: 0 Cell Size Relaxation... Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111138 Iterations: 125 Function evaluations: 292 Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:12:19 -1765.348862* 0.0009 FIRE: 1 19:12:19 -1765.348863* 0.0008 FIRE: 2 19:12:19 -1765.348864* 0.0008 FIRE: 3 19:12:19 -1765.348866* 0.0007 FIRE: 4 19:12:19 -1765.348868* 0.0007 FIRE: 5 19:12:19 -1765.348870* 0.0006 FIRE: 6 19:12:19 -1765.348871* 0.0005 FIRE: 7 19:12:19 -1765.348873* 0.0004 FIRE: 8 19:12:19 -1765.348873* 0.0005 FIRE: 9 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0006 FIRE: 10 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0006 FIRE: 11 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0005 FIRE: 12 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0005 FIRE: 13 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0005 FIRE: 14 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0004 FIRE: 15 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0004 FIRE: 16 19:12:19 -1765.348874* 0.0003 FIRE: 17 19:12:19 -1765.348875* 0.0002 FIRE: 18 19:12:20 -1765.348875* 0.0001 FIRE: 19 19:12:20 -1765.348875* 0.0001 FIRE: 20 19:12:20 -1765.348875* 0.0000 Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111125 Iterations: 177 Function evaluations: 419 --------------- Calculation Completed. Number Of Atoms in Supercell: 500 Vacancy Formation Energy (relaxed): 1.1111252804203104 Vacancy Formation Energy (unrelaxed): 1.1276055981265927 Unrelaxed Cell Volume: 5896.953678185619 Relaxed Cell Volume: 5894.028117351561 Relaxation Volume: 2.9255608340572508 Relaxed Cell Vector: [18.06358893845666, -8.632284988660651e-07, 18.063588415603583, 4.2391038042844175e-07, 1.4662422158122592e-07, 18.063588874006207] Unrelaxed Cell Vector: [18.06657820940018, 0.0, 18.06657820940018, 0.0, 0.0, 18.06657820940018] Relaxed Cell: [[ 1.80635889e+01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [-8.63228499e-07 1.80635884e+01 0.00000000e+00] [ 4.23910380e-07 1.46624222e-07 1.80635889e+01]] Unrelaxed Cell: [[18.06657821 0. 0. ] [ 0. 18.06657821 0. ] [ 0. 0. 18.06657821]] Supercell Size: 6 Unrelaxed Cell: [[21.67989385 0. 0. ] [ 0. 21.67989385 0. ] [ 0. 0. 21.67989385]] Unrelaxed Cell Vector: [21.679893851280216, 0.0, 21.679893851280216, 0.0, 0.0, 21.679893851280216] Unrelaxed Cell Energy: -3058.5600000459253 Energy of Unrelaxed Cell With Vacancy: -3058.5600000459253 ========== Loop: 0 Position Relaxation... Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:12:35 -3053.892394* 0.0768 FIRE: 1 19:12:35 -3053.893564* 0.0726 FIRE: 2 19:12:35 -3053.895683* 0.0646 FIRE: 3 19:12:35 -3053.898363* 0.0533 FIRE: 4 19:12:35 -3053.901141* 0.0399 FIRE: 5 19:12:35 -3053.903577* 0.0295 FIRE: 6 19:12:35 -3053.905364* 0.0179 FIRE: 7 19:12:35 -3053.906389* 0.0152 FIRE: 8 19:12:35 -3053.906764* 0.0144 FIRE: 9 19:12:35 -3053.906798* 0.0141 FIRE: 10 19:12:35 -3053.906864* 0.0133 FIRE: 11 19:12:35 -3053.906957* 0.0123 FIRE: 12 19:12:35 -3053.907072* 0.0109 FIRE: 13 19:12:35 -3053.907200* 0.0093 FIRE: 14 19:12:35 -3053.907333* 0.0074 FIRE: 15 19:12:35 -3053.907466* 0.0060 FIRE: 16 19:12:35 -3053.907601* 0.0049 FIRE: 17 19:12:35 -3053.907731* 0.0046 FIRE: 18 19:12:35 -3053.907845* 0.0042 FIRE: 19 19:12:35 -3053.907937* 0.0051 FIRE: 20 19:12:35 -3053.908008* 0.0072 FIRE: 21 19:12:35 -3053.908070* 0.0083 FIRE: 22 19:12:35 -3053.908134* 0.0084 FIRE: 23 19:12:35 -3053.908208* 0.0071 FIRE: 24 19:12:35 -3053.908284* 0.0046 FIRE: 25 19:12:35 -3053.908341* 0.0029 FIRE: 26 19:12:35 -3053.908356* 0.0026 FIRE: 27 19:12:36 -3053.908359* 0.0025 FIRE: 28 19:12:36 -3053.908367* 0.0023 FIRE: 29 19:12:36 -3053.908376* 0.0021 FIRE: 30 19:12:36 -3053.908387* 0.0018 FIRE: 31 19:12:36 -3053.908397* 0.0015 FIRE: 32 19:12:36 -3053.908406* 0.0012 FIRE: 33 19:12:36 -3053.908412* 0.0009 Relaxation Completed. Steps: 33 Cell Size Relaxation... Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111215 Iterations: 344 Function evaluations: 639 Current VFE: 1.1112152974806122 Energy of Supercell: -3058.5600000459253 Unrelaxed Cell Volume: 10189.935955904739 Current Relaxed Cell Volume: 10187.00757014848 Current Relaxation Volume: 2.928385756258649 Current Cell: [[ 2.16778173e+01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [-1.38635879e-06 2.16778168e+01 0.00000000e+00] [ 1.00935764e-06 -6.23582913e-08 2.16778164e+01]] ========== Loop: 1 Position Relaxation... Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:13:12 -3053.908785* 0.0009 Relaxation Completed. Steps: 0 Cell Size Relaxation... Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111215 Iterations: 107 Function evaluations: 268 Step Time Energy fmax *Force-consistent energies used in optimization. FIRE: 0 19:13:19 -3053.908785* 0.0009 FIRE: 1 19:13:19 -3053.908786* 0.0008 FIRE: 2 19:13:19 -3053.908788* 0.0007 FIRE: 3 19:13:19 -3053.908790* 0.0007 FIRE: 4 19:13:19 -3053.908793* 0.0006 FIRE: 5 19:13:19 -3053.908796* 0.0006 FIRE: 6 19:13:19 -3053.908798* 0.0005 FIRE: 7 19:13:19 -3053.908800* 0.0004 FIRE: 8 19:13:19 -3053.908802* 0.0004 FIRE: 9 19:13:19 -3053.908804* 0.0004 FIRE: 10 19:13:19 -3053.908804* 0.0003 FIRE: 11 19:13:19 -3053.908804* 0.0003 FIRE: 12 19:13:19 -3053.908804* 0.0003 FIRE: 13 19:13:19 -3053.908804* 0.0002 FIRE: 14 19:13:20 -3053.908804* 0.0002 FIRE: 15 19:13:20 -3053.908804* 0.0002 FIRE: 16 19:13:20 -3053.908804* 0.0002 FIRE: 17 19:13:20 -3053.908804* 0.0001 FIRE: 18 19:13:20 -3053.908804* 0.0001 FIRE: 19 19:13:20 -3053.908805* 0.0001 FIRE: 20 19:13:20 -3053.908805* 0.0001 Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 1.111195 Iterations: 177 Function evaluations: 421 --------------- Calculation Completed. Number Of Atoms in Supercell: 864 Vacancy Formation Energy (relaxed): 1.111195432254135 Vacancy Formation Energy (unrelaxed): 1.1276055981265927 Unrelaxed Cell Volume: 10189.935955904739 Relaxed Cell Volume: 10187.00757014848 Relaxation Volume: 2.928385756258649 Relaxed Cell Vector: [21.67781889776306, -1.4198510807620477e-06, 21.677819184679667, 1.0362658476867875e-06, -6.284878700015148e-08, 21.677817788788563] Unrelaxed Cell Vector: [21.679893851280216, 0.0, 21.679893851280216, 0.0, 0.0, 21.679893851280216] Relaxed Cell: [[ 2.16778189e+01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [-1.41985108e-06 2.16778192e+01 0.00000000e+00] [ 1.03626585e-06 -6.28487870e-08 2.16778178e+01]] Unrelaxed Cell: [[21.67989385 0. 0. ] [ 0. 21.67989385 0. ] [ 0. 0. 21.67989385]] [Calculation Results Summary] Sizes: [4, 5, 6] Unrelaxed Formation Energy By Size: [1.1276055981263653, 1.1276055981265927, 1.1276055981265927] Formation Energy By Size: [1.1110192911216927, 1.1111252804203104, 1.111195432254135] Relaxation Volume By Size: [2.9215805875919614, 2.9255608340572508, 2.928385756258649] [Extrapolation] Fitting with 2 points, including orders [0, 3] Fit with data beginning 0 Fit with Size: [4 5] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.015625] [1. 0.008 ]] Data for Fitting: [1.1276056 1.1276056] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.12760560e+00, -2.98163189e-11]), array([], dtype=float64), 2, array([1.41431223, 0.00539131])) Fit with Size: [4 5] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.015625] [1. 0.008 ]] Data for Fitting: [1.11101929 1.11112528] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.11123648, -0.01390024]), array([], dtype=float64), 2, array([1.41431223, 0.00539131])) Fit with Size: [4 5] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.015625] [1. 0.008 ]] Data for Fitting: [2.92158059 2.92556083] Fitting Results: (array([ 2.92973683, -0.52199954]), array([], dtype=float64), 2, array([1.41431223, 0.00539131])) Fit with data beginning 1 Fit with Size: [5 6] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.008 ] [1. 0.00462963]] Data for Fitting: [1.1276056 1.1276056] Fitting Results: (array([1.12760560e+00, 1.18710229e-18]), array([], dtype=float64), 2, array([1.41424176, 0.00238316])) Fit with Size: [5 6] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.008 ] [1. 0.00462963]] Data for Fitting: [1.11112528 1.11119543] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.11129179, -0.02081428]), array([], dtype=float64), 2, array([1.41424176, 0.00238316])) Fit with Size: [5 6] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.008 ] [1. 0.00462963]] Data for Fitting: [2.92556083 2.92838576] Fitting Results: (array([ 2.93226614, -0.83816373]), array([], dtype=float64), 2, array([1.41424176, 0.00238316])) Fitting with 3 points, including orders [0, 3] Fit with data beginning 0 Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.015625 ] [1. 0.008 ] [1. 0.00462963]] Data for Fitting: [1.1276056 1.1276056 1.1276056] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.1276056e+00, -2.2228691e-11]), array([3.08225883e-27]), 2, array([1.73212763, 0.00796621])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.015625 ] [1. 0.008 ] [1. 0.00462963]] Data for Fitting: [1.11101929 1.11112528 1.11119543] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.11126081, -0.01565846]), array([1.65819833e-10]), 2, array([1.73212763, 0.00796621])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1. 0.015625 ] [1. 0.008 ] [1. 0.00462963]] Data for Fitting: [2.92158059 2.92556083 2.92838576] Fitting Results: (array([ 2.93084925, -0.60239944]), array([3.46734856e-07]), 2, array([1.73212763, 0.00796621])) Fitting with 3 points, including orders [0, 3, 4] Fit with data beginning 0 Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 4] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 3.90625000e-03] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 1.60000000e-03] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 7.71604938e-04]] Data for Fitting: [1.1276056 1.1276056 1.1276056] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.12760560e+00, 1.29283733e-10, -5.25997891e-10]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73213142e+00, 8.29013951e-03, 1.01423660e-04])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 4] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 3.90625000e-03] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 1.60000000e-03] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 7.71604938e-04]] Data for Fitting: [1.11101929 1.11112528 1.11119543] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.11133648, -0.0508009 , 0.12200221]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73213142e+00, 8.29013951e-03, 1.01423660e-04])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 4] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 3.90625000e-03] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 1.60000000e-03] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 7.71604938e-04]] Data for Fitting: [2.92158059 2.92556083 2.92838576] Fitting Results: (array([ 2.9343097 , -2.20938668, 5.57889517]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73213142e+00, 8.29013951e-03, 1.01423660e-04])) Fitting with 3 points, including orders [0, 3, 5] Fit with data beginning 0 Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 5] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 9.76562500e-04] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 3.20000000e-04] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 1.28600823e-04]] Data for Fitting: [1.1276056 1.1276056 1.1276056] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.12760560e+00, 5.77403920e-11, -1.01675718e-09]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73212782e+00, 7.99080777e-03, 5.44349833e-05])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 5] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 9.76562500e-04] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 3.20000000e-04] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 1.28600823e-04]] Data for Fitting: [1.11101929 1.11112528 1.11119543] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.11132347, -0.03420683, 0.23583102]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73212782e+00, 7.99080777e-03, 5.44349833e-05])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 5] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 9.76562500e-04] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 3.20000000e-04] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 1.28600823e-04]] Data for Fitting: [2.92158059 2.92556083 2.92838576] Fitting Results: (array([ 2.93371455, -1.450576 , 10.78403888]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73212782e+00, 7.99080777e-03, 5.44349833e-05])) Fitting with 3 points, including orders [0, 3, 6] Fit with data beginning 0 Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 6] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 2.44140625e-04] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 6.40000000e-05] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 2.14334705e-05]] Data for Fitting: [1.1276056 1.1276056 1.1276056] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.12760560e+00, 3.42396385e-11, -2.71105684e-09]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73212764e+00, 7.96793362e-03, 2.04739548e-05])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 6] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 2.44140625e-04] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 6.40000000e-05] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 2.14334705e-05]] Data for Fitting: [1.11101929 1.11112528 1.11119543] Fitting Results: (array([ 1.11131508, -0.02875597, 0.62881415]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73212764e+00, 7.96793362e-03, 2.04739548e-05])) Fit with Size: [4 5 6] Orders: [0, 3, 6] Matrix A (Ax = y): [[1.00000000e+00 1.56250000e-02 2.44140625e-04] [1.00000000e+00 8.00000000e-03 6.40000000e-05] [1.00000000e+00 4.62962963e-03 2.14334705e-05]] Data for Fitting: [2.92158059 2.92556083 2.92838576] Fitting Results: (array([ 2.93333112, -1.20131991, 28.7543014 ]), array([], dtype=float64), 3, array([1.73212764e+00, 7.96793362e-03, 2.04739548e-05])) [Fitting Results Summary] Sizes: [4, 5, 6] Data Points Used: [2, 3, 3, 3, 3] Orders Included: [[0, 3], [0, 3], [0, 3, 4], [0, 3, 5], [0, 3, 6]] Unrelaxed Formation Energy Fits By Size: [[1.1276055981268305, 1.127605598126593], [1.127605598126726], [1.1276055981264006], [1.1276055981264568], [1.127605598126492]] Formation Energy Fits By Size: [[1.1112364823073841, 1.1112917946632348], [1.1112608092907525], [1.1113364841163063], [1.11132346915931], [1.111315084076224]] Relaxation Volume Fits By Size: [[2.9297368303486997, 2.932266143897932], [2.930849250308029], [2.9343096952423444], [2.933714549608651], [2.9333311180239234]] [Final Results] [ { "property-id" "tag:staff@noreply.openkim.org,2015-07-28:property/monovacancy-neutral-unrelaxed-formation-potential-energy-crystal-npt" "instance-id" 1 "unrelaxed-formation-potential-energy" { "source-value" 1.127605598126593 "source-unit" "eV" "source-std-uncert-value" 1.9865226477122633e-05 } "host-cauchy-stress" { "source-value" [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] "source-unit" "GPa" } "host-removed-atom" { "source-value" 1 } "host-short-name" { "source-value" [ "fcc" ] } "host-a" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-b" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-c" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-alpha" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-beta" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-gamma" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-space-group" { "source-value" "Fm-3m" } "host-wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter" { "source-value" [ "4a" ] } "host-wyckoff-coordinates" { "source-value" [ [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] ] } "host-wyckoff-species" { "source-value" [ "Cu" ] } "reservoir-cohesive-potential-energy" { "source-value" 3.54000000005286 "source-unit" "eV" } "reservoir-short-name" { "source-value" [ "fcc" ] } "reservoir-cauchy-stress" { "source-value" [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] "source-unit" "GPa" } "reservoir-a" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "reservoir-b" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "reservoir-c" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "reservoir-alpha" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "reservoir-beta" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "reservoir-gamma" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "reservoir-space-group" { "source-value" "Fm-3m" } "reservoir-wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter" { "source-value" [ "4a" ] } "reservoir-wyckoff-coordinates" { "source-value" [ [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] ] } "reservoir-wyckoff-species" { "source-value" [ "Cu" ] } } { "property-id" "tag:staff@noreply.openkim.org,2015-07-28:property/monovacancy-neutral-relaxed-formation-potential-energy-crystal-npt" "instance-id" 2 "relaxed-formation-potential-energy" { "source-value" 1.1112917946632348 "source-unit" "eV" "source-std-uncert-value" 4.890577101747024e-05 } "host-cauchy-stress" { "source-value" [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] "source-unit" "GPa" } "host-removed-atom" { "source-value" 1 } "host-short-name" { "source-value" [ "fcc" ] } "host-a" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-b" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-c" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-alpha" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-beta" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-gamma" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-space-group" { "source-value" "Fm-3m" } "host-wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter" { "source-value" [ "4a" ] } "host-wyckoff-coordinates" { "source-value" [ [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] ] } "host-wyckoff-species" { "source-value" [ "Cu" ] } "reservoir-cohesive-potential-energy" { "source-value" 3.54000000005286 "source-unit" "eV" } "reservoir-short-name" { "source-value" [ "fcc" ] } "reservoir-cauchy-stress" { "source-value" [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] "source-unit" "GPa" } "reservoir-a" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "reservoir-b" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "reservoir-c" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "reservoir-alpha" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "reservoir-beta" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "reservoir-gamma" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "reservoir-space-group" { "source-value" "Fm-3m" } "reservoir-wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter" { "source-value" [ "4a" ] } "reservoir-wyckoff-coordinates" { "source-value" [ [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] ] } "reservoir-wyckoff-species" { "source-value" [ "Cu" ] } } { "property-id" "tag:staff@noreply.openkim.org,2015-07-28:property/monovacancy-neutral-relaxation-volume-crystal-npt" "instance-id" 3 "relaxation-volume" { "source-value" 2.932266143897932 "source-unit" "angstrom^3" "source-std-uncert-value" 0.003216743751098117 } "host-cauchy-stress" { "source-value" [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] "source-unit" "GPa" } "host-removed-atom" { "source-value" 1 } "host-short-name" { "source-value" [ "fcc" ] } "host-a" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-b" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-c" { "source-value" 3.613315641880036 "source-unit" "angstrom" } "host-alpha" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-beta" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-gamma" { "source-value" 90.0 "source-unit" "degree" } "host-space-group" { "source-value" "Fm-3m" } "host-wyckoff-multiplicity-and-letter" { "source-value" [ "4a" ] } "host-wyckoff-coordinates" { "source-value" [ [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] ] } "host-wyckoff-species" { "source-value" [ "Cu" ] } } ]