# Initialize the problem units metal dimension 3 boundary p p p atom_style atomic variable latparam equal 1.54367914796 # Declare the dimensions of the model in lattice cells variable nlat_x equal 1 variable nlat_y equal 1 variable nlat_z equal 58 # Define the box/various dimensions variable xdim equal (${latparam}*sqrt(6)/2)*${nlat_x} variable ydim equal (${latparam}*sqrt(2)/2)*${nlat_y} variable zdim equal (${latparam}/sqrt(3))*${nlat_z} variable layer_z equal (${latparam}/sqrt(3)) # Area of the stacking fault plane in Angstrom^2 variable Area equal 2*${xdim}*${ydim} # Geometry definition lattice fcc ${latparam} # Define regions for stacking fault test # NOTE: -0.001 in the x- and y- directions only to overcome numerical precision issues # Define a region for each of the top N_layers/2 variable ntwin_layers equal ${nlat_z}/2 variable i loop ${ntwin_layers} label start_of_loop_region variable j equal ${i}+${ntwin_layers} variable zmin equal (${j}-1.0)*${layer_z}-0.001 variable zmax equal ${j}*${layer_z}-0.001 region ${i} block -0.001 ${xdim} -0.001 ${ydim} ${zmin} ${zmax} units box next i jump SELF start_of_loop_region variable i delete variable j delete # Declare group for the rigid blocks for intrinsic stacking fault variable zmin equal (15-1.0)*${layer_z}-0.001 variable zmax equal (45-1.0)*${layer_z}+0.001 region stack_region block -0.001 ${xdim} -0.001 ${ydim} ${zmin} ${zmax} units box # Declare group for the rigid blocks for the extrisic stacking fault variable zmin equal (16-1.0)*${layer_z}-0.001 variable zmax equal (44-1.0)*${layer_z}+0.001 region twin_region block -0.001 ${xdim} -0.001 ${ydim} ${zmin} ${zmax} units box # Create simulation box and atoms region whole block 0-0.001 ${xdim}+0.01 0-0.01 ${ydim}+0.01 0-0.01 ${zdim}+0.01 units box create_box 1 whole lattice fcc ${latparam} orient x 1 1 2 orient y -1 1 0 orient z -1 -1 1 create_atoms 1 region whole # Define the interatomic potentials pair_style kim LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003 pair_coeff * * user01 mass * 1.0 # Rigid holding settings for each layer as a group variable i loop ${ntwin_layers} label start_of_loop_group group ${i} region ${i} next i jump SELF start_of_loop_group variable i delete # Rigid holding settings for the stacking fault group group stack_group region stack_region # Rigid holding settings for the twinning fault group group twin_group region twin_region # Compute initial energy and output compute peratom all pe/atom compute eatoms all reduce sum c_peratom thermo 100 thermo_style custom step pe c_eatoms press pxx pyy pzz pe temp #dump config all atom 1000 dump.Stack # Perform initial relaxation reset_timestep 0 fix 1 all box/relax x 0.0 y 0.0 z 0.0 vmax 0.01 min_style cg minimize 1e-25 1e-25 10000 10000 # Twin top N_Twin_Layers variable twin_move equal -(1.0*${latparam}/sqrt(6)) variable i loop 29 label start_of_loop_twin variable k equal ${i}*${twin_move} displace_atoms ${i} move ${k} 0.0 0.0 units box next i jump SELF start_of_loop_twin variable i delete variable k delete minimize 1e-25 1e-25 100000 100000 variable E equal "c_eatoms" variable Eini equal ${E} # Create the output file and write header variable outfile string "./output/stack.dat" variable nx_points equal 50 variable ny_points equal 50 variable n_incr_x equal ${nx_points}-1 variable n_incr_y equal ${ny_points}-1 variable inc_x equal (-1.0*${latparam}*sqrt(6)/2)/${n_incr_x} variable inc_y equal (1.0*${latparam}*sqrt(2)/2)/${n_incr_y} print "Header: Printing Gamma Surface" file ${outfile} screen no #dump config all atom 1000 dump.Stack fix 2 all setforce 0 0 NULL # Outer loop: Apply the y - displacement variable j loop ${ny_points} label start_of_loop_y # Apply y-displacement from 2nd step if "$j > 1" then & "displace_atoms stack_group move 0.0 ${inc_y} 0.0 units box" # Inner loop: Apply the x- displacement variable i loop ${nx_points} label start_of_loop_x # Apply x-displacement from 2nd step if "$i > 1" then & "displace_atoms stack_group move ${inc_x} 0.0 0.0 units box" & # Relax in z direction minimize 1e-25 1e-25 10000 10000 variable Ecur equal "c_eatoms" variable SFED equal (${Ecur}-${Eini})/${Area} variable totdisp_x equal (${i}-1)/${n_incr_x} variable totdisp_y equal (${j}-1)/${n_incr_y} print "${totdisp_x} ${totdisp_y} ${SFED}" append ${outfile} screen no next i jump SELF start_of_loop_x next j jump SELF start_of_loop_y variable i delete variable j delete # SIMULATION DONE print "All done"