Model Extended KIM ID = === Verification check vc-periodicity-support start (2023-05-09 22:51:53) === !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! VERIFICATION CHECK: vc-periodicity-support !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Description: Check that the model supports periodic boundary conditions correctly. If the simulation box is increased by an integer factor along a periodic direction, the total energy must multiply by that factor and the forces on atoms that are periodic copies of each other must be the same. The check is performed for a randomly distorted non-periodic face-centered cubic (FCC) cube base structure. Separate configurations are tested for each species supported by the model, as well as one containing a random distribution of all species. For each configuration, all possible combinations of periodic boundary conditions are tested: TFF, FTF, FFT, TTF, TFT, TTF, TTT (where 'T' indicates periodicity along a direction, and 'F' indicates no periodicity). The verification check passes if the energy of all configurations that the model is able to compute support all periodic boundary conditions correctly. Configurations used for testing are provided as auxiliary files. Author: Ellad Tadmor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results for KIM Model : MEAM_LAMMPS_SunRamachandranWick_2018_TiAl__MO_022920256108_002 Supported species : Al Ti random seed = 13 lattice constant (orig) = 3.000 perturbation amplitude = 0.300 number unit cells per side = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Al, PBC = TTT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=3 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^3=8 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 77.65740368636266 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 77.65740368636274 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 1 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 2 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 3 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 4 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 5 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 6 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 7 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 8 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 9 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 10 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 11 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 12 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 13 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 14 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 15 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 16 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 17 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 18 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 19 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 20 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 21 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 22 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 23 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 24 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 25 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 26 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 27 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 28 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 | 1.22125016e+01 -1.46757941e+01 4.31344484e+00 29 -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 | -1.39528618e+01 1.25820055e+01 9.83556181e-01 30 -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 | -8.01043179e+00 -6.71530323e+00 -7.43810950e+00 31 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 | 9.75079204e+00 8.80909191e+00 2.14110847e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Al, PBC = TTF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 70.91085776618685 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 70.91085776618681 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 | 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 1 -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 | -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 2 -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 | -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 3 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 | 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 4 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 | 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 5 -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 | -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 6 -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 | -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 7 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 | 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 8 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 | 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 9 -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 | -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 10 -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 | -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 11 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 | 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 12 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 | 1.22526697e+01 1.65657496e+01 -1.87550439e+01 13 -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 | -1.42074113e+01 -8.91629501e+00 -2.45633954e+01 14 -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 | -7.00630011e+00 -5.57827141e+00 1.48330804e+01 15 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 | 8.96104175e+00 -2.07118313e+00 2.84853589e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Al, PBC = TFT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 70.03585007977227 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 70.03585007977223 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 | 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 1 -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 | -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 2 -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 | -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 3 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 | 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 4 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 | 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 5 -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 | -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 6 -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 | -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 7 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 | 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 8 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 | 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 9 -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 | -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 10 -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 | -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 11 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 | 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 12 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 | 1.34544490e+01 -1.74182182e+01 -9.33720769e+00 13 -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 | -9.28062398e+00 2.37584911e+01 -4.40812151e+00 14 -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 | -1.31982863e+01 -2.39468387e+01 5.73907693e+00 15 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 | 9.02446132e+00 1.76065657e+01 8.00625227e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Al, PBC = TFF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 20.40591614065573 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 20.40591614065572 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 3.25917041e+00 -1.40751696e+01 -1.24505470e+01 | 3.25917041e+00 -1.40751696e+01 -1.24505470e+01 1 -6.70952446e+00 1.49701366e+01 -1.10576314e+01 | -6.70952446e+00 1.49701366e+01 -1.10576314e+01 2 -5.66006472e+00 -1.07853118e+01 1.54429907e+01 | -5.66006472e+00 -1.07853118e+01 1.54429907e+01 3 9.11041877e+00 9.89034471e+00 8.06518761e+00 | 9.11041877e+00 9.89034471e+00 8.06518761e+00 4 3.25917041e+00 -1.40751696e+01 -1.24505470e+01 | 3.25917041e+00 -1.40751696e+01 -1.24505470e+01 5 -6.70952446e+00 1.49701366e+01 -1.10576314e+01 | -6.70952446e+00 1.49701366e+01 -1.10576314e+01 6 -5.66006472e+00 -1.07853118e+01 1.54429907e+01 | -5.66006472e+00 -1.07853118e+01 1.54429907e+01 7 9.11041877e+00 9.89034471e+00 8.06518761e+00 | 9.11041877e+00 9.89034471e+00 8.06518761e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Al, PBC = FTT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 68.19294929401855 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 68.19294929401873 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 | -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 1 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 | 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 2 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 | 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 3 -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 | -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 4 -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 | -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 5 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 | 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 6 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 | 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 7 -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 | -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 8 -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 | -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 9 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 | 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 10 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 | 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 11 -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 | -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 12 -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 | -1.19965442e+01 -4.24546468e+00 -2.41010660e+00 13 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 | 1.17574960e+01 -9.34246690e+00 6.22943123e+00 14 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 | 1.91733321e+01 1.20488435e+01 -1.25600002e+01 15 -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 | -1.89342838e+01 1.53908808e+00 8.74067556e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Al, PBC = FTF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 37.053046636752114 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 37.05304663675209 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -1.56035424e+01 -4.61290348e+00 -1.50636001e+01 | -1.56035424e+01 -4.61290348e+00 -1.50636001e+01 1 1.36770465e+01 8.17127302e+00 -2.01346887e+01 | 1.36770465e+01 8.17127302e+00 -2.01346887e+01 2 1.98953960e+01 -6.19008614e+00 1.29883625e+01 | 1.98953960e+01 -6.19008614e+00 1.29883625e+01 3 -1.79689001e+01 2.63171660e+00 2.22099263e+01 | -1.79689001e+01 2.63171660e+00 2.22099263e+01 4 -1.56035424e+01 -4.61290348e+00 -1.50636001e+01 | -1.56035424e+01 -4.61290348e+00 -1.50636001e+01 5 1.36770465e+01 8.17127302e+00 -2.01346887e+01 | 1.36770465e+01 8.17127302e+00 -2.01346887e+01 6 1.98953960e+01 -6.19008614e+00 1.29883625e+01 | 1.98953960e+01 -6.19008614e+00 1.29883625e+01 7 -1.79689001e+01 2.63171660e+00 2.22099263e+01 | -1.79689001e+01 2.63171660e+00 2.22099263e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Al, PBC = FFT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 10.270247492681914 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 10.27024749268192 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -4.96238658e+00 -5.74159833e+00 -2.23868542e+00 | -4.96238658e+00 -5.74159833e+00 -2.23868542e+00 1 3.50822648e+00 9.35635946e+00 -2.03442164e+00 | 3.50822648e+00 9.35635946e+00 -2.03442164e+00 2 1.05331103e+01 -1.54338188e+01 3.97397153e+00 | 1.05331103e+01 -1.54338188e+01 3.97397153e+00 3 -9.07895018e+00 1.18190577e+01 2.99135522e-01 | -9.07895018e+00 1.18190577e+01 2.99135522e-01 4 -4.96238658e+00 -5.74159833e+00 -2.23868542e+00 | -4.96238658e+00 -5.74159833e+00 -2.23868542e+00 5 3.50822648e+00 9.35635946e+00 -2.03442164e+00 | 3.50822648e+00 9.35635946e+00 -2.03442164e+00 6 1.05331103e+01 -1.54338188e+01 3.97397153e+00 | 1.05331103e+01 -1.54338188e+01 3.97397153e+00 7 -9.07895018e+00 1.18190577e+01 2.99135522e-01 | -9.07895018e+00 1.18190577e+01 2.99135522e-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Ti, PBC = TTT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=3 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^3=8 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 362.66691787989066 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 362.66691787989066 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 1 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 2 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 3 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 4 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 5 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 6 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 7 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 8 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 9 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 10 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 11 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 12 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 13 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 14 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 15 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 16 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 17 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 18 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 19 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 20 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 21 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 22 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 23 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 24 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 25 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 26 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 27 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 28 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 | 6.52563056e+00 3.95138217e+00 1.03120848e+01 29 -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 | -8.64634489e+00 -7.81768519e+00 1.67073145e+01 30 -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 | -1.84003430e+01 2.69806616e+01 -1.35223980e+01 31 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 | 2.05210574e+01 -2.31143586e+01 -1.34970014e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Ti, PBC = TTF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 310.55529733952613 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 310.55529733952653 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 | 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 1 -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 | -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 2 -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 | -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 3 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 | 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 4 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 | 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 5 -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 | -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 6 -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 | -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 7 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 | 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 8 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 | 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 9 -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 | -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 10 -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 | -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 11 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 | 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 12 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 | 1.61393094e+01 -4.12580268e+01 -6.06245594e+01 13 -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 | -1.98795225e+01 4.79476302e+01 -5.92029372e+01 14 -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 | -1.45303613e+01 -4.74953763e+01 6.48311135e+01 15 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 | 1.82705744e+01 4.08057729e+01 5.49963831e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Ti, PBC = TFT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 361.8256602654991 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 361.82566026549915 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 | 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 1 -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 | -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 2 -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 | -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 3 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 | 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 4 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 | 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 5 -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 | -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 6 -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 | -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 7 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 | 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 8 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 | 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 9 -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 | -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 10 -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 | -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 11 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 | 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 12 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 | 4.64326869e+01 -6.76007327e+01 -6.81384006e+01 13 -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 | -1.48507505e+01 4.93296609e+01 -1.04118587e+01 14 -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 | -6.64321171e+01 -6.51931233e+01 4.27369330e+01 15 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 | 3.48501807e+01 8.34641951e+01 3.58133263e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Ti, PBC = TFF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 67.83910380692404 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 67.83910380692406 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1.76084272e+01 -4.25732241e+01 -2.84786866e+01 | 1.76084272e+01 -4.25732241e+01 -2.84786866e+01 1 -1.91362973e+01 3.49745817e+01 -3.41972579e+01 | -1.91362973e+01 3.49745817e+01 -3.41972579e+01 2 -4.37424346e+00 -2.38138815e+01 2.74618912e+01 | -4.37424346e+00 -2.38138815e+01 2.74618912e+01 3 5.90211359e+00 3.14125238e+01 3.52140532e+01 | 5.90211359e+00 3.14125238e+01 3.52140532e+01 4 1.76084272e+01 -4.25732241e+01 -2.84786866e+01 | 1.76084272e+01 -4.25732241e+01 -2.84786866e+01 5 -1.91362973e+01 3.49745817e+01 -3.41972579e+01 | -1.91362973e+01 3.49745817e+01 -3.41972579e+01 6 -4.37424346e+00 -2.38138815e+01 2.74618912e+01 | -4.37424346e+00 -2.38138815e+01 2.74618912e+01 7 5.90211359e+00 3.14125238e+01 3.52140532e+01 | 5.90211359e+00 3.14125238e+01 3.52140532e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Ti, PBC = FTT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 276.5817681052251 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 276.58176810522525 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 | -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 1 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 | 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 2 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 | 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 3 -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 | -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 4 -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 | -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 5 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 | 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 6 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 | 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 7 -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 | -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 8 -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 | -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 9 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 | 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 10 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 | 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 11 -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 | -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 12 -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 | -4.82222364e+01 -1.06893160e+01 -3.17729489e+01 13 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 | 5.09127706e+01 -9.87746160e+00 -1.68061426e+01 14 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 | 4.27829242e+01 -4.01232947e+00 1.61727124e+01 15 -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 | -4.54734583e+01 2.45791070e+01 3.24063791e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Ti, PBC = FTF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 66.46968604561195 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 66.46968604561197 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -2.50308455e+01 7.39779309e+00 -4.08463069e+01 | -2.50308455e+01 7.39779309e+00 -4.08463069e+01 1 3.89817436e+01 -5.41868824e+00 -2.49481774e+01 | 3.89817436e+01 -5.41868824e+00 -2.49481774e+01 2 2.43020160e+01 9.26632827e+00 3.72076872e+01 | 2.43020160e+01 9.26632827e+00 3.72076872e+01 3 -3.82529141e+01 -1.12454331e+01 2.85867971e+01 | -3.82529141e+01 -1.12454331e+01 2.85867971e+01 4 -2.50308455e+01 7.39779309e+00 -4.08463069e+01 | -2.50308455e+01 7.39779309e+00 -4.08463069e+01 5 3.89817436e+01 -5.41868824e+00 -2.49481774e+01 | 3.89817436e+01 -5.41868824e+00 -2.49481774e+01 6 2.43020160e+01 9.26632827e+00 3.72076872e+01 | 2.43020160e+01 9.26632827e+00 3.72076872e+01 7 -3.82529141e+01 -1.12454331e+01 2.85867971e+01 | -3.82529141e+01 -1.12454331e+01 2.85867971e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONOATOMIC STRUCTURE -- Species = Ti, PBC = FFT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 86.73472227857489 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 86.73472227857492 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -3.24949868e+01 -4.33387442e+01 -1.63194725e+01 | -3.24949868e+01 -4.33387442e+01 -1.63194725e+01 1 2.33904807e+01 3.45862477e+01 -5.17269161e+00 | 2.33904807e+01 3.45862477e+01 -5.17269161e+00 2 5.82576554e+01 -3.44989953e+01 1.18733601e+01 | 5.82576554e+01 -3.44989953e+01 1.18733601e+01 3 -4.91531492e+01 4.32514918e+01 9.61880395e+00 | -4.91531492e+01 4.32514918e+01 9.61880395e+00 4 -3.24949868e+01 -4.33387442e+01 -1.63194725e+01 | -3.24949868e+01 -4.33387442e+01 -1.63194725e+01 5 2.33904807e+01 3.45862477e+01 -5.17269161e+00 | 2.33904807e+01 3.45862477e+01 -5.17269161e+00 6 5.82576554e+01 -3.44989953e+01 1.18733601e+01 | 5.82576554e+01 -3.44989953e+01 1.18733601e+01 7 -4.91531492e+01 4.32514918e+01 9.61880395e+00 | -4.91531492e+01 4.32514918e+01 9.61880395e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED STRUCTURE -- Species = Al Ti, PBC = TTT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=3 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^3=8 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 58.79678411477948 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 58.79678411477956 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 1 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 2 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 3 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 4 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 5 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 6 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 7 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 8 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 9 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 10 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 11 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 12 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 13 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 14 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 15 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 16 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 17 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 18 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 19 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 20 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 21 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 22 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 23 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 24 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 25 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 26 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 27 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 28 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 | 1.38884764e+01 7.75119391e+00 4.23019222e+00 29 -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 | -1.69199498e+01 -2.46667091e+01 4.76703277e+00 30 -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 | -2.67412440e+00 1.02541852e+01 -6.23158805e+00 31 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 | 5.70559778e+00 6.66133001e+00 -2.76563695e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED STRUCTURE -- Species = Al Ti, PBC = TTF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 69.37941887954544 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 69.37941887954544 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 | -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 1 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 | 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 2 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 | 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 3 -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 | -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 4 -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 | -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 5 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 | 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 6 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 | 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 7 -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 | -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 8 -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 | -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 9 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 | 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 10 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 | 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 11 -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 | -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 12 -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 | -2.77777840e+01 1.18913503e+01 -1.87097840e+01 13 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 | 2.95400505e+01 -9.15878230e+00 -5.58680831e-01 14 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 | 6.73823700e+00 -5.75987168e+00 4.78311442e+00 15 -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 | -8.50050341e+00 3.02730365e+00 1.44853504e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED STRUCTURE -- Species = Al Ti, PBC = TFT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 34.904005703466005 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 34.90400570346598 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 | -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 1 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 | 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 2 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 | 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 3 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 | 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 4 -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 | -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 5 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 | 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 6 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 | 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 7 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 | 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 8 -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 | -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 9 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 | 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 10 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 | 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 11 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 | 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 12 -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 | -5.29891825e+00 -3.24769888e+01 7.90172420e+00 13 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 | 3.05133264e+00 1.32954439e+01 -4.38650294e+00 14 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 | 6.02236328e-01 -1.46240188e+01 1.73265633e+00 15 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 | 1.64534929e+00 3.38055637e+01 -5.24787760e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED STRUCTURE -- Species = Al Ti, PBC = TFF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 27.02520520763132 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 27.025205207631338 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -7.55511395e+00 -2.92326844e+00 -8.37179009e+00 | -7.55511395e+00 -2.92326844e+00 -8.37179009e+00 1 3.13674424e+01 -1.40115735e+00 -2.91224642e+01 | 3.13674424e+01 -1.40115735e+00 -2.91224642e+01 2 -1.20124051e+00 -7.64574218e+00 5.38850192e+00 | -1.20124051e+00 -7.64574218e+00 5.38850192e+00 3 -2.26110880e+01 1.19701680e+01 3.21057524e+01 | -2.26110880e+01 1.19701680e+01 3.21057524e+01 4 -7.55511395e+00 -2.92326844e+00 -8.37179009e+00 | -7.55511395e+00 -2.92326844e+00 -8.37179009e+00 5 3.13674424e+01 -1.40115735e+00 -2.91224642e+01 | 3.13674424e+01 -1.40115735e+00 -2.91224642e+01 6 -1.20124051e+00 -7.64574218e+00 5.38850192e+00 | -1.20124051e+00 -7.64574218e+00 5.38850192e+00 7 -2.26110880e+01 1.19701680e+01 3.21057524e+01 | -2.26110880e+01 1.19701680e+01 3.21057524e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED STRUCTURE -- Species = Al Ti, PBC = FTT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=2 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^2=4 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 98.24946567721518 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 98.24946567721524 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 | -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 1 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 | 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 2 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 | 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 3 -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 | -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 4 -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 | -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 5 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 | 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 6 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 | 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 7 -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 | -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 8 -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 | -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 9 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 | 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 10 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 | 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 11 -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 | -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 12 -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 | -1.90039210e+01 1.19087524e+01 7.84768085e-01 13 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 | 2.75323307e+01 7.17484821e+00 -1.25319117e+01 14 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 | 3.56272824e+01 -1.39463212e+01 -1.23059199e+01 15 -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 | -4.41556921e+01 -5.13727931e+00 2.40530634e+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED STRUCTURE -- Species = Al Ti, PBC = FTF (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 15.276278143539363 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 15.27627814353936 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -7.49560029e+00 7.31181535e+00 -4.71893813e+00 | -7.49560029e+00 7.31181535e+00 -4.71893813e+00 1 1.75873130e+01 7.82101725e+00 -2.18247698e+01 | 1.75873130e+01 7.82101725e+00 -2.18247698e+01 2 -4.11236171e+00 -1.72789950e+01 1.85365540e+01 | -4.11236171e+00 -1.72789950e+01 1.85365540e+01 3 -5.97935096e+00 2.14616235e+00 8.00715387e+00 | -5.97935096e+00 2.14616235e+00 8.00715387e+00 4 -7.49560029e+00 7.31181535e+00 -4.71893813e+00 | -7.49560029e+00 7.31181535e+00 -4.71893813e+00 5 1.75873130e+01 7.82101725e+00 -2.18247698e+01 | 1.75873130e+01 7.82101725e+00 -2.18247698e+01 6 -4.11236171e+00 -1.72789950e+01 1.85365540e+01 | -4.11236171e+00 -1.72789950e+01 1.85365540e+01 7 -5.97935096e+00 2.14616235e+00 8.00715387e+00 | -5.97935096e+00 2.14616235e+00 8.00715387e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED STRUCTURE -- Species = Al Ti, PBC = FFT (Configuration in file "") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The system is doubled in p=1 periodic directions, which means an increase by a factor n=2^1=2 in the number of atoms and in the energy. Energy requirement: V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = (2^p) V(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, V is the potential energy, and DBL_p is an operator that doubles the configuration in p periodic directions. V(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = 12.623474692585244 2^p V(r_1,...,r_N) = 12.623474692585244 Forces requirement: f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) = f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N), where r_i is the position of atom i, f_k is the force on atom k (where k runs from 1 to the number of atoms in the doubled configuration), DBL_p doubles the configuration in p periodic directions, N is the number of atoms in the original configuration, and % is the modulo operator. k f_k(DBL_p(r_1,...,r_N)) f_(k % N)(r_1,...,r_N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 -7.17921240e+00 -7.50321336e+00 2.61892533e-01 | -7.17921240e+00 -7.50321336e+00 2.61892533e-01 1 1.24745105e+01 5.20205488e+00 -4.89711559e+00 | 1.24745105e+01 5.20205488e+00 -4.89711559e+00 2 1.75162017e+01 -1.64600241e+01 -2.02109186e+00 | 1.75162017e+01 -1.64600241e+01 -2.02109186e+00 3 -2.28114999e+01 1.87611826e+01 6.65631492e+00 | -2.28114999e+01 1.87611826e+01 6.65631492e+00 4 -7.17921240e+00 -7.50321336e+00 2.61892533e-01 | -7.17921240e+00 -7.50321336e+00 2.61892533e-01 5 1.24745105e+01 5.20205488e+00 -4.89711559e+00 | 1.24745105e+01 5.20205488e+00 -4.89711559e+00 6 1.75162017e+01 -1.64600241e+01 -2.02109186e+00 | 1.75162017e+01 -1.64600241e+01 -2.02109186e+00 7 -2.28114999e+01 1.87611826e+01 6.65631492e+00 | -2.28114999e+01 1.87611826e+01 6.65631492e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS: Energies and forces are the same to within a relative error of 1e-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================================================================== ======================================================================================================================== To pass this verification check the model must correctly support periodic boundary conditions for all configurations it was able to compute. Grade: P Comment: Periodic boundary conditions were correctly supported for all configurations that the model was able to compute. === Verification check vc-periodicity-support end (2023-05-09 22:52:07) ===