KIM Content Carnival
Come to Singapore this fall during October 9–12, 2012 for a 4-day event to learn about KIM and make your interatomic potential or molecular simulation code compatible with the KIM Application Programming Interface (API).
- Learn about KIM and become involved in this exciting project
- Make your potential or code “KIM-compliant”
- Upload your potential to https://openkim.org and make it widely available
- Learn inter-language programming skills
- Interact with colleagues and make new friends
- Participation is free; (a limited number of travel grants, based on merit and need, are available)
Then, stay for the Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2012) conference October 15-19, 2012.
Date: October 9-12, 2012
Location: Institute of High Performance Computing, A *STAR, Singapore (https://www.a-star.edu.sg/ihpc)
Requirements: Participation is by invitation only (see “To Apply” below). Applicants should meet the
following prerequisites:
- Proficiency with a unix/linux development environment and one or more of the following languages: C, C++, FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90.
- Have a working computer implementation of a potential or simulation code in one of the languages listed above that * hey would like to port to KIM.
- Bring a laptop computer (capable of running the openkim-api package) with wireless connectivity.
To Apply: Applicants will be considered on a first come, first served basis. There are a limited number of places so APPLY EARLY! The application deadline is Friday, September 14, 2012. To apply send an e-mail to elliott@aem.umn.edu (Prof. Ryan S. Elliott, University of Minnesota) with the following information:
- Full name and Affiliation
- Mailing address
- Position (faculty member, postdoc, graduate student, researcher, etc.)
- One paragraph describing the potential you propose to port to KIM. Briefly describe the potential,
which materials it can model and what it was designed to do. Give a reference(s) if the potential has been published. (Electronic copies of any cited references would be appreciated.) Priority will be given to potentials that can be implemented as KIM “Model Drivers” (i.e. potentials that read in parameters and therefore constitute an entire class of potentials (such as Lennard-Jones) as opposed to a single “black box” potential.)
- The computer language in which the code that you propose to port to KIM is written.
- [Optional travel grant application] One paragraph describing: (i) how your participation in KCC will benefit you, the KIM project, and the other KCC participants; (ii) an estimate of your travel expenses for attending KCC; and (iii) an indication of any cost sharing, i.e. support from sources other than
KIM, that will help you attend KCC.