@Comment { \documentclass{article} \usepackage{url} \begin{document} This Simulator Model originally published in \cite{OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000a, OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000b, OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000c} is archived in \cite{OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000, tadmor:elliott:2011, elliott:tadmor:2011}. \bibliographystyle{vancouver} \bibliography{kimcite-SM_305223021383_000.bib} \end{document} } @Misc{OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000, author = {Etienne A. and Yves Ferro and Kai Nordlund and Jesper Byggmästar}, title = {{LAMMPS} {M}odified {T}ersoff potential for {B}e-{O} developed by {B}yggmästar et al. (2018) v000}, doi = {10.25950/8e6fb85e}, howpublished = {OpenKIM, \url{https://doi.org/10.25950/8e6fb85e}}, keywords = {OpenKIM, Simulator Model, SM_305223021383_000}, publisher = {OpenKIM}, year = 2019, } @Article{tadmor:elliott:2011, author = {E. B. Tadmor and R. S. Elliott and J. P. Sethna and R. E. Miller and C. A. Becker}, title = {The potential of atomistic simulations and the {K}nowledgebase of {I}nteratomic {M}odels}, journal = {{JOM}}, year = {2011}, volume = {63}, number = {7}, pages = {17}, doi = {10.1007/s11837-011-0102-6}, } @Misc{elliott:tadmor:2011, author = {Ryan S. Elliott and Ellad B. Tadmor}, title = {{K}nowledgebase of {I}nteratomic {M}odels ({KIM}) Application Programming Interface ({API})}, howpublished = {\url{https://openkim.org/kim-api}}, publisher = {OpenKIM}, year = 2011, doi = {10.25950/ff8f563a}, } @Article{OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000a, author = {Byggmästar, J and Hodille, E A and Ferro, Y and Nordlund, K}, doi = {10.1088/1361-648x/aaafb3}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter}, month = {mar}, number = {13}, pages = {135001}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, title = {Analytical bond order potential for simulations of {BeO} 1{D} and 2{D} nanostructures and plasma-surface interactions}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-648x%2Faaafb3}, volume = {30}, year = {2018}, } @Article{OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000b, author = {Björkas, C and Juslin, N and Timko, H and Vörtler, K and Nordlund, K and Henriksson, K and Erhart, P}, doi = {10.1088/0953-8984/21/44/445002}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter}, month = {Oct}, number = {44}, pages = {445002}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, title = {Interatomic potentials for the Be{\textendash}C{\textendash}H system}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F0953-8984%2F21%2F44%2F445002}, volume = {21}, year = {2009}, } @Article{OpenKIM-SM:305223021383:000c, author = {Erhart, Paul and Juslin, Niklas and Goy, Oliver and Nordlund, Kai and Müller, Ralf and Albe, Karsten}, doi = {10.1088/0953-8984/18/29/003}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter}, month = {Jun}, number = {29}, pages = {6585--6605}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, title = {Analytic bond-order potential for atomistic simulations of zinc oxide}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F0953-8984%2F18%2F29%2F003}, volume = {18}, year = {2006}, }