Call for Nominations for the KIM Board


Message to KIM Members:

The KIM Board consists of six elected members and is responsible for advising on strategic decisions related to the operations of OpenKIM. The current KIM Board members are Michael Baskes, Chandler Becker, Ronald Miller, Sadasivan Shankar, Susan Sinnott and Aidan Thompson. Three Board members are retiring (Becker, Miller and Sinott) and the rest are continuing. A Nominating Committee consisting of Sinnott (Chair) and Miller has been established to help select the new Board members.

We are calling for nominations from KIM Members for the openings on the KIM Board. Nominees should be prominent figures with a connection to molecular simulations using interatomic models. Based on the nominations we receive, the Nominating Committee will establish a slate of six candidates for the Board which "broadly represents the membership of the atomistic simulation community, including academia, national laboratories and industry with representation from both within and outside the United States" as set out in the KIM Requirements Document.

If you would like to make a nomination, please email with the nominee's name, affiliation and contact information, and your KIM Email or Username. (Self nominations are acceptable.) You may add 1-2 sentences with the reason for your nomination, but this is not required. All nominations must be received by Mon 30-Apr-2018.


Ellad Tadmor, KIM Director