@Comment { \documentclass{article} \usepackage{url} \begin{document} This Reference Data originally published in \cite{OpenKIM-RD:855384371854:000a, OpenKIM-RD:855384371854:000b} is archived in \cite{OpenKIM-RD:855384371854:000, tadmor:elliott:2011, elliott:tadmor:2011}. \bibliographystyle{vancouver} \bibliography{kimcite-RD_855384371854_000.bib} \end{document} } @Misc{OpenKIM-RD:855384371854:000, author = {}, howpublished = {OpenKIM, \url{https://openkim.org/cite/RD_855384371854_000}}, keywords = {OpenKIM, Reference Data, RD_855384371854_000}, publisher = {OpenKIM}, } @Article{tadmor:elliott:2011, author = {E. B. Tadmor and R. S. Elliott and J. P. Sethna and R. E. Miller and C. A. Becker}, title = {The potential of atomistic simulations and the {K}nowledgebase of {I}nteratomic {M}odels}, journal = {{JOM}}, year = {2011}, volume = {63}, number = {7}, pages = {17}, doi = {10.1007/s11837-011-0102-6}, } @Misc{elliott:tadmor:2011, author = {Ryan S. Elliott and Ellad B. Tadmor}, title = {{K}nowledgebase of {I}nteratomic {M}odels ({KIM}) Application Programming Interface ({API})}, howpublished = {\url{https://openkim.org/kim-api}}, publisher = {OpenKIM}, year = 2011, doi = {10.25950/ff8f563a}, } @Book{OpenKIM-RD:855384371854:000a, author = {De Graef, M. and McHenry, M.E.}, edition = {Second}, isbn = {9781107005877}, pages = {A1-2 - A1-109}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Structure of Materials: An Introduction to Crystallography, Diffraction and Symmetry}, year = {2012}, } @Book{OpenKIM-RD:855384371854:000b, address = {Materials Park, OH}, author = {Villars, P.}, publisher = {ASM International}, title = {Pearson's Handbook Desk Edition}, year = {1997}, }