{"bio" "" "city" "" "country" "CN" "department" "" "description-of-work" "We parametrize the Stillinger-Weber potential for MoS2 and black phosphorus using the lattice dynamical properties.\r\n\r\nMaterials\r\nMoS2, black phosphorus\r\n\r\nBibliography\r\nArea of research in our group: Lattice dynamics and nanomechanics. Particularly interested in understanding fundamental relations between the phonon modes and some mechanics phenomena in nanomaterials, including the negative Poisson's ratio effect in nanostructures." "email" "jwjiang5918@hotmail.com" "first-name" "Jin-Wu" "institution" "Shanghai University" "kim-items-contributor" [] "kim-items-developer" [] "kim-items-implementer" [] "last-name" "Jiang" "link-rel-canonical-url" "https://openkim.org/profile/jwjiang5918" "location-merged" "China" "openkim-user-id" #uuid "4246ac13-ba8b-432a-94d9-427f288c25de" "page-title" "Jin-Wu Jiang" "profile-picture" "jin-wu_jiang.jpg" "published-name" "Jin-Wu Jiang" "state" "" "title" "Dr." "username" "jwjiang5918" "website" ""}