New OpenKIM Advisory Board unanimously approved


The KIM membership voted unanimously to approve the new OpenKIM Advisory Board. The membership voted on a slate of six candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee (Susan Sinnott, Ronald Miller) based on nominations received from the KIM membership. The slate "represents the membership of the molecular simulation community, including academia, national laboratories and industry, with representation from both within and outside the United States" as set out in the OpenKIM Advisory Board Bylaws. The new Board members are:

  • Prof. Pietro Asinari (Politecnico di Torino)
  • Dr. Laura Bartolo (Northwestern University)
  • Prof. Michael Baskes (Mississippi State University)
  • Dr. Betsy Rice (US Army Research Laboratory)
  • Dr. Sadasivan Shankar (Harvard University)
  • Dr. Aidan Thompson (Sandia National Laboratories)

Biographical details on the Board members are available here.

The KIM project thanks the outgoing Board members Chandler Becker, Ronald Miller and Susan Sinnott for their service.