    "property-id" "tag:tadmor@noreply.openkim.org,2017-02-01:property/verification-check" 
    "instance-id" 1 
    "vc-name" {
        "source-value" "vc-forces-numerical-derivative"
    "vc-description" {
        "source-value" "Comparison of the analytical forces obtained from the model with forces computed by numerical differentiation using Richardson extrapolation for a randomly distorted non-periodic structure based off the equilibrium face-centered cubic (fcc) structure. Separate configurations are tested for each species supported by the model, as well as one containing a random distribution of all species. Configurations used for testing are provided as auxiliary files."
    "vc-category" {
        "source-value" "consistency"
    "vc-grade-basis" {
        "source-value" "graded"
    "vc-grade" {
        "source-value" "A"
    "vc-comment" {
        "source-value" "The letter grade A was assigned because the normalized error in the computation was 7.98476e-12 compared with a machine precision of 2.22045e-16. The letter grade was based on 'score=log10(error/eps)', with ranges A=[0, 7.5], B=(7.5, 10.0], C=(10.0, 12.5], D=(12.5, 15.0), F>15.0.  'A' is the best grade, and 'F' indicates failure."
    "vc-files" {
        "source-value" [