Model name: model_name=LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003 a1: a1=[1, 1, -1] a2: a2=[-1, 1, 0] a3: a3=[1, 1, 2] Species: species=Ni Lattice type: short_name=fcc Lattice constant (meters) and cohesive energy (J): a=3.410651050508022 cohesive_energy=17.28153736445077 mass=58.6934 Min. tilt angle (degrees): theta_min=0.0 Max. tilt angle (degrees): theta_max=120.0 Max. denominator: max_denominator=8 Atom deletion cutoff distance (as fraction of lattice parameter): cutoff_distance=0.5 Min. number unit cell repetitions along x direction: x_repeat=1 Min. number unit cell repetitions along z direction: z_repeat=1 Min. cell height (Angstroms): min_cell_height=10.0 Offset grid fraction (as fraction of lattice parameter): offset_grid_frac=0.25 Isolated atom energy: 0.0 eV ======================================== theta = 0.0 ========================================