A new article titled Type Label Framework for Bonded Force Fields in LAMMPS has been published in a special computational issue of J. Phys. Chem. B. The article describes the new type labels feature in LAMMPS developed in collaboration with the OpenKIM team. In brief, LAMMPS now allows for mapping descriptive string labels to its internal numeric types for atoms, angles, dihedrals, and impropers. In general, this makes LAMMPS input files more readable and reproducible, and less error-prone. Several software packages use this functionality. Specifically in OpenKIM, this facilitates archiving and testing of bonded force fields, as represented by the our first special-purpose test driver, EquilibriumCrystalStructure_Unconstrained_TypeLabels__TD_495406822220_000, and several new special-purpose Simulator Models such as Sim_LAMMPS_IFF_CHARMM_GUI_HeinzLinMishra_2023_Nanomaterials__SM_232384752957_000.