The KIM membership is invited to nominate candidates to serve on the KIM Board. Nominations must be received by Friday, September 30, 2011.
The organizational structure for KIM was established at the KIM Inaugural Meeting in San Diego in March 2011. KIM is run by a KIM Director who is responsible for its day-to-day operations and is overseen by the KIM Board which is responsible for making strategic decisions regarding KIM and to which the decisions of other KIM officers can be appealed. The KIM Board will consist of the previous KIM Director and six elected KIM Members who will serve for a period of four years. The appointment of KIM Board members will be staggered so that every two years three of the members are due for reelection. (For more details, see the KIM Requirements Document (RD) here.)
To create the initial KIM Board, a Nominating Committee of three KIM Members was elected by the participants of the KIM Inaugural Meeting:
The members of the Nominating Committee will serve on the KIM Board for a limited period of two years to initiate the staggered reelection schedule described above.
In addition, the Nominating Committee is responsible for establishing a slate of three candidates for the available seats on the KIM Board. With the proposed slate, the new six-member KIM Board should broadly represent the membership of the atomistic simulation community, including academia, national laboratories and industry with representation from both within and outside the United States. The KIM membership will then vote to accept or reject the entire slate. In the event that the slate is rejected, the Nominating Committee will be required to propose a new slate which will then be voted on again, and so on until a slate is accepted by the KIM membership.
Please respond to this letter and propose up to three names to be included in the KIM Board slate. You should include the name and affiliation of each person as well as a current e-mail address. (The nominees will have to be contacted to ensure that they agree to be included on the slate.) Your nominees do not need to be current KIM members, but should meet the requirements stated above for the slate. You may nominate yourself.
Please e-mail your reply to Dr. Chandler Becker ( by Friday, September 30, 2011.