The KIM Repository contains model drivers, models, test drivers, tests,
verification checks, and reference data, as well as results/errors generated by
running models against tests and verification checks. All of these items are
inserted into a publicly accessible mongo database hosted at Since querying mongo
directly can be tedious, a set of "simplified queries" have been introduced to
facilitate searching for items or specific test results. These are outlined
For each simplified query, the python function prototype is shown, followed by
a brief description and a link to the KIM Property Definition it corresponds
to. Users interested in using these functions directly from python should
install the kim-query package.
They can also be accessed (1) within LAMMPS using the 'kim query' command or
(2) via web request using curl/wget/etc. Examples of all three usages are
given for each function, as well as a listing of all input and output
All input parameters are arrays enclosed in square brackets. These arrays
always contain either double-quoted strings, e.g. ["Al"], or numbers, e.g.
[293.15]. Multiple entries should be separated by commas; generally, spaces
following commas should be avoided.
The 'model' parameter indicates which KIM model is used to compute the
result. In order to retrieve the result for the latest version of a model,
the 3-digit version extension at the end of the KIM ID should be omitted.
For example, a value of ["EDIP_JustoBazantKaxiras_1998_Si__MO_958932894036"]
will retrieve results computing the latest version of this model. However,
if a 3-digit version extension is given, it will be respected: only test
results computed using that specific version of the model will be retrieved.
Finally, the human-readable prefix in the model ID is discarded, so
["MO_958932894036"] will also query for the latest results of the
aforementioned EDIP model.
The 'method' parameter indicates the test driver (algorithm) used to compute
the results being retrieved. As with models, it is generally desirable to
omit a specific three-digit version extension, which causes the result
computed using the latest version of the test driver to be retrieved. The
human-readable prefix of the test driver is also discarded, e.g.
["TD_475411767977"] will query for results computing a KIM test that uses
the latest version of the LatticeConstantCubicEnergy__TD_475411767977 test
For many query functions, there are synonyms for specific KIM IDs to
promote readability. For example, for the get_lattice_constant_cubic
query, "relaxation" is equivalent to test driver TD_475411767977. Note
that when using a synonym, a version is not provided, and so results
returned are always for the latest version. The available synonyms are
listed in the method table next to their corresponding test driver KIM ID
separated by a vertical bar (|).
The standard chemical symbol(s) of all atomic species that the models
returned must support, e.g. "Al". Case-sensitive.
species_logic : array containing one double-quoted string
Whether the species supported by each model returned must be exactly
equal to the species listed ("exact"), or are allowed to support
species other than those listed ("and"). Note that the order of
elements in the species list is unimportant. (Default: "and")
model_interface : array containing one double-quoted string
KIM API interface used by the models that are to be returned.
Specifying "mo" will cause only Portable Models to be returned (which
use the Portable Model Interface), while "sm" will cause only Simulator
Models to be returned (which use the Simulator Model Interface). If
left unspecified, both Portable Models and Simulator Models will be
returned. (Default: "any")
potential_type : array of double-quoted strings
Potential type of models that are to be returned. Each model has a
single associated potential type, e.g. "eam". If multiple values are
given in this argument, models that match any of them will be returned,
e.g. ["meam", "adp"] will require that all models returned either have
a potential type of "meam" or "adp". The terms provided are
case-insensitive. See
for a list of all current potential types tracked in OpenKIM. (Default:
simulator_name : array of double-quoted strings
Simulators supported by models that are to be returned. For KIM
portable models, all simulators are supported and so if model_interface
is set to ["mo"], this argument has no effect. However, if that is not
the case, and KIM simulator models are allowed to be returned, their
corresponding simulator must match one of the entries in this list.
The terms provided are case-insensitive. (Default: "any")
[models] : array containing zero or more double-quoted strings
The latest versions of all models of the specified type(s) that support
all of the atomic species given.
Retrieve specific keys from a property instance within a result
generated by a Test-Model pair
Usage Examples
LAMMPS: currently not supported
from kim_query import get_test_result
The KIM ID of the test used to compute the test result
model : array containing one double-quoted string
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the test result
prop : array containing one double-quoted string
The name of the property definition reported in the test result
keys : array of double-quoted strings
The keys of the property definition given in 'prop' that are to be
units : array of double-quoted strings
The units in which each key in 'keys' is to be returned. Each string
must correspond to a set of units recognized by GNU
units. The special string "SI"
(case-insensitive) may also be used if standard SI units are desired
for a given key. Keys which are intrinsically unitless, i.e. those
which have 'has-units = False' in their property definition, must have
the value 'null' (without quotes) (or 'None' in Python) specified.
A nested list, with the outer list looping over the different instances
of 'prop' computed by the 'test'. In the majority of cases, the outer
list will only have one element. The inner list loops over the values of
each key listed in 'keys' in the units specified by 'units'.
If no matching results are found, an empty list is returned.
Retrieve the equilibrium lattice constant of the conventional unit cell
of a cubic crystal comprised of one or more species at a given temperature
and hydrostatic pressure
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query a0 get_lattice_constant_cubic crystal=["fcc"] species=["Al"] units=["angstrom"]
from kim_query import get_lattice_constant_cubic
get_lattice_constant_cubic(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["fcc"], ["Al"], ["angstrom"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the cubic crystal. Currently allowed values are
"bcc", "diamond", "fcc", and "sc".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of length supported by GNU units
in which the lattice constant will be returned, e.g. "angstrom".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the equilibrium lattice geometry is computed.
This value should be given in the units specified by the
'temperature_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the equilibrium lattice geometry is
computed. This value should be given in the units specified by the
'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to compute the lattice constant. Currently allowed
values are:
Retrieve equilibrium lattice constants of the conventional unit cell of
a hexagonal crystal comprised of one or more species at a given temperature
and hydrostatic pressure
kim init EAM_Dynamo_Mendelev_2007_Zr__MO_848899341753_000 metal
kim query latconst split get_lattice_constant_hexagonal crystal=["hcp"] species=["Zr"] units=["angstrom"]
from kim_query import get_lattice_constant_hexagonal
get_lattice_constant_hexagonal(["MO_848899341753_000"], ["hcp"], ["Zr"], ["angstrom"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the hexagonal crystal. Currently allowed values are
"graphite", "hcp", and "sh".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of length supported by GNU units
in which the lattice constants will be returned, e.g. "angstrom".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the equilibrium lattice geometry is computed.
This value should be given in the units specified by the
'temperature_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the equilibrium lattice geometry is
computed. This value should be given in the units specified by the
'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to compute the lattice constants. Currently allowed
values are:
Retrieve equilibrium lattice constant of the conventional unit cell of
a 2D hexagonal crystal comprised of one or more species at a given
temperature and hydrostatic pressure
kim init Tersoff_LAMMPS_Tersoff_1988_C__MO_579868029681_002 metal
kim query a0 get_lattice_constant_2Dhexagonal crystal=["graphene-like"] species=["C"] units=["angstrom"]
from kim_query import get_lattice_constant_2Dhexagonal
get_lattice_constant_2Dhexagonal(["MO_579868029681_002"], ["graphene-like"], ["C"], ["angstrom"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the 2D hexagonal crystal. Currently, a single value
is allowed: "graphene-like".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the 2D
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of length supported by GNU units
in which the lattice constant will be returned, e.g. "angstrom".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the equilibrium lattice geometry is computed.
This value should be given in the units specified by the
'temperature_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the equilibrium lattice geometry is
computed. This value should be given in the units specified by the
'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to compute the lattice constant. Currently allowed
values are:
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query Ec get_cohesive_energy_cubic crystal=["fcc"] species=["Al"] units=["eV"]
from kim_query import get_cohesive_energy_cubic
get_cohesive_energy_cubic(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["fcc"], ["Al"], ["eV"])
kim init Tersoff_LAMMPS_Tersoff_1988_C__MO_579868029681_002 metal
kim query Ec get_cohesive_energy_2Dhexagonal crystal=["graphene-like"] species=["C"] units=["eV"]
from kim_query import get_cohesive_energy_2Dhexagonal
get_cohesive_energy_2Dhexagonal(["MO_579868029681_002"], ["graphene-like"], ["C"], ["eV"])
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query elastconst split get_elastic_constants_isothermal_cubic crystal=["fcc"] species=["Al"] units=["GPa"]
from kim_query import get_elastic_constants_isothermal_cubic
get_elastic_constants_isothermal_cubic(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["fcc"], ["Al"], ["GPa"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the cubic crystal. Currently allowed values are
"bcc", "diamond", "fcc", and "sc".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the elastic constants will be returned, e.g. "GPa".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the equilibrium elastic constants are
computed. This value should be given in the units specified by the
'temperature_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the elastic constants are computed.
This value should be given in the units specified by the
'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple results are found which match the specified
pressure within this tolerance, an error is returned. (Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to compute the elastic constants. Currently allowed
values are:
Allowed values
"TD_011862047401" | "finite-difference"
Second-order central finite differences and Richardson extrapolation used to approximate the Hessian of the energy. (default)
[c11, c12, c44] : array containing three floats
The isothermal cubic elastic constants in the requested units.
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query B get_bulk_modulus_isothermal_cubic crystal=["fcc"] species=["Al"] units=["GPa"]
from kim_query import get_bulk_modulus_isothermal_cubic
get_bulk_modulus_isothermal_cubic(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["fcc"], ["Al"], ["GPa"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the cubic crystal. Currently allowed values are
"bcc", "diamond", "fcc", and "sc".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the bulk modulus will be returned, e.g. "GPa".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the bulk modulus is computed. This value
should be given in the units specified by the 'temperature_units'
argument. (Default: 0.0)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the bulk modulus is computed. This value should
be given in the units specified by the 'pressure_units' argument.
(Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to compute the isothermal bulk modulus. Currently
allowed values are:
Allowed values
"TD_011862047401" | "finite-difference"
Second-order central finite differences and Richardson extrapolation used to approximate the Hessian of the energy. (default)
[B] : array containing one float
The isothermal bulk modulus in the requested units.
kim init EAM_Dynamo_Mendelev_2007_Zr__MO_848899341753_000 metal
kim query B get_bulk_modulus_isothermal_hexagonal crystal=["hcp"] species=["Zr"] units=["GPa"]
from kim_query import get_bulk_modulus_isothermal_hexagonal
get_bulk_modulus_isothermal_hexagonal(["MO_848899341753_000"], ["hcp"], ["Zr"], ["GPa"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the hexagonal crystal. Currently allowed values are
"graphite", "hcp", and "sh".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the bulk modulus will be returned, e.g. "GPa".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the bulk modulus is computed. This value
should be given in the units specified by the 'temperature_units'
argument. (Default: 0.0)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the bulk modulus is computed. This value should
be given in the units specified by the 'pressure_units' argument.
(Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match
the pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to compute the isothermal bulk modulus. Currently
allowed values are:
Allowed values
"TD_612503193866" | "finite-difference"
Second-order central finite differences and Richardson extrapolation used to approximate the Hessian of the energy. (default)
[B] : array containing one float
The isothermal bulk modulus in the requested units.
Retrieve linear coefficient of thermal expansion of a cubic crystal
comprised of one or more species at a given temperature and hydrostatic pressure,
calculated according to (change-in-length)/(original-length)/(change-in-temperature)
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query alpha get_linear_thermal_expansion_coefficient_cubic crystal=["fcc"] species=["Al"] units=["1/K"] temperature=[293.15] temperature_units=["K"]
from kim_query import get_linear_thermal_expansion_coefficient_cubic
get_linear_thermal_expansion_coefficient_cubic(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["fcc"], ["Al"], ["1/K"], [293.15])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the cubic crystal. Currently allowed values are
"bcc", "diamond", "fcc", and "sc".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of 1/temperature supported by GNU units
in which the bulk modulus will be returned, e.g. "1/K".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the linear thermal expansion coefficient is to
be computed. This value should be given in the units specified
by the 'temperature_units' argument. (Default: 293.15)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the linear thermal expansion coefficient is to
be computed. This value should be given in the units specified
by the 'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to compute the linear thermal expansion coefficient.
Currently allowed values are:
Allowed values
"TD_522633393614" | "md-volume-expansion"
Time integration performed under npt ensemble using a Nose-Hoover thermostat and barostate at a range of temperatures while allowing the system volume to change, recording the average volume once the temperature and pressure have converged. (default)
[alpha] : array containing one float
The linear thermal expansion coefficient in the requested units.
Retrieve relaxed intrinsic stacking fault (ISF) energy for a
face-centered monoatomic cubic crystal at zero temperature and a specified
pressure. The ISF corresponds to a fault of the form ABC|BCA. Relaxation
of the atomic coordinates is performed in the direction perpendicular to
the fault plane
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query Estack_intr get_intrinsic_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc species=["Al"] units=["eV/angstrom^2"]
from kim_query import get_intrinsic_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc
get_intrinsic_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["Al"], ["eV/angstrom^2"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
species : array containing one string
The standard chemical symbol of the single atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of energy per unit area supported by GNU units
in which the relaxed intrinsic stacking fault energy will be returned,
e.g. "eV/angstrom^2".
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the relaxed stacking fault energy is
computed. This value should be given in the units specified by the
'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to relax the atomic positions in order to compute
the relaxed intrinsic stacking fault energy for a given lattice
constant. Currently allowed values are:
Retrieve relaxed extrinsic stacking fault (ESF) energy for a
face-centered monoatomic cubic crystal at zero temperature and a specified
pressure. The ESF corresponds to an ABC|BA|BC stacking, which can also be
understood as a two-layer twin nucleus. Relaxation of the atomic
coordinates is performed in the direction perpendicular to the fault plane
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query Estack_extr get_extrinsic_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc species=["Al"] units=["eV/angstrom^2"]
from kim_query import get_extrinsic_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc
get_extrinsic_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["Al"], ["eV/angstrom^2"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
species : array containing one string
The standard chemical symbol of the single atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of energy per unit area supported by GNU units
in which the relaxed intrinsic stacking fault energy will be returned,
e.g. "eV/angstrom^2".
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the relaxed stacking fault energy is
computed. This value should be given in the units specified by the
'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to relax the atomic positions in order to compute
the relaxed extrinsic stacking fault energy for a given lattice
constant. Currently allowed values are:
Retrieve the relaxed unstable stacking fault energy (USFE) of a
face-centered monoatomic cubic crystal at zero temperature and a specified
pressure. The USFE corresponds to the energy barrier for rigidly slipping
one-half of an infinite crystal relative to the other along a <112>
direction (fcc partial dislocation direction). Relaxation of the atomic
positions is performed perpendicular to the fault plane.
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query Estack_unstable get_unstable_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc species=["Al"] units=["eV/angstrom^2"]
from kim_query import get_unstable_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc
get_unstable_stacking_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["Al"], ["eV/angstrom^2"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
species : array containing one string
The standard chemical symbol of the single atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of energy per unit area supported by GNU units
in which the relaxed intrinsic stacking fault energy will be returned,
e.g. "eV/angstrom^2".
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the relaxed unstable stacking fault energy is to
be computed. This value should be given in the units specified
by the 'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to relax the atomic positions in order to compute
the unstable stacking fault energy for a given lattice constant.
Currently allowed values are:
Retrieve the relaxed unstable twinning fault energy (UTFE) of a
face-centered monoatomic cubic crystal at zero temperature and a specified
pressure. The UTFE corresponds to the energy barrier for rigidly slipping
one part of an infinite crystal on a {111} plane adjacent to a preexisting
intrinsic stacking fault relative to the other part along a <112> direction
(fcc partial dislocation direction). Relaxation of the atomic coordinates
is performed perpendicular to the fault plane.
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query Etwin_unstable get_unstable_twinning_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc species=["Al"] units=["eV/angstrom^2"]
from kim_query import get_unstable_twinning_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc
get_unstable_twinning_fault_relaxed_energy_fcc(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["Al"], ["eV/angstrom^2"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
species : array containing one string
The standard chemical symbol of the single atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of energy per unit area supported by GNU units
in which the relaxed intrinsic stacking fault energy will be returned,
e.g. "eV/angstrom^2".
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the relaxed unstable twinning fault energy is to
be computed. This value should be given in the units specified
by the 'pressure_units' argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to relax the atomic positions in order to compute
the unstable twinning fault energy for a given lattice constant.
Currently allowed values are:
Retrieve ideal surface energy of a high-symmetry surface in a cubic
crystal comprised of one or more species at zero temperature and pressure,
as computed by the latest current version of the
SurfaceEnergyCubicCrystalBrokenBondFit Test Driver (TD_955413365818).
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query Eideal get_surface_energy_ideal_cubic crystal=["fcc"] miller=[1,0,0] species=["Al"] units=["eV/angstrom^2"]
from kim_query import get_surface_energy_ideal_cubic
get_surface_energy_ideal_cubic(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["fcc"], ["Al"], [1,0,0], ["eV/angstrom^2"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the cubic crystal. Currently allowed values are
"bcc", "diamond", "fcc", and "sc".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
miller : array of three integers
The miller indices of the surface. Currently allowed values are [1,0,0],
[1,1,0], [1,1,1], [1,2,1].
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of energy per unit area supported by GNU units
in which the relaxed intrinsic stacking fault energy will be returned,
e.g. "eV/angstrom^2".
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The Test Driver used to compute the ideal surface energy for a given lattice
constant. Currently allowed values are:
Allowed values
Corresponds to the lineage SurfaceEnergyCubicCrystalBrokenBondFit__TD_955413365818. (default)
[ideal_surface_energy] : array containing one float
Retrieve free energy of a cubic relaxed surface energy of a
high-symmetry surface in a cubic crystal comprised of one or more species
at a given temperature and hydrostatic pressure. This corresponds to the
'relaxed' surface energy found by performing an energy minimization. At
zero temperature, this corresponds to the potential energy rather than the
free energy.
kim init EAM_Dynamo_ErcolessiAdams_1994_Al__MO_123629422045_005 metal
kim query Erelaxed get_surface_energy_relaxed_cubic crystal=["fcc"] miller=[1,0,0] species=["Al"] units=["eV/angstrom^2"]
from kim_query import get_surface_energy_relaxed_cubic
get_surface_energy_relaxed_cubic(["MO_123629422045_005"], ["fcc"], ["Al"], [1,0,0], ["eV/angstrom^2"])
The KIM ID of the model used to compute the result
crystal : array containing one double-quoted string
The short name of the cubic crystal. Currently allowed values are
"bcc", "diamond", "fcc", and "sc".
species : array of double-quoted strings
The standard chemical symbol(s) of the atomic species comprising the
crystal, e.g. "Al".
miller : array of three integers
The miller indices of the surface. Currently allowed values are [1,0,0],
[1,1,0], [1,1,1], [1,2,1].
units : array containing one double-quoted string
A physical unit of energy per unit area supported by GNU units
in which the relaxed intrinsic stacking fault energy will be returned,
e.g. "eV/angstrom^2".
temperature : array containing one float, optional
The temperature at which the surface energy is computed. This value
should be given in the units specified by the 'temperature_units'
argument. (Default: 0.0)
temperature_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of temperature supported by GNU units
in which the 'temperature' argument is given. (Default: K)
temperature_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
temperature specified in the given temperature units. For example, if
temperature_tol=0.1, temperature=293.15, temperature_units="K", then
results retrieved by the query must be computed at a temperature of
293.15 +/- 0.1 K. If multiple matching results are found, an error is
returned. (Default: 0.1)
pressure : array containing one float, optional
The pressure at which the surface energy is computed. This value
should be given in the units specified by the 'pressure_units'
argument. (Default: 0.0)
pressure_units : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
A physical unit of pressure supported by GNU units
in which the 'pressure' argument is given. (Default: MPa)
pressure_tol : array containing one float, optional
Indicates a tolerance within which the query results must match the
pressure specified in the given pressure units. For example, if
pressure_tol=0.1, pressure=0.101325, pressure_units="MPa", then results
retrieved by the query must be computed at a pressure of 0.101325 +/-
0.1 MPa. If multiple matching results are found, an error is returned.
(Default: 0.1)
method : array containing one double-quoted string, optional
The algorithm used to minimize the surface energy with respect to the
atomic positions. Currently allowed values are:
Allowed values
"TD_955413365818" | "fire"
Minimization performed using the FIRE damped dynamics method [Bitzek, Koskinen, Gahler, Moseler, Gumbsch, Phys Rev Lett, 97, 170201 (2006)]. (default)
[relaxed_surface_energy] : array containing one float
The relaxed surface energy in the requested units.