Element = Lattice = Model = Element: W Lattice: hcp Model: MEAM_LAMMPS_Lenosky_2017_W__MO_999198119251_002 Computed model cutoff of 5.499999961406003 Angstroms Computed isolated atomic energy of 0.0 eV for species W ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Starting optimization to find optimum lattice constant 'a' with c/a fixed to sqrt(8/3) ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.0 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 40 Function evaluations: 86 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120612382923, total energy = -33.6675519711563 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.125 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 40 Function evaluations: 84 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120254755013, total energy = -33.66755197115624 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.25 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 38 Function evaluations: 81 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012059189379, total energy = -33.66755197115628 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.375 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 40 Function evaluations: 84 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120514594088, total energy = -33.66755197115616 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.5 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 38 Function evaluations: 81 Results for this minimization: a = 2.90601208470762, total energy = -33.66755197115619 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.625 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 38 Function evaluations: 80 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012069416467, total energy = -33.667551971156264 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.75 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 36 Function evaluations: 77 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120694339275, total energy = -33.66755197115628 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 1.875 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 38 Function evaluations: 82 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012057326734, total energy = -33.667551971156215 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.0 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 35 Function evaluations: 74 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120551846937, total energy = -33.66755197115627 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.125 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 35 Function evaluations: 75 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120418667807, total energy = -33.66755197115621 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.25 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 35 Function evaluations: 74 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012038886547, total energy = -33.66755197115617 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.375 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 35 Function evaluations: 74 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120336711392, total energy = -33.66755197115623 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.5 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 34 Function evaluations: 73 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012059189379, total energy = -33.66755197115625 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.625 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 33 Function evaluations: 70 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012074649334, total energy = -33.667551971156186 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.75 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 33 Function evaluations: 70 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120507550904, total energy = -33.667551971156165 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 2.875 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 33 Function evaluations: 70 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120673850185, total energy = -33.66755197115629 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.0 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 34 Function evaluations: 72 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120946960515, total energy = -33.66755197115608 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.125 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 33 Function evaluations: 71 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120694339275, total energy = -33.66755197115624 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.25 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 36 Function evaluations: 77 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012069416466, total energy = -33.66755197115624 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.375 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 34 Function evaluations: 72 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012043915689, total energy = -33.667551971156264 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.5 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 35 Function evaluations: 75 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012069433927, total energy = -33.667551971156264 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.625 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 36 Function evaluations: 78 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060121037211495, total energy = -33.66755197115607 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.75 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 37 Function evaluations: 79 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012057326734, total energy = -33.66755197115622 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 3.875 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 36 Function evaluations: 78 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060121029615376, total energy = -33.667551971156016 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.0 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 36 Function evaluations: 76 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120521113264, total energy = -33.667551971156215 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.125 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 37 Function evaluations: 79 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120469453996, total energy = -33.6675519711562 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.25 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 36 Function evaluations: 77 Results for this minimization: a = 2.90601204523118, total energy = -33.66755197115619 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.375 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -1.667118 Iterations: 33 Function evaluations: 73 Results for this minimization: a = 4.594045452773571, total energy = -1.6671184594756998 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.5 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 38 Function evaluations: 81 Results for this minimization: a = 2.9060120489448265, total energy = -33.66755197115621 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.625 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -1.667118 Iterations: 36 Function evaluations: 76 Results for this minimization: a = 4.594045454676962, total energy = -1.6671184594757003 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.75 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 37 Function evaluations: 79 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012033671142, total energy = -33.667551971156136 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 4.875 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -0.754394 Iterations: 33 Function evaluations: 68 Results for this minimization: a = 5.091918725577127, total energy = -0.7543944919971999 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 5.0 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 37 Function evaluations: 78 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012057326734, total energy = -33.66755197115621 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 5.125 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -0.754394 Iterations: 33 Function evaluations: 72 Results for this minimization: a = 5.0919187143445015, total energy = -0.7543944919971977 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 5.25 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -33.667552 Iterations: 39 Function evaluations: 83 Results for this minimization: a = 2.906012072754673, total energy = -33.66755197115619 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 5.375 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -0.754394 Iterations: 34 Function evaluations: 74 Results for this minimization: a = 5.091918714216445, total energy = -0.7543944919971987 Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms (c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3)) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: -0.754394 Iterations: 34 Function evaluations: 73 Results for this minimization: a = 5.091918726731091, total energy = -0.7543944919971985 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Starting optimization with both a and c/a relaxed ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 3.796398259417279 = ([1.30639453] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 4.033673150630859 = ([1.38804419] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 4.27094804184444 = ([1.46969385] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 4.508222933058019 = ([1.5513435] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 4.745497824271599 = ([1.63299316] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 4.982772715485179 = ([1.71464282] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 5.22004760669876 = ([1.79629248] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 5.457322497912339 = ([1.87794214] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... Attempting to perform relaxation using initial lattice constant guess of a = [2.90601206] Angstroms and c = 5.694597389125919 = ([1.95959179] * a) Angstroms Failed to perform relaxation w.r.t. 'a' with c/a fixed at sqrt(8/3) and an initial guess of a = 5.5 Angstroms Exception message: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part. Continuing... ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Finished with optimization ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Final lattice Constants: a = [2.90601206] Angstroms, c = [4.74549782] Angstroms, c/a = 1.632993 Total energy: -33.6675519711563 eV Cohesive energy: -8.416887992789075 eV/atom ============================================================================== ==============================================================================